Lavrushka as a houseplant. Laurel or Lavra Tree at home

Engineering systems 14.06.2019
Engineering systems

Laurel is a popular kitchen spice, without which it is difficult to present the preparation of the ear or the fragrant homemade soup. It became an integral part of the mixture of seasoning for second dishes, the usual ingredient for salting vegetables and billets for the winter. The laurel tree is easy to grow in room conditions - It is completely unpretentious. The plant in a flower pot will become not only a foolish seasoning, but also a luxurious decoration of the window sill.

What are the types of laurel?

In the natural environment, representatives of the Lavrov family can be found in the Mediterranean region, in the south Krasnodar Region, in the Canary Islands, in Germany, Transcaucasia, Georgia, in Crimea and Asia. Although today in taxonomics there are already more than 40 types of plants of the genus Lavr, the following three are the main:

  • Azores - largest culture, blooming in the late spring light yellow flowers. The height of these trees may well reach 12-16 meters. Length of leaves from 10 to 15 centimeters.
  • Camphor - named so due to the high content of the camphor. For shrubs, a wide crown is characterized and pronounced spicy fragrance.
  • Noble - leaflets of this species are used in cooking. it perennial in natural conditions Lives up to 100 years, the people are referred to as a laurel. At home, this variety can grow up to 3 meters high, in nature reaches 8-10 m. In the apartment, it is very easy to care for him, so the noble laurel became widespread as a decorative culture.

Growing a noble variety

Despite subtropical origin, an adult laurelt tree withstands a decrease in temperature to -5. Young plants can get sick with the slightest draft, so we hurry to take them in the spring on fresh air Do not. The best laurel feels in winter with a positive T from 10 to 15 degrees, and in the summer from 23 to 28. There are no sharp climatic drops by none of the representatives of the family.

Picking out the suitable place for the location of the pot with a laurel tree planted in it, it should be borne in mind that this plant best feels on a lit part, hidden from direct sunlight and drafts. In addition, it is categorically impossible to place a laurel near the heating devices.

Posing a plant in the shade, you need to be prepared for the fact that the leaves will be pulled out and its appearance Loses his decorativeness.

The laurel of the noble prefers fresh air and increased humidity, so to ensure that it is comfortable for living conditions, in the winter room in which it is, it is advisable to periodically check. In the summer it is useful to take a plant on the balcony or in the country to the garden, installing it in the shade, in order to prevent burns. Once a week, the church is recommended to spray water temperature with water, and a little less - to arrange the leaves of the shower, covering the soil with polyethylene.

Watering mode as the main maintenance rule

Room laurel tree watering mode directly depends on the time of year.

  • To create the summer with the necessary humidity, you can substitute a pot with a plant of a large diameter of the pallet and put a moss into it that needs to be watering as drying. With the opportunity and free time, the tree spray well from the pulverizer several times a day - in the morning and in the evening, warm water. Drop drops on the leaves in the daytime threatens burns in the case of a container on the windowsill or in the garden. Watering soil B. summer time Performed daily.
  • From autumn, the amount of irrigation should be gradually reduced to moisten the soil in winter only when dried. Spray the tree during this period is also not worth it, the maximum is to wipe the leaves with a damp soft cloth.

Watering and spraying procedures play a large role in the development of the room Laurel, so you do not need to neglect the rules of their holding, if there is a desire to grow at home not only the fragrant seasoning, but also a beautiful bush.

Transferring method of transplant

As he grows lavra tree Requires transplant to a more volumetric capacity. but root system Laurel really does not like when she is bothering, and therefore it is best to transplant the tree to the way of transshipment from one pot to the other with the land of the earth. Young bushes need to move once every 2 years, but if the culture is not growing too active, then it is possible to do it less often, focusing on filling out the volume of the root system by the processes. Plants older than 4 years of age transplant every 5 years, taking into account that the new "dwelling" should be wider than the previous 3 centimeter.

Before placing a plant in a new pot, a drainage layer is stacked on its bottom, which will reliably protect the laurel from stagnation water. Soil can be used absolutely any, even garden land. So that without damage to transfer the culture with an earthen one of one pot in another, you need to rush it and wait until the soil falls back from the walls of the container. After that, the tree is gently taken out and, putting the side, inspect the roots in the visibility zone. If there are damaged processes, they are cut off with a sharp blade of the knife.

The drainage layer in the new prepared pot is sprinkled by 2-3 centimeters of the soil, and then the laurel with a closed root system is neverthene. Formed voids are filled with soil and tamper. After graduating from transplanting, the plant is abundantly watered.

Forming crown trimming

The crown of the laurel tree is quite well a formation using spring trimming. After promining the stunned branches from the kidneys located below the cut, new shoots develop, due to which the bush becomes greater. You can give Krone the shape of the ball, cone, etc. to speed up the process, you need to start annual haircuts from young age, shortening sprouts for a small length.

Some experts cut the laurel trees by the end of the summer season, so that young shoots can touch the growth of early spring.

Laurel reproduction: 3 methods

Lavra plant can be multiplied different ways: gag, cuttings and seeds.

  1. 1. It is easier and faster to get a new young culture from the challenges. For this, with the onset of spring, the chosen twig is cheered by a small amount of land and systematically watered. For season, the branch is independently roaming, and a year later, a new chamber can be planted in an individual pot, cutting it off from the parent plant.
  2. 2. Also a very simple breeding method - shilling. For this purpose, irrelevant cuttings are used, about 10 centimeters long, with a pair-top of the kidneys or blossomed leaves. The soil in the capacity prepared for them is covered with a layer of sand and deepen the cuttings into it by 1-2 centimeters.
  3. 3. SEED the seeds of the laurel tree follows in the fall. To do this, the drainage layer is laid on the bottom of the prepared pot, the entire volume of the soil is falling asleep, then seeds are sulking in it to a depth of about 1 centimeter and watered well. Planting is covered with polyethylene.

