How to lay a water pipe in the country with your own hands. Connecting a pumping station to a well

Engineering systems 14.06.2019
Engineering systems

Many are attracted by the idea of ​​​​making a water pipe in the country with their own hands. The advantages of this option for solving the problem of water supply are many - from economic benefits to the ability not to depend on the water supply schedule, to reduce pressure characteristics during peak hours. In addition, it is possible to calculate and build a system that is fully consistent with the layout of the site and takes into account the number and location of consumption points.

The solution to the question "how to conduct plumbing in the country with your own hands" begins with determining the type of source. That is, it is necessary to decide where the water will come from. The easiest option is to build a line from a centralized line, equipping it with a pressure tank for uninterrupted supply and pressure stability, but this solution is not always possible - there may be no common line at all. Own source allows you to create a completely autonomous system.


The traditional option, regularly serving many in countryside, suitable for use in summer cottages.

The advantages of choosing a well are:

  • Registration is not required for construction and operation permits, registration and holding any other events associated with additional troubles.
  • Water from the well can be obtained both using a pumping unit and manually, which is important for those areas where power is often cut off. In addition, this feature increases safety - in the event of a fire in the area, you can get water and put out the fire, even if the wiring is damaged.
  • Building a well is not too difficult, you can do it on your own, even without special skills. It is enough to carefully study the recommendations of experts.
  • If prefabricated heavy building blocks are not used (for example, concrete rings), can be done without the involvement of special equipment.
  • Even using the services of specialists for construction, the price of work will be lower compared to drilling other water sources.

Well Disadvantages:

  • High probability of organic contaminants entering the water (it can be reduced by providing the well with a tight-fitting lid),
  • The need to periodically clean and sanitize the mine (with seasonal use, you will have to do it more often, since water stagnates in an unused well),
  • It is possible to draw water from upper layers, where pollution from the soil surface can get (toxic waste from enterprises, chemical fertilizers, technogenic dust, etc.).
  • Relatively low productivity (about 200 liters per hour).

It should also be noted that the construction of a well is possible only if the aquifer occurs at a depth of less than 15 m.

Well on the sand

When deciding how to make a water supply system in a country house using a sand well, there is also no need to worry about paperwork. The advantages of a sand well are similar to the construction and operation of a traditional well.

  • For you, you can use the services of a specialized company or try to do the work yourself. With a shallow aquifer, you can do without sophisticated equipment.
  • The water from the sandy aquifer has a high content of insoluble impurities - sand or clay, so a reliable filter system is required for the water supply system.

Distinctive features:

  • lower (compared to a conventional well) probability of organic matter getting into the water (mostly water is taken at a depth of 15-30 meters),
  • short service life (about 8 years),
  • depending on the geological features sometimes it is more expedient to put in a new well without much effort (or move equipment) than to clean the source,
  • a sand well is capable of producing an average of 1.5 cubic meters of water per hour.

Artesian well

In this case, it will be possible to conduct water supply at the dacha from the well only after the completion of the work of the drillers. Drilling is permitted only by professionals from specialized companies that have permission for this kind of activity. After drilling, flushing and commissioning of the source, the company will issue a package of documents for an artesian well, and before drilling, a permit must be obtained.


  • water intake from deep aquifers, where pollution from the surface does not get (more than 50 meters),
  • high productivity (sometimes it is economically feasible to install one artesian well in several areas).


  • the need for significant financial investments,
  • high salt content in water.

The photo shows a diagram of the occurrence of aquifers and water intake options

Important: The installation of a filtration system will be required when choosing any type of source. The performance and completeness of the filters is selected based on the composition of the water, which must be determined in a specialized laboratory. The choice of filters is also influenced by how water will be used - sometimes, in addition to cleaning on a common line to protect pipes, plumbing and household appliances, additional filters are installed on the line for the kitchen.

Pump equipment

Do-it-yourself installation of a water supply system in a country house involves the selection and installation of pumping equipment. At this stage, it is important to take into account the nuances different types systems.

  • Both submersible and surface pumps are suitable for wells. When choosing, it is important to remember that they are able to have a destructive effect on the walls of the structure and contribute to the "suspension" of water (fluctuations raise silt from the bottom, separate it from the walls of the mine). To reduce this risk, it is important to follow the manufacturer's installation instructions exactly. In particular, it is usually limited minimum distance from the bottom of the unit to the bottom.
  • Artesian wells are very deep, so a special deep well pump is required to equip them.
  • Sand wells are also commonly used submersible pumps, although in certain cases it is possible to use surface ones.

