How much calcium is in sesame? How to eat sesame to absorb calcium? Sesame seeds: benefits and harms, how to take them. How to eat sesame to absorb calcium

Reservoirs 19.10.2019

This plant, also called sesame, came to us from ancient times. Sesame, the beneficial properties of which were already known then, appeared in many traditions and mysterious legends. The value of this folklore was the disclosure to people of all the possibilities of sesame, which are still used by our contemporaries.

Sesame is annual plant. Its fruits look like small oblong boxes. Inside contains seeds that have different colors, from searing black to snow-white.

Chemical composition

The beneficial properties of sesame are largely determined by the presence of a large amount of oil in it, consisting of organic acids and glycerol esters. In addition, the oil also contains saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids and triglycerides. Many people assign sesame (sesame) oil the status of one of the most useful, as well as

The use of this product will easily replenish the daily requirement of substances beneficial for the body. In addition, sesame seeds are a source of:

  • calcium,
  • zinc,
  • phosphorus,
  • gland,
  • magnesium,
  • vitamins B and E,
  • proteins,
  • vitamins A, E, C, group B,
  • amino acids,
  • minerals (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron).

The presence of phytin, a substance that helps restore the balance of various minerals, and beta-sitosterol, which reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, was also found in the seeds.

The antioxidants contained in sesame oil allow it to be stored for 9 years. It is used for both internal and external use. It is thanks to a powerful antioxidant called sesamin that cholesterol levels in the blood decrease. In addition, these substances help prevent the development of various diseases, including cancer.

To get the maximum benefit from sesame, it is recommended to consume it warmed or soaked.

If you fry the seeds and add them to any dish, you will only get an aromatic seasoning that will be devoid of almost all useful properties.

Beneficial features

Sesame is the main source of lime for the human body. Usually, this substance is in acute deficiency in the body. It is generally accepted that eating at least 10 g of seeds throughout the day can make up for the lack of lime, which is found in minute quantities only in juices (fruit and vegetable). By the way, chewing the seeds can also significantly dull the feeling of hunger.

Sesame improves the condition of hair and nails human, will also have a positive effect on the composition of the blood and stimulate the overall growth of a person, which will be facilitated by the substance riboflavin contained in it.

Thanks to the substance thiamine, sesame will help normalize metabolism and improve the functioning of the nervous system. And vitamin PP, which is part of sesame, will be extremely useful for the functioning of the digestive system.

Due to its large reserves of calcium, it is considered essential for joints and bones, as well as an excellent remedy for the prevention of osteoporosis. Sesame will make your body stronger and help active growth muscle mass.

The phytosterol present in sesame is significantly reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, because it helps remove cholesterol from the blood. Using this same beneficial property, you can effectively fight obesity.

Especially healthy sesame will be for women whose age is approximately 45 years. This plant contains large amounts of phytoestrogen, which some call a female sex hormone substitute.

Calorie content

As a rule, the seeds of any plant are unusually high in calories, since they contain large quantities various fats are present. A striking example is flax or sunflower seeds.

Typically, fats can make up over 50% of a given amount of product. Sesame seeds were no exception.

They have a calorie content comparable to most other plant seeds. They consist of 45 - 55% various oils. If we consider the total calorie content, then 100 grams of sesame contains approximately 560 - 580 kcal.

When calculating calorie content, it should be borne in mind that the figures given are only indicative, reflecting the approximate composition and number of calories and cannot claim absolute accuracy. The fact is that each seed has its own substance content, depending on its size, shape and other factors.

Benefits of sesame oil

Sesame oil is actively used by doctors. Plasters, ointments, and emulsions are made from it, since it can significantly improve blood clotting.

Sesame oil is an excellent laxative. In addition, it is used for hemorrhoidal diathesis.

The use of sesame oil in cosmetology is facilitated by its softening and moisturizing properties. With it you can:

In addition, it can also be used as a massage oil and as a makeup remover.


Sesame is used in different ways. In cooking, it is common to use whole seeds, which are sometimes roasted to enhance the flavor. Chinese cuisine widely uses sesame oil. In Korea, it is customary to cook meat in sesame oil or with seeds, as it is capable of removing harmful substances from the human body.

Moreover, in the culinary tradition different countries Sesame seeds are used to sprinkle on bread, cookies and other baked goods, as well as desserts.

Eastern cuisine contains a popular paste made from tahini, as ground sesame seeds are called. This paste has a pleasant, almost imperceptible smell and a sweetish, nutty taste. A dry seasoning made from sesame seeds and salt is called gomasio and is used to sprinkle on rice.

