Layout of a 2-storey house with a garage. Projects of two-story houses with a garage

Site arrangement 14.06.2019
Site arrangement

Architectural projects country cottages It is impossible to imagine without the presence of a garage in it. This section contains best projects guest houses Z500. They are distinguished by comfortable layouts of guest houses, solutions that help save money during construction guest house and further low maintenance costs at home.

Although developers can not always decide which garage costs less - combined with the house or standing separately. But besides the issue of price, it is also necessary to take into account the individual needs of an individual developer. It is important to note that the layout of a house with a garage for 1 car provides homeowners with more comfort and benefits than house designs with a detached garage. But this condition is feasible only if competent design and professional calculation of structures were made. The design of house projects with a garage for 1 car is also best left to specialists.

Scheme of a house with a garage for 1 car. Why choose a house plan with a garage?

Projects of houses with a garage for 1 car, photos, drawings, sketches and videos of which can be viewed in this section, are attractive because:

  • A finished cottage with a garage for 1 car is very convenient when it becomes necessary to unload large items. In addition, the layout of houses with a garage for 1 car allows you to get rid of unpleasant dashes to the garage in adverse weather.
  • The construction of private houses with a garage saves money. The savings are due to the fact that, combining a garage with a house, there is no need to build one wall and a supporting foundation. When the garage is fully built into the house, you can save on the roof. At the same time, for laying the walls of the garage, you can buy simpler and cheaper building materials than for the main residential building. Significant savings can be made by projects of houses with a built-in or attached garage and on a single network of engineering systems.

Typical project plans for houses with a garage for 1 car: important points when building a private house

When building a house with a garage for 1 car, it is important for developers to consider the following aspects:

  • In the case when the developer liked the project of the house, which does not provide for a garage, it is highly not recommended to implement this idea with a garage on his own. After all, a project with a garage is quite complicated and necessarily meets the increased requirements of reliability, and also takes into account a lot of nuances and constructive solutions by combining a house with a garage. While creating heating system in a house with a garage, designers take into account the heat loss of the building through the garage. To prevent gasoline combustion products from entering the house through the garage, it is necessary to design ventilation system. In order for the garage to look harmoniously against the general background of the image of the house, a competent calculation of the dimensions of the garage is necessary, right choice roof and its angle of inclination.
  • Before embarking on a project for a house with a garage for 1 car, it is recommended that the developer evaluate the funds required for it. Fundamental and land works, the costs of which make up a third of the total estimate for the construction of the building. Using a garage can be better and more comfortable if you apply an additional snowmelt system on the driveway and make its slope optimal (within 12 °).
  • The developer needs to be prepared for the fact that the garage combined with the house occupies large area, especially if the garage is attached to the side. To implement such a project, you need a good wide area. On a wide plot with a shallow depth, houses with garages look more compact.

The catalog of projects for houses with a garage for 1 car also includes new projects in 2018.

Projects of houses with a garage: the composition of the documentation

When buying a house project with 1 garage in our company, the client is provided with all project documentation, including 5 sections: engineering, which consists of 3 parts (power supply, water supply, heating and ventilation wiring), structural and architectural. This page contains one of the options for the project of such a house.

Engineering sections project documentation available for an additional fee.

An example of project documentation for a Z500 house

Each of our projects for a house with a garage for 1 car is protected by copyright, which ensures your legal safety when implementing a Z500 house project. The certificate presented below confirms that our company is the official representative of the international architectural bureau Z500 Ltd.

We wish you to find in our collection a house plan with a garage that meets your requirements!

Projects of houses with a garage are in constant demand from developers. After all, imagine life modern man without a car, and even living outside the city, is simply not possible. That is why, the presence of a garage in a house project is an important factor when buying. Naturally, you can order a garage project separately. But the garage in the house is much more convenient. And most importantly, it will cost less than a separate

A house with a garage is planned so that the car can be accessed not only from the street, but also directly from the residential area. There is no need to go outside in bad weather. As a rule, the entrance to the garage is arranged from the kitchen or hallway. There is another positive point in this arrangement: if you brought, say, products from the store, then it is very convenient to transfer them immediately to the kitchen.

