Windows in the frontons of the attic options. Dersighted roofs of private houses: species, options, device

Gardening 20.05.2019

Last winter became a harsh test for mansard windows. Proms of installers, the lack of finishing and omissions of the owners declared themselves in the most unpleasant way - in the form of leaks, forehead and damage. Elimination of defects requires time and money. Is it not better to do everything right from the very beginning?

Let's start with the fact that there is a huge difference between the facade (vertical) and oblique windows for the roof (attic). The first are assembled into a solid wall by way with special mounting elements - anchor bolts. By and large, the risk zone in this case is only a small gap between the wall wall and the window box, which is filled with heat-insulating mounting foam and isolate with special materials (self-insulating vapor-permeable psunts, waterproofing tape, etc.).

Dersighted windows are embedded in a truly design scope roof (installed between the rafters, mounted on the cheek). Thus, they become an integral part of the roof. To eliminate leaks, it is necessary first of all to ensure the waterproof of the roofing coating of the roofing block. This task is allowed to solve special external salaries. Similar products are produced for different types Roofing coatings (flat or profiled). It is important not to confuse and put that salary that is optimally suitable for a specific situation. In order to prevent freezing, the area of \u200b\u200bthe attic window is thoroughly insulated with soft insulation - mineral wool from basalt fiber (Rockwool, etc.). The joint with the pitched hydro and vapor insulation of the pitched roof provide insulating salaries and special elements and products.

Another significant moment in the installation of mansard windows is the formation, insulation and decoration of slopes. Errors at this stage lead to freezing, abundant formation of condensate, and in the future - to damage the finishing materials and even deterioration of the living conditions in the attic. First of all, you need to make it so that the lower slope is perpendicular to, and the upper - parallel floor. Under the roughing, soft thermal insulation should be laid (but in no case the mounting foam!). We have already mentioned the vapor insulation apron (salary).

Meanwhile, to properly install a mansard window, you do not need to be a narrow specialist in this area. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions of the manufacturer, which, by the way, is included in the product kit. It is only necessary to open a little book and carefully examine the installation process, and not according to written recommendations, but on the intelligent pictures. There are almost no text in the instructions, all explanations are given in understandable image.

If you wish, any neat and thoughtful roofer can cope with the roof window. However, in practice, either unrelated amateurs or frankly unsubstantiated haliters are refilled by all the work on the arrangement of the roof. In other words, the main reason for the occurrence of problems with inclined windows for the roof is poor-quality installation and a complete neglect of the manufacturer's recommendations. At the same time, unscrupulous installers cover their non-professionalism with fairy tales, as if the mansard windows in the Russian climate are doomed. Say, this is not Denmark with Germany and Poland. In fact, the inclined windows for the roof have proven themselves in various regions of our country, including Siberia and even the extreme north.

The mansard window resembles a puff pie. And all the "cortis" and "filling" produce manufacturers of window products. After all, in addition to insulation and sealing, the inclined windows for the roof need shading and darkening. From the usual portor in the attic with its inclined walls, the ceiling is a bitten. Fortunately, to all the attic windows, you can pick up "exactly on the figure" blinds, blinds or rolling shutters. Consumers are offered a rich selection of accessories, as well as many products and devices that facilitate opening and closing the sash.

Do not forget that under the attic windows it is necessary to install heating devices that will provide convection warm air In the zone of glass packs, otherwise in winter, the glass will be fisted and even covered with an icy crust.

Downtown windows are permissible to embed into skates with a slope of at least 15 °. However, some home owners with almost flat roofs (or owners of apartments located on the upper floors of old five-story buildings) is not a decree. They carelessly embed inclined windows into the horizontal plane of reinforced concrete floors. The leaks and destruction of window structures will not wait to wait. Meanwhile, there is a technology for mounting mansard windows into flat roofs using lining elements. In addition, you can purchase specialized windows of windows.

The installers often forget to put gaps, that is, adjust the position of the box relative to the rotary flap. As a result, slots arise that cannot be eliminated during the operation of the window. And one more nuance. The well-being of mansard windows directly depends on the overall state of the pitched roof. As a result of errors made by laying coating and installation of hydro, steam and thermal insulation, in the roofing "pie" accumulates a large number of moisture. Water flows to the window designs and seeps through the separation of slopes and along the walls adjacent to them.

The hosts are reasoned: if the leaks left tracks on the slopes, the windows are to blame. And cause employees of the manufacturer's service. After dismantling the finish, it turns out that the vaporizolation is absent, the usual polyethylene is in the role of waterproofing, and the insulation is wet, at least squeeze. This situation requires urgent overhaul Roofs with subsequent reinstalling attic windows.

This window was found with such large geometric deviations that the emerging skew caused the formation of a huge crack in the frame, that is, in fact, destroyed the basic structural element. We'll have to fully change the window block.
This mansard window also has a problem with geometry. Due to the skew, the gap between the sash and the frame was formed. To eliminate the defect you will have to dismantle and reinstall not only this unit, but also adjacent to it is an earthen window. What is especially offended, because repair work Learn the disassembly of high-quality and expensive finishes.

