Computer desk on the balcony design ideas. The main nuances of the design of a children's room with a balcony

landscaping 12.08.2019

The neglect of balconies has been preserved in our memory since Soviet times. Empty marinade cans, broken skis and grandmother's felt boots often become the objects of ridicule of comedians in television programs. How to turn a place for storing unnecessary things into usable space, find out below.

Organize on the balcony workplace- a very popular solution in conditions of lack of living space. The presence of natural light makes it especially attractive for organizing a warmed home office or workplace for schoolchildren.

Alteration can be done in 2 ways:

  1. Save cabinet as separate room. This option is preferable if the balcony is in common room. An isolated space will provide silence for work.
  2. Combine the loggia and the room. Suitable in the case when there is a need to create a workplace, but the isolation of the office is not required. For example, if you are creating a seamstress workshop or a manicure parlour. In any case, it all depends on your personal needs.

Transforming a loggia into a writing or study will have to start with the most dusty and boring work. Clear the area of ​​debris old furniture. Ruthlessly getting rid of the old skin. Before insulating the balcony, it is necessary to close all the cracks with a sealant.

Responsibly approach the choice of window blocks. Opt for double or triple glazing. They will increase the sound insulation of the workplace and save heat. Consider the location of the handles and the turns of the window sashes.

You must have access to the outside of the glass when cleaning. Open frames should not clutter up the space.

Decide on the location of electric lighting devices, choose a place for switches, main and additional lighting, sockets, as a rule, you will need several of them. Don't forget to have access to wireless internet or cable connection. Performing electrical work requires certain skills and qualifications.

Practical office on the loggia

The main step towards the realization of a dream is the thermal insulation of the room. Treat this item responsibly. It is this stage of work that is fundamental for a comfortable stay in the room. Manufacturers offer a wide range of thermal insulation materials.

To do right choice, study the properties of classic and modern heat insulators offered by manufacturers:

  1. The lower the thermal conductivity, the better material will keep warm air in room. Polyurethane foam has very low thermal conductivity.
  2. Material with good waterproofing properties does not get wet and is not afraid of moisture. Mineral wool, when exposed to moisture, loses its heat-conducting properties and becomes heavy. This gives additional weight to the balcony structure.
  3. Thermally stable materials will prevent fire. Polystyrene has high combustibility properties.
  4. Save precious centimeters, choose a heater with a small volume. Penofol is one of the thinnest modern heaters.
  5. Ease of installation will provide rolls and block plates. Such installation can be done independently, without special skills.
  6. Choose environmentally friendly and safe formulations that do not contain toxic and unhealthy substances.

Do not save money on balcony insulation. Trying to choose the cheapest or fast option, you run the risk of returning to this problem after a short time. When choosing heating system, it is better to stay on electric convectors or a warm floor system. You can install an electric fireplace, or infrared heaters. Bringing steam heating to the loggia is sometimes impossible, and in some cases, it may attract the attention of supervisory authorities.

Please note that the heating system may require additional maintenance during operation and monthly billing costs.

The final stage of the rough finish is the choice of material for the walls and ceiling. You can limit yourself to traditional drywall, clapboard or washable plastic panels. The choice depends on personal preference and functional purpose loggias. Choose shades of laminate or linoleum, taking into account the future design of the room.

Stylish office design on the loggia: photos and examples

When creating an interior on a balcony, remember that this area is visually an extension of the room. The working area should harmoniously fit into the room in terms of colors and decor items.

Choose as the main color:

  1. Calm and light colors. They will help visually expand the space and fill it with air.
  2. Deep and dark tones in small rooms create a feeling of heaviness and tightness.
  3. Large surfaces with poisonous colors tire the eyes.
  4. To add bright spots, use accessories - eye-catching paintings, soft pillows, plants. They speak about the character of a person and give individuality.
  5. Liven up your workspace with a flowerpot and a couple of lovely souvenirs.

Light curtains, blinds or roller blinds will protect from the direct rays of the sun and hide your personal space from the prying eyes of strangers. The material should be practical and easy to care for. "Clothes" for windows can dissolve into overall design cabinet, or turn into an elegant decoration.

Do not clutter up the balcony with massive furniture. Get rid of deep cabinets. Swap out your old chair for a comfortable, ergonomic chair.

