Is the mezzanine residential area. Coordination of the mezzanine floor (mezzanine) and obtaining permission from Mosgosstroyadzor

Reservoirs 17.06.2019

Admire the high ceiling is irrational. With benefit, you need to use not only every square, but each cubic meter housing.

To significantly expand the area and functionality of the house or apartment helps the mezzanine floor. Before deciding on redevelopment, get acquainted with SNiP standards, design nuances and projects of modern interiors. Do not forget that any changes must be coordinated with the relevant authorities.

What is annezol floor - definition and norm

The accurate definition of the antlesol floor can be found in the rules of "residential complex buildings" (SP 54.13330.2011). Andresol in an apartment or house today it is customary to call an internal platform located within one floor and occupying no more than 40% of the area premises. This is an urgent editorial board.

Please note that the main difference between the mezzanine from the full floor is that it cannot occupy more than 40% of the room in which it is designed, and be higher than 1.8 m. If the add-in will take more than 40%, then it will be considered a floor (SP 118.13330.2012). Andresol is used not only in residential buildings, but also in hotels, thereby separating the functional zones.

There are strict standards for the design of the antlesol floor. The sufficient height of the decorator room is not less than 2.5 m. If the ceilings are higher than those required by 1.5-1.6 meters, then you can think about the add-in. When designing Antleesol in a new house, it must be immediately made to the project.

With the minimum permissible height of the room, the add-on is better to do over non-functional zones. For example, above wardrobes, hallway, working area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen, library. Often the platform is erected above the bathroom or dressing room.

If the superstructure is small, it can be done above part of the living room, for example, above the zone in which the TV, furniture wall is installed or other furniture. It is not bad to shrug the floors in the air above the work area.

The only exception where it is permissible to neglect the norms - cottage. Country house With the mezzanine floor there can be almost any height, but still do not forget about comfort and plan mezzanine in the house less than 3 meters high.

Plan of work on the construction of an additional floor

To make an antleesol platform in an apartment for all the rules, follow the plan:

  1. Contact your specialists and order a technical status examination carrier structures at home.
  2. Get a conclusion about the technical possibility of the construction of the mezzanine on the basis of an examination.
  3. Order the project of the antlesol floor and give it to the approval by the relevant authorities.

If an additional floor is planned in the new house under construction, it needs to be included in the project at the stage of development of the project of all housing. It is easier, more reliable and safer. As a result, you can get a full-fledged one and a half-story house.

Types and features of the design

The design of the antlesol floor may be beam or boardless. IN boyflock design Beams are based on the bearing walls of the house or specially erected supports. The floorings are laid on the beams.

The design includes:

  • carrier beams installed along the walls (reinforced concrete, metal 2, schwelllar, wooden);
  • carrying flooring ( wooden shields, clothed hollow concrete panels);
  • overlapping beams forming the floor and ceiling;
  • flooring;
  • ceiling finish;
  • protective borders;
  • staircase.

The device of the antlesol floor without beams is simpler - the slabs of the overlap are based on supports or carrier walls. More common combined options from metal carcasybased on bearing walls or supports and monolithic concrete overlappingmounted on the frame.

Some companies offer under the order welded structureswhich are quickly mounted and not afraid high loads. On the wooden frame According to the tree, it is essentially easier than concrete.

Inside the site include lamps, wiring and other communications. The ceiling, as a rule, choose the suspended (wheels or tiled), as it is convenient to mount it to beams. For monolithic plates is suitable stretch ceiling. To avoid the "pressure" of the ceiling, you can provide overlap with inserts from durable glass.

The price of the antlesol floor depends on its size and used for the construction of materials. The cost of work in the regions will vary greatly, so we will not specify specific prices. Find several companies in your city and compare prices.

What to do on the mezzanine and for what style it is suitable

Given the small height of the antlesol site in the apartment, it should have zones in which a person is a minor part of the time. Most often on the mezzanine, it is equipped:

  • bedrooms - Basic and Guest - good decision For those who want to do;
    children's rooms;
    recreation areas;
    Corners for creativity (see how to do).

Often, the two-story layout is used in offices and shopping centers. The height of the industrial premises can also be partially reduced to arrange small cabinets and corners of recreation.

Not in every designer style you can use such a superstructure. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe antlesol floor is perfectly fit into the loft and minimalism, but it will be ridiculous to look in the classic directions. IN country house You can choose for design or.

Secrets of the arrangement of the Antresol add-in

What exactly will be on the mezzanine, you need to decide before its design. The project is important to consider all technical and design trivia.

Safety requirements

Andresol can become the most dangerous place in the house, if not taking care of fences. Do not hope for your adequacy, be sure to install at least low borders.

If there are children in the house, fences should exclude not only random falls, but the ability to climb through them or climb up. For capital high fences, you can use shockproof glass or plastic.

If there are no children, the borders pass the air, for example, openwork or forged. Drawing up a bedroom over or hall, makes sense to provide curtains to provide privacy zone and do not depend on general lighting.

What staircase is better to choose

The project of the antlesol floor must necessarily include the staircase. The main requirement for it is compactness, the staircase should occupy as much as possible the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe main premises. At the same time, the steps must be comfortable and secure, especially if the add-on is planned to operate regularly.

Most comfortable marsey stairswhich is most practical to place the main premises from the side wall. The design can be beaten so that the place under the stairs is not empty, but was involved in the interior. Rational approach - retractable boxes in steps.

The least place is occupied as if soaring in the air console stairsfixed directly on the walls. Such an option is allowed if there is a durable wall. Reliability and safety is due to the fact that each stage is attached separately. According to the standards, such a stage must withstand the load of at least 150 kg.

Very spectacular in modern interiors look screw stairsBut they cannot be attributed to comfortable. You need to get used to walking in a circle. This design is more suitable for young and sports people. But do not forget that it is almost impossible to raise something. Advantage screw staircase The fact that it can be installed not only with the edge, but in the middle of the site.

What is important to consider in the project

Lighting. If the apartment has no huge windows, and Menezol is located along the deaf walls, the light will not be enough, and it is necessary to install separate lighting. From large chandeliers it is better to refuse, giving preference to embedded ceiling lamps, irrigation lighting, wall-mounted sconce, flooring on high legs, desktop lamps.

