Path chimney. How to make chimney

Landscape design and layout 29.08.2019
Landscape design and layout

The thoughtful design of the chimney for the gas boiler and its competent installation is an important component of efficient heating in a private house. There is no mistakes, otherwise there will be insufficient traction, costs will increase, and the conclusion of the outward combustion products will be incomplete. Redoing the chimney is difficult and expensive, so it is important to take into account all the advice of specialists to minimize costs and increase the efficiency of the boiler.

What is important to know about the structure of the chimney to the boiler?

All species of the private sector heating systems are built on burning various types of fuel in the consumption of a certain amount of oxygen and discharge outward harmful products combustion. Basic heating:

  • fireplace;
  • bake;
  • boiler.

All of them have something common - chimney to dispose of combustion products that should not flow into the residential premises. The correct setting of the chimney on the gas boiler guarantees:

  • high high productivity of the boiler or furnace (EFF level);
  • efficiency of the heating system;
  • safety of all living in the house;
  • comfortable housing heating;
  • operating boiler without problems.

The main types of chimneys

From the time of time and installation of the heating system largely depends the variety of chimney. If the gas boiler put in the old house, then you have to find an option with the smallest destruction of the walls and their reconstruction. However, it is not necessary to do without perforation of the wall to remove the outdoor chimney. In new homes, the heating system is planned during general design, so boiler room and internal chimneyAs a rule, already scheduled. For example, the photo shows how to make a chimney for a gas boiler, given the design.

There are 2 options for installing a chimney for a gas boiler:

  • outdoor (remote, appitable);
  • internal (built-in).

If it is built inside the house, do not do without a foundation or foundation for the future chimney and a protective mine from brickwork. It implies separating overlap between floors, attic and roof. The self-supporting system for the discharge of combustion products is more appropriate and reliable, it is not terrible external influences. Insulation with this type of chimney is minimal, and the effectiveness is the largest. Sometimes it makes sense to add them to the side of the wall, near which the boiler should stand inside the house.

Remote or outer chimney requires competent fastening and additional insulationYes, and condensate in it is formed more, so this container is also important to take care. Constructive elements of the remote modular chimney:

  • segments (parts or sections);
  • connecting gas supply (adapter or nozzle);
  • brackets for mounting on the wall;
  • auditing hatch in the lower section of the chimney.

Arguments in favor of the fact that the chimney is better to do on their own

Mounting the chimney for a gas boiler can be entrusted to those skilled in the art, but some are ready to do everything yourself, especially if there is a tool, and the owner has golden hands.

The simplest option is to use the finished outer chimney, that is, the modular design of the factory production and then it competently inspired. Sometimes it makes sense to make all the details on your own, especially when there is all necessary materials and tools for cutting metal. Then make a chimney for a gas boiler in a private house will independently cost much cheaper.

However, even if there is a desire to attach yourself external chimneyIt is important to consider several factors:

  • the ratio of the diameter of the chimney to the cross section of the gas boiler pipe, which is verified when buying a boiler and chimney;
  • the height of the chimney should be greater than the upper point of the roof - to provide traction at any direction of the wind;
  • remote (external) chimney should be insulated outside;
  • the chimney pipe along the entire length should be smooth and round;
  • the inner surface must be protected from condensate and caustic substances inside, that is, inert to smoke chemicals;
  • the material of the inner surface of the chimney should be heat-resistant, that is, to withstand in the range of 150 - 250 ° C.

Project, Schemes and Drawings

The competent project of the house provides for the project where the heating system and the type of chimney are taken into account - internal or remote. Before mounting gas equipment The chimney for the gas boiler should be made:

  • height;
  • width;
  • constructive features.

Initially, it is worth viewing samples and schemes ready projectsbut ultimately need to make their own drawing, where they are specified exact dimensions, taking into account the design features of the house. See examples of chimneys for gas boilers, photo:

Each heating system is designed for the design capacity of the boiler and the type of fuel. Copper combined or gas - it is important to decide in advance because there is a difference in temperature mode. It is equally important to take into account the observance of fire measures.

The chimney parameters for the gas boiler are usually indicated in the instructions from the equipment manufacturer. But it is impossible to ignore the building rates so that the structure of the chimney is not damaged. If the heating system with a gas boiler is made after the construction of a private house is completed, then most often have to do an outdoor chimney.

The chimney device for the gas boiler is design based on existing norms and parameters heating equipment. It is desirable that the gas boiler is installed in a separate boiler room with ventilation, lower floorto ensure a removal carbon monoxide. The entire heating system should be reliable and sealed.