Do-it-yourself benches, light hanging racks, retractable surfaces fit perfectly into the interior of the loggia. You can buy furniture to order. If you have the skills and desire, it will be nice to make some parts with your own hands.

We put the computer on the balcony

The computer can be placed at the end of the balcony. In this case computer desk it is better to arrange the entire width of the room. Window sills can be used as a work surface. If the loggia is combined with the room, give the functional load to the dividing rack between the room and the office.

Place at arm's length bookshelves and stationery. This will increase the ergonomics of the workplace and reduce the loss of time during work. The computer desk should not be located directly at the entrance, so as not to interfere with free access to the office.

Well, if daylight and artificial light will fall on the left. Place additional lighting on the right side if you are left-handed. Refuse intrusive chandeliers and large floor lamps, on narrow balconies they look out of place. When choosing a lamp or a lamp, stop at hanging options, with mounting on a wall or ceiling, this will save space on the work surface.

Arrangement of an office on the balcony (video)

The difficulty of creating an office on the balcony lies in the limited space and maximum efficiency its use. Get creative with this assignment. Before starting work, think over the design and draw a floor plan. This will help you organize your many ideas and choose the ones that really suit your needs.

Cabinet design on the balcony (interior photo)

The equipment of the working area in the apartment has long been considered fashion trend. This is due to the fact that over time more people switches to remote work or takes tasks at home, and it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for yourself so that everything is at hand and nothing distracts from important matters.

If it is not possible to allocate a free room for these purposes, you can equip a full-fledged office on the balcony, especially since this area is often not used in any way.

We will tell you about the tricks you can use to turn a balcony into a convenient place to complete work tasks, as well as give advice on the layout and style of such a room.

Advantages and disadvantages of a balcony cabinet

If until recently balconies and loggias were used for warehousing and storing unnecessary things and played the role of a kind of pantry, today they are being converted into full-fledged rooms with a special purpose, starting with a mini-gym, game room for children, creative area, compact summer kitchen or bar and ending with offices equipped with all necessary furniture and appliances.

By the way, it is not at all necessary to turn the balcony into office space: for example, you can create, as in the photo, a manicure room on the balcony.

Despite the fact that the balcony was not originally intended for work purposes, the equipment of the office on its territory has a number of advantages:

If you decide to convert the balcony into an office, then be prepared to experience some of the disadvantages of such an idea.

First of all, we are talking about high repair costs, since in order to ensure comfortable conditions, you will have to additionally think over the issues of insulation, sound insulation and many others. After all, with the onset of cold seasons, it may be uncomfortable for you to work in a cool and damp room.

And, of course, the lack of free space can also affect your productivity, so we recommend that you plan all the details in advance and choose the most The right way organization of space.

Options for study rooms in the loggia or balcony area

There are several types of cabinets on the territory of the loggia or balcony. They can differ both in area (to increase the space, you can start by expanding the balcony forward and in breadth), and in the degree of openness, as well as the features of the internal equipment. Therefore, be sure to look at the photos of the study rooms on the balcony before starting the main work.

Depending on the characteristics of the organization of free space, the following types of offices on the balcony can be distinguished:

  • separate offices, which are completely isolated rooms, equipped with a wall or partition with a door and window block. This layout allows you to choose for the office individual design, since style differences with the living area behind the wall will not be evident;
  • attached offices are not separated from the adjacent room. There may be a low partition between them, but most often they are completely combined with the living area, and therefore they are designed in a similar style.

The following classification is related to the internal equipment of such zones. These can be stationary offices, which are a full-fledged small-sized office with installed working furniture and equipment.

If you do not always plan to use the balcony for work, you can choose the second option - a mobile office. It differs from the stationary one in that after the completion of the workflow, you can transform the balcony by sliding extra shelves, hiding some of the furniture and transforming some of its models. So you free up space for recreation or other purposes.

Regardless of how you decide to design a balcony or loggia, the initial stages of their transformation will be the same. Let's examine these procedures in detail.

The process of converting a balcony into an office

So, the creation of a study on a loggia or balcony will consist of the following steps:

  • glazing;
  • electrical installation procedures;
  • insulation of the balcony area or loggia;
  • Finishing work;
  • furnishings and design.

We have already said that if you wish, you can expand the balcony. But even if you are satisfied with the available area, carry out work to check the quality of the slab built into the load-bearing wall according to console principle. If necessary, call in specialists who will strengthen it, since when installing windows and equipping a study, there will be an additional weight load.