Ideally, the laurel seeds will be asleep in the soil with the addition of humus, old foliage, peat, derdy land and sand. But if the opportunity to harvest the soil yourself, it will suit any soil bought in a flower shop.

You can get rid of the disease in two ways:

  1. 1. The chemical method is the processing of plants insecticides. It is only necessary to remember that it will be unacceptable to use the leaves in food after that.
  2. 2. The mechanical method is to remove the shields using wet cotton discs to their full extermination. The process is much longer, but also very effective and safe.

Changing the appearance of the plant does not always mean damage to pests. Sometimes this indicates non-compliance with the conditions of cultivation and not proper care:

  1. 1. If the leaves are twisted at the edges - the air indoors are too dry. This problem is solved by covering the plant with a plastic bag, which will create a greenhouse effect, and young leaflets will soon begin their growth.
  2. 2. If the leaves dry out and fall apart - the temperature significantly exceeded the most comfortable laurel. You can transfer the pot to another room or lower T in the room in any available way, except for creating a draft.

Eating the leaves of the plant, which grew up and developed during the period of finding a tree in a flower shop, is not recommended, since the laurel tree could be processed chemicals. It is necessary to wait for the formation of new leaves, in which the security does not have to doubt.

He is always present at home - as part of our culinary arsenal. By sending prosaic "laurel" into the pan, few people think about her origin. And between those, the dried leaves are the gift of wood, in the ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean considered sacred.

Laurus Nobilis, noble laurel, is not in vain wearing title. In my homeland, this is a static handsome man in almost twenty-meter height, living over three hundred years. In addition to the exquisite fragrance, its leaves have a number of healing properties. After setting the houses of the cult tree of Ellinov, we will find, except for the freshest seasoning, a tool of health. And at the same time - an interesting detail of the interior: the laurel, well-kept properly, looks very stylish.

Ensured Patricia

Contrary to noble status, the Lavr is not distinguished by excessive claims to the conditions of life. Compared, for example, with citrus, care for it is quite simple.

LAVR - plastic plant. Wood form, as it moves to the mountains, goes into a squat shrub and instead of obese soils, is content with the rock soil. But since the indoor conditions themselves are an uncharacteristic medium for loving wood, all other parameters would not closer to the comfort zone.

World Wood Light

In natural conditions, the Lavra is open to all winds and get a complete dose of insolation. Homemade Lavra willingly justices around the southern window and will not object to direct rays. Western and eastern exposure are also acceptable, except that the tree branch will become somewhat weaker.

Does the Lavr shade? Many sources argue that yes. And in a sense, it is:

  • The young laurel is shadowing than adult.
  • When the plant is at rest, it can be set to the northern windows.

The whole warm period of the laurel can spend under open sky. Replacing a seedling on a brighter light, you should take care of a light screen, otherwise the leaves and even the bark will receive a burn.

Do not turn the pot with the laurel, trying to all parts of the crown to receive their dose of light: trees are oriented regarding the magnetic poles of the planet and the offset is perceived as stress.


The seasonal schedule is more natural and preferable than content in smooth room conditions. Daily fluctuations are welcome. Generally temperature mode Such:

  • winter - from 7 to 10 degrees Celsius;
  • springne summer period - 17 ° C at night and 25 ° C or slightly higher in the daily (that is, the usual range of the middle strip).

If possible, the spring laurel put on the terrace, a balcony or endure into the garden. Return it under the roof when the night temperatures will be devastated below plus three.

Even subtropics occasionally, but are harsh. Especially in the mountains. Lavra easily tolerate small, up to minus five degrees, negative temperatures For quite a long time. In the regions with a mild climate they winter in unheated greenhouses. Can withstand short-term drop to minus ten and lower. The main thing is that the wind does not join the cold, carrying dehydration and death: Sleeping roots do not drive moisture up, and the leaves continue, at least a little, but evaporate.

Soil and fertilizer

The main condition - the soil should be lightweight well drained. For a laure, any universal primer is suitable for sale. To make soil mixture Predit, you will need:

  • land leaf - one piece;
  • the land is ferot - one piece;
  • sand quartz - two parts;
  • humid or compost is one part.

The substrate reaction must be neutral. If a peat is used as a tear, then pH balance, adding some wood ash.

The laurel is not so easy to succumb to root rot, but still it is better to disinfect the soil, warming about twenty in the oven. Temperature is close to the boiling point, but not higher, so as not to destroy the entire useful microflora.

Selecting the container, take into account that its dimensions directly affect the growth rate of the tree. Than it is volume, the higher the annual increase. If you plan to preserve the laurel miniature, excessive scope of roots to anything.

Transplant when the roots fully fill the available volume and are shown in drainage holes. The next pot take the diameter of only two centimeters is wider than the previous one.

The frequency of transfers depends on age:

  • from year to three - annually, early spring or at the end of the vegetation;
  • from three to five years - every two years, on the same time.

The root com reduced the bottom, removing about a third. For the laurel, the loss of the lower part of the root system is not particularly tangible, since its main mass is based in the upper horizons. Without forgetting about drainage, fills the remaining place with fresh soil. It is useful to immediately enrich it with an organic - for example, add a tablespoon of fishing flour.

