Tomatoes "under the snow" for the winter - very tasty and fragrant. Sweet tomatoes under the snow with garlic: do not break away

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Tomatoes in the snow are one of the popular recipes for the billet of tomatoes for winter storage. Now in the winter you can find any fruit and vegetable, but they have a high price and may not contain all vitamins. Therefore, many mistresses make billets for the winter in summer. Even canned tomatoes retain a lot of vitamins and fiber.

Standard option

Tomato recipes in the snow for the winter will simply prepare and will not take much time. The name declares the snow that replaces the antiviral and antibacterial product of garlic. In the banks, he falls on a tomato, reminding snow drifts.

For cooking, you must prepare glass jars with a capacity of three liters, marinade and tomatoes themselves. Banks must be pre-sterilized. Better, if the tomatoes are a small rounded form, Cherry grade is suitable.

On the 3 liter bank, the marinade is prepared as follows:

  • put on fire 1.5 liters of water;
  • after the water boils, you need to pour 100 g of sugar and need to prevent a little;
  • then fall asleep about 35 g and leave boiled water for another 4-6 minutes.

While preparing water for marinade, every tomoro need to be thoroughly washed. Clean vegetables are tightly fit into the container. During laying, it is not necessary to put pressure on tomatoes strongly so that they do not crack. After the entire bank is filled, pour boiling water.

Snow, as mentioned above, comes garlic. It can be chopped finely with a knife or grate onto the grater. It all depends on the size of the desired snow. If you use for grinding a blender or garlic davka, then pickled tomatoes begin to curly.

During the cuts of garlic, the right time passes, so you can pour boiling water from the jar. Tomatoes under the snow for the winter are separated from above, the chopped garlic is distributed and poured the contents of brine, leaving a little space. Then you need to add vinegar.

Such a recipe for the winter implies the last stage with the jar of the can with an iron lid. The container put on the surface down the lid and are covered with warm clothing to the cooling of the content.

Standing option

Recipes with vinegar contribute to the fact that canned tomatoes are stored for a long time. Vinegar prevents the reproduction of bacteria and prolongs the shelf life. In addition, it gives tomatoes to sourness. But such a taste may not like someone. And people who have diseases of the digestive organs, they simply cannot be eaten. Therefore, it is possible to harvest and without this ingredient.

Look too much
Recipes of canned grape leaves for rambling

How to cook tomatoes without adding vinegar? You need to pick up a small amount of tomatoes for a liter bank, two big heads of garlic. The same citric acid and dill branches are also useful.

The recipe for a tomato under the snow with citric acid will keep the rich red color of fruits for a long time, makes them the taste of unusual gentle. In addition to this acid, the lemon is not so strong on the walls of the stomach, like vinegar.

For the marinade will need to take 30 g of salts and 100 g of sugar. You need to marinate as follows:

  • at the bottom of glass liter cans laid dill, you can put a laurels leaf;
  • following the tomato;
  • the contents are poured for several minutes with boiling water, then this water must be drained and pour new boiling water;
  • water poured re-used for marinade;
  • it is drained into another container, put on fire and sugar sugar with salt.

While the marinade boils on the plate, citric acid poured to tomatoes and garlic cutting are added. After that, all content is filled with marinade. The snowball in the form of garlic begins slowly to settle on tomatoes.

Soldering of vegetables ends with twisting the jar. The inverted top of the room is covered with a warm bedspread that needs to be removed only after everything cools.

Tomatoes under snow with garlic can still be done, for example, with apple or grape vinegar, currant juice, acidic apples, or can be added sorrel.

Composition with mustard

For the winter, tomatoes can be prepared using recipes with the inclusion of mustard. For two liter cans, it is necessary to crush about two small heads of garlic.

Marinade for canning tomatoes under the snow is prepared with the addition of 200 g of sugar, 5 ml of vinegar, as well as add 30 g of salts and mustard powder.

Conservation involves in a 2 liter glass container to put clean vegetables and pour hot water for about 17 minutes. After that, water is transferred to another container, a salt with sugar and mustard is added. They put the contents on slow fire and boiled for 6-7 minutes. As soon as the marinade will cool down a bit, add a table vinegar.