Sesame is used not only in cooking. It is also suitable for medicinal purposes. With its help, many diseases are cured:

  • gastrointestinal problems,
  • obesity,
  • cancerous tumors,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • osteoporosis,
  • diathesis,
  • diseases of the genital organs.

The oil that is prepared from its seeds is especially valued. Despite the fact that sesame has many beneficial properties, it is grown mainly for its medicinal oil, used in medicine, cooking and cosmetology.

Sesame is also considered an effective anti-aging agent. Women who want to maintain youth are recommended to prepare a rejuvenating mixture. To prepare it, it is recommended to take sesame seeds (1 tbsp), ground ginger (1 tsp) and a similar amount of powdered sugar. Mix everything and take a teaspoon a day.


Despite the abundance of beneficial properties, sesame also has contraindications. Since the seeds of this plant can greatly improve blood clotting, we strongly do not recommend consuming them for people who have:

  • increased coagulability,
  • thrombosis,
  • thrombosis,
  • urolithiasis disease.

In any case, you should not consume too many seeds. Its use within reasonable limits can bring great benefits to the human body.

Daily norm sesame seeds that a healthy person can consume is considered to be 2-3 teaspoons.

Selection and storage

The rules for choosing quality seeds are simple and straightforward, but they will help you buy a good product. The seeds should be dry and crumbly. In addition, they should not be bitter. It must be remembered that the beneficial properties of unpeeled sesame are undeniably higher. In addition, it is stored much longer.

Unhulled sesame seeds can be stored in a simple container. It is advisable that the container be airtight. It should be placed in a dark, dry and cool place. The shelf life of peeled seeds is sharply reduced, since in extreme short term they will become rancid. To avoid this, they must be stored in the refrigerator, if possible - in freezer.

If a non-refrigerated location is chosen, sesame seeds will keep for about three months if they are placed in an airtight container that is kept in a dry and dry place. dark place. Storing them in a refrigerated place will extend their shelf life to six months. Frozen will help preserve all their qualities for about a year.

Buy chocolate business card bars with plant seeds. The combination of dark chocolate and sesame helps strengthen immune system and prolong youth.

All the above information applies only to seeds and does not affect sesame oil at all. This oil does not deteriorate quickly and can be stored for years. The conditions for its storage are not particularly important, since even a very hot climate will not harm its quality and will not invalidate its beneficial properties.

Sesame has long been called “food for the Gods” because its rich vitamin and nutritional composition can give a person many positive properties: improve health, improve well-being, eliminate problems. There are special rules for eating seeds, both seeds and oil, which you should pay utmost attention to.

Sesame is a well-known white, oily and very aromatic seed. Not everyone knows that sesame is often called “sesame”.

This is an oriental plant that is extremely popular in Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese and Indian cuisine.

Looks like this plant extremely unusual and visually resembles a small box, slightly oblong in shape, which is completely filled with seeds different colors. Sesame seeds can range from snow-white to deep black in color.

The remaining seeds can be yellow and brown and all shades of these colors.

sesame plant, capsules with oily seeds

A pleasant feature of sesame is its very delicate and slightly spicy aroma. It is this property that allows it to be used as a seasoning in cooking. But this is far from the last use of sesame, because it has found its application both in medicine and in cosmetology.

There is an opinion that in the east, since ancient times, a special elixir of immortality, which also included sesame seeds, was popular. However, this plant is still considered very useful for humans.

Useful qualities of the plant:

  • These seeds naturally contain a lot healthy oil, which has a very beneficial effect on the functioning of the human body. These oils improve work gastrointestinal tract , because sesame oil itself is completely organic and rich in carbohydrates, vitamins, proteins, amino acids and fatty acids
  • Sesame seeds contain a large amount of vitamins that are very useful for humans. Most of all in them vitamin A And great amount B vitamins. In addition, the presence of vitamin E, PP and vitamin C
  • Sesame has a rich mineral composition. Sesame is rich phosphorus, it contains a lot of calcium, quite a bit of magnesium and potassium

It is important to note that the amount of antioxidants that are in sesame can be stored in the seed sufficiently long time- up to ten years.

beneficial effects of sesame seeds on humans

The many beneficial properties of sesame allow the seeds to provide not only medicinal, but also preventive properties. Thus, sesame is able to normalize many processes in the body:

  • provide prevention of diseases of bone tissue and joints
  • improve metabolism
  • lower blood cholesterol levels
  • provide cancer prevention

A substance that is part of sesame and has a beneficial effect is called phytin. It is he who helps normalize all metabolic processes in the body.

