Computer desk on the balcony design. We free up space for an office on the balcony: tips for competent organization and design of space

reservoirs 12.08.2019

Wide enough to fit a small table, it can be converted into a comfortable and cozy office. When starting to develop interior design, it is important to determine whether it will be only a workplace or also a small library, a place for relaxation and solitude. Based on this, despite the limited space, it is better to break it into functional zones.

The office on the balcony will be successful and interesting solution which has many advantages.

  • Privacy: a balcony or loggia is the most remote place in the back of an apartment or room. Therefore, even in the case of joining a balcony or loggia to a room, with the subsequent organization of a work area on it / her, a certain isolation remains, again, contributing to fruitful work.
  • Illumination: a balcony or loggia has a large number of windows,
    so during daylight hours sunlight will be the main source of illumination. It should be borne in mind that natural light is good for the eyes and, in general, has a very positive effect on the mental and psychological state of a person, which means that work in such an office will be more pleasant and productive.
  • Ventilation: In a well-ventilated area, the human brain will work at full capacity. And on the balcony or loggia, this is facilitated by a large number of windows (besides, the view from the window will please the eye).

The disadvantages include the complexity and cost of transformation ordinary balcony or a loggia into a full-fledged study.

Stages of repair work on the balcony

Electric installation work

The future working mini-office cannot be fully used without office equipment, that is, lighting, sockets and switches are necessary.


Unfortunately, neither capital insulation nor triple-glazed windows will be able to provide a comfortable temperature on the balcony during winter frosts. Therefore, it will not be possible to do without additional heating of the mini-cabinet. Balcony heating is carried out electric fireplaces or convectors, since heating batteries are not allowed to be taken outside the apartment by law.

The ceiling and walls can be painted in light shades, and the floor furnishings in dark, which will create a contrast in color. light colors and Beautiful design eco-style balconies with practical and comfortable .

When designing a balcony-study, it is important to connect the entire interior with a single design idea so that colors, textures of materials and pieces of furniture combine beautifully and harmoniously.

The material, in fact, can be anything, the main thing is that the color and texture of the finish be in the same style. It is recommended to choose a color that is not bright, monophonic, in order to set it up in a businesslike way.

It is advisable to avoid dark tones, because they visually narrow the already small room. Very large and bright enough elements should also not be chosen, as they will distract from work.

Light, pastel, natural shades visually enlarge the room, soothe and contribute to the working mood. One of best options will use color natural wood or other unobtrusive shades.

Workplace for a student on the balcony

In a small apartment, it is rather problematic to install a computer desk for a student. And if there are two children in the family, then the problems double. And yet, even having a loggia, you can create a great work area for schoolchildren.

The table can be made along the windowsill, which is quite practical on narrow balcony. Moreover, under the table you can place drawers and shelves for storing school supplies.

And if there are two schoolchildren in the family, then in this way you can create a workplace for two at the same time.

Blinds or curtains on windows that can keep out the heat and make small rooms feel more comfortable, while a splash of color will create a contrast with the white and bring life to the interior.

Study design on the balcony connected to the room

Quite often, a balcony is attached to a room and, having insulated it, creates a small work area with different shelves or cabinets.

Rest zone

The opposite side of the balcony can be turned into reading room by setting bookshelf made to order or handmade. Shelves with books can also look good on the side wall of a mini-office.

In addition, a small seating area can successfully fit into a cozy office, where you can place a small coffee table and an armchair, so that it is pleasant and comfortable to drink a cup of coffee, take a break from business or read your favorite book. But this option, unfortunately, is possible only if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe balcony allows.

Garden furniture and decor accessories such as vases, lamps, lanterns, candlesticks, wall decorations and eye-catching plant and flower pots will help add charm and style to your design.

A glazed and insulated balcony has long received the status of a living space. It is often used as a utility room for drying clothes or growing plants. However, on the additional area you can easily arrange a more functional room. Advanced tenants equip a workplace on a balcony or loggia: a small workshop, a cozy study, a children's corner or carpentry.

