Projects of small guest houses with layout. Guest house projects made of laminated veneer lumber

Reservoirs 13.06.2019

All more people are leaving cities, preferring to settle away from noisy highways and ever-smoking factories. Opportunity to live in an environmentally friendly clean area accessible to everyone if you know from which side to approach the issue. One of the most good decisions is construction guest house on own plot. This will allow you to get additional living space for renting out or receiving guests and relatives. Building a guest house with your own hands is not that difficult, and in this article we will tell you how to do it.

Construction of a guest house – optimal solution for those who often host guests, have a large family or intend to rent out housing. There is an opinion that maintaining such a structure is impractical and takes too much money and effort, but only those who do not know how to properly plan construction say this. If you approach the choice of project rationally and select the right materials, you can reduce the costs of a new building to a minimum.

Proper planning will make it possible to locate the building on the site in such a way as to minimize the length of communications or completely abandon the laying of the pipeline. As for heating, a fireplace or stove is enough for a small one-story guest house. If you place a house near a bathhouse or the main building, then you can transfer some technical functions to it, for example, make a boiler room there. In the event of an emergency, a boiler operating on different types fuel, will become a backup source of energy for the entire site.

If you plan to rent out the house only in summer time and you don’t use it in winter, you don’t have to install heating at all, thereby saving a significant amount. The building can also be used as a summer kitchen. The great thing is that there are no strict rules for using such structures - you can do whatever you want with them. Geometry, dimensions, cladding, design - all this is limited only by your imagination and financial capabilities. The video below shows a cozy guest house with a gazebo-veranda.

However, the design of the guest house must be in harmony with the exterior of the main building and fit into the existing landscape. Its area can be quite modest, for example, 40-50 m², but in this case you should select suitable furniture and interior items. Fortunately, today there is big choice ergonomic compact furniture especially for such cases. IN small bedroom you can install a single or double bed, which “hides” in the wall or turns into a comfortable sofa.

Instead of a spacious bath, you can install a modern shower stall. The kitchen can also be planned in accordance with the square footage and the set can be made according to an individual drawing. A small kitchen is not a death sentence, but a great opportunity to realize creative ideas and practice design art.

If you still don’t have a bathhouse on your property, it might be wise to build a guest house with a bathhouse, combining business with pleasure. This will not only save building materials, but will make the rest of the residents of the house more pleasant and comfortable. You can also add a garage for one or more cars to the guest house, make small veranda for evening gatherings or install a children's swing.

Any owner wants to save as much as possible, and this is not prohibited at all, but you just need to understand what you can save on and what it is better to invest in fully. So, to build a guest house, you can use materials that are not very expensive, but allow the house to “breathe” and retain heat well. Particular attention should be paid exterior decoration, especially if you plan to rent out your home - the house should attract guests with its neatness and beauty.

The design of a guest house should take into account not only its geometry and square footage, but also show the final result right down to the furniture placed in the rooms. This is not easy to do, especially without the appropriate skills, so it makes sense to entrust the design to specialists. This is one of those cases when it is not worth saving - the costs of construction and future maintenance of the building depend on a correctly drawn up drawing.

Construction technology

If you have a guest house project, then understanding the construction technology is as easy as pie. Many self-taught craftsmen manage to build beautiful and quality houses, only after studying the theory on forums and websites.

Guest house foundation

So, first of all, you need to stock up on building materials. Since every home starts with a foundation, you will need a lot of sand, crushed stone and cement. Of course, for a small house you can make a base on screw piles, which is very common lately. But if you want to do the work yourself and save as much as possible, you can pour a strip, monolithic or columnar foundation. In our case, it was decided to use concrete blocks instead of pillars.

Helpful advice: Concrete blocks you need to choose the highest quality ones, since the reliability and durability of the entire structure depends on this. When choosing, pay attention to the degree of limiting load of the product, their frost resistance, size, as well as the presence of granite crushed stone in the composition (blocks with crushed stone are stronger).

