International division of labor Examples by country. International division of labor and its types

Landscape design and layout 21.09.2019

The basis of the global economy is the international division of labor. Deepening specialization and cooperation industrial production He led to the modification of the international division of labor and the relationship between its species. There was a transition from the inter-sectoral to the intra-separable division of labor, which, in turn, strengthens the specialization of not only countries, but also separate firms. According to the majority of economists, the process of specialization and its structure has a huge impact of the update of the nomenclature of products under the influence of NTP. New manufacturers appear, which create their own "niches" or tested competitors.

What do you think is enough absolute and relative advantage for characteristics contemporary state International division of labor, specialization and cooperation of national economies?

First of all, consider the history of the question. The founders of the economic science of New Time Mercantilists considered trade with other countries useful only if exports exceeded imports and the country received "profit" in the form of money, that is, gold. Then Adam Smith tried to justify the possibility of mutually beneficial trade, which introduced the concept of absolute advantage in the production of any product. David Ricardo later added more relative advantages here. Now the overwhelming majority of economists follow the ideas of Smith and Ricardo and call for maximum freedom of trade, removing all barriers and restrictions, cancellation of quotas and tariffs. The opposite point of view causes sympathy in patriots different countriesbut practically no justification.

What absolute and relative advantages? This is how these terms are explained in the American Economics Teaching "Applied Economics":

"Some countries, such as Zaire and South Africa, have significant mineral reserves. ... Other states, such as Honduras and Guatemala, in their geographical position have favorable conditions for growing tropical fruits. Third, Switzerland and Japan, concentrated great technical capabilities and qualified labor. In each of the named cases, the special conditions give the state advantages in the production of some goods and services.

The absolute advantages in the production of products are folded when one country can produce them more efficiently than the other. Due to tropical climatic conditions and the geographical position of Costa Rica, for example, can grow bananas much cheaper than to produce computers. The United States, on the contrary, has enough high technology, have equipment and trained workers for the production of computers. The United States has an absolute advantage in the production of computers, and Costa Rica - in the cultivation of bananas.

The relative advantages of a particular country are spoken in the case when the alternative value of the product produced is lower than that of other states. ... Suppose that the nation A can produce 12 wide-body jet aircraft or 12 ocean superstasters. The country B in our example is equal to the population size of the country A, but, based on the level of the technology, it can build only 6 aircraft or 3 supertankers. It is clear that the country A can produce more than aircraft and ships than Country B. ... The alternative value of one reactive aircraft in the country's economy A is one tanker. In other words, if you prefer to produce both aircraft and tankers, then it can produce six pieces every month and the other or 4 and 8 of the other, etc. ... On the other hand, the efficiency of the economy of the country b is two times lower in the production of aircraft than in the production of tankers.

Country and can create more aircraft and ships than B. However, within its own country, the nation b has more performance in aircraft construction, since it can produce 2 airliners for the same time as one sea ship. Due to the different efficiency of the country, and it is more profitable to specialize in the production of ships, and the country B is only at the production of aircraft. ... Suppose that countries concluded an agreement on the exchange of 2 tankers (from A) by 3 aircraft (from b). If it would prefer to produce both types of products, it would have 3 ships in 3 aircraft. Country B agrees to put in a 3 aircraft instead of only two marine. For its part, now Country would be able to get 2 tankers instead of 3 aircraft, while the production of independently 2 ships would cost her in 4 aircraft. "

Everything is right here, and countries will really get more products if they specialize in the production of those goods for which they have absolute or relative advantages. But the considered model completely ignores the development of the situation in time. Based on the principle of relative advantages, the poor country will always strive for the production of only one product, which it will then exchange for everyone else. The rich country will produce a variety of products, as the production volumes in the poor country is not enough to meet demand.

In the example of the "AppLied Economics" B will produce 6 aircraft, and - 12 tankers. After the exchange of b will be 4 tankers, and there will be 6 aircraft and 8 tankers. Note, B gives all its product and remains with one tankers. It seems to be nothing wrong with this (the possibility of war ignore). However, with the growth of the national product, which we will accept the exponential (with the same indicator for all), the ratio of living standards in A to the level of life in B will remain constant. That is, if in the poor country, the standard of living is ten times less than in rich, then in a thousand years it will be less than ten times. And in absolute terms, the gap will increase.

While trade free or not, there is nothing to do with it. But let's see what happens if the poor country decides to catch up with rich and for this purpose will be to accelerately develop as effective production as in a rich country. If it is made in only a bit, then new technologies can be implemented on existing specialized enterprises. Experts in the relevant industry are already more or less known to deal with. If the country due to free trade is fully specialized in the production of one type of product, then new production will have to start from scratch. Training specialists, but everyone works in the only favorable export industry. Select the resources from this industry to build new plants from scratch. The standard of living, it is clear that it will fall, which will not happen if the country is not involved in trade and does not specialize. Thus, the poor country is unlikely to benefit free trade, if it does not want to remain poor forever. It is clear that it is necessary to develop our own production at the level of standards as soon as possible. developed countries. It is necessary not to trade with them, but to buy (or invent themselves, which will be easier) new technologies. Because the standard of living can really grow only in the event of an increase in labor productivity.

For a poor country, thus, it is better not to be involved in trade, but to engage in the development of its own production. If all countries are at the same level of development, trade between them is meaningless. The production of each type of product under such conditions is developing in parallel in all countries. Products are intended only for the domestic market. There is no exchange of goods, but there is an exchange of information. If somewhere made an invention and were able to reduce the cost of producing any product, then it quickly becomes known to everyone. Other countries or buy licenses or repeat the invention and thus all production moves forward. Due to the difference in the culture of innovations, they also turn out to be different than if all the goods of this variety were made only in one country. There is a process of interethnic competition in the production of ideas, which, it should be thought, is more effective than competition only within the country. In addition, there are no costs for transportation.