Following the desire to transform the balcony space, ideas of its reincarnation appear. Registration and construction activities are completely dependent on the plans of the one who will become the conditional owner of the premises. A workshop for an adult family member requires a more practical, business-like approach, while a place of study for a child is completely different.

Cozy workplace on the loggia for schoolchildren or students

The first step is to come up with a project - draw up a plan for converting the balcony into a more comfortable room. It is better to draw a sketch or prepare a printout of a virtual interior created in a computer program. Then you need to write a list of everything that will make up the interior of the room.

The following points must be taken into account:

  • natural lighting during the day and electric in the evening;
  • comfortable furniture for work;
  • comfortable air temperature;
  • pleasant, but not distracting decor;
  • neutral color scheme.

Do not forget that the work area is still different from the place of rest, so couches, sofas, comfortable rocking chairs will be superfluous there.

A simple but elegant economy class project for a typical three-meter balcony

If you plan to equip school corner Be sure to ask your child about their preferences. It depends on what desire he will fulfill homework, read or be creative. Adults, on the other hand, usually focus on the degree of comfort and a calm environment.

Ways to organize the workspace

If you still decide to allocate a balcony or part of it for a workplace, responsibly approach each stage of the arrangement. Insufficient lighting or uncomfortable furniture can cause carefully prepared square meters to turn into a dryer or pantry again. You should start with a major overhaul (if it has not happened yet), and finish with design.

Thermal insulation is the key to comfort and coziness

A priori, your balcony is glazed, otherwise a living space will not work out of it. However, one glazing is not enough, high-quality thermal insulation is also required so that the heat does not leave the room.

The walls are insulated with extruded polystyrene foam "Penoplex"

The choice of insulation material depends entirely on the winter temperature outside. Typically, foam boards, expanded polystyrene or mineral wool are used. They insulate all non-glazed surfaces, including the floor and ceiling - this must be taken into account when calculating the material. In addition to a heater, you will need vapor barrier film and material for the crate (timber or lining). The finishing decorative layer is chosen based on the material possibilities and the chosen style.

Wall and floor wood paneling

One of the options for thermal insulation of the floor on the balcony looks like this (from bottom to top):

  • Concrete screed.
  • Vapor barrier - membrane or film.
  • Mats or rolls of thermal insulation in the crate.
  • Leveling board or plywood.
  • Floor covering (linoleum, tile, laminate).

If a concrete slab ok, you don't need to do a screed. Finishing the walls and ceiling occurs in the same order.

Insulation scheme with decorative trim plastic panels

Clapboard or plastic is usually used for wall cladding, but other options are also possible, for example, clinker tiles or ordinary plaster with subsequent painting. Wallpaper is not recommended to be used, as in conditions high humidity and possible drafts, they can quickly peel off.

Lighting system

If subdued light is perfect for relaxing, then bright but soft lighting is necessary for fruitful work. On the one hand, the table and objects on it should be clearly visible, and on the other hand, the rays should not hurt the eyes.

Chandelier with daylight, installed under the ceiling

The advantage of a workplace on the balcony, where one wall is completely glass, is that during the daytime it is enough natural light. Even in winter, a window seat is considered bright enough and suitable for writing, reading, working at a computer or needlework. For evening work, the installation of lamps will be required.

Table lamp on a long dynamic clamp

Overhead light is good when it is located directly above the workplace. But if the chandelier is hung in the center of the loggia, and the table is set in the corner, a table lamp or lamp on a clamp, mounted on a wall or shelf, is required. The main thing is that the light does not blind the eyes and illuminates the work area - a desk or computer desk, a workbench.

A lamp with a shade creates a cozy atmosphere

But first you need to take care of the wiring. Usually a hole is drilled in the wall through which wires are thrown from the junction box of the living room.

Option for laying electrical cable to the loggia

Taking into account the fact that the balcony is completely protected from precipitation and temperature changes, the degree of protection of the lamps can be the same as that of their room counterparts - no higher than IP44.

