A flower bed of roses in an alpine slide. Roses in landscape design (52 photos): correct and beautiful garden design

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Alpine slides are becoming more and more popular in summer cottages. Anyone who was lucky enough to see what these hills look like in spring - bare stones, and between them small bushes flowering plants, without a doubt, will want to repeat such "Alps in miniature" in his garden. To do this, you need to choose the right place and plants that will delight the eye and decorate the slide.

The choice of plants for an alpine slide is quite large, you can, of course, use ready-made planting schemes, but creative individuals our today's article will be very interesting. Thanks to some tips, we will try to study and understand the features of growing future residents of the rock garden ourselves.

The planting of the slide is carried out from top to bottom, it is in this order that we propose to consider tips for choosing plants.

The top of the alpine slide

For the upper tiers of the alpine slide, sun-loving and drought-resistant plants are ideal, since moisture practically does not linger at the very top of the rock garden. In such conditions, such plants feel very comfortable:

  • Iberis evergreen

Leaves are evergreen, oblong, dark green, shiny, up to 7 cm long. The flowers are white, up to 1.5 cm in diameter. There are several options for planting Iberis: in the form of seedlings or seeds. If you are buying seedlings, then they should have healthy shiny green leaves, as this indicator is a parameter of plant health.

  • Perennial carnations

Perennial carnations on alpine hills are especially good, firstly, they are unpretentious, and secondly, they do not require careful maintenance - the main thing is that they are not "strangled" by weeds or plants planted nearby. But the place for them is better to choose open and sunny, the upper tier of the rock garden will be just right.

  • Rock alyssum

Alyssum rocky drought-resistant, great for growing on alpine slides. It easily tolerates frosts down to -10 degrees, and if it is properly covered with snow for the winter, then in the spring it will come out from under the snow green and ready for further growth. Pride this plant- these are flowers bright yellow color, such a carpet "hat" by the hill will not leave anyone indifferent.

  • Edelweiss

This type of flower is a herbaceous perennial plant with beautiful foliage and beige-white flowers. Alpine edelweiss is somewhat reminiscent of daisies, this type of edelweiss develops well in stone, sandy soil with good drainage, which explains their popularity in stone gardens.

  • Creeping thyme

Creeping thyme is a drought-resistant and winter-hardy plant, and these qualities are the minimum necessary for the plant to take root on an alpine hill. Under it should be allocated areas well lit by the sun, closed from cold winds with fertile, loose, neutral soil of light or medium texture, free from weeds.

Alpine slide middle tier

In the middle tier of the "stone garden" the conditions are slightly different - less light, more humidity, which means that a completely different assortment of plants will take root here.

  • Phlox subulate

The main advantage of the subulate phlox is that from March until the frost itself, its stems and petals retain a bright emerald green color, and during the flowering period, in late May - early June, carpets of subulate phlox are completely covered with flowers of the most different shades... Also, one cannot fail to note the excellent winter hardiness of this plant.

  • Aubrieta

One more suitable option for an alpine slide is a plant with original name aubriet, its main advantage is that it hibernates with leaves. The flowers are small, but due to the abundant flowering, the impression of a colored carpet is created, it can be purple, purple, pink-red, blue or white. Flowering is profuse and long lasting.

  • Pozharsky's bell

This bell forms a lush carpet of lilac flowers in the shape of stars, the flowering is so abundant that you literally cannot see the leaves behind it. Pozharsky's bell grows quickly and winters well. The plant grows up to 20 cm tall with large rounded, serrated basal leaves along the edges. Looks good next to large species cloves and saxifrage.

  • Common lumbago (dream-grass)

The best place for lumbago is an alpine slide, a rose garden or a flower bed with low perennials. The best option- areas with light shading, although it grows well on open places, the middle tier of the rock garden has all necessary conditions for the favorable growth of sleep-grass.

  • Alpine aster

This type of aster is also called alpine chamomile, it is a cold-resistant perennial, herbaceous or, less often, a semi-shrub plant. Reproduction of this plant is possible in several ways: by seeds, dividing the bush, cuttings and shoots.

  • Gentian

Another type of plant that takes root well in the rock garden is the gentian, this flower is rather undersized, thanks to which, in composition with other plants, it will not stand out from the overall design.

