How to equip a loggia computer table. Do-it-yourself chic office on the balcony: before and after photos

reservoirs 12.08.2019

Hello! On this page you can get acquainted with the most relevant and popular information about the arrangement on the balcony and loggia of the office.

You can see photos of the office on the balcony, loggias that have been converted into an office, as well as examples of a student's workplace on an insulated loggia.

Cabinet on the loggia

Most modern apartments there is a shortage free space, and at the same time it is increasingly necessary to equip workplace or a full-fledged home office.

In such cases, the empty space of balconies and loggias comes to the rescue. Initially, these are open areas that are not very suitable for the role of an additional living room.

Therefore, a major overhaul is carried out with the following types of work:

  • - warm glazing plastic windows(with double-glazed windows and energy-saving windows),
  • - insulation of the parapet with foam blocks,
  • - insulation of walls, ceiling, floor and parapet with 5 cm foam sheets,
  • - vapor barrier of the room with a layer of foil foam,
  • - installation of additional heating (convectors, underfloor heating).

You will also need a practical finish made of environmentally friendly clean materials. As a rule, offices are arranged on small balconies and loggias, and therefore you should choose Decoration Materials in light colors. They visually increase the available space.

Office on the balcony

AT modern world You don't have to leave your own apartment to get the job done. The only condition for successful employment is a stable and high-speed Internet. It is quite logical that for comfortable work at home, a comfortable and functional office is required.

Unfortunately, the layout of most apartments does not provide for a separate place for an office, and therefore the empty space of balconies and loggias comes to the rescue.

The main advantages of the cabinet on the loggia:

  • - there is a possibility of arranging a specialized room,
  • - not affected living space apartments,
  • - no one interferes on the balcony or loggia,
  • - work at home is more efficient and cheaper than similar activities in a distant office.

By itself, the balcony is not very suitable for arranging an office: moreover, in its original form it does not look like a room at all. Therefore, before proceeding with the choice of a computer desk, it is necessary to make overhaul and room insulation.

The list of jobs looks like this:

  • - warm glazing PVC windows,
  • - full insulation of the parapet with foam block masonry,
  • - insulation of walls, ceiling, floor and parapet foam,
  • - vapor barrier with a layer of foil foam foam 10 mm thick,
  • - finishing with practical materials,
  • - installation of built-in office furniture.

Furniture on the balcony

If everything is clear with decoration and insulation, then there are certain problems with office furniture on the balcony. Finished models from furniture store differ in standardized sizes. Such furniture can be placed in rectangular room, but not on a loggia in the shape of a triangle. In addition, only 1 cm of extra width will not allow you to install beautiful table or functional cabinet. That is why for the arrangement of an office on the balcony, furniture according to individual measurements, made to order, is required.

The advantages of such furniture are obvious:

  • - Perfect measurements
  • - the choice of filling,
  • - Possibility to choose materials for furniture manufacturing,
  • - full control over design stage,
  • - high quality workmanship due to small batches of furniture.

Workplace of a teenager on the loggia

A child who is in school needs separate place for study. As a rule, in small bedroom it is simply not enough, and therefore it is quite logical to use the empty space of a balcony or loggia.

The arrangement of the office begins with insulation and glazing warm windows. Then it is necessary to make a major overhaul, select high-quality finishing materials and install electrical wiring.

The workplace should be arranged as close as possible to the window in order to provide the child with the maximum level of natural light. Also, the workplace requires functional and comfortable furniture, which has a sufficient amount of drawers and shelves.

But most importantly, the height of the desktop should correspond to the height of the child.

It seems why a freelancer Personal Area? Lie down on the couch, put your laptop on your lap and work as much as you want. “Ha, if everything was so simple,” designers, journalists, translators, programmers will think now. Yes, someone manages to work normally in the park, in a cafe, on the subway, but most of us need privacy, peace, silence - in general, at least some kind of workplace. No wonder in last years we are seeing the active development of coworking spaces (an office format for employees who are not tied to a specific place of work; in other words, a freelancer can rent a small office in a coworking space - for a day, a week, a month).

