Country houses on 6 acres.

The buildings 13.06.2019
The buildings

Almost every urban family has a dacha, so small dachas are the most popular in our country. If you are just going to buy it or want to change its appearance, we recommend reading given material, in which we will tell, and also show on the diagrams how the planning of a plot of 6 acres can be carried out with our own hands.

  • Start planning

    In our material, we will consider the layout of a standard suburban area 6 acres with dimensions of 30 m x 20 m. This rectangular shape is most often found in practice.

    We will draw diagrams in the Garden Planner program, as the most convenient and simple among programs for site planning, full list which you can find in our previous material at the link.

    We will also be guided by the existing norms for the location of the house on the site, which we also considered in the previous article.

    Let's consider a variant of the site, on the one hand, which is adjacent to the forest, on the other hand, it borders on the driveway, and on the two sides, which is adjacent to neighboring plots.

    The shape and size of our site

    Also on our site we want to place:

      Bath / gazebo;

      Parking space / garage;

      Well / well;

      Fruit trees;

      Recreation area;

    This is not the whole list of desired objects, but unfortunately, on small area 6 acres have to sacrifice something.

    Location of site objects

    There are several ways in which you can start planning a site with your own hands:

      Based on the location of objects;

      Based on the location of communications.

    In the first case, we focus on the house and outbuildings. In the second case, on communication, or rather on the best place water deposits. Since on a plot of 6 acres the choice of a place for a well or a well is small, we will consider the layout of the summer cottage according to the first type - based on the location of the objects.

    House for a standard plot of 6 acres

    If you have not yet started designing a house, then it's time to discuss the optimal size of a house for such a land plot.

    It is believed that the area of ​​the house should not exceed 10% of the area of ​​the site.

    In our case, it turns out that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe first floor can be about 60 square meters, that is, a house 6 m x 10 m, or, for example, 7 m x 8 m. These rules are conditional, so we will take for example a small country house 8 m x 8 m

    We decided on the size of the house. We select an object in the program and apply it to the site:

    In the previous article, we considered several types of site planning depending on the landing of the house: central, deep and front. But before moving on to the type of landing, we recall that according to SNiP we need:

    Therefore, we first suggest that you draw a “zone of possible location of the house”, which will take into account all the nuances. In our example, we will assume that all houses: neighboring ones and ours will be made of wood, but the neighbors built them at a distance of 10 m from the fence. Therefore, we can only arrange the house in the following way:

    Of course, in this case the choice is small and involves only the front layout option. The site may not be densely adjacent to the forest, and the neighboring houses may be stone. But the principle should be like this. In any case, before starting building a house, ask the chairman of the SNT or the administration where you can build.

    Bath or gazebo

    In our case garden plot 6 acres, the construction of a bathhouse is not possible, since the distance from the house should be at least 8 m, but the presence of a forest area does not allow us to build this object at a distance of less than 15 m. Therefore, we will consider the construction of a gazebo with a barbecue.

    In this case, we need to step back from the fence 3 m (we are considering a capital structure):


    Next important step is the choice of a place for a well or a well and a septic tank. As we have already mentioned, the location of a well or well may depend on the location of the waters. But it is also worth considering the following rules and sanitary standards:

      The distance from the well to the foundation of the house should be at least 3-5 m.

      The maximum distance from the sources of "infection" ( compost pits, toilets, garages, etc...) including neighboring plots.

      We take into account the convenience of further installation of the water supply.

    To determine the location of the septic tank, first of all, its type should be taken into account. The basic rules for location are the following distances:

    In any case, when choosing a place for a septic tank, we try to coordinate with our neighbors and make our site as environmentally friendly as possible. But also do not forget that in order to pump out storage septic tanks, it will be necessary to ensure the accessibility of the entrance of the sewer machine.

    In our case, of course, it is difficult to comply with all the norms for the location of the septic tank and the well, so we chose the most environmentally friendly option (i.e., the septic tank and the well located as far as possible from each other).

    Parking space and garage

    The place for the car in the country should first of all be planned so that from the gate of the roadway to it there is minimum distance. First of all, not to go all over the site to the parking lot. In this example country planning we will consider placing a garage for 1 car + additional parking space for guest cars in front of the garage. According to sanitary and household standards (SNiP 2.07.01-89), it is necessary that:

    In our layout, it will look something like this:


    Even the most ossified city dwellers, when acquiring a plot, sooner or later incline to the decision to make “a couple of beds”. In our case, consider a garden of four beds measuring 1 m x 4 m and polycarbonate greenhouses measuring 3 m x 4 m. According to the norms, it is recommended to keep the distance from the greenhouse to the fence at least 1 m. also shade from neighboring buildings.

    Also, do not forget that it is better to plan the garden as far as possible from sources of pollution (garage, septic tank, compost, toilet, etc ...)


    After we have decided on the location of the main buildings of the suburban area, it is necessary to plan the paths. It all depends on your imagination and the location of garden objects.

    Rest zone

    The layout of the recreation area largely depends on your way of relaxing, as well as on the remaining free space. On a plot of 6 acres, it is difficult to provide a football field or even a volleyball court. Therefore, we limited ourselves to:

      Place under the barbecue - located near the gazebo and at a decent distance from the house according to the technique fire safety.

      Playground with sandbox, trampoline and swings.

      And a few sun loungers on the central area with a lawn.

    Garden and flowers

    In many ways, the planning of trees, flowers and shrubs on the plots depends on the requirements of the plants themselves for a particular solar regime. Therefore, these factors must be taken into account in each case individually. In addition to this, it is necessary to observe certain norms for the location to the borders of the neighboring site:

    In our case, we will fence the house from the roadway with conifers. We will plant fruit trees on the south side, as well as on the west side. In the northern part of the site, where the shade from the habitation will be half the day, we will plant shrubs that can grow in the shade (for example, not blueberries). We will plant flower beds along the house.

    Site planning principles

    So, a plot of 6 acres is planned. We have shown only one of the many methods of planning. But the most important thing is to master the principles of country design:

      Make a list of desirable objects on the site.

      Select the order of objects in order of importance: house, additional buildings, communications, garden objects, etc…

      Take into account the landscape, the location of neighboring sites and objects on them, as well as the adjacent territories.

      Follow fire safety rules and building codes.