Basic chimney requirements:

  • the inner surface of metal protected from condensate and caustic substances, and from other fire-resistant materials;
  • complete tightness for the whole length;
  • withstands the impact of high temperatures;
  • provides sufficient craving to prevent combustion products into the structure;
  • the main part is installed vertically, and the rotary and inclined parts do not occupy most.
  • the diameter of the exhaust pipe must coincide with the cross section of the chimney of the boiler;
  • must rise above the upper point of the roof to provide thrust in any weather and prevent air seats with lateral wind.

The chimney diameter for the gas boiler should be sufficient to ensure guaranteed cravings, as well as repair and maintenance, if necessary. Do not forget about condensate that does not evaporate, but accumulates, and you need to get it out. All these parameters are difficult to fate a newcomer in a construction business, so at the design stage it is desirable to contact the specialists.

Constructive features of different types of chimney

From the material from which the chimney for the gas boiler is made, depends on the durable entire heating system, as well as its efficiency and reliability in operation. Most recently, all chimneys were laid out of refractory bricks or there were still inserted ordinary pipes. It did not defend him from the formation of condensate and sage raid. With the advent of heating equipment combined type And household gas boilers began to use new materials.

One of the families in demand for the chimney remains a pipe made of stainless steel with molybdenum. It is considered one of the most effective for protection against condensate, oxides and caustic smoke. They are released in finished video, that is, the optimal cylindrical form. This contributes to a good straight and rapid passage of smoke and others. gaseous substances With minimal solid sediment and condensate.

ATTENTION: When installing the chimney, make sure that it is as little defects as possible, scratches and catch on bends - there is most of all soot and plates, which are difficult to delete, but it interferes with the operation of the gas boiler and reduces its efficiency.

When choosing blanks for the chimney pipe, the ratio of the cross section (the width of the pipe) is important and its height (internal length of the pipe). All these parameters are usually indicated in the instructions for heating equipment, and the effectiveness of the entire heating system in the house depends on the compliance with the recommendations. Optimal height The chimney is about 5 m, but this figure fluctuates, depending on the floor and constructive features of the house.

Although stainless steel with molybdenum is considered the most suitable for chimneys of materials, but today the Sandwich system is gaining popularity. This is a double tube, and the layer between them is an insulating basalt wool. It is suitable for a remote chimney that does not need to be insulated outside.

The turns of the chimney (knees) in the design of the system should be the minimum quantity, and each of everyone is assumed to be a special revision hatch - it is necessary to clean the channel with a digging system.

Attention: It is important to provide a capacitance for condensate, which is mounted below the nozzle directly from the gas boiler. And remember that every fireplace, a furnace or boiler should be equipped with an autonomous chimney. The overall chimney in adjacent rooms contributes to the return rift, that is, it will pull the smoke and carbon monoxide in the residential premises.

Until recently, not only brickwork and steel tubes, but also galvanized and asbestos pipes. But they are more suitable for the fireplaces of country households and small houses. In many ways, they are inferior to modern stainless steel equipment with molybdenum coating.

Polymeric material Furanflex (Furanflex), from which the inserts for chimneys and the installation of smoke-performance systems are responsible for all technical requirements. It resembles a fire-resistant plastic with reinforcement, which does not destroy from the effects of acid evaporation of smoke and condensate.

Galvanized pipes are less durable than with a special coating, but can be successfully operated up to 5 years. By that time, it would be possible to find them worthy and better replacement.

Asbestos-cement pipes are also widely used in the formation of chimneys. Until now, they are in demand for a bath or a Russian oven. These pipes absorb condensate, but they are not sealed at the joints, and when overheated, it is split with the effect like an explosion.

The main disadvantage of the brick chimney remains gradual destruction from condensate. IN modern systems heating they are used as mine for metal chimneys. Stainless pipes inside the brick gas is sealed and resistant to high temperatures, even when the boiler works at full power.

Chimney for the gas boiler do it yourself: Installation

If the heating equipment has been purchased, the place for the boiler is prepared, there is a project or a scheme, instructions on how to make the chimney for the gas boiler in the documentation for the boiler. But it is important to do everything in stages:

1. Collect the details of the chimney to make sure the pipe is complete.

2. Attach the chimney to the gas boiler.

3. Secure the design details.

4. Check for tightness all connections and complete the insulation of the joints.

If you want to install a remote (outer) chimney for a gas boiler, it is removed through the wall, sometimes used the finished vent hole and the window. In a deaf wall, you will need to do the hole you need a diameter where the pipe plus insulating material is free.

Tip: Do not rush to make a hole until you make sure the accuracy of calculations and compliance with the drawings. The hole in the wall should be neat and gentle for common design walls.

