How to relieve the symptoms of PMS drugs. pills for pms pain

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Let's try to figure it out together, as far as possible on our own or with the help of medical means, to solve the problem that millions of women living in different countries, of different ages and social groups are concerned about. For many of them, unfortunately, it is very vital.

Read in this article

The reasons

Every modern woman knows that her body is complex. Nature has thought out thousands of options for its correct reaction to changes taking place in the surrounding world and in itself - under the influence of various circumstances, in contact with other people, with the onset of certain age-related changes. Ecology, constant stress, the rapid acceleration of the pace of life cause a number of difficult in making the correct diagnosis and in the treatment of disease states. And one of them is .

This phenomenon is familiar to every woman - someone, fortunately, knows about it only by hearsay. Before someone practically the same global question arises, requiring urgent action: how to survive PMS? Is it possible to minimize extreme discomfort? How to deal with it?

How to alleviate the condition?

There are several ways to help relieve PMS that can minimize psychological distress and physical ailments:

1. Daily routine

It is strongly recommended to reconsider the daily routine: less physical activity, no rush work at the workplace, long sitting in front of the monitor. Active sports activities are equally contraindicated. A little exercise will only help, as will quiet walks in the park, along your favorite quiet streets.

2. Full sleep

Be sure to get enough sleep - give your body the opportunity to gather strength. Avoid deliberately stressful situations, postpone clarifying relationships and solving unpleasant issues that can cause stress.

3. Rational nutrition

  • One of the most important points is proper organization. A varied, balanced menu, which includes vegetables and will greatly support you during this period.
  • Smoked, salty foods, all fatty and spicy foods should be excluded from the diet, the amount of vegetable fiber and fresh juices should be increased.
  • Strong drinks are not at all helpers these days - alcohol, coffee, black tea, soda. Their use causes unnecessary excitement, increases irritability, and can cause insomnia.
  • Honey, dried fruits, nuts have a wonderful effect on the female body, and in this difficult period they are real saviors.

4. No smoking!

Quit smoking. It not only enhances PMS, cigarettes are in principle incompatible with women's health and beauty.

How to overcome PMS

How can a woman deal with PMS? To gather strength and begin to follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle - all those tips that we hear and read a lot about, but are in no hurry to use them. They really help to alleviate the condition with PMS:

  • drink plenty of clean water and herbal teas - from lemon balm, chamomile, mint, linden. They remove toxins and toxins, relieve nervousness, promote good deep sleep;
  • cook fish dishes more often, eat a lot of greens;
  • take vitamins. With PMS, specially designed vitamin complexes greatly alleviate the condition and relieve pain.


However, there are situations when it is impossible to cope with it on your own. Qualified medical assistance is needed, self-medication can not only aggravate an already serious condition, but cause significant harm to health. What medications treat PMS?

Even generally healthy women really suffer from PMS from sudden and severe headaches, unexpected increases in pressure, depressive states.

If the cup of suffering is full, be sure to undergo a full medical examination. It will help to find out the causes and give the right directions for treatment.

Medical preparations

Sometimes you can not do without serious medications that only a doctor can pick up.

Sedative and psychotropic drugs:

  • drugs that eliminate the feeling of increased anxiety - Rudotel, Seduxen;
  • antidepressants Coaxil, Tsipramin.

Effective medicines for PMS are:

  • Duphaston, Utrozhestan;
  • contraceptives:, Yarina, Janine;
  • Danazol is usually prescribed for discomfort in the mammary glands;
  • , Zoladex disable ovarian function, which leads to the disappearance of PMS symptoms;
  • in the premenopausal period, Dostinex, Parlodel are used.

If you are concerned about severe edema during PMS, diuretics are prescribed, with an increase in blood pressure, antihypertensive drugs.

In severe allergic reactions, antihistamines are used.

Homeopathy is also used to treat PMS. How to cope with PMS, you will be prompted by an experienced homeopathic doctor who will select suitable herbal non-hormonal preparations. For example, Remens or. They effectively restore the balance of hormones, eliminate the manifestations of anxiety, nervousness, fear.

Folk remedies

PMS can be effectively treated with folk remedies. There are many recipes that traditional medicine has created so that women can endure unpleasant symptoms with the least loss.