Units for lifting and transporting water are selected not only by design, but also by technical specifications. Pressure and performance are taken into account. When calculating the required value, not only the depth of the source is taken into account, but also its remoteness from the house, the height difference (with a complex terrain of the site or when installing a water-consuming point on the second floor of the house).

When designing water supply in the country, keep in mind that in some cases it is more efficient than single pumping machines. They represent a whole complex of equipment: in addition to the surface pumping unit, it includes control devices, a pressure switch and a hydraulic accumulator, which optimizes the operation of the pump and ensures stability (consistency of supply and normal pressure) water supply.

At the same time, the pumping station generates more noise than, for example, a submersible pump. It requires placement in a caisson, basement or in a separate heated room to avoid freezing. In addition, there are some restrictions for the installation of such equipment - the distance from the pump to the water surface should not be more than 8 m.

Types of pipes

Since the industry offers big choice water pipes, you should understand the features of each type in order to make the right choice.
Often difficulties and confusion are caused by the characteristics plastic pipes. This is due to the lack of precise wording. Any products made of polymers can be called plastic, but the possibilities and features of operation in different types differ significantly.

  • Polypropylene very popular for internal wiring, has low price and able to withstand high pressure and temperature. Installation of pipes made of this material is carried out by soldering with a special soldering iron, which creates reliable non-separable connections.
  • At polyethylene limit values pressure and maximum temperature lower than polypropylene. But temperature performance is not as important when using pipes for cold water supply, and the ability to withstand pressure plays a role in the installation of extensive systems, including lines for supplying water to fountains, sinks and other consumers requiring high pressure. The advantage of polyethylene is its resistance to negative temperatures and ease of installation through fittings. Therefore, it is HDPE pipes that are most often used to supply water from a source to a house.
  • Cross-linked polyethylene in terms of technical characteristics, it is almost identical to polypropylene. Its feature is the impossibility of connecting elements by welding. How to make water supply in the country from a well or a well in this case? For this, special compression fittings are used.
  • metal-plastic similar to cross-linked polyethylene and has a similar layered structure, however, among its layers there is also aluminum foil reinforcing the structure. Metal-plastic pipes are also not welded, and their advantage is flexibility, which allows pipes to be bent, thereby reducing the number of joints, resistance to high temperature and pressure. They are suitable for cold water, hot water and even for heating.

Advantages of all plastic pipes:

  • not big weight,
  • long service life,
  • smooth surface (salts are not deposited),
  • corrosion resistance,
  • resistance to chemical attack.

Metal pipes are used less and less for pipeline installation, but they are recommended if the line has to be laid under the road (for example, under a car entrance). The main disadvantages of metal pipes are heavy weight, lack of corrosion resistance and complex installation.

Wiring in the house

With several water intake points in the house, the question arises of choosing a wiring diagram.

Scheme of water supply in the country from a well, well or central highway can be serial or collector.

Mounting sequence

In order to organize a water supply system in a country house from a well or a well, according to a preliminary sketch, markings are made for laying communications on the ground. After that, they act as follows.

Features of the winter pipeline

It is generally believed that the summer water supply system differs from the winter pipe laying depth. At the same time, seasonally used communications should be able to drain before the onset of cold weather. On the small areas often resort to ground laying using hoses and portable pumps. In that case, the entire water supply system with the end of summer is easily and quickly dismantled and put away for storage.

It is somewhat more difficult to organize winter water supply in the country on your own, but it is quite possible. It is important to exclude the possibility of freezing of the system (communications and pumping equipment). Winter water supply in the country from the central water supply or autonomous water sources is compliance with the depth of laying pipes(below the level of soil freezing) or their reliable thermal insulation. For reliability, you can combine these precautions.

For autonomous systems, you will also need ensure protection of pumping equipment. Submersible models are not at risk of freezing - they are protected by a layer of water. Surface units are installed in pits or caissons, as well as in special small heated rooms.

When installing winter systems, you can use various ways pipe insulation:

  • foam crumb pouring into the trench,
  • crushed slag,
  • expanded clay,
  • foamed polyethylene,
  • sheet thermal insulation with an additional corrugated casing for pipes.

Can be held winter plumbing in a country house from a well or a well with a heating cable - this is the most efficient solution, but requiring electricity costs.