If you work at home, and not in a coworking space, then you need to equip a mini-office in the apartment. Arises main question: where to place it? Maybe on the balcony? Let's clear the loggia of rubbish and think: is it really possible to make a comfortable, bright and warm office on the balcony? We are sure that nothing is impossible in this. We have compiled a step-by-step plan for arranging a balcony: a total of nine simple steps- and there will be an excellent personal account!

1. Glaze the balcony

Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), we do not live in sunny Los Angeles, so the balcony must be completely protected from wind, snow and temperature changes. However, glazing is also additional sound insulation. The best option for glazing a loggia is triple metal-plastic windows. Here you will need the help of professionals: fortunately, there are many companies on the market that deal with glazing loggias.

If the balcony is already glazed, and the quality of the windows is quite satisfactory, we move on.

2. Solve the lighting issue

Surely you will have to work not only during the day, but also in the late evening, early morning or at night. But usually there is no electricity on the balcony, so the next step is to run the wiring from the adjoining room.

In fact, you only need one outlet, to which you can connect a table lamp, a floor lamp, and a computer. Of course, you can make full lighting: order stretch ceiling with several lamps or hang a small chandelier, but such alterations will require much more time and effort.

3. Insulate the balcony

In winter, it will be very cold on the balcony even with the thickest double-glazed windows. In order to have a comfortable temperature in the future office at any time of the year, it is necessary to insulate the walls, ceiling and floor with special heat-insulating materials. For example, penofol is an environmentally friendly insulation, the thickness of which is only 4 mm. Please note that before installing the penofol, corners and cracks must be sealed with self-adhesive tape.

In addition to insulation, it is necessary to use hydro and vapor barrier so that subsequently the decoration, furniture and office equipment do not suffer from condensation.

4. Consider additional heating

Unfortunately, simple insulation will not save the balcony from severe frosts. If the winters are harsh, then from November to March you will have to work in a coat, hat and gloves. Not the most good conditions, truth? The next step is to figure out how to heat the balcony during the cold season.

The first thing to remember is that it is forbidden to transfer stationary heating radiators to the loggia (only in agreement with certain authorities), so electric convectors, oil or infrared heaters. They are safe, environmentally friendly, easy to adjust (can be set desired temperature) and move from place to place.

Silent and economical electric heater presented in the store. The principle of operation is to heat the surrounding objects and surfaces (floor, wall), which give off heat to the air.

5. Consider finishing

After the work on glazing, heating and lighting has been completed, you can proceed to the finishing of the balcony. Come up with your own design project: decide how you will cover the walls and floor, what will be on the ceiling, decide in what shades you want to decorate your future office. Try to use light colors: it is believed that they visually enlarge the space.

As for wall decoration, choose between drywall, clapboard or plastic panels. Drywall is suitable if you later decide to stick wallpaper on the walls or cover them decorative plaster. The lining is ideal for those who prefer eco-friendly interiors. Plastic is the most economical and easy-to-install material: suitable for both walls and ceilings. By the way, about the ceiling: it is easiest to decorate it with plastic sandwich panels.

Wide enough to fit small table, then it can be completely converted into a comfortable and cozy office. When starting to develop interior design, it is important to determine whether it will be only a workplace or also a small library, a place for relaxation and solitude. Based on this, despite the limited space, it is better to break it into functional zones.

The office on the balcony will be successful and interesting solution which has many advantages.

  • Privacy: a balcony or loggia is the most remote place in the back of an apartment or room. Therefore, even in the case of joining a balcony or loggia to a room, with the subsequent organization of a working area on it / her, a certain isolation remains, again, contributing to fruitful work.
  • Illumination: a balcony or loggia has a large number of windows,
    therefore, during daylight hours, sunlight will be the main source of illumination. It should be borne in mind that natural light is good for the eyes and, in general, has a very positive effect on the mental and psychological state of a person, which means that work in such an office will be more pleasant and productive.
  • Ventilation: In a well-ventilated area, the human brain will work at full capacity. And on the balcony or loggia, this is facilitated by a large number of windows (besides, the view from the window will please the eye).

The disadvantages include the complexity and cost of turning an ordinary balcony or loggia into a full-fledged office.

Stages of repair work on the balcony

Electric installation work

The future working mini-office cannot be fully used without office equipment, that is, lighting, sockets and switches are necessary.


