Why hydrangea does not bloom at home. Why did the large-leaved hydrangea stop blooming

The buildings 14.06.2019
The buildings

Among amateur flower growers, hydrangea is especially popular. This is due to a number of factors. First of all, hydrangea flowers are collected in inflorescences and form large "caps". And the color range varies from pale white to bright red or purple.

Such a plant will decorate any flower bed. A feature of hydrangea is that you can grow it at home. However, it is quite whimsical and sometimes it is difficult to answer the question of why the hydrangea does not bloom. How do you need to care for this plant so that it pleases the eye during flowering? Hydrangea can be grown on open field as well as in a pot. Let's consider each case separately.

Hydrangea garden

This shrub does not tolerate the sun well. Therefore, when choosing a landing site, it is necessary to choose a shaded area, on which direct sunlight practically does not fall. You need to constantly make sure that the soil is moist. Hydrangea with a lack of moisture not only blooms poorly, but also slows down the growth rate. A prerequisite for flowering hydrangea is the presence of soil with an acidic reaction.

Fertilizer and care

Like any other shrub, hydrangea needs fertilizer, top dressing and pruning. It is advisable to feed the flower several times a month with special substances.


As for pruning, the situation here is somewhat more complicated than with top dressing and fertilizer. Pruning is done:

  • in the spring, if during the winter the branches of the bush suffered from the cold;
  • autumn, to rejuvenate the plant.

To avoid damage to the branches, you need to cut off all the inflorescences every autumn. The exception is the macrophile, which does not need pruning. Such a need exists only when there are branches affected by frost. At the same time, care must be taken not to remove branches with flower buds during pruning. Often this is the reason why the hydrangea does not bloom.

Features of care

You also need to make sure that the soil is loose. If you want to avoid constant work on loosening the soil, you can add mulch. And it is desirable to water the plant with warm water. Hydrangea can hardly be called a frost-resistant plant. Therefore, for the winter it needs to be covered or dug up.

Reasons for the lack of inflorescences

Based on the foregoing, the answer to the question of why garden hydrangea does not bloom may be as follows:

  • wrong place for landing;
  • incorrect pruning;
  • damage to shoots by frost;
  • underdeveloped root system.

Due to the fact that there are more than 80 types of hydrangea, each of them has specific features. Consider possible reasons lack of inflorescences for the most popular varieties.

Paniculata hydrangea

There may be several reasons why panicled hydrangea does not bloom. This species is frost resistant. Unlike many other varieties, it can not be covered for the winter. However, it is no less, and perhaps even more whimsical, to soils than other hydrangeas. The plant feels good on the su clay soils which have low acidity. But on sandy soils, paniculate hydrangea, most likely, will not bloom. Another reason for the lack of inflorescences in summer may be a lack of nutrients. Therefore, hydrangea must be fed.

pink hydrangea

The answer to the question of why it does not bloom pink hydrangea, simple. This type of hydrangea does not tolerate frost. Therefore, the reason for the lack of inflorescences may be the freezing of flower buds. Plants should also be pruned carefully. Since you can cut shoots with flower buds already laid. Also, the reason for the lack of flowering may be an insufficiently strong root system. We must not forget that hydrangea loves acidic soil. And insufficient acidity of the soil can be the reason for the lack of flowers.

Why does the hydrangea large-leaved not bloom?

The main reason for the lack of inflorescences is improper pruning. It is advisable to produce it in the spring and remove only branches affected by frost. Otherwise, you can lose the shoots on which the flower buds are laid. Also, large-leaved hydrangea will not bloom in conditions of insufficient watering.


Why does the hydrangea tree not bloom? First of all, this shrub needs systematic feeding. In severe winters, the plant may freeze, which may be the reason for the lack of flowering. Like other species, this hydrangea needs abundant watering.

Hydrangea room

Like garden hydrangea, domestic hydrangea does not tolerate direct contact during flowering. sun rays and drought. Therefore, you need to choose a cool, sun-protected place. However, with the onset of winter, this plant must be rearranged to the sunniest place in the apartment. As for the temperature regime, it should not exceed 20 degrees Celsius. In addition to maintaining the required temperature, the hydrangea should be watered abundantly, and the leaves should be sprayed. For the winter, the plant sheds leaves, so watering can be reduced, but the complete drying of the earth is unacceptable. Indoor hydrangea, like garden hydrangea, needs to be fed. It needs to be done several times a month. After winter, weakened and damaged branches need to be cut.