Oil obtained from sesame is used in medicine. A variety of preparations for various uses are prepared from it. These can be either ointments for external use or in the form of injections.

Various compresses and plasters are also soaked in sesame oil, which helps wounds heal faster. Another use of the oil is in the form of enemas that cleanse the intestines.

The use of pure sesame oil internally helps the stomach cope with ulcers and gastritis. In addition, regular consumption of oil helps remove toxic substances and waste from the body.

If you make regular face masks with sesame oil, you can avoid skin problems: rashes, irritations, acne.

sesame, what does the seed look like?

Sesame contraindications:

  • Like any plant that has a number of beneficial properties, sesame also has its own certain contraindications. First, the most basic disadvantage of semen is its ability to affect blood clotting. It is for this reason that people suffering from thrombosis should not often eat sesame.
  • It is also prohibited to eat sesame for those who regularly suffer from urolithiasis.
  • In addition, any person should not consume sesame seeds and sesame oil. large quantities
  • It is permissible to consume sesame seeds only in a certain limited quantity - no more than three full teaspoons per day in any form: in salad, in baked goods, in the form of kozinak

What is the difference between white and black sesame?

Of course, everyone knows what sesame is. However, many may be misled by it color scheme, since sesame can be either white or black. What is the difference between this seed?

Everything is much simpler than it seems. Black sesame ripens together with white sesame, but has a brighter and stronger pleasant aroma and, unlike white, it does not need to be peeled.

It should be noted that black sesame is rich in iron; it contains much more of it than white sesame. It is for this reason that black sesame is recommended for consumption by those who suffer from anemia and general weakness of the body.

Black sesame is most often grown in China and Thailand, while the most major supplier white seed - El Salvador and Mexico.

If the black seed is peeled, it does not become white; its kernel remains black. White sesame also does not change color, but it must be peeled.

types of seed, black sesame and white

Black sesame is noticeably bitter, unlike white sesame. White sesame has a pleasant nutty taste. The black seed is more oily and is mainly used to produce oil.

Black sesame is ideal for making salads and desserts, while white sesame is ideal for baking and making bars.

It is recommended to consume both black and white sesame together with the husk, since it contains 90% of the beneficial minerals and beneficial properties. Sesame husks are rich in fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the digestive process.

Beneficial and medicinal properties of black and white sesame and contraindications

Everything should be analyzed in detail medicinal properties both black and white sesame, taking into account all possible contraindications.

Properties Black sesame White sesame
Biochemical properties More saturated than white. Black sesame contains much more ash and carbohydrates White sesame has a richer protein and fat content. It has been noticed that there is much more moisture in white seeds than in black ones.
Vitamin composition Black seed is rich in vitamin A and B vitamins White sesame is richer in vitamins E, K and also contains a lot of vitamin C.
Protein content Black sesame contains about 20% White sesame contains about 22%
Fat content Black sesame contains less fat, approximately 48% white sesame contains more fat - about 53%
Beneficial effects on the body Black sesame contains maximum amount antioxidants, it contains much more than white sesame White sesame contains a lot of phytosterols, which help reduce blood cholesterol
Medicinal properties Due to the fact that black seed is more saturated with beneficial microelements, it is most often used in medicine Contains sesaminol and sesamolin - useful antioxidants
Contraindications Individual intolerance, tendency to thrombosis. Urolithiasis. Individual intolerance. The caloric content of the seed makes it unacceptable for consumption by people prone to obesity.

It is worth noting that consuming sesame oil on an empty stomach can cause unpleasant sensations: nausea and vomiting.

beneficial qualities of the seed and its strict contraindications for use

What are the benefits of sesame for women and men?

