Ossetia. History of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alanya

Landscape design and layout 22.09.2019
Landscape design and layout

It was founded back in 1924. The indigenous population is Ossetian, but other nationalities live in this territory.

Let's figure out where North Ossetia is located, that is, what is its geographical position. This republic is part of the North Caucasus Federal District. Hence the simple conclusion that the entire territory of the state is located in the Caucasus. To be more accurate in the wording, then on the northern slope of a large mountain system - a large Caucasus. The relief here is distributed as follows: the plains and lowlands occupy most of the terrain, and the Highlands - less than half.

In total, about 700 thousand people live in the republic. Of these, more than 60% - urban population. In economically, the strategic partner is Russia. The Republic of North Ossetia - Alania (its full name) in the list of subjects of the Federation under the area occupies the 80th place (less than 8 thousand square meters) of the State of the State of Vladikavkaz. He is in the south of Russia on the shores of the foot Caucasian Gor..

Briefly about the main thing

Vladikavkaz was founded in the Catherine Epoch. This name is "Vlad Kavkaz" - from Pavel Sergeevich Potemkin in 1784 received a fortress, erected as a Russian outpost in the southern part of the modern city. The status of the city is the future capital of Ossetia North received in 1860.

Now there are few more than 300 thousand people, most of which are Ossetians, Russian and Armenians.

Vladikavkaz (in Ossetian Dzaoudzhikau) is located in the center of the Caucasus. Here are short winters and long warm summer. The city is surrounded by picturesque places and natural wealth in the form of therapeutic mineral springs and high-quality drinking water.


Currently, Vladikavkaz can be proud of a well-developed transport network. There is an international airport with regular flights to Moscow. Also, it is from these places that the famous military-Georgian road begins. It is important by messages between the two states - Russia and Georgia. However, for 4 years (2006-2010), the government was forced to temporarily close it. But since March 2010, the movement resumed. There is also a Vladikavkaz railway, which connects the city with Rostov-on-Don.


Intellectual and cultural lovers The capital of Ossetia North (Vladikavkaz) will delight numerous theaters, concert halls, museums, libraries, among whom the oldest in the North Caucasus is republican. From architectural monuments - Russian Theater, department store, Metallurgists, Government House, and, of course, Vladikavkaz's business cards - the Sunni Mosque Mukhtarov and the Orthodox church, called the Ossetian Church.

The mosque built on the left bank of the Terek Azerbaijani patron of the oil industry Murtus-Aga Mukhtarov. In the Soviet era, this building was used to accommodate the branch of the museum of local history. The church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is the oldest Orthodox church, which can be proud of Vladikavkaz. Up to the 90s. XX century Church served as a tomb for prominent citizens of the republic. Also in Vladikavkaz, the recently built St. George Cathedral, which is the main Cathedral of the Vladikavkaz diocese, is located.


The city is erected by many monuments of cultural, art, national heroes. Among them are an unusual monument to A. S. Pushkin. The poet is depicted sitting in a barn, harmful will, in which he traveled through the Caucasus.

During the Great Patriotic War in the city and its surroundings, bloody battles were walking. In 2007, the capital of Ossetia North received the honorary title One of National Heroes Ossetians is the general that became 2 times the hero of the Soviet Union. In his honor, the most recognizable monument of Vladikavkaz was installed on the Embankment of the Terek - the equestrian statue of Pliyev.

City development

For the rest of the locals and tourists in the city there are many parks. The most popular among them is the Park of Culture and Rest of the Poet K. L. Khetagurov. There is a restaurant, tennis courts, mini-golf courses. Another famous park - Olympic, built in 2014, the main attraction of which is a glowing musical fountain. In the heart of Vladikavkaz, in his historical and cultural part, there is a tram-pedestrian zone - prospect of the world, almost all buildings of which are architectural and cultural monuments.

From May to October for small citizens and guests of the city, North Caucasian Small Railway named after Valentina Tereshkova. The capital of Ossetia North has a beautiful embankment of the River Terek.

Improvement and sport

Most popular sports in Vladikavkaz and North Ossetia - Football and Fighting. All Ossetians are sick for the Local Football Club "Alanya", which became the champion of Russia in 1995.

Near the city, there is a village of Redan, close to the famous Sanatoriums "Ossetia", "Redan", Turbases, Arboretum.

To the north - to the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania as part of the Russian Federation. The total area of \u200b\u200ball Ossetia (as the sum of the RUO and RSO area) is approximately 11,950 km².

Rivers in the north of Ossetia belong to the Terek River basin, in the south - to the pools of the Liahva rivers (the influx of chickens) and Rioni.

From the southernmost settlement of South Ossetia (Ruio Leningorsky district) to the northernmost settlement of North Ossetia (Sadovy village, Mozdok district of the RSO) is 225 km.


This is what the famous Georgian historian and geographer XVIII century Vakhushti Bagrationi in his work "Description of the Kingdom of Georgian" about the borders of Ossetia:

And the boundaries of the current oatietia are: from the east, the border of Corus and Hevi, then the KazBek Caucasus and the Akhothian Caucasus, which lies from the south to the north and ends at the end of Hevi, at the River Lomkes; Next River Lomkes to Mount Hetadze -Chekezis-MTA; The southern border serve the Caucasus, with Hevskago Kels going to the west to BrousSabdzel, and between the zekaro -Cedo and Racho -Digoria and Basian, the underlying Caucasus; And from the north, the median between the Cherkis and her (oatietic) is a lying high mountain, from the side of the Cherkoz, and on the part of the Ossetia flavored, but a small hollow; And from the West borders the Caucasus lying between the racher and the zgenel, then between Basian and Svanetia.

From the XIV century to the middle of the XVII century, Ossetia existed as an absolutely closed mountainous area, which did not have cities, education, did not enter the chronicle.

In 1774, medieval Ossetia became part of the Russian Empire

In 1801, the Georgian Principality of Kartil-Kakheti, which included part of the territory of modern South Ossetia, becomes part of the Russian Empire.

Russian punitive expedition in the south of Ossetia in Cheskel Gorge [ ] .

In 1922, Ossetia was divided into two parts: North remained as part of the RSFSR, South - remained as part of the Georgian SSR. The northern part of Ossetians, mostly lived in the North Ossetian Autonomous Republic of RSFSR, as well as Ossetian anklava were in the neighboring Kabardino-Balkarian A.R. SSR, and Karachay-Cherkessian A.R. SSR (Laba). The southern part of Ossetians, mainly lived in the South Ossetian Autonomous Region of the Georgian SSR, and Ossetian Anklava were in the central part of the Georgian SSR, Kakheti, Kazbek district (the Trusovsky Gorge).

End of October - beginning of November 1992 Ossetian-Ingush conflict - military actions in the eastern part of the suburban area and around the eastern and southern outskirts of the city of Vladikavkaz.

On August 8, 2008, Georgia was attacked by the city of Tskhinval, and the southern borders of South Ossetia, the military actions were walking from the 8th to August 12.

On August 26, 2008, South Ossetia received partial recognition from the Russian Federation, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Syria, etc.

At meetings of parliamentarians and intelligentsia North and South Ossetia, after 2012, the question of the reunification of the two Ossetians was raised.


The largest city, cultural and economic center of Modern Ossetia is Vladikavkaz (Ost. Dzæudzhyuæu), a significant role is also played by Tskhinval, in which the scientific and cultural centers of the General Economy value are located (South Ossetian Research Institute. Z. Besti, South Ossetian Drama Theater, South Ossetian state University other).

name in russian name in Ossetian year of foundation population size
Vladikavkaz Dzæudzhyuæu 1784 ↘ 306 258 (2018)
Mozdok Mæздздg. 1763 ↗ 41 728 (2018)
Beslan Besle 1840 ↗ 37 029 (2018)
Alagir Alagir 1850 ↘ 20 043 (2018)
Tskhinval Chareba 1398 34 764 (2015)
Ardon ÆRedon 1823 ↗ 19 412 (2018)
Digora Digoræ. 1852 ↘ 10 075 (2018)
Quex Kuaisa 1940 2 264 (1989)

Urban Types :

  • Factory, South, Redan, Alkhange - Administration of Vladikavkaz,
  • Mizur, Boron, Zgid, Canvas - Alagir district,

Alanya-North Ossetia is the small republic of the Russian Federation, which has an area of \u200b\u200b8,000 square kilometers.

It is located on the northern slope of the Chief Caucasus Range and occupies that part of the Central Caucasus and the Eastern Pre-Bureau, which is concluded between 42 ° 38/43 ° 50 "northern latitude and 43 ° 25" -44 ° 57 "Eastern longitude.

Its greatest length from north to south is 125 km, and from west to east - 120 km. North Ossetia is located on one parallel with Bulgaria, Central Italy and Southern France. In the north, where. The endless green fields of the Terek-Kum's Plain spread out, our republic borders with the Stavropol Territory. In the West in the Kabardian inclined plain, the border with Kabardino-Balkaria passes, in the east at the Ossetian inclined plain - with Ingushetia, and in the south of Ossetia, Georgia. The border here serve the mountains of the main and lateral ridges, whose vertices go to the translated gave. The geographical position of North Ossetia is of great importance for the development of its farm. Back in the distant past, along the northern borders of Ossetia, caravan routes were held, connecting the shores of the Caspian and Black Seas, which contributed to the early development of exchange, and later trade in Ossetia. Through Ossetia, the path in the Transcaucasia ran through the main Caucasus ridge, which later received the name of the military-Georgian road. In an effort to strengthen its positions "on the approaches to the Transcaucasus, the royal government attached a special importance of this road. The shortest connection between the European Center for Russia and the Lands of Transcaucasia was carried out through it. Hard and far unsafe was the promotion of the military-Georgian road in the first half XIX century. This is how it describes A. from Pushkin:

"The entire caravan consisting of 500 people or more was connected in the national area. Punched into the drum. We tried, ahead went to the gun, surrounded by infantry soldiers. Briches, kibits soldiers who move from one fortress to another; Because of them collaring the conversion of two-wheeled Arb. Konsky herds and herds of oxen were fled ... The gun was driving a step, Fitil smoked ... "After the Rostov-Vladikavkaz railway was built (1875), which crossed the territory of Ossetia, a message was established with the center of Russia. By the end of the XIX century, when the Rostov-Vladikavkaz road was continued in Transcaucasia, Ossetia became better connected with Baku and Tiflis. Alanya - North Ossetia is located on the junction of North Caucasian railway, Military Georgian and Military Ossetian road roads, adjacent to the cheerbobular Stavropol, oil Ingushetia, rich in Molybdenum Kabardino-Balkaria, in the immediate vicinity of the Black and Caspian Seas. It has a favorable geographical position for the development of inter-district economic, cultural and scientific relations with all the republics and the edges of the North Caucasus, Transcaucasia, Ukraine and the central regions of the country.

The role of a geographical situation in the development of the Republic of the Republic with the commissioning of the Transcaucasian road, which brought the wealth of the Transcaucasian to us, is growing. It is known that over the years five years, the Industry of North Ossetia has developed rapidly, and at the same time the share of local raw materials decreased and the proportion of imported increased. The further the raw materials are located, the higher the transportation costs, which means the cost of production. In addition, far-excreted raw materials with heterogeneous indicators (various varieties of corn, ores with different components) are constantly demanding changes to the production technology and thereby increase the cost of manufactured products. Hence, optimal decision This issue would be to create an arched raw material base within the Caucasus itself. This is how the Transcaucasian road will be promoted to a considerable degree.

The strategic importance of the geographical situation of North Ossetia is important. During the Great Patriotic War, the German fascists stubbornly made their way to Ossetia, seeking to provide themselves with the shortest path to the oil of the Terrible and wealth of the Transcaucasus.