In the finished hole, one section of the chimney pipe is removed, immediately fix and isolate. From the side of the street consistently increasing the links and belong to the plumb. Next, the pipe brackets is attached to the wall. When a sufficient height is reached on the top, the fined valve protecting the gas duct from the hops is fixed.

The double tube is desirable to treat a layer of composition protecting against corrosion. The single pipe (without mineral wool between the chimney layers) is definitely insulated. The final stage is connecting the pipe to the gas boiler nozzle and complete sealing.

Attention: Installation of the chimney of the gas boiler through the ceiling and the roof is considered to be more difficult - you have to make several holes strictly over the other, so that the pipe stood vertically. Therefore, those who do not have construction skills, this installation is not recommended independently. It is better to make such holes to specialists, and only after the completion of the draft works, you can start the chimney assembly.

The chimney must rise above the roof skate at least 25-30 cm. All places where the pipe passes through the roof, it is important to isolate competently, in accordance with the roof material. Usually used mineral Wat And roofing overlays for chimney.

Basalt wool also insulate the remote chimney so that the pipe warms up faster, for a full thrust, and condensate was formed as little as possible.

Let's talk about how to make a chimney, considering different designs Chimneys and requirements for their device.

The chimney for the boiler is designed to remove fuel combustion products into the atmosphere. Actually, any heating boiler, if it is not electrical, can only work if there is a proper chimney.

What are the chimney designs exist?

Types of chimneys for heating system

By way of installation, chimneys are:

  • external attachments;
  • double horizontal;
  • internal vertical.

According to the principle of attachment to boilers, chimneys are divided into:

  • separate (separately on each heating boiler);
  • combined (exit from, for example, two boilers are combined into one common, which leads to the street).

Now we will analyze how to make the chimney of each type.

Horizontal chimney

The easiest way to make a horizontal chimney: you just need to do a hole in the wall of the boiler room outside:

1. Horizontal chimney

Such chimneys are suitable only for boilers with a forced product.

Outdoor palm swamp

For such chimneys, forced thrust is not needed: the exhaust gases are discharged due to the natural atmospheric thrust. With such a device of the chimney, the pipe from the boiler goes through the wall to the street, and then the chimney along the wall rises to the roof:

2. External Plow Chimney

The height of the chimney should be at least 5 m from the bottom of the boiler to the top of the chimney (see the next figure).

In the diagram D1 and D2, it is the diameters of the chimney itself and exit on the boiler. So these diameters should be equal and according to the standard 130 mm.

The chimney is attached to the wall with additional parts (clamps and support frame).

Internal chimney

Internal chimney immediately rises from the boiler up, passes through all overlaps and then goes to the roof:

3. Scheme of the inner chimney

Internal chimney It is advisable to do a two-layer, laying thermal insulation between the layers - to avoid a fire from the heating of the chimney. Thermal insulation prevents the formation of condensate inside the chimney.

Chimney in the wall of the house

The internal chimney can be mounted in the house wall - inside the brickwork (see Fig. A): From the boiler, the pipe goes into the channel inside the wall and it rises to the roof.

4. A - internal chimney, filled inside brickwork; The dependence of the height of the pipe from the distance to the ridge of the roof; B - the location of the pipe in the case of a attached boiler room.

Why warm the chimney?

When combustion of any fuel, water vapor is formed. In the chimney steam cools, and at a temperature of 55 degrees and below steam condense and forges water drops. Water enters into chemical reaction With various compounds from exhaust gases, which is formed various aggressive solutions. To prevent such cooling, chimneys are made double and insulated.

Chimney Device Requirements

To the above, let's consider in the schemes how chimneys are arranged.

Vertical execution. If the floor boiler and the floors are combined, be sure to be under the boiler should be a fire-free substrate: asbestos sheet plus metal sheet.

The flow of the chimney through a wooden wall (and in general the wall from the combustible material) should have a fireproof sealing of at least 0.5 meters around the chimney.

The next requirement is the length of the horizontal section of the chimney: from the axis of the boiler to the axis of the chimney, which on the street should be no more than 2 meters, otherwise the thrust will be bad.

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe pipe, located on the street, the pipe two-layer and between the layers was laid thermal insulation - to prevent condensate in the pipe. But in any case should be a pocket below vertical site Pipes for cleaning and removing condensate.

In fig. 3 chimney, which passes vertically through overlaps: in this case Through the ceiling and roof. Requirements here are the same. The requirement is also added: from the bottom of the boiler to the top of the pipe a distance of at least 5 m.

The chimney diameter for the gas boiler established by the manufacturer must be equal to the diameter of the chimney coming out of the room. It happens that boilers with a smaller dimer of the chimney (about 80 mm), then inner diameter The remaining chimney should be at least 130 mm. These all requirements should be taken into account, because if you do not do as it should, you will have problems with the commissioning of gas equipment.