The best place for planting gentian is the western side of the middle tier of the alpine slide.

Alpine slide foot

At the base of the alpine slide, plants are planted that need wet fertile soil regardless of their light preferences.

  • Duchenei Indian

Duchenia is also called decorative strawberries, the fact is that the flowers of this plant are very easy to confuse with the fruits of strawberries. The foot of an alpine slide - perfect place for duching, partial shade and high level humidity will help this flower become a real decoration of the rock garden.

  • Liatris spikelet

Liatris prefers fertilized soils and light places, in this regard, the foot of the rock garden is a wonderful place to grow this flower... It is in such conditions that it becomes especially luxurious: numerous peduncles sometimes reach 2 m, and the length of the inflorescence reaches 35 cm.

  • Saxifrage

Pillow-shaped saxifrages were originally inhabitants of mountains, all kinds of crevices, and vertical walls. Their rigidity, hard protrusions, a scaly structure, a bluish color or a powdery coating are all adaptations developed to reduce evaporation and resist mountain solar insolation... Thanks to all these characteristics, saxifrages perfectly take root at the foot of the rock garden.

  • The edge of the lawn is one of the most suitable places to create an alpine slide;
  • You should always start filling the slide with various plants from top to bottom;
  • A very important part of the work on filling the alpine slide is the correct arrangement of plants, if this part of the work is done correctly, then there will be much less worries with the plants;
  • Another important task is not to overdo it with fertilizers, too fertilized soil will lose its winter hardiness;
  • The voids that formed during the creation of the slide must be filled with clay-turf soil;
  • It is always best to start watering at the foot.

The lush bloom of annual flowers is amazing, but on alpine hills it is preferable to plant perennial flowers and herbs no higher than 30 cm. There are a number of reasons in favor of undersized perennials. The main one is the formation of dense clumps (thickets), which give the alpine hill a unique look. Bright spots of curtains during the flowering period create a semblance of a patchwork quilt. The variegation goes around a curved surface - an effect inherent only in rock garden.

What flowers to choose for al

It is easier to care for perennial flowers: brisk perennials clog up cracks that are difficult to access for weeding with their roots and stems. Weed seeds die in the shade of the curtains. Perennial thickets exactly repeat the mosaic of the laid stone, a pattern in the form of a cobweb appears. Over time, multi-stemmed bushes of flowering perennials wrap themselves around the entire surface: this is how small inflorescences protect the anthers from pollution. Many alpine plants are insect-free pollinated. It is for this reason that alpine plants have predominantly simple inflorescences. Landscape designers value perennials for the density of inflorescences and the duration of flowering: from 1.5 to 2.5 months.

An important factor is the fact that the perennial flowers of rock gardens do not require a large mass of humus. The development of alpine grasses occurs mainly through photosynthesis. They cannot stand shade. A drainage layer of sand and gravel is laid under the stone placers of the rock garden: stagnation of moisture in the root system leads to decay of the root system.

Flowers for an alpine slide can tolerate droughts. However, for abundant flowering, systematic watering is required: once a week. Before opening the buds, a solution of nitroamophos is poured onto the moistened curtains. Fertilizers are also applied to faded plants. After flowering, they do it in the same way as in the first case: with preliminary moistening of the soil.

A feature of many alpine grasses is their re-flowering at the end of summer. To see the blooming alpine slide again, you need to cut seed pods.

Most perennial flowers for alpine slides can easily tolerate frost, but are heavily crushed by snow trails. In order to preserve the splendor of the thickets, alpine slides are covered for the winter with spruce branches, additionally covered plastic wrap or garden non-woven canvas.

The old thickened curtain is poorly ventilated, moisture accumulates in it, and mold starts. Damage is observed in 5 - 6-year-old clumps. Bushes of old herbs are removed, and the layers are transplanted to a new place. In addition to mold, there are two more diseases in alpine grasses: spotted rust (the source is dry leaves of beech trees) and viral diseases (penetrate from non-caked humus). Subject to the planting and care regimen, perennial alpine grasses do not lose their viability for many years.