North Ossetia relief is extremely diverse. Plains and high mountains, extensive foothills and numerous basins characterize the surface of the republic. Of the area of \u200b\u200bour Republic of 4121 kV, a kilometer occupy lowlands and plains, the proportion of the Nagorn band is slightly less than half.

The mountains stretch in the southern part of the republic, the individual vertices of which rise above the snow line, the plains and low raising are dominated in the middle and northern. Such a variety of relief is explained by the complex geological history Caucasus. Even at the end of the neogene and the beginning of the Quaternary period in the territory occupied by the Caucasus, there were powerful formation processes that caused the appearance of folds, deflection and pridine. However, in the further formation of the relief of the mining part, the external forces played a large role and above all rivers. These are they cut the mountain folds and created transverse valleys (Valley of Terek, Ardon, Gizeldon, Fiagdon). The formation of a number of longitudinal valleys (Cakadura Valley, Lakcadon, Tsyu, etc.), dismembered the northern slope of the Caucasian ridge to the parallel ridges: side, rocky, pasture and wooded, is also associated with the work of the rivers. The mountain part of the relief consists of five ridges stretching from the North-West to the southeast parallel to each other.

In the summer, in clear weather, the Panorama of the Caucasian mountains is striking with its magnificence. The dark green color of the wooded and pasture ridges is emphasized and enhanced by the reddish-yellow tones of a higher rocky ridge and the sparkling-snowy caps of the highest - the side and main ridges towering over the rest. Here, "the world arises in front of us in three dimensions and changes the appearance on each bend of the trail. He throws our face of the glacier, then a deep shadow of the gorge, then the spray of the waterfall, then suddenly reveals in the context of the valley of the foggy distance of the foothill plain, similar to the sea. " (N. N. Mikhailov).

The high-altitude part of the Central Caucasus within our republic is represented by powerful mountain assemblies of the main Caucasus ridge and side. The chief Caucasian ridge stretched out in the south of Ossetia and consists of several mountain ranges. Its part of it is the arrays of the Digor Mountains. We drown in the clouds covered with snow spots, and other - solid ice fields - the mountains of the Karaugomsky array and Labody. East of the Karaugomsk Glacier, one of the largest in the Caucasus, to the Kasarian gorge there is a Central Mountain node with an array of Wilpat. This is the world of ice crystal, low-spirited waterfalls, stone screes, "Baranjah Lbov" and snowy avalanches, over which mountain giants are presented - Wilpat (4646 m) and Adai-hook (4405 m).

"If the traveler rises to the top," Academician of Obruchev wrote about these mountains, "wonderful paintings will be revealed before him. When viewed from above, he seems to see the sea around him, covered with huge green petrified waves. From all sides stretch, running to the skyscle, mountain crests. They are narrow, as if the lip of the roof, then wide, then bare and gear, then soft and overgrown, as if back of a huge beast covered with a bristle or curly wool. The places rise even above individual vertices, sometimes similar to a huge dome, sometimes pointed. Under the legs run down the pointed slopes, sniffs snews. Koshibor, according to which the traveler climbed up, it seems to him from above the little lawn, and the big stone scree, through which he cautiously made his way, - a narrow strip of rubble. Below, in depth, green valleys, silver ribbons of streams and rivers, hiding behind the wall of the forest or strip of bushes. Wherever you look - everywhere beauty, everywhere variety! " In the extreme south and south-east, the main Caucasian ridge, rich North Ossetia, forms an arc, on which the most important mountain passes are located - Mamsonsky, Rocky and others. To the north of the main Caucasian ridge, the mountains of the side ridge, as well as the main Caucasian ridge, from several mountain arrays stretched out.

Eastern Kasarsky Gorge, between the gorges of Ardo and Fiagdon rivers, the mountain massif (heat-hook-4490 m) rises, and the Kazbegi-Jimrinsky array is even more easter than: Mount Kazbek (5047 m) and jejaray-hook (4776 m) . Rocky and climbers Mountains of the main and lateral ridges, composed of granites, basalts, andesites, diabases and other rocks, conquer their greatness, strict and at the same time bizarre contours.

Less than the first two, lime rocky ridge (the highest point of the UAZA-hoh, 3530 m). With climbing slopes, caves, funnels, huge remains, he surprises with its forms similar to the castles of the Middle Ages, then with the body of a giant beast. The wonderful and mysterious creations of nature include caves, which, unlike other objects of nature, open by human eye, are covered with a powerful layer of rocks. As an unsurpassed architect, the caves are water. Millions of years she dissolves limestone, shears him and in the depths of the mountains forms the emptiness of various and often bizarre. This is karst caves. Along with the process of destruction, purified by water, in parallel and the process of creation. Seeking through the thickness of the rocks, water drops are hanging on the cave ceiling, and dissolved limestone is deposited at the edges of the droplets in the form of tubes - stalactites. The limestone deposited on the floor and the walls forms became corrected. However, the appearance of the cave is obliged not only water and related to the process of the above. A significant role in the formation of the caves is played and collapsions. As a rule, the appearance of the caves is a consequence of joint actions of dissolution and erosion by water flows and collaps.

In the mining part of the republic, a number of caves are located in the midst of the rock and the pasture ridges in the anticlinarian of the rocky and pasture ridges, which were strongly disclosed cracks that were subjected to leaching processes with total-permanent formations. Of particular interest is the PEPEPA of the North Lagat, located on the northern slope of the pasture ridge in three kilometers east of the village of Tagardon.

The cave meets us twilight, but in the rays of the spotlight, the darkness retreats and becomes a visible uneven, with the ripples and numerous wells of its bottom. Near the entrance there is a room with an area of \u200b\u200babout two hundred meters, in the first half of which there are no excess formations. His second part is striking, starting with a fifty-second meter of the road. Stalactites are hanging from the roofs in the form of large icicles of a conical elongated form, and along the right walls are the same shape stalagmites. This is the most beautiful part of the cave. Here, the magnificent colonnades with a length of ten meters, hanging fancy "Breaks of Bananans", and the formations resembling human figures are visible. All this in combination with numerous wells, streams and grotts, with bats embraced to the ceiling, gives rise to many of the most diverse impressions, and the words of the Academician Fersman are involuntarily remembered: "What can be wonderful and more interesting caves? The moves are drawn, branched, they are unexpectedly expanding into whole halls, then cool downstairs are cool ... I am strong and diverse Impressions: the fancy form of the cave is mixed and the risks of bats, and a quiet measuring noise of falling droplets, and the deaf rolling From under the feet of stones. But what is especially remarkably in the caves - these are their elegant, lush decoration, then from snow-white patterns, from high columns, slim, like a young forest, from long, dried tops, garlands, curtains ... "Local residents have long been Attending the cave, admired by her beauty, called her Nuvajn Lagat, which translated from the Ossetian language denotes the "cave with drawings." However, the expeditions who studied the cave did not find the drawings, and it received this name, it is necessary to assume, for beautiful, resembling drawings, hitch forms.

Behind the rocky ridge of the mountains no longer have such a majestic vila. Located north of the rocky ridge pasture and wooded - the lowest of all ridges of the mountainous part. At the same time, the pasture ridge gave way to a rocky height, otherwise he is repetition. Folded by limestones, he is replete with caves, funnels, remains and is distinguished by climbing slopes. Forests grow on the northern slopes, but the higher the, the more less often, and the peaks usually have only herbal cover. Completely different character of the wooded ridge. It is complicated from sandstones and clay shale. Rounded and soft vertices are dressed with dense forest.

The relief of the republic is replete with large and small mountain basins and picturesque, full of mysterious charm gorges: Darialya, Alagirskoye, Kasarskoye, Central, Digorskoe and many others. A lot in Ossetia beautiful gorges, but none of them will argue with a little wild and very peculiar beauty of the Kasarian gorge. On two sides, the rock gigs of the side ridge squeezed the rusty and wayward ardon. With a crash, foaming and scattering pearl splashes, he dissects his waters about huge boulders, filling his bed. The side ridge is dressed in the snow caps, bored with a pine greasy with a dark greenery and spots of juicy mountain meadows. Surrounded by snow spurs of the main Caucasian ridge, the ceysk gorge is drowning in the green of forests. In the top of it, the fields of glaciers are located, during the day they are marked with turquoise and flaming at sunset. At the bottom of the gorge, foaming and as if boiling, rushes his stormy waters Ceylon. Strict outlines of the mountains, thick coniferous forests Alpine meadows, whisen of a wonderful carpet of bright colors, a zeidon rocometer and a transparent, dusty air attract many tourists to themselves.

Ossetian villages are scattered in the ears. Some of them, as unaln, are located at the bottom of the river, others - on the races of rocks, the third, as the village of Tsei, nest near the mountain peaks. To the north of the wooded ridge, the Ossetian inclined plain is spread, limited from the north of the Sunzhensky ridge.

Ossetian inclined plain is a depression filled with alluvial sediments and deposits of melt glacial water (boulders, loams, clay, sands). Millions of years ago on the place where the Ossetian inclined plain was now spread, there was a sea. But in nature there is nothing unchanged. Everywhere and continuously on the globe, slow and uneven raising and lowering of the earth's crust occur, in the course of which convexity and depressions arise on the surface of the Earth. So the bottom of the sea has risen on the site of the current Ossetian inclined plain. The resulting hill was filled with pebbles, boulders, sand and clay, bringing glacier flows and stormy mountain rivers. The height of the Ossetian plain above the sea level is not the same everywhere, it decreases in the direction of the south to the north. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Sanatorium "Ossetia", its height is 711 m, and in the neighborhood of Beslan - 490 m. In the north of the Ossetian inclined plain, the lowest part of its plot is the Beslan-Dargkohskaya Body. In the relief of the plains, the terraced valleys of the Terek and its tributaries are distinguished, there are slightly saved watersheds between them.

In the floodplain of the River Terek at the Northern end of the village of Upper Lara, twenty meters from the bed to the west and two hundred meters from the "Upper Lara" tour barhouse within the land use of the territory subordinate to the city council of Ordzhonikidze, there is a unique monument of nature. Here I found my head unusually large sizes of the boulder. According to its size (length 28.5 meters, width is 16.5 meters, height is 14 meters) He does not know equal. Scientists explain this origin: On August 13, 1832, a grand collapse in the mountains occurred. He fell asleep the Gorge of Terek Ice for three kilometers, and the resulting icy dam held the water of Terek to more than eight hours. When Terek broke through this dam, he destroyed the whole road to 15 km long. The destruction was so huge that the normal message was able to restore only two years later, and the mass of ice was so great and compacted that they had to be powder. They completely melted only seven years. This huge collapse brought and put in five kilometers below the fence of the river Kabachi in Terek at the station Lars of the Voyo-Georgian road, a grand boulder called Ermolovsky Stone.

