How to clean a samsung phone from viruses. How to Remove Virus from Android Phone: A Few Simple Steps

Encyclopedia of Plants 21.10.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

If an Android smartphone or tablet starts acting weird, there is a small chance that the device has a virus. Today we will tell you how to remove a virus on Android and get rid of malware in the future.

Different ways to remove viruses on your phone and tablet and what they are

Viruses on Android are not so common, but they do exist. As a rule, they enter the system through programs of dubious origin, so it is better to download applications from official stores, such as Google Play.

Those whose gadget crashes due to the actions of malicious applications will find in the article a useful description of how to enter safe mode and, if necessary, restrict the rights of the program, and then remove the virus.

If this option does not work, you can try a factory reset, although without a previously created backup of the system, it is better not to do this.

Before moving on to the main part of the article, I would like to focus on the fact that there are no viruses on Android smartphones or tablets in the usual sense of the word.

Most often, the actions of a virus consist in showing ads that say that the device is infected, and to remove the virus, you need to download some application or in the slow operation of the device.

Android without viruses - how is it possible?

  1. Do not install apps: Do not install apps from unknown sources unless you are sure they are trustworthy. In general, the third-party app installation blocking feature is usually disabled by default. Enabled in the settings of the smartphone or tablet. Open "Settings", then go to the "Security" section and uncheck the box next to the line "Unknown sources".
  2. Refrain from installing clone applications: even if you only download apps from Google Play, apps with malicious code can still be found there. Therefore, you should not download clone applications from unknown developers, as well as applications that simply do not perform their functions.
  3. Check application permissions: no matter where the application is downloaded from, before installing it, you need to check which functions and services it requests access to. In no case should you give the program administrator rights, since in this case there will be some difficulties with the removal. You should be alerted if the video player for some reason requests access to contacts. You can also search the web for reviews of the app or go to the developer's website to get a better idea of ​​the app.
  4. Update system: it may be that the most recent version of the Android operating system will not be available for your device, however, it will not be out of place to check that it is as recent as possible. Accordingly, it is worth giving preference to the manufacturer that regularly releases updates for the software of their device (for example, Nokia).
  5. Install antivirus: on Android, you can do without an antivirus, but for those who are worried about how not to pick up a virus, it will be clearly calmer with it. Also, antivirus applications, as a rule, in addition to the main one, have several additional useful functions. Keep in mind that Android antivirus may have false positives, which you can ignore if you are sure that the application is clean.

How to get rid of a virus on Android

We enter safe mode on a smartphone or tablet. In this mode, applications from third-party developers will not be able to start, including those with malicious code.

On many devices, to bring up the shutdown menu, you need to press and hold the power button, then select "Power off" and the device will turn on in safe mode after rebooting.

If you can’t enter safe mode according to our description, open Google and enter “How to enter safe mode on [write your device model here]” and follow the instructions found.

Booting into safe mode, we see the inscription "Safe Mode" in the lower left part of the screen.

Application settings

Open "Settings", go to "Applications" and go to the "Downloaded" or "Third Party" tab.

We come here because it is highly likely that the user will find out about the application, after installing which the gadget began to fail, comparing the time of occurrence of failures and the time of installing a new application.

If you don’t know which application is interfering with the normal operation of your smartphone or tablet, you should go through the list of all applications and find some suspicious one or one that you didn’t install at all.

We click on the malicious application and we get to the screen with information about it, click "Delete".

In most cases, this action is sufficient to remove the virus, but it may also be that the "Remove" button is not available.

This happens because the application has administrator rights.

Then we exit the "Applications" section, return to "Settings", go to "Security" and look for the line "Device Administrators". All applications with administrative rights are stored here in the form of a list.

  • Just uncheck the app you want to uninstall.
  • We return to "Applications" and see that we can now delete the application.
  • The virus has been removed, it remains only to reboot the device to switch to normal mode.

The problem has been fixed, but it would not be superfluous to back up important data on your device and install an antivirus for preventive protection.

Today we will discuss how to remove a virus from a phone (“Android”) or We will also describe a number of programs that can help with this. There are not very many antiviruses for this platform today, but some of them have already managed to prove their own effectiveness.

