Repair metal roof. Metal roof repair

reservoirs 20.06.2020

MosStroyAlliance professionals are ready to offer you their services: our company specializes in roof repair, realizing tasks of any complexity. Specialists carry out repairs both at industrial facilities and in private territories, carrying out work efficiently and quickly. We respond to emergency calls and, if necessary, carry out preventive maintenance. MosStroyAlliance is approached by large organizations and companies that own industrial and industrial facilities, as well as individuals when a country house or a small building needs to be repaired.

Our advantages:

  • we go to any objects, regardless of the number of storeys, the height of the building, the complexity of the work;
  • professional repair: we employ experienced and qualified craftsmen who perform high-quality repair work, regardless of the complexity of the task;
  • we carry out major and spot repairs of a metal roof;
  • we have in our arsenal all the necessary metal material for roof repair;
  • professional advice: before starting the repair of a metal roof, you can get all the information about the technologies used, materials, answers to your questions, etc.;
  • reasonable prices: the cost depends on the area of ​​the roof, the amount of work, the type of roof and other parameters;
  • fast work: your roof will be repaired in the shortest possible time.

Capital repairs of roofs

There are spot and major repairs of the roof. The first refers to the repair of a certain section of the roof, the condition of which can be considered unsatisfactory. Typically, a team of craftsmen cope with the tasks in one day. A major overhaul is understood as a complete replacement of roofing elements: the dismantling of old and the installation of new metal sheets. It is necessary not only when the protective properties of roofs are lost, but also when redevelopment of the attic, increasing the area of ​​​​the object, reconstructing the structure.

The main stages of work carried out during the repair of roofs:

  1. Dismantling of old metal sheets (roofing). It is necessary to straighten or cut the folds, then separate them.
  2. Inspect the material: if the roof is partially damaged, then those sheets that are still serviceable are reused. In order to minimize costs, our specialists sort the removed metal roofing, then clean the material, and if necessary, level the sheets.
  3. Dismantling of drainage systems. If the work is carried out by professionals, then the drain and downpipes are not damaged during removal, that is, they can be reused. Otherwise, the purchase of new drainage systems is required.
  4. Assessment of the condition of the roof supporting structure: if necessary, repairs are carried out.
  5. Fire-retardant and antiseptic roof treatments: the roof must be protected with special means to extend its life.
  6. Laying a heat-insulating and vapor barrier layer. The roof (attic) should be warm so that there are minimal heat losses, and less heating costs are required for the facility.
  7. Installation of a new metal roof.
  8. Installation of a drainage system.
  9. Roof inspection, work quality assessment.

MosStroyAlliance professionals do not just repair roofs, but also carry out the necessary diagnostic and control work. The roof must be without distortions, defects, the roofing system must function, so that in the future it would not be necessary to resolve issues with the removal of water from the metal roof. Our specialists are ready to repair cornice overhangs, straighten the material if the roof was exposed to mechanical stress during operation.

In order not to have to carry out major repairs and there were no leaks, it is worth carrying out preventive repairs of a metal roof or eliminating defects immediately after they are discovered. It is worth calling MosStroyAlliance specialists if there are cracks in the sheets, deformations, moisture accumulates under the roof, a leak appears, material peeling, loose fitting of elements, corrosion is observed. We are also contacted in case of mechanical damage to the coating when trees fall, after hurricane winds and in other cases when the coating was damaged as a result of heavy loads.

The metal structure must be mounted strictly according to the technology, otherwise the repair work will be in vain. It is important that the dismantling of the structure and the re-installation of roofs are carried out by professionals so that quality control of the installation is carried out. Our specialists are ready to perform not only current and major repairs, but also to help in case of an emergency. At the same time, it doesn’t matter what area the object is, what finish coating is installed: we will perform all the necessary work on the outside and under the roof, fully restoring its functional characteristics.

call the master
to perform work

Despite the strength of the metal roof, its operation involves the implementation of repair work, which consists in installing new material on roof sections that make up more than 10% of the total area. Even if the installation of a metal roof is of high quality, at some point something will need to be fixed. Mandatory repair of a metal roof is the installation of patches on the roof, the elimination of defects in the form of cracks, holes, coating the roof with a coloring composition, and the replacement of individual sections.

Preparation for the repair of a pitched metal roof for the implementation of repair measures. The preliminary operation for the repair of a pitched roof is preparatory work, including the removal of dust, rust, and any other dirt that may interfere with the organization of repair work. Corrosion damage is cleaned with a metal brush. Having carefully examined each section of the roof from the attic, you can see holes, the presence of which must be reported to the partner by tapping with a stick. To facilitate repair, the defective place is marked with chalk.

