Children's beds made of wood drawings. Do-it-yourself baby bed or how to create coziness in a nursery

Engineering systems 03.03.2020
Engineering systems

Loving parents worry about the health and proper development of the baby even before he is born. And with his birth, the world meets a baby huge amount necessary and useful items. Among them, the leading place is occupied by a sleeping place. The best thing that parents can give their child from the first days of life is a do-it-yourself children's bed, which is a high-quality and durable construction. In this case, parents themselves can choose the shape, choose a safe, environmentally friendly material, make beds with drawers with a guarantee of quality and reliability.

It is not difficult to assemble children's beds with your own hands, especially if the master has the necessary knowledge and desire. It is important that everything is done not blindly, but on the basis of photographs, sketches, drawings with dimensions. The most common types of beds for children are:

  • rocking chair;
  • bunk bed;
  • one-story;
  • sliding;
  • transformer.


Single storey


Before making a bed, you need to decide on the choice of material. For the manufacture of furniture use the following types:

  • MDF containing binder resins;
  • wood fiber boards (MDF) made with the addition of chemical compounds with boron and wax for strength, resistance to fungus and moisture;
  • plywood, thin layers of veneer glued with organic resins;
  • chipboard (chipboard), which is made by pressing wood chips with formaldehyde ( chemical compound used in medicine for disinfection);
  • solid oak or pine.

The best material for children's furniture is solid wood, which does not emit harmful substances that cause allergic reactions. It is impossible to use raw wood for these purposes, as it is deformed and cracked. A children's bed made of solid wood with their own hands looks great, reliable and durable in operation. Made correctly, it will provide the baby with a comfortable sleep.

Before starting work on making a wooden children's bed with your own hands, you need to prepare everything that is required for this:

  • oak or pine boards;
  • plywood;
  • lamellas - flexible boards made of hardwoods (acacia, oak), the thickness of which is 15-20 mm;
  • slats and timber (for the base under the mattress);
  • metal corner for corner joints;
  • bolts, self-tapping screws (for fastening the elements of the product);
  • stain;
  • PVA glue.

The level of complexity of the work on making a crib with your own hands is determined not only by the dimensions, drawings, design complexity, design features, but also by the availability of the necessary tool. You need to get the following set:

  • screwdriver;
  • corner;
  • grinding machine;
  • manual cutter;
  • wood saw;
  • needle files for grooves;
  • planer;
  • drill with drill bits for wood.

Having collected the necessary materials and tools for making a baby bed at home, you can get to work.

By using manual router work will go faster

Basic parts and their preparation

The blanks from which the sleeping place is assembled must be sanded so that the child does not injure himself. The standard bed layout includes the following details:

  • four legs;
  • two backs;
  • sidewalls;
  • lamellas;
  • mattress;
  • frame.

The production of parts is carried out in a certain order:

  • first, a tree is selected for blanks of appropriate sizes;
  • then, after all the details have been carefully polished, a base is marked on them (a sign for correct assembly products);
  • marks are made for the grooves, they are cut into strapping and under the slats;
  • spikes are made.

For Assembly finished parts use special carpentry joints without the use of nails and self-tapping screws. The main purpose of using this method is its quality and decorative features. The surfaces are smooth and beautiful, and the joints are invisible. Fasteners are made as follows:

  • the workpiece is marked with a pencil on the border of the shank and groove;
  • the length of the shank is marked with a notch;
  • the groove is drilled with a drill;
  • excess wood is removed with a chisel;
  • needle files align the edges of the product.

Such fastening better resists mechanical damage, loosens less. Its essence is as follows:

  • the connection consists of a shank (thorn) and a solid or blind groove, into which it freely enters;
  • wood glue is used to fix the parts.

Studded joints, fixed with carpentry glue, are firmly fixed due to the swelling of the wood.

Basic assembly steps

Dimensions bed for a child are determined by the width and length of the mattress. They are standard and are equal to 1200x600 mm. According to these parameters, a wooden crib is made by hand. The mattress is not made independently, but purchased, since orthopedic requirements must be followed for its manufacture. In its production, the needs of a growing organism in a full and healthy sleep. For this, attention is paid to the design of the mattress that forms the spine of the child:

  • babies choose foam models;
  • children over four years of age should be fitted with a box spring mattress. It provides uniform distribution baby's weight over the entire area.

For small rooms, the bed can be made so that in the daytime it performs the function of an arena. Starting the assembly of the crib, carefully examine all its details so as not to miss chips and other possible defects that could injure the child.

The assembly work begins with the legs, which differ in size from each other. For the headboard, they are longer than for the opposite side. The high back is designed for pillows that can be raised. Then, using the drawing and sketch of the children's beds, the frame is assembled, the next steps will be the assembly of the backs and the structure for the canopy. The crib frame includes:

  • bed base;
  • backs at the head and footboard.

The support frame is made of timber, divided into 6 blanks of the same size with grooves (25 mm) for lamellas. The planks are designed to ventilate the mattress, they are inserted into the prepared grooves and fixed with wood glue, forming a lattice. The distance between them is 5 cm. The base of the crib is made of four boards 35 mm thick, 7 mm wide. For children 4-6 years old, the height of the lower part of the crib is made equal to 35 cm.

When calculating the backs, the width of the bed is added to the thickness of the board. At the head of the crib, slats and furniture plywood panels are installed that fill the backs. The vertical and transverse bars of the backs are connected. All connections are fixed with PVA glue.

