Design of a smoke exhaust system. Smoke ventilation project

reservoirs 20.06.2020


This article provides the basics of smoke control technology with a list of typical preparatory actions for the design of these systems and a list of common design tasks.

Fundamentals of designing smoke exhaust systems

C. E. Magdanz, Project Development Manager, Alvin and Associates, Omaha, Nebraska, USA

Professional firefighters calculate the time for evacuating people from a burning building in seconds. The fire flares up quickly, and the smoke - also a very serious danger - spreads faster than the fire. The natural reaction to a fire is to flee. However, it is difficult to quickly escape from large or high-rise buildings, tunnels, and underground structures. Escape from a fire is impossible for physically helpless people, some hospital patients (critically ill or undergoing surgery), prisoners. For such cases, smoke extraction systems provide the necessary protection.

This article provides the basics of smoke control technology with a list of typical preparatory actions for the design of these systems and a list of common design tasks.


The term " " is used here in a broad sense, as this process involves the use of the physical properties of materials and structures, equipment and various methods (singly or in combination with each other) to control the spread of smoke and to remove it. Physical parameters are passive characteristics, such as, for example, the smoke permeability of structures. Equipment - fans, openable windows and smoke detectors. Methods - design solutions, such as room insulation, smoke exhaust aeration, mechanical smoke exhaust system. Insulation of rooms is based on the use of the physical properties of structures designed to prevent the spread of smoke by isolating the source of ignition. The smoke exhaust aeration system uses separate devices, not connected to the duct system, designed to remove smoke due to the natural pressure difference inside and outside the building. A mechanical smoke exhaust system uses equipment (fans, ducts, valves, detectors) to control the movement of smoke by creating the necessary pressure differences by mechanical means. The normal operation of mechanical smoke exhaust systems depends on the physical properties of building structures.

Closely related to smoke extraction is the task of firefighting, which uses the physical properties of structures (fireproof barriers), equipment (sprinklers) and methods (room insulation). The placement of fire-resistant partitions and sprinkler systems is regulated by various regulatory documents, and these documents do not require mutual agreement. Thus, fire and smoke barriers are often inconsistent with sprinkler system zoning. An example of an object with coordination of fire extinguishing and smoke exhaust systems is a building project with an atrium, in which the signal to turn on the mechanical smoke exhaust system is the flow of water in the pipes of the sprinkler system.

Purpose of smoke exhaust systems

The purpose of smoke exhaust systems is as follows:

Preventing the spread of smoke from an ignition source.

Prevention of smoke ingress on evacuation routes (ensuring acceptable conditions for people evacuating from the building).

Ensuring a microclimate outside the source of fire, allowing the fire extinguishing personnel to work normally.

Protecting people's lives.

Protecting property from damage.

This list does not include the creation of normal conditions in the room where the fire is located, nor does it include a condition that determines that escape routes and means of escape must be clearly defined and securely separated from other areas of the building.

Development of smoke control systems

The concept of smoke removal is quite ancient. As soon as a man first built a hearth in his dwelling, he immediately realized the need for an opening for the release of smoke.

The modern practice of smoke control dates back to the 1940s, when it became apparent that smoke spreads through the ducts of ventilation systems far beyond the fire. This predetermined the appearance of fire dampers and static smoke protection systems.

Smoke dampers and dynamic smoke extraction systems began to appear in the 1970s, when it became clear that shutting off smoke paths in a static smoke control system conflicted with the need to supply fresh air to hospital operating rooms. In operating rooms, supplying clean air to the patient is the first line of defense against infection. When an operation is in progress, it is unacceptable to cut off the supply of clean air, especially when the neighboring rooms are filled with smoke. For this reason, many operating theater air conditioners have been designed to supply 100% outside air (assuming no smoky outside air).

With certain standards in place, equipment manufacturers will be able to specify fan performance at both normal and elevated temperatures in the specifications. This will allow designers to select fans based on their characteristics both in normal operation and in smoke extraction mode.

A useful tool used in the design of smoke extraction systems is computer simulation of aerodynamics. The essence of the numerical modeling method is that the volume of the room is represented as a certain (finite) number of "thin" zones. The ignition source occupies a relatively small number of such zones. A computer is used to solve a set of aerodynamic equations describing the jet stream on a time scale, thus simulating the spread of smoke. The correctness of the simulation was tested in the course of full-scale field studies. The test confirmed the high accuracy of computer modeling, its usefulness and applicability were recognized. However, since computer simulation is quite complex, it requires appropriate qualifications to perform it. The most suitable area for the application of computer models are non-standard buildings of complex configuration.

