Picnic food: what to take. Holidays in nature

Encyclopedia of Plants 21.10.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Spring and summer are the time for long gatherings in nature. What could be better than getting together with loved ones, going to a lake, a park, a forest, where everyone can rest their body and soul.

In order for a picnic to bring only pleasure, you need to prepare for it in advance: we advise you to decide what products to take, as well as make a list of dishes for cooking.

Note! According to the season of the planned picnic - products may vary. If in the summer it is more relevant to take fresh vegetables, then in the spring it is better to give preference to pre-cooked snacks.

Depending on who the picnic will be held with, there may be various ideas about food. If this is a festive event, then preference is given to simple but hearty dishes.

Do not put ready-made salads on elegant plates - the best option will be the use of plastic containers or purchased disposable containers: they can also beautifully decorate snacks.

Children's picnic Event with friends Romantic picnic with a girl
Main dishes baked chicken fillet in the oven Pork or beef skewers cooked on the spot Chicken breast skewers - low-fat and satisfying at the same time
Salads Fruit salad with yogurt Light salad of cabbage, cucumbers and radishes Salo from tomatoes, cheese, crab sticks
Snacks Cheese balls on animal shaped cookies Lavash rolls with cheese and garlic Small sandwiches or canapes based on hard cheese, greens
Beverages natural juices Weak alcohol, mineral water, juices Wine, mineral water, juice
Sweet Light puff buns with fruits Chocolate-Free Cookies That Can't Melt Fresh fruits: bananas, oranges, mangoes

In addition, you can additionally take home-made sauces with you. It is appropriate to use them both at a picnic with children and with adults. Mild sour cream sauces are relevant for kids, other options are suitable for friends: mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup.

You can mix these ingredients, put greens, garlic, getting an original addition to meat dishes and barbecue.

Holiday picnic menu

It happens that you can celebrate your birthday in nature, especially if the weather favors it. Going on a picnic with a company by car, it becomes possible to take a lot of dishes prepared at home.

Some holiday options from the menu:

  1. Sausages - they can be fried on a fire while the barbecue is cooking.
  2. Fresh vegetables - tomatoes, cucumbers, bell pepper, radish - you can cut all this in nature, the main thing is not to forget the knife.
  3. Sliced ​​meat, dairy products: sausage, ham, cheese.
  4. Olives and olives - they are always held in high esteem by children, in addition, they can be added to any salad.
  5. Homemade pickles - suitable for a festive barbecue picnic in the spring.
  6. Salad leaves filled with any filling: garlic with melted cheese, smoked chicken with a boiled egg, cheese with herbs and even sprats.
  7. Mushrooms are a proven snack option that goes well with fried meat. They can be grilled or simply marinated.
  8. Vegetables on skewers, alternating with hard cheese - an appetizer that looks beautiful and does not deteriorate in the heat.

Among drinks, they usually prefer to take juices and mineral water. You should not take sweet sparkling water, it makes you want to drink even more.

Often picnics involve the presence of alcohol, especially when a group of friends gathers. In this case, it is worth taking cider, beer or wine for a picnic. Such drinks will not cause discomfort in hot weather.

Important! It is best to cool alcohol at home or take cold accumulators with you in a special bag. Thus, drinks will retain their taste for a long time, they will be able to invigorate the body.

At a festive picnic, it is better to leave the work with barbecue to men - they definitely know a lot about cooking meat. The task of women is to marinate the product well the evening before.

One of the popular options is a mixture of mayonnaise and ketchup, or sour cream, tomato. This marinade is suitable for pork, while chicken is more tender, so a different approach is needed here.

Take vegetable oil, a head of garlic, seasonings, a bunch of greens. Grind greens and garlic, add chopped chicken fillet in an amount of 2 kg. Fill everything with oil, season.

Simple and affordable salads and picnic snacks

Difficulties in cooking at a picnic are useless, main criterion dishes - simplicity. You can cut the products at home, put them together, and mix them with sauce or dressing in nature. With snacks, the situation is different: they must have an attractive appearance, so most often they have to be prepared at home.

The most popular dishes are those based on vegetables. Salads from meat products, smoked meats, seafood are at risk of being spoiled when temperature conditions rise.

You can cook the following dishes:

  • Radish salad.
  • Salad of roasted bell peppers.
  • Fruit salad.
  • Courgette paste.
  • Eggplant rolls.
  • Potato slices.

Everyone knows how you want to eat while waiting for meat grilled on coals. Its delicate aroma spreads throughout the forest, and pictures of appetizing and juicy shish kebab pieces are drawn in my head.

To satisfy your hunger, you can have a snack with salads. Cut the radish into slices, add chopped green onion, grated carrots, boiled egg and mayonnaise sauce delicious salad ready!

Bake bell pepper, cut it into strips, add tomatoes, herbs. Fill the dish with vegetable oil - get an excellent light salad. You can also do with fresh fruits, after cutting them at home, seasoning with sour cream and sugar already in nature.

Choose snacks according to your taste and planned budget. If going big company- you can always entrust everyone to cook something special. Do not forget about two rules: dishes should be easy to prepare and satisfying.

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Summer is the time for vacations, rest and relaxation, a warm time when you can go to the sea, mountains or forests. If you do not have the opportunity right now to pack your suitcase and go to the resort, why not have a little picnic in nature leaving the city limits?

It is not surprising that the first picnics appeared during the time of the ancient Romans, and still exist. The European aristocracy loved to go on picnics and often combined them with hunting.

