How to grow a flower from a leaf of a money tree. How to plant a money tree - choosing a cutting

garden equipment 14.06.2019
garden equipment

Hello dear friends! Each of us wants to believe in signs that bring good luck. Someone sincerely observes various rituals, someone considers them superstition, but at the same time joins the game with pleasure.

Many beliefs are associated with various indoor flowers, especially with such a beautiful and unpretentious plant, like a tree fat woman, otherwise called a money tree.

It is densely covered with fleshy leaves, similar to coins, and is considered a symbol of abundance among many peoples. This wonderful plant is easy to settle in your home, as seated Money Tree very easy at home.

In the magical Chinese practice of Feng Shui, the money tree is considered a guarantor of stable financial well-being. If you act strictly according to Feng Shui, then you cannot buy a fat woman, it is even recommended to get a piece of this plant secretly.

This will not harm anyone, since for the reproduction of a fat woman, you can break off a small shoot or just one leaf (for a lush plant, the procedure is painless). best time for vegetative propagation- spring or first half of summer. Sowing seeds at home is not recommended.

Breeding from a leaf

Crassula is one of those few plants that reproduce well by leaves. It is really possible to grow a full-fledged money tree from just one leaf.

More powerful roots gives a large leaf.

The process of root formation begins in water or a moist substrate.

Getting roots in the aquatic environment

Half a centimeter of water is poured into a small vessel and a leaf is immersed there (previously dried for a day). Root can be dissolved in water (according to instructions). Direct sunlight should not be allowed, but it must be light.

Several roots soon form, and then the leaf is transplanted into a small pot with holes for the outflow of water and a very loose substrate. After a while, a young stem grows. Later it is transplanted into larger dishes.

Mini greenhouse

The cut on the leaf is powdered with root and the lower third is buried in moist soil, consisting of a mixture of peat and sand. Rooting can also be done in sphagnum moss or coconut substrate. From above the leaf is covered with a transparent glass (glass or plastic). Put in partial shade. Periodically slightly moisten, avoiding excess dampness (sometimes ventilate) and stagnation of water, otherwise the succulent tissues will rot. When a strong sprout appears, they are transshipped into a larger container.

Escape rooting

  • In water

In a cut or broken cutting (approximately ten centimeters long), several lower leaves are first removed and placed in the shade for a day or two so that the wound dries out.

Then they are placed in a container with a small amount of water, periodically adding it as it evaporates. The vessel is installed in partial shade. You can add a root formation stimulator (Kornevin, heteroauxin, zircon, etc.).

After 15-20 days, when it appears good weight roots, a money tree is planted in soil mix. It is necessary to choose a suitable soil, preferably a special one, for succulents, since fat women are succulents (translated from Latin as “juicy”).

  • In the substrate

A stalk dried during the day (freed from lower leaves) can be rooted not in water, but in a pot with special soil. Use a small clean pot or nursery, always with drainage holes in the bottom.

The soil is made by mixing equal parts of light earth and high-quality (without cement dust, better than coarse-grained) sand; it is very good if a little sphagnum moss is added (it prevents rotting processes, regulates humidity). The stalk is planted, deepening a few centimeters.

The pot is placed in a place where it is light, but there are no direct sun rays. It is very important not to allow the earth to dry out; stagnant water and excess moisture are also dangerous.

After a few weeks, the tip starts to grow - this means that the feeding roots have grown. The young tree is not disturbed for a year, then it can be transplanted and rearranged.

Seedlings obtained by cuttings begin to quickly increase the green mass. If the fat woman is formed correctly, in any photo it looks like a lush, beautiful bush. To provoke active branching, pinch the top as soon as the young fat woman grows after rooting.

A money tree from a leaf develops slowly at first, then the process accelerates.

Transplant process

The root system of an adult money tree is not very large, so a not too high pot is selected for the plant. At the same time, it should be large and heavy enough (preferably ceramic) so that the branchy bush does not fall. Drainage at the bottom is a must! Soil specifically for succulents and cacti, with sand. From above, at the root neck, you can add a little sand or small pebbles.

The money tree comes from the south of the African continent and does not tolerate stagnant water. This is the case when it is better to underfill than overfill (especially if it is cool, for example, in winter). From a short-term drought, an adult specimen will not die.

It is not recommended to transplant a fat woman (especially an adult) often.

