Project home from blocks online. Projects of block houses

Decor elements 13.06.2019
Decor elements

Annotation: A project of a single-storey house of aerated concrete

Project one-storey house from aerated concrete blocks 7 to 7 It has all the amenities for living outside the city of the whole family. In the planning of the house, three zones can be distinguished: a sauna with shower and bathroom, an active speaker area, vestibule. One bathroom bath can be removed under the boiler room. Login B. vacation home From the aerated concrete through the open terrace.

Outdoor walls - aerated concrete blocks. The facade of the house 7x7 m is covered with facing stone and plastered, you can also use decorative plaster For finishing facade, PVC siding or facing facade blocks. Download free project of one-story house of aerated concrete 7.55 x 7.62 m.

Draft house of aerated concrete with garage 8x9 m

Annotation: Project of the house of aerated concrete 8x9 with a garage

The project of the house from aerated concrete blocks 8 to 9 With a garage with all amenities. It has an entrance hall, combined living room and a kitchen on the first floor. There are two large windows in the living room. On the finished project of the house of aerated concrete, there are two bedrooms on the second floor. The finish can be made from any material. A project of a house of aerated concrete with a garage for free.

Annotation: A project of a two-story house of aerated concrete 6x9

Draft house of aerated concrete 6 to 9 Holds all the amenities for staying the whole family outside the city. In the layout of the house from aerated concrete, several zones can be distinguished: the first is the shower and the bathroom, in the center of the house - the area of \u200b\u200bactive pastime, on the second floor there are sleeping beds. Next, you can download a free draft house of a gas block with drawings of 10x10 m.

Annotation: Ready-made project of a house of aerated concrete 10x10 m

Draft house of aerated concrete 10 to 10 The meters differ in a thorough drawing of the facade, which allows you to enter a cottage from aerated concrete to any complex. Internal planning The first floor is convenient and divided into three parts, each zone carries its functional purpose.

On the first floor of a house of aerated concrete blocks, the living room and kitchen are designed in one volume, in accordance with the latest concepts of ergonomics on comfort, which allows to increase the interior space. Additional comfort gives the presence of a built-in garage with the outlet of the hall at home. On the second floor there are three bedrooms and bedrooms.

Ready-made draft house of aerated concrete with an embroidered 8x10 m

Dimensions: 8.2 x 10.5 m

Total area: 129.6 m2
Living area: 113 m2

Bedrooms and rooms: 4 pcs
C / W, Bath: 2 pcs
Mansard: Yes
Social: NO
Garage: There is 1 a / m

Planning to begin construction own houseEach of us imagines a cozy and durable housing, which will become a personal fortress to us and our descendants. That is how it will become country cottage When erecting it from blocks - modern material, affordable and possessing useful properties. On the site "Domamo" you can choose projects of houses from blocks with the ability professional mount - Ready developments and individual design For Moscow, the suburban zone of St. Petersburg and the regions.

Features of block cottages

Blocks for the construction of residential buildings are made of high-quality clay using the latest technologies, which gives them the following set of favorable qualities:

  • High thermal protection indicator, significantly advanced properties of classic brick and not requiring additional insulation walls,
  • Breathable medium providing the optimal balance of indoor humidity,
  • The special strength of the walls of the construction, allowing them to use them even with seismic zones,
  • Full security of accommodation - Block materials are non-toxic and have good refractory properties,
  • The economy of construction - the block is significantly lighter than brick or stone, so the foundation of the cottage will not require expensive strengthening,
  • High speed of construction work with the perfect fit of the elements and obtaining very smooth surfaces.

Typical works are projects of houses of foam and aerated concrete blocks with an attic or a full-fledged floor, a sauna device with a swimming pool, garage, beautiful terraces and many functional rooms. The more difficult layout, the more it requires the availability of a well-verified project so that the material you choose the show from the best side.

Select projects

Houses from blocks in the Domamo catalog are projects adapted to Russian conditions and prices with the possibility of choosing the photo and ordering turnkey. Choose the project you will help the characteristics of the filter with an extended selection of areas, a set of materials, layout features and design elements. Each project standard includes several parts:

  • General plan and drawings of all levels,
  • Conceptual images and drawings of elements,
  • Development of communications
  • Interior design.

If necessary, you can order projects with minor changes of typical or fully individual design.