    You can download our 6 acre plot plan for the Garden Planner 3 program here.

  • Even in a small country house there should be at least a kitchen and a rest room. If you plan to spend the whole summer outside the city, in addition to often receive guests, it makes sense to build a full-fledged building with all the amenities. We invite you to consider photos of projects of country houses.

    Basic requirements of SNiP

    For a building located on a garden plot, the requirements are less stringent than for residential building. However, if during the construction process you create discomfort for your neighbors, you may be forced to demolish an already finished building.

    Therefore, before choosing a project, you should familiarize yourself with the basic requirements of SNiP:

    • even in a small area, the building can only be located at a distance of 3 m from the neighboring fence
    • the minimum distance from the public area (road) is also 3 m, and if there is a passage, 5 m
    • if there are other buildings on your site, in order to reduce the risk of their ignition, the distance between block or stone buildings is left at least 6 m, between the stone and wooden buildings 10 m, if both buildings are wooden - 15 m; when using wood only as a ceiling - 8 m
    • in the presence of a nearby power line, the distance from it is from 10 m; from the high-voltage line it is even more up to 40 m
    • a certain distance (up to 4 m) must also be retreated from tree trunks, 2 m is enough from undersized trees.

    Don't forget about building density. With the standard size of a summer cottage of 6-10 acres, you have the right to occupy no more than 30% of the area with buildings.

    The territory must necessarily have a mesh or lattice fence 1.5 m high. Blind fences are allowed only if this is agreed by the meeting of gardening members or both neighbors have agreed to this.

    Is any permission needed?

    According to Art. 51, paragraph 1, part 17 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, if the building is not intended for permanent residence, a special building permit is not required. But here, in order to obtain ownership of an already built garden house, just like other outbuildings, you will need to issue a cadastral passport and register with the Registration Chamber (according to a simplified scheme).

    If it is planned to erect a residential building on the garden plot with the right to register in it, then it will be necessary to obtain a special permit signed by the executive authorities and a building passport. As well as permission from the fire department. In the future, you will also need to register ownership of the building.

    Even small building should last long enough

    To make the country house as comfortable as possible, you should listen to the opinion of experts:

    • no matter how much you would like to build something unusual on your site, with little construction experience it is better to stop at a universal project that has already been tested over the years
    • when planning, you should immediately determine the size of the rooms and their location; this will immediately determine the supply of communications (sewerage and water supply), which are laid even at the stage of foundation construction
    • in order to economize own funds, the project of even a temporary building must be thought out so that in the future it can be used as a bathhouse, a barn or a summer kitchen
    • be sure to consider the possibility of further extension to the building additional premises: verandas, terraces, bathhouses and other buildings
    • even in a small house it is worth providing not only a rest room, but also a kitchen area
    • in the absence of other buildings separate place should be allocated for the placement of garden tools
    • the building must be durable enough to last at least 25-30 years

    How much will construction cost?

    Regardless of the size of the future garden house Before starting construction, you will need to calculate the cost of its construction. To do this, you need to consider:

    • main parameters: length, width and height of the building
    • type of foundation and its height
    • type of materials used for the construction of walls, and their thickness
    • roof type
    • materials used for flooring
    • dimensions of each room
    • heating methods (if it is planned)
    • types of finishing materials
    • communication methods: electricity, sewerage, etc.

    There are enough programs on the net that can calculate the approximate cost of building any type of building. Most of them have a free trial period. You can also use online calculators for calculations. Please note that the cost of materials in them may differ from those applicable in your area of ​​​​residence.

    Since prices in the process of building a country house can rise if the construction is planned for a long time, in the estimate it is better to lay a margin of at least 10-20% of the total cost. When calculating the cost, do not forget that such “little things” as roofing bolts, self-tapping screws, primer, plaster will also require considerable expenses.

    It is better to purchase materials in one place - bulk purchase will be much cheaper.

    Site selection

    Choosing the best location on the site

    First you need to draw up a plan of the estate on a scale and mark the cardinal points on it. We immediately mark the existing buildings on it and large plants not subject to demolition. We shade all restricted areas on the plan (distances from the fence, power lines, etc.).

    You should also not place the building near compost pits and a toilet - at the slightest breath of breeze unpleasant odors get into the house. We mark favorable zones with dotted lines. Try to plan the site in such a way that even after construction there is room for outbuildings (if needed), recreation areas, for example, a pool, gazebos, playgrounds, etc.

    In addition to the distances from neighboring buildings and the road established by SNiP, one should also focus on other factors:

    • it is better to place a country house closer to access roads and sources of communications: loading and unloading crops and household items will not become a big problem in this case, and connecting to electricity and other communications will cost less
    • wind direction: so that the building does not dry out quickly, do not place windows and doors from the side of the prevailing winds
    • when the windows go south or east, the room will quickly overheat in the summer, it is better if the sun hits them in the afternoon
    • to The groundwater they did not destroy the foundation of the building, the house is located on the highest place; in wetlands, if there is no alternative, you will need to consider a reliable drainage system and foundation waterproofing
    • pay attention to the appearance from the window, because comfort always consists of such trifles.

    Don't rush into choosing a project. Start development at least six months before construction starts so that you have the opportunity to think it through thoroughly and take your time to make calculations.

    We draw up a project

    Of course, a country house project can be ordered from a specialized organization, but the prices for such services are considerable. When building a small house, it is much easier to use ready-made schemes, which abound on the network, and supplement them with your own calculations.

    Building plan

    You will need several drawings. The first with the location of all rooms, entrance and window openings, as well as the thickness of walls and partitions. The second figure shows the layout of the foundation and the roofing scheme.

    small building project

    On 3-6 acres of land, it is not advisable to build too large a structure- it will take up most of the site. A grandiose building is not required even if you spend a little time in the country. In some cases, a small building that does not have a foundation and is assembled from boards or even plywood is sufficient. However, such a house will not last long.

    Inexpensive panel or foam block buildings on pile foundation will cost a minimum amount, and even grandchildren will get it. A small country house can have standard size 3x3 or 4x4 m, and it will be possible to provide even a separate small walk-through kitchen-dining room. The second room is equipped with one or two beds.