Conditions of detention

The money tree loves bright light, but not the sun; stretches out in the shade. In summer, he will like periodic spraying. Like many other succulents, fat women are unpretentious and will grow at any temperature.

But if they arrange winter rest with minimal watering and in a cool place (+10 degrees), then adult (over five years old) bushes can thank wonderful, very abundant flowering. Will please the fat woman and spring-summer top dressing.

magical rites

The practice of Feng Shui recommends placing six coins at the bottom of the pot with a money tree so that money is kept in the house. It is also necessary to correctly place the plant in the apartment. The best place is a window facing southeast.

Dear friends, I wish you success and prosperity! And let your favorite indoor flowers give joy!

Goodbye, see you again on our blog.

Sincerely, Andrew

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Do you prefer to live in harmony with nature and strive to make your home cozy with the help of indoor flowers? Pay attention to unpretentious and graceful plant- fat woman. Its scientific name is crassula. According to Feng Shui, a flower is able to attract wealth, attract positive energy. No wonder it is called the “tree of happiness”.

money tree flower

As a rule, the plant has a tree-like trunk, small rounded, shiny, juicy leaves that look like green coins. Refers to succulents. With proper care, it often blooms, grows well and develops a crown. The plant is suitable for any modern interior, has a beneficial effect on people, releasing substances useful for the body. The money tree flower is not considered whimsical - it tolerates drought well, does not suffer when kept in dark rooms. In the conditions of an apartment, it is desirable to form a fat woman, starting to do this when she is still small.

Money tree - signs and superstitions

A houseplant helps to exaggerate money, maintain financial stability. To money flower improved financial situation owners, you need to activate it - before landing, be sure to put coins on the bottom different denominations. It is necessary to talk with a fat woman, talk about windfall income and waste, so that it protects against further expenses. We decided to give someone a money tree - be sure to study signs and superstitions. Here is some of them:

  1. To strengthen the action, to bring good luck, paper bills placed under the pot on the windowsill will help. It is advisable not to spend them at least a year.
  2. To attract energy flows, the leaves of the fat woman can be decorated with coins, a chain golden color. After a while, the money should be removed and spent in a week.
  3. It is impossible for strangers to touch the tree.
  4. To call for the help of higher powers, it is periodically recommended to lightly shake the crassula by the trunk.
  5. If the leaves fall, it is bad omen. Big expenses are possible, or negative energy prevails in the house.
  6. It is important to repot the plant so that your money does not “wither” due to a cramped pot.

How the money tree blooms - photo

The described culture comes from South Africa where it grows wild everywhere. In a climate in which there is a decrease in daylight hours in winter, a tree can stand for many years without flowering. Culture loves light, warmth, its development directly depends on these two factors. When does the money tree bloom? Only with sufficient lighting. The photo shows: the flowers of the plant are chic, small, usually white, like stars.

How to care for a money tree

The fat woman does not cause much trouble to its owners, everyone can grow it. Caring for a money tree at home is simple. Some recommendations:

  1. Provide bright lighting, otherwise the plant will stretch, shedding leaves. It is advisable to put it on the south side of the house. In spring, the leaves should be shaded so that they get used to the heat after winter. Further, the plant can be under direct rays for a long time, but if it starts to turn red, it should be removed from the windowsill.
  2. In order for the crown to develop beautifully, grow evenly, it is important to turn the plant sometimes.
  3. Optimum temperature for a fat woman - from +20 to +30 degrees. To enter into a state of rest in winter, you should observe a temperature not lower than +12 and not higher than +14 degrees.
  4. In winter, you need to protect the tree from cold air, for example, when opening the window.
  5. It is undesirable to spray monkey tree to prevent the development of fungal diseases.
  6. In summer, monthly top dressing is needed.

How to plant

The process shouldn't be difficult. For planting, you can root the shoot or use an adult tree purchased in a store, for example, Crassula purslane, silvery, club-like. Sunset and hottentot varieties are also very beautiful. Choose any type you like with a thick trunk - care is the same for everyone. How to plant a money tree? Fill the prepared pot suitable soil, make a recess, lower the seedling, plant there. Next, close the roots, compact the substrate, report the ground and water.

