Canape on the holiday table for children. How to make canapes for a child's birthday

garden equipment 17.10.2019
garden equipment

Canape for birthday- this is not only a great snack option, but also one of the ways to decorate the table. They need to be cooked in large batches. If you are cooking several types at once, arrange them all diagonally on a large dish so that you have a smart, beautiful dish.

The principle of making canapes is slightly different from the usual sandwiches for us. As in the first, and in the second case, approximately the same set of products is used. However, plain butter is not used for canapés. Instead, a layer of any product is placed on the bread: cheese, fish, sausage, pasta, bacon, caviar, boiled chicken, sardines, sprat, pate. You can supplement the resulting composition with herbs, fruits, mushrooms, pickled or fresh vegetables. For viscosity, add oil or sauce with filler.

There are principles in the preparation of canapes. For example, the way of cutting products. Someone just makes a big sandwich, puts it in the fridge, and then cuts it into small pieces. Some use cookie cutters. Some housewives even got used to making small snacks with a 20 g plastic syringe. In this case, it is necessary to cut off the part where the needle is attached. Blanks are cut with a syringe, into which you just have to stick a skewer.

Unsweetened crackers or homemade bread rolls are suitable as a base. Bread is made like this: take a loaf without a crust, cut it into thin even slices, drip a few drops olive oil, spread on a baking sheet, dry for 10 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. The main thing here is not to overdry! Another a good option- crisps. However, they should be neutral in taste.

Due to the fact that you will be preparing a small snack, choose bright and delicious foods for it. Instead of plain butter make oil with filler - you will get an excellent decoration option and complement taste qualities dishes.

Caviar. Rub the soft creamy base until smooth with red caviar.

Egg. Rub butter with boiled yolk, salt a little.

You can also prepare green butter, cheese butter, mustard butter, etc. in a similar way.

Often used to decorate dishes. pastry bag. In addition to butter, you can also use mayonnaise with gelatin. At the same time, skip gelatin in concentrated meat or fish broth, let cool, mix with high-quality mayonnaise. Immediately decorate the appetizers so that the mass does not become jelly.

As a spread, paste or pate is also used.

Cheese paste: grate soft cheese, knead with mayonnaise sauce, herbs and garlic.

Curd paste: soft curd wipe through a sieve, mix with sour cream, add filler: tomato paste, herbs, garlic.

Liver paste: clean the liver from the bile ducts, films, soak in milk, cut into pieces, quickly fry with onions, pass through a meat grinder, put spices and spices to taste.

Sprat pate: mash sprats with a fork, mix with herbs and egg.

To prepare small sandwiches, the same miniature components are used - quail eggs, cherry tomatoes, etc. You can make them very different: fish, meat, vegetable, fruit, sweet, salty, spicy, spicy…

Canape: birthday recipes

Martini option.


Dark chocolate - 120 g
- milk - 50 ml
- mint leaves
- hard cheese - 120 g
- kiwi
- canned pineapple rings - 12 pcs.


Break the chocolate into pieces, add milk, put on water bath, melt. Wipe the pineapple with a paper towel and dip into the chocolate. Cut out circles from the cheese. They should be the same size as the pineapple slices. Kiwi cut, dip in chocolate. Decorate the finished sandwiches with a mint leaf.

How about you?

Birthday Sandwiches: Canapes

Eggplant with cheese.

Required products:

Curd cheese - 155 g
- a clove of garlic - 3 pieces
- vegetable oil
- cherry
- big eggplant
- flour
- greens

Cooking steps:

Rinse the eggplant, cut into circles, salt, leave for 20 minutes, rinse in cool water, dry with a napkin, breaded in salted water, fry in a hot frying pan. Mash the cheese, mix with herbs and chopped garlic. Put the cheese on the eggplant, cover with the next piece. If the vegetables are not too thick, tall canapés can be made. At the end - decorate them with onion feathers and cherry tomatoes.

Canape birthday sandwiches:

1. Bread, cheese, cucumber, ham, olives.
2. Salmon, olives, cucumbers, cheese, Bell pepper.
3. Cherry, sweet pepper, cucumber.
4. Sauce, cheese, small meatballs, cucumber.
5. Unleavened crackers, fruit, cheese butter, crushed nuts.
6. Salted crackers, sprat butter, sprat.

One of the options for miniature sandwiches can also be flounces and tartlets. These are intricately decorated baskets filled with pâté or salad. Tartlets are baked from short, unsweetened dough, laid out in a special form, covered with peas. Baskets can be made from cheese. To do this, melt it a little in a pan, and then put it on the bottom, squeeze it, let it harden, remove it. You can choose any topping. Vol-au-vents are made from puff pastry: circles are cut out, half of which are smeared with an egg. From the rest, the middle is cut out using a recess of a smaller diameter. Fold the resulting rings and mugs, brush with egg, bake in the usual way, let cool, fill with stuffing.

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Canape for children's birthday

This type appetizers are great for kids parties. You can use various sweet ingredients for them: chocolate, fruits, chocolate paste, condensed milk, cookies, etc. Let's look at a few cooking options.

Canapes for children's birthday

Required products:

Boiled egg - 2 pieces
- small banana
- fresh cucumber
- tomato paste, apple jam - 30 g each
- cottage cheese, thick sour cream - 50 g each
- puff pastry– 320 g

Cooking steps:

1. Bake a layer of puff pastry, let it cool, cut into pieces of different shapes: triangles, circles, stars, diamonds, etc.
2. Mix apple jam with cottage cheese.
3. Lubricate some of the figures with cottage cheese.
4. Wash the banana, peel, cut into circles, put on the cottage cheese.
5. Color the sour cream with tomato paste to get a pink tint, spread it on the rest of the figures.
6. Cut a fresh cucumber, put it on top of sour cream.
7. Boil eggs, peel, cut, put on vegetables.
8. Draw mouths, noses and eyes with jam, sour cream, tomato paste.
9. Pierce with skewers, arrange on plates. Children's birthday canapes ready!