Fees will help alleviate the condition and eliminate menstrual irregularities:

  • lemon balm and mint take 1.5 tablespoons; 1 tablespoon of valerian, jasmine flowers and chamomile. Pour boiling water over everything and cover for 10 minutes. In small sips, the decoction is drunk per day;
  • therapeutic effect has a decoction of 3 tablespoons of chamomile, where add one and a half tablespoons of yarrow and lemon balm. A decoction is taken three times a day.
  • gentian and acacia leaves, 2 tablespoons each, pour boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Such herbal tea is drunk during the week preceding the onset of menstruation;
  • prepare a mixture of peppermint leaves, lemon leaves, valerian roots, yarrow and chamomile - 1.5 tablespoons of each herb. Two tablespoons of the collection should be poured with boiling water, insist in a thermos.
In medicine, this condition is clearly defined and is called premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
  • Premenstrual syndrome - a set of signs ... The edematous form of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is one of the most common.

  • Treatment of premenstrual syndrome is a very complex phenomenon. And all because the true nature of its occurrence is not fully understood. Measures are taken in case of severe exacerbation of its manifestations. Usually premenstrual syndrome is taken for granted, and all symptoms go away on their own after the end of menstruation. How to treat and whether it is necessary to do it?

    Surely every woman knows what it is. Can list the entire list of unpleasant sensations between ovulation and the onset of the first days of menstruation. They think about the treatment of premenstrual syndrome in the case when the head and stomach hurt a lot, dizziness, severe loss of working capacity, nervous disorders and some other unpleasant phenomena are observed. If all this is tolerable, no one cures anything. And in most cases, cost folk remedies.

    Do not forget that it is impossible to completely cure PMS. With the approach of menstruation, the woman will again feel discomfort. In addition, the severity of the symptoms of the menstrual cycle depends on the individual characteristics of the organism and the presence of diseases. If there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then before menstruation there will be pain in the stomach, intestinal disorders. In the case of a sensitive nervous system, it will be she who will suffer during PMS. Therefore, the treatment of premenstrual syndrome should begin with the treatment of diseases that are present in the body. Perhaps even in a hidden form. In other cases, getting rid of PMS is a set of measures aimed at relieving its symptoms.

    Medical treatment of premenstrual syndrome

    On the eve of menstruation, all women experience pain in the lower abdomen, in the lower back to one degree or another. Sometimes she is so strong that she puts them to bed. The first symptom of PMS, which makes you resort to pills.


    The cause of pain at the end of the menstrual cycle is uterine contraction, rejection of the endometrial layer. In extremely sensitive women, as well as with pathological abnormalities in the structure of the genital organs, this process causes severe discomfort. The same applies to girls in whom the formation of the menstrual cycle is still in the process. You can eliminate pain with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs to relieve spasm, analgesics.

    Non-steroid drugs:


    • Papaverine;
    • Buscopan;
    • No-shpa;
    • Drotaverin.


    This includes all drugs with the ending -in.

    • Analgin;
    • Peretin;
    • Spazmalgin;
    • Baralgin;
    • Minalgin.

    Tablets are taken according to the instructions. With drug treatment, it is necessary to adhere to the rule - do not take more pills than shown. Initially, it may seem that the pill did not work. This applies to antispasmodics. Improvement can come much later than in the case of taking analgesics, non-steroidal drugs. Approximately 20 minutes later, but the effect is longer. While analgesics for 7 minutes, but the very cause of the pain does not eliminate.


    Another group of drugs that women often resort to during this period of their lives. You can calm the nervous system with herbal tinctures:

    • Valerian;
    • Motherwort;
    • Glod;
    • Novo-passit.

    In severe cases, antidepressants are taken. You can use Glycine tablets.

    Hormonal drugs

    Hormonal imbalance in a woman's body is the main cause of PMS symptoms. Self-treatment is not recommended. Since the drug is selected individually. Basically, therapy is reduced to the use of birth control pills. Very often appoint Regulon, Yarina. Improper use of them can cause irreparable harm to health. Their main role is to replenish the body with the missing hormones. They are made on the basis of animal protein or vegetable etymology. With an imbalance of hormones, the skin often suffers.

    You have to use anti-allergic hormonal ointment. You can replenish animal protein reserves with plant foods. Then their level is regulated by properly composed nutrition. The skin of a woman is the first to react to internal changes in the body.

    The drug method of treatment allows you to get rid of discomfort in a short time. But in order to minimize the manifestation of symptoms, you need to understand the causes of exacerbation. Otherwise, you will have to suffer every month before critical days, stock up on pills.

    PMS treatment at home

    Treatment of premenstrual syndrome occurs at home, only in especially severe cases a woman seeks help from a doctor. Most often, they help themselves with folk remedies, homeopathic, as well as drugs that doctors often prescribe to their patients.

    Folk remedies

    On the eve of menstruation, the nervous system is in tension. Everything around irritates, depresses, I want to escape from everyone and everything. Adds trouble pain in the lower abdomen, in the lower back. Warm water, favorite pastime, music can improve the condition of a woman during PMS.

