Shed roof construction. How to build a pitched roof

landscaping 25.06.2019

Despite their simple, uncomplicated design, shed roofs are in demand, rational, especially for country housing construction. Roofs with one slope are also widely used for arranging garages, adjoining buildings, and outbuildings. You will learn how to build a pitched roof with your own hands step by step below. Multi-pitched roof options are complex in design, and a single-pitched roof can be made with your own hands, since it is, in fact, a rectangle that is located in one plane and has no bends. On a lean-to, by the way, it will take you much less building materials than any other, it will be more resistant to seasonal manifestations (snow, wind, rain).

Construction of a garage with a shed roof, photo:

Benefits of a pitched roof:

  • light weight;
  • relatively acceptable total cost;
  • affordable, uncomplicated installation process;
  • the possibility of using various building materials (roofing, rafters);
  • affordable arrangement drainage system, chimneys.

Photo of a chicken coop with a range for chickens

Despite its simplicity, a shed roof can be very creatively played up in design solutions. The angle of its slope directly depends on the climatic features of the region where you live. If you are used to snowy winters, then the degree of inclination should be greater (so that the snow slides off better), but if your house is located in a windy place, then the slope should be made smaller. For the same reasons, the slope of the roof should be directed in the opposite direction from the facade, so that the precipitation "leaves" behind the house.

The shed roof is of ventilated and non-ventilated type. The first option is used for residential buildings, the slope varies from 8 to 25 degrees. In such cases, air exchange is provided by an insulating layer and special openings located on the sides of the roof.

Outbuilding - garage and shed

The non-ventilated version is often installed in garages, sheds, outbuildings to the house, their slope angle is mostly small - 3-6 degrees.

House with a shed roof - the choice of roofing material

The calculation of a schematic drawing of a future home begins with determining the required angle of inclination and a suitable covering material for the roof. Most often, for such shed structures, corrugated board, metal profile, roofing material, tile, slate, metal tile or ondulin are used. Soft tiled or ruberoid coating is best suited for very small slopes - from 5 to 10 degrees. Slate with corrugated board is more suitable for "average" indicators of the angle of inclination - from 20 to 30 degrees. For metal tiles, a slope of at least 35 degrees is required.

Choice roofing material due to its ability to interact with atmospheric precipitation and remove them from the surface in a timely manner. For example, snow comes off much easier from slate, corrugated board, tiles.

How to make a shed roof?

To build a shed type roof with your own hands, you will need standard set building tools, necessary building materials. Wood materials (lumber) must be of good quality with a maximum moisture content of 22%. All wooden materials recommended to pre-treat antiseptics(for example, from the series "Drevoteks").

In addition to everything, you should have fasteners in stock: crossbars, struts, struts.

A crossbar is a horizontal piece that acts as a support for load-bearing structures, it distributes the load of the rafters to other beams.

Spacers - a type of supports that are located in the spans, provide greater stability to the entire structure.

Struts are beams that act as supports truss system.

Shed house extension

shed roof, a photo:

You must have:

  • wooden beam with a section of 100 × 150 mm;
  • laying boards (thickness at least 5 cm);
  • rafter nails;
  • thermal insulation materials;
  • waterproofing materials;
  • construction tape;
  • tools (axe, saw, hammer, special knife, plumb line, screwdriver, tape measure, construction stapler, level).

The truss system will depend entirely on the size of the future house and the building material from which the walls were built. The rafters are always installed on the Mauerlat, if the building is small and the span does not exceed 4.5 meters, then the scheme of the shed roof truss system will be extremely simple. It will consist of the main Mauerlat beam and truss support. If the dimensions of the building are not small, but the span is more than 6 meters, then the installation of reinforcing rafter legs with your own hands is simply necessary.

Scheme of the truss system

Rafters must be installed according to building regulations so that after several years of operation the consequences do not appear. Do not forget about safety rules - install reliable, strong temporary boards on the rafters, on which you will move during the construction process.

Photo installation of rafters

The workflow includes the following steps:

  • Laying cross rafters. They are attached to the Mauerlat. This is the basis - what the whole emphasis of the rafter system is on. The distance between the rafters is approximately 60-80 cm. Here you will need large nails (or anchors).
  • A crate is attached to the rafters (it is made of wooden slats 50 by 50 cm), it provides rigidity, the roofing material is laid directly on it. The crate is placed at a right angle.
  • Using a construction stapler, a waterproofing material is attached to the crate (usual polyethylene film suitable for this purpose). Fastening is carried out without tension, but with an overlap from the bottom up.
  • The turn of thermal insulation follows (for example: mineral wool, fiberglass, balsam mats).
  • Laying roofing material according to its individual characteristics.

Do-it-yourself pitched roof

Consider step by step the entire construction process:

  • Since the mauerlat is a support for the entire system, its main function is to ensure that the total weight of the roof is equally distributed evenly on the main load-bearing parts of the structure. For these purposes, you need to choose a beam of at least 10 × 10 cm, which is installed directly on the load-bearing walls. There should be a layer of roofing material between the wall masonry and the timber. The larger the slope angle, the thicker the Mauerlat beam should be.
    Do-it-yourself installation of the Mauerlat must be taken responsibly, be sure to use the building level (horizontal requirements must be met). The shed roof device involves fastening the timber to the walls with anchor bolts, the distance between them should be about a meter and a half.

  • Now comes the turn of laying the rafter boards. Make sure that the length of the board is more than the span of the roof by about half a meter.
    The distance between these boards depends on the severity of the covering material, if sheet options are provided, then 150 cm will be enough. If you are going to lay slate or tiles with your own hands, then it is better to choose a step of 100-120 cm. It is best to lay the board upside down. This will give additional strength to the entire structure. The rafters for a shed roof must be cut into the Mauerlat beam along the entire length. When you mark the tie-in points with a pencil (recommended for novice builders), make sure that the future groove is slightly wider than the thickness of the board. The slope of the slot cut is responsible for what the degree of inclination will be.

  • One of the most milestones is the installation of rafters in grooves.
    All boards must be installed in the same way, under the same slope. For your convenience, it would be better to initially put two rafters at the beginning and at the end of the wall, and then stretch the twine between them. Thus, you will get an accurate guideline, and the process itself will go much easier. To fasten the timber and rafters, use large nails (from 12 cm or more). The end of the rafter board (legs - a construction term) is attached with one side to the edge of the wall, and the other is fixed with a vertical beam. All rafter legs must be the same in terms of slope, height, direction.

  • If you have big house and the distance between the spans exceeds 4-4.5 meters, it is necessary to install additional supporting beams (struts) under each rafter. With the use of this construction method, the entire roof, the truss system as a whole, will be strengthened.
  • Boards are laid step by step on the rafters, and vapor barrier material is on them. It is placed across the rafters. The film does not need to be stretched, but the strips should overlap (10-15 cm). Where the fragments will join, for reliability it is better to use construction tape (glue the strips together).