On the next scheme (Fig. 4, a) the option is considered when the chimney pipe is embedded in the canal outdoor Wall. The following requirements should be observed here: below the pipe inputs to the wall canal should be a cleaning hatch. It happens that in the cold time, sparrows, pigeons, etc., are sitting on the top of the chimney, they suffocate from carbon monoxide and fall into the chimney. Naturally, all this garbage will be collected until the whole chimney breaks.

What height should be chimney?

Consider how relative to the roof can be the output of the smoother pipe (Fig. 4, a, b, c).

If the pipe at a distance of 1.5 ... 3 meters from the skate, the pipe is derived from the skate level.

If the pipe is less than 1.5 meters from the pipe, then the pipe should be placed above the skate at least 0.5 m.

In the scheme used the boiler room attached to the house, while the requirements for the height of the pipe are the same as if the pipe was located on the roof.

Why is the height of the chimney relative to the ridge of the roof? So that with a strong wind, when air dewinnings occur, the stall in the boiler did not think.

Here are the answers to basic questions about how to make chimney.

The question is almost Hamletovsky, but the needy detailed consideration. In the article, on the example of practical experience, it describes the solution of this problem in the device of the boiler room in his house. As it does not seem paradoxical, the article may be useful and to those who plan and can afford to buy a chimney, and those who plan to do chimney do it yourself.

For the first, the article will be useful in that the information leading in it will allow to competently formulate an order for the manufacture of chimney, and when the chimney is mounted, at least make sure that there are no "flashers" from the performers.

The same who plans to do chimney do it yourself, will find in the article. useful information In terms of practical performance.

In order not to spend time on the theory, which in the Internet is abuse, I will note only the main thing. The merge of the chimney to safety is such that the correctness of his work will be tested by the fire supervision authorities with the issuance of a written act, without which you simply cannot connect to gas networks.

Choosing a constructive design of chimney in the house

Depending on the installation site of the boiler and features of the room, two are possible different options Chimney installations: outer adhesive chimney or inner chimney. Figure below shows a simplified diagram of the device of the appitable outer modular chimney.

Basic structural elements of the outer attachment modular chimney:

  • Transition (connecting gas) from the boiler to chimney (2)
  • Carrying wall bracket (3) and revision suitable at the bottom of the chimney
  • Sections (segments) of the team modular chimney (4)

When the chimney device inside the structure, additional works are required related to the need for a support device (foundation) for chimney, protective casing for chimney (as a rule, a mine laid out of the brick), a cutting device with a chimney pass through the attic overlap and roof.

Comparative characteristics basic properties Chimneys are presented in Table number 1 below:

Output: If possible, preference should be given to the exterior device potted chimney.

Buy chimney or make a chimney with your own hands?

If you decide to use the outer chimney, two options are possible: Order modular chimney of factory manufacture and installation in a specialized organization, or make chimney with their own hands.

The comparative characteristics of the main properties of chimneys is presented in Table No. 2 below:

Note: If the technical opportunity exists, and the financial component is not a problem, then the easiest option is to order the chimney and its installation in a specialized organization.

What are the arguments of those who do chimney do it yourself?

  • First, of course the price. The farther from the megacities, the above.
  • Secondly, the possibilities of using modular chimney in some cases are strongly limited, and without carrying additional work impossible. But more about this later.

If you have decided to make an appropriate chimney yourself, then when working out the design and used materials, it is necessary to take into account the following.

Selection of basic parameters constructive decisions and materials for the device of the filthy chimney.

a) The area of \u200b\u200bthe internal cross section of the chimney (along its entire length) should not be less than the inner area of \u200b\u200bthe chimney of the boiler itself. That is, the boiler should be available before performing work.
b) the optimal form of the inner cross section of the chimney (from the point of view of the dynamics) is a circle. Great importance Also has the smoothness of the inner surface of the chimney.
c) When burning gas, the chemically aggressive components in the form of vapors and condensate are distinguished as a result of burning. Therefore, the material, for use in the chimney, should be gas component and inert to chemical influences.
d) The temperature of the exhaust gases for boilers is small, at least usually it does not exceed 150 s for Russian boilers (and for imported - and less). Therefore, the material used for the chimney should steadily to withstand the temperature with some reserve, for example, about 250 - 300 C. This will be quite enough for reliable operation of the chimney.

In this way, common solutions By device of the homemade chimney in the house are as follows:

From the point of view of the sets of requirements, as a chimney was decided to use an asbotic pipe.