    All methods are equally effective. It remains only to choose the best for yourself.


    The drug is a synthetic substitute for the sex hormone - progesterone. Most often, the drug is prescribed for violation of the menstrual cycle with a deficiency of a natural hormone. Hormonal changes remain the main cause of PMS. Under the influence of progesterone in the body of a woman, multiple transformations occur in the emotional, physical, psychological sphere. With multiple manifestations of PMS, which cannot be dealt with on their own, Duphaston is prescribed.
    Take 2 tablets per day. Begin treatment from 11 to 25 days of the cycle. Treatment lasts about 6 months. The dosage and duration of therapy is determined by the doctor. Previously, a woman should conduct a study of the hormonal background. Since the cause of such a deep manifestation of PMS can be not only hormones, but also deviations in the functioning of the nervous system. It is absolutely not allowed to use hormonal drugs on your own without consulting a doctor.

    homeopathic treatment

    The drugs are able to normalize the hormonal background of a woman, reduce the manifestations of PMS. The course of therapy is long - at least 3 months. The preparations are based on medicinal herbs. Do not contain synthetic hormones, do not cause side effects. Many modern women prefer to use homeopathic remedies to treat PMS. Currently, the choice is quite large. Each woman can choose a remedy for herself, based on their characteristics of the psyche, character, physique.

    Homeopathic medicines can be taken without consulting a doctor.

    Treatment of PMS after 45 years

    Premenstrual syndrome continues in women during the period of extinction of reproductive function. Doctors treat this category of patients with special attention. An unstable hormonal background can not only cause irritation, insomnia, fatigue, but also cause serious problems with physical health. PMS treatment is complex.

    PMS, or premenstrual syndrome, is a cyclically recurring complex of psycho-emotional and somatic symptoms that occur during the premenstrual period. It can have varying degrees of severity and is the cause of disruption of normal activity.

    Severe manifestations of PMS occur in approximately 4-8% of women of childbearing age. In almost 20% of cases, drug therapy is required.

    Treatment for PMS includes:

    non-pharmacological methods;

    Drug therapy (non-hormonal and hormonal agents).

    Non-drug treatment for PMS

    Patients who have been diagnosed with PMS are given advice on lifestyle changes. Much attention should be paid to a good sleep and a normal mode of work and rest. The duration of night sleep should be at least 7 (preferably 8) hours. Avoid situations accompanied by stress and psycho-emotional stress, physical overload. However, regular physical activity of moderate intensity and duration must be present in the daily routine. Good for walking, swimming, jogging or cycling. Therapeutic aerobics classes in fitness centers are popular, they are often combined with hydrotherapy and massage.

    In eliminating the symptoms of PMS, it is important to eat right. The daily menu should include 25% protein, 10% lipids and 65% carbohydrates. The main volume of fats should be consumed in the form of unsaturated lipids (vegetable oils, fat contained in fish). It is necessary to limit the intake of foods that can exacerbate PMS symptoms. These include coffee, caffeinated drinks and foods (including chocolate). They increase emotional lability and anxiety, which contribute to the appearance of pain in the mammary glands.

    In cases where PMS is accompanied by weight gain, headache and joint pain, swelling, it is necessary to reduce the intake of salt. It is recommended to eat grain or bran bread, more vegetables and fruits, i.e. foods rich in complex carbohydrates. At the same time, simple sugars should be limited or eliminated completely.

    Non-hormonal therapy for PMS

    Among non-hormonal drugs for the treatment of PMS, the following groups of drugs are used:

    vitamins and minerals,



    non-steroidal analgesics;

    homeopathic remedies.

    1. Vitamins and minerals

    Vitamin and mineral preparations are good because they are not perceived by patients as medicine. However, their effectiveness in PMS has been proven by specialized studies. So, calcium carbonate reduces the psycho-emotional component of the syndrome, improves appetite and reduces water retention. Magnesium orotate reduces swelling and symptoms of bloating. Vitamins from group B, in particular B6, reduce neuropsychiatric manifestations. Vitamin E reduces the sensitivity and discomfort of the mammary glands, relieves swelling.

    2. Diuretics

    The use of diuretics (diuretics) is advisable in the edematous form of PMS, as well as in the cephalgic variant of the syndrome, accompanied by an increase in intracranial pressure. The most commonly used potassium-sparing diuretic is Veroshpiron (Spironolactone), which is an aldosterone antagonist.