Projects of houses with a garage for the whole family

It must be remembered that the garage for a modern car must be at least 18 m 2. At the same time, it is desirable to maintain all the distances recommended by experts: from the wall to the car - 50 cm, to the left and right - 70 cm each, you can limit yourself to 20 cm at the back. Usually, the project provides for a gate with an entrance shifted to the left. This is done in order to make it more comfortable to get out of the car. Then on the right side of the garage you can place racks with tools and car parts. The standard width of the gate is 2.5 m. The height is calculated so that an adult can pass - 1.8-2.0 meters.

In order for the garage to be comfortable, the room must be properly designed. It is necessary to provide convenient access to the racks and think not only about electric, but also about natural lighting. It would be nice to provide a sufficient number of sockets in which it will be possible, if necessary, to turn on a power tool, and in the cold season - a heater. And if you plan to use more serious electrical equipment, then take care of installing a socket designed for three-phase current in advance.

By the way, a heater may not be needed if you provide for heating the garage. Moreover, to connect it to common system home heating is quite simple. And, in addition, in the garage you can equip an additional workshop or pantry for inventory.

And for those customers who have two cars per family, our company can offer a house project with a garage for two cars. This choice will allow you to solve problems with parking once and for all, and save you from looking for a suitable place for a garage for a second car.

A two-story house has its advantages and disadvantages before. Someone stops at this option, because two-storey house looks more solid and presentable than a one-story house; someone chooses it because of the lack of technical ability to build cottage the same area. In any case, in order for the structure to be constructed to be convenient in operation, careful preliminary planning of two storey building.

Project, facade and layout two-story house 8x8

Only a competent distribution of premises and engineering communications will allow you to feel comfortable in a house with two floors.

Layout of a two-story house 6x6 with dimensions

You can build a two-story house from any modern building materials that are on the market today: from logs, from timber, from piece material - brick house, foam blocks, gas blocks,. The choice is limited only by your financial capabilities and taste preferences. From the technological side, there are no restrictions.

Wooden houses

traditional building material country house. Wood in any of its manifestations remains a warm, reliable and environmentally friendly material. have not big weight, which allows you to put them on lightweight foundation options. Perfectly for these purposes, a shallowly recessed tape, solid slab or pile foundation with a strap.
Wooden houses can be assembled from solid timber, glued, from logs. And with a small width of the walls to be very warm.

Project and layout two-storey cottage 10x10 from a bar

Wooden houses perfectly retain heat and heat up very quickly even after complete cooling, which is important for country houses that are used seasonally or only a few times during the winter.

Internal decorative trim of a wooden two-story house can be minimal, since the tree itself looks very natural and beautiful. This advantage attracts many homeowners, as fine repairs account for a significant part of the entire construction budget.

One of the main disadvantages two-storey houses from a bar and a log - a mandatory exposure of the assembled box. It must be left for a period of 3 months to a year, and only after that make window and door openings, install double-glazed windows and begin the next stage of work. This is necessary in order for houses made of timber or logs to finally settle and take their unchanging shape.

Houses made of piece material

Houses made of bricks, foam blocks or similar material reliable and durable if built strictly according to technology.

The layout of the cottage with an attic 6x9

Such structures have an impressive weight, which means that a high-quality foundation needs to be prepared for them: saving at this stage of work will not work. Since a poorly made foundation will lead to the fact that a two-story house will walk, cracks will go along the walls and its further operation can be completely dangerous.

Houses from foam blocks and others piece materials, requiring laying on a special mortar, are more suitable for permanent residence, and not for country options.

Such a house retains the temperature well, but only if it is not cooled. Like any stone structure, such houses need to be heated for a very long time in order to achieve a comfortable temperature. The stone is able to absorb heat for a long time.
The advantage of two-story houses made of bricks and other piece materials can be called freedom in design.

Detailed house plan 6x8

A stone house can be of any shape, with various architectural delights: balconies, bay windows, rounded corners, arches and other elements. It is possible to repeat such things when building a house from a bar or log, but it is extremely difficult.

Houses on frame technologies

In a nutshell, it is simple, fast and inexpensive. Freedom in construction, as when working with bricks and blocks, and performance is similar to houses made of wood. The main advantages of such a two-story house will include:

  • Low cost of the entire structure;
  • Light weight, which will save on the foundation;
  • The speed of construction, building materials do not require exposure;
  • Simplicity and practicality in operation;
  • When used environmentally clean materials, the house will not be inferior to the wooden one;
  • Virtually any size and shape of the structure.

