How to turn the balcony in a comfortable workplace for classes and creativity. Basic nuances of children's room with balcony School place on the balcony

Reservoirs 12.08.2019

Hello! On this page you will be able to familiarize yourself with the most relevant and demanded information about the arrangement on the balcony and the loggia of the working office.

You will be able to see the photo of the office on the balcony, loggias that were converted to the office, as well as examples of a student schoolboy on a warmed loggia.

Cabinet on loggia

In most modern apartments there is a shortage of free space, and at the same time it is increasingly necessary to equip workplaceor full home office.

In such cases, the empty space of balconies and loggias comes to the rescue. Initially, these are open platforms that are little suitable for the role of an additional residential room.

And therefore, overhaul is carried out with such types of work:

  • - glazing warm plastic windows (with double-chamber windows and energy-saving windows),
  • - insulation of parapet by foam blocks,
  • - insulation of walls, ceiling, floor and parapet sheets 5cm Polymplex,
  • - vaporizoation of the room with a layer of foil foam,
  • - Installation of additional heating (convectors, warm floor).

It will also require practical finish from environmentally friendly materials. As a rule, cabinets are placed on small balconies and loggias, and therefore should be chosen decoration Materials in light Tones. They visually increase the available space.

Office on the balcony

IN modern world To perform work at all, it is not necessary to leave your own apartment. The only condition for successful employment is a stable and high-speed Internet. It is quite logical that for convenient work at home requires a comfortable and functional office.

Unfortunately, the layout of most apartments does not provide for a separate room under the office, and therefore the empty space of balconies and loggias comes to the rescue.

The main advantages of the cabinet on the loggia:

  • - the possibility of arrangement of specialized premises,
  • - Not affected living space apartments
  • - Nobody bothers on the balcony or loggia
  • - Work at home is more efficient and cheaper than similar activities in the distant office.

By itself, the balcony is not too adapted to arrange the cabinet: moreover, in its original form, it does not look like a room at all. And therefore before starting to choose computer table., need to do overhaul and insulation of the room.

The list of works looks like this:

  • - glazing warm PVC windows,
  • - full insulation of parapet masonry from foam blocks,
  • - insulation of walls, ceiling, gender and parapel penplex,
  • - vaporizoation with a layer of foil foam 10mm thick,
  • - finishing with practical materials,
  • - Installation of built-in office furniture.

Furniture on the balcony

If everything is clear to finishing and insulation, then certain problems arise with furniture for the office on the balcony. Finished models of furniture store Different with standardized sizes. This furniture can be placed in rectangular roomBut not on the loggia in the form of a triangle. In addition, only 1 cm of excess width will not allow you to install beautiful table or function cabinet. That is why it requires furniture on the balcony to arrange a cabinet on the balcony, made to order.

The advantages of such furniture are obvious:

  • - Perfect observance of measurements,
  • - the possibility of selecting filling,
  • - the ability to choose materials for furniture manufacturing,
  • - full control over stage design,
  • - High quality manufacturing at the expense of small parties of furniture.

Workplace Teenager on Loggia

Child who is learning at school required separate place For study. As a rule, in small bedroom It is simply not enough, and therefore it is quite logical to use the empty space of a balcony or loggia.

Arrangement of the working office begins with insulation and glazing warm windows. Then it is necessary to make overhaul, pick up high-quality finishing materials and install the electrical wiring.

The workplace should be equipped as close to the window to provide the child maximum level natural lighting. Also, the workplace requires functional and comfortable furniture, which has enough retractable boxes and shelves.

But the most important thing is the height of the desktop must correspond to the growth of the child.

Recently, work at home is huge popularity. And we are talking not only about translations, sales on the Internet. Many businessmen prefer to lead all the documentation, develop projects without leaving home. For these purposes, you need to find a secluded place in your apartment. Na the best way - Make from this place a personal office.

Increasingly, residents of high-rise buildings prefer to equip personal accounts on balconies

Each apartment has such a secluded place that is often used at all for its intended purpose. Store there unnecessary things, conservation. Most use it for. There, no one will prevent you from working in silence, and its square is enough for the balcony to be conveniently used as the office.
Creating your office should be started with the removal of unnecessary things, garbage. Delete the previous finish. Remove floor covering, ceiling, walls.

Stages of creating an office on the balcony:

  1. Glacier balcony.
  2. Warm walls.
  3. Conduct lighting.
  4. To do redecorating.
  5. Solve the issue with heating.
  6. Develop a layout.
  7. Think over the interior.