    Aldosterone is an adrenal hormone that promotes water and sodium retention in the body. Veroshpiron also has some antiandrogenic activity, which can reduce symptoms such as mood swings and irritability. Spironolactone is usually prescribed from the 16th to the 25th day of the cycle, when the most intense fluid retention occurs. It is impossible to use Veroshpiron constantly, as side effects may appear in the form of drowsiness, lowering blood pressure, worsening libido, menstrual irregularities, etc.

    3. Antidepressants

    As antidepressants for PMS, drugs that selectively inhibit the reuptake of serotonin are used. They reduce the signs of the disease if the psycho-emotional component prevails among the symptoms of the pathological condition (depression, irritability, mood lability, etc.). Among antidepressants, Cipramil, Fluoxetine and Sertraline are the most effective and tolerable.

    To reduce the risk of side effects, these drugs are prescribed in the form of intermittent courses (2 weeks before the expected menstruation). Taking antidepressants already in the first cycle from the start of treatment can reduce not only psycho-emotional, but also some somatic symptoms of PMS, such as swelling and breast engorgement. Treatment with antidepressants should be carried out only if indicated and after consulting a psychiatrist, since side effects are possible - shortening the duration of the menstrual cycle, sexual disorders. In addition, while taking drugs of this group, there is a need for reliable methods of contraception, since antidepressants may have embryotoxic properties.

    4. Nonsteroidal analgesics

    Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have antiprostaglandin activity, as they inhibit the synthesis of these substances in the body. Their use is indicated for the cephalgic variant of premenstrual syndrome and other forms of PMS, accompanied by increased fluid retention. In the latter case, analgesics can remove such signs of swelling as pain in the mammary glands, lower abdomen, arthralgia. Usually NSAIDs are prescribed in the luteal phase. Most often, Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen and other drugs based on them are used.

    5. Homeopathic remedies

    These drugs have a complex effect on the endocrine regulation in the body of a woman. As a result, conditions are created for the normal functioning of the mammary glands, because. the absolute value of pathologically elevated estrogen levels decreases. The drug has proven itself from the best side mabustin .

    As you know, the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome are associated with cyclic hormonal changes in the female body. Therefore, hormonal therapy for pathology is carried out by one or another effect on the level of sex hormones. To treat this syndrome, the following hormonal agents are used:

    preparations of gestagens;


    Gonadotropin-releasing factor agonists;

    · COC.

    1. Gestagens

    Progestin agents, including progesterone, are often used in the treatment of PMS, but according to research results, the effectiveness of this group of drugs is low. It was found that Utrozhestan (micronized progesterone) has a slight positive effect. Its effect may be associated with an increase in the concentration of progesterone metabolites, which favorably affects the functioning of the central nervous system. Utrozhestan is prescribed from the 16th to the 25th day of the cycle. Synthetic forms of gestagens (Norethisterone, Medroxyprogesterone) are more effective in reducing the severity of somatic disorders, but do not eliminate the neuropsychiatric manifestations of the pathology.

    2. Antigonadopropynes

    Danazol is a representative of antigonadotropins, reduces the concentration of estrogens in the blood and suppresses ovulation. As observations have shown, its use allows you to remove the manifestations of PMS in at least 85% of patients. The drug effectively eliminates mastalgia. The use of Danazol is limited due to its androgenic properties and related side effects, similar to signs of hyperandrogenism. The anabolic activity of Danazol can lead to weight gain. Diet pills

    3. Gonadotropin-releasing factor agonists

    Drugs from the aGRF group are used to treat premenstrual syndrome, as they suppress cyclic ovarian activity. Their use allows you to weaken or even completely stop the symptoms of PMS. The most famous are the following:


    Zoladex (Goserelin).

    GRF agonists reduce signs of flatulence, relieve headaches, eliminate depression and irritability. Goserelin is injected under the skin every 4 weeks. Buserelin is administered intramuscularly also once every 4 weeks or is prescribed in the form of a nasal spray daily.

    The course of treatment for aGRF should not exceed six months. Otherwise, the risk of side effects similar to the symptom complex of menopausal syndrome increases. Thus, GRF agonists are reasonably effective in PMS, but should only be used if other drug therapy fails.

    4. COC

    Combined oral contraceptives are often used to treat PMS. The basis of their action is the suppression of ovulation, which theoretically should contribute to the elimination of premenstrual syndrome. However, the results of practical application are quite contradictory.

    Separate studies have shown that hormonal contraceptives reduce the psycho-emotional symptoms of the disease, including preventing the development of depression. At the same time, some experts note that the use of COCs sometimes not only does not reduce the severity of symptoms, but can even aggravate them. Many representatives of these drugs contain gestodene, desogesterol, levonorgestrel or norgestimate as a progestogen component. All of these compounds have anti-estrogenic and androgenic properties and are themselves capable of inducing effects similar to the PMS clinic.