Perennial flowers for alpine slides sprout well from last year's seeds. For 1.5 - 2 months before planting, the seedling is grown in a tray with leafy soil. V summer time a seedling can be grown from a stem in a container of water, hidden from direct sunlight. Within 20 days, white roots appear on the cut. Before planting in open ground, the seedling is grown in an enriched mixture for two weeks. It is much faster to grow a bush from a cut. A long stem with a root is grown in the ground, watered every day.

Perennial flowers for an alpine slide are sometimes given intricate names, although the family of flowering alpine plants has no more than 20 main species (for temperate latitudes). All the immense variety of colors offered has been achieved by selection work. Crossed tall varieties with low ones. Added paniculate shapes. Oftentimes, the same variety is called differently. An example of this is the subulate carnation. On sale it can be offered as "needle". The names of the dwarf carnation for rock gardens reflect the selective crossing of the Turkish bearded carnation (Dianthus barbatus) with the undersized Siberian carnation (Dianthus acicularis Fisch.ex Link). Both the first and the second source can be reflected in the name of the variety. Another example is the versatility of thyme. In addition to differences in the shape of inflorescences of varietal thyme and wild-growing, there is a variety in the leaf part. Bred thyme with small, enlarged, with strokes along the edge, yellow, orange leaves. There are even pubescent thyme. The full botanical name includes the name of the species, the natural habitat and the variety name given by the breeder. Initially sparse alpine vegetation descended from the mountains into the gardens and changed beyond recognition.

Photos and names of flowers for an alpine slide

The most popular perennial for the alpine slide is Aubrieta Adans. Cabbage cruciferous. Grows in the mountains of the Middle East and the Balkans. Another name is obrietia. Blooms in pink, purple, blue or red dense carpet. After flowering, the growth turns into a kind of withered moss. In order to avoid a sloppy look on the rock gardens, they cut the shaved hair, and so they force it to bloom again.

Pinnate carnation (Diantus plumaris) is a fragrant hybrid with highly dissected petals. Albus is a white-flowering variety. Varietal mix "Swarm of butterflies", obtained as a result of crossing the lush European carnation and curvilinear sandy, is recognizable by the petals in the form of moth antennae. Includes orange, purple, bicolor varieties. Carnation plumose paniculata (Hungarian) is used as cultivated plant since pre-Christian times. The inflorescences are dense, up to 3 cm in diameter. Blooms in red, purple, pink. There are lilac, grayish-blue varieties. Siberian carnations can be recognized by their slender stems and inflorescences collected in bells. Prized for their intense ruby ​​color.

Ever-flowering begonia

Begonia semperflorens is a plant with green, silvery brown or purple leaves. The stamens are collected in a dense spherical brush. The species found in the Antilles at the end of the 17th century amazed European botanists with their diversity. However, any begonia hibernates only in a heated room. In the middle of winter, the plant withers and the ground part dies. However, the underground is reborn in the spring. For alpine slides, dwarf non-tuberous varieties are used. What is mistakenly thought to be begonia petals are actually overdeveloped sepals. The ever-flowering begonia has no petals. However, the variety of sepals colors - from white to carmine - contributes to the active use of begonias to decorate alpine slides.


Homeland of this amazing plant- North Africa. But withdrawn perennial varieties, withstanding without shelter - 17 °. Delosperma congestum blooms in a yellow dense carpet at the end of May. The flowers are multi-petaled, reminiscent of daisies. In the center there is a rim of graceful delicate anthers. On old bushes, the foliage takes on a burgundy hue. There are raspberry varieties, lilac, two-colored and with an asymmetric inflorescence in the form of a chrysanthemum. To avoid weathering in winter, delosperma is covered with a garden canvas.

Pulmonaria is the Latin name for lungwort. Known for her medicinal plants... It blooms in spring with blue, purple or crimson bells. On one stem next to the blue, younger inflorescences, there are at the same time older ones - with a purple tint. There are white-flowered varieties. After flowering, in some varieties of lungwort, the leaves are covered with white spots. Varieties with blue foliage are especially decorative.


