How to grow a flower living tree. Money tree - home care

Engineering systems 06.06.2019
Engineering systems

The fat woman (or money tree) is a shrub popular among Feng Shui lovers, a bright representative of the succulent genus. This plant is quite unpretentious in care, easy to cut and form a crown. Planting a money tree is as easy as growing a big fat woman, the main thing is to strictly follow the instructions.

Preparatory stage

The planting process must begin with the preparation of the soil, the pot and the plant itself. Grow a money tree at home will not be able even the most experienced gardener if the wrong potting mix is ​​chosen, or if the planting vessel is not the right size.

All indoor plants have their own standards of watering and fertilization in the first days of life in the open field, favorable days for planting and the right microclimatic living conditions.

It will be possible to grow a beautiful money tree only if each of these aspects is observed.

Preparing a pot for planting

Many inexperienced gardeners neglect the choice of a pot, believing that, apart from size, there is not much difference between them, and plants are planted anywhere. In practice, the succulent has a number of requirements for the vessel:

  1. Size. The pot must be large enough and voluminous in order to root system could develop properly. A young plant (formed from a cutting) is planted in a shallow vessel (6-7 centimeters). A two-year-old succulent needs a pot twice as large.
  2. Material. Crassula roots love heat, so these plants are grown in pots that can retain heat. Properly prepared ceramics are best suited for these purposes.
  3. Weight. The money tree grows upwards, a heavy, voluminous crown is formed on a thick trunk. Because of this mature plant can outweigh its pot and constantly fall. In order to prevent this from happening, it is necessary that the weight of the vessel exceeds the weight of the plant.
  4. Peculiarities. Potted succulents often have problems with soil moisture. To avoid this, you need to buy vessels with holes in the bottom. They are designed so that excess moisture does not accumulate at the bottom of the pot and does not destroy the root system, but flows into the pan.

Soil preparation

In order to competently land a fat woman, you need to select and prepare the right substrate and drainage. More often ready mixes can be purchased at specialized stores, but sometimes these soils require additional processing.

First of all, you should collect the drainage. Most often, large brick chips or small pebbles act in its role. Its layer should be at least 1-3 centimeters (in proportion to the size of the pot). Before laying on the bottom, the selected material must be left in the oven for 2-3 hours at 200 degrees. This helps to destroy all harmful bacteria.

The next step is soil selection. In order to grow a fat woman with a thick trunk and form a tree out of it, you need to choose a nutritious, loose and low-nitrogen soil. If there is no special mixture for succulents in the store, you can prepare it yourself from:

  1. Sheet or turf soil.
  2. River sand.
  3. Brick crumb.
  4. Peat.

Each of the components interferes with the substrate in equal amounts. After that, the soil must be heated in the oven for 1-2 hours at 200 degrees. You can plant a fat woman only in cooled soil.

How to plant a money tree

Choice of method proper fit money tree depends on how the baby was formed. There are several ways to get a new succulent:

  1. From a sheet.
  2. From a cutting.
  3. From a sprout.
  4. From part of the root system.

It is easiest to get a money tree from a leaflet. Crassula sheets are easily separated from the branch. After they are laid out on paper and dried for 2-3 days to evaporate excess moisture. Next, the leaf is lowered into the water for 1-2 weeks before the appearance of the root system. Planting this type of children is difficult only because it takes a lot of time to form a solid stem, and the plant is at first susceptible to disease.

It is much easier to grow a succulent from a cutting or offshoot than from a leaf or root. Thanks to the already formed solid stem, such a plant is more resistant to diseases and spring irritants. The cutting, unlike the shoot, does not have foliage, therefore, although it spends additional time on its formation, it takes root faster in the ground.

You can plant a shoot without roots or with already formed roots, but it cannot be put in water to form a root system. If the gardener is afraid to plant the baby in open ground just like that, you can use the method of "air layering". When the roots form directly on the branches, the shoot, along with them, is separated from the mother plant and placed in the soil.

Planting succulents from the root is the most difficult. It is necessary to take young sections of the root system that grow and develop rapidly, along with one old root that will provide them with vitality. To form such a succulent, a plant needs a lot of vitality, so after the first sprouts appear, they need to be transplanted into fresh, nutrient-rich soil.