Here the installers cost without clap. Steel cut the stupid scissors to cut and so and did not even get the edge - let them rust! And the jokes carelessly smeared the sealant of unknown destination. After this installation, it is necessary to prepare for the early repair of the roof and reinstalling the attic windows (if they still save the working condition)

This window has a chance for a happy future. The product is set accurately. On the perimeter mounted a warm outline. However, builders often forget to insulate the gap between the window and the rafters. Two strips of Minvati - and the window is saved from the freezing!

Here is an example of a classic leakage. The installers were not adjusted and did not leveled the position of the window frame. They did not even bother to check if the window closes. And the owners are forced to take measures to get rid of the gap between the box and the sash.
This looks like a rope of the mounted attic window shortly after installation. Divorces appeared from the water, lacquered, the wood was silent.

The mansard window is built into the folding roof. It does not ensure the reliable and hermetic adjoining of the window block to the roofing coating. The junctions of the outer salary and sheet steel are filled with sealant and are bonded by clemmers (should be under the roof), nailed by ordinary nails (through damage to the coating).
One more example incorrect installation Mansard windows in folding roof. Probably, when installing used components from dismantled blocks. Salaries as if collected in parts. For example, corrugated aprons were taken designed to install attic windows in profile roofing coatings (natural tile, metal tile). At the same time, metal salary frames are simply started under steel sheets. So, leaks and dampness can not be avoided. According to the instructions, these frames should be sunk in a kind of folding - waterproof seam. In its tightness, not inferior to folding compounds of the main coating.
It is impossible to easily use the mounting foam, forgetting that the windows for the roof are kept on ordinary self-drawing. In the process of polymerization, foam expands and presses on the frame. The window is deformed. There are gaps, through which water is grooming.

Probably, the finishers thought they were doing a good deed, tightening the slopes with foil foam. However, in this situation, this material serves only by vaporizolation. It does not provide a full insulation. Without soft thermal insulation, which was supposed to be located under the foam, the slopes will freeze. Due to the mounting brackets, the integrity of the foil vapor barrier is violated. Tiny holes are quite enough so that the couples penetrate under the foam, they condensed there and drops of dew glasses on plasterboard trim.
The clearance around the perimeter of the window block was generously poured by mounting foam. When the expansion squeezed the frame, which led to the windows distortion. Sucks are rudely pushed by the usual board. For insulation there is no place, and without it, finishing will be corrupted by condensate.
Qualitatively to perform the dumping windows will definitely fail. The board over the window block is nauseated almost vertically. Meanwhile, to ensure a full-fledged convection of warm air in the glass zone, the upper slope must be parallel to the floor.

TO mounting foam There are no complaints. She was applied in layers, and the returred was avoided. But without soft insulation, the slopes were blocked, and traces of leaks appeared on the plasterboard. The window remains without a vapor insulating apron, which strengthened the formation of condensate.
But the consequences of unfair installation and decoration of attic windows. Plasterboard casing is hopelessly spoiled by leaks. arising from the formation of condensate in the zone of slopes. Unplanned attic repair is provided.
Sun is rude. Basic sheath is made of draft boards. About pair and thermal insulation finishers and do not think. Correctly mount the insulation, a vapor insulation apron and is almost impossible to finish.

The decoration of the slopes could not withstand the operating conditions. And the problem arose not so much due to errors made by mounting inclined windowsHow much because of the systemic violation of the norms and rules for the arrangement of the attic.

Because of the wrong installation of the outer salary, rain and melt water penetrated into the zone of adjoining the window block to the roof. This led to the destruction and framework of the window, and the roofing system. We are not talking about leaks.
In the spring, ice on the glass will cause stagnation of melt water, which will inevitably lead to leakage. An unpleasant development of events could be avoided. If the owners regularly purified the attic windows from snow.

In conclusion, a small, but visual video on the installation of mansard windows:

This article will tell you about the curtains on the attic windows. As with help window textile To equip a cozy attic room?

Description. What should be aware of the attic

Attic is the last, upper room in the house. It is located directly under the roof. In the nearby past, such attic rooms served as a storage room for unnecessary things. However, increasingly attic is an additional living area.

Because of its features, the placing the ceiling of the attic room has a bevelled form. Accordingly, the windows will also be incorrect configuration.

Purpose can be located both on the walls and on the ceilings and have a round, trapezoid, semi-curvous form.

For attic suitable fabrics with a foil surface outward.


Mansard windows are:

  • Standard rectangular shape. They differ in the type of opening.
  • Smart windows. Control is carried out using the remote.
  • Arc windows. The design of the curved shape.
  • Combined. Combining several species.
  • Facade and cornice. There are such windows on the facade connections.
  • Dersighted balcony window.

There are so-called light tunnels. Make them, if there is a attic on the attic room. Then the window itself is on the roof of the roof and connects with the attic reflective pipe.

