Stuccoing of concrete walls with their own hands. How and why stucked the walls in the house how to shook the concrete wall in the apartment

Gardening 29.08.2019

In the list of works related to the repair of both residential and non-residential premisesThis is necessarily present such an operation as plaster. It allows you to remove defects and irregularities of surfaces. With its help, if necessary, you can contact geometry corners. Modern market replete with suggestions of ready-made mixtures for execution plastering.

Distinguish two main types of plaster: on cement and plaster-based.

And in order to understand the better to handle the surface, it is necessary to clearly understand yourself that each type of wall corresponds to a certain type of plaster. Professionals believe that it is categorically impossible to use mixtures with one of the ingredients of which there is a gypsum for processing walls from concrete. Due to certain chemical interaction of gypsum and concrete, the applied plaster can crack, bubble and even peel. It is recommended to use cement-lime solutions or cement solutions with an admixture of plasticizers.

As practice shows, plaster walls from concrete has its own specific difference. The bottom line is that the concrete wall is usually smooth. Therefore, before spraying the solution, notches are made on the surface, which significantly increases the adhesiveness of plaster with the wall.

To give the concrete surface of roughness, it is reinforced using a special grid.

When carrying out plaster works it is very important to determine the amount of material required. Basically, two factors affect the consumption of the mixture, namely: the curvature of the walls and the type of plaster.

The greater the wall plane deviates from the vertical and horizontal, the greater the solution is required for aligning it. And each type of mixture implies exclusively its expense rate.

Today, many construction companies have their own sites on which there is a mass useful information For many issues, such as the walls of plastering or how to calculate the consumption of plaster. If independently, according to the existing methods, determine the amount of mixture required is difficult, you can use the online calculator. To do this, it is enough to know the type of preferred plaster, the area of \u200b\u200bthe treated surface and the estimated thickness of the applied solution layer.

Competent selection of materials, clear observance of all nuances proper technology - Here, ultimately, a guarantee of durability, quality and preservation of an excellent appearance of the apparent plaster.


Kaatos Bangkal (AnthoCephalus Chinensis) Family: Marrene Commercial Names: AnthoCephalus Other Names: Magalablab, Manuluko, (Bagobos) Sapuan (Manus) Distribution: Philippines, Borneo, Sumatra, Malaya and India Wood Description Kaatos Bangkal Wood Light orange color, cream color core. Texture straight grainy. Growth rings are not clearly outlined, the pores are barely distinguishable. Weight about 400 kg / m3. Mechanical properties Classification of bending steam bad, ...

Zhekiatiba (Kariniana Pyrifirimis) Family: Lecitic commercial names: Zhekatiba Rosa, Abarco (Brazil) Other names: Albarko, Abarco (Colombia); Baku (Venezuela) Distribution: Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela Description of Zhekutyb Wood The core of the tree varies from yellow-pink to orange-red-brown with dark brown streaks. The material is straight, with fine or medium texture, with distinct rays. Weight 496-688 kg / m3; Specific weight.58. Mechanical ...

DJELUTONG (Dyera Costulata) Family: Cutric Other Names: Zhalotong Bukit, Zhalotong Paya (Sarawak) Distribution: Small and Indonesia Description of the wood Dzhelutong Color Core from cream-white to straw. Grain is almost direct, thin, smooth and simple texture. Weight varies from 420-500 kg / m3; Specific weight.46. Mechanical properties of Jelautong - Middle density wood having low strength and very bad ...

Plastering walls - the basic stage of repair and construction work, both in a new building and in the caught room. Masterfully completed surface plaster will make any finishing finish, without significant design changes. Despite the seeming simplicity, the plaster process is a complex and responsible event, the implementation of which requires certain knowledge and skills.

Features of plaster concrete walls

Concrete is quite common construction material, occurring in old buildings and used in the construction of modern structures. Concrete walls are characterized by good operational characteristicsbut the technology of their finishing is more complicated due to high density and hardness material.

An important stage of many repair and construction works - plaster walls. The preparatory process cannot be circumvented as if staining of the surface, laying of the tile or wicked with wallpaper. Some masters are trying to simplify the task and "trim" the concrete base of plasterboard. However, such a wall is not able to withstand heavy loads - it will not be possible to hang on the TV, boiler and other household equipment. Therefore, the optimal method of finishing is still considered to be shuffling.

The decoration of the concrete wall compared to the plastering brick surface has a number of features:

  1. Ceramic brick have a plurality of pores, which, like a sponge, absorb the solution. Due to this structure, the plaster is tightly connected with the base of the wall.
  2. On the concrete surface because of its smoothness and density, the plaster makeup is poorly held.
  3. Performing finishing workIt should be borne in mind that the plaster dries longer on the concrete wall than on the brick. In addition, it is important to take into account that when aligning the wall layer, the layer of plaster is applied in an inhomogeneous layer thickness, and this affects drying time.
  4. Before applying plastering, the concrete base needs special preparation - applying sneakers, using primer, fastening the reinforcing grid, etc.

Important! When plastering a smooth concrete wall, each layer should be literally "rubbed" to the ground, so that he will subsequently disappear and did not spoil the new finish.

Selection of mixtures for plaster concrete walls

Alignment of the concrete surface inside the building is performed using cement-lime compositions or polymer-cement solutions with the addition of plasticizers. Everything plastering mixes To finish concrete, you can divide into three categories:

  1. Conventional sand, plaster or cement based solutions. Materials are suitable for alignment of surfaces and provide the basis for protection against excessive humidity. Essential plus - affordable cost.
  2. Special formulations, for example, to increase noise insulation or thermal insulation, antifungal, etc. Mixtures are developed, the use of which reduces the effects of harmful emissions.
  3. Decorative plaster for the finishing wall. Using such compositions, it is possible to create imitation different surfaces. Textured decorative bulbs and depressions give unusual effects and change the visual perception of space. The lack of material is a high cost.