Subtleties of care after landing

The rules for caring for a fat woman after planting depend on how the baby was formed, whether it has its own root system, or whether it will ripen in the soil.

Succulents planted from a leaf are watered according to the standard scheme - once every 5 days, but they are fertilized much more often than other children. They need feeding at least once a week. Fertilizer is mixed into water for irrigation. You can irrigate the soil only with liquid at room temperature.

A succulent grown from a piece of root system also needs abundant fertilizer. At the same time, such a baby cannot be poured with water, so watering becomes less frequent. You need to irrigate the soil 1 time in 7 days, each time adding top dressing to the liquid.

Succulents grown from a shoot are planted in moist soil in order to quickly form new roots. Before rooting the plant, the soil is watered 1 time in 3-4 days. You don’t need much top dressing, it’s enough to add fertilizer to the water once every 7-8 days.

Money trees from cuttings are the most unpretentious in care. After being placed in open ground, they immediately switch to the mode of care of an adult plant, the main thing is to protect the baby from drafts and do not forget to irrigate in time.

The first period of flowering in a new plant is the most critical and dangerous moment for a fat woman after planting. During these weeks, double watering and frequent feeding is necessary.

Properly planting a money tree is not difficult, as well as caring for it, if you follow a series of simple rules. Crassula loves warmth, moderate watering and hates drafts. If you take the best soil for the money tree, choose the right pot and devote enough time to caring for it, even a novice gardener will get a wonderful indoor flower.

The teachings of Feng Shui can be perceived in different ways - to believe or not to believe in its postulates, but to attract wealth, you just need to start a small money tree. In Feng Shui, hand-made talismans (from beads with Chinese coins) work equally well, as well as self-grown living money trees.

Crassula tree-like (oval) - it is these plants that are grown in order to attract financial well-being. The small swollen leaves of the tree are very similar to coins. The tree is placed in the money sector, but it should be taken into account that the plant needs a very bright location (direct sun).

You can buy a finished plant in flower shop, but it is best to take layering and grow a fat woman yourself. This is very important - to grow a money tree on your own, it is believed that a donated tree will not bring any wealth to its owner.

Tree branches are decorated with coins and red ribbons to increase the power of the talisman. A few coins can be buried in the ground, or even better, put them on the bottom of the pot when planting - Chinese coins can increase the power of the money talisman.

Important! A sick tree is not able to attract wealth, so you need to carefully look after the talisman, observing all the rules of agricultural technology.

Crassula tree - botanical reference

Crassula belongs to the large Crassula family, which are naturally distributed in South Africa, several species grow on the Arabian Peninsula.

All crassulas have thick, swollen leaves, rounded in shape. In all parts of the plant, an increased content of lead is noted. The flowers are small, white (there are varieties with cream, blue, red flowers), star-shaped with five petals.

IN indoor floriculture cultivated fat woman oval and so on tree-like - perennials up to 1.5 meters high. The leaf blades of these plants have an oval, round, elliptical shape, sometimes there is a purple or red border on the green leaves.

Plant for successful cultivation in room conditions, requires a sunny location, rare irrigation. Fertilizer - ready-made formulations for cactus crops.

We plant a living talisman of monetary well-being correctly

For planting a money tree, a cutting or a small cutting taken from a growing crassula will fit. If it is not possible to cut off the layering - take a few adult leaves - the plant is perfectly grown from the leaves.

Crassula belongs to succulent plants, so you can plant layering or leaves directly into the ground, but some prefer to wait until the roots form, for which the cutting is placed in water for several days.

A pot for planting is chosen in a wide shape (a bowl or square ceramic planters are ideal).

Important! For the money talisman to work, you need to choose pots of a certain color. The whole range of brown, black, burgundy, silver or gold colors is ideal.

The container prepared for planting Crassula should be filled with suitable soil - the easiest way is to buy ordinary soil for cacti in any flower shop. But it is not forbidden to make a land mixture on your own from sod land; a small amount of leafy land; sand, it is useful to add humus to the mixture (100 g per 1 kg of finished soil) and 2 tbsp. l. wood ash.