They turn out very tasty.

Do and .

Canape: birthday snacks

Slices of carrots, turnips, potatoes and other hard foods are often taken as the basis for snacks. Bread for cooking take slightly stale, dense. If it is soft, then dry it in the oven first. Finished goods pierced with skewers. They help you eat them. For decoration, pickled red peppers are used, soaked cranberries, fresh apples, lemon, olives, green onion, parsley, etc. Chill the candies in the refrigerator until serving.

Snack sandwiches are served on high or low platters, where they are laid out in groups, rows or in a single layer. Next to the sandwiches to be served wide knife, fork or spatula. Those snacks that are larger - you can eat with your hands, those that are smaller - with a fork. You need to make about 8-10 sandwiches per person.

With tongue, gherkins and sausage.

Crumble white bread into slices, put slices of the tongue, cut lengthwise cucumbers, gherkins. At the end - string sausage on a skewer in the form of a sail.

With shrimps.

Boil the shrimp first. Cut the cucumber fruits into long plates, put the grated egg and processed cheese filling on them. Twist with a roll, pierce with a toothpick, stick a shrimp, put on a dish.

With herring.

Herring can be combined with onions, black bread and sunflower oil. This is truly a "folk version". If you want something exotic, use figs as an additional product. You will get a very unusual and new taste.

And here are a few more options for canapes:

1. Cut the bacon into thin slices, fry it, wrap the prunes in it, roll it up. In addition, you can put a piece of cheese inside, sprinkle it with sesame seeds.
2. Boil the shrimp, stab them into a slice of salami, put on a plate. Shrimp can be alternated with mango slices or sweet red pepper. Mango must first be fried in olive oil.
3. Wrap an apple slice in a ham leaf, stab with toothpicks.
4. Canapes can be served not just on a plate, but to make a whole figure out of them. cook mashed potatoes, form the body of a hedgehog, stick sticks into it, on which you first string the selected products. Here you can give free rein to your own imagination, but it is better to give preference to black olives. Combine them with vegetables or with a cheese product.

As you can see, canapes can be very diverse. The ingredients for them must be selected based on the goals of the upcoming event. For children's holiday it can be a sweet option, for an "adult" feast - salty or spicy. If you are planning a romantic date, make canapes with chocolate. They will perfectly complement the taste of an exquisite martini. The recipes presented by us are just a few of the ways to prepare this dish. With a little "filling your hand", you can come up with your own culinary masterpieces. Every holiday you will surprise your loved ones with them.

Fruit canapes on skewers are often used at events of various levels. It's convenient, beautiful and delicious. The fruit itself is also delicious, but the combination of flavors can surprise even the most unhealthy taster.

In addition, many fruits are prone to rapid weathering, changes in color and texture. This changes their palatability, and in the form of canapés, this is easy to hide. The very form of serving on sticks is very convenient - a small portion that is easy to eat even while standing.

The composition of canapes can include not only fruits. Berries - such as strawberries - are also a common ingredient. The components themselves can be covered with chocolate, add nuts and completely non-fruit ingredients - cheese, marshmallows, marmalade or even shrimp. In particular, the combination of cheese and grapes is almost a classic canapé.

Since most fruits release juice quickly, they should not be cut too far in advance. Preparing fruit canapes is a quick process, so it's best to start it before serving. Never use frozen fruits and berries for canapés - only fresh ones.

How to cook fruit canapes on skewers - 15 varieties

The fruit in this appetizer is very simple and affordable. This is a great option for an autumn table when watermelons are at their sweetest and juiciest.


  • Watermelon - 200 g
  • Seedless red grapes - 100 g
  • Seedless green grapes - 100 g
  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Kiwi - 1 pc.
  • Mandarin - 1 pc.


Fruit needs to be prepared. Cut the watermelon pulp into equal small cubes, pull out the seeds.

Cut bananas and kiwi into rings, then cut the kiwi slices in half to make half rings. Peel the mandarin, divide into slices and cut each into two or three parts, remove the seeds, if any.

Thread a grape (of any color), then a tangerine, a second grape (of a different color), kiwi, banana and watermelon onto skewers. Place the canapes on a platter.

Delicious berry canapes. Of course, not for every season - frozen berries in canapes will not work.


  • Mint leaves - 10 pcs.
  • Blackberry - 100 g
  • Raspberries - 200 g
  • Gooseberries - 100 g


Wash the berries well. Cut gooseberries in half. Thread gooseberries onto a skewer, then raspberries, blackberries, and again raspberries. Pass a mint leaf between any berries.

Canapes can be sprinkled with powdered sugar when serving.

Canape, which also includes cheese. An interesting serving will suit any table.


  • Orange - 1 pc.
  • Seedless grapes - 200 g
  • Hard cheese - 50 g
  • Apple - 1 pc.


Wash the orange. On one side (where the tail is), we cut off the top, and put an orange on a saucer on the cut. Cut the apple into identical cubes, cheese - the same size.

Put a piece of apple, a whole grape and cheese on a skewer. Stick in an orange. Thus, stick a few pieces - you get a "hedgehog".

It's amazing how a simple combination of fruits can create a real festive mood. The main thing is to properly arrange the dish.


  • Large strawberries - 100 g
  • Green grapes - 100 g
  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Marshmallows small - 100 g


Wash strawberries and grapes. From the strawberries, cut off a little from the thick part of the base so that the sharp top remains. Cut bananas into slices. If the marshmallows are large, make small rounds of 0.5 centimeters in diameter from them.

String a grape on a skewer, then a circle of banana and strawberries cut to the banana. Bring a circle of marshmallows to the top of the strawberry.

Few components, but not just their combination, but a whole treat with chocolate and coconut flakes. No child can resist!


  • Strawberries - 200 g
  • Kiwi - 1 pc.
  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Coconut flakes - 20 g
  • Milk chocolate- 90 g


Cut all fruits and strawberries into circles. Using a special mold or a thick syringe with a cut off bottom, cut out identical circles from them.

