How to grow a walnut tree from a hazelnut. Growing hazelnuts at home

Decor elements 16.06.2019
Decor elements


Hazelnut varieties are propagated by root offspring (see No. 38).


Hazelnut is a moisture-loving fruit breed. It works best in the upper mountainous areas of the valleys of perennial rivers, where air stagnation is not observed. The most suitable for its cultivation are the northern, northeastern and northwestern slopes. The sites should be protected from the wind, and the humidity of the air is relatively high. Suitable for the cultivation of hazelnuts are also flat areas located near large rivers.


The maximum hazelnut yields can be obtained only on alluvial-meadow and fertile soils. The subsoil must also be nutrient-rich and permeable. Soils with a layer of limestone lying at a shallow depth are unsuitable for growing hazelnuts. On other types of soil, hazelnuts can be grown only if there is good natural moisture and the provision of a policy,


Cosford(Fig. 247). The nuts are large, oblong, obovate, with a pointed nose, light brown or brown. The kernel is large, fits snugly to the shell, good palatability. The kernel yield is 54% of total weight nuts, oil content is about 62%. Nuts ripen in late August - early September. Used for fresh and dry food, as well as in the confectionery industry. The bush is vigorous, enters the fruiting season early, bears fruit very abundantly. Flowering time is medium-early. The variety is resistant to diseases and pests, self-fertile.

Early Trebizond. The nuts are large, oval in shape, with a pointed nose. The shell is thin. Seed medium size, adheres tightly to the shell, with an easily detachable skin. The yield of the kernel is 54% of the weight of the nut, the oiliness is about 64%. Nuts ripen in the second half of July. Used for fresh and dry consumption, they are also processed. bushes medium strength growth, enter the fruiting season early and are distinguished by regular and abundant yields. Flowering time is early. The variety is self-infertile.

Roman(Fig. 248). The nuts are large, weighing about 2.7 g. The shell is thin, light chestnut, with several grooves. The kernel is large and fits tightly to the shell. The kernel yield is about 46% of the total weight of the nut, the oiliness is about 67%. Nuts are easily separated from the wrapper. Ripens in the second half of August. Used for fresh and dry consumption, as well as in the confectionery industry. The bushes are vigorous, early in the season of fruiting, fruiting regularly. Early flowering variety, self-fertile. Relatively disease resistant.

Almond-shaped. Nuts of medium size, weighing about 1.6 g. The shell is thin, light brown, shiny. The kernel is medium in size, fits snugly to the shell. The kernel yield is 45% of the total weight of the nut, the oiliness is about 63%. The taste is very good, reminiscent of almonds. Nuts ripen in mid-August. Used for fresh and dry consumption, as well as in the confectionery industry. Bushes of moderate vigor, characterized by regular and abundant yields.


Hazelnuts are planted at the following distances: 5.5-6 m between rows and 4-4.5 m between plants in a row. Wider distances should be given on more fertile soils.


Hazelnut is a moisture-loving fruit species, so it should be planted near rivers and beams. To ensure the normal growth of plants and obtain high and high-quality yields during the growing season, 5-6 irrigations should be given.


The preparation of the site allocated for the creation of a hazelnut plantation is carried out in the same way as when laying apple orchard(See Nos. 16 and 63).


As with other fruit species, the most suitable time of year for planting hazelnuts is autumn. Hazelnuts have a short dormant period. Therefore, when spring planting most of the plants do not take root.


Hazelnut does not impose special requirements on soil conditions, it can successfully grow and bear fruit on soddy soil, but it also reacts positively to tillage. The main plowing in hazelnut plantations is carried out in autumn. In order to keep the soil surface clean from weeds, 5-6 loosenings are done during the growing season. Autumn tillage is carried out to a depth of 15-18 cm, and loosening during the growing season - to 10-12 cm.


After carrying out plantation plowing, the area allocated for planting hazelnuts is leveled and broken. Planting pits are dug 30/30/30 cm in size. Hazelnut planting material must have a well-developed root system. Before planting, a careful inspection of the root system of seedlings should be carried out and all damaged roots should be cut to a healthy place. Strong pruning of the root system is harmful. The root system of the seedling is placed in a hole in such a way that after filling it with earth it would be planted 3-4 cm deeper than in the nursery. The exact location of the seedling in the pit is determined using a planting board or by sighting. It is more convenient to plant together: one holds the seedling and straightens the root system, and the other throws it with loose and moist soil, slightly compacting it with their feet. At the end, a hole is made from the ground near the planted plant. Immediately after planting, each plant is watered by pouring 20-25 liters of water into the hole. You can also water with gravity. When the water is absorbed, the hole is mulched.


It is better to grow hazelnuts in a bushy form. Plant annual or biennial rooted plants. Immediately after planting, the plant is shortened at a height of 25x30 cm above the soil surface. During the growing season, plants cut in this way form several shoots. If there are too many shoots, some of them are removed. Shoots are not shortened. Hazelnut bears fruit on one-year-old wood, therefore, with the help of pruning, one should strive to obtain new strong growths annually, thus regulating fruiting. Pruning in the early period creates a skeleton of a bush, resembling a vase. In the inner parts of the bush, excessive thickening should not be allowed. In the third year after planting, hazelnut bushes begin to bear fruit and further pruning consists mainly in thinning out the inner parts of the bushes and removing dry and broken branches.

Some varieties of hazelnuts are prone to excessive formation of root growth, which leads to the depletion of bushes and reduced yields. In this case, part of the root shoot must be removed at an early age, when the offspring rise above the soil surface by 5-8 cm. Their cutting at the level of the soil surface does not lead to a decrease in the number of root shoots. Even the reverse process is observed, since pruning offspring causes their branching. Therefore, to effectively remove the overgrowth, it is necessary to dig out the soil around each shoot and cut it with a pruner to the base. Pruning is carried out in early spring.

After fruiting for 4-5 years, the branches of the hazelnut bush grow old and almost stop growing. During winter pruning, such branches should be removed, replacing them with younger and more vital ones. Thus, rejuvenating pruning of hazelnut bushes is carried out annually.

Such pruning can be carried out as long as the bushes form a sufficient number of strong coppice shoots.


Rejuvenating pruning of hazelnut bushes is carried out with a significant weakening of growth and coppice shoots. Cut out the entire above-ground part of the plant at soil level. Then the base of the bush is covered with loose soil with a layer of 5-6 cm. In summer, the bushes cut in this way have numerous strong shoots. Rejuvenation pruning gives particularly good results when accompanied by abundant application of organic and mineral fertilizers and tillage.


With good filling of the soil with organic and mineral fertilizers, before planting in the first growing season, give 1-2 top dressings at the rate of 15-20 g of ammonium nitrate per square meter. m. In the following years, 3-4 kg of manure, 40-50 g of superphosphate, 25-30 g of potassium sulfate and 40-50 g of ammonium nitrate per square meter are applied. m.


The allocated doses of manure, superphosphate, potassium sulphate and 1/3 of the dose of ammonium nitrate are given in the fall for deep tillage. The rest of the ammonium nitrate is applied in spring and summer. The first feeding with ammonium nitrate is given in April, and the second - in early June. Fertilizers are evenly scattered over the soil surface, after which the soil is dug up. In autumn, digging is done as deep as possible, and in spring - very shallow. It is necessary to feed hazelnut plants after rain or watering.


Currently, hazelnuts are most severely affected by powdery mildew. The causative agent of the disease is a fungus that usually develops on the upper side of the leaf blade in the form of spider mold. Subsequently, black formations develop on the mold. The disease can also develop on a pear. The causative agent of the disease overwinters on fallen leaves.

Control measures. Collection and burning of infected leaves; spraying with 2% lime-sulfur decoction when signs of illness appear and then several times after 10-12 days.


The most dangerous pests for hazelnuts are the nut weevil and the nut barbel. The adult nut weevil is a bug found in spring and summer. Overwinters in the larval stage in the soil. Females gnaw through green, still soft hazel fruits and lay one egg in each of them. The hatched larvae feed inside the nut, completely eating away the kernel. Having finished feeding, the larva leaves the nut and burrows into the soil.

