Wooden porch of a private house. Porch for a private house made of wood

Encyclopedia of Plants 03.03.2020
Encyclopedia of Plants

Atmospheric precipitation, wind and sun are three factors that adversely affect the condition of any building structures. Of course, you have to take protective measures all the time in order to extend their service life. But there is one element in the design of the house that often fails if it is not closed with something. It's about the porch. open porch often found in private housing construction. This is especially true for small houses and cottages. But many developers, even at the design stage of their home, are trying to make sure that their porch is under reliable protection.

Someone arranges a visor over it, someone builds a whole canopy. By the way, such a complex is called a covered porch. It is protected from above, but open around the entire perimeter, so it still cannot be saved from moisture. Therefore, those who are going to build a private house, we recommend thinking about a structure protected from all sides. This so-called closed porch. In fact, this is a finished room or vestibule, which can be heated or not, everything is at the discretion of the customer. Both options are pictured below.

The interior of the closed porch is also chosen at the request of the owner of the house, taking into account the recommendations of the designers. But the outer side of the extension has its own characteristics, both structural and design.

Features of the roof structure of the closed porch

It is necessary to start talking about a closed porch from the roof. Why?

  • Firstly, it is the protective part of the structure, which is responsible for the non-penetration of natural loads into the premises.
  • Secondly, it is, in fact, a continuation of the roof of the house itself. Therefore, the requirements for the roof of the porch are quite stringent.
  • Thirdly, as with all building structures, there are strength requirements for the roof of the porch.

For the first position, you can say this. There is great amount roofing materials that are used today in the construction of roofs, large and not very large. But since the closed porch of the house is a small room, it is possible to use lightweight materials to cover it. For example, flexible tiles.

On the second position. Designers believe that it is necessary to cover the porch (closed) with the same roofing material as the main building itself. As practice shows, this is not always applied in practice. Look at the photo below, where the house is covered with tiles, and the roof of the porch is transparent polycarbonate. Looks very original and airy.

Position number three. Snow and rain loads greatly affect the design of the porch roof. But in modern world, especially in the field of construction, there is no need to use any complex and heavy materials to make the roof, and indeed the entire structure, durable. There is a large number of modern lungs materials and products that can withstand fairly decent loads. For example, aluminum profiles.

Attention! A closed vestibule is a full-fledged room, albeit a small one, but a room with walls, a ceiling, a floor and a roof.

Therefore, pay attention to the photo below, which shows such a vestibule in the form small house attached to the main building. The entrance of the house is completely closed, but the vestibule itself is equipped with windows and front door. To build it, in addition to the porch itself, it was necessary to build walls, install a door on the entrance and windows on the sides. At the same time, the walls are raised to a certain level.

But the most important thing is that the roof of the closed porch is connected only with the main building, that is, it is fixed on the wall of the house. In fact, this is a separately hanging element, which is not connected with the walls of the porch itself. Windows in this case they are not a support, they just simply close the opening between the roof and the walls. Therefore, when constructing such a vestibule, it is necessary first of all to take care of fixing the roof. There are many options here, some are complex, some are simple. One option is to install consoles on the facade of the house itself.

Since it has already been said that today it is possible to use lightweight materials for the construction of a closed porch, I would like to dwell on glazing systems. Again, we draw your attention to the photo below, where you can see a very beautiful option glazed on all sides. it lightweight design, transparent, so during the day the light on the porch is not needed.

This photo also shows the glass roof. This is one of the options, although this element can be constructed from different materials. The main thing is to carry out the correct installation and fastening. Such a vestibule has one drawback - the glass will have to be cleaned and washed all the time.

As for the northern regions, it is better to build a vestibule in the form of a completely enclosed space, of course, the entrance is equipped with a door. It is important to use building materials that can withstand low temperatures. Again, we draw your attention to the photo below, where a closed brick vestibule was erected. By the way, not in Color tone the facade of the house, as recommended by the designers. small windows, beautiful door- that's all that is needed.

By the way, this version of the closed porch is very easy to build with your own hands.

How to build a closed porch with your own hands

Let's look at how to build a closed brick vestibule, which is shown in the photo above. We will not delve into all the details of construction, we will be interested in the sequence and some of the nuances.