High mountains covered with home forest and shrub, turquoise river WaterThe pearl splashes of waterfalls give a special charm to the location of the Boulder, which are driven by numerous tourists. During the Great Patriotic War, when the enemy rushed to the riches of the Caucasus, the local population and fighters of the Soviet Army did the titanic work, turning the foundation of the giant boulder in the firepoint. K North of the Ossetian inclined plain is the Sunzhensky Ridge, behind him - the Kurpskaya Plateau, and also north - the Teress Ridge. The TERSKY and Sunzhen ridges are composed of sandstones, conglomerates and shale clay. In many places, these breeds are covered with loose-like Limsoid Suglinkami "Ranges, anterior Kurpskaya Plateau, lowland, the height of their 700-900 m, with a soft outline of the vertices and slopes gradually dropping to the east. Mountains appeared just big hills. The Mozdska Plain is a part of the extensive terco-kum lowland, the Turkish ridge to the north stretches. In Mozda Plain, as in the Ossetian inclined, Terek flows and divides it to the right-bank and left-bank part. The right bank of the Mozdok Plain can be attributed to wavy plains, since there are a completely flat roadway from 2 to 9 km wide of 8 to 30 meters from 2 to 9 km wide of 8 to 30 m, the words of Chekhov involuntarily remember: "In no landscape It does not feel so the sky as in the places. It seems that a huge blue bowl overturned over the ground and joined its edges to the horizon ... "

A variety of terrain creates rich prerequisites for development various industries farms. Our plains are very convenient for cultivating fields, laying paths, structures of irrigation canals. On the mountain slopes, warm and moisture are wonderfully combined, and therefore nowhere on the plain it is not to find such wonderful meadows, as in the mountains, wet, powered by nectar, rich in vegetation. So, great opportunities for the development of animal husbandry, beekeeping, and in the mountain hoods - gardening. Mountains are rich in minerals that have a large industrial value. And what are the huge opportunities in the mountains for the development of resort construction, tourism and mountaineering: the clean light air of mountain heights as if it pours into the chest, enriches blood, strengthens the nerves. And it is not surprising that at the time of summer holidays is completely young and already elderly people rushing with blurred bags of mountain paths. Of the fossil wealth, the most valuable are high-quality ores zinc, lead, silver. The main deposits of lead-zinc ores are concentrated in the upper reaches of the rivers of Fiagdon, Ardon and Urum. Here the largest industrial importance is the Sadon Rudongenous region with deposits; Sadonskoye, Zgid, Hellensky and Archon. In addition to polymetallic ores in North Ossetia, there are manifestations of molybdenum, copper, tin, gold and mouse-yak, a significant part of which is located in the pools of the rivers Ardon and Urum. Oil was found in several districts. In 1958, the Zamakankulsky deposit was opened, east of village Old Batakoyurt, 50 kilometers from Ordzhonikidze. Within the republic, it is the largest and since 1958 it is exploited.

Significant richness of oil and gas makes in themselves the subsoil of the Elchotovo-Smere district and the village of Zilga. Features of oil found in the Mayramaadag River area and in the Kurtan Gorge. In the mountains and foothills of North Ossetia there are many other non-metallic fossils: there are clay limestones, mergels, marble, granite, dolomites, quartz and building sands, volcanic ashes, gravel, clay slates, graphite. Dolomites have especially large economy importance. They are widely used in the metallurgical, glass, construction and ceramic industry. Large deposit Dolomites is Bosnian, located 21 km south of Ordzhonikidze on the Military Government. More than 90 plants of the glass industry of the European part and the south of the Soviet Union are supplied by the dolomites of this field.

The placement of minerals in North Ossetia is associated with its geological structure. Ore wealth Here, as in other places of the globe, were formed in connection with volcanic processes, with the penetration of the molten magma in the earth's crust. That is why all our ore deposits are located in the areas of the main Caucasian side of the side, i.e., in the strip of intense volcanic process and tectonic faults.

In its bulk, magma consists of silicon, potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, aluminum, iron. On cracks and faults, Magma invaded the upper zones of the earth's crust and, during solidification, various chemical compounds in a gaseous and liquid state, including metals compounds, was emitted. In the process of cooling the magma, a large amount of water vapor and metals were highlighted in the form of gases. When mixing water vapor with metal gases and deep circulation, hot aqueous solutions (hydrotherms) occurred, of which, due to chemical reactions that occurred, were formed, numerous mining deposit groups were formed. During the advancement from the magmatic foci to the earth's surface, the hot rudonic solutions penetrated the cracks and faults of rocks, these cracks filled out and formed a variety of types of ore bodies. Forms of ore bodies depend on the types of sequins of their cracks and rocks. In North Ossetia, ore bodies have the form of lived, rods, zones and are located, mostly near the Sadono-Unalsky main faults and in the fractures departing from it.

Building materials and oil occur in that part of the territory that was formed by sedimentary rocks, the rocky ridge, Teresky and Sunzhensky. In general, ore and non-metallic fossils of North Ossetia are a raw material base for the development of such important industries, such as mining, metallurgical (color), chemical and manufacturing building material.

In the mountains of North Ossetia there are healing mineral springs. Most of them is located in the valleys of the rivers of the Terek system: Gallandon, Fiagdon, Ardon, Ursdon and Urum. Sources contain important rare elements, for example: arsenic, bromine, iodine, etc. Mineral springs of the republic, such as cold Zaramagskaya and hot carmadon, in their healing properties are not inferior to the best waters of Caucasian mineral gpypp and sources of Western and of Eastern Europe. Zaramagskaya sources located in 60 kilometers from the city of Alagira, at the end of the beautiful Kasarian gorge, are close to the waters of Essentukov, Tibysk, located somewhat south, - to Naftus and Borjomi.

High healing qualities have Tamis hydrogen sulfide sources. They are located in the Valley of the Ardon River, ten kilometers from Alagira. Most of the outputs of mineral waters (30) is located on the right bank of the river, and only five outlets are on her left bank. In 1937, on the basis of these sources, a balneological resort "Tamisk" was built, which now enjoyed good glory not only in Ossetia.

In the gorge of the Gallandon River, on the left bank, near the village of Tenikau at an altitude of 1645 m are karmadon sources. According to its properties, they are the only in the Soviet Union, and they own a big future. A balneological resort has been created here. In 1983, new sources of mineral waters were discovered in the village of Seryenkulkul. Weakly mineralized cold mineral waterAs studies have shown, can be widely used to treat many diseases. In addition to cold mineral springs, hot, which can be used not only for treatment, but also for heating the greenhouse farms. Looking at the map of our republic, you will find that the area of \u200b\u200bopen sources is located in the heart of a large agricultural massif, in which thousands of workers of collective farms and state farms live and work. Cold and hot mineral springs in combination with picturesque landscapes of the southern slopes of the Narokabardensky ridge and a huge amount of sunny days a year are very favorable conditions for creating a spa complex for workers' workers.

Mineral sources - their location, chemical composition and temperature - are associated with the nature of the geological structure of the area. They are located in the areas of discharge cracks and volcanic formations. Powerful global education processes that have formed our mountains contributed to the fact that later powerful foci of magma formed in the territory of our republic. They were the reason for the appearance of various cold and hot mineral springs. Gaze and pairs released from magma and climbs to cracks! In their path, they mix with underground waters, heat them and go themselves in hot water with mineral substances dissolved in it. Various degrees of mineralization, temperature and chemical composition of sources are depending on which depth and in what rocks these sources begin and by how rocks their water pass to appearance on the surface.

Researcher of the Caucasus V.P. Rengarten so explains the formation of our mineral sources: "It is very important to note that the sources are rich in carbon dioxide, mainly along a large tectonic fracture on the border of limestone and shale regions ... The study of the chemical composition of sources leads to the conclusion that In addition to salted and limewater, there should be more than the water of the third type - alkaline carbon dioxide, or soda. This type of water, and in part, maybe, salted water is also correct to connect with a volcanic hearth. "

The climate of North Ossetia is under the influence of five basic conditions:

1) the geographical latitude of the area;

2) the long-term location of the ridges;

3) a huge variety of relief;

4) terrain heights above sea level;

5) provisions in relation to the pools of the Black and Caspian Seas.

Located on the latitude of Bulgaria, Italy and France, our republic receives a large amount of heat. But in addition to the latitude of terrain, the climate is influenced by the chief Caucasian ridge, which delays penetration into the North Ossetia of warm and wet air masses from the side of the Black Sea. It is small in the formation of climate and the Caspian Sea. Aerial masses that go from the side of the Non-Ukrainian Caspian Sea, not having time to moisturize enough, along the way they lose moisture remnants and come dry. So, the insignificant effect of seas in the territory of the republic led to the formation of a moderate continental climate.

The main Caucasian ridge felling off the South and South-West, North Ossetia is completely open from the north and east, so it is formed under the influence of air masses coming from the north and northeast mainly in winter time, and Western air flows - usually in the warm part of the year. And this happens because in the winter period of time over the territory of the North Caucasus, an increased pressure is established (the spong of the Siberian anti-kilon), and reduced over the Black Sea. At this time, the North Caucasus comes from the east and northeast Cold continental air: it is dry weather with negative temperatures. In the spring, the Siberian anticyclone is weakening, and the Azoresky anticyclone is enhanced over the Atlantic Ocean, and the stream of air masses is sent from the west and south-west, less often from the North-West.

The climate of the flat part of our republic is sharply different from the climate of mountainous regions. In the Mozdok district, located north of theory ridge, the climate is the most continental. Here there is the greatest absolute annual amplitude of temperature fluctuations (77 °), the lowest absolute winter temperature (-35 °) and the maximum summer (+ 42 °) This area is characterized by a small amount of precipitation; (350-400 mm), frequent sukhov and droughts. Winter in the Mozdan Plain is soft (the average temperature of January -3.5 °), insignificant snow cover heights (15 cm) and unstable. Summer roast and long.

A dry climate with unstable moisture, with summer short-term rains, is characteristic of both low-mountain ranges (Teres and Sunzhensky). A softer climate has an Ossetian inclined plain, where the temperature of January -4.1 °, and July + 20.1 ° and fall more precipitation (600-700 mm). In the Ossetian inclined plane, the number of days with drought and sukhovyami decreases. As a result, it can be said that the hot summer, a soft winter and a long vegetation period (from April to October inclusive), for which the amount of temperatures in the planar part reaches more than 2000 °, very favorable for the cultivation of many crops. Subject to artificial irrigation in a number of areas of the plane part, not only different grain, garden and bakhchy culture, but also occupation of gardening and viticulture. Another nature of climate in the mountains. As height increases above sea level, the air temperature decreases, and the amount of drop-down precipitation increases. It can be easily traced in this table.

Consequently, the climate in the mountains is characterized by a cool summer, longer and cold winter, less amplitude of temperature fluctuations, abundant precipitation. However, in the climate of the most mountainous part there are very significant differences and that's why: in the winter period, cold masses of Central Asia invade the territory of North Ossetia and climb to 1.5 kilometers here. Here they penetrate the narrow transverse gorges in the mountains: fill it lower sites Mountain valleys. At the same altitude, there are strongly heated southern slopes of the rocky ridge. When the cold masses are running on the heated southern slopes of the rocky ridge, the moisture available in the air is distinguished, fogs, snowfalls are formed, the temperature drops. But all this happens in the mountains, located not higher than 1500 m. South of the rocky ridge, in longitudinal valleys, where these air masses do not fall, it is clear, dry, warmer weather. On the days of the winter holidays, you can watch as large and small groups of boys and girls with light glove bags are sent to the mountains. Overcoming the fog, blizzard and snowfall on its path, they are making themselves higher and higher there, where it is always light, warm and dry - in the sunny valley of Dargava.

The climate of the republic has the effect of hair dryers. Hair dryer is a dry warm mountain wind, which occurs when the air flow crosses a significant mining obstacle. In winter, the high pressure area is formed in winter and early spring, and the air masses are sent to where the pressure is lower. Lifting through the covered slope, the air is cooled, and the moisture is condensed in it. At the same time, precipitates fall out and heat is distinguished, which slows down the drop in the temperature of the moving stream. Passing through the ridge, the air is lowered over the slopes, while it is heated for every 100 m per 1 ° and, reaching the preinstitution, acquires a relatively high temperature and low humidity. For North Ossetia, the Fennoy winds of the southern and southwestern directions are characterized, descending on river valleys and mountain gorges. During the actions of the phenomena, they are in the second time in winter - the air temperature is strongly rising, and then the rapid melting of snow begins in the mountains, leading to snow collaps, and in the foothills and on the plain, the kidneys swell in the gardens. But it takes a few days, and the hair dryers stop, and at the same time the sharp cooling occurs, which is destroying in the gardens. Cooling is accompanied by precipitation. In the summer in the mountainous part of the republic, and partly in the foothills, mining and valley winds are widespread, which are formed here due to the fact that the slopes of the mountains and the valley are heated unequally. In the afternoon, air is stronger than the slopes of the valley than above its bottom. As a result, the heated air climbs up and winds appear on the side slopes of the valley and along it, from the low-levels to the surrounding ridges. As the air rises, cooling it, and rain rains fall out. It is possible to observe how in the districts of the republic, close to the mountains, the weather varies several times during one day. Suddenly the sky is clouded, the grommets are distributed, and large drops, and then the whole streams of water are collapsed on the ground. It stops such a shower as unexpected, as it starts.