Control measures. The fight against walnut weevil is carried out by deep digging of the soil, collecting worm nuts, spraying with a 0.4% solution of thiophenite 20 to kill beetles before oviposition.

Nut barbel is a small beetle. The female lays her eggs under the bark of the shoots. The hatched larvae bite into the core of the shoots, where they remain for two winters. Affected shoots dry out.

To protect plants from damage by a nut mustache, it is necessary to cut and burn the affected shoots and spray the hazelnut bushes with a 0.4% solution of thiophenite 20 at the beginning of the summer of beetles.


In autumn, after leaf fall, you need to collect and destroy fallen leaves, and then dig up the soil under the hazelnut bushes. Thus destroy the infection powdery mildew, which hibernates on fallen leaves, and the larvae of the walnut weevil, which have taken refuge in the soil for the winter.

In winter, cut and burn all branches affected by the walnut barbel.

To reduce the number of nut weevil, it is necessary to collect worm nuts several times during the summer.

When leaves appear, spraying is carried out with a 2% lime-sulfur decoction or a 0.6% solution of thiozol 80 to combat powdery mildew. Spraying is repeated after 10-12 days.

The next spraying is carried out when adult nut weevil insects appear. A 0.4% solution of thiophenite 20 is used. To completely protect the nuts from damage by the nut weevil, one more spraying with the same pesticide is carried out during the mass flight of beetles.

When spraying against the nut weevil, adult insects of the nut longhorn are also destroyed.


Nuts are removed when they begin to fall out of the wrapper on their own or when shaken off. Cleaning is carried out manually or by shaking. Peeling nuts from wrappers and drying is carried out in the same way as for almonds (see No. 587).

Nuts are very popular food items. It is believed that they are able to saturate the body with the lion's amount of useful substances, supporting the full activity of many organs and systems. And walnut trees often have a decorative appearance, and can be a good decoration for a personal plot. You can plant different types of nuts in your dacha, but today we are talking about how to grow hazelnuts at home from nuts. Yes, exactly him.

Hazelnut is a fairly well-known nut crop, but many people know it under the name hazel. Such a shrub is common in the nature of the steppes and forests of Europe. Useful fruits such a plant is to the taste of children and adults, so many gardeners are wondering if it is possible to grow it on their own. personal plot. And in fact, there is nothing particularly difficult in this. Hazelnut is considered quite unpretentious, so it may well live in an area that is not suitable for other plants - on slopes, in ravines, etc. In addition, this culture is great for forming hedges.

How to grow hazelnuts from nuts?

Most gardeners who nevertheless decide to grow hazelnuts on their plot prefer to purchase it in the form of a seedling. But if you wish, you can try to get a shrub from nuts.

Experienced gardeners recommend choosing a variety of hazelnuts for cultivation, focusing on the climatic features of your region. So, for those who live in the middle zone of our country, it is advisable to give preference to hybrid varieties of hazel. They are able to produce fairly large fruits, but also have a high degree of frost resistance. Such varieties are represented by Tambovsky late, Panakhessky, Tambovsky early, Komsomolsky, etc.

For planting, it is recommended to use nuts collected in mid-autumn. In such a situation, the fruits will be ripe enough, and can become real trees. It is worth noting that it is almost impossible to purchase high-quality planting material on the market; it is better to go for it to a nearby nursery or to familiar gardeners who grow hazelnuts on their site. Keep in mind that the nuts for planting must be intact, free from signs of rot, mold, damage and pest damage.

Seeds that fall into the hands can be sown immediately (in mid-autumn). It is advisable to place all the harvested planted material in the soil, this will give you the opportunity to assess the condition of the seedlings after germination, and select the most healthy and strong specimens. For planting fifty nuts, a square meter of land will be enough for you. Each fruit must be deepened about seven to eight centimeters deep. Keep in mind that hazelnuts are remarkably accepted on sandy, light soil.

In the event that the nuts for planting fell into your hands late, and you simply do not have time to plant them on your site in the fall, it is quite possible to do such work in the spring, but you must first subject the planting material to mandatory stratification. This procedure will ensure rapid germination. To do this, you need to take a wooden box and pour wet sand into it. For one part of seeds, three parts of sand must be used.

Nuts covered with sand should be in a fairly cool place, the soil temperature should not exceed ten degrees, and not fall below one degree of heat. The optimal duration of stratification is three to four months. For this entire period, it is necessary to mix the sand with nuts once, so the planting material will receive the amount of air it needs. You can pour the contents of the container onto plywood, mix thoroughly, and then return everything to the box again.

Engage in planting stratified nuts in the spring. Place them in the soil five to six centimeters deep in sandy, light soil.

Is it possible to grow hazelnuts in an apartment?

In fact, you can get a strong seedling for planting in the garden in an apartment. To do this, take the fruits (seeds), put them in water or sprinkle with wet sand. Leave them until they germinate. At the same time, change the water periodically to fresh or monitor the condition of the sand (so that it does not dry out). Sprouted nuts are transplanted into flower pots and put it on the windowsill. In such a container, they can grow for a couple of years, then they must be transferred to open ground.

Features of caring for seedlings grown from hazelnuts

After the appearance of seedlings, it is important to monitor the soil moisture - it should not dry out, and remove all weeds in a timely manner. In order for the first wintering of young plants to be successful, you need to sprinkle them with needles, cover them with spruce branches, and then cover them with snow. In the spring, the shelter should be gradually removed.

A year after planting, the seedlings should grow to about fifteen centimeters. At this stage, they can be transferred to a permanent place of cultivation. If the plants have not grown to such a height, it is better not to rush and wait another year. When transplanting, it is important to send a bucket of humus to the planting pit.

When growing hazelnuts from nuts, you need to remember that such a plant loses the properties of its variety. Accordingly, after the young plant gets stronger, it is necessary to inoculate varietal hazelnuts.

» Walnut

It is difficult to find a person who does not like chocolate or hazelnut sweets. These small nuts not only have a pleasant taste, but also have a beneficial effect on the human body.. The high content of vitamins, chemical elements and amino acids improves health in case of anemia, chronic fatigue, diabetes, neurosis and heart disease. Hazelnut oil contained in nuts, supplying the body with vitamin E, restores vitality and has a rejuvenating effect. Eating hazelnuts is equally beneficial for children and older people. Let's take a closer look at this plant, with the features of caring for and growing hazel at home.

Industrial cultivation of hazelnuts in our country is not conducted. Valuable fruits are imported mainly from Turkey, Italy, Spain and China. But the hazelnut is not such an exotic plant as it seems. It is a cultural form of the common hazel, which under natural conditions grows in the Caucasus, the Middle East, Ukraine and throughout European territory up to northern latitudes. So why not grow this unpretentious and useful plant, because planting hazelnuts is a great business prospect and an investment in your health.

Growing hazelnuts for a gardener will not cause much trouble. No wonder the Italians call "cultural hazel" a plant for the lazy. Hazelnut is a shrub that reaches 2-5 m in height depending on the variety., but can be formed using pruning in the form of a tree - the choice depends on the owner of the site.

The first harvest can be expected as early as 3-4 years after planting the seedling. The plant does not need particularly careful care, because in natural conditions the hazel grows well without human help. After planting, farming practices are reduced to watering, removing root shoots, annual pruning, and pest control if necessary.

Hazelnuts planted on the site for decades will supply fruits with high nutritional properties and beneficial substances. Mass collection of nuts starts from 5-7 years of plant life and lasts for 10-15 years. After that, the plant is “rejuvenated” - for several years in a row, 2-3 old branches are cut off, which over time are replaced by young ones and begin to bear fruit generously.

From each adult hazelnut, subject to agricultural practices get 5-12 kg of fruit that can be stored for a long time (1-3 years) without compromising taste. If you plant at least three plants on the site, the annual harvest will look quite weighty.

Hazelnuts can grow in one place from 50 to 100 years. By planting a plant once, you will provide yourself and your children with valuable nuts for many years to come.