The frame is assembled from prepared boards:

  • the mattress is attached to the bed frame by means of studded joints;
  • then they attach the sides, fences, a limiter for a children's bed, which does not allow the baby to fall;
  • the front side is made one third lower than the back one, for the convenience of caring for the child;
  • using a square, angles are checked, which should be 90 degrees;
  • the sides are allowed to dry from the glue. The remains are cut off with a knife.

For ease of movement of the crib around the room, you can supplement the design with wheels. Creating a comfortable rest for the child, a canopy made by their own bunches is hung over the children's bed. For him, they make a mount in the form of a roof. The design resembles a cozy fairytale house in which the baby feels protected. To do this, the design of the back of the crib is adjusted:

  • railings are made a little higher. With a saw or a hacksaw, cut off their top;
  • the base of the roof of the house is attached to them;
  • the last step will be to fix the ridge, which will connect the roof to the base.

Do-it-yourself canopy for a children's bed will become a reliable protection. This is a great addition to a sleeping place made by a caring dad.


The location of the left and right legs of the bed

Detail diagram of prefabricated legs

The scheme of fastening the legs and support strips to the sidewalls

Decoration methods

In order for a home-made children's bed to take on a complete look after assembly, it is decorated different ways. The first step to give the product an aesthetic appearance is putty, which is carried out as follows:

  • the composition is smeared with all the cracks at the joints;
  • after drying, the treated areas are carefully sanded with sandpaper.

The assembled bed is treated with stain. This is done not only for design purposes: the product protects the product from excessive moisture. On top of the stain, varnish is applied for 2-3 layers or wax for wood. A crib made for a small child is impregnated and covered only natural remedies containing no toxic substances. In addition to this method of decoration, there are other varieties of it. To give the product a complete look, the crib is covered upholstery fabric for furniture:

  • details are cut out for all elements;
  • handle these details;
  • decorate in such a way that the fabric lies flat, there are no folds and creases.

One of the types of decor for a baby crib is decorations in the form of capes made of thin fabric. They are designed to protect children's sleep from external influences. Before you make a canopy over a crib, you need to get acquainted with its purpose and fastening rules:

  • it will protect the child from drafts, so in summer period light fabric is enough, in winter it should be denser;
  • the canopy will save the baby from unnecessary prying eyes;
  • protect against annoying insects in hot weather;
  • shield from too bright light.

It is easy to make with your own hands. The fabric is strung on a thread and straightened by the assembly over the baby's bed on various types of attachment (along the perimeter of the bed, in the middle, at the head). Children from 3 years old should not hang a long canopy with poor fastening over the crib, since the child, starting to move actively, can get tangled in the fabric and fall.

stain coating

The nuances of making a model with boxes

Parents have different attitudes towards the designs of children's beds. Some people like the space under it to be free for easier cleaning, others prefer functional children's furniture. Such parents are interested in how to make a bed with drawers in the child's nursery with their own hands. To make a drawing of such a bed, you need to consider the following points:

  • type of boxes - they are of two types: on rails or on wheels. With laminated floor surfaces, the second option is not entirely suitable, since the percentage of floor wear will be more significant;
  • the number of boxes, which can vary from 1 to 3;
  • the base of the bed, of which there are two. If this metal carcass on legs (orthopedic base), then the drawer box will be formed around it. If the mattress lies on lamellas or chipboard, then the bed frame will be load-bearing;
  • size (length and width of the bed), which can be standard or custom-made.

Calculations can be made using a regular standard bed as a basis, but the front plank will be slightly narrower in width so that the built-in drawers have more depth. An inset design with drawers is considered easier when assembling furniture. With an orthopedic bed base, it is necessary to place the drawers in the existing height, and also go around the legs with a frame. With an inset design, the indentation from the edge of the box increases. The best model is considered to be a bed with drawers with wheels, since in this case you can do without an inset structure. Just install the baffle in the center.

You can highlight the design features of beds with drawers:

  • boxes are fixed 10 mm above the floor level (more with carpets);
  • the front bar is fixed last, since it covers the inset structure.

The project for making a crib with your own hands is individual in nature, it depends on the ideas of the master. This work is associated with a whole range of subtleties and nuances, depending on the purpose of the product, its size, shape and design. Each master in its manufacture is faced with large quantity problems. But this work always has a noble end goal. All problems are forgotten at the sight of a happy smile of a child, for whom it was made with great love.


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Parents strive to give their children the very best. In shops and markets, prices are rising all the time. This applies to any product, including furniture. Adults are forced to save a lot. They often have to arrange housing on your own. A do-it-yourself baby bed will cost less than bought in a furniture store. Making a cozy bed for a baby is easy. This is done in a couple of days. Here you need to have a desire to work.

Children grow up fast and furniture is quite expensive.

To make a bed with your own hands, you need boards and beams made of wood that is poorly absorbed by moisture, such as pine or oak. First, two pairs of legs are made. For the headboard, the supports should be longer, since the back is higher here. This is necessary in order to be able to raise the pillow higher and lie reclining in bed, for example, while reading. Usually a do-it-yourself baby bed is made using the following materials:

  • bars;
  • plywood;
  • boards;
  • PVA glue;
  • stains;
  • varnish.

In an ordinary crib, a child can sleep for three, maximum four years.

Natural wood does not emit harmful substances, so babies do not have allergic reactions. Such furniture is reliable, durable and looks good. A well-made bed is the key to a comfortable sleep. If the room is small, the product is made in such a way that during the day it serves as an arena for games. The size is taken based on the length and width of the mattress.

The bed should be as comfortable and functional as possible.