Research is also carried out in related areas. So, for example, the optimal placement of smoke sensors in rooms and air ducts is determined, the phenomenon of "jumper" is studied when atriums are smoked (when, at a certain placement of exhaust openings, clean air flows through a layer of smoke), the reliability of protection against smoke in staircases by creating excess pressure is studied.

Concerning the prospects for further research, one can point out the problem of maintaining the system's operability. For example, now there is no provision for any protection by means of smoke removal of places where communications are laid. Another problem is the strength and reliability of smoke protection structures (see sidebar “Smoke protection structures”).

Smoke removal methods

Smoke protection and extraction systems can be either static or dynamic. In the presence of smoke in the building, the static method involves stopping all fans, as a result of which the spread of smoke slows down due to the isolation of the premises when air exchange stops (the basic method of combating smoke).

In a dynamic system, when smoke occurs, all or certain fans continue to operate in normal or special mode, creating overpressure areas in accordance with the smoke control scenario. Fans in dynamic systems can be separate to remove smoke and supply clean air for pressurization, or both in sequence.

Dynamic smoke extraction systems can be used alone or in combination with smoke barriers. An example of a separate dynamic smoke exhaust system is an air curtain that creates an air flow as a barrier to the spread of smoke. More common are smoke exhaust systems, the effectiveness of which depends on the reliability of smoke protection structures. Examples include an atrium with an exhaust hood (Fig. 1), a pressurized stairwell (see the sidebar "Creating overpressure in stairwells"), pressurizing elevator shafts and shelters, creating overpressure in "sandwich" zones (Fig. 2). In typical sandwich systems, the fire floor is in the exhaust zone, and one or two floors above and one floor below is in the overpressure zone. Zoning smoke exhaust systems with a single supply unit for all zones are very complex. To simplify installation, commissioning and long-term operation, designers must provide a separate ventilation unit for each zone.

All smoke exhaust systems interact with other engineering equipment of the building, with the greatest importance being the power grid and the fire safety system. Since smoke dampers close on a fire signal, it is permitted not to install these dampers in the air ducts of the smoke exhaust system, since this system must work during a fire. However, this exception does not apply to fire dampers, which must be installed in the ducts of the smoke exhaust system at the points where they pass through fire-resistant partitions.

At the same time, it should be noted that many elements related to smoke protection are not controlled by the HVAC engineer.

It is very important for the designer of a mechanical smoke exhaust system to coordinate with other specialists to ensure the safety and correct placement of protective barriers, to check the power supply of the equipment, the connection with the fire alarm and the fire extinguishing system. The correct functioning of the gaseous fire extinguishing system may be impaired by the operation of the smoke exhaust system, since the movement of air necessary for smoke removal can lead to a decrease in the gas concentration to a level insufficient to extinguish the fire.

Equipment for smoke exhaust systems

Equipment for smoke exhaust systems can be both special and general purpose. Special equipment is used only in the presence of smoke. General purpose equipment is typically used for other HVAC needs and also serves to remove smoke in the event of a fire.

Special smoke extraction equipment, as a rule, is not replaced during the life of the building, it is always operated in the same way, in accordance with its intended purpose. Special equipment is relatively easy to operate as it serves a single purpose. However, such equipment requires a special place and regular maintenance, as its reliability depends on it. Fans for pressurizing stairwells and for extracting smoke from atriums are examples of special equipment.

The frequency of maintenance of general purpose equipment is determined by its daily use; there is no need to take up extra space in the building, because the same equipment is used for different purposes. At the same time, there are a number of disadvantages - the complication of regulation due to multifunctionality, the possibility of accidental damage to the smoke exhaust system during the reconstruction or renovation of HVAC systems. An example of the use of HVAC equipment for smoke exhaust systems is the supply fan of an air conditioner to create excess pressure in zones in a “sandwich” system.

Buildings in which smoke exhaust systems are commonly used are high-rise buildings, prisons, hospitals, covered markets, underground structures, transit tunnels. Premises inside buildings with the need to install these systems - atriums, evacuation stairs, elevator shafts, shelters, theater stages, smoking rooms.