Interior Design

There are an infinite number of design solutions for decorating the interior of a balcony, even if it is a work room or office. While drawing up a design project for organizing a workplace on a balcony, all issues related to the finishing of walls and floors, the choice of furniture and lamps should be resolved.

Usually an office or workshop is finished in a neutral style close to modern minimalism. However, to give individuality to the room, elements of other suitable directions are often used.

Project in contrast

On the balcony, where there is a lot of light, welcome Scandinavian style: light, ergonomic, simple furniture, a minimum of curtains, snow-white or pastel walls. For a more status workplace, they choose solid classics: wooden wall upholstery, a leather armchair, a table made of natural wood.

It is convenient for a schoolboy or student to study at an inexpensive desk, but you will need a lot of shelves and drawers for school supplies, a place for a PC or laptop. The student's corner is difficult to attribute to any particular style.

Cozy place for a young schoolgirl

In addition to furniture, which should not be on a typical balcony, attention should be paid to window drapery. Thick blinds or curtains in the summer create a comfortable partial shade, while transparent curtains will not protect against sun rays, it will be impossible to do.

Wooden blinds - strictly and nobly

Often tiles are used for flooring. If a "warm floor" system is mounted under it, then additional insulation not necessary, otherwise it is recommended to additionally lay a warm rug under your feet.

Nuances of workplace equipment

A place to work is a relative concept. For one, this is a comfortable computer desk with a chair on casters, for another - a small table with a comfortable soft chair, for the third - a workbench, near which you need to work while standing, not sitting. Each of them has its own characteristics and distinctive features. The rest of the situation in the room also depends on the purpose of the workplace.

Cabinet for office work

The office is also called the place of work of an adult who decides important issues and earns money at home, and a schoolboy's corner, where you have to write, read and print a lot.

In order for nothing to interfere with work or the creative process, it is necessary to create an appropriate atmosphere, which is characterized by such features as:

  • neutral, calm colors in the decoration of walls and furniture;
  • local full-fledged lighting in the table area;
  • comfortable chair or armchair;
  • ergonomics - everything should be at hand;
  • silence.

The last point is provided by double / triple glazing and closed door into the room.

Homely cozy study area

If you are equipping a place where you have to write a lot or use a computer, you need a comfortable desk. A modern workplace for a schoolchild on the balcony implies the presence, in addition to a PC or laptop, of additional equipment: a copier, printer, scanner or MFP, which combines the listed devices.

Compact mini-office on the balcony with a set of office equipment and an aquarium

At the same time, materials that are not quite usual for an office may participate in the decoration of the walls. For example, to create an industrial-style setting, you can decorate the walls to look like concrete or brick.

Unexpected balcony loft

Girls are not characterized by overly strict canons in creating an interior, so a more lively gamut in design is quite appropriate, using indoor flowers to decorate the work area, and a lot of decor on the walls, shelves and wall.

Office project for a flower lover

Adults, as a rule, do not like to clutter up the room with unnecessary items in order to get a truly businesslike atmosphere as a result. Nothing should interfere with accounting calculations or the creation of a new engineering project.

If your goal is a home mini-office, read more about how to furnish and decorate in a separate publication.

needlewoman workshop

Having a separate corner for home needlework is the dream of many women who, in their spare time from their main work, like to knit, sew, embroider or engage in other types of applied art. small area standard city apartments do not always make it possible to allocate for needlewomen not only a room, but even a small cozy area. Many "move" to the kitchen or bedroom, but there is also usually a lack of space.

Air conditioning in the workshop will avoid drafts

The balcony is a great way out. Using the extra space, you can make a real workshop, with a work table and cabinets, which will include hundreds of spools of thread, skeins of yarn, needle beds, blanks for decoupage and scrapbooking, paints and pencils, sets of beads and sequins.

original and functional design table with glass lid: the contents of the boxes in plain sight

Applied home art can hardly be called work, it is more of a hobby, so there should not be strictness in the design of the needlewoman's workplace on the balcony. The main thing is for the craftswoman to feel comfortable, and this is a comfortable chair, a table in size, and a well-thought-out storage system. Drawers with numerous consumables can be installed under the table or on the shelves, fixed on the walls. Useful shelves, lockers and mezzanines.