A solution for plaster can be prepared independently or buy a ready-made composition. When they knead the necessary proportions, which will ensure the strength and durability of plaster. In purchased mixtures, all components are already dosed.

All plaster formulations have two components: filler and binder. As filler used different types Sand. Depending on the type of binding substance, the mixture is classified into the following types:

  • lime;
  • cement;
  • gypsum;
  • cement-lime;
  • glue solutions.

Plastering mixes are selected depending on the site of use (processing of internal or external surfaces) and base material. Each composition has both advantages and disadvantages.

Cement mixes - Universal, they are used when repairing inside the house or finishing the facade. The main advantages of the solution - high strength and affordable price. Additional advantages include:

  • practicality - unused bags of dry mixture will be useful when performing subsequent repair and construction work;
  • successful solution can be used for a long timewithout fear that the mixture will freeze - this property allows you to immediately prepare a large amount of mixture with a concrete mixture.

When working with cement plasters, some disadvantages of the solution should be taken into account:

  • low adhesion with concrete surfaces - this disadvantage is usually manifested during sand excess;
  • lay a layer cement plaster physically difficult;
  • the impossibility of using a room in a room with wooden structures - The technology of applying cement composition requires its periodic moistening during the drying period. In this case, the humidity in the room rises, and elements from wood can be deformed;
  • plaster cement - very dirty and dusty;
  • long-term hardware process - the subsequent finish is carried out in two weeks.

Lime Plasterthe factory production has a proportion of 1: 4 (1 - lime, 4 - sand). Often, reinforcing and organic components are introduced into the composition. Features of a lime solution:

  • high cracking resistance;
  • environmental friendliness and elasticity of material;
  • it has good vapor permeability, which contributes to moderate humidity and favorable room microclimate;
  • ease of kneading and applying;
  • mortar Long dries.

Important! To obtain a solid plaster, it is necessary to use compositions with reinforcing components.

Cement-limestones Have a couple of binding elements. Such plaster kept the advantages of each type of mixtures and at the same time lost some flaws.

Distinctive features of two-component plasters:

  • lime increases the plasticity of the solution;
  • processed surface for a long time is suitable for wasting;
  • has antifungal properties;
  • the solution is not falling off from the wall and does not laugh;
  • good adhesion with concrete surfaces;
  • regulation of humidity indoors;
  • the disadvantage of such mixtures is its cost.

Important! Lime to the skin can lead to chemical burnSo work must be carried out in closed clothes and protective glasses.

Gypsum compositions Suitable for alignment of walls indoors. Such plaster is used in rooms with moderate moisture level, the gypsum solution is not suitable for the bathroom or pool. The advantages of plaster-based plaster can be attributed:

  • the plasticity of the mixture - the applied solution does not flow;
  • comparatively with cement composition, the gypsum leaves less dirt in the process of plastering walls;
  • relatively small material consumption;
  • the speed of drying the finished solution;
  • good warmth - and sound insulation qualities;
  • suitable for "pulling" of highly curved surfaces.

Cons of gypsum compositions:

  • instability to mechanical damage;
  • tendency to abrasion;
  • when the moisture is rebupping, the plaster layer will deteriorate;
  • the solution dries very quickly, so it must be missed by small portions and promptly spend within forty minutes.

Stuccoing of concrete walls: technology and procedure for performing work

Preparatory work

Getting started, instruments and materials should be prepared:

  • brush and scraper for cleaning the wall;
  • jackhammer or paint;
  • spatula medium and wide;
  • rule;
  • construction level / plumb;
  • light profile;
  • stuccoaster;
  • falcon;
  • capacity for the kneading solution;
  • equalizer corner;
  • plastering blades and Kelma;
  • grater;
  • reinforcing mesh;
  • dry plastering mixture or components for self-kneading;
  • primer.

The process of plastering concrete walls with their own hands begins with surface preparation:

  1. Ruffy and detached wall fragments are to be deleted. If this is not done, then they will subsequently cause the destruction of the new layer of plaster. Plots that give in pressure also need to be considered. The base for applying plaster should be absolutely stable.
  2. Cleaning concrete. The remains of the old paint, whitewash and putty consider the spatula from the wall.
  3. The available potholes should be sealing from sand and cement, and after drying, it is a coarse sandmaker. Restoration of cracks and holes with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 5 sq.m. Requires the use of reinforcing grid.
  4. The walls of the new, only rebuilt home must be cleaned of formwork lubricant and various influx. Speakers cut down.
  5. With the help of a brush, a broom or cloth get rid of the resin, fat stains And dust. Effective method Cleaning - blowing compressed air Or thorough flushing surface under water pressure.

Council. To improve the hitch of the plaster mortar with a smooth surface, it is advisable to make notches on the concrete wall. This work is performed by a hatching hammer or chisel.

Application of primer

Some experts assure that notches on the basis of last century. This complex procedure is able to replace modern materials of plaster concrete walls, for example, the primer of deep penetration of concrete contact.

The base of the soil is polymers and cement-sand mixture. The components of the impregnation create a binding rough layer, so that any finish can be secure on the concrete surface.

Conconduct attack is applied to a clean brush base or a wide roller. Approximate time of soil drying - up to 4 hours. Subsequent work is recommended to perform, without waiting for the complete frosting of the primer layer.

The use of concrete contact has a number of additional benefits:

  1. The possibility of impregnation to exterior and internal works.
  2. Safety acrylic compositions Primers concrete contact.
  3. The solution does not prevent the natural circulation of air in the room and allows the "breathe" walls.
  4. The primer composition is resistant to the appearance of mold and fungus.