An excellent plant for alpine slides from the plantain genus. It is named so for the inflorescences compact in the form of balls - white, blue, lilac. It is rarely found in nature, it is included in the Red Book. Distinguish a hairy city with an inflorescence similar to a cornflower, hairy, named for petals in the form of holes, heart-shaped and dotted - with many small petals. For a rock garden, creeping globular varieties are best suited.

Another name for this plant is common: Saxifraga (misreading of two words: saxum - stone and frango - to break). Saxifrage is easy to confuse with shaved, when viewed from a distant distance. But close up, you can see the characteristic strokes on the petals. On the aureopunctata cultivar, specks are clearly visible. Arends' saxifrage is most suitable for temperate latitudes. The eastern and northern sides are filled with shade-tolerant S. umbrosa L. There are paniculate and dwarf forms. Saxifrage is planted away from other alpine plants. The growth of saxifrage is so vigorous that everything else on the alpine slide can be forced out. The expansion of saxifrage is restrained by undercutting the branches.

One of the best plants for alpine slides. Prefers shade at noon in summer. Landing - "bouquet". Several cuttings are planted in one hole. White, crimson or carmine flowers bloom in May. Honey plant, attracts bees, rich aroma. White varieties freeze in winter, but quickly recover from the root. There are Arabis paniculate hybrids. Hybrid forms lose their features when renewed with seeds, so they are propagated by cuttings. Just like saxifrage, it actively displaces everything growing nearby, so the layers of arabis must be cut off. In the new varieties, the leaves have been modified: A. Ferdinanda - with gray-blue leaves in white edging; A. Proccurens "old gold" - with striped khaki leaves; A. Variegata - serrated along the white edging. After flowering, the seed pods are removed. Seedlings begin to bloom after a year.


Plants widespread in all parts of the world, up to Antarctica. Recognizable by the tubular pubescent stems and the leaves, which are coarse in gloss. Active self-seeding. Loves shade and moist soil (popular name - "krynichnik"). Favorite plant in horticulture due to its graceful cone-shaped flower with long stamens. The creeping species is capable of absorbing the entire garden in several seasons. New varieties are bred by crossing with Australian species. Characteristic feature veronica for a rock garden - a stiff curved stem. The color is deep ultramarine. Wide petals are cultivated in new varieties. Variety "Nestor" blooms in a sky-blue, woody Veronica looks like a lilac viola with a white outlining in flowers. The threadlike Veronica is famous for its complex multicolor. Veronica Blue Indigo is similar to lupine inflorescences, but more compact.

This plant can be easily confused with decorative bows, but it grows on an elegant turf, the stem does not exceed 15 cm. From one bush releases 3-10 inflorescences of pink or white... Blooms throughout the summer. Old inflorescences should be removed. Easily multiplies by dividing the bushes.


This plant has a lot of similarities with chamomile, daisy and dill - at the same time. White multi-petal inflorescence is surrounded by strongly dissected tender leaves. But below the petals of the Anacyclus are colored burgundy.
New varieties of Periwinkle, perennial Geranium, subulate phlox have been developed especially for the alpine slides. Lavender is traditionally planted.

The choice of plants for an alpine slide is a fascinating and painstaking activity. Of course, you can use ready-made schemes, which are published in abundance in gardening magazines or on the Internet, but it is much more interesting to study and understand the features of growing future residents of the rock garden yourself. After all, who, besides you, knows what microclimate in your area, or what kind of soil you can really provide for your plants. An alpine slide is not a flower bed with annuals, which can be easily transferred or radically changed the composition of flowers on it. A rock garden is a rather complex object in garden design, its life is not designed for one season, therefore, the process of selecting an assortment for it should be approached carefully and competently. Otherwise, all kinds of alterations and death of plants cannot be avoided.

Low-growing and slow-growing plants are considered ideal plants for an alpine slide. woody plants(, cinquefoil, various conifers) and ground cover or cushion forms of herbaceous perennials, forming picturesque rugs and curtains among stones. It could be like flowering species, and decorative deciduous.

Woody and relatively tall herbaceous plants are planted first of all, placing them either in the background of the hill, or at its base. Such plants look most harmoniously next to large boulders; try to avoid possible symmetry when planting. Low perennials, forming picturesque curtains, are planted both at the base and closer to the top of the hill, visually dividing them with higher forms of plants and stones.