At night, the direction of the Mining and Valine Wind varies. Cooling air, under the action of gravity, flows down, and the wind moves along the valley down. At this time, clear cool weather is installed. The climate of the republic is characterized by uneven fallout at the time of year. In winter, the streams of air masses coming from the continent are dominant, and therefore precipitation falls a bit in the winter period. In the summer, air masses coming from the Atlantic dominate over the North Caucasus, and therefore more precipitation falls during the warm period of the year. The average annual precipitation in the republic varies from 450 mm per year to 1200 mm and is associated with vertical zonality.

By the amount of precipitation and their distribution, the territory of North Ossetia can be divided into 3 parts: with a weak, medium and increased security of moisture. The whole plain territory, located north of the Elhogogonikidze railway, is distinguished by weak and insufficient moisturgencies, including the Sunzhensky and Teress Ridges here. Here, precipitation drops 400-600 mm, they fall unevenly, and artificial irrigation is necessary for normal ripening crops. The medium moisture zone covering the foothill territories has 600-800 mm per year, but also this amount of precipitation is not enough due to the proximity in the soil cover of the pregnancy of the underlying curb layer. In the zone of increased humidification, covering the mining part of the republic, up to 1200 mm of precipitation per year, but most of the precipitation is carried away by rivers in the sea.

In Ossetia, all seasons are clearly indicated, but they are installed on the territory not at one time. Autumn in the Mozdskaya steppe comes at the end of September, and to the Ossetian inclined plain and in the foothills - in mid-September. In the mountains (at an altitude of 1500 m), it comes in the recent days of August.

In the autumn period over the entire territory of the North Caucasus, elevated pressure is established, and reduced on the black sea, and therefore the northeastern winds prevail at this time. They come from places remote from the sea, and in the first half of the fall bring little precipitation. It is dry, clear and warm weather. Trees in green-bagg furnaces, gently shines the sun, it is time for the golden autumn. In the second half of the fall (late October, November), the wet air masses of Atlantic origin penetrate the plain of the North Caucasus. They bring precipitation and more cloudy. The time of annoying frosting rains begins.

Winter comes in early December in the Mozdok steppe and in the Ossetian inclined plain, in the mountains - a month earlier. Winter in the republic is soft, with small frosts, with frequent thaws, unstable and small snow cover in winter, as in autumn, prevailing winds are northeast. Therefore, it is dry weather. At times, the Siberian Anticyclone will weaken or retreats, the activity of the South cyclones is strengthened, and then snow falls out, starts thawing, which continue for several days. In the highlands in winter, many warm sunny days. Air temperature in winter drops from north to south. In January, the highest average monthly temperature is noted in the Mozdskaya steppe (-3.5 °), in the Ossetian inclined plain it is -5 °, and in the highlands (at an altitude of 3000 m) decreases to -11 °. Snow cover due to frequent thaws is unstable, and the average height is small (15-20 cm on the plain, 50 cm and above in the mountains).

Spring comes to the plain in March, and in the mountains just gets by the end of April. Snow disappears, the sun heats, and through last year's foliage and the first greenery of the grass pierce the heads of snowdrops. "In the spring of Siberian anticyclone weakens, Azor anticyclone is enhanced over the Atlantic Ocean, and the flow of air masses is sent from the West and the south-west, sometimes from the North-West," said Academician V. 3. Gulisashvili. ("Natural zones and natural-historical areas of the Caucasus"). In the spring, the eastern and northeastern winds are often blowing on the flat part of the North Caucasus (Sukhvahi), air masses from Central Asia are often invaded. They bring dry and hot weather. Such winds can cause tenants and faults, which is why in the northern part of the republic, the most susceptible to Sukhovyev, it is necessary to create struggle forest bands and systematically organize snowstand. In late April and early May, cold air masses invade the territory of the republic from the North-West. The temperature of the air sharply decreases, and this is very harmful effect on vegetation cultures, gardens and vineyards. In the second half of the spring, the amount of precipitation increases.

Summer on the plain comes in May. In the mountains, it comes in July. In summer, the influence of the Azor anticyclone is weaker, and therefore the Western winds do not differ in great force. On the contrary, in the summer, the effect of the continental air masses of the northern and northeast direction in the flat part of the republic is increasing. In addition, in the summer, as well as a spring, a strongly heated air masses from Central Asia are often invaded to the flat part. In the plain part summer is roast. The average monthly temperature of July on the plain reaches 24 °, in the foothills of 20 °, and in the mountains (at a height of 1500 m) 15 °. The highest air temperature is observed in the north of the republic (42 °). In mountainous areas with lifting for every 100 meters, the temperature decreases by 0.5-0.6 °. The decrease in temperature contributes to the condensation of water vapor in the rising air masses, and consequently, the increase in precipitation. But such a change in temperature with a height is characteristic only for summertime. In winter, there is often an opposite phenomenon - with a linker, the temperature does not fall, but increases.

Rivers. Sources

A lot of rivers flow through North Ossetia. The main water artery is Terek. He originates outside of North Ossetia in Zilga-Xox Mountain glaciers at an altitude of 2713 m and has a length of about 600 km. On the territory of the republic, its length is only 110 km. Terek takes a lot of tributaries, of which are the largest: Urum (length 104 km), Ardon (101 km), Cambileevka (99 km), Gizeldon (81 km), Ursdon1 (48 km), etc.

In its geographical features, all Rivers of North Ossetia can be divided into mountain rivers and rivers of the Brassess. The first group of rivers includes Terek, Urum, the origins of Ardon: Mamisonton, Zapadon, Nardon, AdaKomdon, Ardon himself, Gizeldon, Fiagdon, Ceylon, Gallandon, and others. They originate in the GOPAs covered with glaciers, have typical ice nutrition. Glaciers are thus peculiar warehouses in which moisture is accumulated and maintained by the river. The area of \u200b\u200bmajor rivers, the possibility of their economic use depends on the area and state of the Caucasian glaciers.

The huge height of the Caucasian Range, its strong dismemberment and a large amount of precipitation contribute to the development of a powerful modern beolation of the Caucasus. Within North Ossetia, the area of \u200b\u200bglaciation is equal to 286 square meters. km. Among the most significant glaciers of the Caucasus include the Karaugomsk Glacier (length of its 15 km, area of \u200b\u200b35 square meters. Km.), Miley (area of \u200b\u200b22 square meters. Km) and Tseyn (area of \u200b\u200b18 square meters). Of all the Caucasian glaciers, Zeysky is considered the most beautiful. It differs not only with its beauty, but also in that it is presented with the greatest completeness of all typical glacial forms and phenomena.

The surface of the Zeysky glacier is heterogeneous: depressions and glacial hills, perfectly even, flat places and huge icefalls. Its surface is covered with large and small glacial mushrooms, glacials, filled with water, glacier cracks and swathwater streams. The nature of the mountains around the glacier is good. The hot Caucasian sun breathed life into the subnets gave. The slopes of the valley at the glacier are covered with bright alpine flowers - white azals and rhododendons, and for them the blue bedroom was forget-me-not. From under the edge of snow fields, gentle snowdrops and primroses look like. All summer is laasers, asters, Veronica, Smolevki and Kameniki decorate the mountains around the glacier.

Terek and its tributaries feed on powerful glaciers located not only in Ossetia. So, glaciers feeding the left tributaries of the Terek, occupy a huge area of \u200b\u200b981 square meters. km, and are located in Ossetia, Kabardino-Balkaria and Georgia. Depending on the power and relief conditions, the river mode is also located. The rivers of this group are most popular and rapidly. They drank the mountain ranges, form canyon-shaped valleys and narrow granite gorges, according to which a powerful stream is passed with roar and rumble. He mercilessly destroys the shore, rolls the boulders of the earth and with a huge force breaks about the stones, scattering in the air with many splashes. The energetic melting of snow and glaciers in the mountains very often coincides with the period of storm rains, and then even small mountain rivers turn into violent and formidable streams, flushing in their path of construction and bridges.

In the period of storm rains in the mountainous regions of our republic, the phenomenon of the villages, that is, mud threads. They are born when significant accumulation of weathering products lying on the slopes of mountains and not protected by vegetation are washed off strong rains. The village streams produce enormous destruction, and therefore they fight with them. A very effective means of fighting the village streams are frosting, planting shrubs and herbanishes, fastening the soil and protect it from erosion. In those places (on the slopes of the mountains), where forests do not grow and even shrubs, the most effective measure is the device terraces. A stroke from the terrace to the terrace, the water flow loses its flow rate, and hence the force.

In the fight against villages, hydraulic structures help. The dams created in tremendous areas are serviced to detention and regulating the flow of water, and artificial channels - for the removal of the village stream in a pre-planned water reservation.

It is known that the stronger the soil is destroyed by the drain than the roast of the slopes of the slopes and the vegetation is exterminated, the more intense erosion and the greater danger of the formation of selent flows. Therefore, it is extremely important to properly organize the farm in the mountains: regulate the grazing of livestock, improve the hayfields, guard mountain forests, etc. Mountain rivers differ twice: in spring, when melting snow in lower places and in the summer, when the glaciers and snow are energetically in the mountains . The highest water level in Terek is summer (July). The lowest water level in autumn-winter period. As a rule, these rivers do not freeze.

The foothill group rivers include such as Cambileevka and Suna. They have mixed food: soil, rain and snow. Other and mode of these rivers. They all have a spring flood (melting time of snow), and in autumn and winter time the stock is significantly reduced. Their less rapidly, and erosion activity is incomparably weaker than the mountain rivers. Like mountain rivers, they do not freeze in winter time. The appearance of a typical plain river takes Terek in the area of \u200b\u200bMozdok. Its flows slow motion and winding. He lays a large amount of allyuvia, forming rolling and islands. Rivers are widely used in the national economy of the republic. Even at the beginning of the 20th century was built on the Sadon River The first hydrostating station that served the rudonal area. Now in North Ossetia dozens of power plants, and each of them has incomparably greater power.

Among the most important power plants include: OrdzhGES, Gizeldong EsmingES, Beckang Pension. However, among all the named hydroelectric power plants of North Ossetia, Gizeldonskaya occupies a completely special place, the construction of which was included in the Lenin Plan of Goello.

V. and Lenin the plan of electrification of the country was largely designed to develop earlier backwards of Russia, to which the territory of North Ossetia belonged to. This was what caused the construction of several power plants in the Caucasus, including Gizeldon. Construction on the River Gielderon was launched in 1927 between Coban and Hinzag Aules. What specific tasks were to be resolved in connection with the construction of this station? The energy of the station, as was supposed, was aimed at the reconstruction of the mining industry and non-ferrous metallurgy, to create a number of new industries: stelly, chemical, food and sewing. However, it would be erroneous to think that the meaning of the Gizeldon power plant consisted only in this. It went far beyond the foliation of our republic. The fact is that it was the first in the country of high-pressure (the height of the water drop from the turbine of 289 meters) station, the construction of which was carried out in unusual topographic conditions, and therefore the experience of its construction was of particular interest. It was carefully studied by numerous specialists for subsequent use in the development of the energy of the Soviet Union mountain rivers. Moreover, with the launch of the Gizeldon hydroelectric station for the first time in our country, an electrolyte method of extracting zinc from ore was mastered and therefore it became possible to significantly reduce the consumption of foreign currency funds to purchase him abroad.