Repair of a metal roof from leakage on the day of treatment

Repair of a metal roof in Moscow and the Moscow region can be ordered from several organizations. It is important to check the reputation of the company and read the reviews of previous customers. Leak repair of a metal roof should be carried out by experienced professionals with practical skills in the field of construction. If it is necessary to paint the surface of a metal roof, you should study the basic rules that directly affect the durability of the paint coating. The paint layer is able to collapse under the influence of precipitation. You can eliminate the harmful effects of rain and snow by painting the surface of a metal roof evenly and efficiently. Particles of precipitation will not linger in irregularities, rolling off the roof without hindrance.

A metal roof is considered to be one of the most durable roof coverings by definition. When repairing the roof of an apartment building, repair work will not be required soon. Repair of a metal roof is not expensive can be performed by large organizations.

Installation of metal roofing is very popular in modern construction: such material is environmentally friendly, fire resistant, it is convenient to install, and at the end of operation it can be disposed of by recycling. The installation of a metal roof consists of several stages: the choice of the type of material, delivery and installation itself.

Types of jobs unit of measurement Price, rubles
gable roof hip roof complex roof copper/titanium zinc roofing
Installation of metal tiles - profile "Monnterray" sq.m. 400 450 500 -
Installation of metal tiles - profile "Spanish DUNE" sq.m. 450 500 600 -
Installation of ceramic tiles sq.m. 700 800 900 -
Installation of connections to the wall / pipe running meters 280 336 392 448
Installation of skates, hips running meters 250 300,8 350,6 358,4
Valley device running meters 450 500 600 650
Installation of end strips running meters 350 400 450 500
Installation of cornice strips running meters 350 400 450 500

Prices for all types of installation work on the roof are presented on the page "".

Choosing the type of roof

There are two types of metal roofing: flat and profiled. The first includes a seam roof made of steel sheets, as well as roofs made of corrugated board, and the second is a metal tile. Each has its own characteristics, pros and cons, and should be chosen based on the requirements for the characteristics of the roof and financial capabilities.

The technology for installing a metal roof may differ depending on which material you have chosen.

When choosing corrugated board or steel sheets, remember that this type is good for equipment of a wide variety of buildings, from residential to industrial. It is distinguished by lightness and reliability, but it is not so convenient to mount it, and the appearance may not be too stylish, and if you are interested in a beautiful roof, then it is better to choose a metal tile. It is relatively inexpensive, it is easier, although slower, to mount, and the resulting roof can fit into any style.

Installation work

After choosing the materials, it is the turn of the installation of the roof. In Moscow, you can order roofing materials and installation services from one company, or you can purchase the material in one place, and apply for the installation of a metal roof to another contractor. Choosing a company that will install a roof on your cottage or country house, you need to take into account a number of features.

  • The company has a license to operate. In Moscow, you can often stumble upon firms that do not have all the necessary permits, and you should not contact them.
  • Examples of completed work. A self-respecting company provides a portfolio with photographs of houses where its specialists have already installed roofs.
  • The cost for the job should not be too low or too high. The first option is a sign that the company may be saving on consumables or providing unskilled services, the second is a sign that prices are unreasonably high.
  • The company's specialists can tell in detail about all the features of the metal roof installation technology, justifying the need and aspects of each step.

When choosing a company that offers installation services, many people think about whether it is possible to do the installation of a metal roof with their own hands. Of course, this can be done, but it should be remembered that the laying of materials, waterproofing and soundproofing equipment, the correct attachment of elements and their processing are very complex processes, and it is not recommended to take them on without having the appropriate skills and experience in construction.

Mistakes during the installation process are fraught with improper circulation of heat in the house, violations in sound insulation, leakage of the roof during rain, as well as its not very aesthetic appearance. Therefore, instead of installing a metal roof with your own hands, you should turn to professionals who have been working in this area for a long time and are familiar with all the intricacies of laying materials and creating a truly high-quality roof.

Repair work

Since any roof sooner or later wears out or undergoes damage of varying degrees, it will need repairs. Metal roofing requires its implementation only in emergency cases or in the form of scheduled repairs very rarely. When heavy objects fall on the roof, such a roof will not receive serious damage, but it may bend and the appearance will be damaged. Then you will need to order a service such as repair of a metal roof: in this case, the roofs are replaced by damaged areas.

In our company you can order services not only installation, but also roof repair. The cost of repairing a metal roof depends on the scale of the damage, the type of materials, and the size of the roof. In order not to overpay for this service, choose a company that makes repairs inexpensively, but not at the expense of quality.

Turning to us, you will receive high-quality, professional services, the price of which will be very acceptable and justified. Our activity is licensed, and the specialists have many years of experience, and the results of the repair will be perfect, not in need of modification or alteration.