Since usually the assortment of plants for an alpine slide includes slow-growing species, at the first stage, the appearance of many bald spots between plants is inevitable, at first it is possible to fill empty spaces with annuals that give a minimum of self-seeding. These include large-flowered purslane, undersized marigolds, gatsania, graceful gypsophila, sea lobularia, erinus lobelia - all these annuals are sun-loving and drought-resistant plants, so they will easily "fit into the team."

When planting any varieties and species nearby, it is necessary to take into account the "community of interests" - they should be combined with each other not only in appearance (height, texture, color of flowers and leaves), but also coincide in flowering rhythm, rates of development and growth, similarity of conditions for growing.

The top of the alpine slide

The upper tiers of the alpine slide as a rule, more than others are open to sunlight, but moisture is retained there less than in other parts of it. Therefore, only sun-loving and drought-resistant plant species are planted there.

A real decoration of the top of the slide can be Iberis evergreen(Iberis sempervirens), its most beautiful variety 'Weisser Zwerg' is one of the shortest representatives of its species - no more than 8-10 cm in height, white clumps of Iberis, blooming in May-June, will wrap the top like a snow cover.

Iberis evergreen

If you can get fresh seeds (they germinate better) common lumbago(Rulsatilla vulgaris), then do it, because it will give your alpine slide a special charm and even a certain mystery. The plant has silvery pubescence, and large flowers purple usually appear in April. However, today on the flower market you can find both red and white flowers, and there are even double varieties. The lumbago must be planted immediately in a permanent place, since it is very sick during transplantation and may even die.

In addition to the lumbago and the chisel, there are many more cute "Alpines" of noble silvery shades, such as a fluffy delicate wormwood Schmidt(Artemisia schmidtiana) or three-veined anaphalis

Wormwood Schmidt

Anafalis three-veined

Will add bright juicy colors to the rock garden alpine aster(Aster alpinus), blooming with large daisies of various shades. And grace and elegance is not to be held (Armeria maritima), which forms dense clumps of narrow leaves, from which long thin peduncles with pink balls of inflorescences appear in June.

The western and eastern slopes of the alpine slide receive not so much the sun as the southern middle and upper tiers. Here, the planting pockets are filled with sod-gravelly soil with a hefty addition of humus.

They differ in a huge variety of varieties Heuchera which one to plant depends on your personal preference and overall color scheme. After all, it is the leaves of the most bizarre colors that are the main decoration of Heuchera, and its modest flowers only complement the gloss of an already spectacular appearance.

Those who like to struggle with difficulties can be advised to plant the fastidious gentian (Gentiana) with its amazing pure blue color, which, although it will add to your worries, but in the case of "successful cooperation" will repay you with amazingly beautiful flowering. To help better settle down on your slide, dig in a large stone next to its planting site - it will accumulate excess heat from the soil, and at the same time retain moisture.

Carpathian bell (Campanula carpatica) not as capricious as a gentian, but rather aggressive and can creep into different sides if you give him free rein. You better put it on western slope- there he is not so active.

Carpathian bell

The dense carpet gives subulate bryozoan(Sagina subulata), on which white star-shaped flowers bloom in June-July. Bryozoan is quite hygrophilous, so it is planted closer to the lower tier, where more moisture is retained.

Bryozoan subulate

Don't forget the primroses - primroses(Primula vulgaris), which, depending on the species and variety, can have both different colors and different flowering periods. For primrose, the northeast side is most suitable. And will add pink, pale lilac and lilac colors rare for autumn , the mass planting of which will become a real decoration of the foot of the hill.

Common primrose

Colchicum beautiful

For filling north side of the hill ordinary garden soil, in which most flowers grow, is suitable. The shadow reigns here, so the choice of plants, especially flowering ones, is significantly limited.

Pozharsky's bell(Campanula poscharskyana) is very loyal to shading, and its bluish-lilac flowers "spread" in fancy streams among the stones.

Pozharsky's bell

Caucasian rezuha(Arabis caucasica) and alpine(Arabis alpina) will add light on the north side with its abundant white blooms in spring. A Haller's Corydalis (Corydalis halleri) blooms its light purple, white or pink inflorescences in May, but it is decorative at other times, as it forms pretty bluish-green thickets of lace leaves, creating an effect of lightness.

