Flour bugs how to get rid of the tool. How to get rid of bugs in the kitchen cabinet - simple and practical advice

Reservoirs 16.06.2019

Black bugs and other insects in flour and croup - a common problem. Appearing, they rapidly faint everything, and several days of delay can lead to the fact that the pests will have long. They not only spoil the products, but also capable of causing poisoning and allergic reactions. The pests can be brought from the store with poor-quality products, they also come in places of improper storage of products. We will talk about the methods of combating bugs.

Types of pests

To date, the following types of home pests are known:

Bread grinder

It meets in bakery, where they forget about the main methods of hygiene and disinfection and, perfectly adapting almost in any environment, falls with the products at home. Insect size 3 millimeters long, it flies great, which allows him to quickly move from place to place and, because of this it is more difficult to eliminate it. It usually eats bread, but can enjoy rice, buckwheat, tea, animal feed and even an old book.


Prefers flour, cereals and grain crops. It is very voracious, despite its tiny dimensions - 2 millimeters in length. Mukached's larva is even smaller, so it is difficult to immediately notice: black dots, found in flour, is a sign of finding larvae of Mukeda. Bug very fruit, offspring brings up to 7 times a year in large quantities. Therefore, in just a couple of months, flour can turn into a ramp of these insects. The ideal environment for Mukeda is increased humidity and heat.

Flour Khrushchk

it little insect up to 4 millimeters long, a reddish brown shade. It rapidly multiplies, and it settles not only in flour and cereal, but also in furniture, dishes. To withdraw the Khushchka is very difficult, as it is unpretentious to habitat conditions and enduring.

Food mole

She looks like a simple mole. The length of its Taurus does not exceed 1 centimeter. It characterizes high fertility (over five hundred eggs in two weeks, of which caterpillars are derived). Mol devour reserves of croup with high speed. Her ability to hide, fly and disguise for dark items, make it almost invulnerable.


They may appear literally in all products: cereals, flour, bread, dried fruits, fruits and vegetables. They look like small bugs, about 5 millimeters with a long trunk. Weevils can fly by changing the location of dislocation depending on the change in environmental conditions, and also easily climb on the walls. Pest offspring brings up to 6 times a year. Mix everywhere: remote corners of a kitchen cabinet, container with cereal, bed linen, plinth, slit.

Methods of struggle

What to do, if in the flour and croups still started bugs?


The main method of combating the bug is the disposal of affected supplies. Of course, it is very sorry to spoiled flour or a barn, but if insects began in it, it means, will be held a couple of days, and they will spread all over the house. Therefore, it is necessary to urgently, tolding the package to a dense node and putting into another package, to attribute it to the garbage.

After disposal, rinse kitchen shelves and storage tanks (if any) with chlorine, soda or vinegar. After processing, be sure to rinse the surface with water.

Heat treatment

All types of insects die at temperatures above +50 degrees. It can be both boiling water and steam processing. This method is good to eliminate the nest bug in the plinths and clefts, where it is impossible to get chemicals and sanitation.

To remove bugs directly from the croup you can fry them in the oven at a temperature of about 50-70 degrees for 20 minutes. Either put for several hours in the freezer. Insects die at temperatures below 15 degrees.

When the larvae and adult individuals are destroyed, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse cereals (beans, beans, nuts) water and wait for pests to pop up. Then, merge water and rinse the product again so that there are no larvae left. Flour and small cereals after heat treatment It is better to sift through a sieve 2-3 times.


On open kitchen surfaces, it is better to take advantage of special chemicals that are sold in abundance in household stores. Just do not buy to fight a bug simple tools from cockroaches and ants. IN this case We need specialized funds, such as "anti-trip" or "carbofos".

"Antihuk" helps in the fight against any bug, be it a cereal or woody, spraying windows and furniture. The drug is quite effective, but, before use, be sure to read the instructions, as it is toxic.

For the removal of insects, Rogneda can be used - the strongest antiseptic capable of destroying both weevils, mukohedov and ants and cockroaches.

Another one effective tool It is "Flashing Flashing". Preparation B. as soon as possible Kills the beetle, but it is necessary to scatter it in places inaccessible to animals, as it is the strongest reflection.

Folk recipes

Recipe 2.
Mix in equal proportions Boric acid, flour and sugar powder, which serves as an excellent bait. Batter in the habitats of bugs.

Recipe 3.
Insects are afraid of the smell of laurel sheet, garlic, pepper and sulfur. It is enough to put in the kitchen wardrobe a branch of a laurel sheet or decompose simple matches, and reliable protection From pests will be created.