Beginning Artist's Workshop

If creativity does not involve the use a large number materials and tools, then the wall can be taken away for storing the results of labor.

home utility room

If a home craftsman lives in the apartment, then the balcony can be safely presented to him - as a workshop. There is enough space for working with wood or metal, soldering or assembling electronic gadgets. Thanks to a separate workshop, the younger generation from childhood will learn how to compose electrical circuits, cut boats out of wood and sharpen knives.

A real man's place to work

As a basis for a workbench or just a desktop, you can use old furniture- the same kitchen or desk. It can be upgraded by adding a cabinet with drawers, shelves or tool racks.

Economical workplace arrangement

Small tools and consumables can be arranged in boxes or boxes, large ones can be placed on the countertop. If there is not enough space for small table in the corner, you can fix a long narrow tabletop along the glazed wall and use it for cutting parts or installing machines.

There was also a place for a grinder

In order not to rummage through the drawers for a long time in search of wire cutters or a screwdriver, part of the free wall is set aside for storing the tool that is needed most often. A panel with hooks or pockets will fit perfectly as a compact, but very convenient storage system.

Wall tool organizer

Men, like women, love order and comfort. If you take furniture arrangement seriously, find suitable options tool storage, properly sum up electrical cables and install sockets, you get a comfortable workshop.

Cozy place for woodcarving

As you can see, finding a corner for creativity, work or study in a city apartment is not so difficult. Numerous photos with the design of workplaces on the balcony will help you decide on the choice of style and design nuances.

Overview of the corner for the needlewoman:

Office from scratch:

interesting and original ideas there will always be a place in life. Evaluate the conditions of your balcony - perhaps you can also install a table on it and equip a cozy corner for work. Lots of light Fresh air, a beautiful landscape in front of your eyes - a great environment in order to work productively and be creative.

Hello! On this page you can get acquainted with the most relevant and popular information about the arrangement on the balcony and loggia of the office.

You can see photos of the office on the balcony, loggias that have been converted into an office, as well as examples of a student's workplace on an insulated loggia.

Cabinet on the loggia

Most modern apartments there is a shortage free space, and at the same time, it is increasingly necessary to equip a workplace, or a full-fledged home office.

In such cases, the empty space of balconies and loggias comes to the rescue. Initially, these are open areas that are not very suitable for the role of an additional living room.

Therefore, a major overhaul is carried out with the following types of work:

  • - warm glazing plastic windows(with double-glazed windows and energy-saving windows),
  • - insulation of the parapet with foam blocks,
  • - insulation of walls, ceiling, floor and parapet with 5 cm foam sheets,
  • - vapor barrier of the room with a layer of foil foam,
  • - installation of additional heating (convectors, underfloor heating).

You will also need a practical finish made of environmentally friendly clean materials. As a rule, offices are arranged on small balconies and loggias, and therefore you should choose Decoration Materials in light colors. They visually increase the available space.

Office on the balcony

AT modern world You don't have to leave your own apartment to get the job done. The only condition for successful employment is a stable and high-speed Internet. It is quite logical that for comfortable work at home, a comfortable and functional office is required.

Unfortunately, the layout of most apartments does not provide for a separate place for an office, and therefore the empty space of balconies and loggias comes to the rescue.

The main advantages of the cabinet on the loggia:

  • - there is a possibility of arranging a specialized room,
  • - not affected living space apartments,
  • - no one interferes on the balcony or loggia,
  • - work at home is more efficient and cheaper than similar activities in a distant office.

By itself, the balcony is not very suitable for arranging an office: moreover, in its original form it does not look like a room at all. Therefore, before choosing computer desk, it is necessary to make a major overhaul and warming of the room.

