How to grow bell peppers outdoors? How Bulgarian pepper grows How to plant Bulgarian pepper in spring.

Engineering systems 29.08.2019
Engineering systems

Sweet bell pepper is a heat-loving crop that is very popular due to high content useful substances, in particular vitamin C. Growing such a vegetable is a series of operations.

There is an opinion that the process of growing sweet peppers is no different from tomatoes, but it is erroneous. To obtain good harvest, it is necessary, for starters, to familiarize yourself with how to grow bell peppers at home.

Finding the right variety is the first step in growing almost any vegetable crop. Therefore, before growing bell pepper, you will have to determine the most suitable option. It is very difficult to call any particular species universal, since each has its own unique properties which should be taken into account when choosing.

The most responsible thing is to choose a variety

Popular varieties:


It is highly productive and grows rapidly. Fruit weight reaches 100-110 g. Unripe peppers have Orange color. After ripening, they turn red.


Characterized short term ripening. The color may be yellow or scarlet. Such fruits are very juicy, fleshy, sweet.


The weight of the fruit reaches no more than 80 g of weight, but this is compensated high yield. When ripe, this pepper is bright red. Ideal for conservation.


Is an hybrid variety, has a large size. Fruit weight - from 300 g to 500 g. When ripe, such peppers are dark red.

Pepper "Atlantic" has a dark red color

red elephant

The fruits are dark red in color, have an oblong shape. Weight is 140-110 g. This species ripens very quickly, with high yields.


Ripens very early. The height of one bush can reach 70 cm. The weight of peppers is 80-120 g. Resistant to various diseases.

Choose suitable grade should take into account not only your own wishes, but also the climatic conditions of the region, the state of the soil, the landing period, and other factors.

Growing seedlings

Seedlings should be grown in early or mid-March. An important role is played by the quality of the soil for seedlings. The best option will become soil mix, which includes a bucket of humus, a glass of wood ash and sand. How much to take each ingredient depends on their quality. The soil mixture should be poured with two liters of water and heated to boiling point.

After heating, the mixture is cooled to a temperature of 40-45 degrees, and placed in boxes. Seeds are placed in the ground at a distance of about 5 cm, to a depth of 2 cm. A prerequisite is weekly watering.

When the first two leaves appear on the sprouted sprouts, the seedlings must be dived. For this, it is best to use a container with a height and width of 8 cm or more. Before picking, it is necessary to water the seedlings so as not to get torn stems without roots.

To increase the yield, it is recommended to plant 2 pepper sprouts in each container. This is related to , which is a cross. If transplanting seedlings into the ground will be carried out in the place where a large number of insect pollinators, you can swoop down on 1 sprout, as this will not affect the yield of pepper.

During the cultivation of seedlings, it is very important to maintain the optimum temperature for growth, which is 20 to 32 degrees. Before flowering, bell pepper sprouts should be watered more frequently, up to twice a week.

It is important not only to adhere to the soil preparation technology, but also to evaluate the mixture when it is ready. The soil should not be allowed to be too heavy and viscous, oversaturated with fertilizers. This will cause the seeds to not germinate. They just don't have the strength to do it. If you take a bucket of humus, then at least the same amount should be ordinary light soil.

As for sowing seeds, before that it is better to germinate them first. To do this, the seeds are laid out in one layer on a fabric made of natural fibers. Then they are sprayed with heated water and put for several days in a warm place, covering the top with the same cloth. It is necessary to check them every day so that mold does not appear there, and also to spray with warm water from a spray bottle. As soon as small white sprouts appear on the seeds, they need to be planted in prepared soil.

Peppers are very prone to fungal diseases. Therefore, take care of good drainage in a box or other container in which you will plant plants. To do this, a film or agrofiber is placed on the bottom, having previously made cuts there. Watering is best done with a weak solution of manganese or another antifungal agent.

It is better to deepen no more than one and a half centimeters, otherwise there is a risk that nothing will germinate. And the distance between plants can be reduced to two and a half centimeters, unless, of course, you are going to dive seedlings.

We recommend that you definitely pick a pick, then the pepper will be stronger and healthier. But, watering the seedlings is not worth it immediately before the procedure, but on the evening before. But after transplanting, it is worth soaking the soil well so that the seedlings start better. Take care of sufficient light, otherwise the seedlings will stretch and be thin and brittle.

Is an milestone, on the quality of which the future harvest will depend.

Landing in the ground

For growing bell pepper, you should choose a site with good soil, protected from strong wind. Experts recommend planting pepper annually in different areas.

Short plants can provide good protection from strong winds, but they should not cover the peppers. sunlight. Before planting seedlings, you should drain the soil, make sure that the earth in the selected area retains a large amount of moisture.

It is best to plant seedlings of bell pepper in shallow holes. The distance between them should be 50-60cm.

Immediately before planting, on the bottom of the hole, you must place any natural fertilizer. Planting depth should be such that the first leaves of the plant are several centimeters above ground level.

Immediately after planting, the sprouts must be tied to pegs. Within 10-12 days, the root system adapts, and during this period the plant becomes very fragile and sensitive. It is also recommended to loosen the soil, which will allow the roots to become stronger.