Ventilation. In order not to fall and do not suffer from headaches, you need good ventilation. The easiest way to solve this problem by installing a split system with forced ventilation. Such an approach will be solved at once two tasks: will provide a flow of fresh air and cool the room in the heat.

Heating. If you do not want to pull the whole house, but you wish to ensure comfort on the mezing area, use heaters. The most economical is infrared. It does not heat the air, but heats the items. Send heaters to the sections in which you need warm, and do not waste money for the heating of a big house.

The second method of local heating is a warm-alone system. An infrared film floor is suitable for mounting on the mezzanine. It does not waste and does not thicken the design, easy to install, is safe and suitable for many types of finish outdoor coating. Film is convenient to place locally - only in the right places.

Requirements for furniture

From the heavy and bulky furniture in an apartment or country house with the mezzanine floor will have to refuse. Most often, the furniture has to be delivered not by the stairs, but using lifting devices.

Instead of bed, often use bed futon - metallic or wooden framewhich is stacked by a high orthopedic mattress. In minimalism and loft, it is quite acceptable. That sleeping place Low and easy. If you can not do without a bed, choose the lowest beds in Japanese style.

All cabinets are better left at the bottom, and on the mezzanine to limit themselves with floor hangers. Durable walls - exit from the position. Tumes can be made mounted. The same applies to hanging tables and working corners.

If there is a window, think about to do, it will allow you to get useful furniture, without taking place and without taking overlap.

Designer ideas and photos of residential antleesole

Inspiring photos of beautiful mezzanine floors, see what designs are thinking about professionals for them, what furniture they choose how space is organized. Please note that the superstructures are both very small, calculated only on one bed and full rooms. It all depends on the initial area and the height of the room.

In a new country house, it is possible to make meresol around the perimeter of the Big Hall. In this case, in this case, you can envisage several different rooms - Bedrooms for guests, office, library. In some cases, you can use the doors.

IN small apartment rationally shut down a sleeping zone or office. In the teenager's room you can highlight the sleep zone, freeing the area for games and classes. If there are few places, it will be only a sleeping place above the closet or desktop.

Choosing live plants To accommodate in the zone without windows, focus on our selection tips or choose.

Now you know what annezol floor is, from which you can do and how to equip it. The main thing - do not forget about the coordination of the project and trust the work only by professional builders. Security and reliability - above all!

One of the common ways to increase residential space is the confession. Diversify the interior layout in this way especially profitable in rooms with high ceilings, which are often present in old buildings and are designed in new ones. Cozy cabinet, home library, game corner or sleeping place - all this can be placed on mezzanine. How to properly carry out these and other interior ideas with this architectural element, read further.

Dimensions of mezzanine

The higher the ceilings indoors, the more space will remain for the mezzanine. For example, if the mezzano is used as a storeroom, then minimum height The premises should be 3.2 m. Two full-fledged floors may turn out when the ceilings height is at least 4.6 m. In any case, the functional purpose of the mezzanine is dictated by the available height of the room.

To move freely to be freely moved, its height should be at least 220 cm. The same height is necessary and above the mezzanine, if it is planned to arrange a working corner and spend a lot of time. If a storage room will be located under thenessol walk-in closetFor them, the height of 180-190 cm is enough, if, of course, there are no basketball players in the family.

A sleeping place on the mezzanine will require height above the shelf of at least 120 cm. A smaller height is also possible, but the comfort will not be enough. The height of the person in a sedent pose on average is about 1 m. Adding the thickness of the mattress (approximately 15 cm), we get 115 cm. Well, it is desirable that you need to have a head left for even a few centimeters, otherwise, getting up can awaken a little faster than I wanted it.

As for the plaque area on the mezzanine, it should be repeated from the sizes of the mattress. Standard single mattress has a width of about a meter. Double mattresses are found wide from 140 cm to 200 cm. To this width, 30-40 cm for a solid border should be added to this width, which, if necessary, it would be possible to put a mug, a book or tray with breakfast.

Planning a sleeping place on the mezzanine, it is necessary to know that the location of the bed at the ceiling is not very useful for health, because in this case the air exchange is difficult. This is rather a forced measure than a good solution. If still do the bedroom on the mezzanine, then it is better that it was a two-level stepped design. At the lower level it will be possible to get up to all the growth, for example, change clothes in pajamas. Under the second (high) level of the mezzanine, you can arrange a computer desk and equip a workplace there. Under the lower level, you can provide a storage room, a large wardrobe for storing things or embed aquarium there.

With the construction of the mezzanine for the total thickness of the shelf, it is necessary to take 20 cm. This includes the thickness of the boards, fiberboard and beams. Others are possible constructive decisionsBut in any case, reducing the thickness of the shelf, it is necessary to maintain its rigidity, reinforcing the design with additional ribs.

Staircase on Antesol

The Yarus arrangement of the mezzanine will necessarily require the device of the staircase leading to it. This makes certain requirements for the size of the room: it should have large squareSince the staircase takes quite a lot of space. The stairs are conveniently climbing when the depth of the steps does not exceed 28 cm, and their height is 17 cm. In such a way as to rise to a height of 240 cm it will be necessary to overcome 14 stages. This staircase will have a march length of 364 cm.

The most comfortable is the staircase with a playground on the march. If the size of the room does not allow to highlight enough space under the stairs, you will have to stop the choice on less comfortable analyst staircase. Climbing such a staircase is more or less convenient, but the descent is hampered by the unusual position of the body - face to steps. A cool staircase, the height of the steps of which exceeds 20 cm, it is not recommended to install. Optimal option With a deficit of the place, there may be a staircase with steps of the "duck step", which suggest the alternation of the left and right steps.

Place meresol

Andresol will not work out in an arbitrary place. Location of door I. window Operactions affects his choice. Messizol design elements should not prevent access to the window or interfere with opening it. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the remaining part of the room should save ergonomics: it should not be too narrow or reminded the mine because of an elongated up shape. The effect of open space will be lost. The only window in the room must be left in the lower (high) part.

IN spacious premises With high ceilings, Andresol can also be gallery type, i.e. Wash it from three sides. At such an antleesol, you can freely arrange the library. In this case, its width, taking into account the book racks, will be about a meter. One of the sides of the gallery mezzanine can be expanded by creating an additional area to accommodate the reading corner. Narrow mezzanine shelves can be lower than standard 220 cm from the floor level.

