Encyclopedia of the Sun - solar flares. Solar flares in real time

Decor elements 25.09.2019
Decor elements

solar flareexplosive process of energy release (kinetic, light and thermal) in the upper layers of the Sun.

Flashes cover all layers solar atmosphere: photosphere, chromosphere and corona. Let us immediately note that solar flares and coronal mass ejections are distinct and independent manifestations solar activity.

Solar flares, as a rule, occur in places where sunspots of opposite magnetic polarity interact, more precisely near the neutral line. magnetic field separating the regions of north and south polarity. The energy release of a powerful solar flare can reach 6×10 25 J, which is 160 billion megatons of TNT or the approximate volume of world electricity consumption for 1 million years.

Animation showing two solar flares (X2.2, X9.3) that occurred on September 6, 2017. Credit: SDO

Flares are the largest explosive events solar system. They are visible as bright areas on the Sun and can last from a few minutes to several hours. Photons from the flare reach Earth about 8.5 minutes after it began; then, within several tens of minutes, powerful streams of charged particles reach, and plasma clouds reach our planet only after two or three days.

Solar flare intensity

flash energy are determined in the visible range of electromagnetic waves by the product of the glow area in the hydrogen emission line, which characterizes the heating of the lower chromosphere, by the brightness of this glow, associated with the power of the source.

A classification based on continuous homogeneous measurements of the amplitude of a thermal X-ray burst in the energy range of 0.5-10 keV (with a wavelength of 0.5-8 angstroms) carried out by some artificial Earth satellites is also used.

According to the classification, which was proposed in 1970 by D. Baker, a solar flare is assigned a score - a designation from a Latin letter and an index after it. The letter can be A, B, C, M or X depending on the magnitude of the X-ray intensity peak.

Solar flares online

The choice for classifying X-ray flares is due to a more accurate fixation of the process: if in the optical range even the largest flares increase radiation by fractions of a percent, then in the region of soft X-ray radiation (1 nanometer) - by several orders of magnitude, and hard X-ray radiation is not created by the quiet Sun at all and formed exclusively during outbreaks.

The Solar Dynamics Observatory captured a solar flare (X8.2) on September 10, 2017. The image shows a combination of ultraviolet light wavelengths releasing extremely hot material in flashes. Credits: NASA/SDO/Goddard

Registration of X-ray radiation from the Sun, since it is completely absorbed by the Earth's atmosphere, began with the first launch spacecraft"Sputnik-2", therefore, data on the intensity of X-ray radiation of solar flares before 1957 are completely absent.

Dangerous or not? Influence of solar flares

Solar flares are of applied importance in the study of the elemental composition of the surface celestial body with a rarefied atmosphere or in its absence, acting as an X-ray exciter for X-ray fluorescence spectrometers installed on board spacecraft.

Hard ultraviolet and X-ray flare radiation is the main factor responsible for the formation of the ionosphere, which can also significantly change the properties upper atmosphere Earth: its density increases significantly, which leads to a rapid decrease in the height of the orbit of artificial satellites (up to 1 km per day).

Plasma clouds ejected during flares lead to the occurrence of geomagnetic storms, which in a certain way affect the technique and well-being of people. The section of biophysics that studies the influence of changes in the activity of the Sun and the disturbances of the earth's magnetosphere caused by it on organisms is called heliobiology. Flares also create aurora, most often near the poles.

Geo magnetic storms

geomagnetic stormdisturbance of the geomagnetic field lasting from several hours to several days.

Geomagnetic storms are one of the types of geomagnetic activity. They are caused by the arrival of disturbed solar wind streams in the vicinity of the Earth and their interaction with the Earth's magnetosphere.

The frequency of occurrence of moderate and strong storms on Earth has a clear correlation with the 11-year cycle of solar activity: with an average frequency of about 30 storms per year, their number can be 1–2 storms per year near the solar minimum and reach 50 storms per year near the solar maximum.