After transplanting pepper seedlings into the ground, the plants can be covered with a special film that will protect them from adverse factors. environment. Until the roots of the plant become strong, watering is not worth it, but it is important to ensure that the soil is slightly moist.

Soil condition is one of the key factors that needs attention when planting.

plant care

Sweet pepper loves not only heat, but also moisture. It is best to water with warm water, as cold water can delay flowering and reduce yields.

Before flowering, it is enough to water the Bulgarian pepper once a week. If it's hot outside, twice. When the plants bloom, water should be under the root, 2-3 times a week.

It is carried out 2 times for the entire growing period. The first is carried out during the flowering of plants, the second - when the fruit ripens. For feeding, bird droppings or mullein are used. It is best to feed sweet peppers 2-3 days after watering.

You can get a neat pepper bush that will have well-developed side shoots by removing the top from the main stem. The operation should be carried out at a time when the growth of the plant is 20-25cm. If the weather in the region is hot and humid, you should stepson the plant by removing the lower shoots and keeping the top 4-5.

Important is the timely weeding of beds with pepper. When weeds appear, you should get rid of them as soon as possible in order to prevent their spread, and to avoid the loss of nutrients from the soil.

bell pepper requires constant attention, and care must be thorough and timely.

Diseases and treatment

One of the most topical issues among summer residents and gardeners - how to grow bell pepper without defects and diseases, because the appearance of an ailment can greatly affect the yield. To do this, you should know the main diseases of pepper, and how to deal with them.

Common diseases of sweet pepper:

  • Fusarnosa wilt. With such a disease, the fruits do not develop, the leaves begin to turn yellow, the plant fades. The reason is a special breed of fungus that is in the ground. The plant must be removed, and then carefully loosen the soil.
  • Spotted wilt. It is accompanied by a change in the color of the leaves, the appearance of brown spots on them, withering of the top of the plant. To get rid of the disease, fundazol is used. You should first collect already ripe fruits, and do not water the bush for some time.
  • Gray rot. The main symptom is the appearance of gray spots, first on the leaves, and then on the fruits of the pepper. To get rid of gray rot, the diseased parts of the bush should be removed, and the remaining plant should be treated with a fungicide.
  • Blackleg. When this disease appears, the part of the stem that is near the root begins to rot. Thus, disrupting the nutrition of the upper part, because of which the plant dies. In case of infection, it is necessary to remove the bush, and sprinkle the place where it grew with dry ash or pour copper sulfate.
  • Fruit underdevelopment. Due to lack of moisture or too low temperature, the normal development of the fruit stops, and therefore it is necessary to monitor the growing conditions of pepper.

There are many other diseases of bell pepper. In order to protect the plant, you should follow the basic rules in the technology of growing this crop. It is unacceptable for the soil to be too dry and the air too humid.

Pest control

Like other types of plants, bell peppers often suffer from pests. Destruction of harmful organisms is one of the essential conditions needed to grow a good crop.
Common sweet pepper pests:

spider mite

Such insects absorb the juices from the plant, which is why it wilts. You need to fight ticks by spraying with a special solution, which includes liquid soap, onion, garlic, and dandelion.

The most common pest of bell pepper. When it appears, the bush needs to be treated with insecticidal agents.

Colorado beetle

The larvae of the Colorado potato beetle can completely destroy the plant in a short period of time. Most effective method control - constant manual trapping, elimination of insects from pepper leaves. In addition, you can use celandine tincture for spraying.

naked slugs

The need to eliminate harmful insects is obvious, and therefore the approach to this issue must be competent.

At proper care, you can harvest such a crop

What should be remembered by those who grow Bell pepper:

  • Bulgarian pepper is a plant whose reproduction occurs through pollination. If not only sweet, but also bitter peppers are grown on one plot, they should be placed as far as possible on the plot, otherwise the taste of the fruit may deteriorate.
  • Removing the flower, which is located on the first branching of the leaves of the bush, has a positive effect on productivity.
  • For better pollination of sweet peppers on open field insect pollinators should be attracted. The best bait for them is parsley or coriander planted between bushes. To attract pollinators, you can also place glasses with a little honey diluted in water near the pepper bed.
  • Basil and calendula are excellent at repelling pests, and therefore by planting such plants near the beds with pepper, the likelihood of the appearance of harmful insects is significantly reduced.
  • If you regularly pick ripe peppers, a new crop will appear faster. Already a few days after the breakdown, new ovaries appear on the bushes, which later ripen.

In general, bell pepper cannot be called unpretentious plant. This vegetable crop needs attention, good conditions which must be provided for its normal growth and development. A competent and responsible approach at each stage, as well as compliance with the basic requirements, will certainly give an excellent result in the form of a bountiful harvest.

In nature, there are more than 2,000 species, and their homeland is Central America. In this article I will talk about sweet pepper, which is also called Bulgarian. The "Mexican" came to Europe in the 15th century and in a roundabout way, through Spain, Turkey, Iran, eventually penetrated into our region. Here he seriously took root, despite the thermophilicity and capricious disposition - after all, pepper has more than enough virtues! It is not only rich in bright colors that give the dish a festive look, is not only tasty and juicy, but is also an invaluable storehouse of vitamins. In this part, a rare vegetable or fruit can be compared with it.

