How to fertilize hibiscus so that it blooms. All about caring for Chinese hibiscus

landscaping 31.05.2019

Hibiscus, otherwise called Chinese rose, popular ornamental plant with beautiful vibrant colors. On the this moment Many varieties have been bred that take root well at home and grow well. Hibiscus, room care at home, which is produced according to all the rules, will delight the owners of the house with its flowering for a long time. So, what should be the care of indoor hibiscus at home?

Who first decided to call the Chinese rose that way is not known for certain. Since ancient times, there have been various signs relating to plants. Some superstitions promise good luck, others are not so optimistic. So why is hibiscus called the flower of death? However, this is not the only plant that has fallen into such an unfortunate list, except for the Chinese rose, ivy, calla are considered deadly, and according to popular beliefs, all these plants bring death to the house.

Hibiscus has different meanings. If the plant suddenly blooms, this is a sign of the imminent death of one of the household members. Dropping leaves promises severe illness and troubles. Probably, once such coincidences really happened, because of which the flower gained notoriety. However, in Soviet and current years, this is a very popular plant in city apartments, behind which no ominous manifestations have been noticed.
Can you keep hibiscus at home? Absolutely yes. Flowers, leaves and fruits of hibiscus are not poisonous, which means that superstitions have no convincing basis.

Optimal temperature

How to care for hibiscus? The Chinese rose loves warmth, so for its comfortable existence it is necessary to maintain a temperature not lower than 18 and not higher than 22 degrees Celsius. However, hibiscus blooms in a cool period at + 15º C. Therefore, after the summer months, it is better to take the flower to a cooler place without bright sunlight. In summer, a pot with a plant can be kept on a veranda in the garden or on the balcony of a city apartment. Chinese rose love Fresh air, but it should be protected from drafts.

What lighting to choose

Hibiscus loves not only warmth, but also the bright sun. For this reason, it should be kept in the southern rooms. If it is too hot, the plant should be removed from the windowsill away from the glass or covered to protect it from the sun. Alternatively, flowers can be placed on a table by the window, where there is enough light, but Sun rays are no longer so aggressive and will not damage the delicate hibiscus petals.

The lack of light is one of the reasons why hibiscus leaves turn yellow and fall off, and in some cases buds. What to do in such a situation? It is enough to provide the plant with access to good lighting.

How to water

Hibiscus requires timely watering, apart from constant spraying. Without enough moisture, it can dry out. You need to water the flower with water only at room temperature; before watering, the water should settle in glass container with a wide mouth. If the apartment is too hot, moisture will quickly evaporate from the ground. To prevent this from happening, you need to use devices to reduce evaporation or cover the ground with ordinary moss.

In order for the leaves to be green and healthy, they need to be sprayed regularly and the air in the room must be kept sufficiently humid. To do this, you can use humidifiers or simply put water containers on the batteries. When spraying the leaves, you can not touch the flowers, they must remain dry. Periodically, the plant needs to be washed in the bathroom, washing away dust and dirt from the leaves. To prevent water from leaking into the pot, cover it with a plastic bag.

If the leaves turn black, this is a sign of excess water. To save the plant, it must be taken out of the pot along with an earthen clod and put to dry for 12 hours. Then it is worth cutting off the rotten roots and transplanting the flower into fresh soil.

Difficulties in Growing Hibiscus

hibiscus is enough unpretentious plant, so even if you make a mistake somewhere when leaving, it can be quickly corrected. Those who have only recently acquired a Chinese rose often wonder why the leaves of the hibiscus turn yellow, begin to dry out or fall off. This problem is easy to fix frequent spraying as soon as you notice that the leaves have become sluggish. In addition, the plant itself sheds leaves after flowering - this is completely normal.

If the flower is withered, this may be a sign of too cold ground. From hypothermia, the leaves may also turn black. The plant must be returned to a warm place and do not forget about abundant watering. If everything is done in time, hibiscus can still be reanimated.

Why do hibiscus leaves turn yellow and fall off? Such a problem may indicate poorly filtered water. If the leaves are not only yellow, but also with brown edges, this means that there is little nitrogen in the ground. When temperatures and humidity fluctuate dramatically, a stressed plant sheds both leaves and buds. However, then it is restored and grows new leaves.

How to plant Angel Wings

Pests and diseases

Hibiscus Chinese, like any other indoor plant, faces various diseases and pests. If the care of hibiscus at home is timely, it helps to avoid trouble. However, even when good care, mites, aphids or some diseases may appear, which can be a headache for beginner gardeners.