Now let's see what is happening in practice. Look, in what condition are the Honduras and Guatemala, mentioned in the "AppLied Economics", as "having favorable conditions for growing tropical fruits." What brings them free trade? The same is Zaire and largely South Africa. Many worse. What to do a country that has nothing to offer in the global market, which has no absolute or relative advantages? As for Switzerland and Japan, why would the same Costa Rica not concentrate "technical capabilities and qualified labor"? Only rich countries will lose, the same Switzerland and Japan, as they will not receive bananas that Costa Rica will have anything to export - she will have everything. Who benefits?

About Russia. Our country has an absolute advantage over the United States, Western Europe and many other states in the field of oil production, gas and many other natural resources. IN soviet period The economy was mainly closed, and the mined resources were mainly consumed by their manufacturing industry. I will venture to assume such logic from American economists of the late 80s: "It is not normal that Russia has such a closed economy. In the course of the reforms, it should be rebuilt and become part of the global. Free trade is good, and in accordance with the principles of free trade, Russia should specialize In the production of what it has an absolute or relative advantage, that is, on the extraction of resources. "

As is known, the reforms are most affected by the manufacturing industry, high-tech production, agriculture. Russia now exports oil, gas, aluminum, forest, and imports computers, cars, clothing, household appliancesFood (and a lot more). If we assume that our country is managed by American economies (and it is largely large), then everything is quite explained, and it is not necessary to consider these economists with Russophobes, participants of the world conspiracy, etc.

Using all its resources for the production of goods X and the goods y, the country A can produce 80 units of goods X and 40 units of goods y, Country in - 60 units of goods X and 60 units of goods W. Provided that the costs are constant, show, in production What goods should specialize each of the countries and why.

If not the most famous, then the most cited part of the teaching D.Rikarto is its theory of comparative advantages, the theory, which relate to the field of foreign trade. Smith proved that the country should specialize in the production of that products where it possesses an absolute advantage, that is, products, in the production of its costs less than in other countries. D. Ricardo also proved that specialization is beneficial to even a country that has absolute advantages, provided that it has comparative advantages in the production of some product. And each country should specialize in the production of goods having maximum comparative efficiency.

Accordingly, the country and should be produced by the production of goods X, and the country in the goods of U.

3. The table presents the production capabilities of the two countries:

1. EUM (thousand pcs.)

2. Oil (thousand tons)

1. EUM (thousand pcs.)

2. Oil (thousand tons)

For the country and the optimal food structure in the specialization is the option b, and for the country b - option

  • a) Are the ratios of comparative costs such that two countries should develop specialization? If so, what product should each of the countries produce?
  • b) What will be the overall increase in the production of computer and oil obtained as a result of such specialization?
  • c) What are the limits in trade? Suppose that the actual trade conditions are 1 computers \u003d 1.5 tons of oil and that 4 computers are exchanged by 6 tons of oil. What will the win from specialization for each country?

Fig. 1.1.

As can be seen from the graph, from the original condition, the production capabilities of these two countries do not coincide, which is explained by differences in the structure of resources and the level of the technological process. To obtain a product unit of the X country, you need to abandon the production of 2 pieces of product y, i.e. The slope of direct production capabilities is -2/1 \u003d -2.

Analyzing the situation in the country in, we see that when you transfer resources from the production of product x on the product y, and vice versa, the ratio will be -1/1, i.e. The slope of the curve is -1. Thus, the country B has comparative (value) advantages in the production of product X and should specialize on it. Country A, on the contrary, has lower impregnated costs in the production of the product y, i.e. To produce one unit of this product, it needs to sacrifice the entire product X while the country is in the whole unit.

We conclude that the country A has comparative (with the country c) advantages when producing a product y and therefore it should be specialized on it.

Logic suggests that if these two countries refuse to produce a product that requires large costs, and will be specialized entirely on the product for which they have a comparative advantage, they will be both winning.

Specializing entirely on the product X, Country B will be able to exchange some part of it on the product. Y, on which the country specializes BUT. Let's see how profitable for them trade will be and in what attitudes these two countries will be traded by their products. Traded in the domestic market, the country would be as we have already noted 1 X. = 1 y, those. She will strive to exchange their goods H. on the foreign market for more than 1 W. number (otherwise, she simply does not make sense to sell it BUT).

Similar to this, since in the country BUTthe ratio is equal to 2y \u003d 1x, then this country will strive to pay for the goods H. For less than two units W.. Otherwise, she does not want to take part in trade.

Obviously, the coefficient of international exchange, or the condition of trade, is founded between 1x \u003d 1U and 1x \u003d 2. The actual exchange rate, which is located between the upper and lower limits, depends on the ratio of current global demand and the proposal for these two products.

If the cumulative global demand for goods H.will increase, the exchange rate will approach 1x \u003d 2 and, on the contrary, with a decrease in demand for it, to be inclined to the ratio 1x \u003d 1th,more profitable for the country BUT.

Current state of 28 thousand computers and 18 thousand tons of oil. If we proceed to a narrow specialization (Country A, the product structure A; Country B, the product structure E) we obtain 30 thousand computers and 20 thousand tons of oil.

We exchange 4 thousand computers of the country A by 6 thousand tons of oil in the country b (give both countries to the optimal product structure): Country A receives from above 2 thousand computers, b - 2 thousand tons of oil.

d) Is it possible to conclude on this example that specialization in accordance with comparative advantages will lead to more efficient use of world resources? Explain.

Resources will actually be used more efficiently. But in this case, there are questions of monopolization of any production.

The leader in scientific and technological progress should constantly discover the development of the life cycle, continuing to develop new and new innovations. If each new product passes a certain life cycle, will this in the end of the country lagging - the initiator of innovations and the formation of a chronic trade deficit?

The product life cycle characterizes the specific patterns of turnover development, and the company's profits on a specific market in time, that is, the dynamics of the behavior of the competitive product in the market. The life cycle of goods in this case acts as perfect model Market reactions to the company's commodity offer. Model life cycle It illustrates that every product as a product of labor has a limit on the life expectancy period, in the course of which he passes several certain stages: development, implementation, growth, maturity, saturation, recession.