Andresol will have to be placed over long and narrow corridors, since such premises look harmonious with low ceilings. Thus, the mezzanine can be created immediately in several rooms, such as an entrance hall, a corridor and in the living room. At the same time, the living room does not lose in height, because only a minor part of it will drop. But the room will acquire a more interesting layout.

The possibility of covering the enecess and such premises as a bathroom and kitchen is not excluded. Before removing the simpleness, separating the mezzanine and the room from which the staircase will be raised, you must make sure that the design of the wall allows you to do this.

Construction Material for Antresol

Constructively, the mezzanine consists of supports of beams and overlap, forming the floor. Supports and beams can be wooden or metal. The latter are a steel profile, when connecting the welding or bolts. Technically steel design Mount more difficult, but as a result, it will look much more elegant. The tree is more massively, but it eliminates the work of the welder.

Thenezol floor can be made of boards, fiberboard, polycarbonate slabs, as well as from reinforced glass. In order to separate the room formed under the mezzanine, use any trim (drywall, OSB and others). To the walls of the overlap of the mezzanine did not work as a drum, the mineral wool can be laid between them.

The design of the mezzanine may be spatial or openwork. The latter is able to become a decoration of the room, but for this it must be carefully designed. If you do not have a desire to highlight the mezzanine, then for its decoration you can use the same materials that are used in the room. For modern interiors, an options made from of stainless steel and glass blocks. IN classic interiors Wooden structures will fit organically.

If the enezol is installed on the support, the designer must take into account the carrying capacity of the overlap under the room.

Fencing meresol

Any high-altitude fence, including the mezzanine, is planned so that its height is above the center of human gravity. The security boundary takes place at the level of 110 cm, but for small mezzanine it may be too much, therefore the height of the balustrade is reduced to 90 cm.

Filling balustrades can be solid or openwork. Its species depends on the functionality of the upper room, as well as from the tastes and the preferences of the owners. Naturally, the storeroom on the mezzanine in the living room is better to hide behind a solid fence. If you wish to show the interior of the mezzanine, you can use openwork fencing filling. When choosing a material for balustrades, the interior characteristic is guided, first of all. Depending on the rest of the finishes and its style, the balasins can be made of wood, forging, nickel-plated pipes, perforated steel, glass, etc.

Comfort on the second tier

The greatest problem of the antlesole is a stagnation of air and a higher temperature than below. If not foreseen There is ventilation, then the dream on the mezzanine will not be the best. The ventilation problem can be solved in two ways: the creation of forced ventilation or the development of the special design of the mezzanine, which will not prevent the natural movement of air. The stagnation of air on the mezzanine may not be if there is a ventilation lattice at its device. A separate exhaust channel can be summarized and specifically. In one-story houses or on mansard floors Ventilation can be connected through the roof. As an option: You can connect the placement of the mezzanine with a well-ventilated adjacent room by means of flexible ventilation canal. If none of these methods fit, then you need to refer to specialists who will definitely come up with a solution to the issue of ventilation.

An important element of comfort is daylightwhose access to mezzan can be limited. An exception is the mezzanine with an equipped place to sleep. Workplace On the contrary, it should be well lit and, preferably, natural light. Sometimes it may be necessary to make an additional window opening on the side of the mezzanine, or install the light tunnel. However, any of these ideas will require the advice of the architect.

In search of a simple way out of the situation, many are trying to solve the problem of light with artificial lighting. It must be said that modern lighting allows you to make it quite better, but it is still not able to replace the daylight.

Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation

from 03/20/2013 № OG-D23-1426

Real Estate Department of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the Department of Real Estate) considered the appeal of February 12, 2013 and reports.

In accordance with the Regulations on the Ministry economic Development Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 5, 2008 No. 437, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia is not empowered to clarify the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as the practice of its use.

At the same time, we assume that it is possible to note the following on the issues affected.

1. On introduction to the subsection I of a single state register of rights to immovable property and transactions with it (hereinafter - the USRP) information on the number of floors of the building, facilities in the implementation of state registration rights.

Based on the provisions of clause 1.2 of Part 1 of Article 20 of the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 122-FZ "On State Registration of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with Him" \u200b\u200b(hereinafter - the Law on Registration), paragraph 23 of the rules for the implementation of the Unified State Register of Rights On real estate and transactions with it, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 18, 1998 No. 219, subsection I EDRP contains short description Object real Estate Based on documents certified by the Organization (body) on accounting of real estate objects on the territory of the Registration District. Entries in Subsection I, the USRP can be made on the basis of other documents in cases established by the Regulation on Registration.

Thus, information about the property in Subsection I, the USRP is made on the basis of the information contained in the state real estate cadastre.

The above information on the number of floors of the building, structures are made to the State Cadastre of Real Estate when setting on the state cadastral registration of such buildings, structures on the basis of a technical plan prepared by the cadastral engineer.

According to paragraph 42 of the requirements for the preparation of the technical plan of the building, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia of September 1, 2010 No. 403 (hereinafter referred to as the requirements), in the appropriate lines of the column "3" tables "Building Characteristics" of the building of the building on the basis of the documents specified in paragraph 12 requirements, information is made on the number of floors of the building (including underground). In the absence of underground floors of the building in the appropriate line, the sign "-" (dummy) is affixed.

Similar requirements are contained in the requirements for the preparation of the technical plan of the construction, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia of November 23, 2011 No. 693.

2. On determining the number of floors and floors.

In accordance with paragraph 19 of Part 2 of Article 7 of the Federal Law of July 24, 2007 No. 221-FZ "On State Cadastre of Real Estate" (hereinafter - the Cadastre Law) in the State Cadastre of Real Estate, information on the number of floors (floors) is also made, including underground Floors, if the object of real estate is a building or structure (in the presence of floors from a building or structure).

According to the instructions on the accounting of the Housing Fund in the Russian Federation, approved by the Order of the Ministry of the Russian Federation on land policy, construction and housing and communal services of August 4, 1998 No. 37 (hereinafter referred to as the instruction), to the floors of residential buildings include:

floor mansard (attic) - floor in analyst space, the facade of which is completely or partially formed by the surface (surfaces) of the inclined or broken roof, while the line of intersection of the plane of the roof and the facade should be at a height of not more than 1.5 m on the floor level of the attic floor;

floor above ground - floor when the floor is noted not lower than the land laying mark;

floor basement - floor when the floor of the room is below the layer of land more than half the height of the room;

floor technical - floor to accommodate engineering equipment and gaskets; It may be located in the lower (technical underground), the top (technical attic) or in the middle parts of the building;

floor base - floor when the floor is marked below, there is no more than half of the height of the ground.