Spider mites

All dry flowers and leaves must be removed in time. If preventive measures were unsuccessful, in order to get rid of the tick, more frequent watering and spraying is needed. In this case, the pot of the plant must be completely covered with polyethylene so that the moisture does not evaporate. Spider mites die in too humid conditions.


In a small amount, aphids are not dangerous, but if there is too much of it, the leaves will begin to turn yellow, curl up into a tube and fall off sooner or later. The plant itself will be sluggish in appearance and stop blooming. If there are too many aphids, sticky secretions of these insects will be visible on the leaves.
While there are few aphids, the leaves can simply be washed with soapy water. If the insects have already settled down on the Chinese rose, only spraying will help here. by special means. After using chemicals, the plant will need more thorough care until it is fully restored.

leaf chlorosis

This disease is typical for hibiscus. Chlorosis is due to improper care behind a flower. Signs of the disease:

  • change in the shape of the leaves;
  • the appearance of brown spots;
  • dry petals;
  • buds do not bloom and fall off.

Chlorosis indicates deficiencies in useful trace elements - manganese, potassium, zinc, etc. The plant can be saved by transplanting it into fresh and well-fertilized soil. In addition, daily spraying is necessary. If the disease has begun recently, it is enough just to fertilize the soil.

Indoor hibiscus is not capricious in care, and therefore grow beautiful flowers suitable for both experienced flower growers and beginners. Large bright flowers will decorate the room and will please the eye for a long time. Such a flower can become not only an interior decoration, but also a good gift relatives or friends.

Hibiscus indoor or second name Chinese rose, quite famous among all flower growers indoor flower with lush inflorescences. The hibiscus flower is respected by the inhabitants of the islands in pacific ocean. For the girls of this island, the hibiscus flower is a bright decoration in the hair.

General information about Chinese rose

In Malaysia, hibiscus petals represent the precepts of Islam. And in India, they believe that hibiscus protects the house from bad wishes and accompanies success in work and helps to cope with depression.

Its scientific name is hibiscus syriac . His native places are Asia Minor, he belongs to the mallow family. Hibiscus grows in good conditions almost three meters in height.

The trunk of the plant is smooth to the touch, the color of the bark is grayish. The leaves are quite large, trefoil-shaped.

Hibiscus home is only one species with large scarlet inflorescences.

Hibiscus room care at home

Indoor hibiscus care is not difficult, and having done everything right, he will thank you for the attention paid to him. abundant flowering and active growth.

Houseplant hibiscus is a heat-loving flower and develops well at temperatures from 19 to 23 degrees. Not adhering to the temperature, indoor hibiscus will refuse to bloom.

Chinese rose, when cared for at home, loves humidified air, more suitable for natural conditions. Therefore, it is better to keep the humidity for hibiscus at least 60%. Hibiscus must be constantly sprayed.

Fertilizer for indoor hibiscus

During active development, hibiscus needs a lot of nutritional supplements. For lush flowering, he needs universal fertilizers with the addition of nitrogen and potassium. Fertilize should be once a week, and do it in the evening, watering the flower in advance.

When the plant ceases to develop strongly and slows down its growth, it is necessary to reduce the frequency of fertilization. It should be borne in mind that hibiscus do not need to be fertilized during the dormant period and after transplantation, only after a few months.

How to transplant hibiscus at home

A young growing plant needs repotting every year, and the older the plant, it will be enough to simply repot as needed or change the soil, once every three years.

A transplant is necessary only if root system, filled the whole pot. In large bulky plants, only upper part soil.

The soil for transplanting can be purchased universal for indoor flowering plants, or prepared independently. To do this, mix part garden soil, soddy and a little humus and do not forget about good drainage, it is a prevention from rotting of the root system.

The capacity is selected not much more than the previous one, otherwise the plant will go to the root and refuse to bloom. For a while. When transplanting the soil from the root system, it is not necessary to knock down the entire one, only if the roots of the plant rot, then you need to cut them.

Some types and varieties of hibiscus are grown in gardens, information about them, planting and care in open field, reproduction and pruning can be found here.

Hibiscus from seeds at home

In hibiscus, reproduction occurs from seeds. After the bud blooms, seeds form in its place. Soak the seeds in a container with a growth stimulator for 12 hours. After they are washed with a light solution of potassium permanganate.