    A small house may have a single room with a place for kitchen cabinets, dining table and sleeping area. But even for a small country house, it makes sense to attach a winter glazed veranda or terrace along the long side of the building 2 m long. The veranda is erected on a common foundation or the base is poured for it separately.

    Medium size house

    Structures measuring 6x4 and 5x6 m are the most popular. They provide not only a kitchen-dining room and a bedroom, but also a shower room and a bathroom. To save space, a corridor with a small dressing room can be divided not by a wall, but only by a small arch.

    Such country houses have a foundation and heating. From the side of the facade, they are finished with heat-insulating materials. You can even place a medium-sized country house on 5-6 acres - there will be room for beds, a pool or a small pond and a flower garden.

    Such a house can be made with a summer or winter attic. A medium-sized building will occupy a minimum of free space on the land, while living space will increase. If there is an attic, bedrooms are placed in it, and on the ground floor there is a kitchen and a bathroom.

    It is better to supplement such a building with a veranda or terrace, where you can comfortably settle down to relax in the evening. For better heat preservation, a vestibule can be provided in front of the entrance. A small outdoor shower will fit on the veranda.

    If a beam that is light in weight is used for the construction of walls, and there are no problems with the soil (it is not too wet and not loose, and groundwater does not rise too high), it is enough to erect strip foundation. The base for the stove is being prepared simultaneously with the foundation of the house. For the veranda, a columnar base will suffice.

    For a log house from a bar 150x150, a tape is prepared from a foundation 25 cm wide. The terrace is installed separately on poles with a section of 25 cm, buried in the ground at a distance of 60 cm. When building in swampy areas or building brick walls, you will need a full-fledged deep-buried foundation.

    To save money, the foundation for the veranda can be made separate lightweight (columnar or pile). You can attach it even after the end of construction. But the option with a separate foundation is only suitable if there is soil that is not prone to movement, otherwise the foundation will lead.

    large house project

    If the family is large, and the country house is planned to be used as a residential house, including in winter, it makes sense to build capital building from rounded logs, timber or even bricks already finished projects size 5.3x8.4 m, 7x8.4 m, 10x8 m and more. You can also order the development of your own non-standard project.

    For such houses, a full-fledged lath foundation is required. It is laid below the freezing of the soil, so that when seasonal temperatures change, there is no movement and deformation of the structure.

    A large country house can be two-story or consist of one floor and an insulated attic. It will have enough space not only for residents, but also for guests. On the first floor there is a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room, and on the second floor there are bedrooms, children's rooms, if necessary, an office and other rooms.

    To avoid unnecessary problems with the supply of water, gas and sewerage, it is not worth moving the bathroom and the cooking room to the second floor. It is also customary to equip the living room on the ground floor, near the kitchen and away from the bedrooms.

    If the building is to be used all year round, it is better to build not an attic, but full second floor . Otherwise, almost as much money will be spent on its insulation, wind and vapor barrier as on the construction of the second floor. It is also necessary to take into account the cost of heating - in the winter cold, the main walls will store heat much better than even well-insulated ones. thin walls attic.

    House with an attic

    A country house with an attic will cost less than building a full-fledged two-story building only if it is operated only in the summer. But even with its arrangement, a heater will be needed. Otherwise, on sunny days it will be too hot. The heat insulator layer is made slightly thinner than for winter operation.

    If only the first floor is heated, only the walls of the building and the ceiling are insulated, leaving the attic cold. The door / cover, intended for passage to the upper floor, is made as tight as possible and additionally insulated.

    When constructing a conventional gable roof, living space in the attic will not be enough. To increase the free space, the roof is made broken. However, its construction is more complicated, and more materials will be needed.

    Another way to expand the space in the attic is to raise the walls just above the ground floor. Such houses are called "half-story". By raising the walls, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises will slightly increase.

    Project of a house with a glazed veranda

    The veranda can be attached to only one of the sides of the houses or run along two or even three walls. On heaving soils, it is better to build a foundation for it simultaneously with the foundation of the house. After all, when making a separate shallow foundation, you will win only 1-2 m.

    Most often, the veranda is completely glazed or the lower half of the wall is closed, and double-glazed windows or single frames are inserted on top. You will receive a full-fledged room in which you can equip a dining room, living room or kitchen. In the warm season, the windows can be thrown wide open.

    The veranda can also serve as a continuation of the living room. It can also be equipped with a small sports section, children's game room or even an office.

    Terrace house

    On the covered terrace it will be possible not only to settle down for tea drinking on a warm summer evening. On it, on hot or rainy days, it will be possible to do some current affairs without littering the house. Often it is attached already at the end of the main construction on a separate columnar foundation.

    Terrace, unlike veranda, is always built on a separate columnar or pile foundation with a wooden flooring laid on it, which rises slightly above the ground. Roofing for it is also most often performed separately. Such structures are always open.

    You can only provide for the presence of a mosquito net. The terrace is located mainly on the side of the entrance - in this case, it also serves as a porch. Its length most often coincides with the width of the building itself.

    building with garage

    A country house can be quite combined with a garage. In this case, you will be able to significantly save space on the site. The main disadvantage of such a building is the penetration of gasoline odors into the house. Therefore, before placing the garage door in the hallway or glazed porch, this point is worth considering.

    The garage is made as an extension to the house or is located on the basement floor. Walls and foundations can be made of brick or concrete blocks. If the soil is wet or loose, the house is installed on a reinforced concrete pad.

    Two-storey house

    If the family is large enough, and the size of the plot does not allow building a country house large area, it makes sense to build a two-story building. In this case, you can squeeze the maximum benefit out of even a small piece of land. The size of such a structure can be anything from 4x4 m to 10x10 m or more.

    The construction of the second floor will not cost much more. The load on the foundation increases by only 60%. Flooring and roofing costs do not increase at all. Only the cost of materials for walls and interfloor overlap. Thus, a square meter of area will cost less than in the case of a one-story building.

    Experts do not advise overloading a house from a bar with an additional floor. It has enough advantages, but its strength has limits.

    Country house combined with a bathhouse or sauna

    If the land plot does not allow allocating a separate place for the construction of a bath, it is quite possible to attach it to country house. Such a project is also economically beneficial - after all, much more building materials will be needed for a separate building. It will not be necessary to supply separate communications - light and water supply.