Simple precautions will help to avoid such an unpleasant problem as kitchen pests.

  1. So that in flour and croups do not start bugs, they must be stored with medium humidity in a well ventilated room;
  2. It is necessary to monitor that in the kitchen cabinets there are no raw or unexpected products (dried fruits, vegetables, wet croup). If any, then the Mukoad will definitely settle in them;
  3. IN obligatory Conduct a regular inspection of products and shelves. Follow the cereals for a long time, long-term storage is the main cause of insects.
  4. Keep in kitchen cabinet Carnation, bay leaf And matches to scare pests.
  5. Cereals and grains Store in plastic or glass container with a hermetic lid.
  6. When the first signs are detected, damage to products, immediately throw them away either rinse or sift them through the sieve.
  7. To carry out general cleaning at least 1 time per month using disinfection means.

Each stare and clean mistress on one fine day can detect in its kitchen in spices, croups and other bulk uninvited guests. Bugs can be a real disaster that will destroy stock reserves. Therefore, it is necessary to armared effective recommendations And tips, allowing to get rid of pests quickly and forever.

Causes of appearance

Unpleasant insects are harnessed on kitchen shelves rather rapidly and also quickly multiply regardless of the number of stored croup. In the first discovery of pests, it is necessary to promptly take measures to destroy the unreasonable "guests".

The most common way to get bugs in edible supplies is an option to purchase products that have already been amazed by these insects. Independently penetrate the dwelling can only such a winged pest, like mol.

Therefore, before purchasing porridge, which are implemented in a transparent package, it is worth carefully studying its contents.

As a rule, conscientious producers before packaging their products are handled with special compositions that destroy pests, if any. But this procedure with a commodity is carried out not every company, due to which products appear on the stores along with insects. The risk of acquiring such flour, pasta or barn increases many times if the product is purchased in supermarkets or in markets for weight.

This is due to the fact that production infection can occur from various goods, for example, from dried fruits or dried mushroomslying nearby. IN separate category The risk of spices are not in factory packaging, but purchased from private producers, where in the manufacture of sanitary and hygienic standards leave much to be desired. Under the threat of damage to malicious insects, there are open bags with additives that are in the table drawer for a long time.

Another option for the penetration of bugs in the dwelling can serve as ventilation holes, hoods, as well as even minimal cracks in the walls and floors through which small beetles They may freely get into the house from the neighbors.

In order to input the presence of pests in the products in a timely manner, you should pay your attention to the following signs indicating the presence of beetles:

  • the presence in the package with the croups of visually distinguishable lumps;
  • movement in a package with pasta, porridge or flour;
  • the presence of small holes on the package;
  • deformation of grains - holes appeared on the cereal;
  • about living pests may indicate specific brown flag on porridge and other bulk products;
  • presence in porridge and bulk long web;
  • when considering packing with croups, you can observe at the bottom of the grain, which turned into flour.

If at least one of the above features discussed above should immediately establish the view of a dangerous insect and take measures to destroy it.

Types of pests with names

Obviously, bugs appear only in places where food has access to food. And the bait for them can be not only porridge in packs or packages, but also the minimum residues of croup, spices or flies on the shelves.

However, in cereal cultures, seasonings and pasta, not only creeping pests are becoming breeded, but also flying. This applies to food moths. In addition to the usual porridge, these bugs do not break with breadcrumbs, bread and sugar, in some cases the uninvited guest can be found even in soluble cocoa or coffee.

The increase in the number of dangerous insects occurs quickly, along with this there is a level of damage to food. However, in order to bring bugs forever, it is necessary to clearly define its appearance, and on the basis of this already pick up the appropriate means to combat it. To establish a pest type, learning the main of them. As a rule, the kitchen shelves are overwhelmed with bread grinder, food mole, red mukoad and flour bug.

The first variety has wings, usually insects are very small, have a light color. In most cases, they are found in bakery products, but may exist and give offspring in dry herbs, drinks and porridge. If the cereal grinder was discovered, it can be safely argued that they started as a result of the acquisition of poor-quality products, sometimes the pest penetrates the house in commodity feeds for pets.

Bread grinder

Based on the name, it is possible to guess that the flour bug, as a rule, dwells in flour, but it happens that the insect chooses a wrestling medium for their habitat with starch. Product infection occurs by penetrating insects into packing from other bulk standing on the shelf at home or on the counter in the supermarket. It may be a manka, oatmeal or any variety of flour. Sometimes bugs spread in buckwheat or dried fruits. Insect female eggs prefer to postpone in the creams of furniture or in the croups themselves, therefore the spread of pests occurs very quickly.