Next, wrap the seeds in a piece wet tissue, and placed in a plastic bag and left in a warm place so that the seeds begin to germinate. But it is necessary to periodically moisten them with a little water and ventilate them so that they do not sag.

When the seeds hatch, they are sown in the soil to obtain a seedling. Doing everything right, propagating hibiscus seeds will be a pleasure for you.

Reproduction of indoor hibiscus in this way will bloom only in the third year. After germination and the appearance of three leaves, the seedlings are planted in pots.

In hibiscus, reproduction at home also occurs with the help of cuttings.

How to grow hibiscus from cuttings

Growing a Chinese rose at home, it is necessary in February to cut off a couple of cuttings from a large adult flower and plant them in prepared moist soil, covering with ordinary glass jar. Under such conditions, the plant must be kept until it takes root, about a month and a half with a temperature of about 23 degrees.

Also, cut cuttings can be left in some water until the roots appear, and then planted in a container with prepared soil.

pruning hibiscus

Pruning indoor hibiscus is what you would like to get a lush decomposed bush or tree. In hibiscus, pruning occurs in the spring, until the plant begins to actively develop or in autumn period after flowering.

In hibiscus, pruning forms branching. If you cut the hibiscus at the wrong time, it will not bloom. Use scissors to cut branches. It is necessary to cut dry branches and stiff stems that are opposite the main branches. Trim your plant so that it blends harmoniously into your home.

Hibiscus diseases and pests

The main cause of plant diseases is dry air, insufficient watering and draft.

At elevated temperature In the air, the buds begin to fall off the hibiscus, and if the temperature is below the set level, the buds do not appear at all.

Sometimes the plant is affected by aphids, for this it is necessary to process chemical preparation to fight aphids.

Another pest is a spider mite, it appears from dry air. To avoid this, spray the plant on time. And you can destroy the tick by washing the leaves with soapy water.

Why do indoor hibiscus leaves turn yellow - the reason why hibiscus leaves turn yellow may be an excess of chlorine in the water for irrigation.

Therefore, in order to avoid this, water should be defended for several days. Also, because of these factors, hibiscus leaves can curl.

If the leaves begin to turn yellow, then the plant must be fed with fertilizer with the addition of magnesium.

Why is the hibiscus not blooming? - during the formation of buds, the temperature in the room should not exceed 15 degrees, the lighting should be diffused, watering should be reduced. Following these rules, the plant will bloom profusely.

Hibiscus (Syrian rose) - perennial flowering shrub. Leaves petiolate, incised. In most species, the flowers are quite large, graceful, with bright corollas, outwardly similar to mallow flowers.

For a more fruitful flowering of hibiscus, the flower needs a large number of sunlight.

The hibiscus bush lives for over 20 years. Besides, given plant lends itself well to molding: to increase the branching, at the end of winter, you need to cut the stems of the plant.

In nature, there are about 200 varieties of hibiscus, but almost all of these plants are tropical, and in our climate, most simply will not survive. So, the Syrian hibiscus grows successfully in temperate climate. Of course, only if the flower is sheltered for the winter (in the likeness of roses). If the flower is planted in areas with not very severe winters, then you can give a 100% guarantee that it will quickly take root and delight with magnificent flowering every summer.

Garden hibiscus: location

To prevent aphids from starting in the hibiscus, you can plant lavender nearby, but only if climatic conditions allow.

The most important condition for growing Syrian garden roses is a lot of sunlight. Only under normal lighting can be achieved good flowering hibiscus. In order not to choose a place, you can simply plant it among roses: these plants blend very well with each other. Usually varieties of Syrian hibiscus are compact and undersized (1-1.5 m), so it fits well into any rose garden. But as a separate plant, it is also very good.

If the climate allows, then you need to plant lavender bushes nearby. This neighborhood is not only beautiful, but also useful: the aroma of lavender can drive away the worst enemy of all hibiscus and roses - aphids. It should be noted that non-double varieties of hibiscus are more frost-resistant than terry ones, so this fact must be taken into account when choosing a plant.

To protect the hibiscus from aphids, it can also be sprayed with water and ordinary cigarette ash.

To do this, you need to take an ashtray with cigarette butts, fill it with water and leave for 2-3 minutes, then strain and treat the plant with the resulting water. Such water will not harm the hibiscus, and the aphids simply cannot stand it.

