We release the place under the office on the balcony: tips on the competent organization and design of space. How to make a cabinet on a balcony or loggia, options, tips School place on the balcony

Arrangement of the site 12.08.2019
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IN modern world Cabinet in the apartment for many it is not a luxury, but the need.

However, the size of the apartment does not always allow to allocate a separate room for this purpose.

Placing a working office on the balcony is a wonderful way out.


This is the location of the Cabinet has a number of advantages:

  • A large number of light necessary for work.
  • Good ventilation.
  • The possibility, if necessary, close from all.
  • Nice view from the window.
  • List of necessary work.

If you decide to put workspace On the loggia, then you faces the question "How to make an office on the balcony?"

In fact, you need to fulfill a number of serious work so that the room turns into a warm and comfortable space for work.

  • Glazed balcony
  • Warm space
  • Conduct lighting
  • Make a finish according to your taste
  • Place the needed furniture.


For the office on the balcony, you must use PVC glass windows with triple glass. Thanks to them, the sound will not penetrate you from the street, and the space will not be bludging.

Think out which way your windows will open. After all, the balcony area is small and sash, opening out of the wrong side, will interfere.

It is worth paying attention to the state balcony plates. If it leaves much to be desired, the design should be strengthened.


In order for you to warm while working, the balcony space must be insulated. The following materials will be well suitable for this purpose:

  • Mineral wool
  • Extruded expanded polystyrene foam
  • Styrofoam

Paul can be insulated with a concrete screed or wooden Lag.. Do not forget to install hydro and vaporizolation.

In addition, carefully close all the gaps. Without all these manipulations in the office will not be so comfortable.


For the cold season, they will need heating devices. For example, you can make an electric warm floor or put heaters.

Steam heating on the balcony can only be set after the resolution of special controls.

Heaters can be oil or infrared. Oil heaters Environmentally friendly. They do not burn oxygen and safe to use.

However, they consume a lot of electricity, so uneconomical. IFC heaters are mainly hanging on the wall or ceiling. They are economically beneficial and evenly distribute heat around the room.


For a cabinet located on the balcony, point lighting is well suited. And next to the desktop you need to put a socket. Installing wiring is needed at the beginning of construction work.

Finishing of the room

What materials are used to finish the cabinet, each decides for itself. The following materials will fit well:

The lining is an eco-friendly and lightweight material, but not too suitable for the design of the Cabinet.

Plasterboard - it can be placed or painted, shove wallpaper. This material is more than everyone else is suitable for office style.

Plastic - simple, easy and beautiful materialcan be used for ceiling and walls.


By organizing the workbook on the balcony, you need to think about its design. You can use a way to divide space on the zone.

  • 1st zone - working. In it, place the table and chair, put a small rack or shelves for the necessary things.
  • 2nd zone - recreation area. Place a small sofa or soft chair. Add room Flowers. If you allow space, put a small coffee table.
  • 3-yazon - readable. Put the wardrobe with books and magazines.

Zones should harmonize arcs with a friend. Perform them in a single designer solution. Use the combined colors and materials.

Best, unreacted shades are suitable. They will help tune in to work, raise the mood and visually will increase the space.

Photo options for design Cabinet on the balcony

If there is not enough time at work to complete the cases, they are taken to the house. Data analysis, reconciliation of results or planning is difficult to carry out in a noisy atmosphere, among holidaymakers family members, so needed separate room. With a shortage of residential space, adjust the cabinet on the balcony. The idea will surely enjoy freelancers and remote work lovers who sit for hours at the computer and securities.

At first glance, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe device on the loggia or the balcony of the working office seems absurd. Much more often there are flower beds there, equip the storage rooms for pickle-jam or simply adding the room under the recreation room. However, thoroughly weighing all the advantages, it turns out that the mini-office behind the wall of the residential premises is an unusual, but successful solution.

According to a beautiful classic interior, the masterfully created homely atmosphere will not immediately understand that in the photo - the office on the balcony

Consider the benefits of an extraordinary idea:

  • expansion of the useful space;
  • use of natural lighting;
  • gorgeous ventilation - fresh air from the street;
  • suitable conditions for work.