  • As with any structure, a foundation will have to be erected for a closed porch. The best option is slab. That is, a foundation pit is dug to a depth of half a meter to fit the size of the object, which is covered with crushed stone up to a layer of 20 cm, and sand on top with a layer of up to 10-15 cm. This pillow is compacted in layers.
  • A reinforcing frame is installed on top in the form of a lattice of metal reinforcement with diameters of 10-12 mm.
  • Poured concrete mortar to the edge of the pit. Concrete must be rammed with a vibrator.

Attention! It is necessary to dry the foundation within 28 days. During this period, the concrete will reach its grade strength.

Now you can build the porch itself with steps. The simplest option is a brick or blocks, which, after the construction of the entire closed structure, will be lined (see photo above). If it is decided to make a porch of concrete, then it is possible to pour the concrete mortar on the filled pillow, laying the armoframe and setting the formwork. That is, in this case, you can do without a foundation.

So, everything is ready to build brick walls. First of all, waterproofing must be applied under the masonry. Do not neglect defensive operations, tambour closed type- this is the first protective barrier on the way to precipitation. The erection itself brick walls produced according to standard technology, which is based on the bandage of blocks. Be sure to leave openings for windows and the front door with the installation of lintels or frames. The entrance is determined based on the width of the porch.

Attention! The walls of the closed porch must be attached to the walls of the building.

Therefore, every five rows of bricks, metal pins from reinforcement must be driven into the facade of the house. The pin must be at least 30 cm long, it must be located between the bricks.

The matter remains behind the roof. As mentioned above, it must be attached to the facade of the main building. But since our porch is built of bricks (very reliable wall material), then it can be installed directly on the walls of the closed porch. Most often this wooden structure, consisting of a supporting tier of beams, which are mounted around the perimeter of the room. By the way, the timber, located at the entrance to the house, is attached to the wall. The rest to the walls of the extension.

If erected shed roof above the porch, then another such wooden element is hung and fixed above the supporting beam near the facade. Rafters are mounted on which it fits roofing material. Last step - finishing inner space. Everything is at the discretion of the customer, although projects in this regard may differ in great originality. By the way, do not forget to hem the ceiling, although you can do without it if the porch is unheated. Before finishing, windows and a door to the entrance are installed, lighting is provided.

As mentioned above, more and more often private developers use latest materials. Polycarbonate is one of them. It is durable, transparent and easy to process (cut, bent), so it is very easy to make a closed porch from it with your own hands. The only thing is that under it it is necessary to build a wooden or metal structure. The second option is stronger, but more expensive.

The arrangement of a private house falls entirely on the shoulders of its owner, and therefore the question of how to build a porch with your own hands still does not lose its relevance. This element of the structure is mandatory, as it allows you to ennoble the entrance to the room, provides convenient access to it, and also performs many more useful features. So, let's take a closer look at how to build a porch.

Choice of location and materials

Building a porch in front of the entrance to the house with your own hands is one of the stages in the construction of almost any building. It is sometimes very difficult to do without this element. The porch is a platform in front of the front door, most often with steps. It can be completely open, completely or partially closed by a canopy.

The main functions of the porch:

  • protects the room from water ingress during significant precipitation;
  • provides convenient access to the front door, especially when it comes to a house with a high foundation;
  • is part of the exterior of the building and plays an important role in the aesthetic plan;
  • can serve as a place for a dining area or relaxation, storage, etc.

Before deciding to build to a wooden or brick house porch you need to determine its size, configuration and location. Basically, it is built in such a way that it has enough space not only to open the door, but also to equip the summer terrace. It may have rectangular shape, contain roundings and protrusions. The door can be located both strictly in the center and away from the stairs.

The porch can be located not only from the main entrance. A platform with steps is also needed for an alternative exit to the backyard, if any.

