Oil paint for wall color. Oil paints

reservoirs 03.03.2020

Painting walls with oil paint is a good way to protect and decorate the surface, however, in recent times this material is increasingly called outdated and too harmful, wondering how to paint walls with water-based paint over oil.

We will try to answer these questions and tell you as much as possible about this material, as well as show how it is applied correctly.

Oil paints

Composition and features

From the name of the material, you can guess that it is based on oil. Previously, natural oils were used to prepare paints, today it is too expensive, and combined and synthetic drying oils, as well as alkyd resins, are used as part of the coating.

These drying oils contain suspensions of pigments and fillers, which, most often, are finely ground inorganic powders of various oxides and salts, as well as mineral rocks and additives.

To dilute the paint and give it the necessary consistency, volatile organic solvents are used:

  • White Spirit,
  • toluene,
  • acetone,
  • turpentine,
  • xylene and others.

In the photo - powders of various pigments.

When natural or synthetic drying oil contacts with air, then oxidative polymerization is observed and the substance begins to harden, a film forms on its surface and gradually the material becomes solid.
This effect is taken as the basic principle of oil paint as a decorative and protective coating.

Pigments allow you to achieve the desired shade and color the mixture in different tones. They are organic and inorganic, but organic ones are practically not used for the preparation of oil formulations.

Minerals can be divided into two main groups:

  1. Achromatic. Used to produce white, black and gray colors. It can be zinc, titanium or lead white, lithopon, graphite powder, black, carbon black or soot, brass, bronze or aluminum powder;
  2. Chromatic. Used to obtain various colors of the rainbow and their shades. They are divided into iron oxide, lead and others, most often they use iron metahydroxide and trivalent iron oxide, iron red lead, litharge, red lead, various crowns, as well as mixtures of oxides and salts of chromium, cadmium, cobalt and other metals.

Since we are dealing with a suspension of insoluble particles in oil, the composition must be mixed before use, because particles of pigments and fillers eventually fall to the bottom of the solution.

If the paint is not mixed, then the higher layers will be less saturated, while the bottom will have a very thick and bright paint. This will cause areas with different color intensities to appear on the wall when applied, which does not look good.

The solution is applied with a brush, roller or sprayer. The greatest consumption is observed when working with a brush, but this method allows you to paint over the surface more thoroughly, especially when it is loose, porous, embossed or complex.

  • "spray gun",
  • airbrush,
  • spray.

Surface preparation and priming is required before applying oil paint. It's common for everyone finishing coatings. It can be applied to old paint, provided that it is also oily and adheres well to the surface.

It is possible to cover metal, wood, brick, stone, concrete and plastered surfaces. The material is best used for outdoor work, and inside the use of finishes based on organic solvents and lead should be limited.

In addition to toxicity, allergenic and carcinogenic activity, oil coatings have another property undesirable for residential premises: they do not let steam through. Walls covered with such paint stop breathing and supporting natural humidity indoors, which leads to a deterioration of the microclimate.

The use of an oily material inside a living space is justified only when vapor tightness is desired: in bathrooms, in basements, on open balconies, in toilets, etc.

We do not recommend using oil paint to open walls in bedrooms, living rooms, glazed loggias and other residential areas. Previously, this was justified by the lack of an alternative, but today there are a lot of compositions more suitable for such purposes.

The point here is not only the smell, there are odorless oil coatings, and after a good drying, the solvent disappears.

However, a tiny amount of solvent remains inside the layer, which continues to enter the atmosphere. It is safe from the point of view of poisoning, but can provoke allergic reactions and growth cancer cells in people sensitive to these substances.

Work with the coating should be in protective clothing, a respirator and goggles, especially indoors.
Make sure you have a constant supply fresh air otherwise it will be dangerous to stay indoors.
If you experience symptoms of illness or intoxication during the application of oil paint, immediately leave the work area.

Recently, oil compositions have been most often used for coloring ferrous metal products, especially those that are on the street: sports equipment, gas and water pipes, urban infrastructure elements, etc.

This material is also widely used for coating wooden products:

  • shops,
  • pavilions,
  • windows,
  • doors,
  • and window sills.