Unfortunately, neither capital insulation nor triple-glazed windows will be able to provide a comfortable temperature on the balcony during winter frosts. Therefore, it will not be possible to do without additional heating of the mini-cabinet. Balcony heating is carried out electric fireplaces or convectors, since heating batteries are not allowed to be taken outside the apartment by law.

The ceiling and walls can be painted in light shades, and the floor furnishings in dark, which will create a contrast in color. Bright hues and Beautiful design eco-style balconies with practical and comfortable .

When decorating a balcony-study, it is important to combine the entire interior with a single design idea so that colors, textures of materials and pieces of furniture combine beautifully and harmoniously.

The material, in fact, can be anything, the main thing is that the color and texture of the finish be in the same style. It is recommended to choose a color that is not bright, monophonic, in order to set it up in a businesslike way.

It is advisable to avoid dark tones, because they visually narrow the already small room. Very large and bright enough elements should also not be chosen, as they will distract from work.

Light, pastel, natural shades visually enlarge the room, soothe and contribute to the working mood. One of the best options would be to use color natural wood or other unobtrusive shades.

Workplace for a student on the balcony

In a small apartment it is quite problematic to install computer desk for a student. And if there are two children in the family, then the problems double. And yet, even having a loggia, you can create a great work area for schoolchildren.

The table can be made along the windowsill, which is quite practical on narrow balcony. Moreover, under the table you can place drawers and shelves for storing school supplies.

And if there are two schoolchildren in the family, then in this way you can create a workplace for two at the same time.

Blinds or curtains on windows that can keep out the heat and make small rooms feel more comfortable, while a splash of color will create a contrast with the white and bring life to the interior.

Study design on the balcony connected to the room

Quite often, a balcony is attached to a room and, having insulated it, creates a small work area with different shelves or cabinets.

Rest zone

The opposite side of the balcony can be turned into reading room by setting bookshelf made to order or handmade. Shelves with books can also look good on the side wall of a mini-office.

In addition, a small seating area can successfully fit into a cozy office, where you can place a small coffee table and an armchair, so that it is pleasant and comfortable to drink a cup of coffee, take a break from business or read your favorite book. But this option, unfortunately, is possible only if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe balcony allows.

Garden furniture and decor accessories such as vases, lamps, lanterns, candlesticks, wall decorations and eye-catching plant and flower pots will help add charm and style to your design.

A small space on a balcony or a glazed loggia ... it would seem, what can you think of there? But no, there are a lot of ideas for decorating a balcony, and if it’s also insulated!

We will consider one of these ideas, namely, how to make a cozy, secluded office out of the balcony, where neither a grumpy wife nor noisy children will get you.

Since Soviet times, it was customary to store all sorts of rubbish on the balcony. Moreover, sometimes even the owner himself does not know what is there.

It is not uncommon for a broken ski, a rusty tricycle, a selection of magazines to be found among the many items that were safely forgotten on a balcony or loggia. Young Technician”, a jar of pickles that has long been swollen, a vintage bag and a mink hat half eaten by moths ...

Why wasn't there! Probably the only thing that could not be seen on the balcony was the perfect order.

My name is Alena Tyshman and today I will tell you how to use a glazed balcony wisely - as functionally and aesthetically attractive as possible.

The first step towards a dream: redecorating the balcony

To design an office on the balcony, it is better to glaze it and, if possible, conduct heating. If you can wait a bit with heating, then glazing the future room is a must!

Windows will prevent dust and precipitation from entering the premises, as well as protect against significant temperature fluctuations in the off-season.

An economical option that can be used instead of heating is the insulation of the balcony with the help of penoplex, penofol or polystyrene. Don't forget to insulate the floor as well.

The cosmetic finish of the glazed balcony involves various variations, depending on your preferences, taste and, of course, financial situation.

Any finishing materials suitable for living rooms, it is quite possible to use here. In the literal sense: wallpaper, wall paneling, cork, painting - absolutely everything is suitable for the balcony!

The main rule in the design of the balcony: use light color palette and glossy surfaces. After all, the room is small, so it should be further visually enlarged.