It is advisable to choose high-quality polyvinyl chloride double-glazed windows with double or triple glazing for the balcony. So you can additionally warm working area and protect the cabinet from external noise. If you put windows with one glass, you will have to additionally use heating structures.

Attention! Immediately decide how the windows should open so as not to interfere with moving around the balcony or doing work. Also consider how to wash such windows. Most the best option- Tilt and turn sashes, which will be convenient to open when ventilation is needed.

Now get busy electrical work. Access to electricity on the loggia or balcony is mandatory, because in the evening you will need lighting, and working equipment will also need to be connected to power sources.

If you're creating a small work area, spotlights and one electrical outlet may be sufficient. Lay strobes or a cable channel from the apartment at the stage of repair.

In order for the microclimate in the working area to be favorable, insulate the side walls, floor and ceiling. Use lightweight materials with low thermal conductivity, such as mineral wool, extruded polystyrene foam or foam paste. Fill the floor with a screed or add lags, and at the stage of insulation, perform hydro- and vapor barrier work. Be sure to check that all cracks and cracks are sealed.

Even with the full implementation of work on the insulation of the balcony and loggia, you will not be able to protect yourself from the cold one hundred percent. Therefore, you should think about heating the working area. For example, you can make underfloor heating or use electrical appliances.

Remember! Steam heating cannot be done on the balcony without obtaining permission from the authorized bodies.

You can also insulate your office with convectors and oil heaters. In stores you will find many suitable models with different features heating. In addition to ease of use, these devices have other advantages: they are safe and environmentally friendly, can be adjusted to create the most comfortable conditions, and oil heating elements can also be moved to any part of the balcony without special difficulties. But keep in mind that they are very energy-intensive.

Another suitable option is infrared heaters, which are suspended panels for walls or ceilings. There are also varieties of IFC devices of an autonomous type that can be moved. These devices are economical and highly efficient, allow heat to be evenly distributed throughout the room, and contribute to the heating of people and objects, and not the air itself. They are easy to install without outside help, and you can always choose the design in accordance with the design features of the working space. View photos of cabinets on the loggia and balcony with different options heating.

Read about how to choose and install correctly: types of doors, their features and main characteristics, tips for choosing the best option.

You can see the options and ideas for designing a bedroom in blue tones in the article.

Finishing work on the balcony: modern solutions

Next, we proceed to finish the office on the balcony. When choosing materials, you should be guided by their performance characteristics (such as strength, wear resistance, durability, etc.), as well as external characteristics, since you need to create an atmosphere conducive to work.

In the photo of the cabinets on the balcony you will see many different finishes. For example, drywall, lining, plaster or plastic can be used for these purposes.

Drywall is one of the most common options for finishing work in such areas. Its surface is plastered, painted or decorated with wallpaper. So you can create the appearance of a real office room with a cozy design.

You can also choose lining. It is environmentally friendly material with light weight. And thanks to the strict appearance it will be suitable for your home office, as it will not distract from the workflow.

Plastic finishes are popular due to the lightness of such coatings, the variety of designs, as well as the ease of installation. plastic materials can be fixed on anything and used not only for wall decoration, but also for ceiling decoration.

By the way, sandwich panels of different colors can also be used for the ceiling: they are light in weight, so they are easy to install, and also contribute to the thermal insulation of the room.

As for the floor, here you can use linoleum. Firstly, it is lightweight and fits without problems, especially since the floor area for finishing will be small. Second, you can choose best option among the variety of linoleums in thickness, color and texture. And some linoleums will create an imitation of parquet, so that the office in your home will look even more presentable.

Linoleum is inexpensive when compared with other finishes.

You can also opt for laminate flooring. It is more suitable for loggias and balconies with heating, as it has a density similar to heavy wood. It is a beautiful, wear-resistant and practical material.

As for the decoration of the wall on which the double-glazed windows are installed, here you can use horizontal or vertical blinds. With their help, the brightness of natural light in the working area is regulated. You can also stop at roller blinds or other varieties that match the style of your office.

Choosing furniture and decor elements

The design of the balcony for the office is almost ready, and it remains only to think over the details. Let's start with the selection of furniture. The work area must have a table and a chair or a comfortable chair. Put a computer or laptop on the table.

