Foam rubber for sofa seats what brand. What kind of foam rubber is used for furniture

garden equipment 17.06.2019
garden equipment

When choosing upholstered furniture, you should pay attention to exterior finish and filler. So that the operation of products does not require expensive replacement of materials, you need to carefully consider the choice of foam rubber. At correct selection he will serve long time and stay flexible.

Pros and cons

The material is a polyurethane foam consisting of many cells containing air. Raw materials are used to ensure softness and elasticity various items. It is this filler that many manufacturers use in the manufacture of upholstered chairs and sofas. Such popularity is due to the following advantages:

  • in the production of the filler, processing mixtures and additives are not used, so it is safe for humans. Material does not emit harmful substances and does not provoke allergies, therefore it can be used for the manufacture of children's furniture;
  • polyurethane foam is resistant to fungus due to moisture resistance. Even with high humidity mold spores do not appear in the room inside it;
  • material is used in various temperature conditions and retains its characteristics in the range from -40 to +100 degrees;
  • in comparison with other fillers, foam rubber has excellent soundproofing properties and is able to absorb noise;
  • the product has both elasticity and resilience. It bends under the weight of a person, and after a while again restores its shape.

An additional plus of the products is the affordable price. It is due to this feature that all foam rubber cushioned furniture is budget priced.

Like a number of other materials, foam rubber has some disadvantages:

  • short service life - 7 years of daily operation;
  • when burned, harmful substances are released into the atmosphere.

In general, polyurethane foam is characterized positively: its dense structure is great for chairs, sofas, corners, banquettes and other types of upholstered furniture.

Varieties of foam rubber

The material is widely used in furniture production. Due to its properties, polyurethane foam is used for the manufacture of mattresses, chairs. Products differ in their density:

  • standard. Produced on the basis of one substance - the base polyol. Other products use two types of components to give them different properties. Standard grades are used in the manufacture of headrests and armrests. The average density of products is 25-30 kg per cubic meter. m;
  • increased rigidity. In the production of the product, special polyols are used, which provide it with increased rigidity. The density of the material depends on the additives used. If the product has a density index of less than 30 kg / m³, it is used for the manufacture of mattresses and seats. If the parameter is greater than the specified figure, the raw material is suitable for the production of items with high loads;
  • highly elastic. The density of the foam rubber is more than 30 kg/m³, it can withstand a weight of about 120 kg. This type of product is used in the manufacture of mattresses.

In addition, there are soft and super soft materials. They are made of polyurethane with softening properties. In some cases, special additives are used to provide a viscous structure and incombustibility. In this case, the composition contains flame retardant, melamine and special polyols.

Quality Options

To find out the quality of the material used for manufacturing, you should pay attention to the following indicators:

  • strength;
  • density;
  • marking;
  • compressive stress;
  • degree of comfort;
  • elasticity;
  • residual deformation.

Each of these options should be considered in more detail. Its purpose depends on the density of the foam rubber. The higher the parameter, the greater the load it withstands and the more durable it is in operation.

Strength depends on two characteristics: the degree of elongation of the material before breaking and the force to make it. If the density is 25 kg/m³, then the breaking force is 130 kPa and the elongation is about 260%.

The compressive stress indicates the amount of force that must be applied to compress the sample. Rigid types are sometimes artificially strongly compressed to improve performance, and when cells with air are opened, the product returns to its structure.

The elasticity of products is determined by dropping a special test ball. When it hits the surface of the foam mat, the degree of rebound is set: if it rebounds high, then the product is rigid and has less elasticity.

To determine the permanent deformation, the sample is strongly compressed and left in this state under the influence of a certain humidity and temperature. After a certain period of time, the sample is measured and compared with established standards. Rigid material has little permanent deformation.

Comfort level indicators are also determined in two ways: there are support and comfort coefficients. These criteria depend on the softness of the material and the distribution of the load over the surface.