The photo shows a diagram of a water supply system from a well, which can be operated both in summer and in winter time

Water heating

Water heating is carried out using electric heaters and gas boilers. The latter are cheaper to operate, but require gas, documentation and professional installation. Electrical Models easier and more compact. You can easily install them yourself. According to the principle of operation, there are heaters. The type of unit and its performance are selected based on the volume of water consumption.

For permanent residence, you can consider installing a double-circuit gas boiler, which provides both home heating and hot water supply.


The features of laying the outer part of the water pipe are described in the video.

In urban areas, when amenities are at hand, people think little about their value. But getting to the countryside and faced with a lack of water where it is vital, almost all summer residents decide to conduct a country water supply. And if before it was enough, then today and Vacation home can be as convenient as city ​​apartment. From now on, you won’t have to carry water in buckets. A pump allows you to get water from any depth, and a pipe system will deliver life-giving moisture to the house and garden beds. It remains only to make plumbing in the country with their own hands.

Country water supply device

System country water supply, allowing the summer resident to enjoy all the benefits of modern civilization, consists of the following equipment:

  • pipeline with a set of fittings and valves;
  • equipment for pressure control in the system;
  • protected electrical system;
  • filters for cleaning the water coming from the source;
  • water heater.

The complexity of the water supply system in the country and the composition of the equipment included in it are influenced not only by the wishes and needs of the owner of the site, but also by the features of the relief, the existing or planned source of water, and many other factors.

Centralized water supply

If there is a centralized water supply network with sufficient pressure near the site, then arranging a water supply system in the country will not be difficult. The summer resident will have to carry out external and internal wiring of the pipeline and connect it to the highway. If the pressure is insufficient, you will need to purchase additional pumps or look for another source of water.

Mine well at their summer cottage

If the depth of water in the area does not exceed 10 meters, a well can be used as a source.

  • The advantages of the design are the simplicity and relative cheapness of the source, the ability to service it independently.
  • The disadvantage of the well is the limited volume of water consumption.

Before conducting water supply in a country house from a well, you need to find out exactly whether the amount of water given to them will be enough.

If the volume is sufficient, then with a depth of up to 8, you can install a relatively cheap and easy to maintain surface pump.

Source - water well

In areas where groundwater is below 10 meters, it is better for the owner to think about drilling a well. For a country water supply system, the supply of which comes from a well, a submersible pump or a more powerful complex pumping station is purchased. And although this option turns out to be somewhat more expensive, the solution will pay off many times over, and the well will uninterruptedly supply the family for many years at any time of the year.

Depending on the depth of the source, water is delivered using the following equipment:

  • Surface pump, used at a depth of less than 8 meters;
  • Submersible pump that maintains pressure at a depth of up to 20 meters;
  • Modern pumping station.

Do-it-yourself seasonal water supply in the country

It is easier to make summer water supply, which can be used without unnecessary labor and problems in the midst of the garden season. This design can be collapsible or stationary.

In this case, the laying of pipes or hoses can be done in two ways:

  1. The pipeline runs along the surface of the soil. Undoubted advantage such a decision can be considered quick installation and subsequent dismantling at the end of the season. The disadvantage of the system is the risk of colliding with frequent breakdowns.
    When laying a pipeline, they take into account the possibility of obtaining water at all points of the site, without experiencing problems with movement. The main purpose of such a country water supply is watering plants, so it is often made from watering hoses, connecting them together with steel or plastic adapters. At the end of the season, the water is drained, the water supply is dismantled, and the pump is removed.
  2. Pipes are laid in the ground at a shallow depth, while only cranes are brought to the surface. Such a country water supply is more reliable, it does not interfere with the use of a summer cottage, and if necessary, it can be quickly repaired or dismantled. In order for the water supply in the country to serve for a long time, with the onset of cold weather, water must be drained from the pipes.
    To do this, during installation, a slight slope must be provided. A valve is provided at the lowest point so that when the water freezes, it does not break the pipeline. For underground laying, hoses are not used. Plastic pipes will be appropriate here. trenches for summer plumbing depth may not exceed 1 meter.

Features of the arrangement of water supply in the country in winter

If the water supply is supposed to be used not only in summer, but also in the cold season, then its arrangement will have to be taken much more seriously. Such a water supply system in the country has a capital, workable throughout the year scheme and requires mandatory insulation from the source and almost to the boiler.