Approx. In the passport of the boiler, the possibility is prescribed for use as a chimney pipe of ASB tubes with Du-150 mm. According to calculations, the inner section area of \u200b\u200bsuch a pipe is slightly smaller than that of the boiler, but a slight deviation of the size of the section, within (± 5)%, can be compensated by an increase (decrease) of the total height of the pipe.

For the connecting gas between the boiler and chimney, I decided to use a homemade design.

The installation of the pipe and the healing of the chimney decided to perform by analogy with the modular chimney, that is, to perform a lightweight installation.

Switching device for chimney.

The main difficulty is independent manufacture The dying chimney represents the transition device (connecting gas) from the boiler to the chimney itself. This is due to the need to perform welding and turning works. Therefore, consider this question more. A certain requirements are presented to the transition device between the boiler and the chimney, notes the main of them.

The length of the horizontal site should not exceed 2 m. (For chimney with natural burden).

On the horizontal site it is necessary to provide a device for it.

The presence of a horizontal site must be compensated by an increase in the overall height of the chimney compared with the calculated or recommended.

Connections between the boiler, the transition and chimney should be hermetic and gas-tight.

For the manufacture of chimney was used steel sheet Thick 3 mm. When choosing a material, proceed from the fact that it is not rationally to save on the thickness of the material, since the design of the transition in the wall will be quite difficult to replace or repaired. Since the release of the chimney of the boiler has rectangular shape The size of 202 × 96 mm, and the chimney itself is round, it was necessary to think through the transition.

The following stages of work are shown below in the photo.

Cutting blanks.

The design of the self-made transition is presented in the photo below.

The rectangular horizontal portion of the channel (1) is designed to directly attach the boiler to the design. It is important to note the following here.

The transition should be loosen enough to dress on the chimney of the boiler, with a gap around the perimeter in (5-10) mm and at a minimum depth (4-5), see it is necessary for the installation of the boiler for maneuver (to move, move etc.). The gap between the walls, subsequently, is easily eliminated using a scroll of asbestos cord (for obtaining necessary thickness) and special chimney sealant.

Rectangular inclined channel (2) of the transition is designed to pass in the wall. Channel length depends on thickness carrier wall, plus science. It is important to note the following here.

  • When you have to take into account the value of the stock for finishing work and the necessary reserve (retreat from the wall) for the insulation of the smoke pipe itself. In my case, with a bearing wall thickness, 55 cm is equal to 55 cm, the length of the inclined channel was about 90 cm.
  • The rectangular canal is made at an angle, for better removal of smoke into the smoke pipe. The essence is horizontal rectilinear areas in chimney, if possible, it is better to exclude.

Cleaning the transition is easily carried out from the boiler side through a screw (upper) door.

The carrier element for the installation of the chimney pipe (3).

Made of cropping metal pipe A diameter of 219 mm, with both ends of the pipe, the pipes are welded, in which the holes in the size of the pipe with a diameter of 159 mm are sharpened.

The top glass (3) is made of pipe with a diameter of 159 mm.

It is intended for the direct installation of the base of the ASB pipe, the groove is sharpened inside the pipe for this, according to the size of the ASB tube.

The lower glass is also made of pipe 159, but greater height (4)

Designed for a revision device. The photo below shows the arrows. The bottom to the glass is mounted on two bolts, through the flange gasket, which ensures the tightness of the chimney in the working position and the possibility of clearing (condensate drains) when servicing the chimney.

What you need to take into account when performing construction work.

The photo below shows the main points of construction work. On the heart of the heart, it can be seen that when the foundation device for the boiler room, a platform for the future chimney was provided, taking into account the planned place of installing the boiler room in the boiler room.

In the photo on the right it can be seen that when laying the walls was left by opening in the wall for mounting the transition in the wall design. On the photo on the right shows the "fitting room" installation of the chimney when laying the wall.

It should be noted: if the wall is made of non-combustible material, as in the photo, there will be no problems during installation. If the material of the wall is combustible, it is necessary to provide a cutting of non-combustible material in the wall, otherwise the firefighters will not allow the exposure to operation. Despite the stated characteristics of modular chimneys, when laying them through building construction, Cutting from non-combustible materials for them is also mandatory.

As noted earlier, the transition was installed in the wall during the construction work. Space in the walls between the transition and brick masonry You can close ceramzit concrete tie. As the walls are madchair, it is necessary to lay in brick wall Metal reinforcement for the subsequent attachment of the pipe clamps to the wall.

The height of the chimney must be at least 5 meters. This parameter depends on many factors: the location of the pipe relative to the rod of the roof of the house, the characteristics of the structure, the presence of other obstacles. For convenience, the figure below shows the main dimensions and ratios that need to withstand with the chimney device in their home.