Pepper seeds need pre-planting treatment- they must be kept until swelling for five hours in water, the temperature of which is about + 50 ° C. After that, they must be placed for pecking into damp cloth for 2-3 days, the temperature in the room is about +20°C. Having carried out such a simple preplant preparation of seeds, you will receive seedlings literally the next day after sowing.

Sown pepper seeds must be thoroughly watered, and immediately after that cover plastic wrap or glass. Before germination, they can be in any warm (about + 22 ° C) place, while lighting does not matter, it is possible in the dark. After emergence optimum temperature for growing seedlings during the day about +26...+28°С, at night about +10...+15°С.

Do not indulge in excess peppers, this can only damage them - cause a disease with a black leg. But try not to let the substrate dry out. Water for irrigation should be warm - about + 30 ° C, from excessively cold seedlings will be frail, get sick and may even die. Do not forget to monitor the air in the room in which the seedlings are grown, it should not be too dry. Spray the plants, and the room itself is well ventilated, not forgetting to protect it from drafts.

Pepper seedlings require additional lighting. During the month of February, it must be illuminated from 7 am to 9 pm. Before planting, seedlings need hardening, gradual accustoming to the rays of the sun, lower temperatures, wind and rain. For this, the plant is taken out to Fresh air, gradually increasing the time of his stay there. During hardening, keep an eye on the weather conditions, do not allow pepper seedlings to fall under frost or low temperatures - for pepper it is below + 13 ° C.

Pepper planting

The best predecessors for pepper:, after, and. Bad predecessors:, pepper, and.

Light soils are best for growing. It is better to prepare the soil for pepper in advance - a year in advance, adding 5 kg to the predecessor square meter, and in the fall, 50 g each and fertilizers for deep digging. In the spring on the site - in upper layer soil, add 40 g of ammonium nitrate. Five days before transplanting pepper seedlings to a permanent place, decontaminate the soil, this must be done with a solution - add a tablespoon to a bucket of water.

Seedlings are planted in open ground at the end of May - mid-June, according to the scheme 40x40 cm. Pepper seedlings are planted in an unheated film greenhouse in early April, and in tunnel shelters - at the end of May.

Try to place the seedlings in the holes at the same depth at which the plants grew in the seedling box, without exposing the roots and without digging its basal neck. Pepper does not like cold soil, and if you want to get a serious harvest, arrange for it to be raised by 25-55 centimeters.

Remember, pepper is highly susceptible to pollination, so if you plant several of its varieties on your site, try to place them at the maximum distance from each other and, if possible, separate them from each other using plantings of tall tomatoes, and.

Growing pepper by planting seeds in open ground is impractical even in the southern regions. It will still be necessary to sow late, when the soil warms up, the plant will develop more slowly, the first fruits will ripen later, and the fruiting period of the pepper will be significantly shorter.

Pepper Care

Pepper care consists of timely watering, garters, weeding and top dressing. The first feeding of pepper seedlings must be carried out in the phase of 1-2 true leaves, for which 0.5 g of ammonium nitrate, 1 g of potassium fertilizers and 3 g of superphosphate are mixed in 1 liter of water. The second top dressing 2 weeks after the first, the dose of mineral fertilizers for it must be doubled.

Feeding pepper seedlings is effective with a special infusion, for the preparation of which it is necessary to take 1 part of nettle and 10 parts of water - we insist 2 days. The last top dressing should be carried out 2 days before you intend to plant seedlings in a permanent place, while increasing the dose of potash fertilizers to 7 g per 1 liter of water. During the season, you need to make about 3-4 top dressings of pepper - 1:10, alternating such top dressings with foliar ones, for which you need to use mineral fertilizers, such as nitrophoska (a tablespoon per bucket of water).

With a lack of potassium, pepper leaves curl and a drying border appears on them. But with potassium, you need to be careful - pepper does not tolerate an abundance of potassium chloride. If the plant lacks nitrogen, its leaves become dull and, acquiring a grayish tint, gradually become smaller. When there is a lack of phosphorus, the underside of the pepper leaves becomes deep purple, and the leaves themselves are pressed closer to the stem of the plant and rise up. If there is a lack of magnesium, the leaves become marbled, and an excess of nitrogen in the soil leads to the dropping of ovaries and pepper flowers.

In hot and humid weather, it is imperative to carry out pinching (removal of lateral shoots), especially for the lower stepchildren, and vice versa, if the weather is hot but dry, the plants do not pinch, since the leaf mass perfectly protects soil moisture from evaporation. Experienced vegetable growers advise removing the central flower on the plant growing from the first branch, this will help increase the yield.

During the growing season, peppers must be cut several times, trying to shorten the longest shoots and ensure the absence of shaded branches. Be sure to remove all shoots of pepper below the main fork of its stem, as well as branches inside the crown. Pruning must be done every ten days and after harvesting. Simultaneously with pruning, soil cultivation is also carried out.

Try to attract pollinators to the garden, for this, during flowering, spray the plants with a sugar solution: per liter hot water 100 g sugar and 2 g boric acid. Excellent result give pepper top dressing with liquid organic fertilizers.