    Treatment of localized fibroadenomatosis

    Now the hormonal preparation Yarina is popular, which has a noticeable antimineralcorticoid effect. It contains ethinylestradiol and the progestogen drospirenone. The properties of these compounds can reduce swelling and prevent fluid accumulation, resulting in a slight weight loss, unlike other hormonal contraceptives. Drospirenone is similar in its properties to the diuretic Veroshpiron, which explains its antimineralcorticoid and antiandrogenic activity. Although it promotes the excretion of sodium and water from the body, a significant increase in the concentration of potassium (as a sodium antagonist) is not observed. Thanks to this, Yarin can be prescribed even to patients with kidney pathologies.

    Thus, Yarina and other combined hormonal contraceptives, which contain the progestogen drospirenone, are the best solution in the treatment of premenstrual syndrome. These drugs are characterized not only by high efficiency, but also by a reduced risk of side effects, which, even if they appear, resolve themselves after 1-2 cycles, and are well tolerated.

    It was found that a seven-day break in taking COCs containing drospirenone leads to the resumption of PMS symptoms such as breast engorgement and tenderness, flatulence, headaches, swelling, etc. Therefore, prolonged use of the drug for several cycles of 21 days without a break is recommended. . If the effectiveness of COC monotherapy is insufficient, it is advisable to combine it with antidepressants.


    PMS is a fairly common pathology among women of reproductive age. Manifestations of the syndrome disrupt the normal life of a woman, reduce her performance. Therefore, PMS therapy remains an urgent problem. The combination of the above methods of treating pathology, as a rule, allows you to achieve good results. The choice of optimal therapy depends on the form of PMS, the prevailing symptoms, concomitant diseases. If signs of pathology appear, you should consult a gynecologist and receive appropriate treatment.

    Causes of premenstrual syndrome PMS

    The most likely cause of PMS is hormonal cycle changes. Once a month 5-10 days before the start of the menstrual cycle estrogen hormones accumulate in the female body and progesterone. The increase in their number occurs unevenly, while one hormone negatively affects the other, and then the unpleasant signs of PMS appear. Premenstrual PMS syndrome has about 150 symptoms. The word "syndrome" from Latin is translated as a cluster of symptoms. Naturally, one woman does not experience all 150 on herself, however, even ten of them can significantly complicate life. Symptoms of PMS that should alert: insomnia, weakness, drowsiness, absent-mindedness, fatigue, apathy, increased or decreased appetite, aggression, tearfulness, these are the psychological symptoms of PMS. Physical ones are expressed in attacks of headache, nosebleeds, there is a pulling pain in the lower abdomen, constipation, flatulence, the temperature rises, immunity decreases and, as a result, a sore throat or cystitis develops.

    Sad but true: studies show that most crimes are committed by women in a state of PMS or in a state of uncontrolled aggression. In many countries, PMS in female defendants who have committed a crime is a mitigating factor. Increasing suspiciousness and loss of self-control increases the number of women visiting a psychotherapist during this period. It was also noted that the probability of an accident while driving a car in women increases by 5 times. Most of our compatriots do not consider these manifestations to be serious and do not go to the doctor, as they are convinced that apart from valerian and motherwort, or analgin tablets, nothing will help themselves. However, women in Europe, Canada and the USA are sure that suffering from ailments every month is the wrong tactic, and they take the Mabusten complex, minerals, herbal cocktails and bioadditives on the advice of experts and feel "one hundred percent". With the onset of menopause, problems with PMS, if timely measures are not taken from a young age, do not disappear at all. In this case, ailments persist even in the absence of a menstrual cycle, and experts call it transformed premenstrual syndrome. It follows from this that the sooner you start to deal with painful sensations, the better your well-being will be in the period after 40 years.

    How to deal with PMS

    First of all, you need to check the blood for the content of hormones. Then the doctor prescribes hormonal, vitamin and pain medications. The composition of vitamin-mineral complexes should include B vitamins, in particular, pyridoxine (B6) is the most effective in this group. Vitamin B6 calms the nervous system, helps with insomnia, reduces pulling pains in the abdomen and muscles. Found in foods such as liver, fish, poultry, beef, walnuts, bananas, avocados.
    The occurrence of signs of PMS is also affected by a lack of calcium and magnesium. The more a woman consumes calcium, the less she is prone to stress, migraines, attacks of aggression, all that is associated with PMS. Getting enough calcium throughout a woman's life has been proven to help avoid devastating bone loss later in life. Calcium also keeps blood pressure at normal levels when a low-fat diet is followed. Fragility of nails, a change in taste preferences also give a signal of a lack of calcium in the body. Scientists have come to a consensus that the lack of magnesium in the body is another reason for the development of PMS in women. Taking Mabusten drugs significantly reduces the symptoms of PMS: irritability, tearfulness, depression, fatigue. When cooking, freezing and refining, a significant part of the magnesium is reduced. Fatty and sweet foods, white flour products, alcohol are the "enemies" of magnesium. It is better to replace food rich in complex carbohydrates with bread, spaghetti, halva, nuts, seeds are useful.

