National Education Initiative “Our new school. National Education Initiative "Our New School"

landscaping 30.09.2019


The president Russian Federation


National Education Initiative

"Our new school"

Modernization and innovative development is the only way that will allow Russia to become a competitive society in the world of the 21st century, to ensure a decent life for all our citizens. In the context of solving these strategic tasks, the most important qualities of a person are initiative, the ability to think creatively and find non-standard solutions, ability to choose professional path willingness to learn throughout life. All these skills are formed from childhood.

School is critical important element in this process. Main tasks modern school- revealing the abilities of each student, raising a decent and patriotic person, a person ready for life in a high-tech, competitive world. School education should be structured in such a way that graduates can independently set and achieve serious goals, skillfully respond to different life situations.

School of the future.

What characteristics should a school have in the 21st century?

The new school is an institution that meets the goals of advanced development. The school will ensure the study of not only the achievements of the past, but also technologies that will be useful in the future. Children will be involved in research projects and creative activities to learn how to invent, understand and master new things, express their own thoughts, make decisions and help each other, formulate interests and recognize opportunities.

The new school is a school for everyone. Any school will ensure the successful socialization of children with disabilities, children with disabilities, children left without parental care, who are in difficult life situation. The age characteristics of schoolchildren will be taken into account, training is organized differently at the primary, basic and senior levels.

The new school means new teachers who are open to everything new, who understand child psychology and the peculiarities of the development of schoolchildren, who know their subject well. The task of the teacher is to help the children find themselves in the future, to become independent, creative and self-confident people. Sensitive, attentive and receptive to the interests of schoolchildren, open to everything new teachers - key feature schools of the future. In such a school, the role of the director will change, the degree of his freedom and the level of responsibility will increase.

The new school is a center of interaction both with parents and the local community, as well as with institutions of culture, healthcare, sports, leisure, and other organizations. social sphere. Schools as leisure centers will be open on weekdays and Sundays, and school holidays, concerts, performances, sports events will be a place for family recreation.

The new school is a modern infrastructure. Schools will become modern buildings- schools of our dreams, with original architectural and design solutions, with solid and functional school architecture - a canteen with delicious and healthy food, a media library and a library, high-tech educational equipment, broadband Internet, competent textbooks and interactive teaching aids, conditions for sports and creativity .

The new school is modern system assessment of the quality of education, which should provide us with reliable information about how both individual educational institutions and the education system as a whole work.

Main directions of development of general education

1. Transition to new educational standards

From standards containing a detailed list of topics in each subject that are mandatory for each student to study, a transition will be made to new standards - requirements for what school programs should be, what results children should demonstrate, what conditions should be created at school to achieve these results.

In any educational program there will be two parts: compulsory and one that is formed by the school. The older the stage, the more opportunity choice. The new standard provides for extracurricular activities - circles, sport sections various creative activities.

The result of education is not only knowledge in specific disciplines, but also the ability to apply them in everyday life, to use in further education. The student must have a holistic socially-oriented view of the world in its unity and diversity of nature, peoples, cultures, religions. This is possible only as a result of combining the efforts of teachers of different subjects.

The school should create personnel, logistical and other conditions that ensure the development of the educational infrastructure in accordance with the requirements of the time. Financial support will be built on the principles of per capita funding (“money follows the student”), the transition to which is planned to be completed in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the next three years. At the same time, the funds will go to the municipalities, and to each school according to the standard, regardless of the form of ownership.

In order for the work on standards to be effective, it is necessary to develop a system for assessing the quality of education. We need an independent check of the knowledge of schoolchildren, including when they move from the 4th to the 5th and from the 9th to the 10th grades. Mechanisms for independent evaluation can be created by professional pedagogical unions and associations. Russia will continue to participate in international comparative studies of the quality of education, to create methods for comparing the quality of education in various municipalities and regions.

Already in 2010 we will introduce new requirements for the quality of education, expanding the list of documents that characterize the success of each student. The unified state exam should remain the main, but not the only way to test the quality of education. In addition, we will introduce monitoring and a comprehensive assessment of a student's academic achievements, their competencies and abilities. Education programs for high school students will be linked to the further choice of specialty.

2. Development of a support system for talented children

In the coming years, Russia will build an extensive system of searching, supporting and accompanying talented children.

It is necessary to develop a creative environment to identify especially gifted children in every secondary school. High school students should be provided with the opportunity to study in correspondence, part-time and distance schools, allowing them to master profile training programs regardless of their place of residence. It is required to develop a system of Olympiads and competitions for schoolchildren, the practice of additional education, and work out mechanisms for taking into account the individual achievements of students when entering universities.

At the same time, a system of support for talented children should be developed. These are, first of all, educational institutions of round-the-clock stay. The existing experience in the activities of physical and mathematical schools and boarding schools at a number of Russian universities should be disseminated. For children who have shown their talents in various fields activities, rallies, summer and winter schools, conferences, seminars and other events will be organized to support the formed giftedness.

Working with gifted children should be economically viable. The per capita funding standard should be determined in accordance with the characteristics of schoolchildren, and not just the educational institution. The teacher, thanks to whom the student has achieved high results, should receive significant incentive payments.

3. Improvement of the teaching corps

It is necessary to introduce a system of moral and material incentives to support domestic teachers. And most importantly - to attract young talented people to the teaching profession.

The system of moral support is already established competitions for teachers ("Teacher of the Year", "Educate a Person", "I give my heart to children", etc.), a large-scale and effective mechanism for supporting the best teachers within the framework of the priority national project "Education". This practice will expand at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The activities planned to be held in connection with the announcement of 2010 as the Year of the Teacher in Russia will contribute to the increase in the prestige of the profession.

The system of material support is not only a further increase in wage funds, but also the creation of such a mechanism for remuneration that will stimulate the best teachers, regardless of their length of service, and thus attract young teachers to the school. As the experience of regional pilot projects shows, salaries can and should depend on the quality and results of pedagogical activity, assessed with the participation of school boards, and a complex of modern financial and economic mechanisms actually leads to an increase in teachers' salaries. Work on the introduction of new wage systems should also be completed in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation within the next three years.

Another incentive should be the certification of teaching and managerial personnel - periodic confirmation of the qualifications of the teacher, its compliance with the tasks facing the school. Fundamentally updated qualification requirements and qualification characteristics of teachers, the central place in them is occupied by professional pedagogical competencies. There should be no bureaucratic obstacles for teachers, including young ones, who wish to confirm high level qualification ahead of schedule.

It is necessary to seriously modernize the system of pedagogical education. Pedagogical universities should be gradually transformed either into large basic teacher training centers or into faculties of classical universities.

At least once every five years, teachers and school directors improve their qualifications. Appropriate programs should change flexibly depending on the interests of teachers, and therefore on the educational needs of children. Funds for advanced training should also be provided to school staff on the basis of per capita funding, so that teachers can choose both programs and educational institutions, including not only advanced training institutes, but also, for example, pedagogical, classical universities. It is necessary to form data banks of organizations offering relevant educational programs in the regions. At the same time, directors and the best teachers should have the opportunity to study in other regions in order to have an idea of ​​the innovative experience of their neighbors.

The experience of the best teachers should be disseminated in the system of teacher education, retraining and advanced training. Pedagogical practice for students of specialized universities and internships for already working teachers should take place on the basis of schools that have successfully implemented their innovative programs, primarily within the framework of the priority national project "Education".