In our case, given that the inner section of the ASB pipe is less than the cross section of the chimney of the boiler, the presence of an inclined section of the chimney, as well as mutual location Pipes and skates of the house The height of the chimney was 7 meters. That is, it took to buy two Pipes of ASB with DN \u003d 150 mm and a length of 4 m. In addition, for reliable fixation of the pipe in the upper part of the structure, it was necessary to make an additional brick design.

The general view of the chimney is shown in the photo below.

On the photo on the right shows the lower part of the chimney design, which protects the thermal insulation of the smooth transition of the chimney. The design ensures the smooth revision of the chimney due to the fact that flat slate It is attached only by one bolt M10 at the top, at the bottom it is simply inserted inserted inserted into the design when laying.

Hearth chimney.

Following important momentFor which you need to pay attention is insulation of the design of the chimney. Do it need in obligatoryotherwise the traction will deteriorate due to the rapid cooling of the exhaust smoke. Also decreases the life of the chimney, due to the formation of condensate and its impact on the design of the chimney. In addition, more frequent service of the chimney is required (draining the same condensate), etc.

It is necessary to warm the chimney as thoroughly as building structures. Taking into account the peculiarities of the formation of condensation, the warming of the chimney must be made to a height of at least 6 m (for construction height). The photo below shows the main stages of the heating of the chimney. Thermal insulation must be protected from external adverse effects.

An important practical criterion for the quality of thermal insulation of the chimney is the absence of condensate during operation.

Some conclusions and conclusions

About the difficult choice of pipe for the chimney.

On the Internet information about the unsuitability of Pipes of ASB for the device of the chimney and the impeccable quality of modern modular chimneys (from stainless steel, glass, ceramics, etc.). Therefore, I want to draw the attention of readers to the following. The Pipe of ASB in its parameters, taking into account all factors when using it as a chimney for boilers operating on gas, no worse, and in some parameters even exceeds modern analogues.

It is really dangerous to apply the ASB pipe in case the boiler works on solid (coal, firewood) fuel.

The temperature of the exhaust smoke can reach 250-400 degrees, and in the event of a sage ignition, which is formed when burning solid fuel, the ASB pipe will fail. But since during the combustion of Say, the temperature reaches more than 1000 s, then most of the modular chimneys will also come into disrepair.

The main advantage of modular chimneys is the manufacturability, the accuracy of the dimensions in their manufacture and the possibility of manufacturing various complex parts of transitions, tees, knees, a certain versatility, etc. It is convenient primarily to suppliers and assembly organizations.

It allows B. short time (Day or two) by the forces of a small brigade (3-4 people) of secondary qualifications without attracting expensive equipment to mount the chimney at the facility and earn as a result of very good money. This is the main advantage of modular chimneys.

"Epishers" about condensate.

This is another justification, why modular chimneys are better.

  • Yes, if we are talking about a chimney device for a boiler room from about 100-150 and higher than kilowatts.
  • Indeed, there is such a problem possible. But if we take into account that in most private buildings, the power of heating boilers does not exceed (30-50) kW, and sometimes less, and the heap of the chimney is made qualitatively, then there are no problems with condensate at all.
  • Important moment in terms of condensate formation - boiler operation. In imported boilers (unlike boilers russian production) Usually "Start-stop" mode of operation is used (economical mode from the point of view of gas consumption). Therefore, when the boiler is disconnected, the cooling of the smoke pipe of the modular chimney, manufactured, for example, from a stainless steel will occur more intensively than, for example, from the Pipe of ASB. It is logical to assume that the likelihood of condensate formation for a modular chimney is even higher than when using an insulated tube ASB (taking into account its properties and parameters). Example from personal experience: The Russian-made boiler, most of the time (50-60 percent), it works on an octile wick (the power of the wick is about 2.5 kW). It is enough to maintain the temperature in the house (with the exception of strong frosts), and maintain a constant temperature in the chimney. Condensate never happened. The total gas consumption, taking into account the boiler (16 kW), the gas column (19 kW) and the gas 4-Comfortable plate is about 2100 cu. m for seven months of the heating period (from October 1 to May 1). The area of \u200b\u200bthe residential structure is about 100 m 2 (8.5 × 12.5) m. Area of \u200b\u200baccommodation - medium strip Russia.

September 23, 2014. Alexei

Any building, be it a wooden house or a brick cottage, needs a heating system. In the past, the premises were heated with the furnaces in which coal or firewood was burned.

Today, homeowners often give preference to gas boilers or fireboxes working on fuel oil or solarium. Each heating system, regardless of the type, is equipped with chimney.