No less important station had within the republic itself. With the commissioning of the root reconstruction, the mining industry was subjected. This reconstruction had a comprehensive character, since it covered all the links of this industry. Loaded a hollow hammer, it was replaced by a cutting machine, and the equestrian craving - electric locomotive. A new processing factory was built, the ore to which was delivered by an electrified road and suspended rope. Talking about the Gizeldon hydroelectric station, it is impossible not to remember the name of the person who long before the construction of the station hatched the idea of \u200b\u200bits creation. We are talking about bayimate chicks. This is what the R. I. Toriyev writes in his study "Electrification of the mountain region" in his study: "The history of the Giesel HPP is inextricably linked with the name of a passionate enthusiast, a talented inventor-nugget peasant from Aula Dargavs Tsakpu Baimatova. In the junior shepherd, running on the mountain slopes behind the octaras of the sheep of local faeodals, in 1903 he had an idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding a hydroelectric power plant on the Gizeldon River with Puzzle Waterfall.

He addressed Tens of times to the Teress Regional Office with a request to consider his proposal. However, before the October Revolution, his dream was not destined to realize. Only with the victory of the new building was carried out by the dream of Baimatov. In the spring of 1925, the leadership of the Board of the Southeast of the Southeast, in which he asked to provide all kinds of assistance in the exquisite work in the area of \u200b\u200bthe future station: "We look at it," wrote in this letter, because we consider you As the initiator of the Gizeldon Installation, which was repeatedly indicated in the highest regions of the region.

The largest new building is Zaramagskaya GES-1. She will be the most powerful station in our republic. Earth dam height 79 meters overwrits the valley of the r. Ardon at the village of Nizhny Zaramag and forms an extensive reservoir of about 70 million cubic meters. In the rocks of the right shore r. Ardon will break through a tunnel with a diameter of 4.5 meters and a length of 15 km, according to which the water of Ardon from a height of 650 meters will be collapsed on the hydroturbine wheel.

Great value of the rivers of North Ossetia and for irrigation of fields. Insufficient rainfall in a number of regions of the republic makes it necessary artificial irrigation. Digorskaya, Zalykskaya, Elhhotovskaya and other irrigation and watering systems of our republic, like the channels of the inter-republican value (Alkhanchurt, little Kabardinsky, the channel. Lenin and Terek-Kumsky), create quite favorable conditions To increase the area of \u200b\u200birrigated land. The existing cloicing systems make it possible to significantly improve pastures, to satisfy the water and industrial enterprises. "

The total middle stock 70 rivers and streams occurring in our republic, according to S. M. Abayev and B. B. Basayev, is equal to 13 billion cubic meters per year, or 22.7 thousand cubic meters per resident. Comparing the given data, it may seem to be the impression that the water situation in Ossetia is beautiful and no problem. However, this is not the case, and this is evidenced by the presence of water deficiency in the River Terek River, which is 7%, and in the dry years this figure increases significantly. Where is the reason for the situation? There are several of them, but among all the main thing is our negligent attitude towards this invaluable gift of nature. According to V. A. Olisaeva, Currently, the city of Ordzhonikidze consumes daily 280 thousand cubic meters of water at a rate of 180, which constitutes about 800 cubic meters per day for each inhabitant. The lion's share of water consumed (800 m3) falls to the share of utility and household enterprises, many of which are inadmissible to waste water, thus creating its deficit. Other industrial enterprises are not lagging behind. Since the Beslan Mais Plant recesses 6000 cu. Meters of crude water daily, and it is far from the only one. And it is instead of clearing it and use it repeatedly. Resetting it crude in reservoirs, they not only increase the consumption of our high quality freshwater, but also poison reservoirs with their inhabitants.

The radical means of preserving drinking water and the termination of the process of water bodies with industrial waste is the construction at the enterprises of the water supply system of the closed cycle. Such a system allows you to repeatedly use the same purified water and, thus, on the one hand, eliminates the emissions of polluted waters into the river, and on the other, it retains water intended for life and food industry enterprises.

There is something to think about and what to attach your knowledge in the struggle for the preservation of our natural wealth. In the rivers of North Ossetia, a variety of fish breeds are found: Usach, Trout, Sazan, Carp, and others. Pond fish farming is still available in some collective farms and state farms (collective farm. K. Marx, they And others), but in the future it will develop faster. The first republican fishing plant organized in the Kirovsky district provides assistance to collective farms and state farms in supplying their fry of a mirror carp for the development of pond fish farms. Nature generously gave our republic by rivers, glaciers and sources that have not only large national economic importance, but also aesthetic.

A rare gift and a unique monument of nature in the territory of our republic are fresh radiant sources. The Redantic Sources Area is located south of Ordzhonikidze in the River Terek basin. The northern border of the district passes along the northern foot of Lyoth and Tarskaya, South - along the northern foot of the rocky ridge. The supply area of \u200b\u200bradial sources of freshwater is timed to the pasture: the ridge (fethuz). For fractured limestone, they penetrate deep horizons and in the area of \u200b\u200bregional carcinsky faults rise up in the form of self-looping sources. Redantic fresh sources are the main lifefriend of the city of Ordzhonikidze and its suburbs.


Scientist Naistee V. A. Olisaev very figuratively characterizes the place and value of the soil in the life of a person: "Each of us - he writes, - from the very early age, it begins to understand that with its existence, we owe the whole life. The first berries that feed us the mother, the first fruits and vegetables that we really liked, flowers and greens, who caused greater joy, all grows on the soil. With age ... We clearly imagine that the soil is the basis of all living on Earth. When the soil is formally compared with a nursing mother, thereby emphasize its invaluable value for a person and everything alive on the planet. "

Many conditions affect the formation of soil. The main ones are: the mother breed, on which the soil, terrain, climate and vegetation are formed. The different nature of these conditions in the territory of our republic led to the diversity of soil. In the northern and northeast, the most arid part of the republic (Mozdok's steppes), brown soils are common. The soils have a brown shade, similar, on the color of ripe chestnuts, and therefore are called chestnuts. They contain a sufficient amount of nutrients and have a good structurality.

To the south and southwest of Mozdok steppes and to the central part of the Ossetian inclined plain there are various subtypes of chernozem. In the north and northeast of the Ossetian inclined plain, where precipitation falls a bit, carbonate black soils dominate, i.e., chernoles containing significant accumulation of carbon dioxide calcium. South. where the amount of falling precipitation increases, low-aluminous and leached chernozems come to replace the carbonate chernozem. The leached chernozems differ from the usual shallow moisture layer, brighter color and low structure strength.

In the central part of the plain, it is close to the surface, groundwater mirror, and it contributes to the formation of meadow, meadow-marsh and alluvial soils on peccles. In the mountains covered with wide forests, the soils are brown, forest. They have a brown coloring, a mercury structure and moderate content of humus. In the zone of the subalpine and alpine vegetation of the soil of mining and meadow. They have a small power, high content humus in the upper layers, significant acidity and humidity. The best soils in the territory of North Ossetia of chernozem. Especially high fertility are characterized by chernozems of Siltanuk hill in the Digorsky district. They have a good structurality, a large number of humus. However, in economic relations, not only black-earth soils, but also the overwhelming part of other soils during proper processing can be successfully used. Considerable areas of the republic are occupied by forest-opollen and meadow-male apodoline soils, which suffer from not good structure, small amounts of humus, wet, high acidity.

One of the unfavorable natural properties of soil is their acidity. It is she suppresses microbiological processes that oppresses the root system and thereby interferes with the electoral absorption of mineral nutrition of plants with roots. As a result, the yield at such sites is below 25 ~ 50%. According to V. Ukrainians, the area of \u200b\u200bsoils with increased acidity in our republic is about 65 thousand hectares. The most common distribution is characteristic of the woodwalking zone, which includes the southern parts of the suburban, Alagir, Digorsky and Iraf regions.

There is not enough good soil structurality, the small amount of humus and wet in them can be eliminated, if applying annual legumes in crop rotation and fertilizer. High acidity is reduced by lime, in soil fertility increase, introducing fertilizer in the soil: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and manure. Such soils can be successfully used under horticultural crops. Meadow and meadow-swamp soils of the central part of the North Ossetian plain and the terraces of rivers, gravel clay on mechanical composition and containing quite a lot of humus, also need appropriate processing. Drain of these soils, enriching their organic substances and the creation of the structure would increase their performance expanded the use framework.

An important problem is soil protection. It is known that for the accumulation of a chernozem layer with a capacity of 10 cm, it takes 15 less than 500-600 years, and therefore the careful attitude towards this wealth should become an immutable law. That is why when building careers for mining of minerals, factories factories, roads and canals in the German Democratic Republic, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and we have on KAMAZ, in Belgorod and a number of other areas the whole soil layer in obligatory It is disposed of, and then used during reclamation of spent careers. North Ossetia is hard to arable land, and every hectare of arable land must be used with high productivity. If we take into account that only over the past decade, 2115 hectares of agricultural land and, including 844 hectares of Pashny, are given to various organizations of the republic, and it becomes clear how an immediate solution is necessary to solve land reclamation.

The vegetable and animal world of North Ossetia is rich. Here and the vegetation of steppes, and huge massifs of the forest, and the rich subalpine and alpine meadows.

Once the entire northern plain part of the republic covered natural-steppe vegetation, sprayed with tulips, forget-me-not, horizon, silver pitfall and sage lilac flowers. But the steppe has long been transformed by a person, and now only small islands of natural steppe vegetation remained (the slopes of the Sunzhensky ridge). Pushing fields of wheat and corn, gardens and vineyards are located now in the steppe. South steppes, with a rise in the mountain, the strip of forests begins. They are busy one fourth of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe republic. Forests are located on the territory of Ossetia unevenly. The greatest forest science is characteristic of Alagirskoso, Iraf and Digorsky districts. Here it reaches 50-60%; Whereas in the east of the Kirov district, the area under the forests is not one percent. The forests rise to the height of 1900 m, and above the subalpine and alpine meadows spread. The forests of highlands are rare, consist of pine, aspen, alder and birch. Trees are low, drowned, with subtle trunks. The harsh conditions for growing these forests are a low-power layer of land, long winter, frequent shower and strong winds - delay their growth, climb branches and bent them to Earth. A completely different character has forests of medium and low mountains, crouched beech and rod - the most valuable woody rocks of North Ossetia. Beech forests here are predominant, they account for 56% covered with forest area, they are common on more wet and protected northern, northeastern and northwestern mountain slopes.

The second place in the area and the economic value occupies the Grab. It accounts for 12.5% \u200b\u200bof the area covered with forest. The composition of our forests in breeds is mixed, homogeneous ancient is rarely found. Forests of North Ossetia have a large population importance. They give the republic building, diverse and fuel material.

Bright, with a reddish tint, durable and solid wood beech, as well as firm, viscous, with glitter wood, is used as a diverse material and for the manufacture of individual parts of the machines. Resistant in resistance to friction wood of the Grab is widely used for the preparation of axes, screws, details of textile machines. Grab is taken to aviation, automotive, car market plants. Light yellow, slightly reddish, dense, severe and solid wood of ostolic maple is used to make furniture and in the production of musical instruments and machine parts. Strong and elastic wood ash is well polished, furniture, skis make it, they are supplied for transport engineering. Pinkish or reddish-brown wood wood, dense and firm, well cuts and polished. It is highly appreciated in the production of furniture, drawing accessories and in the diverse works.