The soil for garden hibiscus should be permeable and fertile enough. Otherwise, the hibiscus simply won't produce color.

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Feeding and watering garden hibiscus

For hibiscus, it is best to use fertilizers that contain phosphorus.

In intensive watering given flower does not need to be watered moderately, as the soil dries out. But keep in mind that in most regions the temperature in summer is almost tropical, so watering can even be a daily procedure. In order for the Syrian rose to bloom profusely (blooming lasts from the beginning of summer until the autumn cold), it is advisable to feed it with phosphorus-containing fertilizers from time to time (about once every 2 weeks). In order for the plant to endure the winter more easily, at the beginning of autumn you need to feed it a couple of times with fertilizer with potassium.

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Reproduction and planting of a garden Syrian rose

For breeding and planting hibiscus you will need:

  • hibiscus seeds or cuttings;
  • fertile soil;
  • peat;
  • glass bowl (jar);
  • pot for rooting a flower.

Of course, the flower is planted in the spring. Seeds should be sown from January to March. Before planting, the seeds are soaked in epin for 12 hours, and then sown in a mixture of sand and peat. The bowl must be covered with glass, and it must be kept at a temperature not lower than + 25 ° C and not higher than + 27 ° C. The use of bottom heating or a mini-greenhouse contributes to good seed germination. Periodically, the earth needs to be sprayed, and the bowl should be ventilated. When the seedlings have a few leaves, they need to dive into small pots. Seedlings will begin to bear fruit in 3-4 years.

Hibiscus is easy to propagate using cuttings that need to be cut in June-August with 2-3 internodes from the tops of the young growth. Sections must be treated with growth stimulants. Cuttings usually take root in about 1 month in indoor greenhouses with soil heated to + 25 ° C (pure sand or a mixture of peat and sand), or in pots that are covered with a glass bowl, or in plain water. If the stalk has taken root in the water, then after they appear, the plant is planted in 10-centimeter pots with soil, everything is watered with warm water.

The soil for planting can be taken directly in the garden, but it will need to be rubbed with peat. A rooted cutting can be planted directly into the ground, but at the same time, the warming of the flower must be appropriate.

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Pruning a Syrian rose

Garden hibiscus forms flower buds immediately on young shoots. Therefore, the more such shoots there are, the more flowers will appear. Their growth is facilitated by pruning the plant. It is often recommended that garden hibiscus should be pruned every 3-4 years. But this statement is not true. The plant tolerates pruning very well and nothing terrible can happen from it, except for good. It is best to prune hibiscus every year at the end of winter, before the plant begins to actively grow. In addition to the fact that pruning perfectly stimulates the growth of shoots, it can be used to give the bush more decorative look. In the south, where garden hibiscus can be found absolutely everywhere, you can see flowering balls, pyramids, cubes that adorn the flowers of this plant. Due to this feature and compactness of the plant, it can be grown not only in the country or flower garden. Syrian hibiscus if desired, you can plant on the terrace or in a pot on the balcony.

Despite its unearthly beauty, Chinese hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-chinensis) very easy to maintain. But, like any plant, it has features that must be considered when growing it.

Buying plants. Sufficiently strong and interesting varieties of "Dutch hibiscus" can be bought in our flower shops when the sales season starts in Holland, from the beginning of April to September. IN winter period insufficiently stable specimens arrive. "Florida" varieties can only be purchased from amateur flower growers.

Priming. Hibiscus needs moisture and breathable soil. Ready-made purchased peat-based soils are not entirely suitable for the successful cultivation of hibiscus. It is good to add leaf humus to these substrates, it structures the soil, makes it moisture-intensive. The addition of sand, sod land will have a good effect. The soil should be slightly acidic, pH 6.8. At other pH values, hibiscus will not be able to absorb the necessary nutrients from the substrate.

Illumination, temperature. Hibiscus prefers south-facing windows; it can grow on window sills where many other flowers simply burn out. It can be a southeast, south, southwest window. It will not be possible to achieve stable long-term flowering on the windows of the north orientation, since for flowering the hibiscus needs to be in direct sun 4-6 hours a day. This plant came to us from the tropics, so it does not have a dormant period due to nature and is ready to bloom as long as there is enough light and the temperature is right, even though all year round. Comfortable temperature for Hibiscus Rosa-sinensis ranges from +24 to +30 degrees. At higher temperatures, buds may fall off. On especially hot days, you need to shade the hibiscus a little from the direct sun.

