Mediterranean style in the interior - tips, rules and design options. Mediterranean style in the interior - Tips, rules and design options Decorative plaster Mediterranean style

Garden technique 29.08.2019
Garden technique

The Mediterranean style is relevant at the present time, since the charm of this region of the planet cannot leave a single person indifferent. The cultures of Italy, Greece, Turkey, Egypt, France, Italy are sources of this direction, which seems generously impregnated with salted water of the sea, filled with fragrant odors, sunlight, juicy greens of exotic plants.

Mediterranean style relevant at present time

The ideas of simplicity, natural, convenience and conciseness are based. Distinguishing ease, natural paints, freshness, practicality and thought, he won popular love, became popular. The advantage of this style is also accessibility. It does not require significant amounts of money. The Mediterranean home interior is unusual and beautiful. And beauty, sophistication and simplicity always attract anyone cultural man. Apartment or house with a Mediterranean color - the dream of many!

The feature of the interior design of the house is airiness. Living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom and even an entrance hall strike with their unusual and splendor! All style details are simple, functional, thought out, available. This makes it look like a classic country.

Fresh color gamut, tone, ornament forms as if reflecting the natural beauty of the Mediterranean. The atmosphere is impregnated with romance of sea travel, saturated sunlight. Specify the tone of Greek and Italian varieties of this direction.

Deciding that the apartment is drawn up in this style, we eliminate the mess in it, make repairs, get rid of the usual things, throw the plan of the upcoming work, we think about which materials you need to prepare, what objects of furniture and accessories to acquire, after some time, to be in the atmosphere The country that was dreaming about in dreams.

So, choose a Mediterranean style for an apartment! Exotic, which is created with your own hands, is simply necessary for those who love to dream!

Gallery: Mediterranean style in the interior (25 photos)

Interior of the Mediterranean Style (video)

Greek style

Beautiful Greece is famous for adherence to the traditions of the past. This is manifested in the modern interior. The features of Greek style are:

  • outstanding structures;
  • use of sculptural plaster;
  • tile use;
  • bold lines.

Greek style is dominated by light cold colors. They create a feeling of freshness, space. This color should be furniture, textiles, other accessories in the interior of the kitchen, bathroom, etc. With cold light tones in the interior of the rooms as if maritime gifted. In addition, these are colors of the State Flag of Greece. A feature is the alternation of shades. Strict compliance with the rules here is not at all. The main thing is sophistication and freshness.

In the interior of the living room there may be black color. It can be a photographic frame, bottles, figurines painted with black window Rama. Attach this style of insertion of warm shades, flowers in vases that can accommodate a bedroom in the Mediterranean style, becoming much more attractive, calmer and easier in perception. They complete the design of the room, enliven it. The bedroom becomes rolling, cozy due to the set of pillows laid out in a certain order on soft furniture. On the walls, a landscape associated with the sea is often depicted. The decorative window as an interior element is also decorated, giving unique design.

The basis of the style is based on the ideas of simplicity, natural, convenience and conciseness

Painted white or blue tiles and so important room As a bathroom, because the bright walls are the basis of Greek design. They are based on unique original national ornaments, which emphasize a certain style in the interior of the bathroom.

Pleasant impression is made in the interior wooden panelspainted in harmony with a general background light tone seems to have absorbed sea salt Mediterranean Sea.

The ceilings are neatly plastered and painted into the usual light color.

Italian style in the kitchen

The kitchen in the Mediterranean key is beautiful if saturated is allocated in its interior. warm colors And their shades, which creates comfort and acts peaceful.

Kitchen design, Mediterranean flavor of which is defined as a dominant, can combine different variants Registration: and brick inserts, and tiles on the floor, and drawings, and mosaic. But it does not create the impression of chaotic jet, and it looks original, even delightfully.

In Italian execution, such elements are often used:

  • wooden and terracotta floors;
  • pottery;
  • leather furniture;
  • red tile.

Winning are: Relief furniture, handmade products.

Popular is popular - original plaster Wall with water, gypsum, lime, small marble particles. The material seems rough, but also a kitchen-living room, plastered in this way, and massive embossed furniture look great!

In Greek style, light cold colors prevail

It looks sophisticated and the room where the walls are used with the overlapping of several layers of paint of various degrees of brightness. Such painting creates the impression of the game shadow and light. The combination of raw wood and flaxseed textiles and panels painted in the traditional shades of the walls in the interior of the housing.

The house is important to the presence of beams. Real elements, visually making room spacious and higher, usually do not color. If the ceilings are stretched, the beams are drawn on them.

Selection of furniture

In matters of the choice of furniture, this direction is distinguished by democraticness. The main thing is to be simple and functional. It assumes the presence of many lockers, storage boxes of unnecessary in this moment Things: After all, the room must always be attended. Decorate the interior of the glass vase and ceramic dishes.