Clients who turn to us never regret their decision, because they meet only professionalism, high-class service and excellent results. Metal roof repair: the roof will look like new!

Garage roof repair. Types of roofs and roofing materials. Flat and inclined shed structures. Solid roofing materials

It is useful to learn how to repair the garage roof with your own hands, or you will have to call for help from specialists whose services you need to pay. And I must say, it costs a lot of money, unless, of course, you are dealing with professionals.

Any person who owns a country house, a summer house or just the aforementioned garage can face roof repairs - sooner or later the roof can leak, and if measures are not taken in time, the room will begin to leak. Therefore, we suggest that you understand the main roofing materials, how they are installed, as well as the possibility of cases of local replacement of the coating.

Gable roof iron roof repair

How to make repairs

Types of roofs and roofing materials

Note. In small architectural structures - small houses, cottages, dachas and garages, gable or shed roofs are usually made, although you can also find structures of a hip or four-slope type.
Nevertheless, local repair of the roof is almost independent of the complexity of the structure, since only a certain area is subject to replacement.

Types of roofs for cottages and country houses

You may need the following types of repairs:

  • filling the damaged area with hot tar to create a tight coating;
  • installation of a patch of soft roofing materials, for example, on top of the old roofing material in a certain area, you can lay several strips of new material, but it is also sometimes fixed with resin;
  • replacement of hard roofing materials in a certain area: slate, corrugated board, tiles;
  • in addition, it can be a seam roof repair, which is already somewhat more complicated and requires certain skills of a tinsmith.

Much also depends on the structural features of the building:

  • for example, if this is a collective garage, then in most cases, these are soft bitumen-based materials (the same roofing material), since no one will cover their part of the building with more expensive material;
  • but if this is a separate garage, cottage, cottage or house, then more durable materials of a solid type are already used here, the same slate, corrugated board or tiles of various kinds (ceramic, metal, bituminous);
  • roofing with hot tar for sealing is usually done only on single-slope sloping or flat roofs - on gable and complex structures, the impermeability of the coating is achieved due to the overlap of roofing elements on each other.

Flat and sloping shed roofs

Spot repair

Even if you fix the leaks yourself, you can still get an estimate for roof repairs. So you can not only determine what materials you need, but also buy them in advance so that there are no force majeure circumstances during work.

Climb up and walk along the roof, identifying visually damaged places - this is not difficult to do, since these are ordinary tears or holes in the roofing material. If there are not very many of them, then you will not have to cover the entire roof or its separate section - you can just get by with small patches.

Fill the damaged area with tar

At the site of damage, cut the roofing material in the form of an envelope to make four triangles, and bend them to the sides to clean out the debris that got inside. Then pour melted tar into it.

Then lower the triangles back, and from above fill this place with resin so that the seams are not visible (as in the top photo). If the hole was large, then additionally glue a piece of roofing material on top and also cover it with resin.

Installation of roofing material

It is very easy to repair and build a roof on a flat roof with roofing material. To do this, you will need a certain number of rolls (it must be calculated according to the covered area) and tar. However, it is already better to melt it on the ground, and then raise it in a bucket with a rope.

First, remove all debris from the roof, including the old coating, if it is torn. Then pour melted tar in sections, so that it is enough for the width of the roll or two widths, if possible.

Installation of hardfacing soft coating

Nowadays, there is a worthy replacement for roofing felt - these are soft, built-up coatings on a bitumen basis, the strength of which is much higher. Therefore, when using them, the service life of the structure is significantly increased.

They have several layers and can be made on the basis of:

  • fiberglass,
  • fiberglass,
  • polyester.

The material is glued to the rough base with bitumen when heated, as shown in the top photo. Such coatings may differ from each other, but at the bottom of them there is a fusible film intended for installation (for gluing) - sometimes it can be sprinkled with quartz sand.

The quality of such coatings for the most part depends on the mixture of bitumen with polymers - this layer is located in the middle of the sheet, between its protective top layer and the base - the low-melting film, which was discussed above. The mixture may differ somewhat in its composition, as it may be oxidized bitumen, as well as the same bitumen, but with the addition of polymers.

You will understand the difference right away - firstly, if there are no polymers, then the cost of the material is much lower, and, secondly, during operation it is not able to retain heat, and also loses elasticity at low temperatures.

Note. One of the worst enemies of soft coatings can be called precipitation in the form of snow.
The fact is that such a roof, as a rule, is done on shed and flat roofs, where the snow begins to melt, then freezes and this cycle repeats.
And this is far from the best way affects the integrity of the coating.
Therefore, snow from such roofs should be removed even before the onset of a thaw.