A separate task is to attract teachers who do not have a basic pedagogical education to the school. After undergoing psychological and pedagogical training, having mastered new educational technologies, they will be able to demonstrate to children - first of all, to high school students who have chosen a training profile, their rich professional experience.

4. Changing school infrastructure

The face of schools needs to change significantly. We will get a real return if the school becomes a center of creativity and information, a rich intellectual and sports life. In every educational institution, a universal barrier-free environment should be created to ensure the full integration of children with disabilities. In 2010, a five-year Government program"Accessible Environment" aimed at solving this problem.

An architectural competition will select new projects for the construction and renovation of school buildings, which will be used everywhere from 2011: a "smart", modern building must be designed.

It is necessary to update the standards for the design and construction of school buildings and structures, sanitary rules and nutritional standards, requirements for the organization of medical care for students and for ensuring school safety. Heating and air conditioning systems of buildings must provide the required temperature at any time of the year. Schools must be provided drinking water and showers. AT rural schools ah, it is necessary to work out effective mechanisms for transporting students, including requirements for school buses.

School infrastructure can be maintained on a competitive basis by small and medium-sized enterprises. This applies, first of all, to the organization of school meals, public services, repair and construction works. We will demand from builders and service organizations to strictly ensure the safety of school buildings - classes should not be allowed to be held in emergency, dilapidated, adapted premises that pose a threat to the life and health of children. Another requirement is to introduce modern design solutions that provide a comfortable school environment. The architecture of the school space should allow for the effective organization of project activities, classes in small groups, and various forms of work with children.

5. Preserving and strengthening the health of schoolchildren

Children spend a significant part of the day at school, and the preservation and strengthening of their physical and mental health is a matter not only of the family, but also of teachers. A person's health is an important indicator of his personal success. If young people develop the habit of playing sports, such acute problems as drug addiction, alcoholism, and child neglect will be solved.

Balanced hot meals, medical care, including timely medical examinations, sports activities, including extracurricular activities, implementation of preventive programs, discussion of issues with children healthy lifestyle life - all this will affect the improvement of their health. In addition, there should be a transition from mandatory events for all to individual programs for the development of the health of schoolchildren. In 2010, a new standard for physical education will be introduced - at least three hours a week, taking into account the individual characteristics of children.

It is an individual approach that involves the use of modern educational technologies and the creation of educational programs that will arouse a child's interest in learning. The practice of individual learning, taking into account age characteristics, the study of elective subjects, a general decrease in the classroom load in the form of classical training sessions have a positive impact on the health of students. But here we need not only measures on the part of adults. It is much more important to awaken in children the desire to take care of their health, based on their interest in learning, choosing courses that are adequate to individual interests and inclinations. A rich, interesting and exciting school life will become essential condition preservation and promotion of health.

6. Expanding the independence of schools.

The school should become more independent both in the preparation of individual educational programs, as well as in spending financial resources. Since 2010, schools that have won competitions in the priority national project "Education" and schools that have been transformed into autonomous institutions will receive independence. The required accountability of such schools will be drastically reduced in exchange for open information about the results of the work. Contracts will be concluded with their directors, providing for special working conditions, taking into account the quality of work.

We will legislate the equality of public and private educational institutions, giving families greater choice of schools. It is also advisable to develop concession mechanisms to attract private investors to the management of schools.

Students will be given access to the lessons of the best teachers using distance learning technologies, including as part of additional education. This is especially important for small schools, for remote schools, and for the Russian province as a whole.

The key mechanisms for implementing the initiative should be both project and program methods of work. The directions of activity will be carried out within the framework of the priority national project "Education", the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education and the Federal Target Program Scientific and Scientific and Pedagogical Personnel of Innovative Russia. From how the school reality will be arranged, what the system of relations between school and society will be, how intellectual and we will be able to make general education modern, the well-being of our children, grandchildren, and all future generations depends. That is why the "Our New School" initiative should become the cause of our entire society.

National educational initiative "OUR NEW SCHOOL"
President of Russian Federation
D. Medvedev
February 04, 2010