How to transplant

The need to change the pot comes when the roots no longer have enough space, they braid the entire volume of the earthy coma. As a rule, adult species are transplanted every few years, young ones - as they grow, annually, picking up a larger pot than the previous one. Be sure to use drainage. How to transplant a money tree? Recommendations:

  • remove the flower from the old pot;
  • trying not to harm the roots, carefully remove the old substrate;
  • make a hole in the prepared pot, install the plant in it;
  • add soil, compress, pour water.

How to propagate

According to folk beliefs, it is advisable to grow the plant on your own so that it becomes a full-fledged family talisman. It is easy to propagate at any time of the year, taking out a small process. It will turn out to grow a flower from seeds, but it is very long and difficult process. How does the money tree reproduce? Break off the stem, leave to air dry. The plant is poisonous to animals, so keep the leaf in a safe place. Next, the cutting should be placed in the substrate and wait for rooting, sometimes spraying.

Land for the money tree

Crassula loves loose soil - it's easier to plant it in ready composition bought in flower shops. The soil can be prepared independently, observing the recommended proportions. What kind of land is needed for a money tree? Approximate proportions for ideal soil: 3 parts of hardwood, 1 part of peat, sod land, coarse sand. As the tree grows, the number of ingredients can be changed, for example, take not 1, but 2 parts of soddy soil. Brick crumb is suitable as a baking powder.


In order for Crassula to have a healthy, attractive appearance, she needs to pick up right size pot. Otherwise, the tree will develop slowly or stop growing. The pot for the fat woman should be wide, low. The optimal volume is a little more than a crown. mature plant it is advisable to plant once a year, if necessary, forming it.

How to water a money tree

Many people ask flower growers how to care for a fat woman at home. The condition for normal growth is regulated watering. Crassula needs water, but if you overdo it, you can ruin her. The plant easily tolerates the drying of the earth. How often to water a money tree? In winter, you need 1 time per week, in spring, in summer - as soon as the soil dries. It is necessary to water with separated water.

How to crop

The tree is easy to shape, and this property should be used to obtain beautiful shape. How to cut a fat woman? Use sharp scissors or pruners, do the work in stages, giving the plant a chance to recover. To give the desired shape, pruning should be done over one of the brown stem rings. The procedure should be carried out during the growth of crassula.

How to form a crown

If the plant is not taken care of, the tree will randomly grow upwards, forming a shapeless bush. To avoid this, in early spring It is recommended to shorten old shoots, and pinch off new ones. You can trim with miniature tweezers or by hand. How to pinch a money tree? Choose a stem, remove leaves so that no more than 3-4 pairs remain on the branch. The method is suitable for young plants, for adults it is worth using pruning.

What to feed

In the wild, the fat woman grows in stony, sandy soil, therefore it is unpretentious in content. How to fertilize a money tree at home? Crassula should be fed only during the growth period, using universal additives for succulents for this. They contain all the substances necessary for development: potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen. In the summer, top dressing should be done monthly, the rest of the time you can do without them.

Why do the leaves of the money tree fall?

Any kind of plant requires careful care, otherwise it begins to lose its attractiveness. A common problem is leaf fall. As a result of this, the fat woman becomes shabby, stunted, a plaque may appear. Why does the money tree shed its leaves? Possible reasons:

  1. Irregular watering. If the soil is allowed to dry out, the plant can be reanimated, but when overflowing, the fat woman often sheds healthy leaves and quickly dies. The last problem can be solved by making drainage.
  2. Lack or excess of mineral fertilizers. In the first case, it is necessary to use a suitable fertilizer, in the second case, transplanting a fat woman into fresh soil.
  3. Soil freezing, watering cold water. Worth returning comfortable conditions the plant recovers quickly.
  4. Diseases. Crassula can pick up fungal diseases, become infected with pests. To save her, it is recommended to use chemical drugs, for example, Fitoverm.
  5. Natural aging. If Crassula grows for many years, sooner or later its leaves will begin to fall off. The only salvation in this case is to update the tree.

Why the money tree does not grow

A plant belonging to the Crassulaceae family is very popular among flower growers, because it looks great, has medicinal properties, with proper pinching, cultivation, it acquires the desired shape, and can be propagated. Flowering crassula is a rarity, but this does not spoil the attitude towards the plant. Some are wondering why the money tree does not grow? Common Causes:

  • pests appeared;
  • the plant does not like the pot (too big or small);
  • overfilling / underfilling;
  • lack of nutrients;
  • lack of light;
  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • direct rays of the sun.


