How to make a porch of wood. How to build a porch of wood - a beautiful and functional extension to enter the house how to make an open porch to a wooden house

Landscape design and layout 14.06.2019
Landscape design and layout

Very often many during the construction of the house in the most different reasons Make a high base, determining the presence of a porch. Also, the development of individual entrepreneurship in our country, with the organization of shops and cafes in the apartments of our high-rise buildings, radically strengthened interest in the design of the porch of concrete.

So, we need to build a porch with your own hands. Select the material, dimensions, define functions. And it is from the functionality of the object to start. If this is a device that provides a comfortable lifting of a person to the height of the entrance to the house, then it is necessary to simply calculate the number of steps with a lift height from 15 to 20 cm, the dimensions of the site for a comfortable opening entrance door And thus determine the minimum sizes of the porch.

Another thing, if the function of the porch is connected to the terrace or, except for utilitarian purposes, it is intended to solve additional aesthetic, architectural tasks.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account that:

  • porch in a public place should have a ramp;
  • if the steps of more than 3 - the handrail is required;
  • anti-slip porch coating - safety safety standards.

We will consider the construction of a concrete porch as the most common design of such a structure.

Concrete porch - basic requirements and errors when performing with your own hands

Despite the monumentality of this type of porch, they are the simplest in the construction, and subject to simple requirements, one of the most durable. First of all, we denote these requirements and note the most frequent errorsleading to undesirable consequences.

Ideally, when the foundation of such a porch is performed jointly with the foundation of the house and tied with a single armoomas, laid on the same depth and as it should be waterproof. At the same time, it, together with the foundation of the house, will resist the forces of frosty radiation, and prevent the transfer of moisture from the ground to the concrete array of the porch. In this case, the separation of the porch from the house with the destruction of the base will not happen. But it is precisely such consequences that a violation of the technology of the construction of this engineering structure can lead.

We often, it is often starting to build a new house and breaking the process of its construction to the stages, forget about the porch, and then you have to solve additional tasks. And they are the same as in the case of an extension of the porch to the existing house, and this is primarily:

  • device of a separate foundation;
  • ensuring waterproofing;
  • device of armooction platform and steps;
  • device deformation device (damping) seam.

About each stage separately

Separate foundation is better to lay on the same depth as the foundation of the house. This minimizes the imminible mutual displacement of the porch and the house in the vertical plane in winter time. Compensate this effect is also called up a deformation seam. It is filled with thin polystyrene foam, basalt cotton swab, foamed polyethylene, at a thin end - rubberoid, with a closing in the upper part by some elastic water-repellent frost-resistant sealant.

Numerous tips on the binding of various attacks to the house, including the porks, I personally do not support one simple reason: I do not know a single case when the crack would not have formed between them. At the same time, the more stronger and more reliable you will try to provide a ligament - the greater the harm you can cause both designs. Give them to live own lifeAnd you will not notice their constant seasonal mutual displacements by 2-3 mm.

Waterproofing of a concrete porch, and as careful as possible, due to the fact that the concrete perfectly absorbs moisture, which, with border temperature conditions, it repeatedly passes into a solid state - ice, expanding, which leads to a fairly rapid destruction of the porch. And if in the total mass this process, although it passes, but less noticeable, then in the places of fastening of the elements of the porch (ceramic and paving tile, Natural Stone Other) It proceeds with an accelerated pace, which can lead to its complete destruction in a few years.

Regarding reinforcement. Separate elements of the porch - steps - periodically take on a much larger load than the entire structure as a whole. The best distribution and promotes Armopoyas. And make it preferably spatial and one for the whole structure.

Now I will tell you about each of the stages independent construction Concrete porch.

Preparation of the base for a concrete porch (foundation)

Above the depth of the freezing can be put on the foundation for the porch only if the house itself has either floating or small-breeding foundation. Otherwise, compensate for the difference in the discrepancies of the linear values \u200b\u200bof the displacement from frosty beating the porch and the house will not be able to any deformation seam. Especially this requirement is important to observe if the house is located on bubbly soils. As a rule, the foundation for the porch is made in the form of a tape or on the pillars, if the porch itself is not very large and heavy.