Each item requires additional decryption.

The living space does not happen much, so there is still a couple of well-maintained meters - a great gift family. As a rule, in the apartment first allocate the place under the bedroom, the children's, living room, and there is no place for the cabinet. The chance to get a balcony under the office is large enough, it is unlikely that some of the family members will resist. Moreover, after that, an additional area will not cease to be a place to rest - just put in the corner a comfortable sofa.

Personal working area - Ability to place a premises in your favorite style

If you arrange in the office on the balcony panoramic glazingNatural lighting will be maximal. From sunrise until late evening, you can not include a lamp - there is enough light to work at a computer or paperwork. To work comfortably at night, make electricity. Beautiful chastleyA pair of graceful sconces, moving from the bedroom flooring - will suit any lighting device. However, the best option is a table lamp with the possibility of adjustment.

Sometimes excess sunlight have to hide behind dense curtains or blinds

The problem of old "Khrushchev" and "Stalinok" - ventilation of residential premises. Outputs in the ventilation mines are located only in the kitchen and in the bathroom, and to create an effective sUPPLY SYSTEM You need to open the windows or windows at least for a while. IN little roomwhere access to glass packages is open, to arrange the ventilation much easier, the main thing is to avoid drafts.

Before installing double-glazed windows, determine the workplace in advance, consider the location and method of opening the sash

If the loggia is not combined with the adjacent residential room - living room or bedroom, then the entrance is necessarily closed by a door. This is a guarantee of good sound insulation and what will not disturb you and do not distract in the most busy moment. To sneak out of street noise, install double-windows with high noise insulation and take care of the insulation of the walls.

For proper approach To the arrangement of the room, the working office on the balcony is no different from the usual

Go to a small minus, or rather, to minus, the dimensions of which depend on the degree of launching extra room. If there is a landscaping of an unwelken Piglet, never seen repair, then there will be a lot of money. However, if it is already insulated, glazed and partially furnished, will remain reflected over the design of the office on the balcony.

How to turn an unequipped balcony in the office

Suppose you got the most complicated, expensive option - a completely unprepared room for living, that is, a design with concrete floor and a metal fence. We will try to disassemble the steps that are necessary to reincarnate non-residential space in a comfortable working area.

Step 1: Glazing

If you open the balcony door, instantly fall on the street, the first mandatory step is glazing. It is necessary in the event that the only sign of comfort is old wooden Rama with cracked glasses. Modern double-glazed windows are warm and comfort.

Traditional trilateral installation of double-glazed windows - maximum sunlight

A pair of tips to help when choosing a glass design ::

  • pay attention to the quality of the profile and accessories - often problems occur not because of the glasses, but due to the rapid abrasion of seals or the breaking of angular nodes;
  • single glass windows are used only for cold premises, you need two-chamber structures (in the northern regions - three-chamber);
  • think over the size of the design - glazing in the floor is unlikely to be appropriate, it is better to stop at the traditional version in the prestone with deaf ends;
  • think out the design frames will be combined with wall decoration; There are options for color design, lamination, stylization under wood and stone - but do not overdo it with creative.

Note that the sash can be swollen, folding, sliding, as well as with a combined opening method. Choose those that are more convenient to use and schedule the installation of moving frames not opposite the workplace, but a little bit.

Two full-fledged jobs - the opportunity to work in the company

The result of the glazing is the creation of a full-fledged residential premises separated from the street reliable wall From glass and plastic / aluminum.

Step 2: Lighting

The replacement of natural light is needed in any case - to work in the late clock, for evening holidays. Therefore, the second than it is necessary to take care - the creation of an electrical network that would fully meet the requirements of the work room. This is primarily bright, but soft light that allows not to strain your eyesight, does not distract from work.

Lamp with lampshade - excellent solution for the office - creative workshop

In addition to the selection of lighting devices, the lamps type must be designing the wiring circuit, tested to the balcony. Electricity, install sockets, indicate the placement of the lamps. The wires are usually drawn from the adjacent room. There are two ways to install - closed (in the strokes of the walls) and conditionally open (under facing material or duct). When choosing a second way, take care of reliable insulation, for example, put a cable into a protective corrugation.

