Types of geographical location of the country. What is geographic location

The buildings 13.10.2019

The relation of a certain object to external environment, the elements of which have or may have a significant effect on it. In public geography, location is usually defined in two-dimensional space (displayed on a map). In physical geography, the third change is certainly taken into account - the absolute or relative height of the location of objects.

concept geographical position is the key to the entire system of geographical sciences. Actually, geography originated as a science of methods for determining and fixing the location of objects on the earth's surface relative to each other or in a certain coordinate system. Later it turned out that determining the location of an object not only helps to find it ... but also explains some of the properties of this object and even predicts its development. Essential element geographical research - the establishment and analysis of relationships between objects located in space, determined precisely by their location.

Thus the geographical position :

  • is an individualizing factor, since it determines many properties of a geographical object;
  • is historical in nature, as it changes over time;
  • has a potential character, since the position alone is not a sufficient condition for the corresponding development of the object;
  • has close ties with the configuration of the territory and its boundaries.

There are the following types of geographic location:

  • mathematical and geographical (geodesic, astronomical, "absolute")
  • physical and geographical;
  • political and geographical;
  • geopolitical;
  • military geographical;
  • ecological and geographical;
  • cultural and geographical;

and others.

By scale they distinguish:

  • macro position
  • mesolocation
  • microposition

According to the coordinate system, they distinguish:

  • absolute (geodesic, astronomical);
  • relative;
    • math ("3 miles north of Seattle");
    • functional (economic-geographical, physical-geographical, etc.).

In an extended interpretation, the geographical location may also include the ratio of the areal object as a whole (area, district, territory) to the data lying inside him (to the elements of the internal environment). Such a geographical location may be referred to, for example, " introspective"(from lat. introspectus, intro- inside + spicere- watch). For example, when assessing the role of inland border areas in the priority areas foreign policy, in assessing the geocriminogenic position of the territory, in the analysis of the transport-geographical position, in the study of a variable area in relation to the stations of experience, a linguistic area in relation to the dialect center, etc. This approach also allows resolving a collision with determining the mutual geographical position of intersecting objects.

Historical outline

The concept of "geographical location" has been known since the end of the 18th century, when the paradigm of geographical determinism dominated. Ideas about the conditionality of the life of people and society by the geographical environment were put forward by ancient thinkers, such as Democritus, Herodotus, Strabo, etc. The sources of geographical information during this period were descriptions of individual countries and peoples, characteristics of inhabited and distant lands. For the purposes of navigation and trade, special descriptions of the seas, ports, trade centers were compiled, in which there was information about the features of the geographical position of the country through which the trade route passed. Historical geographer V. K. Yatsunsky believed that the first economic and geographical work in history should be considered the work of the Italian scientist Ludovico Guicciardini “Description of the Netherlands”, which was published in 1567, where in the first part of the book an analysis of the geographical position of the country and assessment of the role of the sea. In 1650, in the same Netherlands, the work of Varenius (Varenius) "General Geography" was published, which is considered the first theoretical work on geography. S. P. Krasheninnikov in "Description of the land of Kamchatka" (1756) gave detailed description its geographical location. The search for regularities in the spatial distribution of settlements and the creation of models of urban geography began in the first half of the 20th century. One of the first scientists who approached the creation of models of urban geography was V.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky. Geographical aspects in line with the problems of the location of the economy were developed by German scientists, they created the so-called standard theory. Representatives of this trend were I. Tyunen, A. Weber, A. Lesh and others. The American geographer W. Bunge called geography "the science of places." In this non-standard and original definition, there is a deep meaning that each geographical object has its own individual place. A great contribution to the development of the theory of geographical position was made by the Soviet geographers N. N. Baransky and I. M. Maergoiz.

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  • Geographical position // Great Soviet Encyclopedia: [in 30 volumes] / ch. ed. A. M. Prokhorov. - 3rd ed. - M. : Soviet encyclopedia, 1969-1978.
  • // Modern illustrated encyclopedia. Geography / Ed. A.P. Gorkina - M.: Rosmen. 2006.

Geographical position- “the position of a geographical object relative to the surface of the Earth, as well as in relation to other objects with which it is in interaction ...”

An excerpt characterizing the geographical position

“We do no harm to the French,” said Tikhon, apparently timid at these words of Denisov. - We only so, means, on hunting dabbled with the guys. It’s like two dozen Miroderov were beaten, otherwise we didn’t do anything bad ... - The next day, when Denisov, completely forgetting about this peasant, left Pokrovsky, he was informed that Tikhon had stuck to the party and asked to be left with it. Denisov ordered to leave him.
Tikhon, who at first corrected the menial work of laying fires, delivering water, skinning horses, etc., soon showed a great desire and ability for guerrilla warfare. He went out at night to plunder and each time brought with him a dress and French weapons, and when he was ordered, he brought prisoners. Denisov put Tikhon away from work, began to take him on trips with him and enrolled him in the Cossacks.
Tikhon did not like to ride and always walked, never falling behind the cavalry. His weapons were a blunderbuss, which he wore more for laughter, a lance and an ax, which he owned like a wolf owns teeth, equally easily picking fleas out of wool and biting thick bones with them. Tikhon equally faithfully, with all his might, split logs with an ax and, taking the ax by the butt, cut out thin pegs with it and cut out spoons. In the party of Denisov, Tikhon occupied his own special, exceptional place. When it was necessary to do something especially difficult and ugly - to turn a wagon in the mud with his shoulder, to pull a horse out of the swamp by the tail, skin it, climb into the very middle of the French, walk fifty miles a day - everyone pointed, chuckling, at Tikhon.
“What the hell is he doing, hefty merenina,” they said about him.
Once a Frenchman, whom Tikhon was taking, shot him with a pistol and hit him in the flesh of his back. This wound, from which Tikhon was treated only with vodka, internally and externally, was the subject of the most funny jokes in the whole detachment and jokes, which Tikhon willingly succumbed to.
"What, brother, won't you?" Ali cringed? the Cossacks laughed at him, and Tikhon, deliberately crouching and making faces, pretending to be angry, scolded the French with the most ridiculous curses. This incident had only the effect on Tikhon that, after his wound, he rarely brought prisoners.
Tikhon was the most useful and brave man in the party. No one more than him discovered cases of attacks, no one else took him and beat the French; and as a result, he was the jester of all Cossacks, hussars, and he himself willingly succumbed to this rank. Now Tikhon was sent by Denisov, that night, to Shamshevo in order to take language. But, either because he was not satisfied with one Frenchman, or because he slept through the night, he climbed into the bushes during the day, into the very middle of the Frenchmen and, as he saw from Mount Denisov, was discovered by them.