The stage of product development is considered the most important on all life path goods. The more efficient the development of the product, that is, the faster the company will take into account the needs and needs of the buyer and the market demands in the designed product, the smallest the costs of this stage, the firmly the company will enter the market with a new product and will receive the necessary profits. However, at the product development stage requires significant cash To carry out capital expenditures on laboratory and test equipment, for annual expenses for its maintenance and wages to designers and researchers. At the development stage, a product is created as a product of research and development. The product is the basis of the goods, the carrier of those properties for which the goods are purchased. But the product is not yet a product. The product becomes a commodity when it acquires extended characteristics and public recognition along with physical characteristics. Thus, the product becomes a product when elements of the marketing environment are invested. Therefore, this stage belongs to the process of forming a marketing environment.

At the development stage, it is pre-turning out whether the future product needs to the consumer, and if needed, then in what volume? Then the position in the market of productive forces is studied, that is, the state with working force, material, raw materials and necessary equipment to justify production this product. In addition, the level of competition is analyzed to existing goods that satisfy a similar need. According to the results of the technical and economic justification of the project, a decision is made to organize the production of this product or on the complete termination of design and survey work. If the project is recognized as unpromising until the moment of production development, the firm does not threaten the further expenditure of funds for the development of the project and the loss of its prestige due to the release of non-competitive goods. If the product successfully passes all stages of the development stage, experienced production and testing, the formation of a marketing environment, then the implementation stage comes, which includes serial production and output to the market.

The stage of serial production and implementation is characterized by the appearance of goods on the market and the growth of sales. However, at this stage there is a slow growth of production, since consumers are poorly informed about the new product or slowly change their established habits for the consumption of existing goods of similar purpose. The firm directs its impact on buyers who are most willing to purchase goods. During this period, prices are at a high level due to significant production costs, large advertising costs and stimulating sales. Marketing policies, including activities to increase sales, is focused on the quality of goods, efficient advertising, price reduction, after-sales service.

The growth stage is characterized by an increase in sales, profitability, decrease in marketing costs, stimulating sales and advertising. At this stage, the goods receive recognition from consumers, the demand for it is growing, all the efforts of the company are directed to the rapid market development.

Competing firms activate their activities by issuing a similar value to the market, but most often the best of the quality of goods, they organize enhanced advertising, stimulate the activities of trade workers.

The increased interest of consumers to the goods of competitors can lead to the acceleration of market saturation by this product through the development of the market and focus on it several producers producing the appropriate type of goods.

In order to preserve a sustainable position in the market, the company must conduct the following activities: improving the quality of goods; Creating new models; withdrawal of goods on new market segments; attracting potential consumers using enhanced advertising; lower price reduction; Improving customer service before and after purchase; improving the competitiveness of the goods; Fixing the image of the company.

Despite the fact that at this stage, the profit of the company is growing (due to the growth of sales and reducing the cost of a unit of goods, reduce the specific costs of advertising), the growth rate is somewhat reduced. In such a situation, an increase in sales is problematic, and to maintain it on the level achieved, additional marketing costs are needed in the conditions of obtaining planned profits. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen control over the dynamics of production growth rates, and in case of a slowdown, develop and implement new marketing strategies to improve the situation in the market, renewing the time of the goods at this stage of its life cycle and the classes of the leading position in the commodity market.

The stage of maturity characterizes the continued market expansion and an absolute increase, maximizing the turnover of goods. In stock production and distribution system finished products. Intensive competition is dominated in the market, when competitors thanks to additional investment investment Trying to influence customers with means of intensive innovative events. This is, first of all, the introduction of new product modifications and the expansion of their assortment group, as well as the introduction of new customer service methods and conclusion of preferential contracts with wholesale and retailers.

Differentiated, individual activity of the company with consumer groups, consideration of the peculiarities of consumer behavior and conducting marketing measures to hold consumers in the market provide significant support in the extension of the life of the goods and stabilizing the position of the company in the market. However, the situation where the goods are in the stage of maturity, requires a continuous search for new ways to improve the quality of goods, improving marketing activities and intensify communications with consumers. As the main strategies at the stage of maturity, it is advisable to use various combinations marketing strategies Modifications of the market, product and marketing mix. It may be effective to work on the search for methods of more diverse use of goods and new applications.

The saturation stage takes place when, despite measures in the phase of the maturity of the goods, the growth of sales comes and even outlines the trends of their fall. Demand is created mainly by attracting even at the stage of maturity of the product of additional clients through optimal pricing policy. However, the profitability of production continues to be maintained due to a decrease in production costs (full development of technology and a decline in marriage).

The stage of saturation is actually the stage of combating competitive goods. The consumer preferences to some one product or manufacturer. Making any technological changes to further stimulate demand for goods requires significant producer efforts. Additional costs are needed to develop advertising and stimulating staff. Growing the cost and decreases the dedication. To keep sales and profits at the proper level in order to stabilize the position of the company is becoming increasingly difficult due to intensive competition. As marketing activities, improving the quality of goods, service improvement, activation of promotional agents can be effective for increasing sales. The financial goal of the firm is reduced to reduce costs with reducing sales. This stage of the HCT corresponds only to these consumers - ordinary consonants, conservatives and brand adherents (Table 1.3).