National Education Initiative
"Our new school"
Modernization and innovative development is the only way that will allow Russia to become a competitive society in the world of the 21st century, to ensure a decent life for all our citizens. In the context of solving these strategic tasks, the most important qualities of a person are initiative, the ability to think creatively and find non-standard solutions, the ability to choose a professional path, and a willingness to learn throughout life. All these skills are formed from childhood.
The school is a critical element in this process. The main tasks of the modern school are the disclosure of the abilities of each student, the education of a decent and patriotic person, a person ready for life in a high-tech, competitive world. School education should be structured in such a way that graduates can independently set and achieve serious goals, skillfully respond to different life situations.
School of the Future
What characteristics should a school have in the 21st century?
The new school is an institution that meets the goals of advanced development. The school will ensure the study of not only the achievements of the past, but also technologies that will be useful in the future. The children will be involved in research projects and creative activities to learn how to invent, understand and master new things, express their own thoughts, make decisions and help each other, articulate interests and recognize opportunities.
The new school is a school for everyone. Any school will ensure the successful socialization of children with handicapped health, children with disabilities, children left without parental care, who are in a difficult life situation. The age characteristics of schoolchildren will be taken into account, training is organized differently at the primary, basic and senior levels.
The new school means new teachers who are open to everything new, who understand child psychology and the peculiarities of the development of schoolchildren, who know their subject well. The task of the teacher is to help the children find themselves in the future, to become independent, creative and self-confident people. Sensitive, attentive and receptive to the interests of schoolchildren, open to everything new, teachers are a key feature of the school of the future. In such a school, the role of the director will change, the degree of his freedom and the level of responsibility will increase.
The new school is a center of interaction both with parents and the local community, as well as with institutions of culture, healthcare, sports, leisure, and other social organizations. Schools as leisure centers will be open on weekdays and Sundays, and school holidays, concerts, performances, sports events will be a place for family recreation.
The new school is a modern infrastructure. Schools will become modern buildings - the schools of our dreams, with original architectural and design solutions, with solid and functional school architecture - a canteen with delicious and healthy food, a media library and a library, high-tech educational equipment, broadband Internet, competent textbooks and interactive teaching aids, conditions for sports and creativity.
The new school is a modern system for assessing the quality of education, which should provide us with reliable information about how both individual educational institutions and the education system as a whole work.
Main directions of development of general education
1. Transition to new educational standards
From standards containing a detailed list of topics in each subject that are mandatory for each student to study, a transition will be made to new standards - requirements for what school programs should be, what results children should demonstrate, what conditions should be created at school to achieve these results.
In any educational program there will be two parts: compulsory and one that is formed by the school. The older the stage, the greater the choice. new standard provides for extracurricular activities - circles, sports sections, various kinds of creative activities.
The result of education is not only knowledge in specific disciplines, but also the ability to apply them in Everyday life to use in further training. The student must have a holistic socially-oriented view of the world in its unity and diversity of nature, peoples, cultures, religions. This is possible only as a result of combining the efforts of teachers of different subjects.
The school should create personnel, logistical and other conditions that ensure the development of the educational infrastructure in accordance with the requirements of the time. Financial support will be built on the principles of per capita funding (“money follows the student”), the transition to which is planned to be completed in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the next three years. At the same time, the funds will go to the municipalities, and to each school according to the standard, regardless of the form of ownership.
In order for the work on standards to be effective, it is necessary to develop a system for assessing the quality of education. We need an independent check of the knowledge of schoolchildren, including during their transition from the 4th to the 5th and from the 9th to the 10th grades. Mechanisms for independent evaluation can be created by professional pedagogical unions and associations. Russia will continue to participate in international comparative studies of the quality of education, to create methods for comparing the quality of education in various municipalities and regions.
Already in 2010 we will introduce new requirements for the quality of education, expanding the list of documents that characterize the success of each student. The unified state exam should remain the main, but not the only way to test the quality of education. In addition, we will introduce monitoring and a comprehensive assessment of a student's academic achievements, their competencies and abilities. Education programs for high school students will be linked to the further choice of specialty.
2. Development of a support system for talented children
In the coming years, Russia will build an extensive system of searching, supporting and accompanying talented children.
It is necessary to develop a creative environment to identify especially gifted children in every secondary school. High school students should be provided with the opportunity to study in correspondence, part-time and distance schools, allowing them to master profile training programs regardless of their place of residence. It is required to develop a system of Olympiads and competitions for schoolchildren, the practice of additional education, and work out mechanisms for taking into account the individual achievements of students when entering universities.
At the same time, a system of support for talented children should be developed. These are, first of all, educational institutions of round-the-clock stay. The existing experience in the activities of physical and mathematical schools and boarding schools at a number of Russian universities should be disseminated. Gatherings, summer and winter schools, conferences, seminars and other events that support the formed giftedness will be organized for children who have shown their talents in various fields of activity.
Working with gifted children should be economically viable. The per capita funding standard should be determined in accordance with the characteristics of schoolchildren, and not just the educational institution. The teacher, thanks to whom the student has achieved high results, should receive significant incentive payments.
3. Improvement of the teaching corps
It is necessary to introduce a system of moral and material incentives to support domestic teachers. And most importantly - to attract young talented people to the teaching profession.
The system of moral support is already established competitions for teachers (“Teacher of the Year”, “Educate a Person”, “I Give My Heart to Children”, etc.), a large-scale and effective mechanism for supporting the best teachers within the framework of the priority national project “Education”. This practice will expand at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The activities planned to be held in connection with the announcement of 2010 as the Year of the Teacher in Russia will contribute to the increase in the prestige of the profession.
The system of material support is not only a further increase in wage funds, but also the creation of such a mechanism for remuneration that will stimulate the best teachers, regardless of their length of service, and thus attract young teachers to the school. As the experience of regional pilot projects shows, salaries can and should depend on the quality and results of pedagogical activity, assessed with the participation of school councils, and a set of modern financial and economic mechanisms actually leads to an increase in teachers' salaries. Work on the introduction of new wage systems should also be completed in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation within the next three years.
Another incentive should be the certification of teaching and managerial personnel - periodic confirmation of the qualifications of the teacher, its compliance with the tasks facing the school. The qualification requirements and qualification characteristics of teachers have been fundamentally updated, with professional pedagogical competencies occupying a central place in them. There should be no bureaucratic obstacles for teachers, including young ones, who want to confirm a high level of qualification before the deadlines.
It is necessary to seriously modernize the system of pedagogical education. Pedagogical universities should be gradually transformed either into large basic teacher training centers or into faculties of classical universities.
At least once every five years, teachers and school directors improve their qualifications. Appropriate programs should flexibly change depending on the interests of teachers, and therefore on the educational needs of children. Funds for advanced training should also be provided to school staff on the basis of per capita funding, so that teachers can choose both programs and educational institutions, including not only advanced training institutes, but also, for example, pedagogical, classical universities. It is necessary to form data banks of organizations offering relevant educational programs in the regions. At the same time, directors and the best teachers should have the opportunity to study in other regions in order to have an idea of ​​the innovative experience of their neighbors.
The experience of the best teachers should be disseminated in the system of teacher education, retraining and advanced training. Pedagogical practice of students of specialized universities and internships for already working teachers should take place on the basis of schools that have successfully implemented their innovative programs, primarily within the framework of the priority national project "Education".
A separate task is to attract teachers who do not have a basic pedagogical education to the school. After undergoing psychological and pedagogical training, having mastered new educational technologies, they will be able to demonstrate to children - first of all, to high school students who have chosen a training profile, their rich professional experience.
4. Changing school infrastructure
The face of schools needs to change significantly. We will get a real return if the school becomes a center of creativity and information, a rich intellectual and sports life. In every educational institution, a universal barrier-free environment should be created to ensure the full integration of children with disabilities. In 2010, a five-year state program "Accessible Environment" will be adopted, aimed at solving this problem.
An architectural competition will select new projects for the construction and renovation of school buildings, which will be used everywhere from 2011: it is necessary to design a smart, modern building.
It is necessary to update the standards for the design and construction of school buildings and structures, sanitary rules and nutritional standards, requirements for the organization of medical care for students and for ensuring school safety. Heating and air conditioning systems of buildings must provide the required temperature at any time of the year. Schools should be provided with drinking water and showers. In rural schools, it is necessary to work out effective mechanisms for transporting students, including requirements for school buses.
School infrastructure can be maintained on a competitive basis by small and medium-sized enterprises. This concerns, first of all, the organization of school meals, public services, repair and construction work. We will demand from builders and service organizations to strictly ensure the safety of school buildings - classes should not be allowed to be held in emergency, dilapidated, adapted premises that pose a threat to the life and health of children. Another requirement is to introduce modern design solutions that provide a comfortable school environment. The architecture of the school space should allow for the effective organization of project activities, classes in small groups, the most different forms work with children.
5. Preserving and strengthening the health of schoolchildren
Children spend a significant part of the day at school, and the preservation and strengthening of their physical and mental health is a matter not only of the family, but also of teachers. A person's health is an important indicator of his personal success. If young people develop the habit of playing sports, such acute problems as drug addiction, alcoholism, and child neglect will be solved.
Balanced hot meals, medical care, including timely medical examinations, sports activities, including extracurricular activities, the implementation of preventive programs, discussions with children about healthy lifestyles - all this will affect the improvement of their health. In addition, there should be a transition from mandatory for all activities to individual programs health development of schoolchildren. In 2010, a new standard for physical education will be introduced - at least three hours a week, taking into account the individual characteristics of children.
It is an individual approach that involves the use of modern educational technologies and creating educational programs that will arouse a child's interest in learning. The practice of individual learning, taking into account age characteristics, the study of elective subjects, the general decrease in the classroom load in the form of classical training sessions, will positively affect the health of schoolchildren. But here we need not only measures on the part of adults. It is much more important to awaken in children the desire to take care of their health, based on their interest in learning, choosing courses that are adequate to individual interests and inclinations. A rich, interesting and exciting school life will become the most important condition for maintaining and strengthening health.
6. Expanding school autonomy
The school should become more independent both in the preparation of individual educational programs and in the expenditure of financial resources. Since 2010, schools that have become winners of the competitions of the priority national project "Education" and schools that have been transformed into autonomous institutions will receive independence. The required accountability of such schools will be drastically reduced in exchange for open information about the results of the work. Contracts will be concluded with their directors, providing for special working conditions, taking into account the quality of work.
We will legislate the equality of public and private public educational institutions by giving families greater choice of schools. It is also advisable to develop concession mechanisms to attract private investors to the management of schools.
Students will be given access to the lessons of the best teachers using distance learning technologies, including as part of additional education. This is especially important for small schools, for remote schools, and for the Russian province as a whole.
The key mechanisms for implementing the initiative should be both project and program methods of work. The activities will be carried out within the framework of the priority national project "Education", the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education and the Federal Target Program Scientific and Scientific and Pedagogical Personnel of Innovative Russia.
The well-being of our children, grandchildren, and all future generations depends on how the school reality will be arranged, what the system of relations between the school and society will be, how intellectual and modern we can make general education. That is why the “Our New School” initiative should become the cause of our entire society.