It is also necessary to protect the hibiscus roots from overheating, especially if it is planted in a dark plastic pot. The temperature at which hibiscus stops blooming is +15 degrees, at temperatures below +10 degrees the roots stop absorbing water, as a result, even with a wet clod of earth, hibiscus leaves droop. The critical temperature is +7 degrees.

Some varieties of Chinese hibiscus, especially those with brown hues, need a little less light.

Watering. During its active growing season, which lasts as long as there is light and heat, hibiscus require a lot of moisture and love abundant watering, especially on hot days. This plant is not adapted to store water in its parts, so the lack of moisture immediately causes a decrease in turgor, hibiscus can lose all the leaves. If the drying is prolonged, then the death of the plant occurs.

However, the overflow of the plant should not be allowed, with stagnant moisture, the roots of the hibiscus are affected by fungal diseases and rot, in addition, oxygen ceases to flow to the roots, which is very important for the plant. It is necessary to water abundantly, but do not allow the presence of water in the pan - hibiscus does not like "wet feet". It is recommended to water the hibiscus early in the morning so that the plant dries out during the day. On winter days, when there is little light and it becomes cool on the windowsill, the hibiscus falls into a forced sleep. The need for water drops, it is necessary to reduce watering so that the roots do not rot. If for some reason the hibiscus has lost all or a lot of leaves, then its transpiration is greatly reduced, watering also needs to be reduced, and the clod of earth should be kept slightly moist.

Top dressing. Hibiscus at the stage of intensive growth needs regular feeding with complex fertilizers. However, fertilizers for flowering plants are not suitable for him. It has been observed that G. sinensis needs much lower doses of phosphorus than others. flowering plants, an excess of phosphorus adversely affects the quality of flowering, its abundance and causes poisoning of the plant. In this case, the potassium content should be high. Optimal formula: NPK=9-3-13; 10-4-12; 12-4-18 (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium). Therefore, the standard fertilizer for flowering plants with the formula NPK=16-20-27 from POCON, NPK=15-21-25 from Agricola, NPK=3.8-7.6-7.5 from Etisso and others are not suitable for hibiscus . Composition closest to optimal formula turned out to be a universal fertilizer for potted plants firms POCON with NPK=7-3-7.

In addition to the main nutrients, hibiscus needs magnesium, it is the core of the chlorophyll molecule. With a lack of magnesium, chlorosis occurs, while the leaf turns yellow between the veins, which remain green, sometimes dark spots appear on the leaves. Epsom salts can be used to compensate for magnesium deficiency, but it is better to purchase magnesium in a chelated form (Siliplant), you can use Greenwold fertilizer for conifers with N - 3%, K - 2%, MgO - 5%, this will also serve as an additional source of N and K.

Top dressing should be carried out on non-hot days, early in the morning or in the evening after sunset, and only on a previously spilled clod of earth. You can feed once a week, but it is better to fertilize more often, but in proportionally reduced doses.

Hibiscus responds well to foliar feeding. For them, it is necessary to dilute the fertilizer 10 times the weekly dose for top dressing at the root and sprinkle the leaves in the morning or evening. With a decrease in the rate of vegetation, along with watering, the dose of fertilizers should also be reduced, with complete rest, top dressing should be completely canceled. You can not feed a recently transplanted plant.

Transfer. Young plants are transplanted once a year, older plants - once every few years. Before transplanting, you need to make sure that it is necessary. The clod of earth must be completely braided with roots. After transplanting, it is recommended to water from the pan for some time so that the young roots look for water and begin to germinate into the new substrate. As for plants from Holland, I recommend repotting them immediately after purchase, using the method of careful transshipment, without damaging the earth coma. It is better to take a slightly larger pot than is usually recommended. This need is due to the fact that Dutch hibiscus are strongly stimulated to bloom. This inhibits their normal development and growth, increases vulnerability to spider mites. It is necessary to dilute these stimulants a little, so the whole season for such hibiscus top dressing is not required.

Pest control. At proper care hibiscus is not very susceptible various diseases and pests. However, Chinese G. can be attacked by aphids, whiteflies, thrips, and spider mites. It is completely possible to cure a tick only by adjusting the conditions of detention, in some cases transplanting in time. To combat insects, hibiscus growers do not recommend the use of oil-based preparations, they are very poorly tolerated by hibiscus leaves. It is better to take water-soluble preparations, such as Aktara.