The sea spirit stores spacious wooden chests. In Italian design, furniture objects can be forged products, recreation of marine travel romantics. Elegantly combined wooden tables, wardrobes, chests and skin-covered sofas, armchairs covered with linen bedspreads. It is appropriate to the use of unprocessed coarse wood from which the furniture is mastered. It is also used for the floor, walls, ceilings.

Textiles and lighting

Large windows are darkened by translucent curtains, visiting natural light. The Mediterranean garden should be visible behind them, it has forged chairs, a table decorated with mosaic. Color decoration of curtains is concise, natural fabrics. Instead of curtains you can hang shadowing bright sunlight blinds.

Mediterranean countries are generously illuminated by sunlight. In dark, cloudy days, the dwelling should also be brightly illuminated. The number of light spots, the lamps can be quite large. This allows you even to imitate deeply at night daylight. Not unnecessary will be desktop, wall, LED lamps and chandeliers. All this looks amazingly festive and at the same time naturally.

Mediterranean design (video)

Decor and accessories

Luxurious exotic plants in Kashpo, pots, aesthetically located in different parts of the home can be in unlimited quantities. The feeling of the intimacy of the sea is created by bright panels using sea Rakusheys, pebbles. On the wall shelves Are posted different products With marine subject. Water landscapes are used to design plates, jugs, stucco, paintings.

Refreshing art objects related to the traditions of African peoples, culture of Turkey are originally looking at the original style.

Their unique features Has a Spanish style. Natural materials and fabric are used as finishing the premises. In Spanish housing ceilings are low, massive arches, in the rooms installed strict, archaic design furniture. There is a strong influence of Arab culture, which is especially manifested in the ornament of the decor.

The floor in a Spanish house is usually decorated with mosaic patterns. Color range - white, blue, terracotta shades. One of the decor elements is Mediterranean ceramic tile With the painting resembling Arabic.

The eastern luxury of the design is distinguished by housing in Turkey, and in the north of Africa, this style is organically intertwined with African. In each country, the Mediterranean has its own characteristics. General remains adherence to traditions.

As beautiful and unusual will be a wedding banquet, where the living room in the Mediterranean style is decorated! And in the interior of the bedroom, the hall and even the kitchen will occupy the dominant position of the magnificent Mediterranean motive, which will allow to plunge into the uncharted and get such a pleasure that has never been tested!

One can only imagine how the Wedding in the Mediterranean style and the carnival fill the entire setting of the house, and it seems to be a fabulous ship whose sails are air curtains, it flies towards the future family happiness!

ATTENTION, only today!

Mediterranean style already in his title carries the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe design concept. The sun-flooded sea coast, gentle waves and light breeze, unlimited space and running distance the horizon line, the associations that he causes. This style is a mix of traditional interior solutions inherent in the cultures of the countries of the Mediterranean basin, mainly Greece, Italy and Spain.

Mediterranean style features:

  • ceiling wooden beams derived out, decorate all rooms without exception;
  • abundance of natural stone in decoration and decoration;
  • decoration with mosaic tiles and stained glass windows;
  • high ceilings, wide arched doorways, vaulted ceilings, niches;
  • large windows, divided into many rectangular or square blocks, and good natural lighting;
  • maximum forged inclusions, mainly black, but are also white;
  • light flowing, Roman curtains, bamboo or wooden blinds, shutters;
  • wooden, oak, beech, walnut, nut, pine or wicker from rattan, vines, cane furniture;
  • availability of accessories or objects made using handmade;
  • symmetry;
  • built-in ceiling and furniture spotlights for local illumination;
  • winding, lush molds, comfort, softness;
  • the presence of green plantings and bouquets;
  • ancient Greek forms, such as amphora, are repeated on elements from porcelain and ceramics.

In country houses, a kitchen, a dining room and a living room are not separated by the walls, which makes it even more to fill them with air and light.

Walls and floor

The Mediterranean Style finishes abounds with invoices, prevails the combination of materials. Walls are covered with lime or monochrome matte paint. In the bathroom, kitchen, as well as locally in other rooms used tiles and mosaic. Complex patterns are folded into the colorful panel, passing from the wall to the floor. Fragmented areas with bare brick masonry or imitation add stiffness and britality. Zones, sinks, bed headboard luxuriously look in the frame of natural stone.

Floors do not attract too much attention. Material and method of decorating is saved one for all rooms, which helps to keep the integrity of the situation. In most cases, the selected terracotta tiles are laid out on the floors of the Mediterranean style. Another popular finishing material of this floor is a natural stone, for example, granite, travertine, marble, sandstone. Laminate with imitation of stone coating can also be used as tribute to new technologies, but classic for mediterranean interior Finishing material, this is the same stone in all its manifestations. A tree with a natural texture is applied much less often, as it does not give a coolness, which is desired in the hot climate of the Mediterranean.


The ceilings are painted in white or its shades and decorated with decorative beams. Occasionally, they are made in the form of multi-tiered structures with a stylized ornament.

