Travel game technology. Route game "Journey to the City of Merry Masters" with children of senior and preparatory groups

landscaping 29.09.2019


Organization and holding of outdoor games in different types activities.

Methods for organizing and conducting outdoor games in kindergarten.

Purpose of mobile games.

It's no secret to anyone that good mood contributes more full development and the functioning of the whole organism, including the developing growing child. Active movement allows the baby to spend his unlimited energy, acquire the necessary motor skills.

The purpose of mobile games is: Release the child's energy reserves. Development of coordination of movements. Increase positive attitude and strengthen psycho-emotional health. Development of communication skills. Ability to assess situations and draw appropriate conclusions. Develop responsiveness. Mobile games: a technique Any game is aimed at solving problems for the development and improvement of children. The main tasks of games, including outdoor games on fresh air are. Educational. This goal is achieved by creating a process.

Tasks of outdoor games Expansion of motor experience and its enrichment with new, more complex movementsImproving motor skills and their use in changing game situations.Development of creative abilities and physical qualities.Education of independence and activity with new, more complex movementsIntroduction to the elementary norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults.For the success of the game, it is necessary to consider The complexity of movements and the feasibility of their combination, taking into accountreadiness of children.Compliance of the content of games and exercises with the weather and season.Usage different tricks selection of children for leading roles.The variability of outdoor games in order to develop creativity and positive motivation for self-expression in motion.Classification of outdoor games StoryPlotlessGames - funSport gamesSelection and description of outdoor games Low mobility games Such games are recommended for relieving intense physical activity, static fatigue, anxiety, tension. These are games with calm movements, movements that are not large in amplitude, at a calm and moderate pace (calm walking, walking with tasks, arm movements, movements in a circle, body turns, etc.) .

« Owl, owl"

Children depict small birds, one of the children is an owl. The driver says: "morning, afternoon, evening, night!" "Birds" fly, peck grains, chirp, etc. With the words "night" everyone freezes, the "owl" flies out, which had previously slept in its nest. Those guys who made sounds and moved were taken by the "owl" to their nest.


At the signal of the leader, the children go in a circle or around the playground. At the second signal, they stop and take a pose, agreed in advance. You can't move. The driver walks and chooses a figure and changes places with him. Be sure to ask who the player wanted to portray.

"Ocean is shaking"

According to the counting rhyme, the driver is chosen. The driver pronounces the words: “The sea worries once, the sea worries two, the sea worries three, the figure ......... freeze in place”, The guys freeze in poses corresponding to the figure that the driver asked for, for example, a skier. The driver, walking between the players, chooses the figure he likes. This child will be the next leader.

Game variant.

Children sit in a semicircle or in a circle.

By command:

"The sea is calm" - everyone freezes.

"The sea is worried" - they raise their hands and wave them.

"There is a storm on the sea" - they scatter.

"The sea is calm" - they try to sit in their place.

Medium mobility games The motor load in such games is achieved through intensive walking, calm runs, squats, jumping, actions with objects, imitation of animal movements, general developmental exercises, frequent and quick change of movements, the presence of several roles, and their alternate performance.

Game "Hit the ball"


Equipment: playing field, cue ball, large balls.

Rules of the game.

More than 2 people can take part in the game. Children take turns rolling the cue ball in such a way as to knock the ball out of the playing field without using a cue.

Complication. Children knock the ball into a certain sector or into a certain field by dialing the largest number points.

Game "Points"

Tasks: Learn to calculate the right impact force. Develop accuracy, eye.

Equipment: playing field, cue ball, balls small size.

Rules of the game. With one hit of the cue ball, break all the balls from the center around the entire playing field. After they stop, count the number of points. The child with the most points wins. Balls rolled off the playing field are counted as 0 points.

Game "Kick the ball"

Tasks: Learn to calculate the right impact force. Develop accuracy, eye.

Equipment: playing field, cue ball, small balls from 2 to 6 equally for each participant.

Rules of the game.

This game can be played by 2 or 4 people. Each player places several balls in his sector. All players roll the cue ball in turn, trying to knock out as many balls as possible from the opponent's sector. The player who first knocks out all the opponent's balls wins.

High mobility games

The motor load in such games is achieved through intensive walking, calm rushes, squats, jumping, actions with objects, imitation of animal movements, general developmental exercises, frequent and quick change of movements, the presence of several roles, and their alternate performance.
At the bear in the forest

Number of players:any


A "bear" is chosen, which sits aside. The rest, pretending to pick mushrooms and berries and put them in a basket, approach the "bear", singing (saying):

At the bear in the forest

Mushrooms, I take berries.

The bear is sitting

Looks at us.

(Options: The bear does not sleep

And growls at us!

or: The bear caught a cold,

Frozen on the stove!)

The bast basket overturned (children show with a gesture how the bast basket overturned),

The bear is after us!

Children scatter, "bear" catches them. The first one caught becomes a "bear".

inflate the bubble

Number of players:any


Can be played with two, three or large quantity of people. We hold hands, forming a circle. First, we stand as close to each other as possible, and then we disperse, expanding the circle, and we say: “Inflate the bubble (or ball), just look, do not burst. Swell up, just don't burst ... don't burst ... ". We disperse as far as our hands allow, and then “burst” the bubble: “Bang! The bubble burst!

As one "person" in this game, you can take a doll or a bear.

If the child does not know what a bubble or a ball is, it is advisable to first show him by inflating soap bubble or balloon. Then the game will make sense.

There are mice in the closet

Children pretend to be mice. Mice sit on chairs or benches on one side of the site. Each in its own hole. On the opposite side of the site, a rope is stretched at a height of 50-40 cm. This is a hole in the pantry. To the side of the players sits a cat-caregiver. The cat falls asleep, the mice run into the pantry, bend down and crawl under the rope. In the pantry, the mice squat down and gnaw on crackers. The cat suddenly wakes up and runs to chase mice. The mice run away and hide in their burrows. The cat, having dispersed all the mice, lie down to take a nap in the sun. The game continues.