How to make a base for a guest house:

  1. Make markings on the ground along the entire perimeter of the future building.
  2. Remove fertile layer soil (turf). Depending on the characteristics of the soil, its thickness can vary from 15 to 30 cm.
  3. Level the bottom of the resulting pit and compact it thoroughly.
  4. Place pegs around the perimeter and stretch a rope between them.
  5. Make small indentations for the support blocks about 30 cm deep (can be from 15 cm to 30 cm depending on the unevenness of the landscape). It is important that all blocks are located on the same level. To check this, place a long strip on the adjacent blocks, and a building level on it.
  6. Place a drainage cushion made of a mixture of sand and gravel at the bottom of each hole - it will drain water from the concrete, preventing it from collapsing. The thickness of the pillow should be at least 10 cm (depending on the depth of the hole). When you make the mounds, pour water on them and compact them thoroughly.
  7. Next, it is necessary to make support platforms on the drainage pads, which will increase the bearing capacity of the soil and will evenly distribute the load from the building. To do this, prepare cement-sand mortar and fill it with single-layer reinforcement with reinforcement or road mesh.

Guest house frame

To make a frame, a thick pine beam with a cross-section of at least 150x100 mm is best suited. Before use, be sure to treat it with an antiseptic, otherwise it will begin to rot very quickly. When purchasing any lumber, pay attention to the degree of humidity - it should not exceed 18%, otherwise the structure will be deformed after assembly.

Use thick timber to make the bottom frame of the house, the task of which is to fix the entire frame of the house to the foundation. It also serves as a support for the floor and walls. Attach the beams so that the size of the frame is 5-7 cm smaller than the foundation - the ebb and flow will then be installed in this place and the outer cladding of the building will be attached. To fix the elements, use self-tapping screws and wood glue-sealant. To increase the rigidity of the strapping, it is recommended to connect the bars “in a quarter”.

Helpful advice: There will be gaps between the lower beams and the foundation pillars - fill them with polystyrene foam padding, and then treat everything with an antiseptic.

TO bottom harness At home, attach logs made of pine timber with a cross-section of 120x100 mm using the “quarter” method, strengthening the fixation with glue and self-tapping screws. To make the base for the floor, glue bars approximately 3-4 cm thick to the bottom of the sides of the joists. Then lay it on these bars edged board, without attaching it in any way - it will be a subfloor.

Guest house walls

After laying the joists and subfloor, you can begin building the walls. For this, inexpensive pine timber was also used, but with a smaller cross-section - 100x50 mm. Since in our case the house is one-story, the power of such beams will be quite enough to withstand all the insulating layers, sheathing and the weight of the roof.

How to make a guest house from timber:

Roof of the guest house

To build a roof, you need to correctly calculate rafter system– find out the distance between the rafters, their required power, etc. All these indicators depend on many factors: wind load in your region, slope angle, roofing material etc. You will find more information on this topic in the article.

Features of the construction of the roof of the guest house:

All that remains is to lay the finishing coat. The installation technology depends on the selected material.

Insulation and finishing

Walls also require reliable insulation from wind, dampness and cold. To do this, they need to be covered with windproofing film, insulation and vapor barrier laid. In principle, this process is very similar to the work with the roof described above, so no questions should arise. Doors and windows should be installed before sheathing and insulation.

Helpful Hint: To minimize moisture ingress, attach the paneling horizontally.

After cladding, all that remains is to install drainage system and lighting. As for interior works, then for insulation the same mineral wool(universal insulation), and it can be used for walls, ceilings and floors.

Since we only have rough flooring on the floor so far, we need to lay waterproofing film, and only then lay the insulation tightly between the joists. As a cheap alternative to mineral wool, you can fill in expanded clay - it is also quite a decent insulation material. On top of the joists you can attach a finished plank floor or a plywood base for carpet, laminate or tile.