The order and number of fruit combinations is arbitrary.

Lay the skewers out on a platter. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and pour the fruit on skewers over it, sprinkle with coconut flakes.

Highly unusual combination. The more interesting the marmalade, the more colorful the canape will look.


  • Hard cheese - 200 g
  • Marmalade striped - 400 g
  • Lemon - 1 pc.


Wash the lemon and cut into thin circles. Divide each into quarters.

Marmalade, if necessary, cut into pieces 1x1 centimeter, also cut the cheese.

Put a piece of cheese, a slice of lemon, marmalade on a skewer.

Meaning of appetizer appearance. It will definitely attract the attention of guests, and grapes are perfect for any dishes and drinks!


  • Pears (conference) - 2 pcs.
  • Seedless grapes - 200 g


Do not cut off the tip with a twig from the pear, but start peeling from it - up to half. Thus, the peeled part of the pear will make up the nose of the hedgehog, and the unpeeled part will make the body.

Wash the grapes and put them on skewers one at a time, which are stuck in tight rows into the "body" of the hedgehog - this will make needles.

Unusual autumn combination. Delicious and juicy watermelon with firm and sweet pineapple.


  • Watermelon - 1 pc.
  • Pineapple - 1 pc.
  • Whole cherry - 200 g


Cut the pulp of watermelon and pineapple into identical cubes. Remove the seeds from the watermelon, cut the core in the pineapple. Thread watermelon, pineapple, watermelon onto a skewer. From above, without taking out the bones, fix the washed cherry.

Usually fruit canapes are served at children's parties. In combination with chocolate, marshmallows, marmalade and other fillings, they quickly disappear from the table and make children happy. However, for an adult table, especially with strong drinks, canapes will not be superfluous. Suffice it to recall how perfectly grapes and cheese go with wine, strawberries with champagne, and the sourness of lemon with cognac.

Another easy cooking option. An interesting combination is complemented by chocolate notes.


  • Strawberries - 100 g
  • Pineapple - 1 pc.
  • Dark chocolate - 50 g


Peel the pineapple, cut into cubes. Rinse the strawberries, remove the tails, cut in half. Thread the strawberries onto a skewer and stick them into the pineapple.

Melt the chocolate in a water bath. Spread some chocolate on the prepared skewers.

The amount of ingredients in this recipe just rolls over. However, their colorful and flavor combination is worth the effort.


  • Blueberries - 100 g
  • Watermelon - 300 g
  • Pineapple - 1 pc.
  • Strawberries - 200 g
  • Blackberry - 100 g
  • Grapes - 200 g


Wash and dry all berries well. Separate the watermelon and pineapple from the peel, cut small cubes of the same size from the pulp. Cut strawberries in half.

String blueberries, grapes, blackberries, watermelon, pineapple, strawberries and again blueberries on a skewer.

A festive appetizer that may well replace the usual cake on a sweet table. Thanks to the biscuit, it turns out hearty, and because of fresh berries and fruits - light.


  • Strawberries - 100 g
  • Mandarin - 1 pc.
  • Banana - 2 pcs.
  • Blackberry - 100 g
  • Biscuit cake- 500 g


If necessary, cut the biscuit cake lengthwise to obtain a layer no more than a centimeter thick. Cut out small pieces using a cookie cutter.

Wash strawberries and blackberries, remove stems. Cut strawberries in half. Peel the bananas and cut into slices, peel the mandarin and divide into slices.

String biscuit and fruit alternately on long skewers, after each fruit - a piece of biscuit. String so tangerine, banana, strawberry, blackberry, strawberry, banana. Extreme on skewers are also pieces of biscuit. If desired, you can sprinkle the treat with powdered sugar.

Perhaps this is exactly the appetizer that is perfect for sparkling and regular wines. Simple and delicious.


  • Grapes white - 200 g
  • Strawberries - 200 g
  • Hard cheese - 100 g


Cheese cut into equal cubes about a centimeter. Wash grapes and strawberries. Cut strawberries in half lengthwise. String on skewers in any order, but in compliance with the norm: a piece of cheese, a piece of strawberries and two grapes per skewer.

Delicious and easy combination. A set of products is available for any family.


  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Mandarin - 1 pc.
  • Kiwi - 3 pcs.
  • Apple - 1 pc.
  • Grapes - 100 g


Prepare fruit: cut banana into thick circles. Kiwi and apple cut into small cubes. Peel the tangerines and divide into slices.

String an apple, kiwi, a couple of slices of tangerine, grapes and a banana on a skewer.

When using fruit in canapés, try to use seedless varieties as much as possible. If the fruit has bones, be sure to remove them when cutting.

Who doesn't love chocolate? Especially when it is inside a juicy brownie cake ... YES, even in combination with sweet juicy fruits!


  • Cake "Brownie" - 1 pc.
  • Pineapple - 1 pc.
  • Watermelon - 200 g
  • Kiwi - 2 pcs.


Cut the cake into equal small cubes. Peel the pineapple and watermelon and cut their flesh into the same pieces. Kiwi clean and cut into 4 pieces (along and across).

Thread pineapple, watermelon, a piece of cake, pineapple, kiwi, again a piece of brownie, watermelon and pineapple onto a skewer.

A fairly large number of ingredients, so you need to take a long skewer.


  • Green grapes - 100 g
  • Black grapes - 100 g
  • Apple - 1 pc.
  • Kiwi - 2 pcs.
  • Orange - 1 pc.
  • Raspberries - 100 g


Wash all fruits. Cut apple and kiwi into equal cubes. Remove the peel from the orange, divide into slices. Remove a thin film from them and cut into 2-3 parts.

Thread green and black grapes, kiwi, apple, orange slice and raspberries onto long skewers.

On any holiday, whether New Year, or birthday, I want to decorate beautifully festive table. Of course, salads and various cold appetizers will give a festive look and whet your appetite. But if, in addition to this, stock up on patience and various fruits, then you can make truly beautiful masterpieces on the festive table. And the main thing that will attract the eyes of guests, and quickly go for drinks, is of course - fruit canapes.