Please note: Laurel roots are shallow. Swimming is carried out carefully, and even better to cover the rolling circle of mulch. For some reason, pots with the laure are especially attracted cats. Color pebbles will serve as an additional decoration, and at the same time it will save from the four-legged "farms".

Lavra is a slow-growing tree. From the sixth year of life, it can not be replant at all, but only replacing the upper (2-3 cm) of the soil layer.

The testimony for an extraordinary transplant serves as losing the leaves of a pleasant leather gloss - a sign that the substrate is "tired."

Exhaustion will not happen if a timely maintain the forces of the tree fertilizers. During intensive vegetation, universal complexes for deciduous plants are used according to the instructions. Laurel seedling feed once every two weeks, an adult tree is a month.

Laurel has a pause that originally accounted for a summer drought. This timeout should be taken into account when carrying out all care operations, including when making fertilizers.


The drought-resistant laurel is not particularly picky to the irrigation regime. It is necessary to proceed from the fact that the lack of water is transferred easier than its excess. If, immersing a finger into the soil, moisture do not feel - it's time to water. Seasonality is also important. In the spring and at the beginning of the summer, young shoots consume more water, in the winter the earthlings only slightly moisturize.

It should be completely excluded in the roots.

Excess water from the pallet is removed immediately. Or fill the pallet with gravel so that the bottom of the container relied on its layer.

Spraying will go to the laurel benefit - the leaves will be glossy, with a beautiful texture. Water takes soft so that it does not leave the whims of the lime. You can diversify " water treatments"- in the heat, along with the sprinkle, pamper the village of the shower of room temperature. The above is true if the plant gets plenty sunlight. In those are contained in the shade, the leaves are wiping with a damp cloth, and this is enough.

Where the air is rehensited (in air-conditioned rooms), it is advisable to provide a minimal "water mirror" for Lavra. Will this aquarium or pallet, filled with wet pebbles, depends on the taste and ingenuity of the owner.

Reproduction: One Laurea is good ...

... and two, if we're wearing their trunks in the spiral, turn into fashionable topiary.

Receive planting material Laurel can be in several ways:

  • cuttings;
  • dividing bush;
  • air chains;
  • seeds;
  • vaccination

Shining laurel

The most efficient way is the shilling. The material can serve as part of the branches removed during the cropping process. Or fat shoots (wolf, or in English "Sosks"), which are periodically formed at the base of the strain. Semi-respected shoots cut out the scout in such a way that there are 2-3 healthy kidneys on each. The lower leaves are removed, the upper sheet plates are reduced by half.

Rooted in wet sand, sphagnum or calcined soil. You can use perlite, vermiculitis and other artificial substrates. The sour Wednesday is undesirable - the roots will appear, but they will develop sluggishly. Peat is recommended to pre-soak. A good ideafertile soil under the sand layer. Fur, fixing in a safe environment, penetrated into a more feed area.

Planted at an angle, pre-accumulating the bottom of the root formation. Without the use of heteroacexin, Kornin or Zircon will have to wait three to four months. Preparations will save a third of time, and even half.

Hold the cuttings in warm and multiple light protected from drafts and evenly moistened. Best is the cover of mini-greenhouse. Six months later, young plants are ready to occupy personal vases.

Delivery of bush and grain

The division of the bush is carried out in autumn or early in the spring, when the plant is in the sleep phase. They share right - that each of the branches get some of the viable roots.

Interesting way - air chains. On a healthy shoot, there are several notches and, with a rhodic hormone, wrapped in sphagnum. As an option, a plastic bag with a substrate is fixed on the stem. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe cuts will appear roots. When the substrate is permeated with them, the decoding is separated from the main stem.

Laurel of seeds

Blooming the home Lavra can, but the seeds are unlikely to give. It is a savory plant, and it is not a fact that a copy of the opposite sex will be near. Nevertheless, the seeds of a noble laurel (fresh, after two or three months they lose their germination) can be brought from the trip. They germinate what is called, painfully long. From six months or more. However, patience will be rewarded. Laurea of \u200b\u200bseed origin is durable (fifty years of life against twenty in those that are obtained vegetative way). In addition, appearing from the seed in the room environment, it adapted to it as much as possible.

When the vaccination is needed

Laurel reproduction by vaccination is used when replicating decorative forms. They are not so much, but they are:

  • Laurus nobilis f. Aurea - young leaves painted in gentle-golden color;
  • Angustifolia - with narrow long leaves resembling IVI or Ivan tea;
  • Undulata - with corrugated edges of the leaves.

There is another kind of laurel, Laurus Azorica (Azoresky, or Canary). Its leaves are somewhat smaller, and the shoots are pubescent. For enthusiasts: You can try to instill L. Azorica at a less soothered Mediterranean fellow.

Pests and diseases

Healthy Lavra has little threatening - fresh leaves are so saturated with essential oils that hunters are not located. On the contrary, they themselves serve as a repeller.

The shield is settled there, where insufficient moisturizing. The colonies of the playlock are written, the plant is washed by the infusion of garlic. Normalize conditions, feed the laurel, and then he will cope himself. Similarly, the whiteflinkle is detected.

Infected specimens are subject to mandatory insulation!

Fungal infections in the form of various spotlights are affected by the laurel with a lack of sunlight and fresh air, in an excessively wet medium. And also, if the soil was screened. It is recommended to remove the affected leaves (not scary if the tree is completely denied), change the substrate and optimize the conditions.

Noble, stylish and useful

Lavr - true interior decoration. Organically, as he should, fits into the Mediterranean style.