  • 1. Selection of material (clay blocks, foam blocks, sand-cement blocks).
  • 2. Creating a foundation. Before the construction of the foundation of the structure, it is necessary to perform geological studies of the soil. The results of the surveys serve as a reference when choosing the type of foundation. In most cases, tape bases of collecting-monolithic type or reinforced concrete systems are designed for block buildings. Such types of foundations are quite simple in creating and do not require large material investments.
  • 3. Construction carrier structures, Design roof. Before proceeding to construction work, you need to get acquainted with the technology of the construction of walls from the selected material. The key stages of the installation technology of carrying structures are regulated by SNiP. When they comply with you, you will get reliable walls. Even a minor neglect of the established regulations is fraught with deposits. The technique of building block walls depends on the type of blocks, each variety of material is inherent in individual features.
  • 4. Connecting communications (sewer, heating system, water supply, electricity) and outdoor finishing work. Their execution takes a lot of time. If the main communications run at a remote distance, their connection will require significant material investments, which will increase the cost of the project. When connecting communications in obligatory Drawings are formed, such work must be coordinated in the relevant instances. If there is such an opportunity, you need to take care of the presence of autonomous thermal and water sources, reserve power plant.
  • 5. Outdoor finish Not only gives the building a presentable architectural appearance, but also ensures its protection. A number of finishing materials have heat and sound insulation properties. For external facing, you can use siding, stone masonry. The choice of materials is quite big you will definitely find the option that will arrange.
  • 6. Interior finishing works. The decoration of the room from the inside contributes to the creation of a cozy comfortable atmosphere. For the inner decor, you can choose any materials you like.
Key advantages of blocks

Blocks used for the construction of houses are inherent specifications. They constitute a biostroof material that is not susceptible to rotting and corrosion. On their surfaces does not appear mold with fungus.

Another plus of this material is a democratic value. The construction of a block house requires smaller cost compared to the building of an identical brick size. Buildings from blocks are reliable and durable in operation. Blockwork has the ability to "breathe". In the buildings from this material in the winter, warm is well held, and the coolness reigns in the summer. Such a laying is easy to create: blocks are easily mounted, forming smooth walls. This material is resistant to the action of moisture, in houses from it is always dry and cozy.

Projects of houses from blocks is practical solutionSuch buildings are becoming increasingly popular.

Each of us has a desire to have their own personal fortress - a durable house in which it would be warm and cozy. Someone popular among developers in 2018 are architectural projects of houses of ceramoblocks.

To secure such a dwelling, you need to select construction Materials With the knowledge of the technology of their application. Any of its violations are capable of negatively affecting the properties of materials, because of which it was decided to buy it.

This material will be useful, first of all, developers for whom the projects of houses from ceramic blocks are prioritized, as well as to all who are in principle interesting houses from blocks (photos, schemes, sketching projects, drawings and video can be found in this section of the catalog) and properties This masonry material.

Author and typical plans of projects of houses from blocks: the main technical parameters of ceramic products

Ceramic products are made from such raw materials like clay. It gives blocks with the following individual features:

  • Good heat-shielding indicators provided by the porous structure of the material, as well as the ability to accumulate solar heat inside the house from blocks (projects and sketches can be viewed in this section). The single-layer wall is characterized by heat transfer, equal to 0.29 W / m2k.
  • Optimal costs: Having excellent heat protection, masonry made of ceramic blocks does not require insulation, which significantly reduces estimates.
  • Comfort: Breathable blocks provide a comfortable air environment in residential cottages due to the indoor moisture balance.
  • Reliability: the strength of buildings from the ceramoblocks allows you to implement plans of houses from blocks in areas with increased seismic haziness.
  • Refractory properties: Thanks to the firing of blocks, their fireproof increases, reaching 4 hours.

Planning projects of houses from blocks: how to avoid common errors when implementing turnkey

Forewarned is forearmed! Often the process of laying walls of private houses from ceramic blocks is accompanied by annoying errors capable of seriously reduced expected quality finished structures. The following rules will help you avoid violation of technology.