The inhabitants of each large or small town certainly know the places where you can relax from the bustle of the city, cook delicious food grill, take a walk in the woods or swim in a lake or river. If you are planning a picnic in nature, perhaps our helpful tips will help you.

Picnic in nature: what to take on a picnic?

Picnic fees - troublesome business. Who did not catch themselves thinking about taking everything they needed, and upon arrival at the place, found out that this important, it turns out, left at home. For example, many people forget such important things as matches, salt, knives.

In order not to get into a similar situation, make a habit of yourself every time before a trip or hike write a list of what to take with you especially focusing on the most important things. Referring to the list, neatly stack all things.

The list could be as follows:

- Knives(better a few and better if they are well sharpened in advance)

- Opener/corkscrew

- Cutting board(Better plastic and light, you can have several, if a lot of people, so that several people cut food)

- Tableware(usually for a picnic they use a disposable or plastic utensils that does not break and is easy to transport)

- Forks / iron tongs / spatulas(Take at least one iron fork or tongs with you in order to turn some dishes during frying or check their doneness. It is more convenient to remove vegetables or meat from the grill with iron accessories, rather than plastic forks)

- Napkins and towels

- Brazier(Folding braziers are a handy invention that will help you cook food on the grill and will not pose a fire hazard like regular fires. It is much easier to place skewers and nets on the brazier than to look for any frying devices in the forest)

- Skewers, nets(Indispensable if you are grilling)

- Bedding, bedspread, pillow or rug(In summer, the ground usually warms up well, but it's better to play it safe and use extra bedding to keep warm)

- Disposable tablecloths or oilcloths(Convenient for placing dishes on them)

- Folding furniture(Useful if you don't like to sit on the ground)

- Garbage bags(Optional: you can put the garbage in the empty grocery bags)

- Matches/lighters

- Coals or firewood(Optional if you will not make a fire, and also if you go to the forest - dry firewood is usually enough there)

- Hatchet or saw(for chopping wood)

- Paper or means to light a fire more easily(With the help of old newspapers, it is much easier to light a fire in a fire)

- Jar of salt/pepper(These spices are indispensable, especially if you are grilling something or eating fresh vegetables. Salt is most often forgotten)

- Spray or ointment against mosquitoes and other insects(May come in handy in the evening when flying vampires are especially bloodthirsty)

- Sun protection(If you go to the forest, where there is enough shade, sunscreen, glasses, hats, umbrellas are not necessary to take, however, on the banks of a river or lake, these things may come in handy)

- Mini first aid kit(Absolutely! Many people forget or do not want to take medicines with them, in particular, iodine and bandage, although in nature these things can come in handy. If you are driving, the driver usually has a first aid kit. Check its contents in advance and supplement if something is missing)

- Games(Think about how you will entertain yourself in nature in advance. If you take children, be sure to think about what to do with them, otherwise the children will seek their own adventures and may get into trouble. For example, take balls, toys, badminton or other accessories for outdoor games)

- technical water(Useful for washing hands if there is no nearby body of water)

- Soap, antibacterial liquid or wet wipes(Soap can be taken liquid in a small bottle)

- Warm clothes(Outside the city, where there is no asphalt and concrete, the temperature is usually somewhat lower than in the city, so warm clothes can come in handy, especially if you plan to stay on a picnic until late in the evening)

Picnic furniture

Picnic Furniture - a highly indispensable thing. You can sit right on the grass or sand on the bedspread and it is not necessary to take chairs and a table with you. Of course, it is much more convenient to sit at a small table.

First of all comes to mind folding furniture. When choosing it, remember three important things: it must be durable, easy to fold and unfold, and be comfortable to use. To do this, when buying, you should carefully check all fasteners, spread out the chairs, determine whether it is comfortable for you to sit on them. Here are some examples of picnic furniture:

Original set of picnic furniture: chairs and a table in one suitcase:

Ordinary folding chairs with an iron base and rag seats.

By the way, these folding chairs can be found with additional pockets for a bottle and personal items:

If you're lucky, you can find such a chair without legs, but with a comfortable back:

original idea- a table-suitcase built into the bike:

Instead of a chair, for example, you can use a hammock by strengthening it between the trees:

picnic utensils

An important detail for a picnic - tableware in which the products will be transported. They must not hesitate along the way, maintain a fresh look and smell. It is better to put each product in a separate small container- sausage, cheese, vegetables.

You can cook some meals at home, and then take them with you if kebabs in nature do not appear in your plans. To keep the product, on the contrary, warm, you can use ordinary foil or special thick foil containers.

If it is very hot outside, and it is far enough to go to the picnic place, you can build homemade fridge bag, shifting food containers with bottles of pre-frozen water.

Sandwiches with butter, sausage and cheese can easily go bad in the heat. They should not be wrapped in plastic bags, but in parchment paper and then foil. In the supermarket, you can even find special paper that does not tend to get soaked with grease.

Picnic utensils are usually chosen to be non-breakable and easy to transport. Ingenious invention - disposable tableware made of plastic or cardboard, which does not need to be washed, which does not break and does not take up much space.

As it turned out, not everyone loves such dishes, since they are quite fragile, quickly break in the hand, bend easily and does not allow you to keep a lot of things on a plate. Moreover, it can even melt if you keep something hot in it. Therefore, you can use hard plastic or even iron plates.