Organization and holding of outdoor games in different age groups 2nd junior group Organization of games with more complex rulesRecommended games with textThe teacher plays with the childrenUsing Attributesmiddle group Complicating the conditions of the gameThe teacher distributes roles among childrenThe role of the leader is entrusted to childrenUsed figurative storySenior group Using more complex movementsChildren are tasked with responding to the signalThe use of games with elements of competition, competitions by links are introducedUnder the guidance of a teacher, a driver is chosen in the gamepreschool group The teacher pays attention to the quality of movementsTasks are set for independent solutionUsing the example of one game, the teacher invites children to come up with options for complicating the rulesIndependently choose a driver with a counting rhymeUsage sports games, relayThe structure of outdoor games Gathering children to playCreating interest in the gameOrganization of players, explanation of the gameLead DefinitionPlaying the gameEnd of the game and debriefing

Story games

Theme: "Family"

Program content:

To consolidate children's ideas about the family, about the responsibilities of family members.

Develop interest in the game.

Continue to teach children to assign roles and act according to the role they have assumed, to develop the plot.

Encourage children to play creatively in the game of family life.

Contribute to the establishment of role-playing interactions and relationships between the players in the game.

Learn to act in imaginary situations, use various items- deputies.

To cultivate love and respect for family members and their work.

Equipment. Furniture, utensils, attributes for equipping a house, a "kindergarten", a large designer, a toy car, a baby doll, a toy stroller, bags, various items - substitutes.

Preliminary work.

Conversations: “My family”, “How do I help my mother”, “Who works for whom?”.

consideration plot pictures, related photos.

Reading fiction: N. Zabila “Yasochkin kindergarten”, A. Barto “Mashenka”, B. Zakhoder “Builders”, “Driver”, D. Gabe from the series “My Family”: “Mom”, “Brother”, “Work”, E .Yannikovskaya “I go to Kindergarten”, A. Kardashova “Big wash”.

Story - role-playing games; "Treat", "Kindergarten", "Construction", "Little Helpers", "Daughters - Mothers".

Playing roles:

1 family: mother, father, grandmother, eldest daughter, youngest daughter.

2 family: mom, dad, daughter, doll - baby.

Sample game play.

Organizing time. Children enter the group, stand in front of the teacher.

Guys, recently we talked about the family, looked at illustrations, photographs. Tell. What is a family?(Answers of children). Tell us about your family: how many people live in it, who does what(Children speak at will).

Do you want to play family game?(Yes). For us to get interesting game- you must first decide: “How many families will we have?”, “How many family members will they have?”, “What will family members do?”, “Who will play what roles”.

Distribution of roles, development of the plot.

Guys, look (Gesture at the play corners), there are two houses here, so we will have .... How many families?(Two).

In the first family we will have: mom, dad, grandmother, older and younger daughters. What will mom do?(Answers of children). And let's mom work in a kindergarten - a teacher. Who will be the mother-educator? What will you do at work?(Child's answer). What will dad do?(Answers of children). Dad will work in construction. Who will play the role of dad? Who will you work? (The child chooses the role of dad - builder or driver). What is grandma doing?(Answers of children). I will be a grandmother, and I will help all of you. And what will the children do?(Answers of children). Who will be the children?

In the second family, we will also have: mom, dad, daughter and little son - Andryushka doll. Who will be the mother? Dad? daughter? What will they do?(Answers of children).

Where will the first family live? Where is the second?(Children decide, choose their own home).

Good. If our houses will be here, then where will we have a construction site where dads work? Where will we have a "kindergarten"?(Children choose places).

Now that we have decided everything, we can start the game. Moms and dads took their children and went home.(Players go to their homes and depict how they sleep (night) .

The teacher in the role of grandmother starts the game.

Summary of the game.

Game over. Did you like the game? What game did we play? What roles did you play in the game? What were your characters doing? Well done guys, we got an interesting game, thank you!

Plot - role-playing game"Hospital"

Goals: Familiarizing children with activities medical staff; fixing the names of medical instruments. To form the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game. Teaching children the implementation of the game plan; the use of substitute items in the game. Raising respect for the medical profession. Interaction in the game with each other. Develop the ability to take on a role.

Material and equipment : Game set "Puppet doctor", toys - animals, a bench for an ambulance, dolls, tea utensils for a cafe, a dressing gown and a hat for a doctor, hats with a red cross for medical staff, two toy cars.

Game roles . A doctor in a clinic, an ambulance doctor, a nurse, orderlies, a driver, a pharmacy worker, a cafe worker, a zoo worker.

Game progress

Game motivation . Children, look what a modern clinic we have built. Here is a doctor's office for receiving patients, and this is a treatment room for treating patients. Here the nurse treats the sick. And here is an ambulance station, here they receive calls from patients. By ambulance, the doctor leaves to call the patient to provide medical care. And here is the Pharmacy. Here, patients can buy the necessary medicines. And this is Cafe. While waiting for their turn, patients can drink hot coffee and tea, eat hot pies. Children, today the personnel department is recruiting at the clinic. Are there any of you who want to work in the clinic? (answers). Then come to me, I will employ all comers.

Children go to the teacher. The teacher asks who the child would like to work in the clinic? If the role has already been given to another child, the teacher offers another one. It is important that during the game, the children change roles.

Children, take your jobs. (Refers to a child who has received the role of a doctor) . Karina, please allow me to be a doctor for a while, and will you be my assistant? (Karina agrees.) Children take their places to play, put on a bathrobe and hats. The first patients with dolls come up.

caregiver . Hello. Please sit down on this chair. Tell me what hurts you? (The child says that the Katya doll caught a cold, she has a high fever and cough.). Let's put a thermometer under the arm and measure the temperature. (Puts down thermometer.) Katya has a temperature of 39 degrees - this is a high temperature. Let's see the neck. (Looks at the neck with a spatula). The throat is red. You need to listen to Katya's breathing. (Listens to breathing). There are wheezing. I will write you a prescription, you will buy cough tablets at the pharmacy and you will take them three times a day, medicine for fever injections, vitamins and always hot tea with raspberry jam and bed rest. The injections will be given to you by a nurse in the treatment room.