What is the best way to make plumbing?

Today there are two worthy options:

  1. Polypropylene pipes. They are quite expensive, for their installation you will need a special soldering iron. But in this case, you can save on fittings. The joints are reliable and will not fail in any operating conditions.
  2. Polyethylene pipes. At a lower cost of the material itself, you will have to spend money when buying accessories for assembling the system. Joints can leak with temperature changes.

Metal pipelines are quite rare today due to their low resistance to corrosion.

Video tips about right choice pipes:

So that the water supply in the country house does not fail in winter due to freezing, it is insulated, for example, using foamed polyethylene.

If it is necessary to operate the water supply system in the country in winter, then it is necessary to insulate not only the pipeline, but also the water source.

The well is insulated for the winter and, if possible, covered with falling snow. When installing a surface pump, be sure to equip an insulated pit for the installation of pumping equipment. For use in winter conditions they insulate not only the water supply, but also the system where the drain is connected.

Country water supply scheme

It is better if the laying of the water supply is taken into account already at the design stage. But if this did not happen, do not neglect all the necessary procedures. First, measurements of the area are carried out, the passage of future communications is marked, water needs are clarified, and a drawing of the layout of pipes and mechanisms is made. Based on this, you can calculate the need for equipment and make its purchase. Preferred here is durable plumbing from polypropylene pipes, which are simply attached to all surfaces and even sewn into the thickness of the walls without fear.

The scheme of the country water supply must certainly take into account the necessary slope to the well or well.

In areas where the ground freezes significantly in winter, the pipeline is laid at least 20 cm below this level.

Installation of country water supply

First, all earthworks are carried out, breaking through a trench from the source to entering the pipe into the house. A submersible pump is lowered into a well or well, surface or mounted in the immediate vicinity of the source in an insulated recess, or, like a pumping station, is mounted in a residential building or other heated room.

To power the pumping equipment and the battery, it is better to lay a protected cable. When installing both summer and winter country water supply, the safety of the electrical network is mandatory, so you can not do without sealed connectors and waterproof grounded sockets.

Before input water pipe an emergency locking device is installed in the house. When the functioning of the country water supply is checked, the trenches are dug in and proceed to the arrangement of the pipeline inside the house.

Internal plumbing

To make the use of water supply as comfortable as possible, you can not do without providing hot water. This can be ensured with the help of electric or gas appliances of a flow or storage type. In country conditions, it is more reasonable to use an electric storage water heater, having previously calculated the needs of the family and selected the appropriate tank capacity.

Plumbing from polypropylene pipes, due to the high performance properties of this material, will not soon require repair. The pipes are easy to install, resistant to temperature extremes, and the joints do not lose their tightness even on frosty days.

If it is planned to install a boiler in the country water supply system, then it is more correct to start the installation with expansion tank and water heating equipment.

When organizing a suburban water supply, it is imperative to take care of the purity and safety of water. To do this, a sample from the source must be submitted for analysis, according to the results of which a multi-stage filtration system is installed.

How do water supply in the country (video)

There is no need to convince anyone that running water in the country is necessary. This is so obvious. And therefore, we will immediately dwell in more detail on how to make plumbing in the country with our own hands, taking into account its operation in different time of the year.

First of all, you need to choose a source of water. The cheapest and in a simple way providing fresh water to the cottage is the construction of a well. It may have different depths. It all depends on the depth ground water. Basically, it does not exceed fifteen meters, and therefore the construction of a well costs minimal cost. However, such a structure provides small volumes of water (up to 200 liters per hour), besides, it contains a variety of impurities (nitrates, heavy metals, bacteria).

Wells and wells: what you need to know

Well device diagram

A more acceptable option is the construction of a sand well, the depth of which, depending on the aquifer, can be from 15 to 30 meters.

Such a structure per hour can give approximately 1.5 cubic meters water, which is enough for a small house.

What is better a well or a well?

The drilling of a sand well is carried out by the auger method - the rock is extracted to the surface. This usually takes 3 to 5 days. However, the sandy aquifer contains a lot of clay and sand, and therefore, in this case, filtration equipment will be needed.

Depending on local conditions, the source of water can be:

  • local water supply network;
  • water from the river near the cottage;
  • open reservoir of natural or artificial origin;
  • well;
  • well.

Let's characterize each of these sources in more detail.