A drainage layer of expanded clay, gravel or coarse sand is laid at the bottom of the pot.

Advice! A few coins (usually 6), which are placed at the bottom of the container, will help activate the pot for the money tree. Coins are chosen in the currency of the country where you live.

The pot is filled with soil, into which the layers are planted. After planting, be sure to water the plant. It is important to remember that the plant has a small root system of weak and thin roots, and the crown has big weight, especially when the fat girl grows up. Ceramic containers should be chosen for planting to prevent the pot from tipping over.

Crassula care

A fat woman at home has the ability to grow very strongly, this is a good sign for a money talisman - the more branches, the more possibilities to attract wealth.

The formation of the crown must be started as early as possible - for this I pinch the growth point. For uniform growth of the crown, it is important to periodically turn the pot with the plant towards the light.

A money tree transplant should be done annually, while the pot should be slightly larger each time.

Important! You can not transplant Crassula immediately into a large container, this can cause souring of the roots.

Optimal for crassula is the temperature range from + 18 ° to + 25 ° С, in winter period the temperature can be lowered to + 10-15 ° C, but in this case watering is reduced. The fat woman adapts to any room temperature, but you need to monitor the condition of the plant in order to eliminate any possible problems.

The plant does not need regular spraying, so you should wash the leaves (or wipe them with a damp sponge) only when dust accumulates on the leaves.

How to grow a money tree: video

Even a novice florist can succeed in this business. Crassula easily rooted as a stalk and leaf. You can propagate this plant at any time of the year, excluding the period when it blooms, since with flowering plants no manipulations are performed, with the exception of urgently needed medical. It is also believed that summer is not the most suitable period for the reproduction of this plant, and children obtained from Crassula in summer take root worse and rarely bloom.
How to cut a plant and how to germinate a fat woman from a sprout so that the flower is sure to start?

You can start breeding when this indoor tree becomes quite sprawling and taking cuttings will not affect its development in any way. The age of the flower by this moment should be at least 3 years, and there should be at least 10 large lignified shoots on it, moreover, each should already have shoots with 3-4 leaves.

The best choice for cuttings is a branch that has aerial roots in each knee.

You should pay attention to the quality of the future sprout: it should not have spots and damage. A weak sprout will take root poorly, grow slowly, and the cut will have to be repeated, which is not very desirable for the mother plant.

The trunk of the future small seedling should be green, not lignified. This condition is important for reducing the time for the appearance of roots on the handle. The number of leaves is at least 5. In general, a sprout ready for independent life should have a height of approximately 10 cm.

The fat woman endures the removal of the shoot quite easily, but still it does not hurt to sprinkle the cut with turmeric or crushed activated carbon to prevent the development of diseases. The donor tree should not stand in bright light to avoid burns, and it is even more undesirable for the rays to fall on the cut.

How to properly plant and grow a fat man from a twig or any cutting without roots?

Further, the opinions of flower growers differ: whether to put the sprout in water to form roots, or whether it can be planted in the ground. In fact, both methods are good, since Crassula takes root well in almost any conditions.

cuttings in water

A couple of lower leaves are removed from the handle, put the shoot in a small container with settled water at room temperature and placed in a well-lit and warm place, ideally these are eastern windows.

It is best to cover it with a piece of cardboard with a cut hole into which the handle is inserted - so its parts will be less in contact with water and the edges of the container. The roots will appear in about a week. Now the sprout is ready for planting in the ground. If the owner wants to see the plant lush, healthy, and ideally flowering, then he should purchase a special ready-made soil for succulents.

Important: it is undesirable to use peat mixtures, since the fat woman does not grow well in acidic soil. Dolomite flour should be added to peat.

What should be the pot for crassula and how to plant a sprout there?
A pot for a fat woman is best to take ceramic, with a diameter across the width of the crown, so it will better maintain balance, but as long as it is small, you can use any. Drainage must be poured at the bottom - the fat woman does not like it when the water in the pot stagnates. Then soil is poured, a deepening of 4-5 cm is made in it, a young plant is planted, carefully crushed and watered the soil around it.