It will not be superfluous will also bother about drainage under the foundation from sand, rubble or mixtures thereof.

If you decide to make your porch in the form of a single concrete structure, buried below the drainage depth, then calm down already at this stage about its serious waterproofing. To do this, to put geotextiles on the drainage layer waterproofing film, and on the side parts of the porch, which are below the level of the ground, after the platform, apply bitumen waterproofing, and better, cover a special waterproofing material on it and put it off the gap does not land, and sand for better drainage.

In cases where the columnar or ribbon foundation is made separately, it should be divided into its concrete part of the porch with two layers of rubberoid, better on bitumen primer. Contact it from the ground prevent the layer reliable waterproofinglaid on a small sandy pillow so as not to pull moisture from the ground.

Installation of the formwork of the porch, preparation and fill of concrete

After you worried about the waterproofing of the porch, you can start setting the formwork for the fill of concrete. One note: if you decide not to make a foundation in general, and this can be justified when you make a small porch at the exit from home to the garden or on the backyard, organize a buster with sand and the same waterproofing. In this case, it is also possible to lay a layer of heat insulation (polystyrene foam at least 5 cm).

In the formwork, in addition to the accuracy of the sizes in the case of cladding with standard materials, it is important to ensure that it configuration is immutable at a pressure on its walls of a large layer of heavy concrete. Provide the thickness of the material and the stops sufficient safety margin initially. Believe me, knock out additional wedges and put additional stops after the fill of the concrete when the formwork will begin to bend and bred, the occupation is ungrateful and practically depriving you the chance to get a porch with precise size.

Already at the Installation Installation stage, you should worry about the deformation seam. Make him a little protruding for the dimensions of the porch - then it will cut and compact.

Having made, exhibiting and taking the formwork, proceed to the formation of the armopoyas porch. You can not do it only if your porch is a platform with one - two steps, having enough thickness in a narrow place, although in this case, at least one layer of arms would have laid.

The reinforcement is cutting so that its ends are 2 - 3 cm. Did not reach the formwork, connect with a knitting wire, we do not advise welding. In general, in any place, the valves must be protected by at least one and a half o'clock layer of concrete.

If you order a ready-made concrete, then make its mark to be not lower than M200, and if you are killed yourself, then add to 2 buckets of the sand and as many rubble, preferably 2 different fractions.

Well, if you do not lay on a polypropylene or basalt fiber at the rate of: a small handful of a pear of concrete mixers, yes, you will get a gram of 80 - 100 liquid soap into the same pear, then you get the material more perfect than the fact that the plants for the production of concrete will be offered.

Finish finish of concrete porch

One of the most advanced cases of the trimmer has recently become a press concrete. It is also called decorative or top concrete. It is worth such pleasure quite expensive, but only if you order it in a specialized firm. You, with the help of our recommendations, you will be able to fulfill the sophisticated views with your own hands.

With this embodiment, the porch finishes, we simply do not fill up to the top level 2 - 3 cm concrete, and we prepare a slightly enhanced composition and put it immediately on the fresh concrete. Thus, only the surfaces that we will mold will have another composition of concrete. The composition of our press concrete is as follows:

  • 1 part of cement M500;
  • 1 part of white river sand;
  • 3% (from the mass of cement) of the C-3 plasticizer or similar by the properties, which, however, can be replaced by a similar amount (by mass) of liquid soap;
  • fiber polypropylene or basalt, at the rate of 600 g per 1 cubic meter. concrete.

I think you noticed that there is no rubble in this composition. And it is right.

Over top Concrete work thoroughly with spatulas and smooth glades, slightly approximately the cement and wait for the collection of setting (the finger leaves a smooth clear dent). Molds in simple in the texture of polyurethane or silicone stamps - on the Internet a lot of proposals and prices. You can also make them yourself.

Before the formation of molding, sprown the surface of the concrete by a separating layer, which can perform the same talc or iron oxide, if you want to slightly pour your porch, but to be honest, it is better to do it later, touched it entirely.

Easily more complicated with risers and side wings of the porch, if any. In this case, it is better to provide for the possibility of overlaying an additional layer of such plaster and to define under the same conditions by the same stamps, processing their surface. liquid soap For better compartment.