A variety of materials for the construction of the porch of a private house

For the construction of the porch, the following materials are most often used:

  • Wood. Aesthetic and easily processed material. Only hard rocks are used, since the structure is subjected to a large load and the influence of the external environment.
  • Concrete. Strong and durable material, allows you to display any configuration for the porch. At the same time, it is important to use high-quality raw materials and reinforce individual sections when pouring concrete.
  • Brick. alternative to concrete. It has a more noble appearance, it is convenient to work with it. However, the main elements are made of concrete and iron reinforcement.
  • Metal. It is mainly used to strengthen flood areas and steps, as well as in the construction of external stairs and fences.


Before you build a porch at the entrance to the house, you should at least roughly outline the area and scale of work. For this, it is necessary to identify basic parameters porch. First of all, we are talking about its area. It is difficult to determine the optimal value, because it all depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site available for construction. In general, there should be enough space on the porch to at least enter the house. Therefore, the distance from the opening to the fence should be taken as the basis.

Are you going to build a porch in the country with your own hands? We have collected all the necessary recommendations with which your porch will turn out strong and durable.

Golden rules for a good porch

For a brick or concrete dwelling, it is best to make an extension from the appropriate material. Wooden houses will also look better with a wooden entrance.

We single out four principles that are usually applied in practice. experienced builders. The number of steps must be odd, with a number of more than three, a railing is required. What causes such stringent requirements (traditions or standards) is unknown, but common sense, you see, is present.

The type of door determines the width of the porch to the house. Minimum with a single door - 1.5 m, if it is a double door - 2 m.

The length (depth) of the platform in front of the door must be at least 1 m more than door leaf. A small space can cause you to fall off the porch or cause unwanted injury.

It is better to make a porch at the same time as building a house, otherwise distortions and flaws due to shrinkage are possible. But we will proceed from the fact that it is being built as an additional country house.

How to build a concrete structure?

Following our rule, a porch for a summer residence made of reinforced concrete must also be made from this material. Let's see in what order the work will go.

How to build a porch in the country with your own hands - a step by step diagram

Step 1: Pit

Before work, it is necessary to collect as much information as possible about the level of soil freezing in the area. This is necessary so that later all your work does not go to waste due to freezing of the soil in winter and subsequent thawing in the spring, when the water will wash the base. The foundation pit needs to be dug to such a depth that it corresponds to the level of freezing. After construction country porch some precipitation will still occur, but it will not be catastrophic. When the pit is ready, the alignment of its walls and bottom will follow. Then comes the backfilling of the base with crushed stone, it is enough to make the height of the layer no higher than 10 cm. It is recommended that this layer be well compacted.

Want to build your own porch? No problem! Though concrete, even wooden, even metal - choose any. In this case, the metal will be made with a beautiful canopy roof made of

We build a concrete porch

Reliable, durable and overall solid construction.

Choose sizes

Dimensions of steps: a - normal; b - foreigners

Usually the porch consists of several steps. Our task is to choose the best dimensions of the structure.

The optimal width of the stairs is 80-100 cm. If possible, the width should be increased - so the porch will be more comfortable and beautiful. Decreasing is undesirable.

The permissible angle of inclination of the stairs is from 27 to 45 degrees.

Step width, mmStep height, mmThe angle of inclination of the march, hail.
400 100 14
380 110 16
360 120 18
340 130 21
320 140 23
300 150 25
280 160 29
260 170 33
240 180 37
220 190 40
200 200 45

We make the steps equal in width to about 25 cm, in height - 12-20 cm, depending on who will use the porch. Children and the elderly? Making steps lower. Mostly young and full of energy users? We can increase the height of the steps.

We equip the upper platform so that it is approximately 50 mm below the end of the front door.

Pour the foundation for the porch

We swarm a pit along the perimeter of the future porch. Depth - from 50 cm.

We install the formwork around the perimeter of the foundation.

We fill the bottom of the pit with a 20-centimeter layer of gravel and ram it. From above we pour a 10-centimeter layer of sand. Sprinkle with water for better tamping.

We cover the site with roofing material. We lay the reinforcing mesh (the recommended cell size is 10x10 cm) and. The solution can be prepared independently. Standard proportions:

  • cement - 1 part;
  • sand - part 3;
  • gravel - 5 parts.

We pour concrete. We level the fill, pierce it with reinforcement in several places to release excess air. We leave the concrete for a few days for the initial curing.