  • We lay the insulation on the waterproofing film. When laying there should not be any cracks, gaps. The thickness of the insulation should be at least 20 cm. This is followed by the turn of the waterproofing layer, but there should be some space between it and the insulation. To provide a gap, small wooden bars between them. The waterproofing layer is attached with a construction stapler.
  • A crate is laid on the resulting “pie”. As mentioned above, slats or bars 50 by 50 are used for its manufacture, they are mounted across the rafters. Arrange as you like - a continuous canvas or at intervals.

Roof lathing with a solid canvas, photo

After the lathing, the final roofing is laid, its installation is carried out according to individual building features.

Qualitatively laid, fixed rafters do not bend under a weight of 70-100 kg. If this fact was discovered during installation, then it is necessary to reinforce the frame.

The technology of laying the layers of the "pie" may vary due to certain circumstances, have some additions. Sometimes, for greater reliability, the waterproofing layer is re-placed on top of the insulation. It will not be worse from this, but in all cases special attention should be paid to fastening.

Attach film to wooden elements construction is best with flat-head nails or a construction stapler, the step frequency should be 15-20 cm.

One of the most important points is to secure the edges of the waterproofing material. It is brought under the roof overhang, the residual length must be at least 20 cm, after which it is nailed from below or, again, passed with a stapler.

It is best to take a wooden lath and knock it out with appropriate nails (in increments of 10-15 cm) - this is the so-called "folk" method of arranging a pitched roof. Thus, you will be sure that air currents will not penetrate under the waterproofing film, will not cause large-scale damage during the invasion strong winds.

Errors fixing the edges of the garage roof, photo

In the photo above, the edges (overhang) of the roof were not securely fixed. In a strong wind, the sheet metal profile together with the waterproofing film, like a light cloth, was easily thrown aside.

Shed roof - extension to the house

Garage as an outbuilding

For garages, sheds, bathhouses, gazebos, this type of roof is most convenient. The shed roof structure provides a number of advantages for so-called auxiliary buildings.

Fastening the truss frame to the wall of the house

If we consider the extension step by step, it will become clear that its roof is adjacent to the wall of a residential building. Thus, its truss system is arranged separately from the house. The lower ends of the rafters are located on the front wall of the extension, but the upper ends are attached to the building itself. Here it is very important to ensure the proper connection of the truss frame of the extension and the main wall of the house. It is also undesirable to use too rigid fasteners, because the rate of shrinkage of the house and the attached building can be different. Because of this difference, cracks in the walls can then form.

AT this case it will be most convenient to lay the beams on a timber frame that is adjacent to the house (attached to the wall). And the very place (seam) between the timber and the wall should be filled with polyurethane sealant. It is necessary to lay roofing material on the roof of the extension with an overlap, and also to start at the junction under the covering of the house. This must be done so that later precipitation does not seep through the junction. Usually, a similar roofing material is used on the roof of the house and extension - for aesthetic reasons.

If you decide to build a barn with a shed roof, then the arrangement of the roofing system will not differ significantly from the phased construction method described above.

It happens that sheds are built from timber. In such cases, the top of the log house acts as a Mauerlat. Otherwise, there are no significant differences in the truss system of shed roofs of different buildings.

Video how to quickly make a simple winter pen for horses:

A shed roof for a garage is made using a similar method.

If the walls of the garage are built of brick, then the edges of the beams, rafter boards are embedded in the niches equipped for this. They are made in advance in the walls and negotiated at the design stages of the building. Wooden fragments are recommended to be wrapped with a waterproofing coating before being buried in these niches. At the same time, the interval of the rafters is 60-70 cm. The facade wall of the garage is high. From it there is a slope down to the back of the building, entrance gate are located in it. The roof should protrude 30-40 cm from the wall, form a small overhang.

Taking into account the above information, it becomes clear that this version of the roof is practical, functional, structurally simple. A do-it-yourself shed roof can withstand powerful wind and snow loads. Such a roof will be warm, thanks to small area for air penetration. If you did everything right, then it will faithfully serve you for more than a dozen years.

How to make a pitched roof with your own roofs: the video and step-by-step instructions published in this article on the site will help you do this work yourself. Some are suitable for use in various conditions and for different types of buildings. The single-sided option is not only cost-effective, but also quite versatile. This type of roof is suitable for residential buildings and other structures. Installation of the structure is easy to do on your own: there are enough materials on the network that address the issue how to do do-it-yourself shed roof.

Shed roofing is a cost-effective and versatile design option suitable for both residential buildings and outbuildings

Advantages and disadvantages of a shed roof

As with any other type of roof structure, before installation pitched roof it is necessary to study the features of its operation, as well as the positive and negative aspects of just such a choice. The advantages of this design include the following points:

  • the ability to use any roofing material. This is due to the fact that the angle of inclination of a shed roof can be minimal, that is, it can be completely flat;
  • less windage due to the presence of one slope, not two. This type of construction can be used even in very windy areas;
  • ease of installation and operation. Shed roofing can be easily built with your own hands;

Modern two-story building with a pitched roof

  • relatively small weight of the structure compared to other types;
  • slopes can be arranged on several floors, thus creating a structure that is complex and original in terms of design;
  • when building a shed roof with your own hands, you save not only materials, but also time and money;
  • this type of construction allows you to avoid the slope of water on one side of the house.

In addition, under a roof structure with one slope, you can equip an attic, although it will be smaller than under gable roof. If we talk about the shortcomings, then we can distinguish such of them:

  • the appearance is slightly less attractive than that of a gable design. This shortcoming easy to compensate with a good design fantasy;
  • if you are building a structure with a small angle of inclination, then the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe attic will be very small.

Installation of a shed roof is quite simple and will not cause difficulties even for novice builders

This is where the design flaws with one slope end. As you can see, there are many more advantages, which is why such a roof is very popular in various types buildings.

How to make a shed roof with your own hands: the choice of material and its preparation

Properly selected material is the basis for the reliability and durability of any building structure. In the case of the roof, you will need the following materials:

If it is planned to equip the attic, it is necessary to allocate space for the window in the design of the crate

Useful advice! If you choose between ordinary timber and glued, preference should be given to the latter, as it boasts higher operational characteristics.

  • timber or boards for mounting the crate. Here the quality of the material may be slightly lower than for rafters. The main thing is that it is dry and without a large number knots. The thickness of the boards in this case depends on the type of material with which you will insulate the roof;
  • edged boards for installing the end plank. In the event that a metal tile is used as a coating, the boards can be replaced with a special additional element;
  • fastening materials. For fastening the rafters of a shed roof and its other elements, it is necessary to use nails, anchor bolts and self-tapping screws. If you are installing a roof in places with a strong wind load, two roofs can be used in the same place. different types fasteners to increase the level of strength;
  • insulation. Serves for thermal insulation of the structure;

Scheme of the Mauerlat attachment to the wall of ceramic blocks: 1 - ceramic porous block; 2 - additional block, if the thickness of the bearing wall is 38 cm; 3 - block profile U-shaped; four - reinforcing cage(can be applied fiberglass reinforcement); 5 - threaded stud M10 immured in concrete, installed with a step of 1 m; 6 - Mauerlat beam with a section of 100x150 mm; 7 - fixing perforated galvanized corner 100x100 mm; 8 - rafter 50x200 mm; 9 - vapor barrier film; 10 - filing the ceiling sheet OSB 10 mm; 11 - ceramic tiles; 12 - crate 45x45 mm; 13 - counter rail 30x50 mm; 14 - hydro- and windproof membrane; 15 - facing brick; 16 - J-rail of filing the cornice overhang; 17 - strapping board of the cornice box 30x100 mm; 18 - board of the cornice box 30x100 mm; 19 - perforated panel of the cornice overhang; 20 - fascina; 21 - gutter of the drainage system; 22 - drip; 23 - end tiles; 24 - heat-insulating material (mineral wool)

  • steam and waterproofing materials;
  • the roofing material. It all depends on the climate in which the roof will be used, as well as on your financial capabilities and personal preferences. Please note that the answer to the question of how to build a pitched roof with your own hands in stages partly depends on which roofing material you choose for the structure.