The resulting brine is poured tomatoes with garlic, the jar is twisted with an iron lid, turn over and wrapped with heat.

In this article you will find everything about how to prepare tomatoes under the snow - a simple step-by-step recipe with a photo and a complete description!

An interesting name of the workpiece for the winter is tomatoes under the snow. Not at all summer.

Why were they so called?

And all because, chopped garlic, which is added to the brine, falls on tomatoes in the bank as if they were sipped with snow, they look very beautiful.

But the main thing is not the form, but the taste of this workpiece. It turns out to be a sweet and at the same time with spicy sharpness. What is needed for dinner in the cold february stepmap.

Tomatoes under the snow - step-by-step recipe with photos


On 1 liter jar:

  • Tomatoes - 600 grams;
  • Garlic crushed - 1 tbsp. lies;
  • Vinegar - 1 tbsp. lies;
  • Water - 1 liter;
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. lies;
  • Sugar - 1.5 tbsp. lies.

The specified number of marinades is enough to pour two liter cans with tomatoes.


  • Tomatoes choose ripe, red or yellow, elastic, without exterior damage and black dots. Purge in clear water.
  • Jars in which the workpiece will be stored, wash with household soap or soda. Sterilize over the ferry or in the oven, metal covers boil over 5 minutes.
  • Folding as close as possible tomatoes in a glass jar and pour steep boiling water. Leave for 20 minutes. Then water to merge.

  • In the pan pour 1 liter of water and add 2 tablespoons of salt, and 1.5 tablespoons of sugar. Mix, bring to a boil.

  • While the marinade will pour, clean garlic and three of it on a small grater, 1 tablespoon of crushed garlic lay in a jar, add 1 tablespoon of vinegar, pour boiling marinade.

  • We roll up with metal covers, turn over the bottom. Waving to the old cotton blanket or any other warm thing, leave so much cool.

When the billet for the winter will cool, we take it into the cellar or basement.

There it will be stored for a long time. But if you do not have a special storage location, do not be discouraged by this type of preservation can be stored at room temperature.

How to cook tomatoes under the snow - video

As you can see everything is very simple and accessible. And most importantly delicious.

I like this workpiece yet by the fact that you do not need to use any spices except garlic, it makes it very easy to make the process, you don't need to clean the carrots, count the pea pepper and run to the garden to pull out dill.

Also a huge plus that you can roll without sterilization.

Use on health.

Bon Appetit!!!

Today, it is already unlikely to surprise the experienced owners of some unusual workpiece of tomatoes.

With which only do not preserve tomatoes, and with pepper sweet, and with horseradish, and with a basil, and even with honey. But the simplest proven tomato recipe under snow with garlic for the winter is one of the most popular, delicious and original options for conservation of tomatoes. Such a workpiece can pamper their loved ones even young and inexperienced hosts, as the products will need a bit, and you do not need to sterilize the cans with tomatoes.

Tomatoes that were installed in this way are obtained incredibly tasty, and to measure sharp. The taste of garlic and vinegar is practically not felt, and the brine has a very pleasant taste. Tomatoes, for this type of workpiece, you need to choose strong, medium sizes. It is allowed to make a blank from tomatoes not completely mature, brown or greenish (but not green!). Tomatoes then get sour-sweet.

Tomatoes in the snow with garlic for winter: classic recipe

The traditional tomato recipe in the snow with garlic for the winter consists of a modest set of ingredients: tomatoes, salt, sugar, vinegar, tomatoes and garlic.

Why do tomatoes under the "snow"? Yes, because white garlic flakes cover bright red fruits, like the first snowball.


  • tomatoes;
  • two tablespoons of garlic.
  • water - one and a half liters;
  • salt - a quarter of a glass;
  • sugar is half a glass;
  • two tablespoons of 9% vinegar (you can two teaspoons of 79% acetic essence).