Using zinc powder, you can create excellent remedy anti-corrosion protection (electroconductive paint Zinga), and the use of special additives makes it possible to create fire-retardant paints for Polysteel metal.

The use of oil coatings to cover children's rooms, bedrooms and living rooms is considered unacceptable according to modern standards, but for outdoor use, coatings for public areas, protection of metal and wooden surfaces such materials are quite suitable.

Advantages and disadvantages

This is a rather hackneyed topic, but in most publications there is a clear bias in favor of the disadvantages of oil paint. This is most likely due to marketing policy, and we will not go into its wilds.

Of course, any material has flaws, but when it comes to oil coatings, then for some reason everyone cites the entrances painted with terrible gray-green paint as an example, while forgetting that these entrances have been painted for a long time, and still painted with Soviet paint.

Without any doubt, modern materials the world's leading manufacturers, and for the most part this applies to domestic ones, have nothing in common, except for the name, with the coating of old entrances.

Modern materials have a basic set of shortcomings, but their importance should not be exaggerated:

  • The presence in the composition of the mixture of toxic solvents - volatile organic compounds that actively evaporate at room temperatures and poison the surrounding atmosphere. Here it must be said that after three to four days, almost all the solvent disappears, and the toxicological hazard disappears, but the likelihood of allergic reactions and carcinogenic activity remains;
  • Zero vapor permeability. This quality in some cases becomes serious disadvantage, because the walls of residential premises painted with such a composition cease to maintain normal gas exchange and acceptable humidity, which negatively affects the microclimate of the room;
  • Insufficient elasticity. Often, oil formulations do not cope well with thermal expansion and other changes in the geometry of the base on which they are applied, which leads to cracking of the coating. Products of well-known manufacturers with a good reputation, as a rule, do not have this drawback.

You can also name a number of advantages of this coverage:

  • Versatility. The material can be applied to different bases: metal, wood, stone, concrete, plaster. It is also used for outdoor and indoor work;
  • Durability and wear resistance. The coating is sufficiently durable, resistant to abrasion, impact and other mechanical influences;
  • Moisture resistance. The paint is not afraid and does not let in moisture, which has become one of the main arguments for using it to cover metal parts, facades and other open structures and their parts;
  • Simple care. The coating is easy to clean, not afraid household chemicals, does not wash and is not washed off with rags and other cleaning products;
  • Good adhesion. Oil paint adheres well to the surface and correct application can last long enough
  • Affordable price and good coverage. You can get acquainted with the norms of costs and expenses using the table GESN 15-04-025-8 “Improved painting with oil compositions for wall plastering”.

You should soberly and without emotions evaluate the merits and demerits of any material, and you will find that in your field it is quite in demand and applicable.


For those who are not afraid to work with their hands, our traditional instruction:

  1. Coating surface. If oil paint is applied, then it can be left, provided that it adheres well to the surface. You can remove the coating with a solvent, blowtorch or hair dryer, as well as with a metal brush and chisel;

  1. If the plaster is old and has flaws, it should be impregnated with a layer of drying oil and then puttied. After that, the surface should be sanded with sandpaper;

  1. We sweep dust from the wall and apply a layer of primer. For this you can buy ready composition or dilute the paint with drying oil to a liquid consistency and shade with a brush over the surface;

  1. After the primer dries, apply the main coating with a brush or roller in a thin layer, after which the procedure is repeated. It is impossible to apply the material in one thick layer, as waves and streaks will occur.

Most often it is enough to apply two coats of coating, if this is not enough, then a third can be applied.
Doing more than three layers does not make practical sense.


Oil paints continue to be actively produced and used, despite serious competition and a number of shortcomings. In their field, these materials have shown themselves well and are quite worthy of further use. With the help of the instructions and video in this article, you will be able to perform Painting works on one's own.

The composition of the oil paint shows that the binder in it is drying oil, which is obtained, as a rule, from vegetable oils. Drying oil according to its purpose and composition is divided into several groups.

Varieties of oil paints

Industrial . They are produced in large containers, and their purpose is to create a durable protective layer on the surface;

Artistic . Such paints go on sale in a metal tube. They are usually used for painting and painting. They differ in high price and improved quality;

Sketchy. They are available in either plastic or tin cans. They are used to create sketches and decor.