Luminaires and sockets are better to place on a common room with a room - it's easier to work with wires, you do not need to pull them under the floor or in the ceiling. However, if the workplace is removed from this wall, it is better to transfer the socket to the table - it will be easier to use the technique, the need to buy extension cords will disappear.

Version of the device of the upper point lighting; Additional light in the desktop area provides a table lamp

Work with electricity requires certain knowledge, so if you are not sure own power, invite an electrician. Short circuitI have arisen due to improper laying of cables or non-accurate instrument connectivity is the risk of fire.

Step 3: Warming

So that the idea of \u200b\u200bturning the balcony in the office did not suffer fiasco, warm all the surfaces - floor, ceiling, walls. Consider one of the ways.

One of the options for finishing internal space

Work in the office is many hours of hard work, so the temperature in + 15 ° C, which is characteristic of glazed loggias and balconies, is not enough. It is necessary to heat the room so that during the time spent at work, a person never experienced the desire to wonder in the plaid or put on woolen socks.

Stage of insulation - Installation of rolled foam using wooden rails

Action plan:

  1. Thermal insulation of non-beam parts of the outer walls. Optimal option - extruded polystyrene foam, the thickness is chosen, focusing on weather region (on average, from 50 to 80 mm). If you basically save useful space, Note the foofol - a thin 5 mm insulation with a metallized layer.
  2. Warming in common with the wall of the wall. It is all easier: for the decoration, the same foam, the main difference of which is the minimum thickness without losing the main qualities of the insulation, is suitable for decoration.
  3. Floor arrangement. On the prepared foundation in the crate put plates of polystyrene foam or basalt wool.
  4. Heating ceiling finish. In fact, the ceiling on the balcony is also concrete plateTherefore, it applies the same methods that are used for thermal insulation of walls and gender.

By choosing a method of insulation, it is important to observe the technology and use quality materials, because after the finish finish to the layers of the insulation it is difficult to get.

Step 4: Heating

To begin decorative finish The balcony under the office is impossible until the heating system is thought out. Like any residential premises, the Cabinet requires regular heating. In the summer there is no need for heating, and with the onset of cold weather it becomes important condition Use residential zone.

Electric convector type heater for seasonal use

It would seem, there is nothing easier: increased pipes central heating and installed 1-2 radiator. But this simple, inexpensive plan does not work, as the removal of the batteries outside the apartment is prohibited. Loggias and balconies under the definition of living space do not fall. There are examples when the tenants achieved permission to install radiators, but the coordination process will take long, forces, it is possible that money.

Consider the options for heating, which can be implemented on legal grounds:

  • infrared heater;
  • electroconvector;
  • warm floor.

Instruments and systems work when connected to electricity, and for this permissions and coordination in government agencies is not required.

The "warm floor" system is designed for installation in any residential room, the only minus is a high price

If the room is small in size, and the insulation is high-quality, then for full-fledged heating, there is some times a conventional electric heater. Powerful devices are effective, however, the electricity fee will increase.

Step 5: Finish

This is the most pleasant - creative stage in the process of arrangement, as it is the beginning of creating the interior of the working office on the balcony. That the result looks stylish and harmonious, a project reflecting the main direction of design and detailing is necessary.

To create a project, use the computer program or simply draw a sketch.

Cabinet is work roomSo the interior must be more business, practical, not distracting attention. Accordingly, when choosing a palette, we prefer to neutral shades - gray, brown, white. But the choice of materials can be any. Someone like environmental facing from wooden panelsother - smooth painted walls, third - lightweight plastic.

If you are not strained by catchy accents, then when drawing up a project, use more brighter paints

What flooring use? There is also complete freedom of action:

  • laminate;
  • carpet covering;
  • boards;
  • linoleum;
  • tile.

But note that the carpet refers to the "warm" type varieties, and the tile or linoleum - to the "cold". If you do not use slippers, it is better to stop at the warm version. A tree is also suitable, as the wood usually "stores" room temperature.