Prices for cement and mixture bases

Cement and mixture bases

We install the formwork

We build formwork for steps. For this we use thick plywood. The height of the formwork should be 20 cm higher than the height of the future porch.

The principle is simple: we cut out the formwork elements along the height of each step and install them in the appropriate places. Between ourselves, we tighten the shields with metal plates, wooden blocks or other suitable fastener.

Important! Side shields need to be strengthened with additional stiffeners.

Steps must be reinforced. In this case, the reinforcement must be laid and installed in all three planes. Even more convenient option- weld the frame in the form of a future staircase and build a formwork around it. Do as you please.

Filling the steps

Lubricate the inner walls of the formwork with oil. Thanks to this, in the future we will be able to remove it without much effort.

We prepare the solution for pouring in the same way as the mixture for the foundation-platform.

We fill the stairs in stages, from the first step. We let each step dry slightly, and only after that we fill in the next one. At the same time, you need to install additional elements formwork on the front side of the steps. The length of these elements must correspond to the width of the stairs. We make the height the same as that of the step itself.

Important! The side of the formwork in contact with should be as smooth as possible.

The poured concrete is carefully leveled and pierced with reinforcement in several places.

We remove the formwork after at least 7-10 days. In conclusion, we only need to execute finishing steps. We can veneer them with stone or tiles, lay and perform any other finish at our discretion.

Railings are installed on request. The height of the handrails is from 90 cm. You can use the following option. It is also suitable for a metal and wooden porch (in this case, we will replace the metal elements with wooden ones).

We install support posts made of metal pipes in the lower and upper parts of the porch. It is advisable to choose the length so that the slope of the railing corresponds to the slope of the stairs. We connect the upper and lower ends of the racks with pipes of a slightly smaller section. We use welding.

The top tube will take over the functions of the handrail. To fill the space between our pipes, we use any rolled metal. Elements are installed with any interval. At this point, everything depends entirely on your preferences and imagination.

After mounting the structure, we clean the metal elements and prime them in 2 layers. This treatment will increase the life of the railing.

Such a porch will go well with almost any home.

We make the foundation

In general, the foundation is arranged in the same way as in the case of a concrete porch, with only one difference: at the same stage, it is necessary to install supports for the future visor.

It is better to install supports in each corner of the future visor - so the design will be as stable as possible. If the porch is large, we make supports along the length of its walls in increments of no more than 2 m.

We dig holes about one and a half meters deep for each support. With the role of supports, they will perfectly cope metal pipes. We insert the pipe into the pit and fill it with concrete.

Also, supports can be made from a bursa. The procedure is the same, but first the lower part of the timber must be wrapped with roofing material or tarred and additionally impregnated with an antiseptic.

At the same stage, we install supports for the future stairs. The same way we dig holes, put metal racks in them and pour concrete. It is unlikely that the porch will have too long a staircase, so it will be enough to install supports at the bottom and top of the structure. For greater certainty, we can install them in the middle of the span.

The further procedure, up to the stage of pouring concrete, remains the same as in the instructions for arranging a site for a concrete porch.

At the pouring stage, we take into account that we will need to drown the staircase structure somewhat in the solution. We fill it not to the very top of the site - we leave about a 100-300 mm gap (depending on the dimensions of the structure to be equipped and its features).

Then, after installation metal structure, we will fill the pit to the very top.

Drawing in accordance with the plan of the house

We cook the stairs

We take two metal channels. We weld them to the previously installed and concreted supports. In the future, we will weld rolled products for steps to these products.

We take an equal-shelf metal corner. We cut it to the selected length of the steps, increased by the length of the weld. We weld a metal corner along the contour.

We get products in the form of the letter G. We connect them together. At the top we connect these G-elements with the help of an equal-shelf corner. To do this, we weld it along the contour to both products, placing the shelves inward. To connect the bottom of the steps, we use a similar corner, but we place it with the shelves outward.

To fill the steps we can use different material such as wood and plywood. Fastening is carried out using self-tapping screws, screwing them from the bottom side. For extra bonding wooden elements We use silicone and regular glue.

