Budget buffet at work for a birthday. Buffet snacks, recipes with photos are simple and delicious

Encyclopedia of Plants 18.10.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

I don’t know how relations develop in other work collectives, but in ours idyll and mutual understanding reign. We consider each other as members of the family, and we are used to celebrating various holidays with the whole company. Of course, right at the workplace. The birthday of each of us is a special occasion. Since it turned out that the team is creative, each birthday person, setting the table, seeks to surprise his beloved colleagues. Or, at the very least, leave them satisfied and satisfied.

Birthday table at work

Having walked around the supermarkets of the city, I picked up approximate options and combinations of products that can be used to decorate a festive desktop. There are 30 people in our team, I think about the same number work in your teams. For such a large number of colleagues, a table of snacks and sandwiches is suitable. I offer you several options for not very expensive menus to celebrate a birthday at work.

It is better to mix the styles of different cuisines of the world, since it is unlikely that you will be able to guess the gastronomic preferences of each of your colleagues. It would not be very polite to bring only pizza or sets of rolls. Strive for variety. The cost of ready-made snacks is based on 30 people.

  • Tartlets with salad. For this snack, you need to purchase only salted or unleavened tartlets, but not with raisins or powdered sugar. 30 baskets with a diameter of about 5 cm will cost 150-200 rubles. You can cook any salad, it is better to choose a simpler option. For example, finely chop smoked chicken and Beijing cabbage, season with mayonnaise. Or grated cheese with garlic. The first option is more neutral, because not everyone likes the stable taste of garlic, which does not evaporate even in a day. approximate cost this option - 300 r.
  • Sandwiches with salted salmon. As a fish, you can use trout or salmon, it is better to take a crispy wheat baguette from bread - then slices of bread will ideally fit under pieces of fish. You can add butter, but not necessarily - too much trouble, and the taste of sandwiches will turn out to be very tender and pleasant anyway. The cost of 30 sandwiches is about 350 - 400 rubles.
  • Ham rolls with stuffing. It is better to take ham in the store where sellers can cut it for free. No matter how sharp your kitchen knife is, the machine will do it better than you. As a filling - grated eggs with cheese and garlic, seasoned with mayonnaise, fried champignons or finely chopped pineapple slices. Fasten the finished roll with a toothpick for reliability. Estimated price 60 rolls - 300 rubles.
  • Any canapes. The beauty of the dish is that it looks festive, and one hundred percent enough for everyone. Options: slice of cheese and olive, slice white bread and a slice of lightly salted trout or pink salmon, a slice of black bread, a slice of pickled gherkin and a slice of smoked sausage, cherry tomato and mozzarella. It is better to cook sandwiches with different fillings. This option will have to spend from 200 to 400 rubles.
  • Home rolls. The option to cook a Japanese dish at home is suitable for those who have already done this more than once, since there are few ingredients for cooking. Additionally, they purchase a makisa (mat), rice vinegar and the algae themselves. If everything is available, you can cook rolls. Moreover, this is the most convivial dish. As toppings - salmon, shrimp and crab sticks, the best office option. Roughly speaking, for 30 people we will prepare 10 rolls with different fillings. If each is divided into 6 pieces, we get 60 mini portions for colleagues. Approximate cost - 400 rubles.

It was these options for treats on the office table that seemed to me the most interesting, because they satisfy various tastes and wishes. If time does not endure, you can order the delivery of pizza or the same rolls, buy cheese, meat and sausage cuts in the store.

Those who are seriously interested in cooking can prepare an independent dish. So, some of my colleagues brought self-made manti or home-made dolma to work. The finished dish turned out to be very much, and the birthday boy received a lot of compliments and rave reviews.

Some birthday people have been accustomed to treat their friends with sweets since childhood. You can do this even in adulthood. As treats, sweet tartlets with confiture or ice cream, small cakes, sweets, cut fruits will look good.

Cooks can prepare treats themselves: bake pies, donuts with powdered sugar or cookies.

There are not so many options here, because hardly anyone will drag home-made homemade compote to work. As a rule, they buy tea bags on the table (packaging is just enough), a couple of boxes of juice or lemonade. Alcohol is not drunk in all groups. If you decide to put it down with just such a drink, check in advance if there are unspoken rules on this matter. Perhaps in some offices they allow you to drink a glass during the lunch break or at the end of the working day, somewhere the strictest dry law works. Otherwise, by your act, you will not only receive the disapproval of your colleagues, but also risk tarnishing your reputation in the eyes of your superiors.