Large windows are often completed with shutters to protect against direct sunlight or covered with blinds.


Building, durable wooden furniture with a raid of antiquity ascetic and elegant. Smooth lines, volumetric forms, curly fittings make it pleasant. The most highly in the Mediterranean interior must be appreciated. manual labor. Natural furniture colors - white and all its shades, terracotta, brown and black.

To create easier images and use, for example, on terraces, its elements are well suited, woven from rattan or vines.

In the Mediterranean decor, exceptionally natural fabrics are used, such as flax and cotton. The textile row is represented by bedspreads, decorative pillows, embroidered tablecloths decorated with manual embroidery or lace, calm noble shades, without a hint of puff and chic.


Outdoor coatings rarely have a long pile. The most commonly used fine smooth domain mats, monophonic, without obsessive drawings. Cinema or algae mats as it is impossible to emphasize the proximity of the marine theme. Another incomprehensible plus of these flooring is their environmental friendliness.

Curtains on the windows, if present, do not have jewelry and complex designs and hang straight blades from flax, cotton or silk.

The choice of paints is limited to the natural palette, attracting the feeling of calm, relaxation, comfort. Coral, beige, brown smoothly and serenely fall on the inner surfaces of the rooms. Shades of gray resemble the shadows in a hot day and dip in the coolness.

The impression of a living oasis on a hot day cannot be created without the use of exotic colors and plants and the Mediterranean style is no exception. Palm trees, ficuses, citrus trees, Yukki decorate the house both from the inside and outside.

Mediterranean style varieties

The Mediterranean style in each particular country has its own ethnic features relating to the main colors and decorative elements.

Greek style

Greek direction, or Cycladic style, can be found in the presence in the interior of free space, columns, empty arched door openings, rounded shapes, smoothed corners, sea flavor, use in decor natural tree and low compiled furniture. The color palette is represented by a combination of a luxurious emerald, intriguing turquoise, deep blue and gentle blue shades in combination with the main white. Accents serve white-blue or white-pink stripes, pink or red items.

The Greek direction of the Mediterranean style seeks to simplify. Top part The walls are separated relief stucco, giving a slightly rude, grungy, and the bottom - wooden copper panels. Floors are laid out tiles or wooden board. But there are no strict restrictions in the selection of materials.

The color of the walls is most often boiled white, allowing to play contrasts on his background. For example, demonstrate a bright national ornament on kitchen utensilswhich is set on open shelves. Or emphasize the warming, lively shade of the floors from the dark wood boards or traditional stone line.

Furniture from valuable breeds Handmade wood, with carved elements participating in the interior design, emphasizes some identity of this style. One of the style attributes is chairs, wicker from rattan, with reed seats, placed around the dining table or apart.

At the entrance to the house, on the background of stone facades, equipped with an open place to relax. It forms symmetrically arranged pair of wicker from rattan chairs and tables made in a contrast version, with the participation of dark gray and white-white tones. Improvised canopy from overlaps a curly plant, zonizes the space and at the same time absolutely does not interfere with the opening appearance, sunlight and fresh air.

Inside the house, the interiors of different rooms have common elements binding them into a single whole. The walls and ceilings are painted in a smooth shade of white, and the floors are tiled to them in the tone. Disabled wooden beams, faded in the sun, with deep cracks, declare a rich history of the house. Strict symmetry is taken by light negligence. Jugs and vases of ancient forms, bouquets of fresh cut plants, copper candlesticks, objects from transparent glass - Each item is important and thought out, each little thing has its exactly defined place in the overall composition.

The melody of the dining room is multious and dynamic. The deep contrast of black, delightful, surprisingly by the wealth of texture, and a calm white asks the main theme of the interior composition. Gentle cream color curtains, repeated on the lamp lap, and a light tree, like a soft wave incayed to a hot bank, muffled the glow of passions. Cute little things, such as a wicker basket on the floor, live branches in a decanter, bring notes comfort. The mirror opposite the window reflects the sun rays, making the room even more lighted and spacious.

Natural stone texture of one of the walls, made by embossed irregularities, immerses the atmosphere medieval castle. It is supported by slim metal candlesticks and a wave-like form of dresser.

The view from the panoramic window to the landscapes of extraordinary beauty is the first thing that rushes into the eye at the entrance to the living room. The arched form of the opening is emphasized with elegant black strokes. In characteristic of the Mediterranean, the delicate pastel palette is unusually bright seems to be a terracotta table with a wicker texture. It decorates the clay bowl of handmade with thick walls, giving a vanity of originality.

The use of transparent glass in the decor makes the room even lighter, and the situation is easier. Vintage table lamps With a massive stone base on both sides of the fireplace, elected peculiar pillars of the room, which enhanced the whole severity of the interior, personifying the foundation and impeccability.