In general, finish the stairs at your discretion. If you wish, you can not close up the horizontal openings, but simply mount the sheathing directly on the steps.

Prices for popular models of welding machines


Making a visor

We mounted the racks for the frame at the stage of arranging the foundation. Further we work in this order.

We install transverse supports according to the dimensions of the frame. If desired, we can make a curved canopy. To do this, it is enough to cut the profile in increments of about 4 cm and bend it to the desired level. The advantage of a curved canopy is that precipitation and various debris will not linger on it.

We lay it on the frame and fix it with self-tapping screws. We maintain the fastening step equal to 300 mm. We glue the edges. On this canopy is ready.

We build the foundation

the best solution for a wooden house porch. Such a foundation is simple and quick in arranging, but at the same time very reliable.

We dig holes at the points of installation of the pile - in the corners of the future porch and along the length of its edges in increments of 80-100 cm. The depth of such holes is from 80 cm. Optimally - below the freezing point of the soil.

We process the support beam with an antiseptic, wrap its lower part with roofing material, and then insert it into the pits. We fill the vertically aligned beam in the pits with concrete.

Let the concrete harden and proceed to further activities.

We mount the logs

If necessary, we cut off the tops of the beam so that all the piles are on the same level. We calculate the height of the supports so that after laying the platform between it and the front door there is approximately a 5-centimeter height difference.

We attach the logs to the supports and the wall of the house in a suitable way(with self-tapping screws, dowels, etc., depending on the material of the wall).

We make a kosour (string)

We proceed to the manufacture of the bearing part of the stairs. We will attach steps to it. That is, the bowstring is the side face of the steps.

For the manufacture of bowstrings we use wooden planks from 5 cm thick. We take a board and draw steps on it. We cut the blanks with a jigsaw or saw.

We fasten the bowstring with the lags with a tenon-groove connection.

We make out the platform and steps

We fasten or nail the platform sheathing boards to the lags. If desired, we lay some kind of finishing coating on top of the boards - we focus on our preferences.

We fasten the risers to the bowstring and tread. We start working from the bottom step. The procedure is simple: we fix the riser, we fix the tread on it, and so on until the end. For fixing, we use self-tapping screws or a thorn-groove connection.

Equip the railing and visor at your discretion. Installation instructions for these elements have been given previously. The sequence remains the same, it is only necessary to replace the supporting elements and trim parts with similar products made of wood or other preferred material.

Prices for different types of building boards

Building boards

Successful work!

Video - DIY house porch

By definition, a porch is an external extension to a building through which people enter and exit a dwelling. A modern cottage or a house without a porch will look like unfinished buildings.

The purpose of the porch is not only aesthetic, it also performs practical functions. AT winter time it protects the entrance to the house from skidding and performs additional thermal insulation functions. There are three main types - simplified, attached and built-in.

The design of the porch can be more original. For example, in last years you can often see a patio porch, the fashion for which came to us from Western Europe.

Such a porch is a kind of intermediate option between the classic platform and outdoor terrace. How to build a porch with my own hands the video gives the most complete picture (see).

This novelty has become popular due to its undeniable advantages - simplicity of design and functionality. Building a porch of this design will not be a problem. If you have on hand necessary tools and materials, you can start building.

Drawing of a wooden porch

Even a simple (typical) drawing, drawn by yourself, will help to avoid difficulties in its construction.

The drawing of the porch must contain the data:

  • porch appearance. It makes it possible to visualize the final view of the structure;
  • porch width - should be one and a half times wider than the doorway (you can calculate how wide the porch should be in this way: multiply 1.5 by the width of the door, this will be the minimum allowable width). This width will allow you to open the door while on the porch platform;
  • the width of the stairs to the porch ( flight of stairs) - must be at least 700 mm. Otherwise, there will be difficulties in moving people and objects along the steps;
  • the location of the platform (flooring) of the porch. The floor of the porch should be 30-50 mm below the threshold (doorway). The porch platform lowered down will prevent the doors from blocking due to snow or raising the porch structure;
  • the angle of the porch;

Note. Professionals advise making the slope of the porch and steps 2-3 ° to avoid water accumulation. An alternative would be to install deck boards with a gap of 2-3 mm.