Red-haired Mukoad - a small bug, which is in the home if low-quality rosy feeds for feeding cats or dogs were bought. Gradually, he spreads in cereal or flour. Insects love spoiled products, so actively multiply in bulk, which are stored in the wrong conditions.

Flour bug

Redhead Mukohed

Food mole It looks like a gray butterfly, in an adult state insect can have a length of the order of about 10 centimeters. Inhabit the pest in buckwheat, a gun, flour and rice. Such pests are taken in the kitchen due to gross violations of food storage requirements.

Without difficulty, mole can get into the dwelling through ventilation or even the opening of the window and the window.

Food mole

Methods of deliverance

Today there are quite a few effective options that allow you to fight with the unreasonable "guests" in kitchen cabinets, so every hostess who collided with a similar problem may choose the most successful method for itself. Of course, the chances of a positive outcome increases the timely detection of insects in the croups. In addition, it is important to destroy pests not only in the packages themselves with grain and cereals, spices and flour, but also to process furniture and secluded corners, where pests could postpone eggs.

First of all you need to remove all the supplies from the cabinets and carefully examine the contents.This will help to identify the main location of the accumulation - the focus of infection. If black or brown pests are available in single quantity, it is possible that the cereals will be able to preserve after a special gentle processing of cereals, which will not harm human health. Such methods include the impact on the products with high or, on the contrary, low temperatures, as well as sifting through the kitchen sieve. When big number Zhukov All the contents of the cabinets will have to be disposed of. .

It will be correct to hermetically close the affected products and throw away, but it is best to take them right away into the garbage container, so as not to keep in an apartment or house in the garbage bucket, because from it the bugs will be able to get to the products

Mandatory processing It is necessary to expose all shelves in the cabinets, as well as the containers intended for storage of croup. This can be done with the help of a soap or soda solution, in some cases you can use a weakly concentrated solution of cutlery.

Mechanical and folk remedies

Among the big list of ways to combat insects several effective recipes should be highlighted.

  • Frost.Such a method will bring the result only in the case of a small cluster of bugs, which fell into the house not so long ago and did not have time to give offspring. The essence of the method is to preliminary sifting products, after which it is necessary to replace the packaging of porridge, pasta or flour and send them to freezing Camera for 15-20 minutes.
  • Use a microwave oven. Since this appliances It is present in almost every kitchen, the effectiveness of its use to combat pests has been proven. An uninvited guest is destroyed by treating croup in the microwave under the action of high temperatures. For this, bulk supplies need to be shipped into a special dishes for use in a microwave oven, after which it is to put them for treatment inside for 5-7 minutes. After the expiration, you can check the result: if the bugs are still alive, then the processing time must be increased twice. Next, products should be sifted to get rid of larvae, eggs and pests themselves.

  • Use of saline.This method is suitable for the destruction of beetles in legumes. The solution is prepared by dissolving two spoons of the food salt in a water liter, after which the product must be put in a comfortable tank and pour salt liquid. After some time, pests will be floating on the surface of the water.
  • Bura. Folk remedywhich has been used for quite a long time. It is completely harmless to humans, but for pests is a real poison. The use of the borax involves the disposal of all infected loose products, processing the shelves, after which the means must be decomposed inside the cabinets. It is possible to prepare it as follows:
    • crumpled millet, boor and sugar, taken in the same quantity, combine and rolled into small balls;
    • the second option involves the use of dry yeast, sugar and borants.

In the first case, the poisoned balls need to be distributed through the cabinets and drawers in the kitchen or in the storeroom. The second way assumes that the tool will be bulk, so it is scattered in small converters and also sent to the habitats of insects.

  • Application boric acid. To prepare the composition, it is necessary to combine flour, sugar and acid in the same volumes. The remedy should be put on the plates and put in the closet.
  • Products having a rich smell.Sharp flavors are good insect repellers. The essence of the use is to accommodate in the boxes of the peel from citrus, purified globes of garlic, laurel sheet. As a fragrant efficient seasoning, you can use nutmeg.
  • The use of plants with a saturated aroma. Such cultures include dried lavender, fir, rosemary or carnation. Instead of a dry plant, you can use the essence and oil of these plants. This option is more pleasant from the point of view of a person, and as pions for insect cultures will help destroy all types of pests. Alternatively, the use of natural antiseptics, which are calendula and chamomile are allowed.