    Very often, a bath or sauna is attached to the house after the construction is completed. The foundation for it is selected depending on the type of soil and total weight building. To protect against moisture, the walls are carefully waterproofed.

    Even if the bath is being built simultaneously with a residential building, the foundation for it is made separate so that cracks do not appear due to the difference in humidity and it does not move away from the general structure. The foundation must be built separately from the foundation of the house.

    After all, because of high humidity cracks may appear in it, and the base of the bath will begin to move away from the foundation of the entire structure. It contains sewer pipes and water pipes. At a distance of at least 3-5 m from the foundation, a separate drain pit is being prepared.

    To prevent moisture from entering the room, the entrances to the bath or sauna and the house are made separate. Between them, you can build a covered corridor-transition, veranda, gazebo, or at least a canopy - in this case, when moving from a bathhouse to a house in winter, the likelihood of catching a cold decreases. Since the bath and sauna are the source high humidity, you should carefully consider the system of its ventilation and waterproofing of the room.

    In addition to ventilation holes, it is desirable to provide a window or a small window for ventilation. The most acceptable option is to connect the steam room to the wall with a stove located in the house. Dry bath or sauna in this case will be much faster.

    house with bay window

    A bay window is called a small part of the room protruding beyond the facade. Such structures against the background of a building of a conventional form will look ridiculous. The bay window will look harmonious only if there is a complex architecture, unusual shape windows, roof or entrance group.

    It can be built into only one of the floors or pass through two floors at once. The shape of the bay window can be any: from semicircular to trapezoidal or pentagonal. With it, it is possible to expand the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building - in such extensions there are dining areas, winter gardens or work rooms.

    In the absence of experience in construction, it is hardly realistic to create such a structure, and the project will need to be ordered from specialists. However, such a house looks very unusual.

    It is possible to attach a bay window even after the construction of a country house. In this case, cantilever slabs are used as the foundation, which are built into the load-bearing wall. Deepen such a foundation to the same level as the foundation of the whole house. For laying out curly protrusions, brick or profiled timber with a special locking system is most often used.

    The protruding elements of the bay window lead to a weakening of the rigidity of the entire structure, so the house box must be strengthened.

    How much will it cost to buy a finished building?

    In the absence of experience in construction, it makes sense to purchase a ready-made building on a turnkey basis. Depending on the allocated amount, you can buy either a simple panel structure or a full-fledged structure made of timber or logs. Since the cost of materials in each region may vary, it is better to find out the prices for such houses on the relevant sites.

    • For example, small house from a bar 3x3 m with clapboard lining will cost 60 thousand rubles.
    • A medium-sized building 5x3 m will cost about 10 thousand rubles.
    • A full-fledged log house with a veranda can be bought for 270 thousand rubles.

    Country houses will help to realize the dream of a comfortable stay on your own personal plot, projects for 6 acres are presented today in a wide variety, so there should be no difficulties with the implementation of the idea. In order for the future building to be beautiful and durable, it is necessary to correctly select a house project for a plot of 6 acres. You can make a selection of the best options yourself or use the services of specialists. Important is the choice of materials for construction and a place for future construction.

    Which project to choose

    Before starting construction work, be sure to work out a site plan, determine the optimal location of the house. It is necessary to decide whether the country house will be used only for summer holidays or the household will decide to live in it year-round.

    Country buildings must meet certain requirements:

    1. Construction should be carried out as quickly as possible;
    2. Projects for the construction of this house provide for compliance with all technological processes;
    3. Country houses do not require high costs for construction. They are built in such a way that there is a platform for additional outbuildings;
    4. Country houses can always be converted to summer kitchen or a creative workshop;
    5. Despite the irregularity of use, such buildings must be durable. The service life of the facilities should be at least 25 years.

    To give 6 acres, you can consider the following interesting projects.


    Bungalow - a building on the 1st floor, which has shed roof and a spacious veranda. Such country houses are distinguished by a lightweight foundation and flat roof. External decoration of the bungalow is carried out only using natural materials. The house fits perfectly into the landscape design on 6 acres personal plot.


    Enough unusual solution for the arrangement of the suburban area. This is a one-story building, the design of which is made in the form of the letter "A". All elements are elongated along the lines of the skeleton from the top of the ridge to the base of the house. Such projects will be appreciated by travel lovers, as the house in its appearance is very similar to the buildings popular in the Scandinavian countries.

    Houses with a gable roof and no foundation

    The traditional popular option is cottages with gable roof. As a rule, for a plot of 6 acres, a house with small attic.

    A collapsible country house without a foundation is a structure made of a modular frame. From the outside, it is lined with corrugated board, and the roof is covered with metal tiles. Inside, such houses are finished with the simplest materials. The building is insulated, as a rule, with mineral fiber and glass wool. The buildings are designed for the rest of a small family in the spring and summer and autumn period. If you equip the building with air conditioning with a heating function, then the country house is quite suitable for winter pastime.

    Material selection

    Is it possible to build a country house with your own hands, as in the photo on the Internet? If the budget for construction is modest, then the projects of country houses for 6 acres will become ideal option for erection. As a rule, projects of low-cost structures that do not have heating system. These are houses for 1-2 rooms of a small area. Most simple options built from plywood and lumber. In this case, you can save on the arrangement of a costly foundation. The house usually has a toilet room, a shower and a kitchen combined with a dining room. Since the heating system in the house for 6 acres is not provided, it is worth considering in advance the high-quality thermal insulation of the external walls of the building.

    What building materials are most often used in the construction of this house? In order to build a small house on 6 acres of a personal plot, you can use the following types of building materials:

    • frame construction- one of the most common options for arranging country houses. Houses built using this technology have a number of advantages: a simple and understandable method of work, an affordable construction budget, long term operation, good performance characteristics erected building;
    • Profiled timber houses cost more than frame construction. The construction process itself can take up to 1-2 months. At the same time, country houses made of timber fit perfectly into the landscape design of a personal plot, without requiring exterior finish;
    • Country houses built brick or concrete, are buildings that can already be classified as capital structures. The construction of stone, brick or aerated concrete lasts at least 3-4 months. The construction process requires serious preparatory work and building a strong foundation.

    Choice building material affects not only the size of the budget, but also the personal wishes of the client, the type of soil at the proposed construction site. If you have become the proud owner of a country house on your 6 acres, then it is important to pay attention to the improvement of the site. The design of a summer cottage of 6 acres can be easily developed independently. To do this, you need to study in advance what stages of planning and design styles exist.