The optimal dimensions of a two-story house

The optimal minimum building spot is a rectangle of 7x8 meters or a square of 8x8.

The project of a two-storey cottage 8x8 with a terrace and a balcony

It is these dimensions that allow where the rooms will be rationally located, it will fit comfortably, and not the attic, and there will also be room not only for the kitchen, living room and master bedrooms upstairs, but there will also be a place for guests to stay.

With a smaller foundation, the building can also exist, but then the layout of a two-story house will be inconvenient and non-functional. The living room will turn into a walk-through room, most of usable area the stairs will eat it up, and at the top, provided that not a full-fledged floor, but an attic floor is being built, only one bedroom will fit.
This option can be considered as country house for a single person or a couple without children.
The upper bar for the size of a two-story house is limited only by common sense and specific needs. For a family of two with two or three children, a two-story house with a total area of ​​​​110-130 square meters. If we consider the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house with a garage, then we can talk about an increase. Houses above this area will be very expensive to operate and maintain, and most of premises, as practice shows, simply will not be used.

Ground floor layout

Drawings of the first floor of a two-story house must contain all necessary premises for life. Among the required:

  • Kitchen;
  • Living room;
  • Entrance hall, she is a hall;
  • Guest bathroom;
  • Boiler room;
  • Tambour.

If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe first floor allows, then there may also be present:

  • Study;
  • Canteen;
  • The guest room.
  • gable;
  • gable broken line;
  • shed roof.

The first two options can be attributed to cheaper types in terms of cost, they are also easier to perform. In these cases, roof slopes will be used for the sides, and gables will be used for the ends. The latter should be lined with the same material as the first floor. roof type and roofing material it is necessary to determine at the stage when the preparation of the project will take place.

You should also think in advance how you will equip and what you plan to place on the attic floor.

Is it worth it to make an attic floor in the house

If you still decide to start building such a house, but are still thinking about the need for an attic, then it’s better to decide for what purposes you are going to use it. For an accurate solution, it is worth considering in detail all the pros and cons of such a structure, but only from the point of view of its attic part.


  1. Significant savings. Building a two-story house with an attic is considered to be a more economical option when it comes to building a three-story house, even though there will be costs for building a roof.
  2. Appearance. With the help of complex gable roof with a kink, as well as slopes at different angles, you can achieve interesting appearance and attracting attention.
  3. Interior. Using the attic room, you can achieve the creation of an original unique interior. However, for this you need to properly beat his form. That is why, if you are a supporter of originality, then the attic is exactly what you need.

you can make just such an original attic in your house


Unfortunately, the attic has its drawbacks:

  1. It is necessary to more carefully approach the arrangement of not only ventilation, but also thermal insulation. In case of non-compliance with technologies, problems with freezing, as well as moisture condensation, can be identified.
  2. A problem with natural light. In the event that daylight can enter through typical vertical windows that are installed in a structure called "birdhouse", then it will not have sufficient level lighting. However, there are special windows that will help in solving this problem.
  3. "Dead zone". The area of ​​​​the attic part practically does not differ from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, but its useful part is much smaller. This implies a space near an inclined wall, which cannot be approached closely. There is such an option as to order special furniture for this space, but then the “highlight” of the room may disappear.
  4. In this space, you can not work, or place a children's room. This is due to the fact that a person living in a room with sloping walls will feel a constant threat and internal anxiety.

General characteristics of the house

The total area of ​​the entire structure is 185.5 square meters. m. As a material for the walls, an aerated concrete block of 400 mm, or a brick is used. Monolithic slab needed for the foundation. The overlap will be carried out using wooden beams. metal tile or soft tiles used as roofing material. Siding of various colors is used for exterior decoration.

Now we can conclude that this scheme and the layout of a two-story house with an attic and 3 bedrooms on the second floor is a building that is not suitable for every family in its own way. technical features. However, this is an economical option, because the attic will serve as an additional floor.