The patient with the doll goes to the pharmacy, buys medicine and goes to the treatment room, where the nurse takes patients and gives injections. The teacher says that his working day is over and leaves. The place of the doctor is taken by another child. Accepts patients.

AT ambulance the bell rings from the zoo. The emergency doctor picks up the phone and listens. The zookeeper says that the bear cub played, ran and fell, now lies and does not get up. He must have broken his leg. Need health care. The ambulance doctor listens on the phone, then takes a suitcase with medical supplies and goes by car with an orderly to the zoo. At the zoo, he examines the leg of the bear cub, puts a splint on the leg and says that an x-ray should be taken urgently. A zoo worker with a nurse put the bear cub on a stretcher and take the bear cub to the hospital. An x-ray is taken in the hospital. The teddy bear has a fracture. A plaster cast is applied and taken back to the zoo. They put the bear cub to bed and give him honey.

The game continues. Patients come to see a doctor. They buy medicines at the pharmacy. Nurse makes injections. Patients in cafes drink tea with raspberry jam and hot cakes. Put sick dolls to bed, give pills.

The teacher during the game observes, imperceptibly prompts, directs. When the dolls are put to bed, he says that the working day is over.

Plotless games
catch up with me

Description . Children sit on chairs or benches on one side of the playground or room. The teacher invites them to catch up with him and runs to opposite side. Children run after the teacher, trying to catch him. When they run up to him, the teacher stops and says: "Run away, run away, I'll catch up!" The children run back to their seats.

Instructions for conducting . At first, it is advisable to play the game with a small group of children (4-6), then the number of players increases to 10-12 people. The teacher should not run away from the children too quickly: they are interested in catching him. You should also not run too fast after the children, as they may bump into the chairs. At first, the run is carried out in only one direction. When the kids run up to the teacher, they need to caress, praise that they can run fast. When the game is repeated, the teacher can change directions, running away from the children. A simplified version of this game is the "Run to me" game, then the children run in only one direction, to the teacher, and return to their places.

Ak suyek

The participants in the game line up. The host takes a white bone (you can use a rubber ball, a wooden key, carved sticks, etc.) and sings: White bone is a sign of happiness, the key, Fly to the moon, To the white snowy peaks! Resourceful and happy is the one who will find you in an instant!

After that, the leader throws a bone for a line of players. At this point, no one should look back to see which way the bone is flying. When the bone falls, the host announces: Look for the bone - Find happiness soon! And the one who is faster and more dexterous will find it!

Games - fun


Raising the child high in his arms or on his knees, the adult sings:

Carcasses - tutushki,

With cottage cheese cheesecakes.

wheat pie

Hop! Hop! Hop! Hop!


Surely your kid will like the game "Fists". With the fists or joints of the bent fingers of the child, the adult taps on the table top in time with the rhymes:

Ay, tuki, tuki, tuki,

Hammers banged

Hammers banged

fists played,

Knock-tock, knock-tock,

Our Lenochka is a year old!

(Our Mishenka is a year old!)

Another simple game for young children is "The Hen Cackles". The child sits on the lap of an adult. With the finger of one hand of the child, the adult gently pokes his other hand into the palm of his other hand and sings:

The hen cackles

Daughter pokes his nose:

Oh, where, where, where,

Hey, bring it here!

The well-known game "On a narrow path" can be diversified by the following options.

"Ride on the ice."

The baby sits on the lap of an adult. The knees are tightly pressed to each other. An adult then raises his legs “on toes”, then lowers them “on heels”. The child thus bounces. Adult sings:

I'll ride on the ice

I won't fall for anything!

Then she spreads her knees a little, supporting the child, and adds:

Clap! - on the ice!

Ah, no luck!

Another version of this game is "Red Fox":

I am a red fox

I am a master of running.

I ran through the forest

I chased the bunny

And boom in the hole!


The leader gives one of the participants a scarf tied in a knot. Participants stand in a circle around the driver. At the command of the driver "One, two, three!" all participants run away. The driver must catch up with the player with the scarf, touch his shoulder and take the scarf. At the moment of pursuit, a player with a scarf can pass it to a friend, he can pass it to the next, etc. If the driver catches a player with a scarf, he must fulfill any of his desires: sing a song, read a poem, etc. After that, he becomes a leader.

Scenario thematic route game"What New Year»

On the eve of the New Year, there is a desire to give a festive mood to yourself and your children. It has become a good tradition in our kindergarten to hold New Year's route games. This game has become the logical conclusion of the project "Towards the New Year". The objectives of this project were:

    Creating a positive atmosphere in kindergarten; Removal of psycho-emotional stress in children and adults; Implementation of ICT (use of an interactive whiteboard).
One of the types of interaction between specialists in our kindergarten is the development and holding of route games. A creative group of preschool teachers participated in the development of the scenario of the route game№54 : Deputy head in UVR Kamalova T.A., music director Shorina T.V., teacher-psychologist Petrova M.A., teacher-speech therapist Melashenko N.V., teacher additional education Shchebitchenko L.L., head of physical education Sokolova A.D.

Host: music director Shorina T.V.

Snegurochka: teacher Mitryaeva S.A.

Route game for preparatory groups

"What is the New Year?"

To the music of the New Year's song, the children enter the hall.

In the hall there is a Christmas tree without toys, under it there is an empty chest.


Winter will cover with white snow

Houses, trees and bushes,

And there, the holiday comes after,

You and I know about it.

The holiday is called the New Year,

He is not more wonderful in the world,

Since childhood, he is very dear to all of us,

He gives people happiness light!

Guys, do you know what the New Year is, where did this holiday come from, what are the traditions and customs of this holiday?


Yes, guys, New Year - two magic words,

It's a coniferous scent

Silvery moonlight on spruce paws.