How to make a money tree bloom

If you decide to plant a crassula, propagate from a leaf, do not expect the plant to bloom immediately. To achieve this, it is necessary daily care and attention. How to make a money tree bloom in order to see the spectacle in person, not in the photo? Recommendations for action:

  • water when the soil dries out with room soft water;
  • feed every month (fertilizers for cacti are suitable);
  • take out into the open air in summer, but avoid temperature extremes;
  • do not forget to transplant into a larger pot;
  • often wipe the leaves from dust.


How to properly plant a money tree (fat woman) from a shoot into a pot and take care of it at home so that money starts in the house: feng shui and flower growers' advice.

Fat woman as a means to attract money

A money tree, a breadfruit tree, a tree of happiness - what beautiful names flower growers have not come up with for a plant that is correctly called a fat woman (crassula).

This tree with a thick trunk and oval dense leaves is so unique that it has both decorative, magical and healing properties.

If you believe, a fat woman improves financial well-being, brings peace and good luck to the house. The money tree is a talisman that activates the well-being zone and attracts prosperity to the house. Crassula attracts money, works like a magnet for them. Its leaves look like shiny coins.

It is also believed that the plant purifies the air in the house and kills bacteria. Where Crassula grows, there will always be a favorable atmosphere.

Types of money tree

There are many varieties of crassula, which differ in appearance. Among them there are ampelous, ground cover, bushy and tree-like forms.

The most popular varieties among flower growers are Crassula ovata and Crassula lycopsus. Both species are succulents and are completely different from each other.

The lycopsform fat woman is grown only in greenhouses and winter gardens, and Crassula ovata grows quite successfully at home.

How to plant a money tree in the house

The fat woman is not capricious flower requiring painstaking care and reverent attention.

How to plant a shoot of a money tree in a pot

First of all, let's figure out how to properly propagate a fat woman, so that, having taken a process from friends or acquaintances, you can easily plant it in a pot in your home.

Reproduction of the money tree is carried out using seeds or cuttings. Seeds are sown in shallow containers with drainage holes, then covered with polyethylene. The subsequent care of seedlings consists in regular airing and spraying. After 2-3 weeks, the first shoots will sprout. This method of breeding a fat woman is quite complicated.

The method of propagation of Crassula by cuttings is much simpler. The stalk can be rooted in water or immediately planted in the ground. The shoot of the money tree is planted in a pot to a depth of about 5 cm. Some flower growers believe that when cuttings are planted in March or April, the likelihood that the fat woman will bloom in the future increases. And if you plant a crassula in the middle of summer, there will be less chance of it.

How to choose the right pot for the money tree

The fat woman has a rather massive ground part, which means that this flower better fit wide and low pot with good stability. This choice of flowerpot is also due to the fact that Crassula has a superficial root system. For successful drainage of water into the pan, there should be small holes at the bottom of the pot.

Of course, it is not necessary to immediately plant a shoot of a money tree in a large flowerpot. To begin with, a small pot is enough, but as the flower grows, it must be transplanted into a more suitable flowerpot.

How to transplant a money tree

To transplant a grown-up flower of a fat woman, you need to take a pot of a suitable size, fill it with a drainage layer by a third (for example, from pieces of coal or crushed brick), then fill it with earth. Transplantation is carried out by the method of transshipment of an earthen coma. So the plant will more easily tolerate this procedure. After that, the soil is filled up to the top.

In the process of transplanting, you need to carefully examine the root system of the flower. Rotting roots, indicating an excess of moisture, must be removed. After that, the crassula is left for a day to dry.

How to choose land for planting a fat woman

Planting a money tree should be carried out in the ground for succulents, to which this plant belongs. The flower feels best in soddy land. The soil that is used for growing cacti is suitable, but the fat woman is also successfully planted in universal soil.

If desired, the soil mixture can be prepared by yourself. To do this, flower growers are advised to mix one part of sand, humus and leaf ground by adding four pieces of sod land.

How to plant a money tree so that there is money in the house?

So that money is always kept in the house, when transplanting into a pot with a fat woman, you need to put a coin, and tie its branches with red ribbons. It's good if a fat woman grows in your apartment, but it's important to learn. You can do this even with a small salary.

