How to install the Christmas tree in the apartment. Metal stand for the Christmas tree with their own hands

Encyclopedia plants 12.06.2019
Encyclopedia plants

Since a long time, the Christmas tree is considered an essential attribute of the new year. By bringing it to the house, we introduce a piece of fabulous sacrament into it, which will unfold in our eyes for two weeks. Therefore, the labor-intensive processes of installation and decoration of forest beauty do not burden, but are pleasant pre-Christmas happiness.

Of course, each of us wants the New Year guest to please us with their presence as long as possible. You can achieve this by using some small tricks.

An important role is played by the correctness of the christmas tree. Give your preference to a tree with elastic and well-rugged branches. Do not be afraid to lose precious time, bend a few sprigs. If they break, then, most likely, this beauty "took from the forest" for a long time, and this, in turn, can noticeably spoil the atmosphere of the holiday in your home. The crackling of the branch of the branch should be per capita. Such a spruce is not suitable for you.

Choosing and buying a Christmas tree, carry her home with top. In such a position, it is not rareling its lower branches and does not lose large number needles. But to enter the Christmas tree into the house, you need a top forward, to inadvertently not to damage and do not break it.

In no case cannot be allowed a sharp temperature drop. Your guest needs to be adapted to a new place of residence. Hold it for some time in a cool room, for example, on the balcony. And only then invite to the room.

And now it's time to take care of the support for the Christmas tree. As it, you can use a bucket filled with wet sand or water. And you can also give up such fillers and wrap the trunk of the tree with a piece of fabric, which will have to be periodically saved. But it is preferable to use a special coach for the Christmas tree with a water tank. This simple device reliably fix the tree and will give the opportunity to optimally enter moisture to the trunk.

Very important and choosing a place for the Christmas tree. Take care that there is no heat source near. Neighborhood with a fireplace, a heater or radiator will adversely affect the needles, which will spoil the New Year's atmosphere in the house.

Before installing the Christmas tree, remove the branches at the base of the trunk. Do not forget to update the tree log cabin. This will enable moisture faster to penetrate the stem of the New Year's beauty.

Now is the time to consolidate your green guest on the stand and fill the reservoir with water. Make sure that the church of the Christmas tree is constantly in the water. After all, the firing tree loves to drink. And the process of evaporation will make its job.

To extend the life of New Year's beauty, you can use the traditional tips that have been checking time. So, the water you will pour into the tank, you need to defend the chlorine to evaporate it. By updating the cutting of the tree, it will not be superfluous from the bottom of its trunk of the bark at a distance of 10 centimeters, the same cut should be made at an angle of 45 degrees. The bare part of the trunk must be completely in the water.

These simple rules will extend your neighborhood with forest beauty up to the old new year.

"Holiday comes to us", and with him come and New Year's troubles.
Take care of the purchase of a Christmas tree in advance.

1. Stem. Having come to the bazaar and stretching out of a heap of branches, cones and needles what I liked, you need to knock on a commander (the lower part of the barrel, which was once a single whole with the stump left) on the ground.
If needless needles were sprinkled on the Earth, then you can safely put this "miracle" in place.
If the test passed successfully, pickyly inspect the trunk on it on it mold, fungi and other sewage.
As a rule, trees for sale beaten on a long time, upon reaching the eight-year-old age, and in this case, at the height of the village, five kilograms are considered a normal weight at a time and a half meters, and it is better all seven.
Very subtle trunk is a sign of the disease. W. healthy tree The trunk in the girth should be at least 6 centimeters, if it branches it - nothing terrible, so the tree even looks like fluffy.

2. Needle. Fresh ate she is bright green. Longly spend the needles between your fingers: if the village is fresh, then you can feel easy oil and fragrant smell of needles. If there is no smell, and the needles are dry to the touch - it means that something is wrong with the Christmas tree, most likely, she frowned.

3. Branches. The tree must be fresh, dry after two or three days will begin to crumble. In the fresh christmas tree, the branches are elastic, it is not easy for breaking them, while dry they are easily clouded with a characteristic crackle. Branches should be drawn up.

4. Transportation of the tree. In order not to break the branches on the way home, the Christmas tree is best wrap burlap and tied up with a rope. Purchased Christmas tree is home to the top back so that the ends of the lower branches do not hoister. When you enter the Christmas tree into the house, her painting, on the contrary, should be ahead.