Professional chemistry

Along with folk and mechanical methods Fighting insects in the kitchen, there are specialized stores that will help with a large lesion focus, as well as when the above funds did not bring the expected result and bugs continue to destroy the cereals and fruit.

Preparations that deserved a good reputation are considered "carboofos" and "antihuk". The last composition will have a comprehensive impact, since it is able to destroy not only food bugs, but also insects that harm wooden surfaces and furniture in the house.

To such works, you must include:

  • regular inspection and cleaning of content in the kitchen table;
  • timely disposal of overdue products;
  • compliance with the recommended time and storage conditions;
  • heat treatment of purchased products, flour, macaroni and other bulk;
  • refusal to storing bulk together with dried fruits.

Should there be an infected croup?

Some people after the detection of a small number of pests in flour or casing sift them, warm up and use for cooking dishes. But, as experts advise, from the use of similar, even washed and processed, the croup is best abandoned. It is explained by the fact that in the total mass there are still products of the decay and vital activity of insects, which themselves can represent even greater danger than a lively person.

Any product requires compliance correct conditions Storage after release, as well as at home after its acquisition. Most. the correct option The placement of the croup will be the use of perforated packets or glass containers with a lid. A good tank for porridge, flour or sugar is considered cans or metal or plastic boxes.

More modern owners Returning to the storage options for such products by our ancestors - buying or tailoring special bags from natural tissues. In such a material there is a good air circulation, and insects, as a rule, do not come true.

Most often, such bags are boiled in salted water, which allows you to scare away and even destroy pests.

It is worth avoiding the acquisition of a large amount of bulk products, because the shelf life of such a porridge, as, for example, buckwheat or a manka is only six months.

However, the most important issue relating to the storage of croup with the minimum risk of detecting in them bugs is to follow the recommendations on the timing of storage, air temperature and humidity.

On how to get rid of bugs and moths in the croups, see the next video.


Each hostess for the time being is confident in his undivided power in its own kitchen. In one terrible day on the ceiling or white window sill, an uninvited guest from the squad is detected, and from this moment the small bugs in the kitchen are increasingly causing anxiety and disappointment. It seems strange where bugs come from in the cereal, only yesterday brought from the store.

What bugs come in products

Little insects in the croups and flour are only a few species. It is necessary to identify them in order to understand how dangerous bugs in the flour, pasta, dried fruits and what potential harm can they apply.

Bread grinder is a bug that is not more than 3 mm pale brown color. Penetrates the apartment together with his favorite food - breadcrumbs, cookies, drying - any hard baking in which moves and excrement will be noticeable over time. In the house, the gribers do not circulate tea, dry herbs, try muesli, chocolate candies. They notice them on light surfaces, when there are already a lot in the reserves of the bugs, and they fly to the light in search of a new dwelling.

Small flour Khrushchk - small insect (no more than 3 mm) red-brown shades. Khrushcheki, or flour bugs arrive in the kitchen in packages with flour and starch, and from there dispersed on loosely closed banks and boxes. Their culinary preferences are any kinds of flour, Hercules, semolina, wheat. Flour beetles in the creams of lockers are multiplied, so the furniture also needs sanitary processing.

Redhead Mukoad - bugs with light brown or reddish body not more than 2.5 millimeters. It lives and multiplies on flourish and cereal combines, elevators and grainclades, if there is a clutter grain or filled flour. Getting to your home, he will most likely die because dry foods do not like. Comes in residential buildings With flour, croups, or in bundles of cheap grain feed for decorative rodents and rabbits.

A close relative of this species is the Suriname Mukoede, perhaps only color (dark brown).

Hazard for human health

Find out than dangerous insects in the cereal and how they can affect health. Small black bugs in the kitchen themselves do not pose a threat. The problem is in large quantities eggs and voracious larvae that reduce food value Affected product. In the waste of their livelihoods, there may be antigens to which the body will react to the development of allergies.

The most dangerous pests of flour and semolina cereals in this plan, since their excrement are often indistinguishable from the particles of these products and are able to provoke an attack of allergies and aggravation of asthmatic symptoms.

If there is a damage to the Mukob, then the likelihood of molds and mold (remember the love of mukohedov to high humidity). Cruses and flour with pests can lead to poisoning or intoxication of the organism, especially with long-term consumption of the torn grocery.

Causes of appearance

Answers to the question why bugs are bugs in the cereal, several. Firstly, not only products for weight, but also packaged porridges, bakery mixes and muesli may contain illegal migrants that have come back from production and store warehouses.