Options for registration

Mansard windows are passed by 30-40% more light than ordinary. Therefore, you need to choose the curtains especially carefully.

There are such varieties of window textiles:

  • Standard curtains. These are traditional tissue curtains. They do not protect from the Sun, rather dispel the sun's rays. To close the way, such curtains can be completely half or third.
  • Curtains with side guides. The edges of such textiles are hidden in aluminum profile. This allows you to more tightly close the disc. Management is carried out with the help of a side cord.
  • Shading curtains. Fully impede the penetration of the sun rays (read about the curtains Blackout). Use a special fabric that in winter time can hold heat.

There are also external rollers that can protect against street noise and hacking.

Traditional curtains

This method is convenient if the window is located on the vertical wall. Then over the outlook you can install a simple cornice, and on the sides hang tissue curtains.

Further is in some cases:

  • The ability to withstand the whole house in one style.
  • Creating an elegant, universal setting.
  • Small financial and labor costs.

Curtains Plisse

From traditional curtains in this case it is better to refuse. Rolled or curtains of pink or blue or blue color are better.


Traditional curtains hang in this room. It is not bad for transparent curtains with dense porters.

Depending on the part, the attic windows overlook, textiles may be of varying degrees of density.

Properly selected windows in the attic will help to make the room under the roof functional by 100%. Here are all the details: a sufficient amount of light and air, convenience in windows management. Below we collected practical recommendationsGuided by which you will easily create in your attic individual space for life, recreation and creativity.

At first glance, in the choice of the window in the attic there is nothing complicated: the window is a glazed opening, through which light and air fall into the room. But do not forget that the attic windows are mounted directly into the roof, which complicates the problem of selection of glazing solutions.

So, start!

Before selecting windows in the attic, determine the functionality: a solitary bedroom with a wonderful view, a cozy children's under the roof or spacious walk-in closet? Or the attic will be a full-fledged floor of a house with several residential premises? The purpose of the space under the roof directly affects the number of windows, required premises. Mansard windows - part of the roof, they solve the problem of illumination of space without vertical walls for mounting the usual windows. The advantage of mansard windows is that their size and location are limited only by the fantasy of the architect.

Mansard windows, like roof, are located under the tilt, so it is worth paying attention to the choice of a reliable proven manufacturer who specializes in the manufacture and installation of this type of windows. In order for your attic to serve you as long as possible - do not neglect the recommendations of the assembly organization about the preparation and alteration of the roof.

May the light be!

After determining the purpose of the attic room, it is time to determine the amount and size of windows in them. Use " golden Rule"Glazing space: for every 10m2 area of \u200b\u200bthe room - 1m2 glazing. But, as practice shows, to create the effect of spacious, filled with light and air, this volume is better to increase. Mansard windows are manufactured in several standard sizeswhich will allow you to easily calculate the desired amount, and for each size manufacturers indicate the glazing area. Example: Popular size - 78 * 118 cm, glass area - 0.59 square meters. m, one such window according to the standard scheme illuminates 5.9 square meters. m residential area.

Windows as art

Thanks to the flexible dimensional line, and options for combinations of window complexes, you are able to embody bolders design solutions And interior ideas. The combination of several attic windows, which is perceived as one large window and admits the light into the room, air, visually increases the space and creates a feeling of space. The windows are combined horizontally, verticals are connected to groups of 4, 6 or 8. In addition, it is also possible to combine the system of opening and deaf elements in such a way that it will be so popular in modern interior design. Panoramic window. The only thing that is recommended to pay attention is the height of the windows. For better review and comfortable operating conditions, the installation height of the lower windows does not exceed 90-120 cm from the floor level. In this case, the windows opens great view And a full contact with the environment is maintained.

The height of the attic of the attic windows dictates the choice of opening system: if the window is located within 90-120 cm from the floor, it is more convenient to arrange the opening knob from above, if the window is higher (attic with the tensile), then it is better to choose a handle from below.

"As practice shows, clients think about the height of the attitudes of attic windows at the last moment, and to choose the optimal opening option, this parameter is better to know in advance," says Marina Provarovskaya, Velux engineer. "Therefore, for those who are not yet sure at the time of purchase, from this year Velux offers a window with two handles - which one is more convenient to use, the buyer will decide already after installation. And if you appreciate luxury and comfort, stop at the option of remote control window. "

Separately, the installation of a window remote control system is recommended if they are located outside the usual reach area - above the staircase or high in vertical combinations is luxurious, and convenient.

