Flax clear dawns planting and care. Large-flowered flax: growing from seeds

garden equipment 14.06.2019
garden equipment

The gardener, choosing flowers for growing in the garden, often undeservedly bypasses perennial flax side. The fact is that given flower since very ancient times, they were considered a wonderful decoration of the house, which, moreover, could protect it. This culture is distinguished by its unpretentiousness, but at the same time it has a relatively high decorative effect, as it has a very beautiful flowers. There is an opinion that the flowers of this plant must be painted blue, but this is far from the case.

Description of perennial blue flax

Len is herbaceous plant. This genus unites about 200 of the most diverse species. Often flax is not very large bushes, the height of which does not exceed 50 centimeters. Despite the fact that the shoots of such a culture are very thin, they are relatively powerful. Flowers vary in size (from very large to small). They can be painted white, bluish or red-pink.

This plant is widely cultivated by gardeners. middle lane. It feels great in temperate climate, so it can be found in nature in Africa, North America and also in some areas of Asia and Europe.

Types and varieties of flax

Among all known species and varieties of flax, the most popular among gardeners are the following:

  1. oilseed. This decorative variety is very often cultivated in room conditions. Most often, such a plant is grown in order to obtain flax seeds, which are distinguished by their high nutritional value, as well as healing properties. As a rule, the bush does not exceed 0.3 meters in height. The flowers are not very large. They can be colored in yellow, bluish, and even red.
  2. Decorative. This species is distinguished by its unpretentiousness, so even a person far from gardening can grow it. In addition, you should be aware that the various decorative varieties linen is a durable fabric used for sewing clothes, linen, etc.
  3. large-flowered. This variety of flax was grown in mid-latitudes not so long ago. But for this a short time he managed to become one of the most popular varieties among gardeners. The height of a medium-sized bush, as a rule, does not exceed 50 centimeters. The flowers of this variety are very big size, and they can be painted in a variety of color shades. Such a plant is a perennial, if it is provided with favorable conditions for growth, then without a transplant in the same place it can be grown for five years.
  4. Flax perennial. This variety is the most widely used in comparison with the others. Very attractive bushes of such flax are used to decorate borders, flower walls, etc.

Planting a plant in open ground

The plant cannot be called particularly picky about growing conditions, but still, flax, regardless of variety or variety, needs enough sunlight, so the site for planting it must be chosen completely unshaded by houses or trees.

Advice. If you are a resident of a region where the sun is considered a rather rare phenomenon, it is, unfortunately, better for you to refuse to grow perennial flax.

The soil for planting flax can be almost any, but you are unlikely to be able to grow flax in a swampy area. The soil must be light, with a sufficiently deep occurrence of groundwater. Flax perennial will take root perfectly even on slopes (but not too steep).

Planting perennial varieties of flax is best done indoors, but if the climate is warm enough, you can sow them immediately in open ground, and it is advisable not to deepen the seeds into the ground, but simply spread them out on the ground and spray them with water from a spray bottle.

Outdoor cultivation is possible both in spring (when the temperature reaches a stable 20 degrees) and in autumn (when the temperature has not yet fallen below 20 degrees).

Advice. When growing perennial flax in open ground, be sure to take into account the cold factor: planting should not be carried out in wet or rainy weather, and after this process, the seeds must be covered with a small layer of soil, then insulated like an ordinary flower crop.

Plant propagation

Reproduction of perennial flax is carried out in several ways:


Soil moistening procedures for decorative linen should be light, not too plentiful, but frequent. If you can water flax regularly, then funny flower heads will literally cover the entire clearing or border under them. But watering for flax is not vital. If you can not water the plants constantly, let the drought, the bushes will not die, the seeds will still form, and they will bloom beautifully. But not for long, and their beauty, of course, cannot be compared with the parade of many months of flowering when watered.

Since flax does not have dense and spectacular greenery, it cannot cover the soil under continuous plantings, weeds will spoil the decorativeness of the plantings and give the flax a neglected look. It is imperative to weed the soil, removing weeds even when they are small. When weeding, do not rush to loosen the soil too much: flax has shallow roots and is too easy to damage.

If you want to limit the self-seeding of flax, it is better to cut off the seedlings in a timely manner, preventing the seeds from ripening.