How to care for a money tree

Growing a money tree at home is not laborious and very interesting. This flower comes from hot countries, so it needs to provide conditions as close to tropical as possible. In spring and summer, Crassula has a growing season, and winter is a dormant time. The main care for the money tree at home is to follow the following rules.

How to water a money tree?

Many flower growers have a question, how to properly water a money tree? The first rule: you can not allow the gulf of a fat woman. Too much moisture is detrimental to her. Over-watering can cause roots to rot and leaves to fall off. In the warm season, the plant can be watered twice a week, with the onset of cold weather, watering is reduced to a minimum. In order not to flood the money tree, before each watering, you need to check the condition of the soil at a depth of 3-4 centimeters. If the land is dry there, you can safely water the crassula.

In case of non-compliance with the irrigation regime and excessive soil moisture, the root system is susceptible to fungus damage. In this case, you can save the money tree if you take it out of the pot together with an earthen clod, dry it thoroughly and treat it with a special solution from fungi.

However, Crassula can also suffer from a lack of moisture! Ideally, the land with a flower should be slightly moist.

We wipe the leaves of the fat woman - we attract money!

Flower growers advise from time to time to wipe the leaves of the fat woman with a damp cloth to remove dust, and sprinkle water on them from a spray bottle. It would be optimal to give Crassula a warm shower once a week. In winter, such a "wash" can be arranged once a month.

The water should be warm, but not hot. To prevent moisture from entering the soil, you can cover the ground in a pot with ordinary cling film. You can not take a wet fat woman to its place. Let the water drain a little.

Where is it better to put a money tree in an apartment

Fat woman - photophilous plant, but putting it under the scorching sun is strictly prohibited. Moreover, in such a case upper layer earth in a pot will dry out very quickly.

The plant will fully grow on the windowsill on the southeast side, where there will always be light, but there will be no sun. With the onset of spring, many flower growers put it on the floor of the balcony, and in winter - on the windowsill on the south side.

Insufficient lighting can contribute to the stretching of the stem of the plant, as a result of which it becomes ugly in shape. To prevent this, the fat woman must be placed on window sills, especially in poorly lit rooms.

AT summer time for crassula, a temperature of 20 to 25 degrees is suitable. But in winter, the flower will need a decrease in temperature to 10 - 15 degrees. It is allowed to decrease to 6 degrees of heat. If it is not possible to place the plant in winter in a room with such a temperature, then at least the flower should be removed from the battery.

A negative consequence of the wrong temperature during the dormant period can be the extension of the trunk of the crassula and the fall of the leaves located below. Leaves can also fall off if there is a constant draft in the room where the money tree pot is. Of course, the fat woman needs constant ventilation, but drafts should not be allowed to appear. They will only hurt.

The money tree needs to be fed!

As top dressings for a fat woman, universal preparations or additives for succulents are most often used. To nutrients absorbed better, plants fertilize only after watering.

Fertilization is carried out during the growing season - in spring and summer with a frequency of 1 time per month. In the autumn winter period feeding is carried out 1 time in 3 months.

Crown formation

To create a uniform and symmetrical shape, the fat woman is rotated in the light around its axis. But to form a beautiful crown, the flower still has to be cut a little.

To form a crown, you need to wait until four new leaves appear on the plant, and a new bud begins to form. It must be pinched off by gently twisting it with your hands or with miniature tweezers.

Each branch of the money tree should have no more than three or four pairs of leaves. When the tree grows up, its top will also need to be pinched off.

If the moment when four leaves have already grown is missed, and new leaves appear, circumcision will help. It is necessary to cut the branch over the 4th pair of leaves. The cut is covered with activated carbon powder.

Possible problems in the care of the money tree

Many flower growers complain that the leaves are falling or withering at the fat woman. What can be wrong?

Excessive watering contributes to the darkening of the leaves, changing their color or falling off.

A change in the color of the foliage to dirty yellow can still be caused by a fungal disease from waterlogging the soil.

Watering with cold water is another reason that diseases appear in a tropical flower.

The appearance of brown spots on the foliage indicates a lack of moisture.

The rot that appeared at the base of the stem is a sure sign of rotting of the root system of the plant. In this case, the apical part of the plant is cut off, and the flower is grown in a new way.

money tree pests

Crassula is an unpretentious and pest-resistant plant. However, there are quite a few pests attacking the fat girl:

Shchitovka - forms brownish or yellow spots. Methods of treatment: "Fufanon", "Fitoverm", soap solution.