With the help of trimming, and its laurend tolerates it is worth it, a young treet can be given whatever shape. Classic is considered a spherical and cone-shaped. Particularly elegantly laurels in the shape of a ball, on a high strap.

Laurel trimming should be started - then the crown it will be thick and symmetrical. Terms are not rigidly limited, but it is best to work in the spring in the spring, before the awakening of the kidneys. Or at the end of the current increase.

The plant is easier to transfer more frequent, but less intense pruning.

The svolik can be formed as direct (for this it is tested to the peg) and spiral-shaped. The second is achieved with a special wire. Through weaving, you can turn a curtain of several laurels to an art object.

He will set the tone in the "Aromas Garden". It is enough to plant a rosemary, lavender and oregano (that is, the soulsman). His dark green foliage will become a great background for other plants.

Laurel is the most powerful source of phytoncides. Moreover, the characteristic fragrance in the usual setting is not detected - for this, the seasoning is required to be addicted. If you lose a living leaf, it will exude a thin smell, a little sweet and with a nutmeg. IN Western Europe Lavra is often called "sweet".

We care for him, and he, in response, for us. The presence of a laurel in the house will reduce the likelihood of migraine. And - not in vain, talent is associated with a laurel wreath - improve the blood supply to the brain, gently affecting the vessels by all the same phytoncides. His infusion will calm down pain in the joints, and the softened fresh leaves will heal the wound better than the plantain. There are hundreds folk recipes Based on Lavra.

But the most interesting thing is that this is a laconic tree, not possessing neither fringe leaves nor exquisite colors, in itself creates a good mood.

Bay leaf from the store and the one that is grown with their own hands - what is called, the sky and the earth. You should use the leaves dried for 48 hours to remove excess bitterness. The older sheet, the richer his bouquet.

Lavra is the most famous evergreen tree or a bush that came to us from the Mediterranean. In ancient Greece, this beautiful plant was called Daphne, in honor of Nymph Dafna. Aspirated by love for her, Apollo was splured from the laurel wreath, which became its integral accessory, and already from here gave the glory of Lavra as a symbol of Triumph and Victory.

We have the same plant is the best and favorite kitchen spice. After all, without a laure, it will not work out to cook delicious home soup, ear or borsch and, of course, fragrant second dishes. It has become a familiar ingredient with billets of vegetables for the winter and pickles.

it indispensable plant You can just just grow at home. The laurel is very unpretentious to cultivation, and for its normally growth will need quite a bit effort. If we can grow a laurel at home from seeds or in another way, it will not only be useful as spices, but will be a spectacular home decorative plant.

LAVR: Spicy Plant Description

In nature, the laurel can be both a tree and a very high shrub, a height of 9-11 m. The thickness of his trunk can reach 40-45 cm. When growing a laurel of the house, it grows up to 2 m. Its bark and shoots smooth, mainly brown shade .

The leaves of the laurel is solid, straight, naked, short-sized and all-wide, in length reach up to 20 cm, and in the width - up to 5 cm. From above, they are dark green, and below - lighter. Possess a very pleasant spicy aroma. Laurel flowers are small, yellowish and same-sex, appear in inflorescences at the ends of the branches of 6-12-tiphling and 2-3-pestle.

Did you know? If you grow a laurel of the house, it may not bloom at all, and if it blooms, then in the late spring period.

In natural conditions, the laurel is growing more than 100 years, while growing its home the life expectancy of the laurel tree can be up to 15 years.

Is it possible to grow a laurel in room conditions

The laurel during the cultivation at home is a noble plant, it is very hardy and unpretentious in care. Therefore, to grow it at home can absolutely anyone.

But still you should not start the development, care for the room laure is at least minimal, but it is extremely necessary. For proper growing You will have an excellent plant that will thank you for efforts spent on its development, lush healthy foliage.

Required conditions for laurels

In indoor conditions for landing, the laurel is best suited. For the healthy development of a laurelsk village, in addition to standard care, you will need a timely trimming of the crown and spraying so that the laurel felt comfortable. Lavr, like any indoor plant, requires attention to diseases and pests.

Location and light

The laurel tree needs a well-lit place with scattered light. Since this is a trendy plant, it can be kept in a pronted place, but when it is cultivated in the conditions of scattered light, the laurel can bloom, and the bush itself will be more dense than when growing it in a shaded place.

In the hot period of the year it is worth avoiding direct sunlight. In the summer, the Laurea can be safely taken out into the garden or on the balcony. In the apartment pots you can put on the floor near the windows, in the corridor or hall. The plant must regularly ventilate, but do not create permanent drafts.

Air temperature and humidity

In the summer, the plant will feel great on the street, it is unpretentious, but the fresh air will not be superfluous. The most comfortable for laurel temperature is 15-20 ° C. In the summer, the bush twice a week needs spraying leaves to maintain a subtropical climate.

Starting from the fall, the plant needs peace. The period of rest for the Laurel at home is created artificially from October to March. Lavra should be put in place with reduced illumination and humidity. Temperature must be not higher than +10 ° C and not lower than -5 ° C.

Did you know? People period is created to prevent the growth of weak, unwanted shoots that weaken the laurel tree.

In the spring, if the frosts ended, then from April the plant can already be taken to the garden. If at this time is still cold, it is better to hold it to a warm period in the house and do not forget to spray at least 1 time per week.

Soil requirements for successful growth

Lavra seedlings, after we can grow them from seeds, will need to be transplant. When transplanting a seedling in a pot, it is necessary to fall asleep a good drainage layer of clay. Laurel loves moistage soil, but it is impossible to allow water stagnation, it can lead to the death of the plant.