5. Setting the tree. If the Christmas tree is purchased in advance, then before the coming of the holiday, keep it better in the cold: hanging outside the window or putting it on the balcony. However, even if the Christmas tree was bought directly on December 31, then immediately make it in a warm room, install and decorate in no case: from such a drop temperature chill may get sick and die. If the frost is on the street below -10 ° C, do not carry the Christmas tree immediately in the apartment. Give her to stand up in the entrance of 20 minutes so that she excited.

Before installing the Christmas tree, you need to overtake the trunk from the bark at 8-10 cm and sharp it with a sharp knife (in order to open fresh pores) under the jet of water. You can still cut the top of the erahl, and the fresh cut out of the ointment of Vishnevsky.

Set the Christmas tree different ways:

Bucket with sand. An ideal option is a bucket with pure wet sand. A liter of water is added to the sand bucket, in which a small amount of glycerol or gelatin is pre-dissolved. One more option - how for garden flowers - Tablet aspirin plus 2 tablespoons sugar sugar. Some advise with water to add a small amount of suitable liquid fertilizer. Set the Christmas tree in the sand in such a way that the lower part of the trunk is closed at least than 20 centimeters. Sand must be watered after 1-2 days.

Water container. Water at the time of installation should be hot and contain acid - acetic or lemon. An acidic medium can be replaced with pills of hip aspirin. Another recipe: add half a teaspoon of citric acid to the water, a spoonful of gelatin and a bit of a pile chalk.

Turning the trunk. The easiest option is not the perfect: wrap the barrel in a cut-off area with a damp cloth, which you need to be allowed to periodically. Then strengthen the tree in the cross, on the stand or in some other way.

Spries of fir can be sprayed from the spray from the pulverizer - thereby the elder will retain freshness.

Publication Date: 5-11-2015, 20:27

Set new Year tree You can not only in the house, but also on the street. Especially good, when a live fir grows in front of the house, then nothing needs to buy, and also bother with the installation. By the way, despite the fact that this moment It is still November, about installing the Christmas tree you need to think right now, the same can be said about pyrotechnics. It is best to visit the fireworks store in the near future, because the price of everything is likely to be lower than in the second half of December. And also, if you buy fireworks, then in the shop "Ba-Bach", which is found on the website They are collected a huge collection of pyrotechnics. Moreover, all presented has the highest quality. As for prices, they cannot be called large, at least they are not higher than the average.

What will be needed to install the Christmas tree on the street

To install a fir on the street you will need some holder. The easiest to use the steel pipe for this, you can drive it into the ground and the thing is in the hat. You can also apply a portable holder collected from wood. Of course, the Holder for the Christmas tree can be welding from steel metal.

Three ways to install fir

The easiest way is to use steel pipe Suitable diameter. The inner diameter of the pipe should be slightly more than the thickness of the spruce. Everything that needs to be done is to drive the pipe vertically into the ground, about thirty centimeters deep into. This will require a sledgehammer. It is necessary to do this now, because soon the earth will freeze, which will make the installation of the pipe almost impossible.

The following method is to use a wooden holder. It can be knocked down from the wood massif, namely from the bar and bars, you can apply the boards. In the center of such structures, a square of suitable size is usually equipped. As for the legs, they are usually four. It is necessary to put such a stand under a spruce where exactly.

The third way to install ate is to use another holder, but not from wood, but from metal. For the manufacture of such a design, metal and rolling and welding machine. A piece of steel pipe, corners, square tube, and indeed everything can be used in this case are useful from the metal.

It is worth noting that to install the Christmas tree on the street, not only the holder, but also garland, as well as christmas toys will be needed. Moreover, it is desirable that the garland is big, like toys.

So, we go to the finish line and turn on acceleration! Before the new year there is a week and it's time not to think about it, but to start actively cooking a Christmas tree!

Disputes about the live tree should be or artificial ... Let's leave for later. Personally, I adhere to the opinion that _ But talk about it somehow another time. Now those who have an artificial Christmas tree - just press some of the "like.buttons" and can be safely read, because the stand is included in the kit and problems with the installation should not have. The rest - the mercy ask for Cat - I will tell you how easy it is easy and easy to solve the issue with installing this New Year's attribute
Food for Christmas trees are very different. In childhood, we had a metal bucket on a tripod with three clamping screws, which the Christmas tree was clamped as in the clamp. It was very convenient - there is little space, firmly holds and pour water to the tree longer standing. But ... the bucket has long been broken, and we have never found a new one (though they didn't really look for).
For some time we used to stand ... Ordinary bucket! Yes, yes is the easiest way to install.