Composition of oil paints

The composition of oil paint, in addition to drying oil, includes pigments. After applying to the surface of this type of coloring matter, an elastic and very durable film is formed that is able to withstand any atmospheric influences.

In the case of using combined drying oil in paints, it creates a thinner film on the surface, but having greater hardness and water resistance, which cannot be said about the coloring matter, which includes natural drying oil.

As for such a question, what is the price of oil paint or how much is water-based paint?

It is not possible to give an unambiguous answer to this question, since many factors influence the cost of a particular type of coloring composition: the area of ​​application, the country of origin, and so on.

Before purchasing such a paint and varnish product, you should carefully look at the composition of the oil paint, which indicates that such a material has a strict regulatory classification, and therefore it does not have individual names.

Depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200buse and composition, the paint and varnish product considered in the article is indicated by an alphanumeric code. So for example:

substance on natural drying oil designated as - MA-021;
On pentaphthalic - PF-024;
On the combined - MA-025;
On glyptal - GF-023.

Like the composition water-based paint, the composition of the oil determines the nature of its purpose. As mentioned above, there are ready-to-use and thickened formulations.

In the first case, the paint and varnish product goes on sale in containers with a volume of 0.5 to 3 liters, and in the second - colorant diluted with drying oil until the desired consistency is created.

Before buying this material, be sure to read its instructions, in which the manufacturer describes in detail the composition of the oil paint and indicates its scope, as well as the consumption per one square meter, color and solvents used.

Characteristics of oil paints

The structure of such substances allows them to be used for protection against high humidity. In other words, oil formulations can be used on those surfaces that are often washed.

Such a paint and varnish product can be applied both on concrete, plastered, and on metal or wooden surfaces.

Oil paints for ceilings have been on the building market since the 20th century. Since then, their composition, and, therefore, the quality has not changed much.

This raises the question: “Is it worth using outdated paints when the market is full of many modern proposals, such as, for example, textured paint for the ceiling?

What is oil paint?

For about 5 years it has been no secret to anyone that oil paints are harmful. Chemical substance. This is true, however, the demand for such paint does not fall, people continue to use it in repairs.

Oil paints can be used to decorate office spaces, but are not recommended for residential areas such as bedrooms and other areas of the home.

At the heart of oil paints for the ceiling are three components: pigment, filler and drying oil. Pigments are considered the most harmful substances in such paint.

To give the paint a certain color, manufacturers add harmful inorganic substances to the paint, for example, titanium, zinc white, oxides and salts of iron, zinc.

The most different materials, which give the paint various properties: viscosity, strength, etc.

Drying oil is the material thanks to which these paints got their name. This is the main film-forming material, which is obtained synthetically from vegetable oils.

In general, oil paints are used to cover not only the ceiling, but also walls, floors, and even veneer for door painting. In addition, oil paint is used to paint the facades of houses.

How to apply oil paints correctly?

Like any other paint, oil must be able to apply correctly. Ceiling oil paints can be used to finish wood, concrete and metal surfaces both indoors and outdoors.

The process of applying paint to the surface:

  • After the ceiling is cleaned, it must be covered with a special primer, which, during finishing work, will allow you to save paint, and also increase the adhesion of the paint to the surface;
    The first step is to prepare the surface. To do this, it must be cleaned, degreased, and the old coating removed;
  • After that, the paint must be thoroughly mixed;
  • After thorough mixing of the paint, it can be applied to the surface. Can be applied with a brush, roller or spray gun. You need to apply the paint in thin layers (2-3 layers in total) so that there are no thickenings and smudges. A new layer should be applied only after the first has completely dried.

In general, oil paints are easy to apply, but their composition can harm others and those involved in finishing work if special protection is not used.

There are many other options on the market that you can consider, such as silicone ceiling paints.

Oil paints for walls began to be used in the seventies of the twentieth century. It was then that they were released and became a truly innovative product.

Their main advantage then and now is reliability, ease of application and relatively low cost.

Where to use oil paints for walls?

First of all, oil paints are a moisture-resistant paint and varnish product that is designed to protect any kind of material, from wood to metal, from high humidity.