Preparation for design

1. Familiarize yourself with the requirements of regulatory documents and the wishes of the customer, which determine the need for installing smoke exhaust systems. The regulations provide the minimum requirements. Customers sometimes make demands beyond the required minimum, especially when it comes to protecting property.

2. If a smoke extraction system is expected to be required in the facility, check with regulations. (If you think an alternative solution is possible, be prepared to discuss the issue.) Regulations generally allow for different design approaches. Once the need for a smoke exhaust system has been determined, select the appropriate options and options.

3. After choosing the design principle, check it against the normative documents and discuss the procedure for acceptance tests. Sometimes the acceptance test method can influence the choice of design solution.

4. When designing a system, strive for its possible simplification. In the future, the customer will have to maintain it as vital to the building.

5. Remember that system testing and fire drills will be the first load on the system. Consider weather conditions when considering drill scenarios. If the heat exchanger freezes during a real fire, this is not a problem, but during a drill it is unacceptable.

6. Do not forget that the purpose of regulatory documents is to protect people, and the designer has a wider task. The project requires the development of an economical system that meets both customer and regulatory requirements. For the designer, this can be a compromise task.

7. Keep minutes of all discussions and decisions made. Using all project documentation, draw up a diagram of the interaction of the smoke exhaust system with other HVAC systems.

Design issues

Since the placement of fire-resistant partitions has a significant impact on the layout of the ducts, they are placed before drawing up a detailed ventilation scheme. Changing the location of these baffles later can be a very big problem for the designer of the smoke exhaust system. An example is the situation with a "sandwich" system, where a fireproof partition separates rooms on the same floor. Relocation of baffles may entail alteration of the air distribution, especially if a separate supply unit is used for each smoke zone.

The only reliable way to field test a smoke exhaust system is to create a source of hot smoke. Since this is practically impossible, cold smoke is usually used in tests. Thus, the real test of the effectiveness of the smoke extraction system is delayed until the event of a fire, which, fortunately, is rare. And because of the rare opportunity for field testing, the improvement in smoke extraction systems, backed by strong arguments in favor of new technology, lags behind HVAC systems for everyday use (heating and cooling).

Since the design principles for smoke exhaust systems vary and the opportunity to actually test them is infrequent, educating standards officials, designers, architects and building owners in this area is a major challenge that is not easy to accomplish. And since HVAC engineers are the leading developers of smoke exhaust systems, they should also become leaders in the process of training other specialists.

Smoke-tight structures

The integrity of smoke-tight structures may not be ensured in the following difficult situations:

1. Building codes often do not explicitly state when smoke-tight ceilings (smoke barriers) must be installed. There are only indirect indications of this - the requirement to install smoke dampers.

2. If there is an indication in the regulations for the installation of smoke barriers, this most often coincides with the requirement for the installation of fire-resistant partitions (fire barriers). However, the developmental production of flame retardant devices with independent test labs usually provides certification for fire resistance and temperature only. Even if one of the manufacturers in their laboratory tests these devices for leaks, building codes do not currently require and do not recognize certification of smoke barriers for this indicator.

3. Ducts passing through fire-resistant partitions usually require the installation of fire dampers (although there are some exceptions). However, if this fire barrier must also be smoke-tight, few manufacturers can provide complete fire/smoke dampers that have a leak-certified perimeter seal. In fact, many valve specifications do not specify a perimeter seal, as the seal can interfere with thermal expansion of the valves. However, many local regulators require contractors to seal valves despite being out of specification.

4. Flame retardant devices are tested under laboratory conditions, which often do not correspond to reality. For example, some piping systems experience significant thermal elongation (displacement) and all piping is subject to seismic displacement. In tests by independent testing laboratories, pipelines are rigidly attached to fire barriers; this means that in real life the pipelines must be rigidly attached to each crossed fire barrier. When a valve manufacturer is asked if a seal is elastic, the answer is yes. When asked how elastic it is, he answers "more than 25%." When asked about the thickness of the sealant layer, he answers "1 cm". Thus, the physical value of the allowable displacement within the elasticity of the seal is 3 mm, which is less than the normal elongation of a steam line of not very long length. If each steam or condensate line is not rigidly attached to each fire barrier, the first time the system is used, either the pipe insulation or the flame retardant device will be damaged. Some specialty industries (for example, the manufacture of computer chips) use their ideas, such as rubber gaskets (the same type that are found on the gear levers of front-wheel drive cars), to protect against smoke penetration through fireproof partitions.