It is possible to paint all this with simple compositions that are not difficult to make themselves by adding dyes to the primer of deep penetration, and you can buy expensive fashionable and get almost the same effect.

Tip: Do somewhere in the side of a piece of surface with press concrete to pouring the porch. All will experience, on it, experiment with flowers, mixing them. Get a unique picture with marble effect.

And read about other ways to finish the porch on our website.

Dear readers, if you have any questions, ask them using the form below. We will be happy to communicate with you;)

Porch small but important element Any house. Other premises and parts of the building can not be noticed, and through the porch every vest or visitor passes.

Tell me how to build a porch with your own hands. Of course, our instructions will not be very detailed, since it all depends on the selected design, materials and technology of construction, but the general moments will try to disclose.

Fully transferring the species of the porch is impossible. Classification also does not exist. But to have at least general conceptIf we build a porch to the house with your own hands, we define some types.

  • - It is a platform before entering the staircase.

  • - The playground is combined with a terrace in front of the entrance.

  • - On the entrance there is a canopy that protects against rain.

  • - Besides the sideways, the side walls have been added, they can be deaf or with openings. Additionally, the openings can be glazed.

You can also classify by the number and location of the stairs (before the entrance, side), by their type. Everything is clear without additional explanation.

Materials for the porch

If you need to build a porch with your own hands, then there are no restrictions on the choice of materials. All that is used for the construction of houses is concrete, brick, wood, etc., suitable for the construction of the porch.

It is worth noting that combinations are more often used. For example, the main design is made from concrete, a metal staircase, and a canopy of polycarbonate.

Also, as naturally, for the design of the outdoor design, it is impossible to use materials intended exclusively for interior decoration. For example, finishing from plasterboard will not serve one season.

Council. When going to build, buy all the materials in full and immediately. The price of a big party is always less. Consider your money.

Choose the architecture of the porch

The question of choosing the appearance is always complicated, and it is difficult to make it difficult. It is almost impossible to give a specific advice. Therefore, if you are going to build a porch to the house, then either charge the design of professionals, or focus on your taste.

The decoration of the porch is most often selected in the same style as the entire exterior of the house (the same materials are used). But you can experiment, for example, to highlight it on the facade of the building, make an accent of the appearance. An option is a porch with forged bizarre fencing against the background of a strict facade of the finished natural stone.

The main thing is not to mix incompatible styles, otherwise your building will look ridiculous. We also give an example, inappropriate and tasteless to look for the porch to wooden house from the calibrated timber, in the form of a massive reinforced concrete construction. It also looks inappropriate and polycarbonate canopy in the photo below.

Closed porch and canopy

Often, going to build a porch to the house with your own hands, the question arises - is it necessary to make a canopy (visor) and side fences on the porch? The answer to it is unequivocal - if possible, and does not spoil appearance, then yes. This is practical.

  1. Firstly, conveniently. Search keys or wait until the door open better with protection from rain and wind.
  2. Secondly, entrance door, the details of the porch and its finish will serve longer. Rain, wind and sun reduce service life and worsen the appearance of almost all building materials.

You can refuse protection only in the most extreme cases. Even if the budget does not allow you to arrange it, it is necessary to schedule the visor and walls in the future.


Many perceive the ramp exclusively as concern for people with limited features. Yes, it is important. But if possible it is worth it for other reasons. If there is a ramp, then the house is much more convenient to make bulky things. Also with a baby carriage or bike on Rampus go better than dragging them along the steps.

Defined exterior appearance The porch can be attached to its construction. So, we build a porch to your own hands step by step.

Pay attention to the features of each stage, and the requirements that need to be fulfilled so that our design is solid and durable. Perhaps, besides our article, you will help you know the video: the construction of the porch to the house with their own hands.

Preparing foundation

First stage - Filling the foundation

Starting the construction of the porch to the house, arrange a monolithic ribbon foundation, but do not rush to stop on it.

This is the most expensive and time-consuming option. In addition, its carrier ability is sometimes excess. For example, for the porch of collected from wooden details - Sufficient column.