Avast Ransomware Removal

If you are faced with the question of how to remove a virus from your phone ("Android"), this application will help you. A lot of trouble for the owner of a mobile device is delivered by "ransomware" programs. And it is against them that the mobile version of Avast directs its main efforts. "Ransomware" works according to the following algorithm, they encrypt important user files and delete their originals. Next, they issue a message demanding to pay for the return of personal information. In order for Avast to fix the problem, you need to install it, run it and wait for the scan to finish. The verification process may take some time. Note that this antivirus no less successfully copes with the treatment of files. It is curious that after the end of the scan, the antivirus may offer to remove it from the phone, but this decision always remains with the user.

ESET Mobile Security

This tool can easily remove a virus from an Android phone. The level of detection of various threats in this antivirus reaches a record level of 99.7%. The main functions of the tool are provided free of charge. Installed applications are checked in real time. Thanks to the built-in anti-theft, you can locate the device, block it, or turn on the siren. Under separate protection are the user's personal data, including a passport and credit cards. Thanks to this tool, the user can update the threat database, examine activity logs, view quarantine, and scan the device. At the same time, the antivirus saves battery power.

xCore Antivirus app

In deciding how to remove a virus from an Android phone, this application will help. The tool eliminates threats received from the Internet. Cleans your phone from SMS-spam and Trojans. The program qualitatively and quickly scans memory sections, as well as removable media for the presence of various malicious software. There is a built-in web filter, as well as the ability to set a ban on various advertising applications. The tool includes a clear interface, quality and high speed, functionality, convenience. The main screen of the application has nine menu items. Scanning is implemented in the form of three modes: selective, full and quick check of the device. A monitor is a background application process that monitors all actions of malicious objects. A web filter will save you from visiting dubious sites. The SMS and call filter is similar to the black list.

Other Effective Applications

There are also several lesser-known, but very useful applications that will help you remove a virus from your phone, smartphone or tablet. The first of these solutions, which we will talk about today, is called VIRUSfighter. This is a compact program that protects your mobile device in real time. In addition, there is a familiar virus scanner. The application interface consists of "Window" and "Menu". The window shows information based on the menu item selected by the user.

Removal can also be done quickly using the 360 ​​Mobile Security Antivirus application. The application has a dual-core security system, as well as a simple and beautiful three-dimensional interface. The main screen of the application displays the current state of protection, the version of the databases, and the time of the last scan. There is also a button that provides a quick scan of the device. As for it, you can call it with a gesture to the left or using the "Menu" function. Here you can fully scan the device, as well as view applications that are sorted according to the degree of privilege. Settings allow you to activate databases and select a language. Now you know how to remove a virus from your phone ("Android") and what applications can help with this.

This information will allow you to keep your phone in working order even during infection with virus software. Also, timely removal of the virus will protect user files from infection.

Rice. No. 1. Viruses on Android

1. What is a virus in Android OS?

Over the past two years, viruses for the Android platform have been introduced into 80 percent of devices. Even special anti-virus software cannot always detect a new type of malware.

Looking for an antivirus program for your smartphone? List and description of the best antiviruses

There are several types of viruses that users may encounter:

  • Trojan. This type of virus can spread or collect information. Also, some Trojans have the ability to gain unauthorized access even to encrypted user data;
  • Viruses that distribute ads. Banners offering goods or services to you may appear at any time, even if you are not connected to the Internet;
  • Viruses that block the functionality of the operating system. This type of malware is the most dangerous. The virus restricts the user's access to the device's functions, requiring them to restore work by sending a paid SMS message;
  • Third-party software that binds to the browser installed on the device. As a result, users will be constantly redirected to advertising pages.

Malicious software on Android is quite simply removed from a tablet or smartphone. This can be done even by a user on whose phone there are no root rights. All you need is to recognize the virus in time, determine its type and perform the removal.

Rice. No. 2. Viruses on mobile devices are by no means harmless

2. How to recognize and remove a Trojan using an antivirus?

The user may not even be aware that a Trojan or spyware is installed on his phone. As a rule, such types of software are installed on the device along with other programs that are downloaded from unofficial sources.

Symptoms of a device infection may include an overly large bill for using mobile communications, abnormal consumption of Internet traffic, installed third-party programs, slowing down and freezing of the device. Also, the battery can run out very quickly.

You can identify and remove the virus as follows:

  • Scan the phone's memory with special anti-virus software. The most popular antiviruses for Android - Dr. Web, CM Security, Mobile Security, Avast, 360 Security;

Rice. No. 3. Antiviruses on Google Play

Remember! You need to download the antivirus only from the official Google Play store. Otherwise, you may end up with an additional Trojan on your phone.