Layout of a two-story house with a garage and a veranda

The layout of the two-story house, which will be presented in this project, is completely new. She possesses large quantity features, including living rooms on the first floor. Such a project is perfect for a large family that appreciates coziness and comfort.

So, you can get into the house through two entrances:

  1. The first (main) one starts from a small porch and leads to the vestibule (3.1 sq.m.) then immediately to the hall (7.6 sq.m.), from which you can go to the rest of the living rooms.
  2. The second entrance starts from a small porch, the area of ​​which is 2.3 sq. m. From the porch you get into the veranda, which can be used as a winter garden.

Combining the kitchen and living room

One of the features of this layout is the combination of the kitchen-dining room with the living room. Thus, the total area of ​​​​the premises is 61.2 square meters. m. Such an interior is often recommended by professional designers.


  • A real increase in space.
  • The boundaries of the room are visually expanding.
  • Communication will become more convenient.
  • Reception of guests will be more comfortable.
  • During cooking, the hostess will not be separated from other residents.

Disadvantages of this approach:

  • We'll have to do more general cleaning.
  • It is not excluded the spread of aromas from cooking, which are not always pleasant.

However, the biggest disadvantage is that the living room must be coordinated with the kitchen, that is, the design must be similar, but the zones must be clearly separated. The following methods can be used for this:

  1. Use of the bar.
  2. Accommodation kitchen furniture so that in the center there will be an hood that looks like an island.
  3. Application of lighting.
  4. Try to use different flooring, for example, tiles in the kitchen and laminate in the living room. It is then that a dividing line will turn out, which can even be drawn on the ceiling.
  5. Unusual color solutions on the surface of the walls, which, by the way, can be duplicated on the floor.

Furniture try to choose the same and similar colors to show that it is still a single room. However, do not forget about simple accessories, they will help to focus on what you want.

Surrounding layout

You can leave the kitchen-living room in the hall, and not through conventional doors but through the arches. You can decorate them beautifully and elegantly, or, conversely, brightly and catchy. It is recommended to insert a multi-colored backlight into them. Also from the hall you can go to the bathroom (3.7 sq. m.) and the garage (22.7 sq. m.). From the street you can get into the boiler room (7.4 sq. m).

Most often, there are utility rooms on the ground floor, but this scheme broke all standards and includes the location of the guest bedroom on the first floor. Its size is 14.4 square meters. m. It is recommended to take this bedroom for small children or for elderly family members who find it difficult to climb and descend the stairs.

Combined garage

And another "highlight" of the first floor is that. Usually its location depends on the size of the site, and because of what the territory can be useful to you. This layout includes the fact that the site will be completely devoted to the garden, so to save space there will be a garage combined with the house. It should be noted that such a solution construction works on this occasion, they will cost less than the construction of a detached garage.

Every owner of a country house knows how important it is to have not only a car, but also a territory specially equipped for it, where you can create comfortable conditions for storage and maintenance of the machine. Today, there are several options for placing a garage on the site. The article will consider projects of houses with a garage under one roof: the advantages and disadvantages of such a solution, as well as the features of planning and construction.

Projects of one-story houses with a garage under one roof: advantages and disadvantages

Ventilation device in the cellar and basement of the garage. Metal garage ventilation.

What requirements should the project of a house with a garage for 2 cars meet?

In order for the use of garages in subsequent years to be comfortable, it is necessary to adhere to certain standards even at the planning and construction stage, among which the main ones are:

  • the area allocated for one car should not be less than 18 m². This is necessary first of all so that almost any a car. After all, even if today the dimensions of your car are very modest, in a few years everything can change, and this must be taken into account;

With garage for 2 cars

  • standards provide for free space as follows: 70 cm to the right and left, and at least 70 cm more margin for the front and rear of the car;
  • the gate to the garage should be such that the exit does not present any difficulties. Usually standard sizes are 2.5x2 m in width and height, respectively. The garage height standards in a private house also provide that the ceiling of the car box must be at least 2.2 m.

Useful advice! Since the car is made of metal, it is easy to corrode if stored in inappropriate conditions. Therefore, it is desirable to provide high-quality heating and ventilation systems.

Styles and materials for building a house with a garage under one roof: photo examples

When viewing photos of garages in private houses, it should be noted that often this part of the building looks inorganic with its environment. Often the garage looks unnatural against the backdrop of an exquisite house, spoiling the perception of the whole picture with its appearance.