Necessary tools for work

In addition to the building materials described above, in order to make a pitched roof with your own hands properly, you will need the following set of tools:

  • hammer and ax;
  • building level;
  • tape measure and ruler;
  • hacksaw and construction knife;
  • construction stapler with a supply of staples;
  • pencil or marker.

The process of building a pitched roof with your own hands

In addition, if you plan to apply a special antiseptic impregnation to the wood, you will need a brush or roller, as well as the impregnation itself.

Shed roof device: calculation of the amount of materials

Determining exactly how much of one or another material is needed for the installation of a roof structure can be quite difficult. Therefore, this issue can be entrusted to experienced specialists, or at least use one of the special construction calculators. The latter can be found in large numbers on the Internet on specialized resources, so there should not be any problems with this.

If we are talking about a beam, its number and cross section depend on the parameters of the slope. The length of the rafters of a shed roof determines the height and length of the beam, and the distance between the rafter legs should be within 0.6-1 m. The thinner the beam, the closer the rafters should be installed to each other.

The cross section of the beam is selected depending on the size of the structure and its weight.

The number of boards and their total length depend on the type of roofing material you choose. For metal tiles, the pitch of the crate is approximately 300 mm, and for slate - 440 mm. If it is planned to arrange a flexible roof, the step may be arbitrary due to the special laying technology. Each type of roofing material has its own installation requirements that must be followed. Otherwise, the manufacturer of the material cannot guarantee the effectiveness of its use.

The amount of materials for the windboard is equal to the total perimeter of the slope minus its lower part, which will be covered by the eaves. The amount of insulating material is equal to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe slope. If you are going to install insulation in several layers, the roof area must be multiplied by their number.

When installing roofing, it is necessary to adhere to the technology recommended by the manufacturer of the selected material.

The amount of roofing material depends not only on the area of ​​​​the slope, but also on the angle of its inclination. The latter depends on the characteristics of the area in which your house is located. For example, if you are building a roof on a plain, the slope should be more gentle so that the wind blows snow and debris freely. But if there are trees around the house that slow down the flow of air, it is more logical to increase the angle of inclination so that snow and water flow down by themselves.

The optimum slope of a pitched roof is 20°. In this case, you can mount the roof from any popular materials: slate, tiles, corrugated board, folding, etc. At the same time, you get a minimum level of wind load, which is very important in areas with strong wind. And if the angle of inclination is 45 °, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe slope will be 1.5 times larger than that of a flat roof.

Quantity required material for covering the roof depends on the area of ​​​​the roof and its angle of inclination

In addition, for some of the options for roofing materials, there are requirements for the maximum angle of inclination. What slope should be at the shed roof on which it is used roll coating? No more than 10°. For slate, this parameter should not exceed 20 °, and folding or tiles can be used with an angle value of up to 35 °.

You also need to pay attention to the smoothness of the material. The smoother it is, the smaller the slope of the shed roof you need. The calculation is based on considerations of how easily snow and various debris will slide off the roof.

Do-it-yourself shed roof step by step: installation procedure and its features

In order to properly build a roof, you, first of all, will need drawings indicating all sizes and parameters. You can make such drawings yourself, download the finished version from the Internet (of course, taking into account the parameters of your building) or order them from professional builders. After the drawings are ready, and building materials are purchased, you can proceed directly to the installation of the structure.

It is very important to decide whether your roof will be ventilated or non-ventilated. The first design option is mounted in residential premises and baths to ensure a comfortable microclimate. Ventilation in this case is achieved due to the gap between the layers of insulating material, as well as special holes located on the sides of the roof. In order for ventilation efficiency not to decrease in winter, the roof must be regularly cleared of snow.

Scheme of the device of a ventilated pitched roof

Non-ventilated design - an option for terraces, warehouses and other similar premises. It is characterized by a small angle of inclination and ease of installation.

Installation of a shed roof truss system

If we talk about rafters, then there are two popular options for their installation:

  1. Do-it-yourself installation of a shed roof truss system on walls located on different levels building. This option is more economical in terms of money, as less lumber is used. But it should also be taken into account that in this case bearing wall must be raised to the height of the roof so that it can rest against upper part rafter leg. Naturally, rafters for an absolutely flat roof cannot be mounted in this way.
  2. Installation of a triangular truss, which will combine rafters, beams and racks in its design. In this case, it is not necessary to build up load-bearing walls, but the wood consumption is much greater than in the first option. On the other hand, the truss can be mounted on the ground, which greatly simplifies the installation process. The truss system of a shed roof already made according to this scheme must be raised to the required height with the help of winches and other specialized devices.

There are two popular ways to build a shed roof truss system.

Your choice of one way or another how to fix the rafters on a shed roof will not affect its service life or the quality of installation, so this issue depends only on personal preferences.

To install the rafter legs, it is necessary to use special additional supports or struts. Their number and place of installation depends on the following factors:

  • slope angle;
  • the weight of a separate rafter leg;
  • the distance between the junction of the roof and the wall;
  • leg length;
  • type of roofing material;
  • type of material with which thermal insulation is carried out.

After the shed roof rafters are installed, it is necessary to evenly distribute the load on the load-bearing walls. For this, a Mauerlat is used.

Do-it-yourself shed roof construction. Step 1: preparation of drawings

The subtleties of mounting the Mauerlat

Mauerlat is an additional element of the roof, on which the lower edge of the rafter leg rests. It is attached to a load-bearing wall or mounted between the beams of the truss system. The material from which the Mauerlat is made depends on the material of the load-bearing walls.

If the supporting walls in your building are made of bricks, then it is recommended to use annealed wire for the Mauerlat, but for walls made of porous material - reinforcement, the length of which is 2/3 of the width of the foam block. If you are mounting a support for a truss system in a wooden beam house, anchor bolts are used as a Mauerlat.

Useful advice! Mauerlat can be affected by moisture. In order to extend the service life and avoid corrosion, it is necessary to put it on a waterproofing material, for example, roofing material.

Do-it-yourself shed roof construction. Step 2:

Installation of floor beams and rafter legs

In addition to the Mauerlat, the device of the truss system pitched roof may involve the installation of floor beams on which the rafter leg will rest. In this case, the installation step of the beam should be equal to the installation step of the rafters. Regardless of whether your design has a beam system or not, the leg is attached to the Mauerlat by means of a gash. In this case, the size of the gap between the leg and should be minimal.