The balcony-study should also be well lit and equipped with additional power points (sockets). On the initial stage cosmetic repairs The future Cabinet needs to think about this aspect as well.

The second step to a cozy office on the balcony: buying or making furniture to order

Naturally, it is not so easy to buy furniture for the balcony. Standard products are unlikely to fit perfectly into such a small room. Therefore, it is necessary to make furniture to order.

Before you go to a furniture company, try to think on your own about what exactly you want to see in the office on the balcony.

Furniture elements that help to functionally manage the space on the balcony:

Written (computer) table

For a balcony, it is enough to install only the tabletop from the table, supplementing it with an exit shelf for the keyboard. Thus, you will save money on materials, and will not clutter up an already small space.


There are two main options for bookshelves on the balcony:
  1. independent shelves above the table;
  2. bookcase on the opposite wall from the table.

Drawers for papers, stationery and more

If a table without legs is supposed to be in the office on the balcony (only a tabletop), then a special mobile cabinet (bedside table on wheels) can be made for drawers. Or, several independent drawers placed above / below desk.

Shelves for office equipment

The overall size of the shelves and their actual placement depends on the equipment that is supposed to be present in the office on the balcony.

Be sure, before ordering furniture for the balcony, measure all the devices and provide the dimensions to the designer.

The more open shelves, closed cabinets, drawers and mobile furniture - the more practical, comfortable and neat in the office on the balcony.

Use the space above the table, under the table, on the walls and even on the floor, but remember to leave room for free access and movement around the office.

Photo collection: 25 best ideas

At the end of the article, I offer you a photo selection of the best, in my opinion, solutions for decorating an office on a bankone.

Study on the balcony for a teenager

Office on the balcony in the living room

(modena select=138, Cabinets > ask price and order)

If there is not enough time at work to complete things, they are taken home. Data analysis, reconciliation of results or planning is difficult to do in a noisy environment, among vacationing family members, so separate room. With a shortage of living space, arrange an office on the balcony. The idea will surely appeal to freelancers and remote work enthusiasts who spend hours sitting at a computer and papers.

At first glance, the idea of ​​a device on the loggia or balcony of the office seems absurd. Much more often, flower beds are laid out there, pantries are equipped for pickles and jams, or they simply ennoble the room for a rest room. However, after carefully weighing all the advantages, it turns out that a mini-office behind the wall of a living space is an unusual, but successful solution.

From the beautiful classic interior, masterfully created homely atmosphere, you won’t immediately understand that in the photo there is an office on the balcony

Consider the benefits of an extraordinary idea:

  • expansion of usable space;
  • use of natural light;
  • excellent ventilation Fresh air from the street;
  • suitable working conditions.

Each item requires further explanation.

There is never too much living space, so a couple of well-maintained meters is a great gift for the family. As a rule, in an apartment, first of all, space is allocated for a bedroom, a nursery, a living room, and there is no space left for an office. The chance to get a balcony for an office is quite large, it is unlikely that any of the family members will resist. Moreover, after that, the additional area will not cease to be a place of rest - just put a comfortable sofa in the corner.

Personal work area - the opportunity to decorate the room in your favorite style

If in the office on the balcony arrange panoramic glazing, natural light will be maximized. From sunrise until late in the evening, you can not turn on the lamp - there is enough light for working at a computer or paperwork. To make it comfortable to work at night, conduct electricity. beautiful chandelier, a pair of elegant sconces, a floor lamp that migrated from the bedroom - any lighting device will do. However the best optiondesk lamp with the possibility of adjustment.

Sometimes from excess sunlight have to hide behind thick curtains or blinds

The problem of the old "Khrushchev" and "Stalin" buildings is the ventilation of residential premises. The exits to the ventilation shafts are located only in the kitchen and in the bathroom, and to create an effective supply and exhaust system you need to at least temporarily open the vents or windows. AT small room, where access to double-glazed windows is open, it is much easier to arrange ventilation, the main thing is to avoid drafts.

Before installing double-glazed windows, determine the workplace in advance, consider the location and method of opening the shutters

If the loggia is not combined with an adjoining living space - a living room or a bedroom, then the entrance is necessarily closed by a door. This is a guarantee of good sound insulation and that you will not be disturbed or distracted at the most stressful moment. To isolate yourself from street noise, install double-glazed windows with high noise insulation and take care of wall insulation.