Glazing the balconies are necessary for comfortable work. The office located on the loggia is a full room. It is necessary to approach its arrangement. For complete noise insulation, it is better to install triple double glazing. An excellent material for glazing balconies is plastic. He will protect the room from drafts, frost. After installing the windows, do not start finishing work immediately. Wait a couple of days.

Wall insulation

Before you build a cabinet, you should take care of the insulation of the balcony

Today exists great amount Materials for insulation walls. The priority factors for choosing a material for insulation are the price and simplicity of erection. Favorable option The construction foam blocks are considered. Correct installation The loggia area will not significantly reduce. This material Ideal for insulation ceiling, walls. First, it should be sealing all the slots, the angles of the balcony using mounting foam. Using wide dowels, fasten the insulation. On top of it, lay the crate for plasterboard. At the final stage, laying the material on top of the plasterboard.


A prerequisite for cabinets is the presence of light. In many balconies, he is absent. Use the help of the electrician, spend. Purchase ordinary lamps, table lamps on solar panels. The choice of the type of lighting depends on the number of hours of your work in the office. Night work requires electrical lighting. The best option is to install multiple uniform light. To work a computer or fax, you need to install triple outlets for unhindered turning on-off Required device.


So that it was comfortable in the office, run lighting and take care of heating

For comfortable work in the office on the balcony you need to make a minimum redecoration. Using the building grout, to shove all the slots on the balconies, shove wallpaper, paint the walls, make flooring on the floor. Often, polystyrene foams or a sandwich panel for wall decoration are used. The choice of options is huge. It depends on your ideas about the appearance of the future office. Own working office on the balcony should reflect inner world owner.

Heating in the work office

Without heating it is impossible to work in a comfortable environment. The usual insulation of the balcony will not save from the cold. Steam heating is strictly forbidden to post on the balcony. The most popular heaters are autonomous. They are placed in any part of the balcony, which will save space. Autonomous heaters are represented a variety of design.

Development of planning

The large balcony area should be divided into two zones: the working and recreation area. Place a small sofa or sofa in the recreation area with a table. A clearly planned planning is needed to anyone. On the balcony you can equip a small library, placing a locker under it or to build shelves for books. The work area itself includes desk With papers, computer or laptop boxes, phone, fax, printer. The package is selected depending on the type of your activity.


Cabinet design options on the balcony there are many:

  • popular Bloomframe design;
  • classic office;
  • working area of \u200b\u200ba schoolboy;
  • office as a continuation of the room;
  • use of original furniture, etc.

Popular bloboomframe design

This design has already managed to win the hearts of our country. Bloomframe design is panoramic windows to the floor. The presented option is not suitable for everyone. Many people want to retire, and with panoramic window You will be in sight. The option is ideal for residents of new buildings living on the highest floors.

Light and twilight

To save electricity, the "sunny" table lamp will fit

In the afternoon in the office on the balcony will absolutely be enough light. However, many prefer to work at night, therefore, it is necessary to consider additional sources of lighting. One of the "tricks" - the lamps acting on solar panels. Photoelectric elements accumulate energy during the day ("recharging" takes approximately 7 hours). By the way, these devices are made and desktops. In the summer you will have to be improited from intensive sunlight (Blinds are ideal).

They will cut off excess light, drop the temperature in the hot season will serve additional element Decor. Design options, each color will choose depending on the price, preferences.

Classic Cabinet

You can choose any design personal Cabinet on the balcony

This is the most common option. Choose furniture in weathered colors, nothing more, solid conservatism. This option implies to use the cabinet on the balcony solely for the working purposes.

Working zone schoolboy

Often, many prefer to create corner from the balcony to their child to perform homework. Especially in the presence of several children. Then the children do not interfere with each other to do lessons. Such a workplace must be equipped with regard to the child's preferences. It should be abandoned from the details that will prevent the concentration of a schoolboy in classes.

Office as a continuation of the room

The room can be combined with a balcony. Square will noticeably expand. When this option is selected, it is logical to perform an office interior in one style with a room. The usual situation contributes to relaxation, concentration. It is necessary to enslave the design that the appearance of the office helps to tune in to work, and not distract from it.

Original furniture, modern interior

Original furniture Help create modern design

Thinking the design of Future workroomInitially pick up the finishing materials ( wooden lining, MFD - panels, plasterboard). Typical balconies do not differ in a large area.