    To reduce the signs of PMS, the diet should contain vegetable proteins, as in the diet during menopause, which contain legumes, vegetables with trace elements: cauliflower, broccoli, celery, pumpkin. Alcoholic drinks contribute to the leaching of calcium and magnesium, retain fluid in the body, for this reason, edema occurs. During PMS, even a small dose of alcohol causes a migraine attack. A glass of milk with honey at night will help make up for the lack of two important elements: magnesium and calcium. During the malaise, do not rush to take analgin or valerian. Folk remedies will help alleviate the manifestations of PMS. Kidney tea, red currant leaves, horsetail, motherwort, peppermint - perfectly cope with this trouble. Gynecologists advise to have sex more often, because an orgasm relieves muscle tension, improving blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

    The treatment of PMS consists primarily in the prevention and elimination of the specific symptoms of this condition. Most women are familiar with this syndrome, which occurs about a week before the onset of menstruation. This period acutely affects the mental and physical condition and few can get rid of it. How to do it?

    What it is

    Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a combination of physical and psychological (emotional) symptoms that occur in women after ovulation and. During this period, there is a decrease in estrogen levels and an increase in progesterone. Some time must pass for their concentration in the blood to settle.

    About 80% of women of reproductive age suffer from premenstrual syndrome every month. Almost every second woman after 40 years of age faces this problem. In 13-26% of cases, the psychological and physical symptoms are so severe that they interfere with normal daily activities.

    The most severe form of PMS with a predominance of mental disorders is premenstrual dysphoric disorder, which occurs in girls in rare cases.

    Most women consider this period an integral part of women's lives and are in no hurry to seek professional help.

    Many doctors claim that premenstrual syndrome disappears after the first pregnancy. There is some truth in this, since after the birth of a child, hormones change, which has a significant impact on the course of PMS. Often during pregnancy, hormonal drugs are prescribed, which subsequently alleviate the symptoms of PMS or completely eliminate them.


    Although scientists are still trying to explain the causes of various symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, the main culprits of this condition remain the “warring” hormones estrogen and progesterone. This hormonal imbalance can cause mood swings and pain.

    The form and intensity of this state directly depends on the way of life and our emotional state. Some problems associated with PMS are often inherited. It is highly likely that you will also have to go through this period, as your mother or grandmother once did.

    Symptoms of the syndrome may worsen as a result of illness or physical exhaustion.

    PMS symptoms can also be caused by low levels of serotonin, which is responsible for signaling between brain cells. An unbalanced diet, especially a lack of iron in the body, is also a risk factor. Danger also carries a violation of blood clotting.

    Since premenstrual syndrome affects the emotional and mental state, psychological disorders, depression, increased anxiety and other problems of this nature can occur against its background.

    Hormones during the menstrual cycle

    Signs of premenstrual syndrome

    Experts say premenstrual syndrome can include up to 300 signs. This high number is partly due to the fact that there is no definitive diagnosis that can better distinguish PMS from both the normal state and other illnesses such as depression or anxiety disorders.

    Most common :

    • irritability and mood swings;
    • anxiety, tearfulness, depression;
    • headache;
    • increased sensitivity and soreness of the mammary glands;
    • pain in the lower abdomen;
    • bloating, decreased or increased appetite;
    • change in libido;
    • sleep disorders;
    • fatigue;
    • swelling of the joints.

    All these symptoms can remain during menstruation and disappear after it stops.

    PMS treatment

    Since most often the main causes of premenstrual syndrome are hormonal imbalance and stress, it is impossible to effectively treat PMS.

    Every woman knows what helps her best during this period. Some lie down, while others actively engage in physical activity. Massage of the lower back and the use of warm or cold cream on the massaged area often help.

    Video about premenstrual syndrome

    Medications to relieve symptoms

    To relieve PMS, it is not necessary to immediately resort to the use of drugs. It is enough to improve your lifestyle and add relaxation exercises to your regimen.

    But if a healthy lifestyle is not able to alleviate your condition, you can use homeopathic remedies, which often completely eliminate all unpleasant symptoms.