The kitchen and dining room are connected to one room, which is also characteristic of the Mediterranean style, while the dining area is allocated its central place, and the kitchen is located along the wall. Around a large rectangular table placed chairs on metallic frame. Them unusual form Connected the ease and simplicity of seats, and the massiveness of the metal leg.

Wide windows, lack of mounted lockers and open shelves of the rack create a feeling of air, lightness, freedom. Rhythm Specifies an amazing game of the textures of nude brickwork, slightly rough walls, cracked wooden beams, perfectly even tabletops, smooth porcelain, braided baskets, metal and glass. Despite the almost complete absence of textiles, the picture of the interior does not seem to be unfinished. On the contrary, the fullness is felt, and at the same time freedom of space, as if the personification of life, which gives all the completeness of sensations, but leaving their own independence.

Kitchen-dining room goes onto the terrace where open sky Organized place for meals for 10 people. Fascinating landscape and oxygen-saturated air promise a wonderful appetite and a huge aesthetic pleasure. Bronze candlesticks, glass glasses, woven coasters under hot and rathanags, white jug with live twigs are those elements that include the interior of the terrace into the overall concept of the Mediterranean house.

Above the slope is the second building, where rooms for recreation, sleep and relaxation are located. Contrast accents were shown here on a relaxed background, plant motifs, a bright strip, a variety of textures. Chic pool - finishing touch, turning the villa in the paradise corner on the land of Italy.

Everyone who was engaged in searching the style for her home came up at the Mediterranean style in the interior, watched the photos, admired. But few understand the whole "highlight" of this style. In this article we will try to reveal to solve the secret, reveal the whole essence.

How did the style come about?

Houses in the Mediterranean style in the milk galeworn coast of the wonderful Mediterranean sea, which is located between the two continents: Africa and Eurasia. It consists of the Adriatic, Baleari, Ionian, Aegean, Cyprus, Creto, Libyan, Levancen, Ligurian, Tyrrhenan, Seas, the Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Alboran. The main feature of this area is a wonderful subtropical climate with soft, rainy. in the winter, sufficiently hot, dry summer.

The whole territory, considered the Mediterranean very similar, but the same is different. Greece, Spain, Italy, Algeria, Morocco, France, Turkey, North of Egypt - All these states are territorial, historical generics of an eclectic mixture of simplicity, a height and friendliness called "Mediterranean Style"

Many people think that this style came up with the Greeks or Romans, but this is not quite so. Italy in his time won all these territories, and Greece gave rise to the cultural development of the region. But the nature was most influenced by nature. In all elements of the interior, its influence is felt.

Features and varieties

Mediterranean style is the interior and architecture, sealed, resistant to the sea sun. The feature of the interior is the widespread use of natural materials: ceramics, wood, cotton, forged products - everything is most natural as possible, and sometimes even coarse. In all types of interior, light, gentle tones associated with the sea are dominated by the Sun. If we recall, then we, go on the sea, take a light clothes with you, which is made exclusively from pleasant natural materials, and being pleasant to look at the trees and vegetation there, which give us a feeling of freshness and coolness.

A combination with a simple, coarse architecture in unique houses of the Mediterranean style. Recall the photo where white or beige houses are standing on the seashore, with a natural roof, a wooden door. True, becoming nice to the soul? Everyone agrees that it is simple and tasteful. No readiness, catchy elements. Vacation home It merges with landscape, interior walls with house, walls with furniture, furniture with decor, and decor with a view from the window. The circle closes into some symbiosis, and life acquires meaning.

And if you add national ornaments, then at home in the Mediterranean style becomes special and unique, acquire a charming charm, the national life, traditions contribute.

Consider the characteristic differences between national interior features:

  • Greek style is characterized by maximum use of white, combining with blue or blue. The Greeks give the Mediterranean style notch of antiquity, which is particularly noticeable in tall spaces. Very well suited for the design of the studio apartment, free planning, using the abrasions of the rooms, which are separated only by arches. In addition, it allows you to evenly distribute the cool air all over the room.
  • Italian tastes are characterized by the use of more saturated colors, more warm. Also a distinctive national feature of the interior is a traction to the connection of various natural elements On one interior item or plot. IN italian homes Or apartments often you can find a tree symbiosis with leather or wooden blinds, for example. Also, they use a lot of wood furniture (mostly dark), forging. The Roman Empire added the interior untreated stone, decorative elements of the Roman style.
  • In Spain, in its time, the Arab world had a very strong influence. It also affected the design of the dwellings of Spaniards in the Mediterranean style. It is manifested by ornaments, mosaics on the floor, very often found finely painted ceramic tiles, which is actually Arabic. Spanish style highlight terracotta shades, white, blue colors, less often green, red, which is complemented by a gamma for focusing. The Spaniards have a huge deficit of wood, so it is practically not used. But other natural materials (clay, stone, cloth) is used everywhere. Furniture is simple, strict, and the houses themselves highlight rather low ceilings.
  • The French direction is distinguished by capes, lace napkins and other handicrafts. Also allocated wicker tables, chairs, as well as a wider color palette. In the interior felt French dreaminess and romanticism.
  • A separate group will highlight the Arab direction. This includes Algerian, Moroccan, Turkish, Egyptian national destination. Practically not used in pure form. A distinctive feature is a plurality of pillows on the floor, low sofas, tables. Many national patterns in mosaic, wovers, carved furniture dramatically distinguishes these styles, allow you to be easily recognizable. You can also easily recognize the presence of paintings and frescoes, which are religious.