1 way:
What do you need:
1. Bucket (any, can plastic, we had a metallic wide. The larger the bucket, the larger the size you can place the Christmas tree - after all, a very large tree, respectively, is heavy, and therefore it is necessary to be a decent mass of the cargo.
2. Several plastic bottles filled with water (the size of the bottles varies depending on the size of the bucket and the tree).
3. Some ropes for stretch marks (sometimes it is necessary to fix the Christmas tree either to the bucket itself in the form of stretching, or to a number of standing cabinet-shelf, etc.).

What do:
- On the tree, extra branches on the height of the bucket are removed from the bottom.
- The Christmas tree is installed in the bucket :) and on all sides it is cut by plastic bottles (fixed). Some bottles are completely filled, the filling of others should be selected to insert them into the bucket to align and fix the Christmas tree. Bottles can be alternating - insert one up, others down the neck. Those that are inserted up with the lid can easily be used to "select equilibrium" pre-installation: Unscrewing the cap, we drag the excess water under pressure and the Christmas tree easier "finds" your place.
- If necessary (if the tree curve is sharpened), it should be attached to some small rollers to something (yes, albeit a bucket, if a bucket of sufficient mass). The main thing is to pay attention to - the Christmas tree should stand alone! Rods only _Fax_ it in the right position, so that with carelessly move during the dance, do not disturb the equilibrium. Properly installed Christmas tree in additional fixation does not need! :)
- And now, we fill the bucket with water - this we create a heavy base for the Christmas tree, and secondly, we extend the time it will have. We had up to one and a half months, the main thing is not to forget to replenish the water in time - pine is very good absorbs :)

A big bucket under Christmas tree does not always look beautiful ... (And we have a bucket of the bucket, there were views, touched by rust ...) Therefore, it is wrapped in a layer of packaging wool - it turns out a beautiful snowball! And the Christmas tree looks like it is fixed directly into the snowdrift. If your company does not receive devices covered in tens of packaging wool meters (do not be confused with medical, it is much more expensive) :))) - We look for any tissue, or cardboard - at your discretion. If only it was beautiful :) In the end, the traditional figures of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden can also be delivered.

Little Christmas tree for the new year 2007. Installed by method 1 - Plastic bucket, disguised as a snowdrift (for large chips, a 15-liter wide metal bucket was used).

2 way:
By this way, we used when the Christmas tree was medium in size (up to 2 meters), and we installed it for a while.
What do you need:
1. Ordinary rack from an inexpensive fan. IN last years We have such hot summer days ... that the "promotional" cheap fan you bought if not home, then to work for sure. Unlike expensive models, his rack has collapsible. We take from it the bottom, separating the fan itself.
2. A little adhesive tape (scotch) or rope.

What do:
Actually, and that's it! :))
- Attach the Christmas tree with a rope / scotch tape to the stand - and rejoice :) In the unclear room, the Christmas tree stands up to two weeks calmly, it does not limp. The slope is light, the Christmas tree can easily be transferred from place to place.

3 way:
This year I was applied for the first time. Actually, this is a combination of methods 1 and 2. Initially, I was going to take advantage of 2, but then ... I regretted the Christmas tree and decided to add her a driver.

What do you need:
1. Ordinary rack from an inexpensive fan (seepole 2).
2. A little scotch or rope.
3. Plastic bottle (minimum 2 liters. In general, the size depends on the thickness of the barrel. In our case, it took 5-liter capacity).
4. I still needed one self-tapping screw to 30 mm, but it was possible to do without it.

What do:
1. First of all, as before, we liberate the barrel from the lower branches to the height of our tank.

One of the questions visiting us on the eve of the New Year - how to save the living Christmas tree at home longer, so that one of the main New Year and Christmas attributes is pleased with the older's eyes as possible and of course guests. Below we will list some of the tricks aimed at the fact that the Christmas tree does not appear longer and remained the same bright at least throughout all New Year holidays.