Transition to new educational standards

From standards containing a detailed list of topics in each subject that are mandatory for each student to study, a transition will be made to new standards - requirements for what school programs should be, what results children should demonstrate, what conditions should be created at school to achieve these results.

In any educational program there will be two parts - compulsory and one that is formed by the school. The older the stage, the greater the choice. The new standard provides for extracurricular activities - circles, sports sections, various kinds of creative activities.

The result of education is not only knowledge in specific disciplines, but also the ability to apply them in everyday life, to use in further education. The student must have a holistic socially oriented view of the world in its unity and diversity of nature, peoples, cultures, religions. This is possible only as a result of combining the efforts of teachers of different subjects.

The school should create personnel, logistical and other conditions that ensure the development of the educational infrastructure in accordance with the requirements of the time. Financial support will be built on the principles of per capita funding (“money follows the student”), the transition to which is planned to be completed in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the next three years. At the same time, the funds will go to the municipalities, and to each school according to the standard, regardless of the form of ownership.

In order for the work on standards to be effective, it is necessary to develop a system for assessing the quality of education. We need an independent check of the knowledge of schoolchildren, including during their transition from the 4th to the 5th and from the 9th to the 10th grade. Mechanisms for independent evaluation can be created by professional pedagogical unions and associations. Russia will continue to participate in international comparative studies of the quality of education, to create methods for comparing the quality of education in various municipalities and regions.

Already in 2010 we will introduce new requirements for the quality of education, expanding the list of documents that characterize the success of each student. The unified state exam should remain the main, but not the only way to test the quality of education. In addition, we will introduce monitoring and a comprehensive assessment of a student's academic achievements, their competencies and abilities. Education programs for high school students will be linked to the further choice of specialty.

Development of a support system for talented children

In the coming years, Russia will build an extensive system of searching, supporting and accompanying talented children.

It is necessary to develop a creative environment to identify especially gifted children in every secondary school. High school students should be provided with the opportunity to study in correspondence, part-time and distance schools, allowing them to master profile training programs regardless of their place of residence. It is required to develop a system of Olympiads and competitions for schoolchildren, the practice of additional education, and work out mechanisms for taking into account the individual achievements of students when entering universities.

Working with gifted children should be economically viable. The per capita funding standard should be determined in accordance with the characteristics of schoolchildren, and not just the educational institution. The teacher, thanks to whom the student has achieved high results, should receive significant incentive payments.

Improving the teaching corps

It is necessary to introduce a system of moral and material incentives to support domestic teachers. And most importantly - to attract young talented people to the teaching profession.

The system of moral support is already established competitions for teachers (“Teacher of the Year”, “Educate a Person”, “I Give My Heart to Children”, etc.), a large-scale and effective mechanism for supporting the best teachers within the framework of the priority national project “Education”. This practice will expand at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The prestige of the profession will be enhanced by the events planned to be held in connection with the announcement of 2010 in Russia as the Year of the Teacher.

The material support system is not only a further increase in wage funds, but also the creation of such a remuneration mechanism that will allow stimulating the best teachers, regardless of their length of service, and therefore attracting young teachers to the school.

Another incentive should be the certification of teaching and managerial personnel - periodic confirmation of the qualifications of the teacher, its compliance with the tasks facing the school.

It is necessary to seriously modernize the system of pedagogical education. Pedagogical universities should be gradually transformed either into large basic teacher training centers or into faculties of classical universities.

Changing school infrastructure

It is necessary to update the standards for the design and construction of school buildings and structures, sanitary rules and nutritional standards, requirements for the organization of medical care for students and for ensuring school safety. Schools should be provided with drinking water and showers. In rural schools, it is necessary to work out effective mechanisms for transporting students, including requirements for school buses.

Preserving and strengthening the health of schoolchildren

Balanced hot meals, medical care, including timely medical examinations, sports activities, including extracurricular activities, the implementation of preventive programs, discussion of healthy lifestyle issues with children - all this will affect the improvement of their health. In addition, there should be a transition from mandatory events for all to individual programs for the development of the health of schoolchildren. In 2010, a new standard for physical education will be introduced - at least three hours a week, taking into account the individual characteristics of children.

It is an individual approach that involves the use of modern educational technologies and the creation of educational programs that will arouse a child's interest in learning.

Expanding School Autonomy

The school should become more independent both in the preparation of individual educational programs and in the expenditure of financial resources. Since 2010, schools that have become winners of the competitions of the priority national project "Education" and schools that have been transformed into autonomous institutions will receive independence. The required reporting of such schools will be drastically reduced in exchange for openness of information about the results of the work.

The well-being of our children, grandchildren, and all future generations depends on how the school reality will be arranged, what the system of relations between the school and society will be, how intellectual and modern we can make general education. That is why the “Our New School” initiative should become the cause of our entire society.

Modernization and innovative development is the only way that will allow Russia to become a competitive society in the world of the 21st century, to ensure a decent life for all our citizens. In the context of solving these strategic tasks, the most important qualities of a person are initiative, the ability to think creatively and find non-standard solutions, the ability to choose a professional path, and a willingness to learn throughout life. All these skills are formed from childhood.

The school is a critical element in this process. The main tasks of the modern school are the disclosure of the abilities of each student, the education of a decent and patriotic person, a person ready for life in a high-tech, competitive world. School education should be structured in such a way that graduates can independently set and achieve serious goals, skillfully respond to different life situations.

School of the Future

What characteristics should a school have in the 21st century?

The new school is an institution that meets the goals of advanced development. The school will ensure the study of not only the achievements of the past, but also technologies that will be useful in the future. Children will be involved in research projects and creative activities to learn how to invent, understand and master new things, express their own thoughts, make decisions and help each other, formulate interests and recognize opportunities.

The new school is a school for everyone. Any school will ensure the successful socialization of children with disabilities, children with disabilities, children left without parental care, who are in a difficult life situation. The age characteristics of schoolchildren will be taken into account, training is organized differently at the primary, basic and senior levels.

The new school means new teachers who are open to everything new, who understand child psychology and the peculiarities of the development of schoolchildren, who know their subject well. The task of the teacher is to help the children find themselves in the future, to become independent, creative and self-confident people. Sensitive, attentive and receptive to the interests of schoolchildren, open to everything new, teachers are a key feature of the school of the future. In such a school, the role of the director will change, the degree of his freedom and the level of responsibility will increase.

The new school is a center of interaction both with parents and the local community, as well as with institutions of culture, healthcare, sports, leisure, and other social organizations. Schools as leisure centers will be open on weekdays and Sundays, and school holidays, concerts, performances, sports events will be a place for family recreation.