Usually they do not make it with their own hands, but buy it in a store. Children's mattresses, as a rule, are developed together with orthopedists. Here is given Special attention the correct formation of the spine, as well as the needs of the child's body in obtaining a healthy and full sleep.

In fact, a do-it-yourself bed for a child is made “on time”, you can do it.

Children from 4 years old buy a mattress for spring block, where the individual elements are united by a metal frame. On it, the weight of a sleeping child is evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product. For babies, it is better to use mattresses without springs, consisting of foam rubber. In the baby's bedroom, it is advisable to install the bed away from the window opening. This will ensure that the child is not blown by a draft.

To make a crib with your own hands, you do not need any professional skills, and the process will take a maximum of 3-4 days.

A chandelier should not hang above the child's sleeping place. Bulbs often burn out. Sometimes it happens that when a lamp breaks down, its glass shatters into different sides. A glass shard can easily injure a child. If there is a book shelf hanging over the baby, make sure that it is nailed to the wall firmly enough.

The main thing is to use only high-quality materials and carefully consider the whole process from start to finish.

Basic details of wooden beds

Although wooden crafts for kids are expensive, but individual parts can be bought at an affordable cost. It is advisable to carefully grind the purchased blanks with your own hands so that the child does not get hurt on some protruding chip. The product consists of the following parts:

  • frame;
  • lamellas;
  • sidewalls;
  • backs;
  • legs.

As a result, both the child and the baby himself will be satisfied.

The frame is made of planed and well-polished boards. The slats that support the mattress from below consist of slats. They are inserted into the grooves cut in the frame and form a lattice for mattress ventilation. The distance between them is about 5 centimeters. The sidewalls serve as a fence, thanks to which the child will not fall down. The supporting backs are filled with plywood sheets.

But if the baby has a large physique, the parameters of the blanks can be changed upwards.

To support the mattress in the frame, special grooves are cut. Carpentry glue is applied to the slatted ends. The rails are inserted into the holes. To make the fixation more reliable, self-tapping screws are screwed in from the outside. Backs are made with vertical bars connected by crossbars. Next, plywood or wooden rods are installed.

In furniture stores there are a huge variety of models of beds for different ages.

The rear and front sides are filled with slats, fixed with glue. The near side is made one third lower than the far side. This makes it easier to take care of your baby. The holes in the cross bars are filled with PVA glue. Then the wooden rods of the fence are inserted there. Parts should fit tightly into each other, without any backlash. Square need to check the correctness of the angles. All angles must be 90 degrees. The assembled sidewalls are placed on a flat surface until the glue dries completely.

But the first factor in choosing a crib for a child should be the material from which the piece of furniture is made.

Required Tool

If you poured a lot of adhesive into the grooves, some of it will, of course, come out. There is nothing to worry about here, since in the dried state the glue is easily cut off with a knife. Next, the remaining panels are attached, which will serve as the headboard and footboard. They are screwed to the sides with countersunk screws. Each screw must be fully sunk so that their heads are not palpable. Later, these recesses are covered with putty and polished. During operation, the following tool is used:

  • saw on wood;
  • manual frezer;
  • Sander;
  • corner;
  • screwdriver.

If necessary, we clean the shields over the entire surface.

After the bed is assembled, it must be decorated. To do this, all the gaps between the connected parts are covered with putty. When the putty is completely dry, the treated areas are sanded with fine sandpaper. Further, the assembled structure is processed with a stain. This will protect the tree from negative impact moisture. After the stain has dried, a layer of varnish is applied. Since the furniture is intended for the baby, all impregnations must be natural, not containing toxic and aggressive substances.

The only downside wooden furniture, sold in most stores - this is a "sky-high" cost.

During assembly work, the fixing screws should be screwed in as far as possible so that they are completely recessed. The resulting recesses are later closed with plugs or smeared with putty. assembled structure must be reinforced with special corners. Farther ready product varnished or waxed for wood. If you decide to add wheels to the crib, then do not forget to make clamps for them.

A do-it-yourself baby bed will cost parents a maximum of 17 thousand.

Advantages of handmade children's furniture

If the baby's room is small, the crib can be made with drawers. It is convenient to store toys, bedding and clothes of the child in them. Such functional furniture saves space, eliminates the need to clutter up the room with additional cabinets or chests of drawers. The advantages of a do-it-yourself baby bed are:

  • the ability to design a model that fits perfectly into the interior of the room;
  • confidence in the quality and reliability of the product;
  • the possibility of using only materials that are safe for health;
  • relatively low cost.

Self-design and manufacture of a crib has advantages over buying a finished product in furniture store

When all the details and working tools are prepared, it is necessary to carefully consider the very process of making the bed. Such work is best done outside the home, as there will be a lot of sawdust and dust. If it is not possible to work outside, indoor furniture should be covered plastic wrap and remove the carpet from the floor. For a small room, you can make a bed, the sleeping place of which is located on the second tier. Below, instead of a bed, a soft carpet is laid on the floor. This option will be convenient if you have only one child.

The best option is two large drawers so that you can put large toys and bedding in them.

On the first floor, the kid will spend time playing, and on the second tier, climb the stairs for relaxation. Usually the process of lifting to the second floor gives children great pleasure. If the child likes to draw, you can put a small table and chair on the ground floor. For two children, an ordinary bunk bed is made. Structurally, such products are designed in different ways. lower floor can be located exactly under the upper tier, or located perpendicularly.

For beauty, the crib can be opened with a primer and varnish.

Sometimes steps are also used as lids for drawers underneath. In each such box you can put children's toys, linen, clothes. Before you start making a bunk bed, you need to decide on the place where it will stand. You also need to decide on which side it is better to mount the stairs to the second floor. If the room has low ceiling, the upper tier should not be located very high.