Consider what materials can be used for construction, as well as which design styles are most suitable for construction.

  1. Russian estate or, more simply, a house made of timber, with or without a garage. As a rule, such buildings made of wood are popular outside the city and are rarely built within the boundaries of large settlements. Looking through the projects of houses from a bar with a garage, you can see that such a familiar material as wood can be used to implement very unusual, but rather practical ideas.
  2. house in English style distinguished by its simplicity and at the same time sophistication. Simple lines and geometric shapes can be complemented by columns or stucco that sets the house apart from the rest. A wide variety of materials can be used for construction. Including can be found with a garage.
  3. Empire style is the most solemn style, in which every feature of the building should create a festive mood. Far from the easiest solution when it comes to the need to arrange a garage attached to the house. The photos, however, perfectly demonstrate how spectacular the result can be if you approach this issue with due attention.

Useful advice! Among non-standard ideas, you can consider the project of a one-story house with an attic and a garage. The implementation of such an idea will create additional living space even if the garage and upper rooms have to be attached to an existing house.

The best materials for the implementation of house projects with a garage: photo examples

As for the choice of the most suitable building material, it is worth carefully weighing all the advantages and disadvantages of each option. Briefly consider the most popular:

  • wooden houses "breathe" best of all and are highly environmentally friendly. As for the main claims - combustibility and tendency to rot, modern processing compounds have long solved these problems. So the only significant drawback of such a solution is the high cost of the material;
  • foam concrete or aerated concrete blocks- excellent materials thermal insulation characteristics. Among other advantages, it is worth noting excellent soundproofing properties, incombustibility and a rather high strength index. However, do not forget about the disadvantages, for example, in the case of using cement-sand mortar for masonry, the presence of cold bridges is provided, and special glue will cost several times more;

  • Brick remains the undisputed leader for many years. The features of this material include a large weight, which is the reason for the need to lay a reliable foundation. In addition, the cost of a brick cannot be called low in any way, which, nevertheless, is fully justified by its strength, thermal insulation properties, and also long term services.

Projects of houses with a garage and a bathhouse under one roof: combination features

Despite the fact that the implementation of the plan for a one-story house with a garage is in itself not an easy task, many owners do not stop there, additionally creating other buildings - a gazebo, a sauna, a veranda, etc. Often provided for in projects one-story houses with a garage and a terrace with a sauna, which by themselves would take up too much free space on the site.

Country can be designed with maximum convenience, for example, with a built-in bathhouse and a garage

Such a solution has its own difficulties, but at the same time it retains the advantages that are in the case of any combination - saving time, effort, building materials. In addition, there is no need to overcome a serious distance from one object to another.

You can also consider interesting option more rational use available resources. For example, you can heat the garage from the stove, which is located in the bath. Sometimes this option is also used for partial heating of the house. However, in this case, it is important to design this moment so that the heat from the furnace does not disappear, but can be used.

With a garage and a sauna under one roof

Important! This method of heating is best used as an additional one. Moreover, this method is not very effective when it comes to rooms whose area exceeds 100 m².

Looking through photos of one-story houses with a garage, as well as more complex buildings that include an attic or a bath, one cannot fail to notice that such a solution is not only an opportunity to save money. For many, this is an opportunity to design the most comfortable house in operation, which allows you to conveniently store and maintain the cars in the family.

Today, many are tired of the bustle of the city and want to retire a little and be in silence. A two-story country house is an ideal solution for this. erection on own site individual housing allows you to implement the most daring ideas and wishes.

Advantages of two-story houses with a garage

Projects of a two-story house with a garage have several advantages:

  • All living quarters and garage will be located under one roof.
  • Saving land on a personal plot.
  • The heating of the garage is carried out by the communications of the house.
  • You can get into the garage without going outside, which is very convenient for everyday use, especially in the cold season.

Create a project

Drawing documents must include:

  • architectural section, which reflects detailed diagrams floors and the exact dimensions are indicated;
  • a constructive section that supplements the previous one, containing information about the design of the roof, stairs, foundations and detailed diagrams of all nodes and elements.