At right approach to the arrangement of the premises, the office on the balcony is no different from the usual

We turn to a small minus, or rather, to a minus, the size of which depends on the degree of neglect additional premises. If you have to improve an unglazed patch that has never seen repairs, then a lot of money will go away. However, if it is already insulated, glazed and partially furnished, it remains to reflect on the design of the office on the balcony.

How to turn an unequipped balcony into an office

Suppose you got the most difficult, expensive option - a room completely unprepared for life, that is, a structure with a concrete floor and a metal fence. We will try to analyze the steps that are necessary to transform non-residential space into a comfortable work area.

Step 1: glazing

If you, opening the balcony door, instantly find yourself on the street, the first mandatory step is glazing. It is also necessary if the only sign of comfort is old wooden frames with cracked glass. Modern double-glazed windows are warm and cozy.

Traditional three-sided installation of double-glazed windows - maximum sunlight

A couple of tips that will help when choosing a glass structure:

  • pay attention to the quality of the profile and fittings - often problems arise not because of the glass, but due to the rapid abrasion of the seals or the loosening of the corner nodes;
  • single-glazed windows are used only for the improvement of cold rooms, you need two-chamber structures (in the northern regions - three-chamber);
  • think about the dimensions of the structure - glazing to the floor is hardly appropriate, it is better to stop at the traditional half-wall version with blind ends;
  • consider how the design of the frames will be combined with the decoration of the walls; there are options for color design, lamination, wood and stone styling - but do not overdo it with creativity.

Please note that sashes can be hinged, folding, sliding, as well as with a combined opening method. Choose those that are more convenient to use and plan the installation of movable frames not in front of the workplace, but a little further away.

Two full-time jobs - the opportunity to work in the company

The result of glazing is the creation of a full-fledged living space, separated from the street a reliable wall glass and plastic/aluminium.

Step 2: lighting

Replacement of natural lighting will be needed in any case - for work at late hours, for evening rest. Therefore, the second thing to take care of is the creation of an electrical network that would fully meet the requirements of the working room. This is, first of all, bright, but soft light, which allows you not to strain your eyesight, does not distract from work.

A lamp with a lampshade is a great solution for an office - a creative workshop

Except choice lighting fixtures, such as lamps, it is necessary to design a wiring diagram, bring electricity to the balcony, install sockets, designate the location of the lamps. Wires are usually pulled from an adjacent room. There are two ways of installation - closed (in wall strobes) and conditionally open (under facing material or box). When choosing the second method, take care of reliable insulation, for example, lay the cable in a protective corrugation.

Lamps and sockets are best placed on a common wall with the room - it's easier to work with wires, you don't need to pull them under the floor or in the ceiling. However, if the workplace is far from this wall, it is better to move the socket to the table - it will be easier to use the equipment, there will be no need to buy extension cords.

Variant of the upper spot lighting device; additional light in the workplace area is provided by a table lamp

Working with electricity requires some knowledge, so if you are not sure about own forces call an electrician. Short circuit caused by improper cabling or inaccurate connection of appliances is a risk of fire.

Step 3: warming

So that the idea of ​​​​turning a balcony into an office does not fail, insulate all surfaces - the floor, ceiling, walls. Let's consider one of the ways.

One of the options for finishing the interior space

Working in an office is many hours of hard work, so the temperature of +15ºС, which is typical for glazed loggias and balconies, is not enough. It is necessary to insulate the room so that during the time spent at work, a person never feels the desire to wrap himself in a blanket or put on woolen socks.

Stage of insulation - installation of roll Penofol using wooden slats

Action plan:

  1. Thermal insulation of non-glazed parts of external walls. The best option- extruded polystyrene foam, the thickness is chosen, focusing on weather region (on average, from 50 to 80 mm). If it is important to keep usable space, pay attention to Penofol - a thin 5 mm insulation with a metallized layer.
  2. Insulation of a common wall with the apartment. Everything is simpler here: the same Penofol is suitable for finishing a relatively “warm” surface, the main difference of which is the minimum thickness without losing the main qualities of the insulation.
  3. Floor arrangement. On the prepared base, slabs of expanded polystyrene or basalt wool are laid in the crate.
  4. Insulating ceiling finish. In fact, the ceiling on the balcony is also concrete slab, therefore, the same methods are applied to it as are used for thermal insulation of walls and floors.