After you decide on the size and appearance of the bed for the child, view photos of popular models on the Internet and find the necessary drawings, you can start making the royal bed for the baby

The closer to the ceiling the child is, the more stuffy air he will have to breathe. On the other hand, it is advisable to take into account that an adult should not rest his head on the second tier when he sits down to the baby. The height of the first tier is associated with the convenience of sitting on the bed, as well as the fact that you can build a drawer for bed linen below. Relying on this information, we can conclude what dimensions the furniture to be constructed should have. The most popular baby cot options are as follows:

  • transformer;
  • sliding;
  • one-story;
  • bunk;
  • rocking chair.

In order for the dimensions of the mattress and the crib to match, it is better to first buy a mattress, and only after that proceed to the drawings of the crib.

The transformer in the daytime is usually folded, which frees up space in the room. For such a model, a special frame is attached to the wall, where the folded product is removed. So that the visible front of the bed fits into general style rooms, it should be decorated. Sliding bed made of two parts. As the child grows, it can be lengthened. For this, special wheels are located at the bottom. A two-tier model is most often made for two children.

From the tools you will need a drill, a jigsaw and a grinder.

Conditions for the manufacture of bed parts

If you purchased wood material directly from the sawmill, then before proceeding with the manufacture of parts, the bars and boards need to be kept for about a week in the room in which the manufactured furniture will be located. This is necessary so that the humidity of the room is equal to the humidity of the materials. Otherwise, in the future, some places of the bed may crack or warp. When the material acquires the desired parameters, boards and bars must be planed and carefully sanded.

All materials can be easily purchased at a hardware store.

The vertical bars of the bed should be of such a height that it is possible to build sides and backs above the upper sunbed. The front side of the lower tier is most often made removable. The cot guard is an important safety feature. Its reliability should be given special attention. Fencing boards to the support bars are screwed with self-tapping screws with inside. Hats must be fully screwed into the tree. During the manufacture of the fence, you need to leave an opening for the steps.

For a small room, a similar version of a crib with a second floor is perfect, but there will be no first floor.

Stairs are usually made strictly vertical or inclined. First, two beams are attached, which will play the role of guides. Then the steps are screwed with screws. The top step and the ladder itself are attached to the bed with long bolts. After the fence and steps are installed, plywood sheets are laid on which the mattresses will be located. Because all the details this product fastened with screws and bolts, then it is easy to disassemble and move to another place.

This process usually gives children a lot of pleasure, and sleeping on the second floor is much more interesting.

Such a bunk bed is very durable and reliably serves for more than one year. If you paint it beautifully, and then cover it with matte nitro varnish, it will not shine with sun glare and will retain the naturalness of the drawings for a long time. The inside of the sides can be trimmed with a soft fabric that will protect the baby from drafts and bruises.

If a child goes to school, or just likes to draw a lot, a place under the bed can be equipped with a desk.

Thus, even in a small children's room there will be more space for games and other entertainment.

VIDEO: DIY crib.


While it’s not a problem to find a baby crib to suit every taste and budget these days, some people prefer to create this piece of furniture on their own.

The advantages of such a solution are that the preferences of the parents, the footage and design of the nursery, the convenience of the baby, as well as the possibility of implementing the most original fantasies and design ideas are taken into account.

Master class number 1. Crib for a newborn

There is also an economic advantage in making a crib with your own hands, because this piece of furniture is only needed in the first few years after the birth of a child, and then you have to buy another crib.

In this case, you can significantly save on the finished bed and spend only on materials and decor.

You can make a crib for a newborn according to the instructions from the user clandz666 from the site

Preparations for work consist in the development of drawings and the purchase of natural, environmentally friendly materials.

When working with drawings, it is important to take into account the characteristics of the age of the child. In the cradle for a newborn, it is important to avoid right angles, large gaps between the bars, low sides and improperly processed wood. All these factors affect the safety of the baby.

You can also make not a simple bed, but a rocking chair, in which case the child can be rocked, which is more convenient option for parents. But this design is not suitable for a child older than two years.

Materials that are suitable for the manufacture of a newborn's cradle must be completely safe for health. The easiest way to work with chipboard and fiberboard. Wood is the best option for a child, but more expensive.

In addition, it is not economically feasible to make a baby crib out of wood, also because the child will grow up quickly, and therefore it is not necessary to pursue special durability. In turn, a bed for a student is best made of wood in order to be sure of the reliability, strength and durability of the structure.

Before starting work, ensure right conditions. They concern the premises, because sawdust and other waste material should not interfere with the rest of the inhabitants of the apartment or house. Therefore, it is better to craft in a garage or any utility room.

  • self-tapping screws of different diameters for assembly;
  • blanks made of chipboard, fiberboard and wood of a suitable size;
  • curved blanks for rocking chairs;
  • wheels for a mobile bed;
  • a large sheet of plywood or a metal grate for the base;
  • sandpaper;
  • safe varnish;
  • jigsaw, grinder and drill for basic work.

Pay attention to an important point: when drawing, use the actual size of the mattress in the crib, otherwise it will be difficult to choose the right one from the options offered in stores later.

1. On a piece of plywood, the basis for the structure is marked with a pencil.

2. For a model with drawers, the necessary parts are cut out according to the drawing and attached to the base with self-tapping screws.

It is necessary to make a pendulum mechanism:

3. The main details of the sides, legs and rods of the crib are cut out, as well as the slats into which the lattice rods will be inserted.