When choosing furniture, decide in advance with its size. The desktop will most likely have to be done under the order; A small, ergonomic chair - choose in the store. For folders, papers, books will need shelves ( optimal option - Construction). The original design element is a minibar.

For lovers of extraordinary things, creative personalities the ideal option will be the development of its own design using unusual furniture, paintings with abstractionism, a vase of a unique form. In such an office, it's great not only to work, but relax, sitting on the sofa, drinking coffee. Retire from bustle big Cityjust sit in silence.

Coating on floor

Sexual coating directly depends on the interior of the office. Among the popular options for linoleum, parquet, laminate, carpet. Warm terry carpet is a great option for creating comfort. When laying a warm floor, they make a screed, insulate the floor. Put the waterproofing layer. Film with top of it infrared heated. Laminate or parquet laminate

Possible laying natural stone either tiles as a coating on the floor. The reinforcing grid must be placed between the film and the coating. Everything is poured by special cement glue. Separately installed heating sensors, temperature.


In independence from the interior it is necessary to decorate the office. He must cause a desire to work here. Decorate this place with housewood, paintings, panels, souvenirs. Put your family photos on the table. Even out little balcony The working offices are easy to construct.

Balcony - Parking

Lead american company Developed a balcony design to use it as a parking lot. And the balcony is not necessarily located on lower floor. With the system of external elevators, the machine is easily parked on its own balcony. In our country, this is not prolonged practice, however, it is very interesting option. The car is constantly in mind. No one can sort it or damage it.

Residents of a big city, living in small-sized apartments, have to be very inventive and use each centimeter of residential space to the maximum. At the same time, many often forget that they have a balcony, and store all unnecessary things or billets for the winter there. This approach is very impracticious, because at that very place you can arrange a zone for recreation, work or creativity.

One of the most practical options For busy people - to arrange a working office on the balcony. If you learn or work, then such a room will help you make a watch spent on a computer, more efficient. On how to organize space on the balcony so that it turns into a mini-office, you will learn from our article.

Advantages and disadvantages

Not every balcony is suitable in order to re-equip it under the office. Determine whether the balcony space can be used for the working area, and only then proceed to its arrangement.

If you have an open and unheated balcony, then it is definitely not suitable for the organization there. Also, you should not arrange the workbook on a very tiny balcony, where you will even have nowhere to turn around.

But, of course, this designer solution has its advantages. Separate cabinet, even the smallest is an already great version of the working space. There you can retire and learn or work at your pleasure without distracting the conversations of family, extraneous noise and other external factors.

How to prepare a balcony

If, weighing everything for and against, you still decided to turn your balcony into a small home office, then it must be prepared. If you have open balcony, for example, in the bedroom, then it must be glazed.Thus, you can use your working office at any time of the year, regardless of what the weather outside the window. You can use both cold and warm glazing method.

Ideally, the balcony also needs to be inspired.Heated it outside and inside, you will get a cozy space, where it will be nice to spend time even with winter evenings when outside the frost window. Exist various options insulation. On your balcony, you can use any of them from dense mineral wool, to a hermetic foam. All the gaps and openings should be treated with foam or sealant at least a day before you embody all your designer ideas into reality.

It is also desirable to supplement your room also a floor heating system. It is worth such a system is not so cheap, so if such an addition does not fit into your budget, you can limit just laying good laminate or carpet. They are pleasant to the touch, and cool in the cold time is not as fast as the tile.

According to the rules, central heating There is no balcony. Therefore, you will have to warm yourself. To protect OT. winter Morozov Install a small electrical heater on the balcony.


When the foundation of the Cabinet is ready, it is possible to go by arrangement. First, decide on the style. Best of all, such styles as classic, English or modern are suitable for the working office.

Due to the fact that the balcony is a very small and limited room, then you do not need to use too many all sorts of details that will only take free space. Such an attitude to decorative trifles is characteristic of all the styles listed above.

As known, light colors Help to make space visually wider. Therefore, bright colors are best used to decorate the balcony. Wallpaper in pastel colors, laminate from light wood and white ceiling will make your little room more cozy and spacious. The same result can be achieved by installing large windows. Panoramic glazing is hardly suitable for the working office, there will be simple wide windows.

In a small space, it will be enough for only a few color accents, for example, a bright lamp, a photo frame or a flower in an unusual pot. Such an office will look at the same time and creatively, and quite officially, so it will be comfortable to work there.