Appointment of different brands of foam rubber for furniture

There is a classification for the use of foam rubber in furniture production. Designations are indicated in Latin letters:

  • HL and EL - indicate the material is hard and increased rigidity;
  • ST - standard products;
  • HR - products of highly elastic type;
  • HS - soft and ultra soft variety;
  • LR - indicates the viscous and soft structure of the foam mats;
  • RTC - these symbols denote reticulated porous polyurethane foam.

In addition to Latin letters, manufacturers use numbers. The first two indicate the density of the foam rubber, the remaining two indicate the compressive stress. For example, if there is an EL 2545 marking, then this means:

  • material of increased rigidity;
  • density is 25 kg/m³;
  • compression stress - 4.5 kPa.

Selection rules

Before selecting furniture foam, you should determine its purpose. For example, when choosing foam rubber for a sofa, you need to pay attention to markings with a density parameter of more than 28 kg / m³ and more. If you order furniture with a less dense material, there is a risk that the life of the item will decrease.

  • check the thickness of the product: in the manufacture of upholstered furniture, it must be at least 3 cm;
  • learn about the elasticity and rigidity of the foam rubber: a more rigid version is used for the seats than in the production of armrests or headrests;
  • some types of material do not hold their shape at all, which indicates their poor quality, so be sure to check this indicator to make sure the item is reliable;
  • ask what additives were used in the manufacture of raw materials to prevent allergies to certain components, especially when choosing children's furniture.

Pay attention to the marking: it will inform you about the features of the selected filler. No need to save on foam rubber, because a quality product will be the key to the durability of furniture.

Foam filler plays an important role in the production of upholstered furniture. The comfort of rest and the service life of the product depend on its quality and correctly selected parameters. To decide which foam rubber is better for a sofa, the specialists of the company "Santeks" will help.

What to pay attention to?

When choosing foam rubber for filling upholstered furniture, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • in which element PPU will be used;
  • comfort requirements laid down by the designer (for example, should it be a hard, medium hard, soft element);
  • operating conditions of furniture, requirements for durability.

Depending on these conditions, foam rubber with the necessary density and rigidity indicators is chosen.


This is the most important characteristic of the material, affecting its durability. The cost directly depends on it: the denser the foam rubber, the more expensive it is. The density range of the material is from 18 to 55 kg/m3.

What density of foam is needed for a sofa? To do this, you may need a material of different density (kg / m3):

  • 18 - used in not very responsible critical parts (sides, backs);
  • 20 - used for the manufacture of backs, pillows for backs;
  • 25 - suitable as a carrier layer for seat upholstery;
  • 30-35 - optimal as a bearing layer of seats with increased weight;
  • 40 - the use of a material of this density makes the furniture almost "eternal", suitable for long-term intensive loads;
  • 50 - the specified density is used in special brands of foam: viscoelastic (Memory Foam), highly elastic (latex). This material provides maximum comfort due to anatomically right position body.

The minimum recommended foam values ​​for seats are from 25 kg/m3. This durable material is suitable for everyday use, occasionally - sleep. For a product intended for everyday sleep of adults of average build, it is better to choose an option with a density of 25-30 kg / m3, for full ones - 35 kg / m3.


The stiffness index determines the pressure at which the material is compressed by 40% relative to the original thickness. It determines the scope of the material. soft and extra soft grades are possible for sofa parts that are under less pressure, but require significant deformation (back cushions). Standard ones are used for the manufacture of typical parts, for example, seat cushions, and rigid and increased rigidity - for office furniture and shaping elements of upholstered furniture.

Where to buy sofa filler?

The employees of the Santex company will help you decide what kind of foam rubber is needed for the sofa. We offer only quality products own production at the most favorable prices. The assortment includes more than 900 items of fillers, fasteners, related products. There is a convenient, fast delivery in Moscow and the region. Call!