Also, according to the instructions, the number of residential buildings should be determined by the number of aboveground floors. When determining the floor, the number of above-ground floors includes ground floors, if the top of the overlapping ground floor It is towers above the level of the planing mark of the Earth at least 2 m. The first above ground is the floor, the floor of which is not lower than the level of the planning land.

The current legislation does not contain the definition of the term "underground floor". At the same time, according to the real estate department, all floors of the building, facilities, not related to the above-ground floors are underground floors (basement floor, ground floor, if its overlap is above the average level of the Earth less than 2 m).

In accordance with SNiP 2.08.02-89 * Public buildings and facilities "When determining the floor of the building in the number of floors, all overhead floors are included, including the technical floor, attic, and the ground floor, if its overlap is above the average planning mark of the Earth at least 2 m. Underground for ventingum under buildings , designed for construction in the eternal soils, regardless of its height, is not included in the number of aboveground floors. The technical floor located above the upper floor, in determining the flood of the building is not taken into account.

In applications B and in SNiP, 31-01-2003 "Buildings residential complex buildings" are given to the definition of floors and the rules for determining the floors of the building. When determining the floor of the building, all overhead floors are included in the number of above-ground floors, including the technical floor, attic, and the ground floor, if its overlap is above the average level of the earth, at least 2 m. The underground under the building is independent of its height , as well as a seating space with a height of less than 1.8 m in the number of above-ground floors, are not included.

Thus, under floor It should be understood by the number of aboveground floors, including the technical floor, the attic, and the ground floor, if the top of its overlap is above the average plank marker of the Earth not less than 2 m.

The term "number of floors" is enshrined in Article 49 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation as a criterion in determining the need for a state examination project documentation And it cannot be replaced by the term "floors".

Thus, under number of floors It should be understood by the number of all floors, including underground, basement, base, overhead, technical, attic.

At the same time we inform that at present the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia work on the project federal Law № 54480-6 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in terms of state registration of rights and state cadastral accounting of real estate objects" adopted State Duma The Russian Federation in the first reading on December 11, 2012, in accordance with which the exclusion of information on the floors from the composition of the information cadastre of real estate stipulated by the provisions of paragraph 19 of Part 2 of Article 7 of the Cadastral Act was envisaged.

3. On the criteria of attributing buildings to individual housing facilities.

According to Part 2 of Article 16 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, a residential building is recognized as an individually-defined building, which consists of rooms, as well as premises of the auxiliary use intended to meet citizens of household and other needs related to their accommodation in such a building.

Based on the provisions of Part 3 of Article 48 of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation, individual housing facilities are separately worth residential buildings With the number of floors, no more than three, intended for the residence of one family, in respect of which the implementation of the preparation of project documentation is not required during construction, reconstruction, overhaul.

In accordance with paragraph 6 of the Regulation on the recognition of premises by residential premises, residential premises are unsuitable for residence and apartment house emergency and subject to demolition or reconstruction, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 28, 2006 No. 47, apartment house A set of two and more apartments that have independent exits either on the land plot adjacent to the residential house or in the premises common use In such a house.

Thus, separate residential buildings with the number of floors more than three, (when calculating the number of floors of which all floors include in the building), do not belong to individual housing facilities.

Construction rates and rules Snip 31-03-2001

"Production buildings"

(adopted by the Resolution of the Gosstroya of the Russian Federation of March 19, 2001 N 20)

Productuon Buildings.

date administration 1 january 2002 g..

1 area of \u200b\u200buse
1.1 These norms and rules must be respected at all stages of creation. and operation of buildings and rooms of the classroom fire hazard F5.1 (on SNiP 21-01): Production buildings, laboratory buildings, production and laboratory premises and workshops, including those built in the building functional fire hazard. 1.2 Real standards do not apply to buildings and premises for production and storage of explosives and explosion means, military, underground metropolitan structures, mining workings. 1.3 In cases where enterprises provide for use labor disabled, should be followed by additional requirements, agreed in the relevant paragraphs of these norms, depending on the type of disability. When creating specialized shops (plots), designed for the use of disabilities, it should also be guided also "uniform sanitary rules for enterprises (manufacturing associations), shops and plots intended for the use of disabilities and retirees in old age "Ministry of Health of the USSR. It is not allowed to create such workshops (sites), categories of categories A and B.

2. Regulatory references
These standards used references to the following regulations: Snip 21-01-97 * Fire safety of buildings and structures. SNiP 2.04.05-91 * Heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Snip 31-04-2001 Warehouse buildings. GOST 12.1.033-81 SSBT. Fire safety. Terms and Definitions. GOST 14202-69 Pipelines of industrial enterprises. Identifying coloring, warning signs and marking shields. GOST 12.4.026-76 SSBT. Colors signal and safety signs. GOST 25957-83 Buildings and facilities Mobile (inventory). Classification. Terms and Definitions. ST SEV 383-87 Fire safety in construction. Terms and Definitions. NPB 104-95 Designing of people alerts about fire in buildings and facilities. NPB 105-95 Definition of categories of premises and buildings in the explosion and fire hazard / NPB 110-99 List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment subject to protection of automatic fire extinguishing and automatic fire alarm. Unified sanitary rules for enterprises (manufacturing associations), workshops and plots intended for the use of disabilities and retirees in old age. Ministry of Health of the USSR (from 01.03.83 N 2672-83). Device rules I. safe operation lifting cranes. Gosgortkhnadzor Russia.