Solid roofing materials

Replacing a broken slate with a new one

But for the repair of the roof of a summer house, house or cottage, most likely, solid roofing materials will be needed. If this is slate, then you are very lucky - it is very easy to replace, unlike a seam coating.

In order to replace one slate, you first need to remove it. And for this you have to “disturb all the sheets that are adjacent to it, that is, overlapping it and located under its edge. At least these are three sheets - the top, bottom and one of the side sheets, which is located on top and closes the adjacent overlap with its wave.

The most important thing in this case is to carefully remove the nails so as not to damage the good (whole) material. And sometimes it is very difficult to perform such an operation, since the nails are rusty, and you will simply have nowhere to rest with a nail puller.

Therefore, the most convenient option in such situations is to cut off the nail heads with a grinder, if you have the opportunity to pull it out onto the roof by connecting it through an extension cord. The nails left without hats can later be simply bent under the wave, resting on something flat, for example, a chisel or an old chisel (just hammer a new nail nearby - this will not cause any problems).

Note. We do not even mention the replacement of materials such as metal tiles or corrugated board, since they practically do not need to be replaced.
But if you still have to do this, then the principle here is the same as for slate, only the process itself is much simpler.

Types of folds

So, if your roof is covered with sheet metal and you need to repair the roof of a cottage (house, cottage, garage), then everything is much more complicated here, since you have to open the folds to dismantle the old coating. And then crimp them again.

Unfolding the fold is also not easy, perhaps even more difficult than rolling it up. The fact is that this will have to be done carefully, with a chisel, in order to later align the edge of the strip remaining on the roof for further use.

As a rule, a complex tool is not needed here - such a strip is leveled with two hammers. In addition, for replacement, it is very important to correctly measure the dimensions of the sheet so that it fits snugly into the seat - otherwise its rolling will be of poor quality.

Repair of a galvanized roof - the seam is rolled up with a roofing frame

There are three main types of folds:

  1. recumbent;
  2. standing corner (L-shaped);
  3. just standing.

So for roofing, as a rule, a third, standing version of the castle is used. It is strong enough, rigid and will not let in moisture either from rain or from melting snow masses.

Therefore, after dismantling and leveling the edges of the material remaining on the roof, carefully move it up and lay the replacement. The difficulty lies in the fact that such strips have the full length of the slope, and they need to be served so that they do not bend.

The lock is rolled up with a roofing frame, although there is also an automatic and semi-automatic folding tool for this. And it is best to use a universal frame to close the fold.


Of course, if the roof was repaired with metal roofing materials that did not have a galvanized or aluminum-galvanized coating, then painting work would be required without fail to protect the coating from corrosion. All repair work, as a rule, is carried out with the same materials that are used in this case.

Well, if you have any suggestions, questions or comments - please leave them in the comments.

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In some cases (for example, if a metal tile system is being installed on top of an old soft tile), this is possible. However, it must be understood that a damaged base can begin to rot and, thereby, provoke the failure of a new layer. That is why we would not recommend laying new materials on top of old ones. It is better to remove the damaged building material and complete the required work, as required by the technology.

As practice shows, the vast majority of roofs in ordinary private houses are built in such a way that it is not necessary to dismantle the roof base to install an additional insulating layer. If we talk about multi-apartment buildings, then the situation is different: since in multi-storey buildings, built-up coatings are used, insulation becomes impossible.

If there is damage to individual structural elements, then only these parts can be replaced. In this case, the area of ​​damage should not exceed 35%. For larger problems, it is worth making a complete replacement of the truss system.

Urgent repairs are required in case of a serious violation of the tightness of the coating: it may be required when part of the roof is torn off, water flows during precipitation, peeling, tearing or swelling of the roofing material.

We provide the following warranty periods:

  • soft roof: 5 years
  • metal roofing: 3 years
  • roll and bituminous coatings: 3 years
  • polymer tile and seam covering: 6 years.
The warranty period depends on the type of work performed and is calculated when drawing up a repair plan. Data on the warranty period must be announced to the customer before the start of work and are included in the contract.

Any leak is a problem that requires careful and timely repair. First, it is important to correctly determine the cause of the leak. Secondly, with self-repair, there is a risk of damaging serviceable elements that are nearby. If you are not a roofing specialist, we recommend calling a master who will not only fix the problem, but also provide a guarantee for their services.

In order to accurately determine the cause of the appearance of water, an examination is necessary, which will be carried out by a specialist. You can independently determine what is the cause of the appearance of moisture by the following signs:

  • in the event of a leak in the roof, water begins to drip in the warm season after rain, and in the cold season in sunny weather and sudden warming.
  • with the accumulation of condensate, moisture appears constantly and practically does not depend on weather conditions.
For an accurate diagnosis, we recommend calling a specialist who will accurately determine the cause and tell you what actions to take next.

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