    Many women who suffer significantly from PMS use hormonal contraceptives. Their main function is to protect against unplanned pregnancy, so every day a woman receives a drug with a certain amount of hormones.

    Their concentration in tablets differs from the amount in which they are contained in the female body during ovulation and PMS. During the menstrual cycle, you should stop taking hormones.

    Remember that the treatment of PMS with drugs only temporarily removes the symptoms, but does not eliminate the problem and is a kind of "camouflage". In order to in the long run, you need to regulate your diet and change your lifestyle.

    Folk remedies

    First of all, women should provide themselves with an adequate supply of B vitamins, iron, zinc, magnesium and calcium.

    Herbal teas and infusions help to alleviate the condition:

    • Half a teaspoon of ground cumin and chopped dill seeds pour 200 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 10 minutes, strain and drink throughout the day.
    • Use an aroma lamp, for this, take 3 tablespoons of water, 2 drops of lavender, 2 drops of ylang-ylang and 2 drops of bergamot. Add the resulting mixture to the lamp, light the candle and exit the room. This combination helps to balance emotions and promotes a change in mood for the better.
    • 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 3 drops of lavender, 1 drop of lemon balm, 2 drops of ylang-ylang add to the bathroom, it will help relieve tension and relax.
    • Mix spinach and carrot juices in a ratio of 1:2. Drink every day on an empty stomach before meals.

    The most positive effect on premenstrual syndrome has a lifestyle change.

    In order to do this, try following these rules:

    • eat small meals and more often;
    • limit your intake of salt and salty foods;
    • choose food rich in important vitamins and minerals;
    • avoid caffeine, alcohol and nicotine;
    • go in for sports, it can be walking, cycling, swimming, such activity will help reduce stress, headaches and eliminate sleep problems;
    • Contact with loved ones helps prevent social isolation and also affects your mood.

    If symptoms persist, a doctor should be consulted for diagnosis. Only specialists will help identify the problem, take appropriate measures and prescribe treatment.

    Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is usually called a pathological condition of the female body, manifested by mental and physical symptoms. In this case, they can be either subtle (blurry) or pronounced. Since there is no specific list of causes for the manifestation of the disease itself and its cyclicity, drugs for the manifestations of PMS should be used under the supervision of a physician.

    The drugs used may vary in type, but are aimed at normalizing the functioning of the nervous system or are used to relieve disturbing pain and improve the general condition of the body. The drugs are usually taken during the preparation of the female body for the onset and should only affect the disturbing symptoms observed in women, since there is a big difference in increased irritability and increased soreness in the lower abdomen.

    Forms and manifestations of PMS

    Premenstrual syndrome in each of the patients manifests itself individually: if some have an excess of bad mood for no apparent reason, then others have to suffer from, and not only in the abdomen. Most often, the manifestation of PMS is also associated with the mental discomfort of women, when negative feelings cannot be caused by any obvious reasons. At the same time, there are some women who are in principle unfamiliar with the list of such manifestations.

    In medical practice, it is customary to distinguish two main groups of symptoms characteristic of PMS:

    1. Behavioral-emotional. In such cases, PMS is more manifested by outbursts of anger and anger, which are quickly replaced by tearfulness. Often, before the expected onset of menstruation, there may be a sleep disturbance, an increase, or, conversely, a lack of appetite. A feeling of anxiety or depression, temporary intolerance to certain aromas is also allowed.
    2. physical manifestations. This category includes pain. PMS can be accompanied by migraines, temporary pain in the lower back, dizziness, swelling of the mammary glands, as well as swelling and even numbness of the extremities. One of the most common symptoms of PMS is a sudden drop in blood pressure that stops with the onset of menstruation.

    Premenstrual syndrome can also manifest itself in varying degrees: mild, moderate or severe. The first case is characterized by the observation of 2 - 4 symptoms at the same time, and for a severe form - about 12 signs of disturbances in the body.

    If the degree of deterioration is too severe and affects the ability to perform daily tasks, the disease is classified as premenstrual dysphoria.

    There are also four main forms of manifestation of PMS, which differ in the nature of the predominant symptoms:

    1. Cephalgic, which is characterized by migraine, vomiting, nausea and severe dizziness, which often lead to loss of consciousness.
    2. Neuropsychic, manifested by emotions and behavior unusual for a person.
    3. Crisis, which is associated with jumps in blood pressure, the manifestation of tachycardia, panic attacks and well-palpable pain behind the sternum.
    4. Edema, which is accompanied by increased swelling of the hands (especially fingers), face and legs. In this case, you should not disregard the unusual swelling in the chest.