Choosing a method of insulation, it is important to follow the technology and use high-quality materials, because after finishing it is difficult to get close to the layers of insulation.

Step 4: heating

To begin decorative trim a balcony for an office is impossible until the heating system is thought out. Like any living space, the office requires regular heating. In summer there is no need for heating, but with the onset of cold weather it becomes important condition use of the residential area.

Convector type electric heater for seasonal use

It would seem that there is nothing simpler: they built up pipes central heating and installed 1-2 radiators. But this simple, inexpensive plan won't work, as taking the batteries out of the apartment is prohibited. Loggias and balconies do not fall under the definition of living space. There are examples when tenants sought permission to install radiators, but the approval process will take a lot of time, effort, and it is possible that money.

Consider heating options that can be legally implemented:

  • infrared heater;
  • electric convector;
  • warm floor.

Devices and systems work when connected to electricity, and for this, permits and approvals from government agencies are not required.

The "warm floor" system is designed for installation in any residential area, the only negative is the high price

If the room is small in size, and the insulation is of high quality, then a conventional electric heater is sometimes enough for full heating. Powerful appliances are efficient, but electricity bills will increase.

Step 5: finishing

This is the most enjoyable - the creative stage in the process of arrangement, as it is the beginning of creating the interior of the office on the balcony. To make the result look stylish and harmonious, you need a project that reflects the main design direction and detailing.

To create a project, use a computer program or simply draw a sketch

The cabinet is work room, so the interior should be more businesslike, practical, not distracting. Accordingly, when choosing a palette, we prefer neutral shades - gray, brown, white. But the choice of materials can be any. Someone likes ecological cladding from wooden panels, others - smooth painted walls, the third - easy-care plastic.

If catchy accents do not bother you, then use brighter colors when drawing up a project.

Which flooring use? There is also complete freedom of action:

  • laminate;
  • carpet covering;
  • boards;
  • linoleum;
  • tile.

But keep in mind that carpeting refers to the “warm” type of floor, and tile or linoleum to the “cold” type. If you do not use slippers, it is better to stay warm. Wood will also work, as wood usually "keeps" room temperature.

Office on the balcony with a wooden floor. For comfort, you can lay a rug near the table

The ceiling is often lined with clapboard or plastic panels, but for an insulated loggia it is appropriate tensile structure. When installing any type of ceiling, do not forget to pre-mark the attachment points ceiling lights if they are scheduled.

When refurbishing the office small balcony do not forget about the lack of free space - choose only those building and finishing materials that allow you to save useful centimeters.

How to organize a work area on the balcony

First, consider two options for using the new room:

  • exclusively as an office;
  • as an office and resting place.

If you chose the second option, and your rest is not limited to playing computer "shooters" and "strategies", divide the territory into two parts - a work area and a recreation area. In the first, we install a desk with all the necessary accessories, a computer, office chair, shelves or locker; in the second - a sofa, a coffee table, flowers. If desired, even on a 3-meter balcony, you can create two compact but cozy corners.

Light interior in a semi-Scandinavian-semi-rustic style

Consider, What to consider when organizing a workplace:

  • Style - business, restrained, minimalist.
  • Lighting is well thought out. During the day, protection from bright sun rays, in the evening - artificial lighting, sufficient for work, but not striking in the eyes.
  • Free windows. A narrow window sill and double-glazed windows are an area that is better not to clutter up with decor. The only exception is curtains, curtains or blinds. The discreet design of the balcony under the office does not tolerate anything superfluous.
  • Furniture sizes. If you are lucky with the balcony area, you can ignore this item, but we recommend that owners of typical urban high-rise buildings choose furniture of reduced sizes, or even better, order a working set according to their size.
  • Wheelchair. This traditional office accessory is more than appropriate on the balcony - if necessary, it can be easily moved to the relaxation area.
  • Maximum use of walls. Since their area is small (most often these are two end narrow walls), it is important to use shelves, racks, cabinets in full height.