After talking for some more time with the esaul about tomorrow's attack, which now, looking at the proximity of the French, Denisov seemed to have finally decided, he turned his horse and rode back.
- Well, bg "at, tepeg" let's go and dry ourselves, - he said to Petya.
Approaching the forest guardhouse, Denisov stopped, peering into the forest. A man in a jacket, bast shoes and a Kazan hat, with a gun over his shoulder and an ax in his belt, was walking through the forest, between the trees, with long, light steps on long legs, with long dangling arms. Seeing Denisov, this man hurriedly threw something into a bush and, taking off his wet hat with drooping brim, went up to the chief. It was Tikhon. Pitted with smallpox and wrinkles, his face with small narrow eyes shone with self-satisfied amusement. He raised his head high and, as if restraining himself from laughter, stared at Denisov.
“Well, where did pg fall?” Denisov said.
- Where had you been? I followed the French,” Tikhon answered boldly and hastily in a hoarse but melodious bass.
- Why did you climb during the day? Beast! Well, didn't you take it?
“I took it,” said Tikhon.
– Where is he?
“Yes, I took him first of all at dawn,” Tikhon continued, rearranging his flat, turned-out legs in bast shoes wider, “and led him into the forest. I see it's not good. I think, let me go, I’ll take another more carefully one.
“Look, rogue, it’s true,” Denisov said to the esaul. - Why didn’t you pg "ivel"?
“Yes, what’s the point of driving him,” Tikhon interrupted angrily and hastily, “not a busy one. Don't I know what you need?
- What a beast! .. Well? ..
“I went after another,” Tikhon continued, “I crawled into the forest in this manner, and I lay down. - Tikhon unexpectedly and flexibly lay down on his belly, imagining in his faces how he did it. “One and do it,” he continued. - I'll rob him in this manner. - Tikhon quickly, easily jumped up. - Let's go, I say, to the colonel. How to make a noise. And there are four of them. They rushed at me with skewers. I attacked them in such a manner with an ax: why are you, they say, Christ is with you, ”Tikhon cried out, waving his arms and frowning menacingly, exposing his chest.
“That’s what we saw from the mountain, how you asked the arrow through the puddles,” said the esaul, narrowing his shining eyes.
Petya really wanted to laugh, but he saw that everyone was holding back from laughing. He quickly turned his eyes from the face of Tikhon to the face of the esaul and Denisov, not understanding what all this meant.
“You can’t imagine arcs,” Denisov said, coughing angrily. “Why didn’t you bring peg?”
Tikhon began to scratch his back with one hand, his head with the other, and suddenly his whole face stretched into a radiant stupid smile, which revealed the lack of a tooth (for which he was nicknamed Shcherbaty). Denisov smiled, and Petya burst into merry laughter, which was joined by Tikhon himself.
“Yes, quite wrong,” said Tikhon. - The clothes are poor on him, where to take him then. Yes, and rude, your honor. Why, he says, I myself am the son of Anaral, I won’t go, he says.
- What a beast! Denisov said. - I need to ask...
“Yes, I asked him,” said Tikhon. - He says: I don't know you well. There are many of ours, he says, but all are bad; only, says, one name. Ahnete, he says, it’s good, you’ll take everyone, ”Tikhon concluded, looking cheerfully and resolutely into Denisov’s eyes.
“Here I’ll pour in a hundred gog” yachs, and you will be the arc “like a cog” chit, ”Denisov said sternly.
“But what’s to be angry about,” said Tikhon, “well, I didn’t see your French? Here, let it darken, I’ll give you whatever tab you want, at least I’ll bring three.
“Well, let’s go,” said Denisov, and he rode all the way to the guardhouse, frowning angrily and in silence.
Tikhon came in from behind, and Petya heard the Cossacks laughing with him and at him about some kind of boots that he had thrown into the bush.
When that laughter that had taken possession of him passed at Tikhon's words and smile, and Petya realized for a moment that this Tikhon had killed a man, he felt embarrassed. He looked back at the captive drummer, and something struck him in the heart. But this awkwardness lasted only for a moment. He felt the need to raise his head higher, cheer up and ask the esaul with a significant air about tomorrow's enterprise, so as not to be unworthy of the society in which he was.
The officer sent met Denisov on the road with the news that Dolokhov himself would arrive immediately and that everything was fine on his part.
Denisov suddenly cheered up and called Petya to him.
“Well, tell me about yourself,” he said.

On leaving Moscow, Petya, leaving his relatives, joined his regiment and soon after that was taken as an orderly to the general who commanded a large detachment. From the time he was promoted to officer, and especially from entering the active army, where he participated in the battle of Vyazemsky, Petya was in a constantly happily excited state of joy that he was big, and in a constantly enthusiastic haste not to miss any chance of real heroism. . He was very happy with what he saw and experienced in the army, but at the same time it seemed to him that where he was not there, the most real, heroic things were now happening. And he was in a hurry to catch up to where he was not.
When on October 21 his general expressed a desire to send someone to Denisov's detachment, Petya so pitifully asked to be sent that the general could not refuse. But, sending him, the general, remembering Petya's insane act in the battle of Vyazemsky, where Petya, instead of going by road to where he was sent, rode into the chain under the fire of the French and fired two shots from his pistol there - sending him, the general he specifically forbade Petya to participate in any of Denisov's actions. From this, Petya blushed and became confused when Denisov asked if he could stay. Before leaving for the edge of the forest, Petya thought that he must, strictly fulfilling his duty, immediately return. But when he saw the French, saw Tikhon, learned that they would certainly attack at night, he, with the speed of young people moving from one look to another, decided with himself that his general, whom he still respected very much, was rubbish, German, that Denisov is a hero, and the esaul is a hero, and that Tikhon is a hero, and that he would be ashamed to leave them in difficult times.

Ticket number 4

1. The concept of geographical location. Features of nature, population and economy of certain territories of Russia (give examples).

Geographical position is an indicator of the relative position on the earth's surface of geographical objects. various types- one of the main categories of geography. The geographic location may change over time under the influence of various factors both natural and political-economic.

There are several types of geographic location.

1. Natural-geographical (physical-geographical). This is a characteristic of the location of the object in question in a number of natural objects, for example, in relation to continents and oceans, to landforms, to islands and peninsulas, to rivers and lakes, etc.

2. Mathematical-geographical allows you to estimate the position of the object in the coordinate system and fiducial points planets, i.e. in relation to the elements of the degree grid (to the equator and the Greenwich meridian), to the poles of the Earth, to the extreme geographical points.

3. Political-geographical - in relation to neighboring countries with their capitals, to political groupings of countries, for example, to the European Union.

4. Economic-geographical determines the position of an object among various anthropogenic objects that perform certain economic functions. For example, industrial and agricultural enterprises, mining sites and industrial areas, as well as in relation to economic groupings of countries (OPEC, ASEAN, NAFTA).