    Home Improvement

    Regardless of whether the construction of a house is planned, the design of a summer cottage of 6 acres should include several functional areas:

    It is advisable to fix the location of each of the zones on a piece of paper to make it easier to navigate in the further arrangement of the site. Do-it-yourself design of a site of 6 acres necessarily involves the arrangement of walking paths, indicating on the plan the materials for their creation.

    Paths should not be made all smooth, extraordinary options always look more attractive, even if only six acres are available.

    1. All decorative items landscape design can be made from improvised materials. In this way, not only money is saved, but a touch of individuality and style is also introduced;
    2. In the corner of the garden, you can make a screen, you can choose any arrangement schemes. She will not only give shade on a hot summer day, but will also become great place for privacy;
    3. Do not rush to buy new garden furniture. A little creativity and patience - and old items bought for pennies at a flea market will get a second life on your site;
    4. Don't forget about lighting. Lanterns mounted throughout the area of ​​the garden plot not only create additional comfort, but also increase safety in the dark;
    5. High-quality landscape design of a summer cottage requires careful preparatory work. Rid your site of roots, weeds, stumps;
    6. If a hole is found on the site, do not rush to bury it. FROM minimal cost in it you can equip a small pond with goldfish. Examples of landscape design in the photo in our article.

    If you decorate the house and the plot beautifully, then even on 6 acres you can please yourself with flowers and a small vegetable garden.

    Photo gallery

    Below you can view 40 more photo ideas for country houses on 6 acres.



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    The return on investment in warmer walls is 303 years.

    According to the required thermal resistance for the outer walls of residential buildings in the Moscow region - 3.14 m2*S/W.

    Thermal resistance of an external wall built using a heat-efficient ceramic block Cayman30 and lined with slotted brick - 3.7344 m2*S/W.
    Cayman30- 0.094 W/m*S.

    Thermal resistance of an external wall built using gas silicateblocks D500 with a wall thickness of 500 mm and lined with slotted bricks - 4.1526 m2*S/W.
    Thermal engineering calculation is presented below.
    The value of the thermal conductivity coefficient λа aerated concrete blocks D500 - 0.126 W/m*S.

    The total cost of building a house for the project 21-65 will be lower by 381 317 rubles when choosing a ceramic block Cayman30. A detailed cost comparison is provided below.

    Walls out aerated concrete block D500 with a wall thickness of 500mm have a higher thermal resistance, 9% above. You can count on a return on investment in "warmer" external walls due to savings on heating during the operation of the house.

    The issue is the return on investment.

    Obviously that heat losses during the heating period will occur not only through external walls.

    • 30-35% heat loss occurs through ventilation ducts and chimneys.
    • The thermal resistance of modern window structures is 3 times lower than the thermal resistance of an external block wall Cayman30. As a result, heat loss through windows is 20-25% .
    • Heat escapes through wall and floor structures ground floor, as well as attic floor. It's still 10-15% all heat losses.
    • Maximum on the walls 30% heat losses, i.e. in the check for heating, only 30 percent of the amount falls on the walls.
    If the house you are considering is planned to be connected to the main gas heating, then during the heating period average check, which includes not only heating costs, but also energy costs for preparation hot water will not exceed the amount 2 000 rubles.

    As noted above, the thermal resistance of the external wall structure of the block gas silicate blocks D500 will be higher 9% .

    Calculate the approximate monthly savings associated with the replacement Cayman30 to a warmer gas silicate blocks D500 with wall thickness 500mm.

    Savings = 2,000 x 30% x 9% = 180 rubles/month.

    In that climate zone where you plan to build a house, the heating season lasts Seven months.

    As noted above, investing in a warmer wall will increase the cost of 381 317 rubles.

    Let's count return on investment by saving on heating costs.

    381 317 rubles / 180 rubles / month / 7 months = 303 years.

    1. Strength.

    So ceramic block Cayman30

    Kaiman 30

    To begin with, we will determine the required thermal resistance for the external walls of residential buildings for the city of Shchelkovo, as well as the thermal resistance created by the structures under consideration.

    R, m 2 *S/W).


    GSOP = (t in - t out)z out,

    t in 20 - 22 °С);
    t from Schelkovo meaning -3,1 °C;
    z from Schelkovo meaning 216 days.

    GSOP \u003d (20- (-3.1)) * 216 \u003d 4,989.6 ° C * day.

    R tr 0 \u003d a * GSOP + b

    R tr 0
    a and b a b - 1,4

    R tr 0 \u003d 0.00035 * 4 989.6 + 1.4 \u003d 3.1464 m 2 * C / W

    R0 = Σ δ n n + 0,158

    δ - layer thickness in meters;

    R r 0 \u003d R 0 x r


    according to standard STO 00044807-001-2006 r 0,98 .

    R r 0

    0 required.

    λ a or λ in

    SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings"

    1st step. Let's define h Schelkovo

    According to the city table Schelkovo

    2nd step.


    3rd step.

    dry, Schelkovo normal.

    R0 BUT λ a.



    Hello, Alexander.

    House project you are considering 88-05 belongs to a series of houses - .

    The project of the house was designed using the most heat-efficient ceramic blocks among those produced in Russia Kerakam Cayman30 .

    ceramic blocks Cayman30 outnumber shell rock blocks according to all the main characteristics: strength, heat saving. At the same time, the final costs will be lower when choosing ceramics.. For more details, see the cost comparison below.

    Application of ceramic blocks Cayman30 allows you to build country houses that meet all applicable standards, and in particular, those that meet SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings" for cities such as Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Perm, Krasnoyarsk, without inclusion in the design of the external wall weak link- layer insulation.

    At the same time, the cost of building one square meter housing will be one of the lowest when compared with any stone block, including in comparison with gas silicate blocks.

    Projects of houses from ceramic blocks are included in the action House project for free .

    Under the terms of the promotion when buying ceramic blocks Cayman30 in our company we will refund you the cost paid by you project documentation

    The technology of the facade thermal insulation system with a thin plaster layer (“wet facade”) that you are considering is shown below.