All paints that are used to design houses in the Mediterranean style, fresh, lungs, are endowed with naturalness. Wide range of colors: from white to deep green or blue. Yellow, golden, beige, pink colors - All of them are used in all colors. It is important to determine the main color of the interior, then go to the colors of the complementary, which will be present on the decor elements.

The main color should be as light as possible, but not bright, the walls are painted. It is best to choose white for this, it does not cause aggression, irritation when making residential premises in it, creates great mood. Beige, light orange, creamy-white, terracotta, brick pistachio, warm-gray, most importantly, so that they look like naturally, looked at easy, as if the material was painted in such a color under the influence of the wind, directly entering the sun's rays. Such colors will allow creating such a cozy atmosphere at home that it does not want to leave. Do not forget that Mediterranean style is primarily simplicity, comfort. You do not need to pick too saturated colors, because it makes element of luxury to a house or apartment, and such dwellings are "pressing" on the psyche of people. And the colors of the interiors are aimed at relaxation and rest.

From the choice of basic color depends on the possible possible palette of the paints. With white perfectly, gray, beige or beige, yellow or pink, beige. White, beige, pink, blue, brown are perfectly suitable for gray. Choosing a green as the primary color, you can pick up a few suitable from: white, beige, brown, gray. The game with the shades of green will bring much benefit to the interior. For example, the cabinet can be painted with olive color, and the bedroom is light green. They will still be combined and harmony. Yellow perfectly fit orange, white, green, gray.

Design and wall design

The Mediterranean Interior Style should be created by itself, because there is simplicity and savings. Classic finishing material For walls is a pukko - a mixture of water, plaster, lime, very small marble particles. The wall turns out rough, but very pleasant to the touch, looks very natural. Again, just, tasteful. Sometimes you can simply roughly round inner or outer corners. It will save time, forces, it will look very stylish.

They are usually painted in white, but the Greeks can add a little paint to the solution, then the wall has a light shade. Light turquoise or light blue is very pleasant for the eye, this technique is especially suitable for the bathroom. By making the wall of the solar-yellow you can fill the room with body and light. Suitable for rooms from the northern side or residents nordic countrieswho want to make repairs in this interior style. Willow pink shades, especially pink, similar to strawberry ice cream, will look harmoniously in the bedroom or living room. Italian Mediterranean makes the texture of the walls more complicated. This is achieved by applying layers of different shades of color or mosaics and frescoes.

It is very important that you immediately need to pick up the colors of the floor, furniture, decor elements.

All efforts can be in vain if you put a wardrobe that has plastic doors or too bright sofa. The color scheme must be thought out in advance, strictly withstand, otherwise instead of pleasant simplicity, you can get a mad-free.

Ceiling and Paul

The ceiling in the Mediterranean style is a certain constant. In all houses, the overlap is made of wood, the beams are carried on the ceiling. But further can be given to the will of fantasy, having wandered him with warm shades or giving him a very kind old woodwhich has a scary color. Such wood has a gray look as if she spent a century under salty sea winds, burning summer sun. It looks very impressive, noble. If you need a built house or apartment to give a Mediterranean look, you can get by cheaper materials, such as plasterboard. The beams visually give the space house or room. Do at least stretch ceilings that mimic wooden beams or planks. Sometimes, of course, in the walnut or Italian direction, make a ceiling of pukko in the same way as the walls. But then you also need to separate the floor, it turns out very interesting.

The floor in the Mediterranean style is desirable to perform from a natural stone, even though it is expensive. Marble is very practical, beautiful material existing in various colors. It can be combined by creating beautiful patterns, mosaic or simply pick up a suitable warm shade and make a monophonic. He will serve many dozen years, and over the years it will acquire very beautiful noble pulp. Greek style use tiles, but it should be bright, textured. If the ceiling and walls are made of pukko, then very an interesting option It will make this mixture and the floor of the same color. Then the room will look like squeezed in stone. The tree is rarely used, choose very light wood or just paint white or beige. But for the terrace, this material is quite suitable. From the budget options, you can choose a laminate or quality linoleumthat have a drawing of a tree or stone. But remember that the color in this case should be perfectly selected, should not rush in the eye.

What should the furniture be performed from?