The new school is a modern infrastructure. Schools will become modern buildings - the schools of our dreams, with original architectural and design solutions, with solid and functional school architecture - a canteen with delicious and healthy food, a media library and a library, high-tech educational equipment, broadband Internet, competent textbooks and interactive teaching aids, conditions for sports and creativity.

The new school is a modern system for assessing the quality of education, which should provide us with reliable information about how both individual educational institutions and the education system as a whole work.

Main directions of development of general education

1. Transition to new educational standards

From standards containing a detailed list of topics in each subject that are mandatory for each student to study, a transition will be made to new standards - requirements for what school programs should be, what results children should demonstrate, what conditions should be created at school to achieve these results.

In any educational program there will be two parts: compulsory and one that is formed by the school. The older the stage, the greater the choice. The new standard provides for extracurricular activities - circles, sports sections, various kinds of creative activities.

The result of education is not only knowledge in specific disciplines, but also the ability to apply them in everyday life, to use in further education. The student must have a holistic socially-oriented view of the world in its unity and diversity of nature, peoples, cultures, religions. This is possible only as a result of combining the efforts of teachers of different subjects.

The school should create personnel, logistical and other conditions that ensure the development of the educational infrastructure in accordance with the requirements of the time. Financial support will be built on the principles of per capita funding (“money follows the student”), the transition to which is planned to be completed in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the next three years. At the same time, the funds will go to the municipalities, and to each school according to the standard, regardless of the form of ownership.

In order for the work on standards to be effective, it is necessary to develop a system for assessing the quality of education. We need an independent check of the knowledge of schoolchildren, including when they move from the 4th to the 5th and from the 9th to the 10th grades. Mechanisms for independent evaluation can be created by professional pedagogical unions and associations. Russia will continue to participate in international comparative studies of the quality of education, to create methods for comparing the quality of education in various municipalities and regions.

Already in 2010 we will introduce new requirements for the quality of education, expanding the list of documents that characterize the success of each student. The unified state exam should remain the main, but not the only way to test the quality of education. In addition, we will introduce monitoring and a comprehensive assessment of a student's academic achievements, their competencies and abilities. Education programs for high school students will be linked to the further choice of specialty.

2. Development of a support system for talented children

In the coming years, Russia will build an extensive system of searching, supporting and accompanying talented children.

It is necessary to develop a creative environment to identify especially gifted children in every secondary school. High school students should be provided with the opportunity to study in correspondence, part-time and distance schools, allowing them to master profile training programs regardless of their place of residence. It is required to develop a system of Olympiads and competitions for schoolchildren, the practice of additional education, and work out mechanisms for taking into account the individual achievements of students when entering universities.

At the same time, a system of support for talented children should be developed. These are, first of all, educational institutions of round-the-clock stay. The existing experience in the activities of physical and mathematical schools and boarding schools at a number of Russian universities should be disseminated. Gatherings, summer and winter schools, conferences, seminars and other events that support the formed giftedness will be organized for children who have shown their talents in various fields of activity.

Working with gifted children should be economically viable. The per capita funding standard should be determined in accordance with the characteristics of schoolchildren, and not just the educational institution. The teacher, thanks to whom the student has achieved high results, should receive significant incentive payments.

3. Improvement of the teaching corps

It is necessary to introduce a system of moral and material incentives to support domestic teachers. And most importantly - to attract young talented people to the teaching profession.

The system of moral support is already established competitions for teachers ("Teacher of the Year", "Educate a Person", "I give my heart to children", etc.), a large-scale and effective mechanism for supporting the best teachers within the framework of the priority national project "Education". This practice will expand at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The activities planned to be held in connection with the announcement of 2010 as the Year of the Teacher in Russia will contribute to the increase in the prestige of the profession.

The system of material support is not only a further increase in wage funds, but also the creation of such a mechanism for remuneration that will stimulate the best teachers, regardless of their length of service, and thus attract young teachers to the school. As the experience of regional pilot projects shows, salaries can and should depend on the quality and results of pedagogical activity, assessed with the participation of school councils, and a set of modern financial and economic mechanisms actually leads to an increase in teachers' salaries. Work on the introduction of new wage systems should also be completed in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation within the next three years.

Another incentive should be the certification of teaching and managerial personnel - periodic confirmation of the qualifications of the teacher, its compliance with the tasks facing the school. The qualification requirements and qualification characteristics of teachers have been fundamentally updated, with professional pedagogical competencies occupying a central place in them. There should be no bureaucratic obstacles for teachers, including young ones, who want to confirm a high level of qualification before the deadlines.

It is necessary to seriously modernize the system of pedagogical education. Pedagogical universities should be gradually transformed either into large basic teacher training centers or into faculties of classical universities.

At least once every five years, teachers and school directors improve their qualifications. Appropriate programs should change flexibly depending on the interests of teachers, and therefore on the educational needs of children. Funds for advanced training should also be provided to school staff on the basis of per capita funding, so that teachers can choose both programs and educational institutions, including not only advanced training institutes, but also, for example, pedagogical, classical universities. It is necessary to form data banks of organizations offering relevant educational programs in the regions. At the same time, directors and the best teachers should have the opportunity to study in other regions in order to have an idea of ​​the innovative experience of their neighbors.

The experience of the best teachers should be disseminated in the system of teacher education, retraining and advanced training. Pedagogical practice for students of specialized universities and internships for already working teachers should take place on the basis of schools that have successfully implemented their innovative programs, primarily within the framework of the priority national project "Education".

A separate task is to attract teachers who do not have a basic pedagogical education to the school. After undergoing psychological and pedagogical training, having mastered new educational technologies, they will be able to demonstrate to children - first of all, to high school students who have chosen a training profile, their rich professional experience.

4. Changing school infrastructure

The face of schools needs to change significantly. We will get a real return if the school becomes a center of creativity and information, a rich intellectual and sports life. In every educational institution, a universal barrier-free environment should be created to ensure the full integration of children with disabilities. In 2010, a five-year state program "Accessible Environment" will be adopted, aimed at solving this problem.

An architectural competition will select new projects for the construction and renovation of school buildings, which will be used everywhere from 2011: a "smart", modern building must be designed.

It is necessary to update the standards for the design and construction of school buildings and structures, sanitary rules and nutritional standards, requirements for the organization of medical care for students and for ensuring school safety. Heating and air conditioning systems of buildings must provide the required temperature at any time of the year. Schools should be provided with drinking water and showers. In rural schools, it is necessary to work out effective mechanisms for transporting students, including requirements for school buses.

School infrastructure can be maintained on a competitive basis by small and medium-sized enterprises. This concerns, first of all, the organization of school meals, public services, repair and construction work. We will demand from builders and service organizations to strictly ensure the safety of school buildings - classes should not be allowed to be held in emergency, dilapidated, adapted premises that pose a threat to the life and health of children. Another requirement is to introduce modern design solutions that provide a comfortable school environment. The architecture of the school space should allow for the effective organization of project activities, classes in small groups, and various forms of work with children.

5. Preserving and strengthening the health of schoolchildren

Children spend a significant part of the day at school, and the preservation and strengthening of their physical and mental health is a matter not only of the family, but also of teachers. A person's health is an important indicator of his personal success. If young people develop the habit of playing sports, such acute problems as drug addiction, alcoholism, and child neglect will be solved.

