Large houses with an attic. Layout of a house with an attic

Engineering systems 13.06.2019
Engineering systems

* Mansard - residential mezzanine floor under the insulated roof.

3. Coziness and comfort
. Attic rooms are indescribably cozy, which cannot be said about summer cottages with flat ceilings, which are no different from city apartments. For romanticism, silence and solitude from common rooms they are loved by children and young people.
. In our projects of houses with an attic the height of the walls at the lowest point is always more than 1.5 m. This allows you to fully use the entire floor area, conveniently arrange furniture and move freely around the rooms.

Please note: if the project of a house with an attic that you have chosen does not quite coincide with the “dream house”, we can always correct it, bringing it closer to your ideal.

Projects of attic two-story houses up to 150 sq. meters

Attic projects two-storey houses up to 150 sq. m. - best option economical housing. They are cheaper than city apartments, but more spacious. If the cottage has a bedroom on the ground floor, then it is as convenient as city housing. This condition necessary for comfort is met in all projects of our houses for permanent residence, both attic and two-story.

Any house becomes modern with an attic, more practical with a garage and cozy with a veranda. At the same time, it is quite possible to combine such a project with the construction of a simple country cottage with successful layout. Details with photos are in the article.

House with an attic: features of planning and construction

Even 200 years ago, the attic served as a haven for the poor creative intelligentsia, who did not have enough money for more or less decent housing. Today it is a relevant and fashionable, and sometimes an integral part of the project of a country cottage for wealthy people. This is quite natural, given the advantages of the attic in the house:

  • makes the interior lighter, brighter, more original;
  • allows you to move away from the standard rectangular building template;
  • it is as functional as the second floor of the house, but at the same time it allows you to save on building materials due to its shape, as well as the absence of an attic.

Advice. Often houses with an attic are preferred by owners of small land plots. Such a building is lower than a 2-storey cottage, which means that it obscures the site and the plants planted on it much less.

In addition, if the area allows you to build only small house, then here the attic will fit better into the project. It does not distort the proportions of the building, while a full-fledged 2nd floor can visually stretch the house in height.

Projects of cottages with an attic can be made in any style. The same goes for planning. Very often, the attic floor is used as a home office, a relaxation room with billiards or table tennis, a nursery or a bedroom. Such buildings are erected from any material: brick, timber, foam blocks. If the size of the plot allows, a house with an attic can be 150 square meters. m, 200 sq. m or more. In this case, it will most often have 2, 3, or even 4 floors. Such a project usually provides, for example, several bedrooms in the upper part of the cottage. In addition, the presence of an attic does not exclude the additional construction of a garage, terrace or veranda.

Types of house projects with a garage

Own car for a resident of the private sector or the owner of a country cottage is a necessity and one of the conditions for comfort. Therefore, the popularity of projects involving the construction of a house with a garage is obvious. There are 2 options:

  • arrangement of a room for a car in the basement / basement floor;
  • an extension of a personal parking lot to one side of the house. Moreover, we are talking about the simultaneous construction of both a house and a garage, and not about the construction of the latter already after the fact.

Attention! If you still intend to make an extension to a house that has already been put into operation, think carefully. An integral project with a garage takes into account many design requirements, heat loss, and a ventilation system. In addition, incorrectly selected dimensions, type of roof or angle of inclination can adversely affect appearance Houses.

Advantages of a house with a garage:

  1. You don't have to go outside to drive. This is especially true in cold or rainy weather. A lot of projects provide for an entrance both from the street and directly from the house (usually from the kitchen, vestibule, hallway).
  2. You can use the garage room, including for storage or as a workshop.
  3. There is a saving of money and building materials, regardless of where the garage is located: on the side or under residential floor. In addition, plumbing, sewerage and heating are cheaper to lay within the same building.

Depending on the layout, a house with a garage may have a different area, stylistic design, additional functional elements. For example, projects with a terrace or veranda, as well as several floors, are not at all uncommon. At the same time, the garage itself may not be built from the same building material as the house. But the decoration, facade, roof (in the case of an extension) must be identical to the external design of the cottage. This will give harmonious integrity and completeness to the entire structure.