Classification of magnetic storms

K-indexis the deviation of the Earth's magnetic field from the norm during a three-hour interval. The index was introduced by Julius Bartels in 1938 and represents values ​​from 0 to 9 for each three-hour interval (00:00 - 03:00, 03:00 - 06:00, 06:00 - 09:00, etc.) world time.

Kp-indexis the planetary index. It is calculated as the average value of K-indices determined at 13 geomagnetic observatories located between 44 and 60 degrees north and south geomagnetic latitudes. Its range is also from 0 to 9.

G-indexfive-point scale of strength of magnetic storms, which was introduced by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in November 1999. The G-index characterizes the intensity of a geomagnetic storm in terms of the impact of variations in the Earth's magnetic field on people, animals, electrical engineering, communications, navigation, etc. According to this scale, magnetic storms are divided into levels from G1 (weak storms) to G5 (extremely strong storms). G-index corresponds to Kp minus 4; i.e. G1 corresponds to Kp=5, G2 corresponds to Kp=6, etc.

Magnetic storms online. Forecast of magnetic storms

The role of stellar flares in the origin of life

Oddly enough, scientists believe that. Powerful solar explosions may have played a decisive role in heating the Earth. The ejected energy has turned simple molecules into complex ones, such as DNA and RNA, necessary for life.

About 4 billion years ago, the Earth received only 70% of the energy from the Sun, compared to what we have today. This means that our planet should have been. Instead, the geological evidence suggests that it was warm and had oceans of liquid water. Scientists call this the "Fair Young Sun Paradox."

The sun still produces flares and mass ejections, but they are not as frequent and intense as before. Moreover, today, which saves us from most of the energy that reaches our planet. But our young planet had a weaker magnetic field. Scientists' calculations show that at the time, space weather particles were traveling down magnetic field lines, slamming into the abundance of nitrogen molecules in the atmosphere, altering the chemistry and creating the conditions for life.

At the same time, too a large number of energy can be detrimental to young planets. if the magnetosphere is too weak. Understanding these processes will help scientists determine which stars and which planets might be hospitable to life.

More than a hundred years ago, scientists determined that the activity of our luminary directly affects many processes occurring on the planet, including human health. One of the most significant phenomena is flares that regularly occur on the surface of the Sun.

Why solar flares happen

Like other stars, our luminary is a huge ball of hot gas. This substance revolves around an invisible axis, but according to somewhat different laws, in contrast to solids. Various areas the stars have different speed rotation. At the poles, this movement occurs at a slower speed, and at the equator, rotation is faster. In the process of rotation, the magnetic field of the star twists in a special way and rises above its surface, dragging the hot plasma with it. In such places, activity increases and outbreaks form.

In other words, the rotational energy of the star is converted into a magnetic state. Flares are places where a particularly large accumulation of such energy is released. It is easier to imagine this process if you remember how an ordinary incandescent lamp glows. When too great importance mains voltage, the lamp will burn out.

During the outbreak, a huge amount of energy is released. Any such flash is equivalent to the explosion of a billion kilotons of TNT. This amount of energy exceeds the energy of all known on given time fuel reserves on our planet at the same time.

The flash causes plasma clouds to form, which are directed towards our planet under the influence of the solar wind. This process causes geomagnetic disturbances called storms. They have a strong impact on everything on the planet.

What threatens solar flares

Under the influence of the mass of particles of the Sun rushing from the surface of the luminary to the Earth, deformation occurs electromagnetic field Earth that causes a magnetic storm. At the same time, the amount of energy sent in the direction of the Earth and the impact exerted by it directly depend on the size of the flash.

Scientists have determined that natural disasters and cataclysms are associated with periods of solar activity. It was found that most often typhoons, earthquakes and hurricanes are formed just during the period of activity of the star. Based on the periodicity of outbreaks on the star, forecasts of natural disasters are built.

The negative impact is also on technology. After solar flares, the quality of communication deteriorates to a large extent, space navigation equipment often breaks down. There are failures in the functionality of aircraft, satellites and GPS navigation.