Reasons for the lack of inflorescences

Here are some facts that may be the answer to the question of why room hydrangea does not bloom:

  • wrong place for a flowerpot;
  • insufficient amount of moisture;
  • incorrect temperature regime;
  • incorrect cutting.

In order for the hydrangea to please with lush inflorescences, it is necessary to monitor temperature regime and regular watering. These are the most important factors. Be sure to cover the plant for the winter. If the shoots were damaged in winter, then the likelihood that the hydrangea will bloom in the next few years is very small.

Making hydrangeas bloom luxuriantly is easy

Why the hydrangea does not bloom, we figured it out, but what needs to be done so that this plant begins to delight with lush inflorescences? You can try to find a better place. However, when transplanting, the plant may suffer. Therefore, you need to dig out the hydrangea carefully so as not to damage the root system. Otherwise, it will not bloom until it recovers. And this can take about two years.

It will also be useful to increase the acidity of the soil. This can be done using coniferous humus or peat. In no case should chalk, ash or lime be used for feeding. These substances reduce the acidity of the soil, and therefore, will cause a lack of flowering.

One of the main enemies of hydrangea is frost. Therefore, for the winter, the plant needs to be wrapped up, and the soil mulched. Damage to flower buds from residual frost will be the answer to the question of why hydrangeas do not bloom.

You also need to remember to water the shrub at least 2 times a week. If the plant is an adult, then it will need an average of 40 liters of water. It is better that it was rainy. If this is not possible, then the water must be defended.

If the hydrangea did not bloom in the summer, then do not prune in the fall. Perhaps it was during the autumn pruning of branches that you got rid of shoots with flower buds. After the winter, you will need to get rid of the affected branches, and from the flower buds you will get lush "caps" of inflorescences.

Another reason for the lack of flowers can be pests. These include mosaic leaf disease, downy mildew, gray rot, aphids, weevils, sharp noses and spider mites. If you find signs of a disease, then you must immediately take measures to combat them.

There is another detail that sellers are almost always silent about. The variety of varieties is very large. However, not all of them are suitable for our climate. If hydrangeas do not fit climatic conditions, then no matter how you care for the plant, it will not bloom.

Finally, I would like to say a few words about one feature of this marvelous shrub. Hydrangea is able to change its color. In order for the plant to change color, aluminum alum can be used. In a pre-prepared container, you need to put 5 grams of these alum and pour 1 liter of water. If there are several plants, you need to do large quantity solution. However, the ratio of water to aluminum alum should remain the same. It remains to water the soil with the resulting liquid. A change in color occurs due to a change in the acidity of the soil and the amount of iron in it. If you have iron filings on hand, you can safely replace alum with them. In extreme cases, old nails will do.

You can show imagination, and feed the bush only on one side. The result is a hydrangea with inflorescences of different shades. It is obvious that miracles do not happen and bright red will not work from white flowers. However, you can pink color turn into rich lilac, and white - into pale blue. Take care of the plant correctly - and you will never need an answer to the question of why the hydrangea does not bloom.

One of beautiful flowers decorating the garden is the hydrangea. But, despite the simple care, some gardeners are wondering why panicled hydrangea does not bloom.

To help hydrangeas bloom and prolong flowering, you need to find out what is the reason for the lack of flowering.

Agrotechnical conditions for the growth of hydrangeas

Hydrangea paniculata is a shrub, up to 3 meters high, with upright spreading branches. small flowers collected in large pyramidal inflorescences, 20-30 cm long. Flowering is abundant from June to October (depending on the variety). The color of the inflorescences varies from white to pink, lilac, blue. Some varieties can change the colors of the inflorescences with changing weather conditions.

The main conditions for the successful development, growth and flowering of a plant are:

It is possible to make a large-leaved variety of panicled hydrangea bloom or accelerate growth only if the recommendations for planting and proper quality care are followed.