Attention! Ingredients are designed for a three-liter jar

We prepare as follows:

  1. put tomatoes in the bank;
  2. pour boiling water;
  3. leave for twenty minutes;
  4. prepare marinade: add salt and sugar in hot water, boil five minutes;
  5. water with tomatoes drain;
  6. on top of tomatoes put a chopped garlic and pour vinegar;
  7. pour the cooked marinade;
  8. roll

Recipe features:

  • if the garlic is missing through the garlic cattle, then the brine will become muddy. Best of all the garlic slice to chop with a knife or grate on a large grater;
  • the approximate consumption of garlic on a liter can - one dessert spoon, and a three-liter - 1.5 - 2 tablespoons;
  • the traditional recipe for tomatoes under the "snow" does not include any seasonings and spices, but if there is a desire to strengthen the taste and aroma, then you can add a currant sheet, greens or pepper.

Tomatoes under the snow with garlic for the winter: a recipe for a liter bank, without vinegar

If you have already tried tomatoes on a traditional recipe, you can slightly diversify the workpiece, adding spices or greens to your choice and taste. Tomatoes will be the same beautiful, but their taste qualities will change. For fragrance, you can add fragrant pepper, for the original taste of the workpiece, use the basil in the recipe, for piquancy - add mustard or horseradish. And who does not like conservation with vinegar, can be replaced by it lemon acid. We offer you an excellent recipe for tomato blanks under the snow for the winter in liter banks without vinegar - well, just yummy!

For five liter jars:

  • medium-sized tomatoes - 4 kg;
  • garlic - five art. spoons;
  • citric acid - five h. spoors;
  • several twigs of parsley;
  • five umbrellas of dill;
  • lavra leaf five pieces.
  • sugar - five art. spoons;
  • salts - three tbsp. spoons.

How to cook:

  • on the bottom of the cans put: Laurel leaf, greens;
  • from above on seasonings tightly to put tomatoes;
  • pour boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes;
  • merge and repeat the procedure again;
  • on tomatoes put a spoonful of grated garlic;
  • prepare marinade in the usual way (salt, sugar), let it boil 5-7 minutes;
  • pour and add a spoon of lemon;
  • roll

Mustard Tomatoes in the Snow: Recipe for 2 liter cans

On a two-liter jar of tomato, two tbsp. Spoons of crushed garlic.

For making marina, one and a half liters need:

  • fullack of sugar;
  • art. a spoon with a hill salt and as much mustard powder;
  • h. Spoon 70% acetic essence.

We prepare mustard tomatoes in the snow for the winter prescription designed for 2 liter bank:

  1. we put tomatoes in the bank;
  2. pour hot water for 20 minutes;
  3. we merge and prepare marinade: salt + sugar + mustard, boil 7 minutes;
  4. let the marinada slightly cool, and add acetic essence;
  5. pour tomato brine and rush with metal covers.

Attention! Boil the marinade on very slow heat, as the mustard powder gives a very large foam.

Recipe for tomatoes in the snow with garlic in original marinade

What ingredients to prepare:

  • tomatoes - 3 kg;
  • basil;
  • pepper fragrant - 6 pcs.;
  • garlic - two heads.

For fill:

  • hot water - two or two and a half liters;
  • salts - two tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - a little more than half of the glass;
  • vinegar 9% is a quarter cup.

Stages of cooking billets Tomatoes under the snow for the winter prescription for 2 cans of 3 liters:

  1. in each jar, put: pepper, several branches of the basil;
  2. tomatoes and a spoonful of garlic cashem;
  3. pour boiling water;
  4. merge and prepare fill: salt + sugar;
  5. let boil 3-6 minutes;
  6. pour tomatoes, give to stand 5-7 minutes;
  7. merge marinade, put on fire and warm up to 100 0 s;
  8. cool and add vinegar slightly;
  9. pour tomatoes, roll.

Verified recipe for cherry tomatoes in the snow with garlic and fragrant pepper

The recipe is designed for 3 banks with a volume of one liter, so the most convenient to close tiny fruits.


  • cherry tomatoes - 3 kg;
  • garlic - 4 heads;
  • allspice;
  • bay leaf.