  • Buy fresh fir. Of course, all sellers in vain will tell that the forest beauty is cut only an hour ago, but in fact, it happens that cut trees for several weeks "get" to their customers. If you can - buy a fir directly in the nursery or the sellers who trust.
  • Spend acclimatization. It is undesirable with a frost to immediately put the tree in the room with room temperature, it is desirable to give her about a day to stand on the balcony, in the garage, etc.
  • Arrange the Christmas tree shower. If you can - Sop coniferous beauty Under the shower: This procedure will not only remove dust and dirt from the tree, but also will saturate every twig and the cheating of the lifeful moisture. After the procedure, give water drain, and then install the tree into place.
  • Temperature mode. The cooler will be indoors with her fir - the longer she will have. It is undesirable to place a tree near the radiators of heating and other heating devices, as this will lead to premature dullness and shocking of the needles.
  • Moisturizing branches. If every day or at least once every 2 - 3 days spray the tree from the pulverizer - it will help the branches to keep the desired moisture. IMPORTANT! During the procedure, disconnect electrical garlands to avoid lesion to the current and short circuit! Try so that the moisture does not get on the garlands and do not overdo it with spraying.
  • Power supply. Be sure to install the trunk in a container with an aqueous solution. Various adds to water nutrients either all together or separately: sugar (approximately 50 g per 1 liter of water); salt (approximately 1 tbsp.); aspirin (one extinguished tablet); chalk (about 50g); Lemon K-TA (1 h.)

If you install a fir on the stand, then the container with the solution is desirable to arrange under the stand, lowering the slice into this container. It is advisable to increase the area of \u200b\u200bpower, having stabbed the trunk to the wedge, making a slant cut, or removing the bark from the bottom of the barrel. As evaporation and "drinking", the solution in the container is desirable to update.

How to put a Christmas tree without a stand

If you do not have a stand, or the stand design does not suit you, or it is impossible to install a container with a nutrient solution under the stand, then the simplest option - Put the Christmas tree in a bucket with sand and moisten the sand by the same solution. The tree established in this way will be stable and will continue for a long time Due to most Square Nutrition.

Well, if you buy a Christmas tree in a pot, about which we wrote here then to please this beauty you will be throughout your life, and not only during the winter holidays. And if desired, subsequently, it will be possible to land in an open ground, decorating pricework Or making your contribution to the landscaping of our favorite planet.

Happy New Year and Christmas!

Artificial Christmas tree is chosen for a long time, and only a few festive days. But this time she will delight you with a unique coniferous aroma, attaching the most present New Year's mood.

If you do not have great experience Appeals with a natural church, then without our tips you just do not do. Before going to the Christmas Bazaar, carefully read how to choose and install live christmas tree For the new year at home yourself.

How to choose a live tree

If you decide to choose a live tree, then do not miss the time. If in two or three weeks before the new year in the bazaars lie thick and beautiful ate, then before the holiday itself, the fleet of the holiday, which no one bought it.

In addition to the external beauty of the Christmas tree, an important parameter for its choice is the size, that is, the height. The tree should not rest in the ceiling. As an option, of course, you can cut a little trunk, but high trees are usually more expensive. The width of the Christmas tree is a less important parameter, but still, dressed, it should not take the whole room and interfere with the passage of your households.

If you put a fir in the angle, you can buy a cheaper one-sided village. Otherwise, you will have to cut the branches from too lush crown, which should stand in the center of the room and please the surrounding beauty from all sides.

Now you need to choose a high-quality live tree that will have a long time in your home. You need to do it immediately in several signs.

1. Take your favorite Christmas tree and knock out the bottom of the trunk of the ground as a staff. If the needles fell apart, then such a Christmas tree is better not to take.

2. Now you need to inspect the barrel if it is very thin, it may be a sign of the disease. If the tree is healthy, then the trunk girth should be at least 10 cm. But the branching is not a sign of mutation, on the contrary, such a spruce is usually fluffy and beautiful. Inspect the trunk for mold and fungi.

3. The needles in the fresh christmas tree of rich green. To the touch needle, if they are a little rubbed a little oily and very fragrant. If all this is not the case, it means that the tree is frozen.

4. The branches must stretch up, be elastic and breaking up. If they are laid out with a crackle, it suggests that the fir dried and he does not sleep for a long time.

Deliver the chosen Christmas tree home also need certain rulesAfter packed in a bag and rugged the rope. In order not to spoil the lower branches, carry it the top back, and deploy the top of the entrance to the entrance.

Usually under New Year It can be cold, and the Christmas trees are stored on the street. Therefore, at home, the forest beauty is waiting for completely different conditions to which it should get used to the installation and decoration. Hold it for about an hour in the entrance, so that it relieves, if on the street frost below 10 degrees. And then leave it for 1-2 days in the hallway (or where it will not disturb you) to warm, wrapped the trunk at the bottom of the wet cloth and cover the tree from above dry. Unleash the bound branches and wash the Christmas tree is not needed.

Store the Christmas tree if you bought it in advance, it is necessary in a cold room, for example, on the balcony, in the garage or basement so that it does not have a needle cheer.

How to install a live tree at home

When a live tree gets used to the warmth of your home, carefully unleash and remove all the ropes, trying not to damage and do not break the branches. Measure the height of the Christmas tree and your ceiling, make sure that it fit in the room in a vertical position.