This simple dish consists of small sandwiches of various ingredients that are put on toothpicks or food skewers. They can be sent entirely to the mouth. It is noteworthy that almost any product can be used to create a beautiful composition. And thanks to the small size, you can use delicacies.

So if you do canapes for children's birthday, the main ingredient may be fruit. And if you are just decorating a festive table, then you can use all kinds of options, and your imagination. Combining fruit and vegetable snacks, neatly arranged on a saucer, with pieces of bacon. As an example, we can get an option, as in the photo below ...

Photo 1. A simple version of the canape for the festive table

The most important thing is the combination of products. For sandwiches, various sauces and pastes are made to achieve original taste. With the ingredients, making canapés is easy enough. It does not take a lot of time.

Below, in the photos you can see how to colorfully decorate the table with the help of these mini sandwiches. Of no small importance is the design of the skewers, especially if the canapes are intended for a children's holiday. You can buy them at almost any grocery store. They are different forms and even figurines. This will play out the appetite and excitement in children. The holiday will become more interesting!

A bright composition of various fruits will decorate a children's holiday, a romantic dinner, a small buffet at work. Here you can turn on your creative imagination, but for an example I will give the recipe below.


  • 2-3 pieces of watermelon (or victoria).
  • 1 piece of fresh kiwi.
  • 1 tangerine.
  • 1 piece of ripe banana.
  • 1 sprig of green and black grapes.

Cooking process

Watermelon pulp should be carefully cut into small cubes. The downside is that the berry is only available in August. But you can do without this ingredient. The taste of canapes will remain pleasant and refreshing.

Kiwi gives sourness to mini sandwiches. It is recommended to buy fruit by the piece, as they may be of poor quality in the package. If the fruit turned out to be unripe, then you need to hold it for a couple of days in a warm place. For canapes, kiwifruit must be peeled, cut into thin circles, and then divided in half, as shown in the image below.

We cut kiwi

Peel the tangerine, carefully separate all the fruit slices, then cut them into several pieces, the size of which should approximately correspond to watermelon cubes and kiwi slices. Seeds are recommended to be removed.

Cooking tangerines for toothpicks or skewers

Banana is rich in vitamins and is satiating tropical fruit, so it must be in a small sandwich. Ripe fruit should be bright yellow. If the banana is unripe, then it is not recommended to use it, but wait a while when it ripens. To use it in canapes, you need to peel the fruit and cut into circles, about 0.5 cm each.

Cut banana slices

When all the ingredients are prepared, they must be put on skewers or long toothpicks. First of all, green grapes are planted, then pieces of tangerine, followed by green grapes, then banana circles, kiwi slices, and finally a cube of watermelon pulp.

We plant - fruit canapes on a skewer

A colorful composition is laid out on a flat plate. On the edges you need to lay out pieces of fruit, as some people have their own preferences for ingredients.

The recipe is quite simple, so anyone can prepare such mini sandwiches. Due to their refreshing and aromatic taste, they are recommended to be served in summer time. Also fruit canape will decorate any table.

Similarly, marmalade canapes can be made with orange slices. You can stick on plastic skewers, or toothpicks.

Another option is to pour melted chocolate over Victoria berries. It turns out very appetizing, and the kids will love it!

Canape for children's birthday

For a successful children's holiday, it needs to be supplemented with French small sandwiches. Children really like this snack, which has all the colors of the rainbow. Equally important are colorful and interesting skewers that will interest young children.

It is very important to use neutral ingredients that do not lead to an allergic reaction in children.

There are many canape recipes for a children's holiday. Let's take a look at one of them below.

To prepare one serving you will need:

  • 1 piece of ripe pineapple.
  • 1 pc strawberries.
  • Marshmallow confectionery.
  • 3 grapes.
  • 1 piece kiwi.
  • A piece of pear.
  • 1 tbsp coconut.
  • 2 tbsp puffed rice.
  • Several bars of dark chocolate.

Cooking process

The first step is to cut off the top with a green tail from the pineapple. Then cut off a circle, 2 cm thick. Using a thin and sharp knife, remove the peel.

By the way! Here is a great pineapple serving option:

Remove the seeds, cut out the core. After that, cut the pulp into even squares into 6 parts, and set them aside.

Wash strawberries thoroughly running water, cut off the ass. Put the berry on the skewer, and then a piece of pineapple. The first mini sandwich of the children's portion is ready.

Alternatively, you can put a treat on such toothpicks:

For the second skewer, you will need a green and a green grape. But you can use one grape variety. Put them on a skewer, then a piece of pineapple.

For the third sandwich, you will need marshmallows - a confection that is whipped in water from gelatin and sugar syrup. Put the sweetness on a skewer, then a pineapple cube.

For those who do not know - the composition is similar to bon pari sweets.

Marshmallow is very popular with children, so it can also be used in the fourth canapé. To do this, you need to plant a confection on a skewer, then a small piece of kiwi, and then another marshmallow.

To prepare the next mini sandwich, you need to first plant a confection, then a grape, then one orange slice, and finally a pineapple cube.

The portion ends with a canape with a piece of pear, a small circle of strawberries and a square of pineapple. Place all ingredients one by one on a skewer. The photo below shows another order. You can also make several different variations...

To make canapes even tastier, they need to be greased with melted chocolate, then sprinkled with puffed rice and coconut flakes.

It turns out such a portion for one child. Children will be very happy. It is not recommended to do more, as the guys will simply eat them in 5 minutes, which can adversely affect health.

Recipe with cheese and sausage

These canapes are a bit more difficult to make than regular sandwiches. But guests will like it, because it is a great snack.


  • 6 pitted olives.
  • 6 pieces of salami sausage. You can use another raw smoked product.
  • 6 pieces of fresh cucumber.
  • 6 squares of cheese.
  • Greens.
  • Also prepare skewers or long toothpicks.