Weightless balls with sugar sprinkles,

And the flickering of tinsel in the unsteady half-asleep,

it Apple pie and a pile of gifts,

This is a fabulous threshold beyond which a miracle!

Exactly at midnight - ding-dong!

There is a quiet sound.

This fairy tale comes to the house,

Round dances quietly leads.

Unless you're sleeping

You will notice everything, look ... ..

And now, freeze, quietly ....

A fairy tale is coming to visit us ....

Under the "magic music" the Snow Maiden enters the hall.

Snow Maiden.

I'm the Snow Maiden, my friends are called,

I'm not afraid of cold.

I'm not afraid of the winter cold

And even friendly with her.

Frost is my grandfather,

Snowflakes are dear to me

In the wilderness, in the silence of the night,

I have a house.

The kids are my friends

I'm glad to see you all.

Santa Claus asked to know

How are things going for you?

And sent a letter

It's very strange:

Instead of stamps - three snowflakes,

And an envelope made of pure ice (unfolds)

Here listen to it:

“Soon, soon I will come to you,

I'll fly on deer

I will dance and spin

I will decorate your Christmas tree.

Get me some toys

Beads, balls, crackers

Lanterns and lights -

Let them shine brighter!

So that all honest people,

Happy New Year's Eve!"


Look, Snow Maiden, we already have a Christmas tree and a chest with New Year's toys prepared. Our chest is not simple (opens), but inside is completely empty !!!

Snow Maiden.

Well, don't worry, we can fix that. I suggest you make a trip through our fabulous stations, complete all the tasks, get snowflakes. I'll tell you a secret: these snowflakes are not simple, but magical. If you put them all together, they will turn into christmas toys. We will decorate our Christmas tree with them. Get your route maps and go (teachers receive route sheets).

Station "New Year's Fair"

Compilers and presenters : Petrova M.A. (teacher-psychologist), Melashenko N.V. (teacher speech therapist)

Buffoons run out to cheerful music.

Tyukha. The owner-hostess, the barin-father! Good fellows, red girls, Young people, men, old women, Old men, hello!


Hello honorable gentlemen!

So we have come to us here!

Excuse us for being in a thin dress!


Come closer, come closer

And wipe your eyes!

We are funny jokes

Notable buffoons and ridicule Matyukha. For a copper penny we will show you Everything like that and so on! Tyukha. Hurry, hurry! Hurry up to get the best seats!


If you don’t borrow it yourself, your neighbor will get it!


Are you comfortable, dear guests?

Is it visible to everyone? Does everyone hear?

Is there enough space for everyone?


New year, new year!

What does he carry with him?

Lots of songs, lots of jokes

And funny jokes.


Cricket sat in a corner,

Cockroach on the sixth,

New Year is on the threshold!


We offer children - sweet candies,

Make a decoration

To everyone's surprise!

Ornaments are not simple

And baked dough, golden!

Take apart the goods, merchant!

And who listened - well done!

There are titmouse birds here

Christmas trees - prickly needles,

Fishes - lumps swim.

Let's take a cake, just a little!

Mem, let's ride!

We don't play the fool!

We press with fingers

We get a toy.

For a beautiful Christmas tree

Who likes it!

Emeralds, pearls

We'll add everything here!

The beauty! Eye-catching!

Time to get started guys!

Make decoration!

We will help you with good advice, if necessary!

Tyukha at this time accompanies the story with actions. Shows how to make toys.

The kids get to work.


And while we were listening to the story,

Hares ate cucumbers in the garden!

That's what we didn't get!

Tyukha and Matyukha(in chorus ).

But got a snowflake

Transparent ice!

Station "Winter Fun"

Compiled and presenter (snowman), head of physical education Sokolova A.D.

Snowman: Sokolova Veronika

Children are greeted by a Snowman

Snow Baba.- Hello children. The New Year is coming, merry holiday matinees. Children with sparkling eyes are waiting for a meeting with Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden with a fairy tale, magical gifts, with funny snowmen. Well done guys, strong, brave, friendly, funny, fast, skillful.

Snow Baba.

What do you like in winter?

White meadows

and on the snowy hill

skis or sleds.

What do you like in winter?

soft drifts,

to ride all day long

to build a fortress!

What do you like in winter?

Get dressed warmer

in a warm fur coat

warm up in the cold!

sports quiz

A sports quiz is a mental exercise.

    What should I do in the morning to be alert and healthy? (Charging)

    What is the name of an athlete who skates to music? (Figure skater)

    How many teams play hockey? (two)

    What is the name of the people who swim in the ice hole in winter? (walruses)

    What is the name of the sports equipment that athletes use with sticks? (Washer)

    Who draws on the windows in winter? (Freezing)

    Not boots, not boots

But they are also worn by legs.

We run in them in winter:

In the morning - in the garden,

Evening-home . (Felt boots)

Snow Baba.- Here I am in felt boots - in the best and warmest winter shoes. Valenki are Russian, old, centuries-old shoes. Yes, and my grandchildren, snowmen, always wear felt boots, Snowman enters.Snowman. Hello children! Today I brought you guys a gift, but it is unusual - these are felt boots, special felt boots, magical ones that will lead you to the realm of physical education and health. Team relays.
    Transfer of relay boots on a stick.
    Running in felt boots to the landmark. Remove boots, reverse run without boots. The next participant runs to the landmark, puts on boots, runs back in boots.
    "Messed up - clean it up"
Each team receives a snowball boot. One child runs to the landmark, throws out snowballs, the other collects snowballs in a felt boot and passes it to the next.
    "Siamese twins".
Each team receives two felt boots, firmly fastened together. Two children, shod on one foot, overcome obstacles back and forth.
      "Throwing a felt boot at a target" (Hoop or pelvis)
        Dance of children (free) to the song "Valenki".
Summarizing. Snowflake awards. (Snowflakes lie in boots)

Station "Grandma's Hut" (virtual studio)

Compiled and presenter (Baba Yaga) educator Shchebitchenko L.L.