In traditional Russians wooden sinks The furnace was usually located in the center of the structure, and the flue channels were made of bricks or stone. Outside, they fused clay. Today, as in past times, the chimney device is still relevant. This is explained by the fact that all the sources of heating are now well-known, eliminating electrical, need an effective gases and smoke that occurs when burning fuel.

The correct device of flue pipes and the difference of species

The competent arrangement of the heating system involves both the accurate installation of pipes that serve to remove the combustion products outside. Chimney in a residential private house should be installed according to the developed project documentation.

For all rules of construction in wooden house There must be three chimney pipes. According to equipment standards heating systems It should be provided, besides the chimney, also the ventilation pipe and the gas feed.

We watch videos, types of chimney systems:

The ventilation channel is very important to organize the withdrawal of polluted air from the kitchen, toilet and the bathroom. Through the chimney, equipped in a wooden house, outward fuel combustion products in fireplaces or stoves. And the gas feed is necessary in the case when the building has a gas boiler.

Montage in a wooden house

His proper installation It is based on which heating device will be used in the house. To remove smoke from a conventional furnace or a fireplace, in which solid fuel is burned, a brick chimney will be quite sufficient. It may have a kind of traditional mine. Moreover, if the smoke channel turned out to be spacious, then in this case you can also install the iron tubum inside it.

To remove the combustion products obtained by the gas boiler, the installation of chimney in a wooden house is performed on another scheme. This also applies to equipment using diesel fuel. The case is that the gases overlooking the atmosphere are conditioned on the inner walls of the pipe. The moisture resulting in this case is in contact with the smoke-out and turns into an aggressive nitric acid, which gradually disrupts the integrity of the walls, which ultimately will lead to the fact that the chimney in the wooden house completely or partially collapsing.

Of course, when organizing gases from the heating devices, working on solid fuel, this problem is not so relevant. For other equipment, such as liquid and gas floors, this moment is very important, since the gases allocated during their operation have a smaller temperature.

In this situation, the smoke-feeder device for boiler equipment in a house from a bar or tree is performed as a regular mine with a pipe or stainless steel pipe, as well as a durable polymer. A popular solution to such a problem was the installation of a smoke channel with bright title "Sandwich". We will try to briefly consider what it represents and what is different from ordinary pipes.

Device Sandwich-chimney

For the wooden building, this system is the ideal option. Such chimney is two pipes of different diameters located one to another. The heat insulator is placed between their walls. Such chimney, installed in a wooden house, differs from the traditional brick mass of advantages.

We watch the video about the sandwich tube:

Roof construction made of wooden materialsEven with a good drying, with time there is a little like that. Invisible to the eye and seemingly insignificant displacements are able to lead to the destruction of the brick chimney, even tough. But Sandwich, thanks to constructive features, these threats are not terrible.

And there is nothing surprising in the fact that the chimney in a wooden private house is increasingly fulfilled precisely in this version. All of its numerous advantages can also be attributed to excellent fire - the safety of the pipe compared to the brick pipe.

Coaxial chimney in a country house

For the functioning of gas heating gas devices, conventional chims are suitable. In these cases, architects offer to apply a coaxial combustion system in wood houses. It allows simultaneously with the removal of gases to conduct a fence fresh airThis is used to support the combustion effect. This system is used in boilers with a combustion chamber of a closed type.

It is characteristic that the coaxial chimney device is possible and vertically and horizontally through the wall. If there is a need to install this smoke channel, then it is necessary to pave it brief path From the boiler to the roof or wall.

To avoid falling into the garbage pipe, which can lead to a problem with a gas feed, should be provided reliable protection Its outdoor. Everything construction elements Must be firmly connected to each other, and the joints of the joints are carefully sampled to prevent gas leakage.

The device of this type of chimney involves fixing the pipe with a fastener perforated metal ribbon. In order for the condensate to be accumulated on the walls and was able to drain from the pipe, it is installed with a slight bias.

Aspects of proper installation

For normal operation of heating equipment, it is necessary not only to remove fuel combustion products from it, but also to ensure the thrust required for burning. For this, the chimney should be observed a reaction caused by the difference in the temperatures of the output gas and outdoor air.

We watch the video, the rules for the arrangement of a brick chimney:

In this regard, the installation of chimney in a private wooden house is associated with compliance with some rules and knowledge of small, but important, nuances. That is why in past times and today they are respecting those songnists who know how to correct the chimney. They wanted their own developments and nuances in their work from foreign people were not dedicated to them. Nowadays, information about how to correct the chimney in a wooden or brick house The secret is no longer and available to anyone interested person. Therefore, the creation of an effectively working smoke design is now under the power of many, but still it is better to trust the specialists.