Sesame seed has many positive properties that have a beneficial effect on the female body:

  • Sesame seeds are rich in antioxidants and therefore their frequent use has a rejuvenating effect on the skin and the entire body in women.
  • Sesame seeds, when consumed regularly, can have a beneficial effect on women's health and improve the functioning of the sexual sphere. Especially if sesame seeds are consumed with poppy seeds or flaxseeds
  • Sesame seeds contain a large amount of female hormones. It is especially useful for women who have reached menopause and are experiencing hormonal imbalance.
  • Sesame oil is recommended for use by women during lactation, as it can improve milk flow and reduce the likelihood that an inflammatory process may begin in the breast

benefits of sesame seeds and oil for women's health

Sesame seeds also have a beneficial effect on men's health:

  • Sesame seeds are rich in vitamin E and therefore have a very beneficial effect on the condition men's health and it is for this reason that sesame is often called an “aphrodisiac”
  • To achieve the effect, lightly fry sesame seeds in a frying pan and eat them with honey and nuts.
  • In addition, sesame seeds are rich in the important mineral zinc. It is zinc that is responsible for the production of sex hormones in both women and men
  • Zinc in sesame can have a direct and beneficial effect on the prostate, improving its functioning and preventing cancer of this gland.
  • in addition, the rich content of zinc, vitamin E and other useful elements improves the reproductive function of men, improving the functioning of the genital organs and improving the quantity and, most importantly, the quality of sperm

It has been proven that sesame (aka sesame) improves blood circulation both throughout the body and in the pelvic organs. Thus, it has a beneficial effect on the male genital organs, improving erection and helping to make sex last longer.

What are the benefits of sesame for men's health?

The amino acids contained in sesame have a beneficial effect on the male body's production of testosterone - the main sex hormone, which is responsible not only for general well-being, but also for sexual function.

How to eat sesame seeds and oil: benefits and harms

The modern market offers consumers two main types of sesame: black and white, as well as oil extracted from the seeds. But you should know how to use each type of product so as not to harm yourself and get the maximum benefit from sesame:

  • If you want to receive from seed maximum benefit, you should know that it should be consumed raw, unprocessed, and preferably with the husk. If the seeds are fried, they lose half of their beneficial properties, both white and black
  • Sesame oil often used both in cosmetology and medicine. It is often taken internally, one tablespoon per day, to saturate your body with beneficial microelements.
  • Regular consumption of pure sesame oil favors the digestive process and eliminates the problem of difficult bowel movements, normalizing stool
  • If consumed sesame seeds together with poppy and flaxseeds, you can get a powerful boost of zinc and vitamin E, which will almost instantly serve as an aphrodisiac for your body
  • Not rare Sesame oil used externally, applied to the skin and this is correct, because it can not only nourish it, but also protect it from harmful ultraviolet radiation
  • Many people use Sesame oil externally to improve skin condition, smooth out wrinkles and improve hair structure
  • Sesame seeds often consumed by those who regularly struggle with problems excess weight. But in in this case It should be noted that sesame oil is absolutely contraindicated for them due to its high calorie content; preference should be given to black sesame, which retains a fiber-rich shell

Before use, sesame is under no circumstances subjected to any heat treatment, as this will contribute to the loss of about 90% of the nutritional properties.

All you need to do is pour water over the seeds and let them brew for ten hours. Such seeds become softer and larger, they are easily chewed and do not lose their benefits.

correct usage sesame

What makes sesame seeds unique: replenishing the body with calcium

  • Sesame seeds are incredibly rich in vitamins and other microelements that are important for the normal functioning of any person.
  • It is worth paying special attention calcium, which is contained in sesame in sufficient quantities
  • Sesame can safely be called a “champion” among other seeds in terms of calcium content
  • It is for this reason that it is recommended to be consumed, but in limited quantities, by women in pregnancy.
  • It is extremely useful to use sesame for adolescents whose bone and skeletal systems are experiencing their strengthening and growth, as well as for older people in order to avoid brittle bones and inflammatory processes in the joints
  • In addition to the fact that sesame can strengthen bones, it also helps remove various and harmful products metabolism
  • Calcium contained in sesame improves the secretion of hormones in the human body

unique qualities of sesame

Is it possible to eat sesame seeds for pregnant and lactating women?

The unique properties of sesame help people of all ages fight various problems: constipation, gastritis, bone and joint diseases, skin imperfections.

It is worth noting the positive effect of sesame on the body of a pregnant woman. You can eat sesame during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but only in limited quantities and based on your own tolerance to this product.