Creating excess pressure in the stairwells

Although a detailed explanation of the technique for pressurizing stairwells is not provided in this article, it must still be pointed out that for multi-story buildings with many doors leading to stairs, pressurization is a problem.

An overpressure of 12 Pa gives a load on a 0.9 x 2 m door of about 2 kg. During a fire and smoke, the position of the doors leading to the stairwell differs from the usual one. A good design should determine how much pressure to maintain for smoke protection separately for "most doors closed" and "most doors open" situations, and how the excess pressure will affect the force required to open the doors. Assuming that the automatic control is working properly, a uniform overpressure in a high stairwell can be ensured by supplying air in several places. Do not forget to provide a place for wiring ducts to a variety of supply devices.

Some local codes allow simpler solutions instead of pressurizing stairwells. These include natural ventilation or smoke-proof ventilated shelters.

Reprinted with abridgements from ASHRAE magazine.

Translation from English by O. P. Bulycheva.

Operation of the smoke exhaust system

The smoke exhaust system is not used to extinguish the fire. Its main goal is to ensure the evacuation of people from the building, and in particular, to ensure that rooms, corridors and stairs are smoke-free. In a fire, the worst thing is not the fire, but the smoke. Carbon monoxide or "carbon monoxide" in doses of 0.4% leads to death. For 2-5 minutes of exposure to a dense layer of smoke, a person loses consciousness.

TASK #1. Ensure smoke-free escape routes from the building;
TASK №2. Ensure access for fire departments.

The smoke exhaust system (synonymous with smoke ventilation) is an exhaust and supply smoke ventilation combined with it. Prior to 2009, inlet smoke ventilation was not installed in the design standards, but in practice, the monstrous volumes of exhaust air led to the suction of doors and made evacuation difficult.Therefore, in 2013, the rules were supplemented.

Today (2018) supply smoke ventilation is mandatory! The main task of the inflow is to compensate for the removed air. We supply fresh air only for the evacuation of people, there is no question of any fire extinguishing.

The exhaust smoke ventilation system removes from 18,000 to 30,000 m3/h of air from only one corridor. This volume of air is comparable to the general ventilation of an office building with an area of ​​3,000 m2 or more. This volume of air can be used for breathing from 400 to 700 people.

When is smoke extraction needed?

There is very little information on the Internet about exactly where a smoke ventilation system is needed.
Smoke exhaust standards are written in complex language and are scattered across various regulatory documents. In this section, I have collected the most important information. You just have to go through the list and understand - is a smoke ventilation system required in your particular case?

Exhaust smoke ventilation (smoke exhaust) system is required:

1. from the corridors and halls of any buildings more than 9 floors, except for production;

2. from the corridors in the basement and basement floors any buildings where there are premises with a permanent stay of people on these floors;
For example, smoke removal is required from the corridor of the basement floor of a residential building where offices or workshops are located. At the same time, if the exit from such an office occurs immediately to the street, smoke removal is not required.

3. from corridors longer than 15 meters without opening external windows;
Smoke removal from such corridors is not required in one-story buildings and industrial buildings with non-combustible substances. It is also not required if there are no permanent jobs in all rooms of this corridor, and the doors from the rooms are made in a smoke and gas tight design.

4. from atriums and passages ;

An atrium is a multi-storey hall, a common space with stairs connecting several floors of a building.

5. from warehouses with rack storage more than 5.5 meters high, where materials capable of burning and igniting are stored;

6. from production and storage facilities, but only with the constant stay of people, where materials capable of burning and igniting are used;

Permanent stay of people is more than 6 hours a day or 2 hours continuously during the day.

7. from production and storage facilities with permanent residence of people, in wooden buildings or buildings made of other combustible materials;

8. from the premises without opening outer eyesn area over 50 m2:
8.1 with mass stay of people, mmass stay - there is more than 1 person per 1 m 2 of free space. For example: meeting rooms, classrooms, dining rooms, auditoriums of theaters and cinemas. Actual for all rooms where there are a lot of people and few windows. Often, a smoke removal project is ordered from the dining room of a restaurant in the basement along with the project.
8.2 c permanent workplaces where combustible materials are used or stored. For example: reading rooms, book depositories, exhibitions or archives without opening windows

9. from the premises without opening outside windows regardless of area
9.1 trading floors of shops;
9.2 offices;
9.3 dressing rooms with an area of ​​​​more than 200 m 2.