    The weak link of any structure in which thermal insulation is present is the thermal insulation itself. Life time mineral wool or expanded polystyrene does not exceed 30-35 years. This is due to the fact that the phenolic glue gradually evaporates, connecting stone fibers mineral wool. In expanded polystyrene, the thermal bonding of polystyrene balls is gradually destroyed due to cycles of freezing and thawing of moisture.
    Upon expiration normative term operation will be required overhaul facade with complete replacement of thermal insulation.

    The bonded thermal insulation system was developed for the renovation of old buildings. The construction of new houses using this technology is not economically feasible.

    The second significant disadvantage of this technology is its complexity, caused by a large number of specialized materials, as well as operations that require highly qualified construction personnel and favorable weather conditions for work.

    And thirdly, with the existing disadvantages, you also pay much more for this technology.

    Let's compare the materials under consideration: shell rock and ceramic blocks in terms of characteristics and construction costs.

    Looking ahead, I say that construction the house you are considering from ceramic block Kerakam Kaiman30, for all characteristics superior shell rock 20*20*40 150 762 rubles.

    Let's compare the considered materials shell rock 20 * 20 * 40cm (2000kg / m 3) and ceramic blocks Kerakam Cayman 30 by characteristics.

    1. Strength.

    Strength wall materials is determined by the limiting pressure of the distributed load on the test sample and is characterized by the number of kilograms of force (kgf) applied to one square centimeter of the surface of the material.

    So ceramic block Kerakam Cayman30 has a strength grade M75, which means that one square centimeter able to withstand a load of 75 kg.

    The value of the strength grade of a block of shell rock with an average density of 2000 kg / m 3, from different manufacturers, ranges from M15 to M35. As a result, every third row of masonry should be reinforced, as shown in the photo below.

    Ceramic block masonry Kerakam Kaiman 30 reinforced only at the corners of the building, per meter in each direction. For reinforcement, a basalt-plastic mesh is used, which is laid in the masonry joint. Labor-intensive chasing and subsequent covering of the reinforcement in the strobe with glue is not required.

    Masonry mortar during the installation of ceramic blocks is applied only along the horizontal masonry seam. The bricklayer applies the solution immediately to one and a half to two meters of masonry and starts each next block along the groove-ridge. The laying is very fast.

    When installing shell rock blocks, the solution must also be applied to the side surface of the blocks. It is obvious that the speed and laboriousness of masonry with this method of installation will only increase.

    Also, for professional masons, sawing ceramic blocks is not a problem. For this purpose, it is used reciprocating saw, with the help of the same saw, they are sawn and gas silicate blocks. In each row of the wall, only one block is required to be cut.

    2. The ability of the structures under consideration to resist heat transfer, i.e. keep the house warm in winter, cool in summer.

    Below is a heat engineering calculation performed according to the methodology described in SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings". As well as the economic justification for the use of the Kerakam Kaiman 30 ceramic block when comparing the costs of building the house in question from shell rock blocks.

    To begin with, we will determine the required thermal resistance for the external walls of residential buildings for the city of Sevastopol, as well as the thermal resistance created by the structures under consideration.

    The ability of a structure to retain heat is determined by such a physical parameter as the thermal resistance of the structure ( R, m 2 *S/W).

    Let us determine the degree-day of the heating period, °С ∙ day/year, according to the formula (SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings") for the city Sevastopol.

    GSOP = (t in - t out)z out,

    t in- the design temperature of the internal air of the building, ° С, taken when calculating the enclosing structures of the groups of buildings indicated in table 3 (SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings"): according to pos. 1 - by minimum values optimum temperature corresponding buildings in accordance with GOST 30494 (in the range 20 - 22 °С);
    t from- average outdoor temperature, °С during the cold period, for Sevastopol meaning 4 ,7 °C;
    z from- duration, days / year, of the heating period, adopted according to the set of rules for the period with an average daily outdoor temperature of not more than 8 ° C, for the city Sevastopol meaning 136 days.

    GSOP \u003d (20- (4.7)) * 136 \u003d 2,080.80 ° C * day.

    The value of the required thermal resistance for the external walls of residential buildings is determined by the formula (SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings)

    R tr 0 \u003d a * GSOP + b

    R tr 0- required thermal resistance;
    a and b- coefficients, the values ​​of which should be taken according to table No. 3 of SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings" for the corresponding groups of buildings, for residential buildings the value a should be taken equal to 0.00035, the value b - 1,4

    R tr 0 \u003d 0.00035 * 2 080.8 + 1.4 \u003d 2.1283 m 2 * C / W

    The formula for calculating the conditional thermal resistance of the considered structure:

    R0 = Σ δ n n + 0,158

    Σ – symbol of summation of layers for multilayer structures;
    δ - layer thickness in meters;
    λ - coefficient of thermal conductivity of the layer material under the condition of operational humidity;
    n- layer number (for multilayer structures);
    0.158 is a correction factor, which can be taken as a constant for simplicity.

    Formula for calculating the reduced thermal resistance.

    R r 0 \u003d R 0 x r

    r- coefficient of thermal engineering homogeneity of structures with inhomogeneous sections (joints, heat-conducting inclusions, porches, etc.)

    according to standard STO 00044807-001-2006 according to Table No. 8, the value of the coefficient of thermal uniformity r for masonry from large-format hollow porous ceramic stones and blocks of shell rock should be taken equal to 0,98 .

    At the same time, I draw your attention to the fact that this coefficient does not take into account the fact that

    1. we recommend laying with a warm masonry mortar (this significantly eliminates heterogeneity at the joints);
    2. as connections between the bearing wall and the front masonry, we use not metal, but basalt-plastic connections, which literally conduct heat 100 times less than steel connections (this significantly levels out the inhomogeneities formed due to heat-conducting inclusions);
    3. window slopes and doorways, according to our design documentation, they are additionally insulated with extruded polystyrene foam (which eliminates heterogeneity in the places of window and door openings, porches).
    From which we can conclude - when following the instructions of our working documentation the masonry uniformity coefficient tends to unity. But in the calculation of the reduced thermal resistance R r 0 we will still use the tabular value of 0.98.

    R r 0 must be greater than or equal to R 0 required.

    We determine the operating mode of the building in order to understand what thermal conductivity coefficient λ a or λ in taken when calculating the conditional thermal resistance.