The list of jobs looks like this:

  • - warm glazing PVC windows,
  • - full insulation of the parapet with foam block masonry,
  • - insulation of walls, ceiling, floor and parapet foam,
  • - vapor barrier with a layer of foil foam foam 10 mm thick,
  • - finishing with practical materials,
  • - installation of built-in office furniture.

Furniture on the balcony

If everything is clear with decoration and insulation, then there are certain problems with office furniture on the balcony. Finished Models from furniture store differ in standardized sizes. Such furniture can be placed in rectangular room, but not on a loggia in the shape of a triangle. In addition, only 1 cm of extra width will not allow you to install beautiful table or functional cabinet. That is why for the arrangement of an office on the balcony, furniture according to individual measurements, made to order, is required.

The advantages of such furniture are obvious:

  • - Perfect measurements
  • - the choice of filling,
  • - Possibility to choose materials for furniture manufacturing,
  • - full control over design stage,
  • - high quality workmanship due to small batches of furniture.

Workplace of a teenager on the loggia

A child who is in school needs separate place for study. As a rule, it is simply not enough in a small bedroom, and therefore it is quite logical to use the empty space of a balcony or loggia.

The arrangement of the office begins with insulation and glazing warm windows. Then it is necessary to make a major overhaul, select high-quality finishing materials and install electrical wiring.

The workplace should be arranged as close as possible to the window in order to provide the child with the maximum level of natural light. Also, the workplace requires functional and comfortable furniture, which has a sufficient amount of drawers and shelves.

But most importantly, the height of the desktop should correspond to the height of the child.

Reading time ≈ 8 minutes

Most modern apartments are complemented small balcony. Despite its small size, this room can be used as efficiently as possible, especially if you work at home, spend a lot of time at a computer or documents. An office on a small balcony can be created by everyone with their own hands, on the design, the photo “before” and “after” the modernization of which we will dwell in more detail.

Variations of study rooms from a balcony or loggia

The working area, organized on the balcony, can have several types. The room may differ in area, degree of openness and features interior decoration. Therefore, before proceeding with the main work, you should familiarize yourself with the varieties of workrooms. Such premises are classified into the following types:

Another classification of cabinets is the interior equipment. So, the office can be stationary and look like a small office with the necessary items. If you plan to work on the balcony infrequently, you can resort to another option - a mobile office. This type differs from the first one in that after completion necessary work you can effortlessly transform the balcony by removing some furniture. Thus, this part of the apartment can be used for a pleasant pastime or for other purposes.

How to organize your workspace

If you decide to create a work area on the balcony, you should carefully consider how to make this room beautiful, comfortable and cozy at the same time. For example, a lack of light or uncomfortable furniture can lead to the fact that the balcony will end up being used for storing various trash, and not as it was originally intended. Therefore, first of all, you need to take care of overhaul square meters and complete the design work.

Balcony insulation

The balcony should be glazed by default. Otherwise, a living corner will not work out of it. However, in addition to glazing, high-quality finishing with heat-insulating materials will also be required.

The choice of insulation and its thickness directly depend on the climatic features of your region.

Traditional materials for these purposes are polystyrene foam, mineral wool, polystyrene foam. All non-glazed parts of the balcony are subjected to thermal insulation, i.e. walls, floor, ceiling. Additionally, you will need a vapor barrier and a beam for mounting the crate. As the floor finishes, materials are used to your liking.

Balcony insulation basically boils down to the following steps:

  • pour concrete screed;
  • lay the vapor barrier;
  • mount the crate and line the insulation;
  • lay plywood;
  • mount finishing material.

If a concrete base balcony is in good condition, then there is no need for a screed.

Concrete or brick walls plaster, putty, preparing them for finishing. Depending on the materials used, the preparation process may vary slightly. As facing materials use lining or plastic panels. However, other more expensive options, such as clinker tiles, are also quite appropriate. It is not recommended to use wallpaper for the purposes in question due to possible dampness, which will lead to their delamination.