Fastening reinforcing grid

In order to avoid the formation of cracks due to the temperature expansion of the working solution and the wall surface, it is necessary to install a glass mesh between them. Optimal size Cells - 5 * 5 mm. Due to the reinforcing grid inside the plaster, an internal framework is formed, increasing the strength of the finish.

The grid is laid out on top of the primer layer, it is well stretched and fixed on the wall surface.

Flowing surface process

Immediately before plastering the wall, it is necessary to check for evenness, set lighthouses and prepare a working solution. Purchased mix It is enough to mix with the water in the proportions indicated on the package, and thoroughly mix the construction mixer.

Make a cement-lime solution can be independently by the following instructions:

  1. Prepare components of the mixture: 1 part of the cement, 2 parts of lime, 7 parts of the rush sizzy sand.
  2. Lime to connect with water and mix to homogeneous mass.
  3. Sand Add to cement and mix them.
  4. Mix a dry cement-sand mixture with a casczyce solution.
  5. To adjust the density of the composition, you can add water or sand.

Stucco spray technology on a concrete surface can be divided into three main stages. Consider each of them in detail.

Stage 1.The first plaster layer is applied to the wall by the "spray" method. The consistency of the solution must remind a thick sour cream. The optimal thickness of this layer is not more than 5 mm. The main task of the primary plaster is the maximum penetration of concrete and creating a reliable hitch of materials. The liquid solution is not smeared over the surface, but it is thrown onto the wall in small portions.

Stage 2. - Application of the main layer with a thickness of about 1.5 cm. The re-"pumping" of the plaster is carried out after grapping the previous one. The order of surface treatment is from top to bottom, ranging from the angle of the wall. The solution must be somewhat thick of the first layer. The mixture must be covered in the entire area, and excess the composition to remove the rule by conducting a tool for beacons.

Stage 3.. The finishing layer of plaster should have the same consistency as the second. Thickness "Cover" - 2 mm. Important conditions obtaining smooth, without surface flaws - the absence of lumps in solution. For the preparation of the mixture, sand is taken, passed through a sieve with cells of 1.5 * 1.5 mm.

Before the stacker layer is completely dry, the plaster should be lost. Traces from the movement of the grater can be removed by the felt cloth.

Plaster concrete walls with your own hands: video

Many houses have uneven wallswho simply need finishing work. Calculate the surface is in order using shockting. Unfortunately, practice shows that people without experience only acquire numerous problems in this repair process.

In this material, we will look at the main details of the finishes of concrete walls by plaster, and also analyze some subtleties that often affect the final quality of the work.

Features plaster

If we talk about the quality of the work, first of all it is worth paying attention to the construction standard SNIP III-21-73. On its basis, it is possible to spend the entire repair process without any difficulty. But at the same time, the overall quality of work is based on the following paragraphs:

  • With conventional surface plastering, there are permissible deviations. It is no more than 3 mm per 1 m surface, also this value should not exceed 15 mm on the entire room. If we are talking about ceilings, then there is no more than 7 mm deviation, if the ceiling height is 2.5 m. There may also be a smooth irregularity, which should be no more than 3 units on 4 square meters. The height (or depth) of these most irregularities should not exceed 5 mm. For each meter horizontal, the deviation should not be more than 3 mm.
  • To improve plaster there are more stringent requirements. As part of the vertical surface, it is not more than 2 mm per 1 m, as well as no more than 10 mm on the entire perimeter. The depth of irregularities can reach no more than 3 mm, and there must be 2 or less thereof. Horizontally deviations are allowed the same as in the case of a vertical.
  • With high-quality plaster, the state standard sets even more serious framework. We are talking about the deviations on the vertical surface of not more than 1 mm per 1 m, as well as no more than 5 mm on the entire finish area. Horizontally, the permissible deviation is similar. Also allowed 2 irregularities, the depth of which will be no more than 2 mm for 4 square meters. m.

Wall alignment options

There are 2 options in total:

  1. The level of alignment for lighthouses. Most often, this method is involved in situations with too strong irregularities. Accordingly, in such situations, it will help to get a decent result of only lighthouses for which it will be possible to navigate in the process.
  2. With the help of the rule, the alignment occurs in situations when the surface is initially relatively even, but small deviations are still present. In the same way, you can try to spend alignment and too deformed surfaces, but for this you need a considerable experience.

Cost of work performed

Experienced owners recommend finishing work exclusively own forcesbecause it will save a significant part money. On average, the cost of these works is about 500 rubles per square meter. These are a lot of money, especially considering, perhaps not the most implanting budget for all repair activities. Therefore, it is necessary to personally explore the technology and try to spend all the work with your own hands.

If the area of \u200b\u200bwork is small, then perhaps third-party help will be the most correct solution.

For example, if you need to set the finish of the surface in 100 square meters, then it will have to spend tens of thousands of rubles throughout this, and this is still excluding spending directly on materials.

The best mixture for plaster

It is known that the most common options are the products based on cement or gypsum. Practice shows that long ago famous brands We produce high-quality products, which at a responsible moment will definitely fail.

  • with its help, you can provide a high adhesion of the material being applied;
  • layers can be applied with a thickness of up to 50 mm, and a single crack will appear guaranteed with such a scenario;
  • the plasticity of the material is high, therefore, on this basis, it is possible to obtain the desired surface without any difficulties;
  • even without using the reinforcing base can be applied gypsum mixture over smooth concrete;
  • it is known that the gypsum provides a good level of sound insulation, and also keeps heat inside the house.