4. A base is created to which the rods will be attached. For rods in the base, you need to make special grooves that are filled with glue, and a grate is inserted into them. If you plan to make a removable grille, then the bottom bar should be easily removed from the base.

5. All parts of the assembly must be varnished on water based.

6. Finishing the crib.

7. The result is such a design.

The back can be made in any shape - for example, curly with different decor. Step by step it is done like this:

1. First, the desired shape of the back is cut out:

2. A decoration stencil is being made:

3. The desired pattern is cut out according to the stencil:

4. Additional decorations are cut out of plywood:

5. Painted with acrylic:

6. Stick to the back:

Can be installed:

In order to get a rocking bed, instead of wide sides, you can make four legs, and attach a rocking base to them. In this case, you will have to abandon the storage boxes.

To make a side crib, you need to use special fasteners for one lattice, which will allow it to be easily removed to move it to the parent's bed or to the sofa. In this case, the height of the crib must match the parent.

Now you can throw any light fabric on it, creating an impromptu canopy that will protect the child from the sun's rays. Hanging toys can also be hung on this rod.

Master class number 2. Cot for a child over 3 years old

A child over 3 years old needs his own bed, where he will sleep at least until school age. If you are going to make a crib for a child who is already in preschool age, then the bed will serve him for several years - until the onset of adolescence.

In creating a bed for a preschooler, the requirements for materials remain the same as for newborns, but the shape of the bed can vary significantly.

Any bed consists of the main elements: frame, slats or slats, backrest, legs and side skirts. Between themselves, the parts are attached to the screws.

When designing a crib for an older child to sleep in, you don't have to worry about him falling out of it, because the sides can be quite low. You can completely abandon the sides in the design of a low bed for a student.

You can also take as a basis the desire of the child, let him tell himself what kind of bed he wants.

1. First of all, a drawing is developed. Pay attention to the size of the base: it must be “for growth” in order to serve the child for at least 5 years.

2. You need to start work from the basics. For the bottom of the bed, plywood is taken, to which planks and metal corners are attached.

5. It turns out almost ready, but still a crude design.

6. The frame is covered acrylic varnish.

8. After assembly, the steps will look like this:

9. Steps also need to be varnished. They can also be upholstered with carpet, but this is optional.

Applying a stencil:

10. As a result, this product is obtained:

One of the advantages of a homemade bed is that you can craft with your child. If the son or daughter is quite old, then they will like to participate in the work with dad or mom.

Pros of a homemade bed:

  1. You design this piece of furniture yourself, so you can add additional details to your taste: for example, drawers, shelves, ladders, etc.
  2. You can be sure that the bed will be durable and reliable, made of high-quality and proven materials that are safe for health.
  3. Saving.
  4. Exclusivity.

In addition, you can think of a bed model that is perfect for your child's room. If there are two children, then you can build a bunk bed.

And if you change your mind, here's our

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The birth of a child is new stage in the life of a young family. They prepare for it in advance, at this moment the parents become closer, jointly taking care of their child. Things necessary from the first days appear in the house: oilcloths, diapers, diapers, a bath, special means hygiene, personal sleeping place. The cost of all required items can be very burdensome for young couples, sometimes overwhelming. Many are trying to save money, for example, they make toys on their own, make a crib with their own hands.

If you draw up a drawing correctly, plan the design of the bed, then the furniture can be used for a long time, from the moment a child is born to his four or five years. It is extremely important from the first day to accustom the baby to sleep separately. It is unacceptable to put him in the bed of his parents. Although most mothers sleep very sensitively, irreparable things can happen in a dream. In addition, it is difficult to wean a child from the parental bed.

Advantages and features of making a bed with your own hands

Furniture stores sell many models of cribs made from various materials. Wood and its derivatives are mainly used, but there are also plastic options. It is not always possible to find furniture for a newborn that meets all the requirements, and suitable products are very expensive. In this case homemade designs will be an excellent alternative, they have a number of advantages expressed in the following:

  1. Price. Do-it-yourself furniture will cost much cheaper than purchased counterparts, which will help save family budget.
  2. Reliability. In the process of preparation and assembly, the strength of all components is checked at each stage.
  3. Environmental friendliness. The bed for your son or daughter is made only from natural wood, which does not emit harmful substances.
  4. Exclusivity. A self-drawn drawing will become the key to an individual, unique product.
  5. Gaining experience. When working, a person acquires new skills that can later be applied in the production of similar items.
  6. Compatibility with the interior and style of the room.

When making a bed, you should follow certain rules:

  • for work it is necessary to use only environmentally friendly materials, which include natural wood;
  • surface should not be sharp corners, roughness, chips, protrusions;
  • the product must correspond to the height, weight, physiological parameters of the baby.
  • it is necessary to provide protection against falling, rolling down the child.
  • for small apartments or houses, multifunctional structures are suitable, for this you can use the free space under them, install additional boxes, make a play area.

Designs and sizes of a children's bed

Easiest to make standard furniture, which consists of four legs, frame, mattress and headboard. The model is used exclusively for sleeping the baby. If the sleeping place is fenced along the perimeter with walls with bars, then you get a classic bed for a newborn. Although for this category you can use a cradle, playpen, rocking chair, side options.

AT small spaces it is more practical to install multifunctional items. To do this, they are equipped with drawers, a chest of drawers, and other useful elements. A very functional bed with an attic, where the bed is placed on the second tier. Below you can organize a playground, install lockers for storing items.

The furniture made in the form of a typewriter looks unusual. This is an option for older children who are under adolescence. Custom design will allow you to make inconspicuous lockers inside, hidden under the hood or behind the door. You will have to tinker with many elements, which will require certain carpentry skills.