  • Perform manual removal. With the help of the phone itself.

Let's take a closer look at how to scan a device using the example of the most popular antivirus in the app store - Dr. Web. First, download and install the utility on your device.

After that, follow the instructions below:

  • Launch the application. Open the "Scanner" window;
  • Next, select the item "Full scan of the device";
  • Wait for the process to complete;
  • If viruses are found, their number will be displayed opposite the “Threats detected:…” field.
  • Open the window with detected malware and remove each component separately by clicking on the advanced options button (picture below).

Check for viruses regularly. 1-2 scans per week will be enough.

It is also recommended to check programs immediately after they are installed. With the help of an antivirus, you can remove trojans, banner viruses and software that binds to the browser and other phone or tablet applications.

You can read about other antivirus programs for devices on the Android platform in our article.

Here is a list of good antiviruses that we recommend for use:

  • Security Master - Antivirus, VPN, AppLock, Booster (in addition to antivirus functions, this program also has a VPN and a device booster);

3. Several ways to remove the virus from the device manually

If you encounter a more serious type of malicious utility and cannot fix the problem with a regular antivirus, you must remove it manually. Do you still see banner ads after removing the pest with an antivirus?

In this case, follow the following removal instructions:

  • Turn off wifi and data transfer over the mobile network on your phone;
  • Take out the SIM card;
  • Remove all previously installed programs;
  • Delete your browser and reinstall it. Use only the version of the application that is presented in the Play Market;
  • Also format the connected memory cards;
  • Reboot your device.

To remove the ransomware virus that blocked all actions, use the following instructions:

  • Turn off your smartphone;
  • Remove the mobile operator card from the device. Do this as soon as you discover the ransomware virus. Otherwise, a large amount of money may be debited from the account;
  • Do not remove the memory card from the phone, it can also be infected with a virus. To completely remove the "ransomware", you will have to clear all information, including installed programs and user's personal data;
  • Factory reset your device using the volume up, power button, and home button shortcuts. Hold them for 5-10 seconds until a window with such text appears, as shown in the figure below.

Rice. No. 5. Text indicating that the reset has begun

  • Move the cursor down the list using the side volume keys. Stop the cursor at the Factory reset line, as shown in the figure below;

Rice. No. 6. "Factory reset" line

  • Press the power key to start the reset process.

Rice. No. 7. Reset process

  • Choose the recovery option that will delete all user data;

Rice. No. 8. Recovery options

  • The procedure can take from 3 to 20 minutes. After it is completed, the device will start on its own. You will be prompted to set up the device again (the normal process of setting up the settings, as after purchase).

Rice. No. 9. Offer to reconfigure the device

Read on to remove viruses from different operating systems.

Thematic video:

Modern Android devices are endowed with built-in protection against viruses and spyware. Therefore, if you are careful and refrain from visiting dubious sites, it is very difficult to get infected with malicious software. However, online surfers periodically pick up various Trojans on their devices, as a result of which they begin to malfunction. Let's look at how to clean your Android phone from viruses.

Search and removal of malware using mobile antivirus programs

If you notice that the speed of information processing on your smartphone has decreased and it has begun to consume more network traffic, it is possible that viruses have started on it. In such cases, it will not be superfluous to check the internal and external memory of the gadget for malicious code. You can do this in two ways:

  • directly from the phone;
  • through a computer.

In the first case, you will need to get a mobile antivirus program, which can be Avast Mobile Security, Dr.Web, Eset Mobile Seurity or another program with similar functionality. As an example, consider how to clean your smartphone from viruses through Avast:

  1. Download the app to your device. You can do this from the Play Market absolutely free.
  2. Run the utility and mark the objects you want to examine. Here you can also configure automatic scanning of the device on the required days and at certain times.
  3. After the scan is complete, remove or block potentially dangerous files and applications.
  4. To increase the security capabilities of Avast, activate the firewall and anti-theft functions in its settings. For the normal functioning of the first tool on the device, root access must be unlocked. Anti-theft is present only in the paid version of the program.