Pruning, shaping. Hibiscus over the summer grows strongly, while it blooms only on the tops of the shoots. To get a real rose bush» It is necessary to form a plant in time. Pruning can be done in the fall, after flowering has ended, and cut branches can be tried to root. Or in the spring, until mid-February, until the plant starts growing. Later pruning is not recommended, as the hibiscus blooms on shoots older than three months. Pruned in May, you can not wait for flowering at all in the summer.

To pruning, even cardinal, hibiscus is calm. From the remaining buds, side branches will start to grow, which will give lush bloom in the new season.

Reproduction. Vegetative propagation methods are used to preserve the variety. Cuttings are suitable for "Dutch" varieties. "Florida" varieties are considered more capricious and the grafting method is more often used for their reproduction. Seed propagation is used to breed new varieties.

Photo: Natalia Semenova, Rita Brilliantova

Hibiscus or Chinese rose (Hibiscus rosa-chinensis), a common indoor plant with large, beautiful funnel-shaped flowers. Lots of ornamental varieties with different colors will perfectly take root in the home. If you follow simple rules care for hibiscus, then the rose will begin to bloom pretty soon.

Necessary conditions for keeping a hibiscus or how to care for a flower, description and photo ... A flower with the beautiful name "Hibiscus", in addition to beauty, will thank for the care and attention, effectively purify the air and have a beneficial effect on indoor flowers growing next to him!

Hibiscus flowers of all colors of the rainbow, emerald leaves, bright color. But here the flower pleases us only for one day and, having opened, fades, falls ... The buds appear in turn, replacing each other and several pieces at once. If you care for and love hibiscus, then you can admire flowering all year round!!!

Blooming hibiscus increases the number of days, depending on the variety and the density of the petals. It has been noticed that in cool weather the buds will last longer, in the heat of the day and no more!

The basics of care and maintenance of hibiscus ...

- Temperature regime.

Hibiscus belongs to heat-loving plants and feels very comfortable at temperatures from 18 to 22 ° C, but it blooms well and for a long time mainly at 14-15 ° C. Therefore, if it is possible, after a hot summer, to put a bush in a cooler, but bright room, then it will not be slow to respond to this with its flowering. On the summer period it is very good to take the hibiscus to the fresh air, ideally to the veranda or balcony, just avoiding drafts.

- Hibiscus lighting.

Prefers the sun's rays from the south side. In the heat, the plant must be moved away from the glass or shaded. The best way- high stand, standing in front of the window. Home hibiscus will instantly react to an insufficient amount of light by “falling leaves” or dropping buds.

- Watering and humidity.

Chinese rosan is very dependent on timely watering and regular spraying. Water for irrigation should certainly be at room temperature, settled, always in an open glass container with a wide neck. If the room is very hot, then you need to prevent the evaporation of moisture from the ground - cover it with fine expanded clay or moss.

The most important thing for rose leaves is constant spraying with a spray bottle or regular operation of a humidifier in the room. Hibiscus flowers should not be sprayed. During the heating period, you can put water containers on hot batteries.

Hibiscus loves to "take a shower" in the bathroom. Thoroughly wash off the dust from the leaves with warm water, just to avoid waterlogging the earthen clod, wrap the pot in a plastic bag and tie it.

How to overcome difficulties in growing hibiscus

Hibiscus is "not capricious" in home care and if you make mistakes, they are easy to fix, the flower will immediately respond to changes. At first, it was very frustrating that the rose was losing leaves. But our long life together has taught me to spray the leaves more often as soon as they look a little wilted. After a long flowering hibiscus sheds old leaves, but at the same time immediately grows new ones.

The yellowed leaves of the Chinese rose indicate that the water for irrigation should be carefully filtered and defended in order to reduce the chlorine content. If there is a brown border on the yellowed leaves, then there is too much nitrogen in the fertilizer, stop feeding the flower for a while.

With a sharp change in the conditions of detention, the hibiscus can completely shed not only the buds, but also the leaves, taking on a depressingly “naked” appearance, but soon new leaves will appear on it.

How to "make" hibiscus bloom?

Many people wonder why it doesn’t bloom and how to properly care for hibiscus ... Everything is simple here! Change the soil to fresh, cut off old branches and place the plant in the sunniest spot. Thus, you will achieve stimulation of young shoots and buds on which flowering will occur.