Using beacon profiles

Beacon profiles are metal elements that have perforated holes. They are peculiar limiters in the process of surface plaster. Length for beacon profiles is often standard - 300 mm, and the depth can be either 6 mm or 10 mm.

As for the rule, this tool is a long rack created on the basis of aluminum. It is used to align the mixture, but not only for the application of plaster, but also in many tasks related to the repair.

Required tools and devices

Often, the following list of inventory is required:

  • plaster mix;
  • dowels;
  • a hammer;
  • plumb;
  • lighthouses;
  • perforator;
  • building level;
  • scissors;
  • rule;
  • bucket;
  • primer;
  • roulette;
  • gloves;
  • roller

The process of plastering walls

When all the above-mentioned tools and components of the process are in stock, you can start work, but it all starts with preparatory activities.

Use of beacons and surface markup

  • To begin with, it makes sense to carefully examine the surface. With help building level You need to check the wall and make sure it is suitable for repair. If substantial flaws are found on the surface, they should be noted that in the process of plastering on them it was possible to pay attention in the first place.
  • The next step is to conduct markup for lighthouses. It is necessary to analyze what the wall is height, and what area we will be transferred to shocking. Next, you can easily determine how many profiles are needed for repair. If there are data on the size of the room, then it is originally better to draw a plan on the leaflet.
  • Directly the distance between the beacons should be limited to 1.6 m. This value is quite comfortable so that you can work with standard Ruleswhich is often two-meter.
  • The distance between the beacons can be less than 1.6 meters, especially if the repair occurs around the doorway.
  • Before installing lighthouses, you need to drill holes for fastening these very elements. After the holes, the dowels with self-draws are clogged, which are completely free to keep lighthouses on the surface. Sometimes dowels are driven without self-tapping screws. Fastenings should be evenly distributed over the surface, which will subsequently succumb to the finish.
  • As part of the next step, the surface must be carried out. As a result of this process, we will get better adhesion, and minimizes negative impact various components may be present on the surface. If the wall consists of a brick or aerated concrete, then you need to apply large volumes, since these surfaces are characterized by high absorbability. If we are talking about a concrete wall, then concrete contact is often used.
  • After drying the wall, you can continue screwing the screws. Immediately after screwing the fasteners, you can use the rule and see if there are some deviations on the surface. Perhaps it makes sense to twist a self-press hat to get optimal location element.
  • To make sure the fasteners are correct, you need to pull the cord between them and make sure that the profiles are located as needed. According to this principle and the alignment of self-tapping screws occurs, and then the installation of metal elements is directly.
  • Next occurs the preparation of a plaster mix so that you can fix the lighthouses. In this case, you will need a bucket that is filled with a small amount of water and the mixture. Relationships need to be viewed directly on the instructions for the mixture. The mixing of the mixture occurs with a perforator with a special nozzle. The consistency of the material is also an important topic. Experts compare the ideal state of plaster with cottage cheese. It is also important to remember that the finished material should not fall from the tool.
  • Apply the plaster needs along the line so that the mixture is not higher than the hts of fasteners. The metal profiles in the mixture occurs. It is recommended to hold this event together, the first person presses from above, and the second is from below. So you can get a decent result.
  • With the help of a building level, you need to make sure that the location of the beacon is correct until it can be corrected. Directly before the mixture dried, its residues should be removed from the rules, otherwise the material dries.

We apply a mixture

  • Stucco wall begins with the preparation of the solution. For this you need a bucket, which is filled with water by the third. With the help of a perforator with a special nozzle, a mixture is stirred.
  • The density of the solution is a serious question. It all depends on which layer will be applied to the surface. It is known that the stratic layer is needed, the mixture should be thick.
  • Immediately before the process of applying plaster, the wall may be moistened, but only if the surface is easily absorbed by moisture. You need to wet not the whole wall, but exactly the plot that in this moment Will succumb to applying material. If you do not care about it, the surface can crack enough and have too low strength.
  • The alignment of the mixture occurs from the bottom up, and the layer of plaster, which is applied to the surface must be smooth and without the slightest pass. While the material is plastic, it can be submitted corrections without the slightest consequences.
  • A sharp string of the rule should be led along the surface. The tool must be kept perpendicular to the corners, since otherwise the excess volumes will take place. Excess the mixture should be removed using a spatula.
  • If there are bubbles or significant irregularities on the surface, you need to immediately remake everything, re-dissolve the mixture and give it the corresponding appearance. Bubbles on the wall indicate that in specific places the mixture does not reach the surface. With a spatula, you can remove too much and sketch again, using the rule to align.
  • Zigzag movements by rule will make the surface of the most even, removing all the excess volumes of the mixture.
  • After that, a new layer of the mixture is applied, and all the above measures are simply repeated. With each layer, it is all easier to do the work, since the final result becomes closer.
  • The layers should be equipped in such a way that the lighthouses are deepened in the material. After that, when the material is applied to the surface, you can delete beacons. If you do not make this on time, these elements released on the basis of metal can be powder, and the surface will become unattractive. From above lighthouses enough to pick up with any metal tool and pull the profiles down.
  • It turns out the shoes that need to quickly close. We already have a flat surface, and on the basis of this value it is necessary to make alignment of emptiness, where they used to be profiles. With the help of a spatula, you need to apply the mixture and spit it into its X-shaped movements.

The grout process of plaster

This stage of work is concluding, and it is he who most affects the attractiveness of the surface that will result in the end.

  • This process is carried out even before the plaster dried, since the plasticity of the material allows you to get the necessary result. Immediately before the grout, the surface is again moistened with water.
  • The solution is applied to the smooth, after which it is smeared with the finest layer. After that, smoothing at an angle of 45 degrees. It is advisable to make a strong push to increase the quality of the surface.
  • The process of smoothing must be carried out until there is an excess material on the smoothing.
  • The above actions are carried out over the entire surface, but only on the specific sectors, as it will not definitely not succeed in high quality the walls at once.