If the span of the rafter system exceeds 4.5 m, then in order to avoid deflection of the beam, it is necessary to install rafter legs. The place where such a spacer is installed depends on the length of the span. When installing the rafters of a shed roof with a large area, the installation of rafter legs is mandatory, otherwise you risk that the timber will deform and break under the weight of the structure.

Do-it-yourself shed roof construction. Step 3: Installing the Floor Beams and Rafter Legs

How to make a crate

Crate - very important element roofs, since it is on it that heat and waterproofing, as well as other insulating layers, are subsequently mounted. The step of the lathing depends on the design features of the shed roof and the type of roofing material used. The batten board is attached to the rafter leg with ordinary nails.

If you are planning an attic arrangement, it is necessary to allocate space for a roof window in the design of the crate. In this place it is not necessary to make a crate, but it is necessary to mount a pair of horizontal lintels in order for the window to be better fastened. They must be made from the same material as the rafters on a pitched roof. How to make the window itself depends on your preferences.

Do-it-yourself shed roof construction. Step 4: framing installation

Roof insulation: work procedure

When installing a shed roof with your own hands, you can use any insulating material. The insulation itself is performed in the following order:

  1. Using a construction stapler, a layer of waterproofing material is attached to the crate. It needs to be done with a twist.
  2. Then a layer of insulation is mounted.
  3. A control crate is installed, the purpose of which is to separate the insulation layer and vapor barrier.
  4. The vapor barrier is installed.

If your roof is not flat, it is better to use soft materials for insulation. They are easier to install and better fill voids. At do-it-yourself shed roof construction With minimum angle slope will be more effective loose insulation, for example, sawdust or expanded clay. They do not get wet even if water flows under the roofing material.

Do-it-yourself shed roof construction. Step 5: roof insulation

The most popular and common materials for roof insulation are mineral wool and polystyrene foam. In the case of using them or other popular materials for roof insulation, a layer of 10 cm thick is usually enough, but for cold regions this parameter can be increased.

Roofing installation

This stage of building a shed roof with your own hands depends entirely on the type of roofing material you have chosen. Here you need to adhere as closely as possible to the technology recommended by the coating manufacturer. Detailed Instructions can be found for any of the popular types of roofing materials if you cover a shed roof with your own hands: step by step videos, widely represented on the network, will help you do the work efficiently.

After the roofing is installed, various additional elements can be installed on the roof. For example, weathercocks, gutters and so on. At this stage, it is worth focusing solely on personal preferences.

Do-it-yourself shed roof construction. Step 6: Installing the roofing

During construction pitched roof the calculation of the slope direction should depend on which side the wind blows most often. If you install the slope incorrectly, the roof can easily be torn off. That is why it is not recommended to install single-sided version in an area where strong winds often blow from different directions.

When calculating the truss system, it is also necessary to take into account the climatic features of your region. The finished frame must evenly distribute the load, otherwise the roof may fail much earlier than expected. By load is meant not only wind, but also precipitation. It is necessary to take into account the average annual amount of snow and rain. You can find out at the local meteorological center.

The building can be given an original and modern look, if you place the roof slopes at different levels

When calculating the amount of roofing materials, it must be taken into account that they will be overlapped. To get the exact figure, the length of the overlap must be multiplied by the number of sheets of material and summed up with the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roof. If you want to know how to build a shed roof in such a way that the material is used as efficiently as possible, be sure to consider this point.

Useful advice! The smaller the distance between the rafters of a shed roof, the more weight the roof structure can support. But it is also worth considering the fact that with a decrease in the step, the weight of the truss system increases. And if the weight of the latter is too large, the walls of the building may not be able to withstand it.

Installation of a drain during construction pitched roof

Shed roof maintenance

In order for your shed roof to serve you as long as possible, and also boast an attractive appearance, high level hydro- and thermal insulation, other operational characteristics, it is necessary to perform the following actions from time to time:

Closed with a shed type of roof, built on a slope

  • replacement of leaky sheets of roofing material. When it comes to shingles or slates, you can easily replace just a small part of the roof to restore its integrity. Please note that if the roof has failed in some places, most likely you will have to change not only upper layer, but also a crate with insulating layers. Otherwise, you risk getting a significant deterioration in the heat and waterproofing properties of the entire structure.

Remember that with proper care, it will last as long as possible, regardless of your region or the type of roofing chosen. The main thing is not to save on building materials, and then the design will delight you with an attractive appearance and excellent performance for a long time.

Nowadays, in the construction of structures, they use various schemes roofs. Nevertheless, a cover with one slope remains in demand. Its relevance can be explained by the cost-effectiveness in the arrangement and efficiency in operation.

Shed roofing is popular both for housing construction and for covering extensions of houses, garages, temporary buildings, sheds and other outbuildings. As for the design of this roof, it has the form of a rectangle, which is located in the same plane without bends.

Do-it-yourself shed roof step by step. Design Benefits

A fairly simple design allows you to build a shed roof. Step by step instructions will make the task easier. For construction, you do not need to have special knowledge and use construction equipment.

  • Excellent weather resistance performance. For high-quality drainage of water and snow, it is enough to calculate optimal angle slope.
  • The device of a roof with one slope does not require huge material investments. This is one of the budget and reliable options for buildings. In addition, further maintenance requires minimal effort.
  • Thoughtful arrangement reduces the likelihood of damage from wind loads. This indicator is associated with a slight windage.
  • Wide choice of roofing material. This is due to the fact that the angle of inclination can start from 0°.
  • Fast and simple installation drastically reduces build time.
  • The low specific gravity of the structure reduces the load on the entire structure.
  • At the request of the owner himself, you can use more complex configurations from several slopes, which are located at different heights.
  • It is also the only option when there are bans on the slope of water to the neighbors' plot or the roadway. All precipitation will be diverted to your site.
Despite the huge number of advantages of a shed roof, such roof structures have some disadvantages:
  1. Since the roof slopes only in one direction, the entire volume of water and snow will be discharged in one direction. Because of this, it is necessary to install a more reliable drainage system that can cope with the load.
  2. With a slight slope, the attic has a small usable area.
  3. Many people think that a shed roof will worsen the appearance of the building. But if you approach with creativity and professionalism, you can make original designs that allow you to qualitatively transform the look of a house or business facility.

As a result, it turns out that the roof with one slope has much more pluses than minuses. The only stumbling block may be the desire of the owner to create residential attic. In this case, it will be necessary to deal in more detail with the design of the bearing walls and the truss system. Because of this, such roof options are not often used for residential buildings.

Do-it-yourself shed roof. step by step

Before you start building a roof, you need to create a project. If you doubt your abilities, it is worth inviting a professional to calculate all the parameters. The first thing the owner must do is decide in which direction the slope will be made. Experts recommend doing it to the windward side. To do this, it is enough to find out in which direction the wind blows at the location of the building. These studies will create the most reliable design and increase the service life.

The second preparatory stage is the design of the truss system. This is a simple process, since extremely simple rafters are used. The main task is to evenly distribute the loads over the entire surface.