The importance of our forests and in the preservation of soils, the protection of fields, in uniform moisture spending. Alpine forest plantings strengthen the soils of steep slopes and thereby protect them from the destruction and washed, delay the formation of depressions and recesses. The forests of the Komsomol and Mozdok leshozes adjacent to the steppe districts have a sharply pronounced character. Forests growing in the catch of Terek and other rivers, regulate the flow of water and protect the shores from the blur.

Our forests purify the air of cities and villages of the republic, soften the summer heat, replete with berries and nuts, quench the thirst with spring water, admire the singing of birds. And what a huge aesthetic pleasure delivers nature to people. Immortal masterpieces of world art were inspired by nature. Freshness of juicy meadows we feel in the painting of the Dutch masters, the aroma of the evening garden breathe "Moonlight Sonata" Beethoven, a storm in the forest hears us in the music of the sheet, quietly ringfalls in the Symphony of Tchaikovsky, Preludes Rakhmaninov and Chopin. That is why forest protection is a large and important state case, in which every schoolboy should take the most active part.

Above 1900 "The rich subalpine meadows spread over the sea above sea levels, which are superbly described by Professor Bem:

"The landscape of the subalpine meadow is wonderful to the mixing of forest vegetation and alpine heights. The bottom limit is formed by Bereznyaks, among which the representatives of tall meadow herbs are growing, characteristic of this zone ("Alpine High-Neighboring"), giant umbrella, with bright yellow and creamy colors aconites, waterballs, pink flowers of mountain buckwheat, large buttercups, orange caucasian lilies, light lilac scabiosa, red, pink, white anemones, dark purple primors, white and pink large cornflowers, blue forget-me-not Throwing along the ground, with bizarily curved branches of Caucasian Rhododendrons, raising in June and July to the sky similar to the candelabra creamy-white inflorescences. "

Poor floral cover Alpine Lyro. Being at an altitude of 2800 meters in the kingdom of low temperatures, strong winds, a short vegetation period and sharp change shifts, alpine meadows have peculiar vegetative cover. It does not have wood vegetation and is not rich herbaceous cover. Pestro-oatvent meadows are predominant. The sites with low alpine herbs, lost between pointed peaks, deep gorges and stony ravines, constitute a typical picture of alpine meadows. The shallow herb spaces of subalpian and alpine meadows have a huge national economic significance as a rich food base. The vegetation of our republic is diverse and fabulously beautiful, and therefore some of its objects are allocated as monuments of nature. Monuments of nature are called individual natural objectshaving a special scientific, historical or cultural and aesthetic value. In the North Caucasus there are only six such monuments and among them the grove "Hetag".

This grove "Hetag" is the only place near the mountains on the plain, where the protected island of the forest was preserved to this day, once covered the entire plain. Khetag grove covers a square equal to 12 hectares, located on the lands of the Alagir district in the Fiagdon and Ardon, one kilometer from Vladikavkaz - Alagir's highway, thirty kilometers to the north-west of the mountains. Vladikavkaz. Summer Sun does not break through highly raised deciduous tents. In the greenish dusk, powerful straight trunks of trees reaching 30 and more meters, the dark columns go upwards. Here, the ash is adjacent to the hub, beech, maple, odemy, lime and yoy. Many trees whose age consists of 100 and 200 years. And sometimes the traveler, admiring the grove, is perplexed - as it has been preserved among a clean steppe. Maybe it was guarded by a folk legend? Created a lot of them, and they all go to gray antiquity. From grandfathers to the fathers and from fathers to sons were transmitted from generation to generation and reached our days. One of the legends recorded by N. Berdzenov, we will tell.

"At the place where the" Wood of Hetag "spread out, once in time immemorials stood a rich and crowded village. However, all his wealth and beauty were nothing compared to one of her jewel.

In it there was a elder named Hetag ... He could consider the stars of heaven on his fingers and knew the names of all of them; He foresaw every disaster. Guess the death of not only people, but also animals. Everyone went to him for advice and instructions ... no one dared without his knowledge to go hunting or on a journey. That was this wise man.

Meanwhile, the narrator continues, - time flowed, residents of Aul enjoyed a strong world, calm and sleep. But one day they found out that the enemy comes and decided to run into the forest. But they cannot forget their benefactor, who did not once saved them and, of course, call him with them into the forest. By that time, the old hatag was already blind and called so that he could not go, and therefore he says a legend, turned to the forest and said: "My cheerful days have already passed, the forces have long left me. Than I, exhausted, look for asylum in you, hurry you to me, ukra, save me from Gaya ... I call you, forest, listen to my words! "

At the same time, the appeal - the narrator tells, - from where he will undertake, the forest of a dense with noise appeared on this place and covered the Great Hetag and all the inhabitants. "

The above legend is a monument of ancient mythology Ossetian. Impossible in ancient times in the fight with the forces of nature and close by external enemies, Ossetians created in their imagination of defenders and patrons and in heaven, and on Earth.

And where is the actual reason for the formation of Hetag grove? There is nothing mysterious here. It is known that the whole extensive plain, in the center of which is located grove, was covered with a thick forest in the past. However, with the development of foothill plains, with the development of the landfall, the forests were cut down, and fields appeared in their place. How did the grove survive about which? With its existence, she is obliged to the superstitious fear of people who have fallen a ban on "Holy Trees". This is very convincingly evidenced by the poem of Costa Levanovich Hetagurova and the appeal to the reader predicted by him:

"Reader! I get to tell you an old story about a glorious and valiant ancestor, who made himself immortality in the offspring ... I had a loyalty from a thousand mouth, and the monument was already and understood: the sacred grove, Il "Hetagov Kuste", stands in the Kurtan Valley. It was not yet concerned about the axis of his durable pets: in him the wanderer who widespread his eyes. The obedient custom of the mountains. "

Diverse vegetable world The large variety of animals in North Ossetia has led. The animal world of the Caucasus, and in particular North Ossetia, make up mostly representatives of its ancient fauna: Tours, Prometheus Mouse, Ulary, Caucasian Tetherov. Other animals available within North Ossetia came to the Caucasus much later from different places. Of Western Europe The forest inhabitants were penetrated, like a cuckor, wild forest cats, jokes, etc. From the Nagori of Central Asia, animals and birds lived now in the Alpine Zone of North Ossetia. The inhabitants of the desert from Central Asia and Kazakhstan penetrated into the Caspian Steppes. They settled part of Mozda steppes. Thus, in the territory of the republic existing world Animals formed as a result of mixing and assimilation of animals of various origin.

Typical representatives of the animal of the steppe strip rodents: Susliki, voles, a large tube, gray hamster. Interesting animal by appearance And lifestyle - eared hedgehog. This is a harmless and gullible animal. Unlike regular hedgehog, it is worse protected from enemies, since the needles of his shell is soft. The eared hedgehog is surprisingly unpretentious and voracious, and therefore often falls across traps placed for rodents.

In the northeastern part of Mozda steppes, Corsac lives - a small steppe fox, agile, deft, beautiful. Its thick light-fawn fur is highly appreciated, but a subtle smell, excellent hearing and vision makes her hunting difficult. Unlike conventional foxes, the korsaki are far from human dwellings and are not industries in the sheds and poultry houses.

Feeding with mice, voles, gopters, hamsters and other rodents, the Korsak brings a person benefit. The most characteristic birds in the steppe strip - the steppe Lun and the Steppe Eagle, which benefit the fact that they destroy a large number of rodents - pests of agricultural fields. Rare birds have now become cracker caravan and strept. Pheasant lives in the proportionate floodplain forests. In the steppe strip a lot and reptiles.

The habitat of larger animals serve forests. The world of animals of forest zone, like the steppes zones, are deprived of representatives who would be characterized only for these forests. These languages \u200b\u200bare common in the European part of the Soviet Union. Fox live in the forests of North Ossetia. "An unusual mind on the fairy tales and the cunning deceiving everyone, with whom she has to deal, beauty-fox really belongs to the number of the most surfactant animals," says Professor Beme L.B. Like the Korsaku, Fox has excellent flavors, hearing and greatest caution. She deftly attacks the ducks and water rats from water bodies, but mainly leads to hunting mice, voles and hamsters. Embiries rodents most harmful to agriculture, thereby brings a person to a person. In the territory of the republic, it has the greatest commercial importance. There are other predators: wolves, bears, wild cats. The largest beast is a bear. Bears choose hardly available places: Deaf mountain forests, rocky beams, littered with Bully, the shores of the mountain streams, densely swore bunign. Unlike other mammal predators, the bear is almost omitant. He loves fish and deftly catches her, does not neglect the big wild and pets, gives tribute to mushrooms and berries, do not happen to ants, does not miss the lizard and mice and frogs, eats the palm, racking with honey and fruits of wild trees, in abundance of growing in our Forests. Bear meat and skins are highly appreciated.

The wolf is dangerous for a person not only by what destroys sheep, horses and cows, but also exterminates a huge number of valuable fishing animals and birds. Wolf acts with great care. Helps him well-developed rumor.

"Aggressive" in the wild cat. In appearance, it differs little from home. Live cats in the entire forest strip, and not only in the forest. They find asylum where there are high stems of corn, reeds and buns. Wild cats although there are a lot of harmful forest rodents, but the damage caused by them (destroy valuable game: Pheasans, partridges, etc., devastated by villagers), incomparably greater than the benefit. In the deaf places of mountain beech forests lives a forest cloth-jait. Light brown fluffy fur curtain is very valuable.

Stone-bodily bodily bodied in the forest zone and subalpine. Furious, sensitive and light kisuli are preserved here.

The animal world of the subalpine and alpine zones, presented by the most prompt, dexterous, beautiful and slender animals - sulfur, the inhabitants of the high mountain ranges - tours and a small rodent - a promoter mouse (such an unusual name this Caucasian rodent received because he was first discovered there , where, according to the legend of the ancient Greeks, Prometheus, the son of God Zeus, who kidnapped the fire from his father, was chained to the mountain chains). Completely special animals are Serne, Russia is found only in the Caucasus, and outside of our country in the mountainous regions of Southern Europe.

Sulna - a beautiful animal, is distinguished by an extraordinary force. Fucking the enemies, she rushes from the sheer slopes, jumps through the abyss and climbs on the sheer rocks. Grass sulfur early in the morning and late in the evening. During the daytime, they fall into the forest zone and rest on the edges of the forest. Strong animal tour. In the afternoon, tours live in high mountain ranges, in the kingdom of rocks. Only with the onset of twilight, they descend lower, to places covered with a carpet of juicy herbs, and long before dawn return to cold peaks of rocks. Tours have great vision, hearing and smelling. It is usually held with herds and rapidly hidden in case of danger. It is curious and the fact that tours will usually graze near the walars who have even more acute hearing and vision and warning their whistle tours of the threatening danger.

PROMETEVA Mouse - Large vole, owner of a beautiful thick reddish-brown fur. Live mouse promoters on alpine meadows in the dungeon and rarely appear on the surface. Feed on the roots of the bulbs of plants Mountain meadows, than bringing well-known harm. In the mountains live Ulary, Caucasian Tetherov, Caucasian Shchur. In recent years, the animal world of the republic has enriched significantly. From other areas of our country are delivered here, Altai proteins, American minks, raccoon dogs, bison.

The raccoon dog is brought to the republic from Krasnodar Region And released in the forests, located near Vladikavkaz, but later she settled in other places of the republic. Nutria was also brought from the Krasnodar Territory, was released into an artificial reservoir on Bekan. where it was very well acclimatized and passed.

The Nink American delivered to us was settled along the banks of the Terek, mainly in the territory of the Kirov and Digorsky districts. According to V. A. Olisaev, in 1963, noble deers were delivered to the Republic of the Caucasus Reserve, who were once inhabited in the forests of Ossetia, but until 1927 completely destroyed. Divided in 1963, they settled in the forests of Ossetia and significantly increased their livestock. The sad fate has suffered a bison inhabited in our forests. However, now from the total number (800 in the USSR) in the forests of North Ossetians, 242 bison lives.