It so happened that the wettest rooms in people's homes are bathrooms and bathrooms. It was in them that oil paints were most often used and are used.

But it is worth noting that long-term practice has shown that oil paints for walls should be used with some caution.

Since, due to the complete impermeability of this paintwork material to moisture, it simply has nowhere to go.

Applying oil paints to walls

Oil paints for walls can be applied, as mentioned above, to almost any surface.

The only exception is plastic. But in order for the oil-based paint and varnish material to lay on the walls evenly and securely fasten to the surface, it is necessary to use a primer for painting in the preparatory process.

Regardless of what material the walls are made of, only a deep penetration primer should be used when painting with oil-based paints and varnishes.

This is due to the fact that oil paint has a rather aggressive chemical composition and the surface must be partially protected.

It is for this reason that no other primer for painting is suitable for surface preparation.

In addition to the aggressive chemical composition, oil paint in liquid form has a certain level of toxicity, which requires the person who will work with it to use personal protective equipment. respiratory tract, as well as, if possible, ventilate the room during work and during the drying period of the paintwork.

You can apply oil paints for walls with brushes, rollers, and you can also use a special spray gun for oil paints.

None of the methods has any significant advantages over the other, and therefore everyone chooses the tool that is more convenient for him.

On modern construction market, GOST oil paints are all the same reliable and not expensive paints that appeared in the Soviet Union in the seventies of the twentieth century.

They are also reliable and inexpensive, and what is no less important - they have a rich palette of colors.

Properties of oil paints

GOST oil paints - it is this inscription on the can that guarantees that this paintwork material was made in compliance with all technical and sanitary regulations.

And this means that this paint and varnish product can long time serve indoors with high humidity, and this is precisely the main functional task that GOST oil paint should perform.

Another important market property is the variety of oil paint colors. In the modern construction market, this is very important, because most consumers are already accustomed to the richness of the assortment.

Oil paint manufacturers are constantly trying to expand the palettes of their oil paint lines, so you can find a wide variety of oil paint colors in hardware stores. Black to white, bright red to pale green.

Unfortunately, paints and varnishes oil-based are not devoid of negative properties - toxicity.

When working with oil-based paints and varnishes, it is imperative to use individual respiratory protection, even if these are GOST oil paints, this is the negative effect of fairly cheap components from which oil paintwork is made.

There are many types of paints for, among them oil is very popular. It has excellent qualities, thanks to which the coating will be protected from negative impact external factors.

There was a time when oil paint for walls was forgotten a bit, after other, improved options began to appear on the market: enamel, acrylic, water-dispersion, latex and acrylic. They even began to say that oil paint is toxic and should not be used.

Let's try to figure out if this is really the case.


The basis of its production is oil. Previously, the paint was made from natural ingredients, but now everyone is trying to reduce the cost, while receiving the same income from sales. Now, for the production of oil paint for walls and ceilings, they use synthetic or combined, as well as alkyd resin. Drying oil, in turn, is filled with a suspension and pigments from a ground fine powder of inorganic nature from oxides, mineral additives, and salts.


As thinners for oil paint use:


In the process of the reaction of drying oil with oxygen, the substance solidifies due to oxidative polymerization. A film forms on the paint, and the composition acquires density. It is this reaction that is the fundamental principle of creating a protective layer on the decorated surface.

Adding various pigments to drying oil allows you to get the output desired colors oil paint. These additives may be of inorganic or organic origin. But for the production of oil products, organic substances are almost never used.


The mineral components themselves in the composition of the paint are divided into 2 groups:

  • Chromatic - used to obtain iridescent shades and the like. The composition has colorful shades that are pleasing to the eye. For this purpose, use: cobalt and chromium salts, litharge, red lead, cadmium salts. Pigments used: chromium and cobalt salts, iron, litharge, cadmium salts, metahydroxide.
  • Achromatic - used to obtain shades of gray, white and black. Titanium, lead, zinc, lithopon, black, aluminum or bronze powder, carbon, soot are suitable for this purpose.