A more complicated process is the calculation of the slope for the future roof. In this case, it is worth considering not only the load of precipitation in your region, but also the characteristics of the finish coating. The more rainfall, the more it is worth tilting the roof.

Calculation of the angle of the slope of a shed roof

When making a project, it is necessary to understand that with an increase in the angle of inclination, the windage of the entire structure increases significantly. Accordingly, the roof will be subjected to high loads from the wind. Because of this, it is necessary to find the most optimal parameters.

When choosing a degree of slope, it is necessary to focus on the features of the roofing material that will be used. Roll materials can be used for roofs with a slope not exceeding 10°. If you plan to use slate, the slope should not exceed 20°. Slopes with a steepness of 20-35 ° can be covered with tiles or seam steel. Pay attention to the smoothness of the finishing roofing material. For smoother building materials, the ramp angle can be reduced.

If your house or other buildings for which the roof is being developed are located in open space, it is worth reducing the angle of inclination to reduce windage. If the structure is surrounded by trees, it is necessary to tilt the roof more, which will allow snow and rain to leave on their own.

Do-it-yourself shed roof step by step. Selection and preparation of materials

To build high quality reliable roofing with one slope, it is necessary to prepare the following building materials:
  • Beam or log. They are necessary for the manufacture of Mauerlat, rafters and beams. This will be the main frame on which the entire load rests. Accordingly, it is necessary to select high-quality materials with a moisture content of not more than 20%. The best option would be a bar from coniferous species or larch. It is necessary to select logs with a diameter of at least 100 millimeters (100x100, 120x120mm). For a long service, it is worth treating the wood with antiseptics. This will create protection against mold, fungus and insect pests. The best option today is glued laminated timber. It is a little more expensive, but the performance is much higher.
  • For the roof lathing, a 50x50 mm timber or a 25x100 mm board is selected. When choosing, pay attention to the absence of bark, knots and dryness of the material. It should be noted that the thickness of the board depends on the selected insulation.
  • For end plank and others open spaces cutting boards are used. Using a metal tile, they can be replaced with an additional element.
  • As fasteners, you need to purchase nails, anchor bolts, self-tapping screws and burnt wire. All this will ensure maximum fixation of the structure during construction.
  • On the preparatory stage it is worth choosing the most optimal insulating material in terms of price and quality.
  • For effective protection, it is necessary to use modern films for vapor and waterproofing.
  • Finishing roofing material can be very different. He is picked up, leaving the steepness of the slope, the wishes and material possibilities of the owner.

As for the tools for building a pitched roof with your own hands, you will need: a hacksaw, a hammer, an ax, a screwdriver, a stapler. All this can be found in any owner.

In order to optimally calculate the amount of materials and the total cost, it is necessary to draw up an estimate. It will allow you to display the entire scope of work and cash costs at each stage of construction. To do everything accurately, it is worth inviting a professional estimator who will not only quickly carry out all the calculations, but also advise the most best options to save money.

Do-it-yourself shed roof. Step-by-step instruction

  1. Roof truss installation.

When erecting a shed roof, there are two ways to arrange rafters:

  • In the first version, the load-bearing elements are installed on the walls. This design is used if the walls are at different levels. This is a cheaper option for building a shed roof, since material consumption is significantly reduced. It also makes installation easier and faster. The disadvantage is that the load-bearing wall must be raised to the required level in order to create a slope and abut the top of the rafters.
  • The second method involves the manufacture of triangular trusses. They combine a rack, a beam and a rafter. This option is used with the same height of the walls. To complete the roof in this case, more materials are required. Triangles can be done on the ground, but after that you will need a lifting technique.
Both options allow you to build a high-quality roof that will last a very long time. Each owner can choose the most convenient option for him.

It is necessary to pay attention to important point during construction, namely on the device of the rafter leg. More precisely, this concerns the need to use additional supports. The place and number of braces depends on:

  1. Rafter lengths.
  2. Distances between the junction and the wall.
  3. The installation is influenced by the weight of the rafter leg (type of wood, section and diameter).
  4. Roof angle.
  5. The type of roofing material used.
  6. Also take into account the type of thermal insulation material.
  1. Mauerlat installation.

Mauerlat is an additional element in the structure of the roof, which allows you to evenly distribute the load on all load-bearing walls. The lower part of the rafter leg also rests on it. The Mauerlat structure is fixed between the beams and the load-bearing wall.

Depending on the material of the wall, the following types of fasteners are used:

  1. For fastening the Mauerlat on the walls of brick buildings, annealed wire is used.
  2. Buildings made of porous materials require the use of reinforcement with a length of 2/3 of the block width.
  3. Anchor bolts are used for timber walls. In some cases, the upper crown of the walls can act as a Mauerlat.

To protect the Mauerlat from moisture and other aggressive environmental influences, insulating material must be placed on it.

  1. Installation of beams for overlapping.

Rafter legs must be installed on the floor beams. In this case, the installation step must correspond to that calculated during the installation of the rafters. Each leg should be installed on the Mauerlat in the cuts made. In this case, the minimum clearance must be observed.

  1. Installation of rafter legs.

If the spans are more than 4.5 m, additional spacers must be installed. Their main task is to prevent the deflection of the timber.

  1. Installation of shed roof sheathing.

When making a crate, it is necessary to follow a step that depends on the type of finishing roofing material. The whole structure is attached to the rafter leg with nails. If you plan to create an attic with a window, then at the stage of installing the crate, you must leave an opening. To do this, install two horizontal jumpers for secure fastening of the window unit.

  1. Do-it-yourself insulation of a shed roof.

As a heater, you can use any modern materials. In this case, it is enough to adhere to the following sequence:

For a shed roof, it is better to use a soft insulation that can fill the entire space with high quality. In the case of a slight slope, bulk materials are used, such as sawdust or expanded clay. When water flows, it does not get wet.

  1. Installation of roofing material.

There are no special standards and requirements for the installation of the finishing layer on a pitched roof. It is enough to adhere to the technical requirements that the manufacturer of the material used puts forward.

Do-it-yourself shed roof step by step. Damage prevention

In order for the erected shed roof to serve for a long time, it is necessary to conduct a periodic inspection of the main structural elements. It should be noted that the most important is the stage of preparation and installation. Incorrect calculation or deviations from technical requirements can lead to leakage or replacement of truss elements.

Also, do not save money on substances to protect wood from rodents, insects, fungus and mold. If you do not comply with the requirements of the construction, you need to be prepared for costly repairs to a pitched roof.

It is necessary to promptly remove the garbage that accumulates on the slope. This will ease the load on the structure. In addition, during the cold season, the garbage will prevent the snow from falling on its own.

Shed roofs are quite reasonably classified as the most simple and economical structures. It attracts with minimal material consumption and a simple construction process. The construction of a single-pitched variant can be the first confident step towards an independent roofer.

However, without observing the technological requirements, there will be no positive outcome even in an elementary matter. In order for the result to please with reliability, you need to know what the shed roof truss system is and what requirements must be taken into account during its construction.

Shed roofs are a faithful companion of household buildings, terraces, garages, attached and detached verandas. Above residential buildings in the expanses of the fatherland, they are still extremely rarely erected, although the number of adherents of modern and high-tech styles is touching with an upward trend.