Attention! Garage, equipped in the basement or basement, is convenient if the access road to it is inclined at an angle of no more than 12°C.

Layout of a house with a veranda

Here, just as in the case of a garage, it is better to initially plan the simultaneous construction of both the house and the veranda. Of course, you can make an extension later, but you should pay attention to such points:

  1. With a separate construction of a house, and after a while - a veranda, it is difficult to achieve high-quality fastening of the walls. Since the foundation for the extension will be poured separately, there is a risk that it will begin to crack during shrinkage, and the walls will diverge.
  2. If the veranda will be used not only in summer, but also in the cold season, it should be warm. It is easier and cheaper to plan heating immediately and for an extension.
  3. The exterior finish of both buildings must be the same in any case.

Houses with a veranda are designed for outdoor recreation, enjoying the silence away from the city noise and the beauty of nature. Taking into account these features, a library, an office, a living room, and sometimes even a kitchen are often equipped on the veranda. Accordingly, the project in each case is developed based on how the premises will be used. For example, if an extension is planned for the kitchen, then it is rational to make it glazing only in the upper part.

More traditional "cold" verandas, which do not require heating, are cheaper. But on the other hand, they cannot equip a living room, a greenhouse or winter Garden: they serve as a summer terrace for gatherings in the warm season.

Projects of houses with a veranda are typical, as well as designed for specific tastes and wishes of the future owner. Individual orders are more expensive than ready-made typical samples. However, at the same time, you can be sure that such a structure is the only one of its kind. Regardless of what you choose, before implementing any project, it is worth consulting with specialists who understand the landscape features of the area.

Projects of small cottages 8 x 8, 10 x 10

If you decide to build a house outside the city, but you don’t own very large plot, take a look at the project of a simple and compact cottage of 64 or 100 sq. m. The square shape of such a building contributes to the maximum effective planning usable space, saving the house from walk-through rooms. Additional advantages of the 10 x 10 building include:

  • versatility - you can experiment in this building with different styles and implement any design projects;
  • practicality - each room in such a house fulfills its purpose, and does not stand empty, waiting for better times;
  • savings - both at the construction stage and during further maintenance.

Advice. Even if the size of the plot allows you to build a chic mansion, think about how much free space will be left for a garden, vegetable garden, and other buildings. Own yard, while also well-groomed, - perfect place for meetings with friends, family holidays.

House 8 x 8 or 64 sq. m - at first glance it may seem that this is not enough. But about the same dimensions city ​​apartment from 2-3 living rooms. How crowded or spacious it will be in this cottage depends on the number of family members, their lifestyle. However, the benefits should not be overlooked small house in front of the apartment

  • good sound insulation, since neighbors do not live behind the walls;
  • relatively low construction costs;
  • the choice at the planning stage of any project that will appeal to the whole family;
  • the presence of a yard for the equipment of a personal playground, parking, places of rest.

Advice. Even if, according to the project, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house is strictly designated as 8x8 or 10x10, this does not mean that usable space cannot be increased. Such a cottage may well have 2 floors, an attic, a basement, a basement and even a garage.

Project of a house with an attic, a veranda and a garage: video

House with an attic, a veranda and a garage: photo

Most individual developers choose a house project with an attic and a veranda, 6x8 or 7x8 m in size, as the basis for a future country or country house. In the view of a future summer resident, the presence of these two elements represents convenience and comfortable outdoor recreation. But in reality, not every project of a house with an attic can be as convenient as it looks in the plans and on paper from the designer. Of great importance is the practical experience in the development of such complex schemes, careful design, taking into account all the features of the building.