Table 1.3. Consumer characteristics for market segments

Market segment

Consumer characteristics


Prone to risk, experiment, possess high social status; included in the highest income group; are residents of large cities


Have similar characteristics similar to supernistrators, but to a lesser extent prone to risk

Conventional consumers

Avoid risk; do not have desire for leadership; are mainly residents of small cities or rural areas


Careful, do not like changes; have preferably little prestigious professions; included in a group with relatively low incomes


Are emphasized negatively to any changes; usually deprived creative imagination; can belong to layers, both high and low income

Adherents brand

Prone to "branded" lifestyle; As a rule, they have high incomes; mostly over 40 years; Ready to overpay for prestigious goods

The stage of the recession is the final stage of the life cycle of goods, is characterized by a sharp decrease in sales, and then profit. The decline occurs both due to the obsolescence of the goods and due to changes in technology, the change of preferences and tastes of consumers, as well as due to the significant success of competitors to the market. The range of goods is reduced, manufacturers leave this market space, as their sales channels become ineffective. Under these conditions, the company may take concrete measures to extend the life of goods, for example: to leave the production of this product unchanged, but to carry out intensive advertising; change the package; use such a factor like maneuverability prices, adapt existing system Sales; reduce production and sales costs; organize the implementation of the remaining goods in order to obtain all possible profits; change marketing capping; Rent goods from production and implementation.

As a rule, firms reluctantly refuse to produce and implement obsolete goods, since there is hope for a more favorable economic situation. The firm may not leave the market, reducing marketing costs to increase profits with the same sales volume. It is possible to transfer an obsolete product by another, for example, more small, firm to get part of the profit and at the same time develop a new product. And yet it is necessary to keep in mind that, despite all the efforts of the company, the profitability of the exercise of the outdated goods falls, an in-depth decline and the goods occur, in the end, removed from production. In such a situation, neither enhanced advertising will help nor the cost of marketing service costs.

To prevent the stage of recession in the life cycle of the goods it is advisable to increase the duration of the stages of growth and maturity by advance introduction to the new product to the market until the market is saturated by the market. However, this maneuver is not available to each manufacturer, as the elimination of the gap between the cycles requires active innovative and marketing policies, the availability of relevant finance of the intellectual potential of employees.

The duration of the life cycle fluctuates hard for different goods. Certain reserves in the elongation of the life cycle of goods are incorporated in the production and implementation of not one, but several products. And these products can different combinations Place in various sales markets. The most rational in this case is the decisions on the placement in the markets of non-one, but the totality of goods with the planned shift of the stages of their life cycles. The formation of such a company's products portfolio allows it to carry out balanced production and sales activities, which ensures the continued profit and creates conditions for maneuverable capital use in the implementation of innovation activities.

The duration of the entire life cycle and its individual stages depends on the type and view of the goods. However, the increasing trend, both for widespread consumer goods, and for production and technical goods is to reduce the life cycle of the goods, although the average duration of the development time of the goods is growing.

The concept of the life cycle of goods has great importance. First, it focuses leaders to analyze the activities of the enterprise from the point of view of both true and future positions. Secondly, the concept of the life cycle of the Goods aims to conduct systematic work on planning and developing new products. Thirdly, this concept helps to form a complex of tasks and justify the marketing strategies and events at each stage of the life cycle, as well as determine the level of competitiveness of its product compared to the goods of the competitive firm.

In Japan, it is relatively more profitable to produce small cars than in the United States. How do you explain this comparative advantage of Japan? Can a country having a comparative advantage in the production of goods, subsequently losing it?

The Compact City Maltracks market is of particular popularity so far only in Japan, where in multimillion megalopolises each removed centimeter in the machine size is a huge advantage.

Permanent traffic jams and recurrence make it impossible to use cumbersome SUVs familiar to Russia, sedans and universal.

According to the evidence of contemporaries, the first Japanese cars, televisions and refrigerators often broke, while remaining much cheaper than imported products and using demand in the domestic market. Improving product quality and manufacturing technologies has become the most important tasks for Japanese corporations in the conditions of incessant competition. Talented self-taught managers, who stood at the helm of the leading enterprises made a bet on technological leadership, trying to improve production to such an extent that mass production was distinguished by consistently high product quality and low costs. In the United States, many believe that the ideas of V. Edward Deming were considered to be a great contribution to the development of mass production of high-tech products in Japan. Righting a tribute to the merits of a scientist, I still think that the scientific organization of labor and the automation of production, which in practice proved the rightness of its statistical models, are obliged to their appearance first of all high competition in the domestic market of Japan and traditional Japanese production culture, implying complete self-dedication from each Employee, resource savings and a clear understanding of all employees of the whole corporation.

The Japanese government promoted the prosperity of large corporations, stimulating exports and contributing to improving product quality. The most notable contribution to the development of exports was the program to create export assistance centers, with the help of which Japanese enterprises could study consumers on target foreign markets and exercise trade transactions abroad with the mediation of officials. When the energy crisis broke out in the seventies, the Japanese automakers were already ready to supply economical small cargo cars of quite acceptable quality to consumers abroad, primarily on the US market.

International division of labor - an objective basis for international exchange of goods, services and knowledge, development of production, scientific and technical, trade and other cooperation between countries of the world, regardless of their level economic Development and the nature of the social system.

The international division of labor can be determined as an important stage in the development of public territorial division of labor between countries, which relies on the cost-effective specialization of the production of individual countries on certain types of products and leads to a mutual exchange of production results between them in certain quantitative and qualitative ratios.

MRI plays an increasing role in the implementation of extended reproduction processes in the countries of the world, ensures the relationship of these processes, forms relevant international proportions in the industry and territorial-country aspects. Like the division of labor in general, MRI does not exist without an exchange, which occupies a special place in the internationalization of social production.

The international division of labor has passed a complex and difficult path in its development before the modern features have acquired. The worldwide division of labor is the result of the centuries-old development of the productive forces, deepening the national and interethnic division of labor, gradually drawing new national production in the changing system of world-economic relations.

The process of forming an international division of labor has become particularly intensively developed after the transition of leading countries to machine production is completed, i.e., from about the middle of the XIX century.

By the end of the XIX-early XX century, as the mass production develops, the process of forming an international division of labor mainly ended. Along with purely trade world economic relations, international production relations received increasingly developed, the international migration of capital received an unprecedented scale.