5. Transport-geographical assesses the provision of the object with transport and communication capabilities of economic relations (automobile and railways, sea and river routes, air routes, oil and gas pipelines, fiber-optic communication lines and power lines, airports, sea and river ports etc.).

6. Military-geographical determines the degree of relation to objects of military-strategic importance (military bases, groupings of troops, nuclear facilities, ballistic missile silos, enterprises producing nuclear weapon), to the enterprises of the military-industrial complex, as well as in relation to the military-political groupings of countries (NATO).

7. Ecological-geographic characterizes the background of the environmental safety of the location of the object to places that have environmental problems(for example, to points of release of pollutants, to areas of radioactive contamination (Chernobyl), as well as to potentially dangerous objects that create an environmental threat).

Features of nature, population and economy of certain territories of Russia.

The large extent of Russia from west to east and from north to south, the relief features predetermine the diversity of natural landscapes (arctic deserts, tundra, forest tundra, taiga, mixed and broad-leaved forests, forest steppes and steppes, semi-deserts and deserts).

Tundra. Severe, cold climatic conditions (low average annual air temperatures), long winter - snow cover lasts 7-9 months, short summer period(2 months) and a correspondingly short growing season. The presence of permafrost, excessive moisture - high waterlogging of the territory, infertile tundra-gley soils. Large open spaces with strong winds. The existing natural and climatic conditions are unfavorable for humans. As a result, the districts are characterized by a low population density and a relative predominance of the urban population. A special type of economy has developed, the main specialization of which is the exploitation of the natural resources of the Far North (extraction of gas, copper, nickel, etc.) and reindeer breeding.

The steppe is the main agricultural region of Russia due to favorable natural and climatic conditions for agriculture (fertile soil - chernozems, long growing season). This is the zone of the most developed animal husbandry (large cattle, pig breeding, sheep breeding, poultry farming). Developed food industry. The rural population predominates. Significantly high population density.

2. Fuel and energy complex: composition, importance in the economy, development problems. Fuel and energy complex and problems of environmental protection.

The fuel and energy complex is a group of industries associated with the production and distribution of energy. Includes the extraction of various types of fuel and its transport, the production of electricity and its transport. Recently, the extraction of fuel and energy production have become expensive, and there has been an increase in the cost of transporting fuel and energy. Energy development: Exploration and development of deposits, construction of new processing plants and pipelines have an increasing negative impact on environment especially in the regions of the Far North.

The fuel industry consists of three main sectors - coal, oil and gas.

Among the fuel resources of the country in the explored geological reserves, coal accounts for more than 90%.

On the basis of the extraction of combustible minerals, territorial production complexes (TPC) of the country are being formed - Timan-Pechora, West Siberian, Kansk-Achinsk fuel and energy (KATEK), South Yakutsk.

Extraction of coking and energy hard coal is concentrated mainly in Western Siberia (Kuznetsk basin), in the North (Pechora basin) and in the North Caucasus (Russian part of Donbass). The main area of ​​the country for the extraction of brown coal is Eastern Siberia(Kansk-Achinsk basin). In recent years, coal production has decreased, which is caused by a reduction in production capacity and an increase in railway transport tariffs.

In terms of oil reserves, Russia ranks second in the world after Saudi Arabia. The largest oil-producing region is Western Siberia (70%), followed by the Urals and the Volga region. Approximately 70% of the country's continental shelf is promising in terms of oil and gas potential. For the vast northern territories of Russia, the transfer of oil through oil pipelines is more economical than sea transportation by tankers. The largest pipeline hub is Western Siberia, the main oil flows go to the west.

In recent years, oil production has been declining. The reasons are the reduction of reserves at the fields being developed, the insufficiency of geological exploration, wear and tear of equipment, the lack of modern mining equipment that makes it possible to rationally develop deposits. The decline in oil production has resulted in total production fuel, the share of oil decreased and natural gas came out on top (37% and 48%, respectively).

Products of the gas industry are raw materials for the chemical industry and fuel.

At present, 3/5 of all Russian gas production comes from the fields of Western Siberia, the largest of which are Zapolyarnoye, Medvezhye, Urengoy, and Yamburg. Leading mining areas natural gas are - West Siberian (over 90%), Ural (about 7%), Volga (1%). The share of the West Siberian region accounts for more than 30% of all products of the fuel industry, the Ural region - 13%, the Volga region - 11% and the Central region - 10%.

Fuel and energy and consumer factors are the main ones when placing power plants. The bulk of electricity is generated at thermal power plants (3/4), hydraulic and nuclear.

Among thermal power plants, thermal power plants (CHP) and condensing power plants (CPP) are distinguished. According to the type of energy used, thermal power plants are divided into those operating on traditional fossil fuels, nuclear and geothermal; by the nature of public services - to district (GRES - state district power plants) and central.

The traditional fuel for thermal power plants (TPPs) is coal (more than 50%), oil products (fuel oil) and natural gas (more than 40%), peat and oil shale (5%).

TPPs are characterized by free location, generation of electricity without seasonal fluctuations, relatively fast and inexpensive construction. The capacity of the largest thermal power plants (TPPs) is more than 2 million kW. The TPP location factor is consumer, since the radius of transportation of one of the types of its products ( hot water) - a maximum of 12 km.

Nuclear power plants are located taking into account the consumer factor. The world's first nuclear power plant was built in the USSR in 1954 (Obninsk NPP, power 5 MW). Currently, the Kalinin, Smolensk, Leningrad, Kola, Kursk, Novovoronezh, Balakovo, Beloyarsk and Bilibinsk automatic telephone exchanges operate on the territory of the country. After Chernobyl disaster the construction of the Tatar, Bashkir, Krasnodar nuclear power plants was suspended. In the coming years, blocks of many power plants in the country should be decommissioned, since the share of costs for uranium mining in the nuclear fuel cycle is approximately 2%, and about 3/4 is spent on processing and disposal of waste.

Geothermal power plants (GTPP) are technologically similar to combined heat and power plants, the factor of their placement is fuel and energy. The only operating GTPP in the country is Pauzhetskaya in Kamchatka.

Hydroelectric power plants are characterized by ease of operation, high efficiency, and the generation of relatively cheap electricity.

The country's largest hydraulic power plants are part of two cascades - the Angara-Yenisei (with a total capacity of 22 million kW) and the Volga-Kama (11.5 million kW). The most powerful hydroelectric power plant in Russia is Sayano-Shushenskaya (6.4 million kW).

Tidal power plants (TPPs) operate on the tidal and tidal phases of ocean level change. The only tidal power plant in the country is Kislogubskaya (400 kW) on the coast of the Barents Sea. Promising regions for the construction of TPPs are the waters of the White (Mezen TPP with a capacity of 10 million kW is being designed) and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk (Tugur TPP is being designed).