  1. For climbing blocks, it is allowed to use only a specialized tool. This will eliminate the likelihood of product faults and retain the thickness of the masonry seams (cold bridges) in permissible limits (8-15 mm).
  2. The house of blocks will be warm in the absence of brick shocks in the walls. An ordinary brick will significantly increase the thermal conductivity of the wall.
  3. Since the insulation is characterized by a minimum thickness of 80 mm, it is important to leave the clearance in the masonry of the walls of at least this value for high-quality mount Heating layer of monolithic products (overlaps, jumpers).
  4. The durability of the masonry is ensured by the device of the horizontally level base of the foundation. If the altitude deviations are insignificant, it is better to align the cement-sand tie. Small-grained concrete is a good option for aligning impressive drops.
  5. It is forbidden to neglect dressings in masonry from ceramic blocks.
  6. If the layout of houses from blocks implies inland walls and partitions, then do from the same ceramoblocks that were purchased for the device of external walls, it is impractical. This is a direct increase in the cost of construction.
  7. Vertical joints It is important to fill with a solution only in the absence of ridges and or a gap between them more than 5 mm.
  8. With preservation, be sure to stream polyethylene film Masonry from the cerarmoblocks, even with a short suspension of construction due to the mooring of the material by precipitation.

So, that new houses from ceramic blocks are reliable, it is important to ensure compliance with technology, as well as the availability of experience and qualifications from the construction team. To create an original image of the house for a separate price, the client can order the design of houses from blocks, individual project Block house turnkey and a number of other additions.

Enjoy your viewing and choosing!

Recently, the construction industry is increasingly developing thanks to new technologies and developments. And the construction is now leading in any directions as in non-residential fundand in cottage villages. And therefore projects of houses from blocks are very popular, which have become a real breakthrough in the construction industry.

Houses from blocks - an excellent option for low-rise construction

It's no secret that the construction of the house is a very costly process as in financial Planand in relation to time. Starting construction, it is difficult to imagine how much time will take this whole process. It consists of several stages. It is not surprising that everyone who dreams of his own home tries at least a little to reduce the construction time.

How to do it

If using right materials and work S. necessary people, You can significantly save time reserved for construction. If urgent construction is scheduled, it is best to use blocks for these purposes. Building from blocks will save from the need to continuously control of each construction phase and will significantly save time costs.

Project two-storey house Foam concrete blocks

Another weighty advantage of houses from blocks is that their foundation is much easier than the foundation for ordinary brick house. The features of the structure imply that a lightweight option will be used. belt FundamentThat will allow the house to look more sophisticated and aesthetically, and his owner will be able to get a pleasant bonus in the form of a very large savings compared to buildings from the traditional material.

In the house of the blocks warmer

Another reason why many have become ordered, or from blocks of any other material is that in such a structure is much warmer than in any other.

Not so long ago, studies were conducted, which finally confirmed that they had excellent stability to cold, which is important in the cold period of time.

Houses from Ceramzitobeton

Deservedly popular areas of building houses are the construction of premises from a ceramzitobetone. , like all such buildings, very quickly and easily erected.

  • A feature of the construction of houses from a ceramzite concrete is that this material is resistant to cold, so work can be done yearly.
  • Ceramzit concrete blocks are not completely afraid of moisture.

The designs of the ceramzitobetone are very warm themselves, and if they also insulate them additionally, then in winter it does not feel completely no discomfort or inconvenience. In addition, financial expenses on the ceramzite concrete is not so great, so this is one of better options for construction.

Private residential building built from ceramzit concrete blocks

Houses from ceramic blocks

This type of houses from blocks is also the most popular in the construction industry. Finishing work provide for mandatory work, so blocks are not independently protected from a wet environment. If there is no possibility to spend money on an expensive exterior decoration, it is better to spend more money on the material and acquire a moisture-resistant ceramzite concrete.

Ceramic blocks

Another fact that cannot be noted is the price. As with the construction of the house from the ceramzite concrete, it is quite acceptable.

The advantageous advantages of ceramic blocks include thermal insulation. If you need to perform work on exterior decorationThe structure in the cold period will be reliably protected.

Project home from large ceramic blocks Porotherm

Features aerated concrete

Consider the features of aerated concrete blocks, which have also recently enjoy great popularity among users. Aerated concrete blocks Used in construction for quite a long time, and their popularity. this material does not lose, but only acquires, thanks new technologies construction industry.

At the same time, he has several features, which should be said more than and which should be taken into account during the preparation of the project of the house from this material.

So, aerated concrete is a material of artificial origin, which, nevertheless, has very high performance and is beneficial in construction.

Its main feature is a small weight category compared to other materials, and thermal conductivity is very low. Thus, this lightweight material will perfectly protect from frosts no worse than a classic brick or even a beloved tree.

True, his artificial origin does not allow him to be as useful as a tree. True, the price of a house from aerated concrete is much lower than on a tree from a tree. In addition, aerated concrete is very durable and fire resistant, which is also a huge advantage, given how many diverse technology is now taken to put in the house.

During the two-story house of aerated concrete blocks

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