Despite belonging to the pitched category, shed roofs still cannot be unconditionally called attic: the space under the roof is too small to organize the room. And since it does not make sense to use the attic, then it is not always advisable to separate it from the building with an overlap. Therefore, in practice, the builders of shed roofs often install spacers and rafter legs instead of overlapping.

Simplistically, the truss frame of a shed roof can be called an overlap laid at an angle or half a layered system, which is much closer to the constructive essence. It is built exclusively from layered rafter legs, i.e. from rafters with reliable supports for the upper and lower heels.

Among the options for supporting the rafter legs of shed roofs are:

  • Two bearing brick, concrete, wooden walls different heights. In this case, the rafters of a shed roof rest on the walls through a mauerlat laid in two unconnected strips. Support can be made through a concrete reinforced belt, pre-designed and arranged during the construction of the walls, as well as through the upper rows of timber or log boxes.
  • One load-bearing wall made of concrete, wood, brick and supports located opposite. It is clear that extensions and sheds are built in this way. The upper edges of the rafters in such cases are based on steel brackets screwed to the load-bearing wall or to the nests selected in it. The lower heels rest on a harness connecting the support posts.
  • Two rows of concrete, brick, wooden supports. Both heels of the rafters rest on the harness. Moreover, the supports can simultaneously serve as elements for fastening the skin and forming frame walls.

In private construction, shed structures are most often used if the span they cover does not exceed 4.5 m. Overlapping a more serious span is quite realistic: for its implementation, you will simply need to strengthen the system with girders, supports, struts.

However, among private owners there are few lovers of such large-scale shed roofs, therefore we will consider the simplest representatives and the principles of their construction. Having dealt with their design, it will be possible to create your own project by upgrading and making additions.

A well-designed project takes into account the need to have a lone slope on the windward side so that the roof is not torn off and carried away by gusty winds.

The average size of the components

For the manufacture of layered rafters, wood and lumber of the 2nd grade are used. Skinned logs will do, plates - the same logs, but hewn on both sides. Timber and pairwise sewn boards are used.

The cross section of the rafter legs for the construction of shed roofs over buildings must be calculated taking into account the weight of the roof, snow and wind loads. The listed values ​​​​among folk craftsmen are simply added up and entered into one of the many calculation programs, of which there are a little less than a legion on the Internet. In order not to toil with the calculations, we will give the average statistical sections of the rafter legs and related elements used for the construction of shed roofs in middle lane, this is:

  • Logs and plates hewn from them Ø 180-200mm, timber 100 × 150mm (150 × 150mm) are used for the construction of a truss frame covering a span of 4.5 m or more.
  • Logs and plates Ø 120-180mm, timber 100 × 100mm are used if it is necessary to cover a span of up to 4.5m.

In both cases, it is permissible to replace the beam with a pair of sewn boards, the dimensions of which will ultimately allow obtaining a beam of the required section.

It should be remembered that a log Ø less than 120mm, plates with a thickness of less than 70mm and boards with a section of less than 40 × 150mm are not used in the construction of roof structures. Even for low-responsibility canopies arranged on sites in the middle lane, the indicated dimensions are the minimum.

If the scheme of the truss system of a shed roof predetermines the run device, it is installed parallel to the slopes. It is needed to increase the rigidity of the structure as an additional support system. To fix the run, the supports and the bed are mounted in the same way as dictated. Only the goal is not to form a ridge fracture, but to maintain the plane of a large slope. The purlins of large-span structures are made from a bar 180 × 180mm or from a log Ø 200-260mm. For the manufacture of racks for runs, they take a beam with a side of 120mm or a log 130-200mm in diameter.

Single pitch truss system

The installation step of the rafter legs is determined in accordance with the geometric data of the equipped box. The slopes on which the rafters are to be supported are divided into equal sections so that the distance between the rafters is the same. The breakdown of the slopes for their installation is carried out, taking into account the size and type of materials used:

  • For rafter legs made of timber, log plates, installation step from 1.5m to 2m.
  • If the rafters are made of a paired board, the installation step is from 1m to 1.75m.
  • For rafters from a single board, the installation step is from 0.6m to 1.2m.

The choice of the installation step of the rafter legs of the insulated roof structure is influenced by the size of the insulation. It is very convenient if they are installed between the rafters rigidly, with slight squeezing. This is a very economical solution, because they do not need to be laid in two layers, and heat losses are excluded due to the elimination of the causes of the formation of cold bridges.

Do not forget that with an increase in the recommended distance between the rafters, you will have to reduce the installation step of the crate or even make it solid. Such a choice is not always appropriate in terms of both labor and construction costs. It is better to adhere to technological recommendations and calculate in advance which is more profitable: install one or two less rafters or strengthen the slope sheathing.

As is customary in the construction of pitched roofs, the rafters are attached to crutches driven into a wooden wall or corks with anchors embedded in brickwork. Fixation is made through one rafter leg with twists of annealed wire. The attachment points of the rafter legs to the walls are located 20-30 cm below the Mauerlat. Wire strands can be laid during bricklaying. It is allowed to fasten with brackets to walls made of timber or logs.

Variants of single-pitched truss frames

In order to better assimilate the information, we will analyze several common examples of rafter systems for shed roofs. Consider simple construction projects that a skilled owner can handle.

Construction # 1 - single-pitched garage truss frame

Let's disassemble the device of the truss frame of a shed roof over the garage, the walls of which are made of foam concrete blocks. The reinforced belt recommended by the standards was not filled in, which is why the Mauerlat laying procedure is ahead. In shed roof structures, it is constructed in the form of two beams laid on walls of different heights.

The process of building a truss system in stages:

  • Flush with the inner planes of the high and low walls, we lay a beam 100 × 150mm. This is a shed roof Mauerlat. Because the beam will have to be in contact with foam concrete, it is laid on a roofing felt or similar waterproofing gasket. We fasten the beam after about 80 cm with roofing corners 90 × 90, reinforced with a cast jumper. We screw the corners with dowels Ø 14mm.
  • From a board with a section of 50 × 200 mm, we will make a rafter template. Install it on the Mauerlat so that there is a margin of about 55-60cm on both sides. The stock should be slightly larger than the planned width of the cornice overhangs. Usually it is 40-50cm. We cut off the excess after installing all the rafters.
  • We mark the points of future cuts on the installed workpiece, not forgetting that the depth of the cut should be no more than 1/3 of the width of the board.
  • We mark the walls so that the extreme rafters on both sides do not touch the concrete wall. It is desirable that there is a distance of 4-5 cm between wood and concrete.
  • According to the template, we make rafter legs, install them and fasten them to the Mauerlat with brackets or corners.
  • From trimming the board we make a filly template, taking into account the width of the overhang. We make all cornice elements according to the template. Then we mount, not forgetting the waterproofing gaskets between the wooden parts and concrete wall.
  • We cut off the excess rafters and nail a wind board with a section of 25 × 100 mm along the perimeter.

Elementary roof structure ready for the garage. It remains to fill the crate under the shed roof covering the installed rafters. It can be continuous or sparse. The installation step of sparse gratings depends on the type of roofing material.