Water pipes

Operating stationary water supply is far from uncommon in already established dacha cooperatives and horticultural associations. Yes, and new elite summer cottages often can get water from the city or village water supply network. The owners of such dachas can only connect to the laid pipes and enjoy all the benefits of a civilized water supply.

Permanent water supply makes it possible to do without storage tanks, additional pumps and due to this, decently save on electricity. Unfortunately, even in our time, in areas remote from large cities, the presence of such a water supply is an unrealizable desire. Therefore, you have to independently equip the summer water supply in the country.

Water supply from the river

In places where the river is not poisoned by runoff, industrial and domestic discharges and the environmental situation is favorable - river water can be used not only for watering plants, but also for cooking. For dirty water there are modern filters and installations that can purify it to drinkable.

Plumbing from a spring or pond

Spring water is a source of vital energy. Such a water supply to the cottage is a real treasure. With a sufficiently large debit of water, the spring can become the source of a small man-made lake. Such water is equated to river water and can serve to meet summer needs.


It is easiest to make a water supply system in a country house from a well with your own hands - this is the most common option for water intake in the villages. As a rule, it is dug by hand, to a relatively shallow depth. The well is fed by upper groundwater (perch water), so its water regime depends on the amount of precipitation.

In arid regions, the depth can reach more than one and a half dozen meters, but today, under such circumstances, it is more economical to drill and equip a water well. Well water is not always drinkable and must then also be filtered, boiled, or disinfected by other methods.

In places remote from civilization, in ecologically safe areas, the water in the wells is especially clean, and its quality is comparable to spring water. In such places, well water can be safely drunk and used in cooking without further purification.


This is the only possible source of water supply in places with a poor environmental background and in arid regions. The drilling rig is able to reach the deepest aquifer located in the artesian calcareous soil horizon. Often, artesian wells give such a pressure of water that there is no need for an additional booster pump.

Types of summer water supply

Modern technologies provide an extensive selection of materials and methods for creating a summer water supply. Water in the country can be supplied using permanent (stationary) communications or collapsible (temporary).

Portable (temporary) water supply from polyethylene pipes

Making a collapsible water supply in the country with your own hands is very simple. It is quite capable of satisfying the needs of its owners. For this option, thick-walled PE (polyethylene) pipes are used, connected by a collet threaded fitting.

The main advantage of PE pipes is their low cost. Main disadvantage such a system is an expensive connecting fitting. In addition, the tightness of the joints can be violated with any shifts in the pipes. So polyethylene pipes for the summer they are laid in shallow grooves, which can be covered with suitable boards. For distributing water supply in a house, a PE pipe is inconvenient and is usually not used there.

Stationary water supply from polypropylene pipes

Unlike collapsible, non-collapsible water supply is assembled from PP (polypropylene) pipes, which are tightly soldered into a single system using a special soldering tool. Polypropylene plastic pipes for water supply in the country are somewhat more expensive than polyethylene, but the cost of this fitting is a very small fraction of the total cost of creating a pipeline. Because PP plumbing is stationary system- to protect against frost, it is dug into the ground below the freezing level (at least 30 cm deep for a water supply system operated in winter in the Moscow region). If necessary, they are additionally insulated with foam, cotton wool, polyprene, or any other suitable insulation.

Important! If the operation of the water supply system is not provided for in winter, the insulation will not protect the water in the pipes from freezing. The only protection in this case is a sufficiently deep pipe laying (see table).

Hose surface water supply for irrigation

When the owners come to the dacha quite rarely, and the summer water supply is used mainly for watering plants, a thick one can play its role. garden hose, connected to any convenient storage tank - a barrel, for example, or directly to well pump. The hose on the reel is quickly unrolled for use, and just as easily reeled up after the end of the job.

Pump and filters for water supply in the country

When planning water supply in the country with your own hands, it should be borne in mind that it is based on the use of external (vacuum) or submersible (vibration, rotary) pumps. The vacuum pump is located above ground level, which allows you to install it right in the house.

The power of the pump is determined by its performance. According to the laws of physics, any vacuum pump, regardless of motor power, raises water to a height of no more than 10 m. Therefore, this option is not applicable for deep wells and wells.

Submerged rotary and vibration pumps.

Unlike rotary, vibration pumps are characterized by a simple design, high maintainability and a much lower price. However, due to the transmission of vibration to the water, they contribute to rapid siltation water source.