Reasons for the lack of flowering

This type of hydrangea reacts sharply to insufficient (improper) care, which is noticeable when the foliage grows excessively in the plant, the flower becomes very small in size, while it becomes rarer, not so lush, and the color of the inflorescences is faded.

The main reasons for the lack of flowers in the paniculate hydrangea are as follows.

Wrong watering

For successful growth and flowering, the plant needs regular watering. In hot weather, water should be 2 times a week, in dry, cool weather - 1 time per week.

Watering is carried out with clean settled water under the root, at least 10 liters of water under each hydrangea bush.

Note! It is important to monitor the root system and the drying of the earthy coma. An excess of moisture has a detrimental effect on flowering.


With untimely application of fertilizers of unsuitable compositions, the plant experiences severe stress, which negatively affects external state hydrangeas. Top dressing is necessary, according to the schedule recommended by experienced gardeners:

  • During planting, in early spring and before flowering, mineral fertilizers (containing phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, zinc) and nitrogen-containing fertilizers are applied weekly under the root. You can mulch the root zone with organic fertilizers (household plant waste, mowed grass, sunflower tops, etc.).
  • AT summer period(during budding or the beginning of flowering) potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are applied once every 7-10 days, the application of nitrogen supplements is stopped.
  • AT autumn period(after the end of flowering) make phosphorus top dressing to strengthen and better winter hardiness of the kidneys. You can add rotted cow dung.

The hydrangea garden will grow, bloom and decorate with its color only on fertile, loose, well-moistened and fertilized soil. If the acidity of the soil is insufficient, you can add a little wood ash to the soil (experienced gardeners advise grapevine ash, fruit trees: cherries, peaches, apples).

Wrong landing site

Planting hydrangea paniculata in a shady place or under the scorching rays of the sun in a draft is fraught with dropping leaves, lack of flowers, or flowering with very small rare inflorescences.

Planting hydrangeas

The best place to plant a hydrangea is in partial shade or with scattered sunlight, protected from drafts, sharp gusts of wind, with fertile soil and adequate water supply. Planting in a lowland with constant stagnant water contributes to the decay of the root system, its underdevelopment, lack of growth and flowering.

Paniculata hydrangea planted in the shade of fruit trees will not bloom, even if watering and fertilizing are increased.

Wrong autumn pruning

With improper pruning during the formation of the crown, the shrub stops blooming. Proper pruning consists in shortening weak and thin shoots. Only dry branches and shoots growing inside the crown and thickening the bush can be completely cut off.

It is strictly forbidden to cut off the upper shoots on which buds form in autumn, because. from these buds in the spring buds will awaken, which will open into a magnificent flower.

Insufficient shelter in winter

Despite the fact that panicled hydrangea is the most frost-resistant variety, when growing this species in the northern regions of Russia, it is necessary to cover the shoots in the winter.

Shelter is carried out after autumn pruning with the onset of cold weather, when all the inflorescences have already faded. The hydrangea flower bush is tilted to the ground, covered with agrofiber (lutrasil) and covered with peat or earth. You can use fallen dry leaves, spruce needles.

Important! Under no circumstances should it be used for cover. polyethylene film to prevent greenhouse effect and rotting of the root system of the shrub.

Bend to the ground the branches of an adult shrub (over 5 years old) should be extremely careful not to break them.

Shelter should be removed in the spring, when the threat of frost has completely passed. You should not cut dry, at first glance, branches, because with sufficient watering, buds can wake up on them, which will eventually turn into a luxurious flower.

Adaptation after landing

After planting a hydrangea bush, it is important to pay due attention to the development of the plant. In the first time after planting, it is often necessary to water only the planted bush in order to speed up the process of rooting and development. Also apply top dressing and growth stimulants. The first time after planting, the leaf may become more faded, lighter. But with the rooting of hydrangea growth, the leaf will become brighter and stronger.

You should also refrain from buying and planting hydrangeas grown in greenhouse conditions. Since in this case was held drip irrigation, was introduced into the soil a large number of fertilizers and growth stimulants, which will negatively affect flowering in the years following planting.

Planting hydrangeas

Poor development of the root system

Hydrangea blooms in the second year after planting, when its root system is sufficiently formed. Young bushes overfed with fertilizers, weak underdeveloped roots - the reason for the lack of flowering.