3. Terms and definitions
These norms adopted the following terms and definitions: Andresol - a platform inside the building on which rooms are placed various appointments (production, administrative and domestic or for engineering equipment). Insertion (lustration) in a single-storey production building - two- or the multi-storey part of the building, placed within a single-storey building throughout its height and width (insertion) or parts of height and width (Lack), dedicated fencing structures. Engineering Equipment Buildings - instrument system, devices, machines and communications providing the supply and removal of liquids, gases, electricity (water, gas pipeline, heating, electric, sewer, ventilation equipment). Mobile (inventory) building or construction - see GOST 25957. Playground - a single-tier structure (without walls) placed in the building or outside it, based on independent supports, building or equipment designs and intended for installation, maintenance or repair of equipment. The flood of the building is the number of floors of the building, including all overhead floors, technical and base, if the top of its overlap is above average planning earth marks at least 2 m. Floor Overhead - floor when the floor marker is not lower than the planning earth marks. Floor basement - floor when placing flooring below the planning earth marks are more than half the height of the room. Floor ground - floor when the floor is marked below the layout mark earth no more than half the height of the room. Floor technical - floor to accommodate engineering equipment and gasket communications; may be located in the bottom (technical underground), top (Technical attic) or in the middle of the building. The shelf is a multi-tiered frame structure (without walls), free standing in the building or outside it and intended for the placement and maintenance of technological and other equipment. These norms also use the terms whose definitions are given in ST SEV 383 and GOST 12.1.033.

4. Basic provisions
4.1 Requirements fire safety These norms and rules are based on the provisions and classifications adopted in SNiP 21-01. 4.2 When designing buildings: combine, as a rule, in one building of the room for various industries, warehouse, administrative and household premises, as well as premises for engineering equipment; take the height of the building within the established 7.1, on the basis of the results comparisons of technical and economic indicators of production options in buildings of various floors (heights) and taking into account the provision high level architectural solutions; take volume-planning decisions of buildings, taking into account the reduction of area outdoor enclosing structures; take the area of \u200b\u200blight openings in accordance with the design standards natural and artificial lighting taking into account the requirements 5.9; take buildings without light opening if it is allowed by conditions technology, sanitary and hygienic requirements and is economically appropriate; apply mainly building, facilities and enlarged engineering blocks and technological equipment in the complex block execution of the factory manufacturing; develop volume-planning solutions with the need to reduce dynamic influences on building construction, technological processes and working caused by vibroactive equipment or external sources oscillations. 4.3 Architectural solutions of buildings should be taken with taking into account town planning, the climatic conditions of the construction and nature of the environment. The color decoration of the interiors should be provided in accordance with GOST 14202 and GOST 12.4.026. 4.4 In the explosion and fire hazard of the room and the buildings are divided in category (A, B, B1 - B4, G, D) depending on the technological placed in them processes and properties of located (applying) substances and materials. Buildings and premises categories are installed in the technological part. project in accordance with NPB 105, departmental (sectoral) technological regulations design or special lists approved in the prescribed manner. 4.5 The total area of \u200b\u200bthe building is defined as the amount of the area of \u200b\u200ball floors. (overhead, including technical, base and basement), measured within the inner surfaces of the outer walls (or the axes of the extreme columns where there is no external walls), tunnels, inner sites, antlesole, all tiers of internal shelf, rampa, galleries (horizontal projection) and transitions to other buildings. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe building does not include the area of \u200b\u200btechnical underground height less than 1.8 m to the bottom of the protruding structures (in which there are no passages
for service communications) suspended ceilingsprojected according to 5.2, as well as sites for servicing crane paths, cranes, conveyors, monorails and lamps. Square of premiseshaving height two floors and more multi-storey building (two sung and multisage) should be included in the total area within one floor. When determining the floor floors, sites are taken into account, tiers and mezzanine whose area at any mark is more than 40% of the area building floor. 4.6. Automatic fire extinguishing installations and automatic fire the signaling should be provided in accordance with the NPB 110, as well as special lists approved in the prescribed manner. Fire alert systems should be provided in accordance with NPB 104.

5. Volume-planning and design solutions
5.1 Indoors Height from floor to Niza protruding overlap designs (coatings) must be at least 2.2 m, height from the floor to the bottom of the protruding parts of communications and equipment in places of regular passage of people and on evacuation paths - not less than 2 m, and in places of irregular passage of people - not less than 1.8 m. If necessary, entry into the car building there must be at least 4.2 m to the bottom of the designs of communications and equipment, for fire cars - at least 4.5 m. 5.2 in production buildings and premises requiring on the terms of technology maintaining stable parameters of the air and placement of engineering equipment and communications, allowed to provide: suspended (stitched) ceilings and raised floors - when to access communications no need to include a passage for service personnel. For service these communications is allowed to design hatches and vertical steel stairs; technical floors - when under the terms of technology for servicing engineering equipment, communications and auxiliary technological devices placed in these floors, a device of passages is required, the height of which is accepted in accordance with 5.1. 5.3 Enter railway tracks to the building is allowed to provide for accordance with the technological part of the project, taking into account the requirements of 7.5. 5.4 The top of the railway tracks should be on the mark pure floor. 5.5 Warehouses of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished productsplaced in production buildings, as well as freight platforms (ramps) should be designed with regard to sNIP 31-04 requirements. 5.6 in multi-storey buildings with a height of more than 15 m from the planning mark earth before the netting of the floor of the upper floor (not counting technical) and the availability at a mark more than 15 m permanent jobs or equipment that needed serve more than three times in shift, passenger elevators should be provided. Freight elevators should be provided in accordance with the technological part project. The number and load capacity of the elevators should be taken depending on the passenger and cargo flows. With the number of working (in the most numerous shift) no more than 30 on all floors located above 15 m, the building should provide for one elevator. If there is on the second floor and above rooms designed for labor disabled with wheelchairs, in the building should be provided passenger elevator if it is impossible to organize disabled jobs on ground floor. The elevator cabin must have dimensions of at least: width - 1.1 m, depth - 2.1 m, the width of the doorway - 0.85 m. 5.7 Outputs from the basements should be provided outside the work zone of the lifting equipment. 5.8 The width of the tambouries and tambour gateways should be taken more width of the openings at least 0.5 m (0.25 m on each side of the opening), and the depth - more the widths of the door or portal canvas are not less than 0.2 m, but not less than 1.2 m. If there are those of working disabled people using wheelchairs, the depth of the tambouries and tambour gateways should be taken at least 1.8 m. 5.9 In the premises of categories A and B should be provided to the external light-graduated walling. As light-graduated designs should usually use glazing windows and lamps. With insufficient glazing area allowed as light-grade structures use coating designs from steel, aluminum and asbestos-cement sheets and efficient insulation. The area of \u200b\u200blightly graded structures should be determined by the calculation. With absence calculated data The area of \u200b\u200blightly graded structures should be not less than 0.05 m2 per 1 m3 of the size of the room category A and not less than 0.03 m2 - premises categories B. 5.10 Galleries, platforms and stairs to maintain lifting cranes it should be designed in accordance with the rules of the device and safe operation lifting cranes approved by Gosgortkhnadzor.