Balanced hot meals, medical care, including timely medical examinations, sports activities, including extracurricular activities, the implementation of preventive programs, discussion of healthy lifestyle issues with children - all this will affect the improvement of their health. In addition, there should be a transition from mandatory events for all to individual programs for the development of the health of schoolchildren. In 2010, a new standard for physical education will be introduced - at least three hours a week, taking into account the individual characteristics of children.

It is an individual approach that involves the use of modern educational technologies and the creation of educational programs that will arouse a child's interest in learning. The practice of individual learning, taking into account age characteristics, the study of elective subjects, the general decrease in the classroom load in the form of classical training sessions, will positively affect the health of schoolchildren. But here we need not only measures on the part of adults. It is much more important to awaken in children the desire to take care of their health, based on their interest in learning, choosing courses that are adequate to individual interests and inclinations. A rich, interesting and exciting school life will become the most important condition for maintaining and strengthening health.

6. Expanding school autonomy

The school should become more independent both in the preparation of individual educational programs and in the expenditure of financial resources. Since 2010, schools that have won competitions in the priority national project "Education" and schools that have been transformed into autonomous institutions will receive independence. The required accountability of such schools will be drastically reduced in exchange for open information about the results of the work. Contracts will be concluded with their directors, providing for special working conditions, taking into account the quality of work.

We will legislate the equality of public and private educational institutions, giving families greater choice of schools. It is also advisable to develop concession mechanisms to attract private investors to the management of schools.

Students will be given access to the lessons of the best teachers using distance learning technologies, including as part of additional education. This is especially important for small schools, for remote schools, and for the Russian province as a whole.

The key mechanisms for implementing the initiative should be both project and program methods of work. The activities will be carried out within the framework of the priority national project "Education", the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education and the Federal Target Program Scientific and Scientific-Pedagogical Personnel of Innovative Russia.

The well-being of our children, grandchildren, and all future generations depends on how the school reality will be arranged, what the system of relations between the school and society will be, how intellectual and modern we can make general education. That is why the "Our New School" initiative should become the cause of our entire society.

National educational initiative "OUR NEW SCHOOL"

General education for everyone and for everyone

The implementation of plans for the long-term development of the economy and social sphere of the Russian Federation, which ensure the growth of the welfare of citizens, requires investment in human capital. The success of such plans depends on the extent to which all participants in the economic and social relations will be able to maintain their competitiveness, the most important conditions for which are such personality traits as initiative, the ability to think creatively and find non-standard solutions. In the conditions of the global market, in which Russia also participates, such qualities are in demand not only by individual citizens, but also by entire creative teams, enterprises and regions. These circumstances determine the investment nature of investments in education.

Strong and world famous Soviet system education was created to solve the problems of the transformation of an agrarian society into an industrial one, it was supposed to provide a mass unified education of people as members of an industrial society. Education was given for a long time and was intended to ensure uninterrupted professional activity of a person in any one industry or field of activity throughout life. Now, in the era of rapid technology change, we should talk about the formation of a fundamentally new system lifelong education, which implies constant renewal, individualization of demand and the possibilities of its satisfaction. Moreover, the key characteristic of such education is not only the transfer of knowledge and technology, but also the formation of creative competencies, readiness for retraining.

In turn, the skills of continuous education, the ability to learn throughout life, to choose and update a professional path are formed from the school bench. School education ensures the transition from preschool childhood, family education to a conscious choice of subsequent professional activity, real independent life. How the school reality, the system of relations between the school and society will be arranged, largely depends on the success in obtaining professional education, and the entire system of civil relations. School education today represents the longest stage of formal education for each person and is one of the decisive factors for both individual success and the long-term development of the whole country.
The degree to which we will be able to choose and ensure an innovative path for the country's development depends on the preparedness and target setting of millions of Russian schoolchildren. Right now, the well-being of our children, grandchildren, and all future generations depends on how modern and intellectual we manage to make general education.

What should be the general education to ensure the solution of the tasks facing it? How should it fit into common system education and self-realization of Russian citizens?

First of all, the main result school education should be its compliance with the goals of advanced development. This means that it is necessary to study in schools not only the achievements of the past, but also those methods and technologies that will be useful in the future. Children should be involved in research projects, creative activities, sports events, during which they will learn to invent, understand and learn new things, be open and able to express their own thoughts, be able to make decisions and help each other, formulate interests and recognize opportunities. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account age characteristics and differences in the organization of elementary, basic and high schools. Younger students master the ability to learn, it is for them that the formation of motivation for further learning is paramount. Teenagers learn to communicate, express themselves, take actions and be aware of their consequences, try themselves not only in educational, but also in other activities. Senior students, choosing the profile of education, having the opportunity to master the programs vocational training, find themselves in the field of future professional activity. Senior schoolchildren should be given the opportunity to consciously choose their future, linking it with the future of the country.

An important task is to strengthen the educational potential of the school, to provide individualized psychological and pedagogical support for each student. Prevention of neglect, delinquency, and other asocial phenomena should be considered as a necessary and natural component of the school's activities.

Particular attention should be focused on creating conditions for the full inclusion in educational space and successful socialization of children with disabilities, children with behavioral problems, children left without parental care, children from refugee and internally displaced families, children living in low-income families, and other categories of children in difficult life situations.

Naturally, such a school also requires new teachers. Teachers will be needed who both have a deep knowledge of psychological and pedagogical knowledge and understand the peculiarities of the development of schoolchildren, and who are professionals in other areas of activity, able to help children find themselves in the future, become independent, creative and self-confident people. Sensitive, attentive and receptive to the interests of schoolchildren, open to everything new, teachers are a key feature of the modern school.

As a consequence, organized school reality requires a different school infrastructure. New architectural and design attractive school buildings will be needed; modern dining rooms healthy eating; assembly and sports halls equipped with new equipment; media centers and libraries; comfortable school hygiene and organization of medical care; competent textbooks and interactive study guides; high-tech educational equipment providing access to global information networks, access to the maximum number of treasures of domestic and foreign culture, achievements of science and art; conditions for high-quality additional education, self-realization and creative development.

The modern school will interact more closely with the family. The school management system will become open and understandable for parents and society. Participation in the work of school councils will turn from a burden into an exciting and honorable activity. Coming to educational institutions with children will be interesting for adults as well. Schools as leisure centers will be open on weekdays and Sundays, while school holidays, concerts, performances, sports events will become an attractive place for family recreation.

The formulated ideas about the school of the future are not just wishes, but also an urgent need. The global financial and economic difficulties of the current years show us the importance of strengthening the independence of the domestic economy. This is ensured, first of all, not by the internal isolation of industrial relations, but by openness, the ability of citizens and domestic enterprises to compete in world markets, to develop more and more new areas of activity. To achieve such results, we need to reconfigure the education system for the development of modern competencies that meet global requirements for human capital providing consolidation Russian society to meet new ambitious challenges.

Key directions for the development of general education

The positive potential of the domestic educational system, the tasks facing the system of general education in Russia, the existing division of powers in the field of education management determine the following five main directions for the development of general education.

1. Updating educational standards. Already at school, children should be able to reveal their abilities, navigate in a high-tech competitive world. This task must be met by updated educational standards, which include three groups of requirements: requirements for the structure of educational programs, requirements for the conditions for the implementation of educational programs and requirements for the results of their development.