Other details

  • Special attention should be paid to the thickness of the created layer. Practice shows that if plaster is applied to the surface for further tile cladding, the material layer should be at least 10 mm. Moreover, this applies even to the surfaces that are originally relatively smooth.
  • For beginners, the process of applying plaster may seem not easy, given the subtleties of technology, as well as a large amount of inventory necessary for work. However, the practice shows that to obtain at least a small amount of experience, it is necessary to see the repair process with their own eyes and make some conclusions. Sometimes in repair activities require sufficiently difficult solutions.

Well plastered walls always look very aesthetically and carefully, but to achieve such results you need to do a rather laborious work.

The plaster of the walls can be carried out in the event that the novice master will carefully study how this process is carried out, will understand that it is necessary for its holding, and will figure out in the basics of this work technology.

However, not only theoretical knowledge is important, but also at least a small practice in this work are important. Therefore, if there is no experience in plastering "manipulations", you need to try your hand to start little plot walls. Conducting such a workout, you can at least "fill the hand" in the sketch and in its leveling.

Such experience is useful not only to owners of private houses, but also the owners of apartments in high-rise buildings, as, unfortunately, even in panel houses Walls, often need enough to solve enough.

The plastering mixture is selected depending on which the walls of the building are built. In addition, conditions are taken into account where work is carried out - indoors or outside the building.

Prices for popular types of plaster


Walls of bricks

  • The walls derived from the brick are usually plastering with mixtures made on the basis of cement, sometimes with a small addition of lime to give additional plasticity. Lime is added in the event that the work is carried out in a room with high humidity or outside the structure.

  • On the brick walls It is superimposed by a layer of plaster, which should not exceed 30 mm. It is necessary to take into account the fact that if the coating thickness is more than 20 mm, then under the plaster on the wall, the chain grid for reinforcing and hold the mixture on the surface is necessarily attached.
  • On the basis of cement, it is necessary to take the ingredients based on the proportions 1 part of the cement and 3 ÷ 4 parts of the sifted clean sand. These starting materials are mixed with water to thick consistency, but it also takes into account that the mixture should be plastic.
  • If a cement-lime mixture is manufactured, then 1 part of the cement, 1 ÷ 2 lime test and 5 ÷ 7 parts of the sand will be needed. First, the sand is stirred with cement, then lime diluted to the consistency is added to the dry mixture, and everything together is mixed to a homogeneous state. When obtaining too thick composition is allowed (although not welcome) adding large number water.
  • If the walls are fixed facing brickThe plastering will be harder because it has a smooth surface. It is likely that the mixture will roll from the wall or even fall off slices - sometimes even the reinforcing grid does not help in such a situation. So for such a surface need special professional primer compounds and correctly selected reinforcing grid. This work is better to entrust qualified specialists who know which materials will become optimal for a particular surface, and they own the technology of applying them to "complex" surfaces.

Concrete wall

  • If the concrete surface is smooth, then it must be prepared by primer with the addition of quartz plugs, which will give the wall required for reliable retention of stucco. IN cement mortar For the wall added powder gypsum that Significantly enhances the adhesion of the mixture with the wall.

  • In addition, a lime-gypsum solution is often used for such a surface, where the proportions 3 ÷ 4 parts of the lime and 1 part of the gypsum are applicable. The process of playing such a mixture takes place in the following order: the gypsum is quickly mixed with water - the mass should not be a thick thoroughly, a lime solution is poured into it, and then squeezed to uniformity.
  • If the concrete wall has roughness, it does not require complex preparation, a special approach or special compositions, as radiation cement or gypsum plaster solutions are suitable. Nevertheless, before applying the plaster on the wall, it is recommended to impregnate the brine of deep penetration "concrete contact".

Walls made of foam concrete

When applying plaster on foam concrete reinforcing grid - required

  • Walls from foam concrete blocks Before plastering must be treated with primer-impregnation of deep penetration. If necessary, the reinforcing fiberglass grid is fixed on the wall - "Serpentanka".
  • For such walls, both gypsum solutions and cement are used.

Choosing the compositions for alignment of the walls, you need to approach this issue with full responsibility. It is necessary for comfortable work on plastering, for good adhesion of solutions by the wall and for the quality of the task completed - the maximum long time Walking wall services.

It should be noted that at present a very large amount of finished mixtures on different bases and intended for different surfaces are represented in construction stores. This is very convenient - in the preparation of the compositions, it will not be necessary to break your head with the definition and dispensing of the proportions of its ingredients, as it will be enough to dissolve the mixture with water in the consistency packaging.

When choosing or independent manufacture Plastering makeup, you can use the following tables:

Table 1. Basic characteristics of finished plastering mixtures

IndicatorNorms for marksTest methods
Coupling solution LAN 10/90Leveling solution LAN 35/95LS 50/50 CouplingCoupling solution LS 65/35Finishing solution of Fine Cout LAN 50/50Spacure ThermonitePutclone for blocks
Recommended layer thickness in mm3 ÷ 5.5 ÷ 15.5 ÷ 15.5 ÷ 15.3 ÷ 10.2 ÷ 10.3 ÷ 10.That paragraph 1.2
Recommended water consumption l / 25kg3.5 ÷ 4.3.5 ÷ 4.3.5 ÷ 4.3.5 ÷ 4.4 ÷ 5.5.5 ÷ 6.6 ÷ 7.That paragraph 1.2
Estimated strength in compression in MPa at least16 8 4 2 4 6 20 GOST 5802-86
Estimated bending strength in MPa at least2 2 1 1 1 3 3 GOST 5802-86
Adhesion based on MPa at least0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 1 0.5 GOST 5802-86
The average density of the solution kg / m 31900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 GOST 8735-88
PH12 ÷ 13.12 ÷ 13.12 ÷ 13.12 ÷ 13.12 ÷ 13.12 ÷ 13.12 ÷ 13.That paragraph 1.2
Characteristics of the surface of the wallThe composition of the solution
Lime, (with sand, plaster, cement)Complex (cement, sand, plaster, lime)Cement-sandLime-gypsum
Indoors with normal humidity
1:4; 3:1; 2:1 1:1:6 1:0,3:4* -
Wooden- - - 1: 1 ÷ 1.5 ÷ 2 ÷ 2.5
For premises with high humidity and outdoor work
Brick, concrete, stone- 1:1:4 1:3 -
Wooden 1:1:6 1:4 -
* Note - 0.3 Limits into cement mortar is added for plasticity.
Note: The mobility of the solution should be with a mechanized application of 60 ÷ 80 mm, when manually applied, 70 ÷ 80 mm

Preparatory work

Before starting plastering work, you need to spend preparatory activities on cleaning walls from old finishing materials. This is done so that the plaster be good and kept on the surface of the wall - everything should be removed from it, to the base. Walls laid out different materials, require an individual approach to cleaning them.

If cracks are detected after cleaning the walls, they must be seen, otherwise the plastering can be cramped in the same place.

Seeling cracks

Detected cracks need to be neglected, and this process is carried out. different ways, depending on the width and prevalence existing defects.

  • If the width of the separation of the crack is small, but it is obvious that it goes into the depths of the wall, the first thing to do is to expand it, and free access to a narrow part in the thickness of the material.

Expansion of cracks on the wall surface ...

... followed by their sealing

After drying the penetrating composition, the crack is sealed with a putty on a cement or plaster basis with a spatula, in a level with the surface of the wall.

  • If the crack is completely narrow and not deep, then you can close it with a sealant or silicone. They are filled with a slit with the help of an attached to the cylinder with the composition of the fine-naked-nanish, which is directed deep into the crack.

  • For the sealing of very wide slots is often used and mounting foamwhich can be filled with gaps, without even waiting for the complete drying of the primer.

After the full polymerization of the foam, its surplus, speaking over the surface level of the wall, are cut, and then you can move to the following processes by

Preparation of a brick wall

  • If the walls of the brick have already previously been imposed on a non-footless layer of old plaster, it needs to be wetted with water with the help of a sponge, conducting moisturinenesese as if it is easier to lag behind the surface.

  • Then, with a spatula, having a thickness of a metal working surface at 1.5 ÷ 2 mm, and the hammer, the plaster layer you need to carefully remove.

To do this, one of the sections of the wall is at first closed with a hammer. Then, through the cracks that appeared, the plaster sucking with a spatula. If necessary, by his handle tapping with a hammer, separating layers of plaster from the wall.

  • According to the purified wall, you need to walk with an iron brush or grinding with an appropriate nozzle.
  • Next, the seams between bricks need to deepen a little - by 5 ÷ 7 mm so that the plaster enters them and from this received the best Clutch with a wall.
  • After that, the wall is cleaned with a soft brush, and then - a wet sponge.
  • Finishing preparatory stage It is the coating wall of deep penetration into two layers. The second layer is applied after complete grazing of the first.

How to prepare concrete wall

Clear the smooth concrete wall from plastering or bliss is easier than brick, since the plaster usually keeps worse.

  • Poons can be thickened well with a sponge and consider the iron brush, and then rinse the wall surface.
  • If you do not want to breed dampness, you can proceed differently: first to cover the blaster whipping a thick layer and give it to dry, and then consider the whores or a thin layer of plaster with a rigid spatula.

  • On the purified surface it is recommended to make shallow notches. It should be noted that this process is not from the lungs, so there will have to make considerable efforts. But Ignore him - it should not.
  • Can be replaced by applying notches more simple method - Trunking the wall with the addition of pure quartz sand in the small fraction. But sometimes this method may not work, so it is best to carry out an experiment on a small sector of the wall, imposing a soil on it and waiting for its complete burden. Further, on the wall you need to spend your hand, checking its roughness. If it is tangible, it means that the plaster will hold on it well. But the sand does not have to crumble from the wall.

Preparation of a wooden wall

  • From the wooden surface, it is easy to consider old stucco. The wall is cut down by a hammer, and the plaster itself flies on the floor, so it is recommended for the wall in advance to lay a polyethylene film. Then, after removing the plaster, the film along with a sloping construction can immediately take out the room, do not stretch cleaning for a long time and not dealing with mudto the whole house.
  • In order for the plaster well on a wooden surface, thin rails are stuffed - the so-called duch. They are stuffed on the wall diagonally with nails. Dranca will not only be well held plasteringBut also serve as beacons when aligning it on the surface.

Dranco on a wooden wall - Excellent "Armature" for plaster

  • If, after cleaning the walls from the old plaster, it was found that an old duncan is fixed on the surface, it must be removed, since insects could start in it during long-term operation, or it could be confirmed and unreliable wall. In addition, the old tree can very often publish nasty smellwhich easily can leak into the room through a layer of new plaster.
  • Do not forget that before you fill the crate, the wall must be covered with antiseptic compositions to protect the wood from the occurrence of mold or the appearance of malicious insect colonies.
  • If duranka is chosen for the crate, then after the completion of its installation, the wall again needs to be covered with an antiseptic for wood.
  • Sometimes for the crate instead of duranki use a metal chain grid. It is not fixed not to the Wooden Wall itself, but to slats, which are strips between the grid and the wall. Their thickness should be at least 3 mm.
  • It is possible only after the wall is fathering the walls of the walls.