Secondly, eggs and larvae of harmful insects are often hiding on the slots, loops and other secluded corners kitchen furniture. If one invasion is depressed, but measures are not taken serious disinsection, minor bugs in the croup will appear again.

Thirdly, the presence of adult bugs in flour, cereal, flakes speaks about the thick population of the product by pests at different stages of development. Speeding flour through bakery sieve will help get rid of imago and larvae, but after a while the unpleasant neighborhood will resume due to ripened eggs in the same bank.

Signs of defeat

The invasion of grain pests brings large losses. If bugs began in the cereal, they definitely leave traces of their presence:

  • thin coatipers on the surface of flour and mankey and under the capacitance cover;
  • neat round holes in the beans, nute, peas;
  • breakfast dense excrement in dried fruits;
  • little worms, empty cocoons larvae, detected when washing croup;
  • lumps made of several grilled grains of cereals.

Any of these "symptoms" - the reason to think about how to derive bugs from the kitchen cabinet, and take the necessary measures.

Methods of deliverance

Different products require different approach. The answer to the question is what to do if the bugs started in the flour, unequivocally - throw away. The likelihood is too large that there will remain many toxic and allergenic insective feces.

There are several ways to get rid of bugs in the croups:

  1. Washing. Bugs and larvae by weight lighter grains, so in water they float to the surface and they can be easily drained. Beans are soaked for a while in salty water, and then dried on the towel.
  2. Sift on the sieve with medium holes will save the cereal from the grains of insect feces. You can spend this procedure before washing.
  3. Heat treatment. The impact of the extreme cold or heat will not leave the chance of small thugs. Packages with a cereal enough to put in the freezer or endure in frosty weather on an unlocked balcony. The heat acts faster. Distributed on the anti-brute breakers quickly warm at a temperature of 110 degrees Celsius to kill all the living "population".
  4. Bait. For chemistry adherents, there is a remedy for bugs in the cereal, safe for a person . Recipe: Equal quantities of borants, semolina and sugar powder mixed into the dough. The "delicacy" lay out on pieces of cardboard or cellophane in kitchen cabinets. This mixture against a flour bug is especially effective.

When you found, than to bring bugs from cereals and other supplies, one more important concern remains to prevent their return. Periodic cleaning and revision of course themselves. For the final destruction of the eggs of the pest, the lockers are washed with a solution of vinegar at the rate of 1 tablespoon for 1 l water. Lavender sprigs lavetled on shelves, garlic lobs or Pirethrum powder scare the pests from the province, and the laurel sheet can be placed on banks and containers, the cereals do not absorb its smell.

If the canvas bags for the croup are soaked with salt and give dry, insects will not be able to postpone eggs there.


The main way to prevent insects from outside to bulk products is a hermetic storage container. Not always they are at hand, but you can quickly organize secure Conditions For storage of cereals right in the factory package. This will take sliced \u200b\u200bfrom plastic bottle Gorlashko with a lid.

The opened corner of the package (provided that the rest of the package is integer) stretch through the neck and wrap the edge of the package outside. On top of the cellophane, the cork screws the plug - the express container is ready. From the voracious larvae will not save, of course, but adult beetles will not crawl. Less temptation - less pests.

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Bugs in the cereals and other products in the kitchen - an unpleasant surprise, which delivers many problems of hostesses. In the article, we will deal with how to solve this problem with minimal cost time and effort and how to carry out prevention to eliminate the appearance of bugs later.

How to get rid of bugs in the cereal in the cabinet in the kitchen

To deal with the theme in detail, we will break it into several parts, you need to carefully examine all the information below to understand what and how to do. Everything is quite simple, the main thing is to comply with security measures and do everything neatly.

Causes of pests

  • Cereals, flour and other products are stored in a loosely closed container. Many simply put open packages on the shelves and spend them as needed. That is, insects have free access to all your reserves, and if several insects fall into the kitchen, they will be very quickly multiplied in such conditions;

  • Old, cracked furniture. With all its non-obviousness, this aspect is at times increases the likelihood that bugs will be headed in the locker, as they live and multiply in the creams of cracked wood and in old furniture Created perfect conditions. To eliminate such problems, repair and change furniture on time;

  • Large reserves of croup, flour and other products. It is not necessary to stock all for a year ahead, the more products you are folded, the higher the likelihood that in one of the packages there are larvae of beetles that will damage not only the contents of one package, but over time they will penetrate into the contents of other packs. All savings turn into additional costs when it has to throw away half of the supplies;

  • Acquisition of large bridges. Most often, it is very difficult to distinguish the eggs and larvae, however, carefully examine the packaging and try to buy those packages in which the contents are at least partially visible. If a appearance Calls suspicions or you see outsiders, it is better to give up the purchase. Sometimes the beetles are visible to the naked eye, as in the photo below, which is why transparent packages are preferable;

  • Disorder in lockers. If cereals and flour wake up on the shelves, there is no cleaning for a long time, the danger of pests is sharply increasing. You need to clean in the lockers in time and try not to allow waking bulk products.