Smoke removal not required from trading floors (9.1), offices (9.2), if the premises are less than 800 m 2 located on the 1st floor residential building or attached to a residential building and has access immediately to the street, while from the farthest room to the exit should be no more than 25 m.
For example: If the office is less than 800 m2, but more than 25 m from the farthest room to the exit, smoke removal will be required.

9.4 road and communication tunnels when they are connected to the underground floors of the building.

10. from any covered car parks , as well as isolated ramps for cars to enter the floors.

Smoke removal system from car park. The use of jet fans for parking lots is not regulated by Russian standards!

11. from any premises that have access to smoke-free stairwells , regardless of their area and the presence of opening windows.For example, a corridor is less than 15 meters, but the exit from it is through a smoke-free stairwell. In this case, we make a smoke exhaust system in the corridor, and the inflow into the stairs.

A smoke-free staircase is an internal staircase for evacuating people in case of fire in buildings over 9 floors (or over 28 meters high).It is necessary that the premises in question fully comply with all the conditions listed in the paragraph. If any requirement for the room is not met, smoke removal is not required.

Supply smoke ventilation system

The supply smoke ventilation system is a compensation system.
The main goal is to ensure the free opening of escape doors. The air supply of such a system is carried out in the lower part of the room, i.e. in the part of the room below the upper cut-off of the doorway.

As an inflow to compensate for mechanical smoke ventilation systems, the following can be used:

  • external windows in the lower parts of the room with automatic drives;
  • openings in the outer walls and shafts with valves;
  • mechanical support (using a fan).
Opening in the outer wall to compensate for smoke exhaust

First way is used extremely rarely for the reason that it creates the possibility of "favorable misunderstanding" on the part of the inspection bodies.

Second way is used more often, but has one difficulty - the huge dimensions of the mine. In foreign standards, the size of the smoke exhaust shaft is calculated from an air speed of not more than 1.5 m / s, and in Russian - 5-6 m / s is allowed. In the case of using such a shaft, for example, to compensate for smoke removal from a corridor, we get a duct size of at least 1000x600 mm. The height of the air duct laid under the ceiling, namely 600 mm, will make it difficult to lay adjacent communications and greatly lower the final ceiling.

Options for supply smoke ventilation. On the left is a mechanical backwater (fan). On the right is a natural tributary mine

Third way- mechanical support with a fan - more convenient, but also a little expensive.

Roof axial fan for supply smoke ventilation without confuser.

The dimensions of the air duct in this case will be significantly smaller, say 800x400 mm. There are no restrictions on air velocity in mechanical smoke ventilation systems and there cannot be. The system works only in case of fire, therefore it is not taken into account in the overall balance of electricity consumption.

In the case of mechanical backwater, we will have to buy a fan, equip it with an automation cabinet and a frequency converter in accordance with GOST R 53302-2009, but this is a more reliable option than all the others.

Can not use as an inflow opening of external doors and gates, because escape doors must be equipped with self-closing devices. This derogation is possible only in the case of atriums and arcades.

Can be used as compensation, ordinary general ventilation, but in practice this is not convenient. Firstly, the volumes of supply air in general exchange and smoke ventilation differ by an order of magnitude, which leads to an increase in the cost of ventilation equipment.Secondly, the requirements for the ventilation system are becoming more stringent and must comply with the requirements of the smoke ventilation system.
It is cheaper to make two separate independent systems.

What will happen if you do not make a smoke exhaust compensation system.

FROMwatch the video below.

Exhaust smoke ventilation system

The choice of system directly depends on the number of storeys of the building.In one-story buildings, it is allowed to design a natural smoke exhaust system, i.e. self-opening valves in the roof and transoms.In buildings over 1 floor - a mechanical smoke ventilation system.

It is necessary to constructively divide the room into smoke zones, up to 3000 m2 each. Each zone has its own separate system. Otherwise, the smoke spreads along the ceiling of such a huge room. The temperature of the smoke decreases, and consequently the gravitational pressure also decreases. The rule is non-negotiable.