Haller's crested

Alpine slide foot

The foot of the north slope can decorate dusheneya indian(Potentilla indica), which not only blooms with yellow flowers, but also adorns itself with berries that look like strawberries. Here you can also land creeping tenacious(Ajuga reptans), which is not afraid of shading and blooms profusely.

Duchenei Indian

Tenacious creeping

At the base of an alpine slide plants are planted that need moist fertile soil, depending on their light preferences.

In terms of photophilousness, an almost universal plant is saxifrage(Saxifraga) and her different kinds. Saxifrage paniculata(Saxifraga paniculata) forms graceful compact bushes in the form of silvery pads, from which white-pink flowers appear on long peduncles in June. The saxifrage is shady in autumn, after the first frost it acquires an unusual reddish tint. A sod saxifrage(Saxifraga umbrosa) forms dense light green clumps, which in spring are covered with a dense cloud of pink or white flowers.

An important color accent at the foot of the slide can provide liatris spikelet(Liatris spicata), planted on the south side. In July, when the first furry spike-shaped inflorescences appear, Liatris undoubtedly attracts everyone's attention to the rock garden.

Liatris spikelet

Of course, this is a far from complete assortment of alpine plants that can be used in the design of a rock garden, and in the future this list will be replenished. But you can take it as a basis and compose your own, in addition, various woody decorative forms suitable for an alpine slide, ornamental cereals, bulbous and such large group plants like conifers, which means that the conversation is not over.

In our store you can purchase from private collectors and large agricultural firms. On sale there are always seeds of gentian, lumbago, carnations, bells, primroses and other interesting hill (and not only!) Species, both introduced into the culture long ago, and exported from their habitats and introduced to the conditions of the garden.

Today it is difficult to imagine a modern garden without an alpine slide. It is the alpine slide (or its other name - rock garden) that gives the garden originality, completeness, and, where necessary, the feeling of a changed landscape. All this is created thanks to a good combination ornamental plants, flowers, trees and stones.

At the first stage of creating an alpine slide, you should determine the location and possible decor. Next, you will need stone boulders of various sizes and shapes, chosen at your discretion.

Also, to change the level of the slide, drainage should be prepared, which lies in the very center. As drainage, you can use special materials, and ordinary fallen leaves and small twigs. From above, the drainage is covered with soil and decorated with boulders and stones as you like best.

The main thing, do not forget: both the earth and the drainage will settle, so the height of the alpine slide itself will be lower than it was when it was laid.

After the slide is ready, the process of its "settlement" begins. At this point, your imagination should not be limited to absolutely nothing. The richness of flora has reached its apogee today, so you will not have any difficulties with the choice of plants for the slide.

A good addition to the alpine slide can be paths paved with flat stones, plaster sculptures, and the like. However, if you have planned to arrange in an alpine slide or a small waterfall that resembles a natural mountain river in miniature, then you cannot do without expert advice.

Moreover, you should follow the advice during the planning of the slide, and not after its completion, otherwise you will have to destroy part of your own work. Of course, if you created a slide a long time ago, and now decided to supplement it with bubbling water, this is a different matter.

In order for the alpine slide to meet its purpose, it must be built taking into account certain rules... Not every plant is suitable for a rock garden, therefore, careful selection is necessary, taking into account the timing of flowering of plants, the possibility or inadmissibility of a joint neighborhood, the duration of flowering and many other factors.

If all planting conditions are met correctly, then the alpine slide will delight with beautiful and luxurious flowering all summer, and possibly autumn.

For this to happen, it is necessary for planting a slide to choose those plants that begin to bloom alternately. Thanks to this, the rock garden will constantly change and have a picturesque and well-groomed appearance.

For the creation of alpine slides, mostly stunted plants are chosen. These are, for example, cinquefoil, salvia, low-growing varieties of nasturtium, spirea, daisies, primroses and many others.

In addition, slowly growing tree-like or, again, undersized coniferous specimens are planted on the hill, but a couple or three are added to create accents large plants or shrubs.