By the way, about gifts: in this matter, each team also has its own rules. Someone collects money and gives a tight envelope, somewhere they throw off for a general gift, somewhere everyone gives something special. If your team has special traditions, try to observe them, even if there is not an extra hundred in your wallet. Remember that on your birthday you will also be given Special attention from colleagues.

The buffet table is currently popular due to its main advantages: the possibility of free communication, movement, its originality and colorfulness. In addition, the buffet per person is minimum costs than, for example, a banquet table for one guest.

Announcements related to the request

The buffet table is distinguished by its diversity and originality. Buffet dishes are served in small portions. For their preparation, a combination of various products is used. Therefore, they have excellent palatability. Dishes for a buffet table are prepared quickly, while the main advantage is their design.

For a buffet table of 300 people, the menu necessarily includes light snacks, slices, canapes, tartlets. They take a minimum of cooking time, and are also appetizing and tasty.

Light snacks

An important advantage of such dishes is ease of preparation. You can easily cook them yourself, but you need to take into account the taste compatibility of the products. For snacks on skewers use the following products:

  • vegetables (cucumber, tomato, eggplant, pepper);
  • meat, diced or sliced ​​(chicken, turkey, pork, veal will do);
  • olives and olives;
  • grape;
  • cheese (hard varieties);
  • mushrooms;
  • fruit.

Indicative snacks on skewers:

Skewers perfectly replace the main cutlery on the buffet - a fork.

  1. cold cuts

For her, it is necessary to cut thinly and beautifully:

The main thing when serving slices is to lay out the slices beautifully. Then decorate it with herbs, salad, fresh vegetables.

  1. canape

An excellent dish for buffets are canapes - small sandwiches. The basis for them is a piece of fresh or toasted bread. There is another way to decorate - canapés on skewers, while the bread base is not needed.

When preparing such mini sandwiches, it should be borne in mind that they must be of such a size that they can be eaten whole at once. Canapes are prepared from a wide variety of unusual products:

  • herring, boiled potatoes based on rye bread, lubricated with oil;
  • salami and cheese;
  • ham, cheese and greens;
  • prunes and boiled pork;
  • sausage and pepper;
  • boiled pork, greens and tomato;
  • salmon and olives;
  • cheese cream;
  • red fish;
  • smoked chicken and cucumber.

You can cook canapes with caviar, any pate and butter. You can easily cook them yourself, connecting your imagination for a variety of ingredients and canapes decoration.

  1. Vegetable mix

Vegetables can be fresh or salted, raw or succumbed heat treatment. For assorted vegetables, use: tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant, zucchini, peppers, onions, carrots, potatoes. There may also be mushrooms.

  1. Assorted cheeses

Of course, good for preparing a buffet for a large number of guests, will turn to specialists for help in order to hold such an event at the highest level.

Buffet 20 people

To create such a buffet, you can completely rely on your own strength. The above dishes are suitable for him. But, in addition, you can cook others that require a little more time for cooking and decoration.

  1. Tartlets

These are small, baked baskets, inside which you can put a salad or other snack. You can cook them yourself, but this will take more time. And you can buy ready-made in the store. You can show your originality by using an unusual salad to fill them. The most common fillings are:

  • grated cheese with garlic or lemon juice;
  • "Crab salad;
  • "Olivier" or "Caesar";
  • cheese salad, chicken breast and tomato;
  • tartlets with salad "Tenderness".

The main requirement for such a dish is that the salad should not be very liquid so that the dough does not get wet.

Tartlets can also be stuffed with red caviar.

  1. Mini salads

A buffet for 20 people is exactly the event for which such portioned salads are suitable.

  1. rolls

They look beautiful on the table and are very nutritious. The basis for them can serve as bread, pita bread, or the main ingredient (ham, sausage, cheese, salmon). The filling can be the most diverse, depending on desire and imagination.

  1. Stuffed eggs or vegetables (tomatoes, zucchini)

Suitable for filling:

  1. pancakes

Any filling - meat or vegetable. These pancakes are a great treat buffet table. There are also different options for decorating dishes:

  • envelopes;
  • tubules;
  • pouches.