In addition to the benefits of harvesting, the plant has a high decorative effect. Hazelnut varieties have leaves of different colors and sizes., therefore, gardeners often practice planting variegated bushes in a row - with red, yellow and green foliage. Hazelnut also looks spectacular as a solitary plant shaped like a tree. Aesthetic lovers will appreciate the beauty of the shrub that throws out showy earrings that attract bees in early spring.

Reproduction of hazelnuts at home

Fans of growing a tree from a nut may well resort to the seed method of reproduction. It is simple and, subject to the necessary requirements, will allow you to get a strong and healthy plant. However, such a hazelnut will begin to bear fruit much later than the one grown from a seedling. If, when planting a seedling, the first nuts appear 3-4 years after planting, then the plant grown

walnut, bears fruit for 6 or even 10 years.

Therefore, gardeners often use planting seedlings. With this method of reproduction, unlike planting a nut, all varietal characteristics of hazelnuts are preserved, based on which they choose a plant suitable for certain conditions.

Seedling selection

One- or two-year-old seedlings are selected for planting. Preference is recommended to give winter-hardy and drought-resistant varieties. The purchase of a seedling in a local nursery guarantees the production of zoned varieties adapted to the climatic conditions of the region.

When choosing hazelnut seedlings in a nursery or garden center, you need to carefully examine the root system of the plant. It should be well developed, without damage. Slightly damaged roots are cut to a healthy place.. If there is a lot of damage, you should refuse to buy a seedling, as strong pruning can affect survival and lead to the death of the plant.

Selecting a landing site

Hazelnut is considered a plant that is unpretentious to the composition of the soil and terrain. Moderately fertile soil and a sufficient amount of moisture are favorable for plant development and future abundant fruiting. The most suitable for cultivation are gray forest soils, loamy, sandy loamy and chernozems. different types. Optimal occurrence of groundwater - no closer than 1.2-1.5 m to the surface. During the spring snowmelt, the area should not be flooded with water - prolonged waterlogging leads to decay and death of hazelnuts.

However, do not be upset by those whose soil composition on the site is far from ideal. Hazelnuts are successfully grown on almost any type of soil characteristic of the middle zone, except for very heavy clayey, swampy, saline and dry sandy ones. When planting a seedling, chernozems are facilitated by the introduction of sand and compost humus - this will improve the air and moisture permeability of the soil. The composition of acidic soils is improved by adding slaked lime, ground chalk or wood ash.

Hazelnut grows equally well on flat areas and mountain slopes. Due to the developed fibrous root system, the plant is planted specifically in places where it is necessary to prevent soil erosion. When planting on a site for hazelnuts, you can take any place that is not suitable for other garden crops.

Experienced gardeners practice in the first few years to plant different young hazelnuts between the bushes. horticultural crops, which improve the composition of the soil, yield a crop and do not allow empty space on the site.

An important requirement that must be observed when choosing a landing site is good lighting. Hazelnuts can grow in shady places, but then you should not rely on good harvest . Only the presence of a large number natural light contributes to abundant fruiting.

When landing on the slopes for "cultivated hazel" you can determine the place on any side except the south. It would seem that the south side is better lit and suitable for a plant that loves light. In fact, in early spring, under bright sunlight, flower buds bloom ahead of schedule, and then die during spring frosts.

The culture is sensitive to through winds, therefore when determining a landing site, choose areas that are most protected from drafts. Building walls or hedges are used as wind protection.

When planting several seedlings, the distance between them and to the nearest trees with a voluminous crown is maintained at least 4-5 m, depending on the size of the future plant in adulthood.

Landing technology

According to the information in gardening guides, "cultivated hazel" seedlings can be planted in early spring (March-April) or autumn. The hazelnut has a short dormant period, its buds come out before other trees, and most of the plants planted in the spring do not take root.

Gardeners with experience are more inclined to autumn planting- in October-November. Dates for each area are determined individually depending on weather conditions.. In any case, autumn planting is carried out a month before the onset of frost.

To get a generous harvest of nuts, at least three bushes of different mutually pollinated varieties of hazelnuts are planted on the site.

During autumn planting, a hazelnut planting pit has been prepared since spring if planting a seedling is planned for spring, then preparation is carried out in the fall. This technique allows the land freed from weeds to rest and accumulate a sufficient amount of moisture. Often life makes adjustments to our plans, and if the decision to plant hazelnuts came spontaneously, the planting hole can be prepared at least two weeks before planting or immediately before it.

A landing pit is dug out with a size of 0.6 x 0.6 x 0.6 m. Organic and mineral fertilizers are applied to the prepared pit and mixed well with the ground.:

  • humus - 2-3 buckets;
  • double superphosphate - 150-200 g;
  • potassium sulfate - 50-70 g.

It is more convenient to plant hazelnuts with an assistant: one holds the plant and straightens the root system, the other carries out all the necessary manipulations. Landing technology is simple:

  • If the roots of the seedling were processed in a clay mash, wash the clay from the roots. Dipping in a talker is only necessary to maintain moisture in the roots until planting.
  • If the roots of the plant are a little dry, first soak them in water for 1-2 days. The wrinkled bark of the shoots testifies to the drying of the roots.
  • If the roots are too dry, then not only them, but also the entire seedling, lower into the water for 1-2 days until the bark becomes smooth.
  • Form a landing mound in the center of the hole, stick a peg into it.
  • Put the seedling next to the peg, carefully spread the roots of the plant throughout the pit. The root neck of the seedling during planting should be slightly above the soil level. After watering, the earth will settle, and the root collar will be level with the ground. This is very important - when the root neck is deepened into the ground, hazelnuts will develop poorly, and may not produce fruits at all.
  • Fill the hole in two passes. First, half of the hole is covered with soil, the earth is slightly tamped and generously watered. Then they fill up the rest of the pit, ram it again and water it again. The total amount of water for each seedling is at least 25 liters, optimally depending on weather conditions - 30-40 liters.
  • Check the level of the root collar - maximum permissible excess above ground level is 1-3 cm.
  • The seedling is tied to a peg and cut over 5-6 kidney . The height of the aerial part should be 20-25 cm. Pruning contributes to the development of several fruitful shoots during the growing season.

Young seedling care

The trunk circle with a radius of 0.5 m is mulched with peat, humus, manure or sawdust, leaving it near the stem free space at 5 cm. Mulch layer is usually 7-10cm.

Hazelnut does not tolerate stagnant water, but at the same time is a moisture-loving plant. Therefore, the first time after landing great importance for the growth of the seedling has regular and abundant watering. The first time the plant is watered a week after planting, take a 7-10-day break and water again. After that, you can be sure that the planting ball forms a single whole with the rest of the soil and will be able to retain the necessary moisture.

In the first 2-3 winters, hazelnut seedlings are covered with lutrasil or spunbond. This protects the plant from freezing and breaking out of unripened shoots.

Further care and cultivation

From planting a seedling to the start of fruiting, depending on the variety, you will have to wait 3-4 years. At first the harvest will be small, but in 1-3 years, the collection of nuts will please with its abundance, and in 10 years from each bush it will be possible to collect a bucket of nuts. Abundant fruiting can be hoped for if the necessary measures for the care of hazelnuts are carried out.


During the growing season, the plant is watered 1-2 times a month, the total number of waterings, starting from April, is 5-6 times. The last time the shrub is watered after leaf fall - this will create a charge of moisture necessary for the plant in the soil for the next spring. In June and July, the need for moisture increases due to the growth of fruits and the laying of the generative organs of the crop of the next season, so hazelnuts are watered twice in these months. For irrigation use 40-50 liters of warm water for each bush.

Weeding and mulching

Weeding helps to destroy weeds and saturate the root system with air. When loosening the soil, it must be taken into account that most of the roots come close to the surface. Damaged hazelnut roots do not recover, so weeding depth is 8-10 cm. The soil of tree trunks is mulched with peat, sawdust, dry grass.


Hazelnut pruning scheme: on the left - before pruning, on the right - after pruning

Pruning is necessary to form a shrub. During each summer season, extra shoots are cut out, leaving 8-10 of the strongest. They try to remove shoots located inside the bush, as well as weak and damaged ones.