The barrel should be cleaned from the bark at 8-10 cm and cut a little or sharp the sharp knife under the jet of water, since the resin flashes the pores and interferes with the tree to absorb moisture. If the Christmas tree was cut down on the Christmas Bazaar, they saw all this part so that the base was smooth. Calculate the distance from the stand to the lower branches, perhaps some of them will also have to cut.

Now put the Christmas tree vertically and inspect from all sides. It will be better if someone will help you do it. The most beautiful side of the Christmas tree must attract the views of those who are entering the room to be immediately visible. Especially if the tree stands in the corner, all beautiful and fluffy branches should be in sight, and not by the wall.

A live tree is installed in a special stand intended for this purpose. It has legs, a pot for sand and bolts-holders of the trunk, designed for a fitted size. After installation, look, even whether the tree is worth it, whether it bent to the side. You can replace such a pot with sand with sand, but there are no guarantees that the tree dressed in toys will not fall when you are not waiting at all. The lower part of the barrel should be closed with sand at least than 20 cm.

Live Christmas tree, so that she stands longer, did not dry and did not creep, you need a special care. First of all, it must be water. The first time it is better to do when your spruce is not only installed, but already dressed up. Fill in the container of hot but not boiling water to clean the pores from the resin. The following watering needs to be produced every day with water temperature, lined or filter.

One of the symbols of the new year is the Christmas tree. Decorated with balls, garlands, rain and serpentine, she always pleases with her own kind of adults and children. Usually the Christmas trees are used two species - artificial and alive. The first is easily going and installed on a pedestal in the house, but the second, may be an inexperienced person, who for the first time decided to place it. So, how best to put the Christmas tree so that it stood exactly, did not fall and what should be done for this and what means.

Usually recommended living tree Buy in advance. This is due to the fact that the day before the celebration of the new year prices on fluffy green beauties raise sharply. However, on December 31, prices begin to decline due to the fact that demand decreases, but buying it, you can not have time to install it. As a rule, choosing and buying a tree, we bring it home and first in a corridor. Naturally, if a spruce or pine was bought for 7 - 10 days, then immediately dress up and you should not just keep the tree at home, because in heat it will start to lose moisture and wither. Therefore, the tree should be taken out from the corridor to the balcony, where the street temperature. At such a low temperature, the tree will be able to simultane for a long time.

A few days before the holiday, the Christmas tree must be taken out from the balcony and start setting. It can be done in different ways, depending on what you have.

If you have a metal stand or wooden in the form of crosses, then you need to do the following:

1. Put the stand to the place where the tree will be located.

2. Measure the diameter of the stand and wood using a ruler or circle using the usual thread.

3. If the tree dimer is larger than the stand diameter, then with the help of an ax or acute knife, it strives the barrel along the entire circumference to the length equal to the height of the stand and then check whether it enters the fastener, lifting the trunk and putting the stand.

4. If the trunk is already than the diameter of the stand, then use a small piece wooden board or a fragment of the branches that should be split into small wedges to fake under the gaps throughout the perimeter with the help of a hammer.

5. Put the tree on the stand and make sure it is exactly and not swing. If the tree is poorly fixed, so that it does not fall and did not overturn when the toy swings, secure it with small wedges.

In the event that you do not have a coaster for the Christmas tree, the tree can be put into a large and deep bucket filled with sand. For this:

1. Put an empty bucket to the place where the tree will be supposed to stand.

2. Take another bucket and, filling it with sand, put next to the empty bucket.

3. Fill the empty bucket on a third of the sand and, taking for the trunk, put a tree strictly in it in a vertical position.

4 Caution Do not wake up the sand with a blade or scoop, evenly pour to the edges of the bucket in a circle of the trunk of the sand tree and lose weight.

5. Make sure the reliability of the tree fixation is reliable, remove the empty bucket and close the sand bucket, where it is a Christmas tree with a white cloth.

You can also put the Christmas tree yourself using a non-hospitable device made from the bottom of the ate, for this:

1. Spire the bottom of the Christmas tree with one tier branches, the so-called camel, with a hacksaw, by 5 to 7 cm length;

2. Drill with a drill, in the middle of the tree trunk and in place the opposite speaker in the camellum, a hole for a metal pin in the form of a rod;

3. Put the Camel inverted (branches at the bottom) to the floor so that it looks like a cross;

4. Insert the metal rod into the trunk of the Christmas tree and, lifting, lowering on the camel so that the rod entered the cellae hole;

5. Cover the similarity of the crossbar, sibrane from the eyes of white matter.

Install the Christmas tree, it seems simple, but when you come across this on the eve of the new year, you begin to dive into thoughts and invent various ways.