In the working office, the right light plays an important role. Since here you will work with a lot of time with books, documents and a computer, then you need the light to be good, and did not spoil your eyesight. If during the day this problem is perfectly solved due to the natural light that falls inside through the windows, then to work at night or evening the day it is worth installing lighting devices on the balcony.

For example, you can install in the corner of the flooring, or lay a small on the table desktop lamp. Naturally, large chandeliers and volume luminaires on a tiny balcony there is no place. Therefore, limit into small lamps or lamps. It is also desirable to hang on the windows of a curtain or blinds to feel comfortable in the evenings. Blinds and curtains, like wallpaper, it is better to choose bright to create the illusion of free space.

Balcony space, in the presence of fantasy, you can use differently. If you seem to be an irrational simple litter of space with old things, then try to convert it to the working office. Establishing such small space In accordance with your requests, you will enjoy, get there behind the work. Inspire the ideas offered by us and examples of the design of other workspaces, and create your dream creative office on the balcony.

In the modern world, the office in the apartment is not a luxury for many, but the need.

However, the size of the apartment does not always allow to allocate a separate room for this purpose.

Placing a working office on the balcony is a wonderful way out.


This is the location of the Cabinet has a number of advantages:

  • A large number of light necessary for work.
  • Good ventilation.
  • The possibility, if necessary, close from all.
  • Nice view from the window.
  • List of necessary work.

If you decide to put workspace On the loggia, then you faces the question "How to make an office on the balcony?"

In fact, you need to fulfill a number of serious work so that the room turns into a warm and comfortable space for work.

  • Glazed balcony
  • Warm space
  • Conduct lighting
  • Make a finish according to your taste
  • Place the needed furniture.


For the office on the balcony, you must use PVC glass windows with triple glass. Thanks to them, the sound will not penetrate you from the street, and the space will not be bludging.

Think out which way your windows will open. After all, the balcony area is small and sash, opening out of the wrong side, will interfere.

It is worth paying attention to the state balcony plates. If it leaves much to be desired, the design should be strengthened.


In order for you to warm while working, the balcony space must be insulated. The following materials will be well suitable for this purpose:

  • Mineral wool
  • Extruded expanded polystyrene foam
  • Styrofoam

Paul can be insulated with a concrete screed or wooden Lag.. Do not forget to install hydro and vaporizolation.

In addition, carefully close all the gaps. Without all these manipulations in the office will not be so comfortable.


For the cold season, they will need heating devices. For example, you can make an electric warm floor or put heaters.

Steam heating on the balcony can only be set after the resolution of special controls.

Heaters can be oil or infrared. Oil heaters are environmentally friendly. They do not burn oxygen and safe to use.

However, they consume a lot of electricity, so uneconomical. IFC heaters are mainly hanging on the wall or ceiling. They are economically beneficial and evenly distribute heat around the room.


For a cabinet located on the balcony, point lighting is well suited. And next to the desktop you need to put a socket. Installing wiring is needed at the beginning of construction work.

Finishing of the room

What materials are used to finish the cabinet, each decides for itself. The following materials will fit well:

The lining is an eco-friendly and lightweight material, but not too suitable for the design of the Cabinet.

Plasterboard - it can be placed or painted, shove wallpaper. This material is more than everyone else is suitable for office style.

Plastic - simple, easy and beautiful materialcan be used for ceiling and walls.


By organizing the workbook on the balcony, you need to think about its design. You can use a way to divide space on the zone.

  • 1st zone - working. In it, place the table and chair, put a small rack or shelves for the necessary things.
  • 2nd zone - recreation area. Place a small sofa or soft chair. Add room Flowers. If you allow space, put a small coffee table.
  • 3-yazon - readable. Put the wardrobe with books and magazines.

Zones should harmonize arcs with a friend. Perform them in one designer decision. Use the combined colors and materials.

Best, unreacted shades are suitable. They will help tune in to work, raise the mood and visually will increase the space.

Photo options for design Cabinet on the balcony

The equipment of the working area in the apartment has long been considered fashion trend. This is due to the fact that over time everything more man Returns on remote work Or takes jobs for the house, and it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for yourself so that everything is at hand and nothing distract from important affairs.

If you select a free room for these purposes, it is not possible, you can equip a full-fledged cabinet on the balcony, especially since this zone is often not used.

We will tell you about what techniques can turn the balcony in a convenient place to perform work tasks, as well as we will also give tips on the planning and style design of such a room.