In addition, you should carefully select the material for the attic window, and the appropriate type of glass package. Today manufacturers offer many materials to choose from, depending on the required functional. The windows are made of wood, plastic, polyurethane, depending on the type of room and humidity. Double-glazed windows in most models are single-chamber, but in heat resistant is not inferior to classic two- and even three-chamber counterparts, as they are made according to special technology. Pay attention to the external glass - it must be tempered to protect against hail. Some mansard window models are equipped with a safe glass with an internal glass "Triplex" (two glass connected by a special film that will not allow fragments to fly out if the window breaks down) - it is important if we are talking about a children's room or a window above the bed. In fact, the main points above the bed To pay attention to when choosing a window:

  • the size of the windows - are determined at the design stage, because in the case of mansard windows, it is required to open the roof at the size of this window;
  • opening type - depending on the height of the installation and location of windows;
  • material - Wood with lacquer coating, white moisture-resistant profile of plastic or polyurethane with a wooden basis - depending on the purpose of the room;
  • double-barker - Choose a set of characteristics: heat resistant, noise insulation, burning protection and others.

In addition, it is worth paying attention to non-standard options The glazing of the attic from Velux is a balcony window or terrace that will make your attic truly luxurious.

Technique - in the first place

The mansard window is a full part of roofing pie, it is not just a frame and glass, it is a complex installation system that reliable manufacturers are supplied with the window. For example, the installation of an attic window in the roof is unthinkable without the salary - the system of grooves for removing water, which is purchased with the window. In addition, the window will light up longer, it is important to ensure the connection of each design element of the indoor window sequentially with each layer of roofing pie. Each component of the design meets European standards of quality and safety - these are not empty precautions, and literally - a question of life and death: if the window passes moisture or keeps hard, then comfortable life In the attic you can forget. Famous manufacturers usually supply suitable fittings for any window: So, Velux offers ready solutionswhere the necessary components are provided, and quality is guaranteed by the leading manufacturer of mansard windows.

An example is a set for hydro and thermal insulation. From builders, we regularly hear that they meet different variants To connect the attic window with hydro and thermal insulation of the roof, but only the use of the original kit will provide high-quality, fast and smooth installation of the attic window and will increase the warranty from 5 to 10 years.

When installing an attic window, it should be clearly followed by the manufacturer's recommendations, in addition, work should be carried out by a highly qualified team of working leaders to ensure reliability and quality for many years.

Accessories for beauty and not only

In addition to purely technical accessories for mounting and operation of mansard windows, manufacturers offer a wide range of accessories. "When it comes to registration classic windowsMost buyers choose Tulle, Cardina, Blinds or Roman Curtains. When choosing a decor for windows in the attic, you can not refuse the usual details: VELUX offers a choice of darkening curtains, translucent plize curtains, scattering rolled and elegant Roman curtains. - tells the designer Guseva Natalia. - All models are presented in a variety of colors. And for those who are not afraid of bold solutions and are ready for truly bright design - Special Collections Star Wars, Disney or Restrained Dutch Scholten & Baijings. In addition, some accessories are absolutely necessary for a comfortable life in the attic: external labels for protection against heat and mosquito nets. "

Attic today is not only a comfortable room under the roof, which, at the request of the owner, turns into a living room, loft, dressing room or children, but also to emphasize their own individuality, express themselves. If you approach its construction and registration with due attention, the attic will be a favorite place in the house for many years.

Inclined eurobas differ from the auditory in that they are mounted directly into the roof under the tilt. The windows were invented in the XIX century, and the attic in the post-war fifties of the twentieth century. The inclined eurowindow is distinguished by tightness, practicality, high light operating and sound insulation. With an excess of penetration sunlight To the room, the roofing window closes the web or blinds. The light output at the inclined eurowindow is 35% higher than that of the frontal or auditory.

Blinds are installed on the inside of the windows.

Outside the window can be protected.

The frontal window is mounted vertically into a tongs wall using a frontal collar. Fronton frames can be discovering and unopened. Such models serve to increase surroundings.

Window-hatch for roof

The hatch on the roof should be organically fit into the appearance of a private cottage. A wonderful solution becomes the window of the hatch, which without problems is embedded in the roof and looks like an ordinary inclined eurowownoe. The hatches wonderfully harmonize with the external appearance of the entire structure and installed in it. The kind of roofing observation hatches:

  1. Emergency roofing outwardly looks like an oblique eurowownau. It is endowed with all the functions simple windows. It is used for technical inspection and roof access. To open the sash, you should simply click on the handle and the hatch will open with a gas shock absorbers. Such structures are installed on the roof with a bias from 15 to 55 degrees.


  • opening angle up to 70 degrees;
  • combined opening and ventilation system;
  • zaraminated inner glass;
  • outer layer - a tempered surface treated with self-cleaning means;
  • size from 700 x 1200 mm to 1006 x 1200 mm.

Roofing hatch significantly simplifies roof service.

  1. The operating output externally is an ordinary attic hatch window and serves to enter the roof. It is installed on the roof with a bias from 15 to 55 degrees, equipped with an influencing valve for the affiliation of the attic. Opened outside the side axis.


  • eurowindow opens with a handle;
  • luke is equipped with a multifunctional double-glazed window;
  • the sash can be opened both to the right and left;
  • luke size - 500 by 930 mm.

Operating room outlet with attic.

  1. The window-hatch is installed in the attic rooms of buildings for technological examination and roofing. You can choose the type of opening and side. Equipped with positioning position. It is installed on the roofs with a bias of 20 to 65 degrees.