How to propagate in the ground?

A place for planting a flower is prepared in a similar way:

  1. Drainage is laid out at the bottom of the pot (expanded clay or finely broken shards).
  2. Then they pour the earth and moisten it well.
  3. A recess is made for the sprout, and the crassula seedling is carefully placed in it, and the earth around it is gently squeezed.

Rooting a fat woman with a leaf is done in the same way: in water or soil, and the planting method will be the same, but with one difference. Leaflet at the time of rooting will require fixation.

A photo

Care after planting sprouts

Little Crassula is no different in care from a mature and sprawling one.. She also loves the dim sun and moderate watering, Fresh air and wiping the leaves from dust. Feeding a young money tree is carried out after 8 months from the date of planting from spring to autumn once a month with special fertilizers, the dose of which should be halved. Spraying the plant is not required.

The fat woman does not need a frequent transplant, however, during the active growth of a young seedling, it will have to be changed once a year flower pot to a wider one, as the flower actively builds up the root system. Deep containers are not suitable for this plant.

Pinch the crown of the money tree for more active branching and creation beautiful forms it is possible when a young plant begins to throw out additional branches.

In the warm season, the money tree can live on the balcony, he likes fresh air, but it is important to monitor the air temperature so that it does not fall below 15 ° C. It is also not recommended to leave the flower in the rain: the fat woman is afraid of waterlogging the soil.

Useful video

We offer for viewing a visual and informative video about the reproduction of the money tree:

It is not difficult to grow a fat woman by cuttings, and if you follow the described procedure, then soon a strong and beautiful indoor tree will develop from a small sprout, which will decorate any interior.

Crassula is a common houseplant. But by this name it is known to few. More often it is called a fat woman or a money (monetary) tree. Planting and growing a money tree on your own is considered the best ritual to attract financial well-being and family happiness. In order for the fat woman to take root in the house, it must be properly transplanted and properly looked after.

Conditions for keeping a money tree at home

Crassula - unpretentious plant. It easily tolerates lack of moisture and open sunlight. One of its names - fat woman - indicates the ability to accumulate moisture in thick and fleshy leaves. In the absence of watering, Crassula can survive the dry period, using its own reserves, consuming water from the foliage.

The extensive genus Tolstyankov has more than 300 species. Among them are small plants (several centimeters high) and giant ones - up to several meters tall.

Table: necessary conditions for the development of crassula

Criterion spring-summer period Autumn-winter period
LightingThe money tree prefers a well-lit south, east, or southeast window sill.During the dormant period, from November to March, the pot with a fat woman should be placed in a less lit place, for example, on the northern windowsill
Air temperatureIdeal temperature regime- from 20 to 30 ° C. The plant tolerates a higher temperature well, but then it requires shadingThe ideal temperature regime is from 10 to 16 ° C. Critical indicator: -5 degrees
Air humidityAfter the midday heat, you can spray the leaves to refresh the plant.Periodically (at least once a week) wipe the leaves from dust
WateringAbundantly once or twice a weekOne to three times a month

The flower signals a lack of moisture with soft leaves. Water should be tepid or room temperature, best time for watering - evening.

Important to remember:

  • for the correct formation of the bush, the money tree should not be placed close to a window or wall. In order for the crown to have a symmetrical shape, the fat woman is rotated around the axis from time to time, then the lighting will evenly reach all sides of the plant;
  • air humidity is not critical for a fat woman (a plant from the southern regions comes from);
  • Crassula copes with a lack of water better than with its excess.

In indoor floriculture, crassulas have been grown for more than three hundred years, from the moment they were brought to Europe by sailors from the African continent.

A healthy money tree needs fertilizer. Often this is not required, it is enough to feed the plant once a month with mineral mixtures for succulents.

Video: mistakes when caring for a money tree

crown modeling

The money tree has an interesting structure, which allows the owner to model his crown to his taste. If you do not control the growth of branches, then the tree can become lopsided, stretch out, acquire an ugly appearance. Crown formation is a simple matter: it is enough to remove an unnecessary shoot in time or, conversely, stimulate the growth of an additional branch. For the appearance of a new branching, two apical leaves are plucked. Soon additional stems will appear in this place.