Useful little things for a picnic

We offer you some original picnic ideas that will make your vacation much more comfortable:

1. Refrigeration of beverage bottles at times a big problem in nature, but not where there are bodies of water. For example, you can use children's inflatable sleeves and ropes to keep the bottles in the water and not let them get hot:

2. Fruit basket from a cardboard plate. Don't want to bring bulky fruit bowls with you? You can make comfortable and roomy containers for fruits. Take one cardboard disposable plate, cut about 1 centimeter from the edge, and then draw a square in the central part with a pencil and a ruler.

Do four notches as shown, then lift the edges up and secure with paper clips. Seal the edges with double tape or glue to make a box. Glue colored tape around the perimeter so that the box holds and does not fall apart.

3. Afraid to keep food on the ground so as not to attract a large number of insects? Use umbrella hanging on a tree branch, in which you can put products:

4. Homemade picnic tent. Great idea for those who wish to hide from the sun. In order to hang a light curtain, you can use a plastic circle and ropes or clothespins. Hang the circle on a tree branch, and attach the curtain to the circle.

5. Original idea to prepare portion boxes with products for each picnic participant, for example, if you go for a walk in the forest or on the beach. In order not to get food and share it on the spot, you can simply make such blanks like "rations":

6. Cup holder. Do not like to drink drinks from plastic disposable cups? You can take a small glass cup for a picnic and make such an unusual holder for it from thick wire and a wooden skewer:

7. Napkin for storing cutlery. This original thing You can sew with your own hands from scraps of cotton fabric. For work you will need:

- A rectangular piece of material (several pieces of different colors are possible)


Satin ribbon



Sewing machine

- Threads

Let's get to work:

1) Finish a piece of fabric around the edge and fold three quarters as shown in the picture, this will be the envelope for your appliances.

2) Pre-sew to the top edge lace ribbon.

3) From one edge inside the envelope, sew satin ribbon folded in half.

4) Sew the edges on sewing machine to get like this envelope:

5) Attach to the envelope the devices that you are going to store in it and mark the borders so that you can do matching pockets.

6) Sew on a typewriter smooth vertical lines of pockets.

Your picnic napkin bag is ready! It can be tied into a roll.

8. So that your cover on which you will sit does not become damp from damp earth, lay an oilcloth under it. This is especially important if it has only recently rained and the earth and grass have not yet had time to dry.

9. To transport and carry glass bottles, can wrap them in a kitchen towel like this:

10. To prevent insects from getting into your drinks, glasses can be cover like this:

11. Disposable packaging may not always be disposable. For example, egg packaging perfect for a picnic:

12. From an ordinary large sieve, you can make something like this tent from flies and other insects, which are enough in nature:

Picnic area: where to have a picnic?

A place for a picnic, of course, I want to choose cozy, clean, away from the highway, noise and bustle of the city. If possible, head out of town first to find such a place if you have nothing in mind. You can ask friends and acquaintances where they usually relax.

Sometimes within the city there are special places in parks and near lakes, where you can make barbecue and relax, but usually such places attract large crowds of people, and the noisy fun of the neighbors can be annoying. The best option would be to find your secluded place outside the city limits where you could visit more than once.

Inhabitants major cities often complain that good places for picnics have long been known so a lot of people want to go there. Then you will have to take a seat in advance (for example, arrive early in the morning).

You can have a picnic even within the city on the roof of your apartment building! If you do not have the opportunity to go out of town, why not go up to the roof? By the way, some beach lovers even sunbathe on the roofs.

Picnic menu

No picnic does not do without food and drink: after all, you will spend more than one hour in nature, so about delicious menu, of course, it is worth taking care in advance. Find out in advance what each of the participants of the banquet prefers. If the company is large, agree on who will take with them, who will cook what dishes.

If you have little time to pack, you can of course take raw vegetables, greens, bread, cuts (sausage, cheese, cheese), as well as marinated meat from the store. However, there are hundreds of recipes for wonderful dishes, partially cooked at home which will be perfectly absorbed in nature.

The most popular picnic dishes and products:

2) Grilled fish

3) Grilled vegetables and mushrooms

4) Fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits

5) Sandwiches

6) Cookies and pastries

8) Potato baked in a fire

9) Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks

Dishes for a picnic in nature

Many of you are most likely roasting at picnics exclusively kebabs or other meat dishes, however, there are many other delicious and healthy meals Grilled. For example, they are very tasty grilled vegetables. AT summer time these vegetables abound: zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes, Bell pepper as well as mushrooms.

You can take a little of these vegetables and fry the pieces of vegetables between the frying of the meat. Vegetables make a great side dish for barbecues.


Champignon mushrooms should be marinated beforehand. Take 0.5 kg of champignons, wash and dry them, place them in a regular plastic bag without holes (preferably in several bags), then pour in 1/4 cup soy sauce, 1/4 cup olive oil add some pepper to taste. Then tie the bag tightly and mix the contents well. Place in the refrigerator overnight.

sweet peppers place immediately after cooking in a plastic bag for 5 minutes so that the skin comes off easily. Tomatoes on the grill, they cook quickly enough, they can be cut into 2 halves, or put whole over the coals. After cooking, they acquire a rich sweet taste.

You can put vegetables on the grill, or you can thread the pieces onto the skewers like barbecues. Also, sometimes vegetables, cut into pieces and oiled, are wrapped in foil in portions, then, as it were, baked over coals. The main thing here is to endure right amount time for everything to cook through. Don't worry if the vegetables are a little crunchy. If you like soft vegetables, keep them longer.

Potato often taken with them to bake in a fire, however, together with fatty meat, it may seem too heavy. It can be offered to cook for vegetarians who do not eat kebabs.