Equipment: interactive whiteboard, projector, laptop, teaching staff "Baba Yaga is learning to read" (MediaHouse), mittens of their fabric, watermelon seeds, bones, beans, peas.

Come into my hut, dear children!

Get tired, the path is not close to me. Sit down and help me write a letter to Santa Claus.

I already started writing it, and the mice began to laugh at me!!

I spell the letters wrong, they say.

Do you know how to do it right? And they also told me that I need to turn to the Wise Raven, he knows for sure.

Shall we go to him?

Complete the task on the interactive whiteboard.

Here are the good guys! Thank you.

And guys, I wanted to prepare a gift for Grandfather, Give him mittens, But I didn’t come up with a pattern for mittens. Help me, please, come up with your own patterns, and I will take a picture of them and choose which one better fit. Only I don’t have paints, but I know that you guys are skilled and you can come up with your own patterns from such material (I offer watermelon seeds, seeds, beans, peas).

Make patterns on mittens.

Thank you, dear kids, and for this I will give a magical snowflake.

Musical station "Winter round dance"

Compiler and leading music director Shorina T.V.

Equipment: TV, laptop, music video "Winter", foam rubber snowballs

    Song "Snow song"; Mobile musical "Game with a snowball"; Game "Tell me a word" (winter theme); Watching the music video "Winter".

Results of the route game

The children return to the hall.

Snow Maiden.

Well, children, you completed all the tasks,

Everyone got magical snowflakes?


To the magical music, the Snow Maiden collects snowflakes and puts them in a chest.

Snow Maiden.

Guys, so that these snowflakes turn into toys,

You need to perform a fun dance around the Christmas tree.

Performed Finnish polka.

Snow Maiden.

Well, are you tired of dancing?

It's time to open our chest.

Our chest is already waiting,

Come on, open up quickly! (shows, opens chest)

Ah, what toys are here,

Stars, balloons, crackers,

Let's hang a ballerina here

And here is a funny pig.

Let's light the fires on it

Let's sleep and sing together.

Dance music plays. Children have fun and dance.

Author of the article: Pugacheva Yulia Olegovna,
educator MADOU No. 44 "Thumbelina"
Formation of initiative and independence of preschoolers in a preschool educational institution through a route game
Development of initiative and independence of children through the route game
To diversify the forms of creative, playful, physical activity of children.
To form and unite a children's team through joint gaming activities.
Develop through motor tasks - memory, attention, logical thinking, observation; as well as physical qualities- agility, speed of reaction, coordination of movements, endurance.
To cultivate creative activity and responsibility in the performance of collective tasks.
Create a good mood, an emotional charge from participating in an entertaining action
Formation of visual-schematic thinking (the ability to use diagrams, plans and symbols when orienting in a situation).
Development of orientation on a sheet of paper.
Group rallying
Methods and techniques: modeling a game situation in order to formulate a problem and create motivation, exercises for logical thinking and a creative nature, questions for children, the use of didactic and visual material.
Participants of the entertainment evening: middle and senior groups.
Children's independence in recent years has increasingly become the object of increased attention, because. it is necessary to solve the problem of preparing the younger generation for the conditions of life in modern society, a practice-oriented approach to the organization of educational educational process. Children in the process of education and training in kindergarten should learn on their own, set the goal and objectives of their activities, analyze its conditions, formulate problems and hypotheses, assumptions about options for solving problem situations, find means for this, overcome disagreements, organize and correct the course as an individual , and joint activities achieving a positive result.
According to the Federal State educational standard preschool education, approved By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155, one of important conditions to create a child's social situation is to support his individuality and initiative in various types activities.
The problem is which are the most effective methods and forms in the organization of the educational process should be used by a modern teacher-educator in the development and independence of preschoolers.
In November, I attended advanced training courses, where experts told us about different types of games that increase children's initiative and independence.
One of these games that interested me is the route game. Which allows preschoolers to expand their horizons, to show best qualities feel successful. Plunging with the children into a certain topic as part of the preparation and conduct of this game, the teacher not only introduces them to new material, but also updates their knowledge and skills. So the idea came up to arrange an evening of entertainment for children in the form of a pirate-themed route game. The plot of the game is very simple: the pupils, together with the teacher, go in search of pirate treasure.
The main goal of this route game was to create conditions for the comprehensive development of children (taking into account all areas of development: physical, socio-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic and aesthetic)
Before the game, the following tasks were set:
Increasing initiative and independence;
Increased motor activity;
Creating a positive emotional state of children;
Development of social and communicative qualities through the collective solution of common tasks;
Expanding horizons.
In the process of preparation, I selected games (tasks) for the development of memory, attention, logical thinking, observational dexterity. The teachers participating in the evening of entertainment were gathered, with whom the rules of conduct were agreed, both for educators and teams, and most important rule for the teacher, it was that the child played the leading role in the evening of entertainment, the teacher could only correct and correct the children. The educator also needed to organize the process of choosing the captain of his team, choosing the name of the team, and thinking over the motto. The task of the educator also included preliminary work with parents, who explained why it was impossible to pick up the child during the route game, why it was needed, what it was aimed at, and discussion of costumes. It is necessary to dwell on the parents a little, of course. I didn’t even think how responsibly the parents would approach this task, all the children were in pirate costumes, for some children the parents even sewed the costumes themselves. Several parents managed to attend our evening of entertainment. And I must say that they were so involved in the activity that no less children were seized with excitement, mood, helping the children to search for treasure. And some parents were even upset that they didn’t come during the game and didn’t see how it all went.
So what was the game itself?
The children were asked to find a real treasure hidden by pirates. But in order to find it, the guys had to go through 5 stations and complete interesting task: collect pirate pictures, select healthy foods for dinner for pirates, to catch a fish in the ocean, to get on an enemy ship (darts), to catch pearls in the sea. After completing the tasks, the pirates gave the children a piece of the map - the route along which they had to move on. After all the pieces of the map were collected, the children learned that the real treasure of the pirates was hidden in a large cave guarded by the bats. The children had to free the cave from bats, and after that already find the long-awaited treasure, in which there were sweet gold coins. At the end of the entertainment evening, the children, together with all the pirates, danced a dance of friendship.
It is important to note that the use of modern interactive equipment during the route game undoubtedly contributed to the increase in the efficiency of this form of work, as well as ICT competence. As well as, Special attention I paid attention to the selection of musical accompaniment, which acted as one of the factors stimulating the movements of preschoolers, increasing their emotionality and determining their rhythm and tempo. In addition, music contributed to the organization of effective cooperation between teachers and children during the route game.
The kindergarten was full of laughter, fun, a storm of emotions and positive overwhelmed the children, and their real pirate costumes gave an even greater atmosphere of a magical and fabulous journey.
It is still too early to talk about the results of the event, but it has already become clear that the children have become most confident in navigating the walls of the kindergarten, recognizing the significant rooms of the institution: the doctor's office, the sensory room, the environmental room, and where is which group, its name and location. And they can find the office they need on their own.
The novelty of the route game lies in its very form of conducting on the development of initiative and independence of children. Children go beyond the boundaries of their group and move independently as a group along the routes, completing tasks.
We are not going to stop there. And we plan to hold another such event in May to develop children's initiative and activity. The place for the event will be a playground in the kindergarten, where the children themselves will perform tasks on prompts, run along the given routes.