Work study on the balcony with wooden floor. For comfort near the table, you can lay a rug

The ceiling is often lined with lining or plastic panelsbut for a warmed loggia is appropriate stretch design. During the device of any kind of ceiling, do not forget to pre-denote the locations ceiling lampsIf they are scheduled.

When improvement of the cabinet on little balcony Do not forget about the shortage of free space - choose only those construction and decoration Materialswhich allow you to save useful centimeters.

How to organize a working area on the balcony

First consider two options for using a new room:

  • exclusively as an office;
  • both the office and a place of rest.

If you have chosen the second option, and your rest is not limited to the game in computer "shooters" and "strategies", divide the territory into two parts - the labor zone and the recreation area. In the first install desk with all accessories due, computer, office chair, shelves or locker; In the second - Sofa, Coffee table, Flowers. If desired, even on a 3-meter balcony, you can create two compact, but cozy corners.

Easy interior in semi-mona-semi-mederevian style

Consider what to take into account when organizing a workplace:

  • Style - business, discreet, minimalist.
  • Lighting - thoughtful. In the afternoon, protection against bright sun ray, in the evening - artificial lighting, sufficient for work, but does not hit the eye.
  • Free windows. A narrow window sill and double-glazed windows is a zone that is better not to litter with decor. The only exception is curtains, curtains or blinds. The discreet design of the balcony under the office does not tolerate anything superfluous.
  • Dimensions of furniture. If you are lucky with a balcony area, you may not take into account this item, but we recommend the owners of typical urban high-rise buildings to choose the furniture of reduced sizes, and even better - to order a working headset on its size.
  • Wheelchair. This traditional office accessory is more than appropriate on the balcony - if necessary, it is easy to move it to the recreation area.
  • Maximum use of walls. Since their area is small (most often it is two face narrow walls), then the use of shelves, racks, lockers in the entire height.

Cabinet furniture on loggia

The workbook, equipped on the balcony, should be as functional as possible. Therefore, buy compact, ergonomic furniture. If the budget allows, better to order. Due to small sizes balcony premises It will be difficult to choose ready-made tables and chairs that will fit into the interior. In small spaces, every centimeter should work, so it is better to fit the furniture close to the wall and periodiles.

Instead of a massive table - table top

For the working office on the loggia is appropriate minimum set Furniture:

  • written or computer desk;
  • solid chair or chairs on wheels;
  • racks;
  • shelves on the wall;
  • bedside table

To save space, limit the worktop, a comfortable chair and a pair of shelves. These subjects will provide good conditions For work, not "eating" free space.

Written (computer) table

A written or computer table is best placed in the end of the balcony, placing all its widths. Sometimes it is installed an angle using the windowsill as an additional surface. The party with which the artificial or natural light should fall on the desktop surface depends on what hand does a person writes: right or left.

The left-handed light should fall on the right, right-handed on the left.

As for the material, it can be any. Written tables are made from:

  • Chipboard, fiberboard or MDF - the most cheap materials;
  • metal (not always convenient, but looks stylish and original);
  • tree ( wooden crafts features high quality);
  • tamburata is new light The material from which the original structures create.

Office chair

The office chair installed on the balcony can not be too big. Prefer ergonomic, not massive furniture. Large "directing" chairs are spectacularly looking at spacious loggias, ordinary balconies They only interfere. The form, the type of construction, each chooses independently, based on personal preferences.

For the office the same is appropriately appropriate chair with soft, semi-light, rigid seat. In any case, it is equipped with a gaslift - a mechanism that regulates the height of the seating. It is better to choose a product with an anatomical adjustable back. For the upholstery will suit:

  • genuine or artificial leather;
  • eco
  • grid;
  • textile.

Shelves / racks for books

Racks and shelves must complement the interior of the room. It will make a workplace more stylish. The shelves make durable, rigid so that you can put books, folders with documents. Shelves and racks are better made from the same material from which other furniture on the loggia is made, but variations are possible depending on the characteristics of the structures.