It is useful to mulch pepper with rotted straw - a layer of about 10 cm, so you can reduce the frequency of watering, reducing them to once every 9-10 days. Timely care of pepper plants also consists in gartering plants. It is necessary to make a garter after hilling and mulching.

Pests and diseases

The most common peppers are: , white rot, macrosporiosis, top rot, septoria, black leg. More than others, pepper is harmed, scoop, and. To protect the pepper from damage, one hour before planting its seedlings, pre-made holes must be filled with water. Having planted seedlings of pepper, again spray plantings with a sprayer. During the season, 3 times pepper plants must be pollinated with wood ash - better by dew. This will also help protect them from pests.

If you notice pepper seedlings, treat the pepper with whey - one and a half liters per bucket of water. After this procedure, powder the plants with sifted wood ash.

If you have never dealt with peppers and this is your first time learning about this topic, this article will be very useful, as it will give you not only the basic information about all the steps required to obtain a crop, methods, tricks and secrets. But those experienced gardeners Those who have their own skills or preferences when growing peppers will also be able to learn something new for themselves, and maybe fundamentally change their approach to business.

A thermophilic vegetable that came to us from Central America - sweet pepper, which our gardeners often call Bulgarian, has more than 2 thousand varieties. And each of them is remarkable not only in taste, the amount of vitamins and other useful substances, but also in the beauty of bright, juicy fruits.

How to choose from the many alluring bags of varieties that you will not be disappointed in? Read the description on the packages and select based on the specific conditions in which you will grow peppers. So in small greenhouses it is better to take undersized plants, early varieties will soon ripen in the open field, and if there is a desire not to spend money on an annual purchase planting material, and collect your seeds from the crop that has turned out in the garden, then heterozygous hybrids will not work for this. Although they are guaranteed to give healthy and maximally protected plants from diseases.

F1 Pinocchio:

The variety is very early, the fruit weight is about 100 g, the fruits are red, the walls are 5-6 mm thick, interesting in shape - they resemble the elongated nose of a famous wooden doll. Bush up to 70 cm high. Resistant to traditional diseases of peppers: top rot and tobacco mosaic.

Atlantic F1: Also very early variety, but these peppers are taller (up to 110 cm) and the fruits are much more massive (up to 450 g) and have a barrel-shaped appearance.

Gemini F1 is remarkable for its fleshy bright yellow cube-shaped fruits and high fecundity.

The Siberian format will delight you with its juiciness and thickness.

Wonderful reviews about the varieties Bagration, Country, Big Red, Winnie the Pooh, Chardash, Yunga, Zdorovye, Maecenas, Barguzin. Popular varieties are Eroshka, Funtik, California Miracle, Swallow.

Video - sowing pepper seeds for seedlings

Determining the development period

Pepper is a plant with quite long term development, therefore, planting seeds for seedlings is carried out earlier than all other crops: in February-March. In more northern regions, where fruiting in the open field ends with the onset of cold weather (sometimes as early as September), it is good to have grown plants ready for planting by May. In a warmer climate (or with the expectation of greenhouses and hotbeds), you can wait until the second half of March. The information on the seed bags will allow you to calculate the timing depending on the ripening time of this variety.

It should be remembered: the daylight hours in February are still not long enough for seedlings and you will definitely need additional illumination up to 12-14 hours a day. Ideal for this with a balanced spectrum of light.

In addition, more and more fans of growing fruits and vegetables recognize that it is useful to check the day of planting according to lunar calendar. For peppers, the second phase of our satellite is suitable.

Preplant seed preparation

To plant with dry and unprepared seeds means to complicate and lengthen the process of the entire planting. There are several well-established methods of pre-sowing treatment of seeds for their early germination and obtaining strong and disease-resistant seedlings. Of course, you should not expose the seeds to all possible methods at once, but choosing one of them is highly recommended:

  • seeds are kept in water at a temperature of 45-50 degrees for at least 4 hours, then placed on a damp hygroscopic cloth (gauze, cotton) and germinated at 25-27 degrees for another 2-3 days;
  • for disinfection, the seeds are dipped in a solution of potassium permanganate (1%) and left there for 20 minutes;
  • 10-15 minutes are kept in a forty-degree solution of hydrogen peroxide (per 100 g of water they take 3 ml.), Then they are dried without washing;
  • to activate the vitality of the seeds, they are treated for a day with a solution (1: 1) of juice from aloe leaves, previously aged in the refrigerator for about a week;
  • fill with health and give quick shoots special purchased means for soaking seeds (Energen, Baikal, Fitosporin, Ideal, Agricola-Start). Ash can also serve as growth stimulants. In 1 liter of water, stir 20 g of ash and insist for a day. Keep the seeds in this solution for 6 hours;
  • alternate heat and cold. With this method, the seeds are laid out on a damp gauze or napkin, covered with two layers of film and kept for a day at a temperature of 24-28 degrees, then they are taken out to the cold (5-10 degrees) for 4 hours. Can be on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Then again for 20 hours in heat and for 4 hours in cold. Repeat three times. This method allows the seedlings to harden and vigorously start growing.

IMPORTANT: when soaking the seeds, do not allow complete immersion in water. Seeds should be wet, but not sink!