To view a presentation with pictures, design, and slides, download its file and open it in PowerPoint on your computer.
Text content of presentation slides:
Municipal Autonomous Preschool educational institution“Kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for the physical development of children No. 44“ Thumbelina ”, Kansk Route game with elements of a quest, as a means of creating conditions for a situation of communication and interpersonal interaction of pupils in a preschool educational institution. Pugacheva Yu.O - educator MADOU No. 44 Free communication of children takes from 10% to 20% of their life. Purpose. Creation of conditions for communication and interaction of children. Tasks. Diversify the forms of creative, play, motor activity of children. Form and unite the children's team through joint play activities. Develop through motor tasks - memory, attention, logical thinking, observation; as well as physical qualities - dexterity, speed of reaction, coordination of movements, endurance. Cultivate creative activity and responsibility when performing collective tasks. Create a good mood, emotional charge from participating in an entertaining action. orientation in the situation). To develop the ability to orientate on a sheet of paper.8. To educate the moral qualities of a preschooler: the development of self-confidence, mutual assistance to each other, the development of self-control, self-discipline, responsiveness, empathy.
The requirements of "Route games with elements of a quest": the content of tasks and the conditions for organizing the game must be built in accordance with the age capabilities of preschoolers; the plot of the game must be interesting and understandable to children; routes of movement of teams are precisely thought out and compiled. Stages of work: Self-preparation (study of the technology of conducting route games). Preliminary work (with parents, teachers, pupils). Creation of a subject-spatial environment (selection of a playing space, design of game points, selection of musical accompaniment). Making the necessary attributes of the game (cards, selection of tasks according to the subject, designations). Conducting the game. Analysis (reflection with children, questioning preschool teachers, parents' reviews).

Results of the work. Children better than steel navigate within the walls of the kindergarten. The children began to recognize the offices (medical, sensory and environmental rooms, where the group is located, its name and location). The children became more confident and independent. Communication between the children became more friendly. The level of moral development of children has increased: they have become more responsive to each other, ready to help. And they can independently conduct a tour of the preschool institution to their parents and relatives. Thank you for your attention!

Attached files

Organization: MADOU Kindergarten No. 9

Location: Republic of Tatarstan, Uchaly

Target: Increasing motor activity, maintaining and strengthening mental and physical health.



  1. To expand the knowledge of older preschoolers about tourism, tourist equipment, the rules of conduct on a hike, orientation on the ground.


1) To develop physical qualities in children: strength, endurance, accuracy, dexterity.

  1. To consolidate the skills of motor activity when overcoming various obstacles: crawling, climbing, high jumps, long jumps, walking and running with a snake, throwing.
  2. To form the ability to search and research activities.


  1. To instill in children a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, the ability to overcome difficulties by solving common problems.
  2. Cultivate the desire for a healthy lifestyle, love for native land and interest in tourism as a form of active recreation.

Preliminary work: A conversation about the rules of conduct on a hike, about the largest mountain in the Uchalinsky district - Iremel; about the existence of Bigfoot Yeti;

Equipment: music center, route maps, easel, compass, fiberboard trees, rope, flags, triangle towers, snowballs, tunnel, benches, cauldron, firewood, spatula, stones (bars wrapped in foil), ice figurines, sweet candies.

Game progress:

The sports ground is festively decorated with colorful balls and flags. To the music of V. Shainsky's "Together it's fun to walk" children line up on the sports ground.

Physical education instructor (I.F.). welcomes children: Athletes, line up!

Sports guys really need!

We are friends with sports!

Sports health, sports assistant,

Sports game! Fikult!

Children: Hooray!

Instructor: Guys, today we are going on an unusual journey. We are going to Mount Iremel. Do you know who we can meet in the mountains?

Children: Bears, foxes, wolves...

Instructor. Correctly! And in the mountains you can meet Bigfoot - Yeti. People tell many legends about Bigfoot. Some people believe in him, some don't. Do you think Bigfoot exists?

(Answers of children).

Instructor: Our journey is fabulous, maybe we will be lucky and we will see a Bigfoot. We have a long, difficult and even dangerous path ahead of us, so be careful and careful. Do you know the rules of conduct on a hike?


  1. Strictly obey an adult!
  2. Do not leave without permission!
  3. Do not leave a friend in trouble, help the weak.
  4. Leave the place of rest clean! Choke a fire!