The requirements for results should include not only knowledge, but also the ability to apply it. Such requirements should include competencies associated with the idea of ​​advanced development, everything that schoolchildren will need both in further education and in their future adult life. Educational outcomes should be formulated separately for primary, secondary and high schools, taking into account the specifics age development schoolchildren. The achievement of such results in the practice of specific educational institutions should be based on the advanced achievements of domestic psychological and pedagogical science.

Requirements for the structure of educational programs involve establishing the ratio of parts of educational programs, including the ratio of the mandatory part of the school curriculum and the part formed by the participants educational process. It also means that the school's curriculum must include both compulsory and optional classes. Out-of-class employment of students will acquire significant importance - circles, sports sections, various kinds of creative activities, classes in creative associations of the system of additional education of children.

Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of educational programs should describe all personnel, financial, logistical and other conditions, without which it will be impossible to achieve the necessary educational results and solve the problem of preserving and strengthening the health of students and pupils. When forming requirements for material and technical conditions, it is necessary to abandon the limit detailed description characteristics educational equipment. Considering that educational technologies and teaching aids are constantly updated, it is necessary to establish such requirements for conditions that would ensure the advanced development of modern educational infrastructure. These requirements should become an incentive for manufacturers, municipalities and constituent entities of the Russian Federation to create the highest quality conditions for obtaining education, including issues of equipping schools, attracting talented teachers to work, introducing effective methods funding educational services. Thus, in the next two years, the transition to normative per capita financing in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation will have to be completed.

The gradual introduction of educational standards in elementary school should begin as early as September 1, 2009. First of all, teachers and schools participating in the priority national project “Education” should be involved in the implementation of such standards.

Effective implementation of new educational standards is impossible without adequate feedback - a system for assessing the quality of education. Here, too, it is necessary to develop quality assessment in the transition from one school level to another; introduce innovative mechanisms for voluntary quality assessment for different groups of educational institutions, including assessment systems by professional and pedagogical unions and associations; Russia to continue to participate in international comparative studies of the quality of education; create methods for comparing the quality of education in various municipalities, constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

2. Support system for talented children. Simultaneously with the implementation of the standard of general education, an extensive system of searching for and supporting talented children, as well as accompanying them throughout the entire period of personality formation, should be built.

It will be necessary to create both a special support system for talented schoolchildren and a general environment for the manifestation and development of the abilities of each child, stimulating and identifying the achievements of gifted children.

As part of the first direction, it is necessary to continue to develop a network of educational institutions around the clock, especially to support gifted schoolchildren who find themselves in a difficult life situation. The existing experience in the activities of physical and mathematical schools and boarding schools at a number of Russian universities should be disseminated, taking into account the children who have shown their talents in various fields of activity. For such children, gatherings, summer and winter schools, conferences, seminars and other events will be organized to support the formed potential of giftedness.

Within the framework of the second direction, it is expedient to support a creative environment, to provide the possibility of self-realization for students of each secondary school. For this, it is necessary to expand the system of competitions and competitions for schoolchildren, the practice of additional education, various kinds of student conferences and seminars, and work out mechanisms for taking into account the individual achievements of students (student portfolios) when enrolling in universities. These areas of work will be reflected in financial and economic mechanisms, including within the framework of normative per capita financing methods and a new teacher remuneration system.

Correspondence and part-time schools for senior schoolchildren should be widely spread, allowing them, regardless of their place of residence, to master programs of specialized education in a variety of areas. This should also be supported by the creation of incentives for the publication and distribution of modern educational literature, the distribution of electronic educational resources, the development of distance learning technologies using various Internet services, the creation of digital repositories of the best Russian museums, scientific archives and libraries. Such work should be carried out both on the basis of domestic developments and through the localization of the best educational resources from around the world.

3. Development of teaching potential. It is necessary to introduce a system of moral and material incentives to retain the best teachers in schools and constantly improve their qualifications, as well as to replenish schools with a new generation of teachers, including not necessarily those with a pedagogical education, who love and know how to work with children.

AT last years a system of moral support for domestic teachers has developed. In addition to traditional competitions for teachers (“Teacher of the Year”, “Educate a Person”, “I Give My Heart to Children”, etc.), a large-scale and effective mechanism has been developed to support the best teachers within the framework of the priority national project “Education”. This practice needs to be developed and supplemented at the level of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

The mechanism for introducing new systems of remuneration for teachers should also be attributed to the incentives for high-quality teacher work. The corresponding practice implemented in 34 regions within the framework of comprehensive projects for the modernization of education should be generally recognized as successful. The result is obvious - the salary can and should depend on the quality and results of pedagogical activity, evaluated with the participation of school councils. Taking into account the need to further increase wage funds, to allocate basic and incentive parts in them, the corresponding work on the introduction of new wage systems should be completed in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation within the next three years.

Effective methods of work of the best teachers should be disseminated in the system of training, retraining and advanced training of teaching staff. This means that as teaching practice future teachers - today's students of pedagogical universities, and internships for already working teachers should take place on the basis of educational institutions that implement innovative educational programs and have positive results. Such “learning by doing” should become a tradition in the training and professional development of teachers. Educational programs for the retraining and advanced training of teachers should be built on a modular basis, flexibly changed depending on the interests of teachers, which in turn are determined by the educational needs of students. Such programs should use modern Information Technology. It is also necessary to update the mechanisms for financing educational services. Funds for advanced training should be provided to school staff on the basis of per capita funding, with the possibility for them to choose both programs and institutions for advanced training. Thus, educational programs for advanced training will be able to be implemented not only on the basis of advanced training institutions, but also on the basis of pedagogical and classical universities, and other educational organizations that provide quality services for lifelong education. Taking into account the growing need to coordinate various approaches, managerial and financial and economic mechanisms for the professional development of teachers, the issue of organizing advanced training and retraining of educators should become the subject of joint responsibility of the regions and the federal center.

In accordance with the changes in school practice, there should be changes in the system of teacher education. The role of psychological and pedagogical training of students, the implementation of innovative undergraduate and graduate programs, the use of modern, including information educational technologies, will also increase here.

A separate task is to attract teachers with a basic non-pedagogical education to the school. The passage of psychological and pedagogical training, the development of new educational technologies will allow them to reveal themselves to children not only in the role of people with rich professional experience, but also gradually master the basics of pedagogical work, learn to hear and understand children, adequately choose the techniques and methods of pedagogical work. The work of such teachers should also be provided with consulting support from universities and advanced training institutes.

Another incentive for high-quality pedagogical work should be a new certification of pedagogical and managerial personnel. As in the system of vocational education, in the system of general education, attestation should imply periodic confirmation of the teacher's qualifications and its compliance with modern and future tasks facing the school. In this regard, the qualification requirements and qualification characteristics of teachers should be fundamentally updated. The central place in them should be occupied by professional pedagogical competencies, which are the basis for updating the certification procedures for teaching staff. At the same time, there should be no bureaucratic obstacles for teachers who wish to confirm a high level of qualification before the established attestation deadlines. This also applies to creative young aspiring teachers, whose professional development should be given Special attention. Of particular importance will be the certification of managerial personnel, whose activities should be more related to the decision challenging tasks organization of the school economy, providing the whole complex of high-quality conditions for the implementation of educational programs.