Almost all power plants in our country are part of the Unified Energy System (UES) of Russia, with the exception of power plants in the Far East.

In terms of electricity generation, the Central region leads (23%), followed by the Urals (12%), East Siberian and North Caucasian regions (11% each).

The electric power industry is a branch of specialization for the Central, East Siberian, West Siberian, Central Black Earth, Northwest and Northern economic regions.

3. Determination of directions and distances from a topographic map.

Algorithm for determining directions from a topographic map.

1. On the map we mark the point where we are and the point to which we need to determine the direction (azimuth).

2. We connect these two points.

3. Through the point at which we are, we draw a straight line: north - south.

4. Using a protractor, we measure the angle between the north-south line and the direction to the desired object. Azimuth is measured from the north direction in a clockwise direction.

Algorithm for determining distances from a topographic map.

1. We measure the distance between the given points using a ruler.

2. The obtained values ​​​​(in cm) are converted into a distance on the ground using a named scale. For example, the distance between points on the map is 10 cm, and the scale: 1 cm is 5 km. We multiply these two numbers and get the desired result: 50 km is the distance on the ground.

3. When measuring distances, you can use a compass, but then the named scale will be replaced by a linear scale. In this case, our task is simplified, we can immediately determine the desired distance on the ground.

LLC Training Center


Abstract by discipline:

“Economic and social geography of foreign countries. Methods of teaching the course in secondary school "

On this topic:

"Types of geographic location"


Sartakova Nadezhda Vladimirovna

Moscow 2016


    1. Physical - geographical location

      Economic - geographical location

      Ecological - geographical location

      Mathematics - geographic location

      Military - geographical position




Geographical positionis a characteristicgeographical feature and is a description of itpositions on the earth's surface and in relation to other geographic featureswith which he interacts in one way or another. Any geographic feature has its geographic location. That is, the geographical location can be described for a country, region, natural complex, mainland, park, etc.

Every country has borders with other countries. The number of neighboring countries, the length of borders with them, the type of border (land, sea, river) are an important component of describing the geographical position of the country. In addition, not only directly bordering neighboring countries are considered, but also countries located through one or more states. Therefore, neighbors of the 1st order, 2nd order, 3rd order are distinguished.

For example, Russia directly borders on 16 states. The longest border we have with Kazakhstan. Next come China, Mongolia, Ukraine, Finland, Belarus and others. With Japan and the United States, Russia has only maritime borders.

The more neighbors a country has, the better it is for its development, since this allows for the establishment of various socio-economic ties.

Geographic location may change over time. The assessment of geographic location is considered by scientists as an assessment of the most important factor in the development of the economy of the region, and sometimes it is also considered as an independent resource. K.P. Kosmachev considered it possible to consider geographic location as one of the types of resources and even spoke about the reserves of geographic location resources: “Their reserves, other things being equal, are inversely proportional to the economic remoteness of the developed territory in relation to the developed one and are directly proportional to the size of the economic potential of the latter.”

Geographic location is a rather capacious characteristic. Therefore, there are differenttypes of geographical location . In each form, emphasis is given to a specific feature. .

Target: Disassemble and describe the types of geographical location.

    Physical and geographical position.

Physical locationdescribes the position of the country relative to natural objects (continents, oceans, mountains, etc.). So, for example, Russia is located on the territory of Eurasia, has access to the oceans. This is a characteristic of the location of the object in question in a number of natural objects, for example, in relation to continents and oceans, to landforms, to islands and peninsulas, to rivers and lakes, etc.

Accordingly, the physical and geographical position is determined by geographical coordinates (latitude, longitude), absolute height relative to sea level, proximity (or remoteness) to the sea, rivers, lakes, mountains, etc., position in the composition (location) of natural (climatic , soil-vegetative, zoogeographic) zones.

From the point of view of economic geography, the physical and geographical position of the area (as well as its individual constituent elements) must be considered as a condition (prerequisite) for the possible implementation of any type of economic activity, that is, as a prerequisite for the location of productive forces.

Any of the elements of the physical and geographical position (position in relation to the initial meridian, equator, sea, height above sea level, position in the composition of climatic, soil-vegetative and other zones, etc.) remains almost forever unchanged, and therefore their role in a possible change in the physical and geographical position of any area is absolutely passive .

    Economic and geographical position

The economic and geographical position describes economic ties with other countries, assesses their level and development prospects. It also determines the position of the object among various anthropogenic objects that perform certain economic functions. For example, industrial and agricultural enterprises, mining sites and industrial areas, as well as in relation to economic groupings of countries (OPEC, ASEAN, NAFTA).

The economic and geographical position of any locality is purely individual (unique). This is not only the place that each territorial entity occupies (the location of the country, region, locality, enterprises, etc.), but also the spatial location of the locality (country, region, settlement or some other economic object) in relation to other localities (countries, regions, settlements, mineral deposits, etc.). ), with which a given area or object is connected either as a source of supply (raw materials, fuel, energy, etc.), replenishment of labor, or as sales areas, etc. It is by the principle of spatial proximity (remoteness) that they distinguish the so-called "neighbor position" or the immediate environment of any object, the central position, micro- (small), meso- (medium), macro- (large) position.

Distance (space) is covered with the help of transport and affects the distribution of productive forces through a certain level of transport costs. Consequently, an assessment of the economic and geographical position of any locality, as one of the most important factors in the location of productive forces (favorable, unfavorable, profitable, unprofitable, convenient, inconvenient, etc.), should also be carried out from the point of view of possible savings in transport costs.

The economic and geographical position is also a socio-historical and economic concept, since the content and nature of the manifestation (convenient or not, etc.) completely depends on the conditions of social and economic development of a particular territory.

All elements of the economic and geographical position (position in relation to communication routes, sales points, sources of supply, etc.) are among those that change significantly in time (as well as in space), since they depend on the mode of production, the level development and nature of the economy, science, technology, technology of different places, and therefore affect the economic and geographical position of these places.

The most rapidly changing factor in the economic and geographical position is the transport and geographical position, which describes the features of transport links with other countries, as well as within the country. It evaluates the provision of an object with transport and communication capabilities of economic relations (roads and railways, sea and river routes, air routes, oil and gas pipelines, fiber optic communication lines and power lines, airports, sea and river ports, etc.).

Features of the position of economic and geographical objects are determined

the nature of the territorial coverage (they distinguish macro-location, meso-location and micro-location). Measured by topological and functional

mi indicators, accessibility. It is determined by the proximity or distance from the most important neighboring transport hubs and highways.

The transport and geographical position of seaports, for example, is advantageous,

if they are located near the largest centers of consumption and production of goods entering or departing from the port. Main types

transport and geographical position: central, peripheral,

internal, main, transit, profitable and unprofitable, rear (away from transport routes), dead-end, coastal (seaside), foothill.