Instructor: Well done! Before climbing the mountain, I suggest you work out, strengthen your muscles .(warm-up)

"Tourist warm-up"

It sounds like a funny joke. The instructor pronounces the movements, the children perform to the music (movements are imitative)

  1. Walking on the spot (tourist goes on the route)
  2. Alternately lifting bent legs (step over an obstacle)
  3. Half squatting in a stance, legs apart with turns of the body to the right and left, put the palm to the eyebrows (looks out for the road)
  4. torso in different sides(backpack pulls in one direction and the other)
  5. Arms bent to the sides spring abduction of arms back (gaining energy)
  6. Jumps in place (turns into walkers)
  7. “Tired” - they pass a hand over their forehead.

Instructor: Training made us strong, brave, courageous. Every tourist should have a real map and compass. Let's now look at the route of our trip (consideration of the route and compass). After examining the route map, the instructor invites the children to hit the road:

Ilet- "Crossing" (walking along the path between the lines). Be careful, keep your distance.

IIobstacle - Gorge "(they walk along the rope, holding on to the safety rope stretched between the trees)

IIIlet« Snake. (Walking between the trees "Snake")

IVlet- "Snow Hills", (children are invited to jump over the hills).

Vlet- "Jumping over the ravine" (jumping over 2 parallel lines)

"Halt" - rest near the "bonfire" (talk about tourists, about the rules of behavior for tourists in nature, solving riddles


1. He will lie on the palm of his hand

Not a clock, but an arrow.

It will come in handy on the road

With him, you won't get lost anywhere. (compass)

2. Two belts hang on me,

There are pockets on the back

If you go on a hike with me,

I'll hang on my back. (backpack)

3. He is very needed on a campaign,

He is very friendly with fires.

Can you cook food in it?

Boil fragrant tea. (bowler).

4. Longtail horse

She brought us sweet porridge.

A horse is waiting at the gate -

Open your mouth wider. (a spoon)

5. He helped us at a halt,

He cooked soup, baked potatoes.

They are good for hiking.

Don't take it with you. (bonfire).

VIlet- "Mountain" (climbing over a wooden slide)

VIIobstacle -"Cave" (it is proposed to climb through the tunnel).

VIIIobstacle -"Sharpshooter" (it is proposed to shoot down icicles).

Instructor: ( The instructor draws attention to the painted footprints in the snow of Bigfoot). The further path, we will determine the traces. Look, look, this is probably a Bigfoot?! We found it! Incredible! Unfathomable! Bigfoot don't run away from us. The guys and I have come such a long and hard way to find you.

Bigfoot (S.Ch): And who will you be, so small, brave and mischievous.

Children: We are children - young pathfinders from kindergarten.

S. H: What is kindergarten? Is this a den?

Instructor: Dear Bigfoot, a kindergarten is a home for children, where they play and study all day long while their parents are at work. The guys and I decided to go on a trip to meet you. People make up legends about you, but no one can say for sure whether you really exist or not?

S.Ch: Of course we exist, provided you believe in us Bigfoot. Here in Russia I am a Yeti, and in England - my brother Bigfoot. So if you go on a trip to the Himalayas or Africa, say hello from me! When we last saw each other, we loved to play the Freeze game.

Freeze game.

S. Ch: Are you afraid of the cold?

Children: Not!

S.Ch.: Then run, I'll freeze ( catches up with children).

S.Ch. Well done, you are so fast, brave, dexterous, you can not catch up. Do you know that in the mountains you can see many animals, unique plants, precious stones. I suggest you find these stones.

Game "Find the gem"

(stones-bars are wrapped in foil, hidden in the snowman area, limited by flags, and the children are invited to find them).

S.Ch: Well done boys! And as a reward, I will give my favorite ice toys (ice figures). Well, it's time for me to go to my brother Avdoshka.

Instructor: Thanks, S.Ch! Goodbye! Guys, our journey ends, it's time to return to kindergarten.

Children then return to the same route, helping to clean sports equipment.

Instructor: Guys! Today you showed how brave, dexterous, hardy, and most importantly healthy and friendly you are.

To always be healthy

We need to go hiking.

Relax in nature

Breathe fresh air!

With this our journey came to an end.

Reflection: What do you guys like the most about our trip? children's experiences).

For the fact that you steadfastly endured all the obstacles, I give you a sweet prize. (Distribution of prizes).


Handbook of the "Senior Educator" preschool №12 2015.

O.S. Makarov "Game, sport, dialogue"

N.I. Bocharov "Improving family leisure with children of preschool age".

Zhirkova Larisa Platonovna
Job title: educator
Educational institution: MBDOU "Chuoraanchyk"
Locality: With. Kyusyur. Bulunsky district. The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Material name: Methodical development
Topic: Route game
Publication date: 16.01.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Route game

Motor activity is of particular importance among the many factors affecting the health and performance of a growing organism. Satisfaction of motor activity as a natural need for movement is the most important condition for the comprehensive development of the child.
Purpose of the game:
 Increasing physical activity, maintaining and strengthening the physical and mental health of pupils.  Creation of conditions for the comprehensive development of children (taking into account all areas of development: physical, social-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic-aesthetic).
 Increasing the motor activity of pupils;  Creating a positive emotional mood in them;  Development of social and communicative qualities through the collective solution of common tasks;  Expanding horizons. Preliminary work:  Tell the children about the pioneers who every year our students walk along different routes of the Bulunsky ulus and the Republic.  View photographs depicting the area of ​​fishermen, mountains and tundra, route maps.  For visual activity, draw on the topic: “Trip to the tundra”. Pay special attention to the selection of musical accompaniment, which will help stimulate the movements of preschoolers, increasing their emotionality and determining their rhythm and tempo. In this game, use a variety of game tasks for the development of dexterity and speed, coordination, accuracy of their movements, attention. Thus, overcoming the obstacles encountered on the way, the pupils satisfy the natural need for physical activity and experience joy.
route game scenario

"Journey to the Tundra".

for preschool group.