Organization of lighting

If the room is planned for relaxation, then subdued light would be quite appropriate. However, for working room soft and bright lighting is needed. Light sources should be such that the workplace is well lit, but at the same time the light itself does not hurt the eyes. One of the advantages of organizing an office on the balcony is that during the day there is enough natural light penetrating through the windows for good lighting. For evening work you will need.

A light installed from above is good if it is located directly above the workplace, i.e. over the table. If the luminaire is installed away from working area, then you will additionally need a table lamp fixed on a shelf or wall.

The light should not blind the eyes, but at the same time it must illuminate the work area.

Before installing the light source, electrical wiring is required. To do this, drill a hole in the wall through which the wire is laid from the junction box from the room. Considering that the balcony will be completely protected from atmospheric precipitation, the lamps can have the same degree of protection as that of indoor elements - no higher than IP44.

Interior Design

Even if the office is equipped with your own hands on a small balcony, there are many design examples, photos “before” and “after” improvements. Even at the stage of drawing up a design project, you need to understand all issues related to the finishing of walls, floors, ceilings, choice lighting fixtures and furniture. In most cases, the cabinet is finished in a neutral style, which is close to modern minimalism. But, in order to make a room with some individual features, they often take elements from other directions.

On balconies with good lighting, the Scandinavian style fits perfectly, which is characterized by light, ergonomic and at the same time simple furniture, as well as the minimum number of curtains and walls finished in white or pastel colors. To give the workplace status, they prefer the classics: wooden elements in decoration, leather armchair, natural wood furniture. If a work area is being prepared for a schoolchild or student, then a simple desk with enough shelves and drawers for various office supplies, as well as a place for a computer, would be quite appropriate.

An important element in the end is the drapery of the windows. The use of blackout curtains or blinds in summer period will create a pleasant partial shade, while transparent curtains will not provide sufficient protection from the sun: working in such conditions will be uncomfortable. It is desirable to finish the floor with materials of dark shades. Under the finish, you can mount a floor heating system or, in extreme cases, put a rug under your feet.

Furnishing an office on a loggia or balcony

The office on the balcony, despite its small size, should be used as efficiently as possible. This indicates the need to buy an ergonomic and compact furniture. If finances allow, it is preferable to make furniture to order. This is explained by the fact that the small size of the balcony makes it difficult to select ready-made tables, chairs, etc., which are ideal for your interior.

In order for the balcony space to be used rationally, the furniture must be fitted close to the walls.

To organize a working corner, it is best to use the minimum amount of furniture:

  • desk;
  • computer desk;
  • office chair or traditional chair;
  • cabinet;
  • shelves.

If the balcony is very small, you can limit yourself small table, a chair and a couple of shelves. In this case, there will definitely be nothing superfluous in the room, thereby creating optimal conditions for work.


The table is best placed on the entire width of the working room. It is also possible to install it in a corner, while the window sill can be used as an additional surface. The location of the light source depends on whether you are right-handed or left-handed. In the first case, the light should fall on the left, in the second - on the right. Design desk, like the rest of the furniture, are selected according to your taste, adhering to general style the main part of the apartment or bringing some zest to your home. As materials from which the table can be made, MDF, chipboard are most often used, less often metal and natural wood.


One of the requirements for a chair or armchair is its small size. A large armchair on a small balcony would simply be out of place. Its shape and type depend only on your wishes. It is desirable that this piece of furniture is equipped with a height adjustment mechanism and an anatomical backrest adjustment. As a finish, you can choose leather, eco-leather, mesh or fabric.


Items that complement the interior are. They will give not only a certain style to the office, but also make it more comfortable. Shelves should be strong enough to accommodate books and folders with working papers. The material of their manufacture may be the same as that of other furniture, but other variations are quite suitable. It is best to place shelves above the table on the end side of the balcony, which will save space. As for the racks, they can be mounted on the opposite side, fixed to the load-bearing wall.