Notes 1. Window glass refers to the light-graduated structures with thickness 3, 4 and 5 mm and area at least (respectively) 0.8, 1 and 1.5 m 2 / Reinforced glass to light-grade designs does not apply. 2. Rolled carpet in areas of light-graduated coating designs it should be cut on the map with an area of \u200b\u200bno more than 180 m2 each. 3. Calculated load from the mass of lightly graded coating structures it should be not more than 0, 7 kPa (70 kgf / m2).

5.11 To repair and clean the glazing windows and lanterns, in cases where application of mobile or portable outdoor inventory devices (Potted stairs, catholic courts, telescopic lifts) is impossible under the terms of placement technological equipment or general height of the building, stationary devices providing secure perform the specified work. The use of these devices must be justified 5.12 The need for device lanterns and their type (anti-aircraft, P-shaped, light, light butter, etc.) are set by the project depending on features of the technological process, sanitary and hygienic and environmental requirements with registration climatic conditions Construction area. 5.13 Lights must be unlucky. The length of the lanterns should be not more than 120 m. Distance between ends of the lanterns and between the end of the lantern and the outer the wall should be at least 6 m. Opening the flaps of the lanterns must be mechanized (with the inclusion of opening mechanisms from the outputs from the premises), dubbed manual control. 5.14 under the glazing of anti-aircraft lanterns performed from silicate sheet glasses, double-glazed windows, profile glass, as well as along inner glazing of rectangular light butter lanterns should be provided device protective metal mesh. 5.15 in buildings with internal waterproofs as a fence on the roof it is allowed to use parapet. With parapet height less than 0.6 m it follows to complement with the lattice fence to a height of 0.6 m from the surface of the roof. 5.16 with remote and automatic opening of the gate should be it is also ensured by the possibility of opening them in all cases manually. Dimensions gateway in light for land transport should be taken with exceeding dimensions vehicles (in the loaded state) at least 0.2 m in height and 0.6 m in width. 5.17 The slope of the marches in the stairwells should be taken at least 1: 2 with the width of the sticking 0, 3 m; For basement floors and attics allowed to take the slope of the march stairs 1: 1.5 with the width of the sticking 0.26 m. 5.18 Internal open stairs (in the absence of staircase walls) must have a bias not more than 1: 1. Block of open stairs for the passage to single workplaces is allowed to increase to 2: 1. For inspection of equipment at lifting height not more than 10 m is allowed to design vertical stairs 0.6 m wide. 5.19 in the presence of working disabled with impaired musculoskeletal the device the slope of stairs on the evacuation paths should be no more than 1: 2. 5.20 for buildings height from the layer of land to the cornice or parapet top 10 m and more should be designed one outlet (on every complete and incomplete 40,000 m2 roofs), including buildings: single-storey - on the outer open steel staircase; multi-storey - from the staircase. In cases where it is impractical to have within the height of the upper floor the staircase for the outdoor of the roof is allowed for buildings height from earth's planning mark before clean floor of the upper floor no more 30 m design outdoor open steel staircase for roof from the staircase through the playground of this staircase.

6. Evacuation of buildings and premises
6.1 Evacuation outputs are not allowed to provide through production rooms in buildings IV and V degrees of fire resistance, class structural fire the dangers of C2 and C3.
Distance from the most remote point of the room without permanent workers places with engineering equipment intended for room service categories a and b, and having one evacuation output through categories A and B, should not exceed 25 m. Evacuation paths from rooms of categories in, g and d should not include plots passing through tambour gateways of the category A and B. 6.2 Evacuation exits from staircases located in shorts and inserts with a height of no more than four floors with rooms of categories B4, g and D, allowed to provide through the room of category B4, g or d subject to the location of the outputs from both sides of the embedder and inserts (if or insert shares the building on insulated parts). 6.3 Evacuation outputs from rooms of categories B4, G and D, located on the antleesoles and inserts (insertions) in buildings I, II, III and IV degrees of fire resistance fire hazard class C0 and C1, as well as on the enezzans of one-story mobile buildings IV degree fire resistance classes of fire danger C2 and C3 intended to accommodate engineering equipment buildings, in the absence of permanent jobs are allowed to provide for the stairs of the 2nd type of non-combustible materials placed in the rooms of categories in, G and D. At the same time from the most remote room of the room with engineering equipment to evacuation the exit from the building should not exceed the values \u200b\u200bset in Table 1. It is allowed to provide for one output (without the second device) on the performed from non-combustible materials of the stairs of the 2nd and 3rd types from the specified premises, in which the distance from the most remote room of the room before entering the stairs does not exceed 25 m. 6.4 Ladders of the 3rd type can be used as a second evacuation exit from the floor in high buildings (by SNIP 21-01) not more than 28 m, if the number working on each floor (except the first) in the most numerous shift less than: 15 people - in high-rise buildings with rooms of any category; 50 people - in two-storey buildings with rooms of categories B1 - B3; 100 people - The same, categories of B4, G and D. 6.5 From each part of the basement of 7.4 should be provided for at least two evacuation outputs. 6.6 Distance from the most remote workplace indoors to the nearest evacuation exit from the room directly out or in the staircase the cage should not exceed the values \u200b\u200bshown in Table 1. For premises the area of \u200b\u200bmore than 1000 m2 The distance indicated in Table 1 includes the length of the path by the corridor before entering out or in the staircase. If the evacuation outlet out of the room leads to the corridor, outward or in the staircase cage through adjacent room, then the distance from the most remote working the places of this room before the exit of the adjacent room is accepted by the most the dangerous category of one of the adjacent rooms. The density of the human stream is defined as attitudes number of people, evacuating on the overall passage, to the square of this passage. Distances for the premises of categories A and B are installed taking into account the area spill flammable or combustible liquids equal to 50 m2; With others numeric values \u200b\u200bof the spill area indicated in Table 1 distances are multiplied on the 50 / F coefficient, where F is the possible spill area defined in the technological parts of the project. At intermediate values \u200b\u200bof the volume of distance premises are determined linear interpolation.
Distances are set for rooms with a height of up to 6 m (for single-storey buildings height is accepted to Niza Ferms); With the height of the premises more than 6 m distances increases: with an altitude of a room 12 m - by 20%, 18 m - by 30%, 24 m - on 40%, but not more than 140 m for the premises of categories A, b and 240 m - for premises categories in; With intermediates of the height of the room, the increase in distances determined by linear interpolation. Tables 1 - 4 installed norms for categories of buildings and fire compartments building. With other combinations not provided for by these tables, distance and the number of people are taken for the worst of these indicators for this room categories or coordinate in an established 1.6 SNIP 21-01. 6.7 Internal shelf and platforms must have, as a rule, not less two open steel stairs. It is allowed to design one staircase at square of the floor of each tier shells or platforms not exceeding 108 m2 for premises of categories a and b, 400 m2 for premises of categories B1 - B4, G and D.
Table 1

