What do witches do on a full moon? Women's lunar calendar

Encyclopedia of Plants 28.06.2020
Encyclopedia of Plants

Feminine nature feeds on several types of natural energy (that is, the energy that comes from nature). Earth energy, Water energy and Moon energy. There is also the Divine Energy that all living beings feed on, but let's now focus on those that are important specifically for women.

The first two of them - Earth and Water - are stable and unchanging, do not have any cyclicity, are always the same. The main thing is that they are simply present in your life, preferably every day. Walking on the ground, it is better to be barefoot (of course, not in the snow), live on the ground, and not on the 31st floor from it, dig into the ground if possible (for example, in the sand on the beach, on the shore of a reservoir it is even more healing), interact with earth (for example, dig, grow something in it), take a bath in natural reservoirs, or at least put a basin of living earth under the bed at home and add water from natural sources to the bath (this is at least some option for residents of the metropolis to maintain communication ) and so on. This is what makes our psyche more stable and stable, what grounds us (even the word is clear where it came from) and calms, fills us with strength and health, makes us more flexible and softer.

The energy of the moon has a different feature. She is cyclical. Like a sine wave - remember from the school curriculum what such a curve looks like? Every month the moon goes through its cycle of 28 days, every day it is different. It gradually reaches its maximum (on the day of the full moon), then it also gradually decreases to its minimum (on the new moon), and then - in a new cycle - again tends to the maximum. And it's endless.

See the intersection with feminine nature? A woman is also different every day, her mood is different, her feelings and thoughts are different. But, although she herself does not know this, she nevertheless repeats herself, although not too often.

A woman lives cyclically, also reaching in turn either to the minimum or to the maximum of her energy. And all because it is very dependent on the same cyclical nature of the moon.

What are the important days of the lunar cycle for everyone?

New moon.

Usually the most difficult day, when we can be visited by a breakdown and depression, irritability and inadequacy. The energy of the Moon, which we feed on, is zero on this day. The days before the new moon and the first days of the "new" moon are very difficult. It is on these days that “kind” women are usually especially active on the Internet, on forums and in social networks, on the same days, grandmothers and aunts met in line are especially dangerous. On the same days, men get it very hard (who most often do not understand what is happening at all).

Full moon.

On this day, on the contrary, there is so much lunar energy that you can get an “overdose”, especially if you don’t know how to implement it and deal with it. Or if this energy in you is not quite pure and blissful. Therefore, many women are almost as inadequate and irritable.

Women's cycle.

But nature is very wise in such matters. A woman also has a second cycle, on which she depends - the female. Which also has its own minimums and maximums, which is also similar to a sinusoid. The only question is how these two sinusoids - lunar and female - correlate with each other.

The most difficult days are the days of menstruation. It’s not just that there are so many scary and unfunny jokes about female PMS. It really exists, especially for those whose feminine energies are not balanced. There are still days of flight and an increase in a woman's energy - when ovulation occurs. True, it also happens that ovulation is tolerated by a woman very painfully. This is most often associated with certain problems with childbearing, for example, if you really want children, but your partner does not want or does not have one at all, or if you want children, but definitely not from him. Then these days a woman can also feel increased irritability.

So the harmonious female cycle of a woman is equal to the cycle of the Moon (plus or minus a couple of days) and is built in such a way that ovulation occurs on the new moon, and menstruation on the full moon.

Then the peak opposite values ​​of the two cycles create a certain golden mean in terms of the female mood, it becomes more stable, calm and harmonious. And everyone's life is easier. Although this does not mean that she does not have hard days or bad moods.

The most difficult variant of overlapping cycles is when the peaks of zero and maximum activity coincide. That is, on the new moon - menstruation (it is very difficult to survive, especially for her relatives), and on the full moon - ovulation (then she can be hyper-energetic and completely beside herself, not being able to "digest" so much energy). In this case, a woman is like a constant volcano that is ready to explode at any moment: either she is in a mood below the baseboard and “do not fit in - she will kill”, then she runs around the house like crazy and does not know what to do with herself, and urgently.

How to rearrange the cycle?

The female cycle is built by itself, by our body, based on our energies in the body. If now he is not harmonious, it means that there is no harmony inside me - with the feminine principle. The task is not to “drag” the cycle where it is necessary, so that it is good, but to change your sense of self, to discard the superfluous that prevents you from feeling like a woman.