Considering that oil paint for outdoor use is a suspension of insoluble components, in order to obtain a homogeneous mass, it must be thoroughly mixed before applying the composition to the walls. And it is necessary to carry out this procedure from time to time in the process of work, since the particles tend to settle at the bottom of the can. Otherwise, in top layer, from which you will take the paint, there will be few pigments, and the bottom layer will turn out to be concentrated. As a result, the painted surface will acquire an uneven shade.

Features of painting walls with oil paint

Before you get started, prepare the tools:

  • Regular paint brush;
  • Roller with a container for paint;
  • Spray gun or spray gun.

Paint consumption

Previously, it was often used because there was no alternative. Now, there are many other, more environmentally friendly and safe formulations without solvents and bad smell. When working with oil paint, do not forget about respiratory, eye and skin protection.

Also, leave windows and doors open to allow fresh air in.

Achromatic oil paints

Very often used for the purpose of coloring ferrous metal products. These are gas and water pipes, sports equipment, individual elements of the city's infrastructure. In addition, the material is suitable for finishing wood products: windows, window sills, doors, gazebos, benches.

Advantages and disadvantages of oil paint for walls

Oil paint for outdoor use is a rather controversial material that has its fans and haters. The same can be said about almost any material, each has its pros and cons. For some surfaces, one material is suitable, for others, a completely different one.

It is worth starting with the disadvantages of oil paint:

Let's move on to the benefits of oil paints for walls:


If you do not take into account the disadvantages of oil-based paint, then it can be an excellent choice for those who are ready to turn them into virtues. In addition, the affordability of the price of the material allows you not to lose your position in the market of paints and varnishes.

For repair work indoors were used even when there was a shortage building materials on the market. But even today, in a period of sufficient choice, the demand for such material remains. How to apply oil paint? What staining technologies exist? What is the difference between oil paint and other compositions? More on this later in the article.

Inexpensive do-it-yourself repairs: painting walls with oil paint

Drying oil - the basis of oil paint - is produced synthetically, which reduces the cost finished products, while its qualities remain the same: the paint fits tightly on the surface, does not allow moisture to pass through, and is resistant to abrasion.

How to paint walls with oil paints

The main problem faced by a person performing work on painting walls with enamel or oil composition- an unpleasant, persistent odor that literally eats into clothes, skin and hair. In addition, the substances released during evaporation and drying are toxic.

Wait until the first one dries before applying the second layer. If you paint over a seized, but not dried layer, then the surface will be with stains, smudges and bumps.

Coloring technology

Wall painting technologies depend on the following points:

  • wall dimensions, height and width;
  • the presence of a previous layer of paint;
  • wall material (concrete, slab, drywall, wood);
  • room temperature;
  • desired structure;
  • composition viscosity.

If you need to repaint the walls on top of the existing one, then you need to sand the surface, close up the openings and irregularities with putty, then soak it with a primer.

For a structurally rough surface, a roller with a long and dense fleecy synthetic base is required. After one application, the surface will be uneven, with small protrusions and droplets. As a rule, this technology is used instead of putty with a relief base.

For a perfectly flat surface with a brilliant effect, it is necessary to initially level the surface, free the wall from irregularities, old plaster and paints.

After priming, use the spray gun method.

The technology of painting walls with a brush is not used due to the fact that on a flat surface, after a while, the paint flows down even with a thin layer, stains and unevenly painted areas are obtained.

The brush helps in hard-to-reach places:

  • corners;
  • ceiling-mounted area near the baguettes;
  • corner area near the window and doorway;
  • skirting area.

Painting the walls begins with painting the corners, then use a roller with a pile of no more than 4 mm, 150-200 mm wide.

Nuances at work

In addition to a roller, brush or spray gun, you will need:

  • masking tape for protection and even application of paint in the corners, on window slopes;
  • a tray for distributing paint and limiting the amount of material taken per roller;
  • sandpaper to eliminate bumps, sagging of hardened old paint;
  • floor film;
  • drying oil to control the density of the mixture.

When using an airbrush, it is necessary to test this technology in advance on small area to understand the process and estimate the final layer thickness on the wall. If the oil composition is very thick, it is worth diluting it with drying oil so that the pigment lies evenly.

Painting with oil paint: how is it different from others

The main difference between repair work with an oil composition is a persistent smell. Intoxication of the body when safety rules are neglected can be severe, hospitalization will be required. However, it is worth remembering that the first signs are extremely difficult to recognize, headache, nausea and vomiting are already complications of chemical poisoning.