What are the benefits of sesame during pregnancy and lactation:

  • The rich content of vitamin and calcium in sesame has a beneficial effect on the embryo, giving it the necessary complex of microelements for development
  • Sesame seeds and oil are easily digestible and cannot give any unpleasant sensations to either mother or baby
  • When choosing sesame for consumption, do not give preference to polished seeds, as they are intended only to add flavor and decorate baked goods. Choose black or white sesame seeds with husks
  • Do not eat more than three teaspoons of seed per day. You can eat it in its pure form or add it to various dishes: to salad, to meat, to desserts.
  • During lactation, one teaspoon of sesame oil per day will be enough. If you eat a lot of butter, you risk giving your milk a bitter taste. This, in turn, may not attract the baby and make him anxious.
  • Sesame oil and sesame seeds have a beneficial effect on the lactation process, increasing the flow of milk and making it a little fatter. This milk will give your baby fullness and energy.
  • By consuming sesame seeds, a pregnant woman or a nursing mother does not have to worry about having a calcium deficiency, which over time will lead to bone diseases and tooth loss.
  • Regular consumption of sesame seeds contributes to the normal formation of bone tissue in the embryo and the avoidance of serious problems and diseases
  • Pregnant women are advised to consume a spoonful of oil daily to improve bowel movements and avoid painful constipation.

Rich vitamin composition sesame will have a strengthening effect on the body and will help a woman recover faster after childbirth.

consumption of sesame during pregnancy and lactation

At what age can you give seeds, kozinaki, halva and sesame oil to children?

  • The researchers did the math and were surprised when they noticed that sesame seeds contained three times more calcium than natural milk. In addition, the rich mineral composition can have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and glands.
  • There are no specific restrictions on the use of sesame in childhood and each time you should focus only on the individual tolerance of the product by each person
  • So, in childhood, when the child’s teeth appear and he begins to try serious adult food, occasionally he can be pampered with a small piece of cassinac
  • It is worth noting that if for an adult the norm of pure sesame seeds per day is three teaspoons, then the norm for a child should be strictly limited to one teaspoon per day. The same goes for oil.
  • Sesame seeds and natural dishes made from them can be consumed in limited quantities at any age; each time after consuming the seed, a child should monitor his well-being, stool and skin condition for the presence of an allergic reaction.

Precautions for consuming sesame at an early age

What are the calories in sesame seeds?

Another feature of sesame is that since it is an oil plant, it is very high in calories. On average, about ten grams of sesame can give a person about 550 kcal, 50% of this product will be pure oil.

It is worth noting that sesame is too heavy and high-calorie food for overweight people. Therefore, those losing weight should not eat more than one teaspoon of sesame seeds per day, and best of all, if it is not polished sesame.

Its husk contains a lot of fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the process of weight loss and digestion.

Video: “Sesame. The recipe for your youth. Food of the gods"

“Sim-sim, open up!” - such a simple spell is pronounced by the hero of the Arab fairy tale “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves” in order to open the entrance to a cave with untold riches. In Western translations, this phrase is better known as “Open Sesame.” But did you know that sesame - Sesamun indicum - is the scientific name for sesame seeds? It is believed that the use of the name of these particular seeds is not accidental: their peculiarity lies in the fact that during ripening, sesame seeds burst, making a cracking noise, very similar to the sound of a door opening to a cave.

In general, sesame is used by humans as food additives for many thousands of years. And this is not surprising! Sesame seeds are record holders: the calcium content in sesame is higher than in cheese. But this is an important microelement, without which the functioning of the human body is impossible. Let's find out what the benefits and harms of sesame seeds are, how to take them in order to get the maximum benefit from consumption.

Let's start by defining what this actually is. unique plant.

What is sesame?

It is an annual or perennial tropical plant, the healing properties of whose seeds have been known to people for more than 3,500 years. By cultivating sesame and studying its properties, our distant ancestors managed to obtain not only a source of healthy oil, but also a healing remedy for a number of diseases.

Despite the fact that sesame is a herbaceous plant, outwardly it looks like a small bush with pod fruits. These fruits, when ripe, burst, making a characteristic crack and throwing out flat seeds. The seeds themselves, despite their small size (100 g contains at least 500 pieces), are valued due to their high nutritional properties.

Depending on the variety, sesame seeds are found in different colors: black, white, yellow and even red. It is worth noting that each type has its own unique taste and contains different amounts of useful microelements. For this reason, it is very difficult to give a definite answer to the question of which variety is the most useful. Let us only note that the most valuable are black seeds that have not undergone the process of peeling.

Homeland of sesame seed

Sesame seeds have been grown in tropical regions around the world since prehistoric times, but some cultures still have myths that the plant's origins go back even further. According to one of the Assyrian legends, when the ancient gods met and decided to create our world, they drank wine from sesame seeds.