Three liter marinade cans need:

  • apple vinegar 6% - a little more than half of the glass;
  • salts - two tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - Four Art. Spoons

Recipe proven, so cherry tomatoes in the snow with garlic are prepare in such a sequence:

  1. banks fill with spices, tomatoes and top to put a spoonful of crushed garlic;
  2. pour boiling water once;
  3. then, marinade;
  4. roll

Tip! In addition to the listed spices, you can add a parsley or dill to tomatoes, as well as on the bottom of the banks to put a cherry or currant sheet.

Piquant tomatoes under the snow for the winter: a recipe for a 3 liter jar

So, on the glass container three liters need:

  • tomatoes - how much fit in the bank;
  • half pepper sweet;
  • 2 pcs. carnations;
  • 3-4 pepper peppers fragrant;
  • 5-6 cloves of garlic;

On a 3 liter can of tomatoes under the snow for the winter prescription, one and a half liters of marinada. For his cooking we take:

  • quarter of a glass of salt;
  • half a cup of sugar;
  • one art. 70% acetic essence spoon

Prepare in the following way:

  1. tomatoes and seasonings fold into the bank;
  2. pour boiling water, withstand 20 minutes;
  3. merge;
  4. salt water, plant and add to tomatoam;
  5. pour vinegar to the bank;
  6. roll

for fans of sharpness, add several pieces of sharp peppers into each jar;

you don't need to cut too small garlic, otherwise the brine can be poisoned.

"Sugar" tomatoes under the snow: a recipe for a liter jar

The difference between this billet is that tomatoes roll in their own juice and have an unusually delicious sweet-sour taste. Such "sugar" tomatoes under the snow are comfortable to prepare on the recipe for a liter bank:

  • tomatoes;
  • art. spoon sugar;
  • h. Spoon salt.

Cooking process:

  1. cut fruits into four or six parts (depending on the size);
  2. mix salt and sugar in a plate;
  3. prepare garlic - clean and clear it;
  4. stir with salt and sugar;
  5. shift the slices of tomatoes with a cooked mixture;
  6. close.

On a note!

Use fruits need large and juicy so that they give juice.

Banks with ready-made tomatoes are definitely sterilized, otherwise, there is a possibility that the tomatoes are "beaten" and explode.

If the snack is preparing not in large quantities, then the cans can be closed by the caproic lid to give them to stand at room temperature day, and then stored in the refrigerator.

Tomatoes in the snow: a recipe for 3 liters

What can be tastier to baked potatoes or chicken, than spicy tomatoes with garlic, cooked personally? Such tomatoes can be submitted not only for dinner in a family circle, they can be put on a festive table, as a snack.

You are unlikely to preserve one container by 3 liters, so the recipe for tomatoes in the snow is designed for two three-liter banks:

  • tomatoes - three kilograms;
  • garlic - grate on a grater or grind on a meat grinder - 2 tablespoons with a slide;
  • 70% percent acetic essence - 2 dessert spoons;

For the preparation of three liters of marinada:

salt - 2.5 tbsp. spoons;

sugar - 1 tbsp. the spoon;

As you prepare:

  1. Tightly laid washed tomatoes in sterilized banks.
  2. Fill with hot water.
  3. Preparing marinade:

in a saucepan with water, add salt, sugar sand;

put on the fire and give marinada boil;

remove from the fire and add garlic

  1. Make water from cans and pour marinade.
  2. Add to each can of acetic essence.
  3. Roll, flip and make cool.


Canned tomatoes must be stored in a cool place. If there is no cellar or one more refrigerator, then add one tablet aspirin in a can with preservation. Then banks can be stored in the storage room or in the kitchen in the closet, without fear that they will explode;

Be sure to roll up the bottom with metal covers with metal covers, cover with a thick, warm blanket, and leave to complete cooling. What is it necessary for?

  • first, the marinade is very good to impregnate tomatoes;
  • secondly, if the lid is bad closed, it will begin to leak, so it will need to replace the other;

For the preparation of spicy tomatoes with garlic, use instead of vinegar, 70% percent acetic essence - on a three-liter jar - one dessert spoon, and on a liter - incomplete tea.