Most often, shelves on the balcony or loggia are made of wood, plastic, metal or glass. It is better to hang them over the writing desk in the ends of the loggia to save space. Racks can be positioned on the opposite side from the computer table or attach to carrier wallSo that they do not interfere with free movement.

Retractable Boxes for Paper and Office

Retractable boxes ensure the safety of documents, protecting them from moisture, dust, other adverse factors. The storage storage devices differ in width and height. These designs are two types: with full or incomplete extension. Usually they are placed under a writing desk, but variations are possible: mounting to the wall or installation near racks.

Retractable boxes can be made independently, buy finished models Or make order by individual measurements. Color and design are selected under the interior style. So that these structures appropriately looked in the working office on the loggia or the balcony, make them from the same material from which other furniture is made.

Shelves for office equipment

Cabinet on the balcony does not need large quantities Office equipment, but its absence can adversely affect the functionality of the workplace. When working at home, a printer, projector, scanner or any other technique may be needed. Some devices can be put on a computer desk, but it is better to build separate shelves on the brackets for them.

Shelves for office equipment better attached to the bearing wall. Shelves can be made to order in the size of the equipment that will be placed on them. They can also be made independently from chipboard, MDF or wood. There is little space on the balcony, so the partially unoccupied long shelves are inappropriate here and only interfere.

Furniture for the working office on the loggia or the balcony should be ergonomic, multifunctional. It is installed so that nothing bothered free movement, opening windows and balcony doors. The standard Cabinet is performed in a single style, where every object (rack, chair, decor elements, etc.) harmoniously complements the interior.

Examples of successful cabinet design on the balcony

Perhaps some photos will help to be born new ideas for improving the style of not quite usual, but comfortable place for work.

Video: Finishing and Design Cabinet

Video session designer ideas:

Tips for insulation and finishing:

Option classic interior From professionals:

As you have already done to make sure, creating a cabinet on the balcony - real idea. If the prospect of the appearance of another good room Causes a desire to create and fantasize, this project is for you!

Many modern apartments complements small balcony sizes. So that free space does not disappear in vain or not used for easy storage of all sorts of rubbish, it can be turned into a small room. If you work at home or just spend a lot of time at the computer, then you can use a balcony space for organizing an office there.

Features and advantages

This solution has its advantages, and disadvantages. So, if your balcony is already used to store conservation or other things that are no longer placed anywhere, then it is irrational. Another important moment - The design of the balcony itself. If you have an open and not heated, then you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend much time and money for its arrangement.

Also balcony may be too small. Therefore, it will not fit the chair, nor even a small desktop. But, no doubt, such a designer solution has its advantages. First, you will finally have your own full room, where you will work alone and in silence, without distracting anything.

Balconies, as a rule, are complemented from three sides high and wide windows. If you choose french option glazing, then windows will be floor height to ceiling. This means that natural lighting in the room will constantly be very good. Therefore, you can safely work or read all day without fear for your vision.

A balcony in good weather is very easily ventilated. And from the midges and mosquitoes, it can be protected with a simple mosquito net. So, if you make your workspace correctly, then you will be comfortable to do your affairs in it.

Preparation of space

Before designing a balcony space, it is necessary to carry out basic works on his alteration.

Deciding to arrange the office on the loggia or balcony, create there at the beginning of suitable conditions for work. If the balcony is originally open, it needs to be glazed and insulated additionally. It usually leaves for about a week of free time. Remember also, before carrying out any work, you must receive a special permission for this, and the territory of your future cabinet should be examined by an engineer.

It is also necessary to warm the balcony. First of all, take all cracks with a sealant or special foam. If you are not sure to handle this task, it is better to immediately contact the specialists. After all, if you incorrectly seal the room, it will remain cold.

The miniature balcony should not complement with wide panels. It is better to give preference to foam. This material is good in that it does not reduce the space. The foam should be laid a wall that connects the balcony with the main room. This is simultaneously not only warming the room, but also contributes to good noise insulation.

Another way to insulate the office is to install a warmed floor there. This uses a special system that is paved under ceramic plates or a fabric. To install this type of insulation, you also need a special permission. You can also install the heater in the room of small sizes. Choose a compact converter that will not be the cause of dangerous situations, and will not take much space. The only disadvantage of this type of heating will be that on a small balcony, your compact heater will strongly overweight.