There is nothing surprising that simplicity, practicality inherent in the interior in general, applies to furniture items. It can be made with their own hands from a solid piece of wood. Such a table or chest will fit into the atmosphere very well. The shade of the tree does not matter, but still most often use a gray-tree tree, which "peared" a sea wave. Here it is already to solve the owner, what should be the subject of furniture: rude or elegant, the tree will definitely rush with the interior.

Very often such objects as a bed, a table or chairs are made by virtuoso blacksmiths. Forged furniture will last for a very long time, withstand heavy loads, will not succumb to the sun's rays. Great with wood, natural light cloth.

Pretty popular among the inhabitants of the Mediterranean Sea of \u200b\u200bRattan furniture. This material, which is dried, then purified Kalamus stems. Braided chairs give the charm and comfort home or veranda. Such furniture is easy, practical, environmentally friendly.

Using textiles

The Mediterranean interior, despite the simplicity, conciseness is very rich in ornaments and textures. It affects the influence of Turkey, Morocco, other Arab and Asian countries. This is especially true of textiles. Only natural fabrics are needed: linen, cotton. In the bedroom you can use cotton lace handmade into bed or embroidery. Morocco makes beautiful gang carpets that will add colors will give a special comfort of the dwelling, and many pillows, scattered by the floor and low sofas Immediately let's understand that tea will soon bring.

Natural fabrics can be covered with soft seats of forged chairs, made of them covered for bed or sofa, tablecloths, towels. All this can be decorated with national motifs, thereby make a house unforgettable for everyone who visited it. Natural fabrics are very practical, also easily erased. Colors are very laconic, simple: white, beige or yellow. By the way, the usual curtains and curtains from the fabric in the interiors are quite rare. Italian or Roman curtains are much more common, but they are also made of natural fabrics. True, in the modern world, preferences are increasingly given blinds from a tree or bamboo.

The role of lighting in the creation of the interior

Sunlight is one of the main concepts, therefore it is not worth saving on the lighting. Classic option - Ceiling spots, beautiful lamps, chandeliers and soffits that hang from wooden beams. They will make the house with warm, hospitable. Choosing lamps, you need to be guided by the size of the room, color gamut Their design, so that they do not bring dissonance into the overall interior. Need to use so lighting devicesso that they were enough to imitate sunlight even at night. It will no less beneficial to watch different walls, floor lamps that can focus light on the subjects of the decor. Accommodation lED tapes All over the ceiling perimeter - another good solution. LEDs have a good lighting capacity when minimum costs Energy.

Accessories and decor: inspiration by nature

It is the decorations and decoration elements that can create a unique atmosphere from a simple house. In the Mediterranean style in the accessories should be reflected something that this style is to be famous - nature. Abundant vegetation can imitate many pots with different houseplants and flowers. The sea is recreated from bright panels, which are made of stones, seashells, other fossils, inhabitants of sea depths. Very characteristic of this style are wide open shelves made of adhesive iron and wood, which costs the bulk of decorative elements. Often in their roles are ceramic plates painted by national, marine, vegetable ornaments.

Of course, the decoration of the rooms can serve objects of art: paintings, figures, jugs. Here you can give will, a little to experiment, mixing the traditions of Greek-Italian with North African or Turkish motifs. Often, a good symbiosis comes out, which looks great, refreshes the southern style, an original complementary design. In the same way, you can paint the staircase to the second floor, laying out vertical part Pattle tiles.

What follows, each step can be laid out different, which will emphasize the variety of style. Windows, for example, can be decorated with shutters that you can paint, paint or just make a thread. The use of ropes in the decor will be a good idea, because the style is directly connected to the sea. They can assign the railing of the stairs or form something.

It is very important that you need to be neat with decoration, know the moderate because you can lose the simplicity that the style is famous.

Simplicity and ease - this is how you can characterize home in the Mediterranean style. The most basic advantage is the low cost of processing premises for stylization. The second advantage is to nature, which gives such simplicity, freshness, comfort. The decision to arrange the house or an apartment in this style will be excellent because it is turning warmth, comfort and ease.

The very name of the Mediterranean style in the interior design suggests that it is characterized by the abundance of sun and air, sea decorative elements and vegetable motives. Initially, the style originated in Greece and Italy, and later became popular in Turkey and Egypt.

Following them, the Mediterranean style has gained wide fame in many European countries. Many draws of stylistics come to in the interior. He also combines the simplicity and sophistication of all the details, as well as practicality and the peaceful comfort of the situation.

Characteristic style features.

To create a harmonious interior design in the Mediterranean style, natural materials are used: natural stone, natural marble and wood. This makes it possible to create bright and eco-friendly.

Most often used solid and high-quality wood from oak and pine. These wood species are highly density and for a long time Services. From the moraine oak and pine make the furniture - most often it is handmade, made in a single copy, and therefore very high quality and unique.

Color gamut style.

The Mediterranean style color palette in each country also has its own characteristics. Temperamental Italians prefer bright and sun shades, among which you can call as:

  • coral;
  • red;
  • pink;
  • cream;
  • mustard color;
  • owl shades;
  • brick - red.