The soil should be lightweight, any version of the universal soil occurring is suitable for Laurel. Alone, the soil for planting a laurel can be prepared from two parts of the delicate land, one piece of the leaf land, and the half of the small, well-washed river sand. Before planting a seedling, the soil can be warm in the oven at a sufficient temperature for disinfection. Too high temperatures when heating should be avoided, so as not to destroy the entire useful microflora.

How to plant a laurel, laurel tree breeding methods

Bay sheet - an indispensable ingredient in the kitchen of any mistress. It refers to inexpensive spices, but much more pleasant when the dish uses their own grown and dried leaflets of this plant. Consider how you can grow a laurel of seeds, cuttings and dividing bush at home.

Sowing seeds

In order to grow a laurel tree as best and high quality, it is worth putting from seeds brought from the south. Best time To start sowing is mid February, beginning of March. Laurel seeds need to be 1 cm in the depth of prepared soil. The soil temperature should be approximately equal to 20 ° C. At the same time, the seeds will go through 3-4 months.

Before planting a laurel of seeds into the ground, the seeds can be kept in a mortgage solution for 3-5 days, it will accelerate the process of their germination. After planting seeds in the soil, the pot should be put in a warm place, it is good to moisten and cover it with polyethylene or glass.

Before the sprouts appear, it will be necessary to remove polyethylene with a pot to avoid its at least half an hour per day. It is also necessary to monitor soil moisture, it must be moderate, do not allow water stagnation. In dry soil, the seeds will die, and in too wet you rot.

Important! Watering seeds and Roshkov Lavra need to be accomplished and warm water. The water temperature should be above room at 4-5 ° C.

If the first green sprouts appear, the shelter from the pot needs to be removed, but it should also continue to monitor the soil moisture. When the first pair of leaves are formed on the sprouts, the seedlings must be transplanted into a more spacious container, in advance the prepared soil can be added 1 part of the humidiation and ½ part of the peat.

After transplanting a seedling plant must be placed for 2-3 weeks in dark place, not forgetting to support soil moisture. After 2-3 weeks, the seedling is moved to light to start its active growth.

How to put lavr dividing bush

We need to divide the laurel bush very neatly, on each branch separated from the main plant, part of viable roots should remain. The division is worth spending only at a time when the Lavr is in the period of rest, and this is from October to March. Lavra is divided after 3-5 years of its growth. It is worth the first time to separate the bush on a small number of parts. Separate 2-3 branches from the three-year laurel will be quite enough.

Important! To share Laurel bush during its development is categorically not recommended, weak, not strengthened plant can die.

Shining laurel

You can propagate the LavR as seeds and stalling, but it is much more difficult to make than growing a laurel of seeds. Laurel's shilling is carried out in the late spring and early summer. An annual and caused by the shoots of Lavra are used as a cutlets.

The cuttings of a length of 7-9 cm are cut from the middle or lower part of the bush under the oblique angle. The lower sheets from the cutter must be removed, and the upper trim half. Then the cuttings are planted in the substrate. The substrate is prepared from the same parts of the sheet soil and marsh moss, it is also recommended to add half the sand.

At the bottom of the pots should be placed drainage from the ceramisit, fall asleep with its substrate and carefully moistened. The cuttings are planted on 2 cm deep and covered with polyethylene or ordinary glass jar.

The seedling is necessary to spray and ventilate every day. It should also be monitored so that the soil is constantly moistened. With proper care, the cuttings will let the root after 1-2 months.

How to care for the laurel tree

After planting a laurel, the work does not end, because when growing it is necessary to regularly take care of its condition, water and fertilize the soil. And to form a decorative type, it needs to be trimmed.

Watering and feeding plants

Watering Lava is important at any stage of its development. When disembarking seeds and for the development of roots in Chenkov, it is necessary to use warm, soft and outstanding water. Watering an adult plant is also necessary to carry out water, but it should be distinguished by the seasonal intensity of the tree watering.

In the spring and summer, the laurel needs a constant watering to avoid drying the soil. In the fall, watering is reduced. In winter, it needs to be rigidly limited, and if the Laurea is located in a room with a temperature below 6 ° C, then watering should be stopped at all.

Young plants need to spray leaves for better growth, adult plants spray to eliminate dust on the leaves and crown of a tree. Falker Lavra is needed not only at the moments of its transplant, but throughout its life period. An adult laurel is a slowly growing tree, so in order to avoid plant depletion, you need to change the upper 3-4 cm of the soil in which it grows.

One of the most popular evergreen plants, which is grown at home, remains a LavR flower. An additional effect on its cultivation in the room will be a pleasant aroma, and a bonus - protection against bloodsowing insects! He maybe a small bush or miniature tree. In antiquity, wreaths from the laurel sheet, put on the heads of the winners and famous people. In open air and soil, it grows up to 12 meters high. This plant is very convenient to grow at home, because it, except decorative decoration apartments possesses and useful features. You do not need to run to the store behind the laurel sheet, you just need to disrupt it from the tree. In our article, you will learn about the care of the laurel tree at home.

Varieties of room laurel

This plant has only two types:

  • laurel noble;
  • lavra canary.

Unlike his compatriot, the Canary view has large wide leaves, slightly wrinkled around the edges. But his aroma is somewhat weaker than the noble fellow. There are several varieties of the village noble laurel.

Indoor plant, care for which is fairly simple, uses increased demand At flower water. The main botanical species has three varieties: narrow, golden and wrinkled. All of them differ from each other only by form and color of foliage.