Cooking process

Cut the salami into thin pieces. Then you need to fold the piece in half and put it on a skewer. The image below shows how to do this.

You can improve the taste with greens. In our case, we use parsley. Therefore, after salami comes a leaf of a plant.

Rinse the cucumber thoroughly under running water, cut into thin slices. Plant in the same way as the sausage, that is, folding it in half.

This canape is suitable for a buffet table, buffet. They are also a good and convenient snack during a feast for adults.

Canape with salmon and black bread on skewers

This is one of the most popular types of mini sandwiches. Red fish is not only delicious snack, but also in combination with other ingredients it turns out very tasty. Such a canape will decorate any table, especially in holidays. Also, salmon can be replaced with herring. It also turns out very tasty and satisfying. In fact, there are many cooking options, consider one of them.


  • 1 bunch fresh dill.
  • 0.5 pieces of lemon.
  • 120 gr salted salmon.
  • 2 pieces rye bread.
  • 50 gr cream cheese.
  • 2 tbsp red caviar.

Cooking process

Rinse greens thoroughly under running water. It's great if it comes straight from the garden. Chop dill.

The lemon also needs to be washed, cut into thin circles, and then divided into 4 parts. Thanks to this ingredient, the canape acquires a slight sourness, which adds piquancy to the taste.

Salted salmon can be bought at the store, but it can be of poor quality, so it is recommended to purchase fresh fish and salt it yourself. Fillet cut into thin slices

Mix chopped greens in cream cheese.

Cut off the edges of the rye bread and cut it into square pieces as shown in the image below.

To prepare a mini sandwich, sliced ​​​​bread should be smeared with dill cream cheese.

On top of the bread, lay out pieces of salmon that correspond to the size.

The next layer will be cream cheese again. They need to lubricate the salted fish. Then lay out more pieces of salmon, smeared with a mixture of greens and cheese.

Such a sandwich must be cut into 4 parts.

The finishing layer is lemon and red caviar, which is laid out on each canapé.

After that, put the resulting mini sandwiches on a long toothpick or skewer. Top with a small sprig of dill, as shown in the image below.

The photo shows a variant of a ready-made salmon canape with red caviar and black bread

This appetizer is very tasty, so it quickly disappears from the table. The hostess is advised not to lay out all the sandwiches at once, but to bring them as they are consumed. Otherwise, the guests will immediately “destroy” them.

Canape with ham cheese and cucumber

On almost any buffet, on the table you can see small sandwiches with ham. The recipe is very simple, and the canapes are very tasty.


  • 150 gr of hard cheese.
  • 150 gr ham.
  • 3 pcs pickled cucumbers.

Cooking process

First of all, you need to cut hard cheese into small cubes of the same size.

Cut the ham into appropriate pieces. You should not save on this product, as a poor-quality product can lead to stomach problems, as a result of which the festive mood will be spoiled.

Cut pickled cucumbers into small circles.

When all the ingredients are ready, you can begin to form canapes. First of all, cheese cubes are strung, after which circles of cucumbers, and the ham sandwich ends. The image below shows what such a canape would look like.

If necessary, you can add 1-2 more ingredients. So experiment.

Video recipe: Herring canape with brown bread

As I noted above, mini sandwiches can be made from almost any product. The video below shows a recipe for making canapes called "boats". The main ingredient is salted herring.

Photo canape. What we found on Google

Do you make canapes? Or haven't had time to use these recipes yet?

Canape - small sandwiches, popular at children's and adult holidays. The name came to Russian from French - "canapé" is translated as "small". Canapes for children for a birthday: photo and video recipes for standard and unusual canapes are presented later in the article.

Small sandwiches have been a common holiday treat for two centuries, being a signature dish at buffets and parties. The basis of the canapes are croutons or bread.

A variety of fillings are placed on the base. The very first filling for canapés was pâté. For stability, canapes are fastened with skewers. Skewers, otherwise called atle, help to carefully take a sandwich without getting your hands dirty, and immediately eat it whole.

Canapes are divided into 2 types:

Recently, canapes have become a hit when arranging children's holidays:

  • Boys and girls can choose a snack to their liking among the variety of sandwiches.
  • Canape is a hygienic type of snack. Children often forget to wash their hands on time. Canapes are taken by skewers, which excludes direct contact of products with the surface of the hands.
  • Canapes look festive.
  • Cooking a dish does not require significant financial and time costs.
  • Canapes are very easy to make.

Product selection

Products for canapes are suitable for almost any. Here, the organizer of the holiday is limited only by finances and imagination. For organizing a children's holiday, it is useful to consult with the child in whose honor the celebration will take place. If the age of the birthday person allows, he will become an active participant in the preparations and feel like a real master.

  1. The main condition is that all products must be fresh. Mass poisoning of little guests is certainly not included in the plans of the hosts.
  2. Do not choose exotic or poorly combined products. Digestive system children are different from adults. The body of the child does not produce some digestive enzymes which can lead to food intolerance. For the same reason, fatty, unhealthy ingredients should be avoided.
  3. Before starting the preparation, it is worth asking the parents of the invited kids if their child is allergic to any product. It is better to exclude these allergens from the list of necessary products - it can be difficult to keep track of children, a child in the heat of the game may accidentally eat a prohibited product.
  4. It is better to focus on simple and familiar products for children. Little fussy people don't always like to try new things. There is a risk of leaving guests hungry. However, unusual canapes also have the right to exist - they should be prepared in much smaller quantities.

Secrets of cooking canapes for children

Canape design options for a children's holiday

Canape of meat and fish products on skewers

1. The easiest option for canapes - alternate circles of bread, sausage, cheese. Finish with an olive.

2. Fish canapes

You will need:

  • 1 loaf;
  • 1 mackerel (fillet, cut into slices);
  • ketchup;
  • spread.

Cut the crust from the loaf, cut into rectangles, dry. Mix butter and tomato paste in equal proportions, apply on a loaf. Spread the mackerel fillet on a loaf, cut, fix atle.