These dishes are great for a table for 15 people.

For a buffet table for 15 people, you can also cook:

  1. Hot dishes

  1. Mini pies

The range of products for the filling is diverse:

  • meat;
  • cabbage;
  • potato;
  • pate;
  • mushrooms;
  • berries;
  • fruit.

They can be snack or sweet.

The festive buffet is complemented by an abundance of desserts. In addition to fruit baskets and cuts, mini cakes, fruits in chocolate, and dessert tartlets can be served on the table.

According to the advice of http://svadbagolik.ru

It is important to remember about drinks:

They must be chilled. Red wine should be opened a few minutes before guests arrive. You can include tea or coffee in the menu.

AT modern society solemn events are rarely celebrated at a large banquet table. To make leisure more active, and for guests to have the opportunity to dance and chat, it is now customary to arrange receptions. From this article you will learn what to cook on the buffet table and how to arrange it correctly.

Buffet rules

If you want your guests to remember your holiday for a long time, try to organize it correctly. Before you are several simple recommendations to help you avoid common mistakes:

  • Before you arrange a buffet table, determine its location. Do not put it close to the wall so that guests can freely approach snacks from any direction. The center of the room should also be left free so that there is enough free space for dancing or competitions.
  • Remember that the buffet table should be higher than usual. Then it will be convenient for guests to take treats and drinks from it.
  • Dishes for the buffet table should be simple and light. They do not include cutlery.
  • Put clean dishes at different ends of the table, so that guests do not crowd in anticipation of their turn. Place a table on wheels or a tray for used dishes nearby.
  • Snacks and drinks are arranged symmetrically from the middle of the countertop to the edges. Keep part of the table empty so that the party members can leave full plates on it and go dancing.
  • Be sure to think about how to arrange a buffet table. To do this, you can use fresh flowers, colorful balls and symbols of the holiday (angels, stars, candles, cakes, etc.).
  • The buffet table menu at work must be agreed with employees in order to take into account their interests. Usually snacks at the buffet table are served in the form of sandwiches, tarts, tartlets and canapes, and meat delicacies are served in the form of beautifully decorated cuts. Do not forget about fruit, which can be arranged beautifully in baskets or tiered plates.
  • Decorating dishes for a buffet table is a huge scope for creativity. On the children's holiday snacks can take the form of funny little animals, insects or birds. Also, fairy-tale characters, cartoon characters and children's books may appear on the table.

If you doubt your abilities, then contact an agency that specializes in holding such holidays. They will help you with the organization of the event, provide the services of waiters, cooks and toastmasters.

sandwich recipes

To prepare holiday snacks, you will need a long loaf, baguette or ciabatta. Cut the bread into thin slices, sprinkle them olive oil and lightly dry in the oven. When the base is ready, you can start cooking different fillings. Sandwich Recipes:

Snacks in tartlets

Small baskets of dough can be used as an independent dish or as an auxiliary - for example, to serve sauces in them. To cook delicious follow our instructions:

  • Combine cod liver (half a jar) with chopped dill, capers, finely chopped onion and grated cheese. Fill the tartlets with filling rye flour and decorate them with greenery.
  • Cut lightly salted salmon into large slices, and cucumber into small cubes. Combine melted cheese with mayonnaise and chopped dill. Put the fish on the bottom of the finished tartlets, place the cucumber next to it, and put the cheese mass on top. Decorate with greens.
  • Grate egg whites, combine them with melted cheese, mayonnaise and chopped dill. Fill the tartlets with the resulting mass, and put red caviar on top.


Light and beautiful snacks on skewers will delight your guests not only with taste, but also with their appearance. cook festive canapes very simple:

Snacks on wooden skewers

To prepare this dish, you will need a long wooden skewer, vegetables, fruits, meat, fish and a little imagination. An appetizer in the form of a mini-kebab is convenient to eat, and it looks quite impressive.

  • Cut the rye bread into slices and fry in the oven. Cut hunting sausages into cubes, Bell pepper and cheese - rectangles. Alternately chop the prepared foods onto skewers and serve them with a sauce of mayonnaise, tomato paste, chopped herbs and garlic.
  • Cut olives and cherry tomatoes in half. Thread half a tomato, mozzarella ball, herbs and olive onto a skewer. A snack in the form of mushrooms will appeal to kids and will be appropriate at a children's holiday.
  • Prick an olive wrapped with a slice of sausage, a cube of cheese, a circle of cucumber and radish on a skewer. Repeat the sequence of steps a few more times. Arrange skewers on a plate and garnish with cherry tomatoes.