What do the attic and veranda give for a country house

Undoubtedly, for a 6x8 house it will be very prudent to plan a small veranda in the building project, and raise the roof and make it broken so that attic space could be converted into an attic. But in this case, you will need to take into account some recommendations of experts:

  • For a rectangular house 6x8, the facade of the house will need to be designed along a wide, eight-meter side. Only in this case can an acceptable attic width of 2.8-3 m be obtained with a length of 6 m. Otherwise, the attic turns into a tunnel, 2.5x8 in size;
  • The veranda room is best located from the illuminated part of the building. For frame house with an attic, with an area of ​​​​6x8, it would be most rational to place the veranda in the form of an extension or the first floor of the house from the front side of the building;
  • Part of the veranda is usually left open and used as a platform for outdoor recreation, in which case the project can be considered as a building with an attic and a terrace.

Advice! Today there are no clear signs that distinguish the built-in terrace from open veranda, so it is important to correctly understand what exactly should be built in terms of the house in order to explain to the designer.

If we limit ourselves to names and terms, the firm or designer may interpret similar concepts in their own way, and as a result, the original idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house will be lost.

Projects of country houses measuring 6x8 m

When developing the layout of the house, you will need to take into account that the attic and the veranda have completely different functions and devices:

  1. The attic in the vast majority of cases is used as a sleeping area. In summer it is always hot under a hot roof, so more or less favorable conditions will be only in the autumn-winter period of the year. Even if the project provides small balcony, there will be clearly not enough space for a comfortable stay;
  2. The veranda is the complete opposite of the attic. In any project, the veranda remains an uninsulated temporary hut or summer kitchen. Often, the owners rebuild and expand such a structure several times.

Advice! The best option will plan the entrance to the house through the premises of the veranda. This classic solution will “eat up” some of the living space, but the gain will make up for the loss.

Features of building a house from a block

When choosing a project for block houses usually it is necessary to take into account the design features of the foundation of the building. All more or less successful projects of houses from foam blocks provide for the use of a rigid shallow concrete tape or a slab-piled version of the base as a foundation. Due to the low rigidity of foam concrete walls, the veranda must be made according to the bay window scheme, or the room must be reinforced with columns.

The version of the house shown in the photo with an attic and an insulated veranda is practically indistinguishable from ordinary country cottages. MZLF was used as a foundation. Foam concrete walls in this project were reinforced with additional brickwork, which allowed to make the room as warm and bright as possible.

In the project for arranging the attic premises, a classic technique was used - the gables of the roof were finished with cement-sand plaster and painted in White color to reduce heat load. left, sunny side the entrance to the house is covered with brickwork and climbing plants.

roof attached veranda can be used as an open terrace or balcony, as in the photo.

In this case, the veranda is designed as a separate extension on the common slab foundation. The attic room turns out to be slightly elongated, almost square in shape, which allows you to install two windows on the pediment of the building. According to the project, a 6x8 house is sheathed with clapboard or siding. The roof is made of bituminous tiles.

The veranda can be built in the form of a bay window, and two entrances can be provided for the building at once. If you wish, you can go directly to the veranda, bypassing the main entrance. To increase the amount of light reaching the covered veranda, the doors of the side entrance on the east side are made of double-glazed windows.

A rather interesting combination of three main rooms at once, a terrace, an attic and a veranda is shown in the photo.

The construction was carried out on a powerful strip foundation with ground floor. The room of the veranda is raised above the ground and glazed. The use of a gable asymmetrical roof made it possible to increase the useful area of ​​the attic by almost 40%, and to divert the main part of the heat load from the sun with the help of a very long and gentle roof slope.

Beautiful projects attic houses: photo, catalog

Projects of attic houses of our catalog can be built from foam concrete, gas blocks, bricks, ceramic blocks. Project mansard house before purchasing, we recommend adapting to your site and climate zone- this will guarantee durability and high quality construction!

Attic house project plans: benefits

Plans for attic houses remain relevant in 2017 due to their rationality. If you decide which house project to buy, choosing between one-story, attic and two-story house- a house with an attic is the best and best option. Its advantages are that:

  • The layout of attic houses makes them warmer than one-story and two-story houses: you will not heat the attic in vain in winter.
  • Its turnkey construction will cost less than a one-story and two-story residential building of the same area (ceteris paribus). Since, on the same foundation, under the same roof, a house with an attic will have large area than single storey. For its construction, fewer materials will be required than for a two-story cottage, which will significantly reduce the cost estimate.
  • The length of communications in a house with an attic will be less than in a one-story one.
  • On the site, he will occupy less space, how cottage.