Balcony space is also worth protecting from invasion of insects. Hang mosquito nets on the windows so that the summer and mosquitoes do not irritate you in the evenings. Or install the window immediately with special mosquito inserts, which, if necessary, are easily removed and inserted back.

The next step is to install the lighting. Initially on narrow balcony And even there is no electricity on the loggia. But it can be done there. This procedure is also not worth producing yourself. Wires must lay specialists. The wiring is placed either in the plinths, or under the floor.

In order to work premises It was most comfortable for you, it is desirable to install in your new room At least two or three sockets. As for lighting, you can restrict ourselves to one lamp or set up the top lighting or sconce. Since it is almost always necessary for work and learning to work, make sure that the signal takes place to the balcony. If not - Swipe the Internet cable.

The final stage of redevelopment of the room - redecorating. Walls and ceiling are best done in bright and fresh colors. The ease of the design of the work office will give a white, light green or coffee-colored wallpaper. The same effect is given and a variety of vegetable or abstract patterns made in the same light shades. Especially good, light base is combined with the furniture of contrasting dark colors.


After redeveloping the space and create all comfortable conditions, You can go to design. The office should have at least a minimum set of furniture. This list includes a desk, chair and shelves or racks. Such equipment will already provide you normal conditions for work. If you put a table in the angle, but above it are the shelves with books and all sorts decorative elementsYou will have a lot of free space.

If the size of the balcony allows, then the equipment can be more. In the office you can install bookcase, armchair, tiny sofa and a small coffee table.

And if there are not enough places, you can stop your choice on a tiny corner table or attached table tops, which are also practically not taken away free space.

In order to save space, you can use window sills available on the balcony. Treat them and paint, and they will become an ideal working surface for you. But you can go to another way by removing all the windowsill. It frees quite a lot of free space.

One more interesting ideathat will help you save space - connect the balcony with the room. So you will have a bedroom, divided into two zones: working and, actually, sleeping. If you want to implement this idea into reality, you can perform both rooms in one style, or divide the room into zones using different variants Design.

We have already talked to the balcony on how to carry out electricity on the balcony. Now let's consider this question from the point of view of aesthetics. Lighting Also are part of the interior. On a narrow balcony, it makes sense to use either high narrow lands, or several desktop lamps. You can also make a choice in favor of traditional top lighting.

Lamps should be chosen under the features of the interior. So, in the Art Nouveau office it will be appropriate to look at a monophonic glass lamp, and indoors performed in english style - Original lamp in vintage style.

In order to feel comfortable in the evenings and were not distracted by the views of the strangers, walking down the street, it is desirable to supplement their premises correctly selected curtains or blinds.

It seems why Freelancer personal Area? Lit to the sofa, put the laptop on your knees and work how much you want. "Ha, if everything was so simple," the designers, journalists, translators, programmers are thinking. Yes, someone manages to work normally in the park, in a cafe, in the subway, but most of us need privacy, peace, silence - in general, at least some workplace. No wonder B. last years We are witnessing the active development of coworkins (an office format for employees who are not tied to a certain place of work; Simply put, the freelancer can rent a small office in the Coworking - for a day, for a week, a month).

If you work at home, not in the coworking, then you need to equip the mini-office in the apartment. Arises main question: Where to place it? Maybe on the balcony? Let's clear the loggia from the rubble and think about: Is it possible to make a comfortable, light and warm office on the balcony? We are confident that there is nothing impossible. We made a phased plan to arrange a balcony: just nine simple steps - And there will be an excellent personal account!

1. Clamp balcony

Unfortunately (a, maybe fortunately), we do not live in Sunny Los Angeles, so the balcony should be completely protected from wind, snow and temperature drops. However, glazing is also additional noise insulation. The best way For glazing loggia - these are triple metal-plastic windows. Here you will need help professionals: good, there are many companies involved in the glazing of loggias.

If the balcony is already glazed, and the windows quality is quite suitable, go further.