Distance from the most remote point on the venues and shelfs to the nearest evacuation exit from the building should be taken in Table 1, taking into account length evacuation path on type 2 stairs. Evacuation exits from sites and tiers of the feeds whose area is on any mark exceeds 40% of the floor area, if there are permanent workers on them places should be provided through stair cells. It is allowed one of the evacuation exits to provide on the stairs 3rd type. 6.8 Distance from the most remote workplace to the nearest evacuation exit from one- or two-storey buildings IV degree fire resistance classes fire the dangers of C2 and C3 should be taken no more: in single-storey buildings with rooms of category B1 - B3 - 50 m, categories B4, g and d - 80 m; in two-storey buildings with rooms of categories B1 - B3 - 40 m, categories B4, g and d - 60 m.

These distances are allowed to increase by 50% if the floor area is not occupied by equipment, indoors is 75 m2 and more per working in the most numerous shift. In single-storey buildings with rooms of categories B1 - B4, G and D with impossibility compliance with these distances Evacuation outputs must be placed in the outer walls around the perimeter of buildings through 72 m. The width of the march of the stairs depending on the number of people evacuated on it from the second floor, as well as the width of doors, corridors or passes on evacuation paths should be taken at the rate of 0.6 m per 100 people. 6.9 Distance on the corridor from the door of the most remote room area no more than 1000 m2 to the nearest output outside or in the staircase should not exceed the values \u200b\u200bshown in Table 2. When placed on one floor of premises of various categories on the corridor from the door of the most remote room before the outgoing or in the nearest staircase is determined by a more dangerous category. The density of the human stream in the corridor is defined as the ratio of the number people who are evacuated from the premises in the corridor, to the square of this corridor, this on the doors opening out of the premises in general corridors, the width of the general the corridor should be accepted reduced: half of the width door canvas - with one-sided location doors; on the width of the door leaf - with double-sided location of the doors. 6.10 The width of the evacuation exit (door) from the premises should be taken depending on the total number of people being evacuated through this output, and the number of people on 1 m output width (door) installed in the table 3, but not less than 0.9 m in the presence of different disabilities with violations musculoskeletal system. Number of people per 1 m outlet widths at intermediate values \u200b\u200bof volume the premises are determined by interpolation. Number of people on 1 M Evacuation exit (door) widths (doors) more than 6 m increases: with an height of premises 12 m - by 20%, 18 m - by 30%, 24 m - by 40%; at intermediate values \u200b\u200bof the height of the room Zoom the number of people per 1 m output width is determined by interpolation. 6.11 The width of the evacuation exit (door) from the corridor outward or in the staircase the cell should be taken depending on the total number of people evacuated through this output, and the number of people on 1 m output widths (doors) installed table 4, but not less than 0.8 m, in the presence of working disabled with violations musculoskeletal system - not less than 0.9 m.

6.12 in the presence of working disabled with impaired musculoskeletal the apparatus width march stairs should be taken at least 1.2 m. 6.13 Unspecable Ladder Cells of the 2nd type - H2 should be separated to the height of two marches a deaf firefire every 30 m in height in buildings categories G and d and 20 m - in category buildings in (with transition from one part of the staircase to another outside the volume of the staircase). 6.14 In the premises and corridors should be provided to smoke fire case in accordance with SNiP 2.04.05. 6.15 opening anti-aircraft lights, taken into account in calculating smoke removal, must be evenly placed on the coating area.

7. Prevent the spread of fire
7.1 Degree of fire resistance, class structural fire hazard, height buildings and floor area within the fire compartment should be taken on the table 5. In the presence of sites, shelters and antlesole, which area on any the mark exceeds 40% of the floor area of \u200b\u200bthe floor, the floor area is defined as for a multi-storey building with a number of floors, defined by 4.5. When equipping the room with automatic fire extinguishing installations the area indicated in Table 5 is allowed to increase by 100%, except buildings IV degree fire resistance classes of fire hazard C0 and C1 as well buildings V degree of fire resistance. In the presence of open technological openings in the overlaps of adjacent floors the total area of \u200b\u200bthese floors should not exceed the area of \u200b\u200bthe floor specified table 5. In the building category in the premises of the category B1 the height of the building and floor area within the fire compartment shown in Table 5, it is necessary reduce by 25%. Table 5 establishes norms for categories of buildings and fire compartments with the provided combinations of the degree of fire resistance and the class of fire danger building. With other combinations not provided for in this table, the area the floors and the height of the building are taken for the worst of these indicators for this building categories or are coordinated in 1.6 decoup ones 21-01. 7.2 In single-storey buildings IV degree fire resistance of a fire danger class C2 is allowed to place rooms of categories A and B with a total area of \u200b\u200bno more 300 m2. At the same time, the specified premises must be allocated. fireborne partitions 1 type and overlap of the 3rd type. The outer walls of these premises must be classes K0 or K1. It is allowed to design one-storey mobile buildings IV degree of fire resistance fire hazard class C2 and C3 categories A and B area of \u200b\u200bno more than 75 m2.