Hazel pest control

For hazelnuts from pests, the walnut weevil and hazelnut barbel are dangerous. A sign of their appearance is "worminess" and premature drying of the fruit. Systemic insecticides are used to control insects., carrying out processing in early May, when the beetles appear en masse, and in mid-June, when the nuts come out of the cup. Of the diseases, powdery mildew is most common, which can be eliminated by treating with colloidal sulfur, lime-sulfur decoction or store-bought fungicides, as well as timely cleaning of infected fruits and fallen leaves.

The reader may get the misleading impression that planting and growing hazelnuts is a rather troublesome task. In this article, we tried to give as much information as possible, useful for owners of summer cottages and their own estates. Hazelnuts do not need a special temperature regime, can grow on almost any soil and endure the lack of top dressing. It is enough to make a minimum of effort, and the plant will thank you with a generous harvest of tasty and healthy nuts.

The cultivated form of the well-known hazel is the hazelnut beloved by many, the cultivation of which does not require a special approach. But in order to grow a luxurious hazelnut bush on your site, you should learn a little about the plant itself and the principles of its cultivation.

The bush grows up to 3 meters high, has a strong root system, which allows it to take root on uncomfortable and infertile land plots. Leaves and fruits are slightly larger than those of hazelnuts. The flowering of the shrub begins even before the leaves bloom. The fruits grow in groups of 3-6 pieces.

In Turkey, Ukraine and other countries, hazelnuts are grown for industrial use. Gardeners and adherents loved to plant it on their plots. landscape design. It looks nice along the fence, but still main value plants are fruits. Hazelnut kernels are rich in proteins - up to 18% and fats - 50-60%, contain carbohydrates, many vitamins and various types of amino acids. Eating nucleoli is good for brain activity, they give strength and energy.

Seat selection and landing

The plant loves moist soil, good lighting. But too swampy, dry or salty soil will not work. Growing hazelnuts is possible both on slopes and on flat areas. Optimal for the bush fit places protected from strong gusts of wind, with high humidity.

To calculate how much space is needed for a mature bush, take into account the fertility of the land on the site. The richer the soil with minerals, the larger the hazelnut bush will grow. If there are limestone deposits in the soil, then such land is unsuitable for its cultivation.

The soil for planting a walnut is plowed up in autumn to a depth of up to 18 cm. During the growing season, weed removal and slight loosening of the earth are required several times over the entire period to a depth of 10 cm.

The best time for planting is autumn. To grow hazelnut gardens, the ground must be intensively loosened to a depth of 30-40 cm. If you plan to plant hazelnuts in the fall, then you need to loosen in the spring, and vice versa. For the fastest harvest, it is recommended to make fertilizer pits every year, into which you can bury compost, cow dung, and add phosphorus-potassium fertilizers to the soil.

Basically, the cultivation of hazelnuts occurs through planting seedlings. The distance between the trees should be 5-6 m. But when a fence in the form of a walnut grove is planned, the distance should be reduced to 2-3 m. A cubic pit is dug for planting, with a side of about 60-70 cm.

Landing sequence:

  1. make a mound in the center of the bottom of the hole,
  2. process the seedling in a clay solution,
  3. place the roots on the mound,
  4. covered with soil
  5. tamp the soil
  6. make a hole for watering,
  7. fall asleep with sawdust or grass,
  8. at a height of 15-20 cm above the ground, a seedling is cut,
  9. tie the seedling to the support.

When planting, you need to water each plant at the rate of 20 liters per tree, and in dry periods - an additional 10 liters each.

What does a growing hazelnut look like?

Hazelnut flowers are cross-pollinated. Therefore, to be high yield, you need to plant several different varieties of shrubs. One variety gives very small harvest. To see how hazelnuts grow, the photo on our website will help.

Hazelnut fruits appear after 4-5 years. In large industrial gardens, the yield reaches 10-60 centners per 1 ha. You need to collect the fruits before they fall out of the shell, at the end of August. The branches of the bush are flexible, for picking nuts they can be bent with a hook and it is not necessary to use a ladder.

Periodically, the hazelnut bush needs to be cut. In order to properly form the crown, excess shoots are cut out in the middle of the bush, and the side shoots are bent to the sides and strengthened in the desired position. So the plant is more illuminated and ventilated. It is necessary to start the formation before the appearance of the first harvest in 3-4 years.

Subsequently, pruning of branches and shoots is needed to thin out the bush, remove damaged branches. The second pruning occurs at 5-6 years. After 15-20 years, the hazelnut bush needs to be rejuvenated so that the crop remains the same. 2-3 old branches are removed every year for 2-3 years. Pruning is best done in late autumn or winter. If the bush is rejuvenated correctly and periodically, then hazelnuts will bring a crop of up to 180 years.

Propagation occurs through division of the bush, root seedlings, grafting or seeds. In addition to the cultivation of hazelnuts in the form of a bush, in Europe and the USA they practice the cultivation of standard trees. Hazelnut cuttings or eyes are grafted onto a tree-like hazel. AT industrial cultivation standard trees are convenient for mechanical harvesting and give a higher yield. On a private plot, standard nuts will save space.

Varieties of hazelnuts for growing in the garden:

  • Cosford is a hazelnut whose photo shows its beauty and strength. The variety is resistant to diseases, bears fruit abundantly, vigorous, ripens at the end of August.
  • Early Trapezoidal - thin shell, pointed nut, ripen in July, does not bear fruit alone, a bush of the usual size.
  • Roman - large fruits with grooves, high oiliness of the kernel, resistant to disease, vigorous bush, regularly yields when dusted.
  • Almond - the fruit is light, the kernel tastes like almonds, the bush grows moderately, ripens in mid-August.

How to grow a bush from a walnut

If you want to quickly and easily grow a bush on your site, a brief instruction on how to plant hazelnuts from a nut will be useful to you:

  • take ripe high-quality nuts;
  • plant after harvest large quantity;
  • invest seeds to a depth of 7-8 cm;
  • regularly remove weeds and water;
  • in a year, the seedling should grow 15 cm high - then it can be transplanted to a permanent place;
  • if this height is not reached, wait another year;
  • before transplanting, put a bucket of fertilizer in the hole.

Before growing a hazelnut from a nut, keep in mind that it may lose the properties of its variety. When the bush is already strong, you need to inoculate varietal hazelnuts.

  1. Elena

    Good afternoon,
    Tell me, please, if I want to grow a bush from a nut, the nut should be planted in the ground in a shell (like a walnut) or peeled (its edible part).

  2. Svetlana

    In a shell, of course!

  3. Lana

    Hello! At acquaintances, hazelnuts and hazel grow and bear fruit. Seedlings grew from the fallen nuts. Dug up and planted. All three survived. One with red and two bushes with green leaves. They are already two meters high + five years old. Only I have and even before the transplant two, three years. But they haven't bloomed yet. what are you like?

  4. Valentin Mikhailovich

    where can I buy a ready-made hazelnut seedling and when?

  5. Jeanne

    Hello. Please tell me, after planting a nut, does it need to be watered? If yes, how often?

  6. vladimir

    The nut is divided into male (empty) and female (fruitful)?

  7. Alexei

    Tell me what to do? My nuts are empty inside. What is the reason?

  8. Lena

    I want to buy 2 seedlings of grafted hazelnuts

Hazelnut is unpretentious plant, which requires elementary conditions. In Italy, it is also called the "lazy tree", as it does not require much care. If you choose the right varieties, then large yields can be obtained both in the northern and in southern zones. And the shelf life of cultivated hazel in the shell has a duration of 3-4 years in a dry and cool room.

Basic calculation of the profitability of a business idea:

  1. The average hazelnut yield is up to 2 tons per hectare.
  2. The yield of nuclei is on average 50%.
  3. The wholesale purchase price for walnut kernels starts from $5,800 per ton.

The price rises every year, because it is stimulated by the constant growth of demand.