Spider mite - forms cobwebs between leaves and stems. Methods of treatment: garlic infusion, tobacco infusion, soap solution.

Mealy bug - forms a whitish coating on the axils of the leaves. Methods of treatment: thick solution laundry soap, insecticides.

Does the money tree bloom?

Flowering in a fat woman is a rare phenomenon, so not every grower can see it. Therefore, it is widely believed that the money tree does not bloom. But it's not.

During the flowering period, the plant is densely covered with small flowers of white, light pink or greenish color, depending on the variety. They emit a pleasant sweet aroma.

The flowering period begins at the stage of plant growth in spring and lasts 2-3 months. You should not hope that the fat woman will bloom in the first years after planting. It can produce flowers after 8 or even 10 years. Or it may not bloom at all, despite the fact that he was given proper and timely care.

Flower growers believe that the lack of lighting prevents the flowering of the money tree. This is a feature of our climate.

There is a sign: if the money tree grows well and grows stronger, wealth is just around the corner, and if it wilts and its leaves fall, this promises problems with money.

However, it is not necessary to believe in omens. If you properly care for the money tree, it can be an excellent decoration for any room, it will delight you with beauty for a long time and bring warmth and comfort to the house.

And, if it's shaded, move it to a more lit area. Best to place fat woman windows facing south or southeast.

If stopping watering did not affect the plant in any way, you can try to transplant fat woman. To do this, remove the plant from the pot and inspect the root system. Cut off any rotten roots, dry the cuts in the air and sprinkle them with crushed charcoal. Trim dried and rotted shoots.

Prepare new pot for a plant. You can use the old one for transplantation, after washing it and treating it with a strong solution of potassium permanganate. At the bottom of the pot, pour a layer of expanded clay or any drainage at least two centimeters thick. On top, lay a layer of soil mixture for succulents or soil made up of equal parts of sand, leafy and soddy soil. Add charcoal to the soil.

Drop the circumcised fat woman into a new pot and place it in a lighted window.

If your fat woman began to fall off the leaves, and the trunk became strong and thin, the plant does not have enough light. Put the pot in a more lighted place. If this is not possible, use a fluorescent lamp for additional illumination. To form more lush crown pinch the tips of young shoots.


  • Rules for caring for a fat woman

Monetary wood- a plant of the Crassulaceae family, which is very popular in our country. It is unpretentious, beautiful and even considered a tree of happiness. According to Chinese Feng Shui, this plant brings financial well-being bringing money into the house. In addition, the leaves of this tree have medicinal properties. Therefore, if a fat woman began to get sick, wither and fade, this causes anxiety and fear. But by properly caring for her, you can quickly bring her back to life.


If you notice signs of decay (leaves become limp, wet brown spots appear on them), stop watering the tree. Try to pull it carefully out of the pot, removing as much soil as possible. Cut off any rotten roots and leave the tree with a little soil to dry. When all the soil is dry, plant it back and water less often. Check the dryness of the soil before watering. To do this, lower your finger into the ground - if the ground has already dried out to the depth of one phalanx of your finger, then you can water it a little. Lack of watering leads to the appearance of brown dry spots on the leaves.

If he gets sick, he may need it. This is especially important if big plant in a small one, since its substrate is quickly depleted. Use complex universal fertilizers, highly soluble in water, feed the plant once a month. Transplant the tree into a larger pot if it is cramped.

The money tree does not like drafts, so carefully ventilate the room in winter. Make sure that the plant is not standing in a draft, as this may be the cause of the disease. If the tree is dry and, put it in a calm place, but be sure to ventilate the room. Tolerates low temperatures well.

Useful advice

Do not water the money tree with too cold water, because of this, it may shed its leaves.

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  • money tree withers

All indoor flowers require careful care. Each plant is unique, beautiful and has its own special meaning. For example, it is believed that a fat woman ( monetary wood ) is a symbol of good luck, happiness and money. The owner of such a tree will certainly attract joy, success and luck to his house. money care wood m is not difficult, but very often you can encounter such a problem as leaf fall. This can happen for several reasons.