Ground for growing laurels

Lavra seedlings, after we can grow them from seeds, will need to be transplant. When transplanting a seedling in a pot, it is necessary to fall asleep a good drainage layer of clay. Laurel loves moistage soil, but it is impossible to allow water stagnation, it can lead to the death of the plant. The soil should be lightweight, any version of the universal soil occurring is suitable for Laurel. Alone, the soil for planting a laurel can be prepared from two parts of the delicate land, one piece of the leaf land, and the half of the small, well-washed river sand. Before planting a seedling, the soil can be warm in the oven at a sufficient temperature for disinfection. Too high temperatures when heating should be avoided, so as not to destroy the entire useful microflora.

Lavra tree breeding with cuttings

Before the growth of shoots in April, cuttings are cut, about 10 cm long. Then they are rooted in a warm leaf ground with the addition of the Sfact moss (1 + 1), are covered with a glass can or a polyethylene package to save moisture. It is advisable to maintain a constant temperature + 22 ... + 28 ° C. With the advent of the leaves, rooted cuttings are transplanted into the same soil mixture, as in the cultivation of seeds. Transplanted plants constantly watered, not allowing soil drying, and spray with cool water.

Reproduction of the laurel tree seeds

The seeds in the laurel large, in the form of oval and there are up to two centimeters in length, with a thin sheath, which prevents the drying of seeds and their premature germination.

Laurela seeds do not like drying and can germinate only in the first 3-5 months (and even only with proper storage). Before sowing, the seeds need to be released from the shell and sow into separate pots, or just at a permanent place. Seeds usually start from April and august. It also happens that sometimes seeds can germinate in January, but with severe frosts seedlings, most likely die. The room will best keep plants at temperatures from 10 degrees of heat, and it is advisable to put out the spring plant to the street. In the first year, feeding seedlings are optional, but from the second year you can use mineral fertilizers in small doses. Laurel eats any soil, except for the mooring. If you grow a laurel in your home, you will get a beautiful forever green plant that will delight the gaze every day.

Care laurel tree

In itself, the plant of the Lavr is rather unpretentious, loves light and fresh air, not afraid of drafts. Carrying out the laurel tree at home and in open soil It is necessary to follow some items. Consider them in more detail.

Watering a laurel tree

Lavr loves water very much, the plant needs a constant influx of soft water. In the summer in the arid period, the plant can be watered twice a day, in the morning and evening. However, it is necessary to water if the plant completely swallowed water and not tolerant. In the period of rest, autumn-winter watering is reduced, but the soil cannot be allowed. Try to observe the temperature regime with irrigation mode and then the plant will be able to gain strength and grow in a natural cycle.

Air humidity plays a very important role for a laurel. Spraying the plant is necessary daily soft, filtered water, avoiding moisture from entering the leaves in the peak of heat, otherwise the leaves will get a burn. In winter, you can replace the spraying on the wip of the leaves with a damp cloth. You can determine whether the moisture is enough in the air because the leaves are yellow.

Falker of laurel tree

Feed the laurel tree only in the warm spring and summer period once a month. To do this, it is best to use liquid or full mineral fertilizer. IN winter time of the year, the Laurel does not need to be subordinated.

Laureling Growing Lighting

LAVR - the plant is quite hardy; He will be able to grow with moderate lighting, but it will be best developed - and moreover, it is actively branched - on a bright, mostly scattered, light. From an excess of scoring sunlight it should be protected

The laurel prefers a bright light, but it grows very well in the shade. The tree is desirable to protect against direct sunlight from entering, otherwise it can quickly dry.

A good place will be a balcony or loggia, a bit darkened by curtains or special reflective paper. It is necessary to regularly ventilate the room, but beware of drafts.

For the successful growth of the crown, the tree periodically need to turn towards the light source.

Temperature for the cultivation of laurels

Before growing the laurel at home, you need to know that the best summer temperature interval is from 18 to 20 degrees, and winter - from 10 to 15 degrees.

More pleasant to the Laurea lives in the fresh air - on the balcony, in the courtyard or in the country, including throughout the year - if winter temperatures are kept at + 5-6.

The best temperature in the vegetation period is the mark of 17-19 degrees.

In the spring, in the warm period, take a plant on fresh air. Zimovka laurel tree is not afraid, so it easily tolerates even small frosts. IN winter Can be grown on windows from the cold side.

If you live in an area with a mild climate, the laurea can be grown in the garden and use it as a hedge.

Trimming laurel tree

Make a trimming of a tree. The best time is the line of summer and autumn. It will stimulate the laurel of the grower, and not up. Cutting can form a plant and not give it great to grow. Starting from the 2nd summer of the village, create a crown with a garden scissors in the form of a bowl or any other shape.

Diseases and pests of laurels at home

The laurel view is very resistant to diseases. Very rarely, the laurel may face a sage fungus. On the leaves there is a raid of red-colored, which is simply washed off with water. On the development of the plant - this disease does not affect, but the plant loses decorative View. For treatment, we can use a weak solution of soda and green soap in water - enough of 5 g of each drug per liter of water.

From pests that are most often settled on home plants, the laurel can threaten the panels, torment cherry and a web tick.

As you can see, with proper care at home, you can grow a laurel tree.

Lavr is an evergreen tree of the family of laurels, originally from the Mediterranean. From his homeland, the plant spread over the subtropical part of Europe. In the wild in Russia, the laurel tree is found in the Crimea and in the south of the Krasnodar Territory.