But in the design of the Greek house in the Mediterranean style, a cold color scheme is characterized, in which such colors and shades are most often used:

  • turquoise;
  • blue;
  • emerald - green;

Features of finishing.

Mediterranean style in the interior in each country has its own characteristic features associated with local traditions. So, in Greece, the walls and the ceiling prefer to be painted with white waterfront paint. In this case, the walls are not necessarily aligned to the perfectly smooth state, and often remain uneven. Therefore, the finish makes a feeling rough, but it looks very natural.

On the ceiling, you can often see wooden beams. They are not stained, but only open with transparent varnish, which protects wood from damage and fungal lesions. Such a ceiling finish can be found in many styles - in particular, in and in the design of the house chalet.

For interior italian house Or Apartments Interior decoration has several other features. The walls are separated by materials of different textures, creating separate zones. In the room on the walls, luxurious panels from mosaic tiles can be collapsed. Another option for wall design is or painted on the walls, imitating frescoes.

As outdoor coating Most often used tiles. A special refinement of the room can give the image of scenes from the ancient Greek mythology laid out with a marble mosaic. But in this case it should immediately see that such mosaic paintings are best looking at the floor in the rooms big Square. In small rooms, using a mosaic on the floor, you can lay out stylized Greek ornaments.

Very popular in Mediterranean stylistics are mats, woven from reeds or algae. They are littered on the tile to avoid sliding on its smooth and glossy surface. In addition, entering the atmosphere of ecology and emphasize proximity to nature.

In addition to the tile, a natural tree can also be considered as an outdoor coating. However, its painting should be neutral, not too bright in order not to distract attention.

Bedroom design.

The traditional design of the interior of the bedroom in the Mediterranean style implies the minimum number of objects and decorative elements. The main idea of \u200b\u200bdesign is to leave as much free space, space and indoor space as possible.

From the items of furniture are used only the most necessary - a large comfortable bed, a bedside table near the bed and linen storage cabinet. In Greece, a small server for various souvenirs, statuetters, baubles and cute hearts of things are still located in the bedroom.

Alternatively, the chest can also be located in the bedroom instead of a cabinet, and a small coffee table and comfortable chairs. Also for the design of the bedroom in the Greek version of the Mediterranean style is suitable, or made of genuine pine wood.

Bedroom furniture items have coloring light, gentle, pastel tones. The main shades for furniture can be called the following:

  • white color;
  • milk shade;
  • caramel color;
  • beige color;
  • pearl - gray;
  • cream.

The curtains on the windows are most often made of natural materials - cotton or flax. They have a property to sufficiently shade the room from scoring sunlight, and at the same time they skip a sufficient amount of daylight into the room.

But for the Italian bedroom, the stylistics of the Mediterranean interior will be somewhat different. An elegant bed of ferrous metal, which is beautifully bent legs, and the backs are decorated with beautiful ornaments.

Interior living room.

The design of the living room in the Mediterranean style has its own characteristics. In Greece and Italy, it is in the living room in the evenings the whole family is going to celebrate festive evenings and meetings in friends. Therefore, often the room is connected to the dining room or separated by a light decorative partition.

The required element of the living room in the Mediterranean countries is the table. As a rule, it is located in the central part of the room, and there are soft comfortable sofas around it. In the Greek house, a characteristic element of the interior design of the living room is a wicker furniture. Italian style version is characterized by adhesive furniture with wooden seats.

Besides large number Furniture designed to disperse guests, in the living room there may be a shelf for various trifles and souvenirs, bookshelves From oak wood, as well as low coffee table. At the same time, most of the space of the room should be free.

Bathroom design.

The interior of the bathroom and bathroom in the Mediterranean style also has its own characteristic features. Most often for wall cladding and a ceramic tile is used as an outdoor coating. It is possible to combine two or more colors and shades. Sometimes the finish is performed with a tile of two contrasting colors (for example, terracotta and turquoise).

All plumbing has a wall-mounted fastening type, and communications are hidden. It creates the impression of freedom and space indoors. Furniture in the bathroom is a bit. As a rule, these are closets for toiletries and towels.

Special attention should be paid to the lighting of the bathroom. For this purpose, the built-in most often choose ceiling lamps. With its light scattered light, they illuminate only individual zones - Surprise, sink and bathroom. In all individual zones, a pleasant soft twilight reigns, which does not tire of vision.

Kitchen interier.

The design of the kitchen in the Mediterranean style is hardly the most important task of all the stylistics. Greece and Italy were always famous for their exquisite cooking, so the hostess spend most of their time in the kitchen. So, the room should be spacious and convenient, and each detail should be thought out in its layout.

Mediterranean style in the kitchen interior involves the use of natural oak or pine furniture, stylized under ancient. The kitchen should be made as comfortable as possible, so light wicker furniture is welcome in the setting. For storage of vegetables and fruits, baskets are used from the vine, which also make a definite highlight in the interior design.