Also easy to grill fish, but for her it is advised to use a lattice. Especially tasty salmon, trout, sardines and others fatty species fish. Before frying, the fish must be marinated: you can simply roll in spices for fish, salt, pepper. Charcoal for frying must have white coating, and the heat should not be as strong as for meat, as tender fish meat cooks very quickly. Typically, 2 cm thick fillets are cooked for about 5-6 minutes on each side.

Picnic snacks

sandwiches- Another indispensable dish for those cases when you go on a picnic, not intending to fry a barbecue there. However, sandwiches can be useful and for those waiting for grilled meat, since this is a very long business: after all, you need to prepare everything, collect firewood, light a fire, wait until the firewood turns into coals, and only then fry the meat.

In order not to die of hunger while waiting, you can take with you pre-made sandwiches or make them on the spot.

An interesting recipe is offered for big company. Such a sandwich can be prepared at home, and just cut at a picnic. It is convenient to transport it.


For this wonderful sandwich you will need: A loaf of bread (preferably round and tall), favorite toppings for sandwiches (sausage, cheese, mayonnaise or pesto to taste, green salad, tomatoes, cucumbers, boiled chicken meat or turkey meat).

Cut off the top of the bread roll and scoop out all the flesh, leaving just a crust.

Then start layering your ingredients, smearing them with sauces.

When the bun is filled to the top, cover top . Your puff picnic sandwich is ready!

By the way, sandwiches will be especially tasty if you grill bread right over the fire. Before cooking the meat, place a few slices of bread on the grate and fry them until crispy:

You can also try filling sandwiches stuffed with cheese, vegetables, meat, and only then bake them over the coals. You will make a great hot sandwich:

Picnic sandwiches can be made in the form canape, cutting a large sandwich into small portions and stabbing them with toothpicks. To do this, you can take a long French loaf, cut it in half, and then stuff it with your favorite ingredients. cover from above top layer and cut into pieces.

Prick each piece with toothpicks or skewers so that they do not fall apart and place in a suitable bowl.

If you would not like to make the usual sausage and cheese sandwiches, you can use others healthy recipes . For example, this unusual sandwich can be made with avocado:


You will need: French long loaf of bread, boiled chicken breast pieces, ripe avocado, onion rings (pickled or fried), pesto, arugula, soft goat cheese.

Cut the loaf lengthwise into two rugs, grease the bottom with cheese and lay all the ingredients on it in layers. Then cover with the top of the loaf.

Cut into serving pieces.

Great sandwiches can be made in the form of lavash rolls. All ingredients can be prepared at home, wrapped in pita bread, and then slightly heated on the grill before serving.

But such rolls will turn out tastier. with grilled vegetables.


You will need: Raw chicken breast, soy sauce, a couple of spoons of honey, eggplant, tomatoes, zucchini, bell peppers, salt, pepper.

Cut the chicken breast into pieces about 1 cm thick, pour over soy sauce, honey, salt, pepper and leave to marinate for 15 minutes. Cut the vegetables into thin rings (0.5 centimeters). Fry everything on a grate, greased with vegetable oil, over coals until golden color. Put everything on pita bread and wrap it in a roll.

Ready rolls again put on the grill for a couple of minutes and fry on both sides. You can add fresh herbs and sauce to the roll.

Picnic Games

1. Water paintball. In nature, you usually want to play active funny Games. If beach volleyball or badminton are already tired, you can come up with something more original, for example, water paintball.

This game is similar to regular paintball, but instead of expensive paint guns, it is enough to take simple water pistols. Unlike ordinary paintball, where you can end up with serious bruises, water paintball is completely safe and can be played with children.

The rules are simple: you can split into several teams, and then try to hit your opponents with a jet of water. The team whose members are the least "wet" wins.

2. funny football. Playing football, it turns out, can be a lot of fun, for example, if you pair up the players and tie one of the player's legs to the leg of a partner. Then play like normal football, except for the presence of a goalkeeper, which will not be needed, since scoring goals will be quite difficult anyway.

3. Pantomime. A very popular game for parties and picnics, which is also called the Crocodile game. How more people play, the more interesting. Split into 2 teams. One team selects one person to show pantomimes, the other team comes up with a word that the first participant must show using gestures and facial expressions without using speech and sounds. His team guesses the word. Then the teams change. The team that guesses the words the fastest wins.

One of the most beloved and popular entertainments of the summer time without a shadow of a doubt can be called a picnic trip. A sunny day and a pleasant company will definitely raise your mood to unattainable heights,

and delicious food will help make your outdoor recreation truly complete, give you strength and add pleasure. And this is where the most main question, forcing many housewives to break their heads. What to cook for a picnic? What dishes to prepare in advance or what products to stock up to treat your friends and loved ones to delicious food without spending too much effort on its preparation? Let's try to figure this out together!

Not a single picnic is complete without food and drink: after all, you will spend more than one hour in nature, so, of course, you should take care of a delicious menu in advance. Find out in advance what each of the participants of the banquet prefers. If the company is large, agree on who will take with them, who will cook what dishes.

If you have little time to pack, of course, you can take raw vegetables, herbs, bread, cuts (sausage, cheese, cheese), as well as marinated meat from the store with you. However, there are hundreds of recipes for excellent, partially home-cooked meals that will be perfectly absorbed in nature.