Usually, the most suitable seeds for seedlings are selected in appearance, that is, the largest and most intact, with a uniform color, but the method of weighing them in saline can help in determining viable seeds. Use a 3% solution. Those seeds that float to the surface when immersed are considered empty and it is useless to plant them.

Soil selection, fertilizer

Prepared seeds are planted in the ground. Since peppers are afraid of picks, it is recommended to plant one or two seeds separately in their container. The cups should be at least 200 g, since tightness will also interfere with the development of plants in the future.

The soil for peppers should be light, loose, non-acidified. You can buy ready-made soil, but it’s more reliable, and sometimes cheaper, to make it yourself:

One piece of peat is taken, garden soil and sand.
You can use humus, earth and sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 1. He loves pepper additives from finely crushed eggshell or wood ash. They are added in a tablespoon per kilogram of the mixture. If you have the opportunity to dig the soil in a pine or spruce forest, then this is also a great option for seedlings of peppers. But do not forget that the earth excavated closer than 500 meters from highways can be stuffed with harmful and toxic substances.

The acidity of the soil for sweet peppers should not exceed pH 6–6.5. Seedlings are especially sensitive to this indicator, so it is useful to lime the ground.

NEVER spread unrotted manure into the seedling substrate. The nitrogen released as this seemingly beneficial fertilizer decomposes will kill your tender seedlings.

But like this modern materials chemical industry like vermiculite or perlite dilute the soil will be useful.

We apply fertilizers only after the seedlings release 3-4 true leaves. Before that, there is a danger of overfeeding the plants.

Potassium humate is useful, in order to improve root formation, it is recommended to feed it with a solution (25 ml per 10 liters of water).

After the plant grows confidently, it is useful to water with solutions containing trace elements: boric acid (2 g per 10 liters of water), iron oxides and manganese sulfate - 1 g each. It is very good to add biofertilizers.

Temperature, humidity, watering

Bell peppers love warmth. After the sprouts have hatched, in no case should the temperature drop below 13 degrees for a long time. Pepper will simply die. Optimal temperature -

25-27 degrees. Only in the phase of 7-8 true leaves, you can start hardening pepper seedlings. To do this, the temperature is gradually reduced over 7 days to 14-16 degrees, then again brought into conditions that are comfortable for him.

Humidity is not particularly important for peppers, but if they are too dry they will not grow healthy. Therefore, batteries central heating it is necessary to move the seedlings or move them away or block them with a heat-resistant material.

Watering young bell pepper plants is recommended only with warm, settled water.

IMPORTANT: while the seeds are still sitting in the ground, you should only spray the substrate, in order to avoid their displacement and damage to the resulting roots.

Seeding instructions

So, the seeds are processed, the substrate is ready, we start planting:

Never stack seeds one on top of the other when soaking. The biofield of the seed may be damaged. Place them so that the seeds do not touch each other.

If the variety of bell pepper you have chosen is early ripe, then you can increase its yield in this way: pinch the tops over 6-7 leaves. Seedlings will lag a little behind in development, but subsequently several times more fruits are formed from each formed side shoot.

It is not difficult to get your own seeds from your peppers: select the largest and most beautiful fruits, leave them for a week or two in room conditions, then cut out the middle and separate the seeds. After 5-7 days of drying, place them in a glass jar. Thus, it will be possible to plant seeds up to 5 years.

Video - instructions on how to sow bell peppers for seedlings

"Sweet" is what Bulgarians call peppers. It is also juicy, meaty, colorful, fragrant and healthy vegetable. It contains few calories and many vitamins, such as A, C, E, PP, B9, H, as well as carbohydrates, fiber and proteins. With proper care, growing bell pepper seedlings is not difficult.

What harm or benefit does a vegetable bring, beneficial features and contraindications - you need to know this only when you can grow and get a good harvest.

Growing a plant is quite laborious. It's a culture thermophilic and demanding on the composition and structure of the soil.

Peppers love soil with neutral acidity and high moisture capacity. The land should be fed with manure or ammonia-potassium fertilizers, clean from weeds, you need to take care of it in advance.

The ripening of the fruits of this crop is long, so the seeds are planted in pots at home. It does not make sense to plant and plant seeds immediately in open ground because of this feature.

In the northern regions, cultivation is preferred in greenhouses, because here the necessary temperature conditions are observed around the clock so that the vegetable can grow well.

The complexity of growing does not scare summer residents, however, they reap the harvest of a whimsical crop.

Sweet peppers - popular types

There are many varieties of sweet vegetables. By planting type subdivided into greenhouse and open field, and also divided according to the fruit ripening period into early ripening, medium early, late and hybrid.

The most popular variety for open ground, which is very fond of novice gardeners "", as it is unpretentious in care, resistant to numerous diseases and bears fruit early. Variety "" is also early ripe, its bushes are low, so pinching and tying the stems is not required.

Bulgarian pepper "" ripens by 110 days from the date of planting the seeds, compact, well resists verticillosis and can be grown both in open and protected ground.

From mid-season beginners in vegetable growing, the disease-resistant variety "" is suitable, the harvest from small bushes is obtained on day 130, making little effort to water and feed.

Gardeners distinguish red from hybrids high yielding variety"", requiring a minimum of labor costs and a large-fruited hybrid " Atlantic F1”, yielding a crop even in adverse weather conditions.