7.3 When placed in one building or placing technological processes with different explosion and fire danger Events should be provided on the prevention of the explosion and the spread of the fire. The effectiveness of these events it should be justified in the technological part of the project according to 7.3 SNiP 21-01. If the specified activities are not effective, then technological processes with different explosion and fire hazards should be placed in separate rooms; At the same time, the premises of different categories A, B, B1, B2, B3 should separate one of the other, as well as these premises from the room categories B4, g and d and corridors fireborne partitions and fireproof floors next Types: in buildings of I degree of fire resistance - fire-fighting partitions of the 1st type, fireproof overlaps (intermediate and over the basement) of the 2nd type; in buildings II and III degrees of fire resistance - fireproof partitions 1 type, in buildings IV degree fire resistance classes of fire danger C0, C1 - 2nd type, in buildings IV degree fire resistance of fire hazard classes C2, C3 rooms of category B1 - B3 - Film-type fonts of the type 2, room categories A and B - in accordance with 7.2; fire overlap (intermediate and above the basement) of the 3rd type. 7.4 Codoms when placing rooms in them Categories B1 - vc should be separated film 1-type partitions on a part of an area of \u200b\u200bnot more than 3000 m2 each, while the width of each part (counting from the outer wall), as a rule, should not exceed 30 m. In the specified premises, it should be provided for windows width of at least 0.75 m and a height of at least 1.2 m with a veil width of at least 0.8 m and 1.8 m long for the installation of the smoke. The total area of \u200b\u200bwindows follows take at least 0.2% of the floor area of \u200b\u200bthe premises. Indoors of the area more 1000 m2 should provide for at least two windows. Overlap over the basements must have a limit of fire resistance at least Rei 45. Corridors must be a width of at least 2 m with outputs directly forement or through separate staircases. Partitions separating from the corridors, should be fire-fighting 1 type. Codoms with rooms of categories B1 - vz, who according to the requirements of technology production can not be placed in outer walls, it should be divided from fire partitions on a part of no more than 1,500 m2 each with a smoke removal device in accordance with SNiP 2.04.05. 7.5 should not include the entry of locomotives of all types in the premises categories a and b, and steam locomotives and diesel locomotives - also indoors of categories B1 - Pz and in the premises with the designs of coatings of C2 and K3 classes. 7.6 in front of the elevators in the rooms of categories A and B on all floors follows provide chamber gateways 1 type with a permanent direction of air. In the engine branches of elevators of buildings categories A and B should be provided subject of air in accordance with SNiP 2.04.05. 7.7 Sections of overlaps and technological sites on which devices, installations and equipment with the presence in them flammable, combustible and toxic liquids, must have deaf flights from non-combustible materials or pallets. The height of the side and the area between the side or pallets are installed in the technological part of the project. 7.8 Anti-aircraft lights with light-resistant elements from materials G3 and G4 is allowed to be used only in buildings I, II and III degrees of fire resistance fire hazard class C0 indoors of categories B4, G and D with coatings from materials with fire hazard NG and G1 and rolled roof having a protective coverage of gravel. The total area of \u200b\u200blight-resistant elements of such lamps should not exceed 15% of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe coating, the area of \u200b\u200bthe opening of one lamp - no more than 12 m2 with a specific mass of light-resistant elements not more than 20 kg / m2 and not more than 18 m2 with the specific mass of the lighting elements no more 10 kg / m2. Wherein rolled roofing Must have a protective coating of gravel. Distance (in light) between these lamps should be at least 6 m at the area of \u200b\u200bopenings from 6 to 18 m2 and at least 3 m at the opening area 6 m2. When combining lanterns in groups, they are accepted for one lantern, to which these are all indicated limitations. Between anti-aircraft lanterns with light fillings from materials g3 and G4 groups in the longitudinal and transverse directions of building coverage through every 54 m should be arranged ruptures with a width of at least 6 m. Distance by horizontally from firewalls to the specified anti-aircraft lamps should be at least 5 m. 7.9 Type 3 stairs designed to access fire units, must have a width of at least 0.7 m.

Annetzal floor, what is the salt?

Apartments with mezzanine floors are not in the wonder in new buildings of any class. But if in expensive objects the height of the second level is very significant, sometimes even more than the first, then in more budget housesAs a rule, no more than 1.5-2 m vertically is given under it. That is, the apartment is essentially becoming a semi-storey. However, the half of the floor is enough to organize a comfortable living space on it.

Metage over head

Annetsal floor - the concept is not so much designer as construction. Its essence is described in the arrow "Buildings of residential multi-apartment buildings" (SP 54.13330.2011), which are the actualized editors of the previously active SNIP. According to them, this "platform in the volume of double room or an inner area of \u200b\u200ban apartment, located within the flooded height of the area, which has a size of no more than 40% of the area in which it is constructed."

Raise upstairs

The main thing in the organization of the mezzanine is to make no coupe with the upper shelf, but a comfortable floor. Since the height of the antlesol floor is limited and usually less than the first level of the apartment, to place on it all that the soul will not work. But still there are options. For example, you can equip the bedroom at the top (although this option is not the most traditional and is suitable for young people). For her, it does not need a big height, enough and the one at which they do not pretend the head in the ceiling is sitting on the bed. It is important not to forget about the fencing of the floor so that you can't fall down and not get injured. Do it with a solid or height more than 90 cm a special need not, because at the same time it will deprive mezzanine sunlight And air inflows, however, at least a small barrier need to build certainly.

The bedroom on the mezzanine floor is particularly relevant for small housing: it will allow from one-bedroom apartment Make almost two-room. If the apartment is "double", and the mezzano is only available in one of the rooms, it is better to organize the workbook or workshop, the space at the lower level to use as a living room, and set the bedroom to separate room. With such a layout of the premises, a noisy party does not prevent the households who will want to relax and sleep in the same time.

The mezzanine floor is suitable for children - either only for the gaming zone or for a full-fledged individual room. Such an idea of \u200b\u200bthe kids will probably have to taste, because they love all sorts of attics, houses and slags. However, the smallest to the second level is better not to drive, this option is suitable, if the child is at least 6-7 years. But in this case, it is necessary to thoroughly consider the safety of all structures. Let's say the staircase must necessarily be a common and comfortable, equipped with railings. In order to be occupied by it, the place was not spent in gift, in steps you can provide retractable boxes for storing toys. And if the place allows, you can make the second descent - not on the stairs, but on a specially planned slide. For safety reasons, the fence at the top must be before the ceiling, and so that it looks spectacular and the air passed, it can be arranged, for example, like a house with a window. Another option is to make a fencing soft, such as the intertwined ropes.

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