The process of the development of an international division of labor had certain typical features, and until now, MRI has its own characteristics, primarily that the gap between the two groups of countries - industrially developed and developing in the world economy is prevented. The first time currently accounts for less than 25% of the population and at the same time about 80% of the cumulative national product and over 80% of industrial production of developing countries. Accordingly, the countries of the developing world account for 75% of the population, but only a little more than 20% of the cumulative national product. Their share in the production of manufacturing products is only 15-17%. Developing countries continue to perform in world economy mainly as suppliers of raw materials for industrial states and importers of finished products.

The reasons for this situation are in a long action of a system of international economic relations, in which more developed countries use the agrarian and commodity specialization of less developed countries in order to operate. The colonial system was led to the consolidation of the unequal position of backward in the MRI system, since the powers sought to give their colonies the role of suppliers of raw materials and some types of food. In the same direction, the international monopolies also operated.

The main motive MRI for all countries of the world, regardless of their social and economic differences, is the desire to receive economic benefits. The implementation of the Effect MRI received by the participants in this case occurs as a result of the action of the law of the value that is manifested in differences between the national and international value of the goods. The law of value is the driving force of MRI in terms of commodity production.

Since in any socio-economic conditions, the cost is formed from the costs of means of production, wages and surplus value, then all goods entering the market, regardless of their origin, participate in the formation of international value, i.e. world prices. Goods are exchanged in proportions that meet the laws of the world market, including the law of value.

The implementation of the advantages of MRI during the international exchange of goods and services provides any country with favorable conditions Getting the difference between the international and national cost of exported goods and services, as well as internal cost savings by refusing to the national production of goods and services due to cheaper imports.

To the number of universal motives to participate in MRI, the use of its capabilities is the need to solve global problemsfacing humanity, joint efforts of all countries of the world. The range of such problems is very large: from environmental protection and solving food problems on a planetary scale before the development of space.

With all the complexity and controversivity, the modern world of economic relations is a certain expedient system, united by internationally generalized production when achieving a relatively high level of development. MRI is the "integrator" that formed the World Economic System from individual elements - world economy. As a function of the development of productive forces and production relations, MRI has created objective conditions for the growing relationship and interdependence of the reproductive processes of all countries, expanded the internationalization limits to global.

Currently, the internal exchange exchange of manufacturing products is growing between industrialized and developing countries, in which the "new industrial countries" play the most active role is played by "New Industrial Countries" (Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, India and others). Between developing States, stratification and differentiation in the level of economic development and the nature of participation in MRI increases.

The dominant area occupied the intra-separable division of labor on the basis of the subject, valuable and technological specialization of production. This is the direction of MRI led to the leading growth rates of world trade of manufacturing products.

As a result of the unevenness of socio-economic development in the group of industrialized countries, substantial shifts continue to occur in the alignment of political and economic forces, primarily between the three centers - the United States, Japan and Western Europe. Combined with the impact of the factors marked above, this causes the need for frequent rearrangements in the system, leads to a constant violation of the prevailing proportions of foreign economic exchange. Changes in the ratio of forces are accelerated by the increasing impact of HTR, which caused an unprecedented scale and pace an increase in the international exchange of scientific and technical achievements.

There is a continuous increase in the role of transnational corporations in global production, in the international division of labor and international economic exchange. TNK now - the main force of production and international division of labor, the dominant factor of international specialization and cooperation, which determines the structure and geographical direction international Trade. TNK controls more than 40% of industrial production of the world and approximately the same share in international trade. Objectively expanding the production base TNC contributes to the growth of the global economy and international economic exchange, the spread of achievements of science and technology between countries, a decrease in intercountry differences in the level of organization and production efficiency.

In many parts of the world, integration trends are increasing in the framework of the universal internationalization process of economic activities. In technical and economic terms, the processes of inteformation, the development of specialization and cooperation in the world have similar features due to the universality of the scientific and technical coup, its global value.

MRI is subject to periodic effects of structural and cyclic crises increasing imbalances in international trade and, in turn, causes their exacerbations. Thus, the energy and raw crisis of the 70s and the associated sharp shift in the level and the basic proportions of world prices significantly increased the economic and political role of international trade in fuel and raw materials, made the energy-saving type of production, made significant shifts into the structure and geographical distribution. World Trade, in the nature of the export specialization of many countries.

The aggravation of the contradictions of world economy and the cardinal shifts in the structure of world trade caused the strengthening of state-monopolistic trends in their international meaning. There is a tendency to combine the efforts of leading countries on collective regulation of world-economic processes, mitigating the negative effects of economic and currency shocks. From here, regular meetings at the highest level of leading countries, revival activities and strengthening the role of international organizations such as OECD, GATT, IMF, IBRD, and others.

The increase in the objective need for a fundamental restructuring of the system of international economic relations shows that the current MRI and the worldwood bonds based on it came into a clear clash with both the economic and political interests of individual groups of countries, primarily developing. In adopted by the UN, documents recognize that the international division of labor and international economic relations will continue to emerge spontaneously, only under the influence of the laws of competitive struggle. The market mechanism cannot automatically ensure the rational development and use of resources across the global economy. Miro-economic ties require interstate development and management to better allocate the benefits of worldwide division of labor and scientific and technological progress between all nations.

Question 1. The essence of the international division of labor and its meaning

- a legitarious result of the development of public division in human society, in the process that qualitative differentiation occurs different species Human activity.
Division of labor - Historically a certain system of social labor, which is formed as a result of high-quality differentiation of production activities in the process of development of society.
Public division of labor - Justification of individual species labor activitywhich caused the condition and condition for the occurrence of commodity production.

International division of labor - This is a way to organize the global economy, in which enterprises of different countries specialize in the production of certain goods and services, and then hanging on them in the global market.
The international division of labor was originated in the manufactory period of the development of capitalism (17-18V.V.) at the turn of 19-20V. The international division of labor has covered the whole world. Industrial coup International labor separation was based on a natural basis. During the flourishing period of the colonial system for a large number of countries, the role of suppliers of raw materials and energy goods was entitled. However, in 20V. For developed countries, the dependence of specialization from the level and characteristics of economic development has become characterized.
Assmit, D.Rikardo, K. Marks were engaged in issues of international division of labor.