Choice of location. In regions with a small number of sunny days, growing flax is problematic. For him, they choose protected from strong winds sunny areas. Temperature regime. Optimum temperature during active growth and flowering of flax - up to +17 degrees. During seed ripening, dry and warm weather is needed. Priming. To grow flax, you need a site with deep groundwater and breathable loose soil. Moist loamy soil with an average density is most suitable; flax grows worse on sandy flax. Heavy clay as well as acidic soils are not suitable for this plant. Watering. Perform periodic moistening, avoiding stagnation of the soil in the area with flowers.

In warm and dry weather, watering is carried out 1-2 times a week, by autumn the frequency of moistening is gradually reduced. Do not water during the rainy season and during the growing season. To maintain decorativeness on the plant, systematically remove withered flowers. Weeds are removed in a timely manner, plantings are weeded in time. During the period of active growth, during the formation of buds, top dressing is carried out with complex mineral fertilizer. Excess nitrogen at the beginning of flax growth can lead to delayed flowering, lodging and rust development.

Diseases and pests

The main pests that plague the culture: flax trips, butterflies, flax fleas, are used to combat them. special preparations. It is almost impossible to completely abandon the use chemicals in the garden, in this regard, there are certain criteria. Funds allowed for use:

  • must not be poisonous;
  • must not pose a danger to bees;
  • should not be used in protected water areas;
  • must have a shelf life of no more than 21 days.

Use chemical protection products only if there is a threat of pest invasion. All instructions for use must be followed. Before using chemicals, the exact disease or pest is established. It should be noted that many gardeners and owners of small garden plots severely limited or even completely abandoned chemical means of protection.

To reduce the occurrence of serious diseases, it is necessary to follow the basic agronomic rules:

  • Flax is grown on the same site no more than once every 7 years;
  • For sowing use proven seeds;
  • Fertilize the soil in accordance with the recommendations;
  • Use breeding varieties disease resistant flax.

If an excess of nitrogen has formed in the soil, then this fact reduces resistance to disease. The lack of potassium worsens the quality of the fibers, increases the development of diseases in plants. Sufficient content of zinc, boron, copper, manganese in the soil helps to fight diseases.

Application of flax seeds

in medical practice and traditional medicine flax seed mucus is applied internally and externally. In both cases, an enveloping and anti-inflammatory effect is used: when taken orally, mucus envelops the affected area, relieves irritation, pain during inflammatory processes on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract with gastric and duodenal ulcers, colitis and Crohn's disease. Mucus and glycoside linamarin cause a slight laxative effect of flax seeds. Beneficial features flax mucus is also used for poisoning (especially with irritating substances), for inflammation of the kidneys and Bladder, with cholelithiasis, with dry cough.

Making flaxseed slime is quite simple and quick: 3 grams of flaxseeds are poured into 1/2 cup of hot boiled water and shake for 15 minutes, then filter. Received take 1 tablespoon 4 times a day. Mucus must be prepared daily, because. it deteriorates rapidly in storage.

Crushed flaxseeds are used in the form of flaxseed porridge as a mild laxative and weight loss, cleansing the intestines. In this case, the effect of linamarin glycoside, which has a regulatory effect on intestinal motility and secretory function, is manifested. Can be taken as a mild laxative and cleanser itself, fresh whole seeds or crushed flaxseed paste.

Swelling in the contents of the gastrointestinal tract, the seeds mechanically irritate the receptors of the intestinal walls, thereby enhancing peristalsis, promote the promotion of feces, also providing an enveloping and anti-inflammatory effect.

For these purposes, take 3 teaspoons of whole or crushed flax seeds per 1 glass of water or milk, leave for 3 hours with frequent shaking, and drink immediately before bedtime.

As part of complex collections, flax seeds are used for cholelithiasis, urolithiasis, pancreatitis, overweight and obesity, with atherosclerosis, early stages of oncology as an antioxidant, with radiation therapy, with helminthic invasions.

Recipe for cleansing and relieving inflammation of the intestines: place 2 tablespoons of flax seeds in a thermos and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave overnight, strain and drink 1/2 cup before meals.

Externally, flax seeds are used in the form of compresses for skin inflammations, boils, burns.

Dry heated seeds in bags are applied for deep heating for colds, radiculitis, myositis.

Before using recipes with flax seed, it is recommended to consult a doctor, it is important not to cause exacerbations, especially with urinary and cholelithiasis.