  • the lower overlap of the frame serves as a step;
  • fixed in 3 places;
  • angle of opening up to 89 degrees;
  • size - 490 x 760 mm.

Mansard hatches may have the most different types opening.

How to choose how to choose mansard windows?

Choosing an indulgence of eurowindows should take into account a number of features:

  • availability of protection against moisture;
  • the presence of seals;
  • profile material or frame;
  • way opening;
  • the strength of the glass package.

The design features of the attic windows\u003dulwbg2i_hss in the design of inclined windows uses a single-chamber glass, which greatly facilitates the load on the accessories and support elements. For indulgence, Eurobon is used frost-resistant heat-saving double-glazed windows, which is filled with argon.

Mansard double-glazed windows.

Double-glazed windows made with the help of the "Triplex" technology will be removed by the inhabitants of the attic from fragments by chance broken glass. Since two glasses are glued with a special film that allows you to hold the fragments. Easy Clean coverage splits the dirt-accumulated dirt under the action sun rayThat makes it easier to clean the glasses.

Multilayer glass Triplex will provide excellent protection of your windows.

Important! It is important to pay attention to the location of the window handle. It should be on a convenient to use height.

Additional options, such as: roller shutters and retaining supports will protect the house from noise, hail, sun and serve as protection against penetration into the dwelling.

Features Construction of the Roof Window

The most simple design of the recessed eurowindow. You can use the already erected overlap and mounted the window under the finished roof. Such windows are mounted at any time.

This design is not only easily mounted, but also very practical.

The protruding window on the roof must be designed at the construction stage. The design can be mounted for flat and double roofs. On the flat roof It is much easier to mount the protruding overlaps. The mounted side walls of the design are sewn by boards and are covered with roofing underfloor material, which is removed all the roof.

This design can also become a good complement to the exterior of the house.

The inner window in the roof can be installed between the beams that hold the roof rafters. The reference board is installed between the supports, then it is placed on it. window frame. From above, the frame fixes a locking timber. The side walls and plums are covered with observer material, which is removed all the roof.

Installing an attic window.

Montage of the mansard window

After the final choice of the model and the location of the mansard eurowindows move to its installation. Inclined window installation sequence:

  • in the roof it is necessary to cut the opening for the installation of the frame;
  • the roof is strengthened by additional lags and mounted a frame for a window frame;
  • the insulation and hydroizol is stacked;
  • roofing material is laid;
  • installed window block.

Master class on the installation of an attic window\u003dU7MQZ8E8V9A Before starting the mounting of euro windows, it is necessary to strengthen the roofing design and mount the frame for the window frame. The gain is made with the help of rafters standing next door. Between them are mounted jumpers, between which the beams under the window frame are mounted. A window frame is installed in the resulting frame. The unit should be mounted without glass. The frame should be installed above the roof level, which guarantees draining water. After mounting the frame, it is necessary to lay a waterproofing coating that ensures the flow of water. Modern model of mansard windows are equipped with additional features. These include remote control of the window opening, roller shutters and protective fences forming a small balcony. Dersighted window on the remote d / u\u003dmlkzwrmpcig

Useful space under the roof over the first floor can always be used rationally. Why do you need non-residential cold atticWhen with a reasonable approach, it can be turned into a full-fledged residential room? The design of the attic will require attention, investment, as a result you get an additional area, it can be turned into a bedroom, living room, office or cinema hall. Insulated attic to save up to a quarter of energy, which is usually used to heating at home.

Second floor design

Previously, the attic was not intended to stay. Later there began to place a servant. Today, the living rooms have become fashionable under the roof.

If for the equipment of the attic floor it is necessary to reconstruct the rafter system, the services of professionals may be required. When heating, ventilation and electricity are already present, the interior can be thought out independently.

The moments that need to be taken into account when creating an interior of a house with an attic:

  • Mandatory insulation, availability of all engineering communications. In matters of arrangement, you need to be very pricious, in their decision to be technically savings.
  • Well think about how to use walls, beams, rocks in the interior of the room.
  • Rational to approach vertical windows Or located in Lugarny, with their help to achieve maximum illumination.
  • In the finishing apply those materials that show the greatest moisture resistance.
  • Not to get involved in a large number of furniture, extra details, accessories, remember the rule: Low ceilings require the same low furniture.
  • Take the use of natural finishing materials.
  • Rationally dispose of space, in the process of passionland designer development and not make it closer.

Little mansard

The modest size of the room is not an obstacle to creating a stylish interior. The beveled ceilings are selected by a large share of space. It is always possible to beat, the volume and area will be added using successful lighting, enlarged as much as possible and width of window openings, harmonious color gamma.

Bedroom on Mansard

Depending on the degree of inclination, the room under the roofs adapt to different purposes. At low angle of the attic of the attic will be the perfect place for the location of the bedroom there. Its comfort, romanticism will only win, it will become quieter, warmer, through the windows it will be a starry sky.