Advantages and disadvantages of the balcony

If newly recently balconies and loggias were used to store and store unnecessary things and played the role of a kind of storeroom, today they are beginning to be re-equipped into full-fledged rooms with special purpose, starting with the mini-gym, game room for children, zones for creativity, compact summer cuisine Or the bar and ending with the working offices equipped with all the necessary furniture and appliances.

By the way, it is not necessary to turn the balcony in office space: For example, you can create as in the photo, manicure Cabinet on the balcony.

Despite the fact that the balcony was originally not intended for working purposes, the equipment of the Cabinet on its territory has several advantages:

If you decide to convert a balcony to the office, then be prepared to feel and some disadvantages of such ideas.

First of all, we are talking about large costs for repairs, because to ensure comfortable conditions You will have to further think over insulation, sound insulation and many others. After all, with the onset of cold seasons you may be uncomfortable to work in a cool and cheese room.

Well, by itself, the lack of a free space can also affect your productivity, so we recommend planning all the details in advance and choose the most the right way Organization of space.

Options for working offices in the zone of loggia or balcony

There are several varieties of cabinets on the territory of the loggia or balcony. They may differ in the area (to increase the place you can start with the expansion of the balcony and stitching) and by the degree of openness, as well as the features of internal equipment. Therefore, be sure to look at the photo of the working offices on the balcony before you begin to basic work.

Depending on the characteristics of the organization of the free place, such types of work offices on the balcony can be distinguished:

  • individual cabinets that are completely isolated rooms equipped with a wall or partition with a door and window block. Such a layout allows you to pick up for the Cabinet individual designbecause the style differences with the residential area behind the wall will not rush into the eyes;
  • attached cabinets are not separated from the next room. Between them there may be a low partition, but most often they are completely combined with a residential area, therefore are issued in a similar style.

The following classification is associated with the internal equipment of such zones. It can be stationary cabinets, which are a full-fledged office of a small size with installed working furniture and appliances.

If you do not always plan to use a balcony for work, you can choose the second option - a mobile office. It differs from stationary in that after the completion of the workflow, you can convert a balcony by incorrecting the extra shelves, hiding part of the furniture and transforming it some models. So you will free your holiday destination or other purposes.

Regardless of how you decide to design a balcony or loggia, stages Their transformations will be the same. Let's study these procedures in detail.

The process of re-equipment of the balcony in the office

So, the creation of a working office on the loggia or the balcony will consist of such steps:

  • glazing;
  • electrical procedures;
  • insulation of a balcony zone or loggia;
  • finishing work;
  • furnishing and design.

We have already said that if you wish, you can enjoy the expansion of the balcony. But even if you are satisfied with the available area, perform work on checking the quality of the slab built into the carrier wall console principle. If necessary, call specialists who strengthen it, because when installing the windows and equipping the work office there will be an additional weight load.

It is advisable to choose high-quality polyvinyl chloride glass windows with double or triple glazed for the balcony. So you can additionally insulate the work area and protect the office from external noise. If you put the windows with one glass, you will have to additionally use heating structures.

Attention! Immediately decide how the windows should open, so as not to prevent the displacement on the balcony or execution. Also consider how to wash such windows. The best option is swivel-folding flaps, which will be convenient to open if you need to ventilate.

Now do it electrical work. Access to the electricity on the loggia or the balcony is required, since in the evening you will need lighting, and the work technique will also need to be connected to power sources.

If you create a small working area, there may be enough point lighting and one socket for technology. Run the shoes or cable channel from the apartment at the repair stage.

To microclimate B work zone It was favorable, warm the side walls, floor and ceiling. Use lightweight materials with low thermal conductivity indicators, for example, mineral Wat, extruded polystyrene foam or resistant. Paul Fill with a screed or add lags, and at the warming stage, perform hydro and vapor barrier work. Be sure to check whether all the gaps and cracks are embedded.

Even with the full work on the warming of balcony and loggia, you will not be able to protect yourself from the cold one hundred percent. Therefore, you should think about the heating of the working area. For example, you can make a warm floor or use electrical appliances.

Remember! On the balcony it is impossible to make steam heating without obtaining permission from authorized bodies.

You can also insulate the working office using convectors and oil heaters. In stores you will find a lot of suitable models with different heating features. In addition to the ease of use, these devices have other advantages: they are safe and environmentally friendly, can be adjusted to create the most comfortable conditions, and oil heating elements can also be moved to any part of the balcony without special difficulties. But keep in mind that they are very powerful.