Flax in landscape design

Perennial blue flax is quite popular among gardeners. Such a flower is recommended to be used in a variety of group compositions, for example: in mixborders, rock gardens, flower beds, and also in very picturesque borders.

It has been noticed that flax goes well with those crops that need in large numbers sunlight and have a fairly high resistance to drought. Perennial flax has excellent growth when planted on Moorish turf. It is recommended to be planted with such beautiful flowers like marigolds, clover, daisies as well as cornflowers.

Perennial blue flax certainly deserves attention from gardeners. Its advantage is that it is not too picky about growing conditions, it is relatively easy to care for it, and this flower is also very beautiful.

Flax is a plant from which wonderful well-known fabric, yarn, threads are made, but there is more decorative types of flax for growing in flower beds. Sky-blue simple flax flowers bloom profusely on a herbaceous plant, so a flowering flax field looks like a heavenly carpet. These simple graceful flowers come in other colors - blue, red, white and yellow.

The name of this plant was given for its use in the textile field, from the Latin language the word "flax" (Limun) means "thread". The flax genus includes more than 200 species of annual and perennial herbaceous plants. Most often, flax grows in the steppes, fields, slopes and even swampy areas. Common feature species of flax flower structure, simple form with five petals. Flowers bloom mainly on sunny days in the morning and fade by evening, they last no more than two or three days, but as more and more buds appear and bloom, flowering continues from mid-June to September. In place of a faded flower, a fruit is formed - a box in which seeds ripen.

About 25 types of flax are grown in decorative floriculture. Are popular annual flowering species - this is ordinary flax and large-flowered flax.

Common flax(Limun usitatissimun) - is an annual herbaceous plant, the stem of which is strongly branched in the upper part and reaches a height of 30-50 cm. This plant is also used in textile industry and for linseed oil.

Common flax flowers are small, 3-3.5 cm in diameter, bloom continuously all summer. Flax is grown in flower beds in a group or planted among other perennial flowers, filling empty spaces, blooming small flax flowers will be the backdrop for other solo flowers. Flowering flax looks good among daisies, bluebells, blue cornflowers, poppies, it turns out such a summer flowering meadow in a rustic style.

This unpretentious and easy-to-care plant, drought-resistant, tolerates light frosts. The place for sowing should be sunny. Flax is not picky about the soil. Flax seeds can be sown from March to September.

At large-flowered flax(L. grandiflorum) flowers are slightly larger than those of the common one, up to 4 cm in diameter. simple flowers with five petals are red, pink, blue or white, there is a white flax variety with a red eye.

The plant is unpretentious, undemanding to the soil and watering. It grows well in sunny places with light, loose soil, does not tolerate stagnant moisture in the soil.

This annual plant reproduces by seeds. Sowing is carried out in the middle of spring or to obtain more early flowering flax can be sown in late autumn (before winter). Flax entries appear in one to two weeks. Young plants are thinned out, leaving a distance of 15-20 cm between them.

These flowers do not require special care - weeding, loosening, watering in dry weather and fertilizing with mineral fertilizer will ensure abundant flowering.

The hardy qualities of large-flowered flax allow it to be used for landscaping balconies and sow seeds in balcony boxes, containers, flowerpots. Due to its ease of cultivation, flax is one of the most popular and common annual flowers.

Cut flowering shoots of flax look good in bouquets and keep for a long time. decorative look in water.

From perennial species in floriculture use flax perennial(L. Perenne), Austrian flax(L. Austriacum), coarse flax(L. Hirsutum) - they have small blue flowers up to 3 cm in diameter, high strongly branched shoots, some of the species with slightly drooping shoots in the upper part. Plants form an openwork bush up to 80 cm high. Perennial flax blooms in the first half of summer.

If you like bright sunny flowers, then you can use types of flax with golden yellow flowers - these arelinen yellow(L. flavum), flax Ukrainian.

In care and cultivation perennial species flowering flax are also simple. They need weeding, watering only in the dry season of summer and top dressing with complex mineral fertilizer. To prevent self-sowing and thickening of plants, wilted flower stalks are cut off so that the seeds do not ripen.

Perennial flax species are propagated by seeds; cuttings can be rooted at the end of summer. Since the root of these plants is taproot and goes deep into the ground, they do not tolerate transplanting and dividing rhizomes.

Seeds are sown in spring (in April) or before winter (in November) immediately to a permanent place. Sown plants bloom profusely for the next three to five years, then they are rejuvenated by sowing new ones.