So that you do not strain before New Year's night, we will give you some tips how to install live and artificial Christmas tree.

It is worth remembering that before installing fir, it is necessary to buy it. Buy the Christmas tree follows a week before the holiday, because the day before the New Year's Eve you are unlikely to find a good one.

Choosing a beauty, pay attention to its needles. They should not be broken and yellow.

The shrinking Christmas tree, too, for a long time you do not have enough yes and, which remains not long enough, it is not very pleasant. Because if you did not have time to buy a live, then better go for artificial.

Adaptation of the Christmas tree before installing

If you purchased a tree in early December, it is not necessary to install it immediately, because it is not excluded that it does not take 31.

Put it on the balcony or another cold place without unleashing.

As soon as you brought a fir to an apartment, a house or another warm room, do not hurry to unleash it. Let it stand and get used to the temperature.

Before installing, be sure to make a fresh cut and clean the barrel by 5-10 cm.

How to install a live tree?

Different ways some:

  • with bottles;
  • in the sand;
  • on the stand.

How to install a Christmas tree with bottles

Take plastic bottles up to 2.5 liters and fill with water so that they hold the tree.

Turn over the bottles with covers down. Insert the fir into the center of the bucket and tightly make the bottled bucket.

In the remaining place in the bucket, the result of water is not too cold, but not warm.

We close the Christmas tree with a cloth or a special skirt so that no buckets and bottles can be seen. We get a beautiful and stable green beauty.

How to install a Christmas tree in a bucket with sand

Sand and bucket are old and traditional ways Secure fir. They began to use our grandfathers and grandfarades, because the sand can be extracted for free, and the bucket is found at everyone.

Bucket for the Christmas tree, choose more and above so that it keeps the tree well.

Do not put in the sand fir above 1.5 meters, because the bucket may not withstand and turn over.

For large trees, the next way is suitable.

So, we fall asleep sand, mixed with gelatin and glycerin, to clean and give a long life to it.

Put the fir in the bucket to the depth of 20 cm. If you need to get rid of the lower branches, nothing terrible.

Install the trunk and tightly tamper. To eat a long time pleased with your aroma, pour her hot water with aspirin or lemon juice.

On 1 liter of water it is necessary to take 1 tablet or tablespoon of juice.

Of course, a simple bucket with sand leave not decorated, so use fabric, plaid or.

How to install a Christmas tree on the stand

You can easily make a stand or crossbar. We will talk about it.

Basic materials for the stand:

  • metal;
  • wood.

Wooden stand for the Christmas tree with their own hands

We need:

  • 35 cm boards. Each 2 pieces;
  • 25 cm boards. Each 4 pieces;
  • drill;
  • bolts;
  • metal corners.

The thickness of the boards should be the same, approximately 2 centimeters.

We take the boards of 25 cm. And the metal corners are attached to their ends. We fasten the boards of 35 cm. With metal corners.

It turned out 2 benches. We connect them together.

We take a drill and drill a hole in the center of the stand for, so that it was a bit more than size The trunk of ate.

For greater stability, attach a tree with bolts screwed into the trunk and the center of the stand.

So she definitely does not fall on you, children and animals.

You can replace the boards on bars, just keep in mind that they should be equal length and width.

So that the stand looked beautiful, you can do on it.

Metal stand for the Christmas tree with their own hands

Such a cross will serve you not one year, so make it more profitable.

For a large Christmas tree, you need a metal tube with a diameter of 6-9 cm.

We take 4 metal plates and weld to the pipe. We make several holes in the center tube and insert the bolts.

When the fir will be installed in the hollow central metal tube, screw the bolts to the Christmas tree with screws.

Great stand for the Christmas tree!

How to install an artificial Christmas tree

When installing, not a living spruce should not:

  • place it near the walls and and heating batteries;
  • install artificial fir in the center of the living room;
  • separate the branches of the tree parallel to the floor and each other.

Install artificial fir is quite simple. As you buy it in the store, it is already sold with the stand. You do not have to bother here.

The instructions are clearly written how to collect it correctly.

Place the branches chaotically, than you can do it, the more beautiful will be your beauty.

If you want a non-fat tree given you a real aroma, spray it with a coniferous flavor.

Do not stand fir, because artificial tree may not withstand.

How to install the Christmas tree so that it stood for a long time?