Among custom designs you can choose a bed-house. This model is suitable for children over 3 years old. It has all the elements of a standard item, as well as doors and windows, gable roof. Decorative products will decorate any interior, will delight every kid.

What material are the beds made from?

With the independent construction of children's furniture, it is necessary to determine the materials that will be used in the process. The main requirement is that the raw materials used must be environmentally friendly, not harm the development of the baby. Let us dwell on this issue in more detail, consider best option for all constituent parts designs:

  1. Mattress. It is recommended to purchase it in a specialized store, as purchased models are produced taking into account the recommendations developed by orthopedic doctors. If the bed is planned to be used for more than one year, then it is better to choose double-sided products with varying degrees of rigidity. For children under three years of age, a hard, hard coating is required, which helps to fix the back, proper development organism. The filler should be wool, do not take models that include cotton wool and foam rubber. The upholstery should also be made of natural fabric and have an antiseptic coating.
  2. Frame, lamellas, legs, sidewalls. For a beloved child, only a tree should be chosen. Suitable for work conifers: pine, spruce. Natural wood breathes, it is strong enough, suitable for any interior. Those who decide to use MDF or chipboard should remember that the boards contain phenol and formaldehyde resins, so you need to take only models with an emission class of E-0.
  3. Protective equipment. To extend the service life, wooden surfaces treated with special compounds, they are painted, varnished. For these purposes, nitroenamel, acrylic, water-based paint for children's rooms. A great option would be to use wax. To preserve the texture of wood, you can use acrylic varnish, other options are highly toxic.

If there are free Money you can buy dense wood species: solid oak, larch. This is the most durable material, the products look rich, but it is quite difficult to process raw materials.

We make a bed with our own hands

Having firmly decided to build a structure on your own, you should understand all the nuances associated with its creation. Initially, a drawing is developed in which all the constituent elements are displayed. Then they acquire the materials necessary for work, prepare the tools, in the absence of any of them, they buy it in addition.

Based on the scheme, the raw materials are marked out under the components. They are cut out, combined into a single structure, treated with special compounds, painted, varnished, decorated. For clarity, let us consider in detail the main stages, which include the process of making a classic crib.

Drawings and diagram

The creation of any object is impossible without a drawing. In a graphic image, made in a certain scale, the dimensions of the nodes are indicated. To compile it, you will need minimal skills in drawing, you can also use special programs. When developing a project, consider:

  1. Dimensions of the room where the product will be installed. In a spacious room, you can place a larger bed.
  2. The dimensions of standard products for children under three years old are 120x60 cm. If you plan to use the design in the future, you should give preference to larger models 150x60 cm, 180x70 cm.
  3. From the bottom of the crib, you can equip lockers in which children's things will be stored.
  4. For preschoolers, it is worthwhile to provide removable bumpers that will protect them from rolling and falling.
  5. The design and decoration is chosen depending on the preferences of the parents.

Necessary tools and materials

For the manufacture and assembly of the bed, the following materials will be required:

  • board;
  • MDF sheet;
  • varnishes and paints;
  • self-tapping screws, fasteners, rubber heels on the legs.


  • wood saw, electric jigsaw;
  • hammer, screwdriver, screwdriver;
  • drill, drill;
  • measuring instruments, a simple pencil.

Basic parts and their preparation

A standard bed consists of 4 legs, 2 backs, sidewalls, removable sides, frame, slats, mattress. The last item on the list is purchased at ready-made the rest are made by hand. The process looks like this:

  1. In accordance with the drawing, marking of all component parts is applied to the tree. This can be done with a tape measure and a simple pencil.
  2. An electric jigsaw, a saw is used to cut elements.
  3. Components are polished with sandpaper.
  4. Depending on the length of the sidewalls, the metal corners used to install the mattress are cut out with a grinder. Holes are drilled in them for self-tapping screws to secure them to the tree.
  5. All components are painted, varnished.

Basic assembly steps

Bed assembly work is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Collect the backs, located at the head and footboard. They are connected to the legs.
  2. Prepare the base for the mattress. To do this, metal corners are attached to the wooden sidewalls using self-tapping screws. Lamellas are fixed to them from above, perpendicular to the side walls.
  3. The backs and the base under the mattress are connected using furniture fittings; for reliability, it is better to use the corners.
  4. A mattress is installed on the frame.
  5. On the sides, removable protective bumpers are added, fixed on special metal or wooden fittings.
  6. If necessary, the finished product is decorated.

Making and assembling a car bed

Children will love this design. Make it for everyone. To do this, you need to draw up a drawing or download it on the network. After that, you can proceed to the pattern of components and assembly. The work consists of the following stages:

  1. From furniture board side and front walls are made.
  2. On the side surfaces, cutouts are made that imitate car doors, through which it will be convenient for the child to get inside.
  3. On one of the end parts, with the help of an electric jigsaw, holes for the headlights and a radiator are carefully cut out.
  4. Next, a few more planks are cut out, imitating the hood of the car, the windshield.
  5. Wheels are being prepared.
  6. Attached to the side walls wooden corners on which the base for the mattress is laid.
  7. A rectangular frame is assembled from the prepared parts, which is mounted on wheels.
  8. The resulting workpiece is painted or varnished.
  9. The base is fixed inside the frame, the mattress is laid.

Features of the assembly of the bed for newborns

For newborns, the design of the bed should be slightly different. Its standard size is 120x60 cm, when the baby reaches 3 years old, it will become cramped for him. When planning, it is worth considering the possibility of adjusting the height of the bed. When the child is small, it is convenient to place him higher, and as soon as he learns to get up, the bottom will have to be lowered for safety.