What is useful hazelnuts? This type of nuts is an unsurpassed leader in terms of the number of useful properties among other food products. Like all nuts, hazelnuts stimulate the brain and improve potency. But its main advantage is a perfectly balanced 20 amino acids plus perfect combination protein and vitamin E increases the vitality of a person and is great for chronic fatigue. Athletes really appreciate this product when they need to restore their strength after repeated physical exertion. One hundred grams of hazelnuts contains 620 calories. This is an excellent indicator energy value product. For comparison, fried potato chips contain in the same 100g. 530 calories.

The most productive varieties of hazelnuts

In order to compete with foreign suppliers of nuts, it is necessary to choose varieties that give a harvest close to world standards:

  • rounded fruits with a rich brown shiny shell;
  • fat content - about 70-72%;
  • the kernel yield is about 60%.

It is also important to take into account the climatic conditions for growing hazelnuts: the variety must be winter-hardy, drought-resistant.

Overview of the best cultivated hazel bushes:

Variety name

Description of the bush

Walnut Description



Vigorous, sprawling, up to 6 m in diameter; relatively drought tolerant and winter hardy

Fruits of early ripening*; collected in bundles from 5 to 12 pieces; fat content - 70%, kernel yield - 53%

15 kg per bush, or 10 kg/ha**

Vigorous, with a spherical, slightly flattened crown, up to 4 m in height

The fruits are late, flat-round, fat content - 68.3%; kernels - 53%

15-16 kg per plant, or 10 q/ha


Spreading-drooping, up to 3.5 in height, up to 5 m in diameter

The fruits are early, collected in bunches up to 15 pieces; with a dark brown thin shell; kernel yield - 53%; fat content - 70%

17-18 kg per bush, or 11-12 q/ha


Spreading, up to 5 m in height and in diameter

An early variety, the fruits are collected in bunches of 3-4 pieces; kernels - 54%; fat content - 72%

8 kg per plant, or 8-9 q/ha


Spreading, medium tall, up to 3.5 m in height; highly winter hardy

Average term of maturing; infertility - 2-5 nuts, kernels - more than 50%; fat content - 57%

6 kg from a bush, or 8 kg / ha

Moscow early

Compact, up to 3 m in height; highly frost resistant

The fruits are early, the yield of the kernel is more than 50%; fat content - 65%

4 kg per plant, or 8 kg/ha

Weak, up to 3.5 m in height, with a rounded, medium thickened crown; highly winter hardy

Average term of maturing; kernel yield - 52%; fat content - 70%

3-4 kg per bush, or 7-8 kg/ha

* Early ripening hazelnuts bear fruit in August (2-3 weeks). The average term is the 4th decade of August - the 1st-2nd decade of September. Late - end of September - beginning of October.

Hazelnut cultivation technology

To grow cultivated hazel in order to create a heirloom business, you need own site earth. If rented, then only with subsequent redemption, that is, leasing. The fact is that it will be possible to make a profit from a hazelnut garden only after a couple of years. The first nuts on the bushes will appear after 2 years, and they will begin to bear fruit at full capacity no earlier than after 3 years. Therefore, investing in leased land is risky.

Caring for hazelnuts does not require much knowledge and effort. This is an unpretentious plant in care, but for best yields, you must follow simple rules agricultural technology.

Requirements for the agricultural technology of hazelnuts:

  1. The soil. There are no special wishes. The best options are various black soils and gray forest soils. He does not like hazelnuts of sandy, swampy and saline soils. It is desirable to lime acidic soil (for 1 sq. M - 500 g of lime). Bushes grow well in sod areas. But they respond gratefully to regular plowing. In autumn - to a depth of 15-18cm. During the growing season - 4-5 times to a depth of 10-12cm.
  2. Planting time for seedlings. Autumn. The end of October. Hazelnut seedlings have a short dormant period. Therefore, when planting in the spring, most of the seedlings die.
  3. Landing scheme. Variants of the location of the bushes depend on their size, the tendency to form overgrowth. Can be planted in rows. Schemes - 3X5 m, 5X4 m, 6X6 m. In Turkey, which occupies the first place in the commercial cultivation of hazelnuts, the nested planting method is used. Up to 5 bushes are arranged in a circle with a diameter of 1 m. Subsequently, the plants are formed into stems. With an ordinary organization of growing a hazelnut garden, 500-700 bushes are placed on 1 hectare of land. With nesting - up to 1400.
  4. Landing. The pits are prepared in advance, around the end of August.

    Depth - 30-50 cm. Each seedling is watered (20-25 liters of water). When the water is absorbed, the soil around the bush is mulched.

  5. Watering. Required only in dry climates.
  6. Pruning a hazelnut tree. The task is to remove broken, dry and diseased branches, all shoots, thin out the bush. All 4-5-year-old shoots are cut off. When the growth decreases, the yield weakens, the entire aerial part of the plant is cut off.
  7. Fertilizers. A good filling of the soil with organic matter is recommended and mineral compositions before boarding. In the 1st year - 1-2 top dressings with ammonium nitrate (per sq.m - 15-20 g). In subsequent years - manure (3 kg - per sq. M), ammonium nitrate (40 g), superphosphate (40 g), potassium sulfate (30 g).
  8. Protection from pests and diseases. Cleaning and burning of fallen leaves, dry and damaged branches. Deep autumn digging of the soil. Preventive spraying with insecticides. Removal of worm nuts.
  9. Harvesting. When the nut itself falls out of the wrapper, it is ready. The optimal time - pluses have just begun to change color. If you shake the bush, the nut will fall.
  10. Drying and storage. First, the nuts are stored in a dry room along with the wrappers. When the shell turns brown, the nuts are sorted and peeled. Dry at room temperature, spreading in a thin layer.

    If the nuts make a characteristic sound, they are ready. For storage, they are placed in paper or fabric bags.

Grown hazelnuts can be stored for 3-4 years in a cool room (3-6°). Humidity - 12-14%.

Realization of nuts

  • ✓ MORE SUN!
  • ✓ Planting hazelnuts - video

Hazelnuts are delicious and healthy nuts. They contain vitamins minerals, organic acids, oils; they are very nutritious. Of course, these nuts are not cheap in the store, but you can always try to grow hazelnuts in your summer cottage.


By nature, hazelnuts are shrubs. By the way, in autumn, its leaves turn red-yellow, which looks very elegant. In general, it is unpretentious, although it will suffer with a lack of sun and on wet soils. So for planting, choose a well-lit place with deep groundwater, protected from drafts by buildings or fences.

It is better, of course, to plant a plant that was purchased from a nursery.

Moreover, the number of seedlings should be at least 5-6, of different varieties - for more reliable pollination.


Hazelnuts should be planted in the fall - at the end of September. But planting pits for seedlings must be prepared a month in advance, that is, already in August. They should be located no more than 5 m. Diameter - 1 m. Fill each hole with a mixture of garden soil, 7 kg of humus, 150 g of double superphosphate and 50 g of potassium sulfate. Water.

When the soil settles, after about 5 weeks, you can start planting. Place the seedling in the hole, straighten the roots, sprinkle with soil, without deepening the root collar.

Make a small groove around the seedling and pour plenty of warm water along the groove. Cut off the top of the seedling and mulch with sawdust. If there is no rain, you need to water with warm water once a week.

See also: How to grow hazelnuts in the garden


Hazelnut roots do not grow deep into the soil, but along its surface at a depth of no more than 25 cm. Therefore, loosen the soil carefully. Water hazelnuts in the absence of precipitation 1 time in 2-3 weeks. Feed the shrub every fall and spring. In autumn, sprinkle it with a mixture of earth and humus (about 10 kg of manure and the same amount of soil per 1 plant). In early summer, water with a 0.5% urea solution.

Pruning for hazelnuts in the first 5 years is a must. But there are 2 options. 1st - you simply form a beautiful bush shape by cutting off the excess (old, thickening shoots) in April. 2nd option - the formation of hazelnuts in the form of a tree. In this case, cut off all the young shoots, leaving only the strongest. Gradually, you will also need to form skeletal branches.


The walnut begins to bloom in April - earlier than the leaves appear. And the 1st harvest is usually harvested after 3 years. However, the maximum fruiting falls on 10-30-year-old plants (with successful rejuvenation - at the age of 20).

In general, hazelnuts can live on the site for a century.