The laurel tree forms a densely abusive pyramidal crown. The leaves of the plant are regular, all-acy, with wavy edges. Tree flowers are collected in umbrella inflorescences, white, cream or yellowish-green. After flowering, the fruit is formed - an inedible berry of black and blue, with a diameter of 15 millimeters.

Views and varieties of room laurel with photos

Lavrov's gene includes three varieties of plants.

In nature grows in coastal stripe, at an altitude of 300 meters above sea level, in Western Transcaucasia. The plant is a shrub or tree height from 4 to 8 meters. The leaves of simple shape, lanceal, leathery, length from 7 to 20 centimeters, with pointed ends. Flowers are small, are formed in the form of umbrella inflorescences, yellow.

Varietary forms of this type:

  • Nickname.
  • Golden.
  • Wrinkly.

Photo. Nobility laurel

Dwells in wet forests On Canary. Azores, island of Madeira. The height of the tree is about 15 meters. Ophid leaves, 10-12 centimeters long, dusk green. Flowers form inflorescences in the sinuses of the leaves, light yellow shade.

Photo. Lavra Azores (Canary)

Right from the southwest of China, about. Taiwan, Korea and others asian countries. It is found in the nature of the United States, Australia, Africa, Brazil. Plant with regular leaves, lanceal form covered with small translucent points.

Flowers small, yellowish-green, are collected in the blurred inflorescences. Parts of the plant contain essential oil, the main component of which is camphor. This substance Used as a component of some drugs.

Photo. Lavr camphor

Required conditions for growing a laurel tree at home

As a decorative room plant, the laurel tree is grown from the 16th century. Lavr - unpretentious plant And it is capable of growing even with a lack of light. But under these conditions, Krone Tree will be weakly dense and less decorative.

While creating ideal conditions To grow a laurel sheet at home, after three years, you can get quite good results. The plant serves as a source of laurel sheet, which is used as a culinary seasoning and component of some drugs.

Location and lighting

The laurel tree is needed multiple, but quite bright light, so it is necessary to place it in the apartment in Western or eastern windows. In the summer, the plant is recommended to be installed on ventilated loggias or balconies. If there is such an opportunity, the pot with a plant for the summer is better to put in a slightly pronted place on the street.

It is not desirable to enter the direct sunlight on the foliage of a laurel, so it's not worth growing it on the southern window. But it is only in the spring-summer season. In winter, when sunlight in the room is not enough, you can move the tree to the southern or south-west window.

Lavra tree loves good lightingBut straight sun rays It is dangerous for him.

Source requirements and capacity for growing

Lavra needs light, breathable soil. At the time of buying finished land It is worth stopping the selection on substrates for palm trees or cacti.

You can prepare the soil yourself by mixing the following components:

  • Garden soil - 3 parts.
  • Humus - 2 parts.
  • Sand - 1 part.

You can plant a bay leaf in any pot: the material of the capacity for growing does not matter. The laurel feels normally in ceramic, plastic pots and wooden cadkeys. The main condition - the volume of dishes should leave a place to develop the roots, but not to be too big that the soil in it does not catch.

Required humidity and temperature

Like anyone tropical plantLavra needs high air temperature and humidity. The temperature of the summer laurel content is acceptable within 20 to 27 degrees. In winter, a reduced temperature is needed. The most comfortable laurel feels at a temperature of 12-15 degrees.

The optimal temperature for the cultivation of the laurel in summer is from 20 to 27 degrees of heat.

Important. Air temperature below plus 5 degrees The plant may not be transferred.

The laurel is demanding of air humidity, so it should not fall below 50-60%. Optimum humidity It is necessary to maintain a regular spraying of the tree, the installation of a pot on a pallet filled with clay and water, arrangement next to the artificial fountain tree. These activities are particularly relevant in the spring-summer period at elevated air temperature.

Watering and feeding plants

Watering a laurel tree is needed regularly in spring and summer. For watering, well-distilled or thawed water room temperature is used. On hot days, the amount of moisture needs to be increased. The soil in the pot must be evenly moistened, but without water stagnation. Therefore, after irrigating the extra moisture from the pallet it is recommended to merge.

In winter, watering is sharply reduced. Moisten the soil only after drying the upper layer to a depth of 4-5 centimeters. If the plant is contained indoors with a temperature below 10 degrees of heat. Watering it in winter is not necessary at all.

Throughout the period of cultivation of Lavra at home, regular feeding is needed. The basis of the fake of the young plant is nourishing substratewhich is updated annually.

Laurel watering mode should be observed: the soil in the pot should always be wet.

Additionally plants feed liquid organic fertilizerswhich are widely represented on sale. Once in 30 days, mineral mixtures are used as feeding. Experienced flowers are recommended to acquire special feeding "LAVR" or compositions designed for feeding palm trees and cacti.

Transplantation Plants

The laurel transfers schedule depends on its age. Young trees transplanted in a new capacity annually. Adult tree Transplant times in 2-3 years. For transplanting, a pot is selected for 5-6 centimeters of the previous one.

The transplant is made by the transshipment method so that the roots are not injured. The plant is taken out of the old pot together with the land, trying not to destroy it, and is placed in a new pot. The remaining space is falling asleep with nutrient soil. After transplantation, the plant must be put in pronted place.

Important. When placed in a new pot, the landing level leave the same as in the previous pot.

Crane formation

The crown of the laurel tree is easily formed by pruning.

The crown of Laurel is easily amenable to formation, so the correct trimming allows you to get a beautiful appearance of the tree. Pruning also stimulates the formation of new shoots, and Krone becomes thick.