Solar flares are especially dangerous for astronauts if they are in the open space of space at that time. Under the influence of the most powerful flow of proton particles, the level of radioactive impact increases many times over. The atmosphere protects the inhabitants of the planet from its destructive effects. Astronauts are deprived of such protection and can be exposed to the strongest radiation. A similar charge of radiation, but to a lesser extent, is received by passengers in jet aircraft.

But solar flares also have pleasant phenomena, for example, residents of northern latitudes can admire the beautiful aurora. With especially strong outbreaks, it can also be observed in more southern regions.

How solar flares affect humans

The consequences of the increased activity of the Sun to one degree or another are felt by all residents. But to a greater extent, weather-dependent people and some age groups suffer from it:

  • Children in the days of activity of the luminary become especially nervous and whiny, often capricious. This is how the destructive rays affect emotional condition kids. On such days, immune defense decreases, which can cause the development of a variety of diseases. On such days, children need to be given vitamins, fruits and plenty of water.
  • Elderly people feel activity by worsening heart activity. This condition is especially dangerous with high blood pressure. Solar activity impairs coronary circulation, increases the concentration of cholesterol in the blood. Right Action at such moments, there will be an aspirin tablet, which thins the blood. In addition, this medicine will relieve pain. People who have had strokes, heart attacks, patients with ischemia and arrhythmia should keep the drugs prescribed by their doctor within reach.
  • Motor vehicle drivers are also at risk. The fact is that the activity of the luminary affects increased fatigue, loss of concentration and attention. As a result, all reactions of a person driving a motor vehicle become slower. Therefore, it is best not to drive on such days, but if possible, spend it at home.

Solar activity affects not only physical health but also the mental well-being of a person. Even absolutely healthy people on such days they experience increased nervousness, excitability and aggression. Other people quickly get tired, fall into depression. Emissions of solar energy cause exacerbation of diseases. In this case, the relapse continues after the end of exposure to the outbreak for several more days.

Solar flares: video

Lately in various sources there is more and more information about the "end of the world" and about possible disasters associated with natural phenomena, as well as man-made disasters. A huge amount of conflicting data introduces unprepared people into a stupor and leads to the fact that they try not to think about this topic at all and let everything pass by their ears. However, if you believe folk wisdom, the presence of smoke means that a fire is burning somewhere, and not paying attention to this would be sheer ignorance on our part. Let's consider one of the many phenomena, which, according to some assumptions and forecasts, can cause a large-scale catastrophe.

Flashes did not come into the field of view of people as early as 1859, then they caused malfunctions with telegraph lines. In addition, this event led to the fact that the northern lights could be seen in Hawaii. As you know, our luminary exists according to certain cycles - for eleven years, solar activity has a minimum value, and after that it increases significantly. Maximum outbreaks are observed just at the peak of activity. At that time Sun emits magnetic and radiation energy, as well as ultraviolet in very large quantities. They reach the Earth in just a few hours. solar radiation should be stopped by our planet's magnetic field, which prevents significant damage to it, but due to its depletion, proper safety cannot be guaranteed.

So what specific consequences can they lead to and is it possible to protect yourself from them? This phenomenon can cause very large geomagnetic storms and a complete failure of the electrical network. This can lead not only to the inability to use electrical appliances but also to a global catastrophe. If something like this happens, it will start with the fact that people can see a very bright glow of great intensity. After that, all transformers will stop working and energy systems. Experts predict that in the US all key transformers will burn out in just 90 seconds, and more than 130 million people will be left without electricity.

At the beginning of the catastrophe, no one will die, but the structures and systems on which life directly depends will begin to collapse rather quickly huge amount of people. Oil and gas pipelines will stop working, in settlements water will not flow, gas stations will fail. Autonomous energy systems, which are in some institutions, are designed to function for three days. According to experts, several million people may die in a year, and their death will be associated with indirect causes of the economic shutdown.