A complex and diverse relief of North Ossetia led to a wide variety of natural landscapes on a relatively small territory of the republic. Here clearly manifests them high-rise explanancyIn which, as the climate, soil, vegetation and animal world change dramatically, and the animal world, which means the entire appearance of nature as a whole.

Within the republic distinguish the natural complexes of plains and mountain landscapes. The typical plain of the Northern Pre-Bureau in Ossetians is the Mozdok steppe located on the left bank. Terek, its monotonous smooth surface goes far to the north and east outside of Ossetia, hiding in the smoke of the horizon. Once, before the settlement, there are people here, it was a dry long-grained steppe on brown clay and sublibious carbonate soils. Now, like all other plains of the predfabcasus, it is completely rapida, mastered by agricultural production. Endless fields of wheat, corn and sunflower spread. Part of the lands are occupied by gardens and vineyards.

Right-Bank Plain Terek in the Mozdok district of the hollow. Soots from the foot of the TERS ridge to the north, forming the steps of the terraces. The once the dispenser-cereal steppe is now being placed and used by collective farm and agricultural crops. Soil (carbonate chernozem) is sufficiently fertile and provide high yields.

The green stripe is stretched along the River River River River River with the preserved major islands of oak and amolovyiv forests on low-power alluvial soils. There are many birds on the plain. Famous pheasant lives in the flood.

South of the Mozda Plain are located lowland landscapes of the Teress and Sunzhen ridges, separated by a low Kurpo plateau. Soft outlined slopes and vertices of the ridges are obtained by several more atmospheric precipitation than the proportion of the plains of Mozdok. They are covered with dispersion, soils are low-power, carbonate chernozem. A higher Sunzhensky ridge is covered with even the forest (beech, rhine, oak) on mining apodoline and, partly, squeezed soils.

The North-Ossetian inclined plain is occupied by the entire central loss of the republic. From the previations of the Central Caucasus, she descends the hollow to the north, closes there by the Snake and the Sunzhen ridges and only in the form of a narrow passage between them (Elhhotowskih gates) connects with the terka-kum lowland. Here is a special natural complex, sharply delineated in its borders. The plain is formed by numerous water-head flows, postponed here in the foothills huge strata of boulders, peccles, sands, blocked with brown lines of small power. The surface of it is disseminated by the shallow valleys of the River Terek and its numerous left tributaries. Flat watersheds are covered with leached drumine chernozem, and the bottom of the valleys - weak the soils. According to the valleys of the River Terek, Gizeldon, Fiagdon and Ardon, uneven winding strips of floodplain forests and shrubs stretched, and in the fields occupying the main square of the plain, and along the roads rows of poplars and maples were lined up. Large array of Olshanik is in the floodplain of the River Terek when merging with him Ardon and Cambileevka.

The transition from the North Ossetian plain to the highlands of the Central Caucasus occurs through the middle mountain landscapes of wooded and pasture ridges. These are typical coasts with gentle northern slopes and steep, often breaking southern. This is especially characteristic of a pasture ridge. A low-wood ridge with softer slopes and vertices are all covered with a thick deciduous forest of various breeds. Bukov-robbing forests prevail, but a lot and wild fruit trees (Cherries, pears, apple trees), shrub breeds. On open glades, the rich cover of meadow dispersion. Separate peaks of the pasture ridge rise above the upper boundary of the forest. They have sections of subalpine meadows with rich herbal vegetation.

Above the relatively low wooded and pasture ridges is the high-mountain landscape of the rocky ridge, folded by Upper Mountain Limestones and Dolomites. The northern slopes to a height of 2200-2400 m are covered with forest, the subalpine and alpine meadows are raised above. The rocky ridge to the south is crushed cool, forming rock limestone ledges is sometimes hundreds of meters high. For the foot of the rocks and the gorges are developed stony use.

Karst phenomena are strongly expressed in the rocky and pasture ridges. There are many funnels, caves, raft. At the bottom of the slopes there are outputs of karst sources.

Between the rocky ridge and the side, which lies to the south, are between the mountain basins with a more dry climate, with the mountain steppes, with xerophytes on mining and steppe soils. They stretch almost a continuous band from East to West from the Terek Valley in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Hhmi to Urum's Valley. Large hollows - Dargava along the valley of the river Gizeldon, Verkhne Fiagdon on the River Fagdon, Unalskaya on the Ardon River and the chopper on the Urum River. A special location is occupied by Zaramagskaya brass between the side and the main ridges in the upper reaches of the Ardon River.

Each intergranta brand is a sharply outlined natural complex. But, being in similar orographic and geological conditions, the basins as natural complexes have a lot of common. Almost one of them is characterized as an example - Upper Fiagdon. The Upper Fiagdon Cup is an extended area of \u200b\u200bthe valley of the p. Fiagdon, which is surrounded from all sides with high mountain ranges and only in the north has access to the inclined plain of Ossetia in the form of a narrow gorge in the rocky ridge. The closure of the basin define its special climatic conditions and, accordingly, soil-vegetation cover. Unlike the Wet North Caucasus, where 1000 mm and more atmospheric precipitations per year falls in the central part of it on the northern slopes of the mountains, in the hood, detonated from the north with a high rocky ridge, falls no more than 450 - 500 mm. The number of clear cloudless days is significantly increasing. Soils and vegetation, especially on the slopes of southern expositions, are obviously steppe.

In the basin, the floodplain is well expressed. Fiagdon and its larger tributaries, as well as three inappropriate terraces. The surfaces of the terraces, especially the second, well developed, are convenient for settlements. People sitting here, using terraces and nearby slopes of mountains for agriculture and pastures. Diverse naturally slopes of the basin. The slopes of southern and eastern expositions in a microclimatic attitude, mainly in the distribution of heat and moisture, differ sharply from the slopes of Northern and Western expositions. Southern greatly warm up, the soil moisture evaporates more, becoming more arid than the slopes of opposite. All this is reflected on the soils and vegetable cover, determines the large variety of natural complexes. In the north-western part of the hollow, soils are predominant with mountaineating vegetation and the total lack of forests and shrubs; In southeast more mining soils and appropriate vegetation. On the slopes of northwestern expositions, in the springs of the side ridge, large areas are occupied by forests and shrubs. Characteristic and peculiar trees of the Upper Fiagdon Basin (as well as the other similar it) are the Nagorn terraces, they were created in the past of the human hands and were used in agriculture. Uneven steps of terraces rise high on the slopes of the mountains.

The tracts are deluel slopes and rounded vertices of the ridges with subalpiy meadows, slopes with a weak development of dellowing and soil-vegetation cover, wooded slopes, deluel slopes with thickets of Caucasian Rododenndron and the stony slopes of the collapse and increasing origin. Several distinguished natural complexes of interguric kitelin, located north, between the rocky and pasture ridges (the Baltic Bowl of Terek and Kobanskaya on the Gizeldon River) and between the rocky and wooded ridges along the Cambileevka River (Tarskaya Cup). These basins, especially extensive Tarskaya, are not protected from wet northwestern winds such a high ridge as rocky. The precipitation falls significantly more than in the above-mentioned basins, and the appearance of nature is already changing. Tarskaya basin, for example, is not much different in natural conditions from the North Ossetian inclined plain.

More insulated and therefore more arid compared to Tarskaya is the Kobanetic hollow with a small portion of the decortion of meadow vegetation on its slopes. Southern part North Ossetia occupy high-mountain landscapes of lateral and main ridges, raising their vertices above 4000 m. The bottoms of the mountain river valleys lie at an altitude of 1500-70 m above the ocean, the amplitude of height reaches 2000 m. In steep rocky slopes of the side ridge overlook the surface of various metamorphic and The erupted rocks and strongly disturbed clay shale in the zone of the main ridge.

The main importance in the formation of the nature of the highlands has climate and modern processes of relief formation. Here is the vertical explanation of landscapes. The lower part of the slopes of the mountains, especially the northern and western expositions to a height of 2000-2300 m, covered pine and birch forests (crimples), replacing the above subalpiy and alpine meadows. Pine forests are well preserved along the Valley of Ardon and his influx of Tsei, as well as the Urum Valley in the vicinity of the village. Stur-Digor Prafe region. Above 3500 - 3600 m lies the belt of snow and ice, crowded the highest mountain ranges and vertices of North Ossetia.

The presence of rich black earth and chestnut soils in North Ossetia, a long vegetation period, numerous rivers, wealth of subsoil, mineral springs, forest and meadow vegetation arrays are a powerful base for the development of multi-grade agriculture, a variety of industries and resort construction.

Waving a turning event in the history of the Ossetian people, accession to Russia created real conditions for overcoming feudal fragmentation, achieving national unity, ensuring security and progressive development in the Russian community of peoples. Ossetians got access to the values \u200b\u200bof Russian and world culture

The territory of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania was mastered by a man in ancient times. Favorable climatic conditions contributed to the occupation of agriculture and cattle breeding, the birth of the mining and production of copper. At the turn of the II-I Millennium BC, there was a transitional from bronze to the early gland "Coban culture", monuments of which are numerous.

From VII century BC e. The North Caucasus penetrate the Iranian-speaking tribes Scythians, and from IV century. n. e. - Sarmaty related to them, of which Alans, direct ancestors of modern Ossetians stand out at the turn of our era. The ethnonym "Ossetians" comes from the overall self-discharge of medieval Alan "AS" (according to Russian sources - "AS" or "Yas", Georgian - "OVS" or "OS", hence the name of the country "Oviet" or "Osseti" - "Country of Ovs / Osov. "Nowadays the general self-esteem of Ossetians" Iron ", the country -" Iryston ", and on their dialectage -" IR "in the East of the Republic and Digora - in the West.

By participating in the great resettlement of peoples, a significant part of Alan went to Western Europe, the rest of the same part moved to Kuban and Terek intercourse, as well as in the mountains.

In IX-X V.V. The early refortel state is Alanya. Penetrating to Alanams with V c. From Byzantium, and later from Georgia, Christianity became in the X century. their official religion. In Western Alanya (Verkhovaya R. Kuban), the Alanian Archbishopskaya Department was formed, subordinate to the Constantinople Patriarchate, large church construction unfolded - in the Greater Zemerchuk gorges, Teberda and Kuban are constructed by the monumental dome churches of East Byzantine architecture. At the same time in the eastern part of Alanya, the missionary activity of Christian Georgia is activated, typically Georgian in the composition of the church are being built. The ancient monument of early Christian Alanya, preserved and functioning to this day (1945), is a Sovan temple near. Costa Hetagurovo in Karachay-Cherkessia.

In the X-XII V.V. Alanya was a powerful state conducted by active foreign Policy. Tight political and trade connections were supported by Georgia, Kievan Rus, Byzantia. On the territory of Alanya, there was a deep influence on its economic development that existed from II century. BC e. until the XVI century n. e. The famous "Silk Road" (moving Chinese silk and other Eastern goods through Central Asia, the North Caucasus to Western Europe). In the VIII-XII V.V. The formation of Alano-Ocan (Ossetian) nationality began.

The terrible blow to Alanam was caused by the Mongol-Tatar invasion, which caused a sharp decline in the population, destruction and destruction of many monuments of material culture. A considerable part of the Alanian ethnos was forced to move to Europe, Byzantium and the Far East. The remaining were driven into the mountains, almost completely lost the plain lands - a powerful production base. For a long time the development of many areas of society's life was suspended. The final defeat of Alan completed Timur, the repeated invasions of which were held at the end of the XIV century on Alania.