How the improvement of technology (means of communication) affects the economic and geographical position of the area, can be especially clearly seen in the example of Australia, which until the 70s. 19th century in economic and geographical terms was one of the most isolated countries in the world. The emergence of new, high-speed, technically advanced, special Vehicle(refrigerated ships, refrigerated ships for transporting perishable types of agricultural products, tankers for transporting oil and natural gas in liquefied form, ore carriers and other special ships for transporting dry cargo - wheat, coal, etc.) affected the transport and geographical ( respectively, and economic and geographical) position of this country in such a way that actually brought it closer (in terms of the speed and cost of transporting goods) to the centers of world trade and the most important routes of communication, made it impossible for real consumption of the products of its industry and agriculture in almost any country and region peace. Currently, Australia is one of the largest producers and exporters of a wide variety of agricultural products (butter, cheese, condensed milk, beef, lamb, sheep wool, grain, cotton, cane sugar, etc.), products of the mining industry (iron and manganese ore, tin, copper, lead-zinc concentrates, coal, oil, etc.). It is obvious that the change in the economic and geographical position of Australia, its role in international division labor was due to the progress of technology (transport), the overall high level of the economy of this country.

Changes in the economic and geographical position may be due to other reasons. For example, the weakening of the role or the loss of the economic significance of one or another location factor (raw materials, fuel, energy, labor, consumer, including transport) and, accordingly, their automatic withdrawal from the composition that determines the relationship of a given area with other areas (as with sources of raw materials , fuel, energy, labor or as with the areas of product sales) or, conversely, the strengthening of the role of any of the factors and, accordingly, the strengthening of its influence on this process.

For example, the economic and geographical position of the Urals, as a condition for the possible development of ferrous metallurgy, has repeatedly changed and at different periods of time it could be assessed as very convenient at that stage of development, when local charcoal could be used as fuel, and its own raw materials. iron and manganese ore; as convenient, when they were forced to use imported fuel (coke of the Kuznetsk basin of Russia, Donetsk Ukraine or Karaganda Kazakhstan), since there is no own coking coal in the Urals; finally, not very convenient, when they worked out iron and manganese ores at most of their deposits and were forced to import not only coking coal, but also iron and manganese ores from other places (the Central Black Earth region of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, etc.). The matter was further aggravated by the fact that this had to be done mainly with the help of rail transportation, since there was no opportunity for the delivery of raw materials and fuel by cheap sea route (as in Baltimore, Philadelphia or Toronto) in the Urals.

Thus, during historical development the economic and geographical position of any area of ​​the country or region, settlement, economic object can change radically. The reason for this is progress in the development of science, technology, technology, economics, organization of production, both within the given area and in its environment, that is, within the territory of other places associated with it.

Ecological and geographical positioncountries determines the environmental hazard and its level from neighboring countries. So, for example, harmful emissions from industries in some countries can enter the territory of other countries. The ecological-geographic characterizes the background of the environmental safety of the location of the object to places with environmental problems (for example, to points for the release of pollutants, to areas of radioactive contamination (Chernobyl), as well as to potentially dangerous objects that create an environmental threat).

Features of nature, population and economy of certain territories of Russia.

The large extent of Russia from west to east and from north to south, the relief features predetermine the diversity of natural landscapes (arctic deserts, tundra, forest tundra, taiga, mixed and broad-leaved forests, forest steppes and steppes, semi-deserts and deserts).

Tundra. Severe, cold climatic conditions (low average annual air temperatures), long winter - the snow cover lasts 7-9 months, a short summer period (2 months) and, accordingly, a short growing season. The presence of permafrost, excessive moisture - high waterlogging of the territory, infertile tundra-gley soils. Large open spaces with strong winds. The existing natural and climatic conditions are unfavorable for humans. As a result, the districts are characterized by a low population density and a relative predominance of the urban population. A special type of economy has developed, the main specialization of which is the exploitation of the natural resources of the Far North (extraction of gas, copper, nickel, etc.) and reindeer breeding.

The steppe is the main agricultural region of Russia due to favorable natural and climatic conditions for agriculture (fertile soil - chernozems, long growing season). This is the zone of the most developed animal husbandry (cattle, pig breeding, sheep breeding, poultry farming). Developed food industry. The rural population predominates. Significantly high population density.

4. Mathematical and geographical position allows you to estimate the position of the object in the system of coordinates and reference points of the planet, i.e. in relation to the elements of the degree grid (to the equator and the Greenwich meridian), to the poles of the Earth, to extreme geographical points.

5. The military-geographical position establishes the degree of relation to objects of military-strategic importance (military bases, groupings of troops, nuclear facilities, ballistic missile silos, enterprises producing nuclear weapons), to military-industrial complex enterprises, as well as in relation to military-political groupings of countries (NATO).


Geographical position can be considered as the main resource of the region, providing big influence on the formation of the economy, both in time and in space. An assessment of the geographical location is important for the correct determination of both the possible potential and the increasingly complex conditions for the formation of the region's economy.

When describing a certain type of geographical location, another can also be partially described, since they can influence each other. For example, the physical-geographical position directly influences the economic-geographical one. Therefore, when describing the economic-geographical position, the physical-geographical one is also partially described.

The assessment of a number of types of geographical position of countries is not constant. Countries change and develop. Consequently, their geographical position is changing.


    Geography, grade 9. Features of the geographical position of Russia

    Geographic Encyclopedia

Russia is a Eurasian state. The country has a unique geographical and geopolitical position: it occupies the eastern part of Europe and the northern part of Asia.

Russia has huge reserves of natural resources, accounting for about 20% of the world's reserves. This predetermines the raw orientation of the Russian economy.

Potential- sources, opportunities, means, reserves that can be used to solve problems and achieve goals.

The geographical position of the territory can be considered both as a condition and as a factor of economic development.

Geographical position of Russia

Among geographical features Russia, influencing economic activity, the resettlement of the population and the formation of the habitat as a whole, attract attention primarily to the following provisions.

  1. The vastness of the space occupied by the country.
  2. Uneven settlement and economic development of the territory.
  3. Wealth and diversity of natural conditions and natural resources.
  4. The multinational composition of the population and the ethnic mosaic of the territory (the presence, with the widespread settlement of Russians, of a large number of areas of compact residence of individual nationalities).
  5. Strong territorial contrasts in the economic and social spheres.
  6. The CIS countries and other newly independent states (not only Russia's immediate neighbors, but also second-order neighbors: Moldova, Armenia, the states Central Asia, third-order countries - Tajikistan). Second-order neighbors are countries neighboring border states.
  7. Russia may have ties with Tajikistan through the territories of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan (or Uzbekistan).
  8. The countries of Western and Southern Europe, united in the European Economic Community, among which the role of Germany, the new world geopolitical pole, is growing.
  9. Countries of Eastern Europe, closely connected during the entire post-war period with the USSR, with which Russia must renew and strengthen ties.
  10. Countries of the Baltic and Black Sea basins with which Russia has already concluded multilateral agreements.
  11. The countries of the Asia-Pacific region, especially the poles of the world economy and politics - Japan, China, India.
  12. A special role belongs to the development of Russia's multilateral ties with the United States.