Only young shoots bloom on hibiscus, so don't be afraid to prune, leaving a few buds. If you do not cut off the old branches a couple of times, then the flowers become smaller, and subsequently disappear altogether.

And one more important point: if it’s hot in your house in summer, and the heating season doesn’t start for a long time in autumn, or the hibiscus is in a cool room, then very soon it will form buds and throw it away beautiful flowers. Conversely, if the hibiscus was too hot in winter, then it is likely that it will begin flowering in the spring.

Another little secret: at the next flower transplant, take a wooden sliver, up to 10 cm long, and insert it into the ground in a pot, at a short distance from the hibiscus trunk. It may not seem serious, but this "grandmother's method" contributes to the fact that the hibiscus blooms for a long time: it blooms every morning new flower, falls off in the evening, the next bud opens the next morning.

We form our flower - pruning hibiscus

The advantage of hibiscus is that when pruning a flower, we choose whether to grow a lush bush or a small tree. She began to grow her Chinese rose on a narrow windowsill, and then, having moved to private house, the rose instantly turned into a sprawling bush in front of the window.

Every spring, the hibiscus undergoes formative pruning - until the plant has started to grow, or in the fall - after flowering has ended. Long shoots are shortened to encourage branching. By cutting the bush too late, for example in May, you can not wait for flowering at all in the summer. At other times, you need to look so that there are no buds on the cut shoots.

For pruning, it is more convenient to use scissors; hibiscus branches are thin for using secateurs. The lignified shoots that grow parallel to the main branches are cut off; it is also necessary to cut off all the dried branches.

To form a bush, each shoot is cut 1/3 above the outward-facing leaf.

When pruning, I form a bush so that it is sprawling, but low, because it "winters" on the second floor, in a room with a low ceiling.

Shape your flower so that it fits comfortably into your interior. Do not be afraid to overdo it, hibiscus, with proper care, grows new shoots very quickly, and the leaves become thicker and larger.

Hibiscus soil, transplant and fertilizer

Usually a flower is sold in a compact form, they are processed there special preparations, which slow down growth, but at home, especially after transplanting into new ground, hibiscus begins to grow actively.

In the spring, simultaneously with pruning, hibiscus are transplanted or transferred to a fresh substrate; young plants annually, adults - as needed. For large specimens, change annually upper layer earth. Transshipment with the preservation of an earthen coma is carried out at any time of the year.

Any nutrient substrate is suitable for transplanting hibiscus. Usually I take two-thirds of the garden soil, but not black soil, I add universal soil for indoor crops. You can add turf or humus soil. Because the Chinese rose needs good watering, then in order to avoid stagnant water, good drainage from expanded clay at the bottom of the pot is necessary.

A pot with each transplant must be taken bigger size, but not much. In a flowerpot that is too large, the rose will start to grow, but will stop blooming. For a large copy, you just need to change the top layer of the earth.

When transplanting, as long as the size of the earthen clod allows, I shake off the old earth from the roots, especially if it is too wet. You can not completely remove the soil from the roots and do not cut the roots themselves if there is no suspicion of their decay.

Top dressing plays an important role in the care of home hibiscus

The new substrate into which the hibiscus has been transplanted already contains a large amount of nutrients, therefore, top dressing after transplantation should be done in a couple of months. I usually transplant my flower in April, feed it from September to March. Hibiscus is suitable for any universal fertilizer for houseplants, with a low nitrogen content, in liquid form or in the form of sticks.

So that the hibiscus leaves shine and the plant does not attack the spider mite, several times a year I spray the rose with infusion onion peel. Preparing an infusion is easy: three-liter jar half pour the husks, tamp, pour boiling water almost to the top, let it brew, strain.

Hibiscus propagation - beauty must be increased

The Chinese rose is propagated by cuttings. You can use the very shoots that remained after pruning, choose the strongest and most stiff.

Put the stalk in water, put two tablets in a container of water activated carbon or add a rooting stimulant. Wait for the appearance of small white roots and plant in a small pot with simple soil.

Be sure to cover the cropped plastic bottle, in which to make several holes for ventilation, this will provide the desired humidity. It is necessary to water frequently so that the plant grows well and quickly. When the cutting begins to produce a lot of new leaves, the mini-greenhouse can be removed.

If you are willing to take some time to monitor the soil moisture in a pot every day, see if the leaves have drooped, spray the beautiful crown of your hibiscus with a spray bottle, then thanks to the care of a home flower, several times a year you will be able to admire its magnificent flowering.

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