As a result, Alans were locked in the mountains of the central part of the North Caucasus, and their lands on the plain were the property of Kabardian feudal and turkoy-speaking tribes. From the end of the XIV century, Islam begins to penetrate into North Ossetia, which is associated with the proximity of Muslim Kabarda and its influence due to the land dependence on it of the Cross-Border Ossetian population (now Muslims are not more than one quarter of the believers of the republic). With XV for CV. Northern Ossetians lived in mountain gorges between the tops of R.R. Terek and Urum (IRAF) and made up four separate societies - Tagur, Kurtatinskoe, Alagirskoye and Digorskoe. Remainless epidemics are added to objective difficulties associated with natural conditions. So, at the beginning of the XIX century. Due to the plague, the number of residents has decreased to 26 thousand people.

The difficult economic conditions and the need to ensure their external security have identified the orientation of Ossetia to the Russian state. Starting from the middle of the center in., Ossetians began to raise the question of making them into Russian citizenship. Patriotic representatives of all Ossetia's Mountain Societies, headed by a prominent diplomat of their time Zurab Elikhanov (Magkayev), starting from the late 30s of the Countd Caly., Consistently carry out a number of energetic measures to achieve this goal. As a result of long negotiations with the Russian government conducted by the Ossetian embassy, \u200b\u200bheaded by Z. Elikhanov (Magkayev), the fundamental consent of Russia to enter into its composition of Ossetia was achieved in St. Petersburg. In 1774, after signing by Russia, Kuchuk-Kainardzhi peace treaty with Turkey, Ossetia entered the Russian state. In 1784, near the Ossetian Aul Dzaoudzhikau, located at the entrance to the Darialya Gorge, was founded by the Fortress of Vladikavkaz (transformed into the city in 1860).

Waving a turning event in the history of the Ossetian people, accession to Russia created real conditions for overcoming feudal fragmentation, achieving national unity, ensuring security and progressive development in the Russian community of peoples. Ossetians got access to the values \u200b\u200bof Russian and world culture (in late XVIII in. The first books in Ossetian with the use of alphabet based on Russian graphics were printed. Built by Russian troops with the participation of the local population, the Military Georgian road through the Cross Pass (1799) and the Military Ossetian road through Mamsonsky Pass (1888) brought Ossetia from century-old isolation and opened her transport links to the center of Russia and the Transcaucasus.

From the beginning of the XIX century. Ossetians were allowed relocation from the mountains to the plain. This made it possible to move to a higher farming culture, slightly remove social tension and raise the standard of living, especially landless and small-earth peasants-immigrants.

Culture Ossetians in the first half of the XIX century. The organization of the Missionary, Military Schools, and then civilians who later served as the basis for the development of education in Ossetia subsequently. At the same time, Ossetian writing was translated from the Georgian alphabet into Russian. An important event was the compilation of the Russian scientist Academician A. Shegran to the more advanced Alphabet of the Ossetian language and the creation of "Ossetian grammar", which was published in 1844

As a result of serious shifts in the socio-economic development of the Ossetian society, a rapid development of socio-political thought was obtained. The second half of the XIX century. - Start XX century. Amenched by the appearance of bright names in culture, literature, ethnography, journalism and historical science. Since the 80s, the socio-political activity of the outstanding poet and publicist, the founder of Ossetian literature, the Revolutionar-Democrat K.L. Hetagurova. In April 1871, the Russian Drama Theater was opened in Vladikavkaz, now became an academic and wearing name E.B. Vakhtangov, a native of Vladikavkaz and one of the director of the theater. Since 1904, in Vladikavkaz and a number of villages, amazing Ossetian theater groups arise and actively work, on the basis of which in 1933 the North Ossetian Dramatic Theater was created.

Ossetians willingly served in the Russian army, actively participated in all military campaigns held by the Russian Empire. The most significant is their participation in the Russian-Turkish war 1877-1878. A separate Ossetian division was awarded by the Georgievsky banner with the inscription "for the difference in the Turkish war of 1877-1878." Until 1917, 33 Ossetian became generals of the Russian army and 22 - full cavaliers of the Order of St. George. Ossetian military intelligentsia has also made a lot for the development of national culture, enriching its spiritual values \u200b\u200bof other nations and achievements of science, supporting cultural workers and a talented students.

Intensive development of capitalist relations in Russia in the second half of the XIX century. It could not do not affect the socio-economic development of Ossetia. In the 50s of the XIX century. The mining industry is born with the participation of foreign capital on the basis of the development of Sadonian mines; Built Alagir Silvervitz Plant. Local fineware production is developing. Trade in goods from Russia is becoming increasingly important, and Vladikavkaz becomes a shopping center of the entire North Caucasus. Vladikavkaz railway lines were built - Rostov-on-Don and Vladikavkaz - Petrovsk (the current Makhachkala).

On November 17, 1920, at the congress of the peoples of Terek, the Gorskaya ASSR was proclaimed, in which North Ossetia entered the Ossetian (Vladikavkaz) district. On July 7, 1924, North Ossetia was allocated to the North Ossetian Autonomous Region. December 5, 1936 was transformed into the North Ossetian ASSR.

Mass political repression, violent methods for the implementation of large-scale political and economic transformations in the first decades of Soviet authorities did not pass and North Ossetia. Many executives of the republic, active participants in the revolution and socialist construction, prominent figures of science and culture, individual social groups were repressed.

At the same time, the overwhelming majority of the population of the republic, sincerely adopting the ideals of a new building, included in the active labor to implement them. Thanks to this, a powerful economic base was created in North Ossetia. A heavy and light industry was obtained, agriculture was collectivized, a cultural revolution was carried out, as a result of which Northern Ossetia became the republic in the 40s - 50s, national personnel in all branches of economy and culture were grown, a powerful technical was formed, Scientific and pedagogical and creative intelligentsia.

During the Great Patriotic War, 1941-1945 Over 89 thousand citizens of the republic were called to the current army, of which more than 48 thousand people died in battles. From the end of October 1942 to January 1, 1943, a significant part of North Ossetia was occupied by the German-fascist troops. In early November 1942, the enemy was stopped under Vladikavkaz, and then as a result of multi-day fierce battles from the territory of the republic. For manifested courage and heroism at the fronts of the war 75 natives of North Ossetia (of which 35 - Ossetians) were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, including Generals I.A. Pliev and I.I. Fezin - twice, 9 people were awarded the Order of the Fame of Three Degrees, thousands of residents of the republic are marked by orders and medals for military and labor valor. In the military and post-war years, 50 natives of North Ossetia were awarded the title of generals and admirals, including M. Vorobyev - Marshal of Engineering Forces, I. Pliev and G. Hetagurov - General Army, H. Mamsurov, Yu. Mamsurov, N. Naumenko, . Cocolaev - Colonel-General.

In the post-war period, the economy and culture of the republic received significant development. New enterprises, mainly advanced industries, transport and communications have been restored and put into operation. The network of spectacular institutions, libraries, kindergartens, secondary schools, vocational schools, and educational institutions have been significantly expanded, the material base of all 4 universities of the republic has been strengthened, new medicine institutions have been built, including a number of these specialized hospitals - children's, ambulance, physiotherapeutic, Oncological, psychoneurological.

As a result of democratic transformations in the USSR, which began in 1985, the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the transition of the Russian Federation to capitalist market relations in North Ossetia there were serious political and socio-economic changes. In November 1994, a new Constitution was adopted, the republic received a new name - the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, a presidential form of government was introduced; The multipliness of the economy, the ideological and political diversity, the principle of separation of the authorities; democratization of the electoral system was carried out; Created real conditions for freedom of religion. Privatization and incorporation of a significant number of small, medium and some large industrial enterprises, trade, domestic service and banking systems were carried out. At the same time, as a result of the destruction of the established economic ties with the regions of the former USSR, a significant decline in industrial and agricultural production occurred, the number of unemployed increased, the standard of living of the population of the republic increased dramatically.

The separatist trends of the late 80s - early 90s led to the emergence of local armed conflicts in many regions of the former USSR. So, in 1989, Georgian-Ossetian conflict was unleashed, which took hundreds of human lives. Tens of thousands of citizens were forced to leave their homes and seek refuge in Russia. Over 40 thousand refugees from South Ossetia and Georgia adopted North Ossetia.

At the end of October - early November 1992, an Ossetian-Ingush armed conflict occurred, as a result of which hundreds of innocent citizens died, a significant damage was caused by the economy of the republic, and thousands of her citizens became refugees.

The consequences of these conflicts could not not affect the overall socio-economic situation in the republic.

It took tremendous efforts to overcome the consequences of military-political upheavals. The process of post-conflict construction, despite the inevitable difficulties, has become insurmountable, which creates favorable conditions for deploying in the full contestual opportunity of the people of the republic.

Russian civilization

Ossetia - One of the most picturesque regions of the Central Caucasus, known for its unique nature, original attractions and a difficult story. Find Ossetia on the map of Russia is easy if it comes to North.

Is it Russia or not?

This question will be the right one answer: both "yes", and "no". Partly Ossetia refers to the Russian Federation, while its second part is unrecognized republic.

What is the republic as part of the Russian Federation?

Republic North Ossetia - Alanya is an autonomous subject of the Russian Federation and is included in the North Caucasus Federal District. South Ossetia It is considered an independent independent republic, but it is recognized as four UN member countries: Russia, Nauru, Venezuela, Nicaragua.

Partially the existence of such a country is recognized in, Transnistria, Nagorno-Karabakh, modern Donbas, separated from Ukraine.

Now South Ossetia lives an independent life, being recognized by just a few countries of the world, with constant support of Russia.

Rumors regularly run on the referendum on the accession of the republic to North Ossetia and its entry into the Russian Federation.

Where is?

North Ossetia, as follows from its name, is located north of the main Caucasian ridge, on its northern slopes. Her capital is Vladikavkaz. The southern borders of the republic go to South Ossetia and Georgia, Eastern - to Chechnya and Ingushetia, Western - to Kabardino-Balkaria, North - to the Stavropol Territory.


The northern part of the republic takes Stavropol PlainFurther, the Sunzhensky and Teresk ridges are located, and still south - Ossetian inclined plain, limited to the Big Caucasus. North Ossetia Square reaches 800 thousand km² with a population just over 700 thousand people. The main river is Terek.

Climate Here is moderately continental, a little softened by the close neighborhood of mountain peaks. Frequently warm, but long-term, not sultry, with a large number of precipitation drops. average temperature January is a little less -3 degrees, and July - a little more than +20 degrees.

Main sectors economy are mechanical engineering, mining industry, non-ferrous metallurgy, glass, light and food industry.

Where is South Ossetia?

To get to South Ossetia without any problems, the tourist needs to be accurately presenting her location.

Geographical position

The Republic is located on the southern slopes of the Greater Caucasus, in the so-called Transcaucasia, and does not have access to the sea. The capital of South Ossetia is Tskhinval.

Practically from all sides of the world - the South, the West and the East - it is surrounded by the territory of Georgia, and only from the north borders with Alagir District Alanya.

Internal organization

Area The republic is about 4 thousand km² in the population just over 50 thousand people. More than 90% of the territory occupy the mountains.

The climate is here more warmthan in Alanya, as the mountain ranges protect South Ossetia from the northern winds. The average temperature is rarely lowered below +4.5 degrees, and the average annual precipitation reaches 600 mm. Self large rivers Republic is a big and small Liavel and Xani.

In the republic just two cities - Tskhinval and Kweys - and the three village of urban type, the remaining settlements are villages. 90% of the population are Ossetians, the number of Russians and Georgians does not exceed a few percent.

Industry in the republic is practically not developed, the main sector of the economy here is agriculture, namely export fruit.

Most recently in South Ossetia, combat actions were going, but now tourist trips This terrain is quite real and you can get closer to get acquainted with the way of life of modern Ossetians.

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