For the design of space choose traditional style, shutdown it in an eastern or aristocratic manner. In any case, first will have to be repelled from the height of the room, do not chase behind large parts, stop at more compact. First, it will be necessary to place the most necessary furniture, the remaining place to fill out by other details.

When choosing finishes based on those materials that were used in the design of the house. The bedroom will naturally look an ecosil where there is a lot of wood, classic finishing with wallpaper, which will emphasize the beauty, comfort. Special attention - textile. He will put accents, give a unique look.

What can be done if the ceiling indoors is very low? Even in such a situation you can equip cozy bedroom. The bed is "tatami" will be out of position, and the entire interior must be withstanding in the style of eastern minimalism. The ceiling will be visually raised if it is in bright colors.

Living room in the mansard room

The cozy living room in the attic can be done by spending the minimum effort. The main thing is that the guest room is spacious and solid. Carefully thought out design is capable of even the very large room to turn into a reception center.

To visually expand the narrow volume of the attic, you need to strive for light tones In everything: use plastic, transparent glass furniture, the walls are also made as light as possible.

The first right for accessories will be the unity of all the details. For windows, translucent fabrics are best suitable. Not bad will look tight curtains, blinds.

The style of the living room must fit your interests, mood, to harmonize with all the decoration of the house. Choose among the following directions:

  • Classic. She is inherent in luxury and grace. Good furniture, carpets, chandeliers will be required. The main decoration of the interior should be a fireplace zone. No bright colors, everything is ordered.
  • Modern modern. Functionality, simplicity, practicality. In the atmosphere of the room, warm pastel shades depart, there are dark elements. All details are subordinate to harmony.
  • Retro. The situation is characteristic of the end of the last century. The living room is furnished and decorated with paintings of that time. Instead of the fireplace, you can build a cast-iron oven or its stylization.
  • Provence. The popular destination is due to its sophistication and romanticity. Finishing and furniture is subject to antiquity. The room is warmed with warm southern tones.
  • High tech. For modern attitudes. In the finish, everything corresponds to the most latest fashion. Many chrome, glass details. Strict forms, monotony, minimalism.

Kitchen and dining room under the roof

Wonderful if this idea comes to mind at the stage of laying a building. Cuisine's arrangement will require relevant communications. We will need not only light and insulation, but also to summing up the gas, water.

The thoughtful attic interior with a kitchen and dining room can be the most comfortable and beautiful, the selection of stylistics, furniture, taking into account the nuances of the planning of the room, the height of the ceilings, the shape of the floors.

Where the ceiling is beserved, lay the cooking surface, install a sofa and a table with washing. To give preference to modular systems, cabinets with inclined walls. Optimal option - Multi-level furniture, preferably on wheels, no massive heads in the style of classicism. The functionality of the avant-garde and techno with bright flower accents, unusual furniture will be more appropriate.

When developing the interior of the kitchen, you need to consider that:

  • natural lighting will best provide small-sized mansard windows;
  • it is better to get furniture bright colors, walls and ceiling to withstand in pastel colors;
  • with appropriate layout, kitchen furniture placing the wall that perpendicular to the skate;
    The dining table will be good at the window;
  • the colors of the kitchen zones, the dining room must be combined with each other, even better, if contrasts between them are opposite.

Window design by mansard floorwhere the kitchen will be, can dictate the complete lack of decor. Most convenient option Will serve rolled curtains, blinds.

Children's room

"Dead zones", the inconvenience of planning is those claims that usually impose in the process of working on the design of the attic floor. In the case of children's pallets, not quite accessible angles may opposite to create additional features. Features of the relief of the walls, the height of the ceilings can be used well. Highly located windows are safer than traditional.

First of all it is necessary to think about good insulationThe challenge of all materials used, convenience of planning.

The child will like to be the one-chased owner of a separate room, which he can objural at his own discretion. The room will be a good observation point away from the close parental supervision. It is easy to organize several zones: for recreation, games, storage of many toys, things, creativity classes.

For children, it is important for the presence of an abundance of light, bright accents. In the interior well will fit unusual furnitureOn the bedrooms, motley textiles, all sorts of soft flooring, many interesting colorful lamps in different zones of space.

Cabinet, workshop or library

In a small private house, it is always difficult to allocate separate room under the office or workshop. On the former attic you can organize a cozy zone for privacy, reading, favorite hobby. Large space does not need several enough square meters. In the absence of restrictions in meters, impressive racks for books will fit here, soft sofa Or a fluffy rug with many cozy lounges for recreation, a rocking chair in a separate corner with a lamp.

An attic room is made up with open shelves or closed racks for books, tools, use all the space to the maximum.

To not reduce the expanses of the attic floor, you should not sew massive wooden beams Plasterboard. This will not give the narrow-limited space, give the interior of the individuality, the atmosphere of the cabinet with a large number of equipment and electronics will become warmer.