The blue bloom of the flax is mesmerizing. These openwork plants well combined with large perennials and give them lightness and airiness.

Perennial flax is a surprisingly delicate and sweet plant that conquers many gardeners not only for its decorative qualities, but also for its practical value. The flowers of this plant can be blue or white, reminiscent of the sea surface in windy weather. The perennial flax plant also has its own zest. During the day, pale blue flowers bloom and fall. But new buds are already rushing to replace them. For this reason, the plant always looks fresh. Perennial flax will especially appeal to novice gardeners, as its cultivation is not particularly difficult. Consider the features of planting this plant, the secrets of caring for flax, how to use this plant in everyday life and much more.

Linen is perennial. History of culture and its application

It is not at all surprising that many gardeners choose flax for planting on their site. This plant has a rich history, there are many legends and stories about it.

  • In Russia, flax has always been held in high esteem. If bread was the head of everything, then flax was the soul.
  • Linen is one of the most ancient cultures. During archaeological excavations, the remains of food from flax seeds, the remains of threads, fabrics and ropes were found.
  • Linen was first made in India about 9,000 years ago. They began to sew clothes from it, which immediately replaced clothes from animal skins. Linen clothing was more hygienic.
  • In ancient Egypt, flax became even more revered. Egyptian weavers achieved incredible skill in making linen fabrics. Linen was considered there "the first boon of the Gods", and the linen fabric itself was beautifully compared with the "breath of a child." Egyptian craftsmen made fabrics so thin that even through 5 layers of such material the body could be seen through. The fabric was worth its weight in gold. Clothes made of precious linen were worn by the richest people, priests.
  • It was flax that was used in ancient Egypt for the manufacture of linen bandages, which were wrapped around the embalmed bodies of the dead.
  • Linen clothing was most widely used during the Middle Ages. At that time, such clothes were worn even simple people and the poor.
  • The ancient Slavs gave flax the role of real money. It was from the word "canvas" that the word "pay" arose.
  • Carl Liney created flower clocks using linen. The flowers of this plant open on sunny days and close on cloudy days. If it is not a sunny day outside, then the flax flowers may not bloom at all.

As you can see, the plant is incredibly rich in Interesting Facts and legends. Until modern times, many options for the use of flax have been preserved. If you want to grow this plant on your site, then be sure that it can bring you a lot of benefits. Consider what is rich in the composition of flax, for which this plant can be used.

  • Flax seeds for 30-48% consist of oils: linolenic, linoleic, oleic, stearic, palmitic. Flax contains organic acids, enzymes, vitamin A. Flax also contains proteins and carbohydrates.
  • Flax is widely used in folk medicine. Flax seeds are of particular value. Hippocrates himself recommended the use of an infusion of flax seed in inflammatory processes.
  • If the flax seed is soaked in water, then a peculiar consistency is obtained, resembling mucus. This remedy can have a mild laxative effect, analgesic, anti-inflammatory.
  • Pharmaceutical industry uses flax to make drugs to improve performance of cardio-vascular system. Such drugs for the prevention of atherosclerosis have shown themselves especially effective.
  • Flaxseed infusion has an enveloping effect on the digestive organs. Therefore, traditional medicine offers many recipes based on this raw material for people suffering from gastritis, peptic ulcer, and diseases of the esophagus.
  • Valuable linseed oil can be successfully used for external use. With its help, it is advised to treat thermal and chemical burns, as well as radiation damage to the skin.
  • Flax oil is a valuable raw material in folk medicine to combat cholecystitis. It has an effective diuretic and laxative effect.
  • Flax seeds contain the plant analogue of estrogen, the female hormone. Scientists have even identified cases of active eating of flax by animals, which is why they have anomalies of the sex glands. Therefore, pregnant women should limit themselves to the use of flaxseed oil or seeds.

  • Scientists from Canada have identified a link between breast cancer and flax seeds. It turned out that the daily use of seeds by patients with breast cancer helped to curb the growth of the tumor.
  • Flaxseed oil is a valuable source of Omega-3.
  • Flax seeds are known for their miraculous effect on the body during weight loss. They help remove waste and toxins.
  • Linen is widely used in cosmetology. It has a positive effect on the skin, hair, nails.
  • It is useful for women to take flax during menopause, because. it contributes to the normalization of hormonal levels.
  • Flax is also used in cooking. Flaxseed flour is prepared from it, flax seeds are added when cooking, baking is done.