Mattress covers


What you need to know about foam

Foam rubber (more correctly, elastic polyurethane foam, polyurethane foam) is available in two types: block (individual blocks) and molded (for this, the foam is poured into special molds). Molded polyurethane foam is more economical, can have different shape, but on top it is covered with a crust that does not allow air to pass through. Block polyurethane foam, on the contrary, passes air well and what is called "breathes", but cannot be cut into parts of any shape when processed on contour cutting machines. Foam rubber made on the basis of polyethers is produced for mattresses and furniture. polyurethane foam on polyesters is destroyed by moisture.

The quality of foam rubber is determined by the following set of indicators:

Density. Standard polyurethane foam has a density of 25 kg / m3, while the compressive stress will be in the range of 3.4-3.5 kPa. But since the foam block is heterogeneous, then the density is measured at different points, and then calculated average value. The higher the density of the foam rubber, the longer it will last.

Compressive stress. This indicator is a characteristic of stiffness and shows what force in kPa must be applied to compress the foam rubber sample by 40%. There are cases of artificially increasing the rigidity of foam rubber by manufacturers due to the production of foam rubber with a semi-closed cell structure. When you click on such foam rubber, a crack is heard. As a result of this mechanical action, the cells open and the foam rubber becomes less rigid.

Strength indicators. These are the tensile strength and elongation at break. The tensile strength indicates the force, and the elongation indicates the stretch that must be achieved in order for the foam rubber sample to break. For standard polyurethane foam with a density of 25kg/m3, these figures are 120-140 kPa and 240-280%, respectively.

Elasticity. This indicator is determined using a special ball. The ball falls freely on the foam rubber sample from a certain height, as a result of which it bounces, and the height of this rebound is measured. The stiffer the foam rubber, the less its elasticity.

Permanent deformation. One of the important indicators of the quality of polyurethane foam. Characterizes its ability to maintain its shape and dimensions during operation. To determine it, a sample of foam rubber is compressed by 50% and left in this state for certain time at a certain temperature and humidity. At the end of exposure, the sample is measured as a percentage of the deviation from the original dimensions. The higher the density of polyurethane foam, the less permanent deformation it has. Foam rubber with high permanent deformation cannot be used in the manufacture of mattresses and furniture seats.

Comfort indicators. These are the support factor and the comfort factor. The support factor is how the foam holds and distributes the load, the comfort factor is the softness of the polyurethane foam with low compression and pleasant touch to the touch. The higher these indicators of comfort, the better foam rubber. Typically used to characterize highly elastic grades of polyurethane foam.

How to decipher the marking of foam rubber eg EL2540? This means that the foam rubber has increased rigidity, with a density of 25 kg/m3 and a rigidity of 4 kPa.

Summing up, it should be said that The general trend in the world market is moving towards the displacement of foam rubber of standard brands, replacing them with brands with improved characteristics. But on Russian market the standard foam is still firmly in place. But if for the backs and armrests of furniture you can use standard foam rubber with a density of 25-30 kg / m3, then for seats and mattresses you need to use polyurethane foam with a density of more than 30 kg / m3, although it is better in combination with softening flooring from HS brands.

What foam rubber to choose for upholstered furniture?

In order not to repair upholstered furniture regularly, you should take care of choosing high-quality materials in advance. This applies not only to the upholstery, but also to the filler that makes the furniture comfortable, soft, and comfortable.


Foam rubber (its other names are polyurethane foam, polyurethane foam) is a modern filler, which is a foamed mixture of various polymers. Due high content air in thin-walled microcells PPU differs in elasticity, elasticity, durability.

Material advantages:

    Resistant to mold;


    Does not emit dust, does not accumulate it;



Thanks to its elasticity, furniture foam provides maximum comfort during use. A high-quality filler serves for several years without changing its characteristics.


Sufficient density and elasticity - important requirements to the filler of upholstered furniture. If the sofa will play a role bed, it is better to choose harder foam rubber - doctors do not recommend too soft surfaces for sleeping. If the furniture is intended, first of all, for rest, relaxation, you can prefer less rigidity. It all depends on the taste of the furniture owners.