Bathroom on mansarde

The attic floor, by virtue of its specifics, beveled ceiling, walls with different levels, is infrequently used in functional purposes. In a large metropolis, the whole apartment may be an attic area. When creating an interior country house The utilitarian premises can also be placed under the roof.

There are nuances here, in the preparation of the design project of the attic to the settlement takes not only the size of the room, the growth of hosts is taken into account, ergonomic patterns. It turns out a convenient, practical bathroom, it is better to place it above the kitchen area. It will simplify the work of water supply and sewage systems. To the inclined wall, the toilet, bathroom is most often installed. If the dimensions of the room are small, then it is better to put a shower room instead.

Plumbing, furniture must be compact, often use washbasins built into the cabinets, lockers, various suspended structures. It is better if the surface and doors will be made of materials with a light, glossy, mirror surface. Floor tiles - appropriate.

With the impressive size of the walls, the walls are decorated in any tones if it is close, stopped on the bright range, which should visually expand the space. With the same purpose, it is worth abandoning the idea to hide the designs and save on this area. We decorate them, make interior accent.

Home Cinema

Usually one of the largest rooms on the first floor combines the functions of the dining room, living room, kitchen. It is convenient, zoning helps not infringe each of the segments.

The current design of the attic room, if there is no sharp need to save useful space, assumes the possibility of planning on the second floor of the cottage or private house of a full home cinema. This room places a large sofa, TV, a projector screen to the entire wall. Wires, the speaker system is hiding behind beautiful wall panels, where disks, other attributes, etc. will be comfortable.

In the presence of funds, rich fantasy, a bar rack is added to the arsenal, a refrigerator for drinks, a car for popcorn, coffee cooking. If you make the furnishings of the mobile, the room is useful for holding parties with dancing, other mass assembly.

Wardrobe under the roof

To arrange a storage system on the first floors due to the eternal lack of place is unprofitable. Establish a room for such purposes under the roof, let even a small area and with a specific form, a very good solution. This can be reached by the things of all family members. Non-standard layout, with a well-thought-out approach, pay yourself in a plus.

Asymmetry, all sorts of ceiling bellows will not always allow the store an assortment of furniture on the attic area. But you can think about how to use every angle with cabinets, racks, shelves made to order.

High walls are installed cabinets and niches for long items. Near the walls under the slope, the wardrobe with sliding doors will fit well. Next to low wall fragments, you can equip low stands, benches for which it is convenient to sit down, store seasonal things there, shoes with a vacuum cleaner.

Fireplace room

Mansard is a non-standard space. Inordinate people to create an atmosphere of romance and creativity are not quite suitable for heated floors, electrical radiators. The fireplace can play both a purely practical role and perform purely decorative.

Traditional wood fireplace is a massive structure. Since the scenery of the attic floor, the structure in half-way is unlikely to endure, preference is given to compact models with a slight weight. Contraindicated cladding with heavy stone, ceramics. The most appropriate stylistics of Heytec, steel, glass, cast iron parts, simple forms without decorative excesses.

The design of the fireplace in the attic room is very individual, necessarily takes into account the degree of load, the ventilation system. If the overlaps in the wooden house are stopped on electrical models or those working on biofuel.

Important! If you want a fireplace on the attic to be, prior to the storage of solid fuel. The system of removal of smoke is required, but is associated with additional financial load. When using electrical models you need to choose the most powerful. The fan heaters pull a lot of energy, do not withstand fire safety requirements, the air is overly dried.

Materials and ceiling design

When choosing a ceiling finish, consider all the nuances of its structure, your future comfort depends on it.

The range of materials for work is quite wide. All known design types can be used. Stretch surfaces are suitable, out of lining and plasterboard, most importantly - take into account the roofing device. Sometimes the design does not allow you to embed wiring with the lamps, the best alternative will be made of a tail or suspended ceiling.

Stretching coatings are applied only when the vertical wall is present. Otherwise, considering a small area, close location The objects of the situation are risk of damageing the surface. Stretch systems do not lose design, are good for all the shapes of the roofs, they simply hide any communications behind them.

The most common I. available methods Finishes - plasterboard and lining, it is also easier to mount decor elements.

Mansards look very original, in which the ceiling is saved by wallpaper of light tones with a delicate pattern.

Effects are multi-level plasterboard ceilings With height differences, a large number of unexpected protrusions. That's right, the tricky broken roof slightly adds beauty and originality to the whole interior.

Finishing of Mansarden walls

The most popular material and here is a tree. No others will compare with it. It is distinguished by the uniqueness of the wood aroma, created only by the microclimate, serves as additional thermal insulation.

The simplest solution is a trunk finish, which has several types of profile and methods of location on the surface.

Frequently used wooden panels made of array or from the same lining. A budget option - laminated and veneer panels, MDF with wooden or bamboo veneer. The interior of the attic with such panels is more suitable for the Cabinet, sportroomTherefore, it is better to resort to combination with wallpaper, staining or decorative plaster.

Very winning looks relatively new material called Wooden Wallpaper. Like traditional, they stick on the wall. This decoration of the attic "under the tree" is very decorated.