Cleaning a smartphone from viruses through a PC

If you do not want to install an antivirus program on your mobile device or there is simply no free space on the memory card, you can search and remove viruses on your phone through a computer. For this you need:

When the phone diagnostics is completed, all infected files will be displayed in front of you. The program will delete them on its own or block access to them. From now on, when surfing sites, be more careful and do not visit dubious pages.

Unfortunately, the Android operating system is also susceptible to viruses. So the information on how to remove a virus from a phone will be relevant for many users. Each type of malware has its own characteristics, so the options for eliminating them differ from each other. In this article, we will look at examples of the most common malware and methods for effectively neutralizing them.

This type of virus is the most popular. You can find a Trojan on almost every device. Dangerous software reliably hides ongoing actions, being encrypted under the guise of another program, and sends paid hidden SMS. In addition, he is able to read the information of bank cards and codes that are recorded in messages, contacts. You can eliminate it like this:

  • scan your phone for malware and spyware, for example, through a utility;

  • delete the found dubious software.

These simple steps can not only neutralize, but also completely remove the virus from the device.

You should often check your smartphone for viruses and spyware through antivirus programs: Doctor Web, 360 Security, Kaspersky and others. They have the most complete database of Android system virus software.

How to remove ad-type virus from phone?

This malware is also quite common, but it differs from the previous one in that it is aimed more at making money through ads, and not at extracting money or harming the device.

You can solve the problem in several ways manually for free:

  • Activate airplane mode. This will disable the network and other types of pairing so that advertising cannot be loaded or displayed. These actions are suitable for applications and game content that function without an Internet connection. To activate the mode, hold down the power key and select the desired action in the window that opens;

  • elimination through scanning. Check your phone for hazardous objects. Such products are usually detected, so removing them is quite easy.

Removing a malicious banner

These malicious objects block the functionality of the device and extort payment from the user to deactivate the dangerous banner. On any phone you can meet such a threat.

If the phone is infected with this malware, quickly pull out the SIM cards until a large amount is withdrawn from the account.

How to remove a virus from an Android device if it is not removed? Infected software is easily eliminated by the following steps:

  • turn off the device and fully charge;
  • turn it on, further actions should be performed as soon as possible, before the banner is activated;
  • go to settings (developer options);

  • enable debugging via USB;

  • select the field of the list of software for debugging - it contains dangerous software, mark it.

The above actions will help block the pest, and the infected program can be removed in the usual way. After the destruction of the virus, it is necessary to reset the settings to the factory settings in order to ensure stable and correct operation of the device.

We remove mobile viruses through a computer

A computer can help in cases where anti-virus products on a mobile phone are unable to cope with their functions even in safe mode or the device's functionality is limited, blocked. There are a couple of ways to remove dangerous software:

  • through a computer antivirus;
  • using a file manager for mobile devices on Android, for example, Android Commander.

Antivirus on PC

Connect your tablet or smartphone to your computer equipment using a USB cable. You need to select "As a USB drive". After that, a couple of additional "disks" will be available in the "Computer" folder - a memory card and the internal memory of the device. Scanning can be started by opening the menu of each disk, for this there is an option "Check for viruses".

Let's use Android Commander

This is a specialized utility for file exchange between a gadget and a computer. Activating on a PC, it gives the user access to the phone's memory, helps to copy, move and delete various data. To get full access to the contents of the device, you will have to take care of root rights in advance and connect via USB. This was mentioned above, but we note again that such debugging can be started like this:

Settings/System/Developer options

Next, the gadget connects to the PC and starts with admin rights. In it you can see all the protected directories and objects of the Android operating system. On the right side of the Android Commander window are the directories of the smartphone. In them you need to find the application file with the .apk extension, it is he who causes problems, eliminate it. You can simply copy the dubious folders to your computer and scan each separately with an antivirus.

What to do if the threat is not removed?

If all the actions described above did not help, you will have to move on to drastic measures:

  • firstly, reset and restore factory settings through the system menu;
  • secondly, hard reset in the Recovery menu;
  • Finally, reflash the hardware.

Each of these methods returns the device to a new state, that is, it will not have any user data, settings, files. The Google account will also be deleted. So take care of backup versions in advance, it is better to do them manually so as not to copy the virus. Then you can start "treatment".

How to remove a virus from an infected phone? To do this is actually not very difficult, you can use one of the proposed options. It is only necessary to determine the type of threat in order to use the right "weapon" for it. Another tip - be sure to install antiviruses on your Android to avoid dangerous infections.

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