It is also important to remember that oil paint fades, peels and burns over time. Therefore, when choosing a material for painting walls, you should pay attention to the availability of light, distance from hot household items. With constant thermal contact, it will burst, peel off and fall off the wall.

Today, oil paint for painting walls or ceilings is used extremely rarely. More often, this composition is used for outdoor work or for painting floors. In any case, you should follow the safety rules: ventilate the room and use respirators.

Useful video

Oil paints for indoor renovations were used even when there was a shortage of building materials on the market. But even today, in a period of sufficient choice, the demand for such material remains. How to apply oil paint? What staining technologies exist? What is the difference between oil paint and other compositions? More on this later in the article.

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The binding component in the composition is drying oil. Now this substance is produced mostly synthetically, since natural oils are unprofitable to use because of their high cost. Mineral flour and other additives act as a filler, and inorganic pigments give the solution a certain color. The solvent allows you to achieve the desired consistency and degree of viscosity.

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Inexpensive do-it-yourself repairs: painting walls with oil paint

Drying oil - the basis of oil paint - is produced synthetically, which reduces the cost of finished products, while its qualities remain the same: the paint fits tightly on the surface, does not allow moisture to pass through, and is resistant to abrasion.

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Source: https://otdelkasten.com/pokraska-sten/masljanye-kraski-dlja-sten

Features of oil-based paint

Before deciding whether to buy given material for future repairs, it would be good to get acquainted in detail with the advantages and disadvantages of such a choice.


The versatility of oil paint has long been known. This composition lies on any surface and clings to it with a stranglehold. Wood, concrete, plaster, plastic, brick, glass - all of these substrates can be successfully painted with this product.

You can note the following advantages of this material:

  • it has high anti-corrosion properties, which is why metal structures are often treated with oil paint;
  • the coating forms a hard film resistant to mechanical stress;
  • the surface painted with oil paint becomes water-repellent, easy to clean and is not afraid of exposure to household cleaners;
  • the coloring composition applied to a properly prepared base will last for many years, reliably protecting the surface from damage;
  • working with oil paint is easy, no serious professional skills are required for this;
  • the product has good hiding power, that is, it qualitatively covers the original color of the painted surface;
  • material can be used not only for interior decoration, it has been successfully used in facade works, as well as for painting almost any outdoor objects (roofs, benches, arbors, fences, etc.).

Oil paint covers outbuildings inside and outside, utility and industrial premises. Modern finish staircases at the entrances are often still carried out using the same coloring agents.

Renewed with oil-based material exterior finish country houses or cottages, paint plank floors, walls and ceilings.

Unfortunately, the compositions also have a number of disadvantages that may serve as a reason for refusing to purchase and use them.


First of all, I would like to dispel the myth that there are odorless oil paints. A characteristic sharp and rather unpleasant "chemical" aroma, which does not disappear for a long time, will be present to one degree or another when working with this material.

Modern manufacturers find ways to muffle it a little, but so far no one has been able to completely neutralize it. Accordingly, if you are looking for an odorless coloring agent, then oil solutions are not your option.

Of the disadvantages of this type paint and varnish products the following can be distinguished:

  • oil paint contains toxic substances, which actively evaporate when the fresh coating layer dries and can cause serious poisoning; it is recommended to work with this coloring agent in a respirator and goggles;
  • even after the coating has dried, a small amount harmful substance will be released into the air, and this can provoke an allergic reaction in people with hypersensitivity;
  • the vapor permeability of the coating is almost zero, which can adversely affect the quality of the finish with sharp temperature fluctuations (cracks and bubbles appear on the surface);
  • drying oil, on the basis of which the coloring material is made, has the unpleasant property of turning yellow over time, which is why the color of the painted surface noticeably changes and fades.

Despite the listed shortcomings of oil paints, practice again and again confirms the feasibility of their use. These compositions have very good technical specifications, and the extremely affordable price is still one of the most important factors when choosing them.