Major drawing dark color Walls in the space of a small attic is not quite appropriate. It is better to dry the walls with white wallpaper. The soft color of furniture and spots of bright accessories will live in the interior.

A completely recent novelty in the mansard finish is the HPL panels, high-pressure plastic, with which you can embody the most spectacular design solutions.

Of modern technologies It is worth mentioning the last "squeak" - the drape of the walls by fabrics. Exquisite textiles are decorated not all walls, but two or one in the center of the room.

Important! With the arrangement of the attic floor, it is necessary to ensure that the technical requirements for the thermal insulation of the ceiling and walls are performed. If insulation and ventilation will not comply with all standards, there is a risk that the roof and windows in the cold time will be covered by condensate. Dampness and its consequences - fungus are able to cause discomfort, household diseases, premature damage to furniture.

Floor facing materials

However, the floor is arranged on the attic, always high demands. This is due to two very important requirements: good heat and noise insulation. Traditional finish methods These tasks do not decide. To satisfy all requests is designed to build not only dry, but also the installation of a "floating" base.

For reliable insulation use mineral wool, glass wool. Also very important good waterproofing. Outdoor coating requires a special basis, the role of which is performed by boards from fir, pine, larch treated with special antiseptics.

The final cladding can be any: linoleum, laminate, parquet, chipboard, carpet, depending on the tastes of the owners, their views on the future function and stylistics of the room.

It is not worth saving on the floor covering, because the materials of poor quality will crack, burn out, publish foreign sounds. Mandatory thick layer of insulation material. Decoration, additional insulation will serve carpets, on the attic floor they are more than appropriate.

Choose mansard windows

One of the main issues in the construction of the attic is to ensure high levels. natural lighting. There should be at least one window for each room, better if there are several of them, it is very good when they are not on the same wall. The width of the windows can be given, not wider than the distances between the rafters. Length is limited to the upper and lower edge, depends on the roof slope.

Modern design

More recently, the windows on the attic were deaf, did not open, they simply crashed into the roof. Now the double-glazed windows have at least two glasses. The outer glass to increase strength is amenable to hardening, the internal method is processed to crash, it has not disintegrated into pieces with sharp corners.

Modern frames are able to rotate in a particular axis, directly in the middle, 2/3 from the edge. Rotary devices work both in manual mode and using the remote.

Forms of mansard windows are several:

  • vertical;
  • inclined;
  • designed for flat roofs.

Work on the installation of mansard windows is not for a beginner, so it is better to charge it to professionals.

How to choose correctly

Compare the ratio of floor areas and glass surface. If the windows are planned to be put in the room where many daylight is required (nursery), then the window opening area to the floor should be 1: 8. In the bedroom is allowed 1:10.

Moisture-resistant glass is needed in rooms with high levels humidity (bathroom, dryer, sauna).
Outdoor glass must be done hardened. Then even a strong hail will not be terrible.
Ventilation built into the attic window must have the shape of a labyrinth, to be adjustable, give fresh airBut not to skip the cold to the room.

Not only visible, but also hidden from eyes space in the design of wooden windows must be closed, it is a guarantee of protection against humidity.

Make sure the lower slopes of the window are perpendicular to the floor, and the upper was parallel. It will prevent the formation of condensate, contribute to better lighting.

Artificial lighting

The organization of the light supply system depends on the zoning of the space, from the way there is furniture in the room, the number and size of the windows, the features of the roof structure, the ceiling.

Light on the attic should be a lot. For this purpose, Local lamps are used: sconce, all sorts of floor lamps, portable lamps and rotary, point devices. The ceiling chandeliers of varying degrees of power will not be superfluous.

From the usual chandelier, you can refuse, set point lamps only in the most used zones. In the bedroom it is allowed to leave only point lighting. In the living room, where fees and events are planned, set the lighting devices of the general and local type.

To create a romantic ceiling pattern, fiber optic lighting threads are used. In the attic room, any variants of local light are good.

Color solution

Since the attic is a specific room, the color gamma in its design is of an important meaning. Colors are preferred bright, which is especially relevant for small interiors under the roof. The overall color range needs to be kept on all surfaces, including furniture, walls, ceiling, floor. Decoration Materials Also should be harmonized between themselves, to make a whole.

The space with a deep ceiling needs light and glossy surfaces that would reflect the light. It will be visually expanding the color contrast of the floor and walls. Dark floor and dazzling white walls that do not have borders with the ceiling will create an illusion of infinity. Ceiling beams that harmonize color with outdoor coatingwill become an original part of the design.

When choosing textiles and furniture, it is also worth a preference to light pastel colors. A small room will become even smaller if it is taken into the design of dark paints.

To somehow revive the interior, bring bright strokes. Transparent curtains will not be a barrier light, but the shadows will add a game, they will create the necessary comfort.

The choice of destination of the room and the style of its design is always the prerogative of the owner of the house. What to choose - depends on its tastes, financial opportunities, lifestyle.

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