3. "Club" canapes

You will need:

  • 200 g smoked brisket;
  • a loaf of whole grain bread;
  • 1 fresh carrot (finely grated)
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • 1 jar of soft cheese for sandwiches (200 g);
  • arugula.


  • Roast the brisket.
  • Toast the slices of bread in the toaster, cut off the crusts.
  • Rub cheese with carrots.
  • Spread on toasted bread.
  • Arrange the vegetables on three toasts, cover them with three toasts (cheese side down).
  • Top with bacon, lettuce on top, and top with the last three toasts.
  • Divide the sandwiches into four squares, secure with a toothpick before serving.

4. "Parmesan + salami"

You will need:


  • Spread bread with butter, send to the pan, put the cheese.
  • Fry until cheese is melted.
  • Top with salami, lettuce and tomato.
  • Place a slice of bread spread with sour cream on top (spread side down).
  • Cut the sandwiches into four squares, secure with a toothpick before serving.

5. "Apple flavor"

You will need:

  • 8 slices of whole grain bread;
  • 100 grams of cheddar cheese;
  • 8 slices of ham;
  • 1 large apple (grated);
  • 4 tablespoons low-fat sour cream;
  • 2 tablespoons of horseradish;
  • 2 tablespoons of honey.


  • Mix sour cream, honey and mustard.
  • Spread on bread.
  • Cover with a piece of cheese, spread with grated apple, spread the ham on top. Cover with bread, cut into small canapés, pierce the atle.

A photo and a canape recipe for children for a birthday can be sent to parents of little picky ones, because not only children, but also adults will appreciate them.

Vegetable canapes on skewers

1. The simplest canape - tomato - olive - cucumber - cheese. Always a win-win combination, kids love it.

2. "Cucumber cream"

  • 6 slices of whole grain bread;
  • 200 g cream cheese;
  • half a cucumber (remove seeds, cut into slices);
  • juice, zest of one lemon;
  • 2 tbsp. l. fresh dill;
  • butter;
  • salt, spices.


  • Pat the thinly sliced ​​cucumber dry with paper towels. Put them aside.
  • Mix cream cheese, dill, lemon zest, lemon juice, salt and pepper in a bowl.
  • Spread the bread with butter, the resulting mass, spread the cucumber. Cut into small pieces.

3. Delicious grilled vegetable canapés. Interesting combinations: zucchini - bell pepper - tomato or tomatoes + eggplant.

4. Elegant mini-sandwiches are obtained from boiled beets, cheese and boiled carrots.

5. Unusual and delicious combination It is considered a canape made from pieces of cucumber interspersed with melon.

Canapes for children for a birthday (the photo can be seen in this article) are prepared from a variety of vegetables. You just need to show imagination.

Fruit and berry canapes on skewers

Canapes for children for a birthday (photos of bright and juicy fruit sandwiches for a children's table will not leave anyone indifferent) are made very easily. For fruit canapés, you can take any products that match to taste. Fruits are cut into pieces, the bones are removed. You can select canapes by color (all green ingredients, all red, all yellow), you can alternate.

The most interesting combinations:

Overripe fruits are not suitable for canapés. They will not stick on skewers, they will give plentiful juice.

Canape without skewers

Canape without skewers can be prepared with various pâtés and spreads. The ingredients for the spread are whipped in a blender. With the help of a culinary syringe, the pate is deposited on toasted bread in the form of "stars".

Most popular options:

As a basis, you can take circles of vegetables, fruits.

A list of suitable and undesirable products for canapes without skewers is in the table:

Products that give a lot of juice, blurry, easily rolling off the base are not suitable.

Be sure to use a "link" in the form of sauce, a thick spread that holds the ingredients of the canapes together.

Unusual Options

Canapes for children for a birthday (the photo and description of the recipes in the article will help you prepare interesting sandwiches and please your little guests) can be prepared in an unusual design.

1. Unusual canapes are made from rye bread, spread with butter, on which a piece of salted mackerel and a piece of kiwi are laid. You can decorate with cranberries.

2. "For the sweet"

  • 100 g of peanut butter;
  • ½ cup chopped carrots;
  • 1 tablespoon apricot jam;
  • 2 tsp raisins.


Blend peanut butter, raisins, grated carrots and jam in a blender until creamy. Spread on bread, cut.

3. Fish canape

You will need:

  • 1 can of canned trout or saury;
  • 2 pickled cucumbers (finely chopped)
  • greens (parsley, dill)
  • boiled egg;
  • 1 st. l. sour cream;
  • bread;
  • salt and pepper to taste.


Mix all the ingredients, spread the bread, cut into squares.

4. String apple slices interspersed with cheese on a skewer. The cheese is spicy, with a pronounced taste.

5. Alternate pieces: chicken + dried apricots + pickle. The neutral taste of chicken is complemented by a hint of sweet dried apricots and the acidic and salty taste of cucumber. A very harmonious combination.

Mini sandwiches for sweet tooth

Sweet canapes are prepared as simply as other sandwiches. The principle of preparation is the same - a sweet layer is applied to croutons, toast or cookies. It is recommended to make canapes on skewers, serve on a flat dish.

The most common options:

  1. Chocolate paste (Nutella, Bureshka, Nestle), press nuts on top.
  2. Peanut butter + grape jam.
  3. Melt in the microwave (50 seconds at maximum power) marshmallows (" sweet snow”), mix the mass and spread. You need to work quickly, the mass thickens in 2-3 minutes. Tastes like marshmallow.
  4. Skip cottage cheese, condensed milk, banana in a blender.
  5. Spread with apricot jam, sprinkle with nuts.

Photos of the festive table and satisfied little guests prove the indispensability of birthday canapes for children as a quick and tasty treat.

Article formatting: Vladimir the Great

Video about cooking canapes

5 popular types of canapes on the festive table:

Good afternoon, dear readers! I present original, various canapes on the festive table, recipes for all occasions.