: Children's slide, boards, two racks, two ropes, two hoops, fabric, compass, bowler hat, paper berries, geometric figures floor, (by the number of children), "bonfire" (paper layout) media presentation. Musical accompaniment: audio application on CD to the medical manual "Sound of Nature". Characters: Leading - educator
Game progress:
Children in tracksuits, with small satchels on their backs, enter the hall.)
We have a lot of guests today!
(Chorus) Hello!
What do you think my mood is today?
Joyful and fun!
Right! Let's join hands and I will convey my good mood to you. All the children gathered in a circle. I am your friend, and you are my friend. Let's hold hands tightly and smile at each other! Guys, this year is the anniversary of the Kyusyur-Bulun-Kyusyur hike, which our moms, dads, grandparents went to play the hike. Guys, today we are going on an unusual journey. We're going camping! There are things on the table that you need to take with you? You need to choose 6 items (there are a compass, a basket, a backpack, a watch, a thermos, a mug, a computer, a phone).
How many items were taken the most necessary for the trip!
6 items.
Well done! And so to the right behind me step march! Music sounds (Sound of nature). Children repeat the leader's movement. The host pronounces the movements, the children perform them (the movements are imitative): A heavy backpack! We hold the straps of the backpack.
(I.p .: slightly tilt the body forward, bend your arms at the elbows.) Tired ... (Hold right hand on the forehead from left to right (in 4 counts). And left hand from right to left (for 4 counts). Repeat all movements again.)
1st obstacle - "Mountain"
For execution given task children's slide is used. To begin with, we simulate climbing a hill. (I.p.: standing, legs slightly apart. Stretch both arms up, clench your fists and tensely lower your arms down to shoulder level, without unbending your elbows (pulled up) for 8 counts. Perform the movement 4 times.)
Here we come to the pass of the highest mountain. Children take turns climbing the hill and sliding down it. The host insures them, monitor compliance with safety rules.
Here we climbed the most high peak the mountains. Breathe deeply! Mountain air is good for health.
Breathing exercises "Mountain air"
The host conducts breathing exercises, controls the correctness of its implementation by children, prompting them with the appropriate poetic text.
We saw mountains, Beautiful, high! We inhale the mountain air, We breathe through the nose, not through the mouth. We do not raise the shoulders, we help with the stomach.
Guys, let's see what's next. (Draws the attention of the children to the presentation, slide 2.) And then we have the following obstacles - a narrow gorge, and behind it a dark tunnel. We will overcome the gorge on the bridge. Be careful, keep your distance!
2nd obstacle - "Gorge"
To pass this obstacle, planks are laid out on the floor, a rope is fixed between the two racks. Under musical accompaniment. Children one after another walk along the bridge through the "gorge": they move with a side step, holding the rope with both hands. The task is not to stumble, not to step on the floor.
we passed the gorge. Ahead is a dark tunnel, which we will overcome on all fours. The main thing here is to keep your distance and not rush.

3rd obstacle - "Tunnel"
To pass this obstacle, a tunnel is built in advance - two hoops, between which the fabric is stretched. To the musical accompaniment, the children one after another go through the tunnel on all fours. The task is to quickly pass the tunnel without bumping into each other.
It was so dark in the tunnel that now our eyes need to rest. I suggest doing eye exercises. Visual gymnastics "Ray of the sun" The leader pronounces the text, the children perform eye movements in the appropriate directions.
Ray, mischievous ray, Play a dubious one. Come on, ray, turn around, show yourself to my eyes. I will look to the left, I will find a ray of the sun. Now I'll look to the right, Again I'll find a ray.
We will determine the further path by the compass.
(look at the compass): You have to go straight!
We continue our journey. (Draws the attention of the children to the presentation slide 3) The next obstacle that we need to pass is a mountain river. It's called Bulunkan. Our path lies along a winding path. And here is the river! (sound audio recording “Sounds of a mountain river”)
We need to move with you to the other side through a dangerous mountain river. To overcome this hurdle, we need special device. These are geometric shapes.
4th obstacle - "Mountain River"
To pass this obstacle, non-traditional equipment is used - “Geometric floor figures”. To musical accompaniment, children take turns one after another through a mountain river (a narrow blue canvas) between the banks (hoops). The task is to maintain balance and pass the mountain river from shore to shore.

The river is behind, but each of us should know that danger lurks at every turn in the tundra, so we need to be ready to save a comrade in difficult times. I suggest you divide into two groups: “rescuers are boys” and “victims are girls”. Attraction "Rescuers" Pupils are divided into two groups: "rescuers" and "victims". To the musical accompaniment, children from the “injured” group lie on the floor, and the “rescuers” throw a rope to each of them in turn and pull. The task is to save your comrades as soon as possible.
Guys, I think you're hungry. Let me light a fire. And the boys for firewood, it's time for you. Here is the tablecloth girls set the table. Open your backpacks, take out a mug and a plate, we will eat a spoon.
The tea has boiled, the tea is the oldest one for us.
This is Yura the oldest.
Hot tea 3 times (breathing exercise) . We ate, it was very tasty. Thanks to our girls. We clean up after ourselves. So that our tundra does not become clogged. Attraction "Gathering berries" Children line up in two columns. To the musical accompaniment, the pupils take turns running to the hoop (there are scattered berries inside the hoop), picking berries (only the trunks of the berries are visible). Pupils should know by the trunk and by the leaves which berry lies under the snow. They pick berries and come back. (Girls pick cloudberries and boys pick blueberries).
Well done! In the tundra you can see many unique plant species. In the tundra, the air is clean and fresh! And in order to always be so, what to do?
We must clean up after ourselves, leave our tundra clean.
And in order to go hiking, you need to be very strong and hardy! The guys and I already understood this when we overcame all the obstacles. I congratulate all of you. (Children say goodbye and leave the hall) List of literature used:
1. Preschool education 10/2012 Physical Culture S. Shmakova 2. Formation of elementary mathematical representations preparatory group for school. Corresponds to FGOST. Moscow 2014 3. Program "Northern Lights" Lebedeva N.N. 2014

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