2. Solve the issue of lighting

Surely work will have to be not only in the afternoon, but also late in the evening, in the early morning or at night. But usually there is no electricity on the balcony, so the next step is to stretch the wiring from the adjacent room.

In fact, you will need only one socket to which you can connect and desktop lamp, and lamp, and computer. Of course, you can make a full lighting: order stretch ceiling With several lamps or hang a small chandelier, but such alterations will require much more time and strength.

3. Warf balcony

In winter, the balcony will be very cold even if there are the thick glazed windows. So that at any time of the year in the future room there was a comfortable temperature, you need to insulate the walls, ceiling and floor with special thermal insulating materials. For example, foamball is an environmentally friendly insulation, the thickness of which is only 4 mm. Note that before installing foam, the corners and cracks need to be sealed with self-adhesive ribbon.

In addition to the insulation, it is necessary to use hydro and vaporizolation to subsequently finish, furniture and office equipment did not suffer from condensate.

4. Think about additional heating

Unfortunately, simple insulation will not save the balcony from severe frosts. If the sevens are harsh, then from November to March, it will be necessary to work in a coat, cap and gloves. Not the best conditions, right? The next step is to come up with how to warm the balcony in the cold season.

The first thing that is worth remembering is - on the loggia is forbidden to transfer stationary radiators of heating (only in coordination with certain bodies), therefore electric convectors, oil or infrared heaters. They are safe, eco-friendly, they are easy to regulate (you can exhibit the desired temperature) And move from place to place.

Silent and economical electrical heater is presented in the store. The principle of operation consists in heating the surrounding items and surfaces (floor, wall), which give heat air.

5. Thinking up the finish

After work on glazing, heating and lighting is carried out, you can start finish finish balcony. Come up with your design project: decide how to cover the walls and gender, which will be on the ceiling, decide which shades want to issue your future office. Try to use bright hues: It is believed that they visually increase the space.

As for wall decoration, choose between plasterboard, clapboard or plastic panels. Gypsum Suitable, if in the future decide to stick wallpaper on the walls or cover them decorative plaster. The lining is ideal for those who prefer eco-friendly interiors. Plastic is the most economical and easy-to-install material: suitable for walls, and for ceiling. By the way, about the ceiling: it is easiest to arrange it with plastic sandwich panels.

In the balcony space, you can put a computer table, organize a full-fledged office or workshop. Thus, it will be possible to use useful Square Apartments at the maximum, and also retire in the process of work.

How to create a cabinet?

  • First, install reliable double-glazed windows. Glazing will protect the room from temperature changes, the effects of precipitation, dust and dirt from the street.
  • Warm walls, floor and ceiling surface. As thermal insulators fit mineral wool or slabs from foamed materials;
  • All the slots must be filled with sealant or mounting foam;
  • It is desirable to provide additional sources of heat, such as a warm floor system. The presence of this device will allow maintaining a comfortable temperature in any season;
  • The main heating of the room is better to carry out an electrical heater.

Workplace for business man with a computer and a comfortable chair.

Mini-office in the space of loggia with a computer for work.

Features of lighting in the office

It should competently organize the system of proper lighting. During the day, natural light is better to adjust with the help of blinds, in the dark, artificial light sources on the balcony are used.

Choose a small lamp with adjustable power. It is desirable that the direction can be adjusted. Dimensional instrument must be commensurate with an area of \u200b\u200bpremises.

Selection of examples in the photo

Working area with printer and computer. Spacious shelves for storing various items.

An example of a cabinet organization on the balcony.

The palette of light shades in the interior decoration. Cabinet is equipped with a computer and a subwoofer.

Natural texture in the interior of the Cabinet.

Neoclassical style in the home office.

Working area on small square. The decoration of the walls of the loggia is the PVC panel of light tone.

Corner of a designer in the balcony indoor.

Place for work at the sewing machine.

Textile workshop with many options for storing sewing accessories.

Workshop with air conditioning.

Cabinet host at home.

Joiner's workshop for a man.

Artist's room.

Cabinet of makeup artist on the balcony.

Loggia, equipped with a beauty salon.


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