International division of labor is the following species :

  1. General - division of labor between large spheres of material and intangible production: industry, agricultural, transport, etc.
  2. Partial - division of labor by industry and sub-sectors: cattle breeding, oil production.
  3. Single - division of labor within one enterprise, while the company is not considered as a cycle of creating a complete product.

The essence of the international division of labor: on the one hand, the production process involves the extraction and specialization of various activities, and on the other, it implies the exchange of them.
The international division of labor is manifested in 2 forms:

  1. International specialization
  2. International Cooperation

The meaning of international division of labor

  • The international division of labor is the basis for the exchange of goods, services, knowledge, the development of production, scientific and technical, commercial and other cooperation between countries of the world, regardless of their level of economic development.
  • International division of labor is the basis of the world economy, allowing it to progress in its development, to create prerequisites for a more complete emergence of economic laws.
  • International division of labor - is carried out in order to improve production efficiency, serves as a means of implementing public production forces.
  • International division of labor - plays an indefinite role in the implementation of the process of expanding reproduction in the countries of the world.
  • Participation in the international division of labor contributes to solving global problems facing man.
  • Under the influence of international division of labor, trade relations between the countries becomes more and more disverse in the complex system of world economic relations.
  • Under the influence of international division of labor, specialization and cooperation are manifested in a planetary scale, the production forces acquire world character.

The main factors for the development of international division of labor and participation indicators in MRI

  • Natural and geographical differences in countries
  • Scientific and technical process
  • Differences in the level of economic and scientific and technical development of countries in the global economy
  • Type of business and the nature of the country's external relations
  • Economic expansion TNK
  • Development of regional economic integration processes

Factors of encouraging countries to participate in the international division of labor:

  • The volume of the country's domestic market (large states with a developed market more possibilities Find in the international division of labor necessary factors of production and consumer goods. W. large countries less need to participate in international specialization and commodity, but on the other hand, developed market demand In the country encourages expanding import procurement, reimbursement by their expansion of export specialization)
  • The level of economic development of the country (the need to participate in the country in the international division of labor is the greater, the smaller the economic potential of the country)
  • The security of the country is natural resources (a high degree of country security by resources, as well as a low degree of mineral resources causes the need to actively participate in the international division of labor)
  • Specific weight in the structure of the country's economy basic industries (the higher specific gravity basic industries, the less its inclusion in the system of international division of labor)

The main thing in the process of international division of labor - each participant is looking for and finds economic benefits from participating in the international division of labor.
Benefit :

  • Getting the difference between the international and domestic price of the exported goods
  • Saving internal costs due to the abandon from national production when using cheaper imports.

The coefficient for measuring MRI (according to Russian experts) :

  • The proportion of exports in the total product produced
  • The proportion of the industry in the total value of exports
  • Growth rates of export specialization branches compared with the growth rate of the entire industry

The most common indicators of the country's participation in MRI:
Export quota - reflecting the country's export share in its GDP
Ke \u003d E / GDP * 100

Imported quota - The share of the country's imports in its GDP
Ki \u003d and / GDP * 100

Foreign trade quota
Kto \u003d WTO / GDP * 100
WTO - foreign trade turnover

The dynamics coefficient of MRI. , reflects the ratio of the growth rates of exports and intranational production
KD \u003d JE / JP
JE - Export volume index
JP - production volume index

The coefficient of the intra-industry international organization.
Qcq \u003d (uh) / (e + and) * 100

The value of the coefficient varies from -100 (the country is extremely importing therefore the product) to +100 (the country is exclusively exporter). Indicators inside characterize the degree of country involvement in intra-separable international specialization.

Question 3. International specialization: concept, types, development directions

International specialization of production - Such a form of division of labor between countries in which industries, sub-sectors, individual technological processes of national economy enterprises focused on the release of homogeneous products in excess of domestic needs.

International production specialization is divided into two directions:

  1. Industrial
  • Industrial
  • Inter-sectoral
  • Intra-industry
  • Specialization of individual enterprises
  • Territorial includes specialization in the production of individual goods and their parts for the global market.
    • Individual countries
    • Groups of countries
    • Regions

    Types of international labor specialization:

    • Subject specialization
    • Value specialization
    • Technological or stadium specialization (implementation of individual operations or implementation of individual technological processes)
    • Dynamic of leaking processes
    • Continuous change in its species, directions
    • Transition to more complex forms

    The concept of international specialization of labor is associated with 2 definitions:
    International Specialized Industry - The established combustion of the sectors of the material production of any country that takes an active part in the international division of labor
    Their characteristic features:

    1. The significantly high proportion of exports in production compared to other industry
    2. Higher specific weight of such industries in the production of a given country in comparison with their fractions in the world economy
    3. A higher level of development of intra-industry specialization and cooperation

    International specialization of products - Products that are the subject of two and multilateral agreements on MPS and the division of production programs, i.e. These are products manufactured in 1 or several countries and cover the need for a world market. Such goods include products international cooperationcarrying out the division of labor between its production enterprises located in different countries.

    International specialization of products should evolve taking into account public relations. In order to increase the efficiency of production should be supplemented International Cooperation Production .
    The objective basis of international production cooperation is the growing level of development of productive forces, the differentiation of production.

    An important function of international production cooperation is the implementation of new tasks, which are difficult to solve without the combined efforts of manufacturers of several countries.
    International Cooperation Production - The process of sustainable production relations between independent enterprises of different countries, i.e. Joint activities of enterprises of various countries that fully maintain their economic independence on the development, production and sale of certain goods and services.
    International production cooperation helps firms to reduce production and appeal costs, and therefore the cost of production, reduce production costs, strengthen the competitiveness of products manufactured under MCP.