If you do not make the above mistakes, this will help the plant to overwinter and delight its owner with a lush color.

The lack of flowering for several years is another of the problems that beginner gardeners face. The main causes of this problem are the abnormal development (underdevelopment) of the root system, over-fertilization, excessive watering, severe freezing of the shoots.

Reasons for late flowering

If panicled hydrangea began to bloom late, then the reasons may be:

  • ¾ Planting a plant in unsuitable infertile soil with high acidity, heavy, loamy, sandy.
  • ¾ Lack of nutrients. The lack of fertilizing and fertilizers manifests itself in the form of late flowering of the bush, regardless of varietal affiliation and early ripeness.
  • ¾ Too much moisture.
  • ¾ Defeat by fungal infections (powdery mildew, late blight),
  • ¾ Pest damage: weevils, aphids, spider mites.

On a note! You can speed up flowering with the help of fertilizers. It is recommended to apply complex fertilizers that are suitable for the composition and varietal affiliation of the plant. Positively proven fertilizers are: Agricola, "Crystal" (Fertika), Pokon, Green Boom, Flower Paradise.

At home, you can make the hydrangea bloom earlier in the following ways:

  • ü Reduce the amount of watering, and then sharply increase. Such changes will provoke an artificial onset of flowering.
  • ü Make light pruning of the youngest shoots to speed up the growing season and make the hydrangea bloom earlier.
  • ü Thoroughly loosen the soil, mulch it with organic matter, feed it with curdled milk (mix 3 liters of fresh curdled milk in 10 liters of water and water the roots abundantly).

To avoid FAQ when panicled hydrangea does not bloom (blooms late) what to do, it is important to strictly observe agrotechnological measures that contribute to the rapid development of the root system, timely and abundant flowering.

Variety selection

When choosing a type of panicle hydrangea for planting, it is important to pay Special attention variety, conformity of the plant climate zone, planting and care requirements.

A variety bred for cultivation in the southern regions of Russia, when planted in the northern regions, will either bloom late or not bloom at all.

Proper and proper care helps to grow a healthy plant, and the accelerated growth of the root system contributes to abundant and lush bloom, regardless of the variety and color of hydrangea.

Hydrangea is one of the most undemanding plants, which even novice gardeners can grow. If you care why is the hydrangea not blooming, but gives only foliage, we will help to sort out this issue. There are several types of hydrangea, each of which has its own characteristics. With our advice, you can achieve abundant flowering this plant and decorate your site.

What are the types of flowering hydrangea

Annabelle - the most common type of hydrangea, which is distinguished by large fluffy flowers and grows up to 2 meters.

Paniculata hydrangea tolerates cold well and grows up to 5 meters. Flowers can be red, cream and yellowish.

indoor hydrangea considered one of the most capricious and at the same time the most beautiful flowers. It is able to change color, depending on the composition of the soil.

If you want to decorate the arch in the garden, choose a climbing hydrangea. Keep in mind that this species does not tolerate cold well.

Reasons why hydrangea does not bloom

If the hydrangea does not produce flowers, but only goes into foliage, it is necessary to determine the reasons why. Although this shrub is unpretentious, it must be properly cut in the spring. Particular attention should be paid to watering, lighting and fertilizer. If you do not feed the soil, then there will be only foliage, not lush flowers. It is important that the plant develops a good root system, otherwise it will be weak and not bloom.

indoor hydrangea

One of the most common reasons why hydrangeas don't bloom and only produce leaves is that vendors may have used flowering stimulants that may keep the plant from blooming for several more years. If your hydrangea does not bloom, but gives only foliage, think about whether it has frozen over in winter. You may need to cover the bush if it is very cold in your area.

Also read: How to grow lobelia in the country

After you have figured out the reasons why the hydrangea bush does not bloom, proceed to the proper care of it. In any case, flowering can be restored, so do not worry.

How to care for hydrangea

It is very important to carry out timely feeding of the plant. This should be done on average about 4 times a year, in spring and summer. In early spring start with organic fertilizers that will stimulate the growth and flowering of hydrangeas. During the period of active growth of buds, one more top dressing should be carried out, adding, in addition to organic fertilizers, urea and potassium salts. In the summer, apply mineral fertilizers, and then special mixtures for hydrangeas.