The density of the foam used for upholstered furniture must be at least 30 kg/m³. Many PU foam manufacturers recommend the use of foam rubber with a density of less than 35 kg/m³ for heavily loaded upholstered furniture seats. Since the denser the polyurethane foam, the more expensive it is, furniture factories this recommendation is often ignored. As a result, after a couple of years of use, the filler is deformed, the sofa becomes bumpy, uncomfortable.

Highly rigid foam rubber is optimally suited, it is indicated by the code EL. More budget and much less reliable option– standard foam rubber (code ST). As a rule, they use it for inexpensive upholstered furniture - this explains the fact that sofas or armchairs sometimes lose their shape after a couple of years of use.

For the backs, and even more so the armrests, the load on which is much less than on the seats, you can choose foam rubber of a lower density. As for the thickness of the material, it is better if it is at least three, even four centimeters.

Only specialists can visually determine the type of foam rubber, while the rest can focus on its type and brand. The type is indicated in Latin letters (ST - standard, HL - rigid, HR - with high elasticity, etc.) The brand is four digits. The first two indicate the density (the density value of a standard polyurethane foam for furniture seats is allowed at least 30), the second two indicate the rigidity.

Foam rubber replacement

If a New furniture seems uncomfortable, it is likely that this is caused by insufficient quality filler. Replacing the PPU solves this problem with minimal cost. You can also change the foam in furniture that has already served its owners well. Such repairs go well with the replacement of the upholstery.

Which foam rubber to choose for a sofa depends on what your intentions are. If your furniture will be used as a permanent place to sleep, you need to choose a harder filler. After all, for medical reasons, the bed cannot be too soft. If this furniture will be most often sat on, and you will only have to sleep sometimes (for example, overstayed guests), then how hard the foam rubber will be is not particularly important.

Important nuances

The best sofa- the one where the foam was used soft and elastic, allowing you to relax and give the spine the opportunity to rest from stress. This effect is achieved using a special structure - " layer cake". It is when top part- thin foam rubber with low density and rigidity, and under it - a more elastic material. Such a sofa resembles a tire that is inflated in moderation - there is no lethargy, but there is elasticity and resilience, which at the same time do not turn into rigidity. However, not only foam rubber and blocks of springs can be attributed to the furniture "stuffing". They also use fibers from synthetics, most often - synthetic winterizer. As a rule, foam rubber is covered with synthetic winterizer, while achieving additional softness and relief. At the same time, it serves as insulation for the main filler. The "stuffing" for a sofa of expensive brands consists of highly elastic foam rubber and latex of natural origin.

profiled foam

foam blank

furniture latex

There is an opinion that there can be nothing better than spring sofas, that orthopedic effect otherwise it can't be achieved. However, customer reviews indicate that often these same springs turn out to be so poor quality (improper hardening is sometimes to blame for this), which a short time are out of order. Several layers of felt bedspreads are laid on top, as well as other materials, so that the mattress on the springs turns out to be of really high quality. This pleasure is not cheap, and therefore it can be assumed that it is better to use high-quality foam rubber than cheap springs.

What's in the sofa "stuffing"?

If you buy good upholstered furniture, then it soon becomes an inseparable element in the interior of the room. And then I really don’t want to part with such a product. If, when choosing the most suitable sofa if you made a mistake, did not see the shortcomings, then they will also appear very soon and will regularly spoil not only the rest, but also the mood.

As a rule, in order to choose upholstered furniture, people are mainly interested in its size, shape, quality and color of upholstery material, very often completely forgetting that during operation all these parameters are secondary. The main thing is how soft and elastic the sofa will be, how comfortable it will be for you to relax on it.

It depends only on the filler how comfortable and cozy upholstered furniture is, when the effect of sitting out occurs, what will be the service life of the new sofa. Sofas, as a rule, have a "stuffing" in the form integrated system, which includes soft components and a base of springs. How much the sofa will cost will be clear from what a person cannot see when buying - it is inside.