Remember that pests feed not only flour and croups. Other products should be protected: pasta, cookies and crackers, bakery products, a variety of nuts, dried fruits, food concentrates.

Types of bugs in the kitchen

Most often in the kitchen is one of the following types of pests:

Illustration Description
Surinamsky Mukoad. Small bugs with a body size of no more than 2 mm prefer cereals and quickly bred in most bulk products that are stored in the kitchen. The bug is divorced on the grain drying complexes and elevators, the house falls into bags with a semolia, pasta or rice.

Tiny eggs, pest pending, cannot be distinguished by the naked eye, so it is impossible to fully guarantee security when purchased.

Red Mukoad, as elsewhere called this bug, eats not only with croups, but also breadcrumbs, dryers, dried fruits and many others.

Flour Khrushchk. These pests are much easier to detect, since their size reaches 4 mm. They will be settled in packages with croups, breadmen and cream in kitchen cabinets.

It feeds on almost all bulk products and very quickly multiplies if you do not take measures to eliminate it.

Beetle grinder. Grows up to 3 mm and has different colors - From dark yellow to brown. The kitchen starts the so-called bread grinder, which is powered by any cereals, dried fruits, bakery products.

Very actively multiplies and can occupy your lockers literally in a week.

Food mole. The relative of the pest, which starts in wardrobes. A small insect of a small size causes great damage to all bulk products in the kitchen. Moreover, the main problems are delivered not small moths, but their larvae are voracious caterpillars.

Folk remedies for getting rid of beetles in the kitchen

Remember a simple rule - the earlier after the detection you will begin to fight pests, the easier it will be work. You need to fulfill a number of important actions:

Illustration Description
Audit of all available bulk products is carried out.. Gently remove the contents from the lockers and review the entire products in which pests can be carefully.

It is important not to miss a single packaging, as it is guaranteed good effect You can only with full deliverance from all insects.

The damage caused by products is estimated.. There may be several options for the development of events:
  • If the bugs are small, you can sift the products and process them with steam or frozen in the freezer;
  • With a significant distribution of insects, as in the photo, it is better to get rid of all the affected products.
Reliability from pests are made so:
  • All bulk products with insect are hermetically packaged in polyethylene bags;
  • They can not be folded in the trash can immediately remove all products in the container.

    It is better to rebuild and throw away all suspicious products, you will not lose a lot of money, but significantly reduce the probability of re-appearance of pests.

It is necessary to thoroughly clean and wash lockers. For this, the simplest disinfect solution is used, which is preparing easily: 1 tablespoon per liter of water.

The composition is wiped all the surfaces, after which it is necessary to wait for the complete drying of all lockers.

If there are cracks inside, they should be sharpened by a special composition, since these places where pests live most often.

All products need to be suspended in sealed containers. It can be glass jars or special plastic containers.

There should be no packages, since these are potential pest proliferation sites.

Bait with boric acid or buroys are prepared and set. They are located at lockers, on window sills and countertops. The composition is poured on pieces of cardboard or in the lids from under cans.

It is important that the products are closed, as it is above, and the pests did not penetrate them after the bait got the bait.

Folk remedies are used to scare off pests:
  • Pyrethrum, this is a special kind of chamomile, the smell of which does not tolerate pests;
  • Carnation also scares insects, it is folded in kitchen cabinets;
  • The bay leaf can be decomposed near the croup, the insects smell also do not like;
  • Purified cloves of garlic reduce the likelihood that pests will appear again.

We'll figure it out how to cook bait, everything is simple enough:

  • You will need boric acid or a bora. These compositions are sold in business stores and cost inexpensively. As for the form of release, the powdered variant is used to prepare a dry bait, and it is better to use a liquid shape for bait with honey;

  • The second component that will be used to remove pests - sugar powder. It needs to be about as much as the first composition. Can buy ready optionand you can grind ordinary sugar, no difference;

  • Preparation occurs simply: the components are mixed in proportions 1: 1. After that, it is embanked to the composition of the composition in the covers, which are set up near the places where pests were found. You can also put bait at the corners of the kitchen, as it is possible that the insects dismissed around the room.