When caring for hydrangeas, you need to monitor the humidity of the air. If it is too dry, spray the leaves. Pay special attention to watering, as the plant loves wet soil. Hydrangea grows best on clay soils and poorly on sandy ones. If the pH of the earth is acidic, then add sawdust and needles to the soil before planting hydrangeas.

Now you know what to do if the hydrangea does not bloom, but only leaves. With your own hands, you can grow lush flowering bushes and transform your own plot.

Garden hydrangeas belong to amazingly beautiful and lush flowering plants that look very impressive on summer cottages, flower beds.

These beauties can reach a height of up to one and a half meters! And a single hydrangea, and a composition of several bushes in the garden will always delight with magnificent inflorescences of different colors.

This is favored not only by the variety of shades of spherical and corymbose inflorescences, but also by the shape of the flowers themselves. In the center of the flower ball are female flowers, and larger and brighter male flowers, which consist of four or five enlarged sepals, adorn the edges.

In addition, this plant can be not only a shrub, but also a small tree, and even a liana. The possibilities for site design with hydrangeas are endless!

Usually, the flowering period of hydrangea lasts from late spring to early autumn. But sometimes gardeners who planted this plant a few years ago do not wait for the appearance of inflorescences. It happens that the hydrangea does not bloom well, and why is not known.

Reasons for the lack of flowering

Before looking for reasons why garden hydrangea does not bloom, and deciding what to do, you need to know about some features of the species.

So, treelike and paniculate hydrangeavery demanding on the conditions of detention. In addition, young plants will not form inflorescences until they gain strength, but this lasts for years.

It is difficult to say exactly what year after planting the hydrangea blooms, because the quality of the soil, the level of lighting, and the regularity of watering matter.

In most cases, this plant does not bloom due to the fact that that its root system is not yet sufficiently developed. If you have purchased flowering bush, landed it on the site, and the flowering gradually faded to "no", do not be surprised.

Unscrupulous sellers often use growth stimulants to make hydrangeas bloom. As a rule, for another two years after such a forced flowering, the plants do not produce inflorescences, gaining strength.

The second reason is improper pruning of plants. Old varieties of large-leaved garden hydrangeas produce inflorescences at the top of the shoots that grew last year. If you have not bothered to cover the bush for the winter from frost and prepare for the winter, then these shoots will have to be removed due to freezing.

It is quite natural that during the flowering season your hydrangea will not please you with lush inflorescences. Moreover, it will not bloom for the next few years.

Pruning shoots should be done at the end of October. At the same time, several pairs of young buds are left on the shoots. In the spring, these young shoots are shortened again so that the flowering is more lush.

Garden hydrangea buds are laid in autumn. If at the beginning of spring, when they begin to wake up, frost hits, they will freeze. It is not recommended to remove shelter from the bush until the air temperature at night is set at -5 and above degrees.

The homeland of hydrangeas is middle Asia where the climate differs from the domestic one. When buying a plant in stores, please contact attention to varieties which are well acclimatized to our natural conditions.

The fact is that the heat-loving hydrangea may simply not have time to lay new flower buds in our short summer, and therefore will not bloom next year.

Although it seems, at first glance, that care for garden beauty hydrangea is simple, we must not forget that it is capricious. The expected flowering may not come, or it will be scarce, or the buds that appear will not bloom. There are many reasons why hydrangea does not bloom, we will consider them in order.

Wrong landing site selected

Open spaces, lit by the sun almost all day long, are completely unsuitable for growing, with the exception of only a few varieties of G. serrate, and she needs a limit of 6-8 hours a day.

If there is no other option, but you want to decorate your site with luxurious bushes, you have to go for tricks: low planting - the base is located 10 centimeters below the soil level, the trunk circle is covered with mulch (peat, sawdust); · choose from a variety of species G. paniculate, providing it with regular sufficient moisture, or G. serrated.

Also, strongly shaded corners are not suitable for beauties. In constant shade, the flowering of hydrangeas is very poor, and most often the buds do not bloom. All bush varieties do not like the wind. They are planted in protected places, but away from brick walls or fence. Such a neighborhood will soon lead to the oppression of plants.