But is it worth making such gloomy and hopeless predictions in connection with an event that may not happen? As experts say, such an electromagnetic storm is quite possible, and its manifestation is just a matter of time. According to Professor Daniel Baker, large-scale flares on the Sun can lead to results that are comparable to the fall of a huge asteroid or nuclear war. Even if an event like the one observed in 1859 occurs, modern people they may not survive it. This is due to the current level of industrial development and the importance of transformers, which take a very long time to replace. As you can see, despite all the achievements modern humanity, in a sense, it is now more vulnerable than it was 150 years ago. Development various areas human activity puts people in direct dependence on new inventions and technology, which is constantly being improved. This suggests that every achievement has a downside, and someday it may appear in all its glory.

As we know, not only excessive solar activity is being actively discussed, but also the possibility of an asteroid falling, melting polar ice, the dangers of the Large Hadron Collider, epidemics, floods and much more. Some even talk about the rise of the machines and the invasion of representatives extraterrestrial civilizations. On the other hand, there are reports in the literature and in the press that the time has come for the transformation of mankind, and that in order to survive, people must change spiritually and morally. Most often, such a transformation is associated with the possibilities of religions and esoteric movements. Despite the fact that many forecasts are not very optimistic, people are beginning to think about their place in the world and what they need to do in order to survive. Maybe changing enough people can prevent the catastrophe or make it less destructive. Each of us can only work on ourselves and hope for the best.

On September 6, two powerful flares occurred on the Sun, and the second of them turned out to be the most powerful in 12 years, since 2005. This event caused disturbances in radio communications and GPS reception on the day side of the Earth, lasting about an hour.

However, the main problems are still ahead.

solar flares - catastrophic events on the surface of the Sun, caused by reconnection (reconnection) of magnetic lines of force, "frozen" in the solar plasma. At some point, the extremely twisted magnetic field lines break off and reconnect in a new configuration, releasing an enormous amount of energy,

producing additional heating of the nearest parts of the solar atmosphere and acceleration of charged particles to near-light speeds.

Solar plasma is a gas of electrically charged particles and, therefore, has its own magnetic field, and the solar magnetic fields and plasma magnetic fields are coordinated with each other. When plasma is expelled from the Sun, the ends of its magnetic lines remain "attached" to the surface. As a result, the magnetic lines are strongly stretched until, finally, they are torn from tension (like an elastic band that has been stretched too much) and re-closed again, forming a new configuration containing already less energy - in fact, this process is called the reconnection of lines. magnetic field.

Depending on the intensity of solar flares, they are classified, and in this case we are talking about the most powerful outbreaks - the X-class.

The energy released during such flashes is equivalent to the explosions of billions of megaton hydrogen bombs.

An event classified as X2.2 occurred at 11:57 am, and an even more powerful event, X9.3, at 2:53 pm just three hours later (see website Laboratory of Solar X-Ray Astronomy FIAN)

The strongest solar flare recorded in the modern era occurred on November 4, 2003, and it was classified as X28 (its consequences were not so catastrophic, since the ejection was not aimed directly at the Earth).

Extreme solar flares can also be accompanied by powerful ejections of matter from the solar corona, the so-called coronal mass ejections. This is a slightly different phenomenon, for the Earth it can pose both a greater and lesser danger, depending on whether the release is directed directly at our planet. In any case, the effects of these emissions affect after 1-3 days. We are talking about billions of tons of matter flying at a speed of hundreds of kilometers per second.

When the ejecta reaches the vicinity of our planet, the charged particles begin to interact with its magnetosphere, causing worsening "space weather". Particles precipitating along magnetic lines cause auroras in temperate latitudes, magnetic storms lead to disruption of the operation of satellites, telecommunications equipment on Earth, deterioration of the conditions for the propagation of radio waves, weather-dependent people suffer from headaches.

Observers, especially in high latitude regions, are advised to keep an eye on the sky and look for particularly majestic auroral events in the coming days.

In addition, the Sun itself can still give out a new focus and burst into new outbursts. The same sunspot group that caused Wednesday's flares — scientists refer to it as active region 2673 — produced a moderate M-class flare on Tuesday that is also capable of generating auroras.