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Source: https://kraskaton.ru/stroyka-remont/vidy/maslyanaya-kraska-dlya-sten/

What kind of paint to use

How to paint walls? I use Caparol and Tikkurila paints. Very good for wall painting paint Caparol samtex 3 and tikkurila harmony. The only downside is the price. I recommend not to save on paint, there are several reasons.

Cheap paints have more consumption, worse coverage. As a result, we need to buy more paint and put more layers. Cheap paint turns yellow and does not wash well and has poor performance. Finally bought quality paint, we only win.

What kind of paint to paint over oil paint

Buttered or alkyd paint can only be painted with the same materials. If we have an old room with painted walls, then it is better to spend Finishing work and paint over everything with modern paint.

If you want to a budget option, then you can try to paint over a good facade paint. It should be held, but no one will incur guarantees for this.

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One of the options for interior decoration of the room is painting the walls with oil paint. It is practical, inexpensive and simple. This is especially true for surfaces already painted with this composition, since the preparatory process will be greatly simplified:

  • a similar solution will fall perfectly on oil paint if there are no cracks or other defects on the surface; adhesion will be at the highest level;
  • you will avoid the tedious and long process of removing old paint, which sometimes also costs a pretty penny.

Where to begin?

Always start by cleaning the walls. They are washed if the problem is only accumulated dirt. They are cleaned with a spatula, scraper, drill with special nozzles, building hair dryer or chemical compositions designed to remove old paint (washes) if the coating is in a deplorable state. In this case, surface leveling is also required. At this stage, putty starting and finishing mixtures, sandpaper are used.

A flat and smooth wall is completely cleaned of dust (you can use a household vacuum cleaner) and primed.

The need for a primer is as follows:

  • The consumption of coloring material is reduced.
  • Improves adhesion of the paint to the surface.

Priming mixtures often contain antiseptics, which is very important when finishing rooms with increased level humidity; Thus, you can protect the room from the appearance of mold and other harmful microorganisms.

The most basic tools will do:

  • paint brushes and roller,
  • paint pan,
  • adhesive masking tape.

If you have a paint sprayer, you can use it. In any case, the joints with the ceiling are first pasted over with masking tape, door jambs, baseboards, sockets and switches. Now you can paint.


Start with hard-to-reach places listed in the previous paragraph. They are painted over with a brush. Next, paint is poured into the tray, the roller coat is saturated with it, the excess is squeezed out on the ribbed part of the cuvette and the composition is applied to the surface.

You need to roll the roller from the very top of the wall, driving it in the vertical and horizontal directions alternately.

It is better to conditionally divide the entire area to be painted into squares and work slowly moving from site to site.

The paint will dry for at least a day, and only after that you can put a second layer, which is usually enough to get a good result. Do not forget to thoroughly ventilate the room, the walls of which you paint with oil paint.

If you have additional information or interesting experience using oil paint for walls, please share it in the comments.

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Source: https://kraskaton.ru/stroyka-remont/vidy/maslyanaya-kraska-dlya-sten/

Consumption per 1 m2 of wall

Consumption depends directly on the relief and porosity of the surface, absorbency and preparation.

Table based on information from manufacturers:

Dye Consumption
Tikkurila Luja 40 5-8 m2/l
Tikkurila Harmony 7-8 m2/l

10-12 m2/l

Alpina Weisslack 0.76l/6.5m2
Caparol Amphibolin 20m2/2.5l
Viva Color 4-8 m2/l

Block: 4/5 | Number of characters: 501
Source: http://remliner.ru/steny/kraska/vybor

How to make the right choice?

Interior paints for walls are selected according to their properties, purpose, walls, microclimate of the room. For kitchens or bathrooms choose alkyd, as well as polyurethane materials. Latex and acrylic dyes, which contain fungus and mold prevention agents, are applicable in rooms with a high level of humidity.

The main characteristics when choosing a coloring material are service life and operational stability. These factors are important for hallways. Latex-acrylic materials are suitable for these rooms. The colors are perfect in the bedrooms water based that create matte surfaces.

This is not all types of dyes. There are also polymeric, adhesive materials. It is difficult to say which wall paint is better - the choice depends on a lot of factors. How to choose paint for walls - you need to take into account the characteristics, texture of the wall, colors and make a choice based on this.

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