Multi-stage rotary rotary turbopumps are the best in terms of performance and head of water. The dimensions of such mechanisms are associated with a diameter casing pipes water wells, so they are most often used for individual water supply. Rotary pumps are more expensive than vibration pumps and consume more electricity.

Organizing water supply in the country with your own hands is only half the battle. The water can be used for irrigation, handwashing and technical use. But, for the preparation of drinks and food, the water must be further purified. During filtration, all mechanical impurities are removed from the water, its salt composition is brought into line with SES requirements. If the water does not pass the test for bacteriological content - such water can be consumed only after boiling.

Reducing water hardness has a beneficial effect on the performance of irrigation systems. When using soft water, nozzles and drippers do not become clogged with deposits and do not require cleaning for several years.

Preparing summer plumbing for winter

Freezing water during winter frosts can even break metal pipe. Therefore, summer country water supply is usually dismantled, cleaned, washed, dried and put away for storage in a barn or utility block. The exception is soldered plumbing from polypropylene pipes laid below the freezing line of the surface.

If the terrain allows - you can organize the slope of all sections of the water supply to one point to drain the water. When making plumbing with your own hands, it is important to take into account that water intake from an open reservoir (pond, river, reservoir on the territory of the site, well) must be carried out below the maximum allowable ice thickness. I.e

Pipes for stationary water supply must be laid according to the scheme below, and must be insulated from water with a waterproof material. The leveling layer under the pipe must be at least 50 mm and carefully compacted to prevent subsidence. After laying the pipe, it is covered with sand or gravel 2-3 cm from the bottom of the trench, including the leveling layer. The total height of the trench (indicated by H in the diagram) must be at least 0.5 meters.

If winter operation is not expected, submersible pumps are taken out of the wells to the surface, dried, cleaned of sand and plaque. Inspection required is carried out Maintenance and conservation with a special lubricant. The conservation process is always described in detail in the instruction manual for the specific product.


Since the water supply conditions of various suburban areas are very different, then a single universal prescription to create a water pipe does not exist. But now you know how to make plumbing in the country with your own hands, and you can easily solve this issue in an accessible way.

A well for water in the country is the main condition for the normal life of the site, housekeeping and the comfort of vacationers. We devoted this article to a story about how to establish water supply in a country house from a well with our own hands.

Water supply of the suburban area

System Composition

To forge quality water supply country house and personal plot, it is necessary to solve a set of problems. First of all, you should consider the configuration of the system and determine what elements it will include.

We want to present a standard system for today, which consists of several main nodes. The following table lists these nodes with a description:

Knot Compound Purpose and requirements
Water source Well, open spring or well The source must provide the volume of water of satisfactory quality necessary for farming
Water lifting equipment Submersible or surface pump, pumping station The pump must be powerful enough to lift water from the depth and deliver it to the end user, while providing the necessary pressure and performance.
External pipeline Water supply pipe to the house, water supply system for irrigation and technical needs Must ensure reliable passage of the calculated amount of water without leakage and pollution from the well to the house, as well as deliver water to the irrigation system
Storage capacity and automation Pressure tank, pressure switch with switch and pump start switch Ensuring the necessary pressure, protection of pumping equipment from frequent starts
Filtration system Coarse filter, fine filter Filtration of water to ensure the normal operation of equipment and plumbing, purification of water for drinking
Internal piping Collector or serial piping from the gyroaccumulator to each point of water consumption, fittings and plumbing equipment Distribution of water between points of consumption within the house
heating system electric boiler, geyser, boiler Heating water for hygiene needs, washing dishes and laundry, as well as for the needs of the heating system (optional)

When designing a water supply system, you must immediately take into account and calculate the drainage and treatment system.
Sewerage in summer cottages most often consists of discharge pipes and a septic tank system, sometimes they get by with a storage collector, which periodically cleans the sewer.

Previously, dacha cooperatives sometimes made an amelioration water supply system for plots, in which there was a pumping station and a surface pipeline that supplies water from a source to consumers. As a rule, a reservoir served as a source, and it was impossible to drink such water. In addition, the design assumed only summer use.

The water supply scheme we have considered at the dacha from the well assumes year-round uninterrupted water supply drinking quality not only for irrigation and household needs, but also to ensure the normal life of the whole house for the city. It will allow you to use the bathroom, bathroom, kitchen sink, washing machine and other amenities.