Ham rolls with stuffing

This simple dish should certainly decorate your buffet table. The recipe for this appetizer is very simple:

Cold appetizers from fish

Not a single buffet table is complete without fish slices. You can read the recipe for such an appetizer below:

Assorted vegetables

Vegetable cutting from fresh vegetables will decorate any buffet table. Recipe:

  • Prepare a large flat dish. Wash vegetables thoroughly before cutting.
  • Put the lettuce leaves on the bottom of the plate.
  • Cut one tomato into thin circles, and then fold the slices diagonally.
  • Place radishes and cucumbers cut into rings next to it.
  • Cut medium-sized tomatoes into four parts (in the form of a flower) and place on the edges of the dish.
  • Decorate the composition with fresh herbs.

Fruit snacks

To decorate this dish, you will need molds for curly cutting. If they are not at hand, then use a knife. You can use any seasonal fruits that can decorate the buffet table. Fruit Canape Recipe:

Lavash snacks

Rolls with meat, cheese or fish filling have become very popular lately. This original hearty treat will decorate any buffet table. Read on for the appetizer recipe:


The ability to organize the right buffet will help you gain fame as a good hostess. So don't be afraid to experiment. Feel free to organize family celebrations in this style. Cook by different recipes canapes, sandwiches and tartlets. Festive dishes will please your guests, but will not keep them at the table for a long time. Therefore, the party will be remembered for them thanks to fun contests, dancing and entertainment.

You can arrange a small feast on your own for any reason and often enough (anniversaries, New Year, February 23 (I advise you to look at the ideas), March 8, the successful completion of cases, and so on).

Before you plunge into the preparation of the buffet table, let me remind you that the site "Again Prazdnik" contains the most interesting proposals for holding small corporate holidays. If you decide to celebrate in the office or in a cafe…

We are ready to organize an interesting holiday in the office, call us!

If you do not plan to cook yourself, do not read further this article :-). Just call, we have ready-made offers with a price per person (Moscow and Moscow Region). We will select for you the best option! Let's create a menu for your holiday, your guests will be delighted.

Read on if your team loves and knows how to cook…

I tried to choose tried and simple snacks, so bookmark the article so that this cheat sheet is at hand at the right time! My ideas will help you organize a holiday quickly and inexpensively.

What to cook for a buffet at work?

I'm not advocating to cook all these snacks! Choose!

"For one tooth" - collection "100 canapes"

The first thing that comes to mind is small elegant appetizers (canapés). I collected all these ideas in pictures for a long time and replenish regularly, so you will definitely find suitable options(estimate the time and financial costs).

Attention! All words in red

Check out my articles one by one:

I liked the idea of ​​serving canapés on a figured mirror. An unusual tray, it looks festive, and there are 2 times more snacks :-). We take note!

The sandwich will be tastier if…

... if bread is smeared with home-cooked bread mustard oil(for 200 g of softened butter - 1 tablespoon of ready-made mustard from a jar)

make cream cheese(in a blender, beat 150 g of hard cheese, 150 soft cream cheese, 2 cloves of garlic and a few sprigs of herbs, 1/2 cup cream 20-22%)

... put a piece of sausage or boiled pork for tartar sauce(in 150 grams of mayonnaise, add 30 g of finely chopped pickled cucumbers, 1 tablespoon of chopped capers and green onions, cool for 30 minutes, pour in 2 tablespoons lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste).

As a rule, more than one person prepares a buffet at work, so you can distribute it among colleagues in advance, who can do what in advance at home. Approximate design of sandwiches on the picture:

Meat for sandwiches better to do it yourself. Trust me, your colleagues will appreciate the natural homemade product, it's worth a little effort! Meat is easy to prepare.

... just decorate with a sprig of greenery:

herring oil(beat one herring fillet in a blender with 200 g butter) or farshmak(scroll the fillet of one herring through a meat grinder, green apple peeled, a small onion, a boiled egg, 70-100 g butter, season with black pepper) will require only a small decoration of a slice of cucumber and a sprig of dill. Shaped bread can be made with cookie cutters.