Furniture for an office on a loggia

The office, equipped on the balcony, should be as functional as possible. Therefore, buy compact, ergonomic furniture. If the budget allows, it is better to make to order. Due to the small size balcony room it will be difficult to find ready-made tables and chairs that will fit into the interior. In small spaces, every inch needs to work, so it's best to fit the furniture flush against the wall and railings.

Instead of a massive table - a countertop

For a study on the loggia, a minimum set of furniture is appropriate:

  • writing or computer desk;
  • a hard chair or chair on wheels;
  • racks;
  • shelves on the wall;
  • nightstand.

To save space, limit yourself to a countertop, a comfortable chair and a couple of shelves. These items will provide good working conditions without "eating" free space.

Written (computer) table

A writing or computer desk is best placed at the end of the balcony, spreading across its entire width. Sometimes it is set at an angle, using the window sill as an additional surface. The side from which artificial or natural light should fall on the desktop surface depends on which hand the person writes with: right or left.

For left-handers, the light should fall on the right, for right-handers - on the left.

As for the material, it can be anything. Desks are made from:

  • Chipboard, fiberboard or MDF are the cheapest materials;
  • metal (not always convenient, but looks stylish and original);
  • tree ( wooden crafts is of high quality);
  • tamburata is new lightweight the material from which the original designs are created.

office chair

An office chair installed on a balcony cannot be too large. Give preference to ergonomic, not massive furniture. Large "director's" chairs look spectacular on spacious balconies, on ordinary balconies they just get in the way. Everyone chooses the form, type of construction independently, based on personal preferences.

For an office, an armchair with a soft, semi-soft, hard seat is equally appropriate. In any case, it is equipped with a gas lift - a mechanism that adjusts the height of the seat. It is better to choose a product with an anatomical adjustable back. Suitable for upholstery:

  • natural or artificial leather;
  • eco-leather;
  • grid;
  • textile.

Shelves / racks for books

Racks and shelves should complement the interior of the room. This will make the workplace more stylish. The shelves are made strong, rigid, so that you can put books, folders with documents on them. Shelves and racks are best made from the same material from which other furniture on the loggia is made, but variations are possible depending on the design features.

Most often, shelves on a balcony or loggia are made of wood, plastic, metal or glass. It is better to hang them above the desk at the ends of the loggia to save space. Racks can be placed on the opposite side of the computer desk or attached to bearing wall so that they do not interfere with free movement.

Drawers for papers and stationery

Drawers ensure the safety of documents, protecting them from moisture, dust, and other adverse factors. Paper stackers vary in width and height. These designs are of two types: with full or partial extension. Usually they are placed under the desk, but variations are possible: fastening to the wall or installation next to the racks.

Drawers can be made independently, buy finished models or make to order according to individual measurements. Color and design match the style of the interior. To make these designs look appropriate in a study on a loggia or balcony, make them from the same material from which other furniture in the room is made.

Shelves for office equipment

The study on the balcony does not need in large numbers office equipment, but its absence can adversely affect the functionality of the workplace. When working at home, you may need a printer, projector, scanner or any other equipment. Some devices can be put on a computer table, but it is better to build separate shelves for them on brackets.

Shelves for office equipment are best attached to a load-bearing wall. Shelves can be made to order according to the size of the equipment that will be placed on them. You can also make them yourself from chipboard, MDF or wood. There is not enough space on the balcony, so partially unoccupied long shelves are inappropriate here and only interfere.

Furniture for an office on a loggia or balcony should be ergonomic, multifunctional. It is installed so that nothing interferes with free movement, opening windows and balcony doors. As a standard, the cabinet is made in the same style, where each item (shelving, armchair, decorative elements, etc.) harmoniously complements the interior.

Examples of successful cabinet design on the balcony

Perhaps some photos will help give birth to new ideas for improving the style of not quite ordinary, but comfortable place for work.

Video: cabinet decoration and design

Video sequence design ideas:

Tips for warming and finishing:

Option classic interior from professionals:

As you have already seen, the creation of an office on the balcony - real idea. If the prospect of another useful room makes you want to create and fantasize, this project is for you!

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