The construction of guest houses is becoming more and more popular every year, but the services of developers are sometimes unreasonably expensive. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this work, so you can easily handle it on your own. The house described in this article can actually be built in less than a month.

How to save money

Finally, we suggest you familiarize yourself with a couple useful tips. They will help you save on building a house and reduce the cost of maintaining it in the future.

How to save money on a guest house:

  1. Insulate the walls from the outside - this is the most effective way.
  2. Install high-quality windows, since more than 50% of heat escapes through cracks in frames and openings.
  3. Use only energy saving light bulbs. Although they are more expensive, they quickly pay for themselves, saving energy up to 80%.
  4. Be sure to set counters for all consumed resources.
  5. If possible, use alternative sources energy, such as solar panels or wind turbines.
  6. Install energy efficient modern technology class A+ or A++.

Guest house: photo

If you think that the small area of ​​your country house is a good reason why it cannot be beautiful, comfortable and cozy, then think again! We have selected photographs of amazing country houses, the area of ​​which does not exceed 40 sq.m. And most of them are much smaller! You will see inspiring examples of successful organization of a small space.

Summer residents create houses that are not just compact, comfortable and beautiful, but also incredibly original, and the photos of the houses at these dachas are truly unique.

Country house with two bedrooms on different levels: 7 photos

This house, excluding the porch and carport, has an area of ​​37.6 sq.m. Despite its small size, it has two bedrooms - one downstairs and the other in the attic.

From the main entrance, along the entire wall, there is a covered terrace, which helps to hide from the heat. For maximum shading, most of the house's windows face the terrace.

The house combines a sitting area, a dining room and a compact kitchen built along the rear wall. At the entrance to the house from the carport there is a wardrobe closet.

In the other half of the house there is a small bedroom.

Next to the bedroom is a bathroom, which is accessible from both the living room and the bedroom.

There is a second bedroom in the attic above the bedroom and bath.

Because The upper bedroom is quite spacious, then if the family is small but likes to receive guests, you can increase the living room area on the lower floor by eliminating the bedroom there.

For the same purpose, you can make a wider terrace at the entrance to the house, which will also give more space to accommodate guests.

Modern country house with a loft style: 6 photos

The area of ​​the house in the photo is a little more than 37 sq.m., the house has a living room, a kitchen-dining room, a bathroom and 2 bedrooms.
Looking at the photos of the interior, it's hard to believe that all this fit into this tiny space.

Thanks to the large number of windows and light, the house does not seem small from the inside. On the contrary, it creates a feeling of spaciousness and comfort at the same time.

Behind the kitchen are the bathroom and bedroom. The space under the stairs to the attic is used as a storage room.

The small bedroom downstairs seems bright and cozy due to the large windows.

In the attic there is a fairly spacious children's bedroom.

Country house with a bright interior: 3 photos

And this lovely house, surrounded by greenery, was built by a married couple with their own hands. They did absolutely all the work themselves (including making furniture!), and it took them six years to build this house!

The interior of the house is filled with retro features and bright colors.

As well as original design solutions.

Original hut house: 4 photos

This cute country house captivates with its atmosphere: wood is everywhere in it, and this creates unique charm. But admit it, you are one of those who looks at such houses and sighs: “Yes, it’s original, but in such a house it’s difficult to properly place everything...”

Let's see its interior, how everything is conveniently placed in this small space. The stairs lead to a cozy bedroom.

And on the ground floor there is a neat compact kitchen, living room and surprisingly spacious bathroom.

The kitchen has access to the terrace at the back of the house.

But the main thing in this house is the spirit of privacy and quiet life.

Practical country house 25 sq.m.

Beautiful and functional - no extravagance. It is not difficult to imagine such a house standing in the most ordinary village or on a summer cottage.

The same can be said about the interior.

The house has everything you need, while its area is only 25 square meters.

Country house from a construction trailer.