The most popular picnic dishes and products:

1) Kebabs from different types meat (pork, poultry, lamb, veal)
2) Grilled fish
3) Grilled vegetables and mushrooms
4) Fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits
5) Sandwiches
6) Cookies and pastries
7) Salads
8) Potato baked in a fire
9) Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks

Many of you most likely only grill kebabs or other meat dishes at picnics, but there are many other delicious and healthy grilled dishes. For example, grilled vegetables are delicious. In the summer, these vegetables abound: zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes, sweet peppers, and mushrooms.

You can take a little of these vegetables and fry the pieces of vegetables between the frying of the meat. Vegetables make a great side dish for barbecues.

Mushrooms champignons must be marinated before . Take 0.5 kg of champignons, wash and dry them, place them in a regular plastic bag without holes (preferably in several bags), then pour in 1/4 cup soy sauce, 1/4 cup olive oil, add a little pepper to taste. Then tie the bag tightly and mix the contents well. Place in the refrigerator overnight.

sweet peppers immediately after cooking, place in a plastic bag for 5 minutes, so that the skin can be easily removed.

Tomatoes on the grill, they cook quickly enough, they can be cut into 2 halves, or put whole over the coals. After cooking, they acquire a rich sweet taste.

You can lay vegetables on a wire rack, or you can string pieces on skewers, like barbecues. Also, sometimes vegetables, cut into pieces and greased with oil, are wrapped in foil in portions, then, as it were, baked over coals. The main thing here is to withstand the right amount of time so that everything is well baked. Don't worry if the vegetables are a little crunchy. If you like soft vegetables, keep them longer.

Potato often taken with them to bake in a fire, however, together with fatty meat, it can seem too heavy. It can be offered to cook for vegetarians who do not eat kebabs.

Grilled fish is also easy, but it is advised to use a wire rack for it. Especially tasty are salmon, trout, sardines and other fatty fish species. Before roast fish necessary pickle : you can simply roll in spices for fish, salt, pepper.

The coals for frying should have a white coating, and the heat should not be as strong as for meat, since the tender meat of the fish cooks very quickly. Typically, 2 cm thick fillets are cooked for about 5-6 minutes on each side.

Picnic snacks

Sandwiches are another indispensable dish for those cases when you go on a picnic, not intending to fry a barbecue there. However, sandwiches can also come in handy for those who are waiting for meat on the grill, since this is a very long process: after all, you need to prepare everything, collect firewood, light a fire, wait until the firewood turns into coals, and only then fry the meat.

In order not to die of hunger while waiting, you can take ready-made sandwiches with you or make them on the spot.

And this sandwich can be prepared at home, it is ideal for a large company, it is easy to cut it at a picnic and it is convenient to transport it.

Dfor thismiracle sandwich need:

Bread roll (preferably round and tall), favorite toppings for sandwiches (sausage, cheese, mayonnaise or pesto to taste, green salad, tomatoes, cucumbers, boiled chicken or turkey meat).
Cut off the top of the bread roll and scoop out all the flesh, leaving only the crust.

Then start layering your ingredients, smearing them with sauces.

When the bun is filled to the top, cover with the top. Your puff picnic sandwich is ready!

By the way, sandwiches will be especially tasty if you grill the bread right over the fire. Before cooking the meat, place a few slices of bread on the grate and fry them until crispy:

You can also try filling sandwiches with cheese, vegetables, meat, and only then bake them over coals. You will make a great hot sandwich:

Picnic sandwiches can be made in the form canape, cutting big sandwich into small portions and stab them with toothpicks. To do this, you can take a long French loaf, cut it in half, and then stuff it with your favorite ingredients. Cover with the top layer and cut into pieces.

Prick each piece with toothpicks or skewers so that they do not fall apart and place in a suitable dish.

If you would not like to make the usual sausage and cheese sandwiches, you can use other healthy recipes.

For example, this unusual sandwich can cook with avocado :

You will need: French long loaf of bread, boiled chicken breast pieces, ripe avocado, onion rings (pickled or fried), pesto, arugula, soft goat cheese.
Cut the loaf lengthwise into two rugs, grease the bottom with cheese and lay all the ingredients on it in layers. Then cover with the top of the loaf.

Cut into serving pieces.

Great sandwiches can be made in the form lavash rolls . All ingredients can be prepared at home, wrapped in pita bread, and then slightly heated on the grill before serving.

But such rolls with grilled vegetables will turn out tastier.

You will need: Raw chicken breast, soy sauce, a couple of spoons of honey, eggplant, tomatoes, zucchini, bell peppers, salt, pepper.

Cut the chicken breast into pieces about 1 centimeter thick, pour in soy sauce, honey, salt, pepper and leave to marinate for 15 minutes. Cut the vegetables into thin rings (0.5 centimeters). Fry everything on a grate, greased with vegetable oil, over the coals until golden brown. Put everything on pita bread and wrap it in a roll.

Send the finished rolls back to the grill for a couple of minutes and fry on both sides. You can add fresh herbs and sauce to the roll.

Very fast and easy to prepare snack sandwiches with garlic butter .

Everything you would need- just prepare the butter for this snack in advance. Place 200 gr. in a blender bowl. butter at room temperature, add four crushed garlic cloves and 50 gr. chopped green dill. Blend everything together in a blender for one minute, transfer to a plastic container and refrigerate. Before starting a meal, brush slices of rye or wheat bread with your oil, place a thin slice of smoked meat or fish on top, garnish with circles of any fresh vegetables and dill sprigs. Your sandwiches are ready!

delicious french country sandwiches you can cook in advance, or you can do it right in nature, replacing the ham with slices of freshly grilled meat or poultry.