Linen is perennial. Description

  • Flax perennial belongs to the genus Flax and the Flax family.
  • Flax perennial is widely distributed in Western Siberia, Great Britain, Austria, Belarus, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Italy, Spain.
  • Flax perennial in the wild is found in the steppes and on meadow slopes.
  • Perennial flax is a herbaceous plant that has a vertical or slightly sloping woody root.
  • Perennial flax shoots can reach 80 cm in height. They grow in an upward direction, but may be bent at the base and grow obliquely.
  • Perennial flax leaves can reach 5 cm in length and 3 mm in width. They have green color, pointed shape with small teeth along the edges.
  • Perennial flax flowers may be blue or white. Also, the flowers of this plant are quite small - 2-3 cm in diameter. They are located on straight pedicels.
  • The active flowering time of perennial flax begins in July and ends in August.
  • The fruit of perennial flax is a box with seeds up to 7 mm long.

Linen is perennial. A photo

Linen looks spectacular both in single plantings and in group plantings. In order to create a bright flower arrangement on your site, combine this plant with any summer flowering plants. Flax is often planted in discounts, rock gardens. This plant is also great for cutting. Bouquets come out summery and romantic. To collect such a bouquet, you need to uproot the flax at the bud stage, and then cut off the roots and immediately put them in water.

Everything is revealed effectively decorative characteristics perennial flax combined with marigolds, cornflowers, daisies, clover. The plant is often chosen for Moorish lawns.

Types of perennial flax

Gardeners are popular not only annuals, but also perennial varieties flax. Let's consider some of them:

  • hard-haired flax is a herbaceous plant of the Flax family, which can reach 40 cm in height. Freely grows in Russia, Ukraine, Asia Minor, Europe. The period of active flowering begins in early summer. The plant has light blue or light lilac flowers. In nature, hard-haired flax prefers to grow in meadows, steppes, and rocky slopes;
  • Austrian linen. The plant can reach 50 cm in height. root system represented by the main root, which can branch a little. The period of active flowering begins in late spring and ends in June. Austrian flax blooms with beautiful blue flowers, which are collected in small inflorescences;
  • flax Tauride. This variety of perennial flax has salient feature- spectacular inflorescences yellow color. One inflorescence consists of 10-20 flowers, each of which is up to 3 cm in diameter;
  • Flax yellow is a perennial herbaceous plant that belongs to the Flax family. Grows up to 50 cm in height. Widely distributed in Europe, Asia Minor. Prefers dry, calcareous soils. Bright yellow flowers appear in June or July;
  • fine-leaved flax. This variety of flax can reach 50 cm in height. The plant grows in a compact bush with a woody base. Flowering occurs around mid-June and lasts until mid-July. Flowers may be white, lilac or pinkish;
  • flax perennial, or Siberian, grows up to 50 cm in height. The flowers are small, up to 2 cm in diameter, have a delicate blue tint. There are also additional varieties of perennial flax: perennial branched flax and perennial alpine flax.

Varieties of perennial flax

Among the popular varieties of perennial flax, the seeds of which you can easily buy in the store, you can list the following.

Flax perennial "Heavenly"

During active flowering, this plant is compared with sky blue. Small flowers of spectacular blue color adorn lignified shoots. The plant grows in a compact bush that can reach 50 cm in height. Undoubted advantages of this variety, for which the majority of the gardener chooses it, are excellent winter-hardy qualities and high resistance to diseases and pests. When growing seed way flowering occurs only in the second year.

Flax perennial "Sunny Bunny"

This variety compares favorably with its counterparts. Flax grows in a beautiful bush up to 20 cm in height. Thin and numerous shoots are crowned with yellow flowers. The plant prefers to grow on loose and dry soils, in sunny places. With the seed method of reproduction, flowering occurs only in the second year. The advantage of the variety is a long flowering period - from June to September. "Sunny Bunnies" will delight you all summer.

Linen perennial "Brilliant"

An unpretentious perennial that will adequately decorate your site in solo plantings or in combination with ornamental herbaceous plants that bloom summer plants. Reaches 35 cm in height. White flowers appear in June-July. Shoots are thin and elastic. The plant prefers to grow on light soils in well-lit places. Growing this plant in the seed way, flowering can be seen in the second year.

