How to make armored concrete floor? Creating impenetrable protection fiction or real abilities.

Encyclopedia plants 15.06.2019
Encyclopedia plants

The bulletproof glass looks in a completely normal way, but it is not broken when they hit, and if you shoot it, then the bullet does not break such a glass, it will stuck in it. Making poolenproof glass It is not possible that this is a complex industrial process, but to learn about how it happens is very interesting.

Invention of bulletproof glass

The idea that you can strengthen the glass by making it a bulletproof, came to the French scientist Eduard Benedirtus in 1910. He came up to put a celluloid film between the two sheets of glass, which noticeably increased the strength of the resulting product. Today, such a method is called "lamination" of glass, and Benedictus once called him "Triplex".

Currently, the same technology is used, but it has since been significantly improved, and instead of celluloids apply different kinds polymers. Sometimes it even gluits bent glass. Bend them before connecting.

Production of bulletproof glass today

Poolenproof glasses are of different thickness, it depends on it, whether the glass will stop the bullet. The thickness of such glasses is from 7 mm to 75 mm. Today, most often for the production of bulletproof glasses is used several layers of the usual, between which the polycarbonate layers are poured. Polycarbonate is a transparent plastic, and it is pretty hard, albeit a layered. When the bullet penetrates into a thickness of such glass, the sequentially located layers of polycarbonate absorb its energy, and it stops.

Currently, they make a special modification of bulletproof glass - one-sided. Used special view Plastic, whose properties differ, depending on which direction to interact with it. One side of such glass stops the bullets, but if you shoot the glass on the other side, you can hit the enemy. This allows you to provide someone who is behind glass, the opportunity to answer the attack. The surface of the glass is bent, not destroying.

Laminating glass

Lamination of glass (applying plastic film on it) is very complex from a technical point of view. Make it on automated equipment, in several stages. The last stage passes at high temperature, plastic film Polymerizes and acquires approximately the same properties as the stationery glue. It is at this time that the glass is finally connected.

Although the bulletproof glass is very durable, still does not have perfectly strong glasses. Triplex strength on the blow exceeds the strength of the usual sheet glass about 15 times. But even if you destroy such a sheet, the fragments will remain on the film, and they will not scatter in all directions, causing injuries to people.

For the production of perfect, three-layer bulletproof glass is considered. The reason is that with each new layer increase not only protective propertiesBut the cost of glass production. Multilayer glasses are used in extreme cases where there is a serious threat to the lives of people or in museums to protect very expensive exhibits.

Nothing forever, and even more so such a vulnerable part of the car like windshield. The need for its replacement occurs often, and funds for it appear not with such constancy, therefore convenient way The manufacture of windshield is useful to any motorist.

You will need

  • - Plexiglas 1.5 x 1.05 meters (for eight winds);
  • - paper in size of windshield;
  • - pencil;
  • - scissors;
  • - Lobzik;
  • - pelvis with a lid;
  • - water;
  • - Ropes.


Buy a piece of organic glass on construction market or in a specialized store. Squeeze more than 1.5 x 1 meters. In area of \u200b\u200bsuch glass, there is enough for 8 windshields. Thus, this only cost will allow you to save about $ 140 compared with the order of the new glass for the machine.

Remove the native windshield. Take paper and make a pattern, exactly the corresponding glass size. Now transfer the pattern to the purchased plexiglass and cut the desired piece. With the help of jigsaw this is done in 15 minutes in skillful hands.

Put boiled on the plate water in a large pelvis. Hold the glass for one of the sides and dip in the pelvis when the water will boil in it. To properly make windshield, hold it in boiling water for a minute. Then make a deflection as far as the purchased plexiglass will allow. Hold the driven piece in water for 30 seconds, and then remove by controlling the safety of the deflection. If the desired deflection angle is not reached, do not be discouraged, a little straight glass produces the impression of the "tourist tuning".

Repeat these actions with all the glass, alternately perched in boiling water different parts of the windshield. If water is not enough, it is possible to appear barely noticeable cracks in the glass. However, taking into account the thickness of the glass and the size of the cracks, you can be calm, this defects will not be noticeable.

Turn the windscreen made by the ropes. This will allow you not to keep it, but to safely cook in water for 5-6 minutes. For a larger effect, close the pelvis with a lid. Inaccuracies in connection with the effects of temperature and physical force correct the glass on the edges. Tension the rubber band on the verge of windshield. The winding glass made about 4 mm thick, new and without scratches will undoubtedly please your eyes and wallet, insert it into the car and enjoy the trip.


Make the paper out of paper as precisely as possible in size of the native windshield, otherwise the result may be worse. If you do not heat the water enough, it is possible to appear on glass of low-challenging cracks, which is smoothed by glass thickness.

Find the pelvis more size to make the glass as convenient as possible.

How to stop bullets, walk on glass, sleep on needles without any damage? Develop a supelly and other superpowers possible, the main thing is to know how!

To begin with, it should be said that without prior many years of preparation, it is dangerous for life.

Fantasy or real abilities?

Remember Neo from the "Matrix", Clarker Kent from "Tyun Smallville" or "bulletproof monk" ... Yes, it is fantastic, but human abilities can really be limitless if they are developing them!

Known many real examples Such unusual possibilities. There are people who walk through the hot coals, tumble on the pile broken glass, Pierce the body with a knife (needles, sword, etc.), they catch bullets released from firearms ... At the same time, they do not experience pain and do not expire with blood, they do not get absolutely no damage.

How to develop a supeller and the possibility of superman?

First, it is necessary to carry out the exercises for the removal of fear of pain, inspire the confidence that pain will not.