If you change, reveal your feminine nature, discover in yourself everything that is laid in you from birth, the cycle itself will gradually shift.

I speak from the experience of hundreds and thousands of girls who have tried all this and got just such a result. And besides, I experienced it myself - once everything was as “not necessary” with me, but thanks to my internal changes, without any direct efforts in this direction, in about a year everything entered into a harmonious rhythm. Each month, our cycle can shift by 1-2-3 days, and thus, in a few months, it will settle into a better position, helping us to feel happy.

I won’t recommend any special exercises for this, I’m not a fan of any “female practices” and everything like that. But you can start by wearing skirts that cover the knee wherever you can. This will already change a lot in your hormonal system, again tested by thousands of women, for the majority it works.


Two more difficult days in each lunar cycle - Ekadashi. They affect everyone, not only women, but also men. 11 days after the new moon and 11 days after the full moon. These are emotionally very difficult days. Most people experience them in one way or another. The tension seems to hang in the air, and people seem to turn into bare wires.

But as far as Ekadashi is concerned, everything is much simpler here. Want to make these days easier? Then I recommend you keep the post. At least - for meat, fish, eggs, alcohol. The optimal level - in addition to the above, also exclude grains and legumes. The advanced level is a full post on the water or even without it at all.

Ekadashi is calculated according to a special system so that the fast is most effective. If at least a few minutes of the 11 lunar day pass to the next day, then they fast on the next day. Therefore, it is better to search the Internet for the “Ekadashi calendar” for the current year. The time of exit from the post will also be indicated there - which is also important. Each belt has its own, usually the first two hours after sunrise. At this time, if you fasted without grains and legumes, you need to eat something grain (at least one grain). If you are hungry, then you can eat at least something.

This is not a religious post, it is designed to reduce the impact of a hard lunar day on our bodies. This day is also ideal for prayers, spiritual practice, pilgrimages, going to temples, austerities, reading scriptures. And the next day - on Dvadasi - it is ideal to make donations, it will bring only benefit to everyone.

The rest of the lunar days also have an influence, but not as strong. This is individual and not for everyone.

What does this influence depend on?

The moon, as I said, affects all women. Whether we like it or not. But its influence can be different. There are happy women who do not see any difference between lunar days. And there are those who find it difficult even on a conditionally favorable full moon. What does it depend on:

The moon can also influence men, for example, if they do not have a very good position in the horoscope, many female character traits, there are problems with the daily routine, and so on. But this is rather an exception to the rule, although this does occur, it makes no sense to focus on this.

What to do during difficult times?

If you understand that the new moon or full moon is coming soon, which is not easy for you, then what can you do about it?

Sometimes women say that there are no difficult periods and ups and downs in their life. Most often, not only negative emotions are “missing” in their emotional life, but also positive ones. Therefore, if you notice that nothing affects you - neither the new moon, nor menstruation - check yourself again. Do you have periods of happiness, creative flight, open heart, boundless joy? If yes, then everything is in order, then you have a good relationship with the Moon, and you should not change anything about it.

But if you realized that you simply blocked all the emotions in the body and sensations, then it's time to start clearing these blockages before they lead to big problems.

Women's calendar

The bottom line is simple - for several months, try to track your emotional state. You can take a regular calendar or draw some kind of your own sign on a piece of paper - and write every day:

  • Today is such and such a date (according to the usual calendar).
  • Such and such a lunar day (in a row) - you can find a lot of lunar calendars that will help you decide.
  • Such and such day of the cycle (day 1 is the day of the beginning of menstruation) - if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or you no longer have women's days - you can skip this item.
  • And then describe in three words, briefly: how did you feel? Was there anything out of the ordinary? How did this day turn out in terms of emotions?

What could be the most "unusual":

And so on. There may be many options. Just fix the general mood of the day and some states that are unusual for you in ordinary life. For several months - at least two or three - you keep your tablet, where you mark all this. Every day. It takes quite a bit of time.

And then you can already make predictions with varying degrees of accuracy - based on how such a lunar day and day of the cycle usually looks like for you. For example, in the morning you can fry potatoes for yourself, or stock up on chocolate in the evening, provide a front of work for your stormy energy, and so on.