It turns out that a construction trailer can be turned into a stunning open-plan holiday home.

At the same time, the space inside such a structure cannot be called cramped.

Inside there is absolutely everything for comfortable life right down to the shower and toilet.

Unusual country house in the form of a castle.

This house rightfully bears the proud name of a miniature castle. Being located quite high in the mountains, it amazes not only with its design, but also with its picturesque views.

Despite its modest size, there was room for everything inside, including a bedroom, modern kitchen, fireplace and - of course! - rocking chair.

Country house made from old windows.

We replace everything with new ones, while throwing away many old windows of varying degrees of wear. The owner of this house is in the process of installing windows, and she has always been tormented by the desire to find a use for the still quite good old windows. This is how this one was built country house.

Various cozy little things give this house a special charm: an iron bed, old paintings. Huge windows let in a sea of ​​light, so it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to sleep until twelve in such a bedroom!

Country house with a sleeping attic: 9 photos

This country house with an area of ​​31.2 sq.m. is made from used materials: wood and roofing iron, while at the same time, for safety reasons, the electrical wiring and plumbing in the house are completely new.

Downstairs, the open-plan kitchen is connected to the living room. This small room is quite comfortable for relaxation and contains a sofa and an armchair. In addition, on kitchen island There is a folding dining table on the back wall.

It is also possible to place a dining area on covered veranda from the back of the house.

The bathroom is located behind the kitchen and is equipped with a toilet, sink and shower.

As you can see from the plan, there is a storage room next to the bathroom, and the cottage has sleeping lofts at both ends of the house.

On the one side sleeping area located above the bathroom. The upward staircase is successfully combined with the kitchen shelving.

At night the house is lit with candles, oil lamps and electricity accumulated from solar panels during the day.

Country house in the trunk of an old spruce.

But first place in terms of originality must be given to this incredible structure. It is so small that it is very difficult to call it home. But the story of its creation is truly fantastic! The fact is that this house is carved by hand from the trunk of a giant spruce. All this enormous work was done alone by the artist Noel Wotten. It took him 22 years.

So if you dream of a small cozy country house, then know: your dream can come true!

Many of our clients are interested in where the definition of “Guest house” or “sauna house made of rounded logs” came from. The answer is simple - these options make it possible to combine a bathhouse and a wooden residential building during the construction process. This type of housing is economical and at the same time very convenient. There is no need to run through what is likely to be a cold street after taking a bath. Bath procedures can be conveniently combined with a stay in a guest house, where everything is provided for the most comfortable time.

The guest house often serves as a place for active recreation for the owners: table tennis, billiards, a variety of exercise equipment - all this is perfectly located here, freeing the owners from the need to construct additional premises in the main house and installation of sound insulation. The terrace can be used as a barbecue area. A good addition to this structure would be an attached winter Garden or swimming pool.

If there are adult children in the family, then they will certainly take the opportunity to invite their noisy friends for relaxation, who, if available, guest house, will not interfere with you at all, and at the same time will be under your control. Accordingly, you will always have the opportunity to receive large quantity guests or relatives without having to worry about where to place them.

Recently, owners of country houses land plots in Moscow they are increasingly moving away from the traditional scheme of constructing houses and bathhouses made of concrete, giving preference to natural wood building materials. After all, it is wooden houses provide an opportunity to fully experience your closeness to nature.

The main advantage of the building country house for guests or a bathhouse is that wood is a living material, with its own energy. People living in wooden houses, have much more good health, peace of mind and a charge of life optimism.

The second important advantage of using wood as a building material is the saving factor. When erecting a wooden structure, there is no need to install a heavy and expensive foundation; the process of finishing the walls will also not affect your financial capabilities. Under equal conditions, construction will cost you ~1.5 times cheaper than brick or concrete. Well, the undoubted advantage of a wooden house is its aesthetically beautiful appearance. Log buildings are of extraordinary beauty and harmonize perfectly with stone houses. Warm, beautiful, cozy and durable - such a house will forever remain a favorite vacation spot for you and your family.