The first mentions of the use of sesame seeds by humans are found in early Hindu legends, so India is traditionally considered the birthplace of this miraculous plant. From India, sesame gradually spread throughout the countries of the Middle East, Africa and Asia. Today it has become an indispensable component for making oil and all kinds of seasonings. Metaphorically, he is called “the emperor of grains of the East and the king of oils of the West.”

The largest sesame producers today are India, China and Mexico.

What are the benefits of sesame seeds?

Sesame seeds are half fat. The remainder is about 30% from vegetable protein. Despite the fact that this combination has obvious benefits, it is very high in calories - 100 g of sesame contains 560 kcal. Therefore, you should not abuse it - it is enough to eat 1.5 tbsp per day. l. to get maximum health benefits. In this case, the seeds should be taken in the morning or afternoon. Those who have problems with excess weight should pay special attention to this fact.

Sesame is a real storehouse of vitamins. It contains 10 nutrients that must be present in the diet for healthy functioning of the body and excellent well-being. The table shows how many percent of these substances from the average daily norm are contained in a serving (35 g) of sesame seeds. The effect of some of them on the body is also described below.

In addition to these substances, sesame contains sesamin and sesamolin. These two absolutely unique antioxidants are the most famous lignans and perform a number of functions in the body. They have anti-inflammatory and fat-burning properties, trigger metabolic processes and participate in the absorption of vitamin E.


This vital trace element, which is involved in the formation of hemoglobin and red blood cells, ensures the metabolism of iron in the body, increases the absorption of proteins and carbohydrates, and also has anti-inflammatory properties. Thus, copper can significantly improve the condition of a person suffering from an autoimmune disease (in particular, rheumatoid arthritis).


Magnesium is necessary for proper operation heart and transmission of nerve impulses. It ensures protein metabolism and nucleic acids, participates in the process of extracting energy from food. In addition, it helps normalize sleep and restore nervous system.


Zinc is necessary for the organization of normal processes of bone tissue development, regeneration and cell reproduction. It supports the reproductive function of the body, participates in the growth of hair and nails, and also reduces harmful effects toxic substances.

Calcium. How much calcium is in sesame?

Numerous studies have confirmed the beneficial properties that calcium has on human body. Since ancient times, people have known about them and used sesame as a source of calcium. What properties are we talking about?

  • Protecting the walls of the colon from harmful chemical substances that cause cancer.
  • Normalization of blood acidity levels due to the alkali-forming effect.
  • Strengthens bone tissue and prevents brittle bones that can occur as a result of menopause and arthritis.
  • Prevention of the development of diseases caused by a lack of calcium in the body such as osteoporosis.
  • Preventing headaches and relieving migraines in people who are susceptible to them.
  • Decrease PMS symptoms during menstrual cycle, especially the luteal phase.

Sesame contains sufficient calcium. Unfortunately, this fact itself does not guarantee that all of it will be fully received by the body during consumption. The question arises, in what form would it be more correct to eat sesame seeds so that the calcium contained in it is absorbed?

As a rule, various grocery chains offer the purchase of peeled sesame seeds white. But it is known that, compared to whole seeds, such sesame contains 10-12 times less calcium. This position causes some controversy among nutritionists. However, when answering the question of which sesame has more calcium, you should give preference to dry crumbly seeds, which contain this useful mineral in the maximum amount.

You can also highlight a number of simple rules for the proper storage and use of seeds. Try to follow them to preserve calcium in sesame:

  • Sesame shelf life - no more than 6 months;
  • the product should be kept in a closed container, protected from direct sunlight;
  • during cooking, do not subject the seeds to prolonged heat treatment;
  • If the seeds are planned to be used for cooking, then it is very important to follow all the necessary recommendations and maintain the soaking period.

Remember that in order to absorb calcium, the body must receive a sufficient amount of vitamin D. It is impossible to ensure this through diet alone, so you should leave the house more often in clear weather and go for walks.

What is harmful about using sesame seeds?

Even the healthiest foods must be consumed in strict accordance with the characteristics of your body. Sesame is not recommended for asthmatics and people with individual intolerance to sesame. Like many other nuts, the seeds can cause allergy symptoms, ranging from a runny nose and mild eye redness to angioedema and anaphylactic shock.

If you regularly abuse the product, such problems may develop. dangerous diseases, such as colitis, chronic diarrhea, intestinal cancer. A single excess of consumption leads to stool disorders and can cause appendicitis.

Black and white sesame: what's the difference?