First, this improper watering. The plant does not like to be flooded, but also leave the earth dry for long time it is forbidden. In the summer, the fat woman must be watered every day or every other day, depending on the land. The main thing is to ensure that the roots are not flooded, and the water does not stagnate. autumn wood It is recommended to water once a week. AT winter time even less frequently. In order for the water to drain unhindered, put drainage on the bottom of the pot. With abundant watering, the leaves are completely green and unchanged. And in the case of rare watering, the leaves may turn yellow, dry out and curl into a tube. Secondly, wood does not like direct sunlight. If the plant stands all day under the bright sun, the leaves will heat up, lose their appearance and fall off. To prevent this from happening, do not put your plant in a sunny window or during bright sun, close wood a landscape sheet or an ordinary newspaper. Another reason for falling leaves can be a cold tap water. Do not water the plant with tap water. It is best to pour water into bottles and defend it for several days. As a preventive procedure, falling wood shower with warm water. Be sure to make sure that water only gets on the leaves, and not in the pot. Another reason may be an excess of mineral salts in the soil or in top dressing. To avoid this, it is enough to transplant the plant into new ground. It is very good to add crushed charcoal to the soil. In addition to all this, the fat woman can shed its leaves during strong climatic changes. For example, if the plant stood in the sun all the time, and then it was transferred to a cool place. Prolonged heat and drafts can also lead to leaf fall. And the last wood begins to throw off the leaves in the event that it falls into abnormal conditions or starts to get sick. Reproduction of fat women occurs through the leaves. And so the plant, starting to get sick, tries to throw off perfectly healthy leaves in order to give young shoots.

The fat woman (crassula), popularly referred to as the money tree, like all representatives of the succulent genus, is an unpretentious indoor plant. It needs light sandy soil and occasional watering to grow well. If the fat woman does not like something, she immediately reacts, the leaves become wrinkled and the plant sheds them.

Reasons for dropping leaves

Often, it is the excessive efforts of the owners to care for the plant that lead to the fact that it begins to shed its leaves. Crassula - she needs rare, but fairly plentiful watering. In summer - once a week, after the earthen coma has completely dried out, in winter watering should be reduced to once a month. With excessive watering, the roots and stem of the plant begin to rot, it is often almost impossible to stop this process. The only way out is to cut the cuttings and grow a new plant.

A fat woman can begin to drop leaves even with a lack of moisture. They become wrinkled and the plant sheds a few leaves daily. The way out of this is quite simple - water the fat woman and pinch the twigs. The plant will give new shoots and begin to bush.

Another reason is insufficient lighting. Crassula is a photophilous plant, but it should be protected from direct sunlight, as it can get burned and, as a result, lose foliage. Choose a sunny place for her and try not to rearrange.

Also, the fat woman does not tolerate drafts and temperature changes very well. However, in winter, a decrease in temperature for a fat woman is desirable in order to provide her with a period of rest. At the same time, you need to reduce the watering of the plant.

How to grow a beautiful and healthy fat girl

Choose a small pot for the plant. The roots of the fat woman are superficial, so she does not need a large capacity, otherwise the earth will turn sour, as a result of which the roots and trunk of the plant may rot and you will lose it.

Plant the fat woman in loose, light and breathable soil. Use ready-made cactus and succulent substrate and mix it with leaf compost in a 2:1 ratio.

Since the fat woman does not like stagnant water, provide good drainage. At the bottom of the pot, pour a layer of expanded clay, crushed stone or broken brick.

Put the plant in a sunny place, but keep in mind that the fat woman should not be exposed to direct sunlight. Water with warm, soft water (boiled or settled), watering should be infrequent, only after the earthen clod has completely dried. In winter, watering should be reduced to once a month.


  • why do leaves fall on a fat woman

Houseplant Crassula, or Crassula (Crassula), according to the owners of this flower, has magical properties, thanks to which he received the popular name "money tree". It is not too difficult to grow such a living talisman on your own - it is enough to choose and plant a completely healthy, high-quality shoot from an existing mother plant.

Rules for the preparation of planting material

Plant and grow the popular "money tree" even a novice amateur grower who has never been involved in independent reproduction decorative crops. The fat woman is able to take root perfectly both in small shoots and leaves. Most often in conditions indoor floriculture the rooting method is used c, which form roots as quickly as possible and quickly take root in a permanent place of cultivation.