Hazelnuts are nuts.

Having formed, they are wrapped, like candy in a candy wrapper, in leaflets. But in the fall, when the leaves turn brown, the nuts will be very easy to pull out of them. Spread the collected nuts on a sheet of paper in the sun and dry them well.


Hazelnut improves immunity, is useful for diseases of the cardiovascular and skeletal systems, with a lack of muscle and adipose tissue, with cancer, it also improves the functioning of the reproductive system of men and women. Nuts lower blood cholesterol levels varicose veins veins, cleanse the liver and kidneys.

See also: Hazelnuts - reproduction, care and varieties

Hazelnut Recipes

Hazelnut leaf tea.

Pour 50 g of hazelnut leaves with 400 ml of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Then strain. Drink 150 ml of warm tea 3 times a day to strengthen the immune system, treat diseases of the kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Hazelnut milk.

Take peeled nut kernels (200 g), pour a glass of warm water overnight. In the morning, catch the nuts, mash them in a mortar and return back to the same water. After 3-4 hours, put the mixture on fire and bring to a boil. Strain, add 100 ml of 10% cream and 30 g of honey. Stir. Take 40 ml of this milk in the morning and evening for the treatment of respiratory diseases of the bronchi and lungs, asthma.

Nut mix.

It is very useful to eat nuts just like that or grind them and mix them with honey. In this form, they will not only strengthen the immune system, improve digestion, but also increase hemoglobin.

Planting hazelnuts - video

© Advise experienced gardener and herbalist Nikita Ilyich KOTOVSKY

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  • Common hazel (photo) - planting and care: Hazel: cultivation and care Hazel nuts, ...
  • HAZELNUT. How to sow hazelnuts.


    Landing and care


    The growth, development and fruiting of hazelnuts are significantly influenced by the soil, exposure and illumination of the site. The choice of landing site plays an important role. Hazelnut, as a plant of the forest community, prefers warm, sunny places protected from through winds in summer and winter. This can be, for example, near the walls of buildings on the western and southwestern sides. Due to this, the sum of active temperatures during the growing season will increase by a certain number of degrees. And if there are no buildings, then a hedge of Canadian shadberry or something like that will become a protection from the winds. Neighboring plants with a voluminous crown should be placed at a distance of 4-5 m to ensure optimal area hazelnut nutrition 16-25 sq. m (when growing a bush). For ease of maintenance, it is desirable that the site is flat. Fruiting is much stronger when planting in regular rows (after 4-5m), when the bushes and trunks are open to the action of air and sun, and the plots themselves are easily accessible for tillage, watering, cleaning it from weeds and for fertilizer. In shaded places and with close planting, it gives a lean collection of fruits.

    In Turkey, for example, most of the plantations are located in the foothills, that is, on the slopes - the main thing is that there is enough light, heat and moisture. When choosing a landing site, it is necessary to ensure that in the spring it is not flooded with water. In such places, plants grow poorly and eventually die. In addition, you can not plant in dark place. Here the plants grow well, but bear fruit poorly. It is advisable to arrange the bushes so that they are as illuminated as possible, which helps to increase the yield.


    In general, hazelnuts are considered unpretentious culture. But on nutrient-rich soils and with sufficient moisture, it develops better and gives high yields. The best soils for hazelnuts are chernozems of various types and gray forests of light and medium mechanical composition, well-drained, with groundwater occurrence no closer than 1-1.5 m. But let's be realistic that in the middle lane such lands are rare in themselves, and such lands were not distributed for dachas. So let's take note that almost all types of soils are suitable for hazelnuts, except for dry sandy, swampy and saline ones. Acidic soils must first be limed at the rate of 500 g of lime per 1 sq. m. When planting seedlings on black soil, it is necessary to add sand and compost humus for better moisture and breathability. Hazel loves warm loamy or sandy loamy soils, lying in a deep layer and well fertilized. Cold, heavy, compacted soils are poorly tolerated.

    How to plant, how to feed during planting

    Hazelnut seedlings are best planted in a permanent place in autumn (early October), in still warm, moist soil. But it is possible in early spring - in April-May (when the earth warms up). The main thing is to provide them with sufficient moisture at this moment. The roots will grow quickly and by the onset of warm days they will be covered with suction hairs, having time to use the reserves of winter moisture, providing the aerial part with nutrients.

    During autumn planting, the soil is prepared in spring, during spring planting - in autumn.

    The point is that for half a year the land is under fallow, which ensures the accumulation of moisture, and for better holiday weeds are harvested regularly (loosening and weeding).

    After laying out the site at least 2 weeks before planting, the planting hole with a diameter and depth of 0.5 m is filled with the top layer of soil, adding 150 g of superphosphate, 50 g of potassium salt, 2-3 buckets of humus or 5-8 kg of manure. Fertilizers are distributed in the upper and middle parts of the pit, a stake is set in the center of the mound. A seedling is planted near it. Before planting, the roots are straightened, dipped in a solution-talker. Most importantly, do not forget at this moment to put 2-3 handfuls of earth with hazelnut mycorrhiza to a depth of 15 cm. When planting, the level of the root neck is deepened by 2-3 cm, which stimulates branching and root growth. But the root neck itself cannot be covered with earth. The soil is compacted in the root distribution zone. After planting, the aerial part of the plant is cut off over 5-6 buds, leaving 20-25 cm above the soil level. When planting, regardless of the weather, the seedlings are abundantly watered at the rate of 3-5 buckets of water under each bush and the tree trunks are mulched with various improvised materials - needles, sawdust, humus, manure, compost, so that moisture is better preserved, but the mulch should not come into contact with the trunk so that the bark does not prop up. Watering must be repeated after 5-7 days. With 2-3 times watering, the soil capillaries will unite, the planting clod will not separate from the rest of the soil and will remain in a constantly wet state.

    The above complex dressing will provide the seedling necessary elements nutrition for 3-4 years.

    Taking into account the biological and morphological features of hazelnuts, depending on soil fertility, on the intensity of irrigation, it is possible to recommend a planting scheme - in rainfed conditions, bush hazelnuts are grown with a feeding area of ​​6 × 4, 6 × 5, 6 × 6 m, and when irrigated on powerful lands, a scheme is used landing 6 × 8 m. On poor lands - 3 × 5, 4 × 5, 5 × 5 m. better soil and the taller the variety, the more powerful the bush will grow and the more space it will need to develop and form a crop.

    In Turkey (with a 1-standard form of cultivation), a nested planting method has been adopted to increase productivity: 5 plants are planted in a circle with a diameter of 1-1.5 m according to a 6 × 6 m scheme. Thus, with a planting scheme of 6 × 6 m, one nest occupies 36 m². There are 278 nests per 1 ha, five seedlings per nest, 1400 plants. In this case, each plant is kept in one trunk ( standard form), and the root shoots are destroyed at the first appearance. There is an opinion that removing the shoots in the first years of the growing season 2-3 times per season, over time, you can achieve its complete disappearance. Some varieties of hazelnuts are prone to excessive formation of root growth, which leads to the depletion of bushes and reduced yields. In this case, part of the root shoot must be removed at an early age, when the offspring rise above the soil surface by 5-8 cm. Their cutting at the level of the soil surface does not lead to a decrease in the number of root shoots. Even the reverse process is observed, since pruning offspring causes their branching. Therefore, to effectively remove the overgrowth, it is necessary to dig out the soil around each shoot and cut it with a pruner to the base. Pruning is carried out in early spring.

    Care, weed control

    Caring for hazelnuts is not difficult. Trunk circles for the first time (5-6 years, that is, before the start of active fruiting) during the growing season loosen the ground shallowly several times, remove weeds in the aisles in a timely manner and mulch with mowed grass. The size of the trunk circles must be at least the diameter of the crown.

    The root system of hazelnuts is fibrous, reaching deep soil cover up to 100 cm. The bulk of the roots in the soil layer is 0-20 cm (45-52%). On light soils at a depth of 10-15 cm, on heavy soils - up to 20 cm. In the case of organic fertilizers, sand, lime, it is necessary to carefully dig the soil in the trunk circle so as not to damage the roots. You can dig or hoe to a depth of 5-7 cm. Therefore, the tools, the depth and quality of loosening, especially within the trunk circle, play a special role.