Prevention of bugs

In order not to think how to bring pests from kitchen cabinets, you need to follow a few simple recommendations:

  • Buy cereals only in transparent packages. Most often, the visual inspection gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe quality of the croup if there are many impurities in the package, then most likely the product is not treated carefully. With the slightest suspicion, refuse to buy. Ideal if you know what manufacturers are high quality and constantly acquire it only;

Very often pest larvae are found in cheap croups that are exposed on stocks.

  • All bulk objects, as well as flour, pasta, dried fruits, etc. Keep in hermetically closed containers. After buying, unpack the packaging and spend in the packaging, after which you immediately close it with a lid. Ideal if the banks are transparent, then you can see the condition of the products and immediately notice any problems in their occurrence;

  • Do not store large volumes of flour and croup. At room temperature, they begin to hide, because of which the probability of bugs and moths increases in tens of times. In addition, large volumes are difficult to control and most often the problem is detected already when the products cannot be saved, and your savings are wrapped with high costs;
  • Do not buy bulk products in large packages. The likelihood that in ten or twenty-tilogram bag there are pest larvae at times higher than in small packs. In addition, you are unlikely to have so many tanks to hermetically packaged the entire volume. And even if all products in the kitchen are stored as it should be, an outdoor bag will be a potential threat;
  • Keep order in lockers. At least once a month produced spring-cleaning With removing all the contents and wiping the walls with a disinfecting composition. Never make a wake-up cereal or flour in a locker, remove immediately and the likelihood of insects will decrease at times. Try to place products so that all of them can be seen and it was possible to conduct a visual inspection from time to time;
  • Eliminate furniture problems. Already it was already written that the gaps in the wood are ideal for pests, and they live there and breed. Close all the problems not only in the lockers, but also on the windowsill and other elements.


Now you know about all the main pests that appear in the kitchen and can effectively deal with them. But it is better to spend timely prevention so as not to solve such problems. Additional information is told in the video, and if you suddenly do something incomprehensible - write questions in the comments.

March 7, 2018.

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Everything food products must have good conditions Storage. Many hostesses face such a nuisance as the appearance of bugs in flour and cereals. It is not necessary to sin on uncleanness and preoccupation. After all, bugs can dwell in fruits, biscuits and packed packs with croups.

Faced with the situation when, in the croups began a bug, how to get rid of pests need to act quickly, otherwise they can spread throughout the house. Bugs in the cereal can also eat furniture, boards and fabrics. Pests can athee on all edible reserves and even bakery products.

Small insects Despite the size capable of spoiling products and be source various diseases. With getting rid of bugs do not need to slow down, as they can simultaneously hit a large supply of provisions.

Basic methods, how to get rid of bugs in the cereal and flour

So, consider the main varieties of beetles that can settle in the cereal:

  • Bread grinder - Beetles of light brown color, up to 3 mm magnitude. Mostly settles in places of large cluster croup: warehouses, bakeries, confectionery. Prefer eating dryers, crackers, cookies, etc.
  • Redhead Mukohed- Redhead beetles of up to 2 mm magnitude. Also live in warehouses, breadcruberties, bakeries. Eating bent or sent camp.
  • Flour Khrushchk - insects reddish brown, values \u200b\u200bup to 4 mm. Mix in kitchen cabinets, breadmen and bags with cereals. Fall with flour and other bulk croups.

First of all, it is necessary to determine which bugs in the kitchen, how to get rid of them depends on the degree of breeding of pests in the cereal. It is known that these beetles are able to fly, so they can freely fly into the open window.

There are such ways to get rid of bugs in the kitchen:

  1. Throw all available cereals.
  2. Cleaning the cereals by folk methods and room in a special safe container.
  3. Making a poisoned boring acid bait.

Sometimes it is not possible to purchase a newly destroyed stock. There is no financial opportunity, then you have to get rid of the beetles with proven methods.

Important! If minor bugs started in the kitchen, how to get rid of them with the help of chemistry, it is necessary to throw away the entire grower and process special tool Cabinets where she was stored. Split chemicals Products so that after being used too dangerous to health.

In addition, you need to observe all necessary rules hygiene: do not leave products on open places And remove trash behind them.

Bugs in flour: how to get rid of temperature processing

Consider in more detail how to get rid of bugs in the croups and flour in the kitchen with the help of temperature exposure.