If you plan to connect other office equipment, choose tables with convenient shelves and niches for everything you need. Above the work surface, you can equip shelves for folders, books, disks or documentation.

Advice: since there is not much space on the balcony, make a table to order. Some shelves or countertops can be pulled out to save space when the job is done.

The chair should also be comfortable and functional. Therefore, we recommend replacing the regular model with an office model with adjustable height and back position. Also in the work area will not interfere with the closet. To save space, make it transformable: for example, a model with a folding or sliding sash that will play the role of a coffee table would be an excellent option.

The design of the office on the balcony should set you up not only for work, but also for rest during breaks. In the opposite part of the balcony or loggia, you can equip a recreation area. Place a bench, chair or compact sofa, if desired, place a table for flowers or drinks.

Here you can also hang shelves for books, put a floor lamp, fix posters with motivational statements or photo frames. If this zone is arranged where the double-glazed window is located, facing the living room, also use part of the window sill to store decorative items.

Hang stylish curtains on the windows, and decorate the floor with a cozy, small, fleecy rug. Look at the photo of the cabinet design on the loggia and balcony to see how this room can be transformed due to small details.

When designing an office, be sure to plan not only the equipment, but also its color scheme. It is important that all elements are in harmony with each other. The textures of furniture and finishes should also match each other. We recommend opting for calm, work-tuning shades.

Advice. You should not choose colorful wallpapers and textiles with bright patterns: they will distract you from the workflow.

By the way, if you choose light colors for walls and furniture, you can visually expand the area of ​​​​such a room.

That's all the features of arranging a personal office. By following a few simple procedures, you can get a cozy place to work, in which it will be pleasant to be even when you do not need to do office business.

Try to arrange this place in such a way that your taste and character are felt in detail - and then it will be even more comfortable for you to spend maximum time in this part of the apartment. And get ideas for inspiration from a photo of the design of study rooms on the loggia and balcony.


In the balcony space, you can place a computer desk, organize a full-fledged office or workshop. Thus, it will be possible to use usable area apartments to the maximum, as well as retire in the process of work.

How to create an office?

  • First you need to install reliable double-glazed windows. Glazing will protect the room from temperature changes, the influence of precipitation, dust and dirt from the street.
  • Insulate the walls, floor and ceiling surface. Suitable as heat insulators mineral wool or foam boards;
  • All gaps must be filled with sealant or mounting foam;
  • It is desirable to provide additional sources of heat, for example, a floor heating system. The presence of this device will allow you to maintain a comfortable temperature in any season;
  • The main heating of the room is best done with an electric heater.

Workplace for a business man with a computer and a comfortable chair.

Mini-office in the loggia space with a computer for work.

Features of lighting in the office

It is necessary to properly organize the system of proper lighting. During the day, it is better to regulate natural light with the help of blinds; at night, use artificial light sources on the balcony.

Choose a small lamp with adjustable wattage. It is desirable that the direction can be corrected. The size of the device should be commensurate with the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

A selection of examples in the photo

Work area with printer and computer. Spacious shelves for storing various items.

An example of organizing an office on a balcony.

Palette of light shades in interior decoration. The cabinet is equipped with a computer and a subwoofer.

Natural texture in the interior of the office.

Neoclassical style in the home office.

Working area in a small area. Finishing the walls of the loggia - light-colored PVC panels.

Designer's corner in the balcony room.

A place to work behind a sewing machine.

Textile workshop with many storage options for sewing supplies.

Workshop with air conditioning.

Home owner's office.

Carpentry workshop for men.

Artist's room.

Make-up artist's office on the balcony.

Loggia equipped as a beauty salon.


Hello! On this page you can get acquainted with the most relevant and popular information about the arrangement on the balcony and loggia of the office.

You can see photos of the office on the balcony, loggias that have been converted into an office, as well as examples of a student's workplace on an insulated loggia.

Cabinet on the loggia

Most modern apartments there is a shortage free space, and at the same time, it is increasingly necessary to equip a workplace, or a full-fledged home office.

In such cases, the empty space of balconies and loggias comes to the rescue. Initially, these are open areas that are not very suitable for the role of an additional living room.

Therefore, a major overhaul is carried out with the following types of work:

  • - warm glazing plastic windows(with double-glazed windows and energy-saving windows),
  • - insulation of the parapet with foam blocks,
  • - insulation of walls, ceiling, floor and parapet with 5 cm foam sheets,
  • - vapor barrier of the room with a layer of foil foam,
  • - installation of additional heating (convectors, underfloor heating).