Extra leaves from the trunk of the money tree should not be in a hurry to remove. With the growth of the crown, they themselves will disappear, while the trunk will get a natural look.

Video: correct formation of the crassula crown

Landing and transfer times

The most favorable time for planting or transplanting indoor plants is considered to be early spring, when a new one begins. life cycle, the plant is ready for renewal and tolerates a change of residence well. The money tree is no exception in this sense.

The fat woman does not approve of frequent transplantation, this is the strongest stress for her. A young plant (up to two or three years old) should be transplanted into new pot once a year. mature tree grows more slowly, so it is enough to provide him with a larger pot once every three to four years.

Crassula copes well with the autumn transplant, although it is undesirable. A good reason for transplanting in the fall is a plant disease or the appearance of pests. To save the plant, transplantation is indicated at any time of the year, even in winter.

What kind of soil and pot do you need?

The money tree is unpretentious to the composition of the soil and the size of the pot. But he still has his preferences.

Suitable soil

Compose good soil for a money tree, even a novice grower can do it. For self-preparation of the substrate you will need:

  • fresh humus;
  • calcined sand;
  • leaf land;
  • sod land.

The first three components are taken in equal proportions. But sod land will need three times more. The soil should be loose, well pass water and air. Soil acidity indicators are best maintained at a neutral value, somewhere in the range of pH 6.5–7.0.

If you don’t want to bother with preparing the soil yourself, you can use a purchased mixture. For a money tree, any universal primer is suitable. Ideally - a special substrate for succulents. It is desirable to add sand to the universal mixture (in a ratio of one to four).

Crassula needs good drainage. For young plants, a sufficient two-centimeter layer of broken brick, river pebbles or expanded clay, for more powerful specimens, the drainage layer increases to 5–10 cm.
Upper layer the soil must be covered with mulch. She prevent fast drying and give decorative look pot. For this purpose, you can use pebbles, crushed stone, bark and chips of trees, nut shells, dried autumn leaves, straw, processed glass.

What kind of pot do you need

The root system of the money tree is located close to the surface of the earth. That is why for him it is necessary to select wide and shallow pots. The diameter of the dishes is determined by the diameter of the crown: the dishes should be slightly wider than the crown. This is necessary for the stability of the plant so that it does not inadvertently turn over.

To emphasize the beauty of crassula, it is better to take a ceramic pot. You can, of course, plant a fat woman in an ordinary plastic vessel, but the plant will lose a lot in aesthetic perception. The fleshy leaves of the money tree go well with brown or brown dishes. terracotta color. Feng Shui teaching recommends decorating the pot with coins to attract cash flow. Coins can also be placed in the drainage layer.

Ways to plant a money tree

An unpretentious money tree can be propagated in three ways:

  • propagation by cuttings;
  • leaf rooting;
  • sowing seeds (very rarely used).

The simplest method is cuttings. For this purpose, 8–10 cm shoot tips are suitable. The cut of the branch is dried for two days, after which the cutting can be rooted. There are two ways:

  • rooting in the substrate;
  • obtaining roots in water.

Rooting cuttings in the ground

The cut of the cutting must be processed with crushed coal. The pot should be taken small, but such that the stalk of the money tree could live in it at least until spring. Rooting will require a light mixture of river sand and garden soil.

Place the shoot in a recess (made, for example, with a pencil), sprinkle it around with earth, pour over and cover with a film or plastic cup. You can water the plant without removing the cup. Creation greenhouse effect favorably affects. As soon as a new leaf appears on the handle, you can remove the shelter - the money tree has taken root and started to grow.

Growing roots in water

This way is even easier. On a cut branch of a money tree, the lower leaves are removed, leaving a couple or two. The stalk is vertically placed in a glass half-filled with water with Kornevin added to stimulate root growth. They put the container for two to three weeks in a shady place. Usually roots appear during this time - the plant is ready for planting in the ground.