Layout of projects of attic houses: features

In order to private house with an attic was comfortable and convenient, you need to carefully consider its features.
So, for example, by changing the angle of the roof, the height of the attic wall, using false walls inside the attic, choosing the right furniture and design of attic houses, you can make it even more comfortable, turn it from an awkward angular room into a cozy, original nest. To do this, it is better to seek help from experienced architects and designers. Our specialists of the design department for a separate cost, if necessary, will be able to make all these changes to the selected plan of the house with an attic.
For the most part, our typical projects of houses with an attic provide for an attic wall height of 1 m - 1.2 m, which is quite optimal, convenient option. In order for the attic floor not to be “stuffy”, it must be properly designed ventilation system. It must be remembered that skylights give more light than lucarnes. Although lucarnes best emphasize the cozy character attic floor.
Be sure to remember that not every private one-story house can be turned into an attic. To do this, in the project of such a house, many floor parameters must be initially taken into account, roof structures, roofing cake, others, designed for the future attic floor.

Projects of houses from foam blocks, which can be viewed in the catalog, can also be implemented from ceramic blocks, aerated concrete, and other stone materials.

When purchasing individual and standard architectural projects attic houses in our company at average market prices, customers receive detailed project documentation, which includes 5 sections: constructive, architectural and three engineering (water supply, electricity, ventilation and heating). Please note that the cost of the engineering section is 20% of the price indicated on the site. Below you can see an example of an attic house project.

Projects of attic houses, photos, videos, sketches, drawings and diagrams of which are placed in this section, are protected by copyright and guarantee legal security for developers when building houses according to our company's projects. The certificate posted on the site is a confirmation that our company is the official representative of the international architectural bureau Z500.

We invite you to watch a video selection of popular attic projects:

House with an attic: projects, photos: the layout of the house 8 by 8 with an attic will become great solution for those who seek to build an inexpensive and at the same time comfortable housing option. At first it may seem that an area of ​​​​8 × 8 m will not be enough, but this is only at first glance. Such a space allows you to equip a spacious living room for receiving guests and relatives or several small bedrooms at once. It all depends on how well the layout of the house is drawn up.

A good layout allows you to place all the necessary premises on a limited area

Layout of a house with an attic: advantages and disadvantages

Projects small houses with an attic, photos of which can be found in large numbers on the pages of magazines and on the Internet, are considered by many developers as the embodiment of an ideal country life. In fact, the way it is, because compact cottages provide ample opportunities in terms of design, layout and finishing materials.

3D model brick house with attic

Features of the layout of houses with an attic

Cottages with an attic floor have their own specificity, which cannot be ignored in the process of designing and building a building. Due to the design features top part buildings are affected by temperature fluctuations. Therefore, the arrangement of high-quality thermal insulation is milestone construction, without which it is impossible to create optimal conditions for living.

Weather conditions also have a negative impact on the building. To protect the premises from dampness and excess moisture, it is recommended to lay waterproofing materials.

Projects of roofs of houses with an attic must necessarily take into account the characteristics of this room. For finishing and roofing works it is worth choosing lightweight materials. The same applies to the interior furnishings of the attic floor. Due to the large overload of the foundation part and the walls of the building, cracks often occur. To avoid this, it is recommended to lighten the weight of the rooms located in the attic as much as possible.

When drafting an attic, you should choose plasterboard partitions and lightweight finishing materials.

Helpful advice! Most often, in the photo of the attic layouts in a private house, you can see that this zone is formed into a single space. However, this is far from the only option for distributing the internal area. If you want to divide the attic into several rooms using partitions, use drywall. This type of material is characterized by light weight and simple installation system.

An important role on the attic floor is assigned to window structures. Despite the fact that the installation of windows on an inclined plane is accompanied by high costs, this technique is fully justified.