It is also necessary to choose a well-drained area, melt or rainwater should not stagnate. Do not plant flowers near large trees - it will suffer from a lack of moisture.

If the wrong location is the reason for the lack of flowers, the bush should be transplanted, taking into account all the above recommendations.

Wrong watering regimen

Hydrangea, whose Latin name is Hydrangea - a vessel with water, loves moisture. In dry weather, she needs watering so that the soil around her roots does not dry out. At the same time, it is also important not to overfill in any case.

Basic watering rules: ·

in cool weather, it is enough to water once a week;

  • during hot dry periods - once every three days;
  • on heavy clay soils, moderate watering is carried out less often; ·
  • on sandy and sandy loam - more often and more abundantly;

soft water is needed for irrigation (rain, filtered or settled for at least 5 days tap water).

Each plant needs 1-1.5 buckets of water per watering. Shrubs under the age of 3 years need additional moisture.

Adaptation of a purchased seedling

If you buy a seedling with an open root system (without an earthen clod), there will be fewer problems, he will be happy to find himself in the ground again. The main thing is to correctly compose the soil mixture for it and choose the most suitable place.

The composition of the substrate for planting:

  • fertile land;
  • turf;
  • peat;
  • humus;
  • river sand.

Everything is taken in equal proportions and thoroughly mixed. Such a mixture already contains a sufficient amount of organic fertilizers, provides good ventilation roots.

It is imperative to bring the acid-base index of the soil back to normal - for hydrangeas - 5.5-5.6 pH. If the seedling is in a container, the ground is not shaken off the roots, the roots are not cut off.

Important! Very often, these babies are fed with chemicals in order to have an impressive marketable condition. Therefore, in order to planting material did not experience severe stress, being in normal conditions, in the first year they contribute nutrients in slightly increased doses - by 3-7%.

Unbalanced top dressing

An excess of nitrogen will lead to the release of young shoots, but they will not have time to become woody before the onset of cold weather. As a result, new branches will freeze, and flower buds will die with them.

Please note You can not feed with nitrogen and during the ripening of peduncles. This will provoke the appearance of new foliage, which will interfere with the qualitative formation of buds and full flowering. Therefore, fertilizers containing nitrogen are applied only in spring, when the growing season begins and lush greenery will only be useful for appearance and for photosynthesis. The rest of the top dressing (for a total of 3 or 4 seasons) is carried out with potash and phosphorus salts, and before winter they add organic matter - compost or rotted manure.

Other reasons

1. Incorrect autumn pruning or improper shelter for the winter Depending on the variety, flower stalks are formed on the shoots of the last or current year.

That is why autumn pruning is carried out according to the relevant rules. For those varieties whose flowers form on last year's branches, timely shelter for the winter is very important. In order for the young shoots to get stronger and stiffen before the onset of cold weather, about 3 weeks before the shelter, all leaves (both old and young) are removed to about the middle of the height of the bush.

2. Alkalinization of the soil. It also happens if the flower initially grows in an acidified environment. To avoid this, you should use complex fertilizers designed specifically for hydrangeas. They contain additives that regulate the acidity of the soil.

3. Diseases and pests. Although all hydrangeas have an increased resistance to diseases and pest attacks, care errors can lead to various kinds of lesions.

The most common disease is chlorosis - a violation of the absorption of iron. It is also possible the appearance powdery mildew, especially at the end of summer, when it is still hot during the day, and at night the air temperature drops sharply.

Of the pests that settle on weakened bushes, the most frequent "guests" are aphids and spider mite. As a result, it turns out that the hydrangea not only does not bloom, but it also does not form buds.

4.Wrong variety. Many varieties are completely unadapted to the short cool summer of the northern and northwestern regions: they grow, give lush greenery, but do not have time to lay and fully form flower buds.

For planting on your site, you should definitely choose those varieties that actively bloom in the open field in this particular region (zoned).

If the choice nevertheless fell on a more heat-loving plant, it makes sense to grow it in winter garden or in a large flowerpot to prolong the warm season for him by bringing him into the room.