Secondly, it is necessary to launch the processes of the biochemical mechanism when the body begins to produce endorphins² in a certain state of consciousness (gamma state). In this state, a person is during the excitation of the nervous system. Waves of our brain are most active in this state.

Thirdly, you need to learn how to enter a special state of the psyche - the state of the trance³.

Fourth, you need to perform various exercises for the improvement of psyche and body every day. It can be:

  • martial arts;
  • exercises for;
  • exercises for the development of faith in itself;
  • meditation;
  • breathing exercises.

Notes and thematic articles for a deeper understanding of the material

² Endorphins - polypeptide group chemical compounds, according to the method of action similar to opiates (morpho-like compounds), which naturally produced in the neurons of the brain and have the ability to reduce pain and influence the emotional state (

Only when we realize that we are engaged in the construction of our own destiny and there is no person on the planet Earth, even closest and relatives, which can make collapse from it. But how to become such an impenetrable person who is guided only by his own will? And is it possible to do this in the world where everyone is tied to each other hundreds of connections and obligations? Our answer is yes. In your life you can become invulnerable.

Be the creator

But, dear buddy, reality, you know, is only ink Clay Rorschah.
- Robert Anton Wilson -

Quantum physics has demonstrated that we understand our world a little. Not only are many human concepts Relatively, the universe itself is relative. And here, it would seem, it would be necessary to think about that everything is meaningless, because it is impossible to hide with Chaos himself. But it is not. On the contrary, you now have a lot and very much opportunities for - the whole infinity. But to use them, you need to become the creator of your own reality, and you can do it.

Without fear

At that moment, when you stop worrying about what other people think about you, you will understand what freedom is. The more you achieve, the more you have haters, enemies, unfriendliers. So the world is arranged, and if you fall under the pressure of criticism and angry emissions in your direction, then you lose. Non-successors are always playing at a primitive level. They can not create anything, so they try to destroy what others create. Your task is to forget that the reaction to your actions should be purely positive. Someone will always be unhappy.

Be crazy and different

Your theory is insane, but not enough insane to be true.
- Niels Bor -

Need simply great amount courage to be slightly touched by taking into account different ideas, Sometimes each other is the opposite. But, nevertheless, people who move this world forward, crazy. No, they have no schizophrenia, they do not speak with God (although who knows it certainly?), But they do something that others would never do, and their motives can be absurd absurd. The main thing is that they all do it honestly.

Leave your mark in the universe

The best of the best always dream of something bigger than just about, beautiful wife, sports car. They want to leave after themselves "dent in the universe" as once spoke Steve Jobs. And this applies to all: great businessmen, talented artists, cunning politicians, gifted writers. Everyone wants to be something big than just successful person. Actually, if you have the highest goal in life, then why agree to something less?


Change your thoughts - and you change your world.
- Norman Vincent Pil -

Visualization implies a certain creation of a positive agenda that remains throughout your life. If you adhere to this agenda, then you become strong at the most important level - psychological. As a result, nervous system Begins to obey your will, sending positive energy already at the physical level. The memory improves, the overall health improves, the mood is improved.

Exercises and brains

Connection between exercise And the intelligence has long been known. For example, aerobic exercises greatly restore the "magic" substance BDNF, which, in turn, is necessary to strengthen the links between nerve cells. If you know English, you can read Dr. John Ryti's book on this topic "Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and The Brain". We hope that someday it will be published in Russia, but for now they just know that aerobic exercises make our intellect is stronger.

7. Jim to the end

The question is not the one who will be allowed to me, but in who will stop me.
- Ain Rand -

Suppose you took up the project that will take a certain amount of time, energy, effort, resources. It will not be possible to calculate, but multiply the expected figures for ten, and then you will understand that you are in "security", because time does not customize you, but there are so many work ahead. So your stop came - you can forget about the goal. Instead of such a move, which is negatively reflected in the process of "doing", take into the habit of accepted the working pace at the very beginning of the path, so as not to stretch the process and do not allow ridiculous circumstances (or to itself) to stop themselves.


The creators of concrete floors have long broke the heads over how to strengthen the upper layers, which, over time, begin to highlight more dust and crack and chip. To date, the solution to this problem is available, and this is the creation of so-called armored floors or top floors that not only contain the destruction of concrete by hanging it with high characteristics of durability, but also significantly increase its mechanical strength.

Topping or flight bookings It is customary to be the process of rubbing a special mixture into a concrete surface. Thus, when creating a floor first, the draft concrete is poured, then happens laying semi-dry tie And then laying hardensions.

Features of styling hardens

Speaking about the "booking" of Concrete in more detail, we note that laying mixtures of hardening should be made approximately in an hour or two after mounting the screed, that is, immediately after the initial curing of concrete. Apply hardensions in two layers. To obtain the maximum effect, layers should be placed perpendicular to each other. It is obvious that the composition should spread along the concrete surface, so that it does not work out that the floor was lined up, and we spawned the hardensulars.

Surface grout

After waiting for another two hours, while the hardensions are dried, go to the next stage of this work - grout. In general, it is better to use a special cruise machine for this purpose, but in hard-to-reach places you can apply and crawl. Regarding the drying of the layers, we still note that it should be in the most natural possible, at a temperature of about plus 18-20 degrees. Use of hair dryers increased temperature The premises can lead to the strata over time will stop each other, and this cannot be allowed. And to lay laminate, it is necessary align concrete floor.

Advantages of booking concrete

To justify the embezzlement of its time and money on concrete hardensors, we note that the service life of such a sex is from 15 to 25 years, depending on the aggressiveness of operating conditions. We also pay attention to the fact that such a floor is able to withstand a mechanical load of up to 100 MPa. That is, when exposed to the tracks of tracked technicians, the floor will not suffer.

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