Attic house plans and their benefits

Recently, the popularity of house projects with a basement and an attic has been increasing. Developers are increasingly paying attention to such cottages, thanks to a large number the benefits they have.

Plan of a one-story house with an attic

Advantages of buildings with an attic:

  • construction and installation work allow significant savings to be made.
  • given that rational use attic space you can almost double the usable area of ​​the building;
  • the attic does not cause difficulties with laying communication systems, since all the necessary elements can be brought from the first floor;
  • reduced heat loss through the roof;
  • during the construction of the attic floor, residents may not leave the building, since the first floor remains habitable;
  • on the floor can be arranged non-residential premises. In the photo of the plans of houses with an attic, you can see workshops, gyms, billiard rooms and other types of rooms;
  • the wide possibilities of interior design allow you to show creativity and imagination in the process of finishing and arranging the attic.

Ground floor and attic layout

Disadvantages of projects of frame houses with an attic

In addition to the beneficial advantages, cottages with an attic also have disadvantages:

  • the construction of cottages with an attic floor requires full compliance with the technology. Any deviations from the rules and errors in the choice of materials can cause serious consequences, namely: an increase in heat losses, freezing of rooms, the formation of condensate on the walls and inside them;
  • roof windows are much more expensive than conventional ones. The cost of windows is influenced not only by the size and complexity of the structure of structures, but also by the specificity of installation work;

Note! Compared to conventional design, the cost roof window almost 2 times more.

Skylight - a beautiful, but costly design

  • natural light in the attic is a very important aspect of comfort. But it can be broken if there is a snowy winter outside the windows. Natural light discourages germs and is good for eyesight, so it's important to have easy access sunlight into the room.

Photo projects of roofs of private houses with an attic and planning features

To get reliable and beautiful house, it is necessary to develop an optimal plan for a one-story house with an attic. In this case, it is necessary to take into account all the features of this construction and make the appropriate calculations:

  • the attic floor is considered an extension to the main building, which has significant weight. Therefore, it is impossible to carry out arbitrary construction without strengthening the first floor, because this can provoke the appearance of cracks and the destruction of the facade of the house. If it is planned to build an attic on finished walls, then they should be strengthened;

When designing an attic, you should also think about roofing and roof insulation.

  • the ceiling height of the attic floor has limitations. The minimum allowable indicator is 2.5 m;
  • in the photo of roof projects, houses with an attic can have different design, but it's not related to design alone. In the design process, it is very important to choose the right type of roof. A roof with two slopes can only add 67% usable area to the one that is already formed by the foundation of the house. The broken type of construction increases this figure to 90%. To achieve a 100% increase in space, it is enough to lift truss system mansard roof by 150 cm;
  • it is worthwhile to foresee the key points connecting the communication systems of the first floor with the attic;
  • plan in advance the placement of staircases, windows, doors and internal partitions.

Layout of the attic floor in a private house

Helpful advice! Use finished projects and a photo of stairs to the attic in a private house as a basis for calculations and inspiration. Since the staircase occupies a significant area, it is recommended to think through every detail and choose the appropriate type of construction. The product should be compact, but at the same time we should not forget about reliability, functionality and safety.

  • when building a cottage, it is necessary to adhere to all requirements fire safety. This is especially true for timber buildings. Be sure to calculate the evacuation plan from the attic floor and create all the conditions for this plan to be effective.

The roof of the house with an attic: photos, types of designs

There are several types of roofs of private houses with an attic, photos of which probably attracted your attention. The final cost of the project, as well as the amount of usable area on the attic floor, depends on the type of roof chosen for construction.

Types of roofs, fig. 1: 1 - single slope; 2 - gable; 3 - hip; 4 - half hip

On the picture one-story houses with an attic you can see the following types of roofs:

  • shed - the walls of the building have different heights, so the roof plane is attached to load-bearing structures inclined. This roofing option is considered the simplest and does not require high costs;
  • hip or half-hip - the roof consists of 4 slopes, so that the owners of the cottage can make the most efficient use of the attic area for their needs;
  • gable - the roof is formed from two slopes, diverging along different parties from each other;
  • broken - most often such a roof can be seen in the photo brick houses with attic. This roof has two slopes, since it is this type of construction that is considered the most good option for small cottages;

Types of roofs, fig. 2: 5 - broken line; 6 - domed; 7 - conical; 8 - tent

Note! The construction of a sloping roof is accompanied by additional costs, as material consumption increases. Despite the complexity of installation, given type roofing is very popular because it allows you to form a large area interior attic.