All kinds of canapes, small snacks on skewers, mini-sandwiches - a great idea for a festive feast or buffet. But come up with ideas on how to make your own simple canapes not everyone can do it. Scroll through the canapé recipes below, get inspired and cook at home.

Canape on skewers is a convenient form of tiny food on the festive table. These are small sandwiches, sometimes fastened with a skewer, which are taken with hands and completely put in the mouth, as they say "one bite".

We cook from the products that you find at home, in the refrigerator. The main thing is to skillfully collect beautiful composition, which does not always work. Therefore, it is important to know the basic technological principles, helpful tips and tips for making canapés.

  • More often, an appetizer is served on a small slice of fresh bread 0.5-1 cm thick. Sometimes it is dried in a toaster, oven or fried in a pan. Add spices and oil.
  • The basis of mini snacks is biscuits or unleavened crackers, puff pastries, even slices of cheese or fresh vegetables.
  • In the middle of each mini-sandwich, you can stick a small fork, a colored skewer.
  • Convenient snacks measuring 3×3 cm, weighing 80 grams. Therefore, the components are cut very finely.
  • Each product is cut so that it completely covers the bottom layer without protruding beyond the base.
  • Any products are used for cooking: hard-boiled eggs, various oils, sausages, processed cheeses, cheese, cheese. Herring, sprat, vegetables, pates, olives, grapes, red fish, radishes, boiled carrots, fresh cucumber, lemon, etc.
  • Bread is cut out with a metal mold for squeezing cookies on dough. But in order to avoid waste, the buttered crumb is cut into squares, rhombuses, rectangles.
  • You can decorate the dish in an original way by smashing the oil with a blender with herbs, nuts, boiled yolk, lemon juice, horseradish, cheese, mustard. Depending on the adding products, the mass will acquire beautiful colour. They precipitate it on the cut out figures using a confectionery syringe or a bag with a nozzle.
  • A good combination of whipped cheese pasta, boiled eggs, garlic and mayonnaise.
  • Serve food, 5-6 pieces, laid out on a dish or placed in a vase. Sometimes the dish is decorated with leaves fresh lettuce, greens or napkins.

Video - canapes on the festive table

  • A similar principle applies to sweet and fruity canapes. In this case, sweet cookies, fruit or chocolate butter, all kinds of fruits, marshmallows, marshmallows and other sweets are allowed.
  • If the fruit is too juicy, then excess juice is removed from them first.
  • Economical options for sandwiches are made from leftover products. From the remaining slices of meat, cheese, eggs, prepare pâtés. Grind cheese slices with eggs with a blender to a paste, add mayonnaise and garlic.
  • Similar masses with two dessert spoons are formed into a ball and rolled in coconut flakes. Secure with skewers with cheese and cucumber. Harmonious canapé sandwiches are obtained.
  • Canapés are served on a plate or tray. You can stick it in a zucchini, then you get a hedgehog with needles. The appetizer looks beautiful in glasses or bowls.

Skillfully preparing canapés is half the battle, you still have to eat right. At receptions, there is a common mistake when they are eaten in several stages, even if the snack is small.

Do not bite a piece of bread or cookies from all sides. Place whole in mouth and chew slowly. Keep in mind that some types of sandwiches cannot be eaten beautifully.

If you want to try a similar snack, step aside. Then you will shake off the crumbs not in front of all the guests.

So, having talked about the design, subtleties and use of such an appetizer, it's time to learn how to cook.

Read more articles on the site:

Canape for birthday

Products for birthday canapes, take whatever your soul desires: meat, fish, vegetables, fruits. Having the opportunity to prepare for the holiday in advance, give preference to small products that are entirely strung on a special skewer or toothpick.

These can be dishes with salmon, cherry tomatoes, quail eggs, olives, olives, gherkins, cocktail cherries, pitted cherries, etc. These products look good at the base and at the top of the skewer.

Cut large foodstuffs into thin plates or circles and fold them into an accordion. For example, fresh or pickled cucumbers, bacon, ham, sausage, bacon, salmon, lemon, apples.

Such an "accordion" is strung between the ingredients that begin and crown the canapes. Then it will look beautiful and keep its shape.

So that miniature sandwiches do not get weathered, collect immediately before the arrival of guests, this is a matter of minutes. It is only necessary to prepare the ingredients in advance and arrange them in sealed containers, and then only build a snack.


  • Pitted olives - 12 pcs.
  • Cheese - 50 g
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.


  1. Cut the cheese into cubes with sides of 1-1.5 cm.
  2. Wash the cucumber, dry it, cut off the tips and cut lengthwise into thin plates 2-3 mm thick.
  3. Turn the olives on a sieve to drain the brine.
  4. Put an olive on a large skewer, a cube of cheese on top.
  5. Then string the cucumber slice with an accordion.
  6. Finish the composition with cheese and olives.

Canape for children

A delicious treat for a children's holiday is an important component. To make the event a success, prepare magical French canapés for children.

This is a real find: tasty, healthy, beautiful, and hands do not get dirty. However, when preparing a mini snack for a children's party, consider the following:

  • Make the size of the canape smaller, for one children's bite.
  • Consider the age of the child, as Not all products are suitable for small children.
  • replace sausage chicken breast, turkey or beef.
  • Cheese use soft varieties.
  • Be careful with mayonnaise and ketchup. Dyes can cause allergies.
  • Small children should not be given lightly salted fish.
  • The snack should not fall apart. To do this, fasten the filling with butter.
  • Cut fruits into shapes: flowers, hearts, stars.


  • Turkey fillet - 200 g
  • Grapes - 1 bunch
  • Cheese - 100 g
  • Baton - 1 pc.
  • Butter - 50 g


  1. Cut out figures from bread, which are greased with a thin layer of butter.
  2. Put a cube of cheese on the bread.
  3. Then place a slice of pre-boiled turkey fillet.
  4. Put the washed and dried grape.
  5. Secure the sandwich with a skewer.
  6. Serve a snack for a festive children's table laying out on a flat dish

Canape for the new year

Having prepared several types of canapes for the New Year, you can satisfy the tastes of all guests and decorate the festive table with food. After all, mini-snacks on skewers are in demand at parties.