At a minimum, and more importantly, warn loved ones. Forewarned is forearmed. That this has nothing to do with them, they have nothing to do with it. It's just the kind of day you're expecting. Believe me, your husband will be especially grateful to you for such forecasts for the coming day.

Perhaps, here is briefly the most important thing about the Moon that every woman should know. It is a pity that we were not taught this at school - it would be useful for sure.

This planet controls both the atmosphere in the team and the mood of the crowd, the subconscious and emotions, habits and reflexes, learning and protection.

But most importantly, she is considered the personification of the maternal and feminine principles. It is believed that according to the Moon, you can calculate your "dangerous" and "safe" days, plan conception and correct menstrual irregularities.

Women's lunar calendar

Although experts consider a normal menstrual cycle lasting from 24 to 36 days, ideally it coincides with the lunar cycle and is 28 days, that is, a lunar month.

Moreover, each phase of the female cycle is in harmony with a certain lunar exposure.

New moon

This time corresponds to the first phase of the menstrual cycle (from the 1st to the 4th day). According to experts, it is during this period that seven out of ten patients of maternity hospitals have menstruation.

No wonder!, according to popular belief, it is on the new moon that one should get rid of everything old, cut one's hair to make new acquisitions. Apparently, on the new moon, he also conducts a “general cleaning”.

Growing moon and full moon

This is the second phase of the cycle: from the 5th to the 14th day. At this time, the maturation of the egg occurs. On the full moon, she leaves the follicle, the moment of ovulation comes. At this time, the level of the sex hormone estrogen (it is called the hormone of beauty) rises in the female body, which adds energy, attractiveness, and improves mood.

During ovulation (two days a month), estrogen levels approach the maximum, and the woman becomes especially energetic and sexual. The full moon acts in the same direction - activates all processes in the body, awakens sexual desire. This is the perfect moment to conceive.

By the way, long before the invention of the condom, women were protected, guided by the moon. It was noticed that in those days when waning moon, the probability of getting pregnant is practically equal to zero, but on the full moon and the period of the growing moon, the chances of becoming a mother in the near future are very high.

Can you imagine how easy birth control would be if it were that simple? However, modern scientists confirm the observations of past years. So, according to the University of Illinois, fertilization directly depends on the phase of the moon: conception most often occurs on the days of the full moon, and there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of on the new moon.

It was noticed that in those days when the waning moon, the probability of getting pregnant is practically equal to zero.

In addition, in ancient times, a connection was discovered between the phase of the moon at the moment when a woman is born and her ability to conceive. The lunar day on which a woman was born (it can be determined by lunar calendars) indicates the time most favorable for conception (plus or minus two days).

This is the day when the night luminary is in the same phase as at her birth - a similar coincidence occurs once a month. This simple principle is the basis of the method of Dr. Jonas, a Czech gynecologist, confirmed by many years of research and statistics. It is argued that even conditionally call "infertile women" are capable of conception on a lunar day which coincides with their birthday.

Waning moon

This is the final phase of the menstrual cycle, lasting from the 15th to the 28th day. Time of violent "flourishing" (fortunately, not for everyone), premenstrual syndrome. These days, the level of estrogen drops, but the amount of another female hormone, progesterone, increases, which leads to some apathy, lethargy and drowsiness.

A sharp hormonal surge often causes the notorious PMS, when fatigue suddenly sets in, there is a breakdown, irritability and tearfulness. Psychologists say that with a waning moon, unlike a growing one, pressure drops and almost all processes in the body slow down.

The melting moon has a depressing effect on people, at least statistics show that it is during this period that more frequent visits to specialists about depression and exacerbation of mental problems. If premenstrual syndrome falls on a waning moon, it has a much more pronounced form than in any other lunar phase.

Even if a woman has no idea what PMS is, she has every chance to get acquainted with its symptoms. Irritability, nervousness, tearfulness and headaches most often visit us at this time.

space doctor

It turns out that the Moon not only moves “in step” with the menstrual cycle, but is also able to disrupt it. Basically, the danger lies in wait for women with increased intracranial pressure. What does this have to do with the monthly cycle and the moon? The most immediate.