    The procedure for determining the operating mode is described in detail in SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings" . Based on the specified normative document Let's follow the step by step instructions.

    1st step. Let's define hhumidity level of the building region - Sevastopol using Appendix B of SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings".

    According to the city table Sevastopol located in zone 1 (humid climate). We accept the value 1 - humid climate.

    2nd step. According to Table No. 1 of SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings" we determine the humidity regime in the room.

    At the same time, I draw your attention to the fact that during the heating season, the humidity in the room drops to 15-20%. During the heating season, air humidity must be raised to at least 35-40%. Humidity of 40-50% is considered comfortable for a person.
    In order to raise the level of humidity, it is necessary to ventilate the room, you can use humidifiers, installation of an aquarium will help.

    According to Table 1, the humidity regime in the room during the heating period at an air temperature of 12 to 24 degrees and a relative humidity of up to 50% - dry.

    3rd step. According to Table No. 2 of SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings" we determine the operating conditions.

    To do this, we find the intersection of the line with the value of the humidity regime in the room, in our case it is dry, with the humidity column for the city of Sevastopol, as it was found out earlier - this is the value of wet .

    According to the methodology of SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings" in the calculation of conditional thermal resistance ( R0) should apply the value under operating conditions B, i.e. it is necessary to use the coefficient of thermal conductivity λb.


    Hello, Natalia.

    House project you are considering 29-51 belongs to a series of houses -

    The project of the house was designed using gas silicate blocks .

    The project of the house you are considering, in which a ceramic block is used as the material of the bearing walls Cayman30, is listed in our catalog under the number .

    ceramic blocks Cayman30 outnumber gas silicate / aerated concrete blocks according to all the main characteristics: strength, heat saving. At the same time, the final costs will be lower when choosing ceramics.. For more details, see the cost comparison below.

    Application of ceramic blocks Cayman30 allows you to build country houses that meet all applicable standards, and in particular, those that meet SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings" for cities such as:

    • Yekaterinburg,
    • Novosibirsk,
    • Permian,
    • Krasnoyarsk, without inclusion in the design of the external wall weak link- layer insulation.
    At the same time, the cost of building one square meter of housing will be one of the lowest when compared with any stone block, including in comparison with gas silicate blocks.

    Projects of houses from ceramic blocks are included in the action House project for free .
    Under the terms of the promotion when buying ceramic blocks Cayman30 in our company we will refund you the cost of the project documentation paid by you.

    Let's compare the materials under consideration - gas silicate blocks and ceramic blocks in terms of characteristics and construction costs.

    Looking ahead, I inform you that the construction of the house you are considering from a ceramic block Kerakam Kaiman30, superior in all respects gas silicate block D500 , will be less expensive, the savings will be 100 109 rubles.

    You can see the calculation in numbers at the end of this answer.

    1. Strength.

    The strength of wall materials is determined by the ultimate pressure of the distributed load on the test sample and is characterized by the number of kilograms of force (kgf) applied to one square centimeter of the material surface.

    So ceramic block Cayman30 has a strength grade M75, which means that one square centimeter is able to withstand a load equal to 75 kg.

    The value of the strength grade of a gas silicate block with a density of 500 kg / m 3, from different manufacturers, ranges from M35 to M50. As a result, according to the instructions of the manufacturers of gas silicate blocks, every third row of masonry should be reinforced, as shown in the photo below.

    Ceramic block masonry Kaiman 30 reinforced only at the corners of the building, per meter in each direction. For reinforcement, a basalt-plastic mesh is used, which is laid in the masonry joint. Labor-intensive chasing and subsequent covering of the reinforcement in the strobe with glue is not required.

    Masonry mortar during the installation of ceramic blocks is applied only along the horizontal masonry seam. The bricklayer applies the solution immediately to one and a half to two meters of masonry and starts each next block along the groove-ridge. The laying is very fast.

    When installing gas silicate blocks, the solution must also be applied to the side surface of the blocks. It is obvious that the speed and laboriousness of masonry with this method of installation will only increase.

    Also, for professional masons, sawing ceramic blocks is not a problem. For this purpose, a reciprocating saw is used, with the help of the same saw, gas silicate blocks are also sawn. In each row of the wall, only one block is required to be cut.

    2. The ability of the structures under consideration to resist heat transfer, i.e. keep the house warm in winter, cool in summer.

    Below is a heat engineering calculation performed according to the methodology described in SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings".As well as the economic justification for the use of the Kaiman30 ceramic block when comparing the costs of building the house in question from gas silicate blocks.

    To begin with, we will determine the required thermal resistance for the external walls of residential buildings for the city of Bronnitsy, as well as the thermal resistance created by the structures under consideration.

    The ability of a structure to retain heat is determined by such a physical parameter as the thermal resistance of the structure ( R, m 2 *S/W).

    Let us determine the degree-day of the heating period, °С ∙ day/year, according to the formula (SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings") for the city Bronnitsy.

    GSOP = (t in - t out)z out,

    t in- the design temperature of the internal air of the building, ° С, taken when calculating the enclosing structures of the groups of buildings indicated in table 3 (SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings"): according to pos. 1 - according to the minimum values ​​​​of the optimal temperature of the corresponding buildings in accordance with GOST 30494 (in the range 20 - 22 °С);
    t from- average outdoor air temperature, °С during the cold period, for the city of Bronnitsy meaning -3,4 °C;
    z from- duration, days / year, of the heating period, adopted according to the set of rules for the period with an average daily outdoor temperature of not more than 8 ° C, for the city Bronnitsy meaning 212 days.

    GSOP \u003d (20- (-3.4)) * 212 \u003d 4,960.8 ° C * day.

    The value of the required thermal resistance for the external walls of residential buildings is determined by the formula (SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings)

    R tr 0 \u003d a * GSOP + b

    R tr 0- required thermal resistance;
    a and b- coefficients, the values ​​of which should be taken according to table No. 3 of SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings" for the corresponding groups of buildings, for residential buildings the value a should be taken equal to 0.00035, the value b - 1,4

    R tr 0 \u003d 0.00035 * 4 960.8 + 1.4 \u003d 3.1363 m 2 * C / W

    The formula for calculating the conditional thermal resistance of the considered structure:

    R0 = Σ δ n n + 0,158

    Σ – symbol of summation of layers for multilayer structures;
    δ - layer thickness in meters;
    λ - coefficient of thermal conductivity of the layer material under the condition of operational humidity;
    n- layer number (for multilayer structures);
    0.158 is a correction factor, which can be taken as a constant for simplicity.