You will also need a practical finish made of environmentally friendly clean materials. As a rule, offices are arranged on small balconies and loggias, and therefore you should choose Decoration Materials in light colors. They visually increase the available space.

Office on the balcony

AT modern world You don't have to leave your own apartment to get the job done. The only condition for successful employment is a stable and high-speed Internet. It is quite logical that for comfortable work at home, a comfortable and functional office is required.

Unfortunately, the layout of most apartments does not provide for a separate place for an office, and therefore the empty space of balconies and loggias comes to the rescue.

The main advantages of the cabinet on the loggia:

  • - there is a possibility of arranging a specialized room,
  • - not affected living space apartments,
  • - no one interferes on the balcony or loggia,
  • - work at home is more efficient and cheaper than similar activities in a distant office.

By itself, the balcony is not very suitable for arranging an office: moreover, in its original form it does not look like a room at all. Therefore, before proceeding with the choice of a computer desk, it is necessary to make major repairs and warming of the room.

The list of jobs looks like this:

  • - warm glazing PVC windows,
  • - full insulation of the parapet with foam block masonry,
  • - insulation of walls, ceiling, floor and parapet foam,
  • - vapor barrier with a layer of foil foam foam 10 mm thick,
  • - finishing with practical materials,
  • - installation of built-in office furniture.

Furniture on the balcony

If everything is clear with decoration and insulation, then there are certain problems with office furniture on the balcony. Finished Models from furniture store differ in standardized sizes. Such furniture can be placed in rectangular room, but not on a loggia in the shape of a triangle. In addition, only 1 cm of extra width will not allow you to install beautiful table or functional cabinet. That is why for the arrangement of an office on the balcony, furniture according to individual measurements, made to order, is required.

The advantages of such furniture are obvious:

  • - Perfect measurements
  • - the choice of filling,
  • - the possibility of choosing materials for the manufacture of furniture,
  • - full control over the design phase,
  • - high quality workmanship due to small batches of furniture.

Workplace of a teenager on the loggia

A child who is in school needs a separate place to study. As a rule, in small bedroom it is simply not enough, and therefore it is quite logical to use the empty space of a balcony or loggia.

The arrangement of the office begins with insulation and glazing warm windows. Then it is necessary to make a major overhaul, select high-quality finishing materials and install electrical wiring.

The workplace should be arranged as close as possible to the window in order to provide the child with the maximum level of natural light. Also, the workplace requires functional and comfortable furniture, which has a sufficient number of drawers and shelves.

But most importantly, the height of the desktop should correspond to the height of the child.

A glazed and insulated balcony has long received the status of a living space. It is often used as a utility room for drying clothes or growing plants. However, on the additional area you can easily arrange a more functional room. Advanced tenants equip a workplace on a balcony or loggia: a small workshop, a cozy study, a children's corner or carpentry.

Following the desire to transform the balcony space, ideas of its reincarnation appear. Registration and construction activities are completely dependent on the plans of the one who will become the conditional owner of the premises. A workshop for an adult family member requires a more practical, business-like approach, while a place of study for a child is completely different.

Cozy workplace on the loggia for schoolchildren or students

The first step is to come up with a project - draw up a plan for converting the balcony into a more comfortable room. It is better to draw a sketch or prepare a printout of a virtual interior created in a computer program. Then you need to write a list of everything that will make up the interior of the room.

The following points must be taken into account:

  • natural lighting during the day and electric in the evening;
  • comfortable furniture for work;
  • comfortable air temperature;
  • pleasant, but not distracting decor;
  • neutral color scheme.

Do not forget that the work area is still different from the place of rest, so couches, sofas, comfortable rocking chairs will be superfluous there.

A simple but elegant economy class project for a typical three-meter balcony

If you plan to equip school corner Be sure to ask your child about their preferences. It depends on what desire he will fulfill homework, read or be creative. Adults, on the other hand, usually focus on the degree of comfort and a calm environment.

Ways to organize the workspace

If you still decide to allocate a balcony or part of it for a workplace, responsibly approach each stage of the arrangement. Insufficient lighting or uncomfortable furniture can cause carefully prepared square meters again turn into a dryer or pantry. You should start with a major overhaul (if it has not happened yet), and finish with design.