The main thing when buying hydrangeas- choose the right variety that can take root in the climate of the region and survive the winter cold. If the variety is chosen correctly, the lack of flowers can be caused by one of the following factors:

  • Unsuitable climate - hydrangea is quite a heat-loving plant, transplanting into new conditions can be stressful. In an unfamiliar climate, generative buds will not develop. Before buying a flower, you need to find out in what conditions it grew.
  • Insufficiency of the root system: in young hydrangeas, the roots are quite fragile and weak; after transplantation, such plants may not bloom for two to five years.
  • Young plants do not give flowers; for flowering, the age of hydrangeas should begin at 5 years.
  • Incorrect pruning - with an annual incorrect pruning, there will be no flowers, or there will be very few of them.
  • Cold - for the winter, the plant must be covered, acting carefully and carefully. If it is not enough to cover the hydrangea, the shoots will freeze; if it is done too tightly, there is a risk of damaging the branches.
  • Inappropriate feeding - may be one of the reasons why the flowers do not bloom.
  • Poor soil - the plant is quite demanding on the quality of fertilizers and the soil on which it grows.
  • Artificial stimulation of flowering - if, before selling, the flower was drip-fed with fertilizers to simulate a lush blooming view, next year there may be no flowers at all. In order for the bush to begin to bring flowers, it needs proper care.

By providing garden hydrangeas with proper care, you will get an excellent decoration in the garden, and fragrant lush inflorescences will delight the eye for a long time. Let your hydrangea bloom as much as you wish!

Pay attention to this:

Hydrangea - popular among gardeners decorative flower. It belongs to the category of capricious cultures. Errors in growing technology lead to a lack of flowers. There are several reasons why the plant does not bloom. It is important to diagnose them correctly, and then eliminate the negative factors.

Features of the cultivation of hydrangea

Hydrangea is grown as climbing liana, small tree or shrub. The plant has many varieties. A variety of shades and shapes allows you to create a unique decorative combination in the flower garden. It is necessary to understand why the hydrangea does not bloom in the spring, when they noticed the absence of buds.

Novice gardeners may encounter such a problem: they bought a ready-made flowering plant in the store, but at home it withered. It is not possible to achieve the appearance of new buds. The reason for this was most likely special means, which stimulate flowering, but greatly deplete the strength of the hydrangea. After treatment, the plant may not form new flowers for several more years.

Advice. In this case, you can help the culture by adding a growth activator.

If you purchase a young specimen and plant it yourself, then it can bloom in the first summer after breeding. However, without due attention and care, you can be left without flowers even in the second season, if the stalk turned out to be weak and did not get stronger in the first year. And in this case, growth activators help. The drugs allow:

hydrangea bloom

  • strengthen and develop the root system;
  • form stems and branches;
  • ensure green growth.

Feeding hydrangeas: the basis of full flowering

Proper hydrangea fertilizer technology will help grow a plant that can bloom normally. The first dressing is needed for the flower immediately after it is planted - with a weak solution organic fertilizer for good adaptation. In the process of growing fertilizers are applied according to a certain scheme.

In early spring, the crop needs a lot of nitrogen. This mix works well:

  • urea - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • potassium sulfate - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 10 l.

Attention! Watering is carried out at the rate of 5 liters per 1 bush.

An alternative is slurry diluted in water (1:10). Later, at the stage of bud formation, the plant is fed with mineral complexes with a high content of phosphorus and potassium. To further strengthen the bush, pour the root zone and the stem directly with a solution of potassium permanganate. The procedure must be repeated three times. In this case, there should not be situations when the hydrangea does not bloom.

In summer, the shrub must be treated with a complex strengthening agent for flowering crops. Nitrogen during this period should be used carefully. Its excess will lead to the strengthening of greenery and the inflorescences themselves, which will negatively affect the strength of the branches. Total number top dressing in the summer months is limited to 3 times.

During flowering, gardeners also use non-standard dressings:

  • lactic acid (yogurt, kefir, whey);
  • soaked sour bread.

Advice. In autumn, hydrangeas need to accumulate potassium and phosphorus, so repeat the course of mineral fertilizer application.

How to understand why hydrangea does not bloom

The main reasons for the lack of buds in an adult specimen of hydrangea:

Before experienced gardener the question of flowering hydrangea is not worth it. The main factor in this is the proper care of the plant.

How to make hydrangea bloom: video

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