Natural smoke extraction

In a natural smoke exhaust system, as in any natural engineering system, there is one big minus and one big plus. The advantage is that the system is passive, i.e. does not require large capital expenditures, does not consume electricity and has a minimum of working mechanisms that should be checked and maintained. And the minus is in ensuring the stable operation of such a system.

Regulations oblige us to provide wind protection for such roof flaps and transoms, which we absolutely cannot guarantee.

Natural smoke extraction does not require a compensation system. The calculation of the natural smoke exhaust system is carried out depending on the shape of the room, the type of fire load (what exactly is burning), the area and the possible location of the fire.

Natural smoke hatch on the roof of the warehouse complex
Natural smoke hatch in operating mode with rack and pinion drive

The natural smoke exhaust system is used only in one-story buildings: warehouses, warehouse-type shopping centers, production workshops. The equipment of such a system in buildings with more than one storey is prohibited.

Mechanical smoke exhaust system (roof fan and wall fan)

The mechanical smoke exhaust system is powered by an exhaust fan. Typically, smoke exhaust fans are of 2 types - roof and wall. Both fans perform the same role, but in completely different situations.

It is installed on top of the smoke exhaust shaft on the roof and removes smoke from all floors of the building, throwing it vertically upwards. The complexity of installing such a fan lies in the complexity of the design of the mounting frame. For a long time, there were no ready-made mounting frames for such fans, and it was necessary to develop an additional section of project documentation, in which the dimensions of such a design were calculated. The second difficulty is in the type of fans.

Roof mechanical smoke exhaust fan with a vertical riser on the mounting sleeve.

The roof fan is intended for installation on a shaft and should be located at a height of 2 meters from the roof, or at a lower height, but in this case it is necessary to make a roof only from non-combustible materials.

The simplest solution for placing smoke exhaust fans on the roof, I think, is axial roof fans or duct smoke exhaust fans. They do not affect the waterproofing of the roof. Does not require installation of additional shafts and frames.

Air ducts of smoke ventilation systems can be made of any type of steel, but with a fire-retardant coating. It is possible to use both welded, rebated and spiral-wound air ducts with the only requirement: the thickness of the steel sheet is at least 0.8 mm.

Wall fan, unlike the roof, is local, i.e. can work on a specific floor, and throw combustion products through the grate on the facade of the building. This allows not to lay air ducts through all floors to the roof and not to equip an exhaust shaft. The fan is placed on the outer wall of the floor, either from the street or indoors.

Wall-mounted smoke exhaust fan (outside the building) with an exhaust pipe, providing a jet speed of at least 20 m/s. (SP7 clause 7.11 d)
Wall-mounted smoke exhaust fan (inside the building). Engine in a thermally insulated casing with an additional channel for cooling.

For smoke removal from parking lots, large retail areas, wall fans are most likely not suitable. The maximum flow rate of the removed air is 35,000-38,000 m 3 /h. But for smoke removal from corridors, small office and retail premises - a great idea.

How to avoid installing a smoke exhaust system?

The main problem with the system is its size and cost. The minimum section of the smoke exhaust duct is 800x500 mm or 1000x300 mm, both sizes being extremely rare. There are a number of measures that legally compensate for the smoke exhaust system, i.e. exclude installation requirements.

Common decision . Justify the lack of smoke removal by calculating fire risks. The calculation does not apply to apartment buildings, children's institutions and medical hospitals.
For any premises up to 200 m2 . Equip an automatic fire extinguishing system. Including equipment with a modular system is possible, which is less expensive and practical.
For trading floors, offices and corridors over 15 m . Add to the recreation room with external opening windows.
For exhibitions, archives, workshops and book depositories(if point 2 does not apply)– justify the rejection of the smoke exhaust system by the lack of permanent jobs in accordance with the project of architectural solutions.

Algorithm for starting the smoke exhaust system

The fire smoke exhaust system must be activated from three independent signals:
- from the "Fire" button from the security console;
- from the "Fire" button installed in the corridors on the evacuation routes;
- from the operation of two or more fire detectors in one specific zone (on the same floor).