Thermal insulation is the key to comfort and coziness

A priori, your balcony is glazed, otherwise a living space will not work out of it. However, one glazing is not enough, high-quality thermal insulation is also required so that the heat does not leave the room.

The walls are insulated with extruded polystyrene foam "Penoplex"

The choice of insulation material depends entirely on the winter temperature outside. Typically, foam boards, expanded polystyrene or mineral wool are used. They insulate all non-glazed surfaces, including the floor and ceiling - this must be taken into account when calculating the material. In addition to a heater, you will need vapor barrier film and material for the crate (timber or lining). The finishing decorative layer is chosen based on the material possibilities and the chosen style.

Wall and floor wood paneling

One of the options for thermal insulation of the floor on the balcony looks like this (from bottom to top):

  • Concrete screed.
  • Vapor barrier - membrane or film.
  • Mats or rolls of thermal insulation in the crate.
  • Leveling board or plywood.
  • Floor covering (linoleum, tile, laminate).

If a concrete slab ok, you don't need to do a screed. Finishing the walls and ceiling occurs in the same order.

Insulation scheme with decorative trim plastic panels

Clapboard or plastic is usually used for wall cladding, but other options are also possible, for example, clinker tiles or ordinary plaster, followed by painting. Wallpaper is not recommended to be used, as in conditions high humidity and possible drafts, they can quickly peel off.

Lighting system

If subdued light is perfect for relaxing, then bright but soft lighting is necessary for fruitful work. On the one hand, the table and objects on it should be clearly visible, and on the other hand, the rays should not hurt the eyes.

Chandelier with daylight, installed under the ceiling

The advantage of a workplace on the balcony, where one wall is completely glass, is that during the daytime there is enough natural light. Even in winter, a window seat is considered bright enough and suitable for writing, reading, working at a computer or needlework. For evening work, the installation of lamps will be required.

Table lamp on a long dynamic clamp

Overhead light is good when it is located directly above the workplace. But if the chandelier is suspended in the center of the loggia, and the table is set in the corner, it is required desk lamp or a lamp on a clamp mounted on a wall or shelf. The main thing is that the light does not blind the eyes and illuminates the work area - a desk or computer desk, a workbench.

A lamp with a shade creates a cozy atmosphere

But first you need to take care of the wiring. Usually a hole is drilled in the wall through which wires are thrown from the junction box of the living room.

Option for laying electrical cable to the loggia

Taking into account the fact that the balcony is completely protected from precipitation and temperature changes, the degree of protection of the lamps can be the same as that of their room counterparts - no higher than IP44.

Interior Design

There are an infinite number of design solutions for decorating the interior of a balcony, even if it is work room or an office. While drawing up a design project for organizing a workplace on a balcony, all issues related to finishing walls and floors, selection of furniture and fixtures.

Usually an office or workshop is finished in a neutral style close to modern minimalism. However, to give individuality to the room, elements of other suitable directions are often used.

Project in contrast

On the balcony, where there is a lot of light, welcome Scandinavian style: light, ergonomic, simple furniture, a minimum of curtains, snow-white or pastel walls. For a more status workplace, they choose solid classics: wooden wall upholstery, a leather armchair, a table made of natural wood.

It is convenient for a schoolboy or student to study at an inexpensive desk, but you will need a lot of shelves and drawers for school supplies, a place for a PC or laptop. The student's corner is difficult to attribute to any particular style.

Cozy place for a young schoolgirl

In addition to furniture, which should not be on a typical balcony, attention should be paid to window drapery. Thick blinds or curtains in the summer create a comfortable partial shade, while transparent curtains will not protect against sun rays, it will be impossible to do.

Wooden blinds - strictly and nobly

Often tiles are used for flooring. If a "warm floor" system is mounted under it, then additional insulation not necessary, otherwise it is recommended to additionally lay a warm rug under your feet.

Nuances of workplace equipment

A place to work is a relative concept. For one, this is a comfortable computer desk with a chair on casters, for another - a small table with a comfortable soft chair, for the third - a workbench, near which you need to work while standing, not sitting. Each of them has its own characteristics and distinctive features. The rest of the situation in the room also depends on the purpose of the workplace.