    OPTION1st. With the onset of fruiting, do not dig the soil unnecessarily, do not disturb its structure, do not damage the roots and do not waste labor. Very good reaction of hazel to grassing, both permanent and temporary. Grasses are sown on neutral soils. On sour - blue lupine. On alkaline - vetch-oat mixture, which improve the physical properties of the soil, create its good structure.

    OPTION2nd. With the onset of fruiting, cover the ground in near-stem circles with a 10 cm layer of wood chips or any other mulch. Thanks to this method of weed protection, labor costs are reduced tenfold + it is useful for plants, as it protects the soil from weathering, washing out, and freezing. In winter, mulch prevents the soil from freezing too much. If in open areas the ground freezes up to 25-30 cm deep, then in places covered with mulch by 10-15 cm. In the presence of mulch, grass grows much worse. In addition, a year later, imitation of the forest floor returns life to the soil: its useful microflora increases several times - for example, earthworms live in it ten times more than usual, and this is a direct way to improve soil fertility. In addition, if the inter-row space is sown with green manure crops, then this perfect option agricultural technology.

    OPTION 3rd. Some gardeners still prefer to dig tree trunks.


    Hazelnut - moisture-loving fruit crop, so it is desirable to plant it near rivers and beams. The growth of hazelnuts depends on the moisture content of the soil; plants develop better in the spring-summer period, when there are sufficient moisture reserves in the soil. Hazel of all varieties is damaged in a severe drought. To obtain guaranteed and sustainable yields, irrigation is mandatory and economically justified, it almost doubles the walnut yield. For normal growth and fruiting, hazel requires 750 mm of precipitation per year. In the Moscow region, 450-550 mm falls, therefore, a difference of 200-250 mm or more must be replenished by irrigation, especially in summer. Depending on the weather, carry out 1-2 waterings per month, and only 5-6 times. 1st - immediately after flowering, 2nd - in May, 3rd in June, 4-5th in July, during filling the core, 6th watering water-charging, after leaf fall. The greatest need for irrigation is in June and July, when there is an intensive growth of fruits and the generative organs of the crop of the next year are laid. The volume of watering is 40-50 liters of warm water per bush. And if you use drip irrigation, then the water consumption can be reduced many times over and the relief of your garden will not require careful planning.

    Zoning of the territory of the Moscow region according to the moisture coefficient Ky for the period with t ≥ 50?С.


    From the beginning of fruiting and onwards, it is necessary to apply annually for each plant 1-2 buckets of humus or other organic matter + 100-150 g of nitroammophoska or "Kemira". Every year, during the period of fruit set (June) and the growth of ovaries, plants are fertilized with urea 0.5% concentration. Good results are obtained by adding wood ash to tree trunks in autumn. This technique greatly increases the yield and earlier entry of seedlings into fruiting. All fertilizers can be applied dry, after which they need to be embedded in the soil by surface loosening, watered, and then well mulched.

    If the soil in the garden is not poor, then it is better not to apply nitrogen fertilizers, because they cause the rapid growth of plants and their productivity, as a rule, falls. It is better when the plants have a restrained growth, while a greater number of flower buds and male catkins are laid. All this ultimately increases the yield of nuts. On richly fertilized soil, the walnut will give a large increase with incomplete ripening of the shoots, which will lead to freezing or freezing of the bushes, therefore, on rich chernozems, it is better to mix the soil with sand or compost.

    In the case of turfing of near-stem circles, hazel fertilizers are applied to the holes, which are made with a drill or a shovel along the periphery of the crown projection, periodically renewing them annually. The type of fertilizers and doses of application depend on the fertility of the soil of the site.

    The annual rate of phosphorus and potash fertilizers can be applied to the soil immediately - weighty before the start of the growing season; nitrogen fertilizers are applied fractionally: in the spring 50-60%, the rest - in the form of dressings. It is most effective to feed hazel with slurry, which is prepared as follows: 1/3 of the barrels are filled with manure, 2/3 with water. Within 2 weeks, the slurry ferments and needs to be stirred frequently. After that, the slurry is diluted twice with water and used for irrigation in the wells. An adult fruit-bearing bush requires 3-4 buckets. For top dressing, it is preferable to use organic fertilizers - lay out humus or manure under plants up to 15-20 kg per bush. Every spring, hazelnuts are mulched with humus or other mulch with a layer of about 10 cm and make sure that the soil is moist. During this period, nitrogen fertilization is very effective. When foliar top dressing, hazelnuts are sprayed aqueous solution urea with a consumption of 50-100 g per plant or bring it into the soil with subsequent watering. So let's recap. Organic fertilizers (manure, compost) are applied as the main ones - to improve the composition of the soil. Mineral fertilizers - for top dressing. Usually in summer when male inflorescences are laid and in spring when female inflorescences bloom, as well as when planting and 1.5 months after.

    The combination of mulching and top dressing creates a favorable diet for plants. Moisturizing increases the mobility of the main elements, activates root mycorrhiza, reduces the trauma of surface roots (when planting, loosening and weeding).

    Young plants for the winter must be covered with spunbond or lutrasil only in the first 2-3 years, or bent down for the winter and covered with spruce branches + snow to prevent breaking out of snow and freezing of unripe shoots. But in the future, it is also necessary to remember that in the zone of the Middle Strip one should not get carried away with irrigation and nitrogen fertilizers at the end of summer, so that the branches and the whole tree have time to ripen well - in this case, they will not be afraid of frost.

    Hazelnut is a garden form of hazelnut (hazel).

    This is a compact shrub plant with dark green foliage and nuts, reaching a height of up to 3 m.

    The culture is unpretentious and will take root in the suburban area.

    It is grown even in northern latitudes, since some varieties of trees can withstand temperatures down to -50 ˚C.

    Hazelnut begins to bear fruit in 4-6 years.

    But if you buy 3-year-old seedlings, this period can be reduced.

    Experienced gardeners at the end of the season take abundant harvests from the bushes - enough to feast on in the summer and prepare for the winter.

    Popular varieties of hazelnuts

    Breeders have bred many varieties of hazelnuts. Each of them has its own characteristics - the size and taste of the fruit, the timing of fruiting, resistance to certain diseases. Let's designate the varieties of nuts suitable for growing in any region of the country:

    . Early Trebizond. You can harvest from tall bushes by the end of July. Nuts - large, oval, with a slightly pointed nose. They are easy to peel because the fruits are covered with a thin shell.

    . Cosford. Nuts are harvested from the tree from mid-August. The fruits are large, oblong in shape. The variety is remarkable in that it is resistant to common diseases and pest invasion.

    . Warsaw Red. Shrub with red leaves forms a spherical shape. Gardeners grow this variety not only to obtain hazelnuts, but also to decorate the garden. The fruits are large and tasty.

    . almond-shaped. The variety got its name because of the unusual taste - the seeds have an almond flavor. The fruits are medium in size, with a thin shell. Trees, subject to growing conditions, bring high yields.

    . Barcelona. The plant develops a dense, strongly leafy crown. At favorable conditions can grow up to 5 m in height. Hazelnuts of this variety tolerate cold very well. Nuts - very large, slightly flattened. Fruit kernels are tasty, juicy, covered with a thin shell. Gardeners begin harvesting in early September. The main disadvantage of the Barcelona variety is vulnerability to moniliosis.

    . Roman. The variety is famous for its large nuts, which begin to ripen by August. The plant is resistant to diseases and pests.

    . Halle. The tree grows densely leafy. Nuts - cone-shaped, large, with a thick shell. This hazelnut variety is more suitable for cultivation in the southern regions, since the fruits ripen only by the end of September. Galle is considered the most prolific variety of all.

    Where to grow hazelnuts?

    Hazelnut, being a forest plant, prefers warm, sunny, well protected from strong winds places.

    Allocate a plot for growing a tree near the southwestern or western wall of the house. If this is not possible, then hedges can become protection against drafts. But make sure that the plants are located no closer than 4-5 m to the hazelnuts. Otherwise, the root system will not be enough nutrients.