For a comfortable sleep of the baby, parents, neighbors, one removable side or end wall should be provided in the crib, which will allow it to be placed near the parent. The distance between the bars around the entire perimeter is made within 2.5 - 6 cm. This optimal dimensions, in which the child will not be able to pinch his fingers or stick his head. Do not forget about the strength of the product, good fixation of removable elements.

In addition to these features, often the legs of the bed are mounted on wheels, making it mobile. Pendulum mechanisms or rocking chairs are also equipped. Their use is recommended by pediatricians. This allows you to easily lull the child. It is advisable to use the bumper only in the first months, then it should be removed to increase the view that the child knows the world.

Bed decor with soft sides of your own tailoring

Not only dad can contribute to the family budget by building a finished bed. Mom can also join this process by decorating the product with soft sides. Outwardly, the craft resembles covers stuffed with filler. In addition to the decorative function, they also perform a practical one, they protect the baby from accidental hits on the bars, do not allow him to stick his hand between them. When sewing them, certain requirements must be observed:

  • The fabric should be only natural, linen, calico, cotton are suitable. Wool must be used as a filler.
  • The material is better to choose light, pastel shades that have good influence on the child's psyche.
  • If a drawing is provided, then it should be done in a medium size, a small one will annoy him.

Master class on making a bunk bed

it perfect option for a family with two children of the same age, whether it be a boy and a girl or same-sex kids. The design of the bunk bed repeats the single-tier. A slight difference lies only in the presence of a ladder, the height of the product, the fastening of two lodges on the same supports. For safety, a side is provided on top, located around the entire perimeter. To understand all the intricacies of the model, consider a master class on making such a bed:

  1. We prepare boards with a section of 3.5x10 cm. According to the chosen scheme, we cut out 4 blanks of 190 cm each, 4 - 180 cm each, 4 - 80 cm each.
  2. On 190 cm boards, retreating from each edge by 30 cm, on both end sides at the top and bottom we make grooves for the width of the crossbars 3.5x10 mm.
  3. We collect the side backs. To do this, using segments of 80 cm, two support legs are connected.
  4. Finished backs are connected using 4 pieces of 180 cm, installed in the outer end grooves.
  5. From above and below we make the basis for the mattress. To do this, along the perimeter of both tiers, lamellas are nailed over the sidewalls. Here they can not be recessed, thanks to the sides arranged in a circle.
  6. We mount the stairs. Its length should be the distance from the lower edge of the side partition to the upper edge of the support.
  7. We install the sides, lay the mattress.

Self-made bed with storage boxes

As a basis for the manufacture of such a design, you can take any drawing of a standard bed. The only difference will be the presence of full-fledged side walls and drawers. First of all, it is necessary to determine their number. It can be one element that occupies the entire space under the bed, two, or even three. It is also worth considering the type of sliding parts. There are two cardinal different options: independent from the main body, fixed to the frame, retractable on rails.

The process of building a product will be similar to the preparation and assembly of a conventional single children's bed. Here it is necessary to provide not legs, but side walls and intermediate partitions on which the guides will be attached. It is also worth considering the fact that the gap between the floor and the bottom of the tray should be at least 1 cm.

To make the box itself, you will need to prepare four pieces of wood, their dimensions depend on the size of the space under the bed. Then they are connected into a rectangular or square box, nailed from below chipboard sheet, plywood. To reinforce the structure from the inside, 4 support bars are installed from below around the entire perimeter, an inset bottom is made, which allows you to store heavier items.

Decoration methods

For a baby bed, comfort conditions and practical design are equally important. To improve the conditions for the baby, auxiliary decorative elements, which also carry a series useful features. Consider the most popular options for decorating this item:

  • Canopy. Elegant canopy, which is sewn from any natural fabric. This item is recommended to use up to 4-5 months.

In addition to decoration, the product serves as protection against insects. It collects a lot of dust, so it needs to be washed frequently.

  • Canopy. Unlike the previous version, only light, transparent materials are used: tulle, organza, veil. Fastening is done with a rod.
  • Valance. This is the frame of the lower edge of the bed. It covers the bottom of the furniture, which will perfectly mask some of the mistakes made when making the crib yourself.
  • Hanging toys. Often suspended in tandem with a music mobile. This type of decor is made from cardboard or fabric. Contribute to the development of the child. They can have the most diverse appearance, whether it be snowflakes, animals, flowers or others.
  • Stickers. You can buy them at any furniture store. When fixing them, make sure that the child cannot reach them.

Bed painting - what paint is better to use

At industrial production cots are used oil paints. They improve the appearance, protect the surface from damage, they are easy to clean from dirt. When choosing coloring agents on your own, you should study their composition, make sure that it does not contain toxic, poisonous elements. These requirements are met by:

  • Acrylic water based paints. They are distinguished by high cost and good performance.
  • Nitro paints. They do not have a pronounced smell, they are inexpensive, they dry quickly.
  • Water emulsion. Are characterized long term services. With their help, you can hide shallow cracks.
  • Wax. The most expensive option. This is a flawless, high-quality coating with water-repellent properties.

A person cannot do without a pillow. It has to do with the structure of the human body. Element supports bend cervical spine, promotes blood flow to the brain. The child begins to put this item at the age of 1-2 years, depending on his physical development. The product must have rectangular shape from 30x40 to 40x60 cm. Its thickness should be: for children under three years old - 3-4 cm, after - 5-6 cm. An important place is occupied by its elasticity, too soft pillow lead to pain in cervical vertebra, rapid fatigue.