    Classification of MCP .

    The simplest definition: International division of labor is the specialization of each country in the production of those goods and services that can be cheaper than in other countries.

    Most of you perfectly understand the term at an intuitive level. However, let's try to understand the root causes and the essence of this phenomenon.

    Let's start with the division of labor at all. A simple example. Obviously, if one person is better hunting, and the second is preparing food, then the most effective way of economic relations between them will be in exchange: the hunter gives the cook all the booty, the cook prepares and sells it, money is divided. Such a scheme will bring both greater income than if everyone hunted and prepared independently.

    Driving socio-psychological factor in this case - The desire to maximize the benefits given by the division of labor.

    Thus, the historical root cause of separation is a high-quality differentiation of labor in the process of society. This entailed care from the natural economy (when everyone serves itself) and the specialization of the work performed, first at the level of a separate person, then enterprises, cities and, finally, countries.

    By analogy with the above example, the international division of labor (MRI) is due to the differentiation of countries on the availability of resources: land, natural (including energy sources), information (knowledge), labor and capital. If one country has extensive natural resources and cheap work force, it, for the time being, may be careless to produce resources and sell in the global market (while resources are not exhausted). If another country has an excess of capital, then it can afford to lend a third country and provide financial services.

    Separate place In this topic there are transnational corporations that you can read about.

    No matter how ironically sounded it, in theory of international division of labor, everyone wins. If briefly:

    • First, each country produces only those products and services, which are profitable (otherwise it is easier to buy a neighbor's country).
    • Secondly, the exports are the goods and services, the national costs for the production of which are lower than the world. This gives a win in a competitive struggle and direct economic benefit.
    • Thirdly, the goods and services are imported, the internal production costs of which are higher than the world.

    This saves in costs and save internal resources.

    Thus, the main purpose of the international division of labor is the same economic benefit, expressed by an increase in additional value as a result of an increase in labor productivity and mutually beneficial exchange.

    That is why we come to the second definition. International division of labor is a way to organize a global economy, which consists in international exchange in goods and services, in the production of which each participating country has its own specialization. In other words, MRI acts as the root cause and engine of world trading relations.

    That is why it became especially active MRI in the middle of the 19th century after the rapid development of the technological industry (machine production) and by the beginning of the 20th century this process ended.


    The following types of international division of labor are distinguished.

    General - Based on the division of labor in general areas of production of goods and services (resource mining, industry, transport, communications, science, finance, etc.). In particular, on this basis, the country is divided into raw materials, industrial, agricultural, etc.

    Private - associated with division of labor within common areas in the industry and subproduction (oil production, metal mining, heavy industry, light industry, etc.). From the point of view of economic theory, private MRI is based on the so-called subject specialization of market entities (specialization in the types of goods and services produced).

    The unit is based on the so-called technological specialization, which is to perform individual stages or stages of the production process (production of components, assembly, sale, etc.) or the release of individual parts, nodes and components.


    Now consider the factors affecting the specialization of the participating countries of the world market.

    • The presence of raw materials (wood, metals, etc.).
    • The presence of energy sources (oil, GRES, NPP, etc.).
    • Nature and climate (for example, significantly affect the development of agrarian industries, travel business).
    • Geographical location (the spatial manifestation of this factor can be expressed, for example, in the development of the transport industry).
    • GDP structure. The more differentiated the structure of GDP, the more intense foreign economic relations (and vice versa).
    • Capacity and level of development of the domestic market. For example, a large domestic market of developing countries is an open invitation to extend imports (especially with the weak development of its own production).
    • The level of scientific and technological progress. The most important factor contributing to the maximum additional value for the country, since the value of the additional value in high-tech and innovative industries is an order of magnitude higher. That is why countries specializing in technology and finite redraw products have an advantage over raw material appendages.
    • The level of socio-economic development as a whole
    • Level of political stability and safety
    • Features of historical development.
    • The above list is not exhaustive and can be supplemented.


    What consequences has MRI on the global economy as a whole?

    • Information exchange. The basis of economic relations. It contributes, on the one hand, deepening the specialization of a number of countries, and on the other - the development of cooperation and interaction. And there is no contradiction, since one complements another.
    • Development of international trade. For this, a well-thought-out internal legislative base in terms of foreign economic relations is a major success factor.
    • Capital movement. Engine investment in the economy of any country. The concern of the authorities at the same time - to trace the investment to be aimed at the point development of those sectors of production, which in the future are able to bring the maximum added value.
    • Currency, financial and credit relations. As a consequence of the above.
    • Social migration. An important factor to be taken into account within social Policy. For example, possible negative consequence - Leak of "Brains" to other countries.
    • Economic integration and globalization. Regarding the latter, there are both supporters and opponents. But this is the topic of a separate discussion.

    Be that as it may, it should be recognized that the international division of labor is the basis modern worldof the economy. The charm causes only the fact that the share of developed in industrial, scientific and financially Countries account for 25% of the population and 80% of the global product. In developing countries, the picture is obviously diametrically opposite. The reason is the emergence of a stigma of unprofitable specialization. And in order to get rid of it - it will take more than a dozen years.

    Sincerely, Andrei Puchkov

    Introduction ......................................................................... .......... one

    1. International division of labor: the essence of the concept and

    theoretical basis ………………………………………………………. one

    2. Demanding division of labor ................................................ .. ...... 3

    3. Models of specialization of national farms - participants of MRI ....... four

    4. Online cooperation and economic cooperation ............. 6.

    5. Developing countries in the MRI system .......................................... ..8

    Conclusion ............................................................................ .... fifteen

    Bibliography ……………………………………………………………. 17.