Homemade pate from chicken liver on a slice of bread with a thin straw of bell pepper- a great snack for a buffet at work. Recipe: put carrots and onions in a pot of water, boil until tender, add 500 g of chicken liver to boiling vegetables. Boil everything together for 15 minutes, remove from the water and beat hot with a blender, gradually adding the broth in which the products were cooked until a homogeneous mass is obtained, similar in density to sour cream. Allow to cool slightly, add 150 g of softened butter, salt to taste. This is a very cheap but festive snack!

Cheese cream with garlic on bread toast. I already wrote about how to do it in this article a little higher (it can be used as a “pillow” for boiled pork and sausage). But the cream itself is incomparably tasty and beautiful, if you put it on a lettuce leaf using a pastry syringe.

Pies and pancakes

Small pies made from yeast or puff pastry with the most traditional fillings (meat, cabbage with eggs, potatoes with mushrooms) are a constant success. They fly apart first! I won’t describe in detail, for now I’m just throwing up an idea for a holiday in the office. The most important - small size, also for "one bite".

Another good appetizer for a buffet table at the office, which can be prepared at home and eaten cold - spring rolls. Also tiny, of course. With red caviar or lightly salted salmon, for example. Look for a craftsman in the team, someone will definitely do it :-)!

Buffet at work: are salads appropriate?

Yes, I say boldly, as there are several ways to present them in an original way!

If you chop up the usual salad (olivier, crab, etc.) a little smaller than you are used to cutting for a regular feast, you can put it on a slice of bread or in a basket. Sometimes for salads they use disposable glasses or the most ordinary glass glasses (Martini glasses, bowls). Here's what it looks like:

By the way, you can put it in cups and I decided to throw a very nice idea here! I saw it in a magazine and immediately scanned it for you :-). it will look very original (if your buffet at work was organized on New Year's Eve) or just a “tree of happiness” made of sweets if you are celebrating something else.

Graceful serving, general harmony - snacks for a buffet table have long become not just food, but a culinary art. The buffet table can be filled with tartlets, canapes, cold and hot dishes. The main thing to consider when filling it out is appearance dishes and their combination, small convenient size of snacks, use of products of long shelf life. After spending a little time and choosing the right products, you can enjoy the holiday and positive feedback guests about the excellent menu.

Cold buffet appetizers

As a rule, cold appetizers occupy the most space on the buffet table. They are light, versatile, necessarily divided into portioned pieces (the table assumes the absence of cutlery). It is good when cold snacks are combined with the proposed drinks.

Original cuts and rolls for a festive buffet table

Cold snacks for a buffet table are not complete without original cuts (vegetable, meat, cheese) and rolls, which are prepared from basic products, but look simply luxurious. It is good to serve cheese in the form of a cheese plateau, where beautifully lay out plates of hard cheese and soft sticks on one dish, decorating it with berries, honey or nuts.

For the preparation of rolls, they use pita bread, cheeses, fish, zucchini, meat, including crab. As an appetizer, a roll of cheese product, chicken meat and mushrooms is served at the festive table.

It is prepared as follows:

  1. Boiled poultry meat and one testicle.
  2. Mushrooms are cut and fried in oil.
  3. Finished products are crushed, mixed and seasoned with mayonnaise sauce.
  4. Cheese is ground on a coarse grater, after which it is sent to the oven for 3 minutes to melt.
  5. A cling film is spread on the table, the melted product is placed on it. When it cools down a little, the filling is distributed over its entire surface and a roll is formed.
  6. After a couple of hours in the refrigerator, the roll can be taken out, cut into portions and served.

You can replace cheese with pita bread, scrambled eggs. They can be used as a base, wrapping a vegetable or meat filling.

Be sure to have fruits and berries on the table. More often they are not processed in any way, but they are cut in an original way and laid out on a flat dish. As an option, serve them on skewers, stringing red and blue berries, kiwi slices, bananas, pineapples, oranges.

Simple sandwiches and canapes

Fastest with holiday table sandwiches go out. They are small, convenient, satisfying, served on a bread base.

They are made from:

  • white toast bread (club sandwiches, sandwiches with fish and caviar);
  • black - for herring, bacon, pickles;
  • crackers - salty and sweet. Cheeses, olives, greens, berries are served with them.

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