How to start landing at home

Peppers are planted on seedlings in February or March depending on location and weather conditions. The first step of planting is to check the seeds by sampling in salt water (per liter 30 grams of salt).

In salted water, weak and damaged seeds will float, while heavy ones capable of germination will remain at the bottom.

After drying, the seeds are soaked for several hours in plain water, then placed in a moist environment, such as a wet napkin or plastic bag until germination.

Also, to accelerate the ripening of fruits and prevent diseases, the seeds must be treated with a disinfectant solution of potassium permanganate, and then with a growth stimulator. Since the culture does not like transplants, it is better to immediately place the seeds in large 500 gram plastic cups, in a loose wet soil to a depth of 1-2 cm, 2 pieces per cell.

When several shoots appear, the weak one is removed. Cups with seedlings are placed in a bright and warm place, regularly moistened and heated if necessary.

Transplanting seedlings and timing of planting in the soil

On the stage 3-4 leaves pepper is transplanted into open ground. For landing, the earth must warm up to +15 degrees. Planting seedlings occurs in May, after the end of frost.

Before planting, loosen the soil, shed and fertilize with 1 tablespoon of potassium. The distance between the bushes is left equal 30 cm.

The level of the planted sprout should correspond to the depth of the seedling material.

Care after planting for a good harvest

At proper fit, the first new leaf appears approximately on day 10. If the plant has many leaves and stems, then a crown is formed by pinching, and each stem is tied to a peg. The main thing during flowering is to remove the first flower, this will increase flowering, pollination and fruiting in the future.

During the growth period, you need to mulch the soil under the pepper, weeding in order to ensure oxygen access to the roots of the plant. Watering 1-2 times a week, depending on the weather, the water consumption per bush is 1.5 liters for planted seedlings, and for fruit-bearing bushes 2.5 liters.

During flowering and 2 more times during the fruiting period, top dressing is carried out with a solution of manure (1:5) or chicken manure (1:10), as well as mineral fertilizers.

bell pepper doesn't like cold, therefore, when the air temperature drops, they must be covered with a film, rags, and during the period of frost they are fumigated with smoke.

Pest and disease control

Pepper often wilts outdoors. The reason for this disease and insects that feed on vegetable crops.

Damage to the plant is caused by:

  • colorado potato beetle; the spread of the beetle can be avoided by collecting the larvae and destroying
  • aphid; destroyed by chemical attack
  • naked slugs who are afraid of dry mustard, tobacco or lime dust
  • spider mite loves the juice of the leaves, so the affected plants are burned, and the untouched ones are sprayed with an alcohol solution, soapy water, garlic or onion infusion.

Diseases also often affect peppers:

  • fungal disease in a humid environment, affecting stems and leaves in the form of brown spots with a pale green zone late blight; 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid can save pepper
  • the most common is verticillium wilt, appearing due to the penetration of the virus into the damaged roots, the leaves fall off and as a result the plant dries up. It is necessary to burn diseased parts to stop the spread of the fungus.
  • among diseases are white, gray and top rot. White appears on the stems in the root part from a lack of fertilizers, gray occurs against the background of an incorrect water balance and affects the entire fruit, and the apical one often affects the tip of the pepper with spots and occurs both from bacteria and from planting conditions. To avoid exposure to rot, plantings are fertilized with calcium and watered abundantly.

Difficulties of growing bell pepper

To receive big harvest Bulgarian pepper should be regularly loosened and watered the soil.

You also need to know that fertilizers are the main part of nutrition, the lack of vitamins immediately affects appearance leaves, stems and fruits. When planting seedlings, it is important to try avoid windy areas, plant a bed with tall, wind-protecting crops.

Choose Your Neighbors Carefully for culture: the neighborhood with fennel, beets is unfavorable, and tomatoes, lettuce, onions, carrots will have a positive effect, repelling pests.

After the end of the summer season, plant barley in place of pepper and dig up the ground after the grown cereal, get the humus rich in vitamins, necessary for growing the next season's crop.

Pepper is a southern plant, and in our climate, it requires an attentive attitude. Abundant watering, creating soil favorable for plant growth and protection from the cold contribute to getting a well-deserved high yield. And this means that you will provide yourself with vitamins and macronutrients of sweet bell pepper until next year!

Bulgarian pepper is the most common vegetable crop on our Earth. Indeed, a garden plot is very difficult to imagine without this vegetable. In Russia, gardeners grow pepper exclusively seedling method. At the same time, the choice of seeds is influenced by climatic conditions a certain area. In order for the harvest to be rich and the fruits sweet, it is important to know when to plant peppers in open ground in 2018. It is immediately worth noting that the yield of pepper can be affected various factors. In particular, here it is necessary proper watering, prepared soil and, of course, good consecration. But everything is worth talking about in more detail.

How to grow pepper? Peculiarities

The homeland of Bulgarian pepper is: Guatemala and Mexico. It follows that culture needs:

  • Light day in the amount of 8 hours;
  • Moisture in moderation;
  • Light and fertile soil;
  • The mode of applying an increased dose of fertilizer with potassium.