There are 3 ways to get rid of pests with temperature:

  • Equalcing in the oven. The semolina and flour can be buried at a temperature of no more than 50 degrees more than 10 minutes (preferably up to 30 minutes). The remaining cereals can be kept at temperatures up to 110 degrees.
  • Impact ultraviolet. Many beetles absolutely do not tolerate exposure sun ray. This fact can be used in the event of a problem, how to get rid of bugs in flour. Ceres need to be placed directly in the sun, several hours and beetles will leave.
  • Impact by frost. Several hours of staying cereals in the freezer or on the balcony (at a temperature of at least -15) will be forced to die available individuals in the cereal itself.

Important! The listed methods will get rid of bugs in the cereal and flour, will kill only insects and larvae, which were directly in the pack. However, beetles can hide or postpone the larvae in the rocks of kitchen furniture, so it is necessary to carry out additional processing.

In the croups began a bug: how to get rid of cleaning

In order to protect yourself from the emergence of new insects, you need to take a number of measures. When bugs appear in the cereal and in the kitchen, it is a kind of signal for unscheduled general cleaning.

Initially, you need carefully with soda or soap solution to wash the lockers where the croup was stored.Highly good to a tool When problem, how to get rid of cereal bugs in the kitchen is the processing of all the shelves where the products are placed by acetic solution, in proportion one tablespoon per liter of water. You can place in the corners to place bags with a pyrethrum (a variety of chamomile), the smell of which is as well as the vinegar, is able to scare not only bugs, but also mole. Experts recommend handling boiling boils, however, not all coatings are resistant to temperature.

Any insects are large or small bugs in the kitchen, how to get rid of it without discarding at least part of the croup will not tell any source. In any case, there are feces, larvae and dolls of beetles, therefore, even if you are ready for this psychologically, then the product should still be sifted through the smallest sieve.

Important! No need to be limited only to cleaning the kitchen. If at least one insect remains alive, it can move to another room and at the same time eat food residues, crumbs, etc. Therefore, it is very important to clean the entire housing.

Small bugs in the kitchen: how to get rid of the bora

A good option to get rid of flour bugs in the kitchen is the manufacture of boric acid bait (borants). The value of boric acid is that when absorbed, it begins to poison the insect organism after a while.

There is a chance that the poison will be eaten and bring as many individuals as possible in the nest, and this will entail the death of most colonies.
How the bait is made:

  • Prepared sheets of paper decompose on the shelves of kitchen cabinets.
  • On the leaves, scatter sugar powder (you can sugar with the addition of the bora.
  • Together with the bura, you can also mix flour, semolina, honey, etc.

How to get rid of bugs in the cereal using water

In emergency situations, when not to cook from, you can use water. The affected croup is poured with water (can be salted), under the action of croup pressure, fall down, and insects will pop up. The Cropa itself after you need to rinse thoroughly from pollution. The remaining bugs in the cereal, how to get rid of them are needed in several stages, after washing and calcining, it is advisable to once again sift everything. In order to avoid shocks at the sight of living insects, before pouring a wheel with water you need to organize it initially.

This method is not suitable in the case when bugs in flour, how to get rid of them we have already told.

How to get rid of cereal bugs in the kitchen: Additional methods

Previously, people had no opportunity to hide under high temperature or freeze products. More recently, the damage of such a product, as the croup was considered a great misfortune, but then the spoiled product was given to animals. In order for the bugs to appear at all, other methods were used.

How to get rid of bugs in the kitchen by folk remedies:

  • Use of herbs and plants with strong smells. In places where products are stored, you can decompose garlic, bay leaf, carnation, wormwood. All these smells are not tolerated.
  • Popular and effective folk method It is considered to be placed in a container with a cereal metal nails. IMPORTANT: Before putting nails need to be washed and dried so that rust does not form.
  • The most optimal is considered to suspend cereals in glass Tara with tightly closing covers. Glass cans It can be placed on high shelves where there is light access.
  • Placing packs with cereal on the shelves of the refrigerator.In the refrigerator, there is no such free access as in kitchen cabinets, and the low temperature will not give pests to break.

Summing up, I want to say that the magic methods how to get rid of bugs in the croup forever does not exist. Anyway, you can not be 100% confident in the products of the same store, or warehouse where these products are fusing. The main key is to carefully comply with the purity in the kitchen and the constant processing of surfaces by disinfecting agents.

Video on the topic, how to get rid of bugs in the kitchen

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