Linen perennial "Blue Carpet"

The name of this variety speaks for itself. Perennial in the period of its active flowering looks unusual. Numerous blue flowers grow in a dense carpet. They look spectacular both in single landings and in group ones. Grows up to 50 cm in height. Flowers reach a diameter of 2-3 cm.

Linen is perennial. Landing

Step 1. Choose a place to plant perennial flax

If your site is very sunny, then perennial flax is ideal for you to grow. The fact is that flax is a plant that simply cannot grow and develop normally without sufficient solar lighting. He does not need to create any additional shelters from the sun, look for a place for him in the shade of the gazebo, etc.

Step 2. Choose the soil for planting perennial flax

Linen decorative perennial unpretentious in cultivation. The plant can grow in almost any soil. If you want linen to reveal its decorative qualities as much as possible, then consider its preferences:

  • perennial flax prefers to grow on light and airy soils;
  • avoid planting perennial flax in wetlands;
  • if ground water on your site are too close to the surface, then perennial flax may react negatively to this. Try to make a good drainage layer and plant the plant in the most elevated areas.

Step 3. Choose the time to plant perennial flax

If you have decided on the type of flax for planting, found a suitable place and prepared the soil, now you need to decide on the planting time. Perennial flax can be planted in open ground both in spring and autumn. But the air temperature should be quite high - about 15-20 degrees. Some gardeners prefer to plant flax indoors. If your area is characterized by a rather warm spring and late autumn, then it is quite possible to plant the plant immediately in open ground.

Step 4. Technology for planting perennial flax

  1. Prepare the soil before planting flax. Dig the entire area well.
  2. Add up to 4 kg of humus or compost per 1 sq. m. It also does not hurt to add 1 tablespoon of superphosphate and potassium sulfate.
  3. Level the area and make furrows for sowing seeds up to 1 cm deep. Sow the seeds.
  4. No need to bury the seeds. Sprinkle with a thin layer of soil and spray with water from a spray bottle.
  5. Under favorable temperature conditions, you will already see the first shoots in 14 days.
  6. After the seedlings reach a height of 4-5 cm, they need to be thinned out so that minimum distance between plants was about 20 cm.

Linen is perennial. Care

Watering perennial flax

Despite the fact that flax loves rather dry and light soils, it simply needs periodic watering. Remember that after watering, the soil around the plant should not turn into a "mini-swamp". Practice moderation. Depending on the climatic conditions, watering may be needed 1 to 2 times a week. Thus, the main rules for watering perennial flax are:

  • Water perennial flax 1-2 times a week;
  • monitor soil moisture;
  • do not allow waterlogging, because. the plant does not like this;
  • with the advent of autumn, reduce watering, gradually removing it completely;
  • try not to water the plant too much cold water or tap water. It is better to have a large container of water for watering plants, which will collect rainwater or settle tap water.

We weed the perennial flax

Like any ornamental plant on the site, perennial flax needs regular weeding. First, it will create a neat and healthy look for your landing. Secondly, with regular removal weed grass you protect your plants from pests and diseases that can be carried by weeds.

We feed perennial flax

Novice gardeners can breathe a sigh of relief, as perennial flax is a plant that does not need regular feeding. If, when planting a plant, you introduced compost or humus into the soil, as well as superphosphate and potassium sulfate, then flax will feel great throughout the season and without additional dressings. However, if you really want to "pamper" the plant during the flowering period, you can apply any liquid fertilizer several times after watering. Lion will gratefully respond to all your efforts.

We protect perennial flax from diseases and pests

If you do not grow flax in industrial scale, then you don’t have to think about protecting the plant from diseases and pests. Almost all varieties of perennial flax are highly resistant to various adverse conditions including pests and diseases. Follow the minimum requirements of the plant for soil characteristics, and diseases will not overtake flax. Among the pests, the most dangerous representative is the flax flea.

Regularly inspect your plantings of perennial flax in order to notice this in time dangerous pest. If this happens, then the plantings should be treated with a special insecticidal agent, which can be purchased at any gardening store.

How perennial flax breeds

We propagate perennial flax by seed method

The seed method of propagation of perennial flax is popular among gardeners. The plant readily sprouts, the seeds do not require any preparatory work before planting, and you can buy them in almost every gardening store.