Teachers completing pedagogical activity in connection with retirement, should be able to receive a decent pension. It is necessary to support and develop in every possible way reliable non-state pension systems for providing teachers. In addition, the best teachers after retirement can be involved in work as educators, organizers of independent and extracurricular activities, consultants for young teachers and students.

These and other areas of work to improve the potential of domestic teaching and to increase the prestige of the teaching profession should form the basis of the action plan for holding in 2010 the Year of the Teacher in Russia.

4. Modern school infrastructure. The appearance of schools, both in form and content, must change significantly. We will get a real return if school is both exciting and interesting if it becomes a center not only for compulsory education, but also for self-training, creativity and sports.

This means that in addition to the description in educational standards modern conditions implementation of educational programs, other documents regulating educational activities should be updated. In particular, it is necessary to significantly update the standards for the design and construction of school buildings and structures, sanitary rules and nutritional standards, requirements for the organization of medical care for students and requirements for ensuring school safety. So, when designing school buildings, it is necessary to improve heating systems, to provide for the presence of shower rooms in the locker rooms at the gyms, individual wardrobes, drinking water supply systems, etc. For rural schools, in particular, it is necessary to work out effective mechanisms for organizing the transportation of students, including improving vehicles and increasing their safety. An adaptive barrier-free environment should be created in each educational institution to ensure the full integration of children with disabilities and children with disabilities.

A number of functions related to the operation of the school infrastructure can be carried out at a high level through the competitive selection of small enterprises that provide quality services to several educational institutions at once. This applies primarily to the organization of school meals, public services, repair and construction work. Within the framework of the latter, attention should be paid both to the strict security of school buildings, and to the introduction of modern design solutions that provide a comfortable school environment, approaches and technologies in the field of school meals.

At the same time, the development of school infrastructure should be associated with the expansion of the independence of educational institutions, where a high level of organization of the school economy is already ensured. Such schools should be able to freely move into new organizational and legal forms of educational institutions.

The list of measures to ensure modern school infrastructure should also include the development of interaction between educational institutions and organizations of the entire social sphere: institutions of culture, healthcare, sports, leisure and others. Thus, interaction with museums allows not only expanding the scope of studying school disciplines, enriching the content of academic subjects, but also creates guidelines for improving cultural institutions, stimulates them to organize interactive exhibitions, exploitatoriums, interactive excursions and others.

5. Health of schoolchildren. It is during the school period that a person's health is formed for the rest of his life. Much here depends on family education, but given that children spend a significant part of the day at school, teachers should also take care of their health.

As already noted, when establishing requirements for the conditions for the implementation of educational programs, more attention should be paid to the quality organization of balanced hot meals, medical care and sports activities for schoolchildren. Timely medical examination, implementation of preventive programs, organization of extracurricular sports events, discussing healthy lifestyle issues with children significantly affect the improvement of the health of schoolchildren. However, even more important is the transition from the same health requirements for all and, accordingly, the same for all compulsory classes to individual monitoring and health development programs for schoolchildren.

This, in turn, implies the creation of such educational programs that, appropriately for the age of students, cause an interested attitude towards learning. The practice of individual learning, the study of elective subjects, the general reduction in the classroom load in the form of classical studies - all this also has a positive effect on the health of schoolchildren. The issue of caring for the health of students requires not only decisions caused by the protective position of adults in relation to children's health. It is much more important to awaken in children the desire to take care of their health, based on their interest in learning, in choosing training courses appropriate to their own interests and inclinations. A rich, interesting and exciting school life is becoming the most important condition for the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Tools and mechanisms for updating school education

The priority national project "Education" remains one of the key mechanisms for the development of general education. In the coming years, within the framework of the national project in the system of general education, it is planned to:

continue the practice of supporting the best teachers and talented youth;

develop tools for financing educational activities, mechanisms for per capita financing and a new system of remuneration;

support the practice of using modern information educational technologies in educational institutions;

stimulate efforts and support the initiatives of the regions for the development of systems preschool education providing equal starting conditions for the arrival of children in school;

ensure access to general education for children with disabilities;

to develop new health-improving technologies and methods of adaptive physical education, based on the individualization of physical activity parameters and contributing to the restoration of impaired health and the formation of motivation for training physical education and sports;

to continue work on updating the modern school infrastructure, both by solving particular problems, for example, improving the organization of school meals, and by providing a comprehensive update of the conditions for the implementation of educational programs.

In accordance with paragraph 2 of s. 1 Law of the Russian Federation
"On Education" organizational basis The state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of education is the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education”. In 2010, the five-year phase of the implementation of this program will be completed. Based on this, by 2011 it is necessary to complete the development of all pilot models for the development of the general education system. In each subject of the Russian Federation, elements of a holistic strategy for updating the general education system should be formed. In the next five-year phase of the implementation of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2011-2015, these models should become widespread in the practice of each municipality. The key parameters of the Our New School initiative must be fully implemented.

In the course of the implementation of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education, the current activities of federal education authorities, education authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and municipalities, it is necessary to develop and implement:

new requirements for the results of development, the structure and conditions for the implementation of basic educational programs;

a system for assessing the quality of education, including the assessment of educational achievements as the basis for the transition from one level of education to another, voluntary quality assessment mechanisms for different groups educational institutions, participation of Russia in international comparative studies of the quality of education, comparison of the quality of education in various municipalities, constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

the practice of activities of specialized institutions for gifted children who find themselves in a difficult life situation;

a system of activities to support communication, interaction and further development children of school age gifted in various fields of intellectual and creative activity;

updated practice of summer (seasonal) specialized schools for self-realization and self-development of students;

an expanded system of olympiads, competitions and other creative tests for schoolchildren;

models of distance, part-time and part-time education of students;

a system for providing and consulting and methodological support for specialized education, implemented, among other things, through individual educational programs for students, networking between educational institutions.

the practice of attracting teachers with basic non-pedagogical education to schools;

new technologies for organizing and financing the system of training, retraining and advanced training of teaching staff, including the development of services for consulting and methodological support and certification of qualifications with the coordination of their activities at the federal level;

models of using modern information and communication technologies in the system of training, retraining and advanced training of teaching staff;

networking practices, activities social networks teachers aimed at updating the content of education and mutual methodological support;

a new model for attestation of pedagogical and managerial personnel in the general education system, which implies mandatory periodic confirmation of the level of qualification.

model methods of normative per capita financing and a new wage system;

the practice of school councils, ensuring the interested participation of parents and the local community in the management of educational institutions;

activity models of schools of educational levels, providing the specifics of the organization of the educational process for younger students, adolescents and older students;

models of activity of autonomous institutions of general education.

new technologies and methods of health-saving education that ensure the formation of an interested attitude towards own health, a healthy lifestyle of all participants in the educational process;

Within the framework of interdepartmental cooperation, the current sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations related to the general education system will also have to be updated in the near future; mechanisms and regulations for monitoring and supporting the health of schoolchildren; requirements for ensuring the safety of educational institutions; building regulations; standard projects school buildings, adequate to modern requirements for the organization of the educational environment; practices of organizing school services, organizing transportation of schoolchildren to the place of study; mechanisms of interaction between educational, cultural and sports institutions.

The main areas of work within the framework of the Our New School initiative will also be reflected in the preparation of an integrated legislative act - a new version of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education".

Implementation of the project in our school.

R implementation of the tasks set in the Address of the President

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