About holofiber

If these are average prices, then the “filling” consists mainly of synthetics. For a soft and elastic sofa you need:

  • elastic polyurethane foam;
  • non-woven high-volume components;
  • block with springs;
  • natural latex;
  • synthetic fluff.

natural latex

block with springs

flexible polyurethane foam

When a person chooses a sofa, he evaluates it both in terms of density and stiffness of the seat. They are characterized in different ways:

  1. Density refers to the weight of one cubic meter of material when it is uncompressed. With an increase in the density of the material, its wear resistance characteristics also increase, which means that the furniture will last much longer.
  2. Stiffness refers to how a material reacts to a load. It depends on how comfortable the person will be.

What is the difference between foam rubber and polyurethane foam

There is no difference . PPU (polyurethane foam) is just an abbreviation, whereas foam rubber is a brand name. It was awarded the first commercial polyurethane foam.

About block polyurethane foam

It is known to us as foam rubber, which is a soft polyurethane foam in which 90% is air. The higher the elasticity of the foam rubber, the higher its strength. Very soft material will quickly crumble and fail. If even a simple sofa cushion stuffed with crumbs of foam rubber, it will lose its shape in a very short time, and therefore only a single piece of foam rubber can be used to make a sofa. And these are not thin pieces of foam rubber, they cannot be less than 15 centimeters in thickness.

When choosing a sofa, you need to sit on it to feel whether the frame is felt or not. If there are such sensations, then after a short period of time it will be impossible to sleep on such furniture.

Molded polyurethane foam

These are ready-made sofa parts. They easily return to their original shape as soon as the load is removed. This type of polyurethane foam is considered the best in elasticity, it is more reliable than block foam. Sitting on a sofa with such a "stuffing" will be very comfortable, because it completely repeats the shape of your body, and getting up from it is easier than from other sofas. He seems to be pushing you a little.

These qualities of molded polyurethane foam have made it very popular as a filling that is used in the manufacture of sofas.

About cost

The cost of foam rubber always depends on how dense it is. The most low density means the lowest cost. If the sofa is made by unscrupulous furniture makers, then they use greater rigidity to increase the price of a sofa with low-density foam rubber. This approach misleads the buyer - quite dense and elastic appearance furniture. But a few months have passed, and you notice that the foam rubber has gone astray, and then it has completely become some kind of shapeless mass.

Need to understand some simple rules foam selection:

  • The standard minimum foam density for furniture parts used in seats is 30-35 kg or more per cubic meter.
  • For the back, this value should not be less than 23-25.
  • In the manufacture of armrests, a density of at least 20-22 kg / cu. m.

If you do not comply with these standards, the value of residual deformation will greatly increase, and the sofa will not last long.


Foam rubber that "remembers"

Of all the options, the most interesting is foam rubber, which has a "shape memory". It has unique physical and mechanical properties, namely, it slowly recovers after the load is removed. At first, such foam rubber exactly repeats the shape of the body lowered on it, and when the load is removed, it begins to slowly return to its original position. For a sofa, this option will be the best choice– to make your stay truly comfortable.

About latex

This material obtained by foaming rubber. It turns out a material of natural origin, reminiscent of foam rubber. It also conforms to the shape of the body, making your stay comfortable. In addition, it also has antibacterial properties.

Latex foam brand HR

it artificial material with a high degree of elasticity. It is much cheaper than natural latex. This material has a special cell structure. If foam rubber is usually cells that are the same size and with the same wall thickness (which both deform in the same way and resist compression), then the HR brand has a completely different structure. These are cells that are different in size and heterogeneous in structure. Moreover, they are scattered in a chaotic manner, and their reaction to the load is ambiguous.

With a small load, only small cells with a small wall thickness work. This is how super soft foam works. If the load is significant, larger cells work, with greater compression resistance. This technique makes it possible to feel full comfort, which is usually not so easy to achieve.

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