Pepper is quite a capricious culture. And some varieties can only be planted in a greenhouse. Gardeners who live in areas with cold and short summers should pay attention to varieties of early ripeness and low growth. In these varieties, the fruits are small, but very fleshy.

On a note! It has already been proven in practice that early-ripening varieties are distinguished by a large yield, unlike late-ripening ones.

Planting seedlings in the ground

If you decide to grow bell peppers in the garden and in this case seedlings are used, then you need to use proper cultivation and care in order to harvest your harvest soon. So, pepper seedlings have long grown. Now it is important to trace other stages of cultivation.

We choose a place for a future landing.

Most important rule growing pepper is a well-chosen place in the garden. So at this point you have to be very careful. Pepper seedlings are not recommended to be planted in those places where nightshade crops were grown in the previous year. The point here is this. It turns out that tomatoes and potatoes have similar diseases and pests. At the same time, pests can easily winter in the ground.

Also, pepper requires a short daylight hours. In this case, the area should be shaded. In a very sunny area it will be difficult to get excellent harvest. Pepper must be protected from strong winds. Therefore, it is planted along plantings of shrubs or fruit trees. These plants will cover the pepper from the sun and protect it from the wind. If you are going to plant some peppers, then the space between the tomato seedlings can be used for this purpose.

On a note! In no case should pepper seedlings be planted in low-lying places where there is constant stagnation of moisture. The culture is drought tolerant. Therefore, the soil is not waterlogged.

We prepare the soil.

Peppers that grow outdoors require special cultivation and careful care. The landing site should be decided in advance. In addition, it is important to prepare the ground. For planting peppers, you can prefer a light dry clay soil, which is neutral. If on your garden plot black soil, no special preparation is required. A bucket of humus per 1 square. a meter is brought in if the soil has been worked out and has not rested for a long time. At the same time, it is worth making well-rotted humus.

  • In heavy clay soil, add a bucket to 1 sq.m of land for digging: sand, peat and humus. You can also add half a bucket of sawdust, which is well rotted.
  • 1 bucket of humus and a bucket of sod land. Activities are carried out immediately before planting seedlings.
  • In sand-rich soil, add a bucket of peat, a bucket of clay soil and a bucket of rotted sawdust. And they also bring in 2 buckets of humus per 1 sq. meter.

On a note! The above dressing data should be used only if fertilizers have never been applied to the soil. If, on the contrary, you fertilize regularly, then the numbers should be reduced. In addition, the soil for planting peppers is best prepared in the fall. You can do this in the spring too. But all feeding activities are carried out 6 weeks before planting pepper.

Let's talk about pick up times.

If you want to know when to plant peppers in open ground in the 2018 season, then remember that you need to plant seedlings in well-warmed soil. Its temperature should be 15-16 degrees. Also, peppers are planted after the threat of frost has passed. Not sure about the temperature? Then plant the seedlings a few days later. It is not recommended to plant pepper in cold soil. In this case, the seedlings may simply die. Therefore, about this moment should always be remembered.

Rooted pepper freely withstands temperatures down to -1 degrees. But at a temperature of +15 it ceases to grow and develop. Given this moment and taking into account the fact that the temperature is constantly dropping, it is necessary to put wire arcs over the beds with pepper high strength. If there is a threat of frost, cover the beds with a blanket or film. In this case, the material must be laid directly on the arcs themselves. While maintaining a cold temperature, the cover is removed from the garden during the day, and at night it is again covered with arcs.

On a note! Arcs from wire are recommended to be done conscientiously. In the future, they will be required in order to cover the pepper from the sun.

Landing plan.

Now you know when to plant bell peppers in open ground. Of course, this should be done when it is warm outside. Now it is worth saying that landing is also important to carry out very competently. In this case, keep the distance between the seedlings. At the time of planting, remember that excessive sun can harm the bell pepper. Therefore, if you plant peppers close to each other, then the leaves of neighboring plants will cover each other. But too frequent planting can affect the loosening and weeding of the soil. Doing this will not be convenient. And the fruits themselves can grow small. And in this way, stem rot can be provoked.

Each pepper hybrid, as a rule, has its own feeding area. Therefore, during planting, it is worth considering the information that is given on the bags of seeds. In this article, we will further give general tips that you should use when planting pepper seedlings.

So, the distance between pepper seedlings should be 35-40 cm. The distance between rows should be 70 cm. Plant 1 or 2 plants in the nest.

Bulgarian pepper is convenient to plant in two lines. In this case, two close rows are at a distance of 30 cm from each other, and a distance of 20-25 cm is observed between plants. Another pair of plants is 70 cm from the first pair. If using this planting, then plant one pepper root in each hole.

On a note! For tall varieties of pepper, increase the distance between the rows and the seedling itself during planting.

How to plant seedlings.

As you can see, growing bell pepper outdoors requires some skill. But if you know certain information, then everything will definitely turn out. Pepper seedlings are planted on a cloudy day or in the evening. Don't do this on a hot day. Before planting in the ground, the seedlings are well shed. Holes are dug in the garden right size so that a clod of earth with a pepper root can fit freely there.