Cut off the top of one French baguette along the entire length. Carefully remove a portion of the pulp so that a cavity forms in the baguette along its entire length. Drizzle the baguette with a dressing of one tablespoon of olive oil and one teaspoon of good wine or balsamic vinegar.

Separately prepare the stuffing. To do this, finely chop, mix and season with olive oil one large tomato, one cucumber, one sweet pepper, half a red onion and two tablespoons of chopped parsley and basil, salt to taste. Put the finished filling into the baguette recess, and spread the ham slices on top. top brush the baguette with a mixture of 3 tbsp. tablespoons of softened butter and 1 teaspoon of mustard. Cover your stuffed baguette with the top half, press down gently and cut crosswise into portions.

Classical Greek salad perfect for picnics. It is very easy to prepare such a salad, and its refreshing taste will perfectly save you from summer heat. Wash thoroughly and coarsely chop three ripe tomatoes and one cucumber. Cut one large red onion and two small sweet peppers into circles.

Separately prepare the dressing. To do this, mix 6 tbsp. spoons of olive oil, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of wine vinegar, salt and black pepper to taste.

Mix the prepared vegetables and put in a salad bowl, pour over the dressing, put 150 gr on top. diced feta cheese and sprinkle your salad with 2 tablespoons chopped parsley and oregano. Before serving, decorate the salad with large pitted olives.

No American BBQ is complete without warm potato salad . Preparing such a salad is not at all difficult. Prepare your salad dressing the night before your trip to nature.

To do this, put in a blender bowl ½ cup of peeled hazelnuts (hazelnuts), 100 gr. parsley without sprigs, two cloves of garlic, 5 tbsp. tablespoons olive oil, salt and black pepper to taste. Grind everything together until a thick green mass is obtained, transfer to a plastic container and refrigerate.

There is nothing better rest Outdoors. The main thing is that nothing spoil your mood: mosquitoes, abrasions, rain, the absence of some necessary item, and the like. Therefore, it is so important to make a list in advance of what you take with you to nature. An experienced tourist will not rely on memory, he will simply check the list. To save time remembering the right items, use the list of an experienced tourist, adjusting it for yourself along the way.

What to wear?

Ideally, if the equipment in which you are going to relax in nature will be bought in a specialized store for tourists. It is in such clothes and shoes that you will feel most comfortable, because they are designed for increased loads and provide the necessary thermoregulation. If there are no such things in your wardrobe and their purchase is not included in the plans, then thermal underwear and socks should be mandatory. Other clothes for country rest can be any sports, selected for the season.

first aid kit

The first thing you need to take to nature is medicines. So you protect yourself from unforeseen small annoying moments that can ruin your vacation in a big way, if elementary first aid is not provided.

You can not rack your brains over the contents of the first-aid kit, but simply take a car and, if necessary, add individual preparations to it, which, perhaps, one of the vacationers needs constantly.


Ticks, mosquitoes and flies are obligatory "neighbors" for outdoor recreation. Make sure they don't bother you. Buy repellents. Fortunately, they are sold in any form: sprays, ointments, in the form of objects for slow burning in a fire.

Think about what to take children to nature, what drugs that repel harmful insects are suitable for them by age.


Stew is a classic tourist lunch. And what do they take with them to nature besides it?

Pure fruits;

Washed potatoes;

Smoked products;

Raw meat for barbecues;

Other canned food (other than stew);

Ready-made products in vacuum packaging or those that need to be poured with boiling water.

By the way, don't forget:


Disposable plates;

bowler hat;

In addition to the above, here's what else they take with them to nature:


Sleeping bag;

Pocket compass;


Flashlight and spare power to it;


Area map;


For garbage collection;

Small infantry shovel in a case;

Pen and notepad;





What to carry?

It is important not only what they take with them to nature, but also what all this will be packed into. A durable backpack, again from a specialized store, is an indispensable thing. Their ergonomic design is thought out not according to fashion, but "sharpened" for the anatomical parameters of a person and lightening his burden.


Don't forget to pick up all your rubbish after you're out in nature. What burns must be burned, the rest - in the "garbage" bag and with you (later throw it in the trash can). Make sure that the fire is properly extinguished and does not cause a fire.

A weekend in nature at least once a year is worth arranging for every resident of a large city. Especially often, thoughts about this visit us in hot weather, when, sitting in a stuffy room, in a stream of barely perceptible pseudo-wind from three fans, you look out the window and start dreaming ... For example, that these stone candles of houses would suddenly begin to melt and before our eyes turn into puddles of lead color. Then in a moment open space for the jets fresh air; not distorted by a thousandfold reflection sun rays and icy streams glittering with silver tints. And ticklish greens will begin to appear through the gray mass right under the heels. Everything will return to normal, and the body and soul will finally feel harmony...

Dreaming, as they say, is not harmful, but nature is unlikely to reach a skyscraper in the center of the metropolis. But in our power to go to visit her! The main thing is to hurry, but not too much: we advise you to carefully prepare for the trip, because a couple of “mega-important” things forgotten in a hurry can remind you too quickly that in fact we are pampered by civilization, unable to survive in any wild conditions, having forgotten all the skills human ancestors. Though still capable of dreaming about the present.

So let's get started?

What we take to nature with an overnight stay from things:

· Tent: It is better to get a reliable, non-single-layer and non-single, to protect against cold, moisture, insects and overcrowding.