Special tomatoes in the snow canned with garlic and horseradish

Not quite familiar recipe for tomatoes under the "snow" diverse home blanks. Piquant and fragrant conservation will delight amateurs of sharp snacks. As a snow in this recipe, the canned tomato uses a mixture of garlic and a root of a horsehery, flew on a large grater, or shredded in a blender.

Required products:

  • medium-sized tomatoes;
  • chreba leaflets, currant;
  • several peas of bitter peppers;
  • ground root of shine and garlic - art. spoon with a slide;
  • essence of acetic 70% - tea spoon.

Next, we prepare as usual: spices to the bottom of the banks, then tomatoes, top of a mixture of garlic and horseradish. Pour hot water for 15 minutes. Brine to prepare from a spoon of salt and half a glass of sugar. Pour. Add essence. Roll

Attention! Products are designed to contain three liters in volume, and the brine is 1.5 liters of water. Do not forget that 70% essence, in the amount of one hour. The spoon must be added to tomato, after they are already filled with marinade.

If all jars are already sunk, and tomatoes and garlic remained, then prepare a quick tomato sauce, which in the evening you can come to a dinner.

Acute tomato-garlic sauce

Products, those that remain: tomatoes, garlic. What to do with them?

Prepare wonderful sauce! So, you need:

  1. cut tomatoes into pieces;
  2. grind in a blender to a homogeneous mass;
  3. add the remaining garlic cracker;
  4. salt to taste;
  5. mix;
  6. decompose into pure glass containers;
  7. to lower the cellar, or another cool place;

in the evening you can take a sample.

remove the skin with tomatoes, so the sauce will turn out more homogeneous!

if you like a sharp sauce, you can add some black peppers;

to the jar with sauce, pour one spoonful of vegetable oil to prevent the appearance of mold.

Basic rules of conservation

In order for the workpiece to be exploded and preserved until winter, it is necessary to learn the most important moments of conservation.

  1. Preparation of cans:
  • thoroughly wash the glass container and metal covers of food soda;
  • sterilize banks (above the ferry, in the oven or in the microwave).
  1. Preparation of vegetables:
  • choose strong, without damage, tomatoes, preferably medium sizes;
  • wash and decompose on a kitchen towel for drying;
  • make a few punctures with match in the center of the fetus, so that in the process of canning the skin of tomatoes did not burst.
  1. We check tightness:
  • after the circuit numbers, turn the jar upside down;
  • if the brine flows or assemble air bubbles near the cover, you should again roll the cover with a recipient machine.
  1. Cooling:
  • after ordering, banks flip upside down;
  • wrap with newspapers;
  • top to cover with a large terry towel or an old cotton blanket and leave for two to three days;
  • transfer to storage.

Fantasize, experiment and surprise your home incredibly tasty and original recipes for tomato blanks under the snow for winter with garlic and various additives. Bon Appetit!

Calorie: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not indicated

If you have never prepared tomatoes "under the snow" with garlic for the winter, then I recommend. The recipe is designed for a liter jar. The billet is different from all other recipes for canning tomatoes. The first thing that can surprise you is if you do these for the first time - the lack of the usual set of spices and spices for marinade. Do not need anything but garlic. The emphasis was made precisely on sharpness and garlic aroma, spicy herbs and spices were excluded so that they could not interrupt garlic. And it is added quite a lot, and the marinade in tomatoes is obtained not only very fragrant and tasty, but also sharp. Most likely, the garlic marinade does not have to pour out, he drinks even faster than the tomatoes are eaten.
For the workpiece, it is better to choose dense small fleshy tomatoes for a small amount to fill the liter bank. If you decide to prepare in the banks of greater tank, you can take the tomatoes bigger, round or oval.

Ingredients for one liter bank:
- Tomatoes - 500-550 gr;
- garlic - 1-1.5 heads;
- Sugar - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
- Salt - 0.5 tbsp. spoons;
- Vinegar 9% - 0.5 tbsp. spoons;
- Water for pouring tomato - 0.5 liters.