On the full moon, intracranial pressure rises, since the moon activates the circulation of fluids in the body (by the way, on the full moon, hypertension suffers from drops in blood pressure, and on the new moon, hypotensive patients experience rather unpleasant sensations). This affects the hypothalamus and which are the main leaders of hormonal processes in the body.

Under the influence of the moon, the work of the ovaries may be disrupted, and menstruation will begin earlier or later than the due date, may be more abundant or painful. It is important to note that the night luminary has such a radical effect only on a weakened body: chronic infections and accumulated fatigue make a woman vulnerable to cosmic forces. A healthy and happy lady does not care about lunar manipulations.

But it turns out that the Moon can also restore the female cycle. For example, so that menstruation begins on the same day, chronotherapists(specialists in biorhythms) - advise to conduct the following experiment.

During the month it is necessary to sleep in absolute darkness, and in the last 3 days of the menstrual cycle, artificially create the effect of a full moon - for this, turn on a weak nightlight or a dim light in the corridor next to the bed, leaving the door to the bedroom ajar. In a few months, critical days will fall at the same time - on the days of an artificial full moon.

Another way to set up a cycle is to "irradiate" the Moon. Scientists conducted an experiment: women with different durations of menstrual cycles slept under the open sky and the direct rays of the night star. And, imagine, in two months their cycles began to equal the lunar one.

Dear blog readers, what do you think, does the Moon affect the female body or not, leave feedback or comments below. Someone will find this very useful!

Increased female emotionality (in comparison with male) is also the result of cyclic changes in the hormonal background. How to balance your psychological state, relying on the knowledge of Chinese medicine?

“According to Chinese medicine, man is part of nature, and the female cycle in the understanding of traditional doctors is associated with the phases of the moon. Have you noticed that both the female and the lunar cycle average 28 days? Centuries ago, Chinese medicine experts suspected that this was no coincidence.” Anna Vladimirova says

There are many similarities in how these two cycles affect the emotional state. For example, some girls know very well how their mood worsens before menstruation.

If the new moon and ovulation coincide, sudden attacks of aggression are possible

Chinese medicine is based on the concept of qi - energy or, to put it simply, the amount of strength. Before menstruation, the level of qi drops, hence all the experiences associated with the so-called PMS: sad, no strength, no one will understand and help (hence the irritability), I want to cry and have a chocolate bar.

A similar emotional state occurs against the background of the full moon, and if suddenly menstruation occurred during this period, the negative state literally doubles. The new moon, on the contrary, gives strength - just like the hormonal background during the period of ovulation. Therefore, if the new moon and ovulation coincide, sudden attacks of aggression are possible (the easiest way to “drain” excess strength), hysterical activity, or such violent fun, after which one is often ashamed.

Finding balance: why is it needed?

An exercise that allows you to balance emotions, using knowledge about the relationship between the menstrual and lunar cycles. But first, a little clarification - why do I think this balance is especially important?

In Western culture, emotionality is considered a positive quality. How many books have been written and films made about sincere, emotional girls who know how to rejoice in everything and everything, and if they are upset, then to consumption and complete extinction.

The Chinese tradition is more rational: it is believed that the task of a person is to live a long, full, fruitful life, and for this you need to wisely manage the energy (qi) that you have. Emotions, as they say, "with an inflection" - this is the easiest way to get rid of qi, literally lose strength. And this applies to both negative and positive experiences.

Too strong emotions (bad and good) - the easiest way to literally lose strength

With the bad ones - anxiety, grief, despair - everything is more or less clear: few people want to experience them. But how, one wonders, positive experiences: joy, fun, delight? Remember the saying: “If you laugh a lot, then you will cry a lot”? In this case, we are talking about the very fun "with an inflection": a hysterical rampage that takes away so much strength that complications are possible later.

If we imagine a conditional scale, where -10 is the deepest despair, and +10 is crazy fun, then +4 can be taken as a conditional norm - +5 - a state of calm joy, inspiration, a mood in which it is most pleasant to act, no matter what you do. And if you agree with the ideas voiced, then we move on to practice.

The Path to Cycle Synchronization

This practice is designed for an average of 3 6 months. Its purpose is as follows: by bringing attention to the body and tracking your own emotions, synchronize the menstrual cycle with the lunar cycle in such a way that ovulation (increasing the amount of qi) occurs on the full moon (the period when there is less strength), and menstruation (little qi): in this case, one cycle will balance the other.