· Tent: if it starts to rain, you can continue your gatherings under a canopy, and not crumple the end of the evening, hiding in a tent with seven people.

· Sleeping bag: it is better than an air mattress (by the way, it can be inflatable itself) because it warms and because it does not require regular pumping.

· A warm blanket, pillow and blanket: useful when there is no sleeping bag and for wrapping up if it suddenly gets cold at night.

· Knives: take a few and don't get them all at once, as cutlery tends to get lost in thick grass, hollow trees, barbecues and other most unexpected places.

Openers: a knife is also suitable for opening canned food, and a nail is suitable for bottles of wine, however, not everyone knows how and wants to mess around with improvised materials. So we advise you to take an opener and a corkscrew with you (by the way, both of them can be included in sets like “fork-spoon-knife-opener-corkscrew”).

· Cutting boards: light plastic fit perfectly. Take a couple or three, and not only you will be involved in cooking, which will speed up the process of serving the glade at times.

· Crockery: we recommend purchasing a set of disposable tableware. You can also take plastic ones (from special camping kits), but you won’t be able to throw them away and will constantly wash them, which in some cases can be problematic. Having taken the main things: plates, cups, forks, spoons, they often forget about the common containers in which salads will be kneaded, where barbecue, sandwiches and other edibles will be laid out.

If your plans include cooking the best camping fish soup or porridge from an ax, then take a bowler hat or bowl with you. An old iron kettle will not hurt either, which will not be afraid of soot from a fire and will incessantly treat everyone who wants to have tea or coffee with boiling water.

Brazier: folding - the most good option for owners cars(because this is only the very beginning of the list!). And it is better than bricks, stones and other artisanal, so to speak, devices, because it is able to interact with both skewers and grates without falling apart and without soiling food.

Skewers and grates: if you can still do without a brazier, having thought and asking advice from Google, which is always OK (the same bricks and stones are probably nearby), then the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bputting meat on wooden sticks is unlikely to anyone - you'll like it.

Wood or charcoal: Meat pros will say that the best kebab comes out on personally obtained charcoal by burning real wood. But packaged from the store is extracted faster and almost immediately after ignition it can perform its duties. By the way, be sure to take firewood or ready-made coal (whatever you like), because in the forest just on the eve of your arrival there may be a downpour, and all deadwood will be damp, suitable only for a fire - and then not for warming, but for repelling mosquitoes with emitted smoke.

· Lighters, matches, lighter fluid, paper or birch bark for making a fire.

Metal kitchen tongs, a fork or a spatula are the best weapons for fighting meat and vegetables sizzling on fire: they don’t let you get close, so you can manage with a regular (and even more disposable) fork, but get ready to get burned.

· Ax: with this tool you will feel like the master of the forest, just do not swing it to the right and left, but use it strictly for its intended purpose - to give harmony to firewood. Do not think that, having taken coal, you can forget about the ax: more than one brazier needs raw materials. For example, the pegs may be lost or broken near the tent, and maybe you will have to chop branches for a fire.

Bedspreads, rugs, tablecloths - this is what you will use as a table and bedding for sitting and lying.

Camping furniture: in general, soft grass under a coverlet can easily replace folding tables and chairs. But if you already have them and only clutter up the pantry, then why not take these amenities with you. This way you will create the maximum possible comfort in the wild.

· Kitchen towels, napkins: you can paper, in rolls.

· Industrial water: needed for washing hands, dishes, vegetables and fruits. Take it as much as possible, especially if you plan to set up camp in a place remote from water bodies.

· Garbage bags: take strong and capacious, so as not to be afraid to stain the trunk of the car when you carry waste in the opposite direction to the nearest landfill.

Wet wipes, toilet paper, soap, toothpaste, brush - things for granted, and therefore most often forgotten.

Mirror and hairbrush: do not instruct men to fold such items - they, with their seasonal, summer bald head, will decide that you will not scare anyone in the forest with shaggy hair, and will forget to think about them. But the girls will be sad upon arrival home to reject all the photos from the holiday.

· Beach towel: in the summer on the lake or river, you can not do without it.

· Entertainment: balls, cards, badminton, fishing rods will not let you get bored on the Internet in nature; simple but exciting board games(Jengi type); guitar, harmonica, but at least button accordion. By the way, to have a party in nature, you can take with you portable speaker. There are models with a high degree of protection against water and dust. They connect via bluetooth to a smartphone, and therefore it is worth taking care of charger for it.

A camera or smartphone with a high quality camera.

Inflatable mattress, circle, bun - you can swim with them endlessly. Children are especially interested in such things.

By the way, toys for children: if you don’t tell your offspring an exciting activity, they themselves can get bored very quickly and start asking to go home - this is what you still lacked in the emerald paradise. So don't forget to think about children's leisure. Dilute water procedures can be launched kite, jump rope competitions and hoop spinners. For a short time, the children will capture the attention bubble and drawing supplies. Buckets, spatulas and molds are needed for absolutely toddler games. If there are a lot of peanuts, then arrange for them fun starts, give the task to make Leshy's costumes from eco-materials, build sand castles on the shore, if there is a suitable one.

The listed things must be taken in such quantity that it is enough for all members of the team going on a weekend tour. When possible, it doesn't hurt to bring an extra set of bedding with you in case someone gets especially cold or a friend suddenly turns up to join the company at the last moment.