The choice of a particular variety of sesame depends on the purpose for which it will be used. White sesame seeds are commonly used to prepare various baked goods. After removing the husks, they acquire a softer structure and a sweetish taste. Black sesame, on the contrary, crunches on the teeth and has a bright nutty aroma. The nutritional value of both varieties is about the same, but black seeds contain more calcium, zinc, vitamin B and other minerals.

Thus, you have found out the benefits, harms and how to take sesame seeds and now you know how to use them correctly so as not to harm your health.

The healing properties of sesame seeds have been known since ancient times. Our grandmothers also gladly added them to food to give the dish a special piquant aroma. Sesame seeds, whose benefits have long been proven, were added to baked goods, sprinkled on bread and holiday cakes. This spice was also used as part of alternative medicine. Decoctions from the seeds of this plant served as a source of useful micro- and macroelements and were used for a number of diseases.

Benefits of sesame seeds

Sesame seeds, whose properties have long been known to everyone, have a number of useful and even healing qualities. You just have to pay attention to the composition of the substances present in it. For example, calcium, contained in large quantities in sesame seeds, can prevent the development of atherosclerosis, osteoporosis and spinal chondrosis. Calcium is an essential trace element necessary for proper functioning of cardio-vascular system, strengthening bone and cartilage tissue, gaining muscle mass, etc.

Among the beneficial properties of sesame:

  • normalization of the functions of the nervous and digestive systems;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • cleansing and enriching the blood composition with necessary substances;
  • strengthening nails and hair, etc.

Sesame in medicine

And the contraindications of which are far from being fully studied, it is also used in traditional medicine. Its seed extract is included in many weight loss products. It has a unique ability to remove harmful cholesterol from the blood. It is known that sesame is especially useful for women whose age exceeds forty years. This is explained very simply. The plant seed contains natural phytoestrogens necessary for female body in a given period of time.

Sesame oil

Often used in the pharmaceutical industry. On its basis, emulsions and ointments are produced that normalize metabolic processes in tissues, have a certain effect on the process of blood cell coagulation, etc.

With the help of oil-based formulations, hemorrhoids are successfully cured. It is recommended to take orally for constipation and disorders digestive system.

Sesame in cosmetology

An extract from the seeds of the plant is often used in the cosmetics industry. It is included in hair masks, shampoos and even some creams. And this is not surprising, because healing properties the spices are simply priceless.

Using sesame extract, it is possible to:

  • get rid of a number of skin problems: inflammation, dryness and flaking, sagging, etc.;
  • eliminate irritation of the skin of the face and body, soften and moisturize the epidermis;
  • achieve a powerful regenerating effect;
  • improve general state epidermis;
  • The oil can also be used as massage products and compositions, used to remove makeup, etc.

Calorie content of sesame and its addition to food

Many people have probably wondered: “How to eat sesame?” Today, there are many recipes for dishes with the addition of this spice. These include: salads, confectionery and baked goods, etc. Sesame oil can be used in food almost everywhere. It occupies a special place in vegetarian cuisine. Naturally, to save maximum benefit from the product, it should be added to food that does not require heat treatment.

The seeds of many plants are high in calories. It is mostly associated with the increased content of semisaturated fatty acids in its composition. which are quite well known and scientifically proven, belong specifically to this group of plants. The fat content in the seed is so high that oil can be easily produced from it. A mature plant may contain 45 to 60 percent oil in its seed composition. This explains the high calorie content of the product, sometimes reaching 550-580 kcal. However, a final conclusion about the calorie content of sesame can be made only by taking into account a number of factors: sesame size, shape, degree of ripeness, etc.

Seed composition

The plant seed contains many useful substances and elements. For example, laboratory tests can detect the presence of acids:

  • linoleic;
  • oleic;
  • palmitic;
  • myristic;
  • arachine;
  • stearic;
  • lignoceric.

These acids can be called vital for the human body. None of the most important metabolic processes can occur without them. External transformation is also impossible without sufficient nutrition of the skin, nails and hair follicles from the inside.

The rich vitamin and mineral composition of the seed is also striking. The presence of:

  • Vitamins of groups “A”, “C”, “E”, “B”.
  • Minerals: magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, iron, and calcium in large volume. Thus, 100 g of sesame seeds contains over 783 mg of calcium. This is the average daily dosage required for the adult body. The product also contains organic acids: beta-sitosterol, phytin and lecithin.

Contraindications to the use of sesame-based products

Like most foods, sesame seeds, the benefits and harms of which have been scientifically studied, are not recommended for everyone. Therefore, before including seeds in your usual diet, you should understand the “ side effects» healing agent. Even such a useful and irreplaceable product as sesame seeds has a number of contraindications.