Sounds ambitious, doesn't it: now I will adjust the hormonal system to the changing phases of the moon. As a teacher of women's Taoist practices, I can say that we ourselves are able to correct a lot in our body. As a rule, this becomes noticeable against the backdrop of bright negative events: for example, girls who have passed important exams know that during this period a delay in menstruation is possible. The body is so tense that it postpones this energy-intensive activity for later.

Taoist practices teach you to negotiate with the body - to tune it to the style of work that you need, so the exercise below gives the fastest results in women who practice regularly.

So, exercise.

Step 1. Draw a graph: the vertical axis is a scale of emotional state, where -10 is a deep depression, and +10 is a hysterical insanity. The horizontal axis - on it mark the days of the month, starting from today.

Step 2. Find out what day the new moon and full moon fall on, fix these two points on the chart. By the full moon, the moon, respectively, will increase, and by the new moon, it will decrease. Draw these processes in the form of parabolas - as in the figure below.

Step 3. By analogy with lunar parabolas, plot the parabolas of your menstrual cycle on the chart: the top point is menstruation, the bottom point is ovulation.

Step 4. Put this chart in your bedroom and every night before bed, note what your average mood was for the day. For example, there were a couple of positive moments, one negative, and on average the whole situation is more or less drawn to +2. As you note the mood, mentally relate it to the two cycles. As a result, you should get some kind of curve. If there were any sharp negative or positive events that sharply unsettled, briefly sign under the prominent points what exactly happened.

Step 5. At the end of the month, look at the graph, note when what reactions unsettled you, and what you managed to successfully cope with.

What does it give?

Despite its apparent simplicity, this is a very deep and powerful practice that allows you to achieve amazing results.

You learn to objectively assess your emotional state. This is the first step towards what is called the beautiful term "wisdom": you have an internal observer who analyzes when and why this or that emotional reaction occurs. Thanks to him, you slow down those eternal emotional swings that many girls try to hide from shopping, eating cakes or drinking alcohol on Fridays.

You learn to control emotions - in the Western sense, this skill has a negative connotation, because the word "control" is directly related to silence: "swallow the resentment and move on." I'm not talking about such control: you literally get a superpower that allows you to show emotions when you want, and when there is no such desire, calmly and confidently refuse it. A gap appears between the stimulus and the reaction to it - a space in which you decide what to do next and react in the way that is most pleasant and comfortable for you now.

You regulate your hormones. Hormones are directly related to emotions - that's a fact. The reverse relationship is also true: by correcting the emotional background, you harmonize the endocrine system. For 3 6 months can significantly reduce the manifestations of PMS - starting with experiences and ending with pain and swelling.

And finally, this exercise, as mentioned earlier, after 36 months allows you to synchronize the menstrual cycle with the phases of the moon and naturally harmonize emotions - as shown in the figure below. And nature begins to help you become even stronger, more energetic and happier.

Why does a witch wake up in a woman on a full moon?

On a full moon, a witch wakes up in every woman. Known rituals for the full moon only confirm the truth.

In Natural Magic, Ann Moura writes:
« Witchcraft - it is a religion that honors the life force represented in a dual deity[those. Goddess and God] as a conscious unity. This reverence can be expressed through ceremonies and rituals dedicated to the cycles of fertility, sowing and harvesting, and the phases of the sun and moon.”
The phases of the moon are marked by rituals dedicated to the new moon and full moon, and they are called esbats. This is the time when we communicate with the Goddess, receive knowledge from her and have the opportunity to use the energy that is at this particular time for our magical practice.
I will stop at the full moon esbat.