The main condition for which it is necessary to follow, performing a chimney device, is considered the correct setting exactly vertically. The maximum allowable deviation is calculated with one meter from the vertical axis, which passes through the furnace and the roof of the house. It is strictly forbidden to use the pipe in a height of less than 5 meters

Device right chimney must be carried out in compliance with some rules. In particular, it is necessary to adhere to a certain height of the pipe protruding over the roof of the building. For example, if there is in a modern wooden house flat roof It must rise above the overlap of more than half the meter. If there is a horse in the building design, the chimney, causing a private house, should also be higher than its level by 50 centimeters and be on some distance from this building element.

How to pass wooden overlaps

The device in the wooden chimney house requires compliance with all rules fire safety. They are paid to special attention when conducting overlooking the tree. Such places must be protected sheet Steel. and thermal insulation.

Currently installation is possible in such cases of the ceiling passage node. Made in the form of a sleeve or box, it is mounted in order to perform some tasks.

The main one:

  • Protection wooden structures from unnecessary heating and fire

In places in contact with PPU with overlapping, non-combustible heat insulation materials. The chimney device with a passage node is performed while maintaining some gap between it and the pipe.

We watch a video review, make a passage through wooden floors:

IN wooden overlap Hole is done desired sizein which the PPU is installed. Through it stretches the chimney pipe. At the final stage, the edges of the edges of the box are tightly closed with a plate of fire-resistant material.

How to equip the system

Installation of pipes in a wooden building is carried out with regard to fire safety standards. To prevent possible fire, device and installation of chimney from any material, but most often from of stainless steelThe wall requires enhanced isolation.

  1. Non-calamity
  2. Strengthening strength during operation
  3. Use as coverage of all types of finishing materials

All this ensures the popularity of foam concrete at construction workWhen the chimney is mounted in a wooden private house. In such buildings, it is necessary to equip individual systems for each furnace separately.


In order for chimney, installed in a wooden house, it worked properly and effectively to inspect it regularly in order to test the tightness of the design on the joints. At least once every six months, it is necessary to remove from the inner walls of the pipe soot. The chimney in a private house will well perform their functions with constant control over the status in it.

All these works should be carried out in the case when the smoke tube has not been applied for a long time.

When a tightness impairment is detected - this deficiency must be immediately eliminated. If the chimney located in a wooden house turned out to be partially destroyed, it should be carried out with its overhaul.

Do I need a gas heating boiler chimney? Of course! Is it possible to build a chimney for a gas boiler own hands? Sure! You only need to explore the features of the device of the most common varieties of smoking structures, familiarize yourself with key requirements To such systems and fulfill everything in full compliance with the provisions of the manual.

Regardless of the chosen variety of chimney, it will include in its composition the following components:

For the manufacture of chimney can be used different materials. Check out the features of the most common solutions and make your choice.

If you judge objectively, then the chimney of the brick is not even a past, but before last. A similar chimney system has a complex design and requires serious temporary, labor and financial costs on arrangement.

In addition, the chimney from the brick will give up to modern "counterparts" on many significant indicators.

Galvanized chimney

The design of the typewich type from pipes is considered one of the most efficient and successful options Smoker fixtures.

To date, manufacturers offer huge range Such chimneys. Among their advantages, it is primarily necessary to note the resistance to aggressive external influences and various mechanical loads.

First step . Connect the transition adapter to the unit of the unit.

The second step. We establish a tee and revision.

Third step. We start increasing the chimney.

If necessary, carry out work using the so-called. knees. In places intersection of the overlap pipe, we use a special protective pipe.

Fourth step. We put on the chimney of a sheet of stainless steel. In advance, cut the hole in advance, slightly exceeding the pipes. Such a sheet should be on both sides of each overlap.

Fifth step. Enhance the joints of the structure using clamps.

Sixth step. If necessary, attach the pipe to the attic beams. To do this, use brackets (every 400 cm) and wall clamps (every 200 cm).

Seventh step. Mount to the yield of the chimney tip (deflector) in the form of a cone.

Prices for various types of chimneys


At the points of contact of the elements with easily flammable materials it is necessary to equip reliable thermal insulation. To ensure it, cover the passage of basalt battal with a foil layer. Fixing the insulation, perform with fire-resistant mastic. Additionally, lay mineral wool around the perimeter of each opening in partitions and overlaps.

At the end of the installation measures, be sure to make sure that each seam of the system is sealed. For this, it is enough to apply a simple soap solution on the seams. Appearance soap bubbles indicates a violation of the tightness of the system. Correct all the problems detected in the shortest possible time.

Good job!

Video - Chimney for Gas Boiler

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