Everyone wants to enjoy the New Year and the smell of ate for longer. Share with you in several ways to extend the life of the Green Trop.

If you think that firing fir, she dies - this is not at all. She is still living and maintaining life in it is useful for you.

Pour a tree with water up to 2 liters per day. So that the water does not squeak and do not spoke to make the following solutions that will help the Christmas tree to sleep for a long time:

  • on 1 liter of water, add 1 tablespoon of bath salt;
  • 10 drops of essential oil by 1 liter of water;
  • 2 spoons of sugar per 1 liter. water;
  • spoon mustard per 1 liter. water.

You can spray needles with water or dissolve chalk and lemonic acid In water (on a liter on a teaspoon).

By adding such funds, your tree will flash for a long time, because it will get the necessary vitamins and do not dry.

Decorate the Christmas tree with garlands and and she will definitely please you for a very long time!

Installation of the New Year tree.

New Year is considered excellent family holiday. Before celebrating the New Year, everyone seeks to acquire delicious foods and prepare unusual dishes. An integral attribute of the holiday is a Christmas tree. This Christmas tree will help to decorate the house, as well as make a holiday to true truly.

What Christmas tree is better to install for the new year: true or artificial?

Of course, each family has its own traditions regarding the New Year tree. Someone prefers artificial, and for someone there is no holiday without a living beauty of the forest. Therefore, the live trees are acquired. Most often buy pines or New Year's fir in the markets. Parents of young children believe that the Christmas tree smells good and only the living tree should stand at home in the New Year holidays.

In fact, the New Year tree improves the mood, and also helps soothe nerves. In addition, the smell of pine and ate improves the condition respiratory system And it helps to reduce the manifestation of bronchitis.

Benefits of a live tree:

  • Good smell
  • Low price
  • Ability to calm the nerves and create a New Year's mood

Many prefer not to fool their heads every year and therefore buy an artificial tree. This is also a good tradition and is perfect for those who have an allergy on the smell of ate. Therefore, parents who have asthmatics children, or they have atopic dermatitis, allergies, better acquire an artificial Christmas tree. She is proper care Does not cause allergies.

How to choose the right christmas tree on the Christmas Bazaar: Tips

Please note that the live tree serves you long enough, you need to do right choice. To do this, it is necessary not to acquire the Christmas tree in advance, that is, it makes no sense to acquire the New Year's Thai earlier than two weeks before the New Year.

  • It is best to buy a tree on the eve of holidays. To pay attention appearance and tree condition.
  • It is necessary that the entire barrel is covered with needles. In addition, when compressing the needles, they must be elastic and do not break.
  • Pay attention to the bark, it should not be broken, crumble or lag behind the trunk.
  • Needles christmas trees should not be brown yellow color. Otherwise, such a tree will dry quickly and appear needles.

What date can you put the Christmas tree at home on Feng Shui and in what place in the house, apartment?

A lot of attention of the New Year tree is paid to Feng Shui. The fact is that with the help of this New Year's tree, you can significantly correct your life. You can with the help of the Christmas tree and the place of its installation, attract a certain event in our new year. Put the Christmas tree, December 30-31.

  • If you want children to appear in the house, you need to install the Christmas tree in the right corner at the end of the room.
  • If you want your financial situation Improved, it is necessary to install the Christmas tree directly opposite the entrance to the room.
  • Planning promotion? In this case, install the Christmas tree in the far left corner.
  • If you want love and meet your soul mate, install the New Year tree in the right-long corner of the room.

Christmas tree in Feng Shui

What is better to put a living christmas tree at home, if there is no stand, crossmen?

Many people want to acquire a living New Year tree. But they stop the absence of crosses. In fact, now in many points and New Year bazaars for sale Christmas trees already with New Year's Cross. If you do not want to overpay, you can not acquire them.

There are several ways to install a New Year tree without crosses:

  • Installation in buckets with sand. The easiest, effective and reliable way. New Year's Beauty will not be able to fall out of the bucket and will not turn over.
  • Bucket with clay or with earth.
  • If you do not want to water, get dirty or you do not have the ability to dial sand bucket, take the usual bucket and install three plastic bottles filled with water. In the middle of these 3 bottles, fasten the New Year's beauty. Most often in the bucket there are so many places to establish between these bottles of the tree trunk.

There are still many diverse interesting ways Install the Christmas tree without crosses. See more video.

Video: Installation of the Christmas tree without crosses

Where to put a live tree, so as not to sleep: Installation of a live tree in the apartment: Tips

Of course, the best and most optimal option for planting the Christmas tree is a bucket with sand. The fact is that with constant moisturizing of the sand, the New Year's beauty will not have a long time.