It is very important to take planting material from a well-formed parent plant. There are quite a few types of crassula known to amateur flower growers, but the most common variety is the tree crassula (Crassula arborescens), as well as the cotyledon tree or "money tree". The shoots of the silver crassula (Crassula argentea) and the oval crassula (Crassula ovata) take root very well. The color and shape of the foliage can be very different, but this does not affect the rooting rates in any way. planting material.

How to plant a shoot of a money tree (video)

Soil preparation

in natural, natural conditions Crassula grows on soils, which necessarily contain a significant amount of sand. The soil should be very loose or fairly loose. At home, for a flower, it is necessary to create conditions that will be as close as possible to the natural habitat. Ready-made soil is very suitable for growing an ornamental houseplant. suitable for cultivation of cacti or any succulent plants.

If it is necessary to plant a shoot of the "money tree" in a self-prepared soil mixture, then it is recommended to give preference to a composition based on three parts of medium-grained sand, a couple of parts of peat and a couple of parts of leafy soil. In order to ensure an optimal level of breathability, it is desirable to add leavening agents in the form of vermiculite and perlite to the prepared soil mixture.

Important to remember, that any variety of fat woman is very difficult to tolerate too dense and poorly drained soil, which often causes moisture stagnation in the root system decorative culture.

Choice of landing capacity

A flower pot or planting container for planting a shoot of a crassula with roots must be chosen very carefully and thoughtfully, which is due to fairly active growth processes and the rapid rate of increase in the aerial part of the plant. In a fairly short time, a dense and relatively heavy crown can form on an ornamental culture, which is not always well retained by the underdeveloped root system of the crassula.

Experienced amateur flower growers who have been cultivating crassula in indoor floriculture for several years recommend giving preference to heavy and deep enough, but at the same time capacious planting containers. It is best to plant a fat woman in clay or ceramic pots with a wide mouth, which is due to the peculiarity of the rapidly growing and rather superficially located roots of the decorative culture.

It is important to note that a succulent ornamental plant does not need frequent transplants, which is especially true for adults or overgrown specimens. However, the larger the flower pot, the faster the green above-ground mass of culture grows. In any case, the planting container must fully meet all the requirements of the fat woman and contribute to the full growth or development of this room culture.

How to grow a money tree (video)

Terms and landing technology

In order to properly plant the offshoot of the "money tree" into the already prepared planting soil, you must adhere to the following simple, but very important rules:

  • the shoot separated from the mother plant must be immersed in settled clean water at room temperature for rooting;
  • some amateur flower growers practice rooting the shoot directly in the nutrient soil substrate, but this method is less convenient and does not allow determining the degree of formation of the root system;
  • when rooting in nutrient soil, the seedling must be provided Greenhouse effect, and watering is carried out in the lower way, through the pallet;
  • in order to increase rooting rates, it is recommended to process a cut of the shoot of a room fat woman in a stimulating solution based on Kornevin or Heteroauxin;
  • in a pre-prepared, clean flower pot, you need to pour a drainage layer, and then nutrient soil;
  • it is very important to observe the planting depth, which directly depends on the size of the rooted process of the fat woman;
  • usually, average depth planting a seedling of the "money tree" varies between 40-60 mm.

At the last stage of planting, the root system of the shoot of the fat woman is very carefully sprinkled with soil, but in no case should the soil be compacted. After heavy watering, there may be a strong shrinkage of the soil, therefore, if necessary, topping up is carried out nutrient substrate.

It should be noted that if too large volume soil in flower pot, indoor plant in conditions home growing it can strongly stretch upwards, and the tap root is significantly deepened down, so the aerial part of the young crassula becomes thin and rather weak. If such a situation is observed, then at the first transplant of the plant, an excessively long root should be slightly shortened.

Features of further care

In the first days after planting a rooted shoot in a permanent place, it is very important to provide the plant with high-quality shading from direct sunlight and relatively abundant watering. The first feeding of a young ornamental plant can be given about a month after planting. As soon as the plant begins to grow, you can proceed to the activities that are standard for caring for an adult. room fat woman.

Money tree: reproduction and formation (video)

The money tree absolutely does not tolerate neighborhood with any cacti, so such ornamental plants should be grown at a sufficient distance from each other. Supporters of the Feng Shui teaching argue that the fat woman effectively attracts financial well-being and good luck to the house, therefore, the condition of a houseplant grown from a shoot must be watched very carefully, observing all the rules for cultivating an ornamental flower.

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