The procedure for starting smoke exhaust systems:

Turning on the system from one of 3 independent signals;
sound notification of people about a fire alarm;
shutdown of general ventilation systems, air conditioning and air-thermal curtains. Closing fire dampers on the ventilation system;
lowering the elevator to the 1st floor of the building and opening the doors;
starting the fan and opening the exhaust smoke ventilation valves;
start of the fan and opening of the supply smoke ventilation valves (20-30 seconds after the exhaust ventilation).

It makes no sense to do smoke removal from underground passages.

Smoke exhaust design

You can order a smoke removal project from me without intermediaries. I will go to the site and design the system.
The cost of working documentation for smoke removal is from 25,000 rubles. (for remote control from the corridors) up to 75,000 rubles. (for remote control of apartment buildings and small shopping centers).
Strictly in accordance with the smoke exhaust design standards SP 7.13130.2013, SP 5.13130.2009, SP 2.13130.2012.
I perform the calculation according to the methods of R NP "ABOK" 5.1.5-2015 and VNIIPO 2013
My contacts +7-963-729-71-20 (Aleksey)

The smoke exhaust system is the most important element in the organization of fire protection of any premises, the creation of conditions for the safe evacuation of people in the event of smoke and fire. This is the basis of any fire safety system at the facility and must be present in all buildings, regardless of their purpose.

Smoke can be released outside through an open window, transom or window. But, this can only cope with light smoke. For more complex cases, you need a full-fledged room ventilation system that can remove both smoke and “extra” temperature outside the building. It is worth remembering that carbon monoxide and other components of smoke cause much more harm to people's health than the fire itself. Therefore, a smoke exhaust system is an indispensable element of a fire-fighting system serving communal or residential buildings.

Designing in "EuroHolod" is:

  • Cost optimization
  • energy efficiency
  • Qualification
  • A complex approach

The main task of smoke exhaust systems- removal of smoke during fires, reduction of material damage during fires, prevention of human casualties.

When the fire alarm is triggered, the fire ventilation is switched on. The smoke exhaust system begins to actively remove combustion products and smoke from the fire source, as well as prevent their spread to other areas of the room. Boosting fans direct clean air to fire and main exits, flights of stairs and elevators.

In the absence of a smoke extraction system, toxic smoke accumulates in the building, which is a potential hazard.

When designing a smoke exhaust system, our specialists will accurately calculate all the necessary parameters, help you choose quality equipment suitable price category and make a smoke exhaust system comfortable in operation.

Upon completion of the design work, the Customer receives all necessary documentation for installation work.

About design

Design is a whole range of works on the calculation of various engineering systems in order to achieve balanced work while maintaining the main design parameters of the object, assessing the required quantity, quality and range of equipment, drawing up working diagrams, drawings, lists of equipment and justifying the choice of one or another technical solution.

According to the results of numerous studies, it has been established that the working capacity of people, the feeling of comfort to a greater extent depend on such microclimate parameters as:

A normal microclimate is provided by well-executed projects, high-quality equipment and professional installation.

The design of the smoke exhaust system is drawn up on the basis of building codes and regulations, which spell out the minimum requirements for a fire ventilation system.

Regulatory documents define the capabilities of the smoke exhaust system:

  • the maximum number of people in the room;
  • building area.

The main regulatory document in the design of smoke exhaust systems is the methodological recommendations "Calculated determination of the main parameters of smoke ventilation of buildings" FGU VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia dated 2008.

Design should be oriented based on the use of equipment that will be reliable at work simple in operation and with high maintainability.

It is best to plan engineering systems at the stage of designing an object or its repair. In this case, all communications and equipment can be correctly placed, all engineering systems can be correctly integrated and coordinated with the design project.

Advantages of integrated design

  • A comprehensive solution in which all sections of engineering systems are coordinated with each other, taken into account and combined into a single whole: project design, ventilation and smoke removal systems, air conditioning and heating, automation, water supply and sewerage, fire alarms, fire extinguishing, low-voltage systems, heat supply, electric lighting and others
  • Reduction of financial investments
  • Risk reduction
  • Saving time and terms of work on the object

A high-quality project of engineering systems, developed by professionals, is the key to the success of the entire implementation of the project as a whole. Specialist s of the design department of the company "EuroHolod", experienced designers, ready you can prepare a project for you in the shortest possible time, taking into account all the features of your facility, your wishes and the most relevant and technically interesting solutions in the field of engineering systems.

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