However, current events are far from the so-called Carrington event - the most powerful geomagnetic storm in the history of observations that erupted in 1859. From August 28 to September 2, numerous sunspots and flares were observed on the Sun. British astronomer Richard Carrington observed on September 1 the most powerful of them, which probably caused a large coronal mass ejection that reached the Earth in a record time of 18 hours. Unfortunately, it was not yet modern appliances, but the consequences were obvious to everyone without it -

from intense auroras around the equator to sparkling telegraph wires.

Surprisingly, the current events are taking place against the background of a decrease in the level of solar activity, when the natural 11-year cycle is completed, when the number of sunspots decreases. However, many scientists remind that it is precisely during the period of reduced activity that the most powerful outbreaks often occur, erupting, as it were, in the end.

“The current events were accompanied by intense radio emission, which indicates possible coronal mass ejections,” said in an interview. Scientific American Rob Steenberg of the Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC). “However, we need to wait until we get additional coronagraph images that capture this event. Then the final answer can be given.

The energy of the Sun has an ambiguous effect on our planet. It gives us warmth, but at the same time it can negatively affect people's well-being. One of the reasons negative influence- solar flares. How do they happen? What are the consequences?

Sun and solar flare

The sun is the only star in our system, which from it received the name "solar". It has a huge mass and, thanks to strong gravity, holds all the planets of the solar system around it. A star is a ball of helium, hydrogen and other elements (sulphur, iron, nitrogen, etc.), which are contained in a smaller amount.

The sun is the main source of light and heat on Earth. This happens as a result of constant thermonuclear reactions, which are often accompanied by flares, the appearance of black spots, coronal mass ejections.

Solar flares occur above black spots, radiating large amounts of energy. Their effects were formerly attributed to the action of the spots themselves. The phenomenon was discovered in 1859, but many of the processes associated with it are only being studied.

Solar flares: photo and description

The effect of the phenomenon is short - only a few minutes. In fact, a solar flare is a powerful explosion that covers all the atmospheric layers of the star. They appear as a small prominence that flares up violently, emitting X-rays, radio and ultraviolet rays.

The sun rotates around its axis unevenly. At the poles, its movement is slower than at the equator, so twisting occurs in the magnetic field. An explosion occurs when the tension in the "twisting" places is too strong. At this time, billions of megatons of energy are released. Typically, flashes occur in the neutral region between black spots of different polarity. Their character is determined by the phase of the solar cycle.

Depending on the strength of the X-ray emission and the brightness at the peak of activity, flares are divided into classes. Power is measured in watts per square meter. The strongest solar flare belongs to the X class, the average one is denoted by the letter M, and the weak one is C. Each of them differs from the previous one by 10 times in rank.

Impact on the Earth

It takes approximately 7-10 minutes before the Earth feels the effects of the explosion on the Sun. During the flare, plasma is ejected along with the radiation, which is formed into plasma clouds. The solar wind carries them to the sides of the Earth, causing on our planet

In outer space, an explosion increases, which can affect the health of astronauts, it can also affect people flying in an airplane. electromagnetic wave from the flash causes interference to satellites and other equipment.

On Earth, outbreaks can greatly affect people's well-being. This is manifested in the lack of concentration, pressure drops, headaches, slowing down of brain activity. People with weakened immune systems, mental disorders, cardiovascular disorders and chronic diseases are especially sensitive to the activity of the sun on themselves.

Technique is also sensitive. A class X solar flare is capable of knocking out radio devices all over the Earth, the average power of the explosion affects mainly the polar regions.


The most powerful solar flare occurred in 1859, often referred to as the Solar Superstorm or the Carrington Event. Astronomer Richard Carrington was lucky enough to notice it, after whom the phenomenon was named. The flash caused the Northern Lights, which could be seen even in the Caribbean, and the telegraph communication system North America and Europe instantly went out of order.

Storms like the Carrington event occur once every 500 years. Consequences for human life can also occur with minor outbreaks, so scientists are interested in predicting them. Predicting solar activity is not easy, since the structure of our star is very unstable.

NASA is actively engaged in research in this area. Using the analysis of the solar magnetic field, scientists have already learned to learn about the next outbreak, but it is still impossible to make accurate predictions. All predictions are very approximate and report "sunny weather" only for short time up to a maximum of 3 days.

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