With a competent trimming of a laurel tree, you can give the shape of the pyramid, ball or straak. Procedure Trimming is not mandatory. But if it is decided to engage in the formation of the crown, it is necessary to do this from the middle to the end of March or at the end of August early September, until the end of the growing season. The eyes remaining on the plant will have time to develop until winter, and the spring plant will go into active growth.

Low Plant B. stamped form You can get by the following actions:

  • One-year-old seedman is picked up at an altitude of 15 centimeters.
  • After some time, numerous shoots appear on the main stem. Of these, they leave 5-6 pieces.
  • Those who have grown up to 14 centimeters pinch.
  • When appears next ranges Escapes, they again pinch, reflecting up to 14 centimeters. Repetition of the seigns allows you to form a magnificent crown.

Methods of breeding

The laurel tree is multiplied with seed and vegetative ways.

Sowing seeds

Laurel breeding seeds - the most reliable way The preparation of a strong, viable plant, adapted to growing in the context of a particular apartment. Growing in one conditions during the entire period of life of the tree exclude stress for the plant.

Laurela seeds can be found on sale in specialized stores or online stores. The germination of seeds depends on their freshness. Before sowing, seeds must be stratified in the refrigerator for 30 days, and then soaked in water for 3-4 days.

Growing a laurel tree from seeds is the easiest method of obtaining this plant.

Council. Adding to water to soak seeds of epin type growth preparations, increase the speed and energy of germination.

Seeds are sown in the containers filled with any fertile soil. Upper layer The soil with a thickness of 2-3 centimeters, is coarse sand. It is pre-marked in a water bath or calcined in the oven or microwave. Sand - the most favorable environment for germination and development on initial stage Seedlings of the laurel sheet.

Seeds are placed in a moistened substrate to a depth of 1-1.5 centimeters and moisturized from the sprayer. Capacity is covered with a film and set in a warm place. The rapid appearance of the sprouts should not be expected, as the lacolation seeds germinate within 4-6 months. In this regard, sowing is recommended in January so that the appearance of shoots had to be in the most favorable time on temperature and illumination. After the appearance of the first sprouts, the film with a seating container is removed.


Capacity with laurel sprouts are installed in the lightest place of the apartment. The room temperature should not exceed 20 degrees, otherwise the seedlings will stretch. In the phase of two real leaves, seedlings can be planted in separate pots.

You can grow a laurel tree from seedlings.

The height of seedlings at this time is about 8 centimeters.

For them prepare a pot in a diameter of 10 centimeters and filled with soil mixture:

  • Sherry soil - 2 parts.
  • Humus (overwhelmed for at least 2-3 years manure) - 2 parts.
  • Sand - 1 part.
  • Peat - Polfly

After the transplantation plants are placed in the pronted place: direct sunlight during this period should not fall on the plants. After 2 weeks, the transplanted plants are exposed to a lit side concern.

Vegetative breeding methods

If at home or in the apartment of acquaintances grows a bustard of Lavra. You can get new copies using vegetative breeding methods.


For drawing, shoots are used after pruning the plant. The procedure is carried out at the beginning of spring. Billets must have 2-3 kidneys. Escape is cut at an angle of 45 degrees, then bottom leaves Remove. The upper sheets are cut on half the length. The lower cutting cutter is treated with a root formation stimulator. The cuttings prepared in this way are placed in wet sand, perlite or vermiculite.

Lavra tree cuttings are rooted within 1-3 months.

The cuttings can be rooted in any substrate. But only with a neutral acid reaction. The increased acidity of the soil escape will not survive.

The rooting of the cutting occurs within 1-3 months. After the roots of the cutter are fixed, the plant can be planted in a pot.

Division bush

The division of the laurel bush is referred to as the separation from it processes. The procedure is carried out exclusively with a plant aged 3 years and only during the period of rest (from October to March). The separation of processes during the period of active growth of the coasta can destroy it. It is also not worth tearing off the shoots from Lavra under the age of 3 years.

The processes are separated in such a way that part of the cortex of the main tree trunk remains at the bottom. Laurel's processes can be placed in any wet substrate with reduced acidity.

Attention. From one bustle can be separated from no more than 3 processes.

Features of care when damaged diseases and pests

From the pests, the main enemies of the laurel tree are the shields, cute clamps, TLL I. mathematical worms. About the attack on the plant insects testifies white or sticky raid on the leaves falling or yellowing leaves.

The appearance of laurels on the laurel stains talks about the development of the disease.

If the infection can be caught at the very beginning of the appearance of pests, bathing in a soap solution will help to cope with them followed by a tree shower. With a strong infection, it is necessary to spray a laurel insecticide (Aktara, Fufanon, Aktellik, Spark).

In compliance with the rules of departure, the laurel disease is practically not affected, as it is a plant-resistant and fungus plants. The only one of his enemy is the root rot when the soil moisure. When rooting the roots in the laurel, the leaves are black. You can save the plant with the help of antifungal preparation (, gamiir, glyocladin). Before applying a fungicide, the soil in the pot needs to be carefully dried.

Problems of growing and ways to overcome them

Wrong room care is reflected in its appearance:

  • Spotted leaves appears during the excess of moisture. Because of excessive irrigation, the roots start rotting.
  • The yellowing of the leaves is observed with a lack of moisture in the soil and air. Also, the leaves are yellowing when growing a laurel in too dense soil.

To put at home and with success to grow a laurel tree can even start a flower model. A little effort - and the hostess in the kitchen will be a bay leaf for use as a seasoning of its own production.

We offer watch a video on which the flower dealers tells everything about growing a laurel tree at home.

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