Another suitable optioninfrared heaterswhich are suspended panels for walls or ceilings. There is also a variety of IFC autonomous type devices that can be moved. These devices are economical and have high efficiency, allow heat evenly distributed around the room, contribute to the heating of people and objects, and not the air itself. They are easy to install without assistanceAnd you can always choose the design in accordance with the features of the design of the work room. View photo books on loggia and balcony with different options Heating.

Read about how to choose and install: doors, their features and main characteristics, tips on choosing a better option.

View options and ideas of bedroom design in blue colors can be in the article.

Finishing work on the balcony: modern solutions

Next, proceed to finishing the working office on the balcony. When choosing materials, it is necessary to focus on their operational features (such as strength, wear resistance, durability, etc.), as well as on external characteristics, as you need to create an atmosphere that has a job.

In the photo of the cabinets on the balcony you will see a lot of diverse finishes. For example, for these purposes, it is possible to use plasterboard, lining, plaster or plastic.

Plasterboard is one of the most common options for completing finishing works in such zones. Its surface is plastered, painted or decorated with wallpaper. So you can create the appearance of a real office room with a cozy design.

You can also choose the lining. This is environmentally pure Material With light weight. And thanks to strict appearance It is suitable for your home office, because it will not distract from the workflow.

Plastic finish is popular for the ease of such coatings, the diversity of design, as well as the simplicity of installation. Plastic materials You can fix on anything and use not only for the design of the walls, but also for the ceiling decor.

By the way, for the ceiling, you can use the sandwich panels of different colors: they are low, therefore it is easy to install, and also contribute to the insulation of the room.

As for the floor, here you can use linoleum. Firstly, it is light and without any problems, especially since the floor area for decoration will be small. Secondly, you can choose the best option among the diversity of linoleums in thickness, coloring and texture. And some linoleums will create a carpet imitation, so the office office in your home will look even more presentable.

There is a linoleum inexpensive, if compared with other finishes.

You can stop your choice and on the laminate. It is more suitable for loggias and balconies with heating, as it has a density similar to heavy wood. It is a beautiful, resistant to wear and practical material.

As for the wall decoration on which double-glazed windows are installed, here you can use the blinds of horizontal or vertical type. With their help, the brightness of natural lighting in the working area is adjusted. You can also stay on rolled curtains Or other varieties corresponding to the style of your office.

Choose furniture and decor elements

The design of the balcony under the office is almost ready, and it remains only to think through the details. Let's start with the selection of furniture. In the working area there must be a table and a chair or a comfortable chair. Place your computer or laptop on the table.

If you plan to connect another office equipment, choose tables with comfortable shelves And niches for everything you need. Over the working surface, you can equip the shelves for folders, books, disks or documentation.

Tip: Since the places on the balcony are a bit, make the table to order. Some shelves or parts of the countertops can be drawn up to save space when the work is completed.

The chair should also be comfortable and functional. Therefore, we recommend replacing the usual model on the office, with a height-adjustable and back position. Also in the working area will not prevent the wardrobe. To save space, make it transformable: For example, an excellent option will be a model with a folding or retractable sash, which will play the role of a coffee table.

The design of the office on the balcony should configure not only to work, but also to rest during breaks. In the opposite part of the balcony or loggia, you can equip a rest area. Put the bench, chair or compact sofaIf you wish, post a table for colors or drinks.

Here you can hang the shelves for books, put the flooring, consolidate posters with motivational statements or photo frames. If this zone is placed where the glass windows entering residential room, part of the windowsill also use for storing decorative items.

Stylish curtains hang on the windows, and the floor decorate the cozy small-sized rug. Look at the photo of the Cabinet design on the loggia and the balcony to make sure how this room can be transformed at the expense of small details.

Drawing up the office, be sure to plan not only equipment, but also its color gamut. It is important that all the elements harmonize with each other. Furniture and finishing textures should also correspond to each other. We recommend to stop the choice on calm, customizing shades.

Council. Do not choose colorful wallpapers and textiles with bright patterns: they will distract you from the workflow.

By the way, if you choose a bright color gamut of walls and furniture, you will be able to visually expand the area of \u200b\u200bsuch a room.

That's all the features of the arrangement of a personal office. After performing some simple procedures, you can get a cozy job in which it will be pleasant even when you do not need to do office affairs.

Try to arrange this place so that your taste and character feel in detail - and then you will be even more comfortable to spend a maximum of time in this part of the apartment. And ideas for inspiration Hold with photos of the design of work offices on the loggia and the balcony.


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