In the first example, we formed the cornice overhangs by mounting fillies. There is a slightly different way, according to which the Mauerlat beams are installed with the removal of the perimeter of the box. Removal is equal to the width of the cornice overhang. The rafters are positioned so that the extreme elements are just above the edges of the Mauerlat. In the space between the extreme and adjacent rafters, short extensions are mounted. Further, everything is according to the standard plan.

Structure #2 - shed roof over extension

No less often than the previous example, the task of building an extension to an existing building arises. For obvious reasons, the roof will be shed. It will perfectly fit into any architectural and landscape conditions, moreover, it will not create a threat of accumulation of precipitation.

The truss system is being built at an angle of 20º, because over it will be produced. The rafters will rest on the main and opposite brick wall of the extension. In our proposed example of a single-slope structure, it is necessary to cover a span of 4.75 m, which is more than 3.5 m. So, to ensure rigidity, the installation of struts will be required. The design and installation of struts are carried out with the condition that their inclination angle is not desirable to exceed 45º.

The cross section of the board for the manufacture of rafter legs is 50 × 200 mm. They will be installed after 70cm. We will make the struts from a board 50 × 150mm, and for the construction of the crate we will stock up on a board 25 × 100mm.

Algorithm for the construction of a single-pitched truss frame:

  • We install a beam 100 × 150mm flush with the inner plane of the extension wall, not forgetting to pre-lay waterproofing. We fix the beam with bolts through 80-100mm.
  • In the main wall at the planned height, we hollow out the grooves for the installation of the upper heels of the rafters. The depth of the grooves is 12 cm, the width is slightly greater than the thickness of the board, the step is 70 cm. Instead of slotted grooves, you can use metal brackets that are simply screwed to the wall. In shape, they resemble an inverted letter "P", in which the upper edge of the rafters is located.
  • Let's make a template for rafter legs. We put the board 50 × 200mm to the place intended for it and mark the cuts from both edges. The depth of the upper cut required to install the rafter into the groove is 10 cm. You don’t need to do it deeper, otherwise the rafter will rest against the wall, and this is undesirable. The dimensions of the upper gash are transferred to the bottom. At the same time, we mark the vertical saw cut line along the width of the eaves.
  • Using the template, we make all the rafter legs and install them in their proper places. For fastening at the top, we use metal corners, one side of which is screwed to the wall, the other to the rafters. At the bottom we fix with corners or staples.
  • We try on a piece of board to the main wall and one of the rafter legs to determine the point of cutting the groove under the strut. Do not forget that the angle between the wall and the strut should not exceed 45º, and the lower heel of the strut should rest against the wall 20-30 cm below the opposite wall.
  • Stepping back from the imaginary vertical line drawn through the upper groove, 5-6 cm in any direction, we hollow out the bottom row of grooves. We place them every 70cm.
  • We cut the lower corner from the strut blank so that the cut line is 10 cm.
  • We try on the workpiece by setting the edge with a gash in the lower groove. Along the line of intersection of the rafter leg and the workpiece, we draw the upper washed down.
  • According to the verified scheme, we make and install all the struts. We fasten them to the rafters with metal gear plates.
  • We form cornices by installing fillies on the inclined walls of the extension. Do not forget about the mandatory waterproofing between the brick or concrete wall and the roof elements made of wood.
  • We sheathe the perimeter with a wind board and mount the crate.

The technology given as an example is valid not only for shed roofs over capital outbuildings. Covered verandas with terraces, utility blocks are equipped in a similar way.

Work progresses much more fun if the walls of the main building are built with timber, logs or made according to the Canadian wireframe method. Brackets are tritely installed under the upper heels of the rafters: there is less trouble and the process moves much faster.

Structure #3 - Shed Structure for Shed

Shed roof - an excellent option for arranging outbuildings, temporary buildings, summer kitchens. Rare units need the fundamental nature of such structures. The simplest options are more actively in demand, with the construction of which the owner of a suburban area can easily handle.

Consider the construction of a shed roof over a small shed for storing country equipment. Its walls are built according to the frame-hothouse principle by installing uprights connected at the bottom along the perimeter by strapping. The front and rear walls of the barn differ in height, so they are connected not by a single strapping, but by separate transverse strips.

The crossbar of the high wall is laid at an angle, which makes it possible not to make cuts to support the upper heels of the rafters. To form an angle, the high wall posts are sawn from above at the projected angle.

The algorithm for the device of the truss system is typical. First, a piece of board is applied to the end of the building and cut lines are outlined. Then, according to the template, the required number of rafter legs is sawn. They are installed traditional way according to pre-made markings on the walls. To fasten the elements of the truss system over light household buildings, nails or self-tapping screws are enough. Screw or hammer hardware products at an angle, trying to ensure that there are no gaps between the parts to be joined.

The wind board is fastened around the perimeter after the wall cladding is installed. The example barn has no eaves. However, if desired, they can be made by setting the rafters with a length that takes into account the formation of overhangs. It is planned to lay a soft roof, under which a continuous crate is arranged. The dimensions of the crate made of plywood, GVLV, boards or OSB-3 are determined by the outer plane of the windboard.

The angle of inclination is small, so the use of waterproofing is highly desirable even if the items stored in the barn are not too worried about getting wet. Waterproofing will protect wooden details buildings from rotting and subsequent inevitable failure.

Visually, the video will introduce the process of building a truss system for a pitched roof:

We examined the most typical examples that are relevant and available for hand-written performance. The technological nuances of typical situations were described in detail. These are the basic options, which may well become the basis for their own developments. Dimensions change in connection with individual needs, but the principles of construction of truss frames for pitched roofs are stable. Knowing them is useful for both independent craftsmen and owners who want to competently control the work of builders.

Roof installation is the final stage in the construction of any house. When choosing a roof structure, one should start from the fact that it should be distinguished by durability and good performance. A shed roof is an economical option in terms of finances and the simplest in terms of construction technology, so even a person who is not professionally involved in construction can build it with his own hands. But even in the case of the construction of a shed roof, there are special nuances of construction and the choice of building materials, which we will discuss in this article.

The shed roof is universal choice for all types of construction: including a multi-storey residential building, industrial buildings, as well as for a garage, verandas, cottages, change houses and small extensions to the main building.

The main advantages and disadvantages of shed roofs

Before choosing and installing any structure in the building, you should take into account all the advantages and disadvantages. It is likely that a shed roof can suit you with its cheapness and ease of installation, but upset you with a number of other features.


  • Small complexity of installation and operation. The low weight of the structure and all its individual elements allows for the construction of this type roof yourself
  • Low windage. This aspect is an absolute advantage of a shed roof compared to a gable roof, since the windage is significantly reduced, making the structure much more durable and can be installed in areas with high windiness.
  • There are no restrictions on the choice of the type of roofing material. The roof can be located at any angle, including being absolutely flat, which allows the use of any roofing material, including membrane or inverted roofing
  • Modern design. The shed roof device allows you to build it on several floors, which opens up many options for creating a memorable building exterior
  • Water slope control. With this type of roof, it is possible to regulate the position of the water flow and to completely avoid the slope of moisture on one side of the building.