    If a few days before the expected one there is an almost irresistible craving for sleep, unilateral weakening of the muscles, or an increase in body temperature, there are reasons to diagnose an atypical form of the disease, which requires a mandatory examination by a gynecologist and taking drugs that allow.

    Remedies for PMS

    The purpose of drugs depends entirely on the diagnosed group and the form of the disease itself. In this case, the severity of the violations themselves must be taken into account. For example, homeopathy for PMS is relevant for milder forms of manifestation of several characteristic signs. In such cases, a medicine with herbal ingredients may also be prescribed. With increased anxiety, sedatives are more effective. For general strengthening, vitamin complexes and magnesium preparations can be used.

    When observing a mild degree of the disease, PMS treatment can be carried out using drugs such as:

    1. Magne B. Taking this medicine helps to relieve nervous tension and eliminate painful migraines, discomfort in the lower abdomen and muscle spasms. The drug is prescribed for the syndrome and to reduce swelling.
    2. Mastodion. The drug belongs to the class of homeopathic therapy and should be taken strictly according to the doctor's prescription. The main effect of the components is aimed at relieving mental stress, normalizing the menstrual cycle, as well as eliminating severe headaches.
    3. Cyclodynon. The drug helps to get rid of PMS due to the dry extract of the fruit of the rod. It is with its help that the process of producing sex hormones is regulated. Herbal components are also relevant for menstrual irregularities and the manifestation of pain in the chest area.
    4. . One of the effective homeopathic remedies, which is available both in drops and in tablets. With its help, you can reduce the abundance of secretions, restore the menstrual cycle familiar to the body, and also significantly reduce the intensity of the psycho-emotional manifestation of the disease itself.

    If PMS is accompanied mainly by nervous manifestations and unreasonable anxiety, then it is necessary to treat the disease with sedatives, which include:

    1. Glycine is a remedy that allows you to improve the functioning of the brain and thereby remove excessive anxiety, nervous strain.
    2. Peony extract, which allows you to get rid of fears and calm your own anxiety, but is not recommended for people who require scrupulous attention, concentration and quick reactions.
    3. Preparations with valerian, thanks to which you can relieve irritability, calm the nerves and even improve sleep.
    4. Sedavit, which is another way of drug treatment of PMS based on herbal properties and vitamins. In addition to normalizing sleep and eliminating the obsessive feeling of fear, the drug has a slight antispasmodic property.

    Each of the drugs has soy features of the reception and a list of side effects. That is why the attending gynecologist should prescribe a list of medicines and the order in which they are taken.

    pain pills

    Use is determined by the need to eliminate or at least reduce the degree of discomfort. It is in such cases that it is customary to prescribe PMS tablets made on the basis of paracetamol, ibuprofen or aspirin. Often in the prescription of a doctor there are analgesics such as aspirin. Depending on the nature of the pain, the attending physician may recommend antispasmodics. In the general list of drugs in the form of tablets, which are aimed at reducing bothersome pain and general discomfort, it is worth highlighting Nurofen, Piroxicam and Naproxen.

    The most popular way is to take a drug such as. Papaverine and Drotaverine are effective analgesic tablets with a wide range of effects on the body.

    The intake of the drugs themselves, as a rule, is limited to 1 - 2 tablets, which can be taken no more than 3 - 4 times during the day. The total duration of the fight against disturbing symptoms should not exceed 4-5 days. If the degree of soreness does not decrease or the pain does not stop completely, it is necessary to consult a doctor and adjust further treatment. PMS should be treated with antispasmodic drugs with extreme caution when diagnosing diseases of the liver and kidneys, as well as in the presence of gastric bleeding and hypertension.

    Hormones and antidepressants

    Increased irritability or, conversely, depression, manifested in a more severe degree, is the reason to take antidepressants for PMS. The sedatives used in this case are effective not only with increased irritability and anxiety, but also with the observation of panic attacks, manifestations of uncontrolled aggression.

    The best way to soothe the nervous system is a drug made from plant extracts. Among the non-hormonal drugs that can be purchased at a pharmacy without an accompanying doctor's prescription are Deprim and Persen. More serious disorders in the functioning of the nervous system should be treated only under the supervision of a doctor. This is especially true of the need to choose a nerve-calming drug for premenstrual dysphoria. As a rule, we are talking about taking antipsychotics, self-treatment of which can only aggravate the situation, provoking dependence.

    To alleviate PMS, a doctor may prescribe hormonal drugs such as Yarina, Logest, Jeannine or Rigevidon, which are simultaneously classified as contraceptives. The use of drugs is carried out only under the supervision of a physician.

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