Russian Federation(RF) is the largest state in the world in terms of territory. It covers the eastern part of Europe and the northern part of Asia, thus being a Eurasian country by geographical position.

The geopolitical position of Russia is interconnected with the economic and geographical position (EGP), i.e. position on the economic map of the world, reflecting the position of the country in relation to the main economic markets and centers of the world economy. For the first time, the concept of EGP was introduced into geographical science by the famous scientist N.N. Baransky (1881-1963). This concept is widely used to assess the place of countries on the world map, and in addition, to determine the relationship of any geographical feature to others located outside it.

The territory of Russia is 17.1 million km 2, which is almost 2 times more than China or the USA. As of January 1, 2010, the population was 141.9 million people, and the population density was 8.3 people per 1 km2. The Russian Federation ranks 1st in the world in terms of territory, 9th in terms of population and 8th in terms of GDP calculated in US dollars at purchasing power parity.

The size of the territory is an important economic and geographical feature of any state. For Russia, the world's largest country by area, it has far-reaching consequences, both geopolitically and economically.

Due to the vastness of the territory, all the necessary conditions for a rational geographical division of labor are provided, the possibility of freer maneuver in the deployment of productive forces, the defense capability of the state increases, and other positive results are achieved in the field of economic and social development.

The extreme northern point of the country is Cape Fligeli on Rudolf Island as part of the Franz Josef Land archipelago, and on the mainland - Cape Chelyuskin; the extreme south - on the border with Azerbaijan; the extreme western one is on the border with Poland near the Gulf of Gdansk in the territory of the enclave formed by the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation; the extreme eastern one is Ratmanov Island in the Bering Strait. Most of the territory of Russia is located between the 50th parallel and the Arctic Circle, i.e. found in middle and high latitudes. In this regard, only Canada can serve as an analogue among foreign countries. The maximum distance between the western (not counting the Kaliningrad region) and eastern borders is 9 thousand km, between the northern and southern borders - 4 thousand km. There are 11 time zones within Russia. The length of the borders is 58.6 thousand km, including land - 14.3 thousand km, sea - 44.3 thousand km.

The Federal Agency for the Development of the State Border of the Russian Federation conducts international legal formalization and measures on the development of the Russian state borders. International agreements on the state border have been concluded with China, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Georgia, Finland and Norway. Full list countries adjacent to the Russian Federation is given in Table. 2.1.

Russia in many aspects international relations is the legal successor former USSR and in this capacity performs the functions of a permanent member of the UN Security Council, is a member of the most important international organizations.

Geopolitical position of the country is its place on the political map of the world and its relation to various states.

The geopolitical position of Russia in modern conditions is determined by many factors different levels from global to regional.

As a Eurasian country, Russia has ample opportunities for economic and political cooperation with foreign countries various geopolitical orientations. Communications of world importance pass through its territory, providing transport links between west and east, north and south.

Russia is a single economic space, within which the free movement of people, goods, services and capital is ensured, intra-regional and inter-regional communications are carried out, covering both material production and the non-manufacturing sector. This space is consolidated by a unified transport, energy and information system, a unified gas supply system, various networks and communications, and other infrastructure facilities.

The size of the territory predetermines the variety of regional conditions and resources for economic activity. In terms of the scale of its natural resource potential, Russia has practically no analogues. At the same time, most of the territory is located in the temperate and cold agro-climatic zones. The need to cover vast distances poses serious problems for transport, which are exacerbated by severe climatic conditions over a large part of the territory. With regard to transport accessibility, the conditions are very differentiated. With large territorial spaces, despite the fact that this is commonly considered favorable condition for the development of the economy and ensuring the economic independence of the country, intensive development of the economy is possible only with a developed transport system.

Significant differences in the degree of economic development of the territory, the level of provision with natural and labor resources are reflected in the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the economy. The production potential of the European part is much greater, and the structure of the economy is much more complex, more diversified than in the eastern regions.

Russia is a federal state - Russian Federation(RF), uniting the subjects of the Federation on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Federal Treaty as an integral part of it. The subjects of the Federation consist of self-governing territorial communities and independently determine their territorial structure.

The Russian Federation includes 21 republics, 9 territories, 46 regions, 2 federal cities, I Autonomous region, 4 autonomous regions (total in 2010 - 83 subjects).

Cities of federal significance - Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Republics of Russia: Adygea (Maikop), Altai (Gorno-Altaisk), Bashkortostan (Ufa), Buryatia (Ulan-Ude), Dagestan (Makhachkala), Ingushetia (Nazran), Kabardino-Balkaria (Nalchik), Kalmykia (Elista), Karachayevo -Cherkessia (Cherkessk), Karelia (Petrozavodsk), Komi (Syktyvkar), Mari El (Yoshkar-Ola), Mordovia (Saransk), North Ossetia Alania(Vladikavkaz), Tatarstan (Kazan), Tyva (Kyzyl), Udmurtia (Izhevsk), Khakassia (Abakan), Chechen (Grozny), Chuvashia (Cheboksary); Sakha (Yakutsk).

Territories: Altai, Trans-Baikal, Kamchatka, Krasnodar, Krasnoyarsk, Perm, Primorsky, Stavropol, Khabarovsk.

Autonomous regions: Nenets (Naryan-Mar) in the Arkhangelsk region, Khanty-Mansiysk (Khanty-Mansiysk) and Yamalo-Nenets (Salekhard) in the Tyumen region, Chukotsky (Anadyr).

On the territory of Russia there is one autonomous region in the Far Eastern economic region - the Jewish Autonomous Region (Birobidzhan).

We note the peculiarity of the territorial-state structure of Russia according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993. Nine autonomous regions (with the exception of Chukotka) were included in larger territorial units, but in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the territorial part ( autonomous region) and the whole territory (krai or region) were equal subjects of the Federation. Since 2003, Russia has been gradually merging autonomous regions and the corresponding subjects of the Federation. it step by step process, including the holding of a national referendum, the preparation and approval of the bill, the choice of governing bodies, the unification of budgets.