To speed up the construction, you can apply or more modern technologies. For example, a great choice - screw piles. Using them, you can literally for several hours do it yourself to make the base under construction. At the same time, it is not necessary to take a break in work while the concrete will take sufficient strength.

Another good option is the precast concrete. Truth to lay nonsense special technique The foundation blocks are difficult.

What you need to pay attention to the foundation

  • The depth of the foundation should be such that it is to prevent the porch drawdown. It is necessary to get to the most dense soil. Of course, the porch is easier than the house, therefore it is not necessary to reach the number of the foundation of the structure itself. But if you want to build a porch in country houseIn any case, the foundation should be deeper than the soil in winter freezes.
  • Mandatory before filling and laying blocks, we make pillows from sand and rubble and carefully sealing it. If the vibrationboard is not available, then at least shed water and carefully tamper.

  • We provide for waterproofing. Although concrete does not lose strength when high humidityThe cause of its destruction can be salts and other aggressive substances that will be filtered into it from the soil. You can isolate with any sheet waterproofing materials. Prefabricated base blocks can be covered with mastic.
  • Be sure to reinforce the foundation of grids. They can be welded or, that's easier, you can knit with your own hands. Also provided protective layer Concrete - from the edge of the structure to the reinforcement should be at least 3 centimeters. In order for the rods not to be moved when pouring and sealing, we use clamps.
  • When laying fittings, knit mortgage parts and anchor to it, to which we will be attached to other designs.

Communication of the foundation of the porch and at home

Most the best wayWhen both bases are poured simultaneously and are a single monolith. Then the question of their compound disappears by itself.

If we build a porch to the house later, many recommend binding the foundations among themselves. But it is ambiguous right advice. If the porch is a massive then when it is shrinkable, a situation is possible when it pulls over the wall of the house. In this case, it makes sense to abandon the bundle, and provide a deformation seam between the foundations of the house and the porch.

In order to arrange a connection, you can set the sorustary anchor house in the foundation (4-6 pieces on square meter Enough) or incur into the resulting holes segments of reinforcement rods. For reliable enchantment of reinforcement, it is enough for it to be immersed in concrete at a distance of at least five diameters.

After the foundation is ready, the construction of the porch of the house continues the device of other parts. Consider the options for the device site from various building materials.

Playground from monolithic concrete

  • First of all, they are placed on the foundation of at least three layers of sheet waterproofing material. Although our foundation is already protected from moisture, for construction standards, it is also necessary to need an additional obstacle for water between it and the basement. Any advice of professionals, how to build a porch to the house correctly, be sure to take into account this operation. Isolation is preferably laid on mastic.

Council. Choose a waterproofing material based on fiberglass or foil, not paper. He is more durable.

  • We adjust the formwork. If our porch is high enough, then in order to save cement, you can make it so that the construction of the porch to the house will provide space under the platform and the staircase. It can be used for various needs (storage of the inventory) or just to be concerned.

Particularly relevant selection of free popspace, if you decide how to build a high porch to the house. You can even choose the placement of the site on the columns.

  • If the staircase is assumed also monolithic, then simultaneously make a formwork and for her.
  • If the connection is required between the porch and the basement of the house, then the same as when the foundation is filled, we set the links.
  • Install armature carcass.
  • To the fittings are secured by mortgages. They will be fencing, railings, racks for a canopy, staircase (if it is not monolithic).
  • Pour concrete. It is necessary to perform this operation in one reception, since the hardened cement stone is poorly connected with a fresh solution.
  • When laying a concrete weave it. It is best to do this by a submersible vibrator but, in the extreme case, we use rubbing.
  • After laying, align the open surfaces with a vibration or just a board, a trowel and plastering graters.
  • After the fill shelter concrete with a film or wet sawdust (sand).
  • During the achievement of concrete of platform strength (1-10 days), periodically wet the surface.
  • When concrete hardened, remove the formwork and proceed to the installation of the rest of the structures.

Playground from piece building materials

The second prevalence material for the porch after concrete is brick. Sometimes instead of familiar ceramic Stone Use others pieces. For example, you can find a porch, laid out of tiles for sidewalks.

Technology Construction of the porch does not differ from the masonry of other structures of bricks. Therefore, pay attention to the small nuances that need to be considered.