A full moon in the sky is magic.
If you have been able to watch the full moon rise - when the Queen of Heaven in all her power and beauty begins to rise above the horizon, you remember what a thrill seizes you from head to toe. You are overwhelmed with delight and a feeling of great happiness. Every cell in your body reacts to the ascension of the Goddess to heaven. Yes, that's right, because the full moon is a symbol of the Goddess in all her beautiful splendor.
The full moon in the sky always catches the eye, makes you stop on the way, turn your face to it and smile.
The full moon draws us in, and even if you don’t do anything else as a witch, on a full moon you want to do something special. And you do it. Whether it's a complex ritual, with a lot of attributes, a simple lighting of candles and charging crystals, meditation or, as Deborah Blake writes in the book "Magic from A to Z": “... make a fire and dance in your garden under the stars with a cat, friends or fairies. But if at the same time you are “dressed in the sky” (in other words, naked), be sure that none of those are watching you. Who shouldn’t see your ritual or your cellulite…”
So, why does a witch wake up in every woman on a full moon?
Remember the phases of the moon: new moon, waxing moon, full moon, waning moon.
The moon affects the earth, nature and you and me, since we are part of this world and nature. The moon sends us energy. And if you follow the lunar rhythms or listen to the world around you, then you know that on the new moon the energy sleeps. Energy in the whole wide world is almost not felt. There is a sense of slowness, silence.
As the moon grows, the energy begins to grow, it seems to be gaining momentum, there is more and more of it, and the peak is the full moon. Enormous energy splashes everywhere, overflowing both the world and yourself. And this huge amount of energy is so desirable to use!
Magic - the magic ritual of the full moon - helps to direct this huge amount of energy in the direction the witch needs.
If we turn to tarot decks, then the most interesting, in my opinion, the magic of the full moon is shown in two decks: in "Tarot of White and Black Magic" (Pagan Tarot) - lasso I Magician, and in "Tarot Gaia" (Gaian Tarot) - lasso XVIII Moon.

The cards depict a woman absorbing the energy of the full moon.
In my opinion, both cards show a variant of the ritual "Bringing down the moon" . This is a ritual where a witch invites the Goddess into her body. It is therefore recommended to read "Order of the Goddess" - the one that begins with the words: "Listen to the words of the Great Mother, who in ancient times was called Artemis, Astarte, Dione, Melusina, Aphrodite, Cerridwen, Diana, Arionrod, Brigid, and many other names."
In the Pagan tarot - the witch reads the text from the book, i.e. it is quite possible that she is reading the “Mandate of the Goddess”, in the “Tarot of Gaia” the woman holds out her hands and looks at the Goddess. Unlike the young witch of the pagan tarot, this witch is of advanced age. She already knows the text by heart, therefore, she does not need hints.

Full moon rituals

Now it is clear why every woman becomes a witch on the full moon. But what can you do on a full moon? Rituals, something simple that each of us can do.
In fact, there are many options for where to direct the overflowing energy. The main thing -

your desire and your belief in what you are doing.

On a full moon you can charge your tarot deck, oracle, stones and crystals, with which you work (moonstone, selenite, quartz, crystal). They need to be placed so that the moonlight falls on them. If you like, you can hold them in your hands and then you will feel how the moonlight energizes your tools of divination.

Traditionally, full moon rituals use white and silver candles, but I really like it. ritual with a purple candle. I found it in L. Malevin's book "Magic of the West".
This is a ritual to strengthen faith in yourself, your strength, i.e. for certainty.
For the ritual, you will need a dark purple candle of a cold shade.
We put a candle in the moonlight, sit opposite and light it. The purpose of the ritual is to see the moonlight, not the flames of fire.
We look at the fire. At first, the moonlight is almost invisible. The light from the fire burns brighter. You need to force yourself to focus on the moonlight so that for your eyes it becomes brighter than the light of a candle.
Candle fire is our human beginning, uncertain, doubting. And the moonlight is our inner "I", our spirit, the magic that lives in us.
Nothing can happen at once, therefore, this practice can be repeated on the next full moon.

Simple ritual to attract love with pink candles.
On the full moon, anoint rose candles with rose oil and light them in the moonlight. Ask the Goddess to send love into your life.
By the way, if you can’t find pink candles, white ones will do too. White candles are universal.
If the full moon falls on Friday - a day under the auspices of the Goddess of Love Venus, then this will give additional strength to your rite.