Growing a fat woman from a leaf

Growing a money tree from a single leaf is very similar to rooting a cutting. The cut of the leaf must also be dried, and then placed in loose soil. To prevent the leaf from falling, it will need stands made of matches or toothpicks. The creation of greenhouse conditions and regular moistening contribute to the rooting of the leaf. The ability to grow a money tree from a single leaf is quite real and achievable.

Seeds are sown in low containers filled with a mixture of sand and leafy soil, and covered with foil or glass to maintain high humidity. To prevent the black leg, the earth is shed with Fitosporin solution.

Within two weeks, while the seeds germinate, be sure to arrange short airings. When most of seeds will germinate, the glass is removed. After the appearance of two or three pairs of leaves, the seedlings should be planted in small containers with an earthen mixture for succulents or universal flower soil.

By seed method, species crassulas are mainly propagated.

Step-by-step instructions for planting and transplanting a fat woman

  1. We prepare the soil ourselves (as described above) or buy a suitable mixture.
  2. We take a pot right size(how to determine the size, described above).
  3. At the bottom of the pot we pour a layer of drainage at least two centimeters thick.
  4. Add soil so that the earth fills the fourth part of the container.
  5. We put a plant in a pot, trying to place it in the middle. If a massive money tree is transplanted, then the transshipment method should be used: carefully take the plant out of the pot with one hand by the trunk, shake off the earth a little from the roots. It is additionally necessary to wash or process the root system only in case of disease or rotting of the roots.
  6. We add the soil mixture, falling asleep roots. No need to tamp.
  7. Pour abundantly with warm water. After the first watering, it will become clear whether more land needs to be added.
  8. Add the required amount of soil, sprinkle with melba on top.
  9. We put the crassula in the shade for a week or two, so that the tree, which is still weak, does not get a sunburn.

Video: money tree transplant

Possible landing options

Planting a money tree in a separate pot is just one of options. The fat woman grows well in the florarium and in the "garden in a bowl."

Money tree in florarium

To plant a money tree in a florarium, you will need a special earthen mixture for succulents and charcoal. Being in a confined space provokes rotting of the roots, and coal allows you to disinfect decaying organic matter.

Watering succulents in the florarium should be moderate. The fat woman does not like excess moisture, and in an airtight vessel, water will have nowhere to evaporate.

Important: do not forget to open the closing florarium for fresh air.

Crassula can be settled in a "garden in a bowl"

Hardy fat women - best option when creating a miniature garden of living plants. This species has about three hundred plants. Many have original leaves in color and shape, which give unusual combinations. Having prepared everything, as with the usual planting of a money tree in a pot, start planting several types of succulents in a flat container. Such a miniature composition can be moved from place to place, it requires a minimum of care. A "garden in a bowl" of several trunks of a money tree can be placed not only on the windowsill, but also coffee table, shelf or computer desk.

Typical mistakes when planting a fat woman, ways to fix it

Sometimes the grower, relying on the unpretentiousness of the money tree, does not provide it with proper care. Mistakes made when planting a fat woman can lead to sad results.

The flower is planted in a disproportionate pot

A money tree planted in a disproportionate pot does not grow well. Too deep a container leads to stretching of the main root and stem of the plant. At the next transplant, you need to pinch the elongated root. Gradually, Crassula will restore a beautiful appearance. Too small a pot can lead to the fall of the plant, as it will not be able to hold the overgrown crown.

Over watering

The fat woman lives by the principle: drought is better than flood. Overwatering leads to decay of the root system. Watering the money tree is required as the surface of the earth dries out. Sometimes you can spray the plant instead of watering or wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. If the "flood" nevertheless occurred, then the fat girl needs the onset of the "dry season". If it does not help, we urgently transplant the plant.

high air temperature

With excessive heat, the money tree loses its leaves and exposes the trunk. Especially it does not like high temperatures during the dormant period - from November to March. Recovering a fat woman helps lowering the temperature or shading.

Lack of drainage

Some flower growers do not attach importance to such small things as drainage. But for Crassula he is prerequisite prosperous existence. Without it, stagnation of water is real, leading to rotting of the roots and diseases. If drainage for some reason was “forgotten” to be done, it is urgent to correct the situation. It doesn't matter what time it is outside - winter or summer.