Deploying Mayakkov

To achieve perfect flatness of the wall with plastering, it is necessary to establish landmarks, so-called beacons that are exhibited by the construction level.

Typically, metal guides are performed, which are fixed on the wall using gypsum solution - It is quickly grasped and keeps metal profile in that position inwhich It was installed in terms of level.

  • Lighthouses are set at a distance of approximately one and a half meters from each other, with such a calculation, so that when aligning the solution, the rule went along two nearby beacons.

The perfect vertical priority is controlled by a plumb.

  • If there is only a short level in the toolkit, then a long bar can be used, which is pressed to the guide, before the gypsum solution is completely dry. His middle put the level and level one or the other side of the guide, gently pressing it by BR.

After preparing the walls to apply plaster, you can move to the preparation of the solution.

Cooking for plaster

Process itself walking Most often spend in three stages, overlapping a solution in three layers.

  • The first layer is a sparing on the wall a sufficiently thick plaster mortar.

The first layer is a sketch, simply - the positiveness of the plastic plaster composition

The process can be carried out using a trowel or simply manually, but in this case you need to wear thick rubber gloves.

- On brick and concrete walls, the solution is attacked by a thickness of slightly above the installed beacons - this is approximately 5 mm.

- On the wooden walls With the crate, the thickness should be about 8 ÷ 9 mm.

  • The second layer is called soil. For it, a solution has a tough consistency. It is applied using a trowel or a wide spatula, and its thickness should be about 7 ÷ 8 mm.
  • The third, finishing layer called the cross. It should be made of fine-grained sand without major enclosures. The solution for the finish layer must have creamy consistency.

You can purchase a mixture for each layer of plaster in finished videowhere all components are provided that contribute to good adhesion and the strength of the solidary mass.

The solution should well "dispel" on the wall plane, but do not flock down

If the solution is made independently, then most often use the following recipes for their manufacture:

  • Cement-limestroke: 1 part Lime, 1. part Cement and 5. parts Sand.
  • Cement mortar: 3 pieces of sand and 1 part of cement.
  • Lime-based solution: 1 part of the lime and 3 pieces of sand.
  • Gypsum and limestroke: 3 parts mixed to a dough-shaped state of lime and 1 part of a dry powder of plaster.

There are nuances that need to be taken into account before you knead the solution:

  • Plaster by cement based It is necessary to use for an hour after sheltering it, otherwise it will lose their plasticity and will be badly clutching with the wall of the wall. Therefore, you only need to knead the amount of solution that is guaranteed may be applied during this period of time.

  • Solutions on a plaster basis are collected and frozen extremely quickly, so they are seated immediately before applying to the wall and in small quantities. You also need to spill such solutions at once, as the thinner the layer of application, the faster it will dry.
  • When using ready-made mixtures, before pouring them with water, it is necessary to learn the instruction located on the package, since these materials have different grapplation and drying deadlines.

Six solutions occurs as follows:

  • First, the container where the solution will suffer, water is poured. It is then filled with 6 ÷ 8 dry mixes, and mixed well with a special nozzle-mixer.
  • Then the dry mixture is added gradually into the container and stirred to the desired consistency. The solution should be homogeneous and plastic.
  • Next, the resulting solution is left for a couple of minutes, and then squeezed one more time. If there is a need, a little water is added to it or a dry plaster mixture, depending on the resulting and required density.

Once again, I would like to remind you that the mixtures need to prepare as much as the master can use for 25 ÷ 30 minutes - if a The mixture is made on a plaster basis, and 40 ÷ 60 minutes - if a on cement.

After the solution is noticed, you need to immediately move to the first stage of applying plaster on the wall.

Learn the features of the process from our new article.

Application technique plaster

As mentioned above, most often work is carried out in three stages. They should be considered more details to know how to act correctly.

  • The first stage, "sketch" or "spray" is carried out with the help of a trowel.

Start a solution from the bottom of the wall, gradually understood upwards. Packed slides of plaster rose above guides by 8 ÷ 10 mm.

The solution can be said to be poured onto a wall with a small scope, with an effort to make a well conclude with the wall.

Sketching the plaster in the floor height per 1000 ÷ 1200 mm, it is aligned with the rule. It is installed on the renresting and slowly lift up, pressing on the solution and distributing plaster between the guide smooth movements to the left ÷ to the right.

  • The next stage is the applying layer. This stage of P is levels after setting the solution of the first layer of sketched and aligned.

Due to the plasticity of the composition, it can be applied with a wide spatula.

The solution is closed using the average width of the spatula from the tank and shifted onto a wide spatula, and then superimposed on the wall and is distributed over it to a smooth layer. Applying the mixture, it is necessary to align all the bands remaining from the maintenance spatula.

The same layer should hide the awaiting strips of guides.

  • The third, the finishing layer is designed to make the surface perfectly smooth. It should be thin, not more than 1.5 ÷ 2 mm. It is superimposed on another wet second layer, and if he has already managed to dry, it can be moistened with a wet roller.

The finishing layer must be made as even as possible, with the smoothing of all bands and alignment unprofitable spatula places. In order not to miss any flaw on the surface, the wall on the tangent is highlighted with a light bulb when the upper light is turned off.

  • After driving the finish layer, go to the grout of the surface with a plastic or wooden grater. This process of the PR is diluted with circular motions, counterclockwise. At the same time, the grater is tightly pressed against the plastered surface.

  • Further, the felt material or felt is fixed on the same grater, and the process of the final grinding of the surface begins.