Cabinet for office work

The office is also called the place of work of an adult who decides important issues and earns money at home, and a schoolboy's corner, where you have to write, read and print a lot.

In order for nothing to interfere with work or the creative process, it is necessary to create an appropriate atmosphere, which is characterized by such features as:

  • neutral, calm colors in the decoration of walls and furniture;
  • local full-fledged lighting in the table area;
  • comfortable chair or armchair;
  • ergonomics - everything should be at hand;
  • silence.

The last point is provided by double / triple glazing and closed door into the room.

Homely cozy study area

If you are equipping a place where you have to write a lot or use a computer, you need a comfortable desk. A modern workplace for a schoolchild on the balcony implies the presence, in addition to a PC or laptop, of additional equipment: a copier, printer, scanner or MFP, which combines the listed devices.

Compact mini-office on the balcony with a set of office equipment and an aquarium

At the same time, materials that are not quite usual for an office may participate in the decoration of the walls. For example, to create an industrial-style setting, you can decorate the walls to look like concrete or brick.

Unexpected balcony loft

Girls are not characterized by overly strict canons in creating an interior, so a more lively gamut in design, the use of indoor flowers to decorate a work area, and a lot of decor on walls, shelves and a wall are quite appropriate.

Office project for a flower lover

Adults, as a rule, do not like to clutter up the room with unnecessary items in order to get a truly businesslike atmosphere as a result. Nothing should interfere with accounting calculations or the creation of a new engineering project.

If your goal is a home mini-office, read more about how to furnish and decorate in a separate publication.

needlewoman workshop

Having a separate corner for home needlework is the dream of many women who love to knit, sew, embroider or engage in other types of applied art in their free time from their main work. small area standard city apartments do not always make it possible to allocate for needlewomen not only a room, but even a small cozy area. Many "move" to the kitchen or bedroom, but there is also usually a lack of space.

Air conditioning in the workshop will avoid drafts

The balcony is a great way out. Using the extra space, you can make a real workshop, with a work table and cabinets, which will include hundreds of spools of thread, skeins of yarn, needle beds, blanks for decoupage and scrapbooking, paints and pencils, sets of beads and sequins.

original and functional design table with glass lid: the contents of the boxes in plain sight

Applied home art can hardly be called work, it is more of a hobby, so there should not be strictness in the design of the needlewoman's workplace on the balcony. The main thing is for the craftswoman to feel comfortable, and this is a comfortable chair, a table in size, and a well-thought-out storage system. Drawers with numerous consumables can be installed under the table or on the shelves, fixed on the walls. Useful shelves, lockers and mezzanines.

Beginning Artist's Workshop

If creativity does not involve the use of a large number of materials and tools, then the wall can be reserved for storing the results of labor.

home utility room

If a home craftsman lives in the apartment, then the balcony can be safely presented to him - as a workshop. There is enough space for working with wood or metal, soldering or assembling electronic gadgets. Thanks to a separate workshop, the younger generation will learn from childhood how to make electrical circuits, carve boats from wood and sharpen knives.

A real man's place to work

As a basis for a workbench or just a desktop, you can use old furniture - the same kitchen or desk. It can be upgraded by adding a cabinet with drawers, shelves or tool racks.

Economical workplace arrangement

Small tools and consumables can be placed in boxes or boxes, large ones can be placed on the countertop. If there is not enough space for small table in the corner, you can fix a long narrow tabletop along the glazed wall and use it for cutting parts or installing machines.

There was also a place for a grinder

In order not to rummage through the drawers for a long time in search of wire cutters or a screwdriver, part of the free wall is set aside for storing the tool that is needed most often. A panel with hooks or pockets will fit perfectly as a compact, but very convenient storage system.

Wall tool organizer

Men, like women, love order and comfort. If you take furniture arrangement seriously, find suitable options tool storage, properly sum up electrical cables and install sockets, you get a comfortable workshop.

Cozy place for woodcarving

As you can see, finding a corner for creativity, work or study in a city apartment is not so difficult. Numerous photos with the design of workplaces on the balcony will help you decide on the choice of style and design nuances.

Overview of the corner for the needlewoman:

Office from scratch:

interesting and original ideas there will always be a place in life. Evaluate the conditions of your balcony - perhaps you can also install a table on it and equip a cozy corner for work. Lots of light Fresh air, a beautiful landscape in front of your eyes - a great environment in order to work productively and be creative.

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