And another rite that helped me a lot. It is described by Ellen Hawk in her book The Influence of the Moon. It's called "Chakra Water"
Many of us have done and are doing chakra alignment for ourselves and others. Our life is not simple. A lot of problems, stress, failures, problems of relatives and loved ones - all this unsettles us. The chakras malfunction in their work, they do not work at full strength or idle, disrupting the smooth and harmonious flow of energy in our body. Hence, illnesses, ailments, mood swings, breakdowns, which ... again have a negative impact on the energy of our body and chakras. And it turns out a vicious circle.
Of course, there are special practices on how to set up the work of the chakras, what to do for this. But sometimes there is not enough time, sometimes there is no opportunity, sometimes there is some other reason. The energy of the full moon gives us a great opportunity to use it to improve the functioning of our body.
So, if you feel (or found out through the alignment) that a certain chakra of your body is blocked or out of balance in it, then

  • find a bottle or glass (jar, container) that has the color of the chakra.
  • pour spring water (or good mineral water) into this container.
  • On the full moon, leave the container near the window for the night. It is wonderful if direct moonbeams fall on it. If this is not possible, do not worry, because the energy of the moon will still charge the water.
  • Before going to sleep the next night, wash the chakra with water (the place on the body where the chakra is located) and drink some water. At the same time, it is important to imagine the color of the chakra and the fact that the water is charged with this particular color.
  • You need to do this three nights in a row.
This simple ritual gives amazing results.
The only thing is that you do not need to use it if you want to enhance the work of a particular chakra, which is already working fine. This can lead to an imbalance in the work of the chakra.
These activities are best performed before going to bed, as the lunar energy is very powerful and can cause some disorientation in you.
During the day, this can lead to problems, but at night - the opposite. You may have amazing dreams, so it's best to prepare ahead of time and write them down.

Copying material is possible only with the indication of the author SagaLi and an active link to this article in the author's blog () or on the website

Incredible Facts

Who is a witch?

And how to recognize it among the crowd of people?

A curse to be her, or a reward from above?

As a rule, the word witch is pronounced in a whisper.

You, in turn, give them advice or prepared herbal tinctures and various drugs(because she is well acquainted with the properties of plants). People leave you with hearts full of hope for happiness and healing.

How to know if I'm a witch

3. Intimacy with nature

Do you live in a forest or near a body of water? If not, do you spend a lot of time in such places, preferring them to urban areas?

Witches, being inextricably linked with nature, try to be as close as possible to nature and spend as much time as possible with it. Her natural beauty and energy feed the witches, give them strength.

Many perform their rituals by the water or in the forest. If you are a witch, you feel at home in the bosom of nature.

Signs of a Witch

4. You are not afraid of storms and storms

You do not feel fear, even when nature is raging so that it seems that the apocalypse has come. Moreover, you enjoy storms and storms, and sometimes you wonder if your own energy may have caused such a blow of the elements.

The witch revels in the power of nature in all its manifestations. She rejoices in the showers and the wind.

5. Love for animals

You love the animal world and empathize with all living beings on our planet. You are able to feel their pain and cry with him.

In some strange natural way, you know the entire animal race, you are able to understand it, and you also see the signs that animals give you.

Often, lost dogs enter your house or birds fly into your windows. And it also happens that in the field an unfamiliar horse will come close and bow its head on your shoulder.

Do you know how to talk with animals, understand their requests and heal them from diseases?

Witches and animals are so dependent on nature that they can speak a similar energy language and easily recognize each other.

How to spot a witch

6. Influence of the Moon

Does your activity and mood depend on the lunar phases? The energy of the moon affects you. As a little girl, standing by a moonlit window, did you talk to the moon? Are you adjusting to her phases now?

For example, do you start any new projects or relationships when the moon is exceptionally waxing? Have you noticed that when the moon is full, things around you begin to behave somehow strangely, and when it is waning, all undertakings or relationships weaken and decline?

If you have the traits of a witch in you, you will not miss the opportunity to sit in complete silence alone on the new moon. At night, you like to dream and make plans for the future.

So on the new moon you adjust to the phases of the moon, drawing on its energy.

Witch Abilities

7. Powerful power to grant wishes

Do you have suspicions that your wishes have the ability to come true? Be careful with them, because both good and bad wishes can come true.

Witches are as old as the world. If you are a witch, in your eyes you can see ancient stories and secrets of the earth, myths and mysteries, answers to many questions.

8. The ability to heal people

Most likely, you have the traits of a witch if you have a craving and the ability to heal people.

You have a gift for choosing medicinal herbs, natural energy remedies for yourself and loved ones. You are undoubtedly a witch if you simply put your hand on someone's sore back or bruised area, and tomorrow the pain disappears and the wound heals.

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