Most often, a small guest house or bathhouse is built on an already built-up site, taking into account the buildings present on it. Therefore it follows with special attention approach its placement. Since a wooden building has increased level fire hazards, the best option its construction will be at a distance of at least 10. from the nearest neighboring building. The bathhouse should be located so that during the winter months its entrance is not covered with snow.

Our specialists will listen and take into account all your individual wishes, and engineers will first carefully examine the proposed development area and prepare project documentation, after which it will be possible to begin the construction process directly.

Features of the guest bath house

The classic version of the Russian bathhouse is a structure made of logs or, which is insulated with linen or jute felt. Alternatively, you can use the method. This method is the most economical and has a wide variety interior decoration, and the appearance of the room can be made in a variety of architectural style. Under construction log house We use only the highest quality material from northern coniferous forests: pine, larch, spruce. In the best way Joining logs for a bathhouse is considered to be cutting “in the cloud”. Thus, the log house is given maximum stability and heat conservation.

Beautiful guest house projects: photos, catalog

Often, in parallel with the construction of the main house, additional buildings begin to appear on the site, the purposes of which are varied. This can be not only the obligatory garage, barn, but also mini cottages, small house projects presented in this section. The presence of these buildings on the site is dictated by the desire to diversify your life or comfortably accommodate guests in it, while maintaining your usual course of life.

Economy private house projects from the Z500 company are characterized by a comfortable layout and pleasant design.

Layout of guest house projects: options and their advantages

The catalog of economy class house projects Z500 offers a wide variety of layouts. Guest house plans can vary depending on what the owners expect from them.

  • Guest house projects are often combined with summer kitchen- a separate room in which in the summer you can not only relax in the best possible way, cook food, but also fry barbecue.
  • The layout of guest houses can be developed for the purpose of temporary accommodation of owners during the construction of the main cottage. After the move, the guest house will be used for its intended purpose - for receiving guests or accommodating parents.
  • Often, a guest house and a bathhouse, the projects of which we implement at average market prices and have collected in our catalog, can be located on the site in close proximity. If necessary, using a custom design service, it is possible to provide for their complete combination.
  • The project of a guest house with a swimming pool, a summer kitchen or a terrace will give additional space for quality relaxation and have a nice rest with family and friends.
  • Project of a guest house with a garage or solid fuel boiler room, providing backup source energy and generating heat for the entire site will become an indispensable solution.

Projects of small houses Z500

Guest house projects, photos, videos, diagrams, sketches and drawings of which can be viewed in this section, despite the inability to initially calculate the total cost of turnkey construction, have gained great popularity (including in 2018) among those who have private country cottages. Economy guest house projects can improve the comfort of living outside the city.

The design of the guest house will depend on the needs, views and resources of the developer. These can also be compact guest rooms one-story houses, the area of ​​which does not exceed 40-50 m2 (the project of a small guest house is suitable for compact plot). Wherein budget plan home may be distinguished by the absence of a bathroom and kitchen. Or will it be projects of guest houses with barbecue, representing a full-fledged two-story cottage With double fireplace, spacious premises and several bedrooms that can have original design guest house projects.

When deciding to buy from our company finished projects garden houses or order individual plans guest house projects, the client can expect to receive detailed design documentation, which includes 5 sections: an engineering section consisting of three sections (heating and ventilation, water supply, electricity), a structural section and an architectural section. Engineering project sections are purchased at an additional cost.
We have posted an example of project documentation.

All individual and standard projects mini houses are protected by copyright, which guarantees the legal security of developers during the construction of residential buildings according to projects of the Z500 company. A certificate that confirms that our company is the official representative of the international architectural bureau Z500 Ltd."

We offer for viewing this section of the catalog, which contains economical house designs. We wish you to find and successfully implement on your site a small house project that suits you!

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