  • For this, the sand is gained in the bucket, watering with water, a tree is installed.
  • In addition to the selection of tanks for installation, it is also important where you put a tree. Most. good place is the corner at the very beginning of the room.
  • It is necessary to try to install the New Year's beauty away from the sources of heating, drafts and from the entrance door.
  • Choose a place where there is no draft not very hot, enough high humidity and cool.

How to put a live tree at home without a stand in a sand bucket for the new year?

In order to put a live Christmas tree at home without a stand in a sand bucket, you will need a big bucket. It can be plastic or metal. Also required sand, water, tree and assistant. Before installing, pour a little sand on the bottom of the container. Fill it in about one third. After that, slightly moisten the sand, install the Christmas tree and ask the assistant so that he supersed the trunk.

Let your assistant lines the New Year tree. At this time, take dry sand and fill the bucket to the top of the top. After that, plenty of sand with water and slightly flow it. Thus, your tree will be tightly fixed.

In order to extend the life of the Christmas tree, you can use some tips:

  • Before watering the sand in which there is a Christmas tree, it is necessary to dissolve 2 tablets aspirin and a tablespoon of sugar in a liter of water.
  • It is this solution that stands to water the sand. In addition, in order for the tree longer standing, the bark from the bottom of the tree is best cut off.
  • This can be done with a small ax or knife. Such a manipulation of improving the population of the tree and she will have a lot longer. The barrel will be better absorbed water.

Do I need to put a live tree in the apartment in the water?

Another good way to install the Christmas tree is the use of water. Very often, the water is poured directly into the cross. It is worth noting that this method is not the best, since mold and putrid bacteria can be started in water. Therefore, the most optimal option is the use of a bucket with sand, earth or clay.

How to put the Christmas tree if at home is a small child: tips

In order to maximize themselves to protect yourself and your children, you must install the Christmas tree in right place And follow our advice. If there are small children in the house, which are active enough, they can turn the Christmas tree on themselves and smash new Year's toys. This is not only fraught with sad consequences, but also the fact that the child can be injured.

  • If you still decided to acquire a New Year tree, prefer artificially, it is much easier. If she falls, the child will not be able to be injured.
  • Another one good adviceis the acquisition of non-fighting toys. It is best if it is balls made of plastic or foam. Also a lot now on sale toys from felt. They are very beautiful and bright.
  • If you still decided to acquire a living New Year's beauty and install it in a sand bucket, take care of the reliability of its consolidation. To do this, you can bind the Christmas tree with the help of ropes to the battery or some rigid support.
  • Thus, if the child even pull the Christmas tree over the branch, she will not fall at him. Also good option It is to put a small Christmas tree on the bedside table so that the child does not take out. But look and make sure that the baby can not reach his hand to the branch and pull the Christmas tree with a bedside table.
  • Try not to hang on the Christmas tree New Year's garlands and dangerous toys with sharp edges. It is forbidden to hang on the Christmas tree easy to fight glass toys. This can cause a child's cut.

Christmas tree for the new year

How to fix the live tree at home so that it does not fall: tips

There are several ways to fix the living Christmas tree at home. Many advise to bind the top to the eaves. But this option is not suitable if you have a ceiling cornice and expensive plasterboard ceiling with fabric inserts, or stretch ceiling with photo printing. Therefore, if you are worried that the child can pull the Christmas tree and tear off with the cornese, it is better not to do. Optimal option Fastening is to install in a bucket with sand.

Moreover, the bucket must be taking no 10-liter, but 20 liter. With this volume, the bucket is sufficiently heavy. The child is unlikely to turn such a heavy bucket. Another good option is to bind the Christmas tree to the battery.

Is it possible to put the Christmas tree to Muslims?

For the first time, the decoration of the Christmas tree appeared in the ancient German people. It was they who went to the forest to Christmas, chose a beautiful forest and brought home. They decorated with a variety of felt pieces, candles. In Islam, it is not customary to dress up a New Year tree, while it is believed that the implementation of manipulations that are adopted in other religions are unacceptable.

It is believed that all those who set the New Year tree on the festival are sinners. After all, the one who is likened to someone becomes one of them. Therefore, Muslims are not recommended to install the New Year tree.

As you can see, a very much believer is associated with a New Year's beauty and will accept. Not all nations approve and perceive the New Year tree as a symbol of holidays. In some countries and religions, this tree is prohibited.

Video: Christmas tree

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