The set of documents includes:

  1. Scheme of laying sewerage and water supply systems.
  2. Wiring diagram of the power supply system.
  3. Heating system plan.
  4. Plan for gasification of the house.

When preparing a project, one should take into account not only the number of storeys, the number of rooms, the total area and type of building materials, but also the climate, the structure of the terrain and, of course, financial possibilities.

Room size

Floor-by-floor distribution of the area of ​​premises can be carried out in two ways.

  1. The total area of ​​the house is divided into separate rooms.
  2. The second way - first, the number of rooms is determined, their grouping and floor distribution are performed, and then the final calculation of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building.

The size of the premises should not be less than the minimum allowable. There are certain standards, which indicate:

  • height of living rooms;
  • size (nursery, living room, bedroom, kitchen);
  • width utility rooms;
  • geometric parameters of flights of stairs;
  • the location and size of window openings.

Layout of a two-story house with a garage

Projects of residential two-story houses provide great opportunities for the most daring design solutions, allow you to effectively and efficiently plan and equip the space of the house.

Consider the most popular solutions:

  1. On the ground floor there is a kitchen, a bathroom, a bathroom, an office, a living room, the guest room, boiler room, common corridor with a separate exit to the garage. The second floor includes bedrooms, a balcony, two bathrooms, a bathroom. This option provides for the residence of a large family, in which there are also elderly people. They can be located on the first floor in the guest room, which will save them from constantly walking up the stairs to the second floor, since all the necessary premises, amenities and a kitchen are located on the first floor.
  2. In this variant, on the ground floor there is a children's room, a living room, a bath and a bathroom, a kitchen-studio with a dining room, utility rooms with access to the garage. On the top floor there is a guest room, a bedroom, a studio or an office. If desired, you can make an add-on over the garage.

A two-story house with a garage of this layout is an excellent option for a family with small children. For the safe movement of children on the first floor there is a children's room and everything you need.

Each project has an exit from the premises to the garage. In the first case - from the common corridor, in the other - from the utility room. This layout allows you to pass at any time to the garage without disturbing the home.

If not satisfied standard projects a two-story house with a garage, you can change them as you wish within the total area and make the layout exclusive in accordance with personal wishes.

Construction Materials

Projects of a two-story house with a garage involve the use of any building materials: aerated concrete, foam blocks, bricks, wood, etc. Each of these building materials has its own advantages:

  • Brick two-story house with a garage, despite the appearance of new modern technologies construction is still very popular. Brick is considered almost perfect building material since it is absolutely non-flammable, long time perfectly retains heat, in addition, it has a rather attractive appearance. Structures made of such material are durable, reliable and time-tested.
  • If you want to build a good warm house and not spend a large amount of money on it, you can stop your attention on the foam block, which has gained popularity among consumers thanks to successful combination practicality and low cost. A two-story house made of foam blocks with a garage perfectly retains heat, does not need wall insulation and waterproofing. You can build such a structure in one season. The cost of a foam block is more than half that of a brick; buildings made of this material last about 100 years.
  • Recently, houses made of timber have become very popular, and this is explained by the fact that wood is an environmentally friendly, natural building material. It perfectly retains heat and creates a healthy atmosphere. Besides, wooden buildings do not require the arrangement of a powerful foundation, have a high construction speed and are much cheaper than brick counterparts.

Under one roof or separately?

Projects of a two-story house with a garage can vary significantly. The garage can be built-in and attached to a two-story building, and also located on the basement elevation. The advantage of the first two options is that the entrance to the premises is not an obstacle for the car, neither in summer nor in winter.

If a two-story house with ground floor and a garage, it is necessary to set a smooth descent in advance. Otherwise, the car will simply not be able to enter the gate in winter ice. The advantage of a garage space on a basement or built-in is that it has a more aesthetic appearance. Typically, the roof covers both the dwelling and the garage, which saves money when installing the roof on building materials. In this case, there is no need to install additional complex forced ventilation. You can attach a garage from the side of the house that does not have bedrooms, near utility rooms (for example, a boiler room). Entrance to it can be done from the end or in another convenient place.

The convenience of an attached garage lies in the fact that its location can be planned after the project of a two-story house is already ready. The disadvantage of such solutions is that automotive fuel emissions enter the residential area.

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