    Formula for calculating the reduced thermal resistance.

    R r 0 \u003d R 0 x r

    r- coefficient of thermal engineering homogeneity of structures with inhomogeneous sections (joints, heat-conducting inclusions, porches, etc.)

    according to standard STO 00044807-001-2006 according to Table No. 8, the value of the coefficient of thermal uniformity r for masonry of large-format hollow porous ceramic stones and gas silicate blocks should be taken equal to 0,98 .

    At the same time, I draw your attention to the fact that this coefficient does not take into account the fact that

    1. we recommend laying with a warm masonry mortar (this significantly eliminates heterogeneity at the joints);
    2. as connections between the bearing wall and the front masonry, we use not metal, but basalt-plastic connections, which literally conduct heat 100 times less than steel connections (this significantly levels out the inhomogeneities formed due to heat-conducting inclusions);
    3. slopes of window and door openings, according to our project documentation, are additionally insulated with extruded polystyrene foam (which eliminates heterogeneity in the places of window and door openings, vestibules).
    From which we can conclude that when the requirements of our working documentation are fulfilled, the masonry uniformity coefficient tends to unity. But in the calculation of the reduced thermal resistance R r 0 we will still use the tabular value of 0.98.

    R r 0 must be greater than or equal to R 0 required.

    We determine the operating mode of the building in order to understand what thermal conductivity coefficient λ a or λ in taken when calculating the conditional thermal resistance.

    The procedure for determining the operating mode is described in detail in SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings" . Based on the specified regulatory document, we will follow the step-by-step instructions.

    1st step. Let's define hon the humidity level of the building region - the city of Bronnitsy using Appendix B of SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings".

    According to the city table Bronnitsy located in zone 2 (normal climate). We accept the value 2 - normal climate.

    2nd step. According to Table No. 1 of SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings" we determine the humidity regime in the room.

    At the same time, I draw your attention to the fact that during the heating season, the humidity in the room drops to 15-20%. During the heating season, air humidity must be raised to at least 35-40%. Humidity of 40-50% is considered comfortable for a person.
    In order to raise the level of humidity, it is necessary to ventilate the room, you can use humidifiers, installation of an aquarium will help.

    According to Table 1, the humidity regime in the room during the heating period at an air temperature of 12 to 24 degrees and a relative humidity of up to 50% - dry.

    3rd step. According to Table No. 2 of SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings" we determine the operating conditions.

    To do this, we find the intersection of the line with the value of the humidity regime in the room, in our case it is dry, with humidity column for city Bronnitsy, as explained earlier, is the value normal.

    According to the methodology of SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings" in the calculation of conditional thermal resistance ( R0) should apply the value under operating conditions BUT, i.e. it is necessary to use the coefficient of thermal conductivity λ a.

    This article will completely shape your impression projects of country houses for 6 acres- photos and drawings below. Look at the photo below, this is a plot of 30m by 20m = 600m2, and this is 6 acres (one hundredth is equal to 100 m2, check through the unit calculator and return to this page, it’s interesting further).

    Country houses are often built economically, and often from those materials that are easy to get. At least I know a few houses built this way. Therefore, you may be interested in my article aboutcombined houses made of stone and wood projects.

    And what a cottage without a gazebo - download projects and photos of finished options.

    Look, this is how a plot of 6 acres looks like, pay attention to how much a medium-sized gazebo takes, and you need to place the whole house! Remember that there should be at least 3 meters from the house to the fence (the optimal distance is 5 meters), but this is not taken into account in the photo below. Let's just calculate the maximum width of the house: 20 m - 5 * 2 = 10 meters, that is, your task is to choose for 6 acres country houses up to 10 meters wide - photo projects on my website. The house below has a width of 8 meters, along with a terrace.

    Photo projects of country houses for 6 acres

    See below a photo of 4 country houses located on a plot of 6 acres, and below are 3D models of the same houses.

    3D models of 4 projects of country houses for 6 acres

    Even if the area is small, a properly designed house project will provide owners with the construction of comfortable housing with an ergonomic layout.

    House project 11 by 10 meters for a country house

    A large country house for construction on a plot of 6 meters, read above? This is almost the maximum width, which will allow you to optimally place the house so that there is a distance of 5 meters to the fence.

    House project 6 by 6 meters for a country house on 6 acres

    Almost the most small project country house for 6 acres, it is clear that there are many options for the location of the building, but the most optimal, as a rule, are on the left or right on the site, but not in the middle.

    Country house 9 by 9 on 5 acres

    A medium-sized country house, please note that on this model the plot is a little narrower than it should be, it is 5 acres.

    Country house 6 by 8 on 6 acres

    This is a very popular house size: 6 by 8, a great project for a country house.

    50 projects, for plots of 6 acres - free download

    The projects presented in the working catalog, photos of country houses for 6 acres, are the most popular and sought-after options. One-story buildings, in order to increase the useful area, provide for the presence of an attic and a basement. If you attach a terrace to them, in the warm season it will turn into a summer kitchen or a meeting place for guests. I suggest you go to another section of this site - a catalog of working projects of houses and cottages with drawings and photos that you can download for free. The two photos below are a preview of the project catalog, this is what one of the projects looks like.

    Two-story country houses have small area. They are good option for a clear zoning of space, separating the recreation area from living rooms and utility rooms. The second floor is built in the form of an attic, characterized by good functionality at a low cost of construction.

    Choosing a country house for your site

    1. If the house is used for summer pastime, then you can significantly cut the cost of building a furnace or boiler - electric heaters, storage water heaters will be sufficient.
    2. Country houses for 6 acres, photo projects, drawings and diagrams of which make it clear that they are rational in small areas, can be supplemented with other buildings: a bathhouse, a well, outbuildings, a garage, etc. They connect with each other garden paths, green spaces, lawns, thus forming an individual landscape design.
    3. The pre-planned space of the site, the location of the country house and additional buildings, the study of project documentation - all this will help you choose the best option and build the house of your dreams!

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