In order for the alpine slide to become a garden decoration not only in summer, but also in winter, coniferous species should appear among the plants. For this, juniper and dwarf pine are well suited.

In addition to ornamental plants, you can plant and medicinal herbs, then she will also become a home doctor. For this very well suited, for example, thyme, rosemary, chamomile, sage and other similar plants.

In addition, before landing, it is necessary to take into account the cardinal points. This is done so that all types of plants can root well and gain strength, since some of them, due to the fact that they need a significant amount sunlight, prefer to grow only on the south side.

Unpretentious or shade-loving plants grow well in the northern parts of the rock garden. And flowers such as bells, crocuses and chrysanthemums take root very well everywhere.

Thus, if you make very little effort and follow all of the above recommendations, you can create a real creation in your garden.

What plants are needed for a rock garden?

When building a rock garden on your own, it is very important to know how to correctly and successfully choose plants that will not only look great, but also please with their flowering for a long time. Plantings should be not only diverse, but also well adapted to the climatic conditions of the summer cottage.

When choosing plants for, one should not ignore carpets and undersized plantings, which will become the basis and background of the finished rock garden.

When choosing green spaces, be sure to take into account the weather and climatic conditions, to which the area where the alpine slide will be located is subject. Plants should have enough sunlight, moisture, heat and fertilizer.

It is also very important to pay attention to the intensity of the growth and branching of the plantings, as this can ruin the appearance and flowering of the alpine slide. Plantings should be in harmony with each other in size, color, growth rate, flowering time.

Since the rock garden is being built for a long time, both annual and perennial plants should be selected. First of all, you need to take care of the planting of ground cover plants, which will help densely cover the surface of the earth.

When choosing plants for a rock garden, landscape designers recommend taking into account the size and color of boulders, which will form the basis of a decorative object. To make the rock garden look harmonious and not overloaded, stones should be laid asymmetrically and loosely. You can fill the bare gaps between them with undersized plantings.

In addition, plants should be planted in tiers, the top should be the tallest and most lush species, while with each subsequent circle, the height and size of the plantings should be reduced. In order for the rock garden to function all year round, the hill can be decorated with coniferous and evergreen plantations.

Perennial plants for an alpine slide - photos and names

In order to make it easier to choose plants for an alpine slide, we present you the most popular ones with names in two languages ​​and a photo.

Anemone - Anemone

Alyssum rocky - Alyssum-saxsatile

Alyssum white

Badan - Bergenia

Herb periwinkle - Vinca-herbacea

Marigolds - Tagetes

White perfection - Musk mallow - Malva moschata

Cornflower mountain - Centaurea montana

Veronica - Veronica

Loose leaf - Lysimachia nummularia

Carnation - Dianthus

Carnation undersized

Geranium - Geranium

Loosestrife willow - Lythrum salicaria

Dicentra - Dicentra

Tenacious - Ajuga

Tenacious creeping

St. John's wort - Hypericum

Iris - Iris

Round-leaved saxifrage - Saxifraga rotundifolia

Catnip - Nepeta

Narrow-leaved lavender - Lavandula angustifolia

Cinquefoil - Potentilla

Nepalese Cinquefoil - Potentilla nepalensis

Lupine - Lupinus

Rejuvenated - Sempervivum

Euphorbia - Euphorbia

Euphorbia fringed (bride)

Peony - Paeonia

Purslane garden - Portulaca oleracea

Multicolored purslane on an alpine slide

Primula - Primula

Rudbeckia - Rudbeckia

Sedum - Sedum

Eryngium amethyst -Eryngium amethystinum

Amethyst erythematosus

Sleep Herb - Pulsatilla


Yarrow - Achillea

Thyme - Thymus

Violet - Viola

Phlox subulate -Phlox subulata

Phlox subulate

Stachys byzantina

Evening primrose missouri -Oenothera missouriensis

Chickweed - Cerastium


Many owners of home gardens know how important it is to keep their territory in order and cleanliness. Everyone is trying to bring in some bright colors and greenery that will transform the modest landscape design.

An excellent decorative object is an alpine slide, which is a pile of stones and plants that can become a real source of pride and decoration for any site.

What is an alpine slide and which plants are suitable for it - expert opinion

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