  • domed, conical, pyramidal - these types of roofs are quite complex and very expensive. They are used in the construction of cottages with a complex structural structure.

Photos of roofs of houses with an attic and types of spaces

The space of the attic floor is of several types. It depends on the type of roof that is being built according to the project of an 8 × 8 house with an attic of foam blocks, bricks or other materials.

Single-level type of attic space

Types of attic spaces:

  • single-level - combined with gable and broken types of roofs, and can also be supplemented with remote consoles;
  • two-level - are the result of the use of supports of various types.

When working with projects of small houses with an attic and a garage, it is very important to perform the correct load calculation. And not only for the construction process, but also for further operation.

On the one hand, the plan of a one-story house with an attic and a garage must take into account the weight loads that arise in the process of moving a car over the foundation part of the building. On the other hand, the presence of an attic floor requires additional reinforcement of the walls, since they bear the main load.

Interior of a two-level attic space

Features of the development of plans for houses 8 by 8 with an attic

Brick houses with an attic, photos of which can be found on the net, are not as popular as cottages made of foam blocks or wood. This trend is due to the high cost of the material and the slower construction speed.

Foam blocks are very popular today because they have optimal dimensions and light weight. All this was made possible thanks to innovative technology material manufacturing by mixing foam and filler under the influence high pressure. After that, the resulting mixture is poured into special forms.

Note! The uniqueness of the technology lies in the fact that in the process of solidification inside the blocks the smallest air bubbles are formed. Due to this, the foam blocks are porous. As a result, not only the installation process is facilitated, but also the transportation of materials to the construction site.

House plan 8 by 8 with a bedroom on the second floor

If it is planned to develop a one-story project with an attached garage, it is worth remembering that such a decision will definitely affect the facade of the house, photos of houses with an attic clearly reflect this. In this case, it will not be possible to do without a significant slope of the roof in order to be able to block the attached garage.

In order to somehow balance the structure and add a small part of the lost height, you can lower the base of the garage lower than the ground floor adjacent to it.

Photos of country houses with an attic and a veranda, features of projects

The veranda room can be attached to the house separately. This zone has its own foundation part. One of the most fashionable and popular solutions today is the full glazing of the veranda. Complementing this room with greenery, you can create an excellent area for relaxation. If you want to raise decorative properties verandas, its dome should also be glazed.

Single storey country house with veranda and attic

A fully open type of room is usually installed in summer houses. This space can be used as a hallway, under which a small segment of the area is allocated.

House with overall dimensions 8 × 8 m, having both a veranda and an attic, in the future creates a considerable amount of additional usable space. An ordinary cottage for a family of two adults and two children would not be enough. Thanks to the attic on the top floor, it becomes possible to accommodate 4 bedrooms, and the veranda can be considered as a cozy seating area.

Helpful advice! Construction one-storey cottage with an attic is much cheaper than the construction of a two-story building with a similar area. Take advantage of this.

Plan wooden house with veranda and attic floor

Attic design: photo gallery of interiors in a private house

When creating an attic design in a private house, especially when it comes to a wooden cottage, it is worth considering exactly how this space will be used and what the style of the interior will be.

Examples of successful combinations:

  1. Country style will look best in the kitchen or bedroom located on the attic floor.
  2. Bathroom and bedroom can be decorated in vintage style.
  3. The restraint of minimalism will emphasize the dignity of the nursery, study, bedroom or billiard room.
  4. Provence is suitable exclusively for kitchens and bedrooms.
  5. Eco-style is truly universal, it has no restrictions regarding rooms.
  6. Oriental and ethno style are suitable for bedrooms or for decorating a hookah room.

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