Attention. Do not use silicate brick for the porch (except for the walls). He has a very small moisture resistance and it absorbs water perfectly. The design will quickly collapse.

  • The foundation surface must be very carefully aligned under the horizontal, so that it was easy to produce masonry. If it was not done, it is better to level the surface on which the brick concrete tie will be laid.
  • As well as when the device is a concrete porch, we put waterproofing on the foundation. For a brick, this is very important, since, having appropriately, it will collapse in frosts.
  • The masonry is also desirable to rein with wire or grid.
  • In order to save building materials, a space can be provided that we simply undernger.
  • Extremely undesirable staircase is also brick. In the extreme case, the laid down steps from the brick should be protected from the destruction of the concrete tie.

  • To then do not have to solve the problem, how to fix other structures of the porch, performing masonry, immediately install both mortgage parts.

Wooden playground

Its construction does not differ from the installation of ordinary sex.

  1. On the foundation (also through a layer of waterproofing) laying brick columns - phylary. They can also be pouring out of concrete or, as a last resort, apply wooden (which are attached to the mortgage parts bolts) or metal racks.
  2. On the racks we put the lags to which we will mount the flooring boards.
  3. After the flooring is ready to sew side surfaces Places.

By the way wooden porch To the house, how to build properly, is well shown on the video in this article.

Council. For the porch it is better to use terraced board From resistant to high humidity breeds (oak, beech, larch). Due to the presence of special grooves on the bottom surface, it is working less. To protect against microorganisms, mushrooms and molds, we definitely process all the details of the antiseptic.

Installing other porch elements

Here, everything also depends on the material from which they are made or will be erected, as well as from the site of the site:

  1. The staircase is concrete or metal welded to mortgage parts. Wooden is fastened with any fasteners - nails with self-draws, bolts. If the platform is not made of wood, then such a staircase is also screwed to mortgage parts. The answer to how to build steps to the porch, simple - as well as any other staircase.
  2. A variant is possible when the staircase is combined. For example, immediately with the help of welding, we establish metal thefts, and it is dripped with wooden sticky bolts.
  3. In the same way, racks, railings and frame fences are attached.
  4. Often the fence is made capital, brick or concrete. In this case, it is also desirable to consider the mortgage parts on the site for more connection strength.


In most cases, it is a mini roof.

Similarly, a doomle is also assembled, which relies either on separate racks, or on the frame of the fence or the fencing itself. Often the entire visor console, or his adjacent to the wall part is attached to it (as in the video we build a porch with your own hands, which is given above). But there are differences.

  1. The roof of the canopy does not need paro and thermal insulation.
  2. It is important to ensure the tightness of the junction between the canopy and the wall of the building. This is done by gluing rolled waterproofing materials to the wall.
  3. Perhaps (most often when polycarbonate is used) in general, the absence of a crate, only a light frame of metal is collected.

Finishing the porch

The final stage of construction is finishing the porch. It is performed in order to give the completion of the design and, in some cases, to protect materials from negative impacts.

Consider the most common finishes of various elements and porch designs:

  • Color - protects wooden and metal constructions. For concrete used with a decorative goal.
  • Plastering - First of all, lines the surface of the masonry or concrete for subsequent coloring. A special solution with special decorative qualities can be applied. Plaster is not suitable for surfaces for which people move.
  • Finishing siding and similar materials Used in decorative purposes. They are separated by them (as in the case of plaster) only side surfaces and fences of the porch.

  • Facing tiles - First of all, it is used for stairs and sites. Use ceramics, natural stone and many other materials. Tile protects materials from abrasion, facilitates cleaning the porch.

That's all that we wanted to tell you about how to build a porch house. Of course, we did not give very detailed instructionsBut it all depends on the specific situation and your choice. We will be glad if at least they helped useful recommendations and tips. Let the entrance to your house be beautiful and comfortable!

Any house needs a durable, reliable and durable porch, which will allow beautifully and conveniently place entrance to the house. For the construction of such a porch can be used various materials: This can be a metal or tree, but concrete remains the most durable and durable solution. A concrete porch to a wooden house is not so difficult to attach, as it may seem, and such work will be quite affordable home master. How to do this, and what are the advantages of such a solution?