Before you decide on the purchase of a large number of materials for plastering walls, it is probably worth it for a start in a construction store to purchase a few kilograms of the finished plaster mix and spend the whole process on a small sector of the wall or on a piece of plywood. If everything goes well, you can move to large-scale work on the walls of the room.

Give the house aesthetic appearance helps facade plaster. Outdoor finish concrete decorates walls of the building from different materialsProvides protection against atmospheric influences, such as snow, rain, wind and sunny ultraviolet. Today it is proposed a wide range of mixtures with various technology Application for the facing of all types of masonry materials.


The outer plaster of concrete walls is endowed:

  • sanitary parameters, due to which the smooth and smooth surfaces of walls with reduced dust formation, lightweight purification of dirt;
  • protective-structural functions that allow outer walls due to the proper level of protection against harmful effects of dampness and aggressive media, increased heat transfer resistance, reduced sound conductivity;
  • decorative properties that make it possible to give a special texture outdoor facade, ensure bright color Surfaces. For this, the number of aggregate and binder varies, additives and pigments are applied.

Pros and cons

The advantages of external plasters include:

  • The possibility of selecting the optimal plaster mix for high-quality finishes. The range of products of various composition allows you to choose a material based on the size, type wall material, plans of the designer project.
  • Creating a moisture protection vapor-permeable layer. The plaster breathes, without preventing the natural circulation of air, so moisture accumulates in the walls. This advantage allows you to create multilayer coatings.
  • The possibility of obtaining an ideally smooth and smooth surface.
  • The ability to make relief finishing.
  • Applicability for cladding not only brick or masonry.
  • The presence of insulated plaster mixes coated from mineral Wat or foamflast.
  • For laying plaster mix no need preparation and alignment of walls. Plastering compositions close seams, defects in masonry, protruding parts reinforcement carcass, cracks, deepening, etc.
  • Work with a mixture is fast and comfortable.
  • Low cost. Modern finishing materials (tile, siding) for the finishing facing of the wall masonry are expensive than the process of outdoor stacking of the facade.
  • Ensuring high fire resistance.
  • Durability. This advantage is relevant only when choosing high-quality plastering material and observance of nuances of application technology.

Facade plaster mixes also have some drawbacks:

  • Knowledge and experience is required to apply the finish layer to get a really high-quality outer coating.
  • Multipleness and complexity of facing work. The worker needs to be properly diluted or prepare a plaster material, prepare forests, correctly split the wall to the sectors for plastering, high qualityly disperse the surface treated surface.
  • A large number of waste under the mistakes made, which entails additional costs.
  • It follows with solar weather at average air temperatures. Unwanted precipitation in the form of snow or rain, which can lead to detachment of plaster due to increased humidity.

Group of plaster compositions

The purpose of the process is to create a smooth, perfect surface.

There are three main groups of plasters:

  1. Classic plaster mixes that are designed to equalize surfaces for further finish (staining, putty, varnishing). They are endowed with high and specific protective propertiesFor example, when cladding a block wall material, such as aerated concrete, brick ,. The most common cement plaster.
  2. Decorative plaster products used as finishing walls. With their help, the laying acquires a finished look. Plastering for decorating facades create embossed or colored surfaces. They are distinguished by a more complex application technology.
  3. Specific plasters designed to create a thermal insulating or shielding layer on the walls. With their help, additional protection against low temperatures, high humidity, noise, etc. The compositions are recommended for decorative plaster.

Types of finishing mixes

The market offers a large selection of exterior coatings on concrete. The conditional classification shares them on the cement-sand and decorative group of plasters. A detailed description of subspecies is presented below.


The most commonly used, as they differ in low cost. Compared in the form of dry plaster compositions. Prepare directly on the construction site. They are enough to make up necessary quantity Water, according to the instructions on the packaging.

Mineral mixtures apply to wall decoration from different materials: stone, brick, block products. Stucco is applied even on wooden surfaces After pre-draft processing. For self-preparation, a high brand of portland cement and aggregate will be required, which is selected according to the ultimate requirements. Popular compounds on cement with sandy or lime aggregate.


  • low price;
  • high strength quality, clutch, vapor permeability, frost resistance;
  • low water absorption.

The disadvantages include:

  • lack of color diversity;
  • small elasticity that over time leads to cracking during shrinkage.


Acrylic structural plaster For external and internal works.

Acrylic mixtures are applied only on smooth coatings. Due to high elasticity, the minimum thickness of the facing layer is sufficient. The finished coating is distinguished by wear resistance. Suitable for decoration of playproof structures with polystyolide and polyurethane foam insulation.

However, the compositions are distinguished by high cost, flammability, low vapor permeability. The dust and dirt will quickly settle on the plaster, which is why over time the facade loses an external aesthetics.


This type of plaster is characterized by the highest operational parameters, increased elasticity, so materials are easy to work. Plastering They have the ability to maintain integrity at large shrinkages at home, which allows you to create a high-quality outer layer when finishing gas-silicate and foam block walls, which are very sitting in the first year of operation, but require protection from rain and snow.

Features of the surface of silicone plasters:

  • repels dust;
  • quickly washed off;
  • long retains color;
  • suitable for finishing social Floors, buildings near the sea due to high water resistance and resistance to the effects of sea salt.


Silicate plaster in blue tones.

Silicate compounds are made of liquid potassium glass, as a binder. The aggregate is: stone crumb and / or sand, pigments, water, modifying additives. Is different:

  • high moisture and windproof;
  • durability;
  • high quality decorative finishes;
  • good adhesion to concrete, silicate, aerated concrete;
  • fire-resistance;
  • vapor permeability;
  • shadow diversity palette;
  • the possibility of finishing with silicate paints.

The only drawback is a high price.

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