The most important and significant node is the source of water supply.

There may be several options here:

  • Well . The most common and traditional source outside the city, it is distinguished by convenience, independence from the power supply and sufficient quality water, however, has a limited performance margin;
  • Spring. If you are a happy owner of a spring on or near the site, then you can power the supply system from it. Differs in water of high quality and degree of purification, as well as good performance and an almost inexhaustible supply;
  • Well on the sand. A shallow well or Abyssinian needle. It is similar in characteristics to a well, but less convenient and depends on the availability of electricity if there is no mechanical pump;
  • Artesian well. The highest quality source of water, the purity of which is unrivaled. Distinctive features are the high price of works and equipment, a good resource and high quality of raw materials, the need for permits and legal responsibility for the condition of the facility.

If you got a well from the previous owners of the site, you can use it. Find out from your neighbors what the quality of the water in their wells is, whether it is constantly available or disappears depending on the season and weather conditions, and after that feel free to proceed with the installation of the remaining nodes.

The well is convenient in that you can always get water with a simple bucket on a rope, regardless of pipeline or pumping equipment breakdowns, power outages and other circumstances.

A spring on the site is such a rare success that we will not consider this option. We consider that we were unlucky, and there is no spring nearby.

A sand well is the most acceptable type of well, as it does not require a too deep shaft and can be made by hand. As a rule, the bottomhole depth of such a well is from 10 to 35 meters, sometimes it is necessary to go down to 50 meters.

If the groundwater level in your area is high, then you can make an Abyssinian source - a pipe with a needle and which is driven into the ground to the water level.

An artesian well costs a lot of money. In addition, you will need to formalize it, having previously obtained permission from Rospotrebnadzor and the territorial Center for State Monitoring of the Subsoil Condition, since artesian water belongs to strategic reserves and is protected by the state.

For the same reason, you will be responsible for the misuse of the well and the contamination of the aquifer.

If your site is less than 60x60 m, then you can only get permission as an exception, and if it is less than 30x30 meters, then you will not see an artesian well.

Pump equipment

You will need a pump to lift water from the depth and supply it to the storage tank.

There are two types of well pumps:

  1. Submersible or deep. They are located at a depth under the water column and are able to provide its rise to a height of up to 150 meters, depending on the power;
  2. Surface. They are located on the surface and are able to raise water by a maximum of 8 meters, with an external ejector - up to 45 meters.

Deep units are considered more reliable and of high quality, however, they are more expensive. In addition, they are absolutely silent for the residents of the house, as they are located under water. The disadvantage is difficult maintenance and repair, the need for power supply to the well.

Surface pumps are relevant for shallow wells and wells located near the house. Now the most popular pumping stations are equipped with a hydraulic accumulator and automatic start / shutdown of the pump, depending on the pressure in the system. They are characterized by lower performance and noise problem, especially when installed inside the house.

System installation

It will take a lot of time and effort to independently establish water supply to the dacha from the well.

Our instructions will help you not to make mistakes and build the work correctly:

  1. First, you need to carry out earthworks and dig a trench at least 1.5 meters deep from the house to the water source. An insulated caisson should be equipped around the head of the well so that water does not rise above the freezing level;

  1. Then you should install the pump and adjust its operation, make a test run and pump the well;

  1. After installing the deep pump, the vertical pipe is led into the caisson, if the pump is surface, its outlet pipe is simply left untouched. In a trench on a sand cushion, a water supply pipe is laid, which is connected to a vertical pipe or pump outlet through an elbow or fitting;

  1. In the basement of the house, a hydraulic accumulator is installed for 60 - 200 liters, which is connected to a water supply pipe. A starter is also assembled nearby, which feeds the pump with electricity, the starter is powered through a pressure switch that controls the pressure in the accumulator tank using a pressure gauge. The hydraulic accumulator is connected to the collector internal system water supply;

  1. From the collector, pipes are routed to a water-heating boiler, bathtub, kitchen sink, toilet bowl, washstands and draw a conclusion for irrigation. Supply pipes run from the boiler hot water to the bath, sink and washstand;

  1. They start the pump and fill it, check the operation of the automatic start-up and shutdown system, the integrity and tightness of the pipes, the operation of the plumbing and the performance of the system. With all open taps, there should be normal pressure;

  1. If the test was successful, the trench is buried, having previously sealed the place where the pipe enters the well and the house.
  2. Excellent article 0

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