Benefits of concrete swing

A concrete porch for home can build every owner, and he will not regret his choice. This solution has several advantages at once:

The concrete porch device in a private house does not take too much time, but such work is inconvenient alone. If you attract your friendly, the work on the pouring will be more quick, and more reliable.

Design of the porch and the necessary calculations

To build concrete facility, It is necessary to design its dimensions, the location of the house, the number of steps and the level of their steepness and other parameters. The optimal width of the porch is about 1.5 meters - this will allow two adults to quietly break at the entrance to the house and exit from it. The height of each stage is 16-20 cm bet that the width of the steps should be at least 267 cm so that it is convenient to occur.

The height of the porch should not reach the level of the entrance door. The newly built house will be gradually satisfying, and due to changes in the height of the foundation, the door can be below the level of the porch. In addition, the wood door has a flare property while increasing humidity on the street, then it will stop opening normally and close, if the porch is too high.

To clearly present the arrangement of the design, it is necessary to develop a drawing with an indication of all sizes. It is based on the reinforcement frame and formwork for the fill of concrete.

The concrete porch is constructed by about the same scheme as the tape monolithic foundation. It is a powerful structure with a height of several tiers (degrees), and it is important that concrete maximally filled the reinforcement frame without emptiness and any other disorders. It is necessary to purchase high-quality ingredients for the preparation of the solution.

For the preparation of the solution, crushed stone, sand and cement will be required, the proportions are 5: 3: 1. The amount of concrete is calculated in cubic meters, for this you need to calculate the porch volume according to the drawing for this. You can purchase a ready-made concrete solution so as not to spend time on the preparation of the mixture. It will be high quality manual, although the price will be slightly higher.

The normal humility of the concrete solution is determined as follows: it must flush from the shovel, but the mixture should not fall apart into pieces. When working in a manually, the mixture will be ready for approximately 1.5-2 hours, it should have a completely homogeneous consistency and uniform lug.

The main stages of the construction of a concrete porch

The process of creating a concrete porch with their own hands is stepdown as follows:

The porch should not be toughly connected with the foundation of the house. In the spring, the bases may suffer from grounding of soil after defrosting, and as a result, cracks may appear in concrete.

As deformation seam The shield is used, chocated from the board and impregnated with bitumen. It will be completely closed by concrete and invisible from the outside, but it will prevent the foundation of the foundation at the place of the joint with the basis of the concrete porch.

Filling of concrete solution

When the frame is fully prepared, you can proceed to the pouring of concrete. It is advisable to conduct this procedure at a time that the design is monolithic without different layers and air emptiness. Concrete solution It is necessary to brass thoroughly, it is desirable to use concrete mixer for this work.

The solution is poured into the formwork and carefully smash. It is necessary to get rid of air emptiness in the frame: for this, the space between the elements of the reinforcement is picked up by a wooden cool, you can also use a building vibrator.

Vibration will allow compact concrete, and the porch will eventually be more durable and durable. Empties reduce the carrying capacity of concrete, and with time, cracks may occur on the surface.

The porch code is completely flooded, concrete is covered with a film and leave up to dry. Than a massive structure, the longer this process will be, much also depends on weather conditions. Upper layer There should not be rehabited, otherwise cracks may appear on it. To prevent this, it is periodically watered with water and covered with a film.

Formwork can be removed in a few days, but it will be possible to use the porch no earlier than in a month. It is believed that concrete becomes final strength only 4 weeks after the fill, and only then the construction will be fully prepared for use.

Construction and finishing options for concrete porch

It is not necessary to build an ordinary rectangular design in front of the house with 3-5 steps. Concrete porch can have a very diverse and interesting view. It can be equipped with a ramp if there will live small children or people with disabilities in the house, there are various other design options.

Interesting solution - semicircular porchwhich can also have several steps. For the construction of formwork in this case, not boards are used, but thick tin sheets that can be relatively easy to bend. Formwork will pour porch non-standard formand it will be a continuation original design at home.

Facing can also be different. The most common solution is a porcelain tile: it will be durable, durable, reliable, in addition, you can choose a tile of any sizes, colors and pattern.