What we take to nature with an overnight stay from clothes

It would be wise to check the weather forecast for the weekend when you are planning to escape the city. Based on the data of weather forecasters, and pick up your wardrobe. Just remember that even the most cloudless sky can suddenly (without the permission of meteorologists) burst into a century-old downpour, and a blazing sun will suddenly break through the hopeless lead clouds. In any case, during your little trip, you will probably need:

· Shorts and T-shirt: indispensable in hot weather for both boys and girls. The latter, however, are suitable for sundresses and light dresses made of chintz, but it is unlikely that they will be comfortable to play ball, fool around with children, wander through the forest in search of berries, mushrooms or firewood, jump over a fire (which absolutely sober people will not think of! ) and so on.

· Comfortable shoes: on a clear day, you can flaunt in flip-flops or even barefoot, and in the evening it is better to stock up on old, favorite sneakers - they are warm and do not bite flies.

· Swimwear and swimming trunks can be taken to places where swimming is impossible due to the lack of a reservoir, because no one forbids sunbathing in a cozy forest clearing.

Headwear: cap, hat, panama, scarf will protect your head from sunstroke. Dress children especially carefully.

· Sunglasses.

· Light pants and jacket: in the evening you will be happy to climb into them and hide your body from annoying insects.

· Socks: even in July, during rain or at night, it can get very cold.

· Warm jacket, hooded sweatshirt or jacket with a light hat: the same need as in the previous paragraph.

· Raincoat (although if you have an awning, it won't come in handy).

We advise our beloved fashionistas and fashionistas to leave louboutins and delightful pants at home, and dress up in a forest, lake or river is more practical in simple things that you don’t mind getting dirty, soaked, set on fire or torn. It is better to laugh at your appearance than to cry about wasted money and ruined branded clothes.

What we take to nature with an overnight stay from food:

Drinking water: even if you prefer to quench your thirst with juices, compotes, fruit drinks, beer and champagne, be sure to take plain, non-carbonated water with them on your trip drinking water. Sweet and bubbling drinks do not save well from the heat, and they are generally unhealthy.

By the way, a camping life hack: you can freeze bottles with water and other liquids and shift perishable products with them - this will extend the life of the latter by at least half a day.

· Tea and coffee bags will warm your body and soul on a cold evening.

· Salt: a good old matchbox will suffice.

· Sugar: in cubes will be more convenient.

· Spices, sauces, vegetable oil, vinegar and everything that you are going to add to salads, with which you prefer to eat barbecue and other dishes.

· Vegetables and herbs: they fly off the table well fresh and even uncut, and those cooked on the grill and as part of sandwiches completely scatter with a bang. We advise you to wash them at home, so as not to do this on the spot, in "inhuman" conditions.

· Fruit is the best, lightest and healthiest of desserts. Chocolate, cakes and cookies, especially those with cream fillings, are best left at home.

· Take bread, pita bread, long loaf already in sliced ​​form - spend the saved time on rest.

· Meat, chicken, fish: traditionally barbecue is marinated at home, but in nature it is only fried. Fish, in general, does not require long languishing in spices, so you can prepare it for a meeting with coals right on the spot. True, the product must be transported extremely carefully: in hot weather, it is likely that it will deteriorate. To prevent this from happening, before leaving, thoroughly roll the fish in salt and put it in a bag next to something especially cold.

· Sausage, sausages - perishable products. Take those that are sold in vacuum packs. First of all, sausages can be fried on coals, and sausage can be eaten as part of sandwiches.

· We advise you not to take milk, yoghurts, cottage cheese and other related products in summer or eat them on the way to nature. If you really want to, then take at least cheese: it is unlikely to go bad, however, it can change its consistency to a softer and more fluid one. Choose hard varieties.

· Canned food: avid hikers cannot imagine a picnic in nature without stew and fish from a tin. Why not. Sprats are often used in the preparation of sandwiches. We will not talk about fatness. The main thing is not to eat in the evening from a jar that was opened in the morning.

· Potatoes on the liver: who knows, he will understand.

· Chips, croutons, seeds: an unhealthy snack, as usual, is always very tasty. Do not take all this with you if you are striving for healthy lifestyle life. Better stop at a cocktail of nuts and dried fruits.

Salads and sandwiches are advised to knead immediately before eating: if you season them with sauces (especially sour cream and mayonnaise) at home, they will give juice, as a result of which they will become tasteless. It will be worse only if during a long journey they generally deteriorate. But you can start making blanks and cuttings even before departure. Use cling film and vacuum bags.

You can transport edible things in bags, but it’s better in a basket: it won’t spoil appearance products, they will not be crushed and will not give juice. It’s good if you have a cooler bag, which will save you from many problems: you will bring the products safe and sound, and you can save open jars on the spot.

First Aid Kit:

Even especially attentive and cautious citizens will not hurt to take with them drugs and first aid in case of elementary injuries and diseases:

Iodine, brilliant green, fukortsin or hydrogen peroxide solution for disinfecting abrasions and scratches.

· Antiseptic wipes, bandages and plasters: help with calluses, bruises, and stab wounds.

Citramon, pentalgin, nurofen or any other pain reliever.

· Activated carbon, smecta - to relieve symptoms of poisoning.

Ointments, sprays and bracelets against insects, including ticks (especially if the trip is planned for May-June).

· Cream from / for sunburn.


Well, that's all. The list may change depending on the number of travelers and their preferences. It is better to discuss it with friends and family and make adjustments. And even if you forget or spoil something, remember: a successful vacation is one that gave pleasure and was remembered by pleasant impressions!

P.s. Do not abuse alcoholic drinks and take your trash with you.

P.s.s. May the good weather be with you!

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