    Overgrown walnut trees will be easier to care for if plant them on level ground. So the site will be easily accessible for processing - weeding the earth, fertilizing. Hazelnut dislikes frequently flooded lands- grow it where a lot of moisture does not accumulate in the spring. Groundwater should run no closer than 1.5 m to the ground surface.

    The walnut tree is unpretentious to the composition of the soil. But you will get a high yield if you properly prepare the bed before planting. The only thing that hazelnuts will not tolerate is sandy, highly acidified and wetlands. The best option for him will be a light, well-drained black soil.

    If the site has acidic, podzolic soils, be sure to treat the beds with lime - at the rate of 500 g per 1 m2. It is better to do this a year before planting, otherwise the young seedling will not take root in the garden. Immediately before planting, remove the weeds and dig up the area (one and a half bayonet). Fertilize the upper layers of the earth for better survival of seedlings - 50 g of potassium salt and 200 g of superphosphate. The sizes of landing holes - 60*50 cm.

    Planting a hazelnut

    Most good time for planting hazelnuts - early October. Since the tree has a very short dormant period, many seedlings do not take root in the spring. If you missed the deadlines, then spend the spring landing in April-May.

    Buy seedlings for planting hazelnuts in specialized nurseries. Pay attention to the root system of planting material - traces of diseases and pests are not allowed. If individual roots are dry, cut off the affected parts. But strong pruning is not allowed - the hazelnuts will not have enough strength to develop.

    Place the seedling in the hole so that the trunk of the tree is buried 3-4 cm deeper into the ground than it was planted in the nursery.

    In this case, the root neck should not be covered with soil. The roots in the pit must be carefully straightened and covered with loose earth. After planting the plant, the near-stem circle is watered abundantly - 20-25 liters of water. And when moisture is absorbed into the soil, mulch the ground using sawdust, bark, wood chips or peat. Cut the planted plant to 5-6 buds.

    Hazelnut seedling ready for planting

    If you plant several copies, then stick to a certain scheme:

    Distance between rows - 5-6 m,

    The distance between plants is 4-4.5 m.

    In the future, a young shrub support may be required. Enough is enough wooden peg, driven in nearby. A young trunk is attached to it. mature tree will no longer sag under the weight of foliage and fruits.

    Hazelnut Care

    Provide proper care to the planted plant. It won't take much time. Basic Rules:

    . Watering. Despite the fact that hazelnuts do not like swamps, they respond well to abundant timely watering. This is especially important in a dry summer - the plant will die. Depending on the weather, hazelnuts are moistened 1-2 times a month. In July, regularly check if the earth around the trunk has dried up - during this period, many varieties begin to actively grow fruits that need abundance nutrients. The amount of watering will depend on the age of the hazelnuts. An adult specimen will need up to 50 liters of warm water. Some gardeners do not moisten the near-stem circles, but pour the required amount of water into a hole dug in the immediate vicinity of the hazelnuts.

    .top dressing. When fertilizing hazelnuts, if it grows on soil rich in microelements, use a minimum of nitrogen fertilizing. In this case, the green mass grows abundantly, but the yield drops. As a source of nutrients, organic matter, such as slurry, is mainly used. Before the start of the growing season, the nut will need potassium and phosphorus. When the growth of the ovaries begins, hazelnuts can be fertilized with 0.5% urea. During the fruiting period, add 1-2 buckets of humus to the tree trunks (with the addition of 100 g of nitroammophoska). In the fall, feed the tree with wood ash.

    . Mulching. To keep moisture in the ground longer, update the mulch regularly.

    . loosening. In the first 3-5 years, the land must be carefully cultivated - remove weeds and loosen the beds. Do not allow the top layer of the earth to become covered with a dense crust. Make sure that the near-stem circle is not less than the size of the crown. When processing a young tree, do not loosen the soil deeply, because you can damage the root system - 5-7 cm is enough. During the fruiting period of hazelnuts, it is better to leave the tree trunks alone.

    . Shelter for the winter. Adult specimens endure winter. But young seedlings need protection. In the first 3 years, cover the shrub with spunbond. You can use another way - bend the branches to the ground and cover with spruce branches and snow. So you protect the young shoots from strong gusts of wind.

    An important rule in the care of hazelnuts - timely pruning of plants. Many of its varieties grow strongly, which does not contribute to abundant harvests and causes diseases. Experienced gardeners grow hazelnuts in a bushy form. Cut off excess shoots from the plant in young age. And when it enters the fruiting phase, you only need to renew the shoots, since nuts are formed only on one-year-old wood. Anti-aging pruning is carried out in the spring, and cut off the old damaged branches in the fall.

    pruning hazelnut

    Start harvesting when the nuts begin to fall out of the wrapper. Do it by hand or just shake the tree. This will be followed by the stage of separation from the fruits of the wrapper and drying of the crop.

    Hazelnut propagation

    When the “trial” hazelnut gives the first harvest, you can expand the plantation by planting a few more copies. Now it is not necessary to buy seedlings in the nursery - take planting material from the mother plant.

    There are 3 ways to propagate hazelnuts:

    . seeds. Seed propagation is a complex matter. If you are not afraid of difficulties, select nuts from the best bush. You can plant them in spring and autumn. When sowing in autumn (end of September), deepen the fruits by 4-6 cm into loose soil. Be sure to mulch the beds to ensure optimal temperature conditions, otherwise the nuts will not hatch. Spring sowing involves preliminary stratification. Place the seeds in nutrient substrate- peat, sawdust. The container should stand for 2 weeks in a warm place (18-22 ° C). And then you can take it to the basement - it is necessary to provide a temperature of + 1 ... -5 ° С. Here the fruits should be until the moment of landing in an open area. Best time for planting stratified fruits - the beginning of May. If high-quality seed material is selected, then by the beginning of autumn the seedlings reach a height of 25-30 cm.

    germinated hazelnut seed

    . layering. To get layering, bend a healthy branch to the ground and lay it in shallow grooves. To “fix the branch, use special staples. And place the top of the shoot 15 cm long vertically and tie it to a peg. During the period when young branches begin to form from the buds, they are spudded. When rooting takes place, the "kids" can be separated and grown for another 1 year. This method is bad because the rooting of the layering is slow.

    Propagation of hazelnuts by layering

    . Root growth. Branched roots form at the very base of the root shoots - this is the root shoot. Carefully separate them from the mother tree and transfer to a new location. Carry out the procedure in the spring. Rooting can be accelerated by cutting off part of the bush. This method is the simplest, it is often used by beginners to propagate hazelnuts.

    How to protect hazelnuts from diseases and pests?

    Many varieties of hazelnuts are resistant to diseases and insect pests. But if you have not planted such specimens on the site, you will have to monitor the condition of the plantings much more closely. The reason for the appearance of diseases (especially fungal ones) is the wrong conditions of detention - drought, flooding of the soil, thickening of the crown.

    The most common hazelnut disease that many gardeners have to deal with is powdery mildew. This is a fungus that affects leaves and shoots. They are covered with a grayish sticky coating. Later, black spots appear on the mold. It is bad that the fungus can easily winter the winter, then returning to the plant. If you find traces of powdery mildew on the foliage, remove the damaged parts of the plant and burn them. Hazelnuts can be sprayed several times with a 10-day break with a 2% solution of lime-sulfur decoction.

    Powdery mildew damage to hazelnuts

    To prevent or get rid of insect pests that have already inhabited the foliage, regularly inspect the branches. The most dangerous bugs:

    . nut weevil. Insect females gnaw nuts - they can no longer be eaten. You can free the hazelnut from the walnut weevil by deep digging the near-stem circle, since the larvae and adults live in the soil. Spraying with special means will help.

    Damaged hazelnut weevil

    . nut barbel. The bug infects the shoots of the plant, which affects the decrease in yield. Damaged branches die off completely over time. Cut and burn the affected stems, treat the plant with special solutions.

    nut barbel

    Follow the planting of hazelnuts - no diseases and pests will be afraid of them.

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