You can use not only porcelain stoneware, but also a natural stoneIn some cases, natural stone is used for finishing. In any case, the finish must comply with several requirements:

Facing the facing will be completely simple. To do this, clean the fully dried surface of the porch from dust, apply a layer of tiled glue to it and gently press the tile on one. Between them, plastic crosses are stacked so that the distance between the tiles was the same, and the seams looked neatly.

When the glue dries, the seams are neatly wiping with a special composition, after which the coating can be lost, and it is ready to use. It will be easy to cope with such a coating: if there is even a minimum skill, the builder will be able to cope even with complex drawings.

When building a house about the porch, he thinks the least, and often to its arrangement is embarking on the final stage. The main building of the building is built, the entrance doors are inlet, the walls are finished, only then proceed to solve problems with the design of the entrance to the house. In the total work on the construction and registration of entry, the main part is finishing and laying the decor, so they are performed after the facade is built and all major "dirty" are completed. construction works. Up to this point, at home instead of steps - a knotted shield from the boards, which is convenient to roll a wheelbarrow, and instead of a canopy - tarpaulin, stretched more for accidents from random bricks than real defense from the sun.

What depends on the choice of the porch for the house

In the new house, the porch is almost always built of the same materials and in the same way as the main construction. The porch will turn out to be a reliable and fully appropriate basic spirit and style at home. In addition, this method will be cheaper than to build a porch of specially ordered building materials.

Over the next six months, the hosts of the house will be accustomed for a long time to a new porch and, it is quite possible, it will have to finish, or even re-build separate parts under the tastes and habits of the inhabitants. After the real runoff, all the little things begins a long and painstaking work on the improvement of individual nuances, for example, such:

The porch gradually begins to grow mass useful little things, a pair of rest chairs, a table or even a couch, you will need to build the logic of the location of things a little differently.

A simple and comfortable porch is easy

Beautiful to build a porch is simple enough, for this it is often enough to skillfully "bind" the option, and have clear ideas about beauty. To build a porch is even easier, and the process largely depends on the practical experience of using a specific project.

How to properly build a capital porch

The harder and overboard the design of the porch, which is planned to be built to the house, more forces And attention should be paid to the correct layout and organization of the carrier support under the extension.

For the foundation base of the frame of the porch, stairs and the input platform, one of the options can be used:

  1. Build a frame of the porch on the frame, with a support for screw or concrete piles;
  2. Stay out of a slag block or brick carrying box on a tape base from concrete;
  3. For the angular elements of the porch, the design can be built on the foundation of the house with the removal of the lower support of the stairs on the foundation jumper;
  4. Build a porch on horizontal beams laid down in the base of the house box at the floor level of the first floor.

In any of the listed options there are pros and cons, so it will be right to build a choice optimal scheme For a specific project of the house. For one-storey house Or the cottage under the category of the porch can be built using a concrete slab as the base with fixing racks. For heavy two-story brick house It will be necessary, as in the photo, to build a full mini-foundation under the porch with all attributes.

How to build a porch in the simplest way

An exception may be a beautiful porch in the country. Unlike most of the housekeepings, there are enough materials in the country to work with the core and foundation. Build a small beautiful porch to the entrance door in the country is quite simple, if you use supports on piles, as in the photo.

If the cottage has its own concrete or brick foundation, durable brick walls and age buildings for more than 20 years, it is possible to build a lightweight wooden porch with a simple binding to the finished base. From the above photo, the idea itself becomes clear on the cottage.

Important! Similar option can be used to embroider a wooden pattern of a porch or stairs, subject to the absence of cracks in brick masonry walls.

What can be built on piles

More versatile method Build a porch in the country or even for a heavier brick two-storey house It is the use in the design of the reference frame from piles, better screw or reinforced concrete. According to the scheme shown in the photo, you can get a complete idea of \u200b\u200bthe benefits of the pile scheme.

Such an option is most often used for cottages, which are located in close proximity to the water bodies, or are located on sites with high levels groundwater. To score and wrap piles, as practice shows, quite just do it yourself. At the same time, piles practically do not affect the state of the foundation of the house, and most importantly - the size of the entrance site, in contrast to the previous version, may be unlimited large. In this way, you can build or expand the existing design to the sizes. summer terrace In the country, as in the photo.