  • foundation. Types, depth of laying, characteristics of the soil under it;
  • the number and size of steps of the porch. The standard recommends adhering to the following dimensions of steps: height - 170-180 mm, step depth (tread) - 300-350 mm. It is desirable that the number of steps be odd. Such dimensions will make the movement on the steps comfortable;
  • the presence and place of installation of the fence (balusters and railings).

Note. In construction practice, there are no norms and rules governing the parameters of the porch. The recommendations concern only the parameters of the steps.

A drawing of a wooden porch, as a good example:

Scheme of a wooden porch

It is convenient to work when the scheme of the wooden porch is made on a large sheet of paper and is always in front of your eyes.

A good alternative would be a life-size cardboard template. A paper template is indispensable in the manufacture of a flight of stairs on a bowstring.

How to build a structure in stages

Materials needed for building

So, we build with our own hands.

For this you will need:

  • Pine lumber or pine log for the manufacture of floor beams and rafters (pine lumber 100 x 200 mm)
  • Boards for steps and landings, railings and side posts
  • Several boards for a canopy, (thickness 50 × 150 mm or 50 × 200 mm).

Foundation device

Like any other capital building, the porch needs a foundation. For the porch the best option is pile foundation. Its advantages are simplicity and low cost. In addition, you can build such a foundation with your own hands for a short time without resorting to the help of specialists.

The second stage of work begins with a bowstring. In the case of making a patio porch, it is also necessary to additionally build two medium stringers.

The bowstring can be of two types - the choice is up to the owner of the house. More simple and affordable option- bowstring with carved ledges. A little more difficult option- bowstring with embedded steps.

In order to prepare a bowstring, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Thick board of the right size
  • Pattern in the form of a triangle

The procedure and rules for the manufacture of steps


Tip: In order to better understand how to build a porch with your own hands, video tutorials will clearly show you the entire installation process. All you have to do is go online and ask search engine relevant question.

Installation of the platform (wooden floor of the porch)

This stage of building a wooden porch is simple, and can be performed even by a beginner who does not have experience in such work. Over time, the boards from which the flooring is made begin to dry out.

As a result, gaps are formed between the boards, which can be quite wide. Such flooring becomes unaesthetic and unsafe.

To avoid the appearance of large gaps as a result of the drying of the wood, it is necessary to lay the floor boards as close to each other as possible.

When the flooring is almost ready, and the stringers and bowstrings are securely fastened to the lags, the next step comes - the installation of risers and treads. The riser and treads are connected in the same way “thorn in the groove”, the bowstring from the risers are attached to each other in the same way.

The opinion that the elements can be fastened together with the help of self-tapping screws and nails alone is erroneous. Such a design will not have sufficient strength.

The construction of the porch with your own hands is over - everything is ready. Compliance with building codes and regulations ensures that the porch will be reliable and durable. However, it must be taken into account. What matters is not only the quality of joinery and carpentry.

Any durability wooden building, including the porch, largely depends on how correctly the wood was prepared and processed. Before starting work, it is advisable to make sure that the wood is properly dried. And in order to prevent rotting and pest infestation, wood must be treated with appropriate chemical compounds.

How to build a porch with your own hands: video.

Mistakes in the manufacture of a wooden porch

The most common mistakes when building a porch are:

  • The device of the attached staircase is too close to. In winter, the ground will freeze, and the ladder can rise several centimeters. As a result, the door will open with great difficulty or become jammed.
  • Another one common mistake- this is a porch device on an insufficiently deep foundation. It should also be borne in mind that if waterproofing is not done, moisture will sooner or later lead to swelling and damage to the wood.

Tip: The problems listed above can be avoided. To do this, you can do doorway threshold. Also get rid of such difficulties installation ladder 15 centimeters below the level of the doorway.

But it must be taken into account that in both cases a step is formed, which may be unsafe. You can trip over it, so this design also has a drawback.

After the wooden porch is almost ready, you can think about decorative elements. If the porch has three steps or more, it is advisable to install a railing.

Optionally, you can make a canopy of wood or other materials (see), as well as other details to decorate the product and give it the appearance of a finished architectural element.

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