    The purpose of this work is short review and an analysis of the main trends in the process of international division of labor in the past decades of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first. The subject of the study is extremely important in the light of the role that the international division of labor plays modern system international economic relations. The global economy develops in the direction of differentiation of countries by their ability and the desire to produce and implement the goods and services that are able to bring to these specific states the greatest profits. Naturally, for this technology, the production of certain goods and services should be worked out in each particular country to the most possible level possible. The complexity of the products produced (services) is determined common level Scientific and technical and economic development of the country.

    This work includes five sections in which the concept and process of international division of labor is considered and its role is analyzed in the development of the modern global system of economic relations. Particular attention is paid to developing countries as the most significant reserve of the global economy in terms of commodity and human resources.

    1. International division of labor: the essence of the concept and theoretical foundations

    International division of labor (abbreviated MRI) is the result of the development of the process of division of labor both within the country and internationally. Formally, the international division of labor is defined as a division of labor between countries in certain quantitative and qualitative relations, mediated exchange between them with the services and other results of socially useful activities.

    The production process is dissected for individual, relatively independent phases and stages, and then assembled on one territory (this may be an union of the urgent industries in geographically - production complexes, with the establishment of interaction between countries involved in the MRI system). To date, the result of MRI is the increase in labor productivity, including internationally.

    The international division of labor is carried out in order to increase the efficiency of production, serves as a means of saving public labor costs, acts as a means of rationalizing public productive forces.

    As a rule, in most studies on MRI issues, three types of MRI are highlighted and logically distinguished:

    1. General MRI - division of labor between large areas of material and intangible production (industry, transport, communications, etc.). (I.e. sectoral specialization). The division of countries on industrial, raw materials, agricultural is connected with the general MRI.

    2. Private MRI - division of labor within large areas by industry and sub-sectors, such as heavy and light industry, cattle breeding and agriculture, etc. (i.e. production for the export of certain types of finished products and services). It is associated with subject specialization.

    3. A single MRI is a division of labor within one enterprise, while the company is interpreted widely as the cycle of creating a complete product. (Specialization for the manufacture of individual nodes, parts, components).

    Single and private MRI are largely carried out within the framework of unified corporations (transnational corporations), which act simultaneously in different countries.

    The international division of labor is manifested in two forms - international specialization of production and international Cooperation. International production specialization (SMEs) is based on the international specialization of the production sustainable exchange between the products of the products produced with the greatest economic efficiency.

    SMEs and MCP are closely connected with each other. They mutually determine each other's existence. Without specialization can not be cooperation. At the same time, if there is no need to receive any goods due to the border within the framework of cooperation, the production specialization will not have an international nature.

    Differentiation of labor on the special kind of activity is almost unlimited. The territorial division of labor exists both within the states and between them.

    International division of labor can be defined as the highest level of development of public territorial division of labor between countries, which relies on a sustainable, cost-effective production specialization in individual countries of certain types of products, and mutual exchange The results of production between them in certain quantitative relations.

    MRI plays an important role in expanded reproduction in the countries of the world, ensures the relationship of production, forms international proportions in the industry and territorial and country aspects. MRI occupies a special place in the internationalization of production and expansion of exchange.

    There is a combination of factors that objectively contributes to the international division of labor:

    1) differences in the distribution of natural wealth - the main cause of the MTP;

    2) differences in soil-climatic conditions;

    3) geographical position countries;

    4) differences in the size of labor resources;

    5) historical traditions of production.

    Scientific and technical revolution and Economic factors of the MTER at the present stage of human development make it possible to solve the problem negative influence Natural conditions. Now the main factor of MTP is scientific and technical progress: perfect machines, equipment, instruments, development of science.

    2. World work division

    In addition to MRI, there is also the concept of global division of labor (HRD). In essence, under the term VDI implies an international division of labor on the scale of the entire civilized world, while MRI can be viewed at the regional level. The worldwide division of labor is an objective basis for industrial, scientific and technical, trade and other cooperation between the countries of the world. Currently, the interaction of the states of the entire planet in economic, and sometimes in political plan, is determined by the degree and focus of their participation in the ACT. In fact, the worldwide division of labor is the basis of the World Economy.

    The participation of the IRD for any state is inevitable, because It allows you to receive income diverting differences between the national and international cost of production. The law of value is the driving force of the global division of labor in the conditions of commodity production, because Products form international cost and exchange in proportions subject to the laws of the World Market, including the law of value. The intensive motive of participation in the global labor division is also the use of its possibilities in solving global problems of humanity by the joint efforts of all countries of the world: environmental protection, a solution to a food problem, the development of cosmos, etc.

    The worldwide division of labor complicates a comprehensive system of world-economic relations, where trade, although it takes a leading place now, gradually loses its meaning. The foreign economic sphere of the World Economy has a challenging structure and includes:

    1. International trade;

    2. International specialization and cooperation of production;

    3. Scientific - technical cooperation;

    4. Together the construction of enterprises and their subsequent operation on international conditions;

    5. International business organizations, various kinds of services and the other.

    Under the influence of global production forces, the "additional" force is born, which, as it were, is grooved and operates simultaneously material and real and personal factors social production. The results of each link of the global production system are actively used with increasing cooperation participants, which leads an increase in the economic power of the entire system.

    With all its complexity and contradictory, the modern world of economically is a fairly efficiently functioning system, united by international commonplace production, which has reached a relatively high level of development.

    The international division of labor is, a kind of integrator, which formed from individual elements to the World Economic System. The international division of labor, being a function of the development of productive forces and production relations, created objective prerequisites for the growing relationship and interdependence of farms of various countries, expanded the limits of internationalization to global.

    According to experts, the worldwide division of labor in the future will be steadily delved. In the future, the production of developed countries will focus on external consumers, and domestic demand for imports.

    3. Models of specialization of national farms - participants of MRI

    To characterize the participation of countries in the international division of labor, the classification of sectors of social proceedings has been adopted, depending on the ratio of resources applied. The combination of these industries in a particular country characterizes the specialization of the national economy. In general, the following sectors of specialization are distinguished: high-tech industries; capital-intensive industries; labor-intensive industries; Resource industry.

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