For the period of June 2003 (June 11, the governor of the Perm region and the head of the administration of the Komi-Permyatsk Autonomous Okrug signed an appeal to the President of Russia with the initiative to establish Perm Territory by merging the Perm Region and the Komi-Permyatsky Autonomous Okrug) to date, 5 new subjects of the Federation have been formed:

  • Perm Territory, which united the Perm Region and the Komi-Permyatsky Autonomous Okrug into a single subject of the Federation (date of formation - December 1, 2005):
  • Krasnoyarsk Territory on the basis of the unification of the territory of the Territory, the Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) and Evenk Autonomous Okrugs (1.01.2007);
  • Kamchatka Territory, which united the Kamchatka Region and the Koryak Autonomous Okrug (July 1, 2007);
  • Irkutsk region as a result of the merger of the region and the Ust-Orda Buryat Autonomous Okrug (1.01.2008);
  • Trans-Baikal Territory, which united the Chita Region and the Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug (March 1, 2008). Autonomous okrugs within the constituent entities of the Federation received the status of municipal districts with a special status determined by the statutes of the constituent entities and the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Each region - a subject of the Federation (except Moscow and St. Petersburg) is divided into administrative districts. In addition, the administrative-territorial division includes cities, urban districts and districts, urban-type settlements, village councils and volosts.

The subjects of the Federation are united into larger administrative territorial entities - federal districts. On May 13, 2000, in accordance with Presidential Decree No. 849 “On the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Federal District”, the territory of Russia was divided into 7 federal districts. The federal district has its own center and administrative apparatus, headed by the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal district.

In January 2010, the North Caucasus Federal District was separated from the Southern Federal District by a presidential decree, which included the republics North Caucasus(except Adygea) and the Stavropol Territory.

List of federal districts and corresponding administrative centers: Central (the center of the federal district is Moscow), Northwestern (St. Petersburg), Southern (Rostov-on-Don), North Caucasian (Pyatigorsk), Volga (Nizhny Novgorod), Ural (Ekaterinburg), Siberian (Novosibirsk), Far East (Khabarovsk).

There are 11 economic regions on the territory of Russia: North-Western, Northern, Central, Central Black Earth, Volga-Vyatka, Volga, North Caucasus. Ural, West Siberian, East Siberian, Far East (the Kaliningrad region is not part of the economic regions). Economic regions differ from each other in the conditions and features of formation in the past and strategic directions of development in the future, scale, specialization and structure of production, and many other features.

Each of these regions performs certain functions in the general system of territorial division of labor within the country.

Russia in many respects - territory, population, natural resource potential, industrial, scientific, technical and intellectual potential, participation in the decision global problems modernity, associated primarily with the exploration of outer space, assistance in maintaining peace and security - a great power.

Features of the geographical position of Russia

In terms of territory, Russia is the largest country in the world - 17.1 million km 2, which is almost an eighth of the Earth's land mass. Let's compare: Canada is the second largest state covering an area of ​​about 10 million km2.

Being in the north of Eurasia, Russia occupies about 1/3 of its territory, including 42% of the territory of Europe and 29% of the territory of Asia.

The entire territory of Russia is located in the Eastern Hemisphere, with the exception of Wrangel Island and the Chukotka Peninsula, which belong to the Western Hemisphere.

From the north, a significant part of the territory of Russia is washed by the seas of the Arctic Ocean: White, Barents, Kara, Laptev, East Siberian, Chukchi. The extreme northern point of Russia - Cape Chelyuskin on the Taimyr Peninsula - has coordinates 77 ° 43 "N, 104 ° 18" E. d.

From the east, Russia is washed by the seas of the Pacific Ocean: Bering, Okhotsk, Japan. extreme eastern point Our country is located on the Chukotka Peninsula - Cape Dezhnev (66 ° 05 "N, 169 ° 40" W).

According to international agreements, the maritime borders of states, including Russia, pass at a distance of 12 nautical miles (22.7 km) from the coast. These are the territorial waters of a coastal state. Foreign ships have the right of innocent passage through territorial waters, subject to the laws and regulations of the coastal state, as well as international agreements.

Rice. 1. Russia: geographical location

UN convention under the Law of the Sea 1982 defines the boundaries economic zone coastal states at a distance of two hundred nautical miles (370 km) from the coast of the mainland and islands. Within the economic zone, fish and mineral resources are the property of the coastal state.

A vast continental shelf stretches along the northern coast of Russia. A special status has been established for the continental shelf: the coastal state exercises sovereign rights over it for the purpose of exploration and development of its natural resources.

In the east, our country has maritime borders with the United States along the Bering Strait and Japan along the La Perouse and Kunashir Straits, which separate our islands - Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands - from the Japanese island of Hokkaido.

Russia has a huge length of external borders - about 60 thousand km, including land borders of about 20 thousand km. The southern and western borders of Russia are land, with the exception of the maritime border with Ukraine along the Kerch Strait and with Finland along the Gulf of Finland.

Most of our neighbors in the south and west are former republics Soviet Union. In the west: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus; in the south: Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan. Many of these countries, with the exception of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, are members of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). In addition to the former republics of the USSR, our country borders on the countries of Europe: Norway, Finland and Poland, as well as on the countries of Central and East Asia: Mongolia, China and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK).

The extreme southern point of Russia is located in the North Caucasus on the border with Azerbaijan - Mount Bazarduzu (41 ° 11 N, 47 ° 51 E).

And the extreme western one is on the Baltic Spit near the city of Kaliningrad (54 ° N, 19 ° 38 "E).

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia retained an advantageous geographical position in relation to a number of CIS countries, which can maintain economic ties with each other only through the territory of our country. Nevertheless, some countries of the former USSR turned out to be second-order neighbors for Russia (they do not have common borders with it). These are Moldova, Armenia and the republics of Central Asia: Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. The Republic of Tajikistan is a third-order neighbor for Russia.

The absence of common borders complicates our country's ties with these states.

The collapse of the USSR not only changed the geographical position of Russia, but its geopolitical and geoeconomic position.

The territory of the country decreased, the established industrial and economic ties were destroyed. A number of former republics of the USSR are oriented in their development to other countries and regions of the world, and this orientation does not always correspond to the strategic interests of Russia. These include, first of all, the Baltic countries - Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, as well as the Transcaucasus - Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia.

After 1991, the territory of the USSR turned, according to experts, into an arena of rivalry between many developed countries of the world for acquiring political and economic influence on new states.

The geopolitical position of Russia is becoming more complicated due to the expansion of NATO.

On March 29, 2004, Bulgaria, Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia joined the NATO military-political bloc, which complicated Russia's geographical position. Lithuania occupies a special place, since most of the links between the Kaliningrad region and other regions of Russia are carried out through its territory.

You don't have to be an economist to imagine the problems associated with the change in the geo-economic position of Russia after 1991. Imagine a single economic complex, a single energy system, close production ties in terms of raw materials, fuel, as well as technological and scientific and technical. All this contributed to the development of a capacious consumer market within the country.