As a filler, bird fluff, natural wool, buckwheat husk, holofiber, latex are used. The last three options are the best in terms of elasticity. When choosing a fabric material, preference should be given to natural fiber treated with antiseptics. It is better to choose models in which the cover is fastened with a zipper, then you can control the state of the filler.

Unlike a pillow, a mattress is necessary from the first days of a child. It should be hypoallergenic, safe, absorb and evaporate liquids without problems. Also for kids great importance has elasticity, so you need to take only orthopedic products. Otherwise, the requirements for filler and sheathing are almost the same, as for pillows.

Choice of bed linen

Any person gains strength during sleep, and the kids are still growing and developing. Every parent wants to make this moment peaceful. In this matter, they are helped by bed linen, which should be of high quality, made from natural materials. For these purposes, the following types of fabric are used:

  • cotton,
  • chintz,
  • satin,
  • calico,
  • bamboo.

The color of the selected canvas should be neutral, it is better to use pastels, bright hues conducive to sleep. For newborns, a product without a pattern is suitable, for older children, but not teenagers, underwear with a print of your favorite characters from cartoon series. Also, when choosing bedding, you should pay attention to:

  • the material should not lose its structure and color from frequent washing;
  • do not take underwear with buttons, ribbons, lace;
  • Conclusion

    Having studied the ready-made schemes, having considered all the positive and negative aspects associated with self-manufacturing cribs for their baby, any parent will build a similar design. In this case, all family members can participate in the process. Dad will prepare and assemble the frame, and mom will pick up a mattress, pillow, bed linen, and make decor elements with her own hands. This will not only save the family budget, but also show the child that he is taken care of and loved.

The modern market offers a sufficient selection of children's furniture, including cribs.

The child will be able to sleep in his crib for a maximum of four years, then he will have to change it to a more adult overall version. And the price of furniture is not cheap at all, so there is an option to make a comfortable crib with your own hands. It's not as difficult as it seems at first glance!

It is not necessary to be a professional in this field and spend a lot of time on assembly.

First of all, you need to purchase exclusively high-quality eco-friendly materials and seriously approach this issue, having considered the whole upcoming process.

The do-it-yourself photo of the crib shows how to make an option for a five-year-old child, but all of these parameters can be increased to a larger size.

Advantages of a self-made bed

Going into a furniture store, you can find a lot of options for children's beds from various materials (plastic, fiberboard, chipboard, wood). best material, of course, wood, which provides safety, durability and is the most durable option.

A finished wooden crib is quite expensive. Not every family can afford such expenses, especially since it will last only a few years.

The cost of a hand-made design will be many times less and has the following positive aspects:

  • reliability in the use of the structure. Children often love to play and jump on the bed, and you won’t have to worry that it will break from the load;
  • you can make a strictly individual bed. Which will successfully fit the style and interior of the children's room and has individual sizes;
  • the creation process will help to spend time with interest with the child, who will certainly not refuse to help his parents.

Acquisition of the necessary material and preparation of tools

To begin with, it is worth carefully preparing the room in which the planned process will take place. If it will take place directly in the room, it is reasonable to cover the floor and furniture with a film, as a lot of dust and sawdust will appear during the work.

Then you need to competently prepare an accurate drawing of a crib for a newborn with your own hands, or find a suitable sketch on the Internet.

You will need a number of materials:

  • self-tapping screws of different diameters;
  • wooden shields for furniture;
  • special wheels with which the drawers will be extended;
  • a sheet of plywood or a metal grate for the base of a berth;
  • sandpaper for cutting.

The set of tools is absolutely minimal: electric jigsaw, Bulgarian and conventional drill.

It is important beforehand, before drawing up the drawing, to measure the mattress that will be laid in the crib, since later it will be more difficult to choose the right size!

Do-it-yourself step-by-step production of a crib

Having decided on the size and design of the children's bed, you can proceed to the immediate work:

  • All the necessary markings are carefully applied with a pencil, not forgetting the sides.
  • Then, using a jigsaw, you need to carefully cut out all the blank parts.
  • Cut metal corners right size, immediately drilling holes in them (maximum five), into which self-tapping screws will be mounted in the future.
  • For the base of the mattress, you need to screw the corners to the bottom of the sides.
  • Conveniently laying the crib on its side, you need to collect all the necessary details.
  • Sandpaper to process possible irregularities and sharp corners.
  • At the bottom of the furniture roomy drawers are assembled.
  • It is wise to cover the crib with varnish or a similar coating, which will give it an aesthetic look.
  • The final stage: we lay the mattress on the bottom of the bed and spread the bed linen.

Baby bed accessories

The bed for a small member of the family must be equipped with bumpers that will serve as protection for the baby. It is quite easy and fun to sew the bumpers in the crib with your own hands.

Their most popular type is the option that protects all four sides and is fastened with ordinary ties.


When choosing a fabric for children's bumpers, it is worth choosing light materials with a not too "pretentious" pattern, since the baby will have to study the patterns around him for quite a long time.

The cape over the crib protects the baby from insects and possible drafts. It is also possible to make an original canopy for a crib with your own hands, choosing the right fabric.

It is better to buy two different cuts (rather wide for the allowance) natural material: weightless, light, summer fabric and more dense - for the winter. First, you need to purchase a frame that is attached to the bed. Then draw a pattern in size, cut out the details and sew them in the right places.

If you have imagination and minimal skills, you can make an original unique crib that will faithfully serve and delight both you and your baby for several years!

DIY crib photo



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