The owner of 2017 - the Fire Rooster will approve simple canapes from vegetables, fruits, fresh herbs, fish, lamb, pork, beef. It is not recommended to use relatives - chicken meat, eggs. We replace the latter with quail eggs.

The main thing is that the festive mini-snacks meet the requirements of the symbol of the coming year. We make dishes bright, simple and light.


  • Baton - 1 pc.
  • Red caviar - 1 can
  • Red slightly salted fish– 100 g
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Greens - for decoration


  1. Cut the loaf into slices and brush with butter.
  2. Place a thinly sliced ​​red fish on it.
  3. Then apply a teaspoon of red caviar.
  4. Cut the lemon into thin half rings, which will decorate the appetizer figuratively.
  5. Finish the composition by placing a small sprig of greenery.

Canape with herring

To prepare canapes with herring, the main thing is to be able to properly cut the fish so that not a single bone remains in it. To do this, follow the instructions below.

  • Cut off the head of the herring. Cut open the belly and carefully remove the fins along the body.
  • Gut the insides. Rinse the inside of the fish and wipe with a paper towel.
  • Make cuts on the back and slowly remove the skin so as not to damage the fillet.
  • On the back, extend the incision, reaching the vertebrae, and separate the fillet from the bone.
  • Remove the remaining bones, cut the fish into the desired shape and use for sandwiches.


  • Black bread - 6 slices
  • Dill oil - 50 g
  • Boiled quail eggs - 10 pcs.
  • Herring - 1 pc.
  • Cherry tomatoes - 10 pcs.


  1. Cut the bread into rectangles and brush each slice with dill oil. To prepare, beat the butter with chopped dill with a blender.
  2. Peel the herring and cut into slices equal to the width of the bread. Put on bread.
  3. Top with boiled quail egg and cherry tomato.
  4. Fasten the composition with a toothpick and serve.

Variants of herring canapes.

  • Spread mustard oil on bread (50 g of oil - 1 tsp mustard), mayonnaise with chopped herbs, cheese cream (mix melted cheese with a boiled egg).
  • On top of the herring, place a slice of green apple, pickled bell pepper, ring onion, boiled potatoes.
  • You can complete the canapes with olives, a head of a small pickled onion, a slice of lemon.

Canape with cheese

Cheese canapes are bright miniature snacks that are suitable for both adults and children's parties. Any kind of cheese will do. Cut into small slices of various shapes: round, square, triangular, curly.

Take crackers, croutons, bread, toast as the basis of cheese canapes. You can combine this product: with sausages, meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, olives, herbs. Serve canape with cheese, laid out on a flat dish, garnished with lettuce leaves.


  • Cheese - 12 slices
  • Smoked chicken - 150 g
  • Olives - 6 pcs.
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • Bread - 6 square slices
  • Mayonnaise - 30 g
  • Greens - for decoration


  1. Cut the chicken into 6 equal pieces.
  2. Cut off a thick crust from the bread.
  3. Peel the peel from pickled cucumbers and cut the vegetable into slices 5 mm thick.
  4. Grease each piece of bread with mayonnaise, put a cube of cheese on top. Place on it smoked chicken and more cheese.
  5. Secure all ingredients with a skewer, put on olives and garnish with herbs.

fruit canape

Fruit canape can be a separate snack, and combined with a more satisfying product. Bananas, grapes, apples, oranges are more often chosen. Berries are not suitable, because. they are small. The only exception is strawberries, it can be safely used as an ingredient.

The rest of the berries will be a decoration, laid out on top of the snack. Fruit canapes are decorated in a variety of ways: in the form fruit bouquets, sliced, on skewers, set in a vase, etc.


  • Grape
  • Mandarin
  • Pear


  1. Wash the grapes, dry and remove the berries from the vine.
  2. Peel the washed and dried pear from ponytails, hearts, peel and cut into cubes.
  3. Cut the cheese into small squares.
  4. Peel the mandarin and divide into slices.
  5. On a skewer, first string a grape, then a pear, followed by a tangerine and complete the composition with cheese.

Canape with olives

Small canapés with olives are an original and perfect addition to cheese, ham and other products; without bread, the snack will be easy.


  • Pitted olives - 100 g
  • Pitted olives - 100 g
  • Dor-blue cheese - 100 g
  • Camembert cheese - 100 g
  • Cucumbers - 100 g
  • Yellow sweet pepper -1 pc.
  • Red sweet pepper - 1 pc.


  1. Gut the peppers from the seeds, cut off the partitions and remove the stalk.
  2. Cut peppers, cheese and cucumbers into rectangular equal pieces.
  3. Thread the ingredients onto skewers.
  4. Add cheese and black olives.

Canape with shrimps

Canape with shrimp is always solemn. This seafood is suitable for a festive feast, and to this day is considered a restaurant delicacy.

To save time, it can be boiled and cleaned. But it has to be done right. The main rule is not to overcook. Otherwise, the product will become rubbery and hard.

Frozen shrimp should be thawed in the refrigerator first. After lowering into boiling water, where, if desired, we release spices and bay leaves.

They are boiled depending on the size, 5-10 minutes. Readiness is determined by the shell - pink or Orange color time to take it out of the water. The product, ready and frozen, is thrown into boiling water, where it is boiled for 3 minutes.


  • Shrimps - 10 pcs.
  • Hard cheese - 100 g
  • Olives - 10 pcs.
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.


  1. Boil shrimp in salted water until tender and refrigerate.
  2. Cut cheese into 1 cm cubes.
  3. Cut the washed and dried cucumber into slices like cheese.
  4. Put a cucumber on a skewer, then a cube of cheese, an olive and complete the top of the appetizer with shrimp.

If you have not yet prepared canapes for the festive table, our recipes will help you decorate the festive event.

Video - five New Year's canapes

I wish you a good mood and may there always be a place and time for a holiday in your life! With respect and love, Alevtina

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