  • Small area under the attic. The lower the slope level, the less space remains under the attic
  • Less remarkable appearance compared to a gable roof. This drawback is completely neutralized by the use of a multi-storey structure.

If you have fully decided on the feasibility of building a shed roof, then it's time to start calculating the amount of material needed for the structure. This question is best left to the experts. construction companies. In almost any trusted hardware store, you will be able to calculate the amount of material needed based on the construction plan. If there is no desire to contact specialists and spend finances, then you can use various construction calculators, which are easy to find on almost any resource on the Internet that offers construction materials or services.

The length of the rafters on a shed roof affects the number of timber and the size of its section. It is also worth considering that the thinner the beam, the less load it can bear and therefore the rafters should be installed more tightly to each other.

With regards to the roofing material, its choice is influenced by the area of ​​​​the slope, as well as the level of the slope of the roof. In flat areas, it will be more preferable to build a roof with a minimum slope, which will reduce windage and allow multiple winds to blow over the roof without problems. In areas where there are no strong winds, a greater slope should be made so that precipitation flows off the roof surface on its own. Best Option- it will make the slope of the roof at 20 degrees, due to which such a roof is relevant both in areas with strong winds and with moderate winds, where the air flow will be slowed down by nearby buildings and trees.

The slope of the roof also affects the choice of roofing material. Such materials: slate, tiles, corrugated board and much more, can be mounted on roofs with a slope of 20 degrees, but roll coating can only be used in roofs built at an angle of 10 degrees. The ribbing of the surface also makes it necessary to make adjustments to the choice of roofing material: the smoother the roof, the less the slope of the roof should be done, which is primarily due to the slippage of precipitation from the roof.

When calculating required amount boards, it is necessary to take into account the type of roof, because any roofing material has its own requirements for installation and lathing pitch. Most often, roof tiles are used for roofing (sheathing pitch 300 mm) and slate (sheathing pitch 440 mm). If you neglect the installation rules, then most often the roof surface will collapse in the first years of operation. The easiest way is with a flexible roof, where there are no clear requirements for the steps of the crate and the slope of the roof.

Do-it-yourself shed roof step by step

Before installing the roof, it is necessary to draw up a building plan based on the design parameters and the type of building. You can draw up a plan yourself, order from professionals, or download ready-made drawings from the Internet. Fortunately, a large number of construction forums and sites on this subject provide many ready-made options where you can make adjustments based on your own requirements. Next comes the process of purchasing materials and directly erecting the roof.

Separately, it is worth considering roofs with or without ventilation. The former are preferably installed in buildings where it is necessary to create a comfortable microclimate without stagnant air, as well as in cases where a high level of humidity is concentrated in the room (baths or pools). Ventilation occurs due to the gaps between the thermal insulation layers of the roof, as well as through special holes that are located on the sides of the roof. In the winter season, do not forget about snow removal from the roof to improve the ventilation system. As for roofs without ventilation, they are easier to install and are used for warehouse buildings, change houses or garden buildings.

The first step in the construction of the roof is the installation of the truss system. The rafter system can be triangular in shape or located at different levels of the building. The choice of the truss system does not affect the quality and stability of the structure, these parameters are equal in both cases.

The triangular truss system is characterized large quantity lumber costs, tk. it includes beams, racks and rafters. Its advantages include ease of installation, which is due to the ability to mount the structure on the ground, and then, with the help of winches, raise it to the required level and carry out installation work. Also, this type of truss system does not require building load-bearing walls. You can see an example of a roof with a triangular truss system in the photo below.

The truss system, located at different levels of the building, on the contrary, requires an increase in load-bearing walls, because. rafters should rest against them, to strengthen the entire structure as a whole. The advantage of this method of building a roof is the low consumption of lumber.

For fastening the rafter legs, supports and slopes are used, the number of which is affected by: the weight of the rafter leg, the slope of the slope, the total length of the leg, the distance between the roof and the wall, as well as the thermal insulation layer and roofing material.

Mauerlat is mounted on load-bearing walls or between the beams of the truss system, the lower edge of the rafters is installed on it. Since the Mauerlat is susceptible to corrosion, in order to increase its service life, it should be mounted on a wall covered with waterproofing material.

Mauerlat fastening technology differs depending on the material from which the load-bearing wall is built:

  • For attaching the Mauerlat to brick walls, specially baked wire is used.
  • If from a porous material, such as a foam block or cinder block, then fastening is carried out by reinforcement
  • If the load-bearing wall consists of a beam, then the Mauerlat is fastened with anchor bolts

For better fastening rafter system, it will not be superfluous to install floor beams, which are mounted in a specially cut hole in the Mauerlat. It is necessary to ensure that the gap between the rafters and the Mauerlat is as low as possible - this will ensure the stability of the structure. Rafter legs should be installed between themselves with the same step with which the floor beams are installed.

With a large span of the rafter system, it is necessary to install rafter legs that prevent the beam from bending. The step between the rafter legs depends on the length of the span, it is recommended to install every 3 meters.

The crate is an integral part of any roof, because. it is on the crate that hydro- and thermal insulation is attached. The batten is fastened with the help of nails to the rafters. The step between the crate is affected by the roof structure and the type of roofing material. It is recommended to treat the battens with special antiseptic agents with an alkyd resin composition to give the wood anti-corrosion properties and protect against pests. Also, such impregnations can reduce the combustibility of lumber, so it is additionally recommended that they process all components of a wood roof.

If a shed roof includes an attic, then a crate is not installed in place of the window, but a pair of jumpers are additionally mounted on which the window is installed.

Roof insulation work

To insulate the roof, special heat-insulating materials are used: mineral wool, polystyrene insulation and cellulose insulation. If a shed roof with your own hands has a slope, then it would be best to use soft insulation, they have low thermal conductivity and are easy to install. The thickness of the thermal insulation layer must be at least 10 cm, in northern regions Increase the thickness of the Russian layer, up to the point of using several layers of thermal insulation.

If the roof is flat, then expanded clay or sawdust is used as a heater, this type of material is cheap and additionally has excellent waterproofing properties.

Instructions for installing thermal insulation:

  1. A waterproofing layer is applied to the crate overlapping, a construction stapler is used for fastening
  2. A layer of thermal insulation is laid in the space between the rafters
  3. The installation of a counter-lattice is carried out, on which the vapor barrier is attached

The design of the roof depends entirely on the choice of the type of roof. The installation of different roofing materials is different from each other, therefore, during installation, you must strictly follow the instructions from the manufacturers. An additional assistant in construction work can be multiple videos on installing a roof, which can be found in large numbers on the Internet.

As final work, you can install on the roof optional equipment like weather vanes, gutters and various decorative elements.

Shed roof maintenance

Most often, roofs become unusable due to a large amount of precipitation, especially in the winter season. Snow not only can corrode the lumber that makes up the roof, but large piles of snow put a lot of pressure on the rafters and can lead to structural failure. In addition to cleaning the roof of snow, one should not forget about the annual inspection of the roofing material, in which all accumulated debris should be removed from the roof.

Most often, a shed roof is installed for a garage, so we offer a video instruction for installing this type of roof on a garage:

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