Video: saving the money tree


The money tree rarely blooms indoors. In nature, the flowering of Crassula begins after the end of the drought season and the arrival of heavy rains. To obtain a similar effect, it is necessary to recreate similar conditions in the room where the fat woman lives. To do this, it is necessary to keep the money tree in the winter months in a cool place on a meager diet, watering extremely rarely. With the onset of spring, increase watering and provide access to sunshine. Perhaps Crassula will bloom with small white flowers. True, it should be borne in mind that flowers appear only in the tenth year of the plant's life.

Rooting is the process vegetative propagation, in which the cutting or leaf of an adult plant grows its own roots and begins to develop as an independent plant. Most effective way propagation of the money tree is considered rooting by cuttings, since separate sheet in the process of germination, it may begin to rot or, on the contrary, dry out.

There are two main methods for rooting a cuttings of a fat woman.:

  1. in water;
  2. in the ground.

The first method is considered more reliable, since a small root system will already be formed at the cutting before planting in a pot. On the other hand, germination in water can lead to rotting and wilting of the shoot, so many flower growers prefer to root immediately in the ground.

You can propagate the money tree all year round, but the spring-summer period, when the plant is actively growing, remains preferable.

How to propagate Crassula or grow roots?

If the method of rooting in water was chosen, the algorithm of actions will be as follows:

The first roots, as a rule, appear within a week, after 2-3 weeks the plant will be ready for transplanting into the ground. Because you can root the cooked stalk of the fat woman immediately in the soil, then the procedure in this case will be significantly different:

  1. capacity for planting a third must be filled with drainage;
  2. fill to the top with soil, slightly moisten, do not tamp;
  3. make a small depression in the center, in which it is necessary to place the cutting prepared for planting, so that it is immersed in the ground by about 3 cm;
  4. if necessary, supports can be installed so that the planted stalk does not lean to the side and does not fall;
  5. place the container with the handle in a warm, well-lit place, away from drafts and direct sun rays.
  6. as the soil dries, it is necessary to moisten it; for the fastest rooting, you can use a root solution.

Once the plant has started growing and has new leaves, it is safe to say that the rooting process has been successful.

For a money tree, you must use a special soil for cacti and succulents. If you have to use a universal purchased soil, the best option will dilute it with river sand in a ratio of 3: 1.

Conditions necessary for successful cultivation

The money tree is considered a fairly unpretentious plant, but with improper care about successful rooting you can forget, a young plant needs more attention than its adult relatives.

The rules for caring for a germinating cutting are quite simple.:

  • the fat woman does not like direct sunlight, while she is able to endure light partial shade;
  • it is necessary to water in small portions as the top layer of the soil dries out, the frequency of watering is on average 1 time per week, during the cold period, watering should be reduced to 1 time per month.

It’s safer to dry a fat woman a little than to “fill it in”, this the plant does not tolerate an excess of moisture and its stagnation in the soil. If the leaves of the money tree began to fall off or brown spots began to appear on them, this is a sure sign of waterlogging and the beginning of rotting of the roots. Such a plant is almost impossible to restore.

  1. For planting, it is necessary to use shallow wide pots, the diameter should approximately correspond to the diameter of the crown of the plant, the material from which the pot is made does not matter, the money tree takes root well in both ceramic and plastic pots.
  2. Be sure to use a special soil for cacti and succulents, soil mix if necessary, you can cook it yourself, for this you need to mix 3 parts of soddy land and 1 part of leafy soil, humus and river sand.
  3. The first 8 months after planting, the use of top dressing is not required, in the future, special fertilizer can be used, reducing the concentration indicated in the instructions by 2-3 times.
  4. Every 2 months, you can use succinic acid and root to stimulate the growth of the plant and its root system.

It will be possible to transplant a young plant in about a year., in the future, a transplant for a fat woman will be required on average every 2-3 years as the roots grow.

Read more about planting and caring for a fat woman in this video:


So, how to propagate a money tree at home from a process even the most inexperienced grower can do, then a little attention and patience is enough for this. This is an ideal plant for a home flower garden or office, which in a short period of time is able to grow into a real sprawling tree that lives on the windowsill.

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