Having considered the stages of modernization small balcony to a do-it-yourself office, a possible design with a “before” and “after” photo, almost everyone can convert this room into a work area. This does not require special knowledge and skills, and the costs will directly depend on your preferences. Thus, a previously unused balcony or loggia can become a pleasant addition to the apartment, where you can realize the most daring ideas.

It seems why a freelancer Personal Area? Lie down on the couch, put your laptop on your lap and work as much as you want. “Ha, if everything was so simple,” designers, journalists, translators, programmers will think now. Yes, someone manages to work normally in the park, in a cafe, in the subway, but most of us need privacy, peace, silence - in general, at least some kind of workplace. No wonder in last years we are seeing the active development of coworking spaces (an office format for employees who are not tied to a specific place of work; in other words, a freelancer can rent a small office in a coworking space - for a day, a week, a month).

If you work at home, and not in a coworking space, then you need to equip a mini-office in the apartment. Arises main question: where to place it? Maybe on the balcony? Let's clear the loggia of rubbish and think: is it really possible to make a comfortable, bright and warm office on the balcony? We are sure that nothing is impossible in this. We have compiled a step-by-step plan for arranging a balcony: a total of nine simple steps- and there will be an excellent personal account!

1. Glaze the balcony

Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), we do not live in sunny Los Angeles, so the balcony must be completely protected from wind, snow and temperature changes. However, glazing is also additional sound insulation. The best option for glazing loggias - these are triple metal-plastic windows. Here you will need the help of professionals: fortunately, there are many companies on the market that deal with glazing loggias.

If the balcony is already glazed, and the quality of the windows is quite satisfactory, we move on.

2. Solve the lighting issue

Surely you will have to work not only during the day, but also in the late evening, early morning or at night. But usually there is no electricity on the balcony, so the next step is to run the wiring from the adjoining room.

In fact, you only need one outlet to which you can connect and table lamp, and a floor lamp, and a computer. Of course, you can make full lighting: order stretch ceiling with several lamps or hang a small chandelier, but such alterations will require much more time and effort.

3. Insulate the balcony

In winter, it will be very cold on the balcony even with the thickest double-glazed windows. In order to have a comfortable temperature in the future office at any time of the year, it is necessary to insulate the walls, ceiling and floor with special heat-insulating materials. For example, penofol is an environmentally friendly insulation, the thickness of which is only 4 mm. Please note that before installing the penofol, corners and cracks must be sealed with self-adhesive tape.

In addition to insulation, it is necessary to use hydro and vapor barrier so that subsequently the decoration, furniture and office equipment do not suffer from condensation.

4. Consider additional heating

Unfortunately, simple insulation will not save the balcony from severe frosts. If the winters are harsh, then from November to March you will have to work in a coat, hat and gloves. Not the most good conditions, truth? The next step is to figure out how to heat the balcony during the cold season.

The first thing to remember is that it is forbidden to transfer stationary heating radiators to the loggia (only in agreement with certain authorities), so electric convectors, oil or infrared heaters. They are safe, environmentally friendly, easy to adjust (can be set desired temperature) and move from place to place.

Silent and economical electric heater presented in the store. The principle of operation is to heat the surrounding objects and surfaces (floor, wall), which give off heat to the air.

5. Consider finishing

After the work on glazing, heating and lighting has been carried out, you can proceed to finishing balcony. Come up with your own design project: decide how you will cover the walls and floor, what will be on the ceiling, decide in what shades you want to decorate your future office. Try to use bright hues: it is believed that they visually enlarge the space.

As for wall decoration, choose between drywall, clapboard or plastic panels. Drywall is suitable if you later decide to stick wallpaper on the walls or cover them decorative plaster. The lining is ideal for those who prefer eco-friendly interiors. Plastic is the most economical and easy-to-install material: suitable for both walls and ceilings. By the way, about the ceiling: it is easiest to decorate it with plastic sandwich panels.

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