  1. Perennial flax seeds can be propagated in spring, autumn and even summer. Just keep in mind that plants will bloom only in the second year of life.
  2. When planting, seeds are not buried in the soil, but simply scattered over it and slightly moistened.
  3. Seeds can be planted not only in open ground. You can plant flax in containers, but not for the purpose of growing seedlings. The process of transplanting a plant is ineffective. The container will become a permanent place for the flax to grow. Under suitable temperature conditions, it is simply taken out into the street.

Buying seeds is also important. Purchase them in specialized stores and be sure to pay attention to the expiration date. Expired planting material may simply not sprout. Carefully read all the information on the packaging about the selected variety.

We propagate flax by a perennial method of dividing the bush

The method of propagation of perennial flax by dividing the bush is relevant for owners of plants that are more than two years old. An adult bush should be divided in the middle of spring or after the end of flowering - in August.

  1. Carefully dig out the bush, being careful not to damage the root system.
  2. Divide the bush into as many parts as the size of the plant allows.
  3. Plant each part of the bush in a new place.
  4. Keep a minimum distance of 20 cm between plants.
  5. Carefully monitor the soil moisture of only seeded plants. They also need to be slightly shaded from straight lines. sun rays at first time.

If you do not know what to plant in your too sunny area, then plant flax - a perennial flower. This ancient plant will create a piece of nature in your flower garden. Perennial flax is absolutely easy to grow. Planting a plant is simple, and care is minimized - to rare watering and weeding.

Time to plant. That's right - the next summer season is coming and now is the time, if not to plant, then already have a plan for what should be planted on personal plot. Apart from any edible plants, we also want it to be beautiful. Slides, flower beds, rockeries... so many things you can do with your own hands. Now in garden stores very big choice varied planting material: seedlings, seeds, bulbs, seedlings and what not, and literally everything you want to "drag" to your site. But will everything grow? Through trial and error (and spending money), what becomes the decoration of the garden is selected. My choice is usually based on the fact that the plant is not very demanding to care for; it is desirable that it is not affected by any diseases and pests; was winter-hardy; would not require seasonal digging for winter storage under certain conditions. So I'll try to talk about some of these inhabitants of my garden, maybe this will help someone make their choice.

Linen perennial blue

I'll start with a simple Russian flower - Blue Flax (Latin name Linum perenne). The blue fields of flax are familiar to many who at least once in their childhood traveled to distant Russian or Belarusian villages in the summer. This is the so-called fiber flax, from which linseed oil is made and one of the best and most durable fabrics, linen, is produced. In ornamental gardening, a similar form of plant is used, which is also grown as a perennial.

Flowers of blue perennial flax

Blue flax is a perennial herbaceous plant up to 50-60 cm high. The shoots are woody and thin. Flowers from pale blue to almost blue, collected in brushes, open on sunny days and fall off in the evening, but others open to replace them the next morning. Flowering is almost continuous - in good sunny weather from mid-May to mid-October. The duration of flowering is affected by the sun, regular watering, weed cleaning, removal of formed seed pods. The greatest effect is achieved when planting flax in a large group: then a kind of blue bouquet is obtained, which has an unusual decorative effect.

Flax blue at the beginning of flowering

Flax is planted in April-May with seeds in an open sunny place. The soil does not have to be fertile, but it is still better to ennoble it first. Flax is not whimsical and does not require special care. Perennial flax blooms profusely in the second year after sowing, in the first year it also produces flowers, but very few in number. Life span? It all depends on the climatic conditions: if it freezes or gets too wet, it will die in the second year, and if everything is fine, it will bloom for five years in one place, renewing itself through self-sowing. Flax bushes in the second year can be divided and seated. Transplant tolerates well, just the first time is needed good watering and some shading. Faded shoots are cut before winter (can be used as decorative bouquet from dried flowers in the presence of seed pods), shelter is not required, but if there is a forecast for a harsh frosty winter, then you can put a few branches of spruce branches on top.

Several red flax flowers in a flower garden

Blue perennial flax is planted in rock gardens, on rocky areas among undersized perennials. There are several other types of flax, the seeds of which can now be bought in stores. This is an annual linen of red, pink and white color. There is also a variety of white and red linen. Seeds are also planted in April-May, these varieties bloom in the year of planting, flowering is not as plentiful as that of blue flax, and the whole plant dies in the fall. They also do not require much maintenance and are also decorative. Can be used as bright detail to give the flower garden brightness and color.

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