Recipe with photo step by step:

How to cook tomatoes "under the snow" for the winter.
Vegetables inspect, soft and with damage to the skin lay aside. We leave only dense, it is desirable that the tomatoes have been medium size. Thoroughly my selected tomatoes selected for canning. We clean garlic teeth, we need a rough tablespoon of cleaned garlic.

We heat each tomato with a spiner or needle near the fruit. It needs to be done so that the skin does not burst when pouring tomatoes with boiling water.

Garlic shred. There are several ways: to finely chop the knife, almost in Cashitz; grate on a grater with very fine holes; Skip through garlic.

My cans and covers with soda or other detergent. Wrap over boiling water. Fill tomatoes, laying them tightly, but do not give.

Boil water, about half liters per bank. Pour the tomatoes with boiling water, put the lid on top, we leave for 20 minutes or until it is cooled to almost to room temperature.

Water with tomato merge into a separate pan, empty. Add some boiling water to be a stock.

Put salt, sugar. We put a saucepan with water on a strong fire. We bring before boiling, we stir the crystals of salt and sugar until they dissolve.

In the boiled marinade we pour vinegar and immediately remove from the fire. There is a second option - to pour vinegar not in marinade, but in a can with tomatoes and pour boiling marinade. No difference, choose a convenient way for you.

In a jar with tomatoes, we smell chopped garlic, pour boiling marinade. We roll around with covers, we use the same banks covered with the first fill with boiling water. After the pouring, the brine will be merged, but this is a normal phenomenon - we crossed garlic, it is he who makes a brine that is not completely transparent, with small white flakes.

After ordering, banks with tomatoes turn over, put on the lid. Cover the blanket, plaid or hide a jacket and leave until the next day. The cooled jars we send to the storeroom, where they will be stored until winter. Successful billets!
And also recommended

We continue canning vegetables for the winter. Today we consider our favorite tomatoes with garlic and close them tasty into banks. Recipes are simple and easy to prepare.

Coloring at the fruit of tomatoes is beautiful and bright. In harvested banks, fruits look like "paradise apples", so they were once called in the old days.

Excellent tastes made this vegetable most favorite among the population. You can buy tomato fruit in the store or on your summer cottage. Garlic is always in free access.

Tomatoes in the snow for the winter

Learn a delicious recipe with a lot of garlic, which will pleasantly surprise you.


  • Tomatoes
  • Garlic
  • Water - 2 liters
  • Salt large - 2 tbsp. Spoons
  • Acetic essence 70% - 1.5 tbsp. Spoons


1. First, the fruit of the toothpick is in place of the fruit. This is done so that the skin does not burst in contact with boiling water.

2. Painted garlic cloves shred with a blender.

3. Ground garlic in a cup in large quantities.

4. Beautiful fruits of tomatoes tightly fit into sterile banks. Banks put on a towel and pour boiling water to the top. Banks cover with sterile covers. Let us stand it for 15 minutes.

5. The remaining tomatoes will cut on halves and launch in 1 liter sterile banks. In the cut, they will enter the bank more.

6. Also pour boiling water, close the lids and leave so 15 minutes.

7. After 15 minutes, we drain the water from 3 liter cans in the pan. We had 2 liters of water fusion. We put a saucepan on fire.

8. Add to water in a saucepan: 150 g of sugar, 1.5 tbsp. Salt spoons, 1.5 tbsp. Spoons of acetic essence. All this is well mixed and wait when boils.

9. Meanwhile, add chopped garlic to tomatoes (in volume - at will). Put garlic crushed in the amount of 1.5-2.0 st. spoons.

10. Banks in which there are tomatoes with garlic, pour boiling brine. Immediately close the lids.

11. With 1 liter banks in which sliced \u200b\u200btomatoes lie, we do the same procedure.

12. Then with sharp movements shake the cans up the bottom and vice versa.

13. And here they are tomatoes "in the snow" for the winter. Nice to eat!

Recipe spicy tomatoes with garlic, horseradish, pepper

All interested in the original billets from tomato for the winter will be undoubtedly curious this recipe.


1. Prepare the fruits of medium ripeness (dense) and put into clean banks.

2. Take others, already overripe fruit and remember them well in a saucepan. Put a saucepan with tomatoes on the fire and bring to a boil.