In the 1970s-1980s. economic integration both within the country and between socialist countries was government policy. The situation changed dramatically in 1991 and required a quick solution. It was found.

On December 21, 1991, an agreement was signed in Alma-Ata (Kazakhstan) on the establishment of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). It was signed by 11 sovereign states. Georgia later joined them. Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania are not included in the CIS.

According to experts, the rupture of economic ties within Russia with the former Soviet republics reduced the output of final products by 35-40%. Not a single country - the former republic of the USSR has reached the level of 1990, with the exception of Uzbekistan and Belarus. The production of agricultural products has sharply decreased (by 35-40%). Only the extraction and production of raw materials, fuel and energy resources increased.

The specifics of the geographical position of Russia

The main features of its nature are connected with the geographical position of Russia. Russia is located in the most severe northeastern part of Eurasia. The cold pole of the Northern Hemisphere (Oymyakon) is located on the territory of the country. Most of the territory of Russia lies north of 60° N. latitude. South of 50°N is only about 5% of the country. 65% of Russia's territory is located in the zone of permafrost. About 140 million people are concentrated in such a northern territory. Nowhere in the world, neither in the northern nor in the southern hemisphere, is there such a concentration of people in such high latitudes.

The northern specificity of Russia leaves its mark on the living conditions of people and the development of the economy. This is manifested in the need to build insulated dwellings, heat housing and industrial premises, and provide stall keeping for livestock (which provides not only for the construction of special industrial premises, but also forage harvesting). It is required to create equipment in the northern version, snow removal equipment for clearing roads. It is necessary to spend additional fuel reserves for the operation of equipment at low temperatures. All this requires not only the organization of special production facilities, but also huge material resources, primarily energy costs, which ultimately leads to huge financial investments.

The nature of Russia creates great restrictions in the development of agriculture. The country is in the zone of risky agriculture. There is not enough heat for the development of agricultural crops, and in the southern part there is not enough moisture, so crop failures and crop failures are a common occurrence for domestic agriculture. Every decade there are major crop failures. This requires the creation of significant state stocks of grain. Harsh conditions limit the possibilities of growing high-yielding fodder crops. Instead of sufficiently heat-loving soybeans and corn in Russia, it is necessary to grow mainly oats, which do not high yields. These factors, together with the cost of stall keeping livestock, affect the cost of livestock products. Therefore, without state support(subsidies) Agriculture Russia, seeking self-sufficiency, is capable of ruining the entire country: all industries related to it, and above all its main consumer - the population.

Thus, the northern position of Russia determines the complexity of managing the entire economy of the country and high costs energy resources. To maintain the same standard of living as in Western Europe, Russia needs to spend 2-3 times more energy than European countries. Only in order to survive one winter without freezing, each inhabitant of Russia, depending on the region of his residence, needs from 1 to 5 tons of reference fuel per year. For all residents of the country, this will amount to at least 500 million tons (40 billion dollars at modern world fuel prices).

The geographical position of the state - this is the location of the territory, country relative to other objects, territories, water areas, countries.

Geographic location is one of the fundamental categories of economic and social geography. The concept of "geographical position" has been known in science since the 18th century. It has found particular application in anthropogeography late XIX in., When the German scientist Ratzel began to apply it to characterize the positional properties of the country.

In the context of globalization, the theory of geographical location acquires the status of an interdisciplinary theory, since it allows you to see the world in all its diversity, due to many regional, state and local features.

The socio-economic space is heterogeneous. Objects spatially do not match the conditions necessary for their existence in the system. The properties of the socio-economic space, which reveal the spatial divergence of the object under study and the necessary conditions for its existence (functioning and development), can be defined as the geographical location of the object.

The external environment through its components actively affects the object, the geographical location of which is determined. Similarly, the object itself affects its own environment.

The concept of "geographical location" is based on the category of "relations". According to M. Baransky, the economic-geographical position is the relation of any place, district or city to objects that lie outside it and have one or another economic significance for it.

The main idea of ​​geographical location as a concept is to reveal the territorial relationship:

In the physical-geographical position - this is the ratio in the geographical coordinate grid, in a real physical-geographical space with its natural areas, regions, orography, distribution of land and sea, etc.;

In the economic and geographical position - is the relationship to economically significant objects;

In the socio-geographical position - to socially significant objects.

In the political and geographical position - to political realities. Methodically, this means fixing and predicting military, international political, geo-economic, environmental and cultural force fields;

In ecological and geographical position - to ecologically significant objects, in particular to countries and regions that determine the ecological situation, or to countries and regions on ecological state which the country can influence.

One of the quantitative indicators of geographical location is geographical coordinates object.

To clarify the content of the concept of geographical location, it is worth noting the significant differences between geographic location and location. Describing the geographical location, it is necessary to answer the question: with respect to what? The location of an object has a different meaning, which consists in answering the question: where and what is a part of? So location reveals location or belonging, while location reflects relationships in a system. From a methodological point of view, these concepts should be distinguished.

So, studying the geographical location, you should find out which objects are outside the object, and which are inside. In other words, the geographical location is characterized by the relationship of the object with its external environment.

When studying the geographical location, it is necessary to build on the results of the impact of the geographical location on the development of the object. The situation is complicated by the fact that in connection (economic and non-economic) the object is affected not only by geographical location.

Analyzing the problem, the researcher "weighs" the real and potential relationships: he discovers the real ones empirically, and among the potential he singles out those that can be realized (actually possible connections). However, the researcher must also establish theoretically possible connections. Thus, when analyzing a geographical location, relations cannot be understood only as actual economic and other ties. A complete and comprehensive study of the geographical location involves taking into account real, potential and theoretically possible connections.

Geographical position is not only a capacious and multifaceted concept, but also a relative one. In the first case, several types of it are distinguished, in particular, natural, ecological, social, economic or political-geographical position. In the second - we are talking about its constant transformation in space and time, the simultaneous presence in the assessment of the current state of the geographical position, its past development and the factors of its further functioning.

For country studies, the concept of the political and geographical position of the country plays a decisive role. This is its placement on the political map of the world, a continent or a separate region in interaction with political realities that influence it in one way or another. At the same time, politics is understood as an activity aimed at winning the struggle for one's own interests. It can be a government, a specific organization or an individual.

In the spatial-territorial sense, one can distinguish global, regional and local-neighborly political and geographical position of the countries. Global the position is the place of this or that state on the political map of the world in the context of its global connections and relations with other states of our planet. The regional political and geographical position includes the location and relationship with the countries of their own historical and geographical region. local neighbor the political and geographical position is the location of the country surrounded by neighboring states and interaction with them. His assessment is an exploration of a complex history of confrontations and partnerships. She is very dynamic. At this level, a real analysis of all types of relations and interrelations between individual states and interstate integration formations is carried out.

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