Potash fertilizer is poured into each planting hole in the amount of one tablespoon. You can use a special fertilizer for pepper. At the same time, follow the instructions during use. In order to protect the plant from pests and disease, potash fertilizer is replaced with a handful of chopped chicken shells or a handful of ash. If you could not bring in humus for digging the soil, then you can throw it directly into the hole. The amount of humus is 1-2 handfuls. He rushes right under the root.

It is worth starting to plant pepper after you fill the hole with water and it can be absorbed. Seedlings are taken out of the container very carefully. The clod of earth must not be disturbed. When planting seedlings, it is not deepened. It should be planted as it grew in a pot.

The soil around the pepper after planting should be compacted properly. Tall varieties are immediately tied to pegs. Landing immediately, if possible, must be mulched with peat. This will keep the soil from drying out and prevent the growth of weeds.

Covering the soil with pepper seedlings with covering material is recommended for those gardeners who live in areas with a cold climate.

Seedling care after planting

After the seedlings are planted in the ground, it is necessary to start caring for the pepper. The culture is very demanding on watering and nutrition. If you poured fertilizer into the soil when planting in the hole, then in the next two weeks the seedlings are not fed with anything. It is important to monitor competent watering and avoid mistakes.


Not all pepper seedlings will be able to take root in the ground after planting. Therefore, you need to leave a certain number of copies of the plant for replacement. Vegetable seedlings die different reasons. However, the most common is the bear. Fallen peppers should definitely be replaced. If this is not done, then the yield will be significantly reduced. Yes, and the shading that you sought may disappear. And this is fraught sunburn ovaries and fruits.

Peppers can die as a result of wilting on sandy soil that is subject to winds and long droughts. This happens quite often in the regions of the south and with elongated seedlings.

All about watering

The importance of irrigation in pepper cultivation is very high. However, it is difficult to say how and when to properly water the plant. In particular, in the Kuban, pepper is watered extremely often. But in regions where precipitation often falls, pepper is freely grown without irrigation.

The restorative ability of pepper is inferior to that of tomatoes. And it can take a long time for this culture to take root. The delay of the plant and even its death can occur even with a minimal deviation from temperature regime. This can also happen if the irrigation regime is violated. In particular, the very first watering occurs immediately after planting the plant. It is not recommended to rush with the next watering. This should not be done even when the plants withered from sun rays. And if in the early morning the leaves look up, then it is also early to water. To determine the date of the next watering, it is necessary to monitor the plant and the level of soil moisture.

On a note! Pepper leaves can be omitted not only from a lack of moisture, but also from its excess.

Determining soil moisture is easy. In this case, a handful of earth is taken in the hand and tightly compressed. If a:

  • The soil is dry and the earth is pouring through the fingers, then it is worth watering.
  • The soil is waterlogged, water should seep through the fingers.
  • If the earth in your hand remains a lump, then it is thrown to the ground. If the lump does not crumble, then watering is postponed for several days. If a clod of earth has broken, then the peppers need watering in this case.

In general, the second watering is done after the pepper has established itself. Some signs can signal the rooting of pepper. First, the upper leaves will darken on the plant, and then the lower leaves. And if there is an increase, then the pepper is accustomed. It usually takes about 10 days to restore the roots.

On a note! Peppers that are grown in fast-drying soils need to be given a lot of attention. If the soil, when compressed in someone, signals a lack of moisture, then it is worth making a second watering, which should be scarce. This is done after the first watering in a few days.

On the initial stage during the growing season, watering is carried out extremely rarely. It is recommended to produce it taking into account the amount of precipitation, as well as the composition of the soil. Understand that light soils made of sand should be irrigated more often. The amount of watering increases when the pepper fruits begin to ripen.

Pepper should not get wet at any stage of its development. As a result of soaking, the leaves of the pepper turn yellow. And the ovaries with flowers are sprinkled. But on heavy soil, and especially after overflowing, the pepper cannot recover. As a result, he dies.

Weeding and loosening

Loosening is an important event for bell peppers. As a result of this, it is possible to destroy not only weeds, but also to retain moisture in the soil. Loosening is done after each watering. As a result, you will reduce evaporation and achieve reduced watering. It is recommended to loosen sandy soils by 5-6 cm. And clay soil is loosened by 10 cm.

On a note! Loosening is not carried out between the first two waterings. This event can damage the roots of the plant and delay the period of its engraftment.

When loosening, the soil is carefully processed. It is worth doing this because the pepper has superficial roots that have the ability to recover poorly.

Pepper dressing

Peppers cannot grow normally without top dressing. You can feed both organic and mineral fertilizers. At what mineral fertilizers should be used those that were specially developed for this vegetable crop.

With whom pepper is good, and with whom not so

In this article, we talked about many things. Now we will analyze such a question, what to plant next to the pepper. There is not much space in the garden. And it makes no sense to allocate a huge plot of land for each crop. In this case, it is wiser to choose “neighbors” for the bell pepper with whom he will be comfortable. So, growing a culture will be great with:

  • bow,
  • basil and spinach
  • tomatoes and coriander.

Peppers are not planted next to fennel, beans, or in the place where beets grew last year.

On a note! If bitter and sweet peppers grow in your garden, then you should not plant them nearby. Such a neighborhood sweet pepper can become bitter.


Pepper seedlings are easy to plant in open ground. It is important to follow all the rules so that the harvest is not only rich, but also tasty.

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