Contraindications primarily apply to people at high risk of thrombosis. For the simple reason that some ingredients included in the composition help increase blood clotting. So, if patients with hemophilia need sesame vitally, then people suffering from varicose veins veins, thrombosis and other diseases in this category, it is better to refrain from eating sesame in large quantities. And this is completely justified.

Sesame, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which we are now discussing, is one of the rather strong allergens. Moreover, if previously only a few suffered from allergies to this product, then last years The number of people with intolerance to this spice has increased significantly. In this case, the reaction can be either simple redness on the skin or anaphylactic shock.

Those who are carefully watching their figure and trying to lose weight should consume sesame with caution. After all, it is high in calories, which means it contributes to excess weight gain.

In addition, sesame, the beneficial properties and contraindications of this product also apply to patients with hypercalcemia. Due to its high calcium content, the product is simply an irreplaceable find for people with a deficiency of this element. However, if calcium is present in excess in the body, it is better to avoid sesame.

It is strictly prohibited to use sesame oil simultaneously with medications such as aspirin, any estrogen derivatives, and all this together can lead to the deposition of insoluble crystalline compounds in the kidneys.

Purchase and storage

You can buy sesame, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are known and scientifically confirmed, in any store, in the spices and seasonings department. It is important to pay attention to the packaging date of the product. Expired spices should not be eaten. This can not only ruin the taste, but also harm your health. The grains of the plant should not stick together. Choose dry, crumbly seeds. In order to preserve maximum beneficial properties, you can give preference to sesame seeds that have not been subjected to heat treatment.

Sesame can be stored at room temperature for no more than 1-2 months. Next, the seeds begin to deteriorate and become rancid.

The beneficial properties of sesame lie in its rich nutrients complex, indispensable for our body. It is a combination of vitamins and minerals that makes it one of the most healthy products in the world. Sesame adds a special crunch to many Asian and Middle Eastern dishes—both races are known for their longevity.

Health Benefits of Sesame Seeds

Sesame is an African plant well known for its oil-rich seeds that have great importance for ancient civilizations. Sesame oil has significant levels of Omega 6 fats, as well as the lignans sesamin and sesamolin, which have various bioactive and health-promoting effects. In addition, sesame oil has anti-inflammatory activity and therapeutic effect on cancer cells.

The most striking health benefits:

  1. Vegetarian diet with high content squirrel. High quality amino acids make up 20% of the seeds and are ideal for forming a high protein vegetarian diet. Just sprinkle them on salads, your favorite vegetables or pasta.
  2. Sesame seed oil contains an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound called sesamolin, which improves cardiovascular health.
  3. Grains support digestive and colon health as they are rich in fiber. Healthy fibers help in good bowel function.
  4. Oral hygiene due to the antibacterial effect and elimination of streptococcus from the teeth, tongue, and gums.
  5. Elimination of post-alcohol syndrome by stimulating liver function.
  6. Elimination of anxiety due to microelements in the composition that have stress-resistant properties (magnesium, calcium, thiamine, tryptophan).
  7. Benefits for skin and hair due to the zinc content, which is involved in the production of collagen, necessary for elastic beautiful skin, healthy hair and strong nails.
  8. Prolongation of youth and improvement of immunity due to antioxidant, antibacterial and antiviral activity.
  9. The antibacterial properties also help get rid of skin pathogens such as staph and streptococcus, as well as various skin fungi such as athlete's foot. Sesame oil mixed with warm water can control vaginal yeast infections.
  10. Treatment sunburn. When used after exposure to wind or sun, the oil can help prevent damage from harmful UV rays, causing wrinkles and pigmentation. Regular use of this oil significantly reduces the risk of developing skin cancer and prevents skin exposure to chlorine from water.
  11. Sesame nourishes, conditions and promotes scalp health. It combats dryness, flaking and clogged pores of the scalp. In addition, it has antifungal and antibacterial activity and helps treat scalp infections, dandruff and soothe irritated skin.
  12. Sesame seed oil acts as a deep conditioning treatment for dry, damaged, chemically treated hair. It restores lost moisture and strengthens the structure, enhances shine, elasticity and softness.
  13. Sesame seed oil is known for its hair darkening properties, which make it effective for people suffering from premature greying. It can be used with carrier oils such as olive or almond oil, to obtain maximum benefits.

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