3. When they become completely soft, wipe them through a rare sieve. You will get juice. In juice puree, put (at 2.5 liters): 2 tbsp. Salt spoons, 4 tbsp. Spoons of sugar and bring everything to a boil.

4. In a boiling juice, place: 1/4 part of a glass of finely chopped garlic, 1/4 part of the finely chopped horseradish, 250 g of sweet pepper skipped through a meat grinder.

5. Fill this boiling mass laid tomatoes in banks. Then put sterilize: 1 liter cans for 15 minutes, 3 liter cans for 30 minutes.

The recipe has good reviews at my acquaintances.

Tomatoes spicy with garlic in tomato juice

In tomato juice, you can also make a blank for the winter similar to the previous recipe.


1. Take 2 liters of tomato juice and bring to a boil.

2. Then add 2 tbsp. Salt spoons, 4 tbsp. Spoons of sugar, 0.5 cups of finely chopped garlic, 0.5 cup of shrine and 0.5 kg of sweet pepper passed through a meat grinder.

3. Prepared mass to put on fire and boil 2 minutes.

4. Boiling mixture pour the laid tomatoes in banks. Put sterilize banks: 1 liter for 15 minutes, and 3 liters for 30 minutes.

It turned out very tasty tomatoes for the winter with a spicy taste.

Video on how to cook tomatoes with garlic "snowball"

Tomatoes are sweet with garlic aroma.

Another recipe is called both tomatoes "under the snow". Where the role of "snow" performs garlic.

Winter tomatoes with fresh tomato

When in the winter you will open the jar, the pieces of tomatoes will pleasantly surprise you with their fresh taste. Tomatoes do not lose the taste of fresh tomato.


  • Purified tomatoes - 1 liter
  • Garlic - 3 teeth
  • Salt - 1 h. Spoon without a slide


1. The fruits of tomatoes are cut into 4 parts, cut out the fruit, remove the skin. Skin is removed easily, because the fruits are soft. If you have solid fruits, then you need to lower them in boiling water for a moment and then remove the skin.

2. Preplanted pieces of tomatoes place in a saucepan and put on fire. We put salt, mix and bring to a boil.

3. Purified garlic cloves put in a half and lower on a slightly slightly (2 seconds) in boiling tomatoes.

4. Then quickly take them from the pan and omit into a sterilized bank.

5. And immediately, we begin to fill out our boiling tomatoes to the top of the banks. That's all, tomatoes with garlic in a bank.

6. Close the can with a lid, ready.

7. In this way, you can prepare a lot of cans. In winter, open a jar, take out pieces of tomatoes, add onions, greens, vegetable oil and summer salad ready.

Tomatoes with cinnamon in banks - fingers lice

In this recipe, the vinegar is poured into the marinade, and you can add it and then directly to the jar when it is already filled with boiling brine. Tomatoes with garlic and cinnamon are obtained very tasty.


  • Water - 1.5 liters
  • Tomatoes
  • Sugar - 200 g
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. the spoon
  • Cinnamon - on the tip of the knife
  • Garlic - 6 teeth
  • Vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp. Spoons
  • Carnation - 2 Buton
  • Greens, bay leaf - to taste


  1. Sterilize banks and covers in the oven or over the ferry.
  2. Tomatoes and greens wash and dry with a paper towel.
  3. Clean and finely disturb.
  4. Put in banks: greens, bay leaf, garlic, peas pepper. Then put the fruits of tomatoes tightly and pour the bank with boiling water.
  5. After 20 minutes, water from cans pour into a saucepan. Add salt into the water, sugar and bring it to a boil. Boil for 5-7 minutes.
  6. Remove the marinade from the stove and pour in it vinegar. Fill the ready marinade cans with tomatoes.
  7. Slide the banks with sterilized lids, turn over, shove and leave so much cool.

Nice to eat!

Video on how to make a blank from tomatoes with garlic inside the fetus

See how easy it is done in the place of frozen for a clove of garlic.

You looked at the billet of a tomato, which has long been popular, just not everyone knows about it.

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