Most often, the kitchen room is combined with the dining room. The main element of the dining room is a large dining table, which can accommodate not only family members, but also numerous guests.

All other furniture items must be simple in their design, but with good quality, made from natural wood. In some details, Mediterranean cuisine is suitable for cozy and distinctive, but in the mediterranean style, the whole setting is more elegant and sophisticated.

A separate direction, the Mediterranean style was allocated in the middle of the twentieth century. The incredible beauty of the southern ports conquered the hearts of many people.

Bright flavor of maritime romanticism tried to make an interior of the house. Style has changed over time, and began to have several flows.

It was fashionable to make up the gardens and different rooms (from the kitchen to the bathroom) in the Mediterranean design.

Signs of Mediterranean interior

The design of the Mediterranean is characterized by the main features, but the details may change:

  • A lot of stone finishes or imitation.
  • Elements of romance (needlework, lace and openwork capes).
  • Thin natural fabrics on the curtains.
  • Motion shades, including a lot of blue and green.
  • Wicker furniture, as well as wood, with forged details.
  • Expanded bed linen and other products.
  • Large stained glass windows and mosaic from tile.
  • The abundance of ethnic ornaments and patterns, pictures (photos), vegetable (with fruit) or geometric patterns.
  • Arches, as well as door openings and large-sized windows.
  • Many blooming plants.
  • Spacious indoors, open racks and couch.
  • Paul from a tile or wood in warm red-red tones.
  • The atmosphere is bright and light, no pompousness and pathos.

Many countries have influenced the Mediterranean style in the interior, therefore ethnic elements appeared.

Different streams of style

The Greek interior design in the Mediterranean style is highlighted by large spaces, a lot of arches and smoothed angles, as well as the lack of doors. The main background is white blue.

Wood beams, always white walls made of decorative plaster and blonde floors. Furniture made of natural wood, air curtains, etc.

Effective blue ceiling from beams and blue sofa pillows. Paul pastel tones, and a snow-white bed in the corner of the bedroom can be beautifully closed on both sides with transparent curtains on the rings.

Italian design in the Mediterranean style is expressed in bright warm colors, decor with many details. Each element is of great importance. Furniture wicker or dark wood.

The decoration uses decorative plaster, openwork forging, natural stone without processing. In the interior, you can often find the arches, on the ceiling coarse beams and tile floor.

The Spanish apartment in the Mediterranean style also has a natural stone, clay and natural fabric dishes. Previously, the tree was a big deficit in Spain, so the main feature Spanish flavor - simplicity and comfort. Unusual forging, arches, the bright interior is striking with its paints.

Only walls could be painted with complex ornaments, mosaic. The basic paints of the Spanish direction: blue, white and rich terracotta. As accents used scarlet and greenish shades.

It is suitable for a wall of a mosaic with bright red dishes and the same decor.

The Arab and Turkish motifs of living rooms in the Mediterranean style are not repeated in the exact embodiment. It is more often expressed in the elements: mosaic, low small sofas, numerous multicolored pillows.

Here are characteristic spacious premises For receiving guests surrounded by arches and vaulted ceiling. Walls in white tone, bright carpets on the floor.

Turkish notes in the living room - this is openwork unusual furniture, floral ornament in the decor arches, large windows and light walls.

A variety of directions in the Mediterranean style projects is more often drawn up not in the same course, but organically mix different ethnic parts. The main thing is that the rooms and decorative elements are well combined.

Style application

In the living rooms perfectly look completely different color palette Designs.

For lovers of multifunctionality and home comfort, it is better to choose Spanish decor with light walls, furniture in dark colors and bright terracotta floors.

Who loves space, dreams of the sea, you can arrange a rest room in gentle white-blue paints. Mediterranean-style furniture and light transparent curtains (blinds).

The Mediterranean bedroom is distinguished by beams, frosted and rough surfaces of the walls in light Tones, ceiling and floor. Dilute overall background Colored pillows and bedside rug.

Decorative plaster with national patterns, openwork balcony. Bed with openwork forged details and high wood columns. Press the chic transparent canopy and snow-white bedspread from the atlas.

For the bathroom in the Mediterranean style need mosaic tile And furnishings from wood. Even here, regardless of the direction, minimum of furniture, functional things. And the colors from cool marine shades (Greek style) to terracotta (Spanish).

Mediterranean Italian cuisine in warm colors, light wicker chairs (armchairs), can be covered with colored matter, wood furniture. Cookware from ceramics and clay in open racks, cabinets and on the table. The bright decoration in Italian style will be a mosaic of tiles in saturated terracotta colors With drawings of various fruits.

Important! The mosaic of the tile is a mandatory attribute of the Mediterranean, but they do not use the children's or bedroom.

A variety of designs in the photo of the Mediterranean style in the interior of the house (apartments).

Photos of Mediterranean style

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