The possibilities of pile support are not limited to a light terrace. Depending on the execution and thickness, the screw pile support can withstand the load in several tons. If you wish, using piles, you can build the entire design of the cottage over the soil.

How to build a concrete porch

In construction, it is not always necessary to build an entrance with a wide input platform, more suitable for country house Or resting. For the most part, the entrance from the street is trying to equip on a brick or concrete basis, with facing of stone steps decorative tile or boot. As a rule, this option is chosen for the porch office space, commercial institutions, in general, in all cases when the staircase is experiencing a colossal load.

In addition, the concrete base allows you to apply the rigid sealing of steel tubular or forged rates of railings and fences, as in the photo, which significantly increases their strength and reliability.

Classic porch support

Build entrance to the house on concrete base Not difficult, but quite laborious. For these purposes, a traditional formation option is used. belt Fundament with gravel pillow, sandy drainage and waterproofing. Most often for concrete staircase Fully depth of 20-30 cm of the connected concrete space. As can be seen from the photo, at the intermediate stage in the tape, it is sure to close the pieces of steel wire and fittings to avoid cracks and build a support more thin and rigid.

Most often, the foundation fill is made in the form of a box or in the form of the letter P, the last option is less stable, since the main load from the staircase march usually falls on the base under the upper steps.

Stages can be built of bricks or pour from reinforced concrete. As a rule, a porch with a brick staircase has a smaller pressure on the ground adjacent to the foundation than cast concrete structures. Brick options most often used in simple designs The porch, especially in cases where the staircase itself is integrated into the building structure.

Comment! Often, the entire design of the concrete staircase is pre-welded from the reinforcement, as in the photo, and after the installation of a wooden form is poured with one concrete mass.

The use of concrete support for the staircase and the porch makes it possible to build a design very high, with a heavy canopy and mass decorative elements From glass I. natural stoneas in the photo. In this case, the porch does not threaten the roll or curvature of the frame, if only the base of the building is performed correctly.

Building a porch on a concrete plate

There is also a simplified use of the foundation from concrete. If the porch does not contain massive and heavy elements, it is easier to build it from hollow Bricks on the foundation from concrete slab10-15 cm thick. In this case, a small pita is preparing to the depth of the island, as in the photo, in which the future frame of the porch is placed from the reinforcement and poured concrete.

The minimum pocket depth under the fill practically does not affect the foundation of the building itself, and big square The plates reduce the already small pressure of the pillow to the ground to the minimum level.

Modern construction methods also allow not to build all the ladder from concrete, but to cast separate parts, for example, supports or themselves steps on brick bases. In this case, it is often used wooden opal, and finished collapsible forms of steel and polymeric materials. For decoration, the future surface of the steps can be separated by crushed crumbs from natural stone. After pouring and pouring cement, the corrugated surface of the stone crumbs is grinning to the state of medium roughness.

On the resulting concrete pillow from clinker hollow bricks lay out flight of stairs porch, to steel fittings weld vertical stands. To avoid sending and roll, at the base of the concrete pillow before the fill, they are clogged with a dozen reinforcement sections to a depth of at least 40-50 cm. These peculiar anchors necessarily welcome to the steel frame of the foundation plate.

The basis for the porch must be laid in the building project

Frequently often porch in brick house Perform with an angular arrangement of the entrance to the house, as in the photo. At the same time, at the stage of preparation and laying a foundation under the building in the angular segments of the belt foundation, increased concrete platforms are performed, rigidly related to the main framework of the foundation. In the future, these areas are associated with a concrete jumper of the desired shape and size on which the entire design of the porch will be relying.


As practice shows, it is not difficult to build a porch to the house. The more difficult and harder the design of the porch, the more massive is required to build a foundation foundation. But in all cases of concrete supporting structures, the foundation of the porch should never bother the foundation of the building. After a certain period of time, there will be shrinkage processes, and the resulting gap will need to be seented with a mixture based on silicone or other material with sufficiently high elastic characteristics.

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